Jesus Calls (English) April - 2022

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The Channel that sends waves of Miracles I am from Chennai, currently living in Dallas, Texas, USA. I usually watch Prarthanai Payanam program on Family channel on my phone. On Aug 9, 2021, at 11 p.m., Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s message recorded in 2003 at Nagercoil was streamed. During prayer time, He called my name saying, “Susan, God's power is coming upon you.” At that very moment, I felt the anointing of God upon me in an awesome way. I praise God for this experience and for the blessings I have received. I give God all the glory and thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the Jesus Calls ministry. - Susan Moorthy, Dallas, Texas, USA


My precious friend, may the Lord God bless you

and give you great joy this month. We are starting a new financial year, and I pray that God’s prosperity and sufficiency will overflow in your life. Everything about your life shall be perfected, and you will be set free to enjoy every blessing that is in Christ Jesus. You will know Him and you will be led to enjoy all that He has prepared for you. Let not your heart be troubled or worried. God Himself will give you this grace to enjoy His blessings in full measure. miH¡»wh® et«g® - April 2021 2022 ïnaR JESUS CALLS


Though Jesus was very rich and honored, do you know why He chose to become poor and despised? It is because through His poverty, you and I can be made rich; and through Him being despised, you and I can be honored. On the cross, He had nothing to wear; all His clothes were taken away and His body was bruised, His head had a crown of thorns, and on His hands and legs were nails. These were all He wore. However, today He reigns as the King of kings and the Lord of lords clothed with honor and majesty. He knows your agony, insufficiency, inadequacies, and what you need to become like Him in spirit and in your everyday life! He wants to clothe you with majesty, because He has already paid the price for you to have that blessing. Let us meditate on Isaiah 58:14,

acquainted with grief. Beloved, it is to bless you with joy and take away your sorrow and grief that Jesus went through this agony. Yes, your sorrows will turn into joy! “He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.”

(Isaiah 53:3)

So, the Lord Jesus wants you to enjoy and receive the joy which He purchased by going through sorrow and grief on the cross. My dear ones, there are probably only a few people in this world who will give you happiness, but they cannot always be with you. There can be no husband, wife, or children who can be with you all the time. Sometimes you can grieve for them; but the Lord looks at you and says; “I will never leave you. I will never

“You will find your joy in the Lord, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob.”

abandon you. That’s why I experienced grief

Fullness of Joy

turned their faces away from Me. I went

on the cross. I carried My cross all alone. I was nailed to the cross alone. I was crushed on the cross. My heart was broken. Everyone

Yes, you will have all the joy because on

through that, in order to know the pain of

the cross, Jesus, was a man of sorrows

loneliness for, the pain of being ignored. I carried that grief of yours to bring you joy, to stand by you and to liberate you.” So say to the Lord, "Lord, You are my helper; You are my share; I do not place anyone else or anything else in this world higher than You. Give consolation and blessing to my family because I carry You. May Your will be revealed to my family through me.” We have entered the financial year and Jesus Christ has prepared the way for you for this year. You will not stumble. Lord Jesus has created the way to live, the way to be exalted,


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the way to be happy and the way to be free of all bondage.

Praise and Honor Next, the Lord will make you ascend to higher places. “I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land.” The Bible says the Lord Jesus was lifted up so that He can draw all men unto Himself. He says, “I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame.” (Zephaniah 3:19) Yes, God wants you to have honor and be lifted up to high places. It is for this reason, Jesus went to the cross and as He died on the cross, He went to where the souls were kept after death. The Bible says, He descended into the depths to preach the Gospel to the souls who were waiting for Christ (1Peter 3:18, 19). Without Jesus Christ, no one can enter into Heaven, because there is no other name on earth by which men can be saved and cleansed from sins but by the Name of Jesus. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) So, everyone who needs to go to Heaven, has to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Savior in their own lives and be transformed. Jesus descended into Paradise and spoke to the souls about salvation which is received through His suffering on the cross and made them receive salvation. When He rose up from the dead, they also rose up along with Him and went into Heaven. For this reason, we read what Jesus said to the repentant thief in Luke 23:43, Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

God wants you to be elevated from poverty to riches through Jesus Christ according to Philippians 4:19 and 2 Corinthians 8:9. The Bible also says in Deuteronomy 8:18, “…the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth…” Yes beloved, God gives you all the riches through Jesus Christ and also gives you the power to produce wealth. He wants you to ride triumphantly in high places. Yes, high positions, prosperity, and elevation will come to you in the name of Jesus.

Blessings in Full Measure “I will make you ride on the high places of the earth,and I will feed you with the promised heritage of Jacob your father.” (Isa. 58:14) Of course, this was for the Jews but miH¡»wh® et«g® - April 2021 2022 ïnaR JESUS CALLS


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today, your Father is the Lord Jesus Christ, who has purchased you with His blood. See what the Bible says about this priceless purchase: “Which He (Jesus) bought with His own blood.” (Acts 20:28) Let not your heart be troubled. Jesus has purchased you with His own blood to make you His child. Therefore, the promised heritage of your Father will be fulfilled. Every blessing that is in your Father – the Lord Jesus Christ is for you. The glory of the freedom that Christ has given you will surely come to you who have labored for Christ. Scripture says that the Holy Spirit had not yet been given because Jesus was not glorified.


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However, now the Holy Spirit is given to us for free. According to 2 Corinthians 3:17, we are set free. We have liberation in everything. We are given the power to enjoy everything through being a child of Jesus. If it turns out to be that we are free in the Spirit, we will go with Jesus when He comes in secret. We will be connected with Jesus. We will finally be connected with the Father. We too shall be glorified then. The Lord wants to give you such a blessing today. It is not just a single blessing, but every blessing Scan QR code to in Jesus belongs to you in full watch this measure. What a great promise to message start off this new financial year – Not only financial but every blessing in full measure!

