Working Farmer, June 2019

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JUNE 2019


Science education body joins teachers in endorsing NFU education resources Farming STEMterprise


arming STEMterprise projects take children through each stage of setting up a farm shop business: considering seasonality when deciding which crop to grow, growing their own ingredients, considering nutrition when designing their recipes, using market research to test their ideas out with potential consumers, working within a budget when buying additional ingredients, learning knife

skills when making their products, calculating expected profit, designing responsible packaging and much more. Practical Science and Design & Technology lessons, closely tailored to each year group’s programme of study, are incorporated throughout the projects and opportunities for applying Maths skills to engaging, real life problems are embedded at each stage. The projects have been designed to be easy to use and enable you to deliver key content from the national

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curriculum whilst embedding important messages about financial literacy and food provenance. Farming STEMterprise has received Green Tick accreditation from the Association for Science Education and the Year 5 project is accredited for the CREST Discovery Award.


Working Farmer June



P.8 Do not betray British farming Would the British public accept chlorinated chicken masking lower welfare standards on farm or hormone-fed beef flooding supermarket shelves in exchange for a US trade deal?


Vaderstad: Largest highspeed small-seed precision planter launched




The Bio-Sparge Introducing the wheel spray disinfecting system for bio-security


Land P.44 Gowing P.22 with Science Rover Heads, Shoulders and Wing Mirros Above The Rest

A trial is hoping to revive traditional varieties of oat so rare that only a couple of hundred seeds remain.




Working Farmer | 5

West Midlands' farmers are being encouraged to take part in the Big Farmland Bird Count (BFBC), which is back for the sixth successive year.


armers, land managers and gamekeepers are being asked to spend 30 minutes spotting species on their patch of land between February 8 and 17. The results will help to identify farmland birds which are thriving thanks to conservation efforts made by farmers. This year, the NFU is sponsoring the count, and NFU President Minette Batters will be bird-spotting on the first day at her Wiltshire farm, she said: “This event highlights perfectly how farmers balance excellent conservation work on farms across the country alongside producing the nation’s food. I would

encourage as many farmers as possible to participate during the event in February as this is crucial in the survival and protection of many farmland bird species.” Last year, a record number 1,000 people took part in the count and recorded 121 species across 950,000 acres. However, compared to the 212,000 farm holdings, and around 3,000 full-time game keepers in the UK, only 0.4% of potential counters took part. Peter Thompson, biodiversity adviser at BFBC organisers Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) is encouraging as many as possible to take

part: “Many farmers do lots on their farms to encourage wildlife, but when I give talks to the public, they always seem most surprised that this is the case. The big farmland bird count gives individual farmers the chance to spend just half an hour counting birds on their farm, so that the GWCT can shout from the roof-tops about your results!” Birds are considered to provide a good indication of the broad health of the environment because they occupy a wide range of habitats. Unfortunately, the recognised dataset for farmland birds only counts 19 species found on farms, which has shown a long-


Call for farmers to take part in the Big Farmland Bird Count term decline since 1970. However, Sarah Faulkner, NFU West Midlands Environment and Rural Affairs Adviser, added that the 2018 bird count recorded 121 different bird species recorded on farms: “There were 25 species from the Red List for Birds of Conservation Concern recorded, which demonstrates the significant role farmers play in providing food for farmland birds. As part of agri-environment schemes between 2007 and 2014, 23,000 hectares of plants providing food sources for birds like seeds were planted.”

Top tips for maintaining farm machinery during hay and silage season


t is important we check our machinery to make sure it is in full working condition. Kelly Friel, from industrial tools retailer Zoro, tells us what maintenance we should conduct on our farm machinery for an easy hay and silage season. Farm machinery needs to be maintained regularly, especially before hay and silage season, to avoid breakdowns and safety issues which may put

a halt to your busy schedule. General checks Before you use any machinery, you should always check that: Fuel levels are topped up. Oil levels are correct. You should check this when the engine is warm but switched off. This might require you to turn the engine on for a couple of minutes, then turning off the machine completely. Tyre pressure is at the correct level according to the manufacturer’s

recommendations. There are no visible signs of wear or leaking, especially to belts and hydraulic hoses. If there are, fix them according to manufacturer’s specifications. Power take-off (PTO) shafts are in place and fully covered by a guard. All lights are working, especially if you’re going to be working into the night. All switches are working correctly. All nuts and bolts are tightened properly so

nothing comes loose. No dirt or debris has entered components during use. This can collect moisture and cause rusting. If you need to, clean them with pressurised air to avoid damaging the machinery. All electrical components are intact. All joints are greased. Always conduct maintenance checks when machinery is turned off to avoid injury. / June 2019



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he Bio-Sparge Introducing the wheel spray disinfecting system for bio-security. The cost effective way forward in bio-security Helping you protect your business from cross contamination The Bio-Sparge is a low cost efficient disinfectant vehicle spray system for use on farm, feed mills , livestock auctions agricultural show entrances, zoos, veterinary practices and

colleges, to help meet the challenges of preventing the spread of disease amongst livestock. How does it work? The system is simple to operate, and robust enough to work in challenging environments. The programmable BioSparge is automatically triggered by vehicles as they enter your premises. It incorporates a dosing valve to apply a disinfectant solution via spray nozzles to

6 / June 2019

the sides and underside of vehicles as they drive through. We have a range of vehicle spraying models to suit all your needs, from simple 12 volt systems designed for remote locations up to large systems for multi vehicle daily movements Get the Bio-Sparge today to help protect your business from diseases. Call us on 01953 456528 today!


Poultry Business: Why we cannot be undermined by lower standard imports

In a column for Poultry Business magazine, NFU chief poultry adviser Gary Ford outlines the importance of maintaining high production standards in the UK poultry sector.


he poultry meat sector has found itself facing a challenging marketplace at the start of this year – one of these concerns is the increasing imports of Brazilian chicken into the UK and European wholesale market. The egg sector is also seeing margins come under significant pressure partly as a result of supply and partly due to pricing around egg size. These growing concerns have been raised to me by members on several occasions. For me, the situation with Brazil clearly highlights why it is so important that we maintain our high standards of British poultry production in the

future. It is vital farmers are not undermined by food imports produced to standards that would be illegal for British farmers to produce to. As I write this column, the USA have just set out their negotiating objectives for a UK/USA trade deal and it will shock no one to hear that comprehensive access to our agricultural market is one of their prime targets. The NFU have set out a firm response that British farming must not be sacrificed in any future trade deal. As we creep ever closer to the Brexit deadline of March 29, it is clear there has not have been the sort of progress we would like to see towards a deal between the UK and EU.

