August 2014newsletter

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GovernOrr’s Gazette Official Newsletter for the Indiana District

August 2014


In this Issue!

Over the summer, I have been working with the District Board to plan ahead for this upcoming year with events such as Fall Service Kick Off, MDEC, and DCON. At our three board meetings this summer, we started to talk about adding a division and seeing what other changes may need to be addressed in the upcoming years. As a thank you to all of our clubs for increasing in membership last year, we sent out recruiting packages to the club President at each school. Hopefully with more resources each club can be even more successful!

This summer has also been full of events such as the Circle K International Convention, Kiwanis District Convention, and the Key Club Board trainer. Indiana has traveled to Leadership Academy and many other leadership training conferences. The board has been extremely hard at work creating club award forms, new bylaws, newsletters, website updates, and planning fall rallies. Overall, it has been a great summer! We are very excited to start working with each of you again, and I hope you have a terrific year at school! CKI Love! ♥

Kathryn Orr Kathryn Orr Indiana District Circle K Governor 2014-2015

GovernOrr’s Address….…1 Fall Service Kickoff……….2 District Board Apps……....3 District Updates…………..4-7 Kiwanis Family Conference……………….4 Tomorrow Fund.…….....….7 K-Family Divisions……….6 Clubs in Action…………..8 Members of the Month…8 International Challenge.9 Are you a creative writer? The District Board is looking for someone to write a biography of INCKI and about how an octopus ended up in Indiana! Send your biographies to

Fall Service Kick Off 2014 Fall Service Kick-Off Chair: Mallory Nolen;

Who’s ready to kick off the school year with our annual Fall Service Kick Off?! This year we have decided to make the trip up to West Lafayette and help with a park clean up at Prophetstown State Park! Indiana’s newest state park, Prophetstown is located where the Tippecanoe River meets the Wabash near the town of Battle Ground. The park is named for a Native American village located between the rivers established by Tecumseh, who was Shawnee, and his brother Tenskwatawa (The Prophet) in 1808. Tecumseh led his band there from Ohio, where pressure from white settlers had forced him to leave. Tecumseh believed the only way to repel the advance of European settlement was to form an alliance with other tribes. He traveled widely persuading tribes to join his coalition. More than 14 tribes set aside centuries-old disputes to stop their common enemy. They met at Prophetstown, and heard The Prophet speak. Tecumseh anticipated their sheer numbers would be enough to stop the westward settlement. Now who’s excited?! When: September 20 from 10 am to 3 pm Where: 5545 Swisher Road, West Lafayette, IN 47906

Register Here!

There is a $5 registration fee for the cookout and fellowship activities after service! If you have any questions be sure to contact DLSSP Chair, Mallory ASAP! Registration ends September 12 at 8 PM!

District Board Applications Hi Indiana! Have you ever wanted to help out with Circle K at the state level? Now is your chance! Both the BEEP and DCON chair positions are now open. Please submit your application (sent out via email on 7.28) by 11:59pm EST on September 1st, 2014 to Bulletin Editor and Electronic Publicist (BEEP) The BEEP this year will be responsible for updating all social media sites related to Indiana Circle K. This includes, but is not limited to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. In addition, the BEEP will be responsible for training and helping all other bulletin editors in Indiana. The BEEP will also need to request for clubs to send in articles for the monthly newsletter. In order to enhance the Kiwanis Family Relations, it will also be required to interview members of Circle K, Key Club, and Kiwanis for articles for the newsletter. The BEEP will not be updating the website or making the finalized newsletter. The BEEP will be working directly with the Indiana Circle K Governor and Secretary.

District Convention Chair (DCON Chair) The DCON chair will have a large job this year. We will be transitioning from a 3-day DCON to only a 2-day event. We will also be switching hotels to be at the Embassy Suites in northern Indy. Overall, the DCON chair will be responsible for making the schedule, creating sub-committee’s, creating registration forms, selecting food options, organizing the events at DCON, and ensuring that all things are taken care of for this event. The DCON chair will be working directly with the Indiana Circle K Governor and District Administrators.

District Board Updates Are you curious what has been going on with the District Board all summer? Well here is an update on what they have all been up to! Because it sure has been a busy summer for INCKI!

District Secretary, Jessica Davis

Governor Kathryn, Tim Pritchett, and Secretary Jessica at Kiwanis DCON

Hey there INCKI! This summer has been a busy one! From ICON, Kiwanis DCON, and a Key Club board meeting! But it has been exciting too. I have been working alongside the other board members to gear up for year! We’ve given the website a whole new look so be sure to check it out! It is full of awesome resources and new updates from International too! The awards committee has completed the District Convention Awards and will be sending them out to clubs soon. We also redesigned the MRFs to make it way more user friendly! I am also working with the Downtown Indy club and former Key Clubbers to get the IUPUI club active again! I have been appointed to the LSSPProjects and External Relations Committee and can’t wait to get started on organizing projects for ICON!