The Partnership Plan for which you want to enrol and wish to donate this month Fill up your details in the following form; our team will get in touch with you. Name: _________________________________________ Partner Code (optional) __________________ Email id: _______________________________________________________________________________ Contact phone no: (1) ______________________________ (2) __________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Please tick your choice BETHESDA RENOVATION PROJECT BUILD THE LORD’S HOUSE; HE WILL BUILD YOUR HOUSE A SERENE PLACE, REPLICA OF THE BETHESDA IN BIBLE DAYS, BRINGING GOD’S COMFORT, HEALING AND DELIVERANCE GIFT FOR PRAYER INTERCESSORS (GFPI) (HONOR THOSE WHO HELP YOU & REAP YOUR REWARD FROM HEAVEN) BLESS THE FAITHFUL ONES WHO RENDER THE GREATEST SERVICE - PRAYER SOW A SEED FOR EVERY ANSWERED PRAYER ENJOY THE BLESSINGS OF GRATEFULNESS My Prayer Requests 1. ______________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________ Please fill up the form and send it to us

DR. PAUL DHINAKARAN AND FAMILY WOULD LIKE TO MINISTER TO YOU PERSONALLY. PRIVILEGES: All the prayer requests are sent to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for prayer In Chain Prayer, prayer intercessors will pray for you Prayer intercessors will call you on special days and pray for you Monthly Promise email letters will be sent to you directly A promise verse will be sent every day through SMS The Jesus Calls E Magazine will be sent to you

WAYS TO ENROL: Visit the website Visit your nearest Prayer Tower Send by Post: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. Give a missed call to 90154 55455 Whatsapp Number 97919 34442 - April 2022 JESUS CALLS



eloved friend, it gives me great joy to write to you about God’s special word for you and your family this month. It is about God's will concerning you, for His continuous and abundant blessings. This promise word says: “The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your bones. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” (Isaiah 58:11) Look at the number of blessings in this promise word dear friend! Do read on and meditate on them one by one. Finally, claim them and receive the blessings promised.

God's Guidance Of all the blessings in this verse, ‘God’s guidance’ is the prime. It clearly says that God will guide you always. What a reassurance! He is a God who exists from the beginning to the end. He is the Alpha and the Omega. Therefore, when He says ‘always’, it is for sure. You will never have to be in doubt. Not for a moment, will He leave you or forsake you. There may be many circumstances that can perplex you, especially when decision making has to be done in family. In the present scenario, the final say regarding children’s

education and their future is very uncertain. However, with God as your guide, you can decide boldly and step forward in faith. He has promised to guide you always. Anytime you are standing at crossroads, you can look unto this Almighty God for guidance and be assured to be on the right path. We read how the Lord guided the Israelites starting from Egypt till they reached the Promised Land of Canaan. He guided them not for just a


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single day but for a solid four decades (Deut. 29:5). My friend, this same God is promising you and your family His guidance by going forward from this month onward.

Strength and Sufficiency God not only promises to meet all the needs in your family but also to strengthen you all. The Bible assures us in Philippians 4:19, “God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” Yes, God will meet every need in your family according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. What a great promise of God with which you can begin the new financial year! You do not have to keep recalculating your budget with your bank account because your needs are going to be supplied by Heaven’s account. God promises to strengthen your bones. Do you know why He gives you this reassurance? It is because God formed your bones. We read about it in Job 10:11, “You clothed me with skin and flesh; You knit me together with bones.” Yes, God knows your very frame and therefore He will strengthen it. Are you worried looking at your parents aging and becoming frail or that your children are not reaching their growth curve? God’s promise has come apt for you and your family to strengthen you all.

Blessings to Bless Others The best example of a well-watered garden is the Garden of Eden, which was created by the Creator Himself. You can read about its water supply in the Book of Genesis. When God waters a place, even the desert becomes like the Garden of Eden, which is also called as the garden of the Lord. “He comforts all her waste places and makes her wilderness like Eden, her desert like the garden of the Lord.” (Isaiah 51:3) Yes, dear friend, it is God who has created you and cares for you. Therefore, God will supply every need in your family, strengthen each one of you, and keep you all like a well-watered garden. Let us see how God worked in supplying the need of a widow living in the land of Zarephath.

Prophet Elijah had prophesied a drought. The Lord spoke to him saying, “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. Behold, I have commanded a widow there to feed you.” (1 Kings 17:9) When Elijah came to the gate of the city Zarephath, he saw a widow gathering sticks. He asked her to bring him some water to drink and also bread to eat. The woman diligently obeyed to what Elijah the prophet said and was blessed by God. Just as promised, the Lord not only supplied the needs of the widow of Zarephath, but also made her a blessing to bless others. The Bible says, “She and he and her household ate for many days. The bowl of flour was not exhausted nor did the jar of oil become empty, in accordance with the word of the Lord which He spoke through Elijah.” (1 Kings 17:15,16) Yes dear friend, in accordance to His promise, God is going to guide you, bless you and your family with sufficiency and strength in such a way that you will be a blessing to others. Prayer: My loving Heavenly Father, thank You for this wonderful promise. I come to You - the source of all blessings. Just as promised, guide me, meet my needs and Scan QR code strengthen me. Father, make me a to watch this message well-watered garden, which blesses others. Help me to bless others through the blessings You give me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. - April 2022 JESUS CALLS


Just as fairy tales begin and end with a happily ever after note, once upon a time there lived a saint who brought God's will and kingdom on earth just as it is in heaven, bringing joy and peace in the hearts and lives of millions of people. Yes, you have guessed it right! His name is Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran. God took him into the heavenlies and showed him the place of God's throne room, for the same to be built on earth. It was Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who captured the picture painted in the eyes of his beloved dad and brought it to fulfillment for God's glory, just like Bezalel, who was filled with the Spirit of God, to build His tabernacle. To attest to the fact that Bethesda is indeed the place of promise where God sits enthroned, here comes a true story that proves the same.


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There was a girl who desired to see Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran at least once in her life time so that she could receive his blessings. She prayed everyday all through a year that she should somehow meet him. But alas, to her dismay, he entered His heavenly abode right before her Twelfth board exam. She cried the whole day and slept engulfed in tears. Just then, an angel of God woke her up three times and spoke the verse from 2 Timothy 4:7 saying, "He has fought the good fight, he has finished the race, he has kept the faith." The angel encouraged her to run her race as that of her very dear uncle Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran. When her twelfth results were out, on a Saturday, she figured out that the doors for medicine or engineering were closed. Brokenhearted, she went to pursue B.Sc. But God had different plans. On Sunday, the very next day after her results were out, as she was watching the television program 'Prarthanai Neram', during the prayer time by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, she heard the Holy Spirit say, "Lord Jesus Christ is behind you. Ask Him to bless you." As she prayed thus, immediately Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out her name and prophesied God’s blessings. As she continued her B.Sc education, within the first month of her college studies, God had greater plans for her just as foretold by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. When she was praying in the

college chapel, she saw a rainbow between the mountains of Karunya and heard God say, "This is a promised land." Quite soon, doors opened for her to pursue B.Tech CSE in Karunya. She recounts that just as a rainbow stands for promise and as revealed to John the Apostle, a rainbow is around the throne of God, she attests to the fact that indeed, God sits enthroned in the Haven of Promise and Rest. And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. (Revelation 4:3) Yes, the Apostle of love, Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran along with Apostle Dr. Paul Dhinakaran has indeed brought God's will and kingdom on earth, just as it is in heaven. The girl as a Karunya Alumni is a testimony to God's faithfulness in keeping His covenant and is serving the Lord who called her by name. She experienced the prophetic anointing in Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran's songs and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran's messages as she walked into Bethesda every time. May God’s name be praised! It is not an exaggeration to say that every visitor to Bethesda experiences the glorious presence of God and goes back home with stories of blessings, victory and prosperity. - April 2022 JESUS CALLS


