Are the New Payment Models Increasing Revenue for Pharmacies? Healthcare reform has initiated new care delivery and payment models, especially the shift from Fee-forservice (FFS) to Value-based reimbursement/incentives. Against this scenario how do pharmacies fare? Have their revenues declined or have the new payment models with the new rules and regulations pushed the revenues and provided for a more efficient and effective Revenue Cycle management (RCM) process? It is the underlying mission of pharmacies to see that patients receive the right medications, in the right doses & at the right time. Facilitating this to ensure high quality results that are demanded by patients, providers and payers under the new payment & delivery models, like the Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and value based purchasing, makes it a bit crucial for pharmacies to become more efficient to effect enhanced revenues. Moreover, with Medicare promoting services to which pharmacists are now also included in the ambit of healthcare providers, and seen beyond dispensing prescriptions and now besides dispensing but also providing patient care services, will definitely lead to an increase in revenues and thereby a much more healthy pharmacy Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Process.
Different kinds of pharmacy models emerged enable outcome-associated payment models that streamline workflow eventually contributing to increased revenue. 
A complete pharmacy model that is owned and/or controlled by the System/IDN/IHN/ACO, including a physical community pharmacy outlet, mail-service pharmacy, specialty pharmacy, home infusion, infusion suites and even patient services.
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