Working Farmer | April 2019

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Brexit Uncertainty


Methane-powered Concept Tractor



Brexit uncertainty will hit UK organic farmers

UK organic farmers face the prospect of a trade embargo being placed on their products destined for the EU if we leave without a deal, the NFU has warned.


he NFU has maintained that it is vital a deal is agreed to ensure an orderly Brexit to avoid immediate serious problems for British farmers and growers and food production. Chairman of the NFU organic forum, John Pawsey, says a no-deal Brexit would mean producers here needing the EU to formally recognise UK organic production standards and accept these as equivalent to EU standards. He warns that without recognition for UK organic standards, organic products destined for the EU market would have to be sold as conventional and would therefore lose the premiums they need in order to cover the

higher costs of production. The NFU is writing to Defra Secretary of State Michael Gove to highlight this as another example of where leaving the EU without a deal would be catastrophic for UK agriculture. Mr Pawsey said: “There is currently no mechanism in place to facilitate the equivalent process within the European Commission and estimated time scales of achieving this recognition could be as long as nine months. “It appears to have been left to certification bodies to work out how this can be achieved. Exports are an important part of the supply chain for British organic farmers and growers and we fear the consequences of excess product being

2 / April 2019

trapped in the UK and the impacts that would have. “The UK Government has already taken a step towards trying to ensure continuity of trade for organic products through the introduction of a Statutory Instrument which stipulates the UK will continue to recognise EU control bodies for a designated time period of 21 months. I would like to see this transition period reciprocated for UK organic products entering the EU market in a no-deal scenario. “We continue to urge government and MPs not to leave the EU on these terms. If no deal is reached, the NFU would like to see the process of gaining recognition expedited as quickly as possible.”

The UK farming unions have joined the NFU in writing to Chancellor Philip Hammond warning that the recent UK applied tariff policy announcement is another example of how British farming will be damaged by a no-deal Brexit.


he letter reaffirms the farming unions’ position of being absolutely committed to avoiding a disorderly exit from the EU. NFU President Minette Batters said: “The government’s recent nodeal applied tariff policy announcement confirms our view that to leave the EU without a deal in place would be catastrophic for UK farming. “While we acknowledge that the tariff policy announced earlier this month is intended to be temporary and would be in direct response to an undesirable situation facing the country, we have very significant concerns about the damage this policy would cause to farmers across the country. "Without the maintenance of tariff protections we would be in danger of opening up the UK to imported food which would be illegal to be produced here, produced at a lower cost because it may fail to meet the environmental

and animal welfare standards which are legally required of our own farmers." “Under the no-deal tariff policy even those sectors that are treated sensitively by our government will, in most instances, see worrying and large reductions in the tariff rates currently charged on non-EU imports. Tariffs currently in place by virtue of EU membership on almost all agricultural products deemed to be sensitive by the UK will be slashed, including those on beef, poultry meat, cheddar, butter, sugar and pork. “We respect the government’s decision to avoid a customs border between Northern Ireland and the Republic in the event of leaving the EU without a deal. However, treating Northern Ireland in effect as a separate customs territory from Great Britain is not appropriate and government’s failure to secure reciprocal commitments from the Republic of Ireland is unacceptable. It is imperative that government does not allow the Northern Irish border to become a loophole that only


Chancellor urged to act now to revise no-deal applied tariffs

works to the benefit of Irish businesses to the detriment of UK producers. “We are keen to work with government to have a better understanding of the economic modelling, assumptions and potential trade-offs that have been used in arriving at this point. "However, the underlying point is that a no-deal exit from the EU would be disastrous for British farming and food production and should be avoided at all costs." "In the meantime, as there is still the possibility of a no-deal exit, government must act now to address these concerns and revise the tariffs and quotas accordingly, to try and lessen the significant damage which a no-deal would inflict on the UK farming sector. “In the longer term, it is imperative that the approach taken by government to deal with what would be a disorderly exit from the EU does not form the basis for the UK’s long term approach to international trade.” / April 2019


No Deal Tariffs – a bad deal for UK farmers All products 0% Lamb 48% Butter 48% Potatoes 11.5% Pork Eggs Cheddar 30% 19% 57% Poultry meat Beef 37% 84% Wheat 53%

Special tariff arrangements will apply to imports over the Irish land border – 0% on all products

UK tariff imposed on EU and non-EU imports in the event of no deal**

*For volumes supplied outside of 0% rated quota. **All existing market access concessions for imports through WTO membership for products such as lamb, poultry and dairy

Tariff to be imposed on UK exports to EU currently 0% Cheddar 57% Butter 48% Potatoes 11.5% Poultry meat 37% Beef Eggs Pork 45%* 19% 30% Wheat Pork Eggs 0% 53% Beef 4% 84%

Lamb 48%

Potatoes 0% Poultry meat 22%* Cheddar 7%

y will continue

Butter 15% Lamb 48%

Wheat 0%


Welfare issues for sheep

The main welfare issues affecting sheep are from mutilations, lameness, transport and illness caused by disease. The health problems of sheep are largely treatable or avoidable with good grazing, breeding and stockmanship.