Here's how a visitor of Bethesda experienced God's blessings:

FREEDOM FROM ADDICTION Many times I mailed Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and called Jesus calls Telephone Prayer Tower concerning my problems. I felt I should visit Bethesda and so I came to Bethesda Prayer Centre to pray for the salvation of my husband because he is an alcoholic. Many problems arose because of this addiction. But I'm very happy to say that I am a testimony to the miracle Jesus has done in my life. Suddenly my husband stopped taking alcohol. Jesus heard my prayer even though I come from a family that has not tasted the love of Christ. He has given us a good courier business. We are really happy now. I thank each and every one of the Jesus calls family and the prayer intercessors who answered my call and prayed for my husband. I heartfully thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who replied to my mails each and every time. - Mrs. Gayathri Vasanth, Coimbatore

GOD’S WORK AT BETHESDA The Lord who graciously enabled Apostle John to see the rainbow around God's throne, just to make him realize that He keeps His covenant, (Extract from the book - Gifts of the Holy Spirit by Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran), promises you Healing, Blessing and all that you are waiting on the Lord for as you visit Bethesda or offer sacrifices of praise through your offerings and be blessed. 12

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• Anointed and dedicated Prayer Intercessors filled with love and compassion listen to the prayer requests patiently, give counsel based on the Word of God and offer prayers for everyone who comes here. • Telephone Prayer Tower and 24 hours Chain Prayer at Bethesda are also vital channels for people to experience miracles from God. • God has healed, saved, delivered and blessed countless number of people. Renovation works are going on through the generous offering of partners like you. We have started to renovate Bethesda Prayer Centre to augment the infrastructure for the future, as the number of people visiting this divine place from across the globe, seeking God’s presence, healing, deliverance and comfort is increasing day by day.

Also, here’s an opportunity for you or each member of your family to sponsor one part of any of the following renovation works (Please tick) ` 3,000 for renovating 1 Sq feet

` 15,000 for renovating 5 Sq feet

` 30,000 for renovating 10 Sq feet

` ____________for _____________sq feet

` 50, 000 (or) I am willing to sponsor I would like to sponsor towards the

` 1,00, 000





KINDLY CALL +91 90030 95766 (9 AM TO 5 PM, IST) TO GET MORE DETAILS TO SPONSOR OR CO-SPONSOR ONE OF THESE Name ________________________________________________ Partner code_______________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________City______________________Pin code________________________ Mobile no: 1. _______________________________2.___________________________________________ Email___________________________________________________________________________________ Through your support, you are being God’s honorable vessel in bringing His blessings to millions. SCAN QR CODE FOR MORE DETAILS and HOW TO SUPPORT: TO DONATE • Through Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area • Website: • Call partner care 044 - 23456677 (7 am to 9 pm, IST) • Email: To know the ways in extending your support to Bethesda Renovation Project, refer page 22. - April 2022 JESUS CALLS



ello friend, I am very glad to write to you this month. I very well know the Lord has blessed you through the youth section every month. May God be glorified! This month too, God has a special word for you. He promises you peace and reward for all your toil this month. Because of sin, man’s toil has been very hard. The Bible says so in Genesis 3:16, “You will have to work very hard, toil and labor for your food. In pain, you will eat its food all the days of your life.” God is reversing it this month. He is uncomplicating your work. It is all due to God’s promise this month according to Zechariah 8:12: “For the seed will produce peace and prosperity, the vine will yield its fruit, and the ground will produce its increase; the heavens will give their dew. I will cause the remnant of this people to inherit and possess all these things.” Every obstacle will be released and God is going to make your work a cake-walk! Yes, friend you will win all your battles sitting down.


There are three ways in which God will make you achieve it.

*STRENGTH Foremost, in the midst of humiliation and harassment, God will strengthen you. Forefather Jacob was made to work seven years by Laban, his father-in-law to take Rachel’s hand in marriage. He worked very hard but at the end of 7 years, Laban tricked him and gave her elder sister instead of Rachel. Jacob felt cheated and tricked. Even the life of Joseph was no better. He worked very faithfully for his master, but his master’s wife made a false allegation against him. Without a proper enquiry, Joseph was imprisoned and his faithfulness was not rewarded. He would have been heartbroken because of that. Friend, has your work not been rewarded? Or are you being humiliated instead of being rewarded for your faithful work? Maybe you are crying and wondering why you had to go through this injustice. Once, Jesus and His disciples were travelling in a boat. While halfway through the lake, a storm violent enough to capsize the boat struck them. Jesus calmed the storm and asked the disciples, "Why are you afraid? Where is your faith?" This same unchanging Jesus beckons you to come to Him. You only need to trust and have faith in Him. Do not look at the difficulties,

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harassment, and humiliation around you. Fix your eyes on Jesus, who will fill you with renewed strength to stand firm and continue to do the right thing. You will not be defeated by all the difficulties coming against you. You are going to be rightly rewarded and honored by Jesus.

*INTELLECT Secondly, there is going to be wisdom in the midst of foolishness. This can be seen in the life of Daniel and his associates. Though they were taken as slaves to Babylon, the Bible says in Daniel 1:20: “In all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king enquired of them, he found them ten times better than all that were in his realm.” Yes friend, God is going to give you such divine wisdom to see an increase in the work that you do. God revealed His plans for the entire nation of Israel with Prophet Samuel, when he was just a little boy. Similarly God’s powerful wisdom is available to you in the midst of your small abilities. Ask for this wisdom and skill from God and He is ready to give them to you. This will certainly bring you great increase.

