Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
WestVille: The Silvery Substance Written by Jessica Van den Ancker SETTING: The time is 1875 with a steampunk twist. The place is the Wild, Wild West--specifically, the tiny dustbowl of a town called WestVille. Home to a once majestic and productive gold mine, WestVille's glory days are long gone. Off the beaten path, WestVille doesn't see much foot traffic. However, a travelling merchant or two shows up every now and again. PAGE ONE Panel 1: Wide panel across the top. Establishing shot of a small, dust-bowl town set against rocky cliffs. Starting from the extreme left, the town consists of a cluster of seven businesses: The Tavern, a general store, a post office, a bank, an inn, a livery, and a doctor's office (in whatever order seems interesting to the artist; also not all buildings may be visible, but The Tavern should be). Hitching posts and a couple of horses line the street in front of the businesses. The dusty road of Main Street separates the businesses from a tiny church and WestVille High, which are situated a little farther right than center (WestVille High is the rightmost building in view). On the far right and in the distance, the mine entrance carves a hole in the cliff face. The sun shines high in the sky. 1. CAPTION: WestVille, 1875. Panel 2: Long shot of the school (side view). In the background, a young girl walks along the sandy road that leads to the distant mouth of the old mine. She holds a knapsack, barely visible. 2. CAPTION: Since the gold mine dried up, seems all that's left of WestVille is broken dreams. Panel 3: As we draw closer, the girl, EMMA MARTENS, 14, blond hair braided, wearing a no-frill Victorian dress, extracts a pair of goggles from her knapsack. 3. CAPTION: But that don't keep the good people of WestVille from dreamin'. Panel 4: Donning the goggles, Emma lingers outside the mouth of the mine. 4. CAPTION: Take Emma Martens, here.
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
5. CAPTION: She believes this barren ole mine, once the jewel of the town... Panel 5: Close-up of Emma fishing in her pack. 6. CAPTION: ...holds the power to restore WestVille to its former glory. Panel 6: Holding an odd-looking flashlight (basic "tulip" shape of a Maglite Pro, but the stick portion is covered with cogwheels that link to a glass "bulb" at the end; glass pane stuffed with fireflies and/or glowworms) and a rock hammer, she moves toward the blackness of the mine. 7. CAPTION: And she's determined to prove it. 8. EMMA: hh... hhh... here goes nothin'.
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
PAGE TWO *NOTE: Panels 2-4 will be small panels in a sequence (maybe even a borderless sequence--that I leave up to the artist!). The SFX "pfff click" should display between Panel 2 and Panel 3, slightly overlapping the bottom of Panel 2 and the top of Panel 3 if panels are stacked vertically, or the right of Panel 2 and the left of Panel 3 if panels are stacked horizontally. Panel 1: Medium shot of a goggle-clad Emma from the waist up. She stands inside the cave. An eerie sliver of light shines behind her. NO CAPTION OR DIALOGUE Panel 2: Series of 3 small panels (1 of 3). Close-up of the flashlight in Emma's hand. Emma's finger rests on the flashlight switch, in the "off" position. 1. SFX (between panels, see above note): pfff click Panel 3: Series of 3 small panels (2 of 3). Close of the flashlight, angle on the glass bulb. A spike-ended "push-up" panel (think push pops) starts smashing the bugs. NO CAPTION OR DIALOGUE Panel 4: Series of 3 small panels (3 of 3). Now at the end of the glass bulb, the push-up panel's spike bores a hole into the top of the glass. As air hits the hole, the torch lights. NO CAPTION OR DIALOGUE Panel 5: View of Emma from behind. The flashlight shines down the cavernous walls of the mine. Her other hand holds a compass. NO CAPTION OR DIALOGUE Panel 6: Wide shot. Emma pounds at the wall of a remote vein with her rock hammer. The Title and Credits are etched into the rock wall to Emma's right. 2. SFX: tink tink tink 3. TITLE:
The Silvery Substance
Script: Jessica Van den Ancker Artist:
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
Letterer: Editor: Panel 7: Emma's eyes go wide as her last whack reveals a silvery substance that reflects in the torchlight. 5. SFX (large): TINK 6. EMMA: w... ww... WOW!
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
PAGE THREE Panel 1: Close on Emma's hand, holding a chipped-off piece of rock, the silver substance caked to its inner surface. The light from the flashlight makes it sparkle. NO CAPTIONS OR DIALOGUE Panel 2: into her the rock visible, however,
Medium view of Emma as she stuffs the newfound treasure knapsack with one hand. Her other hand, still holding hammer, carefully wipes sweat from her brow. If the flashlight stands upright, casting light upward; the light isn't quite as bright as before.
