Buyer's Package

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Buyer’s Package

J G 425.248.5000 @ .

Table of Contents 1. My Services for Buyers 2. About Me 3. How My Representa on Will Benefit You 3.1 I am a Realtor 4. The Buying Process 4.1 Financing and Lender Pre-approval 4.2 Determining your wants and needs 4.3 Reviewing Lis ngs/Online Shopping/Drive-bys 4.4 Previewing Homes 4.5 Making an Offer 4.6 Addressing Contractual Con ngencies 4.61 Home Inspec on 4.62 Re-inspec on 4.63 Sep c Inspec on 4.64 Well Inspec on 4.65 Financing 4.66 Appraisal 4.67 Title & Title Insurance 4.68 Homeowner’s Insurance 4.69 Homeowner’s Associa on 4.7 U li es 4.8 Escrow 4.9 Closing 6. Frequently Asked Ques ons 6. What my Clients Are Saying About Me 7. Thank You

I have bought and sold 20 proper es and have never used the same agent more than once, un l Jessie. She Impressed me with her skills, frequent updates, knowledge, and resources. She did an awesome job selling my last 2 proper es and I have recommended her to all my associates that are in the market to buy or sell. ~Mike

1. My Services For Buyers • • •

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Provide assistance with lender selec on, pre-approval and approval Analyze your home criteria with you Customizing a search in the Northwest Mul ple Lis ng Service (NWMLS) based on your requirements and criteria Review your search daily and forward you poten al proper es for considera on Update you on home availability Arrange an unlimited number of personal home tours. Believe it or not some agents charge per home they show! Answer any ques ons you will have along the way Provide community resource informa on Nego ate the purchase of any “for sale by owner” Explain the Purchase and Sale Agreement Provide exper se and advice on how to strategically structure offers Prepare a Compara ve Marke ng Analysis on the property prior to making an offer Write a contract that will protect you as the buyer Nego ate the best terms possible Create a pending to closing calendar to inform you of important dates and deadlines Coordinate with the lis ng agent, lender, tle and escrow companies, home inspectors and all other par es involved in your transac on Ensure your earnest money is deposited on me Assist in ordering the home inspec on and recommend cer fied inspectors Nego ate your inspec on response Review the appraisal to confirm the appraised value is consistent or higher than the sales price Ensure all melines are met and con ngencies are sa sfied Review the escrow closing statement form (HUD 1) Deliver keys at the me of possession Do whatever it takes to make your purchase successful

During the course of our sale, it became evident that Jessie is well-respected by her peers in the real estate industry. We were told by four people involved in our sale that we had one of the best agents represen ng us. Jessie’s communica on style engaged easily with all par es involved. It was evident that everyone trusted her knowledge of the sale and her commitment to closing the deal. ~Luke & Felice

2. About Me I graduated from WillameGe University then entered the work force at a corporate law firm in SeaGle. I subsequently taught English in Japan and Special Educa on in SeaGle and traveled around the world. I have worked, studied in and traveled to nearly 50 countries. Traversing the world has demonstrated to me how fortunate I am to live and work in the Pacific Northwest. In 2006 I teamed up with my mom, Sally Boge, who was a very successful real estate broker. Sally was a great mentor and I quickly learned all of the intricacies involved with helping people buy and sell real estate. Sally and I made a powerful team for several years. Sally re red in 2011, knowing our clients are in excellent hands. I am happily married to a great man, Ted, and I have a precious Boston Terrier, Max. I love travelling, playing tennis and exercising, reading, spending me with friends and family, dogs, happy hours and aGending classes on various topics related to real estate (seriously!). I thoroughly enjoy and excel at the many different components involved with being a successful realtor: marke ng, nego a ng, pricing, real estate contracts and legal aspects, market and trend analysis, staging, matching people with homes and proper es, communica ng with the numerous par es involved with a sale and problem solving. Working as a real estate broker is a great match for my skill set, energy level and personality. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than represent home buyers and sellers!

