Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) hits Home Medical Equipment's (HME)
In the business world as well as in the healthcare field growth is good. However, with growth comes a unique challenge; which may or may not be solved. Even though an evolving or growing medical facility services may not change, the internal processes related to claims submission, income cycle, billing and coding and revenue cycle management need a serious overhaul in order to stay efficient and sustainable as they scale up the operation. In order to cope with adversaries in growth, processes need to be flexible and adaptable. Common tenets of a scalable business include use of appropriate technology, adherence to state and federal regulations, documented processes and procedures, streamlined workflows, and effective measurement tools to gauge business growth.
A basic situation A large home medical equipment (HME) billing service provider is looking to aggressively expand their RCM business. They understand that their in-house team and manual processes would not be able to scale and would impact their profit margins. This situation prompts them to search for an outsourcing HME medical billing partner to handle portions of their revenue cycle management. It then becomes important that this partner be able to cope with the planned aggressive growth and not impact delivery for current customers.
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