Seller's Package

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Seller’s Package

J G 425.248.5000 @J G .

Table of Contents 1. My Services to Sellers 2. Pricing 3. Technology and Marke ng 4. Broker’s Open and Open Houses 5. Communica on 6. Commission 7. Costs Affiliated With Selling 8. About Me 9. How Lis ng Your Home With Me Will Benefit You 10. Addi onal Benefits of Working With Me 10.1 Cancella on Guarantee 10.2 I am a Realtor® 11. What My Clients Are Saying About Me 12. Tips for Sellers 13. Thank you!

I have bought and sold 20 proper es and have never used the same agent more than once un l Jessie. She Impressed me with her skills, frequent updates, knowledge, and resources. She did an awesome job selling my last two proper es and I have recommended her to all my associates that are in the market to buy or sell. ~Mike

1. My Services to Sellers: •

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Prepare a compara ve market analysis and addi onal pricing methods to establish a compe ve lis ng price Review ways to enhance your property to help receive top dollar in the sale Obtain necessary documents including, but not limited to, plat map, Seller Disclosure Statement, well log, as-built and legal descrip on Order a tle report from a tle company Provide a detailed review of the Lis ng Agreement Produce high-quality photos and ar culate marke ng remarks Create an appealing and a;rac ve lis ng presenta on Supply professional real estate sign and lockbox Create a strong internet presence to market the property Create custom marke ng materials Hold a Broker’s Open and open houses (case-by-case basis) Communicate agent and poten al buyer feedback to you a?er showings Present all offers and explain the Purchase and Sale Agreement(s) to you Nego ate the best price and terms possible Provide a pending-to-closing calendar to you a?er mutual acceptance of an offer to inform you of all melines and deadlines Submit the Purchase & Sale Agreement to our selected escrow company Coordinate informa on and documents with the buyer’s agent, tle and escrow companies, appraiser and other par es involved in the transac on Nego ate the inspec on issues Facilitate work orders, as necessary Follow-up on the buyer’s financing Ensure all con ngencies in the contract are sa sfied Confirm the appraisal is sa sfactory Review the escrow closing statement (HUD) Orchestrate the closing and arrange for delivery of keys and garage door openers Provide the informa on you need to make informed decisions Do what it takes to get your home sold!

2. Pricing Pricing is likely your biggest concern in selling your home. You are probably wondering, “How will you determine my suggested lis ng price?” This is a great ques on as pricing your home correctly is absolutely necessary in order to sell. I will extensively research homes comparable to yours that are currently on the market, pending or have recently sold. I also review lis ngs that expired or were cancelled prior to selling. I will use this informa on to prepare a Compara ve Market Analysis (CMA). CMA prepara on is something you can expect most agents to do for you. While considering comparable sales is extremely important, it is necessary to consider more than historical data to determine an accurate lis ng price. It is also essen al to consider current market condi ons as it is likely that the market has changed since other homes have sold. In addi on to considering recent sales I: • •

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Determine your odds of selling Assess the number of lis ngs that are ac ve on the market vs. the number of lis ngs that are pending. This enables me to determine market ra os and iden fy whether we are currently in a buyer’s market, balanced market, or seller’s market. This is cri cal informa on that has a significant impact on the pricing of your home. If the data indicates the market is to the sellers advantage, you may opt to price your home fairly aggressively. Conversely, if we are in the midst of a buyer’s market, it will be necessary to price your home more compe vely. Monitor compe ng lis ngs. It is important for us to be aware of the compe on, along with price adjustments and other changes applied to compe ng homes. Review the number of days homes are spending on the market. Comparing your meframe to sell with the average number of days homes are on the market may impact your lis ng price. For example, say you are reloca ng to a different state for employment in 60 days, yet the average market me for homes is current 180 days. This informa on may lead you to apply a more compe ve asking price to your home than you would if the average market me was 30 days. Track absorp on rates to determine how many months of inventory are currently on the market. Note the average price per square foot for recently sold homes. Calculate original list prices vs. sales prices and final list prices, for homes that have had price reduc ons, vs. sales prices to iden fy averages and trends. Consider market apprecia on rates Monitor buying pa;erns to see if there are seasonal trends in sales of similar homes Review assessed values vs. the sales prices of recently sold comparable homes to determine the ra os. This enables me to iden fy if there are any consistent current market trends between assessed values and sales prices.

