North Cascades Institute 2009 Annual Report

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The mission of North Cascades Institute is to conserve and restore Northwest environments through education. Thanks to the support of donors, partners and our participants, we are making important progress. Here are highlights of recent accomplishments, challenges and new strategies for the future.

annual report




A YEAR OF PAYING AT TENTION Executive director Saul Weisberg was interviewed recently by Clearing Magazine editor Larry Beutler. Here is an excerpt from that conversation, an apt reflection on the Institute’s values and its accomplishments during the past year. Larry Beutler: You’ve been executive director of North Cascades Institute since co-founding it in 1986. What changes have you seen in environmental education? Saul Weisberg: I’ve seen a big increase in the extent and rigor with which it’s pursued. Outdoor education, adventure programs and conservation education have blended and cross-pollinated each other. Now we see meaningful discussion of issues of social and economic justice, worker’s rights and sustainability–environmental education is a powerful force in bringing educators, environmentalists and the business community together. LB: How has the North Cascades Institute adapted to those changes? SW: We pay attention to the world as it changes around us. We listen to the scientists, watch trends in public land management, learn from discussions by writers and bloggers. What do we need to pay attention to now so we’ll be better prepared to serve tomorrow? LB: How did the economic recession of the past couple of years affect the Institute? SW: Early in 2009, public schools were really worried about funding and we had a number of schools pull out of spring programs. Our leadership team met weekly, looking at trends, refocusing priorities and keeping close watch on our budget. We didn’t fill a couple of positions and had to pull back in some other areas to focus on youth programs. And, we had a two-week unpaid furlough for all staff. The result of all this was that we ended the year strongly–in the black, with several new initiatives successfully launched, and with a stronger 2

staff and programs than when we began. LB: Tell me about some of those new initiatives. What are people excited about these days? SW: Our new summer programs for high school students are some of the most exciting and rewarding work we’ve ever done. For example, last summer we brought 20 kids from around the U.S. to the North Cascades to study climate change. Then they went home to do field projects with their local schools. We took them to Washington, D.C. for a week to meet government officials and share what they learned. It was very, very powerful. This year, we’ve expanded the program to include more kids, but all from Washington and Oregon. Working closer to home will reduce the carbon footprint of the program and allow us to stay in touch with our students over time, too. LB: Are you seeing evidence of climate change in the North Cascades? SW: The North Cascades have more glaciers than any area in the U.S. outside of Alaska and they are dramatically shrinking. Mountains that I climbed 30 years ago now show rock where there used to be ice. We’ve developed programs to focus attention on the challenge of climate change, and how human communities will need to adapt. LB: What do you think the future holds for non-formal education programs like yours? SW: A recent editorial in Nature pointed out that much of what people know about science is learned informally through time spent in the field, at nature centers, museums, zoos and aquaria. It goes on to say

that education policy-makers should take note. People learn best through deep, intimate experiences in nature. That’s exactly how we teach. LB: What gives you the most pleasure in your role as executive director? SW: Working with people. Making a difference. Seeing people get turned on by something they learn at one of our programs. Bringing in a big grant. Getting a clean audit. Hanging out at the Learning Center at Diablo Lake on a spring evening with a glass of wine, watching peregrine falcons soaring along the cliffs. LB: Who are your environmental heroes? SW: Everyone who is looking at birds and bugs and flowers, teaching kids, and challenging themselves and each other to get busy and save the world. We’ve all got to pull together. LB: Are you optimistic about the future? SW: I’m not optimistic, but I am hopeful. I believe that we can change the world, save the world. There’s a quote by E.B. White that I really like. “I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.” I think most of us understand what he was talking about. In my mind, a good day is when we can do both–savor the world and save it, too. I like to think that’s our job. Copyright 2010 Clearing Magazine:

annual report



Our mission:

