GovernOrr’s Gazette Official Newsletter for the Indiana District
August 2014
Happy Kiwanis New Year! In this Issue! October 1st marks the Kiwanis New Year. This means that our Kiwanis Clubs will have new officers for the year. October 1st also marks the halfway point for our year-so congrats to the club officers out there! You’re officially halfway through your term. Keep up the hard work and enjoy the resources provided in this issue. ! CKI Love! ♥
Kathryn Orr Above: Recruiting at PNC
Kathryn Orr Indiana District Circle K Governor 2014-2015
GovernOrr’s Address….….1 MDEC………………………..2 Preferred Charities and service Partners………...3-5 Fundraising………………...6 Service Hours & Interclubs…………………..7 Fall Rally’s………………….8 Members of the Month….9 Clubs in Action…………..10 Clubs to Charter……….....11 Kiwanis New Year………...12
Thank you to Everyone who came to Fall Service Kick-Off! With over 10 schools represented and 60+ people, we had a blast! See you at MDEC!
Membership Development & Education Conference Membership Development & Education Conference (MDEC) Chair: Bre Thomas; Howdy partner! Have you heard the BUZZ!? The Indiana District of Circle K International's Annual Membership Development and Education Conference is scheduled for Friday, November 14 to Sunday, November 16. We are roundin' up our favorite toys and meeting at Bradford Woods Outdoor Center in Martinsville, Indiana (near Indiana University Bloomington). Early Registration is open!
MDEC is Indiana Circle K’s mid-year conference, a weekend that is absolutely guaranteed to be filled with good times and fellowship, as well as a celebration and enhancement of what we are all about: service! Your District Board is hard at work preparing to transport you from the grown-up world of hustle & bustle and stressful college life to a land filled with Toy-rific Fun with Circle K International! Join the Indiana District of Circle K for a journey of a life time, but don't forget your space helmet because we are traveling to infinity and beyond in search of Service, Leadership and Fellowship with our favorite gang of toys. If you haven't already guessed, this year's event is Toy Story-themed!
3 Day Registration
1 Day Registration
Preferred Charities & Service Partners Oh My! Circle K International works with several different organizations in order to achieve its own mission and vision statement that is committed to serving the children of the world. But who are these mysterious preferred charities and service partners? And what is the difference?!
Preferred Charities
These are organizations in which we help raise awareness and financial support for the organization. At an international level our preferred charities include March of Dimes and UNICEF. Left: Kelsey Gower, Manchester University ‘14 is the immediate past March of Dimes Ambassador.
Service Partners These are organizations in which we promote service with as an international organization. Circle K service partners include Better World Books and STUHF (Students Team Up to Fight Hunger)
March of Dimes
March of Dimes mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. They achieve this through pregnancy supportive care and research. • Premature birth is when a baby is born too early, before 37 weeks of pregnancy. More newborns die from premature birth than any other cause. • 1 in 8 Babies are born too soon in the U.S. • 534,000 babies are boon too soon each year. • 42,250 preemies will be born this month alone. • 13 babies will die today from complications of their early birth. • Today, more than 1,400 babies in the US will be born prematurely.
Preferred Charities & Service Partners Oh My! Riley Children’s Hospital
The Indiana District Kiwanis Family has it’s own Preferred Charity that we work with. Riley’s children hospital is where the Families from all 92 Indiana counties turn to. Riley’s is Indiana’s only nationally ranked, comprehensive children’s hospital and its regional clinics more than 230,000 times each year. Riley Hospital’s partnership with IU Health and strong affiliation with the Indiana University School of Medicine make it the leader in pediatric care and research in the state and region.
Better World Books is an online reseller of used books. Every time you purchase a book from, a book is donated to someone in need. Operating as a social enterprise, Better World Books rewards nonprofit partners for books collected through books drives. Visit the Better World Books Book Drive Resource Center to SIGN UP and learn how to run a super-successful book drive on your campus! The Book Drive Resource Center is a NEW tool dedicated to helping your club have a smooth book drive. You will find email and social media templates, stepby-step schedules to work from, tips to maximize the benefits of collecting books on campus, acceptance guidelines, and promotional materials for your campus.