UTILATIONS Lambs are routinely subjected to painful mutilations. The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) states that castration and tail docking of lambs “should not be undertaken without strong justification". CASTRATION Many male lambs are castrated to prevent breeding, aid fattening and reduce aggression. Lambs are usually castrated by applying a tight ring, clamp or surgery. This is normally done without anaesthetic. TAIL DOCKING lambs with docked tails.jpg It is common for lambs to have their tails docked. This is partly to prevent the accumulation of faeces around the tail and reduce lesions and infections from flies. However, evidence shows that tail-docking is not necessary to maintain the health and welfare of lambs. Tail-docking is carried out with a knife, hot iron or tight ring around the tail. MULESING Mulesing is the surgical removal of sections of skin from around the tail of a sheep, usually with no anaesthetic. Mulesing is often performed on Merino wool-producing sheep in Australia to reduce the incidence of flystrike – lesions and infections caused by blowflies. Anaesthetics and anti-inflammatories would significantly reduce pain while closer inspections of flocks, use of chemicals and breeding

could reduce the use of mulesing altogether. Through voluntary industry agreements, mulesing has been largely phased out in New Zealand and progress is also being made towards phasing out the practice in Australia. EWES AND LAMBING Many ewes die during winter and spring because of poor body reserves to cope with winter and inadequate grazing. Many lambs are aborted or stillborn or die through disease, exposure and starvation. Multiple births are common in many modern sheep breeds and often result in problems for the ewe during delivery and produce more vulnerable lambs. In the UK, as many as 15% of lambs do not survive. TRANSPORT Crowded transport - sheep Live sheep and lambs are frequently transported on long journeys around the world. For example, each year, around 1.5 million sheep and lambs as young as four weeks old, are sent to Italy for slaughter from Hungary, Romania, Poland and Spain. On EU journeys legislation is frequently ignored with animals not given the rest, food and water required. Sheep are regularly transported in overcrowded trucks with insufficient headroom. In hot weather overcrowding can contribute to poor ventilation and sheep are often unable to access or use drinking devices. You can help by choosing higher welfare alternatives. Most sheep are farmed in extensive systems, outdoors on pasture. However several

6 / April 2019

million sheep are housed permanently indoors and some lambs are fattened indoors. When buying lamb, unless the label says ‘grass fed’ or ‘access to pasture’ sheep may have had no outdoor access. Organically farmed sheep graze on pasture throughout the grazing season. Jumping Lambs Good stockmanship with good grazing regimes and strong breeds help ensure ewes remain healthy and improves lamb survival. Smaller numbers of sheep cared for by more shepherds allows proper supervision of the animals’ health and welfare. Provided that they are given sufficient care, ‘easy care’ breeds which are better able to look after themselves, can have many welfare advantages. They have fewer problems with lambing and are more resistant to fly strike so they don’t need to be tail docked. However, it is essential that sheep are given adequate supervision to ensure any welfare issues are quickly noticed and addressed. Effective anaesthesia can be used to reduce the pain caused by mutilations such as castration, tail-docking and mulesing. These mutilations are often unnecessary and are not carried out in the highest welfare systems. Use of chemicals and breeding could reduce the use of mulesing altogether and it is already being phased out in New Zealand and Australia.


Poultry Business: Why we cannot be undermined by lower standard imports

In a column for Poultry Business magazine, NFU chief poultry adviser Gary Ford outlines the importance of maintaining high production standards in the UK poultry sector.


he poultry meat sector has found itself facing a challenging marketplace at the start of this year – one of these concerns is the increasing imports of Brazilian chicken into the UK and European wholesale market. The egg sector is also seeing margins come under significant pressure partly as a result of supply and partly due to pricing around egg size. These growing concerns have been raised to me by members on several occasions. For me, the situation with Brazil clearly highlights why it is so important that we maintain our high standards of British poultry production in the

future. It is vital farmers are not undermined by food imports produced to standards that would be illegal for British farmers to produce to. As I write this column, the USA have just set out their negotiating objectives for a UK/USA trade deal and it will shock no one to hear that comprehensive access to our agricultural market is one of their prime targets. The NFU have set out a firm response that British farming must not be sacrificed in any future trade deal. As we creep ever closer to the Brexit deadline of March 29, it is clear there has not have been the sort of progress we would like to see towards a deal between the UK and EU.

However, the NFU has not slowed down representing our poultry members. Whether it is trade, access to labour or upholding our high standards, the NFU has been making the case to government about why our industry is so important to the country. While we navigate Brexit, we must not forget how crucial the next generation of farmers will be and we are continuing our industry’s history of bringing talent through. Our successful Poultry Industry Programme is now entering its fourth cycle and we’re looking for young professionals to take part; to develop future leaders and give participants a unique insight into the industry. / April 2019



Big isn’t always better when it comes to eggs Farmers have asked celebrity chefs for help in raising the profile of medium- and mixed-weight free-range eggs.


ary Berry, Jamie Oliver, Rick Stein and Raymond Blanc are among 50 celebrity chefs and highprofile bakers being asked by free-range egg farmers to help end Britain’s obsession with large eggs. The British Free Range Egg Producers Association (BFREPA) says hens naturally lay a range of sizes and wants more shoppers to try a box of medium or mixedweight eggs rather than large. The organisation’s chairman, James Baxter, has written to high-profile chefs and bakers to ask them to throw their weight behind the campaign, and support BFREPA’s message that bigger isn’t always better. He also asks for references to the size of

eggs used in recipes to be removed wherever possible. “Egg size can be affected by a number of variables such as the weather, diet and light levels,” says Baxter. “As farmers, bird welfare is our numberone priority and we want to allow hens to lay what comes naturally.” Retailer promotions and a perceived sense of added value from consumers continues to drive demand for large eggs, but BFREPA says there is often little difference between the sizes. “As the size of an egg increases it contains a greater proportion of white, rather than yolk where the bulk of the nutritional value is contained,” Baxter adds. Organic farmers face consequences of a nodeal Brexit The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has warned that British organic farmers face the prospect of a trade embargo on their products destined for the EU if a Brexit deal is not agreed. Organic products would not be allowed into the EU until UK organic certification bodies are officially recognised by the EU Commission. NFU Organic Forum chairman John Pawsey warned that without recognition for UK organic standards, organic

products destined for the EU market would have to be sold as conventional and would therefore lose the premiums they need in order to cover the higher costs of production. Pawsey said: “There is currently no mechanism in place to facilitate the equivalent process within the European Commission and estimated timescales of achieving this recognition could be as long as nine months. It appears to have been left to certification bodies to work out how this can be achieved. Exports are an important part of the supply chain for British organic farmers and growers and we fear the consequences of excess product being trapped in the UK.” The government has already taken a step towards trying to ensure continuity of trade for organic products through the introduction of a statutory instrument, which stipulates the UK will continue to recognise EU control bodies for a designated time period of 21 months. Pawsey added: “I would like to see this transition period reciprocated for UK organic products entering the EU market in a nodeal scenario. We urge government and MPs not to leave the EU on these terms. If no deal is