NO CAPTIONS OR DIALOGUE Panel 3: Small panel. As Emma dashes for the mine entrance, trying to outrun the waning light from her torch before it snuffs out. NO CAPTIONS OR DIALOGUE Panel 4: Small panel. Emma approaches the main doors to WestVille High. The goggles are pushed on top of her head like a headband. The sun is setting in the background. NO CAPTIONS OR DIALOGUE Panel 5: We see Emma's backside as she enters the Science Lab. NO CAPTIONS OR DIALOGUE Panel 6: CALVIN MADISON, 16, good looking, modest clothes, stands behind a brass microscope. In the foreground, the "camera" shows Emma's outstretched hand, holding the silvercoated rock. 1. EMMA: I... dd... d... did it, Calvin! Panel 7: Calvin stares, open-mouthed and wide-eyed. 2. CALVIN: Did that come from where I THINK it came from?
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
PAGE FOUR Panel 1: Two-shot of Emma and Calvin working in the Science Lab. Beakers full of brightly colored liquids bubble, and a steampunkish (whatever looks cool) burner plate sizzles in the background. 1. SFX: blubblubblubblub 2. SFX: hissssss Panel 2: Emma pours the contents of the bubbling beakers onto the rock. 3. SFX: phfffffff 4. SFX: pop! Panel 3: Small panel (or consider insetting into Panel 2). The rock has melted away, leaving only the silver substance, which remains unaffected. 5. EMMA (off panel): It's hh... hhh... highly resistant to corrosion. 6. CALVIN (off panel): AMAZING! Panel 4: Calvin heats the substance on the burner, but it remains intact. 7. CALVIN: It's not melting! Panel 5: With tongs, Emma dunks the sample in water to rinse and cool it; it hisses. Calvin approaches with a hammer. 8. SFX: hissssss Panel 7: Two-shot of Emma and Calvin's backsides as they rush out of the Science Lab. If visible, Emma's hand holds the substance, now wrapped in a handkerchief. 9. CALVIN: I can't believe the cold water didn't cause it to crack! 10. EMMA: I nn... KNOW!
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
PAGE FIVE Panel 1: Large panel, page width. Emma and Calvin stand in science teacher WILLIAM SERANI'S office. Emma's hand, holding the handkerchief-wrapped substance, stretches toward Serani. Both kids are clearly excited. Ignoring the kids, Serani, 52, reminiscent of Doc Brown circa Back to the Future Part III, studies a worn treasure map depicting the Lost Mines. Blind, Serani wears russet-colored infrared sonar goggles to see the map. "LOST MINES" should be legible on the map (and maybe reflected in his glasses). 1. EMMA: m... mm... Mr. Serani, look what I found in the mine! 2. CALVIN: It has a high tensile strength and appears to be resistant to heat and corrosion. Panel 2: Preoccupied, Serani glances at the rock. 3: SERANI: Looks like lead to me. Panel 3: Serani waves the kids out of his office. Miffed, Emma and Calvin give each other a look on their way to the door. 4. SERANI: Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm very busy. 5. SERANI: If you like, I'll look into it later. 6. EMMA: ! 7. CALVIN: That's okay, Mr. Serani. 8. CALVIN: Good luck with the Lost Mines. Panel 4: Close-up of Serani's shocked face at Calvin's mention of the Lost Mines.
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
PAGE SIX Panel 1: Backside two-shot view of a defeated Emma and Calvin as they schlep down the school hallway. Their shoulders are slumped, heads bowed. 1. CALVIN: I can't believe he wouldn't even listen to us! 2. EMMA: Or ee... even lll... look at the sample. Panel 2: Emma's eyes light up as she holds up index finger with one hand and grabs Calvin's arm with the other. 3. EMMA: I hh... have an IDEA! Panel 3: Two-shot of Emma and Calvin as they exit the school. 4. CALVIN: Think Mr. Needlebiscuit will be interested? Panel 4: Two-shot of Emma and Calvin as they enter The Tavern. 5. EMMA: Th... there's only one way to find out. Panel 5: They approach GLABORTHINSY NEEDLEBISCUIT, 32, pinstriped Victorian suit, very proper, who drinks at the long side of the L-shaped bar. NO CAPTIONS OR DIALOGUE Panel 6: Emma presents the sample, which not only catches Needlebiscuit's eye, but also the eye of the bar patron sitting to his right, MAXWELL EDMUNDS, 47, heavyset, nice clothes, but worn around the edges. Edmunds looks shady. 6. EMMA: mm... mmm... Mr. Needlebiscuit? 7. CALVIN: We have something you need to see.