conservation through education

A GLORIOUS PLACE Imagine nine teenagers—many from difficult school and home situations and virtually none of them having been in the backcountry before —floating aboard a boat on the sparkling waters of Ross Lake in the North Cascades. As summer participants in the North Cascades Wild program, they appear untethered from all that was familiar. This remarkable experience is the result of a partnership between North Cascades Institute and North Cascades National Park. Small groups of young men and women venture onto Ross Lake via canoe to refurbish trails and campsites while gaining an understanding of the natural and cultural history of the area from Institute naturalists. For 12 days they work, explore and camp on Ross Lake, surrounded by forested slopes and towering peaks, with nary an electric outlet nor a road in sight. On a warm day last summer, I boarded the Ross Mule, a stout working barge that provisions the camp sites and other national park operations. Its captain, Gerry Cook, is a key supporter of North Cascades Wild. Along with a number of Institute board members and donors, we set off to visit the group. A few hours later, the Mule was nestled into a quiet fern- and tree- lined fjord along the shoreline of Ross Lake. Nine young people stood before us and shared their experiences on Ross Lake, as well as stories about their homes, families and communities. One described in stark detail the pervasive violence of his urban high school and how unsafe he felt most of the time. One spoke of the social bullying experienced daily, another of a scary home life. Nearly all expressed that they felt physically or psychologically vulnerable in daily life. I could hardly breathe with surprise at this emotional openness. I have a

teenager and, trust me, most of them do not divulge such feelings, much less to a group of adults they’d just met. Each of these kids spoke to the joy of being in the wilderness and of feeling like they could be themselves for the first time, without posturing. One described in hilarious detail his amazement at the challenges of backcountry toilets, or lack of them. They exuded wonderment, curiosity and a sense of inner strength they had not known they possessed. They spoke of being “transformed.” Personal transformation: that’s the gold standard in our nonprofit work, often exceeding what we can hope for in our programs. We said goodbye to the teens with a new understanding of the challenges they face and the ways in which this program will help them to grow and expand. As a board member, I was reminded why we invest our time, our passion and our money helping North Cascades Institute do its work. It is for this: to touch lives, to bring people to the North Cascades and to be there for them when their moment of transformation occurs. These nine young people, having just spent 12 days in the backcountry, had clearly learned that not only were they welcome in this glorious place, but that they also owned it. They knew in their hearts it was theirs to love, enjoy and care for. By Jeanne Muir, Chair, North Cascades Institute Board of Directors

North Cascades Institute seeks to inspire a closer relationship with nature through direct experiences in the natural world. Our mission is to conserve and restore Northwest environments through education. Since 1986 we have helped connect people, nature and community through science, art, literature and the hands-on study of natural and cultural history. Our goal is to help people of all ages experience and enjoy the mountains, rivers, forests, people and wildlife of the Pacific Northwest–so all will care for and protect this special place. North Cascades Institute is committed to innovation and excellence in environmental learning and leadership within the nonprofit community. We believe sustainable communities are built on healthy environments, vibrant economies and social equity.

Toward that end, five key themes drive our programs: • We teach where natural and cultural history, science, humanities and the arts converge • We believe human history is integral to the history of landscapes and wild lands • We encourage exploration, reflection and stewardship in the out of doors • We inspire respect among individuals and the broader community of life • We value public lands for education, recreation and reflection

We offer a broad variety of programs for all ages • School programs and summer adventures for underserved youth • Natural and cultural history retreats and field excursions for adults • Graduate degree in environmental education and nonprofit leadership • Group rentals, conferences and retreats at the Learning Center • Family getaway weekends at the Learning Center • Professional development for teachers • Volunteer stewardship programs • North Cascades Environmental Learning Center is located on Diablo Lake in the heart of the North Cascades. The result of a partnership with the National Park Service and the City of Seattle, the Learning Center is surrounded by millions of acres of protected public lands—a hub of discovery in one of the wildest, most biologically diverse landscapes in North America. People of all ages come to learn and explore via innovative programs that inspire and enrich their lives.


annual report



Mountain School: “Thank you for making the North Cascades such a great place! I learned a lot when I was there! -Wilson (5th Grade, Bellingham)

