Working Farmer | July 2016 | Issue 3

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Working Farmer July 2016


In This Issue... Pink Topwrap Film Going pink for Breast Cancer P2


Treated silage improves performance and cuts costs


Suzuki | Can-Am | Kubota | Massey | QuadZilla |


R F | Valtra


ur Pink Bale Wrap is Back! Following the huge success of last years' campaign, we are once again helping to raise money for breast cancer research by launching a special pink version of our Topwrap

silage bale film. For every roll of the pink Topwrap film purchased, £3 will be donated to the charity Breast Cancer Now – with contributions toward the £3 coming from Volac, as well as Trioplast, the film’s manufacturer, and from the merchant supplying the roll. Note: Topwrap RS1900 pink bale wrap has 1900m of film on a roll, as opposed to the standard green wrap sold which is 1500m. On average it is 7% cheaper than standard wrap and wraps 26.6% more bales. As well as helping the charity by opting for the special pink silage wrap, farmers will also be visibly demonstrating their support as they produce brightly coloured pink bales on their farms. Last year, pink bales appeared across the country. Following the huge success of last years’ campaign, we are once again helping to raise money for breast cancer research by launching a special pink version of our Topwrap silage bale film. After the success of the campaign last


eave vote poses huge questions for Britain’s agricultural supply industry In April, the Board of the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) halted all planning based upon a Referendum ‘Leave’ vote, as the number of unknowns and variables were too complex to even identify, let alone build possible strategies upon. The result today is therefore the start of a period of uncertainty which may take

year, which helped to raise £10,000 for breast cancer charities, we are delighted to once again be involved in this fantastic cause. As well as helping the charity by opting for the special pink silage wrap, farmers will also be visibly demonstrating their support as they produce brightly coloured pink bales on their farms. Last year, pink bales appeared across the country.

months – or even years – to resolve. “As of today AIC – like the rest of the country – has no clear idea of how events will unfold,” said David Caffall, AIC’s Chief Executive. “We will be seeking clarification on

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Alternatively, with limited supplies of the pink wrap, or for farmers who want to support the charity but prefer their bales in more traditional colours, we are also providing special pink stickers for those who wish to donate. These can be attached to the usual green or black bales, so that farmers can still demonstrate their support.

what this decision means in terms of market options; regulations and the timetable for the changes that will inevitably occur. “Today, we begin a new pro-active period. In the first instance, we are fully committed to gain clarity for our Members as scenarios and timescales unfold. Then, as ever, we will lobby to ensure emerging policies and regulations are as practical and pragmatic as possible where it affects the agricultural supply industry. “


eak pound strengthens cereals exports Weakness in the Sterling since the start of 2016 has supported a boom in cereals exports, says the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB). UK grains have been amongst the most competitively priced in the world this season, generating strong demand from both inside the EU and further afield. Season-to-date (July – April) barley exports are 35 per cent ahead of the same point last year at 1.76Mt. Forecasts suggest the pace is set to continue with exports hitting 1.9Mt by the end of the season – a 19 year high. For wheat, season-to-date exports are nearly 30 per cent ahead of the same point in 2014/15 at 2.23Mt, a level not reached since 2011/12. Dr Martin Grantley-Smith, AHDB Strategy Director for Cereals & Oilseeds, said: “We are gathering information on destinations for UK cereals and where we see newcomers to the market or changes in demand, we will be following up to secure trade on a longer-term basis. “Although currency is always a driving factor in the global marketplace, we have excellent messages about the

quality and traceability of cereals grown in the UK which stand us in good stead to develop strategic relationships with overseas buyers who are less familiar with our products.” Significantly increased requirements year-on-year have been seen in the traditional EU exports markets of France, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands on the back of the pound slipping in value against the euro, making UK grain more competitive. Dr Grantley-Smith added: “We are seeing unprecedented levels of exports at the moment, driven by stock carry over, competitive pricing and the weakened currency. While we’d usually be expecting exports to dry up by this time of year as old crop runs out, we envisage that exports will remain strong so long as UK grain remains competitively priced at an EU and global level. “Even depressed markets are underpinned by exports and the strong pace of grain leaving the UK provides some bolster for a domestic market dominated by oversupply.” Ongoing investment in port capacity at the Port of Tilbury and Peel Ports has also seen additional shipments leaving UK shores. Frontier recently announced

a 55,000t shipment of UK wheat had left Tilbury on a bulk vessel bound for Indonesia. Meanwhile, Glencore Grain saw the first ever shipment from Peel Ports’ new grain loading facility at Sheerness, which left for Ireland at the beginning of June with 4,400t of wheat. Paul Temple, AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Chair, said: “It is great news that the industry is collaborating and investing in new, bigger and better grain storage and loading facilities. We are seeing more bulk carriers leave the UK with loads of more than 50,000t than we ever have in the past. This gives growers access to markets both on the doorstep and more far flung corners of the globe. “It is a reminder that we truly operate in a global market and new opportunities can open up, even in difficult times,” he added. AHDB Market Intelligence analysts say currency volatility will continue to be a key watch factor for UK cereals and oilseeds markets. For more on AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds work with overseas buyers and information on growing for export, visit

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Precast Agricultural Solutions FP McCann is committed to delivering more efficient, cost-effective and safety-focused sustainable precast concrete solutions. Our range of agricultural solutions include:

