Jesus calls (English) - July 2015

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● Daily Devotion ● Seesha News ● Malaysia Meetings Report ● Testimonies ● Prophetic Message

VOL.43 ISSUE 7 JULY 2015 Rs.21/-

Young Partner’s achivement - A testimony

100% marks

The results of the public exam for final year school were released on May 21. More than 9,85,000 students had passed in these exams. The ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partners have excelled in the state level, in the public exams. Here is a testimony:


We praise the Lord, who is abundantly blessing the Young Partners in accordance to the prayers offered for them in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower. Children, who are 25 and below, can join this Plan. You may join your children by sending Rs.100/or more and support this ministry.

I am a ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partner. My father Varghese is doing business. My parents and family are long term partners of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministry. When I was two years old, my parents joined me as a Young Partner. My sister Merril and brother John are also Young Partners. Last academic year I appeared for my 10th public exam. Before going for my exams, I contacted the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower for prayers. My mother, Mrs. Sheeja Varghese contacted the Prayer Tower continuously. During the exam time, the Lord gave me excellent health and memory power and made me do well in my exams. I wrote all the exams to my best satisfaction. I was pleasantly surprised to see my result. I had scored full marks in Sanskrit, English, Maths, Science and Social Science. I stood first among the students of other languages other than Tamil, by scoring 500/ 500. I was highly appreciated by the teachers, educational authorities and by the District Collector. The reason for this is the Lord’s blessings. Immediately, I contacted the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower and offered thanks for the prayers. I praise the Lord, who filled me, a Young Partner, with His wisdom. - Merrin K.Varghese, Courtallam, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu.

Dearly beloved, In this present world people are languishing not knowing whom to trust. Disappointment alone awaits them all around. Living in this world which is without any hope, we have consolation only in the promises of the Lord given to us. When we wake up every morning, we read the Bible eagerly to find out, “What promise has the Lord given me to live through this day?” He does what He says (Numbers 23:19). He is faithful in fulfilling His prom-

ises (Jeremiah 1:12). Jesus, the Son of God, has affirmed, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” (Matthew 24:35). Yes, He is faithful in His promises. The Words given by Him will bring life into us. When we whole heartedly accept those words saying, “Lord, I thank You for giving me this promise”, His life enters into us. In order to fulfill His promise, His life comes in to us and works in our life. Jesus Calls

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Even this month, He promises, “…I will not leave you nor forsake you” (Joshua 1:5). What He said to Joshua, His servant, He tells you this month: “My son/daughter, I will not forsake you. I will not leave you. Even if anyone has forsaken you or left you, do not worry. Surely I will not leave you. I will not forsake you.” Begin this month with this hope. In this world, people may forsake us. Those who made promise yesterday may either forget it

today or change their word. Some will even deny blatantly saying, “I never said so.” Yes, we live in such a cruel world. The Lord will never forsake you even if anyone had ever forsaken you. Father or mother will not forsake their children. The Bible says that even if the parents forsake, the Lord will not forsake (Psalm 27:10). The words uttered by the Lord are unchangeable. They are confirmed as ‘Yes’ and ‘Amen’ in Him (2 Corinthians 1:20). They are not empty words. They are rewarding (Isaiah 55:11). Let us meditate on certain situations wherein the Lord will not forsake us:

JESUS IN OUR SORROW When relationships break or when our trusted dear ones depart from us, we are baffled and wonder, “What am I going to do?” Many are the people who struggle to forget the pleasant times they had with their husband/wife. Husband and wife relationship is an incomparable unique relationship. It is God’s ordinance that a husband and wife should be one (Genesis 2:24; 3:16). Once, a girl’s wedding was held with great grandeur. The young couple began their married life joyously. Within a short span, the husband was affected by the terrible disease of leprosy. Gradually he developed disfigurement and their life became dreadful. The girl’s parents said to her, “Dear child, haven’t you started your life just now? You can’t live with him anymore. So come away with us. This is the age when you should cherish your life. We will get you remarried. You can have a happy and peaceful life. Then your husband also need not feel guilty that he has ruined a woman’s life.” But she said, “Dad, Mom, what you

say is right. Yet I don’t have the mind to leave my husband. I am constrained by an unfathomable love and affection for him. How can I leave him in this situation?”

This indeed is the intimacy in the relationship between husband and wife! Under any circumstance without leaving one another or forsaking each other, this divine love unites them. However, don’t we see that such love does not exist in many of the families? Even the couples who ought to be living happily loving one another and tolerating each other happen to separate. Only when two are agreed, they can walk together (Amos 3:3). In any matter, when there is a difference of opinion and when likes and expectations differ separation occurs. A couple got married in a grand manner. When they had to begin their life in unison, do you know what the husband did? He opened a liquor bottle and began to drink. This sight caused much agony to the bride. She said, “Let me tell you one thing. If you prefer alcohol, you better go after it; if you desire me, follow me. You cannot live with both - alcohol and me. I cannot live a life with such a person. The choice is yours.” But the husband did not want to leave his drinking habit. Eventually the wife went away from him.

Husband and wife happen to separate in yet another way too. It is the separation caused by death. Read Ruth 1:3,5. A woman called Naomi, had lost her husband. She had two sons. She lost both of them too. Both were married. Alas! The wives too lost their husbands. All the three became widows. Out of pain and agony they lifted up their voices and wept saying, “What will we do? Whom can we trust to live in this world? Where will we live?” Jesus Calls

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(Ruth 1:14) It was a situation without hope; a pitiable state of permanent separation from the husband because of death. Many men and women pass through such sorrow of separation. Similarly have you lost your dear ones and are languishing in the sorrow of separation? Do you lament that there is no comfort at all for you? Do not be worried. Death is terrible. We struggle when we lose our dear ones due to death; we mourn. The gracious Lord Jesus knows this situation pretty well. He, who says, “I live forever” is with you (Deuteronomy 32:40). He says, “I have life. I am the One who gives life and resurrects. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (John 11:25). Our Lord is able to give us victory over death and Hades (1 Corinthians 15:55, 57). Since He is with us, the sorrow of separation shall not torment us. Dearly beloved, problems may arise in our life; we may lose our dear ones; sorrow over separation may make us miserable. Yet even in this situation the Lord by His power and His life makes us to live and rebuilds our life. The resurrection power is in Him. He will revive you. Are you forlorn? Are you in agony because of the rift in your family? Are you grieving? The Lord will revive your family life. He will make you live. He will send His life and build up a new life for you as written in Psalm 68:6 - “God sets the solitary in families…” so that you would live joyfully.

JESUS IN OUR LONELINESS “God sets the solitary in families...” (Psalm 68:6) Multitudes of people followed the Lord Jesus, when He was on this earth. They received benefits and blessings from Him (Matthew 4:25; 8:1,18;12: 15;13:2;19:2;21:9).

He did not consider His disciples as His servants but loved them as friends (John 15:15). Prior to His crucifixion, considering that the disciples would be supportive, He shared with them about His death and grieved with them telling about the impending sufferings (Matthew 20:18,19; John 12:33). “Even my own familiar friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, Has lifted up his heel against me” (Psalm 41:9). One among the disciples, who was loved by Him as a friend, betrayed Him to the enemies. The other disciples, whom He loved, deserted and fled away from Him when the enemies came to arrest Him (Matthew 26:56; Mark 14:50 – 52). Jesus was alone. When He was delivered to death and when the wicked people cried out, ‘Crucify Him, crucify Him” He was all alone (John 19:15). Do visualize what happened when the Lord Jesus was crucified. When His whole body was torn by the whip of the Roman soldiers, when He was nailed on the cross and when the soldier pierced His side, there was none to stand with Him to comfort Him and to plead for Him. Blood gushed forth from His body. All had fled away from Him. Everybody was standing far from Him at a distance. That is what the world is. On the cross, He was deeply distressed and cried out to the Father, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? Lord, You had been My companion so far. Now You too have left me. Why did You forsake Me Lord?” (Matthew 27:46) Today, have your friends betrayed you? Have your relatives rejected you? Have all those whom you trusted deserted you? Have your business partners forsaken you and left you alone, after taking

away the profit? Are you undermined by breach of trust? Do not be broken hearted. The Lord Jesus went through similar path of loneliness. He can understand your situation very well. He absolutely knows the cruelty of loneliness. That’s why He says, “My children, I will not leave you nor forsake you.”

JESUS IN OUR DARKNESS ‘…The LORD my God will enlighten my darkness’ (Psalm 18:28) ‘…When I sit in darkness, The LORD will be a light to me’ (Micah 7:8) ‘…though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me’ (Psalm 23:1). The Almighty God has passed through this path. He knows well your path of darkness. Do not be worried. Many a time, we have walked through the valley of the shadow of death. In 1990, my father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran had a heart attack and became unconscious. He was rushed to the hospital and when the doctor fixed the instrument that monitors the heart beat, the monitor showed only a straight line. The doctors said to my mother, “Madam, he has no heart beat. You have lost your husband.” It was a medically forsaken moment of darkness of death. Even at that time, my mother declared, “God will not forsake me.” Such an amazing courage and faith filled her. Then two physicians thumped hard on my father’s chest to resuscitate. My father’s heart resumed to function again. He began to breathe and was restored back to life.

Dearly beloved, are you going through the path of darkness? Is the darkness of debt frightening you? Have you lost your hope because of the darkness of sickness? The Lord will be with you even in the valley of the shadow of death. He knows that agony. This month, whatever affliction may befall you, the Lord will be with you. He has now come seeking you so that you could always say, “The Lord will never leave me nor forsake me.” Will you open your heart to this Lord to rule over your heart and give you life to make you thrive well? Tell the Lord who has promised, “Lo, I will be with you, till the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20), “Lord Jesus, who tasted death for my sake, I thank You for coming in search of me.” Commit yourself to Him. He will take the responsibilities of your life, from now on. Do not be worried. The Lord who has promised, “I will not leave you nor forsake you” will be with you always. He will make you flourish.

PRAYER Loving heavenly Father, even now I plead to You to strengthen me, give me Your life and fill me with Your presence so that no evil will rule over me and separate me from You, even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Let Your divine peace fill me. I beseech You to give me Your life so that the power of darkness will not rule over me and that I should not encounter any loss or loneliness. Give me the strength to do what I ought to do. Give me wisdom. Give me divine peace. Let whatever I do prosper. Thank You for thus strengthening me and ruling over me. I offer this prayer in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Accept this  prayer O Lord. Amen. Jesus Calls

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Special prayers were offered for Malaysia


he Jesus Calls Good News Festival, organized by the Council of Churches was held in Malaysia from May 27-31. These meetings were held in Penang on May 27th and in Ipoh on May 28th. Thousands of people participated in the two day meetings held in Putra Stadium, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. Samuel Paul Dhinakaran conducted the worship and the songs sung by Stella Ramola, deeply touched the hearts of the people and glorified God. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran along with Sis. Stella Dhinakaran ministered in these meetings and prayed for the gathering. In appreciation of the dear partners who support the ministry with their prayers and offerings, a special meeting was arranged for them on the 29th. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran conducted a special meeting for the Esther Prayer Groups. She encouraged the sisters to start new Esther Prayer Groups and Youth Esther Prayer Groups in places where they are needed. On May 30, even as Rt. Rev. Solomon Rajah, the Chairman of the Organizing committee held the Malaysian flag, the Malaysian national anthem was sung as the members of the organizing committee stood on the stage. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran offered special prayers for the blessing of Malaysia. ◆

Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●


Praying fervently for every person who participated in Special Prayer Meeting

Kuala Lumpur

Ipoh Jesus Calls â—? July 2015 â—?


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Church Service

Comforting the brokenhearted in Malaysia

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- Rita Jeremiah

My husband and I attended the P r a y e r Festival held in Malaysia five years back. That day when Dr.Paul Dhinakaran prayed he said, “All the sisters who want to be blessed with a child, place your right hand on your stomach and pray.” Filled with the Holy Spirit, he further said, “Rita, don’t worry about anything. The Lord has a plan for you. He will give you a beautiful child.” Accordingly within two weeks, the Lord blessed my womb. Now I have come with my daughter.