3. How My Representation Will Benefit You Real estate is likely the largest financial investment you will make in your life me. As a result, your purchase can be exci ng, complicated and stressful. I am dedicated to making your purchase process as smooth and stress-free as possible. I am knowledgeable, experienced and a skilled nego ator. I demonstrate an excep onal level of integrity and professionalism and am efficient, determined and organized. I will educate about the purchasing process and will provide you with the informa on you need to make informed decisions. My commitment is to work diligently to help find the best home for you and secure a purchase with the best terms possible. I am dedicated to improving my skills and knowledge and am constantly furthering my educa on to beGer represent you. I have par cipated in seminars and courses on marke ng, nego a ng, legal developments, financing, escrow, technology, inves ng, short sales and foreclosures, to name a few topics. I have earned the Seniors Real Estate Specialist, Cer fied Short Sale and Foreclosure Resource, Cer fied Nego a on Expert and Accredited Staging Professional designa ons. I will con nue to stay current on real estate laws, market changes and service offerings.

I have a strong network and am well regarded and respected by my peers. I have created powerful working rela onships with other real estate agents and professionals in the business including lenders, tle companies, aGorneys and home inspectors. My business and community connec ons and strong agent rapport will work in your favor during your purchase. I am a market expert. I con nuously analyze current market trends and ac vity. My knowledge is beneficial to you as it enables me to provide strong representa on and to nego ate on your behalf. For example, I track the number of homes that are currently listed for sale vs. the number of homes that have accepted an offer (pendings) to determine market ra os. Ra os enable me to iden fy whether we are currently in a buyer’s market, a balanced market, or seller’s market. If we are in a seller’s market, I will advise you to make a strong offer so you don’t let your dream home slip away over a rela vely small amount of money. If we are in a buyer’s market, I will encourage a more aggressive offer. Knowledge of current market condi ons is impera ve in order to effec vely strategize your offer. Other important components I consider are a seller’s odds of selling and how long lis ngs have been on the market. If a lis ng is brand new to the market, the seller will be op mis c and will not be very flexible with the price. If a house has been on the market for an extended period of me, the seller may be anxious to sell and might be willing to consider a lower price. I also monitor buying paGerns to see if there are seasonal trends in sales of similar homes.

In addi on, I track the volume of compe ng lis ngs in every price point and sales-per-price point to iden fy trends. I also analyze assessed values vs. the sales of prices of recently sold comparable homes to determine the ra os. This enables me to determine if there are any consistent current market trends between assessed values and sales prices. Furthermore, I assess apprecia on rates and track absorp on rates to determine how many months of inventory are currently on the market. I will educate you about current market condi ons, which will have a direct impact on our nego a on approach. My research methods are a tremendous benefit to you as my market knowledge enables us to strategically structure your offer. Furthermore, my research and analysis gives us the ability to ar culate and apply our data to make a strong case as to why a seller should accept your offer.

In sum, my experience, high level of educa on, knowledge, resources, commitment, professionalism, market exper se and strong nego a on skills will provide you with a successful transac on. I look forward to working with you and naviga ng your way through real estate.

3. 1 I am a REALTOR® I am a member of the Na onal Associa on of Realtors® (NAR), which is the largest professional organiza on in the United States. All real estate licensees are not the same; only real estate licensees who are members of the NAR are properly called REALTORS®. REALTORS® are obligated to follow a strict Code of Ethics and are expected to maintain the highest level of knowledge concerning the process of buying and selling real estate.

We want to thank you for all your help in our last transac on. We were involved for over two years with you from the first contact and you did an excellent job of staying in touch with us. Your experience and knowledge is much appreciated in these mes as they are the most challenging we have seen in our 33 years of buying and selling. We will happily give you our highest recommenda on to anyone looking to buy or sell. ~Pat & Laura

4. The Buying Process

It is more complicated than just finding a home

I had a first-rate and fun home-buying experience with Jessie as my agent. At the beginning of the process I was unsure of what I was looking for or what I could afford. Jessie pa ently led me through the en re process from start to finish. ~Shawna

