JESS Secondary Co-Curricular & Extracurricular Activities Term 1 2024

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Secondary Co-Curricular & Extra Curricular Activities


The Co-Curricular program holds a central role in the Senior School experience, offering students a diverse range of activities encompassing music, sports, dance, and drama. These activities are integral to school life, both within and beyond the standard curriculum.

Moreover, JESS has a longstanding tradition of participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award, which entails engaging in numerous expeditions, charitable initiatives, and community service. We are active within the community and JESS have been present in the Gulf Debates competition, the Wharton Investment Challenge, Model United Nations, and numerous sporting tournaments in the region.

Participation in these diverse and engaging activities not only promotes physical and mental well-being but also provides opportunities for students to explore their passions and interests that will endure beyond their time at school.

The school community, including form tutors and Heads of Year, actively encourages student involvement in these activities.

Our guiding principles of Curiosity and Commitment ensure that every student has the opportunity to discover and pursue their individual passions

The ever-evolving and expanding roster of clubs and societies stands as a testament to the success of this approach.

The training and playing environment at JESS has provided me with unparalleled opportunities for personal growth and athletic development. The coaching staff's expertise and dedication have pushed me to constantly strive for excellence, both on and off the field. Through rigorous training sessions and competitive matches, I have not only honed my rugby skills but also learned valuable life lessons such as discipline, teamwork, and determination. I am proud to represent JESS


Sport plays a major role in many of the students’ lives at JESS. The aim is to discover and develop the potential within students through practice, training and competition. Sport also develops confidence and resilience through physical, technical and mental stimulus, and exposure to success and failure in order to develop resilience.

At JESS, we pride ourselves on the number of teams on offer and amount of opportunity to represent the school through DASSA leagues, regional invitational tournaments and international competitions. The main sports at JESS are Basketball, Football, Netball, Rugby and Swimming. Athletics, Cricket, Cross Country, Golf and Water polo are also popular and operate through the diverse ECA programme.

A JESS athlete is confident, calm under pressure, coachable and physically conditioned JESS athletes are comfortable in the chaos of Sport They are versatile; attackers can play as defenders and defenders as attackers. Everyone can play everywhere. They develop into fast thinkers, with fast feet and fast hands. As such our style of play is high intensity, entertaining, risk taking, cavalier (at times) and the team ethic is to never give up. This transfers into individual performance sports such as Swimming, Cross-Country, Multi-Discipline and Athletics.

Success might not always happen, but the willingness to work hard and to improve is always the aim. Effort is simply the most important element of anything any boy or girl does when training or representing JESS.

‘Success does not lie in ‘Results’ but in ‘Efforts’, ‘Being’ the best is not so important, ‘Doing’ your best is what matters…’



Boys and girls are to be aware that by playing for a school team, they are representing the school and should give their full commitment, remembering that their behaviour will reflect on themselves and their school.

Selection for a team is an ongoing process across the whole season, as such, players can be moved across teams and positions from week to week. The expectation is that pupils prioritise school sport for both training and fixture commitments should they wish to represent the school. Selection is based around what it means to be JESS athlete. On occasion when players do change teams the coach will explain the reasons behind the decision and give the individual things to work on. Parents are asked to refrain from questioning team selection and instead encourage their son or daughter to speak their coach and seek direction.

On certain occasions internal clashes between sports do occur and the Sports department will do their upmost to keep these to a minimum. However, when this does happen the decision will lie with Head of Secondary Sport. The priority will always be given to what is decided as the more important event / fixture. The greater good will always be at the heart of the decision over the individual preference.

Likewise, clashes between extracurricular activities (Sport, Music and Drama) are kept to a minimum, however when they do occur it will be up to the Director of Co-Curricular to oversee the priority and what the pupil is expected to do. Compromise will always be sought, but it is the responsibility of the school to make the decision and to what is the priority on that occasion.


Communication about team selection and fixture details are published on Fixtures Pro and on team sheets via the Games noticeboards. It is the responsibility of the pupil to ensure that they are aware of dates, venues and timings.

In the event of a clash an email or letter from parents outlining the reason for the clash must be presented. If a player becomes ill prior to a match they must let the coach or Head of Sport know ASAP. Under no circumstances should a message be passed on by another pupil. Any player letting his or her team down without prior notification or agreement with their coach will see the Head of Sport. In serious circumstances the Director of Sport will be informed and parents will be contacted. It only takes one member of a team not to turn up for the whole team and school to be affected

Details to follow.



All pupils selected to represent the school are expected to be available for every fixture, during the week and on weekends. In exceptional circumstances unavailability should be discussed with the coach giving at least 1 weeks’ notice: on no account must thoughtlessness lead to a team being short.


All start and finish times will depend on several factors and can change. In principle most home games should start by 4.15pm and away fixtures should return to school by 6.15pm.

All information is published on Fixtures Pro and on team sheets once the details are known. Further details about the app for this will follow.

Attendance (Practices and Fixtures)

Practice and training are an essential part of team preparation and are an important part of the selection procedure. If unable to participate due to injury or illness students must communicate with their coach or member of staff as soon as possible.