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eld early July each year, the Livestock Event is the leading B2B event for the UK livestock industry, it's an essential visit for any farmer, herdsman or individual involved with the Industry. Principally sponsored by Barclays, we host both cattle and trade exhibitors within a 64,000sqm event area alongside working machinery demonstrations, seminar areas, foot trimming demonstrations, National Dairy


he Royal Association

of British Dairy Farmers is the only independent, specialist sectoral body dedicated to representing the interests of practical British dairy farmers. We are striving to ensure a more viable and sustainable future for British dairy farming. With the increasing legislation and financial constraints facing the industry, our role is more vital than ever. Our voice has to be strong if it is to be heard. We want every dairy farmer in Britain to become a member of our

& Beef Shows and the National Lleyn Sheep Competition. The event attracts more than 400 exhibitors covering 13 unique product zones. Exhibitors are on hand during the two-day event to demonstrate allnew equipment, products and services to over 17,000 UK and International livestock farmers. Follow Livestock Event on Twitter or Like us on Facebook to hear the latest news for 2016. Barclays Agriculture is proud to return as Principal Sponsors of Livestock 2016, demonstrating of our support to

association. The more members we have the greater our impetus, which will in turn improve our chances of making sure your voice is heard wherever it can have influence. Alongside our lobbying activities, the RABDF also run an annual programme of events designed to provide dairy farmers with opportunities for technology and knowledge transfer. There is no greater example of this than the Livestock Event, which we organise in July each year in order to provide dairy farmers with a unique forum for sector specific information exchange. Our members receive two

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UK Agriculture and the livestock sector specifically, through good times as well as the more challenging times. Livestock Event is a vibrant show, enabling innovation and best practice ideas to be demonstrated and shared - vital to a fast moving industry in a modern world. We look forward to welcoming visitors to our stand throughout the two days of the event.

free tickets to Livestock Event each year amongst many other substantial benefits. RABDF MEMBERSHIP There are several RABDF membership categories designed to meet the needs of members. The benefits an individual receives vary according to the category of membership they choose.

Act now on ‘mid-summer rise’ in sheep and the threat of lungworm in cattle


he latest NADIS Parasite Forecast sponsored by Merial Animal Health highlights the importance of taking an integrated approach to parasite control in lambs to reduce the risk of disease now and later in the season; the importance of including rams in the overall parasite control strategy; and the risk of lungworm in cattle. “Given the high risk of nematodirosis in many regions of the UK this year, lambs grazing contaminated pastures will almost certainly have been treated, often with a Group 1 anthelmintic,” says Sioned Timothy, Veterinary Adviser for Merial Animal Health. “However, Group 1 products may not be as effective against other nematode species and additional treatments may be necessary to prevent disease, reduce the impact of worm burdens on growth, and minimise the number of eggs shed onto pasture. “The need for such treatments will depend on a number of factors including ewe anthelmintic treatment at lambing time, grazing conditions, stocking density and weather conditions

over the coming weeks. It’s also important to remember to include rams in your overall parasite control programme because they are also susceptible to PGE.” Any lambs grazing ‘safe pastures’ should not require anthelmintic treatment until they are three to four months old. Safe grazing includes pasture not grazed by sheep last year, reseeded leys, and any ground not grazed by sheep until midsummer such as aftermath, where parasite contamination from last year will have died off. Sioned says: “Safe pastures are an important component of your farm’s sustainable parasite control and should be used to best effect to reduce the parasite challenge posed to at-risk lambs, reducing reliance on wormers. “Taking an informed approach to treatment decisions will optimise parasite control whilst minimising selection for resistance, and potentially save money through fewer treatments. The use of faecal worm egg counts to assess whether

groups of lambs require worming is one proven approach. Targeted treatment of individual lambs which are not achieving expected growth rates is also increasingly carried out to maximise the benefits seen after treatment, and reduce unnecessary treatments.” Oramec® is a Group 3 anthelmintic which can be used for treating a wide variety of round worms, as well as lungworm and nasal bots in sheep. In cattle, lungworm may appear from June onwards in unvaccinated calves, those not subject to strategic worming programmes, and in naïve adults. Early signs include coughing and an increased respiratory rate. In some outbreaks losses due to severe respiratory disease can occur, but the major impact of lungworm is on growth, condition and productivity. “Cases of husk can be treated effectively with a long-acting wormer. Beef cattle and dairy youngstock can be treated with Ivomec Classic®, while Eprinexâ is suitable for use in lactating dairy cows. These products provide persistent activity for up to 4 weeks, and so prevents reinfection during this period, “ says Sioned, “A further important benefit of Eprinexâ in dairy cattle is its zero milk withhold, which means it can be used during lactation without the need to discard milk. “Since the diagnosis of lungworm is largely based on clinical signs, treatment should be given as soon as possible after diagnosis to minimise the impact of the parasite. Furthermore, although only a small number of animals may be showing signs of infection, all cattle in the herd are at risk as infection can spread quickly through the herd via pasture challenge. To reduce the impact of a drop in productivity, all cattle in the herd should be treated.” Strategic early season treatment of cattle will reduce the risk of parasitic disease due to nematodes throughout the grazing season, however it’s important to ensure that cattle remain set-stocked on the same pasture for the entire grazing system, or move to safe grazing such as silage aftermath to ensure season long control.