STUFH (Students Team Up to Fight Hunger) STUFH is a nonprofit organization that aims to give food to thoughts who need it the most. Their mission is to help feed the hungry while at the same time raising awareness among college students about hunger I their local communities. Indiana Hunger statistics: 14% of Hoosiers Live below the Poverty Line. 12% of Hoosier households struggle to put food on the table. 1 in 6 Children are at risk of hunger in Indiana
Preferred Charities & Service Partners Oh My! UNICEF
The United Nations Children’s Fund was created after WWII to provide emergency aid to children in Europe and Asia. Today UNICEF works in more than 150 countries and territories in order to improve child survival and development, protection and social inclusion, education, and emergency aid and humanitarian aid.
The Eliminate Project
The Kiwanis Family is in partnership with UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus from the face of the Earth. Every year this deadly disease steals the lives of nearly 60,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. The effects of the disease are excruciating– tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. Can you imagine as a new parent not being able to touch your child, because of the pain you’ll cause them. Kiwanis has made a pledge to end this painful deadly disease by raising awareness and $110 million by 2015.
Fundraising 101 Fundraising is something that every club wonders how to go about. Do we just set up a table with a jar and hope someone drops a quarter in? Or do we through a huge dance party? There are no wrong answers in how to fundraise. Each club has a unique way discovering how to fundraise, but here are is a few starter questions and worksheet to check out. And Don’t forget about TRICK OR TREAT FOR UNICEF! Fundraising Project How-To Prepared by Dia Stokes Kelly, Georgia District Circle K Assistant Administrator Click Here for Worksheet 1. What do you want/need to raise money for? 2. How much money do you need to raise? 3. What kind of fundraiser do you want to hold? 4. When do you want to hold it? 5. Where do you want to hold the fundraiser? 6. What specific goals do you have for the event? 7. SWOT Analysis (strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses, Threats 8. What’s your budget for the fundraiser? 9. What are tasks start to finish? 10. Who’s going to help you? 11. Conduct the fundraiser in a safe and professional manner 12. Host a debriefing session immediately following the project 13. Thank your fundraising volunteers!
It’s that time of year to get all ghould up and cause a little mischief or better yet why not go trick or treating for a bigger cause, UNICEF. Scare up some funds and fun this Halloween by participating in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. It’s a great opportunity to collect donations instead of candy or to bring club members together for a fabulous event or party! All money collected by Kiwanis-family members through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF will once again support The Eliminate Project and help save moms and babies. Order your free Trick or Treat for UNICEF boxes HERE!
Service Hour Reporting & Interclubs Circle K is an International Service Organization. So how do we do service and how do we know how much service to do? 1 hour? 10 hours? 500 hours? Well that is a question that is up to you and your club to answer, but we do have some parameters just to make sure that we can track all the wonderful things you do! • What is a service hour? A service hour is 60 minutes of unpaid service enacted by one member of Circle K. This includes service project preparation time, one way travel time if over 30 minutes, and either planned by you or the partnering organization. • So what doesn’t count as a service hour? Travel time to events where service isn’t the main purpose, any service project not approved by the club board, service projects that aren’t open to the entire membership, hours expended by non-CKI members, administrative hours (officer work, planning for non-service events) • Why do we report service hours? To measure growth and progress of our club, district, and international organization. To motivate others to continue to do more.
