Pretty Woman: Immerse Yourself 30 Years On was an event created in celebration of Mother's Day 2020. Please note that due to COVID-19 the event was cancelled, but all work prior and post the initial event plan is still extremely relevant. Working in a group environment, I took on the role of Marketing Manager, whereby I was responsible for content creation (both graphics and video) and timeline planning. As well as this, all documents produced by the group were formatted and designed by myself using the branding and event aesthetic that I had additionally produced, for our company - VISIONARY EVENTS. Whilst it was disappointing that event did not go ahead, as a group we managed to raise a total of £1,157.86, of which I single-handedly raised £420 for the homeless charity, St Basils. From the outset, I decided I wanted to swim 8500 meters, to represent 8500 homeless young people in Birmingham. With help of existing connections at David Lloyd Health Club(s), I was able to successful forfil this pledge.