*CONTENTMENT Finally, God promises great satisfaction and peace. You will experience it in the midst of all the longing, sleeplessness and dissatisfaction

you are going through. Zacchaeus was a very wealthy but discontented man. He was a tax collector and cheated people. Due to which all the wealth he had amassed gave him no satisfaction or rest. He felt something lacking in his heart. That is when Jesus met him, came to his house, and everything changed. Zacchaeus said, “Look, Lord, I give half of my possessions to the poor; and what I have taken from anyone by false accusation, I will repay him four times as much.” (Luke 19:8) After Jesus had come to his house, his heart was bubbling with joy and he was able to do the right things. Friend, I conclude saying that you will also experience it all. God will bless all the efforts you take and give you great increase. Just as promised, God will make the land give its produce and the skies their dew. Your sowing shall be in peace and you will reap prosperity. Prayer: Dear loving heavenly Father, I thank You for the promise word You have QR code spoken to me this month. Lord, I Scan to watch this give all my efforts into Your hands. message Bless me with special skill, ability, and divine knowledge to shine in my life. Help me to bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. - April 2022 JESUS CALLS


National Prayer Tower, Delhi Uncountable blessings I came to know about the Jesus Calls Ministry through a TV Programme and became a partner in this ministry. I used to watch Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran's messages through Television programmes. We were childless for four years, but then through the prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran we are blessed with two children. I came to know about the Delhi Prayer Tower and I regularly attend the events. I have experienced great peace of mind. My two sons are studying well and the elder son used to attend the UTURN meeting and the younger son used to attend the Kids club. Prayer intercessors have been continuously praying for our family as well. For four years, my husband had no job. In the meantime, my husband, my elder son, and I attended the Delhi Partner Training Programme. Now, I am serving as a volunteer in the Delhi Prayer Tower as a prayer intercessor. Because of this, in January 2022 my husband has been blessed with a job in Dubai. I really want to thank God for His blessings and I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the Jesus Calls Ministry. - Mrs. Rani Massey, Delhi 16

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Vizag MVP Prayer Tower, Andhra Pradesh Treading on great heights I am a Young Partner in Jesus Calls Ministry. I have completed my graduation in 2020 in the stream of Computer Science Engineering. God helped me in all my exams with good aggregate in B.Tech. I was looking for a job and so I gave my prayer request in the Vizag MVP Prayer Tower. Whenever I am desperate, I would mail to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting prayers. I wrote exams for few companies and cleared two exams and received interview mails. I attended two interviews, awaiting God’s will. I was selected in both the companies and got job offer from both. I am so thankful to God for displaying His magnificent power as He placed me in one of the top MNCs. So I have donated my first salary to Job Blessing Plan at Vizag MVP Prayer Tower. Praise be to God and many thanks to the Jesus Calls ministries. - Ms. J. Mounika, Vishakapatnam

Kottayam Prayer Tower, Kerala Prosperity in all We are partners in Jesus Calls Ministry. Since 1983, I have received many blessings through the Jesus Calls Ministry. My youngest daughter Sunila Elizabeth was studying class XII, when the Kottayam Prayer Tower was established. From then on she always calls the prayer intercessors at Kottayam requesting their prayers for her exams and for all her health issues. God blessed her with good marks in her class XII and Bachelor’s degree and now she is doing her PG at Father Muller College, Mangalore. Prayer intercessors prayed for her to get a God-fearing life partner. Due to those prayers, we received a good proposal and the wedding took place on January 24th 2022, when the Covid-19 pandemic was at its peak. I thank the Jesus Calls Ministry for the Prayer Towers which is a blessing to millions. - Mrs. Elizabeth Philips, Kottayam miH¡»wh® et«g® - April 2021 2022 ïnaR JESUS CALLS


Sivakasi Prayer Tower, Tamil Nadu Blessings beyond comprehension I got married in 2018. Within two months of my marriage my health started deteriorating. I consulted many doctors, but there was no improvement. Finally, after a scan, the doctors informed that there was a tumor in the bone that is near to the heart. They also said it is impossible to do a biopsy in such a place and I was helpless. In this hopeless circumstance, I visited the Sivakasi Prayer Tower. The prayer intercessors who were there prayed earnestly for me. The Lord miraculously healed me and even blessed me with the gift of child and I delivered a boy baby. He is six months old now. I never imagined I would get a child, but God has blessed me beyond my comprehension. I thank the prayer intercessors at Jesus Calls for their sincere prayers. Glory to God. - Mrs. Paandi Selvi, Sivakasi

Bro. D.G.S Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai Healed from all health issues My son Krish Kalyan is ten years old now. In July 2021, he fell sick. His heart used to beat fast and he used to feel tired all the time. One day when he got up from his sleep, his mouth was filled with blood. We took him to the doctors who diagnosed that he has pulmonary hypertension and due to that the capillaries have burst and he has to be on medication all through his life because it might otherwise affect his heart as well. We were asked to do few more tests and the result was that his liver was not functioning which led to other symptoms. The only cure was to do a liver transplant. Since he is a Young Partner, I rushed to Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower and requested prayers and also prayed dedicating him to the Lord saying that not even a small cut should be done in his body. I prayed day and night for him. We did not proceed with the medication, but God did a big miracle and slowly his health recovered and truly, God has made our family as a living testimony. Praise the Lord. - Mrs. Priya, Chennai 18

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Bengaluru Prayer Tower, Karnataka Complete transformation I am 48 years old and residing near Marathahalli Prayer Tower. My wife is Nirmala. We have a son called David Pramod and daughter Angel. My son was addicted to smoking and drinking. He caused much dishonor to the family. I came to the Marathahalli Prayer Tower and prayed for him. For the past 8 months, he has stopped drinking and smoking. He is well behaved at home and society these days. He even reads his Bible and prays daily. I thank God for his transformation. Many praises to our Lord Jesus Christ. - Mr. Wilson, Karanataka

Dedicated and anointed prayer intercessors serve at the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers to wipe away the tears of thousands each day. Their earnest prayers in one accord with the caller or visitor usher God's blessings, healing, deliverance and salvation in million lives across the globe 24x7. This can be your chance to sow into the lives of those who sow God's blessings upon yours and to the needs of the Prayer Tower ministry . God will bless you and your family in return. To know the easy ways to ‘GIFT THE PRAYER INTERCESSORS’ through your offering, refer page 22 miH¡»wh® et«g® - April 2021 2022 ïnaR JESUS CALLS 19

My beloved partner in the ministry, It is a great joy to greet you in this new month - April 2022. There is a beautiful promise in store for you this month. It is from Isaiah 58. Here, God not only promises elevation and honor but also shows the route map to achieve them. As the end result, comes the promise verse, which is in Isaiah 58:14, “You will find your joy in the Lord, and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land.” In the beginning of this chapter, God speaks about true fasting. “Is not this the fast I choose: To break the chains of wickedness, to untie the ropes of the yoke, to set the oppressed free, and to tear off every yoke? Is not it sharing your bread with the hungry, bringing the homeless poor into your house, covering the unclothed when you 20

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see them, and not hiding from your own family?” (Isa. 58:5,6 ) Out of the many blessings of true fasting is this month’s promise word, which is that God will make you delight in Him and He will elevate and honor you.

