October 2009

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Jesuit Journal October 2009 Adieu Issue


Jesuit Journal 1

Contents & Acknowledgements Balloon Maker........................................Jamie Fletcher ’10 These Actors...........................................Daniel Merrill ’10 Retreat.....................................................Jamie Fletcher ’10 All Knowing............................................Rossi Civello ’10 A Collective Poem..................................Jamie Fletcher ’10 The Rich Girl..........................................Nick Eichelberger ’10 No Title...................................................Anonymous ’X An End to a Journey...............................Jesuit Journal

The staff of the Jesuit Journal would like to express our deep gratitude to all those who made the 2008-2009 school year publications a success. Without your Art Contributors.............Ben Galichia ’10 much-appreciated efforts, we could have .............Rossi Walter ’10 no material to print. Literature and the .............Daniel Merril ’10 arts are incredibly important disciplines, .............John Tee ’09 .............Alec Miramontes ’10 and we are glad to have had the opportunity to help them flourish here at Jesuit by Moderator.......................Dr. Michael Degen providing a forum for their dissemination. We hope you have enjoyed our offerings, and that in the future you will not hesitate to read, write, and create, knowing that you are contributing to the interminable weaving of man’s intellectual tapestry. Good luck in all your future endeavors.

Publisher..........................Student Council Editor...............................Jamie Fletcher ’10

Jesuit Journal 2

An End to a Journey An Interview with Tom Hanlon

JJ: Favorite Sports Team? TH: Boston Red Socks

JJ: Tip for next years Seniors? TH: Don’t look behind you at what other people have done. Look at what is going on now and the future, be yourselves.

JJ: Funniest Senior Prank you’ve encountered? TH: The feeble attempts of one class attempting to prank the school no matter what they tried they just couldn’t do it. They tried to get bugs in the building, animals in the building, just couldn’t do it. They just couldn’t do it, weren’t good enough to get by.

JJ: How do you deal with the day to day grind? TH: That’s the toughest part of my job. My job is a secret, its actually to keep kids in school, not kick them outta school. Well kept secret.

JJ: Favorite ice cream? TH: Vanilla, straight up.

JJ: Favorite Movie? TH: African Queen, with Humphrey Bogart.

JJ: How do you as a Bostonian cope with living in Dallas? TH: Read both Boston papers, cover to cover, everyday.

JJ: Favorite Song? TH: The Stones’, “Satisfaction,” cause I can get no but only sometimes.

JJ: Favorite summer activity? TH: The beach. I like to hang out on the beach.

JJ: Best memory at Jesuit? TH: Best memory was my two sons graduating; that was the highlight.

JJ: What are your thoughts on high school? TH: I think it’s a great place to be, if you’re a young person. I like working with young kids, watching them develop and then go out into the world is exciting.

JJ: Happy to leave or sad? TH: You’re never happy to leave a place you’ve been at for ten years but its time to leave, and I look forward to the next adventure, probably my last, that I am going to experience.

JJ: Did you attend a Jesuit School? TH: No, I did not, public


Jesuit Journal 3

Balloon Maker Jamie Fletcher ’10

He came to town on the northeast wind and would leave inside the southwest. Balloons could not travel without the mighty steeds of the air That was his Nautilus Hundreds of colorful luminescent bulbs floating across the sky a permanent rainbow that navigated the ozone himself at the helm The small vines entangled in his large hands technicolored crystal balls holding on for fear of floating away His brown worn boots tapping the top of the town steeple clanking against red brick chimneys When they fell upon the pea soup shore the landing was completed making themselves glow like embers the impatient balloons gazed through the crowd Bobbing their heads looking for the one that they had come for Soon he bound many of them into wedlock placing the small white umbilical cord Anonymous into their tiny hands. The children laughed and sprinted away hastily Lightening it strikes, ready to begin their honeymoon. Bred from man’s avarice. He examined the remnants of his flock Trail above the weather, with a quick wrap of his fingers Lull on life’s endeavor and splash of wind they were off again.

Ben Galichia ’10

No Title

Space to breath, Space in need. Through those trepid cloud, Too deep, places become unfound. Find a place to see, A berth un-blurry.

Daniel Merrill ’10

Jesuit Journal 4

These Actors Daniel Merrill ’10

These actors never took their final bow, They just left us wondering how,What went wrong? How can we go on? The actors said their lines, What caused this fine? Why was this the End? Leaving broken hearts to mend, They played their part, Never stopping from the start, Critically acclaimed the best, Now lay their heads to rest, These actors never took their final bow, They just left us wondering how, What went wrong? How can we go on? The bright lights run, But the show doesn’t go on, The crowd cheers for more, But no one listens to the roar, They left us without an encore, Making us ever wanting more, The crowd still cheers, But none of it reaches my ears, These actors never took their final bow, They just left us wondering how, What went wrong? How can we go on?