However, the NFU has not slowed down representing our poultry members. Whether it is trade, access to labour or upholding our high standards, the NFU has been making the case to government about why our industry is so important to the country. While we navigate Brexit, we must not forget how crucial the next generation of farmers will be and we are continuing our industry’s history of bringing talent through. Our successful Poultry Industry Programme is now entering its fourth cycle and we’re looking for young professionals to take part; to develop future leaders and give participants a unique insight into the industry. / June 2019



Influencing egg size through feed and nutrition

If you need to adjust the average egg size that your flock is currently laying, then changing the birds’ diet will probably be the last thing you do.


he key influencers of egg size are a sequenced relationship of firstly the breed potential followed by the lighting programme, both during the rearing period and when coming into lay. It is only well into lay that the influence of feed can have impact. The fine tuning of your flock’s diet may be all that is required to adjust the average egg size into the size category needed to improve your business’ viability. A choice of feeds If you need to increase your average egg size and your flock is already in lay, then you are left with the last tool in the box: nutrition. But you need to use a fine adjust screwdriver, not a hammer. Many feed suppliers offer their egg producer customers a limited range of a few diets as the bird develops and progresses through its productive life. So why does a supplier like Humphrey Feeds

& Pullets, with over 50 years of experience milling their own feeds offer around 300? Sales director Martin Humphrey explains: “Over 300 diets sounds a lot! However, these do include different ranges, differentiated by GM and non-GM, natural vs nature, identical pigment as well as organic. Within each range of diets will be nearly 40 variations, based on a few key diets, each of which have slightly different nutritional objectives. “Over the past 15 years, a laying bird’s performance has increased significantly. Modern hybrid birds are such finely tuned high performance athletes, so you have to be careful to avoid tripping them up by changing their diets too radically. Instead we give farmers the means to support their layers from our extensive range of diets which provide gradual and more frequent changes in the feed that they give to their birds.” Individual flocks can have differing nutritional needs depending on their environment and circumstances. Humphrey Feeds &

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Pullets has a network of poultry experts who visit flocks on their farms and advise customers on the optimal feed type to utilise, as well as other aspects of bird management such as egg quality, flock health and longevity. “Previously, customers often wanted to control and push down average egg weights,” says Humphrey, “so we offered a ‘Small Egg Size’ variations of the standard feeds. More recently, however, consumer demand has pushed for more large eggs so now we offer ‘Large Egg Size’ diets too.” Welfare matters “This is still relatively new territory,” says Humphrey. “We’re proceeding very cautiously to see how we can best encourage and support hens to produce larger eggs, whilst maintaining bird health and welfare.” Producing too many eggs which are too large can cause stress, leading to feather loss and problems with thermoregulation. When the outside temperature drops, the birds will eat more, compounding the problem of larger eggs. Tradition versus a new approach As the birds age egg production naturally dips whilst egg size increases.

There are therefore advantages to altering feed to control egg size, whilst supporting bird welfare and shell quality. Conventional thinking has been to step down the energy and nutrient content of diets after birds reach their optimum weight and production has started to decrease. However, over the last ten years the iso-kinetic range of diets has gained in popularity; the energy content is maintained, while most other nutrient levels are reduced. Birds generally eat to their energy needs and a low energy diet encourages overfeeding. Whereas energy intake has little effect on egg size, decreasing the nutritional density of the diet can limit further increases in egg size. Gently does it Consumer demand for larger egg size has increased recently, but whichever way the average size needs to go, gradual change is best for production and for the birds’ health. Egg producers should ensure that their feed supplier can deliver a finely tuned range of feeds in order to make slight but effective tweaks rather than radical leaps, which can shock the finely tuned athlete that is a modern hybrid laying bird. / June 2019




NFU hits back as agriculture excluded from list of critical jobs post-Brexit The NFU says it’s very disappointed with recommendations from the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to exclude agriculture from its list of jobs in short supply and that need to be filled by non-UK workers postBrexit.


he MAC has published its review of the Shortage Occupation List (SOL) and while omitting farming has included roles like dance choreographers and artists. During the consultation, the NFU provided a range of critical jobs that many non-UK workers perform on farms at all skill levels roles such as dairy herdsmen and poultry technicians. NFU President Minette Batters said: “The NFU is staggered that farming has been ignored in this way and that the MAC has failed to recognise the needs of our

industry, and the implications for shoppers wanting to continue to buy affordable high quality British food. “The consultation was poorly managed, with events arranged at just 48 hours’ notice. These events were supposed to gather evidence on those occupations in shortage across all skill levels highlighting the need for experience, aptitude and knowledge. “In a post-Brexit world, access to overseas workers may be restricted. If we can’t get some of these permanent roles on the shortage occupation list, we will be limited purely to UK-based

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workers to fill those jobs when we know, with the country at near full employment, the numbers are just not there. “There are still options available to us through the new immigration policy the Home Office is designing, and the NFU will continue to campaign to raise awareness of these issues with MPs. “We urge Government to look carefully at these recommendations and add the roles we desperately need so the critical jobs that many non-UK workers perform on our farms at all skill levels are accounted for.”