Connecting a new generation to nature




Mountain School is a nationally recognized environmental education program offered by North Cascades Institute in cooperation with North Cascades National Park. Since its inception in 1989, it has introduced more than 15,000 young people to this ecosystem through science, art and observation. During 2009, schools from 10 western Washington school districts attended Mountain School at North Cascades Environmental Learning Center including Bellingham, Mount Vernon, Anacortes, Tukwila, Highline, Clover Park, La Conner, Pateros, Oak Harbor and Seattle. The multi-disciplinary Mountain School curriculum is aligned with Washington State’s essential learning requirements and includes pre- and post-visit support for teachers. In addition to learning about the environment, students develop a sense of respect for one another and their surrounding environment as they live and work together. Of the total $300 per student, public schools pay less than half of the cost. The remaining tuition is financed by Institute fundraising. More than 1,400 young people and 314 adults attended Mountain School in 2009, participating in approximately 5,370 days of environmental education. Mountain School partners include North Cascades National Park, Seattle City Light and Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission. learn about Mountain School at school/index.html and view a brief, excellent video


annual report




their views and ideas on climate change solutions and youth engagement. After returning home, the students worked with teachers and partners from their local national parks to bring climate change awareness into the elementary schools, engage more youth and provide opportunities for service and action. Through this program, North Cascades Institute and its public lands partners are identifying and developing the next generation of environmental leaders. They will be at the forefront of the youth movement in climate change awareness and will be inspiring people of all ages in the Pacific Northwest and nationwide. As one young participant observed, “It’s our world to inherit. If we don’t care, who will?” Parks Climate Change Challenge Partners include North Cascades National Park, Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest and National Park Foundation.

During the summer of 2009, 19 high school students from Chicago, Denver, Seattle, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. participated in our new Parks Climate Challenge program. The team assembled in North Cascades National Park and spent the month of July in the North Cascades where they studied climate change science by hiking to glaciers, interviewing scientists and resource managers, touring the Skagit Hydropower Project/dams and working on service projects with park personnel. These experiences allowed the young leaders rare opportunities to see the effects of climate change up close, as the region is the most heavily glaciated areas in the United States outside of Alaska. In September, the teens traveled to Washington, D.C. and met with staff from federal agencies and elected officials to learn more about the federal government’s response to climate change. In turn, the students presented

Kulshan Creek Neighborhood Program: Connecting Hispanic youth to the Skagit Valley environment


This summer expedition for underserved high school students combines wilderness adventure with learning, stewardship and personal development. In 2009, 47 teenagers ventured onto spectacular and remote Ross Lake in small groups. They completed valuable conservation service projects for the National Park Service while studying four themes that are interwoven throughout their experience: leadership development, community building, stewardship and developing a sense of place through the study of natural and cultural history. Most of these kids were from urban neighborhoods and had never sat by the warmth of a campfire, slept under a starry night sky or floated on deep waters in a canoe. During the past three years, more than 12 languages have been spoken within the groups, and many of the teens are new citizens who had never visited a national park. They embarked onto the lake as strangers and returned as friends. Thanks to generous donors, the program is free for those who qualify from high schools in Seattle, Lake Forest Park, Skagit County and Whatcom County. North Cascade Wild partners in 2009 include North Cascades National Park, Student Conservation Association, Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation and Ross Lake Resort.

Parks Climate Challenge: How can we help our communities face environmental change?


North Cascades Wild: Introducing underserved Northwest youth to conservation and the outdoors

Kulshan Creek Neighborhood Program is a year-round outreach initiative that engages youth from one of the Skagit Valley’s most diverse neighborhoods in a variety of informal outdoor activities including all-day field trips and afterschool programs. In 2009, youngsters learned about bears, marine biology, migratory birds and the natural history of the Skagit Valley through visits to local public lands. Partners include US Forest Service, National Park Service, Mount Vernon Police Department, Mount Vernon Parks and Recreation, Skagit Valley College, Washington State Parks and Skagit County Youth and Family Services.


annual report




A lifetime of learning leads to conservation

North Cascades Institute offered a rich diversity of experiences at North Cascades Environmental Learning Center and beyond. This broad array of programs increased appreciation for the natural and cultural history of the Pacific Northwest. More than 850 adults enrolled in programs last year to learn more about geology, sustainability, native plants, birds, insects, climate change, wildflowers, local farms, nature writing and more.


Learning Center Programs and Field Excursions

Family Getaways in the North Cascades


From naturalist-led canoeing and hiking adventures to bat watching, bunk beds and campfires, North Cascades Institute’s Family Getaways provided a unique opportunity for families of all shapes and sizes to gather in the North Cascades. The Learning Center proved to be a popular location and a terrific economic value, offering busy families the excitement of the great outdoors without the complications of camping. Kids and adults enjoyed learning about nature through adventures on the lake and trails, games, arts and crafts, storytelling and scientific explorations. Approximately 400 people enjoyed learning more about the North Cascades ecosystem in Family Getaways during 2009.

