WESTVILLE "Ghosts of Travis's Past"
written by Jessica Van den Ancker
**** ***** Road **********, FL ***** ***-***-**** jessica@jessicavandenancker.com
"Ghosts of Travis's Past"
ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. WESTVILLE - MAIN STREET - NIGHT Wind kicks up dust from the dirt-packed street. Tumbleweed rolls by a few horses hitched in front of a row of woodframed buildings. PUSH IN on... EXT. THE TAVERN - NIGHT A two-story with a balcony, supported by four heavy posts. The Tavern’s namesake hangs centered above a trio of secondstory windows. Double doors, a window to each side, grace the entrance. INT. THE TAVERN - NIGHT PENNY TIPS carries a tray of food and drinks toward a tablefull of PATRONS. FENG BAO and WILLEM CARLTON work the griddle next to the L-shaped bar. GLABORTHINSY NEEDLEBISCUIT sits alone at the bar’s long edge, while TRAVIS DURANT and ODELIA DRIVER sit at opposite ends of the short edge. PUSH IN on Odelia, eyes glazed and sipping bourbon. She takes a final swig. Before her empty glass hits the bar, CHESTER RIGDON pops out from behind the bar, a bottle of bourbon in one hand and a questioning glance on his face. Odelia nods, and Rigdon happily fills her glass. FAVORING TRAVIS Two seats to Odelia's left, TRAVIS DURANT mumbles and sloshes down a whiskey shot. Eleven empty shot glasses line the bar in front of him. ODELIA derisively shakes her head. RIGDON magically appears before Travis. RIGDON Another round, Travis? Travis nods. Rigdon produces another dozen shot glasses; fills them with whiskey.
"Ghosts of Travis's Past"
TRAVIS Damned Sloan brothers. If I ever... Odelia perks up. While Rigdon clears empty glasses, Odelia slides next to Travis. Oblivious, Travis kills another shot, slamming down the empty glass. Odelia touches his arm, and he nearly punches her. Walking away, Rigdon chuckles. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Sorry, Odelia. Travis looks embarrassed, but Odelia literally brushes it off by smoothing down the sides of her open duster. ODELIA No worries... So, you know the Sloan brothers? TRAVIS Those crooks... Used to help ‘em with bounties. That is, until they decided they didn’t want to share the reward money. And on the biggest bounty this side of the Grand Canyon, too. Travis downs another shot. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Shoulda known better than to trust a couple of outlaws turned marshals. ODELIA Why don’t you tell me about the Sloan brothers and this big bounty. Maybe I can use my Pinkerton connections to help you get back your share. Travis’s eyes sparkle. INT. THE TAVERN - NIGHT (LATER) Odelia feigns interest as Travis drones on. She notices Needlebiscuit chatting with Penny. NEEDLEBISCUIT beams proudly at Penny, who seductively smiles back at him.