Dress Code (fixtures)

Once selected students are expected to be in the correct team kit.

DASSA Evenings & Fixture Timings

Please note that on occasion fixtures can change night due to cancellations, postponements and clashes. All home fixtures should start by 4.15pm and all away fixtures should be back by 6.30pm.

Details of venues, dates, kick-offs and selections are all on the Team noticeboards and Fixtures Pro. 1st Team refers to the Senior Under 19 team. Term 2 may change due to Ramadan dates.

Further details to follow.

XC Running/fun run

Join us for an active start to your day with the JESS Running/Cross-Country Club!

Are you a keen runner, or perhaps involved with another sport which would be helped by an improved cardiovascular fitness level? Maybe you're interested in running but aren't that experienced just yet - no problem!

This club is open to all students who are eager to improve their fitness, build endurance, and enjoy the benefits of running with friends.

Sessions will consist of:

Warm-Up: We’ll begin each session with a dynamic warm-up to prepare for the session ahead.

Running Drills and Intervals: Engage in various running drills to improve technique, speed, and agility.

Group Runs: Participate in group runs around the school campus and nearby areas, tailored to different fitness levels.

Cool-Down: End with a cool-down session to aid recovery and prevent injuries before heading to lessons.

Important: Please remember to bring a water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the session.

We look forward to seeing you there and running together towards a healthier lifestyle!

ECA name: Cross country running/Fun run

Details: Tuesday 6h30am to 7h30am

Year groups: Year 7 to 13 Open for sign ups

ECA Leader: Callum McGuigan


Prepare to be enchanted by the dynamic melodies and electrifying performances of our Year 7 Glee Club.

Led by a talented group of young vocalists, this ensemble promises to deliver a captivating blend of classic favourites and contemporary hits.

Join us for an unforgettable musical experience that celebrates talent, passion, and the joy of performance!

ECA name: Showstoppers Club

Details: Mondays 12h20 -13h20 in DR1

Year groups: Year 7 Open for sign ups

ECA Leader: Esin Cole

We are delighted to offer LAMDA qualifications again this year in Speaking Public, Acting and Verse and Prose.

This is an exciting opportunity for students to gain one-to-one stupport and develop their vocal, physical and performance skills.

ECA name: Drama

Day of the week: Miscellaneous

Please note:

Please note, auditions and sign ups are managed by the Drama team through curriculum lessons. There will be no open sign up on SOCS.

ECA Leader: Esin Cole

Year groups: Year 7 - 13

Sign up in the department

Anything Goes

Musical Theatre Production

We are thrilled to announce that this year’s JESS musical theatre production is Cole Porter’s Anything Goes for students from Y8-Y13.

The JESS Performing Arts team are excited to work with our talented cast to bring this classic show to life. Expect catchy songs, amazing dance and tap routines and hilarious comedy in this glamourous show set aboard the SS American.

The production has already been cast but watch this space for auditions for future productions.

ECA name: Anything goes

Day of the week: Monday 15h30 to 18h00 - Auditorium

Please note:

ECA Leader:

Thursday 15h30 - 16h30 - Auditorium [Additional rehearsals for the school production if they are deemed necessary and called by the directors.

Esin Cole

Jane Williams

Sara Carter

Note: Invite only

Spotlight Club

Spotlight Club is open to all students who are interested in providing technical assistance during the whole school production.

Students will learn about lighting, sound, stage management and projections. 8 places are available, on a first come, first serve basis.

ECA name: Spotlight Club

Day of the week: Monday 15h30 - 16h30

Location Auditorium

Year Groups open to: Year 7 to 11

Please note: 8 places - sign up needed. First come first serve basis

ECA Leader: Ms. Jane Williams, Sara Carter and Vijoy V


Our music department provides opportunities for students of all ages to enjoy the unique benefits of learning an instrument and playing in an ensemble.

Our students have access to a highly qualified and experienced team of instrumental teachers who offer individual and group lessons on almost every instrument. Whether studying for an ABRSM or Trinity exam, or playing just for fun, our teachers offer a tailored and structured programme to support students in their musical development.

Students from JESS have gone on to study music at NYU, Berklee and the Royal Schools of Music in the UK.

Instrumental Programme

Individual and small group lessons are offered on the following instruments and take place each week throughout the school day:

Viola Cello
Double Bass
Clarinet Saxophone Trumpet
Trombone French Horn Tuba Drums & Percussio
Classical Guitar Electric Guitar Piano Voice


Lessons are scheduled using SOCS which both parents and students can access. Secondary students are expected to check SOCS each week to ensure they attend their lesson at the correct time. If you would like to learn more about the instrumental programme, please email the Director of Music;


We are proud to offer an ensemble opportunity for every musician of every age, whether they are just starting out on their musical journey or are at an advanced level. There are numerous performance opportunities throughout the year including major concerts and productions every term both in and out of school, as well as smaller concerts, recitals and informal events throughout the year. Every student, no matter their musical ability, will be given an opportunity to perform.

Students who are taking lessons in our instrumental programme must ensure that they are a member of an ensemble throughout the year as it is a vital part of their musical development and will ensure they progress and reach their potential on their instrument.