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
PAGE SEVEN *NOTE: Panel 2 and Panel 4 contain Needlebiscuit and Edmunds's "daydreams." To differentiate these from the main story, perhaps make them muted or grayscale with a hued overlay of some sort (for Panel 2, only the contents of the Needlebiscuit's thought bubble need be colored in this fashion). Panel 1: Emma and Calvin watch as Needlebiscuit examines the silvery sample. 1. NEEDLEBISCUIT: Exemplary strength, resistant to corrosion and heat! 2. NEEDLEBISCUIT: This could prove useful for my latest invention... a steam-powered carriage! Panel 2: Borderless panel with the top of Needlebiscuit's head, eyes looking skyward (this is the part to color as normal). A thought bubble portrays applications for his steam-powered carriage: drive shafts, connecting rods, exhaust systems, suspension linkages, and brake caliper pistons (think parts for a steampunkish version of a 1908 Stanley K Raceabout). 3. EMMA (off panel): Th... think it could be worth anything? Panel 3: Edmunds with dollar signs in his eyes. 4. EDMUNDS (thought bubble): TITANIUM! Panel 4: The panel should be similarly hued to Needlebiscuit's visions of car parts (to indicate daydreaming). Edmunds stands in front of his "Cure All" wagon. With one hand, he waves a philosopher's stone (perhaps ancient looking--I'll leave it to the artist) over the titanium. With the other, he holds a now solid gold piece of identically shaped "titanium" above a bin chocked full of gold and silver bits of "titanium." 5. EDMUNDS: I can use my philosopher's stone to transmute the titanium into silver and gold! Panel 5: Emma, Calvin, and Needlebiscuit exit into the moonlight. Needlebiscuit's eyes are a little wider than normal. In the background, Edmunds, eyes scheming, lingers in The Tavern doorway. 6. NEEDLEBISCUIT: You found it at the mines?
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
PAGE EIGHT *NOTE: Panels 3-5 depict a memory from Needlebiscuit's past. To differentiate these from the main story, perhaps make them muted or grayscale with a hued overlay of some sort, similar to the ones on PAGE SEVEN. Panel 1: Needlebiscuit and the kids walk down Main Street. In the background, Edmunds hides within earshot. 1. EMMA: mm... mmm... Mr. Needlebiscuit, after school tomorrow, cc... can you come to the mines with us? Panel 2: Needlebiscuit blanches. NO CAPTION OR DIALOGUE Panel 3: FLASHBACK: Needlebiscuit stands in the mines. A light illuminates him from the feet up, and we see a spider webbing down to his shoulder. NO CAPTION OR DIALOGUE Panel 4: FLASHBACK: While Needlebiscuit's hand reaches for his shoulder, he looks to his shoulder and sees the spider. He looks terrified. NO CAPTION OR DIALOGUE Panel 5: FLASHBACK: Screaming, eyes wide, and hands clenched, Needlebiscuit tears out of the cave. 2. NEEDLEBISCUIT (large letters): AAAAHHHHHHHH! Panel 6: Teeth gritted, Needlebiscuit reaches to swipe at his shoulders. One of his eyes closes and his head tilts with a facial tick. The kids look as if they are about to laugh but keep it together. In the background, Edmunds looms closer, hand cupped to ear, listening. 3. NEEDLEBISCUIT: I'm afraid I can never go back to the mines. Panel 7: Needlebiscuit and the kids part ways, walking in opposite directions. If seen in the background, Edmunds's eyes are narrowed and his hands are clasped. 4. EMMA: w... ww... what you think THAT was all about?
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
5. CALVIN: I'm not sure, but I guess we're on our own tomorrow.
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
PAGE NINE Panel 1: Half-page panel. A large firefly/glowworm lantern (similar to the flashlight design, but more canister-like, so it can sit on the ground without fear of toppling over) provides light as Emma and Calvin work the mine wall with their rock hammers. The two wear goggles and glisten with sweat. They look knackered. Several jagged blocks of titanium rest between them. Their knapsacks lay to either side of them. 1. SFX: tink tink tink 2. CALVIN: The light will probably only last another hour. 3. CALVIN: We should think about packing up soon. 4. EMMA: o... okay. Panel 2: In the distance, Edmunds peers around a corner. NO CAPTIONS OR DIALOGUE Panel 3: Close-up of a foot, hovering over the teens' work light. The kids, if shown, are none the wiser. NO CAPTIONS OR DIALOGUE Panel 4: Darkness envelops the mineshaft--black panel with sound effect. 5. SFX (large letters): CRUNCH!