"Ghosts of Travis's Past"
NEEDLEBISCUIT I’ve done it! My steam-powered carriage works... CLOSE ON ODELIA Odelia’s eyes return to Travis, but she looks miles away. WIPE TO: DAYDREAM INT. SLOAN BROTHERS’ HIDEOUT - NIGHT The door opens. HENRY SLOAN and MARVIN SLOAN, 30s, ruggedly handsome in an outlaw-kind-of-way, enter. Their marshal badges, affixed prominently to their dusters, catch the moonlight. Odelia, pistols drawn, steps out of the darkness. ODELIA Hello, boys. CUT TO: INT. PINKERTON OFFICE - DAY The Sloans stand with Odelia and ODELIA'S BOSS, 50s, a weasel-faced little man. The Sloans motion to Odelia, smile and give exaggerated thumbs ups. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. BIG CITY - DAY Establishing shot of a bigger, fancier town than WestVille. INT. OFFICE - DAY Odelia sits, feet propped atop up a fancy office desk. She holds a smoking cigar and wears a shit-eating grin. Through a window behind her, the new-and-improved town bustles. END DAYDREAM WIPE TO:
"Ghosts of Travis's Past"
INT. THE TAVERN - NIGHT Odelia’s eyes snap to Travis, still speaking. Odelia nods, playing off her momentary lapse of attention. WIPE TO: EXT. GENERAL STORE - DAY Needlebiscuit clambers up the stoop to the general store. Odelia approaches. She snags him before he enters. He tips his hat. Before replacing the hat, he nervously smooths down his hair seven times. NEEDLEBISCUIT Odelia! Hello, my dear. ODELIA Word around town is that your steampowered carriage is up and running. Is it true? Needlebiscuit beams with pride. NEEDLEBISCUIT Indeed it is. It passed the 100yard road test with flying colors. Now, I need to see how it fares on a longer journey. Odelia raises an eyebrow. ODELIA I have some business to attend to out of town. I was going to ride a horse, but-NEEDLEBISCUIT Of course! I can drive you instead! Odelia smiles warmly. ODELIA That would be great. NEEDLEBISCUIT I need to make a few preparations. Shall we meet tomorrow morning? FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE
"Ghosts of Travis's Past" ACT TWO
FADE IN: INT. NEEDLEBISCUIT’S STEAM-POWERED CAR - DAY Odelia shares the bench to Needlebiscuit’s right. She looks out the window, where a wagon, creeping by, passes them. Annoyed, she turns to Needlebiscuit. ODELIA Can’t this thing go any faster? NEEDLEBISCUIT I believe so, but my speed tests aren’t scheduled until next week. Odelia rolls her eyes and looks back through the window, where the wagon has left them in the dust. CLOSE ON DASHBOARD Cog-powered bits and bobs line the instrument panel. The odometer flips to the next mile. The car stops. EXT. NEEDLEBISCUIT’S STEAM-POWERED CAR - DAY The car resembles a 1924 Stanley steam car, but with copper wires, pipes, and gauges protruding from the hood. Needlebiscuit exits. He circles the car seven times, then checks each wire, pipe, and gauge in sequential order. INT. NEEDLEBISCUIT’S STEAM-POWERED CAR - DAY (CONTINUOUS) Odelia struggles to figure out the cog-powered window control. She succeeds and pops her head out. ODELIA Do you have to do this after every mile? NEEDLEBISCUIT (V.O.) I’m afraid these checks are quite necessary. I want to make sure we arrive safely and without mechanical failure. Defeated, Odelia sinks into her seat and folds her arms across her chest.
"Ghosts of Travis's Past"
INT. NEEDLEBISCUIT’S STEAM-POWERED CAR - DAY (LATER) As the sun fades over rocky hills, a shack appears in the distance. Needlebiscuit glances at Odelia, who grins. CUT TO: EXT. SLOAN BROTHERS’ HIDEOUT - DAY As Odelia KNOCKS weakly at the door, her duster moves to reveal a pistol at each hip. She slinks to a nearby window and peers inside. Empty. A twig CRUNCHES behind her. She spins, simultaneously freeing her guns. Needlebiscuit, looking as if could use a clean pair of underpants, stares into both barrels. ODELIA Don’t sneak up on me. You nearly got shot! Odelia holsters her pistols. A saucer-eyed Needlebiscuit swallows hard, then furiously counts with both hands. Glab?
No response. ODELIA (CONT’D) Glab, are you okay? Odelia nears Needlebiscuit, who looks past her. She cups her hands around one of his, which quiets his counting fit. ODELIA (CONT’D) Let’s get you back to the car. Shell-shocked, Needlebiscuit nods. Odelia slings an arm around him and guides him away. DISSOLVE TO: INT. CAVE - NIGHT The vehicle rests near the wall of a shallow cave. Surrounded by empty cans of beans and metal dishes, a campfire burns in the foreground.
