Jessica Wood s5022740
Project Schedule Key parts and organization For my project schedule, I’ve made sure to keep on track with large milestones of the project. In the beginning of the schedule planning process, I made sure that I allotted enough time to complete each of the tasks for MSP. Throughout the semester I’ve had to adjust the schedule when things have set me behind or dates have changed. I’ve kept an organized schedule and made sure to prioritize the most important tasks for the project. Working with each deadline helped to have all the proper tasks done on time and ready for refinement for the final submission. The key part to staying on track with the schedule was the production of the products. I made sure to complete the main large project as soon as possible, because I knew how big of a task it was. I then left time to complete the other smaller products and accounted for enough time. I have found myself going back and forth to the stores to find resources to use for The Dream Map, but have included the main milestones in this journey. It may not show each specific business trip, but it does show when I acquired main accessories or things that were essential to the map.
Three-Product Pitch Two in One Purse Creating an organized purse that can go from an organized everyday purse to a small night purse. This would include an organizable front pouch that can be zippered off with ease. - Day to night - Organized - Durable - Two purses in one
Reference ideas
Palette Holder Makeup palettes are never the same size, there are so many different ones out there and it can make it hard for storage. Creating an organized storage solution for this could have a huge place in the beauty industry. - Easy to organize - Products are visible - Convenient - Functional display
Reference ideas
Memory Map This wall decor piece would be handmade and hang on the wall to display your photos and memories. This could be appreciated by travel lovers, photographers, dreamers, explorers, etc. - Photo display - Wall art - Memory holder - Variety of variations
Reference ideas
Final Decision After the three product pitch presentation feedback and feedback from others, I went with the ‘Memory Map’. I wanted to work on creating a product that wasn’t available to fulfill my hopes of having that product and making it for others. The feedback was good on the ideas, but for the map there was a lot of interest and It resonated with a greater population and demographic. It is a product that can be desired by so many and by targeting the travelling target market it leaves a very open field. To continue the process of production of the map I will need to conduct market research. To do so I had created a more refined mock-up to collect survey data. By showing a rough version of what the vision of the map would be this can help the customer to envision the possible product.
Market Research Survey Results As mentioned in the final conclusion of the product pitch, once decided on the product I made a mock up to better depict my vision of the map and share it with a survey. The survey was composed of 10 questions and I got great feedback and suggestions on what direction to go in for the map. In the survey I gave a brief explanation of the product, asking questions such as; age, gender, preferred colour, would size/place/type would interest them most, how much they would be willing to pay for each kind, their first reaction, final suggestions and if they would purchase a product like this. The largest age demographic was 18-24 followed by 25-34, with mostly female participants, and an overwhelming 90% said they would purchase this product. This gave me initial confidence in going forward with this product. The survey really helped in deciding specifics for first production. The majority said they would want plain metal or black for the colour, and the most shared interest with having the full wall map set but still having options. This is what drove me to create something that was customisable, people were interested and wanting different options of a product like this, but there wasn’t anything available. Overall, the opinions on pricing was very useful information, potential customers said how much they would be willing to actually pay for each type of product and it was higher than I expected. This left me a good margin for production and labour cost considerations. Pricing for the whole map averaged at about $200 and separate pieces averaged at $30. There were no negative first reactions and over 87% of people loved it. After going through the survey results, I took into consideration all the feedback and then made decisions on what I needed to purchase for production. Getting the personal feedback comments from the possible future customers was definitely beneficial to the future success of the company.
What is your age? 18 and under
What is your gender?
18-24 25-34
60+ 0%
What colour would you prefer? Black / Regular Metal Yes
What would interest you more?
Being able to purchase a large world map version Being able to purchase both
Being able to purchase medium sized world pieces that complete the world map if you like Other (please specify)
WOW Naming Exercise Naming Worksheet
mygeo, geosnap, geomap
worldwall, global pin, worldsnaps, world capture
parox, maize
share your world, my map global, your destination, phodomap
picik, picpin, mapon
dream cloud, dreammap, the dream map, imaptize, picclick
MYP, GC (global connections), PW (photo world)
photo cloud, photo stream
snap map, pindrop, photo web
From this I chose the top three contending names and put them into the naming criteria evaluation sheet. This compared the names directly in the same categories.