reached, the NFU would like to see the process of gaining recognition expedited as quickly as possible.” Campaign launched to promote women in agriculture AgriBriefing, the parent company of Farmers Guardian, has launched a campaign aimed at shining a light on women working across the food supply chain globally. The Women in Food & Agriculture initiative will culminate in a summit on 3 – 4 December in Amsterdam. Research and market analysis conducted by AgriBriefing has shown women are acutely under-represented in management roles throughout the industry. According to Deloitte figures, only 15% of board seats are taken up by women worldwide, with just 4% in the chief executive and top leadership roles. AgriBriefing co-founder and chief executive Rory Brown said: “The agribusiness industry still has a reputation as being largely a male preserve. Whilst this is changing, the pace of change is still way too slow. If our industry cannot welcome the best talent wherever it lies, we will all struggle to deliver on the huge challenges the sector is facing.” / April 2019



Working Farmer April



Introducing the new Korando 2.2

New Korando 2.2 available from


P.31 FEMAS 2019 2 tonne towing capacity

7in touch screen with iPod & Bluetooth Connectivity

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Increased fuel efficiency

2.2litre diesel engine with 400Nm torque

SMC Plymouth Think Cars Limited C.S.G Pollitt LTD AIC Services has published an updated FEMAS standard Driventhe Car Sales Shukers for assurance scheme for producers and suppliers of feed ingredients. Christian Mill Business Park, Crownhill, Plymouth, Devon PL5 5DS

Ringwood Road, Bransgore, Hampshire BH23 8JQ

37 Marsh Green Road, Marsh Barton, Exeter, Devon EX2 8PN

01752 773999

01425 672416

01392 496900

Mandale Triangle Industrial Estate, Thornaby, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland TS17 6BZ

Unit A, Vanguard Way, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY1 3TG

01642 601999

01743 444500


Fuel consumption figures in mpg: 32.8 – 61.4. CO2 emissions in g/km: 177-139. Model featured is a Korando 2.2

ELX at £21,495 including optional metallic paint priced at £500. *Korando SE including VAT, delivery charge, Road Fund Licence & first registration charge. Prices are correct at the time of going to print, but may be changed at any time.

Kuhn: Higher density big bales from new LSB balers P.18


The UK farming unions have joined the NFU in writing to Chancellor Philip Hammond warning that the recent UK applied tariff policy announcement is another example of how British farming will be damaged by a no-deal Brexit.

Subaru P.35 Brexit Subarus have always been made to a set few criteria

Poultry Business



UK organic farmers face the prospect of a trade embargo


U nd er ’s 17




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12 / April 2019




Cope Seeds: New herbal ley mixture for improved soil health A new herbal mixture has been launched to meet the growing need to improve soil health on farms


ormulated by seed and grain specialist Cope Seeds, the herbal mixture of hybrid and perennial ryegrass also includes cocksfoot, timothy, meadow fescue, a range of legumes including red and white clover, alsike, sweet clover and birdsfoot trefoil plus sheeps parsley, burnet, plantain, chicory and yarrow. “Since Defra’s 25-year

environmental plan was released, many farmers are reintroducing grass leys into arable rotations in a bid to improve soil health, and we’re adding another option to their armoury,” Cope Seeds’ grass and small seeds manager, Simon Travers, said. “This diverse mixture is formulated to produce a sward ideal for grazing or cutting, but the additional benefits to soil structure, nitrogen

fixation and mineral and protein content are well documented. Many of the herbs have strong root systems and can help to store carbon deep down in the soil as well as naturally helping to break up soil compaction.” Mr Travers added that as well as helping to improve soil structure, herbs draw up essential vitamins and minerals for ruminant animals. “For example, plantain is a good source of

calcium, sodium and copper,” he said. “Animal health is supported by the anti-worming nature of several herbaceous flowering plants, and chicory has been proven to reduce faecal egg counts in lambs and could reduce the use of anthelmintics.” The new Cope Seeds mixture is available in both organic (70% organic inclusion) and non-organic forms.

FEMAS 2019 Standard published

AIC Services has published an updated FEMAS standard for the assurance scheme for producers and suppliers of feed ingredients.


he publication is a result of extensive review by the FEMAS Review Group in consultation with the certification body, FEMAS participants and auditors. The new version of the FEMAS Standard will be applicable from May

1st 2019 and scheme participants will be required to implement it from that date. There will be no transition period for the new standard. However, any participant with an audit booked on May 1st will have two months to prepare, and up to 60 days to rectify any nonconformances.

Simon Williams, Technical Manager for AIC Services, said: “FEMAS is one of the critical assurance schemes delivered by AIC Services which provide assurance right across the supply chain and ultimately link into the Red Tractor scheme providing assurance to retailers and the

consumer. We are committed to a process of reviewing and improving these schemes to ensure that they continue to be fit for purpose and deliver the highest possible standards across the industry.” / April 2019



New Holland: Methane-powered concept tractor at Sima 2019

New Holland’s stand at the 2019 Sima Show featured the company’s latest methane-powered concept tractor, a machine that it says opens the way to the use of alternative fuels in agriculture.


ith its Clean Energy Leader strategy, launched in 2006, New Holland pioneered the use of alternative fuels. In 2013, the Brand presented its first T6 Methane Power tractor prototype, which has been further developed and tested with customers in France and other European countries. The methanepowered concept tractor on display at Sima was the synthesis and summit of this development. It combines visionary design with advanced and sustainable methane combustion – thus guaranteeing extra-low CO2 emissions. The engine has been specifically developed for agricultural applications by

FPT Industrial, the powertrain brand of CNH Industrial, and is based on more than 20 years of natural gas experience, with more than 30,000 engines produced for truck and bus applications. The six-cylinder engine delivers the same power (180hp) and torque (740Nm) as the standard diesel equivalent, and the same durability and service intervals – while providing running cost savings that can reach 30 per cent. In real-field conditions, this tractor produces at least 10 per cent smaller CO2 emissions and 80 per cent lower pollutant emissions compared to a standard diesel tractor. When fuelled by biomethane produced from renewable sources, the CO2

14 / April 2019

emissions are virtually zero. This tractor is a vital link in New Holland’s Energy Independent Farm concept, a sustainable closed-loop virtuous cycle of farming: from fields to energy generation, and back to fields. The process reduces environmental impact allowing a safe and productive use of agricultural or animal waste (as well as specifically-grown energy crops), and produces fuel-grade biomethane in anaerobic digester plants. Excess energy may used to generate electricity to power local communities or be sold to the grid, while the byproducts of biodigestion are natural fertilisers for the farm’s fields.