4.1 Financing and Lender PrePre-Approval It is important to communicate with a lender prior to beginning your home search to find out how much you are qualified to invest in a home. It would be devasta ng to find your dream home then to later find out you cannot qualify to purchase it. On the other hand, perhaps homes that you think are out of reach are actually realis c. Your lender will educate you about different loan programs and current mortgage rates. The lender you select will also review your financial informa on to determine the amount you are eligible to borrow and will issue you a pre-approval leGer. It is very important to have a pre-approval leGer from a lender to submit with your offer. Sellers do not want to risk taking their home off the market for someone who may be unable to obtain a loan. In addi on, the lender will let you know how much money you will need to put down and inform you how much you will pay in closing costs. The lender will answer any ques ons you have and will explain the loan process. Your lender may require the following documenta on: • • • • • •

Your Social Security number Pay stubs for the last two months W-2 forms for the past two years Bank statements for the past two or three months One or two years of federal tax returns Informa on on current debt, including car loans, student loan, credit cards, etc

There are many lenders and it is important to find one you trust. An incompetent lender can be detrimental to your purchase. My clients have been extremely pleased with a handful of lenders who I am happy to refer you to. You may want to interview mul ple lenders to determine which lender is the best match for you.

Closing Costs: Closing costs are fees associated with the purchase of a home. The buyer and seller

share some of the costs while also incurring separate costs.

Buyers typically pay for half of the total tle and escrow fees along with recording and document prepara on fees, pro-rated property taxes and homeowner’s insurance reserves. Buyers are also responsible for fees associated with the loan such as a loan origina on fee, appraisal, credit report, etc. Sellers pay real estate commissions, excise tax, half of tle and escrow fees, document prepara on, recording, and reconveyance fees, pro-rated taxes from tax due-date to date of closing and any costs involved with paying off their loan. There may be addi onal costs as well.

4.2 Determining Your Wants and Needs I need to know what you are looking for in a home. The more I know about what you need and what you would like, the beGer I can assist you in your home search. I will discuss your criteria from number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, investment range, loca on, lot size, price, school district, age of home and garage size to type of home so I can refine your search and filter out homes that will not work for you. Keep in mind that very specific criteria may not yield many op ons while a search that is too broad may overwhelm you with matches!

4.3 Reviewing Listings/Online Shopping/DriveShopping/Drive-bys APer our discussion about your criteria I will customize a search for you in the Northwest Mul ple Lis ng Service (NWMLS). The MLS hosts lis ngs from every real estate agency, so it is an all-in-one home database that only real estate agents can access. Once I set up your search I will see the homes that match your criteria and will forward the lis ngs to you. The number of lis ngs in the ini al batch I send you will vary depending on your criteria. Look through the lis ngs and let me know which ones look interes ng. I will be alerted when a new lis ng enters the market that meets your criteria and I will promptly forward the new lis ng informa on to you. I will also forward lis ngs that have reduced in price. If you see lis ngs that look interes ng let me know!

Many people enjoy looking at homes on the internet. If you are interested in searching for homes online there are a lot of great websites you can go to including My website is powerful and has all of the features you need to make your search process simple and efficient. Again, if you find lis ngs that interest you please let me know what the MLS #’s are so I can check availability and provide you with supplemental informa on that is only available to real estate agents.

In addi on to searching online, many people find it helpful to drive-by a home and scout out the neighborhood to determine if they have any further interest. A home may turn out to be located next to a freeway, gun range, dairy farm, train tracks, etc and the loca on alone might disqualify a home for you. Many homes are eliminated from lists aPer people see the home and check out the surrounding area.

4.4 Previewing Homes There will most likely be many homes that you are interested in seeing aPer reviewing the lis ngs. Great! This is when the fun begins! We will schedule a day and me to preview homes. We can look at vacant homes any me. I will schedule appointments with homeowners for homes that are owner-occupied. If a home is rented, we are required to give the tenants 24 hours no ce prior to previewing the home. I will organize the route, schedule appointments and supply you with the home and property informa on. The process of finding the right home for you may be quicker or take longer than you expected. You may find the perfect home on our first ou ng. Or we may end up looking at what feels like a million homes. Either way, we’ll work together un l we find the right home for you.

