JESS Sixth Form Gazette - June 2023

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June, 2023 Issue #11

JESS SIXTH FORM GAZETTE Latest news and bulletin updates in our own Sixth Form

Editor: Alison King

Editor’s Introduction Welcome to the JESS Sixth Form Gazette! As editor, I am excited to introduce you to the latest news, events, and achievements from our school community. Our dedicated team of writers has been working diligently to bring you engaging and informative content that is sure to keep you informed and up to date. I would personally like to thank you, the readers, for supporting the sixth form gazette as we near the end of the year. Furthermore, a huge thank you to the writers, Lena, Cyrus, Sara, Ranya, and Amber for consistently producing informative and interesting articles monthly on top of their strenuous IB workload. Additionally, a thank you to Alana Hava, our talented cartoonist, for adding her own personal touch on the gazette which is a feature we always look forward to seeing. Two of our articles this month focus on summer revision advice and stress management, I hope you may carry some of these tips with you into your holidays (I know I will). I am certain the entirety of the sixth form student body will find this month’s articles very useful and interesting. We hope you enjoy reading the Gazette and welcome your feedback. Our team is always open to suggestions and ideas for future articles, and if you are interested in joining our team, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at We appreciate your support and look forward to keeping you informed about all the exciting things happening at JESS Sixth Form. Thank you for choosing to stay informed with us!

Summer revision tips By Ranya Khurana As we face important mock exams starting from the end of August, many of us are looking to make the most out of the summer in terms of exam preparation. In order to do this, it is important to adopt effective strategies that can help you maximise the quality of your revision. -Making and following a realistic schedule Firstly, consistency in your revision is a key factor, and creating a manageable timetable can help in maintaining this regularity. Instead of leaving all revision to the last minute and cramming for hours on end in those last few days before the exams, sticking to a schedule can help you to space out your revision throughout the break with manageable study sessions including breaks in between. -Active recall This is a great way to reinforce your knowledge, as well as to identify specific topics that you need to focus on in your revision. Instead of passively reviewing your notes or information from the textbook, active recall of concepts helps to solidify your understanding of the topics, which makes it stick in the long term. Brain dumps, retrieval practices, and testing yourself using flashcards are all amazing methods to engage with content effectively. -Exam style questions Familiarizing yourself with the style of questions that will appear on the exam can really help in building your confidence in your command and understanding of the content and exam structure. It will provide you with insight into your own areas of strength and weakness, enabling you to target your revision in a focused way, so that you can make efficient use of your time spent revising. Although it is important to dedicate a lot of effort into preparing for these exams, please remember to also make time for yourself to rest and recuperate in order to avoid burnout and ensure that you are ready to hit the ground running in year 13. Good luck everyone, and I hope you have a very productive summer!

World Oceans Day+ The U.S debt ceiling

Managing stress + TOK exhibition

Amber Bettsworth + Ranya Khurana

Cyrus Fotuhi + Sara Hughes Pacheco

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Upcoming Dates + Comic of the month

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June, 2023

By: Sara Hughes Pacheco

World Oceans Day In the vast expanse of our planet, the world’s oceans stand as a magnificent testament to nature’s splendour. On the 8th of June, we commemorate World Oceans Day, a day that goes beyond a mere celebration. Its deeper purpose is to awaken our collective consciousness and ignite a profound understanding of the ocean’s vital significance. This global event not only raises awareness about our planet’s oceans but also explores the intricate tapestry of ecological, economic, and cultural aspects that make them deserve of our utmost admiration and preservation. World Oceans Day serves as a rallying cry for the protection and restoration of our oceanic ecosystems. These vast bodies of water house an unparalleled diversity of life forms, ranging from microscopic phytoplankton to majestic whales, shaping Earth’s intricate web of life. By promoting awareness about the ecological richness and importance of the oceans, this day inspires us to acknowledge the fragile balance within these ecosystems and the urgent need for conservation efforts to safeguard their resilience.


Issue #11

While forests are often referred to as the “lungs of the earth,” our oceans also play a pivotal role in regulating the global climate. Through carbon sequestration and heat absorption, oceans contribute to mitigating the impacts of climate change. World Oceans Day, therefore, reminds us that protecting our oceans is not only vital for marine life but also crucial for the overall health of our planet, including our own well-being. The immeasurable natural beauty of these climate regulators also serves as a driving force behind economic prosperity. They support industries such as fishing, maritime trade, tourism, and renewable energy, providing livelihoods for countless communities worldwide. Consequently, responsible, and sustainable practices are necessary to ensure the long-term viability of these industries, striking a balance between economic growth and the preservation of oceanic ecosystems. For many coastal communities and indigenous populations, the seas hold a rich cultural heritage. So, by fostering cultural appreciation and respect for these traditions, World Oceans Day promotes the preservation of diverse cultures while encouraging sustainable practices that harmonize with nature. This day directly supports UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water, which embodies a sincere commitment to the preservation and sustainable utilization of the Earth’s oceans, seas, and marine resources. This goal and World Oceans Day transcend mere environmental stewardship. They embody a profound recognition of the ocean’s inherent value and their indispensable role in fostering a resilient and prosperous world for current and future generations. 5 interesting facts about the ocean from the UN: 1. The ocean covers 75% of the Earth’s surface and represents 99% of the living space on the planet by volume. 2. The ocean contains nearly 200,000 identified species, but actual numbers may lie in the millions. 3. The ocean produces at least 50% of the planet’s oxygen. 4. The ocean is key to our economy with an estimated 40 million people being employed by oceanbased industries by 2030. 5. Oceans absorb about 30% of carbon dioxide produced by humans, buffering the impacts of global warming.