All of our ensembles rehearse weekly throughout the year and students are expected to commit to the ensemble for the full year


ECA name: Jazz Group

Day of the week: Monday 12h30

Location Recital Room

Year Groups open to: Year 7 to 13

Please note: Invite only

ECA Leader: Adam McCloy


Orchestra Music

ECA name: Orchestra

Day of the week: Tuesday 15h30 - 16h30

Location Auditorium

Year Groups open to: Year 7 - 13

Please note: For anyone who plays an orchestral instrument (No guitars or piano] Open for sign up on SOCS

ECA Leader: Matt Price

Big Band


ECA name: Big Band

Day of the week: Thursday 12h30

Location Recital Room

Year Groups open to: Year 7 - 13

Recommended for players of Brass & Saxophones, Grade 3 standard and above

Please note:

Open for sign up on SOCS

ECA Leader: Adam MacCloy



ECA name: Choir

Day of the week: Tuesday 12h30

Location Recital Room

Year Groups open to: Year 7 - 13

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Chamber Choir

ECA name: Chamber Choir

Day of the week: Wednesday 12h30

Location Recital Room

Year Groups open to: Year 7 - 13

Please note: Invite only

ECA Leader: Amelia Brown

String Group


ECA name: String Group

Day of the week: Thursday 3h30pm to 4h15pm

Location Recital Room

Year Groups open to: Year 7 - 13

Please note:

Open for players of Violin, Viola or Cello Open for sign up on SOCS

ECA Leader: Tracey Keeley

Classical Guitar group


ECA name: Classical Guitar Group

Day of the week: Wednesday 12h30

Location MC1

Year Groups open to: Year 7 - 13

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS Open for players of classical guitar

ECA Leader: Valentin Spasov

Flute Ensemble


ECA name: Flute Ensemble

Day of the week: Thursday 7am

Location MC2

Year Groups open to: Year 7 - 13

Please note: For Flute players Grade 3 and above Open for sign up on SOCS

ECA Leader: Adam MacCloy

Musical Theory


Come and work on ABRSM theory.

All you need is a theory book of the grade you would like to work on

ECA name: Musical Theory Day of the week: Monday 7am

Location MC1

Year Groups open to: Year 7 - 13

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

ECA Leader: Matt Price

ECA name: Sapphire

Day of the week: Monday 12h30

Location MC2

Year Groups open to: Year 7 - 13

Please note: Invite only

ECA Leader: Tracey Keeley

Saxophone Ensemble

If you play the saxophone and are at or around Grade 3 standard, come along on Monday after school

ECA name: Saxophone Ensemble

Day of the week: Monday 3h30 - 4h30pm

Location MC3

Year Groups open to: Year 7 - 13

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

ECA Leader: Adam MacCloy

Piano Duets

For any piano players who want to develop their duet skills

ECA name: Piano Duets

Day of the week: Wednesday 7h00am

Location Recital Room

Year Groups open to: Year 7 - 13

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

ECA Leader: Andrea Levenda

Brass Ensemble

ECA name: Brass Ensemble

Day of the week: Thursday 7h00am

Location Recital Room

Year Groups open to: Year 7 - 13

Please note: Invite Only

ECA Leader: Jorge Danenberger

JESS Dance Programme


Once upon a time, there was no dance at JESS; until 2022 where we saw its launch. Fast forward to 2024, and we have witnessed its exponential growth, transforming into a second home for all our dancers, as beautifully stated by a year 7 student last year. We had 160 students involved in an inaugural dance show, primary students received dance on the curriculum at both schools, numerous ECAs, ‘Desert Dance’, musicals, and many in-house performances

What does our ECA programme look like this term? How can our students reach those opportunities above?

This term I am proud to announce that there will be ten clubs on offer to our secondary students. All they need to do is sign up on SOCS and if they show commitment throughout the year then they will featured in our end of year dance show.

Our dance clubs on offer are more than just an activity beyond the realms of the classroom setting; they are a platform for students to be part of this vibrant community. They are inclusive, embracing a plethora of styles that nurture self-belief, creativity, discipline, problem-solving, self-expression, resilience, teamwork, and, of course, fine-tuning their performance skills as dancers. But dance at JESS is more than that. It is about discovering the brilliance in every individual, giving them a sense of belonging and a real purpose to their schooling experience.

Dance at JESS is not about creating a trophy cabinet of Darcy Bussell’s; it’s about welcoming everyone to a cabinet that celebrates their uniqueness with care Here, every student finds their place, just as our Year 7 student said, it becomes their second home where they are safe and encouraged to strive for excellence in whatever pathway they may choose beyond JESS.

Thank you in advance for your support and for being part of this incredible artistic journey. Together, we unite again for another year creating a strong dance community and in the words of Sir Ken Robinson “creativity is just as important as literacy”

Miss Tomlinson

Year 7 TheatreDance

Developing skills within ‘Musical Theatre’ dance and learning repertoire from a variety of hit musicals in preparation for the Dance Show ’25.