Jessie took me on an all-encompassing tour of homes. She gave me a thorough overview of houses available on the market, and an in-depth review of the various areas. With each viewing she took a full assessment of my likes and dislikes. She used this informa on to refine the list of possibili es for a home that would fit my needs and wishes. I was thoroughly impressed by how quickly Jessie could understand what I was looking for, even when I was unable to ar culate it myself. ~Skippy

4.5 Making an Offer Once we find a home you love I will explain the Purchase and Sale Agreement and review all the components involved in making an offer. I will do a compara ve market analysis on the property and will consider many factors in order to strategize our approach to the seller. I will work with you to decide the terms and condi ons of the offer and will provide my exper se and advice on how to structure the offer. Jessie took great care to explain all of the legal aspects of the contract so that we really understood the commitment we were making. ~Doug and Bonnie One of the many components involved with an offer is earnest money. Too liGle earnest money can lead sellers to believe you are not a strong buyer. Too much earnest money is simply not needed and creates unnecessary risk. Earnest money in the amount of 1% of the purchase price is standard. Your earnest money will be deposited within three days of your offer being accepted and will apply to your down payment or closing costs. I will include several con ngencies in your contract to protect you, such as home inspec on and financing con ngencies. Your earnest money will be refunded to you, if you decide to terminate the purchase due to one of the con ngencies we included in The Purchase and Sale Agreement. If you default on the contract, without a legal excuse, or aPer your con ngencies have expired, you may forfeit your earnest money. I provide protec on for the earnest money in the Purchase and Sale Agreement and diligently monitor melines and con ngencies. I will also discuss strategies to make your offer stronger in a compe ve situa on. The seller has the op on to accept your offer, reject your offer, or make a counter-offer. There may be a couple rounds of counteroffers before an offer is rejected or accepted. I excel at nego a ng the best terms possible for my buyers.

4.6 Addressing Contractual Contingencies Finding a home that you want to purchase and submiTng an offer is only the beginning! APer your offer is accepted there will be several steps and deadlines involved in the purchase process. I will make you a calendar of the melines and will assist you with every step.

A3er my offer was accepted, Jessie supplied me with an in-depth schedule of events that needed to take place between the acceptance and the closing. The calendar was extremely useful in guiding me as to when I needed to have paperwork ready and decisions made. Jessie placed an emphasis on making sure I was comfortable and informed throughout the en re transac on. ~Lily

4.61 Home Inspection A home inspec on will determine if there are unknown flaws or problems with the house and will give you a beGer understanding of the overall condi on. Typically we will have up to 10 days aPer your offer is accepted to complete your home inspec on and submit the response to the seller. I will recommend excellent cer fied home inspectors to you. The fee for a home inspec on ranges between $375 and $425 for average sized homes. Condos and townhomes may be less expensive while larger homes or proper es with outbuildings will be more expensive. You will pay the inspector directly for his or her services at the inspec on. I strongly recommend you aGend the inspec on as it is a fantas c opportunity to learn more about the home you are purchasing, however your presence is not required. The home inspec on will take approximately three hours. The inspector will evaluate the structural integrity and condi on of the home and specifically address the exterior, founda on, basement, crawlspace, roof, interior, garage, hea ng, plumbing and electrical systems. The inspector will give you an overview of the home and will advise you of any concerns detected. You will receive a comprehensive report discussing the findings to fully inform you about the condi on of the property. We will use the report to prepare our inspec on response. If the inspec on is flawless, I’ll put a sold sign up and proceed towards closing. If the inspec on yields numerous or significant defects, you may choose to terminate your offer. If there are items that need correc ng (there usually are) we’ll discuss the items and decide which ones to ask the seller to correct. The goal is for both par es to come to a reasonable agreement so we can move forward with the purchase. If an agreement is not reached we will terminate the transac on and resume our home search. In this case, your earnest money will be refunded to you, provided we are within the melines agreed upon on our contract.

