Terry Pratchett
Born Terrance David John Pratchett, 28th April 1948 in England. Comic Fantasy Novelist. “It is easier to bend the universe around the story”
“Magical realism” “like a polite way of saying write fantasy but is more acceptable to certain people… who, on the whole do not care that much.” “Oldest form of fiction”
“Fantasy is like an exercise bicycle, it won’t take you anywhere but it might do something for you for the bits of you that would.”
Death “the air of the octogram shimmered and thickened, and suddenly contained a tall, dark figure. Most of it was hidden by a black robe and hood and this was probably just as well. It held a long scythe in one hand and one couldn’t help no?cing that what should have been fingers were simply white bone. The other skeletal hand held small cubes of cheese and pineapple on a s?ck. WELL? Said Death, in a voice with all the warmth and colour of an iceberg. He caught the wizzards gaze and glanced down at the s?ck.
I WAS AT A PARTY, he added, a shade reproachfully.”
A’tuin A Giant Star Turtle - Fictional Species Chelys Galactica.
Psephophorus Terrypratchetti
Natural History Collected a greenhouse of carnivorous plants.
Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosed in 2007 with a very rare from of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, called P o s t e r i o r c o r t i c a l a t r o p h y ( P C A ) .
“well that’s society for you. Everything gets dumped on the person below, until eventually you find somebody who is prepared to eat it”