Principal’s Newsletter
July, 2017 Jesuit High School
THE MIGHTY, MAGNIFICENT CLASS OF 2017 I am writing this reflection on the 2016-17 school year while sitting by the McKenzie River at St. Benedict’s Lodge on our end-of-year faculty staff retreat. The deck at “St. Benny’s” is a sacred space indeed, as 30+ years of Jesuit students can attest. So, as the river flows high and strong after a snowpacked winter, I am thinking of our students, and especially of those many members of the Classes of 2017 and 2018 who have so recently encountered the love of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit on this very spot. At Jesuit High, we place a lot of trust in our seniors. The senior class sets the tone for each school year, even more so than the faculty, staff, and administration. For it is in the countless interactions between and among seniors that the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors come to understand the culture of their high school. When the seniors wrap their arms around each other and sing full-throated at Friday Mass, the freshmen notice, and wonder, and anticipate a day when they too will have tasted whatever secret sauce it is that can so transform a class.
When the seniors smile and say hello to sophomores in the hallways—but also in locker rooms and online and in all of the shadowy spaces of high school, the youngsters notice and respond. And when the seniors share their hearts and souls with the juniors
as Encounter leaders, team captains, club leaders, Sacristans, and Eucharistic Ministers, they pass on a legacy of love that makes Jesuit, Jesuit. And what a legacy the Class of 2017 left us. This group, as individuals and as a class, came through both terrific triumphs and real tragedy, with a symbol tattooed on their collective heart: a cross, with a heart and the letters “RG” and “AMDG” intertwined in an eternal blazon. If you want a taste of our most recent alums’ experience, I would humbly point you to my latest blog on the JHS website, where you will find the soaring speeches given at Commencement by Bailey Cook, Sage Taylor, and Ellie Grimes, all ’17. Now we invite our newest seniors to take up the mantle of leadership bequeathed to them by the mighty, magnificent Class of 2017. With tremendous faith in their ability and willingness to lead our school, we turn to our seniors to kick off the 2017-18 school year with style and grace—and more importantly, with a deep understanding of their unique power to shape our school. Sincerely,
Paul J. Hogan, Principal
Educating Men & Women for Others in the Catholic, Jesuit Tradition Since 1956
Sustainability Update: Hope
By Kathryn Mahoney, JHS Environmental Science Teacher and environmental issues faced by the most vulnerable in our cities. And finally, seniors Taylor Burke and Jaume Martinez-Calvo created a system that captures carbon dioxide exhaust and traps it in molecules of calcium carbonate that can be used for a variety of industrial purposes. This is why I have hope. The problems are many and large, but the solutions are there and so are the people who can make them happen: our children.
Sophia Howe ’18 and Cam Calverley ’18 show off some recyclables (with deposit) found in Jesuit’s November 2016 trash audit.
Teaching about the interactions between humans and the environment can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. There is so much that is wrong, and the consequences dire. But my students give me hope. This year, in an effort to give my students in AP Environmental Science agency over the world they inherit, I tasked them with finding ways to solve problems on campus and in the larger community. Their semester projects were diverse. Seniors Joanna Hoang and Kristen Yeoh gathered data on student knowledge about recycling to find areas where we can improve recycling education. Juniors Maya Muramoto, Cecilia Welsh, Amy Isselmann and Chloe Golik studied consumption on campus by gathering data on the number of Jesuit t-shirts each student gets each year and how many of them are actually worn. Juniors Cam Calverly, Sophia Howe, Elise Adams, Meghan Gorman, and senior Megan Gordon attempted to find ways to reduce the school’s carbon footprint by proposing the use of bus transportation for the golf team. Junior Claire Devine researched solutions to Portland’s homelessness crisis and proposed developing sustainable communal living communities that would address social
Trevor Pixley ’17 sadly notes all of the perfectly good cookies thrown in the garbage one day at lunch.
Moving into next year, we hope to continue making positive changes toward improving schoolwide sustainability. The student-led Green Team, with the support of the faculty and staff Sustainability Committee, will be building on this year’s successes in instituting the “Take Back Table” at lunches by trying to find more ways to encourage student recycling and the reduction of waste. We will also be working together to introduce the use of the native plantings in the restructured bio-swale at the 91st street entrance as an outdoor learning space. These may seem to be small changes but each one generates a change in our school culture to make us more aware and more respectful of the one world we have be given.
Athletics Updates Summer Training Opportunities – Many Jesuit sports have summer workout opportunities throughout the next few months. Visit to find out summer options for your sport(s). Summer Camps – Many Jesuit athletic teams host important summer camp opportunities at Jesuit. Stay fit and healthy this summer by participating in our summer camps. Visit to find a list of dates and registration.