Master of Education in Environmental Education and Certificate in Leadership and Nonprofit Administration


The Institute helps prepare leaders for a career in environmental education by earning a M.Ed. while working with the Northwest’s best educators, naturalists and conservation leaders. This unique professional residency program prepares students in all aspects of environmental education while living and working at North Cascades Environmental Learning Center. Course work 6

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• Fairview Junior High School Band tour and

explores environmental education while placing an emphasis on field science, cultural studies, teaching and nonprofit administration. Unlike many other graduate residency experiences, our professional residency is fully integrated into a degree program at Huxley College of the Environment at Western Washington University. Eight students graduated from this program in 2009. Since its inception in 2001, 44 students have successfully completed the program. Partners include Huxley College of the Environment at Western Washington University and North Cascades National Park.

ning retreat

• Northwest Educational Service District #189 “Building Bridges between Math and Science”

• REI Marketing Leadership Team retreat • Remote Medical International training resi-



• Kinship Foundation Fellows retreat • Lakeside School leadership retreat • La Conner Senior Center tour and lunch • Leadership Skagit retreat • National Parks Conservation Association plan-

Special Events

dency • State Street High School staff training • University of Alaska (Fairbanks) “Girls on Ice” • Western Washington University, faculty writing workshop • Women’s hiking group retreats • World Affairs Council public lands management symposium

Volunteer Stewardship: Hands-on conservation of Northwest landscapes


New In 2009: Retail Partnership Serves North Cascades Visitors

Group Rentals at the Learning Center North Cascades Environmental Learning Center inspires reflection, understanding and connection to the natural world. We welcome corporate meetings, board retreats, green weddings, family reunions, nonprofit conferences and other gatherings and celebrations. During 2009, the Institute welcomed a broad diversity of groups including: • Anacortes Kiwanis Club tour and lunch • Blazek family reunion • Elisabeth Lauver birthday weekend • Evergreen State College, Sustainable Architecture Class

North Cascades Institute signed an agreement with North Cascades National Park and Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest in 2009 to conduct retail sales in four visitor information sites around the North Cascades. The stores will sell books, maps, guidebooks, passes and other merchandise that reach a variety of visitors and inspire them to experience, enjoy, interpret, share and remember their experiences in North Cascades National Park. Retail sites include the Sedro-Woolley headquarters (operated in partnership with USFS), the Wilderness Information Center (Marblemount), NPS Visitor Center (Newhalem) and the Golden West Visitor Center (Stehekin). Proceeds from sales, which began in 2010, will help fund youth education in our national park and on our public forest lands.



In partnership with the US Forest Service and other local agencies, Mountain Stewards and Eagle Watchers volunteer stewards educate visitors and help restore and protect local ecosystems. In 2009, the US Forest Service trained and coordinated 95 volunteers who contributed more than 425 days of volunteer environmental stewardship as Eagle Watchers and Mountain Stewards.

The Institute co-hosted, with Seattle Arts & Lectures, a Seattle reading by poet Gary Snyder (above) attended by more than 2,000 people. Our summer writing retreat guest instructors–Rick Bass, Kathleen Dean Moore, Holly Hughes and James Bertolino–were featured in a Bellingham public program. We co-sponsored a preview screening of Ken Burns’ national park documentary with our environmental peers in the Skagit Valley—The Nature Conservancy, Friends of the Anacortes Forest, Skagit Watershed Council and Skagit Land Trust–for a sold-out audience at Mount Vernon’s Lincoln Theatre.

Sourdough Speaker Series This “salon series in the wilderness” featured special speakers such as Tony Angell (above) and dinners of local and organic foods. The Learning Center was an inviting destination for weekend visitors.

Diablo Downtime Busy adults spent restorative weekends at the Learning Center enjoying hiking, canoeing, yoga and slow food.


annual report



THANKS TO OUR PARTNERS, DONORS AND LEADERSHIP North Cascades Institute has 24 years of experience in developing effective and productive partnerships that are based on trust and mutual goals. Together, we have worked to connect people, nature and communities in order to conserve and restore Northwest environments.

