Adventure time. Let’s do it. We got our feet wet and our hands dirty in making this issue, exploring rockpools, waterfalls and beauiful locations to bring you a special summer treat.
It only takes a few seconds and very little effort to brighten a situation from mundane or average to nice.
In fact, sometimes it takes much more effort to stifle a grin then to make one and if someone else fashes you a smile it can Before we get started on this new edition of Rice Mag, there’s be almost unnoticable that your own lips are stretching out over a little game I’d love to play. your pearly whites (or dentures) in response. Find someone near you and (don’t worry, your hair looks fine), make eye contact. Great. See how many people in a room you can start on the smile cycle. Now smile. You’re a pretty influential person Maybe you found your partner, and you have at your disposal, a friend, co-worker or a stranger, a secret weapon that can effortwhoever it is you’re now staring lessly create a universal and cross cultural signal for joy. down, just tweek the sides of your face a little and let kindness Right on your face. seep through your face for a second or two. See what you can do with that and let’s get started on this zine. Nice one. You’re rocking that smile. Hopefully, they’ve smiled back too. That’s the aim of the game. Let’s see how many people we can get on board.
All the best, Jess.
It’s time to reconnect; to get in touch with soft skin, tangled braids, freckles and dimples. We waste so much time worrying about how to get the perfect butt for summer, the clearest skin or the perfect hair when we should be celebrating our individuality, our spirit, our minds and beautiful kindness.
Look at them with kindness and respect and see what makes them beautiful. Now look at yourself in the same way. See kindness in action, see strength in a voice that speaks for positive change and see the power of an educated mind.
We are all going to get wrinkles Our culture thrives on self hate one day and I’d rather have and it’s been going on too long. mine from smiling than frowning, Instead, let’s start seeing beauty. wouldn’t you? Opposite: Chritsina wears Wilken Jade, eco fashion Essential Women’s Ruche dress.
Model: Christina Vagner Photography: Jessica Rhian
Kitchen Anarchy Bannana Goodness Balls, Feb 2016. Ingredients:
1 cup dessicated coconut 2 tbs pepitas 3/4 cup scorched almonds 1/4 cup raisins 2 tbsp gogi berries 5 tbsp coconut oil 1 lrg bannana (very ripe) 1/4 cup cocoa powder Method:
Kitchen Anarchy was created a few years back, with my mum, sister and I experimenting with healthy alternatives to satisfy our family’s sweet tooth! Since then we’ve moved on to create all kinds of amazing, healthy recipes which I’d love to share with you, but firstly, here is the creation that started it all. The humble Goodness Ball.
We change the recipe each time we make these, so we’ve taken to naming them by the month they were made in. This month I used a different blender and ended up with some delicious chunky pieces and crunches that create a really satisfying snack. ... I hope you love them! x
Mill almonds in blender, then add pepitas and gogi berries, blend until smooth or leave some chunks as you like. Add raisins, coconut oil and cocoa powder and blend until evenly mixed. In a seperate bowl, mash your bannana (even better if your bannana is a little too ripe for eating, this will make it perfect for mashing) and then combine mash with the mixture from the blender.
Now we are going to roll these beauties up! Pour your dessicated coconut into a bowl and take a small glob of the mixture, rolling it with your fingers until it resembles a little sticky ball of health, roll in coconut and place on your plate. Continue until all the mixture is balled, then pop the lot into the fridge to set. They should be ready in an hour and will go very nicely with a peppermint or chai tea!
Featured: model Christina Vagner, photography by Jessica Rhian.
Go get ‘em. Meet people, share stories, relish interaction, pursue positive change and above all, be kind. x RICE Magazine is created by Jessica Rhian, a collection of positive stories, musings and images. Past issues available online, contact Jess to talk contributions or collaborations. / @wildricetweets /