Men’s tennis head coach Jeff Wood (center) with Thomas Kallgren ’19, Michael Quinn ’17, Edward Murphy ’17, and Thomas Remington ’17.
Class of
Graduation Awards
VALEDICTORIAN: NATIONAL MERIT FINALISTS: Aashna Saxena Ashwin Sah Kruthi Annigeri Daniel Sealand Madeleine Aronson Nadia Siddiqui SALUTATORIAN: Lakshya Bakshi Daniel Terrell Rebecca Finn Chloe Jensen Lauren Kang NATIONAL HISPANIC SENIOR CLASS Chaitanya Karamchedu RECOGNITION: PRESIDENT’S WELCOME: Michael Murphy Mark Urreiztieta Bailey Cook Michaella Park Anthony Nosack Amogh Patki Gabrielle Lopez SENIOR SPEAKERS: Ashwin Sah Jaume Martinez-Calvo Eleanor Grimes Gabrielle Stegemoller Sage Taylor NATIONAL MERIT COMMENDED STUDENTS: SUMMA CUM LAUDE: FR. HENRY SCHULTHEIS, S.J. Victor Agostinelli Rashmi Anil CHRISTIAN COMMITMENT Bhargav Annigeri Taylor Burke AWARD: Claire Delplanche Alexander Caughman Rikhia Chatterjee Justin Feng Joshua DeKlotz Rebecca Finn Claire Delplanche JSN AWARD: Elle Giovanni Justin Feng Trevor Pixley Timothy Haarmann Rebecca Finn Emma Ulring Marie Langlois Chloe Jensen Andrew Larson Andrew Larson SENIOR LOYALTY AWARD: Drew Ligman Priyanka Mathur Tim Haarmann Michael Liu Tristan McCabe Anna Wanner John McCarthy Patrick McGrath Lydia McVeigh Lydia McVeigh Abigail O’Connor Ashwin Sah Benjamin Quiring Daniel Terrell Anna Wanner More Graduation Award Information Inside!
Christian Service News By Scott Powers, Director Junior/Senior Service Project
Many rising junior and senior students have forecasted to do their Christian Service project over the summer. If students haven’t found a placement yet, be sure to check out the online Service Opportunities List at www. (under the “Academics” tab). All the approved agencies are listed there, as well as reminders for parents of what students need to do to get signed up. If you can’t find what you are looking for, email or call Scott Powers at 503-291-5463 He is in the office most weeks Monday through Thursday through the first week of August.
Don’t Forget Contracts!
Remember that if you are a rising junior/senior and signed up for your service project over the summer, you will need to pick up and fill out a Christian Service Contract before you start your work. You can find them in the main
school office (7:00 am – 3:00 pm, M-F) and mail them to the Christian Service Department at Jesuit. Journals are available for purchase in the main office as well if you have lost yours ($6 each). Have a great summer and happy volunteering!
Sophomore Service Project
Sophomores choosing to complete their 8 hour service project over the summer must complete their Action Plan form (available at and return it to the Christian Service Office before they start their service. Action plans can be mailed to the attention of Scott Powers/Christian Service. Please Note: If a student chooses a placement not on the sophomore service opportunities list, he or she must obtain approval from me prior to submitting their Action Plan or starting their service project.
IMPORTANT DATES FOR CLASS OF 2018! IMPORTANT DATES FOR THE CLASS OF 2017 We start planning for graduation for the Class of 2018 in September. Please note these important dates: Monday, August 28, 2017 @ 1:30 pm • Registration and Student ID cards (All seniors are required to get their photos for their student ID) Tuesday, September 12, 2017 @ 8:45 am • Required Senior Class Meeting – Info on cap and gown orders along with graduation announcements. Monday, October 9, 2017 - Senior Yearbook Photos (appointment times given out the prior week) *GRAD NIGHT PARTY: We are looking for one or two parent volunteers to chair the Grad Night Party Committee for Class of 2018. Please contact Anne Marie Wise at if interested. YEARBOOK DEDICATION AND BABY PIC INFO: It is a tradition at Jesuit to conclude our yearbook with baby pictures and dedications from parents to seniors. If you are interested in creating a dedication page for your student, please do so at and reference Jesuit High School in Portland. The templates and directions are straightforward. The cost is $50 plus an additional $5 processing fee. The yearbook staff will accept dedications through January, 2018.
Auction Update
Auction Cultivates Tomorrow - Thank You! This year’s Auction Gala created a culture of sharing and raised monies to continue the Jesuit mission making this evening extraordinary. The Special Appeal segment of the evening honored our Jesuits and reminded us of the reason we exist as an Ignatian institution. Top-selling live auction packages included VIP Disneyland and exclusive Club 33, Bandon Dunes golf trip complete with jet, Blazers Suite, Sun Valley vacation home, and much more.