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Kuhn: Higher density big bales from new LSB balers New technology to meet the needs of progressive farmers launched by Kuhn on its stand at Sima 2019 included the company’s latest LSB 1290iD (intelligent-Density) large square balers.


his new machine has the ability to produce large square bales with up to 25 per cent higher density than conventional big bales. This is increasingly valuable for the transport and storage of crop residues, whether used for feed, bedding or as a

renewable energy source. The LSB 1290iD baler incorporates the Kuhn’s patented TwinPact plunger system to facilitate the increased force required to create higher density bales. In addition, driveline and transmission upgrades create further benefits, allowing a 200hp tractor to produce bales

18 / April 2019

of more than 500kg, creating economies in fuel use. The new baler is fully ISObus compatible, with an intuitive user interface. It can be controlled from the tractor’s own ISObus controller, or via Kuhn’s CCI 1200 or CCI 50 terminals.

McCormick: New-generation X5 Series tractors have more transmission options

The new generation of McCormick X5 Series tractors, now available from dealers throughout the UK and Ireland


he X5 Series is at the core of our ‘livestock tractor’ line-up and offers a lively and versatile power unit with a broad choice of specifications to suit different applications and preferences. Argo Tractors managing director for the UK and Ireland, Adrian Winnett, said. “Together with a neat and well laid-out cab, providing a comfortable and convenient working environment with good all-round visibility, the tractors make an attractive package for field and loader work.” The new McCormick X5 Series replaces the Perkins-powered first-generation X5 design with three new models powered by 3.6-litre Deutz four-cylinder engines tuned for maximum outputs of 99hp (X5.35), 107hp (X5.45) and 113hp (X5.55). Apart from attractive power, torque and fuel economy credentials, the new engine has simpler emissions control hardware in the form of a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), which unlike a diesel particulates filter (DPF) requires no fuelburn cleansing, maintenance or operator intervention. It also has a new viscous-drive option for the engine cooling fan, which runs only when necessary to maintain a steady coolant temperature and therefore contributes to the tractor’s fuel economy. In the new X5 Series tractors, power and torque are channelled through an expanded selection of transmissions. Buyers can choose between a dry clutch synchro shuttle or wet clutch power shuttle, a gear splitter or threespeed powershift, and from 12 to

36 forward speeds, with a creep gearbox option available across the board. “The synchro shuttle 12F/12R transmission with manual rear linkage control will suit anyone wanting a simple, reliable mechanical tractor for yard work on a livestock farm and perhaps also for horticultural and fruit enterprises,” Mr Adrian said. “But there’s also the option to upgrade to the power shuttle with adjustable drive take-up, which apart from giving fingertip forward/ reverse selection also adds electro-hydraulic control of the PTO clutch for progressive take up of power to help protect implement drivelines.” Alternatively, there’s the new 24F/24R transmission with a splitter operated by a button on the gear selector that permits easy up- and down-shifts to cope with changing load on the tractor. This can be had with the synchro shuttle or power shuttle, as well as a creep gearbox that adds another eight speeds in both directions. If more ratios are required to handle a lot of field work – mowing, tedding and raking grass for hay and silage, cultivations and harrowing, trailer and spreader work, for example – then the newly-released H-M-L option provides the added versatility of three-speed powershift to complement the power shuttle. This increases the number of forward speeds to 36F/12R – or 48F/16R with the creep gearbox – for greater flexibility when finding the optimum speed for every job. In addition, the new X5’s Eco Forty feature reduces the engine revs once the 40km/hr cruising

speed has been reached to save fuel and give the operator a quieter drive on lengthy transport runs.And the new four-speed PTO option is another fuel-saving feature, this time for field work, as it provides both 540rpm and 1,000rpm shaft speeds at “Economy” as well as “Power” settings. Hydraulic resources comprise a 62-lit/min gear pump (complemented by a 32-lit/min pump dedicated to steering and ancillary clutches) supplying the three double-acting spool valves fitted as standard. Other standard equipment includes interchangeable ball and claw ends for the 4,500kg rear linkage lift arms and a push-back telescopic pick-up hitch; electronic control of the rear hitch is available in place of the mechanical system. The generous standard equipment list also includes an air suspension seat, tilt/telescopic steering wheel and air conditioning in the McCormick X5 Series cabin, which features air intake filters located in the rear pillars where they’re easily accessible while keeping the roof panel relatively slim for the lowest practicable overall height. Larger tyres are being fitted for the UK and Ireland, and a new power-boosted braking system delivers better performance for less effort from the operator, with true all-wheel braking performance provided by the internal front axle disc brakes installed as standard. The new tractors are available with a McCormick hydraulic loader, equipped with self-levelling and soft-ride suspension for the smoothest possible operation, for materials handling work. / April 2019


20 / April 2019

Precast Agricultural Solutions FP McCann is committed to delivering more efficient, cost-effective and safety-focused sustainable precast concrete solutions. Our range of agricultural solutions include:

L Walls • Livestock Buildings T Walls • Silage Panels Rocket Walls • Easi-Bloc Grain and Crop Storage Slurry Stores • Cattle Slats Drainage & Water Management Lydney Office: 01594 847500 Email: / April 2019


22 / April 2019

30 | Working Farmer |



Suzuki has a proud history of creating value-packed products and putting the customer first and in doing so, takes a consistent approach to delivering outstanding customer service through its network of expert motorcycle, ATV, outboard marine engine and car Dealers across the UK.


s a result of this focus, Suzuki GB has been ranked as the best auto brand in the Institute of Customer Service’s UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI) for January 2019. A national measure of sentiment across the country, the research asks 45,000 consumers to rate their experiences of dealing with nearly 260 different companies across 13 sectors, including those in the automotive industry.

