The Exploration Of Unconventional Oil And Gas

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AUSTIN CHALK REVIVAL The Exploration Of Unconventional Oil And Gas After you have read the heading of the article you may be confused as to what is unconventional oil and gas. Yes, we are aware of conventional oil and gas which is crude oil and the natural gas and the condensates of those. Let us first know what is unconventional oil and gas. What is unconventional oil and gas? This nature of oil and gas found in the Eagle Ford Shale is a collection of a wider variety of liquid sources which includes oil sands, oils which are extra heavy, various gases and other liquids. These gases and oils are found from sources which are situated in a particular era or location. These era and location are considerably new and different from other sources of oils and gases. In other words, the natures of sources are different like the Methane that is embedded in coal beds, synthetic natural gas or oil shale gases. Why is it called unconventional? You may be wondering why it is called Unconventional Oil and Gas. There are basically two reasons for calling it such. They are:  Method of extraction: The method of extraction of this nature of oil and gas is completely different from the way which is used for extraction of other nature of oil and gas. The methods that are used may be microwave oil extraction, thermal oil extraction or extraction by digging wells.

 Types of rocks from which they are produced: The types of rocks from which they are extracted include the rocks which are low in permeability, sandstone, siltstone, shale or carbonates. What is the difference between natural and shale gas? You may be wondering what is the difference between natural and shale gas. Yes, they both are found naturally but there are differences. Let us see the differences so that we remain aware about those.  Natural Gas: This nature of gas is the sources for 21 percent of world’s energy requirement. This is odorless, colorless and is trapped inside the earth for millions of years. The main composition of this nature of gas is Methane. It is a fossil fuel and releases greenhouse gases.  Shale Gas: This nature of oil is extracted from shale rocks by a process called fracking of the rocks. What are the usages of shale gas and oils? No, you may be thinking what uses you could make with these nature of gases. It is nature of energy source which is less carbon intensive. It can be safely used for the household purpose, and for industrial and business purposes. It helps in reduction of greenhouse gas emission and so is widely used nowadays. If you want to have more knowledge regarding Eagle Ford Shale you need to be at


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