Pricing Tools

100.00% 95.00% 90.00% Final list price/sale price

85.00% 80.00%

Price per square foot

Org list price/sale price



$100.00 Price per square foot $50.00

January February March April May June July August Sept October Novem Decem Yearly










Your pricing strategy will have a direct correla on with whether or not your home will sell and the corresponding meframe. I will educate you about current market trends and condi ons and will help you determine a list price that will a;ract buyers and provide the greatest possible return on your investment. Ul mately, my research and analysis yields data that is necessary to provide you a compe ve posi on in the marketplace. It is important to consider your odds of selling are highest when your home is new on the market. The reason for this is your home will receive the most interest and excitement from agents and poten al buyers when it first enters the market. As a result, it is cri cal to price your home accurately from the start. Of course too low of a list price would not allow you to realize the highest net possible on your sale. On the other hand, an excessive lis ng price will not a;ract agents or buyers and your home will begin to accumulate days on the market. An extended market me is counter-produc ve as sta s cs from the Mul ple Lis ng Service demonstrate a correla on between the number of days homes spend on the market and price reduc ons. At the same me, the costs of keeping the home, such as property taxes, u lity expenses, and interest on the mortgage, con nue to accumulate. An extended market me can also lead poten al buyers to assume there is something is wrong with your home and they may decide to forgo it altogether. As a result, it is more strategic and cost effec ve to have a compe ve lis ng price from day the “For Sale” sign goes up rather than “tes ng the market.”

Working with Jessie was the best experience I have had in the real estate world! I have bought and sold four other homes the past. The difference in hiring Jessie as my agent was that at every turn of the buying process, she was always a step ahead of anything that could slow down the process. She does her research, knows the market and truly listens to what the buyer wants. Jessie goes above and beyond to make buying a home a stress free experience. She is a 10 in my book! I will refer Jessie to anyone looking to buy or sell a home! ~Barbara

3. Technology and Marketing Technology and marke ng are cri cal components in selling your home. Technology has changed everything, including selling real estate. I am technologically savvy and I understand trends in technological advances and the impact technology has had on real estate marke ng. A strong lis ng presenta on and internet presence are cri cal to a successful marke ng campaign. I take great pride in my marke ng campaign. I hired a company that specializes exclusively in real estate marke ng to design and create customized marke ng materials. My marke ng campaign provides a professional presenta on for homes through a variety of marke ng and technological avenues.

I will create an appealing presenta on for your home. My first step is to make sure your home is ready to be show-cased. The way you live in your home and the way we market and sell your house are two different things! I will walk-through your home and advise you if I have any recommenda ons for improvement. It is impera ve to de-clu;er, de-personalize and detail your home, as you would a car for sale. First impressions are cri cal and buyers need to be able to mentally move their own belongings in. Buyers who can’t mentally move in move on. Buyers purchase homes based on price and emo on, so you need to set the stage for them to fall in love! The more in love a buyer falls, the more they will be willing to pay for your home! Preparing your home appropriately is necessary to sell your home and can increase your final sale price! Once your home is market-ready I will take high quality photos and succinctly ar culate marke ng remarks to promote your property. A?er crea ng an a;rac ve and appealing presenta on, I will focus on web-based marke ng. It is extremely important that your lis ng has a strong internet presence as almost all buyers (approximately 96%) search online before physically going to look at property. Most importantly, I will list your home on the Northwest Mul ple Lis ng Service (NWMLS). It is essen al your home is listed on the NWMLS because every real estate company’s website hosts lis ngs from the NWMLS. As a result, your lis ng will be available for viewing on,, www.johnlsco;.com, etc approximately 24 hours a?er we submit your lis ng to the MLS.

The majority of serious buyers are working with a real estate professional. Real estate agents monitor new lis ngs very closely and will send their clients lis ngs directly from the NWMLS. Many people enjoy searching for homes online as well. The most popular websites amongst online shoppers belong to Windermere, RE/MAX, Redfin and John L. Sco;. However, I will adver se your home on several other websites as well.