4.62 ReRe-Inspection If there is a long list of repairs—or even a few cri cal issues that need addressing—you may want to hire your inspector to re-inspect the home prior to closing.

4.63 Septic Inspection If you are purchasing a property that has a sep c system the seller will have the system inspected and if necessary pumped at the seller’s expense. The seller will order the inspec on. You will have the right to aGend the inspec on and the seller will provide you with a copy of the inspec on report. It is not necessary or required to re-inspect a system that was inspected in the prior 12 months.

4.64 Well Inspection If the property you are purchasing is on a community, shared or individual well you are en tled, at your expense, to test the flow rate, check the purity standards, verify the source is adequate and that the system meets federal, state and/or local standards.

4.65 Financing Unless you are paying cash, I will include a financing con ngency in your offer. This con ngency provides me to work with your lender to confirm you qualify for financing with acceptable terms. There are many condi ons that need to be met in order to obtain full financing approval. In addi on to your income, debt and credit scores, financing approval is subject to a sa sfactory appraisal, clear tle and other factors pertaining to the home and property. The lender will place orders for the appraisal, flood determina on, a tle search and tle insurance and will also lock the rate on your loan. It is important to discuss the ming of locking your rate with your lender. Locking your interest rate protects you from increases in interest rates that may occur while you are wai ng to close. It is important you know that once your rate is locked you will not be able to change it – even if rates go down before your closing date. Even the professionals have a hard me predic ng whether mortgage rates will go up or down. Therefore, once you have a rate that makes the monthly mortgage payment one that you are comfortable with, it can be a good idea to lock the rate, so you will know exactly what to expect. Once all of the necessary informa on is obtained, the lender will submit your file to underwri ng for review and approval. The underwriter may require addi onal informa on from you, which will be communicated to you via your lender.

It is cri cal that you supply the documenta on or informa on requested as quickly as possible in order to prevent a delay of closing. Once final approval is given by the underwriter, your lender will confirm all fees and order the loan documents to be drawn up. The loan documents will be sent to the escrow company. The standard meline for the financing con ngency is 30 days. It is impera ve to obtain full financing approval during the agreed upon meline in order to protect your earnest money.

4.66 Appraisal Your lender will order an appraisal to confirm the value of the home is consistent or higher than the agreed upon purchase price. The appraisal is essen ally the banks way of making sure the loan they are extending on the home is a good investment. A licensed appraiser will visit the property and will perform a general inspec on. You do not need to be present for this appointment and the fee for the appraisal (approximately $450—$500) will be included in your closing costs. The appraiser will use comparable sales and current market informa on to complete the appraisal. The appraiser oPen determines the value of the home is consistent with the sale price. It is extremely rare for the appraisal to indicate a value higher than the sale price. If the appraised value is less than the sales price, you will have a few op ons. You can request a reconsidera on of value by the ini al appraiser or order a second appraisal. Another op on is for the seller to agree to reduce the sale price to the value indicated in the appraisal. A final op on is for you to pay in cash the difference between the price we’ve agreed upon with the seller and the appraised value. If the above op ons fail you will terminate the contract and your earnest money will be reimbursed to you.

4.67 Title It is important to determine if there are any liens, encumbrances or any other issues on the tle that would restrict transfer of ownership. A tle search could reveal unpaid taxes, delinquent mortgages, easements, judgments against previous owners and many other court ac ons or recorded documents, which can have a nega ve effect on the property. The tle report is typically ordered right aPer mutual acceptance of the Purchase and Sale Agreement. Copies of the report are distributed to the lender, the escrow company, real estate agents and the buyers and sellers. A tle expert will review the tle report and will inform us if there are any irregulari es. Many homes are located in communi es that have Codes, Covenants and Restric ons (CC&R’s). The CC&R’s will be described in the tle report. It is important that you review the CC&R’s to make sure you are aware of community rules and to confirm the property meets your needs.

Title Insurance Once tle is cleared tle insurance can be issued. First American Title explains tle insurance as “Insurance that, if any undisclosed claim covered by your policy arises out of the past to threaten your ownership of real estate, it will be disposed of, or you will be reimbursed, exactly as your tle insurance policy provides.” The premium for tle insurance is a one- me expense paid for at closing. The tle policy will protect you as long as you own the property.