Kiwanis Family Chair, Sally Finkel The Indiana Kiwanis family has become closer than ever this past year. We are working at being at District Events of one another's. We are also looking to go to the Kiwanis Family Conference together! Last year it was a lot of fun, and I expect it to be even more fun this year! SO be sure to check it out and let’s all Get on the Bus! Do you love the Kiwanis Family? Do you like to travel across the country? If you’ve answered yes to either question, you should go to the Kiwanis Family Conference! This event is open to ALL Kiwanis Family members. When: Friday, November 7th through Sunday, November 9th Where: YMCA Camp in Black Mountain, North Carolina Cost: $175 (includes lodging, meals, etc.) Due: You must submit registration and payment by October 15th, 2014 *More Information Email Governor Kathryn Orr at

District Treasurer, Chad Fowler How’s it going fellow INCKI members?! My summer has been full of number crunching and estimating. I, along with the budget committee completed the budget for the 2014-2015 year, which starts October 1. I wanted to take this opportunity to outline the new requirements for Fee Collection this year. Deadline for turning in dues: November 30, 2014. What do you need to collect? District dues: $8/member for this year International dues: Schools with 5,000 or more students: $600 Schools with less than 5,000 students: $450 2-Year Schools: $300 Club Dues: You set the amount each club member pays for dues Toreebased Peters (BSU onAlum) howand much you owe in district and international dues, how much Treasurer Chad posing for a little you support you get from Kiwanis club, and how much you club needs to run events, ICON selfie. etc. • Make sure to tell club members what their dues are being used for. It’s important that they know how their money is being spent. Note: The dues this year are $8 per member, however they will be $9 per member next year and $10 per member each year following. • What you need to do: 1. Collect Dues from Members! Early bird: 15 members by October 31 Super Early Bird: 10 members by October 1 Update membership update center 2. Print invoice 3. Send invoice and check including club name and ID # on check for District and International dues to: 6525 E. 82nd St, Suite 109 Indianapolis, Indiana 46250-1545

Lake Region Lt. Governor, Matie Ohms Ciao, Indiana District! As Lake Region Lieutenant Governor, I am in the process of planning the Lake Fall Rally at Saint Mary's College. I am hoping this event will be a great time to bring the Lake Region together for leadership, fellowship, and service. I can't wait to meet all of the awesome club members in my division! This summer has been exciting, as I had the great opportunity to go to Leadership Academy. This was a week long event, WITHOUT TECHNOLOGY and one of the best weeks of my life.

River Valley Lt. Governor, Sam Zent

Hello from the "down-under" everyone! Things in the River Valley division this year are shaping up fantastically well! Right now there is a lot going on in terms of school with many of us starting a couple weeks ago or just this past week(or not at all yet). Many of the universities are off to a great start! IU has had a lot of interest from many members and has a lot "in the works" for the coming year. ISU just had a great turn out at their student org fair and are looking to improve their membership drastically. IVT TECH Southwest just had an org fair as well and are looking to dive head first into electing their new officers for this year in the coming week. Evansville is coming out strong this year as well, with service on the for-front. RHIT will also be very active this year, as soon as school starts for them. It is going to be very exciting this year for the RV division because there is a strong prospect of 3 new clubs being chartered(!!!); Hanover, IVY TECH Bloomington, and IU Southeast. Things are going great down here in the South, with a fall rally on the way, the River Valley division is on a roller coaster that just keeps going up!

LTG Sam and ISU President Cody Brown master the K-Selfie

Preferred Charities Chair, Lauren Shafer

Hey Indiana District!! I hope you all are ready for an exciting school year. I know the entire board is looking forward for all that we have planned this year. First of all I wanted to update you all on our Eliminate fundraiser. We have sold 86 of the 200 key chains already! We have been able to sell them at CKI X and Kiwanis DCON. These key chains are available to purchase for your club, and will be available at district events. These would be great gifts for members of the month in your club throughout the school year. I wanted to remind you that these are $4. Make sure you look at the newsletter next month too because there will be ideas of ways that your club can fundraise money for Eliminate! Now that you have had an update about our Eliminate fundraiser I wanted to discuss our Circle K International Preferred Charities and Circle K International Service Partners. Starting with this newsletter I will be focusing on a preferred charity or a service partner each month. This month I will be focusing on Better World Books which is a service partner. Better World Books is, "a for-profit company that collects used text books and then sells them online to raise money for their literacy partners." To help this service partner you can individually donate text books or buy them online. Another option is for your club to run a book drive on your campus. For more information check out If you have any questions feel free to email me.