By: Lena Nedeljkovic

The US Debt Ceiling: What you need to know What is a ‘debt ceiling’ and how does it work? It is the maximum amount of money the US government can borrow by issuing bonds. The bond issuer (or the borrower of money) creates terms for the loan, including the interest rate, date of payment and amount they need to borrow. The interest rate for the bonds depends on the credibility of the issuer. Companies such as S&P and Moody’s rank the ability of the borrower to pay back the debt, called a credit score. The American bonds are ‘investment grade’, meaning they are viewed as very high quality to investors. Foreign government want to borrow money to the US government because they know they will pay it back eventually. Why does the US raise its debt ceiling? Historically, the US has been raising their debt ceiling whenever they started approaching it. They have been doing this because when they start to approach the limit of their borrowing and when they have not paid back their debt to lenders, the US credit score is in jeopardy. Hence, they would be less attractive to future lenders. What is the current news on the debt ceiling? Biden has suspended the debt ceiling until 2025, with the US debt looming at a whopping $31.4 trillion (or 25 trillion GBP). That means that raising/decreasing the debt ceiling will be further discussed in 2025. This was done to give the US enough time to repay their debts until the situation can be further evaluated.

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June, 2023


Issue #11

By: Amber Bettsworth

Managing stress As IB students, we know stress like no other; navigating through TOK Exhibitions, IA’s, EE’s, CAS as well as extracurricular activities – for us, it never stops! However, with mock exams straight after the ‘summer holidays’, we need to ensure that we don’t get burnt out and tired. Stress can have a profound impact on our physical and mental well-being, often hindering our ability to maximize our performance in exams and daily life. Feeling stressed is a natural response to the challenges and pressures we encounter, however while some stress can be motivating, excessive stress can lead to anxiety, fatigue, and health issues. So how can you manage that stress? One of the most important aspects of stress management is self-care, both physical and mental. Sleep is an essential component to managing stress and we need around 8-9 hours a night, especially on nights before any exams or events. Some might think that cramming the night before is more effective, but studies have shown that without adequate sleep, memories will not be properly formed, decreasing the accuracy of recalled stored information. Also, insufficient sleep reduces attention and focus, thus negatively affecting your academic performance. Another tactic to reduce stress is effective time management; you can plan your schedule in advance and prioritize tasks through using to-do lists or a calendar. This simple step allows you to allocate sufficient time for each subject or activity, allowing you to factor in the necessary downtime and hobbies that relax your mind. For example, if you know you have an IA due tomorrow, instead of finishing your math homework that is due next week, try to finish the tasks that are due earlier to ensure that everything is finished on time. Without sufficient organizations, your mind will be so convoluted which will then lead to an increase in forgetfulness and stress. Finally, seek support and remember you are not alone in your IB journey. You can reach out to friends, family, or counsellors to talk about your concerns, and they can help you overcome them. Remember stress is an inevitable part of life and the IB, but with the right strategies, you will be able to manage and control it!

The exhibition consists of picking one of the 30+ prompts and linking three objects to answer the prompt. For example, the prompt 'to what extent is bias inevitable in the production of knowledge' can be objects that either prove bias is inevitable when making knowledge or that bias can be avoided when producing knowledge. Writing a good TOK exhibition in one paragraph requires focusing on the central question, highlighting key concepts, integrating knowledge claims and counterclaims, discussing relevant ways of knowing and areas of knowledge, and reflecting on the implications and limitations. It is essential to convey these elements concisely while maintaining coherence and a systematic flow.

By: Cyrus Fotuhi

TOK Exhibition

If this is proving to be tricky, I would suggest picking out the key words from the prompt you have selected and understanding each word individually. This will develop your understanding of the prompt and what exactly it is asking. It may seem difficult to do these on top of the numerous assignments that we face, however the exhibition is still of upmost importance.

Yes, I agree. IB is really starting to pick up the pace now, with all the deadlines we have to meet and all the exams we must revise for. Whether it is IO mocks like most of you have, or upcoming EE cafe presentations, there is lots of work to be done. However, we must not forget our TOK exhibitions, as together with EE possess a potential 3 points.

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June, 2023

Issue #11

Upcoming Dates: Enjoy your summer break! Remember to…     

Comic of the month – brought to you by Alana Hava.

Do your EE Read your books for English Do your coursework Revise for mocks Not overwork or burn yourself out

Fun fact of the month – In the year 1816, the earth didn’t have any summer. It was due to a volcanic eruption. The eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia left out dust, ash, and sulphur oxide enough to block out the atmosphere. This event led to a global drop in temperature resulting in winter-like climates. " You must remember, young thespians, learning is never seasonal, so do allow the shimmering lights of Summer to refresh and illuminate your fertile young minds”. - Miss Darbus, High School Musical 2

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