barn its use lavender oil

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barn its use lavender oil and she thought it was contractors and I sure didn't object to too much of the ash and so it was very curious pharmacy and in fact the Sunday Business Post when they were talking about Temple Bar in a subsequent issue talked about and for god sake even to even the pharmacy in Temple Bar is painted pink and which wasn't actually as lavender but was no point and in

making the point an so there's a collection of ideas of what motion Porsche went on in a pharmacy in the sense if you think about the journey and the role change of Pharmacy in the 20th century a lot of that make sense it starts really with the pharmacists taking over the social role %uh the a possibly and the apostle Bra was really the person who made and manufactured drugs for patients and for doctors and who supplied to them directly to patients and who also

was a diagnostician directly with patients so that real sense of manufacture and that Russian hat coming from those days were possibly through in Ireland to the transitional phase I think for us in our in the transitional phases really heralded by the nineteen seventy Health Act which in 1972 gave used General Medical Service Scheme that really transform the delivery and availability of medicines for the public an ardent up to then curiously the availability of medicines was released to local authorities and two dispensaries and doctors who practiced in

dispensaries and that were owned by local authorities at which is a very unsatisfactory system for the public in having access to medicines 1972 changes that act completely as a General Medical Service Scheme there’s a lot of medicines available for the first time to the Irish public Rotations really common age in terms all health care delivery and that really transforms pharmacy because suddenly the amount of medicines and don’t have been used by the public is enormous

doctors roles change they become really prescribe medicines and pharmacists become dispenses have medicines don't no longer manufacturing them dam big scale manufacturers core making those medicines and so the roar of the pharmacist changes to the current stage but the pharmacist or has again change dash of caregiver patient care ok what has affected that change was affected that change is dash medicines as we know have really transformed and changed the Irish alcohol but they've also brought with them risks and managing those wrists

and managing the side effects and encouraging adherence has become a very big priority and the pharmacists the right person to do that with their expertise and so pharmacies now have consultation rooms they're engaged assume love you will to see evening in medication usage reviews where you bring your medicines just supplements whatever answer taking and you discussed those which pharmacist so that's the journey from a pottery true to patient care and maybe do something a bit disconcerting about that and changing roles can sometimes

I think be a bit disconcerting but there is a unified team true all of those role change and as unified team is medicines in one of the papers that I read in preparation effort this lecture it uses a very nice phrase that the social object other pharmacist activities has always been medicine so whether it's from manufacture whether it’s to dispensing whether it's to patient care medicine is unifying dash and now as we look at drugs from beginning to end from drug discovery to clinical

trials to drug manufacture really important for us and Ireland to quash insurance of drugs does data released from manufactures to the general public to dispensing to medication usage review the pharmacist is the person whose unifying all a flash from their unique expertise as health care professionals in medicine so that brings us to the second part of the journey which is who is your finest for staying and may be very obvious but what staging is that pharmacy is a regulations

health care profession that is to say you have to be eligible to register with the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland who for the government other people who protect the public interest in the practice of pharmacy so that's a regulator acting in your interest phone from a council the majority of which is les that regulates and overseas both the registration of pharmacists and uniquely also the promises from which their practice for healthcare professionals pharmacy so it's a very

controlled standardized environment that inessential to assure dash the services that pharmacists are giving are safe for you if you think about it has to be uniquely pharmacists are the people who have monopoly if you wish on poisons and so they have really got to be both knowledgeable and safe in their practice to protect the public interest so how does the Pharmaceutical Society apartment does that it does that true registration our pharmacists recession it could have ethics referred to as a quote to conduct for pharmacists which sets ethical frameworks

father and in terms of all what is their decision-making when things aren't black or white it also has an inspector is that inspects pharmacies and pharmacists to sure that they are met the standards that are set by the Pharmaceutical Society a violent and for you as a member of the public if the service that you receive from a pharmacy is not to your expectation there is complaints procedure for you and behind ash appreciate robust fitness to practice procedure which can result in a pharmacist having to leave the register and because it the complaints that you entered so they are very regulations health-care professional

the pharmaceutical sidebar and his equipment to arch Medical Council the Nursing Board stars Dental Council is the regulator acting in your interest in pharmacies in terms all pharmacies themselves and when I did here was actually taken the floor layout plan rather than kind of the satiric perspective that I had to give an idea for real policy looks like and board ice was a few things to say it won’t put you possibly all know that since 2010 or policies by not have to have consultation