Major Partners 2009

Collaborating Partners 2009 Aero Skagit Emergency Services Environmental Education Association of Washington Mount Vernon Police Department Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation National Park Foundation Public school districts throughout Washington Remote Medical International Ross Lake Resort Seattle Arts & Lectures Skagit County Emergency Medical Services Skagit County Parks and Recreation Skagit County Youth and Family Services Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group Skagit Valley College Skagit Watershed Council Village Books Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Washington Department of Transportation Washington State Parks Department Whatcom County Sheriff

Recent Awards

• For the past six years, North Cascades Institute has consistently received a four-star rating for sound fiscal management from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent evaluator of charities. Only three percent of American charities are rated as highly. Charity Navigator highlights the work of efficient nonprofits and provides donors with essential information needed to give them greater confidence in the choices they make. 8

• Silver LEED Certification for construction of North Cascades Environmental Learning Center (2009)

• Outstanding Service Provider (2008), North American Association for Environmental Education

• Organizational Excellence Award (2006), Environmental Education Association of Washington

• Best Use of FSC Certified Wood (2006, for Learning Center), Forest Stewardship Council

• “Champions of the West” Achievement in Environmental Education (2006), Sunset Magazine

Leadership: Board of Directors Jeanne Muir, Chairperson President, Urban Relations, Seattle Dave Bonn, Treasurer Retired, Winthrop Jim Bishop, Burlington CEO, Summit Bank Terry Conner, Tacoma Retired Gerry Cook, Marblemount North Cascades National Park Julian “Pete” Dewell, ex officio, Seattle Attorney Dunham Gooding, Bellingham President, American Alpine Institute Peter Jackson, Everett Writer Nan McKay, Seattle Consultant John Miles, Bellingham Professor, Western Washington University Stan Miller, Bellingham President, Swanson, Miller & Kahn, Inc.

Therese Ogle, Seattle Principal, Northwest Grantmaking Resources Byron Ricks, Carnation Manager, Microsoft Brian Scheuch, La Conner Principal, BCS Consulting Randy Self, Seattle Public School Teacher Shirley Solomon, Mount Vernon Chairperson, Skagit Watershed Council Abby Sussman, Bellingham Backcountry Ranger, North Cascades National Park Tom Venable, Bellingham Principal, Carl Cozier Elementary

Executive Director: Saul Weisberg Advisory Board Thomas Lowe Fleischner, PhD Prescott College, Arizona Art Kruckeberg, PhD Professor Emeritus, Botany, University of Washington Estella Leopold, PhD Professor Emeritus, Botany, University of Washington Richard Louv Author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder Chip Jenkins, Superintendent North Cascades National Park Rob Iwamoto, Forest Supervisor Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest Robert Michael Pyle, PhD Author, Conservationist and Lepidopterist John Reynolds, Director Pacific Northwest Region, National Park Service (retired)

annual report

THANK YOU, DONORS! $250,000 and above



We deeply appreciate the stewardship of people throughout the Northwest and beyond

Joan and Jon Christoffersen

Brian and Debby Peterman

Else Sokol

Ross Morgan-Linial

Mary Dickinson

Elizabeth Fergus Foundation

The Weisberg Family

Margaret Tally

Kristin Lundgren

Marjorie Domenowske


Catherine and David Hall

Amy Wilcox and Andy Szurek

Thomas & Associates

Cynthia McGuiness

John Edwards

North Cascades Environmental Learning Center Fund, The Seattle Foundation

Henry M. Jackson Foundation

$200 to $499

Joan Thomas

Cass Nevada

Elizabeth and Len Eisenhood

Jamie and Julian Andersen

Becky Fletcher and J.K. Tighe

Peter Newland

Mary Ekstrand


Gerry Morrison and Julie Weston

Mary Raines and Brian Williams

Heidi Engle and Robert Sandelin

$100,000 to $249,999

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program

Jan Wilson

Jay and Jane Reich

Carol and Ronald Erickson

Boeing Gift Matching Program

$100 to $199

Frank Retherford

Truman Fergin

BP Fabric of America Fund


Bobbie and John Reynolds

Carolyn and Ed Gastellum

Debra and Bob Brodie

Nancy Applegate and Jim Palmer

The Rich Family

Neil and Sonjia Gavin

Margaret Rickert

General Mills Foundation

Keira Armstrong

The Smith Family

Janet and Jeff Giesen

Sharon Babcock

Smith/Vallee Gallery

Charles and Thelma Gilmur Kirk Giloth

National Park Foundation Seattle City Light

$50,000 to $99,999 Islands Fund The Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission Washington State Parks & Recreation

