How Ambulatory Surgical Centers are Paid
Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) are modern healthcare centers which provide surgical facilities that do not require an over-night stay. Also known as outpatient surgery centers or same day surgery centers, facilities include diagnostic and preventive procedures as well. Forms' criteria: ASCs are usually in provider agreement for billing with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) or other private payers. ASCs use the CMS-1500 or the UB04 form for claiming. Criteria for claiming are: Bill to be used (TOB) 0831, identical from and through dates to be mentioned in form locator (FL) 6, procedures should use revenue codes 0490 or 0360, CPT-4 code for a procedure should be entered in FL 44, and National Drug codes must be used for chemotherapy related services. Procedural norms: Common procedures conducted in ASCs are endoscopy, cataract, colonoscopy and nerve procedures. Criteria that must be met for claiming of procedures and ancillary services conducted under ASCs are procedures should not be life-threatening but can be elective and urgent, cannot be performed in a general physicians healthcare facility, cannot include major blood loss procedures or an extended invasion of body cavity. Modifiers: As per Modifiers recognized for ASC claim filing are: 52 Reduced services, 59 Distinct separate procedure, 73 Procedure discontinued after prep for surgery, 74 Procedure discontinued after anesthesia administered, RT Right side, LT Left side, TC Technical component, FB Device furnished at no cost/full
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