Jessica Valpied - Recognizing Animal Welfare & Health Inter-linkages

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Jessica Valpied Recognizing Animal Welfare & Health Interlinkages

Current Animal Health Proposal1. Enables wide coverage of 2. 3. 4. 5.

species Brings relevant measures into one framework Takes animal welfare “into account� Enables rapid response to diseases Supports improved harmonization of prevention and control of listed diseases

1. Recognize animals as sentient beings 7 basic requests

2. List diseases that affect all animals 3. Ensure adequate scope of basic requirements 4. Recognize good management as part of

prevention 5. Support animal health and welfare visits and certificates 6. Prevent animal suffering when eradicating disease 7. Improve transparency of adopted measures

1 Recognize animals as sentient beings  The

preambles should contain an explicit reference to Art. 13 of the Treaty which requires the EU and the Member States to “pay full regard to the welfare requirements of animals” when adopting legislation.

2 List diseases that affect all animals ď‚— Ensure transparency and broad

scope that recognizes all animals ď‚— Include opportunities for detailed recommendations of stakeholders

3Basic animal requirements needed  Ensure adequate scope of basic requirements  All establishments and species pose a risk  Remove derogations  Require permanent identification & registration of

all animals in a database

4 Animal Welfare: a part of prevention Recognize good animal welfare in prevention: • Responsibilities and knowledge • Biosecurity • Support improved breeding, keeping, and handling •

5 Support holistic visits and certificates Animal health visits should also look at the welfare of the animals • The requirement for an animal health certificate should cover all animals under human care •

6 Prevent animal suffering Disease control, such as culling, should be conducted humanely • Culling should only take place as a last resort, on as few animals as necessary • Minimize negative impacts on research animals •

7Ensure transparency Implementing rules should be decided transparently • Enable stakeholder participation • Ensure proper assessment of impacts • Ensure rational integration where appropriate of existing rules •

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