$10,000 to $24,999

House of Mercy Music Cedar Road Publishing Michele and Robert Liburdy

The Mountaineers Foundation Jeanne Muir and Art Brochet Rodman Foundation Barbara Schaetti David Sussman Washington Women’s Foundation

David and Victoria Benoliel Judy and Marv Blount

Paul Brookshire and Melinda Mullins Mike Bruggeman and Gary Kleysteuber

Elizabeth and Richard Bedient

Julie and William Toomey

Joe Busby

The Behrendt/Lange Family

David and Stephanie Twigg

Katherine Glew

Maggie Weisberg

Gerry Cook and Hannah Sullivan

Leo and Teresa Bodensteiner

Bob and Judy Weeden

Juanita Gomez

The Cooper Family

Dan and Martha Chesluk

Barbara Rutecki and Mark Weisberg

The Gross/Insera Family

Whatcom Community Foundation

Buffalo Exchange

$500 to $999

Louis Weisberg

Holly and William Dietrich

Susan Crampton

Jon Riedel and Sarah Welch

Tom Guobis and Joan McDermott

Shirley Dockendorf

Anne and David Crandall

April Williamson

Bryan Hansen

Christopher Worsley

Jean and Sue Ellen Heflin Alfred Heggie

The Reavley/Weeks Family

Mary and Tom Brucker

Alice and Julian (Pete) Dewell

Barbara and Ross Craigie

Joyce and Rabel Burdge

Edith Edson

Judy Chapman and Carl Johansen

Nancy Cushwa

Barbara Eisenberg

Bur Davis

$10 to $99

Sunnie Empie

Kristin deLancey

Rebecca Allan

L. Kay English

Jan and Louis Doescher

Sarah Andersen

John and Wendy DePaolis

Alan Fritzberg and Lisbeth Hadden-Fritzberg

Janelle Dubos and Alice Litton

Eileen and Lyle Anderson

John and May Gerstle

Martha and Robert Duncan

Pauline Anderson

The Russell Family Foundation

Deborah DeWolfe and Kate Stewart

Susan Fuchs

Terry Anderson


Dale and Sharon Evans

Thomas Gedosch

Judy and Phil Andress

Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation

Jim Ford

Dunham Gooding and Sheilagh Brown-Gooding

Annette Bader

Ann Gerike and Riel Holbrook

Sharon Baker

Gilbert Family

Christa and Walter Barke

Herb and Theresa Goldston

Martin and Tina Barron

Christine and Patrick Goldsworthy

David and Trina Bayard Elizabeth Berggren

Burning Foundation Ginny Darvill McKibben/Merner Family Foundation at the Seattle Foundation Emily Nugent

$5,000 to $9,999 Debbi and Paul Brainerd Jeffris Wood Foundation

Sandra and Sterling Clarren Beverly and Terry Conner

Kristen and Kristofer Gilje Jeanne Glick Jean Gorton and Charles Monty

Gloria and Robert Harris David and Molly Hashimoto Ann Henry John Hogan Jennifer Hoover Brad and Jean Imus Gary and Vicki Jones