Academic Advancement “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.” (Proverbs 21:31) With major changes in the academic patterns, children are preparing for their annual examinations. I along with the prayer intercessors pray for the dear children. You can send your exam schedule to us, which will be placed in the prayer cabin and prayers made in the Prayer Towers.

Goodness in Abundance “You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance.” (Psalm 65:11) Even now, as the new financial year begins, I pray God will meet all your needs from Heaven’s throne room. As the above verse says, may God bless you with all His goodness in an abundant measure. Yes my beloved, God will meet all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.

The Next 14-Year Span I had a divine encounter on March 14, 2008. Every 14th year marks the beginning of a New Era in my life. With the ushering in of 2022, the next era is commencing. Yes, beloved it is the Era of Open Heaven with signs, wonders, and miracles not just for me but for everyone associated with Jesus Calls, Karunya and SEESHA including beloved partners like you; “The disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.” (Mark 16:20) God has opened and is opening many new avenues to preach the Gospel in a powerful and wholesome manner all over the world. Prophecies are being fulfilled and the coming of the Lord is so near. Let us be prepared.

Raise your heart to God Prayer is the only way to raise your heart to God. It is because God cares for you. The Bible says so: “Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) *Miracles a call away Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower functions round-the-clock. Anointed and trained prayer intercessors unite with anyone who calls with dire life situations and pray with burden. God faithfully answers the prayers offered and does miracles in the lives of the callers. Telephone

Prayer Tower (+91 44 45 999 000) functions round-the-clock 365 days a year without any holiday. You are welcome to call any time. All the prayer requests are sent to me. I pray along with our prayer intercessors for your requests and the Almighty God answers them. * Open doors for outreach Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals have been of abundant blessing to millions of brokenhearted people. With the present situation, I solicit your prayers for doors to open for this incomparable outreach ministry. *Prayer Feed for Every need There are many challenges you face in your personal and family life. For each of those, I

have prayed and recorded prayers. You can listen and pray along with them. To avail this facility called “Dial-A-Prayer,” contact +91-44 61 999 000. These prayers can also be availed through Jesus Calls website and Jesus Calls App.

Raising the Standard “For where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:20) In an effort to unite all likeminded schools and institutions in India, National Prayer Network for Institutions (NPNI) has been launched. It is to create fellowship among institutions and for them to be strengthened - April 2022 JESUS CALLS


to fulfill their founding purpose. I welcome institutions to register in this by clicking the link You can also mail us at for further details.

sufferings that Jesus went through and died on the cross. However, this was not the end. Just three days later, Jesus rose again conquering death and lives forever more as the Lion of Judah.

Seat of Authority

Birthday Celebration

“I urge prayers be made for kings and for all who are in authority.” (1 Timothy 2:2) Washington DC is the seat of authority controlling the various complex global issues. Similar to the National Prayer Tower in New Delhi, India, God has mandated a Prayer Tower to be built in Washington DC. It is to offer prophetical prayers for the fulfillment of God’s plan in the nation. I seek your earnest prayers for this God-given mandate to be accomplished.

“Strength and honor are her clothing.” (Proverbs 31:25) My wife Evangeline celebrates her birthday on 24th of this month. I seek your valuable prayers for her that God’s purpose will be fulfilled through her as she leads the Trumpet Prayer Group. I would like to conclude reminding you that God will make you delight in Him and He will elevate and honor you as promised in Isaiah 58:14, “You will find your joy in the Lord, and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land.” Yes my beloved, God will make you delight in Him and He will elevate and honor you. Your brother who prays for you,

Celebrate the Victorious Lord of the Cross “Jesus said: I am the resurrection and the life.” (John 11:25) As we enter the month of April, the most important observance is awaited. It is the


JESUS CALLS April 2022 -

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Isaiah 58:14 - Rejoice in the Lord Meditation: Levi. 23:40; Isaiah 35:10; Habakkuk 3:18 Phil. 1:25,26 Proverbs 10:29 - The Lord is our refuge Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:33; Psalm 28:8; 31:2,4; Joel 3:16; Nahum 1:7 Exodus 9:16 - The Lord will sustain you Meditation: 2 Chron. 9:8; Psalm 41:12; Romans 9:17; 14:4; 1 Peter 5:10 Psalm 142:5 - God is our refuge Meditation: Deut. 33:27; 2 Sam. 22:3; Psalm 9:9; 46:1; Joel 3:16 Matthew 7:24 - The Lord is your rock Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:2; Psalm 62:2,6; Isaiah 26:4; 1 Cor. 10:4 Philippians 2:14,15 - You will shine in the world Meditation: Exod. 34:29-35; Prov. 4:18; Daniel 12:3; Matt. 5:14-16; 2 Cor. 4:6 Psalm 2:8 - He will make the ends of the earth His own Meditation: Gen. 13:14-17; Deut. 11:22-24; Joshua 14:9; Hebrews 11:8,9 2 Thessalonians 2:13 - The Lord has known you Meditation: 1 Chron. 16:11-13; John 15:16; 1 Thess. 1:3,4; 1 Peter 2:4,5 2 Corinthians 3:17 - The Spirit of the Lord gives deliverance Meditation: John 8:32,36; Acts 12:11; Romans 7:6; Colo. 1:13 Matthew 21:4 - Jesus will come to you Meditation: Matthew 23:39; John 3:31; Acts 1:11; Hebrews 10:37 Genesis 12:3 - Blessed are you on earth Meditation: Gen. 1:28; 22:18; Deut. 7:14; Psalm 115:15; Acts 3:25 Matthew 6:33 - Seek the kingdom of God Meditation: Psa. 105:3,4; Isaiah 55:6; Amos 5:4; Matt. 7:8 Psalm 84:11 - The Lord is your shield Meditation: Gen. 15:1; 2 Sam. 22:31; Psalm 28:7; Prov. 2:7 Isaiah 53:4 - Jesus worked for us Meditation: Isaiah 53:5-8; 1 Thess. 5:10; Hebrews 13:12; 1 Peter 3:18 1 Peter 2:24 - Jesus heals Meditation: 2 Kings. 20:5,6; Psalm 30:2; Isaiah 57:19; Jeremiah 33:6 Jeremiah 29:11 - Plans of the Lord Meditation: Job 5:12; Proverbs 16:3,9; Isaiah 58:8,9 John 11:25 - Jesus is the resurrection and the life Meditation: Prov. 8:35; Matthew 20:28; John 14:6; Romans 5:17















