Billing Guidelines for Ambulatory Surgery Centers Healthcare in the USA has gotten complex with the constant updates, not just for the patients but also for the healthcare providers- including the Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASC). According to a Healthcare Finance News report, about 69% of healthcare providers view that healthcare legislation and mandates will drive patients to the ASCs. The universal standard for billing (as established by the HIPPAA) outpatients is done on a CMS-1500 claim form by professional billers. Certain billing guidelines for ASCs are crucial. 1. Review Contracts & Payer Pre-authorization: For approval of ASC billing, ASCs must enter into a participating provider agreement with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Moreover, if the payer does not have a contract with the ASC, it’s important that certain costs for procedures that are charged additionally over the basic facility fee be pre-authorized, as the Government agencies or carriers often delay such payments. 2. Keep Updated: Some CPT codes are not reimbursable in an ASC, especially with respect to Medicare. Check out the “Approved’ list of procedures that CMS has proposed, published every quarter. ASC billing and reimbursements are subject to the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI). The file to interpret comments and indicators listed on Addenda AA (Final ASC-covered Surgical Procedures) and BB (Final Integral to Covered Surgical Procedures ) is a MUST HAVE. 3. Evaluate Software programs: You should evaluate all software programs in which ICD 9 CM codes are entered and contact your vendors to determine their ICD 10 CM implementation schedule. Initiate a dialogue with timelines to get moving, so that they don’t affect your reimbursements. 4. Proactively seek Legal advice: You need to be aware of the state and federal laws where you are placed and how your state approaches ASC regulation. Some states require licensure of an ASC and some states require a Certificate of Need (CON). So be fully aware of all legal implications which could affect your billing. Call now 888-357-3226 (Toll Free)
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