4.68Homeowner’s Insurance During your financing period you will need to obtain homeowner’s insurance. Contact your insurance agent and let them know you are purchasing a home. Your insurance agent will prepare an insurance binder and will forward the binder to your lender. Homeowner’s insurance is required to obtain a loan as it protects you against loss or damage due to theP and fire. Depending on the loca on of the home, you may need flood insurance as well.

4.69 Homeowner’s Association If the community the home is located in has a Homeowner’s Associa on you will have an opportunity to review and approve documenta on pertaining to the associa on. This documenta on may include financial statements, rules and regula ons and minutes from previous mee ngs, etc.

Once all of your contractual con ngencies have been sa sfied and your loan has been approved you’ll be very close to owning your home!

4.7 Utilities At this point you need to start preparing for your move, which includes seTng up all of the u lity accounts in your name. You’ll need to call the local electricity, water/sewer, garbage and gas companies to no fy them of your move in date and establish your accounts. You may also want to schedule a cable and/or internet provider and any other companies whose services you desire.

4.8 Escrow The escrow company is a neutral third party that holds and processes legal documenta on and funds on behalf of a buyer and seller. Escrow agents work with the real estate agents, lenders, buyers and sellers to facilitate the closing of the transac on. The escrow company has many responsibili es including:

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Clearing tle by going through each lien and clearing it Obtaining an insurance binder from your lender Obtaining informa on pertaining to mortgage balances, homeowner’s dues, u li es, real estate commissions, taxes, etc Preparing an es mated seGlement statement Preparing legal documents Overseeing the signing of the closing documents Disbursing funds

Once your loan is approved the lender will send your loan documents to the escrow company. The escrow officer will review your documents and then will generate an Es mated SeGlement Statement. This statement will itemize your closing costs, which are all of the fees involved with your purchase. In addi on, the statement will reflect how much money, if any, you will need to bring to closing. The escrow officer will call you to schedule your signing appointment and will let you know how much money you need to bring in to close. The officer will also supply instruc ons as to how you can get the necessary funds to escrow.

In a perfect world your loan documents would arrive at escrow three days prior to closing. However, this is usually not the case. Documents more oPen than not arrive behind schedule. As a result, you need to be prepared for liGle no ce prior to your signing appointment and you may need to quickly arrange obtaining and/or transferring the funds for closing. Your signing appointment at escrow will take approximately 45 minutes. Make sure you bring the necessary iden fica on. You will sign many closing and loan related documents. The escrow closer will provide a brief explana on of each document so you understand the forms you are signing. Please no fy the escrow agent if you have any ques ons about the paperwork or if you see any errors.

4.9 Closing APer your escrow signing appointment the wai ng begins. The escrow officer will send the documents back to the lender for final review. Once the lender gives the final OK they will release the funds to the escrow company. The escrow officer will then send the necessary documents, the Deed signed by the seller and the Deed of Trust for the new loan(s) signed by you, via courier, to the county court house to be recorded. Once the documents are recorded the escrow company will inform me they have recording numbers and will release the proceeds of the sale to the seller. It is common to get confirma on that the sale has recorded minutes before 5pm on the closing day. At this point the home is all yours! Congratula ons!! It is extremely important to be aware that the closing date agreed upon in the contract is not set in stone. It is a goal that everyone will work very hard to accomplish, but there are many steps in the purchase process and a delay in one step could result in a delay of closing. For example, the appraisal could take longer than expected, repair work may need to be done on the home, the tle report may show there is lien on the property that needs to be resolved, etc. The possibility of closing being delayed is something you need to be prepared for – especially if you are giving no ce to a current landlord or have a trip planned or any other events scheduled near closing. Delays are even more likely when a home is under construc on.