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he first most important thing to bear in mind when you are thinking about taking your car in for a service is that it is not the same as an MOT. Just because you have recently taken your car in to have its MOT test does not mean that you no longer need to take it in for a service. Get up to 3 quotes for service now The MOT simply tests that your car is safe enough to be driven on the road. It will not flag up any potential problems and will not let you know if there are parts of your car which will need to be replaced soon. MOTs only tend to flag up the problem when it already needs to be fixed. Services can help spot problems before they arise, which will give you time to think about how best to approach and finance the issue. Although servicing your car will cost money, it could actually end up saving you money in the long run. Un-serviced cars tend to have a much higher fuel consumption

rate, as they are not running at their most efficient. Even seemingly minor issues, like needing an oil change, can actually have a big impact on the amount of petrol that it takes to run your car. Services will pick up on these details and will rectify them, making the whole car much more efficient and hopefully saving you a lot of money in unnecessary fuel. Services are seen as unnecessary by some, as checking tyre pressure and levels of engine oil and screen wash are things which most people can do at home, without having to shell out lots of money to hire a mechanic to do it for them. Whilst this is true, there are also many parts of a car service which cannot be carried out at home and which require the skills, expertise and tools which a mechanic has to offer.

Adding loft conversion boosts home value by a fifth, study finds


ew study shows that developing your attic can add up to £37,000 to your home’s value. Home owners could boost the value of their property by 21 per cent by adding a loft conversion, a study shows. Putting in an attic room has been found to have the potential to add £37,000 to the value of a home, while just adding an extra bedroom can equate to an extra

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£20,000, according to research by the Nationwide Building Society. Based on the average house price of £178,124 in the first quarter of 2014 according to Nationwide’s price index, this would mean that an extra bathroom could add £8,900 to the value of a home. Boosting floor space by 10 per cent could add a similar amount of value to adding another bathroom.



HE TYRES of thousands of tractors from vintage and modern day machines will be rolling onto Newark Showground in November to celebrate and display some of Britain’s key agricultural tools. The Midlands Machinery Show and the Newark Vintage Tractor and Heritage Show will return to the showground attracting thousands of visitors later this year. Organisers of the show are urging people to book the dates in their diary early in order to not avoid missing this spectacle. Taking place on 23rd and 24th November, the Midlands Machinery Show 2016 is a rapidly growing event for visitors and traders to brush shoulders with some of the key innovators in industry. Organised by the Newark and Nottinghamshire Agricultural Society, already confirmed to exhibit this year at the show is Chandlers Ltd, Knight Farm Machinery Ltd and Peacock & Binnington as well as over 100 other exhibitors who have also signed up. The showground will also be announcing the first two students of a new Midlands

Agricultural Engineering & Apprenticeship Traineeship Scheme at this year’s Nottinghamshire County Show. The President of the 133rd Nottinghamshire County Show, Geoffrey Bond (OBE), has created the new agricultural engineering initiative for young people. After realising the great need for agricultural engineers, Mr Bond is working with agricultural machinery manufacturers and suppliers to facilitate summer placements for young people. Mr Bond said: “The apprenticeship scheme will help students gain experience of the industry with the hope they might take up a career in it.” The Newark Vintage Tractor and Heritage Show (12th and 13th November) is a two-day event showcasing close to 1,000 vintage machines either lovingly restored or in original condition. The show began in 2003 and continues to grow with a huge number of exhibitors returning each year. Entries are now open to dealers and

manufacturers for both shows to book their trade spaces indoors and outdoors. Visitor entry and parking to the Midlands Machinery Show is free. Entry to the Newark Vintage Tractor and Heritage Show is £10 for advanced tickets and free to under 17s. For more trade information and to book trade space please visit our website www. or www.


Midlands Machinery Show at Newark


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Working Farmer | | 9


t’s good to know the Polaris engineered parts and accessories available for your Polaris Ranger are developed by the same people who design the vehicles. Polaris emphasise this with: “nobody knows these machines better than us.” Over the past year Polaris has been enhancing existing products and creating new accessories from storage to shooting and cabs to comfort, creating an exceptionally wide range of accessories to enhance and customise the Ranger. “Right from the start the accessories are designed, rigorously tested and meticulously fine tuned alongside this most popular side by side, making sure they are completely in sync

with one-another to elevate your off-road experience,” say Polaris. Take the Lock and Ride Pro-Fit cabs which fit quickly and simply, giving you the options of with or without doors and tip-out windscreens. Dedicated mounting points are engineered directly into the vehicle, eliminating the cab framework and providing a much larger field of vision. Everything installs in minutes without using any special tools and how you customise your cab is entirely up to you. Lock and Ride has certainly revolutionised off-road vehicle customisation, offering everything from cargo boxes, the Polaris Northstar Cooler (which is certified ‘bear proof’), Tool Rack and Chainsaw Mount right through to Gun Mount Boots and

in cab Gun Mount, for shooting and gamekeeping. Polaris’ partnership with Kolpin also offers the Kolpin Gun Boot and ratcheting Rhino Grips. When you have need of a winch with performance you won’t do better than the 4,500lb winch engineered and built by Warn exclusively for Polaris with full sealing for maximum water resistance and a patented roller disc brake for assured holding power. That’s more than enough to pull you or others out of sticky off-road situations. You can protect your Ranger with brushguards in durable matt black finish and rugged styling, with integrated mounting holes for easy installation of lights. These offer reliable protection for the grille, lights and bodywork in tough off-road situations.