Aside from the NWMLS and major real estate company’s websites, I have found the site that receives the most ac vity from poten al buyers is reaches buyers na onally and interna onally and receives nearly 6 million unique visitors each month. has the most updated data online with updates every 15 minute from major MLS’ across the country. Many of the websites listed above receive minimal ac vity in comparison to the NWMLS and the leading real estate company’s websites. However, I s ll adver se on numerous websites because I believe the more exposure, the be;er! Your lis ng will also be adver sed on my website, I have invested in a custom website, rather than a template site, because custom sites rank higher with Google, thus increasing the visibility of your home. My powerful and informa ve website gets good traffic as it has all of the features poten al buyers need to make their search process simple and efficient. I am also ac ve in several social networking websites. My online ac vity is beneficial for you for a couple of reasons. First, the more ac vity I generate on the internet, the higher my website will rank, which provides greater exposure for your lis ng. In addi on, buyers who are searching for real estate online are likely to come across my website and social networking sites. Poten al buyers learn that I am a local real estate expert and in some cases will contact me and subsequently will become a part of my database. This puts me in a stronger posi on to funnel poten al buyers to your lis ng. In summary, my marke ng campaign showcases your home through professional materials and numerous technological avenues. As a result, your home will receive op mal exposure and a compe ve edge in the market.

4. Broker’s Open and Open Houses Broker’s Open:

Broker’s Opens present an opportunity for agents to preview your home. The number of agents who turnout varies by area, but for the most part a;endance has been minimal in the last couple of years. I s ll like to hold a Broker’s Open to encourage agents to preview your home and to provide addi onal exposure for your lis ng on the NWMLS.

Open Houses: Open houses provide the opportunity for the public to preview your home. The reality is that 96% of buyer’s look at homes online. Driving around looking for open houses is not as popular these days as it has been in the past, especially with the surge in gas prices. The internet provides all of the informa on people want, plus more, elimina ng the need for buyers to randomly look at homes hoping they meet their specific criteria. With the excep on of new construc on communi es, most open houses yield li;le traffic. The majority of people who a;end open houses are neighbors or folks who enjoy looking at real estate as a pas me. If people actually looking to buy a home a;end an open house, the probability of that home being perfect for them is extremely low. It is also possible that open house a;endees will not qualify for financing to purchase a home. It is important to consider the safety concerns involved with open houses. There have been many “incidents” at open houses recently resul ng in the NWMLS, real estate brokers as well as police departments advising sellers and agents to assess the pros and cons of holding open houses. Agents have been harassed, robbed and even murdered at open houses. There are a handful of agents at my office who will not hold open houses because of safety concerns and bad experiences. People with ill-inten ons have posed as poten al buyers to case homes while they were open and returned later to burglarize the home. Jewelry, prescrip on drugs and even video games amongst other items have been stolen during open houses. Of course, it is highly unlikely that your open house would lead to misfortune. However, it is necessary for you to be aware of the risks affiliated with opening your home up to the public. Published agent feedback in response to the ques on, “Do open houses a;ract more buyers?” varies significantly. Posi ve comments include, “open houses can generate ac vity and interest in a home that wouldn’t have been generated otherwise” and “homes will not sell without showings. Open houses provide another opportunity to get poten al buyers in the door.” The majority of the posi ve responses to this ques on emphasized that open house are a good source of lead genera on for agents, rather than providing a selling advantage for homeowners.

There is also a significant amount of nega ve feedback in response to the effec veness of open houses. Agent comments included, “They are ineffec ve. They draw very few serious buyers and lots of curiosity seekers. Especially nosy neighbors who always wondered what your house might look like from the inside!” Another agent commented that he only does open houses to “show sweat equity to the seller.” A broker responded, “With all of the electronic marke ng vehicles available, open houses are a bit of an an quated marke ng technique, not to men on the poten al inconvenience or endangerment to the seller. There can also be safety issues and iden ty the? considera ons.” A 30 year veteran to the business said, “I really don't believe open houses a;ract more buyers. They are a thing of the past. Serious buyers use the Internet and seasoned Realtors. The cost of gas is very likely keeping more people at their computers as well.” In most cases, if your home is not located in a remote area, I am willing to hold your home open as there a ny frac on of homes that sell as a result of an open house. However, it is important that you have realis c expecta ons for open houses and understand the possible safety concerns. Let me know what your preferences are about holding your home open to the public.

During the course of my sale, it became evident that Jessie is well-respected by her peers in the real estate industry. I was told by four people involved in my sale that I had one of the best agents represen ng me. Jessie’s communica on style engaged easily with all par es involved. It was evident that everyone trusted her knowledge of the sale and her commitment to closing the deal. ~Shawna

5. Communication

What are your communica on preferences? How o?en do you want to hear from me? What is your preferred method of communica on? Telephone? Email? Text? Many people only want to hear from me when there is something to report. You may prefer more or less communica on. Please let me know what you prefer and I will respond accordingly. I will supply feedback reports a?er the Broker’s Open and any open houses. In addi on, each me an agent shows your home I will contact the agent for feedback. I will pass the comments and informa on along to you verbally or in the form of a feedback report. I will also periodically supply you with reports informing you how many agents have viewed your lis ngs on the MLS and how many consumers have viewed your lis ng on Windermere,, and other websites that allow us to track online ac vity. A?er you accept an offer on your home there will be several subsequent steps and melines involved with the sale. I will make you a calendar of the melines involved and will assist you with every step.

