River valley august newsletter 2014

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R i v e r Va l l e y N e w s River Valley Division

August 8, 2014

Going Farther in CKI

Volume 1, Issue 2

In this issue: Going Farther in



Fall Service Kick-


Off Upcoming


Yearly Events Fall Rally







2014-2015 Indiana District Board

CKI Acronyms

Hello River Valley! Are looking to go farther in CKI? Well here’s your

District Convention chair person (DCON chair). Both

chance! The Indiana CKI district board needs you!

positions will allow you to be actively involved with the

There are currently two board positions open that we

Indiana CKI district board. Check you inboxes for the

need you to apply for. The first is the district Bulletin

application. I hope to see your application come

Editor and Electronic Publicist (BEEP), second is the

through! It is due on September 1st!

Fall Service Kick-Off

Special points of interest:



Preferred Charities


The event will start at 10am for us

DO NOT let transportation be an


“commuters”. We will be serving

issue. Mallory, who is the DLSSP


the local area doing a habitat for

chair, has done a fantastic job

humanity build, as having tons of

planning this event let’s not let it

fun and building new friendships!

go to waste!

This years Fall Service Kick-Off will

As it looks the only costs that we

be held in Lafayette near Purdue

will have are food costs. We will be

University. The date of this

carpooling up so if you are looking

If you need a ride please contact

awesome event in September 20th.

for a ride please feel free to ask.




Upcoming Yearly Events DCON


What is it?

MDEC is the Membership Development and Educational Conference. MDEC is Indiana Circle K’s mid-year conference, a weekend that is absolutely guaranteed to be

filled with good times and fellowship, as well as a celebration and enhancement of what we are all about: service! The event will be held at Bradford Woods near Bloomington. All of us should able to attend especially since it’s in our division! The cost for MDEC will be around $100. There will be more details to follow as the date gets closer! It will be a crazy fun event that you

What is it?

DCON is Indiana’s yearly district convention. It is a ways off but I want to give you all a heads up, because if you’re anything like me you have to plan in advance for things. This years DCON will be held at Embassy Suites in Indianapolis. The date is the last weekend in February. The rough cost of this years DCON will be $125. It will be a really fun filled event. If you happen to not like the way DCON has been you have the power to change it! All you have to do is apply to be the DCON chair on the Indiana District board!

certainly wont want to miss!!

Fall Rally What is it: A mix of service

Where is it: It will be in

and officer training.

Washington , IN. Halfway in

Why do we have it: to work


between ISU/Bloomington

towards our three Tenants;

and Evansville.

Service, Leadership, and

I’d really like to have a


good turnout for this

When is it: Please go to this

event so please make sure

website to fill the Doodle Poll!

that you promote this to


your clubs!!!


Fees Collection    

Deadline for turning in dues: November 30 Early bird: 15 members by October 31 Super Early Bird: 10 members by October 1 What you need to do:  Update membership update center(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tfAvudii-w)  Print invoice  Send invoice and check including club name and ID # on check for district and international dues to: 6525 E. 82nd St, Suite 109 Indianapolis, IN 46250-1545

·District dues: $8/member for this year

·International dues:   

Schools with 5,000 or more students: $600 Schools with less than 5,000 students: $450 2-Year Schools: $300

You set the amount each club member pays for dues based on how much you owe in district and international dues, how much you support you get from Kiwanis club, and how much your club needs to run events, etc. Make sure to tell club members what their dues are being used for. It’s important that they know how their money is being spent.

******Note: The dues this year are $8 per member, however they will be $9 per member next year and $10 per member each year following.******

CKI Preferred Charities Samantha Zent Address: 720 S. 6th St. Apt. #5 Terre Haute, IN 47809 Alternate Address 72361 CR 11 Nappanee, IN 46550 Cell: (574) 354-2191 E-mail: samzent@gmail.com or szent@sycamores.indstate.edu

River Valley Division Indiana District Check us out at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008209780098 (River Valley)

Circle K Acronyms CLE………. Club Leadership Education

KFC…….. Kiwanis Family Convention

COTC…….. Club Officer Training Conference

LA…….. Leadership Academy

DCM…….. Divisional Committee Meeting

LSSP…….. Large Scale Service Project

DCON…….. District Convention

LTG…….. Lieutenant Governor

DOTC…….. District Officer Training Conference

MRF…….. Monthly Report Form

FLIP…….. Freshman Leadership Incentive Program

FLTC…….. Fall Leadership Training Conference

It may seem like a lot but that’s why there’s a cheat sheet! :)

MDEC…….. Mid Winter Educational Conference

OTIC…….. On to International Chair RCON…….. Regional Conference

GATC…….. Governors/Administrators Training Conference

SLP…….. Service Leadership Programs

ICON…….. International Convention

TFG…….. Tomorrow Fund Grant

IP/PIP…….. International President/Past International President

VP/IPVP…….. Vice President/Immediate Past Vice President

IP…….. Immediate Past

WOW…….. Weekend Officers Workshop

SPOT…….. Spring Officer Training

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