Nerf Bars provide additional protection to the side of the vehicle, with an integrated boot scraper to help keep the interior clean. Lightbars and Cannon lights will enhance your off-road experience even more, while elevating the vehicle’s sporty, high-performance style. The Polaris Ranger accessories cover just about everything you need for work and leisure enjoyment from a gated shifter right on to pandering to your creature comforts with a heater, heated seats and even a heated steering wheel. What more could you ask for? No doubt the people at Polaris are thinking about that as well. For full details visit your local authorised Polaris dealer. www. Tel: 0800 915 6720.


olaris, the leader in off-road vehicles, has introduced the all-new Sportsman 6X6 Big Boss 570 EPS to the range. What’s really special about this ATV is its enhanced ability off-road with increased traction, range, capacity, versatility and more. The Big Boss has a longer chassis than previous models to accommodate more cargo and a second person. It’s unlike any other ATV in that it is specifically designed for customers who demand ultimate traction, massive payload and carrying versatility while taking you virtually anywhere in the most remote locations. The Engine Braking System (EBS) with Active Descent Control

(ADC) and Electronic Power Steering (EPS) all come as standard and power is delivered by the highly efficient, liquid cooled, single cylinder Polaris ProStar engine packing 44 horsepower and plenty of torque. It’s also equipped with a 1.25” hitch receiver and has a 750kg towing capacity. The Polaris Big Boss is the first 6x6 ATV built for two people and has the capability of hauling exceptional amounts of gear with the industry’s largest payload, a highly configurable Lock & Ride cargo system and integrated front storage, all 25.5 litres of it, plus a rack extender that can carry 41kg. The exclusive, fully integrated passenger system includes a raised second seat for

more visibility together with hand grips and foot rests. Behind the passenger sits a 340kg capacity gas-assisted dump box with steel Lock & Ride bed rails, dual rear tracks and six high mounted tie-down points to ensure the biggest loads are secure. To complete the picture there is the legendary Polaris All-Wheel Independent Suspension with the furthest rear suspension travel of any 6X6 and 29.2 cm of ground clearance. With all this going for it you’ll have no reason for not liking the Boss. Polaris recommends contacting your nearest authorised Polaris dealer for full details. Tel: 0800 915 6720

Working Farmer | | 11

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14 | Working Farmer |

Wildtrackers Ltd The Estate Yard Glanusk Park Crickhowell Powys , NP8 1LP T: 01873 812557 E:

Future of farming: New Holland brings methane tractor to Cereals


K farmers’ got first look at New Holland’s new T6.180 Methane Power tractor at Cereals 2016. The tractor represents a key step in achieving New Holland’s goal of Energy Independent Farming The second generation prototype offers fuel cost savings of up to 20% and emits 80% less polluting emissions than a standard diesel tractor On environmental performance, the new machine has 80% less polluting emissions than a standard diesel tractor Farmers attending Cereals 2016 on 15-16 June got their first look at New Holland’s second generation T6.180 Methane Power tractor and took the opportunity to look inside and quiz the company’s product specialist. New Holland has a long history of researching and promoting the role of agricultural mechanisation within a sustainable future for agriculture, through precision farming, equipment supporting conservation agriculture, training in sustainable farming practices, and alternative energy

sources. This year New Holland brought its message of sustainability to Cereals event visitors by demonstrating the progress of development of its methane powered tractor prototype. “We’re delighted to bring our Methane Power tractor to the UK and give British and Irish farmers the opportunity to see it for the first time,” said James Ashworth, Marketing Manager for New Holland Agriculture UK and ROI. “This second generation prototype marks an important stage in achieving New Holland’s goal of energy independent farming. Biomethane, as a renewable source of energy, is an exciting prospect for powering tomorrow’s agricultural machinery.” The second generation prototype is based on a New Holland T6.180 standard tractor and features a 175hp (129kW) Nef 6 engine developed by FPT Industrial that delivers 740Nm torque. The nine gas cylinders have a total capacity of 300 litres (52kg) compressed methane, sufficient for approximately half a day of normal tractor operations.

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The Methane Power tractor can bring fuel cost savings of up to 20%. On environmental performance, the new machine has 80% less polluting emissions than a standard diesel tractor and is already capable of fulfilling future greenhouse gas targets, which are expected to require a 20% reduction in emissions across Europe by 2020. CO2 emissions can be further reduced by using biomethane, (methane derived from biomass). The switch from methane to biomethane can be made without changes to the tractor or the fuel distribution network, which opens up great opportunities for achieving overall greenhouse gas reduction targets. When powered by biomethane, the tractor’s carbon impact is virtually zero. Farms with their own anaerobic digestion plants and the ability to grow their own biomass can benefit from a further reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and fuel costs could be cut by as much as 40%.


