5 Things about Medical Billing Services in California In California, physicians face challenges such as underperforming accounts receivables (AR) and claims denials. It's also difficult to keep a track and abide by the constant changes taking place in the healthcare legislation. This is where the expertise and experience of medical billing companies can be of immense help. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the outsourced medical billing industry will grow by more than 20% over the next decade. Outsourcing your billing services will manage the AR. Billing professionals capture denials and accurately report the explanation of benefits (EOB) information. This results in a significant drop in the processing time. Outsourcing to a medical billing service is more cost-effective compared to running an in-house billing team. Here are a few key points to keep in mind while outsourcing your medical billing services in California. Industry Experience and Training While choosing a medical billing service in California, inquire about the company's and staff's background and experience in billing and coding. Check the company's familiarity with certain specialties since billing procedures will vary by medical specialty. Ensure their professionals are updated about new standards in the industry. Check for the company's credentials and the type of education their employees have received. ICD and CPT Codes Medical billing companies facilitate transition to new coding standards, like the ICD-10 in recent times. Their professionals are informed about the latest industry regulations, procedures, and the annual updates on ICD and CPT codes. They should be trained on the 2015 CPT code updates and should ensure smooth transition to ICD-10 codes.
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