Would the British public accept chlorinated chicken masking lower welfare standards on farm or hormone-fed beef flooding supermarket shelves in exchange for a US trade deal? That is the question NFU President Minette Batters wants answered when the Government considers our future trading policy.


he NFU President makes the intervention as US President Donald Trump begins his state visit to the United Kingdom. Mrs Batters said: “British farmers produce food to standards that are among the highest in the world. Our farm-to-fork approach delivers not only some of the most robust levels of food safety and traceability in the world, but also animal welfare and environmental standards that we believe should serve as a model for food production globally. It gives shoppers a level of trust and pride in British food that is not replicated in other food systems. “Put simply, some US food would be illegal to produce here. British farmers do not rely on chlorine-wash to ensure their chicken is safe to

eat, nor do they feed growth hormones to their cattle, pigs or dairy cows. In the US, for example, there are hardly any welfare laws for laying hens, with no federal laws on housing, which are in stark contrast to the UK’s advanced rules on laying hen welfare. “US farmers can out compete British farmers on price by using products and methods banned in the UK as early as the 1980s. That’s not a criticism of US farmers but a statement of fact about the different legal requirements facing farmers in the UK. British farmers are quite reasonably expected to meet the values of the British public when it comes to how our food is produced – those values must not be sacrificed in pursuit of hurried trade deals. “Allowing free access for cheaper US produce would completely take the legs out of our farming sector,

with higher production costs leaving farmers completely uncompetitive. It could jeopardise our entire domestic food production system and undermine public trust. “If the Government chooses to pursue a trade deal that facilitates products entering the country produced to these banned methods, I would consider that a betrayal of British farmers and the values we all stand for. “As a food and farming industry, we have built the trust of the public in UK standards and production. I do not want this discarded along with the £122 billion our industry contributes to the economy or the nearly four million jobs it provides. British farming is strategically important to the nation. I urge Government to remember what is at stake in the coming months ahead.”


Do not betray British farming in future trade deals, NFU says



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16 / June 2019

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18 / June 2019

30 | Working Farmer |







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Scientists' hope of growing rare oat seeds 50 years on A trial is hoping to revive traditional varieties of oat so rare that only a couple of hundred seeds remain.


arieties like Radnorshire Sprig and Hen Gardie were once a common sight across Wales, but some have not been grown for 50 years. Those behind the trial in Pembrokeshire believe they could provide a valuable source of food for the future. The scientists from Aberystwyth University want to find out how the varieties perform in the field. If successful, seeds from this initial crop will be shared out to farmers in other parts of Wales for further trials. Frozen seed vault reaches one million mark Operation to plant 170,000 trees in disease-hit forest Rare lily spotted on quarry face This project has been put together by Katie Hastings, the Wales coordinator for the UK and Ireland Seed Sovereignty Programme. "In the last hundred years we have lost 75% of our crop

diversity in the world," she said. "We've narrowed them down to very few varieties and that's a dangerous situation to be in. "They might be susceptible to certain diseases or certain climatic conditions and we could lose a lot of our crops because we haven't got that genetic diversity there still." Katie Hastings, the Wales Coordinator for the UK and Ireland Seed Sovereignty Programme.Image captionKatie Hastings says we need to have a diversity of crops grown across Wales Samples of the seeds have been stored by Aberystwyth University at its Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences. Scientists there have been testing out the old varieties and are keen to study how they grow when planted in fields around Wales. 'Fewer crops' now feeding the world Threat to food as biodiversity declines

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Dr Catherine Howarth, the institute's head of oat breeding, said these varieties disappeared from the landscape as new ones were bred which were shorter, did not fall over as much, and produced a higher yield. "But we don't know what we have lost in the process of breeding these new varieties." "There may be interesting things like disease resistance that have been lost in the breeding process," she said. The rare grey oat seeds in the trial.Image captionSome of the oats being sowed have not been grown for 50 years Gerald Miles has lent a plot of land for the trial on his farm in St Davids. He is teaching other farmers - who have never seen the seeds before - how to plant and manage them as they grow. He believes the old varieties will open up new possibilities for farmers across Wales. "This is the food of the future," he said.

A 7,000 cubic metre Albers Alligator Bag Tank with integral hydraulic stirrers and fill/empty pipes can be installed on almost any site.


f proposals in Defra’s Clean Air Strategy are adopted, covering slurry will be a requirement in England from 2027. This will cause concern for some farmers who will need to seek new slurry storage. However, a flexible, scalable solution is already available in the UK that will keep slurry not just covered but entirely contained. Dutch company Albers Alligator has been manufacturing bag tanks for more than 35 years. These tanks represent a costeffective and flexible solution to contain slurry in small and large volumes. Bag tanks range in size from 200 cubic metres to 7,000 cubic metres and can be located on any soil type as only a shallow foundation is needed. The tanks have integral hydraulic or electric stirrers, fill/empty pipes and are self-venting so relatively little management or farmer involvement is needed. John Tydeman from Tramspread, which markets and installs Albers Alligator tanks in the UK, said the tanks are proving ever more popular. “They’re lower cost and easier to assemble than comparable slurry solutions on the market and often don’t require any planning permission,” he

added. “We expect to see interest rise now that Defra has outlined its plans. These bags can help a great many farmers adhere to the new legislation.” Bag tanks are low to the ground and have minimal impact on the surrounding landscape. Many farmers have installed bag tanks without requiring planning permission. However, those looking to install a bag tank are advised to seek guidance from their local authority. Albers Alligator also produce Winbag, a portable tank. These smaller bag tanks range from 100 cubic metres to 350 cubic metres and are typically used as overflow storage, but can be used as a temporary and portable solution requiring only a level, smooth site. A reeling device called Winsystem rolls the whole bag on to a trailer and will unreel it in another location. The ability to take these bags anywhere on the farm, unreel and fill, offers a solution to farmers with difficultto-reach fields. The bags are watertight so can be remotely situated, tanker filled, or pumped to, and emptied when the slurry is needed. The Winsystem unreeling the portable Winbag, which can be used in any location and filled by tanker or by pump from the

main slurry store. Defra’s Clean Air Strategy also dictates that splash plates will be banned from 2025 and farmers will be expected to use low emission spreading equipment, such as trailing shoe, dribble bar or injection. Using umbilical systems also removes the need for multiple trips to fill up a tanker. Slurry can be pumped from the main tank to a Winbag in a satellite location. Once the area surrounding the Winbag has been treated, it can be reeled in and moved to another location to repeat the process. Adopting and adhering to new legislation is often difficult and costly for farmers. However, there could be grant funding under the capital element of the Mid Tier Stewardship scheme to help with the cost. A typical 100 dairy cow unit producing 2.25 cubic metres per cow, per month, would require a bag tank size of 1,500 cubic metres to keep six months’ slurry. A tank of this size costs £56,500 (prices correct at May 2019) which includes installation and is expected to last at least 20 years. A 100 cubic metres Winbag is £23,000 including the Winsystem reeler.