ew Efficient specification expands choice and appeal of McCormick X7 Pro Drive

• Efficient specification creates lower price point for McCormick X7 • Mechanical spool valves part of new side console control design • Gear pump hydraulics and new axle suspension on 4-cyl models A wider choice of equipment and features will be introduced on McCormick X7 Pro Drive tractors with the launch at the Royal Highland Show of new Efficient models to complement the current fullspecification Premium machines. The tractors come with gear pump hydraulics and a new front axle suspension design on four-cylinder models, mechanical spool valves, a different lighting package and a new side-mounted console housing all the

major controls. Lower prices reflect the difference in equipment levels. “Many operators want a top-level specification with seat-mounted controls, electric spool valves, GPS steering and all the other features available with the current Premium specification McCormick X7 Pro Drive tractors,” says Ray Spinks, sales director and general manager at AgriArgo UK, the McCormick distributor in Great Britain. “But there are others who either prefer a simpler equipment package or feel the tractor’s workload doesn’t justify some of those features.” The new Efficient specification caters for those operators and creates new price points for the four-cylinder and selected six-cylinder models, which will also broaden the appeal of the McCormick X7 Pro Drive range. While there are changes to the hydraulics, front axle suspension, lighting and cab interior, the Efficient

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models still feature the same highly effective Pro Drive transmission of the current tractors, with its smooth, adjustable power shuttle and pushbutton four-speed powershift and range shifting. “The Pro Drive transmission is constantly highlighted by operators as an attractive feature of the McCormick X7 tractors because of its progressive gearing, silky smooth powershifts and effective road and field auto functions,” says Ray Spinks. “So it continues in the same format in the Efficient models, with 24 speeds in both directions, a creep option providing speed reduction gears, and four-speed pto with ‘power’ and ‘economy’ gearing.” The transmission is controlled as on Premium spec tractors by a comfortable fixed joystick carrying a roller switch to lift and lower the three-point hitch and buttons for the powershift and engine speed memory

functions. But the controller is mounted on a new side console rather than on the seat, along with three mechanical spool valve levers angled conveniently towards the driver for easy operation. An electric fourth valve is available as an option, operated by buttons on the multi-function controller, and optional electronic mid-valves come with a small joystick on the console for operating front-mounted implements or a McCormick MPower loader. The console – located in a version of the Premiere cab with manual air conditioning, cool box, air suspension seat and ‘hide away’ passenger seat – also houses colour-coded dials for setting up the electronic rear hitch. There are safety flick switches for engaging and disengaging the rear pto – and the front pto when fitted – and levers for selecting pto speeds and the creep gearbox when installed.

Four-cylinder McCormick X7 Pro Drive Efficient tractors with 143hp, 160hp and 166/175hp BetaPower engines have gear pump hydraulics as standard delivering up to 88-litre/ min. But for more demanding applications, they can be upgraded to a piston pump system (which is standard on six-cylinder Efficient models) with up to 123-litres/min output and a separate 44-litre/min pump dedicated to steering and auxiliary systems. Lift capacity of the rear linkage is 6300kg (upgradable to 9300kg with the 100mm lift cylinder option) and a 3500kg front hitch is available, with or without pto. Also up front is a new beam axle front suspension system for the Efficient

models that enhances ride comfort, especially in partnership with the optional hydraulic cab suspension, and can also improve heavy draft traction over a rough field surface. Prices start at £71,779 for the 131hp (rated), 143hp max McCormick X7.440 Pro Drive Efficient. A fullspec X7.440 Premium with larger tyres, front weights, climate control air conditioning and additional control functions is priced from £78,116, with ‘tech’ options including independent front axle suspension, Eco 40kph and 50kph transmissions, Data Screen Manager, ISOBUS and GPS steering available.

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inance4Farmers is a trading style of the holding company, Change Finance Ltd. We are discrete specialist financial brokers, with a proven historical pedigree stretching back over 15 years. One of the best established brokerages in its field. Finance4Farmers provide a fast and professional service and have over 15 years experience for arranging funds for most business purposes. We can arrange REFINANCE on your own equipment giving you cash injection and a lower monthly payment. We can help you meet your operational goals by arranging finance for : Farm - Land Acquisition - Tractors & Trailers All Farming Equipment - Feeds & Fertilisers Livestock - Outbuildings & Barns. Solar Panels - Wind Turbines - Hydro Electrics - Biomass & Anaerobic Plant These all produce energy savings, are Eco friendly and can also provide additional income. Our service is a quick & easy process

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or request a straightforward loan we can normally get a decision with 24 hours. We try to keep it simple requesting the minimum amount of information (usually just latest accounts and last 3 months bank statements would suffice) with a quick and professional service. We are not Financial Advisors but we can explain all the products we can offer you and with the help of your accountant, choose the most suitable means of finance that would suit your individual needs. Our clients enjoy complete peace of mind whilst working with us; often because we let you get on with your busy lives whilst we sort out the details. Over the years, thousands of satisfied clients have expressed total confidence in our solutions, people and products.� Please visit our Web site at www. or contact us on 01543473070 The Holding registered Company is Change Finance Ltd. We trade & market under Finance4FarmersLtd

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Working Farmer | | 25

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Whatever the job, there’s a Kubota MGX-II model to handle it. With four models to choose from in the new MGX-II range, you’ll find a lot of extraordinary features fitted as standard. Our extraordinary power-to-weight ratio, provide heavyweight performance from a lightweight tractor. There’s auto-lock on the front suspension too, which makes loading tasks even easier, plus class-leading crop clearance. Not to mention a big cab - complete with instructor seat - that’s air conditioned to provide maximum comfort, even though this level of productivity means you’ll probably spend less time in it. All backed by Kubota’s legendary build quality, durability, engineering excellence and a 5-year warranty - all as standard.