Working with Jessie to purchase my first home was a pleasure. She was pa ent and understanding of my home requirements. We must have looked at 30+ houses that were with-in my categories before I made a decision. I never felt pressured to buy a specific house or rushed to make a decision. Because I was a first me home buyer, it was great to have Jessie there to help me understand the buying process. She is very knowledgeable and gave me many op ons to work with. There is no doubt in my mind that I would work with Jessie again when I decide to sell and/or purchase a new home. I have o3en recommended Jessie to my friends. The service Jessie provides is very professional and I felt very comfortable working with her. ~Calvin

5. Frequently Asked Questions Buying a home is very exci ng! It is also very complicated and most buyers do not fully understand all aspects of the buying process and the role a real estate agent plays. Naturally you may have a few ques ons. If you have addi onal ques ons that I do not address here, just ask!

How much will it cost me to hire your? Hiring me will not cost you a penny. My compensa on will come from the seller’s proceeds at the closing of the transac on.

Can you give me information regarding properties that are listed by companies other than Windermere? Yes. The Northwest Mul ple Lis ng Service (NWMLS) hosts lis ngs from every real estate agency that is a member of the MLS. As a result, the MLS is essen ally an all-in-one home shopping network that real estate brokers access. The only proper es not included in the NWMLS are proper es that are listed “For Sale by Owner” (FSBO). As a result we are unable to inform you about these proper es.

What if I find a home that is listed For Sale By Owner (FSBO) that I am interested in purchasing? I can s ll represent you, nego ate your purchase and handle the en re transac on. In many cases the seller is expec ng an agent to bring and represent a buyer and is willing to compensate the agent. In other cases buyers enter into an agency agreement with their agent and it is the buyer who has the responsibility to compensate the agent for services rendered.

What if I find a property on my own? I expect you to be searching for homes online as it is fun and interes ng! You also may come across a home for sale while you are driving. If you find lis ngs online, email or call me with the MLS number(s). If you are driving try to note any informa on you can about the home and address and contact me. I can access the informa on for the home you are interested in to determine the availability and price and to learn more about what the home has to offer. If you are interested in seeing the interior of a home we can schedule a showing.

Can we look at homes anytime? We can preview a home that is vacant at any me. However, if a home is owner-occupied we must schedule a me with the homeowner. If tenants are occupying a home they are en tled to 24 hours no ce prior to showings.

Can I go to open houses without you? Yes. However, make sure you indicate to the agent who is holding the open house you are working with me. If you are interested in aGending open houses let me know and I will give you a handful of my business cards to supply to agents you will encounter. If you do not inform other agents you are working with us there could be nega ve ramifica ons for both of us. In some extreme cases, I might not be able to represent you if you decide to purchase that property in the future. Many open houses, especially new construc on neighborhoods, have site policies that reduce my commission if I am not present at all showings, including the open house. The best course of ac on is to communicate to the agent that you are working with me to prevent any nega ve consequences. Please keep in mind that I like to go house shopping with you! I enjoy geTng to know you and learning about your tastes and preferences. The more homes we look at together and the more feedback I receive from you, the beGer I can help you find the best match. However, if you happen to stumble across an open house when I am not with you, feel free to check it out.

What if I am unhappy and want to switch agents? I want and encourage an open line of communica on. If I am not mee ng your expecta ons please tell me! I want to know your preferences and opinions and appreciate the opportunity to discuss any frustra ons you may be experiencing. I am confident I will exceed all of your expecta ons. However, if you are unhappy with my services and we are unable to work out our differences, I will respecXully part ways and you can hire another agent.

Jessie provided a smooth and enjoyable home-buying experience. She has an obvious passion for matching people with homes they will love. Jessie’s love of real estate was consistently demonstrated in her knowledge of the market, a8en on to detail throughout the transac on, and commitment in making sure my needs were met and addressed at all mes. I will absolutely hire Jessie for all my future real estate transac ons. ~William