The average Automotive CSI score was 78.9 placing Suzuki way ahead and it is also Suzuki’s best ever result since the customer satisfaction barometer made its debut in 2008. In addition to coming top of the automotive sector, Suzuki also climbed 29 places to 15th position overall across the 259 companies measured. As part of the survey, Suzuki customers voted their Dealers as the easiest and open people to deal with, were the highest trusted brand with a

score of 8.6 out of a possible 10 and customers were most likely to remain loyal to the brand too with a score of 8.5 out of 10. Commenting on the results, Nobuo Suyama, Managing Director of Suzuki GB PLC, said: “We are very proud of our achievement to have been recognised as the best car brand in the Index. Continuing to evolve the Suzuki customer experience across our whole product range including cars, motorcycle, ATV and marine, has been

a core focus during recent years, and the ongoing efforts have clearly paid off.” He added: “Without the support of our nationwide Dealer network and the hundreds of people that work tirelessly for the brand to deliver exceptional standards for customers week in, week out, we could not have delivered such a fantastic result. I would therefore like to congratulate everyone who has played a part in this success, and it marks a great start to 2019.” / April 2019


24 / April 2019 / April 2019






Central Motors

Colin Appleyard Cars

Colin Appleyard Cars

Tel: 01223 633704

Tel: 01460 601049

Tel: 01618 228400

Tel: 01484 829012

158 Shelford Road, Trumpington, Cambridgeshire. CB2 9NE

East Street, Chard, Somerset. TA20 1EP

Cavendish Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire. OL6 7QL

Lockwood Road, Folly Hall, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. HD1 3PA

Eaglesham Garage Ltd Helensburgh Subaru

Keith Price Garages

MTC Subaru

Tel: 01355 443054

Tel: 01873 564 018

Tel: 01733 822941

77 Gilmour Street, Eaglesham, Glasgow. G76 0LH

101-103 East Clyde Street, Helensburgh, Argyll and Bute. G84 7PJ

Tel: 01436 584326

Llanwenarth Citra, Abergavenny Monmouthshire. NP8 1EP

157 Eastrea Road, Whittlesey, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. PE7 2AJ

SUBARU FORESTER RANGE Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km): Urban 25.2-39.8 (11.2-7.1); Extra Urban 40.4-57.6 (7.0-4.9); Combined 33.2-49.6 (8.5-5.7). CO2 Emissions 197-148 g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results.

28 / April 2019


Croxdale Subaru

Dales Subaru

Dennis Common

Tel: 01388 881050

Tel: 01282 882815

Tel: 01665 751511

A167, Croxdale, Durham, County Durham. DH6 5HS

439 Colne Road, Kelbrook, Barnoldswick, Lancashire. BB18 6TG

West Road Garage, Longframlington, Morpeth, Northumberland. NE65 8HX


Plymouth Subaru

S & S Services

Tel: 01371 483377

Tel: 01752 522410

Tel: 01292 844294

Dunmow Road, Rayne, Essex. CM77 6SA

118 - 130 Ridgeway, Plympton, Plymouth, Devon. PL7 2HN

8 Old Bridge Road, Heathfield, Ayr, Ayrshire. KA8 9SX

†Every vehicle marketed by Subaru (UK) Ltd, excluding WRX STI, is covered by a 5 Year/100,000 mile (whichever comes sooner) Limited Warranty which comprises of a standard 3 Year/60,000 mile (whichever is sooner) Manufacturer’s Warranty (bumper to bumper, excluding clutch driven plate) and an Extended Warranty (applies to powertrain only) provided by the importer. Vehicle shown is the Subaru Forester 2.0D XC, OTR price of £28,495 plus special paint finish at £550, OTR price includes VAT, delivery, number plates, 12 months road fund licence and first registration fee. Prices correct at time of going to print. / April 2019




The great thing about mud? It scares most people off, leaving life’s adventurers free to explore the fields, forests, nooks and crannies of the world. Our Terrain Response system adjusts to multiple surface conditions, taking you to new places in the great outdoors. The only question is whose turn is it to wash the dog? Call or visit to book your test drive today. Rybrook Land Rover Conwy Ffordd Maelgwyn, Llandudno Junction, Conwy LL31 9PL 01492 580 000

Official Fuel Consumption Figures for the Discovery Sport range in mpg (I/100km): Urban 27.7-51.4 (10.2-5.5); Extra Urban 38.7-67.3 (7.3-4.2); Combined 33.6-60.1 (8.4-4.7). CO2 Emissions 190-123 g/km. Official EU Test Figures. For comparison purposes only. Real world figures may differ. Drive responsibly on and off road.

2 tonne towing capacity


Introducing the new Korando 2.2

New Korando 2.2 available from



7in touch screen with iPod & Bluetooth Connectivity

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2.2litre diesel engine with 400Nm torque

SMC Plymouth

Think Cars Limited

C.S.G Pollitt LTD

Christian Mill Business Park, Crownhill, Plymouth, Devon PL5 5DS

Ringwood Road, Bransgore, Hampshire BH23 8JQ

37 Marsh Green Road, Marsh Barton, Exeter, Devon EX2 8PN

01752 773999

01425 672416

01392 496900

Driven Car Sales


Mandale Triangle Industrial Estate, Thornaby, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland TS17 6BZ

Unit A, Vanguard Way, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY1 3TG

01642 601999

01743 444500

Fuel consumption figures in mpg: 32.8 – 61.4. CO2 emissions in g/km: 177-139. Model featured is a Korando 2.2 ELX at £21,495 including optional metallic paint priced at £500. *Korando SE including VAT, delivery charge, Road Fund Licence & first registration charge. Prices are correct at the time of going to print, but may be changed at any time. / April 2019



An estate that’s as comfortable on muddy fields as it is on city streets. The Outback further enhances a practical, capable car that’s brilliantly safe on the road. Stylish, spacious and refined, the Outback takes you further.