Morgan Clark (UIndy) PCC Lauren Shafer, and Garett Thompson (Florida District) use their leaf blowing skills at MDEC 2013)

Metro-Fields Lt. Governor, Shayna Cole

Hello everyone, Metro-Fields here! For those of you who don't know, Metro-Fields division includes Butler, Ball State, Depauw, UIndy, and Purdue. We are also working to charter IUPUI this year! Over the summer, Metro-Fields had tons of activities including Ball State's Disaster Drill, and UIndy's Fish Fry & Super Saturday of Service. We also had a tremendous amount of representation at both CKIx and Leadership Academy! We are very excited this year for our upcoming Fall Rally at the zoo and some other big interclub events in the fall. Keep an eye out for all of our events and updates on our Facebook Group Here!

LTG Shayna and INCKI patiently await the announcement of awards at CKIx.

The Tomorrow Fund The Tomorrow Fund is a service project grant sponsored by a Circle K endowment fund, member dues ($0.07 per member), and award donations. The fund partially reimburses service projects from various clubs and districts throughout Circle K International simply for filling out an application and writing about the project afterwards. The application is due to the International office by December 1st of each year, and applicants are notified by the Circle K International Service Committee approximately 2-3 months afterwards. For more information on the Tomorrow Fund, including the application form, visit . Indiana District is proud to sponsor several past Tomorrow Fund recipients throughout the years, including the following clubs in the past three years: Indiana District – $400 (2014) – Purchased books to donate and rented audio recording equipment to record audio books at COTC and DCON to later donate to Headstart and the Kiwanis Family Governors’ Project Titles for Tots Indiana University Purdue University – Fort Wayne – $200 (2014) – Purchased Build-ABear toys and accessories to donate to local childrens’ organizations University of Notre Dame – $250 (2013), $875 (2012) – Purchased fleece and materials for annual Aidan Project, a huge campus-wide service project to make no-sew fleece blankets for local hospitals and organizations.

Clubs in Action! For some clubs the summer is a bit of a slow down, because many students go back to their hometowns. But for some clubs like IPFW that isn’t the case at all. As most of the CKI members at IPFW are from the Northeast Indiana area! IPFW has several projects that we work on throughout the summer from a Saturday of Service with our annual Build a Bear Project to just last week at the Relay For Life Toast. The IPFW club also works closely with our sponsoring Kiwanis, The John Chapman Club. Wednesday mornings just aren’t the same without a 7 am Kiwanis meeting! We look forward to this being a big growing year at IPFW and can’t wait to see the rest of the Indiana District at Fall Service Kick Off!

Hopefully our year looks more like the above and not the below picture of Joe Eenigenburg (alum) getting a selfie with Holly Barnett (alum) after DCON last year.

Shelby Beck , IPFW President

Members of the Month! Ankit Patel, Ball State University Lindsay Meyer, Butler University Katie Fulkerson, University of Indianapolis Andrea Pellicano, St. Mary-of-the-Woods College Xiaoning (Jess) Bai, Rose Hulman Institute of Technology Alayna Brombach, Trine University Congratulations on being elected Member of the Month for August 2014! On behalf of the Indiana District, We would like to thank you for your dedication and service to Circle K. You are Amazing!

Take the 20% Challenge Take the 20% Challenge!

No buckets of ice water. No wristbands to purchase. It’s all about adding new members. If every club grew by 20 percent this year, CKI would end the year with 16,527 members—a new record!

How much is 20%?

If your club currently has 20 members, growing 20 percent means recruiting four new members. FOUR new members—that’s easy!

How do we add 20%?

It’s simple (and painless).

Step 1: Go out and meet people. Recruitment is all about relationships. Make it your goal to meet three people and talk to them every day this week. It can be a simple “Hello! How are you today? Good to see you!” During each conversation, learn something about them: their likes, dislikes, hobbies and what they have in common with you.

Step 2: Introduce your new friends to members of your CKI club. But not yet to CKI. People don’t join clubs and organizations. People join other people. If your new friends feel they’ve found friends with whom they share common interests, they’re more likely to join CKI when asked.

Step 3: Introduce your new friends to CKI. This is the time to invite them to service projects and fellowship activities. Let them see what CKI does in the community and on campus. If your new friends are excited about the service and fellowship opportunities, invite them to a club meeting.

Step 4: Invite them to join.

If you’ve leveraged CKI correctly, you won’t need to ask people to join CKI. They’ll ask you if they can join. Remember, people join people.

Officer Updates from the District! Indiana has a notification system that will help you throughout the year via text messages. If you haven’t already, Please sign up! Club President’s: Text (224) 231-5486 with the message @inckipres Club Secretary’s: Text (224) 231-5486 with the message @inckisec Club Treasurer’s:

Kathryn Orr Indiana District Circle K Governor 219.613.4649

Text (224) 231-5486 with the message @inckitreas

Jessica Davis Indiana District Circle K Secretary 260.701.1989

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