A/er I accepted an offer, Jessie supplied me with an in-depth schedule of events that needed to take place between the acceptance and the closing. The calendar was extremely useful in guiding me as to when I needed to have paperwork ready and decisions made. Jessie placed an emphasis on making sure I was comfortable and informed throughout the en re transac on. ~Felice Selling a home is more complicated than just finding a buyer. There are many steps to take between pending and closing.

6. Commission Tradi onally, sellers pay 6% in commissions - 3% to the seller's agent and 3% to the buyer's agent. However, commission amounts aren't cast in stone. Commission rates can fluctuate depending on the situa on and the property. For example, commissions affiliated with vacant land sales are o?en structured differently than commissions paid on residen al sales. Commission on a $2,000,000 home may vary from a $200,000 home. I am happy to discuss the costs and the benefits of working with me. The commission structure an agent has with his or her brokerage will range from one real estate office to the next. Some agents pay a monthly “desk fee” to the broker, which can exceed $1500 per month, and then keep the majority of the commission earned. Other agents are on a commission “split” with their brokerage, which means they have an agreement on the percent of the commission the agent and brokerage will receive. Some agents retain as li;le as 28% of the commission. However, the most common commission structure is that the agent and the brokerage split the commission 50/50.

Consider that out of the 25% of the original commission amount that each agent typically receives, the agent will s ll have to pay income tax, Realtor and MLS fees, adver sing costs and other miscellaneous costs including signs and installa on, lockboxes, copies, website expenses, gas, cell phone, etc. The remaining balance will be the agent’s compensa on for their me, exper se and effort involved in selling your home.

7. Costs Affiliated With Selling In addi on to paying real estate commissions, Sellers typically pay the following costs from their proceeds at closing: •Excise tax •One-half of tle and escrow fees •Document prepara on, recording and reconveyance fees •Pro-rated taxes from the tax due-date to date of closing •Any costs involved with paying off the loan •Any other costs agreed to in the Purchase and Sale Agreement, such as the buyer’s closing costs

There may be addi onal costs as well. Sellers will receive the prorated por on of pre-paid property taxes, prorated mortgage interest from payments made during the current month and a fuel rebate for oil or propane remaining in storage tank (if applicable). Prior to closing the escrow officer will generate an Es mated Se;lement Statement itemizing all of the costs affiliated with selling.

8. About Me I graduated from Willame;e University then entered the work force at a corporate law firm in Sea;le. I subsequently taught English in Japan and Special Educa on in Sea;le and traveled around the world. I have worked, studied in and traveled to nearly 50 countries. Traversing the world has demonstrated to me how fortunate I am to live and work in the Pacific Northwest. In 2006 I teamed up with my mom, Sally Boge, who was a very successful real estate broker. Sally was a great mentor and I quickly learned all of the intricacies involved with helping people buy and sell real estate. Sally and I made a powerful team for several years. Sally re red in 2011, knowing our clients are in excellent hands. I am happily married to a great man, Ted, and I have a precious Boston Terrier named Max. I love travelling, playing tennis and exercising, reading, spending me with friends and family, dogs, happy hours, and a;ending classes on various topics related to real estate (seriously!). I thoroughly enjoy and excel at the many different components involved with being a successful realtor: marke ng, nego a ng, pricing, real estate contracts and legal aspects, market and trend analysis, staging, matching people with homes and proper es, communica ng with the numerous par es involved with a sale and problem solving. Working as a real estate broker is a great match for my skill set, energy level and personality. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than represent home buyers and sellers!