Alan Greenbaum and Laura Thorne

Lee Whitford and Jeff Gallant

Candy and Dick James

David and Linda Leisy

$2,500 to $4,999

Chip, Laurie, Hayden and Logan Jenkins

Laura Lundgren

Corinne Hajek and Brian Scheuch

Alec McErlich

Bea and Sam Hellis

Rusty Kuntze and Libby Mills

Nan McKay

Barry and Dawn Landau Edwin and Mary Langbein

Lee Miller and George Thornton

Jim Hopper and Maggie Kinsella

Madeline Pugglesworth Foundation

Charlie Maliszewski and Heidi Mosbarger

The Schutt Family

Michael Magruder and Helen Todd

Towne Foundation

Jiji Foundation

Darby Foundation David Bonn Mac and Linda MacGregor

Margaret and Walter Koepp

Keith Horton

Judith Bagley

Rebecca Benton Mara Bohman Paula Bonham Bill Bowser and Connie McLaughlin Bowser

Heather Grube

Pat and Terry Higman Bess and Steven Hjartarson John Horner Bill and Mary Huenefeld Humanities Washington Terri Hurley Nancy Israel Sego Jackson Sandi James Don Johnson Kathleen Jones Ruth Kirk Ken Kirtz Bob and Byrna Klavano Peter Kliewer Louise Kornreich Ellen Kritzman Yvonne Kuperberg and Jane Neaubauer

Anne Hubka

Geary and Mary Britton-Simmons

Sarah Navarre

Jeff Hardesty and Susan Jacobson

Walter Brodie and Linda Versage

Mark and Vickie Nysether

Anne and Loyd Kaufman

John Burgess

The Llanos Family

John Miles

Therese Ogle and John Draper

Liz Knowles

Dave and Debbie Campbell

Robin and Russell Llewellyn

$1,000 to $2,499

Stan Miller

Fred and Irmgard Poppe

Nate and Phyllis Kronenberg

Gloria Campbell

Nancy Lundeen

Jim and Nell Beaulaurier

Kris and Carl Molesworth

Mamie Rockafellar

Andrie Leaf

Organically Grown Company

The Schau Family

Esther Lewis

Brenda Cunningham and Timothy Manns

John Marshall

Alice Cunningham and Blair Osborn

Patricia Otto

Jim and Mary Scott

Andrew Lindenburgh

Larry Daloz

Carol Mayes

The Brooke/Kavalam Family

Lorrie Otto

Marcy Shapley

Maxine Linial and

Dick and Pat de La Chapelle

Kris Mcclain

McEachern Charitable Trust Reliance Ricketts and Dick Wearn

Brooke and Michael Larrabee Randy Leventhal Eric Michael Lindsay-Jones

Linda and Peter Marziliano


annual report



Donors, continued Jennifer McCoy

David Richardson

Vivian and Walter West

Jim Lynch

Betsy Delph

Michael Meriwether

Sally and Skye Richendrfer

J Michael West

Tim Manns

Molly Doran

Guy Miller

Beverly Robertson Smith

Western Canoeing & Kayaking

Bob Mierendorf

Douglas Hinton

Marilyn Miller

Jerry Rutherford

The Woll Family

John C. Miles

Chip Jenkins

Gwen and Harold Minkler

Sharon Sackett

Martha and Morton Wood

Andrea Moody

Little, Brown and Company

Eleanor Mischaikow

Chris Sanders

Jenica Wood-Beauchamp

North Cascades National Park

Christian Martin

Mary Montgomery

Sandy Sanford

Susan Woodside

REI (Bellingham)

Nikki McClure

Mary and Warren Moon

Heather Scott and Geoff Yule

Barbara and Robert Wright

Kristen Rich

Mountaineers Books

Willow Myers

Annette and Ben Segall

Bob and Linda Yerby

Byron Ricks

Orion Society

Miller and Sharon Myers

David and Joan Shannon

Kathy Young

Ross Lake Resort

Lenore Plassman

Thomas Leschine and Kathleen O’Neill

Bev and Richard Smaby

Karen Ziemer

Chuck and Dee Robinson

Kristen Rich Smith/Vallee Gallery

Pat O’Rourke

Evelyn Gibb and Arthur Solomon


Carol Schaming Seattle City Light

Sarah Sutherland

Linda Ouye

Sheila Sondik

Diane Altwein

Don Slack, M.D.

Timber Press, Inc.