rooms and but to I suppose and the main point I’m trying to make here is that there are over 1,800 pharmacies in Ireland and over 5,000 pharmacists was the third-biggest registered health care profession but when you think all that network of pharmacies distributorship all over Ireland that makes them also the most accessible health care professional to you what success means is a test for just me

that’s convenient for you in the sense that its side within walking distance or public transport it does and that's important but it means a lot more it means dash you can use and the Department and people involved in policy can use pharmacies very wisely to actually deliver services in the communities close to where people are living and you know it is the very large shift to actually now deliver care more out of hospitals in your community where possible so that's a very big a neighbor for policy going forwards that they're so accessible in both our urban and rural

and all over Ireland who becomes a pharmacist we have as gouda pharmacy here and the collagen surgeons you're going to meet 4th year pharmacy students later on business going to pharmacy intern at the College Dublin and as good a pharmacy in University College Cork in Ireland it's five years have education and training to be eligible to apply it to be registered as a pharmacist with the

Pharmaceutical Society violent students who are very academically Bryce from leaving certificate so it's very high demand course and come to our CSI Trinity in Cork and they spend four years reading for a primary degree IDR in science or pharmacy once they've got up to create the end of the 4th year then

come to the College of Surgeons forth fifth year and we're on for the Pharmaceutical Society violent the national pharmacy internship program that effectively an internship where they are based either in hospital on a community pharmacy and with the option of been placed in and non-clinical settings such as pharmaceutical industry after de successfully complete as didn’t get a master's a

pharmacy for more CSI if you have a master's a pharmacy from Oceanside then you can apply for registration as pharmacist in aren't so that's the only route and to become registered as a pharmacist for people who are staying within our what do we actually teach students what we do is we spend a lot of time thinking about who is it that a pharmacist is because you’ve got to know watcher and is to design the process to take you there and from our perspective a pharmacist

is at the center the caregiver which I will speak about presently and their expertise is uniquely in medicines so what do we teach then with respective

medicines did you a variety of subjects Nash are you need to pharmacy schools and unique as healthcare professionals they do pharmacology which is how drugs rock clinical pharmacology how drugs work with patients and prescribing signs to do the subject of pharmaceutics which is really around drug delivery I speak a little about that later on to do a subject called pharmacognosywhich is really about natural

sources all medicines and did you prescribing signs said did you all attached to a high standard and they do that more than any other healthcare professional and I know was a lecturer in all citizens good medicine nobody knows more about medicines than pharmacist period and out by Bert you of the curriculum that is put together that they have to get through to get their masters in pharmacy as well as the ash having or that expert knowledge then et-cetera skins there needs

to be health advocates I'll talk about their or pharmacist inn public health they need to be good communications there’s no point having all of that information if you can communicate well to saving those of you who are doing the brown bag review we'll see it's really going to be important how good the communication skills as a pharmacists with you for how effective that review is so they have to be good communicators have to be good collaborations because nobody’s now

delivering health care in sidles it’s all moving towards team delivering so they have to be able to interact with physicians surgeons but nurses with allied health professions have to be professional after San what profession is a means have to be a scholar with and what Ideally mean there is that have to be able to do research and particularly research dash underpinned their practice so that their practices evidence base does it do you have been attending many made series with had a really fantastic lecture by my colleague our country Commons from a

primary care center in which he talked lot about evidence base and how evidence base inferences his prescribing so healthcare delivery is more and more about evidence-based and evidence faces generation by Ben divinity had to be a scar and also they have tube a manager and on health care professionals have to then manage a collective set activities to be effective in there or so that's what we do there on the register the accessible their regulations who's to say turned to maintain that competence another a very big issue that I think we’ve all learned

about in the Irish Alexi system to unfortunate examples are registered healthcare professionals work continues to practice even though they have not been competent and so for pharmacists last is set out by a new body which is referred to as the Irish institution pharmacy so that effectively is the leadership body for pharmacy in aren't and I had the pleasure earlier this week had been at the inaugural address by the new executive tractor doctor

between a badly and it's actually based here in the College of Surgeons and serge institution pharmacy is leadership body it's providing continuing professional development which is mandatory to ensure