Gift of a child

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Sis. Stella said, “I see a name Fathima. Fathima, God’s power is coming upon you. You are weak and dejected. Your whole body, the area in your chest is getting healed by the power of God. Sister Fathima, get up and receive healing. Come up

When I came here first, the worship conducted here was different. From the moment I sat down I enjoyed the glorious presence of God. When the children sang songs, I felt the Lord’s presence and felt Him speaking to me. I prayed with tears, “Lord, I should come to Your presence. You are my everything” Since the Lord knows me and my thoughts, He called me through Dr.Paul Dhinakaran and

I came to this meeting with the p r a y e r, “Lord, You should bless all those who come to this meeting. You have to bless my family.”

Glorious presence

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Dhinakaran praying in the Esther Prayer Group Meeting

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answered me. According to the word, “The wicked one shall no more pass through you; He is utterly cut off,” there was a deliverance. It is true that the Lord Jesus is in this meeting. When I came here and prayed with burden and tears for my mother’s healing, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, called my mother’s name and said, “Manickam, the power of God is coming upon you. The healing power of God is coming upon you now. Evil powers and the bad spirits have placed dreadful diseases and depression on you. You are suffering in all parts of your body. You are affected by terrible diseases from your head to toe. Manickam, the power of God is coming upon you. Many times you gnash your teeth and suffer unable to bear the pain. The power of Jesus is coming

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father’s name and said, “You see the hand of God coming upon you. The Lord places upon you all that you have lost in double measure. The powers of darkness are getting dispelled. You feel His light coming upon you. Shout in joy. Praise the Lord that the days of your sorrow are over. The power of God comes upon you.” The Lord filled me with His joy and gladness. - Rajalakshmi

pray for you.” The Lord wiped away my tears then. Through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran the Lord called my

The Lord did similar miracles in many people’s lives. All glory be to Him!

I was suffering from chest pain. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, while praying asked those who had pain, to place their hands on the specific area and pray. Then he said, “Lily, You have a problem in your chest. The Lord now delivers you.” I felt the Lord touching me. Now I am completely healed. - Lily Prophecy for the one in hospital My mother’s name is Manickam and my father is Anandan. My mother was affected by witchcraft. She

The Lord touched

upon you now. Deliverance comes on you. Thank the Lord Jesus. Come to the stage. I would like to

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to the stage. I want to pray for you.” When he said this, the Lord filled me with His joy and gladness. Tears of joy flowed from my eyes. - Fathima

is taking treatment in the hospital for the past two months. My father is with her. I was praying everyday that God should heal my mother. With faith that God will surely give deliverance to my mother I came to this meeting, writing my prayer request for this. I did not give my prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. But the Lord came to the place where I was and

Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●


My dear ones, I thank the Lord for graciously helping me to get in touch with you even this month. The month of July is a special month for the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry; besides, this month will be an important and unforgettable month for you bringing many benefits and blessings to you. I pray earnestly that the Lord should fulfill all the wonderful promises that He has given you in this month and make you happy.

Surely the Lord will fulfill what He has promised. He will shower His richest blessings in your life. "Blessed be the LORD, who has given rest to His people Israel, according to all that He promised. There has not failed one word of all His good promise, which He promised through His servant Moses” (1 Kings 8:56). The Lord has been giving you many promises through the letters and e-mails sent from the ‘Jesus Jesus Calls

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Calls’ ministry and through the television programmes. Every day we receive testimonies from dear ones like you, who testify how wonderfully the Lord fulfills His promises in their lives. I praise the Lord, who gives promises, through us, His servants, and who fulfills them bringing glory to His name. I plead that He should show His mercy this month too. Yes, surely the Lord will remember all the promises that He has given, this month. He will fulfill them. He will satisfy you also with His goodness. By fulfilling His promise, the Lord will protect you from all harm

caused by the devil or by man. "I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may boldly say: "The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" (Hebrews 13:5,6). Be bold, according to this verse. Confess saying, “This month, the Lord will fulfill His promises in my life. No man or woman can prevent it.” Our gracious Lord Jesus will surely bless you.

Birthday of the Apostle of Love July 1: Birthday of Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, the Lord’s faithful servant and my beloved father. My father faithfully and implicitly obeyed the Lord and hence He gave him this ministry. Now, He has given us the privilege to continue doing this ministry. Praise the Lord for the grace He has given us to perfectly accomplish the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry with the same obedience. Pray every day that the Lord should strengthen us to continue to do this ministry according to His will.

Samuel Paul Dhinakaran’s birthday July 15: Our dear son Samuel Paul Dhinakaran’s birthday. Praise the Lord for using him for Himself these days, just as He used prophet Samuel. The Lord is revealing Himself through dear son, in a way appropriate for today’s young generation. Remember dear son in your prayers that the Lord should keep him, who is tirelessly doing His ministry through the U-Turn

meetings and website to bring countless young men and women who go astray from the Lord towards Him, under His wings and continue to use him for the extension of His kingdom as the arrow in the hand of the warrior.

Mighty ministry In the end of last month, the Lord graciously helped us to proclaim His Word in several meetings in Malaysia. He mightily used Evangeline, dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, and dear children Samuel and Stella Ramola, along with me in these meetings. He broke the bondage of the devil that had bound many people and granted them a liberated life through these meetings. Let us jointly praise the Lord for this. We will be ministering in a special Blessing Meeting to be held on Sunday, the 12th of July in the Bethesda Prayer Centre. Do not fail to attend this meeting which will be held from afternoon to night. Bring your friends and relatives. Let us exalt the name of the Lord together and receive blessings from Him. God willing, by the end of July and in August, we will be ministering in Glasgow in Scotland and Paris in France. Pray that the Lord should give His grace and favour to us, who will be praying for the blessing of these people. By the Lord’s supernatural powerful deeds for these nations and people these meetings should be made as unforgettable experiences.

Needs for the Television Ministry Lakhs of people receive the Jesus Calls

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Lord’s love, comfort and power through the television ministry and stand as testimonies. The television technology is getting modernized day by day. All the equipments, currently used by us are more than 15 years old as a result of which we are not in a position to prepare our programmes quickly and perfectly and to live telecast them. We are backward in technology. We are taking efforts to buy modern equipments in order to instantly translate the messages shared by us during the Prayer Festivals in five languages, for them to be telecast live and to prepare DVDs. A minimum of 2 crores is needed for this. Our messages which have been recorded in the very old standard, have to be digitized (HD digitize). Only then they can be used in the present telecasts; only then the coming generation can be blessed through the messages. Pray earnestly that these needs should be met. The Lord should immediately raise up 200 people who can support this work by giving Rs.1 lakh or 400 people who can support this work by giving Rs. 50,000/- respectively. Pray that the Almighty God should speak in the hearts of the rich and the wealthy people and the needs to be met.

Prayer Tower service and needs The Lord Almighty is graciously helping us to do an excellent ministry and service through the ‘Jesus

Calls’ Prayer Towers. This Prayer Tower ministry not only helps the people of the respective areas to directly visit the Prayer Towers and receive counsels based on the Scriptures as well as God’s blessings through powerful prayers but also paves ways for them to contact over phone and get prayer help in their respective languages. Considering the growing need for God’s touch, we will be launching new Prayer Towers in Kadapa, on July 2nd and in Tirupathi on July 6, as per the leading of God. Pray earnestly that the hand of God should be with us in all the arrangements taken towards this. We are taking efforts to open Prayer Towers in places like PimpriChinchwad, Navi Mumbai and Nagpur in Maharashtra, pretty soon. The Lord should help us accomplish His plan excellently through this ministry. For the blessing of more number of people, we are planning to renovate the existing ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers in Hyderabad and in Bengaluru (Frazer Town). We are in dire need to expand the Prayer Towers and Prayer Hall in Thiruvananthapuram, Madurai (Tamil Nadu) and in Mumbai (Ghatkopar). Pray that the Lord should meet these needs. Through His people, the Lord should grant us the finance to meet the expenses for these construction works, without any debt. By supporting this cause of building Prayer Towers, which comfort and

save many people, they should be blessed in their families and business. For the convenience of the people, we have shifted the Prayer Tower in Visakhapatnam, Andhra to another place. We are also planning to shift the Prayer Tower in Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu to a new place on 7th July. We are making these alterations in order that more number of souls would be comforted and touched by the Lord.

Accommodation for Prayer Warriors

In our Prayer Towers that function in Israel and New Delhi, men of God, from different nations of the world, and from various parts of India, voluntarily pray for the world, for Jerusalem and for India, as led by God. It is our duty to provide accommodation facilities to these voluntary prayer warriors. So, it is necessary that we buy houses to cater to this need. Pray fervently that the financial needs towards this should be met by God, without incurring any debt. This need should be met by dear ones as a result of which they should be blessed in their lives. Pray continuously for this point.

Young Partners Plan Young Partners Plan is one of the most excellent, God-given plans Jesus Calls

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of the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry. This plan was begun in the month of July, not only to fulfill the desires of the parents, who want their children to take part in the ministry, but also to get their names and other details in order that along with the prayer warriors, we too would pray for their bright future, wisdom and protection and offer special prayers for them on their birthdays. Prayers have been offered for thousands of children through this plan; we continue praying for them even now. The Lord is indeed blessing the Young Partners in a special way. Young Partners in Tamil Nadu and Andhra have excelled in the public exams, the results for which were published last month. Praise the Lord for the miracles which the Lord is doing in the lives of the Young Partners.

Karunya University It is my beloved grandfather late Mr. Duraisami, who is the reason for the present growth of Karunya University. My grandfather Duraisami undertook the command given to his son Bro.D.G.S. Dhinakaran, by the Lord. He walked around those far stretched areas and met the concerned authorities. Waiting solidly in prayer, despite the many obstacles and struggles, he accomplished the command given by God. July 29th is the birthday of my late grandfather. This month, the Lord should be praised for the life of dear grandfather and for the way in which he was used by Him. By the grace of God, the admission for the

new academic year in Karunya is proceeding well. We have arranged for a retreat on the 9th and 10th of July for all the staff members who work in the Karunya campus. Pray earnestly that the Lord should come down upon the staff members during this retreat and fill each one of them with His special anointing, grace and wisdom. Only then they would be able to guide the students and administer skillfully, in this new academic year. Classes for the first year students of Engineering, B.Tech, and M.Tech, courses will begin on different dates in the first two weeks of July. A meeting to welcome the students who will be newly joining Karunya and to pray for them has been arranged on the 13th and 14th of July. Pray fer-

vently that the Lord’s abundant wisdom should come upon the students right from the beginning, and for them to learn well in such a way that like Joseph, Daniel and Esther they would excel in discipline, with social concern. The graduation ceremony for more than 2000 students who have completed their B.Tech, M.Tech., M.C.A., M.B.A., M.A and Ph.D will take place on July 11. God’s presence should be present in all these events.

Seesha The service of free distribution of “School kit” consisting of stationery items, for the needy children is being carried out through Seesha, since last June. Excellent medical services are being offered in Coimbatore and in Karunya

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Nagar through the Seesha Medical Centre and Hospital. Hundreds are benefitted by the free medical camps conducted by the Seesha Hospital. I kindly request you to continue to support this service. We remain grateful to you for your concern for the Lord’s ministry, for the prayers that you offer for the ministry and for your solid support for us, His servants. This month, the Lord will bless you and honour you before your relatives, friends and neighbours according to the verse, “I will give you fame and praise among all the peoples of the earth” (Zephaniah 3:20) Your loving brother

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran


A minimum of Rs. 2 Crores is needed to buy these modern equipments. Your contribution to take the Word of God to the souls: ❒ I offer onetime payment for the Multilingual God’s message Plan ❒ Rs.1.00,000/- ❒ Rs.50,000/❒ Rs.5,000/- ❒ Rs.1,000/- ❒ Rs.500/❒ I offer Rs................…./- every month. Hence, we are in a dire need to upgrade the translations ◆ The partners of this Plan will be provided and live telecast of these meetings through the television and a DVD of God’s message, in any of the web. The ministry incurs a heavy expenditure by getting the five languages necessary equipments for rent. If these modern, contemporary You may send your donation by cheque/DD equipments are bought for the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry on its own, drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” or by money order mentioning “Multilingual God’s it would pave ways for millions of souls to be blessed. message plan” to the following address or you akhs of people attend the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festivals. We share God’s message to the multitudes that gather there. The messages that we share somewhere in the 29 states and 7 union territories in India take time to reach the people in other states and union territories. Because of this impediment, the other people are unable to receive blessings.