Subaru Outback




Central Motors

Cross Roads

Tel: 01743 404902

Tel: 01460 64747

Tel: 01608 661544

31 Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury Shropshire. SY1 4AB

East Street, Chard Somerset. TA20 1EP

Tredington, Shipston-on-Stour Warwickshire. CV36 4NN

Helensburgh Subaru

Keith Price Garages

MTC Subaru

Tel: 01436 584328

Tel: 01873 811555

Tel: 01733 309782

101-103 East Clyde Street, Helensburgh Argyll and Bute. G84 7PJ

Llanwenarth Citra, Abergavenny Monmouthshire. NP8 1EP

157 Eastrea Road, Whittlesey Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. PE7 2AJ

SUBARU SUV RANGE Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km): Urban 25.2-39.8; Extra Urban 40.4-57.6; Combined 33.2-49.6. CO² Emissions 197-155g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results.

(BETTER where it MATTERS) Tough, practical and virtually indestructible, the Forester will never let you down. Whatever the weather, wherever you want to go, this workhorse will get you there. It’s calm, understated and up for any challenge.

Subaru Forester



Croxdale Subaru

C S G Pollitt Limited

Dennis Common

Tel: 01388 814671

Tel: 01392 339455

Tel: 01665 570542

A167 Croxdale Durham. DH6 5HS

37 Marsh Green Road Marsh Barton, EX2 8PN

Perkins Garages

Plymouth Subaru

Tel: 01376 550899

Tel: 01752 343777

Dunmow Road, Rayne Essex. CM77 6SA

West Road Garage, Longframlington Morpeth, Northumberland. NE65 8HX

118-130 Ridgeway, Plympton Plymouth, Devon. PL7 2HN

Vehicles shown are a Subaru Forester 2.0D XC Premium with optional special paint finish OTR price of £31,860.00 and a Subaru Outback 2.5i SE Premium Lineartronic with optional special paint finish OTR price of £33,560.00. OTR price includes VAT, delivery, number plates, 12 months road fund licence and first registration fee. Prices valid at time of receipt. Please consult your local Subaru dealer for a quotation. †Every vehicle marketed by Subaru (UK) Ltd, excluding WRX STI, is covered by a 5 Year/100,000 mile (whichever comes sooner) Limited Warranty which comprises of a standard 3 Year/60,000 mile (whichever is sooner) Manufacturer’s Warranty (bumper to bumper, excluding clutch driven plate) and an Extended Warranty (applies to powertrain only) provided by the importer. Prices correct at time of going to print.

The Amarok from £306 a month on Contract Hire.* With £1,500 initial rental contribution.

With its 3.0 litre V6 TDI engine as standard, the Amarok sets the standard. The potent pulling power of this engine ensures the Amarok is capable of tackling the most demanding terrain. And with up to 258PS and 550Nm of torque, even the heaviest of loads are easily manageable. With a striking muscular design it’s enhanced with the latest driver assisted technologies. Why not contact us today or drop by our showroom? Don’t forget to ask about exclusive discounts for NFU and NFU Scotland Members.†

Anthony Motors

Marshall Van Centre (Scunthorpe)

Llanbadarn Rd, Dyfed, Aberystwyth. Telephone: 01970 626666.

Normanby Road, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire. Telephone: 01724 487535.

Greenhous Volkswagen Van Centre (Bilston)

Vindis Van Centre (Northampton)

Trinity Road, Bilston, Wolverhampton. Telephone: 01902 219303.

Gambrel Road, Weedon Industrial Estate, Northampton. Telephone: 01604 315852.

Find us on your sat-nav using SY23 3QP.

Find us on your sat-nav using WV14 7EF.

Find us on your sat-nav using DN15 8QZ.

Find us on your sat-nav using NN5 5BB.

Listers Van Centre (Coventry) 347-367 Bedworth Road, Longford, Coventry, West Midlands. Telephone: 0247 767 0747. Find us on your sat-nav using CV6 6BN.

Listers Van Centre (Worcestershire) North Bank, Berry Hill Industrial Estate, Droitwich. Telephone: 01905 412269. Find us on your sat-nav using WR9 9AU.

Clark Commercials Ltd (Aberdeen), Specialist Cars (Aberdeen) Limited, Silver Street Automotive Limited and Swansway Garages Limited are brokers and not a lenders and can introduce you to a limited number of lenders, who may pay us for introducing you to them. *No ownership option. Based on Amarok 3.0 V6 TDI 163PS BMT Trendline, at 48 month, 10,000 mile per annum Contract Hire agreement with £1,836 Initial Rental. 15p per mile excess mileage charges apply and fair wear and tear charges may apply. Business users only. All prices exclude VAT. VAT payable at the prevailing rate. 18s+. Subject to availability and status. T&Cs apply. Offer available for vehicles ordered by 31.03.2019 from participating Van Centres. Indemnities may be required. Offers are not available in conjunction with any other offer and may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Accurate at time of publication [03.2019]. Volkswagen Commercial Vehicle Financial Services. †NFU member eligibility criteria and terms & conditions apply. Please visit or call NFU CallFirst on 0370 8458458 for more details. NFU Scotland (or NFUS) member eligibility criteria and terms and conditions apply. Please visit or call 0131 472 4000 for more details.