an ash your that pharmacist remain competent and remember nothing changes really very much faster done and rolled so it's very easy to bout-ofdate I sometimes think when we graduate students how long other competent far as possibly only four to five years and they actually don't have to do continuing professional development at their practice remains up to date so that after all that stuff now gone

charge Institute farms it also has a leadership role see you possibly hear a lot of fish if there is national debate is and dialogue about drugs about pharmaceuticals Had ash institution pharmacy I will be speaking from a professional perspective not from a regulatory perspective not from a financial perspective but actually from a professional perspective of what is the best professional thing to-do but unlike hey bro whom you measure your on as president of the college is leads the charge as the leader for surgery in Ireland so if there is if there's a beige on RT television

and as a question about walkway should surgical practice best be structured and professor bro is person who would be an important voice and in that

division aren't so that's new and that's really about sure incompetence 0 what does that mean as I dropped second part to a close really what it means in this item may bearish light bush still trying to make the point that farms is a medicine information experts as doctor Bradley said in our inaugural address on Monday when you think

about medicines you should think about pharmacist hard part farms as caregiver I said a lot about medicines and me interest is maybe just for assort hands within the room how many people with in this room attending this lecture to see evening are on regularly prescribed medicines if you could raise your hands good glad to see the students an alive them in right so we're all the pending including most of the people in this room on your good health for the benefits that medicines have

brought they have simply transformed health care delivery dancing when compatible with ions was presenting to profess McGeehan and pat is generous consultant surgeon at Beaumont Hospital even you think if in you know in nineteen sixties but aseptic ulcer I went to my GP he would have sent me to party bropossibly for surgery that never happens now accepting by unusual circumstances since nineteen seventies with drugs like tie Commission more recently with drugs like low sec that can all be perfectly treated biomedicines there is no read for invasive

surgery simply transformed and medicine I know a lot if you will have heard about dash chemical in the small molecules that formed rogues dash we've

kind of hedge were going off the grid but if one is not man in new blockbuster drugs coming forth and that's present a challenge not tithe pharmaceutical companies are in Ireland the ones that had all the pay tons and drugs that I'm sure some people and is rumor on it almost an branded as lip pert or those big blockbuster drugs in those big discoveries

is not too many of them coming down the road but if that is thecae in this challenge for those small chemical molecules the whole new world of medicines in parallel coming through biology high-tech biological drugs complement proteins blood products vaccines stem cell therapy reprieve vision the School of Pharmacy to be club rations within the College on an 8.7 million European Union found a project called I’m care where we are assisting in generation a device

which will get stem cells to the heart on somebody who has had myocardial infarction a heart attack where heart muscle has-been damaged so that the stem cells can regeneration that that tissue in the heart to restore normal heart function tremendously exciting and so does medicine continues to grow those %uh view who again in this many men series would have been at doctor junk Eric

have an Aries talk we also heard about stratified medicine and what's fascinating about starting a right medicine in terms that the genetics of the person and personalizing the medicine to that person so that in future we would have the rice medicine for the right personate the right time so all of that has really been made possible I think by the benefits that medicines have

presented and

those benefits are curable disease I'm always fascination my simple mind by penicillin get a streptococcus or troll take penicillin it's gone it's fantastic it just gets me nervous cure the disease flowing over disease their new drugs far sinus disease there unfortunately not yourself eyestalk on Esther is inhibitions will however soon or disease and that's good because dash improves quality of life improves

memory improves cognitive function and so on ideal we wish to speak your and a lot of work to do that part having in medicine now that slows up disease is really important preventing a disease are symptoms think the vaccines that prevent disease I’ll talk a little bit about that later on and reduction in symptoms I’ve a cold since Sunday I'm taking paracetamol as I speak it’s reducing my temperature its cool that reduction in symptoms for all of that there's no magic bullet Paul Erich and grayish scientist and physician invented the concept of the magic bars

idea that is an abolish that calms that very selectively gets the disease are the symptoms cures s and no side effects in a sense that's kind of the goal and remains the goal and the Holy Grail of drug discovery and education of pharmacists and at positions and but it's not there we've never got and so on the flip side of this equation for you as consumers have medicine terrorists

tourists inappropriate prescribing and delivery what we mean by inappropriate prescribing Round