Naming Criteria Evaluation My Map Global
The Dream Map
Snap Map
Is your first impression of the name strong?
Does it sound/look good?
Is it easy to read/pronounce?
Use it in multiple sentences. Does it feel right?
Are quick associations positive? Does it have story appeal?
Does it relate to the primary benefit(s) of the company/service?
Does it sound credible?
Can it work internationally?
Is it registerable and protectable?
Is it memorable?
How nervous does it make you?
How well does it relate to your positioning or who you are?
I went through a lot of names before coming up with a name that really worked and fit with my product. Another main issue was thinking of an idea and not being able to give it a chance because it was already taken with a trademark. This can discourage you during the naming process but by going through so many different possibilities I came out with a perfect name for the product. The Dream Map fits with the feel, brand and overall product range.
Business Model Canvas Key Partners In an effort to keep my overhead costs to a minimum, my startup will be a one woman operation out of the gate. If it becomes apparent that there are too many orders that I simply cannot keep up with, then I will have a few good friends and family members who are willing to work for me as needed and for lower than minimum wage. These people will help out in production, packaging & shipping. Fortunately I will be able to keep 100% ownership of The Dream Map until the right “business partner� crosses my path. I say this because my business will have the support and voluntary involvement of my father, a retired business owner; who will oversee accounting matters: invoicing, payables and receivables, and all government filings with the various Taxation/ Revenue Agency’s. (Depending on what country the business is established in) My key partners are possible connections and partnerships with related businesses. For example Instagram, Snapchat and other related social media partners. This can include partnerships for events or market stalls that include instagram photo printing with market related branding. They can supply different frames and the instagram photo layout. (Polaroid style) I will have a cause related campaign in favor of helping WWF, the World Wildlife Foundation. Using their logo on special edition campaign products will help to raise money for their cause and produce extra funds for them. Down the road there could also be advertising campaigns with travel companies (ex: Marlin Travel or ITravel 2000) and partnerships/alliances formed with associations such as CAA (Canadian Auto Association) or Gold Coast Tourism.
Key Activities Production: All products made from wire are handmade and the resources have been purchased for production of the products. This includes; large wire, small wire, twine, rope, and pliers. Initially it was challenging to source the right grade of wire for proper manufacturing of The Dream Map components (Final large wire: Whites Med. Tensile from Bunnings Warehouse); but a choice was made that has resulted in an authentic piece of art. There are also products that are purchased for resale with the map. These products accessorise The Dream Map and represent a potential partnership for such things as; magnets and hanging hooks.
Problem Solving: While I am pleased for the most part with the production side of my business, it has become obvious that part of its’ success is the attention to detail found in each Dream Map. It is very labour intensive and could be rather difficult to scale up if product sales did really well. I will have to budget in my retail pricing to reflect the increase in my costs should I require more workers who would be building The Dream Map by hand. Success would also likely result in the need for a bigger location; at which point a decision could be made to see if a store front is necessary for future growth, or simply additional production and shipping space instead. In the beginning I envision product sales being driven by social media, and namely my website. This will bring curious and interested customers to us; while allowing me to concentrate on production and design issues for the most part. It will also provide a platform where the customers can pay for the product(s) immediately, removing a bigger potential problem of delinquent account receivables for my small company. If I were dealing with craft stores or chains instead of direct sales it could amount to potential issues; such as taking longer to receive payment. Platform and Networks: Things purchased for The Dream Maps’ success is the domain and website for the online platform of the brand. I have enough expertise to assist in this critically important marketing and sales tool; however, a budget of $500.00 AUD will be needed for things related to the sites’ construction and monthly fees.