"Ghosts of Travis's Past"
Odelia grabs a pack from the vehicle's storage compartment. After fishing a folded blanket from the pack, she ambles to the fire and removes her duster, which she rolls up. She plunks down, places the rolled-up duster under her head, and with one swift swing, unfolds the blanket to cover her. FAVORING NEEDLEBISCUIT Cans and dirty dishes CLANG as Needlebiscuit gathers them. NEEDLEBISCUIT I’m quite sure it’s safer to sleep in the car. WIDER TO CAMPFIRE AREA ODELIA I’ll be fine right here. Odelia closes her eyes. Needlebiscuit furiously scrapes the plates. The SCRAPING forces Odelia’s eyes to open. She throws Needlebiscuit a warning glare. He sighs and stacks the dishes neatly before skulking off to the car. WIPE TO: INT. CAVE - NIGHT (LATER) The remnants of the fire cast a shadowy glow onto Needlebiscuit's face. He opens a door and juts his head out. Odelia?
No answer. Needlebiscuit steps out of the car and discovers Odelia's blanket wadded up near the fire; Odelia and her duster gone. CUT TO: INT. SLOAN BROTHERS’ HIDEOUT - NIGHT The Sloan brothers wake to a KNOCK at the door. Henry lights a candle. Guns drawn, both brothers warily approach the door. Marvin cautiously opens it. Odelia, waving her Pinkerton credentials, stands in the doorway. The boys salivate as they look Odelia up and down. They lower their weapons, and Marvin waves Odelia inside.
"Ghosts of Travis's Past"
HENRY Well, look what the cat drug in. MARVIN Pinkerton, eh? The trio move further into the room. A board CREAKS. Odelia "trips" and purposefully falls into Marvin, allowing her to put a gun to his back. She reaches around, grabs his gun and tosses it behind her, away from Henry. ODELIA That’s right. Henry raises his weapon. Odelia unholsters her other pistol and points it at Henry. She COCKS both pistols. ODELIA (CONT’D) I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Henry lowers his weapon. ODELIA (CONT’D) Now that I have your attention, I have a proposition for you. MARVIN I’ll show you a proposition, honey. Odelia digs the barrel deeper into Marvin’s back. He winces. HENRY Whadda you want? ODELIA I want you two nice marshals to pay a visit to my boss... Tell him what a great job I’m doing. Fat chance.
ODELIA Okay, I’ll be sure and tell Travis Durant you two said hello. Henry and Marvin give each other a wide-eyed look. Marvin elbows Odelia in the gut, knocking her off balance. While Marvin wrestles Odelia for her guns, Henry backs up, trying to get a bead on Odelia. Henry accidentally bumps the candle and extinguishes it. The room fades to black as a gun FIRES. END OF ACT TWO
"Ghosts of Travis's Past"
ACT THREE FADE IN: EXT. SLOAN BROTHERS’ HIDEOUT - DAY In the B.G., the rising sun causes starbursts to gleam from the copper bits of Needlebiscuit's vehicle. Needlebiscuit cautiously approaches a window. He peers in to see the brothers sleeping like babies. Odelia, tied to a chair, slumps forward; hair covers her face. Needlebiscuit scurries from the window and runs for his car. DISSOLVE TO: INT. THE TAVERN - DAY Needlebiscuit breathlessly barges in. Rigdon emerges from thin air and shoves a drink toward Needlebiscuit, who declines it. Rigdon raises an eyebrow. Too early?
Panting, Needlebiscuit frantically shakes his head. NEEDLEBISCUIT Odelia... Captured... Sloans. Rigdon snaps his fingers. Penny appears with a glass of water. Rigdon takes the water; Penny scurries off. Rigdon walks Needlebiscuit to the nearest table and seats him. Rigdon places the water onto the table, and then kneels in front of Needlebiscuit, who rocks in his chair. RIGDON Did you say “Sloans?” Needlebiscuit nods. Hands shaking, Needlebiscuit clasps the water glass and sips. RIGDON (CONT’D) That’s what I thought. Rigdon walks to Travis, who sits at the bar uttering quietly to himself. Rigdon points back to Needlebiscuit. CLOSE ON TRAVIS Travis’s eyes go wide.