Rock run both wrong dosage form what's that mean wrong dosage form letter a really particular pharmacist thing and before Christmas colleague of miens a pharmacist in San organ patient his the lady who has angina as you know leads to terrible pain of the heart due to lack of blood to muscle was actually going into hospital more to have Regina to reach she was taking and lots of you may

remember distant try night race which is a night retro that you put on your tongue that dissolves in its relieves the pain of angina but I wasn't working as effectively into the pharmacist looked at the other medicine that she was taking she had recently by a GP been prescribed aim tripling which is generally used for depression but also can be used for certain types of pain and she had a certain type of pain

for which I am a tripling was appropriate but an Egyptian cause the time out as a side effect such as taking them to clean her mouthwash dry that list will try and I try it was in dissolving undertone wasn't region or angina she was having to be hospitalized more their simple solution was actually to change the dosage formulation rather than giving that list from China nitrous a tablet to dissolve under tongue to give it as a spray where is already dissolved and everything

was back to normal very simple change of dosage form makes a huge difference for this lady and indeed for the health care system inappropriate delivery is where patients don’t necessarily receive medicines and this concern which introduction of prescription charges under General Medical Service Scheme and some patients can't afford their medicines I'm or so we're seeing medicines poverty again so they're not been able to get medicines that they do need and should have and that

brings its own wrists poor adherence or talk a little bit subsequently and poor adherence and why I think that an important and inappropriate monitoring so not monitoring property the reason that you gave the medicine you gave the medicine because I'm sure other people in the room who applied pressure hypertension who are taking antihypertensive of course to know that the dole's is right and continues to be right you have to measure and Montreal blood pressure so the two

go together if you don't have the monitoring if you've been appropriate monitoring then that brings new risks with respect to the medicine so the challenge is to balance between turned out for benefits on the left hand side and generate tourists and on the russianside and pharmacists are uniquely placed to do that and they do it principally true for areas 1 optimizing the use of medicines so making sure that medicines I used as best as possible for you to supporting people to live healthier lives so the idea I talked about earlier of advocacy and public health

tree supporting people to self-care so that people can safely get medicines themselves true their pharmacy and can look after and be empowered to look after their own health not a big issue in the European Union as the Commission wants to make more European citizens more knowledgeable and take more ownership up their own care and health and use the funds to do that and supporting people to live independently in a specially for patients with chronic disease for those with diabetes Malaysians for those with Parkinson's disease lots of chronic conditions

that are present really treasures in a and a hospital centric model in our and which is very expensive and not convenient for patients to actually begin to provide that care closer to those people's homes and that back to that accessibility in network of pharmacies that we talked about how Iran's there four areas that I briefly want to explore with you wish respect of how pharmacists can benefit you and your

family so let's talk with the idea of optimizing medicines I suppose this is really key to what we're doing tonight when we have the brown bag review so the idea all a pharmacist been involved in a review other medicines that you have been prescribed are taking territory forms the back and take you can be a prescription review it can be a thumb as you are going to have to see evening a brown bag review medicines used to review type on our top five is it can be a clinical review where the pharmacist also is with you and also has access to your notes your diagnosis your

blood tests and all of the issues involved in monitoring at that I previously talked about starting with prescription reviewperscription review is really what most sponsors do when you present description much often wonder where I think gone without prescription why is it taking so long what is going on and the reason that something is going on is taking long is that they also have algal responsibility

to ensure that you get the right medicine that's not just the responsibility of prescribing doctor dentist that alter their responsibilities frothier checking that the prescriptions lawful that sounds really odd and lots of prescriptions and art of not attend today's been some strange their generation by false prescriptions

Benz today is the pins with alcohol account for more deaths in our in per year tree times the deaths that occur in our old son was gay porn roots ape Safety Authority doing a great job is a big issue going on does not getting allAmerican Wednesday's beings an outcall huge cause over 2,000 at an ardent last year to misadventure up those up that combination and it was a surprise to me I have today is a farm system so many even fortune prescriptions and more times in the ass aesthetic space that you saw that I would accept a prescription tell patients come back as a fortune

prescription and was a guard from Pierce Street to take them away when they

came back to connect perception and so fraudulent prescriptions exist and that wanting a profound sis is doing prescription reviewed also looking at the job the dose titration interval and seen all those things are appropriate medication usage review is actually require the pharmacist his mission to patient sitting down in the consultation room that we talk to previously and actually determining and increasing