Key Resources I myself am the main resource making The Dream Map and its’ accessories by hand. This allows me to initially keep inventory low by building product as I receive orders on my website. It also allows for production to be at my home rather than renting space expressly for production. It eliminates the need for a company car or delivery vehicle too, as I will only be charging related expenses to my company using my own car. If I end up continuing with handmade production with myself I could have “agreements” set with friends or “partners” to help with short term production to fulfill an order. I am the investor/founder of The Dream Map and while I plan on trying to do everything in the beginning, it simply isn’t humanly possible to do so and be successful. Happily with my network of volunteers (family and friends to assist with production) I have set up; I am confident I can drive The Dream Map to success early on. Strong sales and steady growth will bring on more pleasant problems such as expansion, the need for more space and the need for full-time staff. By allowing profits to support and pay for future growth then the company will be on solid ground. If The Dream Map expands and starts to grow a bit larger, I will plan to file for a design patent to protect the concept of building a map of the world with interchangeable parts using wire.
Value Propositions The Dream Map group of products is unique and unlike any other in todays’ marketplace. People have been looking for a way of creating a focal point in their homes to document or display their travels and/or desired travel destinations. Photo albums, videos and scrap booking have been the only means of showing others where one has been in their lives. Now with everything being centered around social media and posting where you are online you can loose the sense of personal connections. The Dream Map allows a person to prominently display and chart where one has been, or plans to go. It customizes ones’ dreams and gives them a sense of focus as they budget and schedule time for vacations and/or travel to different places. This means they can post online and then have something in their home as a conversation piece to keep that personal communication alive. The Dream Map is a new and affordable solution to solving the customers’ needs for those who wish to explore their adventurous side; all the while displaying proudly their goals and ambitions for worldly experiences. People take hundreds of pictures during their travels, only to archive them somewhere (either hard copy pictures or computer storage) upon our return. They are put away in shoe boxes for years collecting dust. Why not let Dream Map chronicle those trips and display them so that one has a true focal point in their home for all to see? The Dream Map becomes a conversation starter over tea or coffee, and can essentially bring your instagram feed to life on your Dream Map.
Customer Relationships Customer relationships will grow over time and as resources permit the company to expand. The website and social media will be the primary source of assistance for customers to see new accessories that compliment their Dream Map and the partnerships such as WWF (World Wildlife Foundation). These links will allow those who wish to learn more about endangered species to link directly with WWF and others as their time and interest permits. The unique and affordable jewelry line of bracelets and necklaces will give them creative gifts that can be purchased and eventually given to people in other countries who have touched them during their travels abroad. Why give out a flag of ones’ country or a memento such as a key chain; when a much more meaningful gift can be given as a show of appreciation that will last the person a lifetime? The Dream Map will be appealing across many demographics, both young and old. These relationships will be grown over time and as resources permit.
Channels As a start up business, the website and related social media sites will be the most important means of reaching the consumer. I will not have the budget for additional advertising either hard copy as in magazines or info commercials on TV. The Dream Map and accessories is potentially an excellent product for a venue such as The Shopping Channel; however, this will be addressed down the road, not out of the gate. It could spell disaster for The Dream Map simply because of the labour intensive nature of our production. I would have to be well established before being able to sell in such large numbers. The same theory applies to potential partnerships (CAA or travel agencies) where I would have to have the production capabilities to handle the volume and carrying costs associated with the new business. Delivery for the products that The Dream Map produces will be in brown paper boxes that vary in size depending on what product they are ordering. There are small packages for the jewelry and accessories, medium packages for individual map pieces, and large boxes for the whole Dream Map set. After considering and comparing different companies to check the various shipping prices, Fastway Parcel provides quick and affordable shipping. This means shipping within Australia will be anywhere from $8.00 - $20.00. The Dream Maps brand has such a connection with the social media outlets that it creates an easy and routine way for customers to evaluate the products they are purchasing. The customer can share with The Dream Maps commonly used hashtags, or tag them on social media while posting their favourite or new product. It is also encouraged for customers to share their #DreamMap online, this is a great way to collect customer feedback while at the same time getting free advertisement for the products.