Genesis 22:18 - All nations will be blessed Meditation: Gen. 12:3; Deut. 7:11-14; Isaiah 44:3; Luke 1:48-50 Deuteronomy 31:8 - The Lord will go before you Meditation: Exod. 13:21; 33:14; Psalm 68:7,8; Isaiah 45:2; 52:12 Proverbs 23:18 - Your hope is not cut off Meditation: Job 13:15; Psalm 40:4; 146:5; Prov. 3:5,6; Jeremiah 17:7 Luke 18:27 - By God all things are possible Meditation: Job 42:2; Jeremiah 32:17,27; Matthew 19:26; Luke 1:37 John 3:16 - Eternal life Meditation: Matthew 19:28,29; John 5:24; 1 Tim. 1:15,16; 1 John 5:11 Isaiah 43:5 - The Lord is with you Meditation: 1 Chronicles 22:11; Joshua 1:5; Judges 6:12,16; Isaiah 41:10 Genesis 24:60 - The Lord will multiply you Meditation: Gen. 16:10; Deut. 30:5; Ezek. 36:30,37; Hebrews 6:14 Jeremiah 1:8 - The Lord is watching over you Meditation: Exod. 23:20; 1 Sam. 2:9; Prov. 3:26; Isaiah 52:12 Philippians 4:7 - God's peace Meditation: Levi. 26:3-6; Numbers 6:26; Mark 5:25-34; John 20:19,26 Jeremiah 39:18 - The Lord will deliver you Meditation: Exod. 6:6,7; 2 Sam. 22:18-20; Jeremiah 15:20,21; Acts 7:9,10 Romans 8:28 - All things work together for good Meditation: Gen. 50:20; Nehemiah 2:18; Psalm 85:12; Matthew 7:11 Job 37:5 - The Lord does great things Meditation: 2 Sam. 7:23,24; Job 9:10; Psalm 126:2,3; Joel 2:21 Psalm 18:35 - The right hand of the Lord upholds us Meditation: Exod. 15:6; Psalm 63:8; Isaiah 41:10; Acts 5:31
















17 miH¡»wh® et«g® - April 2021 2022 ïnaR JESUS CALLS


Miracles happen only through our Lord Jesus Christ. Do you believe in His miraculous power? Read the testimonies below and be encouraged to believe Jesus for the impossible.

Unbearable pain disappeared My brother Sathish Kumar had stomach pain for about 2 years. He was going through excruciating pain. He could not bear it. Finally, doctors informed us that his intestine had swollen and suggested operation suspecting it might be cancer. We sent a prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and he sent us a very comforting reply assuring God will surely heal my brother. Truly, the Lord heard our prayers and by God's grace, the pain vanished and my brother has recovered from his sickness. Doctor has said that it is not cancer and hence surgery is not needed. We are in peace of mind. I praise the Lord Almighty who healed my brother. I also thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the Jesus Calls ministry who prayed for my brother’s healing. -Ms.Gayathri Sathish, Cuddalore


JESUS CALLS April 2022 -

Words of Healing

We as a family are partners in the Jesus Calls Ministry since 2005. God is using me as the leader of an Esther Prayer Group. In December 2021, I became sick all of a sudden and had severe stomach pain. On 22nd December, I was taken to the hospital and when my blood pressure was checked, it was very high. I was admitted in the Emergency Ward to be medicated in an effort to lower my blood pressure. The doctor said that the situation can cause kidney failure, stroke, paralysis or heart attack. While in observation, I was praying. The next morning, I was shifted to the normal ward. I sent prayer request to pray in the Esther Prayer Group. Miraculously, God lowered my blood pressure. My ECG showed variations and the medical team recommended echo and abdominal scan. While I was being taken for the abdominal

scan, God comforted me by reminding Jeremiah 33:6, “I will certainly bring health and healing.” With the abdominal scan report being normal, I was taken for echo. Before the test began, I could clearly hear God’s voice. It was a new experience for me. He said “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” My echo report was also normal. I was in the hospital till 24th December. Since the next day was Christmas, I requested the doctor for discharge. He agreed, prescribed medicine for a month and advised me to monitor my blood pressure daily. Two days after discharge, herpes affected me and the pain was excruciating. I cried to Jesus and He showed His cross, His stripes and His back, wounded due to the whiplashes. He said, ‘I have taken all your pain on the cross.’ He also made me remember the promise for the year 2022 prophesied by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, the verse from 1 Peter 5:10. This word gave me faith and the herpes healed gradually and my blood pressure became normal. Now, I am absolutely hale and healthy. I give all the glory to God. I thank Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and the Esther Prayer Group leaders and the group members for their continuous prayers. - Mrs.Kanchan Sachdev, Chennai

Power of prayer We received a prayer request from my son Sidharth Mishra for his friend Rahul's critical illness and we forwarded it to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for his kind prayers. He sent a prayerful reply, which was very encouraging and comforting for us. Rahul recovered from his illness and we

thank God Almighty for Dr. Paul’s tearful prayers. We will continue to remain associated with the Jesus Calls ministry. We have sent a thanks offering to Jesus Calls for this great miracle. - Mr.Karunakar Mishra, Rourkela

Kidney stones miraculously vanished I sent a prayer request for my brother John. He was suffering from kidney stones and could not bear the pain. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran sent a comforting reply. Everyone including the doctor and myself were surprised and wondering how it could happen? Really it is an amazing and unbelievable miracle because the report said that both the kidneys were now normal. The same doctor, who said that he would have to burn the big stones in the kidney, said there is no need for any further treatment as there was no stone. John is now living a new life. All glory be to our Lord Jesus and many thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for praying for my brother. -Ms.Beulah, Kolar Gold Field