Live telecast can be made possible in a minimum of five languages through the various television channels. Arrangements could be made for God’s messages shared in the Prayer Festivals, to be made available in DVDS for the dear people who would like to hear these messages in their respective languages. Besides, through this, the standard of the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programmes could be raised.

may pay your offering in the nearby ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower and get the receipt.

Jesus Calls 16 Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. You may also send your offering securely through our website: by credit card, debit card and net banking.

Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●


Solomon thus praises the Lord soon after he completed constructing the temple of God. The Lord does not forsake us until He fulfills the promise that He gives us. A man of God says, “You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples. You have with Your arm redeemed Your people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph (Psalm 77:14, 15). How does the Lord fulfill His promise? By His arms, He does wonders. Yes, the hand of God does wonders. We come to know through the Bible, the miracles that the Lord has done. He is able even now to do miracles for you too. Whatever miracle you may be expecting in your life, the Lord is able to stretch forth His hand and do that.

Jesus Calls

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How to receive the miracle from the Lord?

FERVENT PRAYER Pray fervently saying, “O, God, who did wonders for the Israelites, stretch forth Your hand; do a miracle for me too.” This month He will come into your family, into your life and will do a miracle. Not only for you but also through you He is able to do miracles and wonders and fulfill His promise. When His servant Moses prayed, the Lord said, “Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the LORD. For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you” (Exodus 34:10). My dear child of God, ask Him, “Lord, stretch forth Your hand to do wonders. As You were with Moses and did awesome things, be with me too.” The Lord’s hand that does miracles will come upon you, this month. It is because, you are the children chosen by Him; you are special; you are His treasure. You have chosen the good part which will not be taken away from you (Luke 10: 42). So, this month, a miraculous deed is going to happen for you and through you. The Lord will do this, out of His love for you. Even after the Lord said to Moses, “I will be with you and do awesome things”, he prays, “For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate, Your people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the earth… Please, show me Your glory” (Exodus 33:16,18).

The Lord has been giving us many promises. We should not take it lightly because, the promise of God is a covenant made by Him with us. If He has said it, He will never fail to do it. Yet, Moses still prays even after receiving the promise. This is how we should persevere in our prayer. It surely is not praying with fasting for some specific matter and leaving it. We need to persistently ask the Lord (Luke 18:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:17). “Lord, show me Your glory just as You showed to Moses; Lord, let me behold Your face”. This must be our prayer. My dear ones, this month, the Lord will transform you to be special people. You may be considered as a very ordinary person. But, one day the world will say that you are unique. Once, a poor peasant had invited one of his relatives from the city for dinner. He too happily accepted his invitation, went to his house and sat down to dine. Before eating, the peasant bowed down his head and prayed. On seeing this, the relative was greatly annoyed. He said, ‘What are you doing? This is an old custom. Nowadays the learned people do not follow this.” The peasant replied sadly, ‘Yes, like you, some people in my farm too do not pray”. The relative from the city was excited to hear this and asked, “Who are these smart ones?” The peasant replied, “It is none other than the pigs in my farm that eat without saying grace”.

We may be any person in the society. We may have a high status. We may be literate or illiterate. But, we should be people who pray. My mother brought me up in a very godly manner. Yet, after marriage, the custom in my husband’s family seemed so difJesus Calls

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ferent to me. Here they begin everything with prayer. They would tell me to get ready to go out. I would happily dress up and be ready. Before stepping out, they would ask, ‘Shall we pray?” After coming back, we would thank the Lord. Before having food, we prayed. Initially I struggled to follow this custom. Days rolled by. After I realized the significance of prayer, I used to thank the Lord saying, “Lord, You have given me the privilege which no one else has, to have prayer and prayer meetings all the time. I thank You for that”. Oh what joy it is to be in the presence of the Lord!

Apostle Paul says, Lord, You have done so many miracles through me. Yet, I am not content with that. I am waiting for Your reward. You are going to give me the crown of life, in heaven. So use me more for that (2 Timothy 4:7,8). This should be our prayer. No matter how hard we fight or long for it, God cannot use us unless we find grace in the eyes of the Lord. “… I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion” (Exodus 33:19). “So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy” (Romans 9:16). Hence, let us pray to the Lord, and wait for His grace and mercy. Our eyes should always look up to the Lord just as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress (Psalm 123:2). My dear ones, let us ask, “Lord, reveal Your glory to me. I should always be with You Lord. Give me that grace.” Then the glory of God will be manifested upon you. No darkness can ever cover you. Since the Lord fulfills the promises given to you, the glory of God will be

seen in you. Wonders will happen in your life. People will come in search of you (Isaiah 60:3).

PRAYER IN JESUS NAME My grandfather always used to keep me on his lap when I was a child. Once, a playmate hit me and I reported this to my grandfather. That’s all! He was so wild that he shouted, “Who hit my child? In future, if any one hits you, tell them that your father is a lion, and that your grandfather is a lion. Then nobody can come near you”. My grandfather was running a company under the name ‘singam’ (lion) in Tirunelveli. Now my brother is running it under the same name. My grandfather was very proud of that name ‘lion’. Similarly the Lord looks at you and says, “If anyone comes to you, tell the name of Jesus. Tell them ‘Jesus my Father is with me’; then no one can touch you.”

The Lord has given in our hands the name of Jesus, which is above all names (Philippians 2:10, 11). When Peter and John went to the temple, in the name of Jesus, they healed a lame man (Acts 3:1-10). That beggar looked at Peter and John expecting them to give him alms. He did not look at them for healing. But, they gave him what he did not ask for, in the name of Jesus. He, who was lame from birth, leapt up, stood and walked. The people of this world do not know about the name of Jesus. But, He has given us a great privilege. He is able to work through us exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, just as how He used Peter and John (Ephesians 3:20). The name of Jesus, the Son of God, has the ability to do signs and wonders and to heal the sick (Acts: 4:30). He gives in our hands the power to do miracles when we use His

name. The Bible says, “Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them” (Acts 19:11 – 12). When I read this Bible portion I cried to the Lord saying, “Lord just as You did in the days of the Bible, do it in these days also.” Jesus has said, “This kind of evil spirit can come out by nothing but by prayer and fasting” (Mark 9:29). The demons will flee automatically when we fast and pray. What a glorious experience it is to do miracles through the name of the Lord! Besides, fulfilling the promise that the Lord has given in your life, He will also fulfill the promise that He has given for many others, through you. He will do signs and wonders in their lives through you. He will make you a blessing to many.

PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT The Bible says, “Pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit” (Ephesians 6:18), “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit” (Zechariah 4:6), “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). It is very essential that we pray filled with the Spirit. The devil flees when we pray filled with the Spirit. The Bible says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). No problem can stand before you. If the Lord is with us nobody can be against us. So let us always have the Lord with us (Romans 8:31). What happens when we pray filled with the Spirit? The presence of the Lord comes into us and in our midst. From the early days of my ministry, whenever my mother asked me to preach, I had never said that I cannot do it. In those Jesus Calls

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days, I did not know the scriptures very well. Yet, with fear and trembling before the Lord I used to stand up. Not only the fear, I also had physical weakness when I stood up. I used to wonder, whether I would be able to stand on the stage. But, every time the Holy Spirit kept on encouraging me. Whenever I prayed He would descend down like rain. Apart from my family encouraging me, if the Holy Spirit had not been with me, I would not have been used by the Lord today, in this manner. My dear children, the Lord will do the same for you. I, who was then timid and not very prudent, am preaching all over the world now. Once we had been to Trinidad in America, where, a Women’s Tea Meet was arranged. Cakes and other eatables were kept before every one and I was enraged that having invited me to preach, here they were sitting and sipping coffee and tea. I thought, “Oh, should I be speaking while these people would be eating…” They did not know me at all. The Holy Spirit filled that place as I began to speak. All of them turned towards me and were listening to the message. The pastors were observing the way in which the Lord used me. I share this with you for the glory of God. This is the grace that the Lord has upon us. During the prayer time, the Holy Spirit came down mightily. Everyone stood up. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. The tea and the food items remained on the table untouched. One day, the Lord will use you also in a similar manner.

Rise up to do the Lord’s work in the might of yours without shying away from others saying, “I am an ordinary man/woman” (Judges 6:14). It is the Lord, who strength-

ens you. Since He is with you, you will be able to do everything (Philippians 4:13) by which your faith will increase. Because of this faith, mighty signs and wonders will happen through you just as Lord Jesus had done (John 14:12). You will be a blessing to many by being a child of God who will fulfill the promises given to them.

FAITHFUL IN LITTLE In the name of our Lord, let us be willing to use our talents for the Lord in addition to praying, filled with the Spirit. In Mark 12th chapter verses 41-44, we read about the poor widow who put two mites into the treasury. All the rich people had cast into the treasury out of their abundance. But, the widow put in all that she had. Jesus was watching this. He says, “Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury” (Mark 12:43).

My dear ones, let us be faithful in the little we have then, He will make us rulers over many things. He will do great wonders through us. We need to arise and shine for the Lord, with the strength that we have, whether we are seen by others or not. The Lord has spoken about the talents in the same manner. Regarding the man who received five talents and was faithful to make it into ten talents, He has said, “everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.” He blesses us even more when we use the talents that the Lord has given us. He will use us more for the glory of His name (Matthew 25:29). The Lord expects us to do whatever our hands find to do, with might (Ecclesiastes 9:10). That is how the Lord used David. He

gave talents in his hands and made him deliver all the people of Israel. When we read 1 Samuel 17:38-40, we see Saul clothing David with his armor, putting a bronze helmet on his head and giving him his sword saying, “Go to the war.” Little David was not used to the armor and he tried to walk. Finally he threw them off and went with a staff in his hand. With a staff and five smooth stones, he stood before the great giant and declared with faith and courage, “This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand” (1 Samuel 17:46). The Lord has given us His Word. We need not use anything else. He has given His Word to all of us (Hebrews 4:12). Let us hold it in our hands like a staff and go forward. The Holy Spirit has given us the smooth stones. Let us drive away the demons with that. Get filled with the Holy Spirit abundantly. The Lord will do great  things in your life.

Thru’ Bank: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No:

000901056144 Bank: ICICI BANK LTD Nungambakkam Branch, Chennai - 600034. Tamil Nadu. IFSC: ICIC0000009

MOBILE MONEY TRANSFER - through Post Office Donations can be sent by Mobile Money Transfer through Post offices to the number 9840900480 Donors, who send donations by these two ways, may type Bank or Mobile Transfer and send SMS to 9094099977 or contact the Partner Services number 1800 425 77 55 or send Email to and help us send acknowledgement for your donation. Jesus Calls

July 2015 


Alcoholism vanished I got married in 2007. My husband was a drunkard then. Due to this, within a week after marriage, problems cropped up between us and there was no peace in the family. As I was thus leading a miserable life, I happened to watch the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programme in the year 2012. At once, I wrote to dear Bro. Paul Dhinakaran explaining to him about my situation and sought his prayers for my husband’s transformation. After I wrote the letter, I was filled with peace. So, I continued writing to him. In January 2014, the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festival was held in Nagercoil. As a family we attended these meetings on all the three days. During the meetings Bro. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for all evil habits to depart. After those meetings, there was a change in my husband’s behaviour. Gradually his drinking habit vanished. He, who did not know anything about the Bible, began to read the Bible and began to pray. Eventually his drinking habit completely left him. Through the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programme, peace came into our family. Hence we have sent offering to support a ‘Jesus Calls’ TV Programme in June. Thanks to Bro. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran who prayed for me. Millions of praises to the Lord who completely delivered my husband from alcoholism and granted us a peaceful family life. - MALA RAJAN, Kavalkinaru, Tirunelveli.  