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Work faster

Protect Your Soil Special VF casing and bead construction allow for greater flexion and thus operation at lower pressure is possible. VT-TRACTOR has demonstrated to have a 26% larger lug contact area1 then competitor products. Lower pressure means VF tyres leave behind a bigger footprint and this results in less soil compaction. Soil compaction reduces total pore space of a soil, restricting air and water movement. Low soil oxygen levels is the primary factor that limits plant growth.

Consume less fuel

Thanks to the larger footprint of VF there is more lug contact with the soil, giving better traction. Tests have demonstrated that the Bridgestone VT-TRACTOR allows to cover up to 0.9 hectares per day1 more than with other premium products. Better traction = faster working 1) based on Bridgestone’s internal testing conducted in Bernburg (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) in March 2014 with sizes IF 600/70 R30 and IF 710/70 R42 (inflated to 1.2 and 1.0 bar) and VF 600/70 R30 & VF 710/70 R42 (inflated to 1.0 and 0.8 bar) using a towing tractor with a braking tractor to simulate load.

Better traction also means less fuel consumption per hectare. Tests have demonstrated that with the Bridgestone VT-TRACTOR one can save up to 36 liters per day or over 500€ per 500 hectares1 compared to other premium products. Less fuel = less CO2 & less costs Less fuel (1) based on Bridgestone’s internal testing conducted in Bernburg (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) in March 2014 with sizes IF 600/70 R30 and IF 710/70 R42 (inflated to 1.2 and 1.0 bar) and VF 600/70 R30 and VF 710/70 R42 (inflated to 1.0 & 0.8 bar) using a volumetric fuelmeasurement technique

Lower pressure = bigger footprint = less soil compaction = less rutting (1) based on Bridgestone’s internal testing conducted in Bernburg (SaxonyAnhalt, Germany) in March 2014 with sizes IF 600/70 R30 and IF 710/70 R42 (at inflation pressures 1.2 & 1.0 bar) and VF 600/70 R30 and VF 710/70 R42 (at inflations pressures 1.0 & 0.8 bar) using XSENSORTM pressure imaging technology

Working Farmer | | 27






PICK-UPS; IT’S ALL WE KNOW, IT’S ALL WE DO Unlike others, at Isuzu, we’re not side-tracked by family saloons, sports cars and people carriers. We only make proper pick-ups because we know as a proper professional, you need a workhorse, not a show pony.




#SPEAKISUZU #ISUZU100 #ISUZU D-MAX UTAH MANUAL Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km): Urban 31.7 (8.9). Extra Urban 44.1 (6.4). Combined 38.7 (7.3). CO2 emissions 192g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. For model specific figures please contact us directly or visit †Price shown is for an Isuzu D-Max Utah Double Cab Commercial Vehicle On The Road with manual transmission, automatic transmission also available from £22,999 CVOTR. Commercial vehicle on the road price includes delivery, number plates, 12 months road fund licence and first registration fee, excludes 20% VAT. *3.5 tonne towing capacity applies to all 4x4 models. **5 year/125,000 miles (whichever comes first) warranty applies to all new Isuzu D-Max models. Special paint finishes extra at £400 excluding VAT. Finance options available at participating dealers, subject to status. Terms and conditions apply.


125,000 MILE




Browns of Preston

Cawdor Aberystwyth

Cawdor Narberth

01738 210 000

01772 307023

01970 577536

01834 452202

David Taylor Garages Ltd

Eaglesham Garage Ltd

Ferndown Commercials

Mark Weatherhead Ltd

01873 564010

01355 443050

01202 983319

01954 574560

Northgate Isuzu

Oliver Landpower Ltd

Threeways Garage Ltd

Vale Motors

01227 213024

01923 700327

01745 274290

01963 834433

Crieff Road, Perth. PH1 2QB

Granada Park Motors, Llangattock, Crickhowell, Powys. NP8 1HW

Northgate, Canterbury, Kent. CT1 1FW

W H Brand

77 Broadgate, Whaplode Drove, Near Spalding, Lincolnshire. PE12 0TN

01406 633120

181-183 Preston Road, Grimsargh, Preston, Lancashire. PR2 5JP

77 Gilmour Street, Eaglesham, Glasgow. G76 0LH

Home Park, Station Road, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire. WD4 8LW

Capel Bangor, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion. SY23 3LN

18-20 Haviland Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Wimborne, Dorset. BH21 7RG

Faenol Avenue, Abergele, Aberconwy & Colwyn. LL22 7HT

Eastgate Garage, Jesse Road, Narberth, Pembrokeshire. SA67 7DJ

St Neots Road, Hardwick, Cambridgeshire. CB23 7QL

Saxon Way, Wincanton Business Park, Wincanton, Somerset. BA9 9RT





For the Forester 2.0i XE


Colin Appleyard Cars

Tel: 01618 228400

Tel: 01484 829012

Cavendish Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire. OL6 7QL

Lockwood Road, Folly Hall, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. HD1 3PA

Central Motors

Eaglesham Garage Ltd

Helensburgh Subaru

Tel: 01460 601049

Tel: 01355 443054

Tel: 01436 584326

East Street, Chard, Somerset. TA20 1EP

77 Gilmour Street, Eaglesham, Glasgow. G76 0LH

101-103 East Clyde Street, Helensburgh, Argyll and Bute. G84 7PJ

SUBARU FORESTER RANGE Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km): Urban 25.2-39.8 (11.2-7.1); Extra Urban 40.4-57.6 (7.0-4.9); Combined 33.2-49.6 (8.5-5.7). CO2 Emissions 197-148 g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results.