Subarus have always been made to a set few criteria – to be safe, fun and tough – whether that be a snarling blue saloon with gold wheels or their ever-dependable SUVs. But with this announcement, they are bringing their first electrified models to the market.


ombining a 2.0-litre diesel boxer engine, a trademark unit that has been specifically tuned for each model, with an electric motor assisting the Lineartronic gearbox and a rear mounted lithium ion battery, the new powertrain has been engineered to maintain the superb safety scores of Subaru’s Global Platform whilst also improving efficiency. In city driving situations, the e-Boxer uses 11% less fuel than its 2.0-litre petrol stablemate, and it can be used in a full EV mode at certain times. The system is a mild-hybrid setup, that will assist the engine using electric power in tougher situations, and also takes the opportunity to recharge where possible. The electric aspects also increase acceleration response, and the fact that

the engine isn’t working alone means that it is quieter, too. The new powertrain also protects the ride quality of the existing models, and having driven it ourselves at an exclusive preview, we can confirm that the electrified powertrain only enhances the ride of both XV and Forester models. The additions included in the e-Boxer upgrades only see 25kg added to the overall weight of the both the XV and Forester, and the mild hybrid models also match the luggage capacities of standard models, weigh just 1,100kgs more and can also to 1,270kg – just 130kg below the best full combustion models. In the development of the e-Boxer, Subaru consulted their loyal customer base and ascertained that a full hybrid was not what their clientele wanted at the time. Their long-term plan, however, is to go straight from mild-hybrid


Subaru Announce e-Boxer Models in Geneva

to full-electric vehicles as the market demands. The new e-Boxer models feature the same X-Mode as all of the latest Subaru 4x4s, and in our brief but exclusive preview, the battery enhanced powertrain was impressive off-road and retained usability and comfort on the road. Safety features are also at the forefront of the e-Boxer models, with not only the ever attentive and protective Eye Sight system installed, but other features like automatic reverse braking and facial recognition enhancing the driving experience. Once the facial recognition system is initialised, the car will recognise the driver and align the driving position to his or her pre-set position. The e-Boxer models can be expected in the UK later this year, and pricing and UK relevant specs should be expected in due course. / April 2019







MARK WEATHERHEAD LTD 01954 210 355 MARKWEATHERHEAD-ISUZU.CO.UK Ashworth House, St. Neots Road, Hardwick, Cambridge CB23 7QL #Over 40 MPG figure applies to manual transmission models. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. Official fuel figures for the Isuzu D-Max range in MPG (l/100km): Urban 30.4 - 38.7 (9.3 - 7.3). Extra Urban 40.9 - 50.4 (6.9 - 5.6). Combined 36.2 - 45.6 (7.8 - 6.2). CO2 emissions 163 - 205g/km. For full details please contact your local Isuzu dealer or visit


WINNER OF WHATVAN? PICK-UP OF THE YEAR 2018 †Important Information. Business users only. Rental amounts shown are for an Isuzu Yukon Double Cab Commercial Vehicle On The Road with manual transmission, excluding special paint finish. Contract based on 8,000 miles per annum, non-maintained. Vehicle must be returned in a good condition to avoid further charges. Provided by Lex Autolease Ltd trading as Isuzu Contract Hire, Heathside Park, Heathside Park Road, Stockport SK3 0RB. Excludes motability and fleet sales, not available in conjunction with any other offers or with BASC or NFU member discounts. Available until 31st March 2018. Finance options available at participating dealers only, subject to status. *3.5 tonne towing applies to all 4x4 models. **125,000 miles/5 year (whichever comes first) warranty applies to all new Isuzu D-Max models. Terms and conditions apply. Visit



The Isuzu D-Max picks-up yet another award in 2019! The multi award-winning Isuzu D-Max has just been awarded ‘Pick-up of the Year’ 2019 by Pick-up & 4x4 Pro


testimony to our ongoing desire to provide the best working pick-up for professionals. This is hot on the heels of being crowned What Van? ‘Pick-up of the Year’ for the second consecutive year (2018 & 2019) and Pick-up of the Year in the Commercial Fleet Awards! The Isuzu D-Max was awarded Pick-up of The Year for 2019 with the Pickup & 4×4 Pro praising both its substance and style. The Isuzu D-Max emerged victorious, beating strong competition from rivals in a highly contested sector. Judges were impressed by the economy and refinement of the innovative 164 PS turbo diesel engine, that provides impressive performance and builds upon the Isuzu D-Max’s

reliable workhorse character. With a 3.5 tonne towing capacity and over 1 tonne payload, the Isuzu D-Max was also praised for providing a quieter, more economical driving experience. The 1.9L turbo diesel engine meets Euro 6 standards without the need for the addition of AdBlue, unlike most of the Isuzu D-Max’s competitors. The breadth of the Isuzu D-Max range also impressed judges; with single, extended and double-cab formats available, as well as a wide choice of trim levels. Coupled with the attractive fiveyear/125,000-mile warranty package and 5 years’ roadside assistance (in the UK & Europe), the Isuzu D-Max proved it was truly built for the professionals who use it. Pick-up & 4×4 Pro said of the win: ‘The D-Max is

38 / April 2019

utilitarian at its core and doesn’t try to disguise it, which is charming and endearing, yet it is still perfectly civilised regardless. And that is why we comfortably chose it as our Pick-up of the Year for 2019.’ Isuzu UK Head of Marketing George Wallis commented: “This 2019 Pick-up of the year is our 10th award in the last 12 months for the Isuzu D-Max and is a testimony to the great product which our customers already love and trust. Isuzu is proud to make reliable and quality vehicles for the professionals that need them, and this award highlights the Isuzu truly is a step above the rest.” Following an already hugely successful 2018 for the awardwinning Isuzu D-Max, winning the second Pick-up of the Year” for 2019 already, is a fitting start to the New Year.

Adventure. No-one ever found it by following the crowd. That’s why the Jeep Renegade is designed with stand-out looks and go-anywhere, do-anything ability. Add to that, forward collision warning, front and rear parking sensors, lane departure warning and you’re in complete control, whether you’re hitting the high street or the wilderness. Test drive adventure and save £500*. Which only leaves one question, where will you find your next one?