the knowledge of the patient around the medicines so that person it was prescribed medicines can get the most out of them can know about side effects can reduce the instance of adverse drug reactions and actually improve the way that the take those medicines which is adherence which I'm going to talk about in the next slide and clinical review is the top tends to happen more in hospital fancier

present or hostile farms that have access to aloof your notes and but tests and so on but also is happening community pharmacies and other jurisdictions square true an electronic infrastructure or if your notes can be available to did healthcare professionals who are looking after you give their permission their

online your finances can check them so that is less likelihood stay I talk about that with respect to product about in Scotland so it here in So said twice already I was going to come back to adherence washes adherence sometimes referred to as compliance sometime apart as concordance and but all the same thing basically do you take your medicine as prescribed there's been no really large

scale study to my knowledge in Ireland on that but internationally and from a recent study in Aston University a colleague mind presser Chris for Langley did a very large to recall the Aston medication adherence Tony we know that thirty to fifty percent of people with chronic disease don’t take the medicine as prescribed so that's pretty large figure and was not significant what's that mean it’s pretty significant

as you can see from so love the fact that I am I've just put on that side so a significant disadvantage to the quality of the health of people the poor adherence to prescribe medication but adherence and taking medication as prescribed and to understand is actually difficult and fight a lot of the information that we have comes not from the hard sciences at the natural sciences and pharmaceutical sciences really from people who study behavior the behavioral sciences and social sciences doctor Frank Doyle whose psychologist recently at around table symposium

pretty posy and much of his eye when he remembers posy Posey is a platform for large patients and organizations and Science and Industry and he's really saying that stimuli-dimensional and complex and its constitution motion environmental reasons but basically there are two reasons people don't take medicines 1 it's inadvertent don't follow instructions the really complications are never explained so don't take them correctly or two it is a fact only and lots of folk are worried about side effects about adverse drug reactions about becoming addicted to medicines about

thinking actually a holiday from this medicine is possibly going to do me God so not serve reasons white people whites understanding the benefits medicines are reluctant and sometimes just don't take them correctly and that has as I said a significant effect not only for the quality of their care but as you can imagine for health care provider like the Health Service Executive a significant issue

in terms of wastage and were things I also became used to has pharmacist in Dublin city centre was unfortunately when a patient died and rations will come to me and say can I bring you back Paul the medicines that the used that's it that's fine and sometimes you just get higher bags entire biting Tyro Banks medicines

coming back years and years and years a perscriptionnever taken bizarre house and the pound and Euro and gone somewhere and I'm sure people here have seen that just the amount of medicines are sometimes stacked and not use because of people's fear on medicines so we'll have the real advantages all that brown bag review is actually by improving your knowledge and medicines is improves

your ability and your conference in taking those medicines so that you avoid sum up the quality issues dollar per share in terms of the kind of questions the brown bag reviews sometimes drop you can see the kind of relationship things have talked about how can I tell if it's working what is the minimum effective

dose and so on so I hope that's going to be really have beneficial for those that do you where participation this evening for those of you who aren't medication usage view something your family pharmacist I can do have fun locally tons all the second area which is in public health farms has become involved to the people can avoid sometimes taking medicine our sister college and rode into their

stride 100 positions abound as this week spent a lot of time thinking about ten years and smoking ban has announced the ones are and to bespoke-free by 2025 that's less than five percent of the population smoking and up to that's going to be difficult target to meet farms have a key role to play in the sand from this paper here and its actually shows that you double the chances of giving up smoking if you avoid have counseling services at from your pharmacist in terms of supporting

people to self-care and recently in Ireland you're aware that emergency contraception can now be available to pharmacies it used to be that that was prescription you can now get your seasonal flu vaccine to farms is that you three available to prescription so giving back to people more power and more decision about decisions for their health and their own community and the

was a lot of concentration I think in Ireland for a period of time interests association with ash but now there's more balanced decision-making and more drugs becoming available to you that you can take without prescription but under the supervision of your pharmacy because of the benefits had a strong dislike him proved access improve clinical outcomes improve public health specially for season influenza vaccination not enough people gadgetry trying to build up immunity