Tramspread: Solutions to meet impending slurry storage legislation


NFU launches Student & Young Farmer Ambassador Programme


he NFU has today officially launched its new Student & Young Farmer Ambassador Programme, which offers the chance for 8-12 young people to put their own stamp on the future of British farming as they represent the organisation for one year. The programme is designed to give the upcoming generation an opportunity to build their knowledge and become an influential part of the industry, all while receiving

the core skills they need to promote themselves and British farming. The ambassadors will be representing the NFU at various events over the course of 12 months, including the Lord Mayor’s Show, NFU Conference and a #StudentFarmer magazine trip. NFU next generation forum chairman Simon Gadd said: “The Ambassador Programme is a fantastic opportunity for young people, from both farming and non-farming

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backgrounds, to get stuck in to an industry that is both incredibly challenging and incredibly rewarding. “With new technologies constantly changing the farming landscape and with Brexit on the horizon, it’s never been a more exciting time to think about the future of British farming. “I urge all students and young farmers with a vested interest in farming and rural affairs to apply, and experience whole new aspects of the agricultural industry.”

Cockburnspath-based R&C Crichton has become the first farmer in Scotland to specify Michelin’s new RoadBib tyres – designed to provide high performance, longevity and traction on machines used intensively on the road.


amie Crichton specified the new tyres for his high-spec JCB Fastrac 4220 after hearing positive reports from Henzell Enterprises in Northumberland, one of the contractors involved in prelaunch testing for Michelin. The tyres were supplied by local Michelin Exelagri dealer Redpath Tyres to replace a set of original equipment competitor fitments which needed replacing after only 2,000 hours operation. Crichton explains: “It didn’t make financial sense to invest in fitting an identical set of tyres, so we did some research and discovered Lee Henzell’s experiences testing the RoadBibs. “Michelin has clearly invested heavily in manufacturing an all-new generation of tyres which are unlike anything we’ve seen on a Fastrac before. Being brand new we presumed they’d cost us a fortune, so we were

delighted to find they were pretty much the same price as everything else.” Commenting on his experience with the tyres to-date, he adds: “First impressions are very positive. They certainly look like they are built for longevity and road comfort is noticeably improved. It’s just going to take some time to get used to seeing my Fastrac without lugged tyres!” Tony Powell, Michelin’s local Agricultural Account Manager, visited R&C Crichton to weigh the tractor and provide pressure recommendations for different applications including drilling, cultivating, spreading and spraying, as well as for operation with a slurry tanker and for general trailer work. Powell says: “Offering pressure advice is all part of the service when you buy a set of Michelin tyres, and it’s especially important for a multi-purpose machine. It’s given Jamie the confidence to know he can run as low



as 17 psi in the field, but with tyres inflated to 35 psi for the heaviest road work.” The Fastrac supports two small family farms, planting and hauling around 5,000 tonnes of swede each year. It is also used for local agricultural contracting work, and for special projects in a nearby cement works – with a 60/40 split between road and field work. Michelin RoadBib tyres are purpose-designed for 200+hp tractors and feature a unique tread design comprising 52 tread blocks to maximise traction, coupled with a central spine. This allows 40 per cent of the tyre to remain in contact with the road surface – a 60 per cent increase versus a traditional Michelin lugged agricultural tyre – whilst increasing driver comfort and extending tyre life. For more information about the range of Michelin farm tyres available visit http:// or tweet @MichelinAgriUK. / June 2019



MF to launch new 7595hp tractors

Massey Ferguson is launching three new 3700 AL Series tractors.


ith 75hp, 85hp or 95hp, these models are designed for “working on

hilly terrain”. “These new tractors are another important step in Massey Ferguson’s continuing full-line strategy,” explained Francesco Quaranta, vicepresident of Sales, Marketing & Product Management – Massey Ferguson EME. “Our concentration on the sub-130hp sector came into sharp focus with the launch of the 75-130hp Global Series in 2014. It received another major boost with the introduction of the 3700 Series in 2017.”

All new 3700 AL models come with a choice of a standard wide, flat-floor or a tunnel cab option, which can reduce the overall height down to less than 2.44m. These tractors, which sit between the existing 3700 VSF range and the 4700 Series, are built on a “longer and wide chassis”. Because they are able to “negotiate difficult terrain”, Massey Ferguson gave these tractors an AL designation – representing the ‘ALPINE’ series. All 3700 AL models come with Massey Ferguson’s 24F 12R PowerShuttle transmission, which comes with SpeedShift – a two-speed

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powershift. Power for all models is delivered by a “straightforward” 3.4L, fourcylinder engine, which does not require AdBlue. ‘Prototype’ Spotted? In broadly related news, a recent picture (below) taken by publisher/outlet Landbouw Mechanisatie is believed to have been taken near the AGCO (Massey Ferguson) tractor factory in Beauvais, France. The outlet speculates that this ‘prototype’ might even be a future replacement for Massey Ferguson’s current 7700 series tractors.

Mazzotti self-propelled sprayers will make their UK show debut under the John Deere banner at Cereals 2019, which takes place at Boothby Graffoe, Lincolnshire, in June.


isitors will see a 175hp MAF 3580 3,750-litre capacity model with 24m boom on static display alongside a 300hp MAF 6240 6,600-litre capacity machine with 36m boom, which will also be demonstrated at the event. John Deere bought Mazzotti, a family owned sprayer manufacturer based in Ravenna, Italy, in summer 2017. Founded in 1948, the business is known for its innovation and expertise, particularly with self-propelled sprayers sold primarily in southern Europe for specialist crop production, plus skid units for other manufacturers. The sprayers being shown at the Cereals Event are suitable for large-scale arable crop

production and feature John Deere Powertech engines with hydrostatic transmission and two hydraulic pumps, fourwheel drive, four-wheel steer with crab steering and high clearance up to a maximum of 1,700mm, depending on the model. The comfortable, highspecification cab features Category 4 operator protection as well as a joystick control, computerised display and diagnostic monitoring system, which also displays images coming from rear and optional front-mounted video cameras. Hydropneumatic suspension allows comfortable working and road speeds of up to 20km/hr and 50km/hr respectively. Additional features include hydraulic front and rear


John Deere: Italian sprayers make debut at Cereals 2019

wheel motors, hydraulic track adjustment with optional automatic adjustment from the cab, easy to access spray controls and stainless steel, variable geometry, selflevelling booms. Both machines can also be equipped with John Deere’s AMS precision farming systems, including the StarFire 6000 satellite receiver, AutoTrac automatic steering options, GreenStar displays and JDLink wireless communications. Mazzotti self-propelled sprayers are already available from selected John Deere dealers in the UK, including Cornthwaite Group, Farol, P Tuckwell, Rea Valley Tractors and the Tallis Amos Group. / June 2019