We kindly invite you to support the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programme, this month. You may sponsor a television programme on your birthday or wedding day or on any special day in your life. Offering to co-sponsor one programme - Rs.10,000/For details: +91 95001 27277 Email: Website: Please inform us 60 days before the day of telecast. We kindly invite you to send your offering (Rs.100/- or more) every month for the TV ministry to the above address and support this ministry. Jesus Calls

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6:00 am- 6:30 am - Zee News - Daily 6:30 am - 7:00 am Sony SAB TV - Daily 09:30 pm to 10:00 pm - Sadhana religious - Daily 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm - Sadhana news

(UttarPradesh/ Uttarakhand / Haryana - Daily)

10 pm - 10:30 pm-Sadhana news Bihar/Jharkhand - Daily  10:00 pm to 10:30 pm - Sadhana news - MadhyaPradesh/Chhattisgarh - Daily   6:30 am - 7:00 am - Surya TV - Sunday  6:30 am - 7:00 am - Jeevan TV - Mon - Sat   07:00 - 07:30 am - ACV TV - Daily   09:30 pm - 10:00 pm - Power Vision - Daily   06:00 am - 06:30 am - Kasturi TV - Daily   6:30 am - 7:00 am - Zee Kannada - Daily   6:00 am - 6:30 am - Vissa TV - Daily  6:30 am - 7:00 am - ETV 2 - Daily   9.30 pm - 10.00 pm - Aradhana TV - Daily  

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Children/youngsters from birth to 25 years of age can be joined in this Plan. The gracious Lord Jesus’ hand to rest upon each and every Young Partner till his/her 25 years, protect and lead him/her (Psalm 121:7). For the Lord to undertake the responsibility of each and every Young Partner’s education… to provide wisdom knowledge and memory power (James 1:5,17). For the Lord to grant them a prosperous life, devoid of poverty and sickness and bless them with a bright future (Psalm 115:14).

In the early morning of July 25, 1985, the Lord Jesus appeared to His Apostle D.G.S.Dhinakaran and said, “When I was in this world, I took up the little children in My arms, kissed them and blessed them saying, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them.” Today, the parents who have taken part in the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry wanted and want their children also to take part in this ministry. What have you done specially for such children?” Thus asking He gave ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partners Plan. Jesus Calls

Prayers are offered in the presence of the gracious Lord, in the 24 hours Prayer Tower, that the Lord should bestow the above mentioned blessings upon every Young Partner. The Dhinakarans will pray for the Young Partners, twice a day. A special certificate with God’s promise will be issued to every Young Partner. Birthday greetings from the Dhinakarans will be sent to the Young Partner. On birthdays a ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer warrior will contact the Young Partner and pray specially for him/her. Every day, promise verse will be sent to the Young Partner through SMS. True Friend magazine will be sent to the Young Partner between ages 9-18 free of cost in the language preferred by him/her (Tamil/ English/Hindi/Telugu). July 2015 



STATE FIRST We are the partners of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministry. My husband and I are working as teachers. We visit Bethesda Prayer Centre, for prayers, once in three months. Our children Carolina and Catherina are ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partners. Our second daughter Catherina did not speak until three years. She could not walk also. We joined her in the Young Partners Plan. We continuously prayed for her in Bethesda too. The Lord granted her a tremendous improvement in her physical growth. Now she is doing her 5th standard. My eldest daughter Carolina wrote her 10th public exams last year. On all the days of her exams, we contacted the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower for prayers. The Lord filled dear daughter with His wisdom and strength and helped her to write her exams well. She scored 499/500 with 99/100 in Tamil, and 100/100 in all the other subjects and secured first rank in state level. Carolina was aiming for school first but the Lord has blessed far above her expectations. We praise the Lord for honouring dear daughter. We thank Bro. Paul Dhinakaran and the prayer warriors, who prayed for her. - Suganthi Babu, Kurichi, Coimbatore.

I am a Jesus Calls Young Partner. Last year I appeared for my SSLC public exams. Before the exam days, I visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Pondicherry and got prayers. The Lord helped me to write my exams well. When I got the result I was pleasantly surprised. I had scored 100/ 100 in French, English, Maths and Social Science and 99/100 in Science, with the total of 499/500. I have secured second place in the State of Pondicherry. I praise the Lord for this great blessing. Thanks to the Prayer Warriors who prayed for me, a Young Partner. - Satavisha Kundu, Pondicherry.

SUITABLE LIFE PARTNER I joined my daughter Priyanka in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partners Plan since when she was one year old. The Lord has been blessing her since childhood. When she completed her B.Tech, we tried to settle her marriage. We approached even matrimonial centre. All our efforts proved futile. At this time, we sent an e-mail to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran seeking prayers that God should bless her, a Young Partner with a suitable partner. We also gave a prayer request in the Prayer Tower. Through my sister,

We kindly invite the dear children to receive blessings from the Lord and be a blessing to many, by joining in this Plan. Jesus Calls

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husband from his chest pain. We give all glory to Him. - Mabel Godson, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh

the Lord helped us to get the details of a good alliance. Our longings came to an end. Now my daughter and son-in-law are living a blessed life. I was unable to get back a certain amount which I had lent to a person long back. I had requested Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for this also. Now the Lord has helped us to get back this amount. Thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer warriors who are praying for us. - V.I. Vinoth Kumar, Ramachandrapuram, Andhra Pradesh

KIDNEY PROBLEM GONE We have three children. Our third son is Tharun Kumar. In 2005, his face, hands and legs became swollen. When we went to the doctors, they advised for surgery. We did two surgeries. After that, his whole body was swollen again. We took him to the doctor again who took a scan and said that his both kidneys were affected. He was further advised for an immediate surgery. At this juncture, while we were watching the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programme, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran spoke about the Young Partners Plan. At once, we joined him in this plan. Within two months, his swelling came down and he was healed. When we took him to the doctor again, he did a scan and declared that there was no trace of that disease in his body. Glory to God. - Latha Selvam, Bengaluru- 102

JOB IN A BIG CONCERN My son, Isaac Gnanaprakash is a ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partner. While he was doing his B.Tech, I contacted the Prayer Tower and sought prayers that he should get a good job as soon as he completes his B.Tech. The Lord heard the prayer offered for him in the Prayer Tower. My son got a job in the big concern HCL. Also the Lord has healed my

YOUNG PARTNERS PLAN “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). Write the name of the child to be enrolled in the plan (legibly) Mr/Ms: ________________________________ Date of Birth________________________________ Mr/Ms: ________________________________ Date of Birth________________________________ Mr/Ms: ________________________________ Date of Birth________________________________ Name of the parent/guardian: __________________________________________________________ Contact Address:___________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________Pin Code______________________________________ State: ________________________________ Mobile:______________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________________ Rs.100/- or more can be sent regularly every month. Prayer Requests:___________________________________________________________________ (Can be written in a separate sheet and attached) (1) Fill up the form and send it along with the stamp size photo of each child, with name and address as well as your contact phone number written at the back of the photo. Along with the duly filled form, you may send the demand draft / cheque drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” to the address: Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028, by registered post. (2) Donations can be made online in the website using credit card/ debit card/ net banking in a secure way (3) For online registration, enrollment form can be downloaded from Duly filled form with colour photo (after scanning) can be sent to Jesus Calls

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A DREAM HOUSE We tried to buy an apartment. After giving the advance, we had no money to pay the balance amount and buy the house. We tried for loans but all those who promised to give failed to give us the needed money. We were so financially constrained that we could not have the house warming once the house was completed. At this time I came to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Rajaji Road, Chennai. With faith, I gave donation for the Prayer Tower building fund and prayed, “Lord, I got this house according to Your will. Hence You have to perfect everything for me.” Quite surprisingly, within two days, we got money from all quarters and fixed the date for the ‘House Warming Ceremony.’ Finally we needed to give Rs.1,80,000/ - to the builder. One person offered this money as a gift for us. We wondered whether it was a dream or reality. We praise the Lord, who has blessed us, who gave donation for the Prayer Tower building fund, a house of our own. Hallelujah. - T.A.Kavitha, Chennai – 61.

Considering the growing needs of the ministry, the Prayer Towers in Hyderabad, Bengaluru (Frazer Town) are being renewed. There is a need for the prayer halls to be expanded in the Trivandrum, Madurai and Mumbai (Ghatkopar) Prayer Towers.

The purpose of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers is to fulfil the glorious ministry of comforting people who languish for a solution as they are broken in life because of various afflictions, physical weaknesses and sicknesses and help them receive God’s miraculous touch and unsurpassable peace.

Extend your hand to help this glorious service Build the Lord’s house; He will make you a house (2 Samuel 7:11).

My contribution to the expansion works of the Prayer Towers in

❒ Hyderabad ❒ Bengaluru ❒ Trivandrum ❒ Madurai ❒ Mumbai Name:.................................................................................................................................................................................................... Address:............................................................................................................................................................................................... Telephone: …………................................... Mobile:..................................................Email:............................................................. I wish to offer Rs.300/- for one brick…………….... or Rs…….......……/- for ………….......…bricks or an one time payment of Rs.6,000/- Rs.1,00,000/- Rs.3,00,000/- for the expansion/establishment of Prayer Tower. I wish to pay Rs…...................../- every month as offering. SPECIAL PRIVILEGES FOR DONORS ◆ A certificate with the name of the specific Prayer Tower will be issued to those who donate Rs.6,000/- and above. ◆ The names of those who donate Rs.1,00,000/- will be printed on the donors’ list , in the Prayer Tower of their choice. ◆ The names of those who donate Rs.3,00,000 will be engraved in a room in the Prayer Tower of their choice. ◆ Apart from these, you are welcome to give any amount according to your capacity, as offering. ◆ The number of souls won by the services of the particular Prayer Tower, supported by you, shall be written in your account in heaven. Donation can be made as money order or by DD or cheque drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” and sent by registered post. Address: Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Tamil Nadu. Donations can be made online in the website credit card/ debit card/ net banking in a secure way . Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●


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Mount of Beatitudes, and Capernaum, we went on a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. We enjoyed a special lunch consisting of a kind of fish called Peter’s fish. The teams visited places such as Muchraka (Mount Carmel), Jaffa city, Simon the Tanner’s house, Mount Olive, Palm Sunday Path, Garden of Gethsemane, Mount Zion, The Upper Room, Caiaphas palace, Western Wall, Pool of Bethesda, Via Dolorosa, Jewish and Christian quarters, Church of Nativity, Shepherd’s field, Ellah valley and the Garden Tomb. During the tour, each and every group got the opportunity to pray for two hours in the Israel Prayer Tower. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared prophetic message with the teams and prayed for everyone individually. On the seventh day, we visited Qumran, where archeological researches are done and the Dead Sea.

Nearly four hundred people including pastors from different denominations took part in this tour. This journey first began from Mount Nebo from where Moses saw the land of Canaan and from Amman, the capital of Jordan. Crossing the border of Jordan, we reached Galilee. There we visited places like Nazareth, Annunciation Church where the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and Cana. We stayed in Bethlehem on the next four days. After seeing the


everal teams from various places of India such as Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai and Trivandrum set on the Holy Land Tour, on different days in the months of April and May. These teams visited several places related to Biblical incidents in Jordan, Israel and Egypt, for ten days. The first group left India on April 29. The last group returned to India on May 16, after completing the tour.

Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●


Experiences of participants who went to Israel... ◆ Jennifer Kaithas, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh I thank the Lord for bringing me to Israel on this tour. This is a great privilege. We could see the Biblical places in person and in reality. Everyone from all over the world ought to visit these places. This is a great privilege that the Lord has given me in my life time. ◆ Rasmi Tripuvan, Dubai. We then crossed the Taba border and reached Nuweiba, in the Red Sea. On the eighth day, we reached Cairo after visiting the Mount Sinai, St. Catherine Monastery and the Burning Bush. The day ended with a cruise on River Nile with dinner on board. The next day we visited the Pyramids, Sphinx, Old Cairo, Christian church, Perfume Factory and Papyrus Gallery. On the tenth and the final day, we left for India boarding our flight from Cairo, after visiting the Egyptian Museum. ◆

I am from Pune. My parents live there. Currently I am working in Dubai. It was my desire to visit Israel. But, I never made any plans for that. By the grace of God, I could complete all my travel formalities within two days. It was a great experience to see the Garden of Gethsemane where the Lord Jesus pleaded at last to His Father for the sake of human kind. People from different places such as Mumbai, Pune, Gujarat etc., were in our group. We were of one mind. ◆ Mr. Balasubramaniam I suffered a lot as I could not lift up my right hand, for the past ten days. The doctor prescribed some medicines failing which I was advised to go for a scan. I told him that I was going to Jerusalem and that the Lord would heal me. When I came here, the fellow brothers, helped me a lot. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for me in the Israel Prayer Tower. I forgot myself that time. The next morning, when I woke up, I could move my hand freely. Now there is no pain. I just could not believe this. Thanks to the Lord, who healed me. Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●



edical service is one of the noblest services done for the poor and the needy, with love and compassion. The Seesha Multispecialty Hospital functions in Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. Experienced doctors serve in this hospital which provides excellent care and hi-tech surgeries at a very low cost, for the poor who need medical treatment. Every year, more than 60,000 people are blessed through the Seesha Medical Service. More than 800 surgeries are performed every year, in this hospital. With a mighty goal to have a world class Medical Research Centre to facilitate landmark researches, to show the way for the poor and the destitute to enjoy good health and be joyful in life, to provide proper training to the students of Karunya, who realize the value of this service of compassion, and to transform the society by providing medical service to the needy, the Seesha Hospital is effectively functioning in Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore. Fully equipped Seesha Medical Centre is also functioning in the city of Coimbatore. This hospital is to be expanded into a Multi Specialty Hospital with 300 more bed facilities and modern technologies. SPECIAL FEATURES:  45 bed facilities  Laproscopic & Endoscopic Tests for the poor at a low cost  Diagnostic facilities  Experienced doctors/nurses/ technicians  Ambulance facilities and emergency ward  Medical camps, blood Donation camps, surgical camps, and health awareness programmes in various parts of India  Hi-tech operation theatres  World class laboratories and pharmacy  Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centres.  Surgeries and Dentistry training through web Jesus Calls

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8 - Seesha, along with the Indian Red Cross Society, Chennai conducted a blood donation camp, on the occasion of the “International Thalassemia Day .”  May 10 - Special Eye Camp was conducted for the mothers of the students of the Seesha Free Tuition Centre along with Sight Care Foundation on “Mother’s Day.” More than 300 women attended this camp. Spectacles were also offered according to the need.  May 14 - The third year conference for the Seesha full time voluntary workers was conducted in these days. Discussions about the current activities of Seesha, the activities of the current year, new ventures and other plans, were held in the presence of Dr. Jeyakumar Daniel (Executive Director – Seesha). Special Skill development and training programs were conducted to motivate and equip the Seesha staff and the voluntary workers who serve under various schemes of Seesha. New decisions were made regarding improving service of Seesha to create confidence in the hearts of poor people and to bring constructive changes in the society. Also, trainings for drawing, sports, handicrafts, music, gymnasium, and for healthy living were given for more than 500 students in 5 states.

I am 47 years old. I worked as a coolie and was earning Rs.3,000/- per month. I have been suffering with sugar problem since the past 4 years. I had an ulcer in the sole of one of my foot which worsened further and gave out a foul odour. Nobody would come near me. I had excruciating pain and could not walk. Often I had fever and vomiting and was weak. I undertook various treatments from different doctors but in vain. My condition became so bad that the ulcer could not be healed. I was in mental agony. Again when I went to the hospital the doctors said that my leg has to be amputated. Hearing about the Seesha hospital, I went there and met the doctor. He tested me. Understanding my financial and physical condition, he soothed me and gave me hope. Now they are giving me Vacuum Therapy Treatment because of which the ulcer in my foot has started healing. I was scared that I would lose my leg. But the Seesha doctors brought my sugar level under control and are treating my leg. My thanks to Seesha that offers treatment through modern technology. - ANAND, Mathuvarayapuram, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

We warmly invite you too to take part in this medical service. Expense for a newly constructed Multi-Specialty Hospital - Rs.3000/- per square feet. Expense for an out-patient per day - Rs.300/Expense for a patient for giving medical counseling and medicines - Rs.400/Expense for medical check-up and counselling for a poor patient in the free medical camp - Rs.500/Expense per day for an in-patient - Rs.750/Expense for a life saving minor surgery - Rs.10,000/Expense for a life saving major surgery - Rs.20,000/You may directly pay the donation for the above medical services in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in your area and receive the receipt or you may send it by Money Order or by DD/Cheque drawn in favour of Seesha to the following address. Address to send the donation:

Seesha, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. India. Donations can be made online in the website using credit card/ debit card/ net banking in a secure way Telephone: 044 - 2461 6666, Fax: 044 - 2525 1414 Email: *All donations made to Seesha are exempted from income tax under 80G (Indian Citizens only). Jesus Calls

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July 6, Monday:- Promise verse: Deuteronomy 11:25. I praise You O Lord, for the promise, “No one shall be able to stand against you.” Meditation: Deut. 20:1-4; 31:1-6; Jos.1:5,9; 10:40-42; 12:1-24; 21:44,45; 2 Sam. 8:14; Ps. 18:29; Matt. 28:1820; Mk. 16:20; Lk. 10:19; Acts 4:13,14. July 7, Tuesday:- Promise verse: Hebrews 13:5. I praise You O Lord, for the promise, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Meditation: Deut. 31:6,8; 4:31; 1 Sam. 12:22; 1 Kings. 6:13; Neh. 9:17; Ps. 9:10; 37:25,28; 94:14; Isa. 41:17; 49:14-16; 54:6-10; 2 Cor. 4:9; Matt. 27:46; 28:18-20; 2 Tim. 4:16,17. July 8, Wednesday:- Promise verse: Isaiah 25:8. I praise You O Lord, for You have wiped away tears from my face. Meditation: Gen. 21:14-19; Judges 16:28-31; 2 Kings. 20:1-7; Jer. 31:16; Lk. 7:11-15; Jn. 11:1-44; Heb. 2:14,15; Rev. 7:17; 21:4. July 9, Thursday:- Promise verse: Psalm 61:3. I praise You O Lord, for You are my shelter. Meditation: Deut. 33:27; Ps. 9:9; 46:1; 59:16; 2 Sam. 8:14; 1 Kings. 22:29-33; Jn. 17:12; 18:1-9; Isa. 25:4; Joel 3:16; Heb. 6:18. July 10, Friday:- Promise verse: Micah 7:7. I praise You my God who hears me. Meditation: 1 Kings. 18:36-39; Ps. 145:18; 65:2; 18:6; 22:24; 34:17; Exo. 3:7; Mk. 7:24-30; 10:46-52. July 11, Saturday:- Promise verse: Genesis 15:1. I praise You O Lord, for You are my shield and my exceedingly great reward. Meditation: Gen. 15:1,4-6; 24:35; Mat. 5:11,12; 19:2729; Pro. 3:13-19; Rev. 22:12. July 12, Sunday:- Promise verse: Psalm 18:2. I praise You O Lord, for You are my rock and my fortress. Meditation: Deut. 32:4,18; Num. 20:10,11; 1 Cor. 10:4; 2 Sam. 22:2,32; Ps. 81:16; Isa. 26:4; SOS. 2:14; Exo. 33:20-23; Pro. 18:10; Joel 3:16; Ruth 2:12-16; 4:13.

July 1, Wednesday:- Promise verse: Proverbs 20:7. I praise You O Lord, for You have made me righteous and blessed my generation. Meditation: 1 Kings 15:5; 1 Chro. 29:22-25; Ps. 14:5; Gen. 22:1-18; 25:11; Deut. 5:9; Ps. 37:25; John 1:12; Rom. 8:14-17; Gal. 3:13-16; Eph. 1:3. July 2, Thursday:- Promise verse: Psalm 10:14. I praise You O Lord, for You are my helper. Meditation: Deut. 10:18; 33:29; Ps. 68:5; Gen. 32:10; 1 Chro. 2:34,35; Jer. 49:11; 1 Ki. 17:9-24; Mat. 5:7; Jam. 1:27; 2:13. July 3, Friday:- Promise verse: Isaiah 49:23. I praise You O Lord, for You did not allow me to be ashamed as I waited for You. Meditation: Isa. 49:23; 1 Sam. 10:8; 13:1-8,9-14; Ps. 25:5; 40:1; 2 Sam. 22:1-51; Ps. 37:9,34; 147:11; 27:14; Gen. 49:18; Isa. 25:9; Lk. 1:74-79; 7:16. July 4, Saturday:- Promise verse: Proverbs 11:6. I praise You O Lord, for You have delivered me through Your righteousness. Meditation: Pro. 11:5; 12:28; 13:6; Deut. 16:20; 1 Sam. 26:23; Eze. 18:20; Ps. 15:1,2; 1 Cor. 1:30,31; Phil. 3:9; Heb. 5:13; Rev. 22:11,12. July 5, Sunday:- Promise verse: 1 John 4:18. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.” Meditation: John 20:1,13-15; Lk. 7:36-50; 1 Sam. 17:4-11,26,32,36,37-50; Acts 4:32-37; SOS. 3:1-4; Jn. 13:36,37; 21:15-17. Jesus Calls

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July 13, Monday:- Promise verse: Psalm 118:15. I praise You O Lord, for Your right hand does valiantly. Meditation: Exo. 15:6,12; Ps. 89:13; 98:1; 108:6; Isa. 41:10; Acts 2:33; 5:31. July 14, Tuesday:- Promise verse: Isaiah 26:12. I thank and praise God who establishes peace for us and does all our works in us. Meditation: Ps. 138:8; 2 Kings. 22:20; 2 Sam. 7:1113; 1 Chro. 28:2,3,5,6; 29:22-25; 1 Kings. 5:2-18; 6:138; Pro. 16:7; Mic. 5:5; Jn. 14:27. July 15, Wednesday:- Promise verse: Psalm 52:8. “I am like a green olive tree in the house of the God.” Meditation: Hos. 14:5-7; Jer. 11:16; Ps. 92:12,13; 65:4; 84:3,4; 1 Cor. 3:16,17; 6:19; Eph. 1:3. July 16, Thursday:- Promise verse: Isaiah 41:10. I will not be dismayed for the Lord is my God. Meditation: Gen. 17:1; 28:3; 1:1,26-28; 14:18; Heb. 11:6; Ps. 144:15; 138:8. July 17, Friday:- Promise verse: Psalm 32:8. Praise be unto the LORD who instructs me and teaches me in the way I should go. Meditation: Gen. 12:1-4,10; 26:2-6; 32:10; Jonah 1:13; 3:1-3; 1 Kings. 13:15-17; Matt. 4:18-22; Acts 9:15,16; 17:6-13; 2 Tim. 4:17; Isa. 35:10. July 18, Saturday:- Promise verse: Acts 1:8. I praise You O Lord, for You strengthen me and make me as a witness for You. Meditation: Acts 1:4,8; 2:1-4,14-32,41; 1 Sam. 16:1,1323; 2 Sam. 23:1,2; Jud. 6:12-14; 13:3-5, 24, 25; 14:4-6; 16:5,31; Ps.18:29; Rom 5:5. July 19, Sunday:- Promise verse: Jeremiah 33:6. Praise be unto You God, for You bring health and healing to me. Meditation: Ps. 107:20; 103:3-5,20; Mat. 4:23,24; 8:217; 9:1-7; Isa. 53:5; 1 Pet. 2:24; Jer. 17:14; 30:17; 32:27,17; Exo. 15:27. July 20, Monday:- Promise verse: 2 Corinthians 5:21. I became righteousness of God in Christ, for Christ who knew no sin became sin for me. Meditation: Ps. 32:1,2; Matt. 19:25,27; Rom. 3:2328; 4:1-25; 6:23; Isa. 53:1-8; Jn. 1:29; Rom. 10:9,10; Eph. 2:1-8; 1:7. July 21, Tuesday:- Promise verse: Romans 15:13. I praise You O Lord, for You have filled me with all joy and peace as I believed in You. Meditation: Lk. 1:13,24,40,41; 2:10,25-32; 5:5-9; 7:50; Heb. 11:4-39; Phil. 4:4-7. July 22, Wednesday:- Promise verse: Psalm 119:50 I praise You O Lord, for You gave me life through Your word. Meditation: Ps. 119:25,92,93,107,154; 107:20; Jer. 33:3,6; Mat. 8:7,13; Lk. 5:4-7; Gen. 12:3; 15:4-6; 18:14; 21:1,2; Heb. 4:12; Jn. 6:63. Jesus Calls