ECA name: Year 7 Theatre Dance

Day of the week: Tuesday 15h30 to 16h30

Location Dance Studio

Year Groups open to: Year 7

Please note: Sign up in SOCS

ECA Leader: Nicola McFall

Year 8 & 9 Dance


Students will unite with another year group and develop their performance skills within a mixture of styles in preparation for the Dance Show ’25.

ECA name: Dance

Day of the week: Tuesday 15h30 to 16h30

Location Primary Studio

Year Groups open to:

Year 8 and Year 9

Please note: This is open for sign up

ECA Leader: Keltie Tomlinson

JESS FEST Choreography


Developing choreographic skills where students will be encourage to engage as choreographers through the following:

Use of imagination, problem solving, creativity and synthesis of ideas. Responding to a stimuli.

Application of knowledge , skills, choreographic forms and devices. Students will eventually choreograph their own pieces and their work may be selected to be showcased throughout the year.

ECA name: JESS FEST Choreography

Day of the week: Wednesday 12h20 to 13h20

Location Primary Studio

Year Groups open to: Year 7 to Year 13

Please note: Sign up in SOCS

ECA Leader: Keltie Tomlinson

Acrobatics dance

Beginners Acro

Master the foundational skills of acrobatics.

Whether students are a beginner or have some experience, this club is designed to help them enhance their physical abilities, balance, and learn some amazing tricks!

ECA name: Year 7 to 11 Beginners Acro

Day of the week: Thursday 15h30 to 16h30

Location: Dance Studio

Please note: Sign up in SOCS

ECA Leader: Nicola McFall

Advanced Acro

This club is meticulously crafted to elevate physical prowess, refine balance, and master an array of impressive tricks; pushing boundaries of students capabilities to achieve new heights in acrobatic excellence!

ECA name: Advanced Acro

Day of the week: Thursday 15h30 to 16h30

Location Primary Studio

Year Groups open to: Years 7 to 13

Please note: Invite only

ECA Leader: Keltie Tomlinson

Dance Technique


Providing a challenging environment where students will be stretched to exceed their growing potential.

Learn and master techniques from contemporary, ballet, and jazz. Pushing students to new heights and discover what you’re truly capable of.

Gain the essential technical skills required for all dance styles.

ECA name: Year 7 Dance Technique

Day of the week: Tuesday 6h30 - 7h30am

Location Dance Studio

Year Groups open to: Year 7

Please note: Invite only

ECA Leader: Keltie Tomlinson

Dance Year 7

Students will develop their performance skills within a mixture of styles in preparation for the Dance Show ’25.

ECA name: Year 7 Dance

Day of the week: Wednesday 15h30 to 16h30

Location Primary Studio

Year Groups open to: Year 7

Please note: Sign up in SOCS

ECA Leader: Keltie Tomlinson Nicola Mcfall


Dance Technique FOR DANCERS

An open class for secondary students designed to give a technical underpinning within the styles: jazz, ballet and contemporary.

This class will push students technique and give them a strong platform for other dancestyles.

All abilities are welcome!

ECA name: Year 7 to 9 Dance Technique

Day of the week: Wednesday 12h20 to 13h20

Location: Dance Studio

Year Groups open to: Year 7 to 9

Please note: Sign up in SOCS

ECA Leader: Nicola Mcfall

ARP Dance Company

ECA name: ARP Dance company - Secondary

Day of the week: Tuesday 12h20 - 13h20

Location: Dance Studio

Please note: Invite only

ECA Leader: Keltie Tomlinson

Street Dance

Our ‘Street Dance’ club is the ultimate place for students who want to dive into the world of street dance styles like hip-hop, and more. Whether students are a beginner or have some experience, this club is designed to help you unleash your creativity and master the dynamic moves of street dance.

Explore and master various street dance styles, including hip-hop, breakdancing, popping, and locking.

Develop your unique style and express yourself through dance. Learn impressive moves and routines that will wow any audience.

ECA name: Year 7 to 11 Street Dance

Day of the week: Thursday 12h30 to 13h20

Location: Dance Studio

Please note: Sign up in SOCS

ECA Leader: Nicola Mcfall

Oil Painting Club

We are pleased to introduce the KS5 Oil Painting Club, an exclusive opportunity for dedicated young artists to advance their skills in this traditional medium.

This club is tailored for students with a strong interest in oil painting who are eager to refine their techniques and deepen their understanding of this art form.

Throughout the term, students will explore advanced methods in colour mixing, composition, and brushwork, as well as experiment with various styles and themes.

With guidance from staff, they will work on creating sophisticated pieces.

Day Thursday 12h20 -13h00


Year groups

Art Department

Years 12 and 13 [max 12]

Staff in charge: Thomas Carrigan

Open for sign-up

KS3 Art Club

This term, students will engage in a variety of activities, including drawing, painting, sculpture, and digital art.

Our aim is to nurture their individual talents, foster a love for the arts, and encourage self-expression in a supportive and inspiring environment.

The club will provide students with the chance to experiment with different mediums, learn new techniques, and work on exciting projects.

Whether they are beginners or have prior experience, there will be something for everyone to enjoy and discover.