9. How My Representation Will Benefit You I am knowledgeable and experienced. I demonstrate an excep onal level of integrity and professionalism and am efficient, determined and organized. I will provide you with the informa on you need to make informed real estate decisions. My commitment is to work diligently to sell your home with the best terms possible. I have a strong network and am well regarded and respected by my peers. I have created powerful working rela onships with other real estate agents and professionals in the business including lenders, tle companies, a;orneys and home inspectors. My business and community connec ons and strong agent rapport will work in your favor during your sale. I am dedicated to improving my skills and knowledge and am constantly furthering my educa on to be;er represent you. I have par cipated in seminars on marke ng, nego a ng, legal developments, financing, escrow, technology, inves ng, short sales and foreclosures, to name a few topics. I have earned the Seniors Real Estate Specialist, Cer fied Short Sale and Foreclosure Resource, Cer fied Nego a on Expert, Accredited Staging Professional, Cer fied Residen al Specialist and Rela onship Marke ng Specialist designa ons. My market exper se and marke ng campaign that incorporates current technological trends and professional customized materials, combined with my high level of educa on, knowledge, experience and strong nego a on skills will give you a tremendous selling advantage! I look forward to working with you and naviga ng your way through real estate.

Working with Jessie to purchase my first home was a pleasure. She was pa ent and understanding of my home requirements. We must have looked at 30+ houses that were with-in my categories before I made a decision. I never felt pressured to buy a specific house or rushed to make a decision. Because I was a first me home buyer, it was great to have Jessie there to help me understand the buying process. She is very knowledgeable and gave me many op ons to work with. There is no doubt in my mind that I would work with Jessie again when I decide to sell and/or purchase a new home. I have o/en recommended Jessie to my friends. The service Jessie provides is very professional and I felt very comfortable working with her. ~Calvin

10. Additional Benefits of Working With Me 10.1 Cancellation Guarantee One ques on I receive regularly is, “What if I need to cancel my lis ng?” No problem! Just give me 24 hours. I have heard many complaints about agents refusing to cancel lis ngs or charging exorbitant fees prior to releasing the lis ng. Perhaps you have heard stories as well. I guarantee to cancel your lis ng at any me, prior to accep ng an offer to purchase your home, if you feel I have not done my job as outlined in the lis ng agreement, or if your circumstances change. I want you to work with me because I have earned your trust, respect and business—not because you are contractually obligated to work with me! I want and encourage an open line of communica on. If I do not meet your expecta ons please tell me! I need to know your preferences and opinions and appreciate the opportunity to discuss any frustra ons you experience. I am confident I will meet, or exceed, all of your expecta ons. However, if you are unhappy with my services and we are unable to work out the differences, I will respecUully cancel your lis ng. I realize life is full of unexpected events that could cause you to want to stay in your home. Or perhaps you’ll decide you want to u lize your home as a rental. If something comes up and you prefer to cancel your lis ng, I will certainly accommodate your request and you will not be required to pay any cancella on fees. I appreciate your business and hope that if you choose to list your home in the future, or if you have friends or family who could benefit from my services, you will call me again.

10.2 I am a REALTOR® I am a members of the Na onal Associa on of Realtors® (NAR), which is the largest professional organiza on in the United States. All real estate licensees are not the same; only real estate licensees who are members of the NAR are properly called REALTORS®. REALTORS® are obligated to follow a strict Code of Ethics and are expected to maintain the highest level of knowledge concerning the process of buying and selling real estate.

Jessie is very personable and works very hard to find the house that fits the person. She is not just about selling you a house, but helping you find a house that you can say yes I really love this place! ~Linda

11. What My Clients Are Saying About Me Jessie, we s ll can’t believe you were able to sell our home in Harbour Point in less than 30 days, even in a declining market. We are very impressed with you and your team, from the lender to home inspector and even your color coordinator and window washer. At a me when honesty and trust is not always easy to come by, we wanted you to know how much we appreciate what you have done for us. We are so happy we put our trust in you because we would not be in our dream home on a lake today without you! Thank you for all of your help in making our real estate dreams come true! ~Ted and Debbie Jessie is an amazing Realtor. We knew we would be well taken care of from Jessie’s high level of professionalism at our first mee ng. Jessie was extremely knowledgeable, efficient and thorough. Jessie’s ability to effec vely communicate and personable demeanor made both selling our home and purchasing a new one a fun, pleasant experience. Jessie handled the most stressful events in our life with ease and care and looked out for our best interest throughout our transac ons. We were amazed that she was always on the go and available, making sure we were being well taken care of. We appreciated the endless amount of resources Jessie provided. We can only hope to work with Jessie again in the future. She is the only real estate agent in the greater Sea<le area that we entrust with our family and friends. ~Steve and Nicole Overall, Jessie provided a smooth and enjoyable home-selling experience. Her love of real estate was consistently demonstrated in her knowledge of the market, her a<en on to detail throughout the transac on, and her commitment in making sure my needs were met and addressed at all mes. I will absolutely hire Jessie to represent me in all of my future real estate transac ons. ~Skippy We were impressed with Jessie’s knowledge of the real estate market and her professionalism. We asked Jessie to become our real estate representa ve. In less than a few months she sold our condo and helped us with the purchase of our new home. Jessie is a skillful adver ser, friendly, enthusias c and responsive. We are now very happy to be living in “The Meadows.” Thank you Jessie! ~ Salvador and RoseMarie Jessie is absolutely amazing! She went above and beyond what she needed to do. I had unsuccessful rela onships with a few real estate agents before finding Jessie and now I can say that I found a real estate agent for life! ~Nick