Rossi Walter ’10

A Collective Poem

Jamie Fletcher ’10 It Feels like someone is in my dictionary And Derek is still prancing around at night In his summertime clothes, swirling and floating Like a Spirit that’s gone and that’s vanished And Im still in the phase of moo rah rahing where my breakfast begins and ends with strawberry jam Seal eyeing everything that is in front of me With certain uneasiness about how they move Holiday! Holiday! I feel free again Free from these adobe walls I can dance, I can walk, I can sing when I talk But to me these days of joy and jam are all Unsolved Mysteries

Now theres no show, What happened I’ll never know, I remember that cast, How they played their last. They were the best, Can’t compare to the rest, Set an example for all to see, Set an example for me. These actors never took their final bow, They just left us wondering how, What went wrong? How can we go on?

Jesuit Journal 5

Ben Galichia ’10

Alec Miramontes ’10 Jesuit Journal 6

Alec Miramontes ’10

John Tee ’09

Jesuit Journal 7

All Knowing Rossi Civello ’10

The Moon watches us so vividly. With a perspective that excels our dreams And overpowers our imagination that is only Obtained by examining us so carefully, So intimately, and so thoughtfully. The moon is what we named it. But guardian reveals who he truly is. A beautiful, angelic, magnificent caretaker Who humbly observes us grow up in this world without us even knowing that he breathes the same air we do, Feels the same emotions we feel, But sees a totally different organism we see. The moon doesn’t know why he’s there, Or why he can’t escape, or even who he is. But over centuries of centuries he has developed A love for us so strong he could never walk away from the essence of life. We will always be dreaming, And the Moon will always be watching.

Daniel Merrill ’10

The Rich Girl Nick Eichelberger ’10

There once was a girl, rich in friends, looks, moralsexcept one. She was selfish. Everyone loved her and she was easily able to get whatever she needed from anyone. They over looked or didn’t notice her selfishness, mainly because it just didn’t fit her. Eventually she met a poor boy. He feel in love with her, and she he, for reason x, y, and z. The poor boy had a big heart. For reason a, b, and c she left him. She didn’t want to lose him, but she believed she was better; her selfishness prevailed. She was selfish enough to come to the poor boy crying, wanting more, and more. The poor boy gave all he had but it was never enough she was never happy. The poor boy loved her more and more, the sheer chase had him trapped on her. Eventually she bankrupted the poor boy, she took all his good heart had to offer, and she came to him crying a final time. He tried to explain he had nothing to offer, nothing left to give her, but she cried on, she cried on, and on, and on. Through these tears she may have stolen his heart, but she also birthed his reason. He became a cold hard man, smart, and calculated. Love may find the man again, but if the girl cannot see herself for what she is, the joke will be on her. Tears will be her future.

Ben Galichia ’10

Jesuit Journal 8

Retreat Jamie Fletcher ’10 The sea king retreated to his icy depths His emerald hair entangling the silver crown Mounted with luminescent pearls, As white as virgin snow that falls on the mountainside, No more tremors Shaking the world of men Rattling the land as though it were a doll in a child’s hand For mighty Poseidon In the glorious wood Walks the almighty huntress Artemis Gentle leaves reach out to calm the heroin But nay! In flight she runs! Her tan sandals leather cracked from the hunt Fly along the paths Briskly sinking their mark into the moist soil Her shimmering bow Its golden sheen bright as lightening darting across the black sky Lay broken, shattered as though glass

Thousands of glowing pebbles Behind lays a small doe Impaled The velvet life seeping from its body Slain by the left hand of this new Lord! Fly my children! Cries the mighty god of thunder, Zeus As he lofts a final volley of electric harpoons against the oppressor the mighty son of Cronus tumbles down onto the country side the land shaking underneath his weight bruised wounded Jupiter falls among his sons and daughters His wife’s pale lifeless face mirroring his own fate Then suddenly the three approach him It is finished they say and slay the almighty immortal extinguishing the last of their enemies and so they said In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit Amen.

Ben Galichia ’10 Daniel Merrill ’10

Jesuit Journal 9

Alec Miramontes ’10

Rossi Walter ’10 Jesuit Journal 10

Ben Galichia ’10

Alec Miramontes ’10

Jesuit Journal 11

Daniel Merrill ’10

Jesuit Journal 12

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