The Penchina Family

Alexandra and John Starr

Tony Angell

The City of Sedro-Woolley

Saul Weisberg

Jo Ann and Tom Philpot

State of Washington

Michael G. Atkins

Skagit Valley Herald

Lee Whitford

Patrick Podenski

Daphne and Jeff Stone

LaLee Burrill

Smith/Vallee Gallery

Jim Wickwire

Dixie and Thomas Porter

Sarah Sutherland

Carol Butz

Martyn Stewart

Wilderness Awareness School

Lynn Poston

Kate Szurek

Gerry Cook

Katie and Tom Talbott

Pete Dewell

Cynthia Powell Trowbridge and David Trowbridge

Neil and Pat Thorlakson

Benjamin Drummond

Corinne Thwing and Thomas Winter Jr

Becky Fletcher


Bill Yake

Kasey and Lee Potzler

Jolene Unsoeld

Molly Hashimoto

Barbara Vogel

Lyanda Lynn Haupt

Jane Wagner

Jesse Kennedy



Ellen and Richard Nelson

Kathleen King

Ramona Hammerly

Donna and Gary Pattee

Susan Morgan


Barbara Bigley Fund at the Seattle Foundation

Barbara and Ronald Wilderman

Jeanne Muir and Art Brochet

Peter Brown

Joan and Jon Christoffersen

Dean and Linda Winner

Ed and Linda Neilan

Diane and Michael Zevenbergen

Eleanor Parmelee



Elsie and Richard Zarnowitz

Barbara Eisenberg



The Johannessen Family

Linda Fenster



Ann and Frank Alishio

Roger Gerstle

Regence Employee Giving Campaign Kendall Reid and Sharon Winters Betty Renkor


in honor or memory of the following individuals:

Gary and Jean Smith

Janice Cummings O’Mahony Nancy Donohue Janet Hare Welch and George Welch


Mark Danielson Greg Darms


Rosemary Schwartz Saul and Shelley Weisberg EMILY NUGENT Lee Whitford LORRIE OTTO’S 90TH BIRTHDAY Trish Navarre MARY AND PETE SCHNEIDER



Mary Helen Clarke

Else, Ben and Adin Sokol



Betsy and James Walker

Maggie Weisberg

James Lucas



Jennifer Mercede

Leo and Teresa Bodensteiner

Bernard and Edith Smith

Judith Mitchell

Joyce and Rabel Burdge

Mamie Rockafellar

Jane and Stephen Ditewig

Donna Schram

Lynn and Pete Fenton

Carol Triplett

Rob and Jennifer Larson

Erica and Jonathan Hansen

Janice Bowman

David and Trina Bayard



Tony Angell

Peter Staab

Carole Huffman

Michael Wilkins


Sharon Hancock

Douglas Howard

annual report



2009 FINANCIALS Revenue



current assets









current liabilities

Expenses 18%

endowment income

earned income





management and general



STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES year ended December 31, 2009



Cash and cash equivalents Investments Receivables, net Prepaids and other Property and equipment, net

$1,539,071 1,855,648 744,381 50,818 217,771 4,407,689

LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued expenses Deferred revenue and other

50,756 4,759 17,896 73,411

NET ASSETS Unrestricted Undesignated Board designated - Conservation Education Fund Board designated - Operational Reserves Temporarily restricted

$362,343 377,586 15,005 500,000 237,677 314,575 206,342 239,700 204,441


EXPENSES Programs Management and general Fund-raising

1,889,470 208,890 84,026







242,924 2,000,000 1,300,000 791,354

Tuition and fees Contracts Other earned income Endowment income Government grants Foundations Contributions In-kind contributions Investment income




Profit and Loss History

5 year bequest






Learning Center Opens

Investment Loss

Mountain School Begins

<< Capital Campaign >>

1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

The condensed financial statements presented above reflect NCI’s complete set of financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2009 which have been audited by Judy C. Jones & Associates LLC, Certified Public Accountants, and on which they have rendered an unqualified opinion dated March 15, 2010. The organization’s audited financial statements and the independant auditors report can be found at JASON RUVELSON, CONTROLLER 11



If you value the conservation of Northwest environments through education, please consider becoming a member of a new giving circle at North Cascades Institute. The Headwaters Club honors individuals who have named the Institute as a beneficiary in their will. Perhaps you have already made arrangements to include the Institute in your estate plan. If so, please let us know so that we can thank you and recognize your support. If you have not yet made arrangements to name North Cascades Institute, please consider doing so. It’s very simple and your attorney can easily accommodate your wishes. Your gift will help to ensure that children for generations to come have the opportunity to explore, enjoy and learn about the Northwest environments we treasure. If you would like to meet and learn more about The Headwaters Club, please call Kris Molesworth, donor relations manager, at (360) 854-2590.

810 State Route 20 Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284 (360) 854-2599

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