S y
m Helicoprion b o l s
Introduction Symbols Symbol Systems Washington National Zoo Lance Wyman Lance Wyman Symbol System The Helicoprion Sketches Evolution of Design Final Symbol Final Symbol in Zoo System Resources
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The zoo symbol form project aims to design and develop a symbol to fit inconspicuously in an already existing symbol system. Our goals through this are to understand the role of symbol systems and the process of developing such a simplified mark. Utilyzing skills in drawing, InDesign, and visual communication, I have developed this process book to illustrate the evolution of my symbol design as well as provide the background information necessary to fully understand the concept of this design.
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Even without the word “STOP� the red octagon is symbolic enough to still hold its meaning.
The peace sign is recognizable worldwide.
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Symbols are defined as words, sounds gestures, or visual images used to convey idea and beliefs. Since the beginning of time, humans have created symbols in order to communicate ideas, laws, and directons to a wider range of people. While a symbol may not exactly be like the object or idea it represents, it is used to draw basic connections between the two.
A symbol system is a combination of symbols used to represent different aspects of an overall cohesive idea. Using images rather than words addresses a universal communication need. Such symbol systems are used mostly in public places to guide anyone through an area of unfamiliarity with ease. For example, AIGA designed and implemented the universal symbol system for transportation hubs.
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S y s t e m s
Founded in 1889, the Washington National Zoo has been demonstrating leadership in animal care, scence, education, and sustainability for 125 years. The zoo is a part of the Smithsonian Institute - the world’s largest museum and research complex. Located in Rock Creek Park, Washington D.C. lays this 163 acre zoological park. Dedicated to its animals and the public, the zoo is open 364 days a year - free of charge. Taking in two million visitors every year, the Washionton National Zoo serves as a great place for animals and humans alike to coexist.
“We are a place where people can marvel at wonderful animals, learn about wildlife and its conservation, and enjoy a beautiful, peaceful experience among our gardens.”
W s h i n g t o n
N a t
Their mission is simple. The Smithsonian’s National Zoo provides engaging experiences with animals and shares knowledge to save wildlife and habitats.
“We save species.� The National Zoo provides a home to over 2000 individual animals and 400 different species such as asian elephants, great apes, birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and many more. They even provide for endangered species such as the golden lion tamarins, Sumatran tigers, sarus cranes, and giant pandas in diverse habitats ranging from tropical rainforests to local woodlands.
i o n a l
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Lance Wyamn, born 1937 in Newark, NJ is one of the most highly regarded American graphic designers. He graduated from Pratt Institute in 1960 with an industrial design degree and shortly after began his design career. Designing great things such as the graphics for the 1968 Olympics, Mexico City metro, 1970 World Cup, Washington Metro Route Map, a symbol system for the National Zoo, and logos for the Library of Congress, Chrysler World’s Fair, and over 100 more. Today he continues to design as well as teach corporate and wayfinding design at Parsons School of Design.
La n
e W y man
Lance Wyman’s zoo symbol system addresses the international diversity of tourists at the Washington National Zoo. Using different color coded simplist and universally recognizable visual icons of animals, the system identifys the trails and exhibit areas. This system makes navigating easier not only for foreigners but also for those who cannot read or for young children. Additionally, Lance Wyman designed large and color coordinated animal tracks directly on the pathways corresconding with these animal icons. Symbol systems such as his effectively function in helping visitors find their way.
La n
e W y man Symbol Systems
The Helicoprion, also known as the whorl shark, lived 270 million years ago. This cartilaginous fish existed globally over a period of 10 million years before going extinct during the Early Triassic period. Related to the ratfish or “ghost shark� family, this shark-like fish is technically not a shark, but looked and acted like one. It is a marine predator estimated to have been up to about 7.5 meters long.
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H e l i c o p r i
The most defining feature of the Helicoprion is its tooth whorl, making it the only animal ever with a complete 360-degree spiral of teeth. As the only fossil remaining of this species is its tooth whorl, not much else is known about its characteristics other than the jawline. These teeth were studied, speculated, and hypothesized over for years before any sort of conclusion was reached on the jaw structure. Early ideas placed the tooth whorl on the snout, dorsal fin, or tail as some means of defense. It was then thought to curl out of the lower jaw or spiral around the end of the lower jaw in a full circle. In 2013, a new study confirmed through a CT scan of crushed cartilage that the tooth whorl was situated within a short lower jaw.
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Rough sketches in ebony and charcoal pencil.
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More refined sketches in Sharpie.
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Symbol in Zoo System
Backstrand, Brittany. Washington National Zoo Symbol Set. Digital image. Behance. 7 June 2012. Web. 5 May 2014. <http:// www.behance.net/gallery/Sabertooth/4155115>. Blank Stop Sign Octagon. Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. 14 Aug. 2011. Web. 5 May 2014. <http://commons. wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blank_stop_sign_octagon.svg>. Butler, Andy. “Lance Wyman Interview.” Designboom. 31 Jan. 2013. Web. 3 May 2014. <http://www.designboom.com/ design/lance-wyman-interview/>. Fossil Reconstruction. Digital image. Penny Arcade. Nov. 2009. Web. 5 May 2014. <http://forums.penny-arcade.com/ discussion/106020/pictures-that-are-funny-or-good-and-not-pornor-over-500k-or-guidos-ep2/p14>. “Helicoprion.” Prehistoric Wildlife. Web. 3 May 2014. <http://www.prehistoric-wildlife.com/species/h/helicoprion.html>. “Lance Wyman | Biography, Life, Work, Logos and Awards.” Famous Logos. 2013. Web. 3 May 2014. <http://famouslogos.net/ lance-wyman/>. Scalable Vector Graphics SVG Peace Sign 1. Digital image. ClipArtBest.com. 2014. Web. 5 May 2014. <http://www.clipartbest. com/clipart-yikee9GBT>.
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Smithsonian National Zoological Park. Web. 3 May 2014. <http://nationalzoo.si.edu/>. Switek, Brian. “Buzzsaw Jaw Helicoprion Was a Freaky Ratfish.” National Geographic. 26 Feb. 2013. Web. 5 May 2014. <http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2013/02/26/buzzsawjaw-helicoprion-was-a-freaky-ratfish/>. “Symbol Signs.” AIGA. Web. 3 May 2014. <http://www.aiga. org/symbol-signs/>. Viegas, Jennifer. “Ancient Shark Relative Had Buzzsaw Mouth.” NBC News. 27 Feb. 2013. Web. 3 May 2014. <http:// science.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/27/17118881-ancient-sharkrelative-had-buzzsaw-mouth?lite>. Wyman, Lance. Lance Wyman. 2005. Web. 3 May 2014. <http://www.lancewyman.com/>.
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