Wednesday 15h30 - 16h30

Location AR1 Art Department

Year groups

Year 7 to 9 [max 24]

Staff in charge: Russell Wallace Open for sign-up

KS4 Art Club

This term, students will explore advanced techniques in drawing, painting, sculpture, and digital art, while also experimenting with new mediums and styles.

The club offers a platform for students to refine their existing abilities and push the boundaries of their artistic expression.

Through guided projects and individual exploration, students will have the opportunity to create more complex and sophisticated pieces, preparing them for further studies in the arts.



Year groups

Tuesday 12h20 - 13h20

Art Department

Year 10 and 11 [max 24]

Staff in charge: Russell Wallace & Thomas Carrigan

Open for sign-up

Reading Podcast Club

Join the Reading Podcast Club!* *engaging name of this podcast to be decided by you...

Are you passionate about books and love sharing your thoughts? Our Reading Podcast Club is the perfect place for you! Each month, students will come together to discuss and review a book they have read, creating engaging podcast episodes for the school community.

Whether you are an avid reader or just looking to explore new genres, this club offers a fun and creative way to express your literary insights.

Sign up today and become a voice in our school’s reading adventure!

Ready to dive into the world of books and podcasts? Let’s get started!

Day Tuesday 12h30 - 13h20

Staff in charge: Amy Denyer

VEX Robotics

Students will engage in the exciting world of robotics by building, designing, and testing a robot.

The ultimate goal is to solve real-world problems and compete in an international VEX Robotics competition.

This ECA is perfect for students passionate about technology and eager to develop essential 21st-century skills in a fun and collaborative environment.

ECA name: VEX Robotics

Day of the week: Monday 12h20 to 13h20

Location: FC7

Year groups: Years 7 to 13

ECA Leader: Ali Lightbody

Open to sign up: Sign up in the Department

Year 11 Programming

ECA name: Year 11 Programming Support Day: Wednesday 15h20 - 16h20 Open for sign up: No Year group: Year 11

Location: M21

ECA Leader: Alasdair Lightbody

F1 Ethara Club

The F1 Ethara club, which is open to year 7 students, is an entry level F1 competition.

Students will work in small groups to design and manufacture a mini f1 car using cardboard. Each team will develop their own name and brand identity.

Towards the end of the term, they will get the opportunity to race their car down our 20 metre track at speeds of up to 75km/h.

ECA name:

F1 Ethara Club Day: Tuesday 12h30 - 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up in SOCS

Year group: Year 7

Location: DT2

ECA Leader: David Leacy

F1 Ethara Club

Arabic Drama

The Arabic Drama and Culture Club, a vibrant space where students immerse themselves in the rich traditions and expressive arts of the Arab world.

This club offers an exciting journey into the heart of Arabic culture, exploring classical and contemporary drama, poetry, music, and folklore.

ECA name: Arabic Drama & Culture

Day: Monday 12h20 to 13h20

Please note: Sign up in SOCS

Year group: Year 7 to 9

Location: C18

ECA Leader: Engi El Wakil

Debate Club

JESS Debates is a fully inclusive competitive club. We will teach those new to debating all the basic skills required to become professional debaters, while senior debaters will begin discussions and mock debates in preparation for the Dubai Debate League, which is a prestigious competition held amongst schools in the UAE.

Both seniors and juniors will have a chance to participate in many such competitions like Gulf debates, DDL and many more!

This is also a great opportunity for anyone looking to add meaningful ECA’s onto their CV or CAS. STARTING OCTOBER.

ECA name: Debating Club

Day: Thursday 15h30 - 16h30

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 7 to 12

Location: M13,14,15

ECA Leader: Rachael Sim

IB Calculator

Looking to sharpen your GDC skills and using technology to enhance your Maths, come along and bring some problems to solve.

ECA name: IB Calculator and Tech Club

Day: Monday 15h30 to 16h30

Please note: Sign up in SOCS

Year group: Years 12 and 13

Location: M17

ECA Leader: James Turner


What is MUN?

MUN stands for Model United Nations. It is an educational simulation and academic activity where students play the role of delegates representing countries in the United Nations. The purpose of MUN is to provide participants with an understanding of international relations, diplomacy, debate and the workings of the United Nations.

What will I have to do?

During MUN conferences, participants engage in debates and discussions on a variety of global issues, they propose solutions and work towards a consensus. Each participant or delegation is assigned a specific country to represent and they are expected to research, advocate for the positions of that country on various topics.

How will MUN benefit me?

Joining MUN enhances your communication, research and critical thinking skills. It helps you develop global awareness, teamwork and leadership. Whilst boosting your confidence through public speaking, MUN also provides practical insights into international relations and diplomacy. The knowledge and skills acquired will not only contribute to a successful MUN experience but also serve you well in various academic and professional future experiences.

Who can join?

Year 10 – 13 (KS4 & KS5 only)

name: Model United Nations Day: Wednesday 12h20 - 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 10 to 13

Location: TBC

French Book Club

Broaden your knowledge of culture within the Francophone world and develop your love of reading in French

ECA name: French Book club Day: Tuesday 12h30 to 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 7 to 11

Location: C1

ECA Leader: Emma Corcoran


Calling all KS3 students! Unleash your creativity and learn the timeless art of crochet in a fun and supportive environment.

Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience, come and develop a new skill, make beautiful handmade items, and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

Come and discover the joy of crafting with yarn – it’s relaxing, rewarding, and a great way to express yourself. Don’t miss out – join us and start your crochet journey today!

Day Monday 12h20 - 13h20

Location M22

Year groups

Staff in charge: Rukhsana Rahman

Open for sign-up

Start off your week with a relaxing monday movie.

Bring a friend, bring your lunch, bring your critique, all are welcome.

ECA name: Monday Movie Club

Day: Monday 12h20 to 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 7 to 13

Location: S6

ECA Leader: Jade de la Cruz

Creative media


If you are an events manager or producer, a social media marketeer or a sound and lighting engineer in the making, then TED X Youth JESS Dubai is for you!

This club is for students who are interested in working in a group to organise the TED X Youth conference, set to take place in Term 2/ 3 at JESS. Students will work together to plan, setup and run the event.

Please note, this is not a public speaking or debating activity, and student speakers for the event will be chosen through an audition process, which may also include speakers from the staff and wider JESS and Dubai communities.

ECA name: Creative media/TedX

Day: Monday 15h30 to 16h30

Please note: sign up in SOCS

Year group: Year 10 to 13

Location: M5

ECA Leader: Mel Guidera


The UKMT Maths challenge is a 25 question, online challenge, that is created by the University of Leeds with an aim of stretching students that are currently excelling in their Mathematics lessons.

It is designed for students in years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 so all bases are covered.

For the UKMT club, we are aiming the ability level at students in years 7-11 however if 6th form students would like to come along to help out or practice Senior level challenges they are also welcome.

ECA name: United Kingdom Mathematics Trust Day: Wednesday 12h20 - 13h20

Year group: Year 7 - 11

Location: S11

ECA Leader: Jonathan Underhill

Book & Biscuits

Calling all book lovers! Whether you’re an avid reader or just picking up your first novel, our Book Club is the perfect spot to share your love for stories.

Open to all year groups and reading abilities, we meet weekly for fun, informal chats about the book you vote to read.

Led by our amazing Sixth Form students, you'll enjoy great conversations, make new friends, and of course, savor some biscuits and hot chocolate.

ECA name: Book and Biscuits Day: Wednesday 12h30 - 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 7 to 13

Location: Library Glassroom

ECA Leader: Hannah McMennamin

Investment Club


Interested in how the stock market works? Join us in the Wharton Investment Competition Club! Explore and invest in the real-time stock markets without risking your own money!

The Wharton Global High School Investment Competition is your chance to dive into the exciting world of finance, work with your team and use your skills to compete against the best young minds from around the world!

Being an advisor and managing a virtual $100,000 portfolio, making smart investment decisions, and developing a winning strategy for a real-world expert. During this lunchtime ECA, you’ll learn all aspects of making a strong investment, including strategy building, risk assessments, diversification, company and industry analysis, valuation, and much more!

The final top 10 teams will get a chance to go to the Global Finale at Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania!

ECA name: Wharton Investment Competition club

Day: Monday 12h30 to 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 10 to 13

Location: FC10

ECA Leader: Fiona McCarthy

Quantum Club

Welcome to the Quantum Physics Club, where curiosity meets the mysteries of the universe! This club is designed for students from Year 7 to Year 12 who are fascinated by the fundamental principles that govern the microscopic world.

What We Do:

Interactive Lessons: Dive into the basics of quantum mechanics, exploring concepts like wave-particle duality, superposition, and entanglement.

Discussion Groups: Engage in thought-provoking discussions and debates on the latest advancements and theories in quantum physics.

Practical: Learn the fundamental principles of building a quantum computer

Why Join?

Expand Your Knowledge: Gain a deeper understanding of the universe at its most fundamental level.

Develop Critical Thinking: Enhance your problem-solving and analytical skills through complex and intriguing content.

Build a Community: Connect with like-minded peers who share your passion for science and discovery.

Prepare for the Future: Get a head start on advanced topics that will be beneficial for higher education and careers in STEM fields.

Who Can Join? The club is open to all students from Year 7 to Year 12, regardless of prior knowledge. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience.

Day: Wednesday 15h30 - 16h30

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 7 to 12

Location: S10

ECA Leader: Andy Thom

Unleash your competitive spirit and sharpen your skills in our UNO Club!

This fun extracurricular helps improve strategic thinking, math, and sportsmanship while making new friends.

All levels welcome join us for a game and grow both on and off the table!

ECA name: UNO Club Day: Wednesday 12h20 to 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: All Years

Location: FC4

ECA Leader: Rachael Malone

History Bee & Bowl

History Bee & Bowl is an International History Quiz.

During our ECA the students will complete practice questions, and they can decide if they are interested in taking part in the History Bee & Bowl Regionals allowing them an opportunity to qualify for the Asian finals.

ECA name: History Bee & Bowl Day: Thursday 12h40 - 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 7 to 11

Location: M4

ECA Leader: Julia Gale

Eco club

Are you 11-18 and are passionate about the environment?