Jesuit Principal Paul Hogan, Auction Co-Chairs Wendy Pernas and Kim Takla, and Jesuit President Tom Arndorfer
Looking to the future of Jesuit High School, Cultivating Tomorrow was the theme of the 2017 Annual Auction. The event was held on April 29 in the school’s Knight Center and drew over 650 supporters.
A heartfelt thank you to all of the sponsors, donors and countless volunteers who have made this night possible. It is because of you that the Auction is successful and Jesuit’s largest fundraiser. ~ Thank you, Kim Takla and Wendy Pernas, Auction Co-Chairs
JHS cleared the million-dollar mark with $1,022,000 raised in gross revenue. The monies raised before, during and after the event provide the critical funds needed for the operation of Jesuit High School and continue to allow tuition to be affordable for all families. A special thank you to our Presenting Sponsors: Clearview MRI, Touchmark and Colleen and Werner Nistler.
Mark your calendars for next year’s Auction!
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Class of
Graduation Awards MAGNA CUM LAUDE: Madeleine Aronson Lakshya Bakshi Sanya Cowal Nihar Doshi DEPARTMENT AWARDS: Anatomy & Physiology: Priyanka Mathur Art: Reagan Rundle, Taylor Olson, Ella Martini, Hope Kaminksi, Emily Steele Band: Kelly Gentry Broadcast Journalism: Jack Marquard Campus Ministry: Lauren Gray and Peter Earnshaw Chinese: Justin Feng
Congratulations, Class of 2017!
Timothy Haarmann Lauren Kang Abigail O’Connor Michaella Park
Age Quod Agis “Do Well Whatever You Do”
Choir: Brandon Gille Christian Service: Tayz Hernandez-Campero Computer Science: Kevin Hoser Diversity: Nardos Molla and Benjamin Pham Drama: Ava Randall English: Chloe Jensen French: Melanie Davie History: Ashwin Sah Journalism: Ashley Mepham and Jaclyn Flood
Mathematics: Ashwin Sah Photography: Kenna Holt Physical Education: Matthew Hotchkiss Science: Nadia Siddiqui Spanish: Taylor Burke Student Government: Rikhia Chatterjee and Sage Taylor Technical Theatre: Nathanael Wessels Theology Studies: Anna Wanner and Bridger Ueeck Yearbook: Eleanor Grimes
Counseling Office Updates
By Peter Johnson, Director of College Advising Class of 2021 Parent Book Discussion in Fall ’17 Looking for a book to read this summer? Wondering how to support your student as they begin their journey through Jesuit High School? We invite all incoming parents of freshmen to read How to Raise an Adult by Julie LythcottHaims. Early this fall, the Counseling Department will host a book discussion. The exact date and time will be announced in the early fall. This will be an opportunity for parents to both dialogue and build community with parental peers as well as to meet the student’s counselor.
Final Transcript Submission During the final weeks of the semester, students in the class of 2017 received an electronic questionnaire from Counseling Assistant Mrs. Young requesting confirmation of where their final transcript should be sent. Counseling Center personnel will be submitting final transcripts to designated colleges during the last two weeks of June. Please contact the Mrs. Young ( with questions.
Counselor Planning Questionnaire - Class 2018 A Counselor Statement Questionnaire has been added to the Family Connection website. It can be found by clicking on the “About Me” tab on the Family Connection homepage. For colleges that accept the Common Application, counselors complete a School Report that includes a brief counselor statement. This questionnaire will assist the counselor in highlighting the student’s presence
and contributions to the Jesuit High School community. Students are encouraged to complete this questionnaire over the summer. If the student needs assistance accessing the Family Connection website, please have them contact Mr. Johnson at
Fall Classroom Visits to Senior English Classes Seniors can anticipate Jesuit college advisors visiting English classes early in the fall semester. College advisors will present procedures regarding high school transcript requests and teacher recommendations. Students can anticipate using their iPads to interact with their Common Application account and update their prospective colleges on Family Connection.
College Planning Summer Dates
• The 2017-18 Common Application will refresh and activate on August 1, 2017. Beginning August 1, students will be able to open a Common Application account and begin completing both general application and college specific questions. In the meantime, the Common Application has announced their essay prompts for the 2017-18 application. Visit for more information. • The registration deadline for the September 9, 2017 ACT is August 4. The registration deadline for the August 26, 2017 SAT is July 28. Students who plan to take either or both exams should anticipate registering by the regular deadline to avoid a late fee.
