Corporate Design Manual
Contents Introduction
Corporate Identity
Printed Material Letterhead
10 11
Envelopes 12 Business Cards 13 Packaging 14
Online Use 15
Introduction This design manual was created to form the guidelines for the Imaginext brand logo. Imaginext is a brand that focuses on the creative and imaginative side of play and learning. To further that end, this logo was created and will serve to enhance the ideals of fun with learning. The guide presented in the following pages will assist the company in remaining consistent with the Imaginext brand and ensure the correct image is presented to consumers.
Corporate Identity
Logo The Imaginext logo should be used at a business level on letterheads and business cards and for advertising purposes on all Imaginext ads, posters, inserts, and products. Basic examples on how to use the logo are described on the following pages.
Whenever the logo is applied on business material that is not printed on the Imaginext official letterhead, the logo must be used fully. On packaging, the symbol and the letter forms may be used independently from each other. When the symbol and letter forms are used together, the symbol must be centered above the letter forms at a distance equal to the dot on the lowercase letter i.
Letter forms
No maximum size is defined for the use of the Imaginext logo. However, the minimum height should be no less than 1”. In addition, the white stroke should not be used at a height less than 1.5”.
Colors The Imaginext brand colors are yellow, blue, and white. The logo consists of blue and a transparent-to-black gradient.
C 85 Y0 R 28
M 50 K0
G 117
B 188
C 69.76 M 67.52 Y 63.86 K 73.96 R 35
G 31
B 32
The color logo may only be used on the provided background colors, either yellow or white. If on yellow, a white stroke must appear around the logo.
The logo may be used in black on the yellow or white backgrounds, or in white on a black background.
C 1.74 M 8.75 Y 96.95 K 0 R 255 8
G 222
B 23
C0 Y0 R 255
M0 K0
G 255 B 255
C 69.76 M 67.52 Y 63.86 K 73.96 R 35
G 31
B 32
Font The Imaginext brand fonts are Avenir, Satellite, or Arista 2.0. If Avenir or Satellite are not available, Arial regular may be used. There is no substitute for Arista 2.0.
Avenir Book abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ,.;:-!/()?%$ Avenir Black abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ,.;:-!/()?%$ Satellite Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ,.;:-!/()?%$ Arista 2.0 Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ,.;:-!/()?%$ Arial Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ,.;:-!/()?%$
Printed Material
The letterhead will be simple and straightforward.
0.5” Letterhead size: Standard Letter (8.5” x 11”)
0.5” 1.5”
Margins: Left: 0.5”; Right: 0.5” Top: 0.5”; Bottom: 0.5” January 1, 2014
Imaginext Department 636 Girard Avenue East Aurora NY 14052
Logo Width: 2”
Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum rhoncus. Ut rhoncus turpis a massa. Vivamus adipiscing vestibulum nunc. Maecenas vitae lorem. Donec mi. Donec justo quam, laoreet ut, fermentum at, blandit vitae, ligula. Vestibulum diam. Etiam ut velit nec lacus consectetuer sodales. Integer accumsan. Maecenas eleifend vestibulum libero. Vestibulum metus ligula, volutpat vitae, feugiat at, blandit quis, lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Fusce varius scelerisque est. Aliquam turpis dui, eleifend in, elementum vel, porta vitae, velit. Cras hendrerit vehicula enim. Sed auctor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec accumsan ante non leo.
Footer: Avenir 10 pt Date: Avenir 9 pt Contact: Avenir 10 pt Bulk Text: Avenir 12 pt
Imaginext Department, Fisher Price, Inc. 636 Girard Avenue, East Aurora NY 14052
0.5” 0.5”
Envelopes The Imaginext corporate envelope will be simple, following the letterhead style.
Envelope size: 3.65” x 6.5” Margins: Left: 0.5”; Top: 0.5” Imaginext Department 636 Girard Avenue East Aurora NY 14052
Logo width: 1” Address: Avenir 8 pt
Business Cards
Jim Price Chief Toymaker Phone: 555-555-5555 Office 221B Imaginext Department 636 Girard Avenue East Aurora NY 14052
Business Card size: 3.5” x 2” Margins: Left: 0.25”; Right 0.25” Top: 0.25”; Bottom: 0.25” Logo Width: 1” Employee Name: Avenir Black 12 pt Title: Avenir Book 9 pt Contact: Avenir Book 7 pt
The Imaginext logo will be placed on the front and back sides of the toy package. Only the yellow background and the color logo will be used for packaging. The symbol and letter forms may be used independently.
Online Use
Online Communication
Logo The Imaginext logo should appear in color only online. The logo should appear with at least 15 pixels of space surrounding it on all sides. Fonts Generic fonts Ariel regular, Ariel Italic, or Arial bold are to be used in connection with the logo.
Colors The hexadecimal values of the Imaginext online colors are: Blue: #1C75BC Yellow: #FFDE17 Black: #231F20
Jessica Johnson
design photography illustration