Customer Segments
The Dream Map is designed to appeal to everyone who travels, or has the desire to travel at some point in their lives. This may sound quite broad; current data suggests that approximately 100 million people travel each year. These travellers are all potentially customers of the Dream Map. Realistically, I expect the customers to be those who desire a long lasting means of documenting their travels and/or have some potential affiliation with the charitable sponsors, in this case WWF. This is the target audience initially and while being targeted at a large audience of the demographic, it is still a niche market because of the type and style of the product. Especially with the different products at very different price levels, it leaves it open where it can be targeted at low and high income earners.
Cost Structure The most significant cost is labour. As the company grows, labour costs will remain the number one concern and cost associated with The Dream Map. I will have to determine what skills are required to cut and shape the wire into the various configurations and accordingly, interview and select workers who show this skill set. The website and social marketing is my most important way of promoting The Dream Map around the world. It represents a fixed cost initially that is considered an investment of sorts; with a monthly budget for fees and maintenance worked into the operating budget. The Dream Map is value driven with customers appreciating the sense of attention to detail. My goal is to accessorise it with smaller items like jewelry and magnets, etc which could eventually be outsourced without sacrificing profit for the sake of adding volume sales. Happily my margins are very strong to allow some flexibility long term with my production costs. Should I need to move to a larger facility which means higher rent and operating costs on the building then I can. The pricing overall for the products themselves has gone through factoring of production, labour, and value considerations. For the main Dream Map hanging wall decor piece the pricing breakdown will be as follows: 1: North America set $65.00 2: South America $30.00 3: Africa $30.00 4: Europe $30.00 5: Asia $65.00 6: Australia / New Zealand  $25.00 Whole Dream Map Set $200.00 All handmade necklaces and bracelets will be $15.00 excluding the WWF special campaign set with necklace and bracelet for $30.00 that comes with a free 8 pack of WWF picture frames for the map. The WWF line of photo phone cases with proceeds going to the charity will be sold at $40.00 each case regardless of the size differences. The Dream Map frames will be sold in packages of 4 or 8 and will be priced as follows: Pack of 4 $ 5.95 Pack of 8 $ 7.95 There are other limited run products that can be produced if the customer demand is there. Such as notebooks, pencil cases, regular photo phone cases, and luggage tags. These will range in price depending on the current trends of those products, selling points of competitors, and shipping considerations.
These products may be posted about, on social media and/or The Dream Map website to gage the demand for that product to then decide on production considerations. Using this type of method can help to decrease excess production costs and leftover stock, instead of paying for too much stock in advance.
Revenue Streams Once an individual decides to purchase The Dream Map, either the whole world or an individual continent, they open themselves up to becoming a repeat customer of mine. Chances are high that once they receive their Dream Map they will be pleased with my quality and workmanship, leading to a repeat visit to my website to either add another piece to their Dream Map, or to accessorise it. I have conducted several market surveys of my target audiences and believe that my pricing is in line with peoples’ expectations. There is nothing quite like The Dream Map on the market. If I position it against certain art pieces found at Urban Outfitters, HomeSense, or Typo, it is easy for me to set pricing that is affordable to both young and old alike, while leaving margins in excess of 65% gross profit. This is before adding shipping and handling which will be determined based on the country of the customer. I may choose to have a fixed charge, or simply pre-pay and charge at time of order.