SERVICE: STUDENT SPOTLIGHT Rikhia Chatterjee ’17 Fr. Henry Schultheis, SJ Award Recipient
Fr. Henry Schultheis, SJ was the Provincial of the Society of Jesus at the time Jesuit High School was founded. The award is voted upon by a panel of faculty and students, who select the student who represents one of the most significant values Jesuit hopes to instill in its graduates: generous service to others—what we call being “a person for others.” This year’s Henry Schultheis Award Winner is Rikhia Chatterjee ’17. Rikhia’s journey at Jesuit has been marked by both success in the classroom and willingness to serve in the community. She completed her required service at Camp Rivendale, a camp for children with disabilities. She then returned the next summer to be with the children of Camp Rivendale. For both her junior and senior year, Rikhia went to Washington, DC as part of the Ignatian Teach-In to advocate for immigration reform and environmental justice, her second year as a student leader. Rikhia has also has been very involved in service at the Wonder Years Learning Center, Medical Teams International and has served our school as a member of Student Government, Green Team and Gender Equality Club. “Rikhia is a sincere and genuine person who puts others around her at ease. She leads by example and does not search for the spotlight,” says Scott Powers, Christian Service Director. “She is a hard worker who follows through with tasks, and a person willing to face challenges head on in a simple, matter-of-fact manner.” Rikhia will continue her studies next year at University of Washington.
Exclusively for Members of the Class of 2021 and Their Families! Parents and incoming 9th graders and transfer students who would like to know more about Catholic schools and, in particular, a Jesuit high school, are invited to one of two informational meetings this summer: Tuesday, July 25 from 7-8:15 pm or Tuesday, August 8 from 7-8:15 pm.
The Tradition Continues: Jesuit at 60 Now Available at the Spirit Store!
Learn about Pope Francis and the five Popes before #601, IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY AND HISTORY $85 7/17-7/20 7-8:15 pm Mon-Thurs Class is for Adults Only This class will follow the Papacy of the five Popes before Pope Francis and the 4 years of Pope Francis. Two of the Popes will have been named Saints and two others have had profound impacts on the way the modern Church sees itself and one …was Pope for only 33 days in 1978. Some reading required. Teacher: Don Clarke. Visit www. to register for the class.
If you were a student at JHS between 2008 and 2017, or the parent of a student, or a grandparent or alum or lunch mom or just a friend of Jesuit High, do we have an opportunity for you! You can purchase The Tradition Continues: Jesuit at 60, a highly readable, colorful account of Jesuit’s amazing last decade, written by a host of JHS educators like Erin DeKlotz, Don Clarke, Chris Smart, Scott Powers, Kathy Baarts, Mike Hughes, and more, and edited by our principal and blogger Paul Hogan. If you enjoy Paul’s blogs, you will love this long-form, deep dive into the beating heart of Jesuit High. And all of this can be yours (or a gift for a JHS grad, dad, alum, student, or fan) for the low, low price of $18 at Jesuit’s Spirit Store (located in Smith Gym Lobby or online at If you would like to pair this text with Fr. Larry Robinson’s history of Jesuit’s first 50 years, you can get both histories for only $35. All proceeds go to Jesuit’s Arrupe Fund, which supports JHS students on financial aid.
START OF SCHOOL DATES TO REMEMBER August 2 August 13 August 14 August 25 August 28
August 29 Classes Begin – 9:25 am (Hayes Plaza) August 30 Freshman Parent Evening – 7 pm (Moyer Theatre) New Parents’ Athletics Meeting – 6 pm Sept. 1 New Student BBQ – 5 pm Fall Athletics Begin Sept. 4 Labor Day – NO CLASSES New Student Orientation – 7:45 am Sept. 6 Soph/Jr Parent Evening – 6:30 pm (Moyer Theatre) Registration for Students (Moyer Theatre) Senior Parent Evening – 7:20 pm (Moyer Theatre) • 7:45 am - Freshmen Sept. 15 Mass of the Holy Spirit – 8:35 am (Knight Gym) • 9:30 am - Sophomores Freshman Fun Night – 9 pm • 12 pm (Noon) - Juniors Sept. 16-17 Senior Pilgrimage • 1:30 pm - Seniors Sept. 18 Back-to-School Night – 7 pm (Knight Gym) Sept. 27-30 All-Alumni Weekend ( Godspeed Mass for Class of 2017 – 7 pm
A complete 2017–2018 School Calendar will be on our school website ( later this summer. Senior Parents: As you start planning your September weekend schedules, remember the Senior Pilgrimage is September 16-17.
Congratulations to the Class of 2017! Age Quod Agis - Do Well Whatever You Do. Jesuit High School 9000 S.W. Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. Portland, OR 97225-2491