Countless blessings Whenever I send a prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran through Facebook, I receive his prayerful replies assuring God’s promise. By the grace of God, I receive miracles immediately each time and my tears were turned into joy. During the pandemic, God did wonders for my family. My husband got a job and I survived Covid-19. In September 2021, I survived a heart attack and above all, my son got married. Thanks be to God. I praise God for Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who has been a pillar of prayer support. -Mrs.Rubina Leslie miH¡»wh® et«g® - April 2021 2022 ïnaR JESUS CALLS



JESUS CALLS April 2022 -

With April begins the new financial year. Therefore April 23, 2022 (Saturday), has been set apart by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, his family, and the Prayer Intercessors of Jesus Calls Ministry to fast and pray for God’s blessings on the new financial year. On this Day of Deliverance, there is also going to be special prayers for not only financial blessings but also for long-awaited prayer requests and much anticipated answers from God. Drop all your prayer requests at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to you or write to us through letters, email, Facebook or website. After prayers are offered exclusively for your request by the Dhinakarans and Prayer Intercessors, God’s reply will be sent to you. Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. E-mail: Website: Facebook: If you want to share your testimony, please send it to: or WhatsApp number: 9791934442 - April 2022 JESUS CALLS


“For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, And floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, and My blessing on your offspring.” (Isaiah 44:3) We are in need of quite a number of blessings from the hand of our Lord Jesus, both in our family as well as in our personal life. If we read the Bible diligently, we can see the following verses telling us how our lives should be before the Lord, “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.” (Psalm 24:3-5) Dear ones, we are living in a wicked world, which lies under the sway of the wicked one (Galatians 1:4; I John 5:19). God, who created the world, from nothing, created it well and also created Adam and Eve, the first man and woman as sinless, holy people. But, the devil, the serpent, deceived them to commit the sins of lust and disobedience and made them lose the divine blessings which the God of gods had kept in store for them. In the same way, even today, the devil makes us indulge in the lusty 28

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things of the world such as the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life (I John 2:16) and tries to make us indulge in all wicked things so that we would not receive His divine blessings. That is why today many are caught up in the miry pit of sin, unable to fulfill His will. They struggle to come out of it. In order to deliver and redeem these people, who are caught up in such horrible ways of sins, Jesus, the Son of God, was incarnate as Man and loved us to grant us salvation from our sins through His ministry. For this purpose, He offered Himself on the cross as a sacrifice of atonement (Galatians 2:20). Paul, who received this new and divine life, has explained this from his own experience. The Bible clearly explains the things that we should follow in order that our old sinful life would depart from us and that we would receive a new, divine and blessed life, pleasing to God. Shall we see how we can receive this blessed life?

Thirst in a Parched Life “Let him who thirsts come (to Me). Whoever desires let him take the water of life freely.” (Revelation 22:17)

“I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him, who thirsts…” (Revelation 21:6) “He, who believes in Me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35) In order that we should receive this grace, Jesus Christ bore that hard experience of being thirsty on the cross (John 19:28). Hence, today, He is able to quench the thirst of each one of us, who are thirsty and grant us the blessed life of receiving the living waters.

life. Doesn’t the following Scripture verse confirm it? “You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures.” (Psalm 36:8) Dearly beloved, in order that your thirst would be quenched and you would receive the eternal life and that your stained life would become holy, you should kneel down right where you are in all humility and reverence and plead to the Lord like the Samaritan woman, saying, “Lord, please give me the living waters’. Then the Lord, the Saviour, would help you also to get the joyful life which she received.

When He was on this earth, as a Human, He quenched the different kinds of thirst of everyone who came to Him Blessed with thirst, helped them To grant us Descendents! receive the living waters and salvation from Abraham, the man of through that renewed their our sins, Jesus God, chose the Lord ‘with lives. In the life of the thirst’ and walked in His Samaritan woman, whose offered Himself ways in all reverence. life was a wreck with no on the cross as a That time, the Lord said, thirst for living a divine life sacrifice of as she was caught up in the “Blessing I will bless atonement terrible web of sin, He you and multiplying I created a thirst in her will multiply your through His divine word, quenched her thirst, descendants as the stars of the heaven and made her know the way of salvation. Not and as the sand which is on the only that, didn’t she also receive a glorious seashore; and your descendants shall and divine life that made even the people of possess the gate of their enemies. In her town receive that blessed life? (John your seed all the nations of the earth 4th chapter) shall be blessed, because you have Today, are you perhaps going in the way of perdition, not knowing the love of Jesus and living a filthy life which is filled with sin, curse, unrighteousness and other such dirty things? The Lord Jesus, who ‘created a thirst’ in the heart of the Samaritan woman that day and who granted her a divine life is today willing to lead you also in the way of receiving eternal

obeyed My voice.” (Genesis 22:17,18) As we read in the above verse, according to His word, He miraculously blessed Abraham, who could not have the ability of multiplying his descendants and his wife Sarah with His divine blessing. Don’t the verses in Matthew 1:1-17 beautifully explain this? miH¡»wh® et«g® - April 2021 2022 ïnaR JESUS CALLS


“Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” (Psalm 34:10) How true this is! Think about it! Both Abraham and his wife Sarah were old, well advanced in age (Genesis 18:11). But Abraham firmly believed that the Lord would surely grant him blessed descendents as He had promised. Abraham’s body and Sarah’s womb were dead and both were in a hopeless state where the word, “so shall your descendants be”, could not be believed. However Abraham was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform (Romans 4:17-21). Thus, as per the Lord’s promise, He received blessed descendants as a gift from God.

is unchanging in His promises and is mighty!

Outpour of God’s Spirit on Your Offspring “And if you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Galatians 3:29) “…for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you…on your part He is glorified.” (I Peter 4:14) Accordingly, when we wait in the presence of the Lord with desire to receive this divine life in our family, He will give us this blessing right today. While the Lord Jesus Christ was in this world, He lived an exemplary life before us (I Peter 2:21). Hence, if we follow His footsteps and His exemplary life, there is no doubt that the anointing of the Holy Spirit which He received, would fill us also. So, like the Lord Jesus, we should reverentially follow the practice of having fellowship with Him by praying early in the morning, while it is dark (Mark 1:35), waiting at His feet all through the night (Luke 6:12) and by praying personally at our leisure time. Shunning all unwanted talks, vain thoughts, unwanted friendships and vain desires, we should choose to wait reverentially in the presence of the Lord. Then He would help us to walk in the ways pleasing to Him and enable us to get a divine life.