We are looking for a committed group of students to make small-scale actions within our community to help make a difference.

ECA name: Eco Club

Day: Wednesday 12h20 to 13h20

Please note: sign up in SOCS

Year group: Year 7 to 13

Location: G1

ECA Leader: Stephen Lee

Geographer of the Year

The Young Geographer of the Year is the Royal Geographical Society’s annual competition which recognises the outstanding work of the next generation of geographers.

Age ranges span 11-18, the competition encourages thoughtful and creative answers to the competition’s theme which is set each year.

The Society encourages schools to run their own in-house competition and then send their top 10 entries into the international competition.

The Young Geographer competition has been running for over 20 years and every year thousands of children across the world take part.

ECA name: Young Geographer of the Year Club Day: Wednesday 12h20 to 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 7 to 11

Location: G3

ECA Leader: Louise Walshe

JESS Reporters

JESS reporters will offer students the opportunity to report on ECAs and sports fixtures.

Students will film, edit and report on ECAs which will be shared on social media and the JESS Secondary Weekly Newsletter.

JESS reporters will meet on Wednesday at lunch time, but they will also report on other ECAs and sports fixtures around school, which can be at lunch or before/after school.

ECA name: JESS Reporters

Day: Wednesday 12h20 to 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 9 to 12

Location: S10

ECA Leader: Emma Collery

Spanish Club

The Spanish KS4 club is to help students improve their understanding of Spanish in a variety of fun and interesting ways.

Students will improve their skills through listening to music, watching videos and film clips.

Students will be shown how to access Spanish resources that i am sure that they will enjoy and be able to use in their own time.

ECA name: Spanish Club

Day: Tuesday 12h20 to 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 10 and 11

Location: C2

ECA Leader: Vicky Holland

Spanish Club

Join the Medical Society and embark on a journey into healthcare and medicine.

Discuss medical advancements, explore healthcare ethics, and learn about various medical specialities.

The Medical Society offers valuable insights into medicine while nurturing compassion, empathy, and scientific curiosity.

ECA name: Medical Society Day: Monday 12h20 - 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Year 10 - 13

Location: Glassroom in Library

ECA Leader: Lindsay Langworthy

Chess Club 1

The Chess Club is a fantastic opportunity for students to develop critical thinking and strategic skills.

The club offers a supportive and fun environment for all levels, from beginners to advanced players. Join us to learn the rules of the game, improve your techniques, and participate in exciting matches with your peers!

ECA name: Chess Club

Day: Tuesday 12h20 - 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 7 to 11

Location: C24

ECA Leader:


Discover the benefits of yoga in a class designed for all ages and skill levels!

Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a complete beginner, our classes offer a supportive environment to enhance flexibility, strength, and mental wellbeing.

Join us to build balance, reduce stress, and connect with peers through the art of yoga.

ECA name: Yoga

Day of the week: Monday 12h20 to 13h20

Location Dance Studio

Year Groups open to: Years 7 to 13

Please note: This is open for sign up

ECA Leader: Laura Pedder

Chess Club 2

Come and play chess against your fellow students and teachers.

Open to all.

From complete beginner to grandmaster.

ECA name: Chess club Day: Wednesday 12h20 to 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 7 to 13

Location: M25

ECA Leader: Rob Flynn

RAK club


The Random Acts of Kindness Club has been running since 2014 and has a loyal following as kind people are our kinda people!! :)

So, do come along as this is your chance to continue to make our JESS community an even better place.

You will commit random acts of kindness for both students and staff every week. It is loads of fun being kind and you get a chance to be creative too.

As a ‘Raktivist’ you will take part in weekly ‘kindness raids’ and many other activities too, in our quest to make people feel good.

All welcome.

ECA name: Random Acts of Kindness Club

Day: Thursday 15h30 - 16h30

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: All Years

Location: M11

ECA Leader: Romana D’Annunzio

KS3 Science Club

Science club is an opportunity to enter international competitions within Science.

We have 2 opportunities this term: National Geographic Sling shot challenge: We believe that changing the future of conservation begins with small steps: with great ideas that drive impact in YOUR community. We believe that together, our ideas and actions will add up to progress protecting our planet and improving our future. We invite students aged in year 8 to rise to the challenge, and to submit a 1-minute video describing their idea for solving environmental issues.

Website: LINK

Rube Goldberg institute Online competition: There is also an opportunity to create your machine on Minecraft. This year competition is to create a machine to feed a pet. Students from year 7 & 8 can work together to create a Rube Goldberg machine to enter in this competition.

Website: LINK

ECA name: KS3 Science Club

Day: Wednesday 15h30 to 16h30

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 7 to 9

Location: S2

ECA Leader:


Dive into the heart-pounding action of strategic gameplay, where teamwork and quick thinking reign supreme.

Our ESports program offers students a unique opportunity to hone their gaming skills, foster camaraderie among peers, and develop valuable communication and leadership abilities.

Join our thriving community of gamers and discover the thrill of organized competition in popular titles like League of Legends, Overwatch, and Rocket League. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, our experienced coaches provide guidance and support every step of the way.