Jeep® Deposit Contribution^

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OFFICIAL FUEL CONSUMPTION FIGURES FOR JEEP RENEGADE RANGE MPG (L/100KM): EXTRA URBAN 47.9 (5.9) – 70.6 (4.0), URBAN 32.5 (8.7) – 55.4 (5.1), COMBINED 40.9 (6.9) – 64.2 (4.4), CO2 EMISSIONS: 160 – 115 G/KM. Fuel consumption and CO figures are obtained for comparative purposes in accordance with EC directives/regulations and may not be representative of real-life driving conditions. *£500 (inc. VAT) 2

test drive offer is available on Jeep Renegade ordered and registered between 1st February and 31st March 2018. Available on PCP and APP. Excludes Personal Contract Hire. Retail customers only. Selected stock only. Participating dealers only. Test drives are subject to Dealers discretion, terms & conditions and insurance requirements. ^Offer available on new Jeep Renegade 1.4 MultiAir II 140HP Limited 6 Speed Manual at £24,265 between 4th January and 31st March 2018. Jeep Deposit Contribution only available in conjunction with Jeep Horizon PCP. With Jeep Horizon you may return the vehicle instead of making the final payment. It must be in good condition and if you exceed the agreed annual mileage, you will be charged 6p per mile for exceeding 8,000 miles p.a. in this example. We work with a number of creditors including Jeep Financial Services. Subject to status. Guarantees may be required. Ts&Cs apply. At participating Dealers only. Selected stock only. Jeep Financial Services, SL1 0RW. Jeep® is a registered trademark of FCA US LLC.


MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER PHEV CONTINUES SUCCESS IN EUROPE The Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV has become Mitsubishi Motors Europe’s (MME) best-selling vehicle, out-selling all other models in the Mitsubishi range.


n 2018, the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV was the bestselling plug-in hybrid vehicle in Europe across all segments, an accolade it claimed for the fourth consecutive year. During this time, the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV has also gradually become MME’s best-selling vehicle. In November 2018 more Outlander PHEVs were sold in Europe than any other model in the Mitsubishi range, and this has continued every month since. In total, between

October 2013 and January 2019, 126,617 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEVs have been sold in Europe. This success has been boosted by significant growth recorded in markets like Germany and France along with the launch of the 2019 model during September 2018. A new 2.4-litre petrol engine produces 135ps (up from 121ps) with greater torque (211Nm vs 190Nm). Increased output of the rear electric motor, drive battery and overall battery capacity resulted in WLTP combined fuel economy of 139mpg and WLTP emissions of

40 / April 2019

46 g/km. Key to the success of the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV is that it doesn’t ask its owners to make any compromises. For people wanting an SUV with green credentials it offers a combination of space and practicality, 4WD ability and an EV driving range of 28 miles, which is in excess of the average daily commute. Commenting on this performance, Bernard Loire - President & CEO of Mitsubishi Motors Europe said: “Today, to our many European customers, the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV is the true go-

anywhere vehicle, equally at ease in zero-emission restricted access city centres, on long distance family driving and on twisting mountain roads with its twin motor 4WD system.” He added: “The Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV is our brand flagship, our best seller in Europe, a trendsetter that the industry is watching carefully and a pointer to MMC’s long term strategy, blending adventurous SUV heritage with progressive electrified technologies.”

Vauxhall’s Grandland X SUV is the dependable and versatile vehicle of choice for the Cornwall Fire, Rescue and Community Safety Service, which has ordered a fleet of eight vehicles


he vehicles will be used by officers to respond to incidents within the local community, including fire and emergency response. The Cornwall Fire, Rescue and Community Safety Service opted for the Grandland X in Tech Line Nav trim with the All Road Pack, which features Vauxhall’s innovative IntelliGrip traction control system. The electronic system ensures optimum road grip in diverse driving situations and adapts the torque distribution to the front wheels depending on which of the five driving modes has been selected. This ensures the best traction and stable handling on any surface, including snow, mud and sand. Additional features to come with the Grandland X Tech Line Nav trim include

numerous safety and security systems, such as front parking distance sensors, automatic emergency braking, lane assist and side blind spot alert. A Navi 5.0 IntelliLink infotainment system with 8-inch colour touchscreen and voice control adds to the technological edge of the package. The community service added a heated windscreen and wireless charging as optional extras. The SUVs are fitted with powerful and efficient 1.5-litre (130PS) diesel engines. “We were looking for an appropriate response vehicle to meet the demands of the diverse nature or Cornwall’s rugged landscape,” said Mark Salter, Cornwall Fire, Rescue and Community Safety Service’s Group Manager – Assets. “As a rural county, our officers are required

to negotiate narrow B-roads, unmade tracks and agricultural terrain, as well as coping with dramatic seasonal changes throughout the year. Typically, Cornwall has a higher degree of rainfall than other parts of the country. As a result, we needed a vehicle that would provide sufficient ground clearance and traction to safely manoeuvre through and over these hazards, to arrive safely and promptly at emergency incidents. “ The Cornwall Fire, Rescue and Community Safety Service works to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of the local community. The service’s responsibilities include fire prevention and protection, road safety education and delivery, reducing crime and antisocial behaviour and co-responding to medical incidents. “We are thrilled that

the Cornwall Fire, Rescue and Community Safety Service has chosen the Grandland X to support its work across the county,” said Mike Roberts, Sales Manager for Vauxhall Special Vehicles. “We’re confident that our IntelliGrip traction system in particular will prove indispensable across Cornwall’s diverse landscape. Whether on the beach and coastline, driving over wet and muddy terrain or in snowy and icy conditions, the system will increase driver safety and guarantee stability at all times.” As standard, the Grandland X includes equipment such as LED daytime running lights, camera-based lane departure warning, road sign recognition, intelligent cruise control, and dual zone electronic climate control with particulate and odour filter. At 4.48 metres long, it is the largest SUV in Vauxhall’s range, offering even more cabin space than the 20cm-shorter Mokka X and Crossland X.




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