July 23, Thursday:- Promise verse: Isaiah 35:10. I praise You O Lord, for You took all my sorrow and sighing away from me. Meditation: Lk. 7:12-16; Job 1:12-22; 2:11-13; 6:2; 7:13; 23:10; 42:10-17; Isa. 35:10; Jn. 16:20; Acts 8:8; Rom. 8:22,23; 2 Cor. 5:2; Jn. 16:22. July 24, Friday:- Promise verse: Hebrews 11:6. Give me grace O God to please You in believing You. Meditation: Heb. 11:4-39; Gen. 22:1-12; Mat. 8:510,13; 21:22; Mk. 6:1-6; Jn. 11:21-26,39,40-44; 2 Kings. 18:5; Mk. 9:22,23; 11:22-24; Jn. 3:16. July 25, Saturday:- Promise verse: Romans 11:29. I praise You O Lord, for Your gifts and the calling are irrevocable. Meditation: Isa. 54:10; Exo. 33:18,19; Gen. 6:6,7; 19:16-22; 1 Sam. 2:8; Mat. 4:18-22; 9:9; Acts 4:13; Rom. 8:29-34; Heb. 3:1. July 26, Sunday:- Promise verse: Psalm 118:24. This is the day which the LORD has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it. Meditation: Gen.1:5-2:2; Num.10:10; 19:19; Ps. 56:3; 90:4-10,12; 102:2; 146:4; Pro.11:4; 21:31; Ecc. 7:1; SOS. 3:11; Isa. 2:2; 34:8; Eze. 21:25; 39:8; Hos. 12:9; Rom. 14:5,6; Mat. 6:34; 2 Cor. 6:2; Ps. 118:24. July 27, Monday:- Promise verse: Matthew 5:8. I praise You O Lord, for You sanctified my heart and made me to see You. Meditation: Jer. 17:9; Mk. 7:20-23; Gen. 6:5; 8:21; Ps. 51:10; 119:9-11; Acts 15:9; 1 Jn. 1:7,9; Job 31:1; Pro. 4:20-27; 10:8; 22:11; Deut. 6:5; Mk. 12:30-31; Heb. 12:14. July 28, Tuesday:- Promise verse: Psalm 90:12. Teach me to number my days O God, so that I may gain a heart of wisdom. Meditation: Ps. 90:4-10; Exo. 35:10; 39:32,43; Pro. 10:8; 16:21,23; 18:15; 23:19; 15:28; Ecc. 10:2; Job 7:6; Jam. 4:14,15; 2 Cor. 6:2. July 29, Wednesday:- Promise verse: John 9:5. I praise You O Lord Jesus, for You are the light of the world. Meditation: John 8:12,1-11; Isa. 9:1,2; 42:6; 49:6; Matt. 4:13-15; Lk. 2:30-32; Rom. 15:20; Ps. 4:6; Jn. 9:1-7; 12:35; Rev. 21:23; Isa. 60:19,20. July 30, Thursday:- Promise verse: Psalm 29:11. I praise You O Lord, for You gave me strength and blessed me with peace. Meditation: Exo.3:12; Deut. 34:7; Ps. 68:35; 3:8; Rom. 1:16; Neh. 8:10; Judges 13:24; 14:5,6; 16:5; Jn. 14:27. July 31, Friday:- Promise verse: Joshua 1:5. I praise You O Lord, for You will not leave me. Meditation: Ps. 94:14; 37:28; 121:3,4; 1 Sam. 30:13; 1 Chro. 28:9; 2 Chro. 15:2; Jam. 4:8. Constant prayer and meditation of the Word of God is the divine key for prosperity and success.

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“That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as cornerstones, polished after the similitude of a palace” (Psalm 144:12).

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n order to make children spend their summer holidays in a useful way and for them to know about the Lord, His life, teachings and about His miracles, the Dynamic Kids Camp was arranged by the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry. This camp is being held every year, in accordance to the Lord’s guidance. Hundreds of children receive blessings by participating in this camp which is conducted in the month of April/May in each and every ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower. This year, in April/May, the Dynamic Kids Camp was held in all the Prayer Towers and in some of the surrounding areas, for seven days. Thousands of children between the ages of four and seventeen attended this camp, with eagerness. This year, on the basis of the verse, ‘…we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us’ (Romans 8:37), the Lord’s Words were taught to the children through songs, puppet shows, choreography, skits, painting, drawing etc. The events of this camp revolved around the theme ‘Triumph Always’ and the children were taught that they can be successful in life by obeying their parents and teachers. Teachings on this theme were imparted to the children and they were encouraged to live a testimonial life to the Lord through their honesty and love towards all. During the prayer time, many children received the Holy Spirit in accordance to the promise “I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh” (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17). Hearing about the Young Partners Plan through this camp, many children joined as the ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partners. Hundreds of Young Partners enthusiastically served as teachers and volunteers in this camp. Many supported this with their offerings. The Lord will certainly bless them in such a way that there will not be room enough to receive it.

WEEKLY CHILDREN BLESSING MEETING Every week, special Blessing Meeting for children is being conducted in all the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers. Encourage your children to attend this Blessing Meeting in the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area and make them receive God’s blessings. Jesus Calls

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In 1982, when I was in the United States of America, I saw a large advertisement in a magazine. A group of people had spent lakhs of rupees to advertise that “Jesus Christ will not come back.” Even today read the book of Revelation it is said, “Behold, I am coming quickly.” What He says stays. He will never change that. There was a young man by name Lo, in China. He used to smoke and drink a lot. During day time, he would go for work; but at night hours he would go to the clubs to drink and dance. He would return home at midnight, sleep for a while and then go back to work. Some of his well wishers asked him, “Lo, why don’t you read the Bible at least a little and seek God?” He used to reply, “Let me see about that later.” One day, by chance he went to a library. There he noticed a Bible. He mused, “Since everyone tells me to read this book, let me see what there is in it!” He picked up the Bible and opened it. It was an English edition. His eyes were transfixed upon

Part – I

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the verse Matthew 28:20 “…lo, I am with you always.” He was startled and wondered, “Who has written my name here? Jesus Christ is saying, “I am with you.” Oh, He must have seen all of my deeds, my drinking and dancing.” Being remorseful of all his sinful acts, he lamented and wept. He became a child of God.

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” (Matthew 24:35). We are eagerly waiting when our gracious Lord Jesus will come. Sometimes doubt may arise whether He would really come. There was a major fight between Iran and Iraq. A woman in Iran had to send her husband to the war. She was pregnant at that time. In that situation she sent him and waited for his return. Days passed and she delivered a girl baby. She named the child, “Intezar” which means, “My waiting is over.” “I do not have to wait for my husband very long; soon my waiting will be over.” With this hope, she named her child thus. Years rolled by but her husband did not return. Ten years passed by. More than ten thousand of Iranian soldiers suffered as prisoners in Iraq. Later, because of a pact made between the two countries, a few prisoners of war were released and sent back. This news was published in the Iranian newspapers. The wife of that particular soldier heard this and rushed to the harbour along with her little daughter and waited for her husband. Thousand army men got down from the ship and she was watching everyone. Suddenly she saw her husband and she screamed, ‘Intezar, Intezar’. The girl asked, “Mom, I am very much here. Why are you calling out for me?” Hugging her daugh-

ter, the woman screamed with delight, “Daughter, our waiting is over. Look there your father is coming.” The father came running, embraced both of them and kissed them. Their hearts were enthralled.

Many a time, when we are assailed by sorrow and pain and when we face injustice and unfairness everywhere, our hearts lament, “Is there no one to help poor people like me? Is there no one to help godly men like me? When will Jesus come?” Surely He will come back. Our waiting will be over. Let not your heart be troubled. “I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you” (John 14:18; 28). When will He come? My dear ones, He is the One, who makes everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). When the fullness of the time had come, He was born as the Son of Man (Galatians 4:4). The Bible says that “…in due time Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6). Hence He will come back at the appointed time. Since the city of Babylon is located in the nation of Iraq, the eyes of Bible scholars are all upon it. They cannot be blamed for that because the Bible says that Babylon would fall, in the last days. “Babylon is fallen” (Isaiah 21:9); “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city” (Revelation 14:8); “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen” (Revelation 18:2). Unless this Babylon city is fallen, our gracious Lord will not come back. How is the city of Babylon today? One of my dear friends invited me to Iraq, where he was working then. I went there. The city of Babylon is in ruins. The palaces where king Nebuchadnezzar Jesus Calls

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lived and where Daniel walked around are in a state of dilapidation. They are taking efforts to rebuild it by spending crores of rupees. Nebuchadnezzar had a Hanging Garden there. The government of Iraq has advertised that 50 thousand dollars would be offered as gift to those who find out how the king of Babylon watered the garden during those days when there was no electricity facility.

Babylon should be rebuilt and fall again. Only then the gracious Lord will come down. The fall of Babylon is evidence from the Bible. Read the verses Isaiah 19:23-25. What does the Bible say? “In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian will come into Egypt and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians will serve with the Assyrians. In that day Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria; a blessing in the midst of the land, whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, ‘Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance.’”

These Bible verses should also be fulfilled. Assyria is Iraq. The nations of Egypt and Iraq will make peace with Israel. A peace pact has already been made between Israel and Egypt. Next, the pact between Iraq and Israel has to be completed. When we see the present situation of Babylon, there seems to be no hope for us to believe that our gracious Lord will come back. If that be case, what is the sign? When will He come? The Bible says in Zechariah 14:1-14 that the army of all the enemies will surround the city of Jerusalem. Nehemiah 11:1, 18 say

that it is a holy city. Revelation 20: 9 mentions that it is a ‘beloved’ city. Days will come when the wicked devil will gather the armies of all the nations and surround the city. Then Jesus will come down. In Zechariah 14:4, the Bible says that “His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives.” Unable to bear His power, Mount Olive will split into two. Even today, the government of Israel has not given permission for anyone to build houses on Mount Olive. The reason is that, scientists say that there is big cleft underneath this Mount. What then will happen to the armies that will surround this beloved and holy Jerusalem? “And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, and their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths” (Zechariah 14:12). See how pathetic it is! During the Second World War, nuclear bomb was thrown on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bodies of several people dissolved; decayed and scientists say that the impact is still affecting the people, even today. Dear ones, the tongues that blasphemy our gracious Lord will decay. Once, a young man near Villupuram (Tamil Nadu, India), had written to me with tears, “Brother, many people slander you. I too have derided you about many things out of my ignorance. After that I went to bed. The next morning, when I woke up, my tongue had become numb. Since then I could not speak even one word. I am a

young man. I have become dumb. Everyone mocks at me. Please pray for me and deliver me. Let me start speaking.” In this 20th century, if the tongue that spoke against me, a mere man, who lives now but will die tomorrow, could become numb, can it be a surprise that the tongues of all those who would surround the city of Jerusalem would decay?. Let us be careful. Let us be cautious in criticizing others and in pretending to know things about which we know nothing at all.

My dear brothers and sisters, when you live for the gracious Lord, people may twist the truth against you as lies. Do not be disheartened. Remember Jerusalem! The Lord will stop their tongues; but you, He will honour. Let our eyes be upon the city of Jerusalem, which is known as the holy and beloved city. When it is surrounded by the enemies, let us consider that His coming will be soon. Let us prepare ourselves. How will Jesus come? “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him” (Revelation 1:7). “Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so

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come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.’” (Acts 1:9, 10, 11). Verse 9 says that a cloud received Him. That’s why He will come again with the clouds. God has gone up with a shout, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet (Psalm 47:5) He will come again just as how He went up with the sound of the trumpet and the voice of an archangel. He will come with the clouds. We will see Him. We will behold Him (1 Thessalonians 4: 1416). Every eye will see Him at the same time. Is it possible? When darkness engulfs one side of the world, the sun rises on the other side. In that case, how can everyone see Him, at the same time? Technology is fast growing. So, people all over the world can witness the things that happen in one corner of the world at that same time. If human beings can do this, is it not possible for Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords to show His arrival to the whole world at the same time? He certainly can do it.

- Sis. Stella Dhinakaran


his world is full of sorrows. Wherever you turn, you can see tears everywhere! In family that flourishes, sudden loss occurs! Sickness in the body, sorrows, sufferings and tears pursue us continuously. This day, you may be living in sorrow after losing your child or husband, just as I did. Or you may be living with sickness and pain. You may be languishing without peace in the family. In the midst of that sorrow, the Lord is amidst us. He says, “My daughter, I have come to change your sorrow.” Whatever may be your agony, or however hopeless your situation is, the Lord Jesus is awaiting to offer you peace and joy. “…your sorrow will be turned into joy” (John 16:20). He has given me this joy. Though seven years have passed since I lost my husband, the Lord has given me this divine joy and peace and has graciously helped me to proceed in the path of ministry. Let us see how we can get this joy?

Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●


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here, my brother would not have died.” The Lord then said, “Your brother will rise again” (John 11:23). Martha replied, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” Look at the lack of faith in her! She said so because she did not know who He was. Unlike Mary, she did not seek the Lord. She did not have that kind of faith. Lack of faith is certainly because of not seeking the Lord. Later He manifested His power at the grave. He made Lazarus

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Dearly beloved, keep this in your mind from today. Do not despair. Do not lose your heart at times of afflictions. Hold on to the Lord firmly saying, “My Lord lives; He will not forsake me.”

FROM WHERE DOES FAITH COME? Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Recently I met a sister. She said, “There is no blessing in my son’s life.” I asked her directly, “At what time do you have family prayer, in the morning?” She gave many lame excuses and said, “We have family prayer at night.”

rise up after four days of his death and changed their sorrow into joy. Hebrews 11:6 says about this, “He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

Let your family become a family that seeks the Lord, early in the morning. My husband and I did that for several years. The songs that he sang during early

The Lord says, “The reason why I did not go there for these two days is that Martha and Mary as well as My disciples should grow in faith. They should realize the glory of My power. God is going to be revealed through this death. That’s why I went there after a delay of two days.” When did He go there? He went there four days after Lazarus was dead and buried. Imagine the sorrow of that family. The sisters were incessantly crying. But, as soon as Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went to meet Him. She cried out, “Lord, if You had been

In the Bible, in John 11th chapter, we see a family of two sisters Martha and Mary and their brother Lazarus. They loved the Lord dearly. He too loved them very much. When Lazarus was sick, Jesus was in another place and word was sent to Him by Lazarus’ sisters saying, “Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.” But, the Lord did not go there even after two days.

Bartimaeus, who was blind since birth and had lost all hope in life, on hearing that Jesus was coming, cried out to Him and received mercy from the Lord. He received sight because of his faith and was victorious (Mark 10:46-52).

A woman having flow of blood for 12 years, wondering if she ever could be delivered from this suffering, came in search of Jesus. We read that with faith when she touched the hem of His garment, instantaneously she ‘was healed of the affliction’ (Mark 5:25-34). On another occasion, a woman who was languishing without peace with the burden of sin, when she fell at the feet of the Lord praying with tears was delivered from her sin and received salvation (Luke 7:37-50).

It is our faith that turns the worries, tears, burdens and sufferings of this world to bring victory. When Lord Jesus was in this world, many who were in tears came in search of Him.

“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.” (1 John 5:4)


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Several years back, in the initial days of the Jesus Calls ministry, a brother from Tuticorin wrote a letter to Brother Dhinakaran. He had written very briefly, “Brother, I am sick. I have cancer because of which I am unable to walk. If you pray for me, the Lord will surely heal me.” Observe how the Lord answers prayers! That brother by name V.S.Raj, who was unable to walk, called his wife, put his hands around her shoulders and began to walk. His wife said, “You could not walk, but how is it that you are walking now? You cannot do this; you will fall.” Do you know what he said? He said, “By this time my letter would have reached Bro. Dhinakaran’s hand. I believe that hearing his prayer, the Lord will touch me and deliver me.” Saying so, he walked up and down. He received a miraculous healing. This indeed is faith.

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COMFORT FOR THE SORROWFUL “I have seen his ways, and will heal him; I will also lead him, and restore comforts to him and to his mourners.” (Isaiah 57:18)

Yes, the Lord, who wants to comfort us in the midst of sorrow, wants to talk to you. For this reason, we need to read the Bible. If the Bible is not read, we cannot be aware of the Lord conversing with us. Whenever problems confront you, run to the presence of the Lord. Hold on to Him. Comfort will flood from there.

My dear sister, this day, with that sort of faith, ask the Lord for whatever you need. Whatever may be your sorrow, it shall turn into joy.


Today, in the midst of loss how many of you are in sorrow and in grief? Because of your sickness how many of you are suffering and are feeling hopeless? He, who said, “O death, where is your sting? O hades, where is your victory?” has swallowed up death forever victoriously. The same Lord is eager to give you this victory. Just as the Lord said, you too may declare with faith, “From this day, there is no more sorrow for me; the Lord has given me victory. Oh sickness, where is your victory? Oh unem-

(1 Corinthians 15:57).

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ”

(Isaiah 25:8).

Yes, through His death on the cross He received that victory. Today, He will open ways for you to receive victory.

“He will swallow up death forever”

“O death, where is your sting? O hades, where is your victory?” (1 Corinthians 15:55)

The Bible says,

ployment, where is your victory? Oh the tears of my family, where is your victory?” The Lord who grants triumph will certainly give you victory.

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Sometimes you may say, “How much I have fasted and prayed. I have prayed with tears for my burden of debts to be removed. I am much grieved as everyone in my family taunts me. Why has the Lord not answered my prayer yet?” Don’t be hasty to say that. The Lord knows the appointed time and season. At the appointed time He would do everything you need wonderfully. (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

morning prayer are the ones that I have sung and recorded in the CDs recently. They are very meaningful. Both of us used to sing filled with the Holy Spirit. The Lord would come and commune with us. What a joy! We would settle down to pray with many worries. But, the moment we begin to sing these songs and pray, the Holy Spirit would strengthen us. All our sorrows would be turned to joy. This blessing will come only when we seek the Lord diligently, when we believe in Him and when we read His Word.

“Oh, that my grief were fully weighed, and my calamity laid with it on the scales! For

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In the year 1986, our 17 year old daughter Angel given to us by God, died in a gruesome accident. The previous night, she was talking to us till 11O’ Clock. The next morning everything was over in a moment. She permanently departed from us. What other sorrow could be more

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“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13)

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than that? But, the Lord comforted us in this situation. He is still strengthening us for the past 29 years. As a family we did only one thing. We remembered the sufferings of the Lord on the cross. We were deeply distressed only for a month. After that the doors for ministry were opened. My husband, my dear son and I set out for the ministry. My son Paul Dhinakaran suddenly said, “Mom, will you speak a few words?” I was a broken hearted mother, who had experienced the ultimate height of sorrow. Yet, at that time the Lord strengthened me. I stood up and spoke glorifying God. “The Lord has borne my sorrow on the cross. Why should I worry? I commit myself to work for the people” – Thus saying I committed myself totally. The Lord honoured that commitment. Though there is sorrow over

“For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted” (Hebrews 2:18).

We went through so many sufferings in life. We faced financial problem and were childless. We were rejected by many. Thus for several years, we experienced agony after agony. Above all, many times, my husband became sick to the point of death. Doctors would then give up hope on his life. Imagine how a wife would have felt. We had done the ministry faithfully and with devotion. This is how the devil tries to push us down. God sent Jesus Christ to bear all these sorrows on the cross in order to deliver us from the trials and sorrows. “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief”(Isaiah 53:3,4). Yes, He bore all our sorrows and sufferings. He has accomplished everything for us on the cross. So, when you face a problem and suffer unbearable sorrow, look at the cross, as a whole family.

For Job “Changes and war were ever against him” (Job 10:17). He lost his physical health, wealth and everything. His wife ridiculed him even in the midst of sorrow. Friends mocked at him. Why such sorrow should be there for the righteous? God Himself testifies about him that he is “blameless and upright, and that he is the one who fears God and shuns evil.” But, satan was intent on separating him from the Lord by afflicting him. On one hand, Job was seeking the Lord more and more. On the other hand, tribulations were also increasing. We see in 1 Peter 5:8 that the devil walks about seeking whom he may devour. Judas was with Jesus for more than three years. But, he lost all the blessings because of his love for money. The psalmist says, “For the enemy has persecuted my soul; he has made me dwell in darkness” (Psalm 143:3).

Hence, the following scripture gets fulfilled:

(Job 6:2,3)

then it would be heavier than the sand of the sea; therefore my words have been rash.”

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He said, “Behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49).

my daughter’s loss, the Lord has taught me not to magnify it but to look up to Him alone. Dearly beloved, tell your sorrows and sufferings to Him. Ask Him, “Lord, You bore the sorrow for me; You have borne my sufferings. You have borne my grief of the loss of my husband. You have borne the sorrow of the loss of my child. Strengthen me. Give me Your grace to stand for You.” Perhaps, apart from this, you might have so many other sorrows. Don’t magnify it and cry over it. The Lord has borne your sorrow and grief on the cross.

To receive divine peace and joy in the midst of sorrow, you need to wait at the feet of the Lord. When you thus wait, the Holy Spirit, the power from above, will come upon you. Then He will fill you with joy inexpressible and full of glory (1 Peter 1:8). All of you should receive this joy. This is the time of the Holy Spirit. In the year 1962, my husband asked the Lord and received the Holy Spirit as in Acts 10:38. Seeing his experience, we too received Him. This joy of the Holy Spirit will change your sorrow, whatever it might be. A new strength will fill you.

Meditate on the things about the cross. Think of the benefits and the priceless salvation which He has given you. Are you not saved and are you committing many more sins? Today, give your heart to the Lord. Hold on to Him. He will perfect everything for you.

This joy alone comforted and consoled me after my husband’s death. Initially, I grieved and cried a lot. The next day the Holy Spirit strengthened me. When the Holy Spirit comes, His strength will fill us. With the divine strength given by the Holy Spirit, He is guiding me till this day. The Lord Jesus is speaking to me day and night. What a joy!

FULL JOY IN SORROW Apostle John says, “And these things we write to you that your joy may be full” (1 John 1:4). The Lord Jesus says, “Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full” (John 16:24).

Dearly beloved, laying aside all your worries and burdens, receive the power of the Lord by waiting in the Lord’s presence. Receive this blessing as a family. When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, a divine strength fills you. Your sorrow vanishes. From today there shall be joy, comfort and victory. Strengthen yourself. Learn to wait in the presence of the Lord with faith. Do what you could do for the Lord. There is a great ministry for women. There is a great ministry for your family. Commit yourself to the Lord, as a family. He will exalt you and honour you. Who will stand for Him? How many families are going to stand for Him? How many of you are going to stand for Him, individually? The Lord’s special blessings shall come upon you. The Holy Spirit will come upon you gloriously. Your sorrow shall be changed into joy. Your faith is the victory that overcomes the world. ◆

My husband had so many weaknesses in his body. In spite of that, he used to fast and pray for several hours. Yes, He will give you victory and perfect joy only through prayers. When the disciples and Mary, the mother of the Lord, lost Him by death on the cross, they were immersed in great sorrow. But after He rose again, He appeared to them for 40 days in several places. He showed them that He is alive. After that when He ascended to heaven, they were filled with sorrow. What did the Lord do? He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father (Acts 1:5)

Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●


ion est Qu

Question: How to rebuild my ruined home, as a wise woman, as said in the Scriptures?


this divine wisdom and knowledge?

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(2 Corinthians 12:9). How to receive

strength is made perfect in weakness.”

the Word of the Lord says, “My

An s w e r

women are the reason for this. But,

thus ruined. Various weaknesses of

Answer: Today, many families are

- Sis. Stella Dhinakaran

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receive, that your joy may be full”

ing in My name. Ask and you will

“Until now you have asked noth-

Receive by asking

So wait with the faith, “I have confessed all the lacks of my wisdom to the Lord and have asked Him to fill me with wisdom and blessing. He will surely help me. He will give me peace and not any failure.” Your faith will never go in vain. The Bible says, ‘And this is the victory that has overcome the world’ (1 John 5:4).

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“And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” (Matthew 21:22).

me.” The Bible says,

guishes without peace; please help

is caused in my life; my family lan-

restrain my mouth. So much damage

whom. I don’t have the wisdom to

I don’t know what to talk and to

Answer: Today, many families are thus ruined. Various weaknesses of women are the reason for this. But, the Word of the Lord says, “My strength is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

faith saying, “Jesus, I lack in wisdom;

Hold on to the Lord and pray with

(John 16:24).

