“SOLIEL LEVANT” Truth & Brushstrokes During the late 19th century
piece. Impressionism valued truth
(1870s) a new Movement in Art
an accuracy from Realism, but
began. This movement accepted the
incorporated their own and new
vaild seek for truth and accuracy of
techniques. Such as, small and thin
Realism but added a different twist
brush strokes, depiction of light and
to it. Impressionism was born in
reflection. They also used “open
France and was founded by the
compositions” which refers to
painter Claude Monet. What was
landscapes and the outdoors, as well
different about this era than any
as scenes from contemporary life
(during the
history, is that there were only
a selected few
Levant”, the
who were
painting that
labeled as
turned heads
and started it
. The group
all. The
consisted of
painting is
Mary Cassatt (American-born, lived
composed of a harbor scene during
in Paris) (1844-1926), Paul Cezanne
the sun setting. In the foreground of
(1839-1906), Edgar Degas (1834-
work, there are two small boats in
1917), Edoudard Manet (1832-1883),
the water with men on them,
Claude Monet (1840-1926)
possibly fishing. The background is
Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) and
“No one is an artist unless he carries his picture in his head before painting it, and is sure of his method and composition.”
composed of a horizon that is
Peirre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919).
somewhat abstract. The background
What differentiated this era from
appears to possibly be composed of
another is that it began with one
cranes or perhaps a factory in the
individual painting by the father,
distance. At first glance, the eye is
Claude Monet, “Soleil Levant”. The
first drawn to the bright sun in the
painting was rejected by the France
sky, then down to the darker
Art Society, along with the
contrast of the two boats. Once
techniques used to produce the
acknowledging the boats the eye [Pick the date] [Edition 1, Volume 1]
- Monet
focuses to the background and tries
that are used throughout the
movement to the calm landscape.
to make sense of it. Monet’s piece is
artwork ties the overall subject
The use of brush strokes leaves the
very well balanced due to the fact
matter together and keeps it
water still at a calm movement but
that it is composed of harmonious
harmonious. Due to the soft pastel
does highlight that the water is not
colors and if one was to divide the
colors used to compose the piece
perfectly still. The same goes in
painting down the middle either
and the visible brush stroke, that
regards to the background, the sky.
side has an object that is composed
create movement, at first glance one
The brush strokes add movement,
of either darker or brighter colors
cannot help but feel at peace. The
leaving the viewer almost
that attract the viewer’s eye. What
use of harmonious colors and
interrupting the sky at a fast pace,
unities the painting is the consistent
various hues and shades it portrays
and not as calm as the sea. The value
use of colors and brush strokes.
the feeling of solitude at the end of a
used in Monet’s time-changing piece
Regardless if the background is
long day. The mood is also defined
allows the eye to strongly analysis
more abstract than the foreground.
by the way that some objects of the
the image. The use of darker shading
The colors used and way they are
subject matter are unidentifiable.
in the furthest background where
used in this piece is what
This causes the viewer to wonder
there appears to be hills/mountains
differentiates this painting of a
what they are but the fact that they
of some sort, causes the eye to focus
sunset from another. The use of
are in soft colors its allows the
strongly on all aspects of the piece
opposite colors on the color wheel,
admirer to overlook the question of
and all of the subject matter. Along
blue and orange, gives it that effect
“what is that” but feel at ease.
with the darker shading on what
as well creates a strong contrast in
Texture plays a strong dominate role
appears to be cranes increases form,
the image. Along with having the
in all Impressionist pieces of art. In
and adds depth to the painting with
sun so vibrant, the boats so dark, but
this specific case, the texture created
addition to realism.
all in simply darker shades of colors
by strong brush strokes adds
The analysis of a painting by Monet
The analysis of a painting by Monet