6. What My Clients Are Saying About Me Jessie, we s ll can’t believe you were able to sell our home in Harbour Point in less than 30 days, even in a declining market. We are very impressed with you and your team, from the lender to home inspector and even your color coordinator and window washer. At a me when honesty and trust is not always easy to come by, we wanted you to know how much we appreciate what you have done for us. We are so happy we put our trust in you because we would not be in our dream home on a lake today without you! Thank you for all of your help in making our real estate dreams come true! ~Ted and Debbie Jessie is an amazing Realtor. We knew we would be well taken care of from Jessie’s high level of professionalism at our first mee ng. Jessie was extremely knowledgeable, efficient and thorough. Jessie’s ability to effec vely communicate and personable demeanor made both selling our home and purchasing a new one a fun, pleasant experience. Jessie handled the most stressful events in our life with ease and care and looked out for our best interest throughout our transac ons. We were amazed that she was always on the go and available, making sure we were being well taken care of. We appreciated the endless amount of resources Jessie provided. We can only hope to work with Jessie again in the future. She is the only real estate agent in the greater Sea8le area that we entrust with our family and friends. ~Steve and Nicole Overall, Jessie provided a smooth and enjoyable home buying experience. Her love of real estate was consistently demonstrated in her knowledge of the market, her a8en on to detail throughout the transac on, and her commitment in making sure my needs were met and addressed at all mes. I will absolutely hire Jessie to represent me in all of my future real estate transac ons. ~Skippy We were impressed with Jessie’s knowledge of the real estate market and her professionalism. We asked Jessie to become our real estate representa ve. In less than a few months she sold our condo and helped us with the purchase of our new home. Jessie is a skillful adver ser, friendly, enthusias c and responsive. We are now very happy to be living in “The Meadows.” Thank you Jessie! ~ Salvador and RoseMarie Jessie is absolutely amazing! She went above and beyond what she needed to do. I had unsuccessful rela onships with a few real estate agents before finding Jessie and now I can say that I found a real estate agent for life! ~Nick

Jessie was great to work with and always quick to respond if we had a ques on or wanted to look at a house. She even went above and beyond a3er we closed to make sure that our house was perfect for moving in. We enjoyed working with Jessie because she is very vested in puBng her clients in a house that is exactly what they want and also a good investment for their future. This was my first experience buying a house. I know that when I go to sell it and buy a different house, I would be happy to work with Jessie again. ~Deb Right from the start, we found Jessie to be easy to talk to and knowledgeable of the market and area. We have never met a real estate agent who is such a hard worker! We found that during the transac on process, as always, in real estate, poten al problems would arise, but Jessie quickly and professionally found a solu on. She was only a phone call away from calming the emergency at hand. We would not hesitate in recommending Jessie to anyone who has real estate needs. We appreciate her hard work and are thankful for everything she did for us. ~Don & Sally Working with Jessie was the best experience I have had in the real estate world! I have bought and sold four other homes the past. The difference in hiring Jessie as my agent was that at every turn of the buying process, she was always a step ahead of anything that could slow down the process. She does her research, knows the market and truly listens to what the buyer wants. Jessie goes above and beyond to make buying a home a stress free experience. She is a 10 in my book! I will refer Jessie to anyone looking to buy or sell a home! ~Barbara Jessie was there for me. She offered professional wisdom and was caring as she pointed me in the right direc on toward the sale of my house and the purchase of another. I appreciate that Jessie was respecDul of my circumstances as she lead me through both processes, and all the paperwork! I certainly would/will call on Jessie again. I know my family will be in contact with Jessie, if their needs arise. Her exper se proved itself to the family and I am thankful for everything Jessie did for me. ~Cheryl Jessie is very personable and works very hard to find the house that fits the person. She is not just about selling you a house, but helping you find a house that you can say yes I really love this place! ~Linda

7. Thank You! Thank you for taking the me to review my qualiďŹ ca ons and the enclosed informa on. Buying a home is one of the biggest and most important decisions and investments you’ll make in your life! The process can be overwhelming, stressful and exci ng. I am here to assist you with every step of the purchasing process. I will help you make a wise real estate investment and will ensure your transac on goes as smoothly as possible. I look forward to working with you and naviga ng your way through real estate. Please let me know if you have any ques ons.


Some of the homes I have sold.

J G 425.248.5000 @ .

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