The JESS eSports club will develop skills, technique and allow you to compete against other schools in the region and rest of the world.

ECA name: eSports Day: Tuesday 12h20 to 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 10 to 13

Location: DT5

ECA Leader: Max Copley

eSports Year 7 - 9

The KS3 eSports club is the first steps into the exciting world of eSports.

You will learn how to develop your skills and build confidence to compete against other schools in exciting tournaments.

ECA name: eSports Years 7 to 9 Day: Tuesday 12h20 to 13h20

Please note: Open for sign up on SOCS

Year group: Years 10 to 13

Location: DT5

ECA Leader: Richard Bennett

Welcome to Drone programming.

We will learn how to program a drone to perform a number of different actions including coordinated swarms.

ECA name: Programmable Drones Day: Wednesday 15h30 to 16h30

Please note: Sign up on SOCS

Year group: Year 9

Location: Auditorium

ECA Leader: Richard Bennett

Peer Mentoring

This is a CAS project opportunity for Year 12 students.

They will be delivering weekly mentoring sessions to Year 7 students during form time. Topics covered include resilience, body positivity, friendships and mental wellbeing.

As part of this project, Year 12 students will be trained by an external psychologist to become qualified and certified in Youth and Adolescent Mental Health First Aid.

This is ideal for students looking to study psychology, social work, education or anything in the medical fields at university.

ECA name:

Peer Mentoring Club Year7

Day: Thursday 12h20 to 13h20

Please note: Invite only

Year group: Year 12

Location: FC3

ECA Leader: Sophie Carr

Finance Society

Join the Finance Society: Welcome to the finance society!

A jumpstart to a career in finance! The club, being lead by two or our Y12 Economists, will help students to explore finance, develop necessary skills, and network with industry professionals.

From career exploration and resume building to mastering networking strategies and understanding the financial markets, we have developed a comprehensive program that prepares you for success.

Get involved with weekly debates, hear from guest speakers, and paper trading competitions. Whether you want to be a finance professional or are simply interested in learning more, the Finance Society will give you with opportunities to learn. We hope to see many of you!

ECA name: Finance Society Day: Wednesday 12h20 to 13h20

Please note: sign up in SOCS

Year group: Years 10 to 13

Location: FC10

ECA Leader: Fiona McCarthy

Challenge ME

Join the Finance Society: Welcome to the finance society!

A jumpstart to a career in finance! The club, being lead by two or our Y12 Economists, will help students to explore finance, develop necessary skills, and network with industry professionals.

From career exploration and resume building to mastering networking strategies and understanding the financial markets, we have developed a comprehensive program that prepares you for success.

Get involved with weekly debates, hear from guest speakers, and paper trading competitions. Whether you want to be a finance professional or are simply interested in learning more, the Finance Society will give you with opportunities to learn. We hope to see many of you!

ECA name: Challenge ME

Day: Thursday 12h30 to 13h20

Please note: Invite only

Year group: Years 12 and 13

Location: S10

ECA Leader: Maya Vaghela

Maths Peer Mentoring

A number of our year 12 IB HL mathematics students have volunteered to mentor a selection of our year 11 students who we think we benefit from their support and guidance in maths.

This will also contribute towards the required community service hours for the year 12 students' International Award.

This will start on Wednesday 18 September

ECA name: Maths Peer Mentoring Day: Wednesday 15h30 to 16h30

Please note: Invite only

Year group: Years 11 and 12

Location: M21

ECA Leader: Charlotte Baker

Updates through the term

Throughout the term there will inevitably be changes in roomings, timings and rescheduling for unforeseen circumstances.

All updates and changes of information is available through ECA 2024-25 TEAMS.

Some clubs are presently in the process of confirming venues and refining scheduling details. When finalised these will be communicated via TEAMS.

It is imperative to emphathise that his platform is designated solely for official announcements and information only.

It is not to serve as a social platform between peers.

Dear Parents,

Sign up

We will continue to use our calendar booking system called SOCS to sign up to activities this term. This system is being implemented across the school and will eventually have all sports, music, ECAs and school events in one place. Please read this letter carefully for all the information regarding Term 2 ECAs including key dates, instructions on using SOCS, and days and timings of all activities on offer.

Information is being shared during form time this week. All students also have access to the ECA channel on Microsoft Teams where details can also be found.

Key Dates

Friday 6th September 2024 at 7:00pm – signup opens.

Sunday 8th September 2024 at 11h59pm – signup closes.

Monday 9th September 2024 – Clubs start.

Monday 14th to 18th October 2024 – Half Term Holidays

Information on using SOCS

· Parents can select a club on a first come, first served basis.

· SOCS is linked to our school system so will only show those clubs that are applicable to your child’s year group.

· You can make changes to your choices on the website whilst the sign-up is open.

· You do not need to sign up online for ‘Selected’ clubs; they are printed on the schedule for your information only.


1. Click on this LINK to activate your SOCS account. We recommended setting this up prior to the ECA schedule going live. Please note that when activating your account the activation email may take a couple of minutes to arrive.

2. Study the ECA schedule and select your clubs.

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