Styling Mood Board
Styling Mood Board
Business Plan
Jessica Wood Founder and Owner The Dream Map Surfers Paradise QLD 4217 Australian Business Number: 85 652 112 450 Canadian Business Number: 81638 8193
Prepared: April 11th 2016 27
THE BUSINESS Business Details The Dream Map is a new, uniquely different way for you to chart your dreams and travels from around the world. It is the first art piece to provide you with a complete map of the world, or if you prefer your favorite continent. The Dream Map is a fully customisable map of the world for you to proudly display on your office or living room wall. It will quickly become the focal point and a topic for conversation when people see this unique piece of the world with your pictures taken during your travels. If you haven’t been anywhere but aspire to go different places, chart them on your Dream Map in anticipation of your next big adventure. Once you are a proud owner of The Dream Map, explore the affiliations with partners such as WWF, The World Wildlife Foundation. Learn how you can accessorise your Dream Map through the custom frames and support the many endangered species that are protected by WWF. You can also wear a piece of your Dream Map, with our custom jewelry range. If you are one of the over 100 million travellers a year worldwide, or you plan to become one in the not too distant future, visit the website or social media pages to learn more about The Dream Map. While I intend to oversee production and quality control, if the company expands and continues to grow then I will look into a possible investor to keep the company profitable and debt free.
Registration Details My ABN is as follows, 85 652 112 450, and my Canadian Business Number is 81638 8193. I have registered under my own name as this will be run and operated by myself. In the early stages of business development I did research into the trademarks already existing and made sure the product and name were not already registered. After doing so, I purchased my domain and looked into according social media site set up. Searches completed covered Canada, Australia and the United States. If the business grows into something larger I will then look into filing for a patent, so I at least have a patent pending to go into larger production scales. In terms of the jewelry and other products it will be hard to patent, but will be unique to my company with the logo and style. Products My products begin with The Dream Map itself, either of the entire world, or simply the continent(s) of your choosing. You can always begin with one piece and simply add pieces to your collection as you visit them later on. You control your unique piece of art that becomes your Dream Map. You can then accessorise your Dream Map with a variety of items available online: Customisable frames to highlight your photos, inspirational photo cards that you can put on your map, and markers to show where you want to travel. Available for purchase will also be magnets to hang the items on your map and different options for hanging the map on your wall. The necklaces and bracelets of the different map pieces will be online and potentially special event market stalls. The product line for WWF will create the possibility for customers to buy a necklace and bracelet set where 50% of all proceeds from the sales will be donated to WWF. There will also be additional products such as photo phone cases and specialty photo frames for your map.
Innovation/Sustainability With todays focus around social media there is a constant stream of new innovations being shared. To stay innovative in my business I will keep in touch with the current and new forming trends to make sure I am keeping current to the customers needs. This means making sure that the product range is always developing to what the public wants currently. In terms of protecting my innovations I will make sure to file for a patent if I go into large production. As the business is a sole proprietorship I will not need anything in terms of confidentiality because I will be the only one with the business information.
THE MARKET Customers My customers range in age from 18 to 60; although I can realistically narrow the demographics for the jewelry down to 18 – 30. It is a broad target audience, made up of the over 100 million travellers each year worldwide and those aspiring to become a part of this market segment. The Dream Map appeals to the photographer, the wanderer, the adventure seeker, and the curious, to name but a few.
S.W.O.T. Analysis Strengths: The Dream Map and its’ accessories are high profit, typically 65 to 85% Gross Profit. Being a completely customisable and handmade product, it’s very unique and not already available on the market, while appealing to a large demographic. Weakness: Taking into account the weakness as a startup, the main one for The Dream Map would be the cost of labour. The struggle is to balance the cost of the time to build and the rate of sales, which is only just beginning. Threats: Once I establish myself and have a few full time production staff workers, I can see myself expanding the product line, or outsourcing the accessories that could be mass produced such as the bracelets and necklaces. This can help with the threat of dealing with high volume production, but I still don’t want to sacrifice the quality and attention to detail simply for short term gain. The fact the products are handmade and built to high standards, reduces the threat of an erosion of my sales by the competitors. Opportunities: With the threat of labour involved with making The Dream Map, that is why I am only selling online to start. Once I am able to chart sales growth versus the rate of production, I can then increase the marketing efforts and perhaps forge valuable partnerships with groups such as CAA and Gold Coast Tourism to name a few. In the future I can also work on expansion of the product line and keeping current with the trends in the market.
THE FUTURE Company Future The Dream Map is working towards creating a long-term, valued company, that is creating a
platform for people to share their Dream Map. The concept of the company, is to create something where you can display where you’ve been in a fun and creative way that becomes the conversation piece of your home.