in the population to more people who have vaccination that is much better public health net's chance always catching influenza and as economic benefits in the past is not and resulting in hospitalization GP costs I’m and so forth fine I want to talk about chronic disease and this notion all Ireland been very centered in chronic disease been through hospitals and trying to move dash into primary care settings and pharmacist having a key role in that to really good paper and published

in the current issue all the British Medical Journal in thesis for patients who are parkinsonian and in the Netherlands this story started in2004 and both parkinsonian patients found that there was a lot of emphasizes from their general practitioners on medication and reducing the motor symptom side effects and a lot of concentration sometimes and stereo selective surgery from surgeons and but not much other assistance so what the Netherlands dada and Nevins also is unified health insurance system was that are brought together a whole heap of health care professionals as on the slide now we're all available channels patience with Parkinson's disease and patients could suffer for themselves to had the they healthcare professionals that are on the slide the medication oath and the histories were all available centrally on an

electronic patient record that all those health care professionals can access that study has just concluded is and not only has improved the quality of care for thoseparkinsonian patients not only is it allowed him to stay at home and empower them but is also reduced the cost to see the doc Chaco services this is a hugely powerful model all a new way to Trisha chronic conditions In which you as the patient are at the heart and actually all of the relevant people are serving you and that improves as I say increase quality of care reduce cost and the pharmacist had a keyhole to play in that finally gets beyond last part which is what is the future like and future is always difficult to predict and pop you really difficult to predict now on right now and because we know that we're moving to unified health insurance model in which the money follows you the patient little bit like tonight Lance your get the service delivery model at president turn it upside down but the patient back in charge and look for increased value for money and in truth up to now and certainly with respect of Pharmacy and Ireland has not really been distinguished planning which is kind of unusual if you think that is over two billion spent every year on pharmaceuticals hand why so much planning was absent in taking about what is the best way forewent had to utilize pharmaceuticals has a real lack all policy direction at which really sets for the Department of Health and when did make up in 2008 the money I dried out and it's all been about cutbacks and so on or a hundred have I spouse been more inspired countries that plan better and better his trip planning and United Kingdom in particular Scotland don't think Scotland's a good example are is not a similar populations summer disease states across the two New Zealand United States Canada and so forth and a very much increased the roar of the pharmacist and or there is that we've talked about in terms self-care in terms of chronic disease management and enabled or that by establishing this electronic patient record us connect or these health care professionals and Scotland has done that and is nonmoving on were saying actually the GP's in the medic said the diagnostician or pharmacists are going to be independent risk I was in Scotland by 2023 and they are the people with whom caseloads are going to be shared and they're going to make decisions around what medicines you get on their mantra and they're just across the water so removing relief far ahead and I think going to it influence practice here what can we say in the absence

of awhile paper about a unified how much insurance model what we can say is dash it’s going to have an emphasis on quality it's going to have an Epson regulation patient safety it's going to be we hear a lot about money following the patient about having the intervention at the least complex point close to your home and increased value for money and when you think about all the night said so far about how pharmacy brings that to you impatience it's not difficult to imagine that actually the future is very bright for pharmacy and that within a unified health insurance system they're going to have a very large role in conclusion deceiving one I've talked about is the changing overall a pharmacist from apothecary true two-parent ever who are pharmacists their high recognition healthcare professionals there well education their competence has to be maintained they are accessible to you and your family there really important because they are the people who can reduced tourists in the balance of benefits and risks from medicines and most people in this room are taking prescribed medicines they have and increasing scope of practice and other jurisdictions as we move towards a unified health insurance model there's a lot of the service delivery that pharmacists can give that make intrinsic to help her delivery going for an armed and a great pleasure talking to you this evening thank you for your attention treat a call messages from to saving 1i'd like the attendees to have measure knowledge about who a pharmacists and the services they can provide 2 I'd like them to be more assured in those services and two available medication usage reviews in the future and 3 I'd like them to imagine the role of a pharmacist in a new unified health insurance system what if I'm first got her talk very interesting especially wary talked about how much does the role of the pharmacist in caring forth patient has developed ray gave a lotto key areas about hither had to be the educator their communication error and I thought how it's become more patient enters was and I think farm a person's general public I find that very encouraging and very reassuring that description for farmers to this is time was very cold and asset I could 10 Association like he was saying with mown pharmacist and turn your I'm looking forward to the next series of many men means on 0 hmm.

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