New Holland: Methane-powered concept tractor at Sima 2019 New Holland’s stand at the 2019 Sima Show featured the company’s latest methane-powered concept tractor, a machine that it says opens the way to the use of alternative fuels in agriculture.


ith its Clean Energy Leader strategy, launched in 2006, New Holland pioneered the use of alternative fuels. In 2013, the Brand presented its first T6 Methane Power tractor prototype, which has been further developed and tested with customers in France and other European countries. The methanepowered concept tractor on display at Sima was the synthesis and summit of this development. It combines visionary design with advanced and sustainable

methane combustion – thus guaranteeing extralow CO2 emissions. The engine has been specifically developed for agricultural applications by FPT Industrial, the powertrain brand of CNH Industrial, and is based on more than 20 years of natural gas experience, with more than 30,000 engines produced for truck and bus applications. The gas-powered tractor produces 180hp from its six-cylinder FPT Industrial engine. The six-cylinder engine delivers the same power (180hp) and torque (740Nm) as the standard diesel equivalent, and

the same durability and service intervals – while providing running cost savings that can reach 30 per cent. In real-field conditions, this tractor produces at least 10 per cent smaller CO2 emissions and 80 per cent lower pollutant emissions compared to a standard diesel tractor. When fuelled by biomethane produced from renewable sources, the CO2 emissions are virtually zero. Methane to power New Holland’s gas tractor can be produced on-farm in an anerobic digester. This tractor is a vital link in New Holland’s Energy Independent Farm concept, a

sustainable closed-loop virtuous cycle of farming: from fields to energy generation, and back to fields. The process reduces environmental impact allowing a safe and productive use of agricultural or animal waste (as well as specifically-grown energy crops), and produces fuel-grade biomethane in anaerobic digester plants. Excess energy may used to generate electricity to power local communities or be sold to the grid, while the by-products of biodigestion are natural fertilisers for the farm’s fields.


Vaderstad: Largest high-speed smallseed precision planter launched


äderstad has launched the Tempo L24, which is its largest high-speed precision planter for sugar beet and oilseed rape to date. The Tempo L24 has 24 row units offering 450mm to 508mm row spacings. Each seed hopper holds 25 litres, and the machine can be equipped for fertiliser metering with a

5,000-litre fertiliser hopper. With patented seed metering using PowerShoot technology, the Tempo delivers unmatched precision at very high speed. The Tempo L 24 went into production in November 2018 and the new machines are available in the UK now.

NFU urges public to support Great British Beef Week campaign NFU President Minette Batters has kicked off Great British Beef Week by pledging her support for the campaign and urging the public to get behind British beef producers. In her video address, Mrs Batters highlighted the importance of Britain’s beef sector in providing high quality, tasty, versatile food for the nation as well as delivering world-leading environmental standards. She said: “I’m thrilled to be

supporting Ladies in Beef and Great British Beef Week at this crucially important time for British food and farming. “This campaign will help to remind people that there’s so much more to the British beef industry than many realise with grassland forming two thirds of the UK countryside. Having cattle eating that grass is absolutely pivotal to the success of our biodiversity and our environment – and the best way of using that land to

produce quality food. “There are also so many nutritional benefits of eating British beef as part of a healthy, balanced diet with beef adding high levels of crucial protein, iron and zinc to our diets. “I’d encourage the public to look out for Red Tractor assured beef when shopping if they want to back British beef producers; the logo ensures high standards of animal welfare, environmental protection and food safety.”


Sencrop: Connected weather station empowers farmers Sencrop, an affordable solution for farmers to make the most of real-time weather data, is now available in the UK. Launched in France in 2016, it’s already used on more than 5,000 farms in 10 European countries.


he connected weather station empowers farmers to take control of their fields thanks to the real-time data it collects: ultra-local, field-specific weather statistics, such as air temperature, humidity, rainfall, and wind speed. This data not only serves to enrich the farmer’s business, but also agricultural service providers, who can optimise their services and how they serve their clients. “We want to make precision agriculture available to those who make their living in agriculture, regardless of the type or size of their operation,” the co-founder of Sencrop, Martin Ducroquet, said. “Our aim is to provide simple, reliable tools designed to help farmers better organise their day-to-day activity. “Additionally, we want to populate agricultural decisionsupport models for disease and pest control with ultralocalised data retrieved from their fields. The ultimate goal of all of this is, of course, to improve yields and make a lot of people’s lives easier.” Daily decisions are clearly easier to make when it comes to optimising the management

of agricultural operations such as sowing, irrigation and crop treatment. The immediate benefits are three-fold: time savings, better targeted operations and improvements in input management. The high-precision data can be analysed against earlier readings archived in the system. But the real power of the Sencrop system lies in its ability to combine local, field-specific weather data with weather forecast data. Much more than just a data collection tool, the Sencrop system adds value to local agrometeorological measurements, with precision, reliability and accuracy as its key features. The company is constantly developing new tools and sensors to reach all types of farmers and growers. From sensors to application, Sencrop has developed a truly mobile solution. Easy to install, robust and independently operational for several years at a time without having to do any maintenance, Sencrop stations can be switched from one field to another at will, depending on the season. Using low-bandwidth wireless network technology – including the newly developed

30 / June 2019

Sigfox solution – Sencrop’s sensors capture a wide range of precise data that is then transmitted directly to the device owner, whether it’s on a smartphone, tablet or PC. Featuring geolocation support, they provide the Sencrop application with a steady stream of real-time data. The digital experience is seamless and user-friendly, providing farmers with anytime, anywhere connectivity with their fields. To take its innovation one step further, Sencrop has packed the application with features that are in keeping with current agricultural practices. As such, the application boasts a number of community friendly features enabling data to be shared with other members of the Sencrop user community. Farmers can grant dataviewing permission to their neighbours, any agricultural organisations they belong to and to agronomic advisors. The data can also be forwarded to a predefined list of contacts, which can include employees, partners (cooperatives, traders, suppliers), and even customers to facilitate joint decisions.