Vision Statement The Dream Map aims to fill a current void in the market, where you can now create your personalized Dream Map to display on your wall. Making a product that is unique and can be customized by each and every owner. It becomes a very personal product to the consumer and can then be shared with others to see your Dream Map. Where do you want to travel, explore, photograph? Where have you been, what have you seen? Now you can display that for all to see and create a one of a kind conversation piece. The Dream Map can document your travels or the destinations you inspire to see. The overall goals for the business moving forward is to share the product and create buzz online. Creating an online presence is huge in the age of social media and this can be a very beneficial marketing tool. Everyone is trying to create the next product that will go viral and The Dream Map aspires to be shared and appreciated by many.
Mission Statement My vision as The Dream Map will be carried out by helping you showcase your most treasured memories of your travels. Use The Dream Map and its’ unique accessories to customize your map. Having a product that creates a new experience for the customer allows for a great marketing strategy. The Dream Map is not something that you could go out and purchase, it is new, exciting and creates a platform to display where you’ve been or want to go. The jewelry associated with it has a handmade touch which allows for everyone to have a truly one of a kind piece. You can then decide to share this experience and memory with another or keep it for yourself.
Goals/Objectives My goals for The Dream Map in business, is the same as our goals for our customers. I want others to be able to dream big and aspire to travel wherever their heart desires. I personally love to travel and display photos from where I have been. This is where the whole idea stemmed from to create The Dream Map, because I want others to be able to do the same. So many want to explore the world, now you can do so and have a great piece to remind you of those travels and show others. I hope for the customer that they can display where they have been and where they want to go, to plan out what they want whether it seem unattainable right now or not. That being said the goals I have for The Dream Map in business is to be in every travellers home around the world. Whether this means on an apartment wall, at the office, or decorating a family or living space, The Dream Map has the potential to be there. If true market awareness is achieved any great product can succeed with good business structure. Setting an overall goal is always a good thing to aspire to achieve, but in order to get to that place it would require a lot of hard work and dedication to the product. To achieve such goals there would have to be an everyday work schedule to maintain a good and active online presence. This would create the buzz about the product and prevent it from burning out and being a one time thing. Ultimately the goals for the company are to bring it to the next level and continue to create awareness about the brand.
Venture Summary VENTURE SUMMARY Venture Name The Dream Map
Public Disclosure Summary The Dream Map aims to help you display and organize your personal memories in a new and innovative way. Whether you’re a world traveller, or want to plan out your future dream destinations, this provides you an exciting and creative way to showcase it. The Dream Map and related accessories are unique, handmade products; that will unleash and inspire the wanderlust within you. Let your treasured memories from your travels become the focal point of countless conversations, all from the comfort of your own home. Decorative wall art as it was meant to be.
Venture Overview The Dream Map is based off my initial product of a hanging wall decor piece. A handmade metal world map can hang on your wall to display photos you’ve taken, or places you wish to visit. Easily hang your photos or memorabilia from trips you have taken on it with magnets. The Dream Map also opens the door to a broad range of products: decorative pieces, jewelry, phone cases, travel accessories, hanging accessories, and so on. Travellers represent a broad target audience to begin with. Once I establish a market for The Dream Map, customers will continue to visit online with the generated social media traffic. This will lead them to the website to see the many new things that I will branch into with accessories down the road. The biggest problem with conventional photo albums is that they hide your best photos from sight and doesn’t help to put anything on display. Unless it is out and open it wouldn’t start up a conversation or create the opportunity for just anyone to see it. Let The Dream Map be your new conversation decor piece; proudly display your photos and travel inspirations. A single picture frame with a collage of photos from a recent trip can be a conversation starter for sure. But will you do a new one for each and every trip you take? Will you change out the pictures in the current one, each time you come back from a trip? The Dream Map is the perfect solution, and can also help to inspire all those who wish to travel.
Target Audience/Market My target audience is anyone with a desire to explore, travel and see more of the world.
