© JChablais, 2019
Creation of Pictograms and Illustration Creation of pictograms for the RTS, freelance mission via Qualinsight. Following a request for the marketing company Qualight I created a series of pictograms that represents the habits of consumption for the public transportation service of the city of Lausanne. The first part of the job was to show the ways they could buy a ticket and where consumers could find help. The second part had to show what were the reasons consumers don’t like to take public transportation. The final part showed the journey of a consumer from the moment he/she purchased a ticket to the moment the consumer recomends and use frequently the service.
© JChablais, 2019
66% 4,6 Centre clientèle
© JChablais, 2019
Creation of Pictograms and an Infography Creation of pictograms for the RTS, freelance mission via Qualinsight. Following a request for the marketing company Qualight I created a series of pictograms that represents the habits of consumption of information. The pictograms should be used to illustrate an opinion poll. In this survey, it was asked what media types were consumed, at what hours they were consulted, and the way that viewers had news. The second part of the mandate was to make an infographic to represent the type and amount of media consumed in a day.
© JChablais, 2019
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© JChablais, 2019
© JChablais, 2019
Design, layout and realization of a website Website for the architects Gandolfi and Cilacian Creation of the design, layout and realization of the website. The choice of projects and the way in which they were shown was designed in collaboration with the architects Gandolfi and Cilacian to meet their needs. The layout had to demonstrate the contests and records made for this.
© JChablais, 2019
© JChablais, 2019
© JChablais, 2019
© JChablais, 2019
Design of a logo Logo for Altitec Altitec is a company that specialised in difficult acces works in high places. The client asked for a logo that will include a carabiner. The carabiner is an essential tool that aloud the climbers to secure themselves when they are working. In the logo I decided that the carabiner should interact in a way with the typography alounding it to stay easy to the read.
Previous logo
© JChablais, 2019
Design of a logo, the visit cards and letter paper. Logo for Creditum mobile application During my internship in the web agency imedia in Lausanne I had the opportunity to work in many projects. For this project I had to create a logo for Creditum’s application based in their new logo. I had to use the blue colour of the original logo and respect the typographics choice ( Open Sans ). The logo of this application was created to be different, visible while being clean. This was made so the logo will age gracefully and will almost be one piece of colour that will stand out amongst the other apps. Visit cards and Letter paper After the application logo I had the chance to make the visit cards of the company and the letter paper. For this I had to use the logo and Creditum’s blue.
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l t z 9 £ .
© JChablais, 2019
© JChablais, 2019
Creation of a poster and a dance card. Poster and a dance card for the 49th Festival of “Chant du Bas Valais� The Committee of the Lower Valais singing party wanted a poster that would show that this gathering, with several singing groups, would be a great festival taking place over three days with several activities for the public. For the poster of this event, we had to create an entire universe that could then be declined on several medias, such as the paper letter for the event, the book for the sponsors, the dance cards and banners. For this I created a series of illustrations of mouths, arms and various elements that are a reminiscent of a concert or a rally. These elements could then be broken down in different ways on different medias.
© JChablais, 2019
Elements of the poster 1
© JChablais, 2019
Creation of a brand identity. Publishing House Kères This publishing project was conducted in 2009 during a workshop course. The mandate was to establish the identity of a publishing house from A to Z. We had to define what kind of books we wanted to publish and the type of graphics design that would define his identity. I chose to call my publisher Kerès, in reference to the Furies of Greek mythology who carried the souls of the dead on the battlefield and led them to hell. This choice was made because my publisher would be specialised in detective novels. I wanted to evoke the theme of death, without being too macabre. For this I prefered not to use photos, but rather typographical constructions on tracing paper to serve Éléments deas basecovers for books. CFP AA - Atelier Propédeutique CV logo & symbole ou système graphique & baseline
Jessica Chablais
Passeur d’émotions
© JChablais, 2019
© JChablais, 2019
Layout and illustration. Blue Greta During a typography class ( 2011 ), we discussed how fonts are distributed and sold. We received a text explaining the process of creating and marketing a typographical family. To illustrate this text, we had to use typography Greta Text Std and create visual content. I chose to show letterpress with ink stains in water, to highlight the work of forms and the harmony that emerges form them.
© JChablais, 2019
© JChablais, 2019
Poster design. Declaration of Human Rights This poster from 2013 was made during the class of Graphic Design held by Anette Lenz. The project was to commemorate the creation of the Declaration of Human Rights. Taking as a basis the first article of the declaration I decided to show it as if it was a message from the United Nations addressed to countries known for not respecting nor have signed the declaration .
© JChablais, 2019
Bachelor short movie. Bachelor project ( 2014 ) Clean energies for the future of Switzerland I chose this topic because during the debacle of Fukushima nuclear phase-out had become an issue not only relevant but also highly debated. This topic had been interesting me for a long time and it is with great concern that I have followed the various proposals to find the best way out of nuclear. In the proposals that the confederation has issued, there was some information that spoke of how new energy would be used. I decided to make it an informative short film that would be aimed at a young audience. Link: h t t p s : // w w w.y o u t u b e.c o m / watch?v=qaCmyK47hg4 Graphic process In this short film I made a stop motion with only paper cut. All components were made of paper, including the titles of each chapter. For the titles, I used the Lobster typography as a base and then modified it by creating ascendings and descendings, the ligatures and the accents, this way every word could be one piece of paper.
© JChablais, 2019
Illustration projects Various illustartion projects In this part of my portfolio various illsutrations are showcased. From small illustrations for a young public to more intricate ones my range varies enough to adapt myself to different needs. Graphic process In orther to show the possible uses of some illustrations you can see the original drawing and then a mockup for a possible product.
© Jessica Chablais
© Jessica Chablais
© Jessica Chablais
© Jessica Chablais
© Jessica Chablais
© Jessica Chablais
© Jessica Chablais
© Jessica Chablais
Illustration and Packaging
Š Jessica Chablais