The estate that’s as comfortable on muddy fields as it is on city streets, the Outback is a practical, capable car that’s brilliantly safe on the road. Stylish, spacious and refined, this is a car that takes you further.


Tough, practical and virtually indestructible, the Forester will never let you down. Whatever the weather, wherever you want to go, this workhorse will get you there. It’s calm, understated and up for any challenge.


Compact, capable and reliable, the XV is the crossover that proves you can conquer mountains and the school run in the same car. Effortlessly stylish, it always provides incredible all-round performance.






irmingham – 30th April 2019 – Continuing a successful 2019, the multi awardwinning Isuzu D-Max picks up yet another award, this time at the Best Workhorse Pick-up 2019 award from Trade Van Driver, in fact this is the 7th year in a row that the Isuzu D-Max has won this award! Trade Van Driver is the only magazine which caters for the owner-driver and small fleet operator and as such its awards are different from others as they are judged not only by the expert panel of journalists at the magazine but also by a panel of readers who use light commercial vehicles as part of their businesses. The Trade Van Driver

Awards celebrate the most reliable, capable and truly effective working vehicles available on the market. Vehicles are compared across several core criteria, including payload, safety, technology, running costs, fuel efficiency, reliability and aftersales service so it is a great accolade that, yet again the Isuzu D-Max emerged victorious, beating strong competition from rivals in the highly contested pickup sector. The Isuzu D-Max was praised for meeting Euro 6 standards without the need for AdBlue, unlike most of its competitors. It has a 3.5 tonne towing capacity, over 1 tonne payload and provides a quiet, economical driving experience. The breadth

32 / June 2019

of the Isuzu D-Max range also impressed; with single, extended and double-cab formats available, as well as a wide choice of trim levels. Coupled with the attractive five-year/125,000-mile warranty package and 5 years’ roadside assistance (in the UK & Europe), the Isuzu D-Max proved it was truly built for the professionals who use it. David Johns, Group Sales Manager at Trade Van Driver, handed over this coveted award to William Brown, Isuzu UK Managing Director, who commented: “The award for the Isuzu D-Max is a demonstration of the truck’s capability, practicality and reliability which meets the needs of customers, working

hard for drivers and offering class leading durability. This award is another testament to that reputation, especially as the judging panel consisted of industry experts and professional pickup drivers alike.” The award-winning Isuzu D-Max has already had a successful 2019, being crowned ‘Pick-Up of The Year’ at the 2019 WhatVan? Awards and in the Pick-up & 4x4 Pro Awards 2019 plus the Isuzu D-Max won best model in the 4x4 Magazine awards. This success follows on from 2018 where another seven awards were won by the Isuzu D-Max. It just keeps picking them up!




inning its 5th Award of 2019, Best Working

Pick-up in the Professional Pickup & 4x4 awards. Birmingham – 30th April 2019 - The award-winning Isuzu D-Max keeps on pulling in the wins in 2019 picking up the Working Pickup of the Year 2019 Award in the Professional Pickup & 4x4 awards. Professional Pickup & 4×4 magazine is written by pickup users, for pickup users. They carry out rigorous tests on all the latest pickups and 4x4s, including towing tests with

heavy duty trailers and offroading on their very own 4×4 course. This award is bestowed upon the pickup that demonstrates the best ‘working’ qualities, i.e. towing abilities, payload, loading practicality and was judged by a panel of twelve ‘Pick Up Professionals’, who highly commended the Isuzu D-Max for its outstanding durability, capability and reliability. It works to meet the needs of different types of business user. The Isuzu D-Max was also praised for meeting Euro 6 standards without the need for AdBlue, unlike most of its competitors.

It has a 3.5 tonne towing capacity, over 1 tonne payload and provides a quiet, economical driving experience. The breadth of the Isuzu D-Max range also impressed; with single, extended and double-cab formats available, as well as a wide choice of trim levels. Coupled with the attractive five-year/125,000-mile warranty package and 5 years’ roadside assistance (in the UK & Europe), the Isuzu D-Max proved it was truly built for the professionals who use it. Isuzu UK Managing Director, William Brown commented: “We’re really proud to receive this

award as it strengthens the D-Max’s position as the most capable and durable working vehicle in the sector. It’s really pleasing that all the hard work that has gone in at Isuzu to make such a great product has been recognized.” The award-winning Isuzu D-Max has already had a successful 2019, being crowned ‘Pick-Up of The Year’ at the 2019 WhatVan? Awards and in the Pick-up & 4x4 Pro Awards 2019 plus the Isuzu D-Max won best model in the 4x4 Magazine awards. / June 2019


Vehicles (BETTER where it MATTERS)


Cambridge Subaru

Central Motors

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01460 601492




Maple Garage

Perkins Garages

Regent Garage

01964 782297

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SUBARU FORESTER RANGE fuel economy and CO2 results (WLTP): Combined 32.2mpg, CO2 emissions 168g/km. Fuel consumption figures are determined according to the WLTP test cycle. Mpg figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes & may not reflect real driving results. CO2 figure shown is based on the outgoing NEDC test cycle & will be used to calculate vehicle tax on first registration. Only compare fuel consumption & CO2 figures with other cars tested to the same technical standard. Fuel consumption achieved in real life conditions & CO2 produced depends on a number of factors including accessories fitted (post-registration), variations in weather, driving styles & vehicle load.

Vehicles Model shown is a Forester 2.0i XE Lineartronic with optional special paint finish (£550). OTR price of £30,565.

Subaru Forester Range

C S G Pollitt Limited

James & Jenkins

Keith Price Garages

01392 339455

029 2060 6106

01873 564187



Turners Subaru

West Heath Garage

01380 323584

01252 888912




*Terms of Offer: 50% deposit followed by the remaining 50% paid in one payment after 12 months. Credit available subject to status to UK residents aged 18 and over. Excludes fleet and BASC and NFU Members Affinity Scheme sales. Available at participating dealers only. Not available in conjunction with any other offers. This credit offer is only available through Subaru Finance provided by International Motors Finance Limited, registered office at Charterhall House, Charterhall Drive, Chester, Cheshire, CH88 3AN. We can introduce you to Subaru Finance and a limited number of lenders who may be able to provide funding for your vehicle. We may receive commission or other benefits for introducing you to these lenders. Offers may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Offer ends 30.06.19. †Every vehicle marketed by Subaru (UK) Ltd, excluding WRX STI, is covered by a 5 Year/100,000 mile (whichever comes sooner) Limited Warranty which comprises of a standard 3 Year/60,000 mile (whichever is sooner) Manufacturer’s Warranty (bumper to bumper, excluding clutch driven plate) and an Extended Warranty (applies to powertrain only) provided by the importer. Vehicle shown is a Forester 2.0i XE Lineartronic with optional special paint finish (£550). OTR price of £30,565.00. OTR price incl. VAT, delivery, number plates, 12 months road fund licence and first registration fee. Prices correct at time of going to print.