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
PAGE TEN *NOTE: The SFX "sshhhuuump!" should display between Panel 6 and Panel 7, slightly overlapping the bottom of Panel 6 and the top of Panel 7 if panels are stacked vertically, or the right of Panel 6 and the left of Panel 7 if panels are stacked horizontally. Panel 1: Two-shot of Emma and Calvin, mouths agape, eyes wide. Emma holds a flashlight. Their titanium is gone! The only thing between them is the obliterated torch, jagged glass rimming its top. 1. EMMA: It's all GG... G... GONE! Panel 2: Carrying a flashlight, Edmunds's heavy feet thump as he races down the dark mineshaft. 2. SFX: thump thump thump thump Panel 3: Packs flying as they run, Emma's torch lights the way as she and Calvin give chase. Calvin is slightly ahead of Emma. 3. CALVIN: Hurry! Panel 4: Edmunds, wearing a large, heavy pack strapped to his back, rushes out of the mine and collides with TRAVIS DURANT, 42, muscled, weather-beaten, and tattooed. 4. SFX (large letters): WHUMP! 5. TRAVIS: Ugh! Panel 5: As Travis scrambles to his feet in the background, Edmunds keeps running. Emma produces a gear-powered grappling stick from her pack. Confused, Calvin stares at Travis. 6. CALVIN: Travis? What are you doing here? Panel 6: Close-up of Emma aiming the grappling stick, finger poised on the trigger. 7. SFX (between panels, see above note): sshhhuuump! 8. TRAVIS (off panel): Needlebiscuit... er... sent me to check up on you two.
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
Panel 7: The grapple explodes from the stick. It hits Edmunds square in his backpack, causing him to fall forward. With Travis on his heels, Calvin closes in on Edmunds. 9. CALVIN: Don't move, thief!
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
PAGE ELEVEN Panel 1: Using his torch, Edmunds sweeps Calvin's legs. Calvin lands on his butt. 1. CALVIN: OOMPH! Panel 2: Two-shot of Travis on Edmunds. Fists flying, the pair resembles a giant tumbleweed. 2. EMMA (off panel): gg... g... get him, Travis! Panel 3: Travis looms menacingly over Edmunds. Emma holds the grapple casing as well as the slacked rope, which has been looped. Calvin uses the grapple-end of the rope to tie Edmunds's hands behind his back. 3. CALVIN: I wouldn't try anything if I were you, Mister. 4. CALVIN: Travis here would probably like another go at the likes of you. Right, Travis? 5. TRAVIS: Yup. Panel 4: Using the slack from the grappling stick, Emma leads Edmunds like a dog. Travis and Calvin keep watchful eyes on Edmunds as they walk back to town. Edmunds's head hangs in defeat. NO CAPTION OR DIALOGUE. Panel 5: ODELIA DRIVER, 29, sits at The Tavern bar. Her duster hangs behind the bar stool, revealing a pistol at her hip. In the background, Travis, Emma, Calvin, and Edmunds enter The Tavern. Also in the background, Needlebiscuit sits opposite Odelia, courtesy of the L-shaped bar. 6. TRAVIS: Odelia! Got a present for ya! Panel 6: Odelia stands, and we see she actually has a pistol affixed to each hip. She does not look happy. Concern on his face, Needlebiscuit stands in the background. NO CAPTION OR DIALOGUE.
Jessica Van den Ancker
WestVille: The Silvery Substance
PAGE TWELVE Panel 1: Edmunds in tow, Emma, Calvin, and Travis huddle around Odelia. Concerned, Needlebiscuit also hovers nearby. 1. EMMA: O... Odelia. Th... this m... mm... Panel 2: With one hand, Calvin touches Emma's shoulder. His other hand points to Edmunds. Emma blushes at his touch. 2. CALVIN: Emma and I were working in the mine, and this man robbed us. Panel 3: Needlebiscuit stuffs Travis's hand full of money for watching over the kids. Smiling, Emma and Calvin eye each other. In the background, Odelia escorts an unhappy Edmunds from the bar. 3. TRAVIS: er... welcome. Panel 4: Holding the pack from Edmunds's back, the kids show Needlebiscuit their bounty. 4. NEEDLEBISCUIT: You two mined all of this? 5. EMMA: aa... aaa... and there's PLENTY MORE where that came from! Panel 5: Bursting with excitement, Emma, Calvin, and Needlebiscuit stand in the middle of Main Street. Needlebiscuit holds Edmunds's pack. 6. EMMA: mm... mmm... Mr. Needlebiscuit, think this stuff can help our town? 7. NEEDLEBISCUIT: I cannot say with absolute certainty, Emma. 8. NEEDLEBISCUIT: But I have a VERY good feeling about this. Panel 6: Backside view of Emma, Calvin, and Needlebiscuit, heading off down Main Street; presumably to Needlebiscuit's workshop. 9. CAPTION: And sometimes, dreams may just come true.