Croxdale Subaru

Dales Subaru

Dennis Common

Tel: 01388 881050

Tel: 01282 882815

Tel: 01665 751511

A167, Croxdale, Durham, County Durham. DH6 5HS

439 Colne Road, Kelbrook, Barnoldswick, Lancashire. BB18 6TG

West Road Garage, Longframlington, Morpeth, Northumberland. NE65 8HX

MTC Subaru


Plymouth Subaru

Tel: 01733 822941

Tel: 01371 483377

Tel: 01752 522410

157 Eastrea Road, Whittlesey, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. PE7 2AJ

Dunmow Road, Rayne, Essex. CM77 6SA

118 - 130 Ridgeway, Plympton, Plymouth, Devon. PL7 2HN

†Every vehicle marketed by Subaru (UK) Ltd, excluding WRX STI, is covered by a 5 Year/100,000 mile (whichever comes sooner) Limited Warranty which comprises of a standard 3 Year/60,000 mile (whichever is sooner) Manufacturer’s Warranty (bumper to bumper, excluding clutch driven plate) and an Extended Warranty (applies to powertrain only) provided by the importer. OTR price includes VAT, delivery, number plates, 12 months road fund licence and first registration fee. Vehicle shown is a Forester 2.0i XT Turbo with optional special paint finish OTR price of £31,495.00. Without special paint finish £30,995.00. X-Mode is only available in Forester Lineartronic models. Offers may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Offer ends 30.06.16. Prices correct at time of going to print.






Why live with a 4x2 when you can drive a 4x4 from the original and most awarded SUV brand on the planet? Crowned 4x4 of the year for 2016, the Jeep Renegade 4x4 can now be yours for the price of a 4x2 with a customer saving of £1,390*. Combine legendary 4x4 capability, along with cutting edge technology and 5 Star Euro NCAP safety rating for just £199 per month†.

Northgate Garage (Canterbury) Ltd Tel: 01227 208660

Chris Variva Nottingham Tel: 0115 855 3060

Hughes Tel: 01494 412069

Motorvogue Bedford Tel: 01234 867788

MODEL SHOWN JEEP RENEGADE 2.0 LONGITUDE 4WD AT £24,495 INCLUDING SPECIAL PASTEL PAINT AT £600. OFFICIAL FUEL CONSUMPTION FIGURES FOR JEEP RENEGADE RANGE MPG (L/100KM): EXTRA URBAN 47.9 (5.9) – 70.6 (4.0), URBAN 32.5 (8.7) – 55.4 (5.1), COMBINED 40.9 (6.9) – 64.2 (4.4), CO2 EMISSIONS: 160 – 115 G/KM. Fuel consumption and CO figures are obtained for 2

comparative purposes in accordance with EC directives/regulations and may not be representative of real-life driving conditions. *See for price comparison. †Customer deposit is £4,455. Jeep Deposit is £1,500. Total Deposit £5,955. Optional Final Payment is £12,573. Contract Term is 24 months. Promotion available on selected stock of Jeep Renegade 2.0 MultiJet 140hp Longitude 4WD at £24,495 including Special Pastel Paint registered by 31st July 2016. Participating dealers only. Jeep Deposit Contribution only available in conjunction with Jeep Horizon PCP. With Jeep Horizon you have the option to return the vehicle and not pay the final payment, subject to the vehicle not having exceeded an agreed annual mileage (a charge of 9p per mile for exceeding 10,000 miles per annum in this example) and being in good condition. Finance subject to status. Guarantees may be required. Terms and Conditions apply. Jeep Financial Services, PO Box 4465, Slough, SL1 0RW. Jeep® is a registered trademark of FCA US LLC.

SMOOTH SAILING FOR ISUZU D-MAX AS NEW PEDDERS SUSPENSION KIT SOAKS UP LUMPS AND BUMPS Drivers of any pick-up truck have often been forced to choose between ride comfort and load carrying capacity, as one usually compromises the other


his is no longer the case for drivers of any doublecab Isuzu D-Max. The new Pedders D-Max TrakRyder Lift Kit takes the strain out of the suspension set-up, promising an enhanced ride quality whether the D-Max is fully laden or empty and regardless of the type of road surface. Taking any double-cab D-Max to the next level of comfort, ride quality and stability – applicable to the Blade, Eiger, Fury, Utah and Yukon in the premium D-Max range and double-cab pick-up in the utility range – the suspension kit gives the best of both worlds as it equips the D-Max as both a workhorse and a family utility vehicle. The Pedders D-Max TrakRyder Lift Kit does this by introducing a variable leaf spring design that gives spring and shock absorber rates capable of handling increased