"Ghosts of Travis's Past"
10. CUT TO:
INT. NEEDLEBISCUIT’S STEAM-POWERED CAR - DAY Dust flies as Travis pushes the car to its limits. Next to Travis, Needlebiscuit repetitively counts with his hands and eyes the odometer, which flips to count another mile. Needlebiscuit’s eyes bulge; sweats pours from his brow. WIPE TO: EXT. SLOAN BROTHERS’ HIDEOUT - DAY Needlebiscuit’s vehicle stops 100 feet from the Sloans’ front stoop. The car WHINES and smokes. A door flings open and Travis hits the ground running. INT. SLOAN BROTHERS’ HIDEOUT - DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Bits of wood fly as Travis obliterates the door. Foaming at the mouth, Travis rushes in to find no sign of the Sloans. Odelia, still tied to the chair, sits in the middle of the room. Her head sags. Travis smacks her cheek. ODELIA Would you two give it a rest? With a bloodied lip and swollen eye, Odelia blinks up at Travis. ODELIA (CONT’D) Travis? Thank God. Travis scowls. ODELIA (CONT’D) Don’t just stand there. Untie me! Travis doesn’t budge. TRAVIS I can’t believe you let me go on about these guys, when you knew about this place the whole damned time! Travis stares until Odelia averts her eyes. When she looks back up, Travis glares at her.
"Ghosts of Travis's Past"
ODELIA Fine. Yes, I knew. I thought I could use your saintly reputation to threaten the Sloans into giving me a recommendation. Travis throws his hands in the air. TRAVIS Were you even gonna help get me my money? Odelia studies her feet. TRAVIS (CONT’D) Son of a bitch! In a fit of rage, Travis tears the place apart, leaving Odelia wiggling in the chair. CUT TO: EXT. SLOAN BROTHERS’ HIDEOUT - DAY (MOMENTS LATER) The Sloans sneak by as Needlebiscuit fiddles about, tending to his car. DISSOLVE TO: INT. SLOAN BROTHERS’ HIDEOUT - DAY (MOMENTS LATER) With Odelia wriggling for freedom and Travis playing one-mandemolition, the Sloans easily get the drop on Travis. The three fight around Odelia like a choreographed dance of punch-and-dodge. Travis slings Marvin, who bounces off Henry to land on top of Odelia. Both brothers lose their guns. The chair breaks beneath Odelia, loosening her binds. Freed, Odelia whacks Marvin on the head with a piece of splintered chair. She scrambles to her feet. Marvin snags Odelia's ankle and trips her. From her new vantage point, she spies Henry reaching for a gun. Clambering to her feet, she grabs Travis and ushers him toward the door. She digs into one of her duster pockets and produces a gear-powered incendiary stick. SHOTS WHIZ wildly as Odelia and Travis pass the threshold. Odelia runs the gears up the length of Travis's back and tosses the stick back into the house. CUT TO:
"Ghosts of Travis's Past"
EXT. SLOAN BROTHERS’ HIDEOUT - DAY (CONTINUOUS) The house EXPLODES, blowing Travis and Odelia face-down to the ground and sending detritus skyward. Needlebiscuit rushes over to Travis and Odelia, who roll onto their backs. Needlebiscuit offers Odelia a hand. She grabs it and hoists herself up. NEEDLEBISCUIT My word. Are you okay? She looks down to Travis, then extends a hand to him. ODELIA Yeah, but I guess I can kiss that recommendation goodbye. Travis grunts and takes her hand. As he pulls himself up, she strains against his muscled bulk and loses her footing. The two topple back to the ground, Odelia landing on top of Travis. Oh, my.
Needlebiscuit blushes and turns away. Travis stares up at Odelia. They share a “moment” before scrambling to their feet. Travis clears his throat. TRAVIS And I guess I can kiss my money goodbye. Yep.
Travis affectionately gives Odelia a push. She smiles back at him as she locks arms with Needlebiscuit. The three head for the car. TRAVIS So, I can drive back, right? Needlebiscuit’s eyes bulge and sweat rolls down his forehead. THE END