Photographic Journalism ... The whole shebang By Jessica Hill
Meet the Photographic journalism course students Our first ever course social...
About the course... The Course has a wide range of topics ranging from basic photography skills to Digital Journalism as well as Photo Story and Graphics and design modules. Throughout year one I have learnt many new Photographic and Journalistic skills and techniques.
A vital part of our course is our beloved Facebook group (STUDENTS ONLY!) where we all keep up to date with each others work and plan social events together. We also post links to our own online journals and image sharing sites to get positive critiques for our work.
As second year approaches we are currently discussing destinations to visit abroad for a course field trip, So far the favourites are; Ukraine, Marrakesh, Libya and (fingers crossed for Fiji).
The opportunities this course can bring... Many of the first year students are working over summer and already have summer placements to gain new skills and tecniques in photography. Jessica Hill, a first year student, has a 6 month contract with Ocean Images a company who supply photographers to cruise ships. Lauren Campbell, also a first year, is looking into volunteering at Wimbledon as she is a keen sports photographer. Phill Brown is hoping to work the Festival scene covering events up and down the country. There are endless oppurtunities with the Photographic Journalism course at Leeds Met.