ground clearance, increased suspension travel whilst enhancing vehicle stability. The D-Max TrakRyder Lift Kit increases the ride height by +35mm to +40mm, enabling the vehicle to cover rough ground as well as increasing the approach and departure angles of the pick-up when traversing extreme angles on undulating off-road terrain. With the kit intended for use on- and off-road – including general commuting – the suspension upgrade also makes towing more comfortable, when drivers are exploiting the D-Max’s classleading 3.5-tonne towing capacity. No modifications to the Isuzu D-Max are required in order to fit the suspension kit, which includes a pair of Pedders Trak Ryder Rear Foam Cell Shocks, Pedders Trak Ryder Lift Kit Rear Leaf Springs, Ezi Fit Front Foam Cell Shocks & Springs, Rear Anti Roll Bar Kit, Rear Spring Leading

and Trailing Polyurethane Bush Kits and U-bolts for Rear Springs. With innovation incorporated into the whole suspension kit’s design and construction, the set-up is easy to fit, minimising the labour time needed for installation. The Pedders D-Max TrakRyder Lift Kit is available supplied and fitted at your local Isuzu dealer for £1,357.15 (excluding VAT).

Working Farmer | | 33

rom £299 f e n i l h g i ok H e.^ r i h t The Amar* c a r t On con a month.

The Amarok Highline. Trailblazing style, better performance, outstanding value. Fittingly enough, the Amarok Highline is aptly named with a high standard of spec. 18-inch Durban alloys, privacy glass, chrome or body-coloured door mirrors, stainless steel side bars and chrome rear bumper give the exterior a genuine look of class. Inside, there’s Vienna leather upholstery, heated front seats, chrome detail on the dashboard and an extensive multi-function pack. Smooth performance is guaranteed by a choice of 6-speed manual with selectable 4-Motion or 6-speed automatic with permanent 4-Motion. Bluemotion Technology is also standard. This offer applies to business users only. All our Contract Hire packages come with instant access to Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Driverline, a dedicated contact number to help keep you on the road. For more details, why not contact us or call in at our showroom?

Volkswagen Van Centre (Scunthorpe) Normanby Road, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire. Telephone: 01724 487535. Find us on your sat-nav using DN15 8QZ.

Greenhous Volkswagen Van Centre

Greenhous Volkswagen Van Centre (Bilston)

Ennerdale Road, Harlescott, Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Telephone: 01743 384303.

Trinity Road, Bilston, Wolverhampton. Telephone: 01902 219303.

Find us on your sat-nav using SY1 3LD.

Find us on your sat-nav using WV14 7EF.

Listers Van Centre (Worcestershire)

Martins Van Centre

North Bank, Berry Hill Industrial Estate, Droitwich. Telephone: 01905 412269.

London Road, Hatch, Basingstoke, Hampshire. Telephone: 01256 212426.

Find us on your sat-nav using WR9 9AU.

Find us on your sat-nav using RG24 7NZ.

Listers (Coventry) Van Centre

Vindis Van Centre Northampton

347-367 Bedworth Road, Longford, Coventry, West Midlands. Telephone: 0247 767 0747.

Gambrel Road, Weedon Industrial Estate, Northampton. Telephone: 01604 315852.

Find us on your sat-nav using CV6 6BN.

Find us on your sat-nav using NN5 5BB.

^At the end of the agreement the vehicle and ownership rights will stay with Volkswagen Commercial Vehicle Financial Services. *Plus VAT and initial rental. Business users only. Based on a 36 month, 10,000 mile per annum [non-maintained] Contract Hire agreement with an initial customer rental of £3,602.75. 6.0p per mile (plus VAT) excess mileage charges apply. Offer available for vehicles ordered between 1st July and 30th September 2016 from participating Van Centres. Offers may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Further charges may apply when vehicle is returned, subject to the contract fair wear and tear guidelines and mileage. VAT payable at a prevailing rate. Finance subject to status. Available to 18s and over. Subject to availability. Accurate at time of publication [07/2016]. Terms and conditions apply. Freepost Volkswagen Commercial Vehicle Financial Services. Finance providers may pay us for introducing you to them. We can introduce you to a limited number of lenders to assist with your purchase, who may pay us for introducing you to them.

Introducing the new Korando 2.2

2 tonne towing capacity

New Korando 2.2 available from



7 in touch screen with iPod & Bluetooth Connectivity

Intelligent 4x4

Increased fuel efficiency

M T Cars

157 Eastrea Road, Whittlesey, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE7 2AJ 01733 309782

Grovebury Cars

44-46 Grovebury Road Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 4SW 01525 378899

2.2 litre diesel engine with 400Nm torque

Ashbank Garage

Ashbank Road, Werrington Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire ST9 0JS 01782 303926


Fuel consumption figures in mpg: 32.8 (8.6) – 61.4 (4.6). CO2 emissions in g/km: 177-139. Model featured is a Korando 2.2 ELX at £21,495 including optional metallic Working Farmer | | at any time. Prices are correct at the time of going to print, but may be changed paint priced at £500. *Korando SE including VAT, delivery charge, Road Fund Licence & first registration charge.

36 | Working Farmer |

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