Jessie was great to work with and always quick to respond if we had a ques on or wanted to look at a house. She even went above and beyond a/er we closed to make sure that our house was perfect for moving in. We enjoyed working with Jessie because she is very vested in puAng her clients in a house that is exactly what they want and also a good investment for their future. This was my first experience buying a house. I know that when I go to sell it and buy a different house, I would be happy to work with Jessie again. ~Deb Right from the start, we found Jessie to be easy to talk to and knowledgeable of the market and area. We have never met a real estate agent who is such a hard worker! We found that during the transac on process, as always, in real estate, poten al problems would arise, but Jessie quickly and professionally found a solu on. She was only a phone call away from calming the emergency at hand. We would not hesitate in recommending Jessie to anyone who has real estate needs. We appreciate her hard work and are thankful for everything she did for us. ~Don & Sally Jessie is highly professional, yet friendly and appropriate in her work and we were very sa sfied with her services. Jessie understood and was very responsive to our needs. She is a good listener, addressed our concerns and was almost immediately available to us. This was very important to us because we did not live locally. We were pleased as Jessie was Johnny-on-the-Spot and we received same day answers! We never doubted that Jessie knew the market. Whenever a problem arose, she quickly provided a solu on. End of problem! Jessie is enthusias c about her role as a realtor and seems to really enjoy helping her client. It felt to us as though Jessie wanted much more than the commission, she really wanted us to be happy. We would highly recommend Jessie to anyone who needs a realtor. ~Doug & Bonnie Jessie was there for me. She offered professional wisdom and was caring as she pointed me in the right direc on toward the sale of my house and the purchase of another. I appreciate that Jessie was respecDul of my circumstances as she led me through both processes, and all the paperwork! I certainly would/will call on Jessie again. I know my family will be in contact with Jessie, if their needs arise. Her exper se proved itself to the family and I am thankful for everything Jessie did for me. ~Cheryl

12. Tips For Sellers Preparing your home appropriately is important in order to sell quickly for the best possible price. Here are some ps to help you get started: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Give home a thorough cleaning Oil door hinges, ghten door knobs Have carpets professionally cleaned, or replaced if damaged Repair dripping faucets and leaky toilets Replace all burned out light bulbs Repair defec ve light switches Get rid of clu;er both inside and out Cut and edge grass Trim hedges and weed gardens Paint, fix or wash railings, steps, storm windows, screens and doors Clean out the gu;ers Wash the windows Tidy up the garage Paint, wash and fix garage doors and windows

Helpful ps for showing your home: • • • • • • • • •

Keep pets out of the house. Either take them with you or keep them penned in the yard or garage Put away items in the yard like garden tools, bicycles and toys Make sure your home is well lit Remove clu;er from tables and shelves. Less clu;er creates the illusion of a larger space Keep money, prescrip on drugs, and other valuables, out of view Add a ground up lemon to the garbage disposal to give the kitchen a fresh smell Open shades and curtains to let in light Light a fire in the fireplace to create a comfortable ambiance Keep radios and TVs off, or on a low volume

13. Thank you! Thank you for taking the me to review my qualiďŹ ca ons and the enclosed informa on. Selling your home is one of the biggest and most important transac ons you will be involved with in your life! I know the process can be diďŹƒcult, stressful and challenging. I am here to assist you with every step of the selling process. I will help you make wise real estate decisions and will ensure your sale goes as smoothly as possible. My market exper se and marke ng campaign, combined with my strong nego a on skills, knowledge and experience, put me ahead of the compe on and will give you a compe ve edge in selling your home! Please let me know if you have any ques ons. I look forward to working with you and naviga ng your way through real estate. Sincerely,


Some of the homes I have sold.

J G 425.248.5000 @J G .

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