2 tonne towing capacity


Introducing the new Korando 2.2

New Korando 2.2 available from



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Christian Mill Business Park, Crownhill, Plymouth, Devon PL5 5DS

Ringwood Road, Bransgore, Hampshire BH23 8JQ

37 Marsh Green Road, Marsh Barton, Exeter, Devon EX2 8PN

01752 773999

01425 672416

01392 496900

Driven Car Sales


Mandale Triangle Industrial Estate, Thornaby, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland TS17 6BZ

Unit A, Vanguard Way, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY1 3TG

01642 601999

01743 444500

Fuel consumption figures in mpg: 32.8 – 61.4. CO2 emissions in g/km: 177-139. Model featured is a Korando 2.2 ELX at £21,495 including optional metallic paint priced at £500. *Korando SE including VAT, delivery charge, Road Fund Licence & first registration charge. Prices are correct at the time of going to print, but may be changed at any time. / June 2019



The Amarok from £315 a month on Contract Hire.*

CAR OF THE YEAR 2019 Pick-up

With £2000 initial rental contribution.

With its 3.0 litre V6 TDI engine as standard, the Amarok sets the standard. The potent pulling power of this engine ensures the Amarok is capable of tackling the most demanding terrain. And with up to 258PS and 550Nm of torque, even the heaviest of loads are easily manageable. With a striking muscular design it’s enhanced with the latest driver assisted technologies. Why not contact us today or drop by our showroom? Dont forget to ask about exclusive discounts for NFU and NFU Scotland Members.†

Anthony Motors

Marshall Van Centre (Scunthorpe)

Llanbadarn Rd, Dyfed, Aberystwyth. Telephone: 01970 626666.

Normanby Road, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire. Telephone: 01724 487535.

Find us on your sat-nav using SY23 3QP.

Find us on your sat-nav using DN15 8QZ.

Greenhous Volkswagen Van Centre (Bilston)

Vindis Van Centre (Northampton)

Trinity Road, Bilston, Wolverhampton. Telephone: 01902 219303.

Gambrel Road, Weedon Industrial Estate, Northampton. Telephone: 01604 315852.

Find us on your sat-nav using WV14 7EF.

Find us on your sat-nav using NN5 5BB.

Listers Van Centre (Worcestershire)

Listers Van Centre (Coventry)

North Bank, Berry Hill Industrial Estate, Droitwich. Telephone: 01905 412269.

347-367 Bedworth Road, Longford, Coventry, West Midlands. Telephone: 0247 767 0747.

Find us on your sat-nav using WR9 9AU.

Find us on your sat-nav using CV6 6BN.

Anthony Motors Ltd, Greenhous Group Ltd, Listers Group Limited, Marshall of Scunthorpe Limited and F Vindis & Sons Ltd are brokers and not a lenders and can introduce you to a limited number of lenders, who may pay us for introducing you to them. *No ownership option. Based on Amarok 3.0 V6 TDI 163PS BMT Trendline, at 48 month, 10,000 mile per annum Contract Hire agreement with £1,890 Initial Rental. 15p per mile excess mileage charges apply and fair wear and tear charges may apply. Business users only. All prices exclude VAT. VAT payable at the prevailing rate. 18s+. Subject to availability and status. T&Cs apply. Offer available for vehicles ordered by 30.06.2019 from participating Van Centres. Indemnities may be required. Offers are not available in conjunction with any other offer and may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Accurate at time of publication [05.2019]. Volkswagen Commercial Vehicle Financial Services. †NFU member eligibility criteria and terms & conditions apply. Please visit or call NFU Call First on 0370 8458458 for more details. NFU Scotland (or NFUS) member eligibility criteria and terms and conditions apply. Please visit or call 0131 472 4000 for more details.

Vehicles Adventure. No-one ever found it by following the crowd. That’s why the Jeep Renegade is designed with stand-out looks and go-anywhere, do-anything ability. Add to that, forward collision warning, front and rear parking sensors, lane departure warning and you’re in complete control, whether you’re hitting the high street or the wilderness. Test drive adventure and save £500*. Which only leaves one question, where will you find your next one?


Jeep® Deposit Contribution^

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OFFICIAL FUEL CONSUMPTION FIGURES FOR JEEP RENEGADE RANGE MPG (L/100KM): EXTRA URBAN 47.9 (5.9) – 70.6 (4.0), URBAN 32.5 (8.7) – 55.4 (5.1), COMBINED 40.9 (6.9) – 64.2 (4.4), CO2 EMISSIONS: 160 – 115 G/KM. Fuel consumption and CO figures are obtained for comparative purposes in accordance with EC directives/regulations and may not be representative of real-life driving conditions. *£500 (inc. VAT) 2

test drive offer is available on Jeep Renegade ordered and registered between 1st February and 31st March 2018. Available on PCP and APP. Excludes Personal Contract Hire. Retail customers only. Selected stock only. Participating dealers only. Test drives are subject to Dealers discretion, terms & conditions and insurance requirements. ^Offer available on new Jeep Renegade 1.4 MultiAir II 140HP Limited 6 Speed Manual at £24,265 between 4th January and 31st March 2018. Jeep Deposit Contribution only available in conjunction with Jeep Horizon PCP. With Jeep Horizon you may return the vehicle instead of making the final payment. It must be in good condition and if you exceed the agreed annual mileage, you will be charged 6p per mile for exceeding 8,000 miles p.a. in this example. We work with a number of creditors including Jeep Financial Services. Subject to status. Guarantees may be required. Ts&Cs apply. At participating Dealers only. Selected stock only. Jeep Financial Services, SL1 0RW. Jeep® is a registered trademark of FCA US LLC.