What God had promised He is also able to perform

Dear ones, today, are you worried over your lacks and needs? If so, like Abraham, believe in the Lord’s word and His promise, with your whole heart, making them your own and praise and glorify God. Then, like Abraham you too shall receive things ‘which do not exist as though they did’. Hold on to the promise of the Lord and glorify Him through praises. Then He will completely remove all the lacks and needs in your life and fill your life with His abundant blessings. Even today, several couples, who have not had the gift of a child despite many years of married life, have miraculously received this gift as they firmly believed the Lord with their whole heart like Abraham did and prayed to Him, holding on to His promises. Yes, our Lord 30

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Our beloved Brother Dhinakaran used to spend much of his time – apart from his office hours – at the feet of the Lord faithfully and diligently. Hence, the Lord filled him with the

anointing of His Holy Spirit at the due time in an immeasurable way, gave him the grace to see Him face to face, blessed him with spiritual gifts and power and granted him a blessed life of glorifying His name mightily. As a family, we have received this blessing for our descendants as well. Also, it is amazing how wonderfully He has poured out His Spirit upon the descendants and is using each one of us in a wonderful way, by His grace. How beautifully He is leading me and giving me the grace to share His word with people with the strength of the Holy Spirit, despite my old age!

Hence, my dear ones! As Jesus our role model, who lived a life of example before us, let us seek after His presence with desire to receive the anointing of His Spirit. Our Lord, who is able to understand the desires of our heart, shall do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). When the whole family – not only an individual – gets filled with this divine thirst and desire, you will experience how wonderful the Lord’s mighty works would be!

“Their descendants shall be known among the gentiles; and their offspring among the people. All who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the God will perfect posterity whom the Lord our life which is has blessed.” full of shortcomings, (Isaiah 61:9)

It is no exaggeration that it was only after my husband went to his heavenly abode, I realized the glory of this experience. The darkness by His power, Accordingly, when the of loneliness engulfed me establish us, Lord, who is unchanging in and tormented me merely strengthen us and His promises, works in your for a day. But the strength make it into a family, all of you and your and power of the Holy glorious one descendants shall be filled Spirit which the Lord with the Lord’s blessings and granted me to strengthen me, sobered my broken heart and comforted and consoled me. will arise and shine for the Lord. You will experience this in your life. Also, He will perfect The Bible says, our life which is full of shortcomings, by His “The righteous are as bold as lions.” power, establish us, strengthen us and make (Proverbs 28:1) it into a glorious one. It would be a wonder Accordingly, the boldness and the faith and joy to us (I Peter 5:10). The Lord will grant given by the Holy Spirit, established me firmly us the joyful life of praising Him saying, “It is in the Lord. Day by day I was strengthened and not by me Lord, but it is Your gift.” as a result the burden and thirst that I should do something for the Lord grew in me to such a level that the Lord has granted me the blessed life of yielding fruit in this old age for Him. How wonderful and blessed is His divine grace!

My dear beloved, read this promise again and again and wait in the presence of the Lord with thirst and desire till you enjoy experiencing this. The Lord who is unchanging in His promise will surely fulfill it in your life and lead you in a blessed way. miH¡»wh® et«g® - April 2021 2022 ïnaR JESUS CALLS


Loving Heavenly Father, Thank You for truly being a Father who provides for and preserves His children. Father, my eyes look to You for financial blessings as I am at the start of the financial year. You have been a Good Shepherd true to Your words in my life all along by meeting my needs according to Your riches in glory and I look forward that Your hand will guide me and lead me into prosperity. Lord Jesus, You have borne my lack on the cross for my sake and I acknowledge that it is Your will to honour me with abundance of wealth and lead me into all sufficiency. I should not lack anything in this new financial year. Meet all the needs of my family. I believe that my Lord who multiplied the five loaves and two fishes will continue to multiply the work of my hands so that I lend and be a blessing to others and never borrow bringing glory to Your name. Lord, I pledge to give to Your ministry that has been a great blessing to me. Master, open the floodgates of heaven and pour down in my lap pressed down, shaken together and running over. Thank You Lord for showering Your blessings upon me as I have asked You. Lord continue to bless the Jesus Calls ministry through me for Your glory. Giving myself into Your hands, I pray. Amen. Prayer based on the Bible verses: Deuteronomy 15:6; 30:9; Psalm 23:1; 34:10; Malachi 3:10; Matthew 7:11; Luke 6:38; John 6:1-14; 2 Corinthians 8:9; 9:8; Philippians 4:19.

Jesus Calls Magazine is sent to partners in 7 languages - Tamil, English, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada and Gujarati.

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JESUS CALLS April 2022 - - April 2022 JESUS CALLS


1980 - The Era of Second Generation ministry by the Dhinakarans’ began as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran experienced salvation and anointing; He started his ministry alongside his dear dad Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran He sincerely toiled for the ministry, opening the scope for Television ministry and thereby reaching the world. 1994 - The Era of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit started operating through him in the ministry In this era, the power of the Holy Spirit operated by calling names and distinctive function of the gifts of the Holy Spirit through healing, deliverance and salvation of souls. 2008 - The Prophetical Era began This era witnessed the prophecies for Rulers and Nations and the opening of the world to the Jesus Calls ministry. (Prophecy given by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran on April 6, 2014 published in Jesus Calls Magazine 2014 June, page No 2 to 5.)

“Pray now for the peace of Jerusalem… Next is Egypt… Rise and influence of Russia…” (Prophecy given by God to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for the nations on April 8, 2016 published in Jesus Calls Magazine 2016 August, page No 10-13.)

“MIDDLE EAST - Spirit of Prophecy upon woman and families… RUSSIA - Word of God will go… CHINA & NATIONS OF THE EAST - A pestilence shall first go across the nations of the East even in greater China. When nobody else can help them they will cry out to Me. My grace shall then follow and people shall be redeemed. My healing presence shall flow across the land of China... ISRAEL - Law of God will be taught… AFRICAN COUNTRIES - Spirit of prayer will prevail… INDIA - Great and mighty miracles will happen… AUSTRALIA- Cleansing of sin will take place…”

2022 - The Apostolic Era, the Era of Signs, Wonders and Miracles is speedily stepping into action through God’s servant Dr. Paul Dhinakaran


JESUS CALLS April 2022 -

Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


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