GovernOrr’s Gazette Official Newsletter for the Indiana District
November 2014
Hello Indiana! I hope you have all enjoyed your Turkey dinners and a few days away from the classroom. As the semester comes to a close, be sure to study hard and finish your classes strong. In Circle K news, don't forget to submit your membership dues and Eliminate money! We need everything turned in as soon as possible. ! CKI Love! ♥
In this Issue! GovernOrr’s Address….….1 Fellowship………………..2-3 Club Socials………………..4 Clubs in Action at MDEC………….……………5 Members of the Month….6
Kathryn Orr
Kathryn Orr Indiana District Circle K Governor 2014-2015
Thanks to everyone who made MDEC 2014 A huge success! Can’t wait to See you all at DCON in February! Check out more photographs on Page 5! If you attended MDEC don’t forget to complete the survey: Click Here!
Fellowship CKI fellowship isn’t like any other fellowship. It isn’t because we do it different or have a secret ingredient that sets us apart from other organizations. CKI fellowship is different, because we really focus on it! (I mean let’s be real, we did make it a tenant!) December is a great time for an extra focus on Fellowship. At this point in the semester members should feel comfortable with one another that they are willing to open up a little bit more, and it is also time where we all need a little bit of a break from work or studies. So what better way than to play some reindeer, I mean fellowship games! Here are some games to get you through the season!
The Name Game- How well do your club members know each others, names? Divide into two teams and have two members hold up a sheet. Once the sheet is raised have each team send up one member, drop the sheet, and see who can get the others name first! If you don’t know the other persons name take a second and introduce yourselves to one another! Web Connections- You’ll need a ball of yarn for this activity! Stand members in a circle. Then ask a question of the whole group, the question can be anything you want it to be. After you answer the question hang on to the end of the strong and toss the roll to another person for them to answer the main question, and then they hang on to part of the string and toss it to another. Continue this process until everyone has a chance to answer. The web that’s been created shows that we are all connected in the greater scheme of things!
Fellowship Fast hands- Break into two teams and have them face one another. On one end is some object, such as a ball to grab at the other end is the facilitator. The team members hold hands, and close their eyes. The facilitator will squeeze hands with those who they are sitting next too. The teams will then continue squeezing one another's hand until the end of the line. The last person will try to grab the object, before the other team. If they get the object, that person moves to the end of the line. First team to get all the way through the line wins! Pictured right.
Newspaper Dress-Up: Choose a theme, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head pictured left, and break into teams. Each team has to dress one team member up according to the theme. Invite Kiwanians to your meeting and have them be the judge of which team has the most accurate costume in the quickest time!
Club Socials Socials are an important part of fellowship. Socials allow members to get to know one another on a more personal level and away from campus. Check out the location of the social. A more open setting will allow for members to not feel confined and allows for a better environment for mingling! Check out some of these fun socials! 1. Apps after a meeting. Do you have a late meeting? Applebee's has half priced apps after 9 pm. (Varies by location.) 2. Sports Outing-Go catch a game together! Or maybe go see a movie or play together too. 3. Road trip- Hop in a car and drive somewhere together maybe visit another club? 4. Pretend you’re a visitor-Discover what your city has to offer together These are just a few suggestions to consider, but you can really make socials into whatever you want as long as members are having fun! Consider inviting some of your local Kiwanis Family members to these socials too!
December 2nd is Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is a kickoff to the holiday season and is about giving to others. Kiwanis along with 10,000 other non-profits will encourage others to give to organizations on this day. Kiwanis encourages to give to the Kiwanis International Foundation to help support the programs that support us so much. One program that this foundation provides funding for is Leadership Academy. Many of our members have been able to attend Leadership Academy over the years and can describe the experience in one word, transformational. So thinking about giving to the Kiwanis Foundation. Check out more by Clicking Here .
Clubs in Action at MDEC!
Members of the Month Lidsay Meyer, Butler University Jasmine Hopkins, Grace College Elizabeth Mason, St. Mary’s College Nikki Martin, Ivy Tech College-Southwest Savannah Alexander, University of Indianapolis Hannah Slover, Hanover College Spencer Memering, Rose Hulman Institute of Technology Arikka Mygrant, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Melanie Pedavoli, Manchester University Amy Wang, Notre Dame University Congratulations on being elected Member of the Month for November 2014! On behalf of the Indiana District, We would like to thank you for your dedication and service to Circle K. You are Amazing!
Officer Updates from the District! Indiana has a notification system that will help you throughout the year via text messages. If you haven’t already, Please sign up! Club President’s: Text (224) 231-5486 with the message @inckipres Club Secretary’s: Text (224) 231-5486 with the message @inckisec Club Treasurer’s: Kathryn Orr Indiana District Circle K Governor 219.613.4649
Text (224) 231-5486 with the message @inckitreas Jessica Davis Indiana District Circle K Secretary 260.701.1989