• Who reports these things anyways? Typically, the club secretary reports these hours in their Monthly report form (MRF) but each club is different talk to your club President if you’re unsure. • What is an Interclub? This is when at least 2 members of one CKI club do service or have a CKI social together. There are also K-Family Interclubs that happen with 2 members of a CKI club and 2 members of a K-Family club. (Kiwanis, Aktion Club, Key Club, Builders Club, or K-Kids)
• I’m a service hour reporter for my club is there a place where I can keep track of all these hours instead of people just telling me or emailing? Yes! There is a service hour tracker (Click Here!) This form lists each club
and allows for you to track your clubs hours. You can share it with your members, open it for sign in at meetings, or use it however you feel necessary to track hours. THIS IS NOT SUBMITTING YOUR HOURS TO THE DISTRICT HOWEVER! Make sure to still complete your MRF. These are only a few questions members have about service hours. If you have any more questions be sure to contact District Secretary Jessica at
Members of the Month! Sarah Mott, Saint Mary’s College Annika Fling, The University of Notre Dame Jacob Eckerley, Grace College Katie Wall, Purdue University Tiffany Wolozyn, Purdue North Central University Shelby Beck, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Kenzie McAdams, Indiana State University Regan Kirsc, Indiana University Andy miller, Rose Hulman Institute of Technology Donovan Huddleson, Ball State University Congratulations on being elected Member of the Month for August 2014! On behalf of the Indiana District, We would like to thank you for your dedication and service to Circle K. You are Amazing!
Not to name names or anything, but some of the District officers, Kathryn Orr, Shayna Cole, Jessica Davis, Sam Zent, and Sally Finkel were caught at Balloon Fest doing quite a bit of service. Luckily, INCKI was able to bail them out with his reasoning that both organizations are dedicated to service! A special Thanks to Alexis Thomas and the IU club for hosting the District Board Meeting and providing the opportunity to help with Balloon Fest!
Clubs in Action! Saint Mary’s Recruiting Purdue University working at Habitat for Humanity University of Indianapolis at their Day of Service
Purdue North Central at Club Callout
Ball State recruiting new members!
DePauw recruiting!
Grace College making coloring books for Riley’s!
Clubs soon to Charter! Hanover College Located in Southern Indiana, Hanover College is looking to join the Circle K Family! They have chosen officers, faculty advisors, and a Kiwanis club sponsor. After having over 70 people show interest in joining last month, this club is looking very promising!
Valparaiso University Located in Northwest Indiana, Valparaiso University is preparing to officially charter. With officers selected (2 former Key Clubbers), faculty advisor on VU board, a Kiwanis club eager to sponsor, and over 20 people at their first callout meeting— this club is looking like it’s about ready to charter.
Kiwanis New Year Let’s welcome the New Kiwanis Governor!
While the Circle K year runs from April to April, that isn’t quite true for the rest of us. The Kiwanis year runs from October to October. In honor of the Kiwanis New Year, we wanted to announce a congratulations to the new Governor, Jim Smith! Jim received his BA from IU-South Bend in Sociology. He was the Health Education Manager for the Elkhart County Health Department. Here are a few words from him and the upcoming year. “As we are going to celebrate our 100 Year Anniversary in 2015 with the Kiwanis International Convention being held in Indianapolis, IN the district will be the host and this will require lots and lots of Hoosier Kiwanians help as volunteers. And we want to include Circle K members as they can, (knowing they are going to beholding their International Convention at the same time).We want to open new clubs and strengthen existing clubs and honor our continued commitment to Riley Hospital for Children's, Child Life Specialist fundraising.” Jim is committed to making lasting relationships between the K-Family members. He’s even been known to show some Circle K-ers, like Metro Fields LTG Shayna how to cut a rug! So look out for his dance moves at District events and make sure to say Hi and share your Circle K story!
Above: Indiana K-Fam Governor’s, Kathryn Orr, CKI; Jim Smith, Kiwanis; Maddi Robling
Officer Updates from the District! Indiana has a notification system that will help you throughout the year via text messages. If you haven’t already, Please sign up! Club President’s: Text (224) 231-5486 with the message @inckipres Club Secretary’s: Text (224) 231-5486 with the message @inckisec Club Treasurer’s: Kathryn Orr Indiana District Circle K Governor 219.613.4649
Text (224) 231-5486 with the message @inckitreas Jessica Davis Indiana District Circle K Secretary 260.701.1989