Cubic Original AW2014 catalog

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FALL / WINTER 2014-2015

With care. With patience. With touch Like a garden.

整个系列静谧,感性,沁人心脾, 如同那神秘花园;

Blue lotus, black flowers, flying cactus. Everything can happen in your own garden, that place that is a refuge for your mind, safe of the rules that operates out of your sand and water parcel; outside in the world. Unknown people, but also big masters of the past, like Claude Monet, have given totally in the seduction of the garden. Workspace? Or an amazing inspirational frame? The garden, but also the freedom of mind, are the epicenters of Laboratory Flowers, the rest collection for Cubic Original; and it is conformed by 5 different atmospheres:

碧色睡莲,黑曜花束,飞翔的仙人掌,在你的神秘花园中,一切皆有可能。 那是你心灵的憩息之地,是一水一沙的运行,皆能为你所掌握的小小归宿。无论凡 夫俗子,抑或不世天才的大师——克劳德·莫奈,也曾为这神秘花园而陶醉。这是画 家的工作室?还是激发灵感的非凡圣地?这花园的神秘,与其灵魂自由的共鸣,正 是Cubic Original令人赞叹的第一系列《 Laboratory Flowers》的创意源泉。

- The magical leafs. What happen when you can use a leaf like an umbrella? - The black petals. A flower orchestra following the sound of the unexpected black ink. - Cactularium. Cactus with a high pop fever. - Water&Lilies. The sequins are the guests in this party. - Asphalt plant. Totally winter in my squared mind

这一系列由五大元素为您整体呈现: -魔法树叶:可曾梦想以一片树叶为伞,会发生怎样神奇的经历? -黑曜花瓣:仿佛花朵的交响乐团,演奏起由自然随意挥洒的墨色音符所编织的魔 幻乐章。 -仙人掌变形记:来膜拜热辣带刺的仙人掌流行天王。 -池与睡莲:这派对舞池的贵宾永远是星星闪亮的缀片。 -柏油高地:棱角分明的思维里冰封的冬天。

Energetic brush-strokes have been mixed with a balanced palette, where the pure colors as blue, red, but also black and white, has a big presence. Rich fabrics, like brocades and tailoring wools, but also the technological ones, join together and find in the art of handmade the perfect fusion. Embroideries, sequins, brights... These flowers have a special touch!

有力的笔触混合着一个均匀的调色,有纯净的蓝与红,也有简约的黑与白, 但在这个系列里他们独立却又相互融合。我们采用了羊毛、织锦等高端面料,同时 也采用了空气棉这样的技术型面料, 刺绣,钉珠,等手工工艺……让花朵们都拥有 独特的触感!

Special importance for the original printings, that describes one special universe by their own, but in fact dance together to the sound of the Laboratory Flowers.

Cubic Original原创印花的独特之处是它们描绘了一个属于自己的独特空间, 但是事实上,这些印花的主题又是交相呼应的,就如同实验室的花儿在跳同一支舞 曲。



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