Adams Brothers

Auto Sales

Fussell Wadman

Isuzu Norwich

Buckinghamshire 01296 752790

Kirriemuir 01575 392021

Wiltshire 01380 323588

Norfolk 01603 966253

Approved Isuzu

Ferndown Commercials

Haven Motors

Manchetts Group

Kent 01622 393104

Dorset 01202 983349

Sussex 01403 618312

Suffolk 01683 445056

#Over 40 MPG figure applies to manual transmission models. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. Official fuel figures for the Isuzu D-Max range in MPG (l/100km): Urban 30.4 - 38.7 (9.3 - 7.3). Extra Urban 40.9 - 50.4 (6.9 - 5.6). Combined 36.2 - 45.6 (7.8 - 6.2). CO2 emissions 163 - 205g/km. For full details please contact your local Isuzu dealer or visit


Trade Van Driver 2019 DS AWAR


Mark Weatherhead

Threeways Garage

White Horse Motors

Cambridge 01954 574562

Abergele 01745 274380

Devon 01392 338362

Slip End Garages

WH Brand

Luton 01582 787294

Lincolnshire 01406 633123


†Important Information. Business users only. Rental amounts shown are for an Isuzu Utah Double Cab Commercial Vehicle On The Road with manual transmission, excluding special paint finish. Contract based on 8,000 miles per annum, non-maintained. Vehicle must be returned in a good condition to avoid further charges. Provided by Lex Autolease Ltd trading as Isuzu Contract Hire, Heathside Park, Heathside Park Road, Stockport SK3 0RB. Excludes motability and fleet sales, not available in conjunction with any other offers or with BASC or NFU member discounts. Available until 30th June 2019. Finance options available at participating dealers only, subject to status. *3.5 tonne towing applies to all 4x4 models. **125,000 miles/5 year (whichever comes first) warranty applies to all new Isuzu D-Max models. Terms and conditions apply. Visit


MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER PHEV CONTINUES SUCCESS IN EUROPE The Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV has become Mitsubishi Motors Europe’s (MME) best-selling vehicle, out-selling all other models in the Mitsubishi range.


n 2018, the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV was the bestselling plug-in hybrid vehicle in Europe across all segments, an accolade it claimed for the fourth consecutive year. During this time, the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV has also gradually become MME’s best-selling vehicle. In November 2018 more Outlander PHEVs were sold in Europe than any other model in the Mitsubishi range, and this has continued every month since. In total, between

October 2013 and January 2019, 126,617 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEVs have been sold in Europe. This success has been boosted by significant growth recorded in markets like Germany and France along with the launch of the 2019 model during September 2018. A new 2.4-litre petrol engine produces 135ps (up from 121ps) with greater torque (211Nm vs 190Nm). Increased output of the rear electric motor, drive battery and overall battery capacity resulted in WLTP combined fuel economy of 139mpg and WLTP emissions of

42 / June 2019

46 g/km. Key to the success of the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV is that it doesn’t ask its owners to make any compromises. For people wanting an SUV with green credentials it offers a combination of space and practicality, 4WD ability and an EV driving range of 28 miles, which is in excess of the average daily commute. Commenting on this performance, Bernard Loire - President & CEO of Mitsubishi Motors Europe said: “Today, to our many European customers, the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV is the true go-

anywhere vehicle, equally at ease in zero-emission restricted access city centres, on long distance family driving and on twisting mountain roads with its twin motor 4WD system.” He added: “The Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV is our brand flagship, our best seller in Europe, a trendsetter that the industry is watching carefully and a pointer to MMC’s long term strategy, blending adventurous SUV heritage with progressive electrified technologies.”

Vauxhall’s Grandland X SUV is the dependable and versatile vehicle of choice for the Cornwall Fire, Rescue and Community Safety Service, which has ordered a fleet of eight vehicles


he vehicles will be used by officers to respond to incidents within the local community, including fire and emergency response. The Cornwall Fire, Rescue and Community Safety Service opted for the Grandland X in Tech Line Nav trim with the All Road Pack, which features Vauxhall’s innovative IntelliGrip traction control system. The electronic system ensures optimum road grip in diverse driving situations and adapts the torque distribution to the front wheels depending on which of the five driving modes has been selected. This ensures the best traction and stable handling on any surface, including snow, mud and sand. Additional features to come with the Grandland X Tech Line Nav trim include

numerous safety and security systems, such as front parking distance sensors, automatic emergency braking, lane assist and side blind spot alert. A Navi 5.0 IntelliLink infotainment system with 8-inch colour touchscreen and voice control adds to the technological edge of the package. The community service added a heated windscreen and wireless charging as optional extras. The SUVs are fitted with powerful and efficient 1.5-litre (130PS) diesel engines. “We were looking for an appropriate response vehicle to meet the demands of the diverse nature or Cornwall’s rugged landscape,” said Mark Salter, Cornwall Fire, Rescue and Community Safety Service’s Group Manager – Assets. “As a rural county, our officers are required

to negotiate narrow B-roads, unmade tracks and agricultural terrain, as well as coping with dramatic seasonal changes throughout the year. Typically, Cornwall has a higher degree of rainfall than other parts of the country. As a result, we needed a vehicle that would provide sufficient ground clearance and traction to safely manoeuvre through and over these hazards, to arrive safely and promptly at emergency incidents. “ The Cornwall Fire, Rescue and Community Safety Service works to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of the local community. The service’s responsibilities include fire prevention and protection, road safety education and delivery, reducing crime and antisocial behaviour and co-responding to medical incidents. “We are thrilled that

the Cornwall Fire, Rescue and Community Safety Service has chosen the Grandland X to support its work across the county,” said Mike Roberts, Sales Manager for Vauxhall Special Vehicles. “We’re confident that our IntelliGrip traction system in particular will prove indispensable across Cornwall’s diverse landscape. Whether on the beach and coastline, driving over wet and muddy terrain or in snowy and icy conditions, the system will increase driver safety and guarantee stability at all times.” As standard, the Grandland X includes equipment such as LED daytime running lights, camera-based lane departure warning, road sign recognition, intelligent cruise control, and dual zone electronic climate control with particulate and odour filter. At 4.48 metres long, it is the largest SUV in Vauxhall’s range, offering even more cabin space than the 20cm-shorter Mokka X and Crossland X.





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Used Car Awards 2019

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