This product range can be appealing to the photographer, wanderer, adventure seeker and so on. Realistically we see the demographics as 18-60 and anyone with an apartment or home to their name. Internet research leads me to believe there are 100 million travellers per year currently. This number is growing, and there are also many people who dream of traveling and one day plan to travel. They too, are potential customers for The Dream Map. The higher range product is a realistic purchase for those willing to spend their budget on home decor. Plain decorative wall type products do exist around the same price points as The Dream Map, but they don’t resemble a map or have the same brand aspects at all. The only type of wired wall decor that is currently available is pure decoration but yet still so expensive for purchase. They lack the flexibility and customisable features that form the unique aspects that are The Dream Map. They don’t have the handmade quality, your travel pictures, or any sort of choice in production for the customer.
Resources I will be making all of the current product prototypes by hand and have been sourcing the different supplies for them myself. It has made me realize that using wire is very labour intensive and hard to do. Ultimately I will need to study the cost of building a mold for some of the products. Otherwise I will have a challenge finding and keeping skilled labour. It has also made me change my costing or calculations used to determine the cost of The Dream Map so that it is reflected in the selling prices. My current gross profit (GP) is based on starting out with handmade wire products. If the company continues to grow, I will file for a patent to then look for an investor and obtain a loan. Trying to find the right investor while having a patent pending will be much easier as they will see the benefit in the product being protected. I will also speak again to family and friends who may be willing or interested in helping with the business. I could go back to creating a close circle of participants to help with small future production of The Dream Map products.
Development To move this venture further I need to finish full development of the website to move from just having an online store. The website will then act as the main platform for sales with the possibility of selling straight from instagram as well with this feature just now coming into play. I also need to figure out the most cost effective way to produce the products more rapidly; since I have seen firsthand the time taken (approx 4 hours) to build one complete Dream Map and the challenges faced by working with wire and cutting everything by hand. The key is not to sacrifice quality for quantity (mass production). The website for The Dream Map is essential to create sales. I will make sure that it is fully developed and working without kinks to make customers enjoy using it. I will personally work on the site to ensure that it is fully developed and all products are displayed ready to purchase. I also need to confirm a meeting with people at WWF to make sure that I have their support as one of The Dream Map’s partners and determine what percentage of sales they anticipate in return for such support. Securing this validates the products and lends credibility to The Dream Map product.
Integrated Media Marketing Strategy CREATIVE ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN Choosing a Charitable Cause I compiled a list of items that would be a good fit for The Dream Map to partner with for a charitable campaign. The list included things such as travel, animals, photography, wilderness, supporting travel, and exchange type programs. Going through this list I then looked at charities such as the Australian Koala Foundation, World Wildlife Foundation, National Geographic, Make A Wish, Elephant Family, Pacific Whale Foundation, Right Tourism, The Travel Foundation, and Stuff Your Rucksack. The list kept growing but I realized the most common trend was that I was leading back to charities that involved animals around the world. This being said I went through all the different ones again and came to the conclusion that to cover the most ground globally the best bet would be to go with WWF. The World Wildlife foundation helps endangered species of all types, all around the world. I have always been an avid supporter of animals wherever I am on my travels and thought this would be a great fit for The Dream Map.
Integrating the Company to the Campaign To plan the creative advertising campaign first I looked at how the foundation fit with The Dream Map. The first thoughts that came to me was to have an example Dream Map that featured only animal photos with specialty photo frames to hang them on the map. This meant that it could show the users what they could use their map for, or hang on it, while helping a great cause. People could then share their dream map using a hashtag to engage more attention online.
Different Components After completing user testing and gaining feedback from others, I decided on a versatile range of products that tied into the campaign. I planned for the main campaign items to include a range of photo phone cases, a jewelry set that featured a necklace and bracelet, and special photo frames that advertised the WWF logo. The smaller range of products would include pins, notebooks, and tags. The main component to the campaign would be the marketing strategy of a #TravelforWWF hashtag. The campaign would encourage users to use the hashtag to share why they travel. Whether it only be for their pleasure now they could travel while supporting WWF.
Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 6th, 2016 Jessica Wood The Dream Map 0415513473 thedreammap@hotmail.com
The Dream Map for WWF Why do you travel? #travelforWWF Share why you travel! Gold Coast, Queensland: The Dream Map is supporting the World Wildlife Foundation with a new social media campaign. Share why you travel and include the hashtag: #travelforWWF to spread awareness. The top 10 shares will also receive a special edition Dream Map WWF jewelry set. Don’t worry too much though if you don’t make it in the top ten. You can still purchase the set, with 50 percent of the profits going to WWF, and it also includes a free WWF frame set for your map photos. The frames are available for purchase separately to put with any of your photos on your map. Specialty photo phone cases marked with WWF are also for sale, to help expand the awareness of the many endangered species they assist each year. Each phone case will feature a different animal so you can pick your favorite or start a collection. “I love the WWF collection, it’s such an amazing way to show support while still getting items I love” Natasha - Dream Map customer living in the Gold Coast. The campaign will be running until we hit 2,000 posts, so that we can create buzz on the topic and get people talking about it. The awareness can hopefully direct people to donate either through The Dream Map or WWF directly. Why not adopt an animal and then you can display it on your Dream Map. There are so many options to give back and help conserve our wildlife. About Your Company: The Dream Map aims to help you display and organize your personal memories in a new and innovative way. Whether you’re a world traveller, or want to plan out your future dream destinations, this provides you an exciting and creative way to showcase it. The Dream Map and related accessories are unique, handmade products; that will unleash and inspire the wanderlust within you. Let your treasured memories from your travels become the focal point of countless conversations, all from the comfort of your own home. Decorative wall art as it was meant to be. ###
Testing Market Research Survey After doing a small campaign presentation to 2 different groups I have compiled useful information to take into consideration with the campaign. Going through the cause-related media campaign I talked about the photos marketed for the campaign, specialty frames, social media marketing, and related materials with the WWF logo. I have taken the feedback results and organized each group members input accordingly to the survey question. Then being able to compare and see what the best steps are for the overall campaign.
What did you like most about out idea? • • • • • •
The inclusion of social media, that is very integral to advertising nowadays. How it can work into social media and also physical poster. WWF is a great cause and you tied it in with product really well! I love your photos. Animals/WWF Animals! Very cohesive idea, great cause which is significant.
What changes would most improve our idea or pitch? • • • • • •
More tangible products, such as limited edition. Strengthen how it ties to your main brand. Keep going with online social media ideas. Include more photos? Expand the social media. Use the idea of animals and integrate it more into the campaign.
If this campaign idea were active today, how likely would you be to recommend it to others? • • • • • •
Moderately likely Moderately likely Very likely Extremely Likely Extremely Likely Moderately Likely
Would you personally support this campaign if it was real? • • • • • •
Moderately Likely Moderately Likely Extremely Likely Extremely Likely Extremely Likely Very Likely
How important is our chosen issue to you? • • • • • •
Very important Very important Very important Extremely important Extremely important Moderately important
Overall, regarding our campaign pitch and idea, do you: a) approve it to go ahead as is, b) think we should scrap it and think of a new idea, or c) thinking we should modify it before continuing? • • • • • •
A. This is a fabulous direction, such a topic requires more attention. A. Approved to go ahead. C. Your idea is really solid and will be great when built into your campaign. C. Look into expanding to more products, to go with the frames. A. Approve of idea! A. Approve as is, but work and refine it as you go.
What would make you more likely to approve this campaign? • • • • • •
Posters, something tangible and in print would be wonderful.. stickers? Sounds good. Good idea. A sense that I’m helping. Create materials for promo like fridge magnets. I have no more ideas, It’s good as is.
Additional feedback included integrating the online social media component more, creating something that the customer gets for donating or helping out, billboard posters, phone cases, pins, decals, a jewelry collection that was special to the campaign and can be treated as a reward.
Thank You
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