A big wonder happened in my spiritual life. It cannot be said that I lived a pleasing life to the Lord or had a close relationship with Him, until the day my marriage was fixed. I had loving parents. So, instead of getting early in the morning, I used to sleep till 7 O’clock. I enjoyed dressing up and eating well. My mother taught me so many pious things. Though I knew the Lord, I did not know His love and lived a comfortable life, with no interest in godliness. At this state, my marriage was fixed with Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. During the betrothal ceremony, our church pastor asked us to read Prov-

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Jesus never lies; He is faithful. Unlike man, He is unchanging. Realizing that it is a great honour and glory to have Him with you, examine the ways to join Him and have fellowship with Him and follow that.

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Generally, we see women taking pleasure in talking vain words and in chatting. But, you should depart from such practices and spend time with the Lord at your leisure time. He will also be waiting for you eagerly.

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“…lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).

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Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a woman, who walked in the ways pleasing to God. The angel of God said to her, “Mary, you have found favour with God.” She was a young woman. How did she find such favour? She had committed her life 100% to the Lord. That’s why God chose her to be a mother to bring His Son Jesus Christ to this world. We read in the Bible that her relative Elizabeth greeted her saying, “Blessed are you among women; ‘the mother of my Lord.” Yes, dear ones, the Saviour Jesus Christ alone stands with us forever, in this world.

Look at the life of Jesus Christ. We see in the Bible that though He was the Son of the God of gods, He waited at the feet of His Father, whenever He had time in order to do what His Father told Him to do. My dear sisters, follow this life from today. Avoid spending your time in vain and spend it in the way, pleasing to the Lord. Then the Lord will lead you in the way, pleasing to Him. Mary accepted the will of God in her life and accomplished it by committing herself to Him saying, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). How gloriously she is exalted today, as a divine mother! The Lord will give you the same divine glory. So, examine the ways of the Lord, walk in them with devotion and be diligent to fulfil only the will of God.

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Blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways (Psalm 128:1).

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Fearing the Lord

My dear sisters, you too should be filled with the Lord, who is able to give you knowledge, wisdom and intelligence and earn such good testimonies.

tified about me. I was not proud over that but thanked the Lord saying, “Lord, I praise You for Your grace and for the good testimony given by this mother. You are worthy of all glory and honour.”

Once, an old lady, stayed in our home for a few days, as she was undergoing medical treatment. It was never easy to earn a good name from her. But when she left our home, after the treatment, she said, “I’ve seen the houses of certain other women, who are newly married just like you. They are not godly and disciplined. On the other hand, you fear the Lord and live a pleasing life to Him. I am so happy about you…” She thus tes-

erbs 31:10-31, with devotion. As I read those words, I was deeply troubled and was worried telling myself, “I don’t follow any of the good things written in this Scripture portion. How will I live a united life with this man of God?” But immediately I thought, “Why should I be burdened about this?” The verse, “Cast your burdens on the Lord and He shall sustain you…” flashed before me. So I held on to the Lord firmly. I began to pray fervently every day, “Jesus, I know that I am full of shortcomings; I don’t get up early in the morning; I am not living a life of unison with You. I have so many such shortcomings. Fill me with You, who are perfect, according to Your Word. Then all my shortcomings will flee away” Hearing this simple prayer, the Lord did great things in my life, according to my faith.

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Similarly, what an agony in this wicked world because of the children! What a distress because of lacks and wants in life! Fear and tears because of sickness! The list goes on. “Is there any way to receive God’s glory in the midst of

When we read this promise carefully, we could see what a wonderful life is contained in this. As the Lord has said, we read from the lives of many men of God in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, that in this world we will have tribulation. Look at Abraham. He was a man, who walked with God. But, at the state wherein he had no child, how his faith was disturbed! Look at David. He held on to the Lord since his childhood. Yet, many were the tribulations that he faced in his life! Thus, when tribulation or affliction comes, we tend to question, ‘Why these afflictions?’ But the Lord Jesus says,

(2 Corinthians 4:17,18).

Yes, as an example for this, He Himself went through the path of tribulations in his life. He too passed through various kinds of tribulations such as the envy of the wicked men, hypocritical words, deceit etc., So, He pretty well knows the agony of tribulation. When we pass through such agonizing path of affliction, He wants to deliver us and glorify us. In the Bible, we read, “…tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance, character; and character, hope” (Romans 5:3,4). So, when the children of God, go through these, they need not shed tears over them. The reason, we read in the Bible that they will glory in tribulations. What a glorious thing is this!

“…In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we do not look at the things which are seen,…”

My dear sisters, today are you in tears agonizing over the tribulations of the world? Today, how many women are broken and shed tears when their husband leaves them for another woman, despite their trust and love for him. How they are troubled, languishing, “Is my life over? What will I do now? Is it life or death?”

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(Philippians 4:6,7).

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tion as you have lost your dear one or as you have unbearable burdens in life. You may be languishing in bitterness, pain and sorrow wondering what is there in life anymore, as you have lost your job or the love of your family or various other things in life. But, when you look unto the face of the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of these and hold on to Him saying, “Lord, You are my Refuge; my Fort and my everything,” a great peace will fill your mind (Isaiah 26:3). Joy inexpressible and full of glory will bubble up in you (1 Peter 1:8). The boldness, “When the Lord is with me, why should I shed tears?” will fill the heart (Proverbs 28:1).

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My dear sisters, perhaps you too may be in the peak of tribula-

On May 21, 1986, within a split second, I lost my dear daughter in a gruesome accident. During her funeral service, Pas. Sundaram, the man of God said, “Our dear daughter is not here; she is in the lap of God. Those who believe this, raise up your hands and say, “Praise the Lord” When he said these words, a great faith filled my heart. “Yes, What the pastor says is true. My daughter’s body alone is here. Hasn’t she skipped all the afflictions in this world and gone to be with the Lord to be happy?” – Overcome by this thought, I lifted up my right hand and said “Hallelujah” even in the height of tribulation.

Job was a man of God. He firmly held on to the Lord. As we know, what did he do when he lost everything in life and reached the peak of tribulation? He thanked the Lord saying, “Praise be to the Lord.” Perhaps we may wonder how we can praise Him in the height of affliction. Dear ones, having experienced this in my life, I would like to share my testimony with you.

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your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”

Dear ones, how can this be possible? As mentioned in the above verse, when you praise the Lord, thinking only of His love without giving room for worries and burdens in your mind, you can receive this blessing. We, the women, are indeed weak vessels. We do have the tendency to languish, unable to bear even a trivial lack or want. Many of us are baffled, “How to be bold even in that state?” At such times, think of the good things that the Lord has done for you and praise Him. When you thus praise Him more and more, grace will abound in your heart. Divine presence will fill you. The strength of a wild ox will fill you. Nothing can move you. Divine power will fill you to make you firm in Christ.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard


My dear sisters, today, wipe away your tears. The God of Abraham is your God. As he believed, you too believe God saying, “My Lord is able to change the path of affliction” and glorify God even before you receive the blessings. Stop lamenting over the darkness in your life. With a firm faith that light will shine in your life, honour the Lord. Then you will see a miracle. Many times, I have experienced this in my life. The Lord will glorify you according to His word. He will make the afflictions in your life to vanish without any trace.

all these afflictions?” – Do you wonder thus? What did Abraham do when he went through such sorrows? He was not weak in his faith. He did not consider his own body, already dead and the deadness of Sarah’s womb. Besides, he did not waver at the promise of God – “You will be a father of nations” (Genesis 17:4), but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God (Romans 4:19-21). Accordingly, He received full blessings from the hand of God.

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those who had gathered there in that house of mourning, because of the joy given by the Lord? This is a real incident that happened in the early days. Yes, dear ones! The Lord, as the heavenly light, wants to change everything about us. To receive this experience, we need to be filled with the Spirit of God as in 2 Corinthians 3:18. Then God will be with us in all the afflictions that we face in our daily life. He will give us His image, transform us and make us enjoy glorious divine experiences. Today, let us commit ourselves to Him daily, desiring for such things and telling Him, “Lord, fill me with such kind of power and gifts, give me Your image, change all the darkness in my life and help Your glory and light to shine in me.” Then the Lord will guide us continually, and satisfy our soul in drought, and strengthen our bones; we shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail (Isaiah 58:11). ◆

Bible Quiz - 40 winners

over that. Seeing this minister of God entering the house, that sister said, “Brother, you’ve come at the right time. Let us praise and pray so that my husband would come back to life. The Lord will surely raise him up alive.” The minister of God was surprised to hear this. Immediately he and the sister along with few others who believed it, started praising God and prayed, “Lord, we believe that You are able to raise up Your servant. Right now place Your hands on him. Raise him up alive.” What a wonder! As they began to praise the Lord faithfully, divine presence came down and a divine glory filled the entire place. Suddenly the brother, who was dead, opened his eyes and got up. Do I need to tell about the joy experienced by that family? Wouldn’t that sister have prepared a delicious feast for that servant of God and for all

Chennai: Sumithra David, Sophia Rupert Vellore: P. Rajapandy, Andhra: K. Joshua Paul, T. S. Sudhakar Raju Karnataka: K. Dhanamani. Lal

A pastor went on his foot to many places to do God’s ministry. In those days, ministers of God worked really hard and faithfully to do ministry. One day, out of exhaustion, he was dejected and lamented to himself, “Oh, I am so hungry. I don’t have money to buy something to eat.” At that time, he remembered a dear sister whose town was close by. Deciding to fill his hunger there, he headed towards her house. But, when he went there, he saw a large number of people crowding the door step and wailing. He was worried that something adverse had happened and hurried in. What he saw caused him much agony. Yes, that sister’s husband was lying dead and everyone was crying

When afflictions assail us, the appearance of our life too changes just as how our mind becomes dark. When we look to the Lord, in the midst of that darkness, He will come in our midst since He entered this world as Light and will completely change that dark situation into bright light. Nothing is impossible for Him. Isn’t it? (John 1:9).


Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●


Bible Quiz – 42

Answers – Bible Quiz 40 1. Almighty, He is excellent in power, In judgment – Job 37:23 2. He, who is among His people, to Jerusalem - Ezra 1:3 3. The lips of the wise disperse knowledge - Proverbs 15:7 4. Many waters cannot quench love – Song of Songs 8:7 5. Those who follow after wickedness; They are far from the Lord’s law – Psalm 119:150 6. Vashti – Esther 1:16 7. His good Spirit to instruct them – Nehemiah 9:20 8. The Lord shall build up Zion; He shall appear in His glory – Psalm 102:15 9. Breath of the Almighty, man – Job 32:8 10. Wisdom is good with an inheritance – Ecclesiastes 7:11

(Bible Portion: Daniel to Malachi) Give answers with Bible reference

1. What shall be prosperous? What shall give its fruits? 2. What does the Lord love? 3. What does the Lord bring, to what and when? 4. What are right? 5. What are considered a strange thing? 6. What was the earth full of? 7. Who ‘remains among you’? 8. What does the Lord subdue, and what does He cast in to what? 9. What are thrown down, by whom? 10. What belong to the Lord, our God?

Send your answers before 15 July 2015. Send your answers to : Bible Quiz – 42 Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600028.

IN CHENNAI Family Blessing Meeting

Women’s Blessing Meeting

Date : 2015 July 26 (Sunday)

Date : 2015 July 3 (Friday)

Time : 5:30 PM

Time : 10:30 AM ○


Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. MESSAGE & PRAYER BY:

SISTER STELLA DHINAKARAN Come with your family, friends and relatives. Be blessed! For further details contact: 044 - 23456630 Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●


God’s mighty deeds in the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Meeting

CHANDIGARH The Lord displayed His power in the Family Blessing Meeting which was held on 9th & 10th of May 2015.

Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●


Ministry Report – 9 & 10 May 2015

Church leaders who participated in the meeting and the organizing team.

The Lord did awesome deeds in the Jesus Calls Family Blessing meeting held on May 9th and10th, 2015, in Chandigarh. It was a great blessing to all the participants. The meeting began at 5.30 PM on May 9th in the Mount Carmel School Ground, Chandigarh. More than 7000 people from North India – Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Uttarkhand etc., thronged the meeting with great thirst. 10,000 people heard the Lord’s Word on the second day meeting. The ‘Jesus Calls’ choir glorified the Lord by worshipping Him through songs. Many were comforted when Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit shared the deep truths of the Lord and prayed for the gathering; the Holy Spirit came down in a mighty way; many received miraculous healing; many were delivered from the bondage of the devil. People enjoyed heavenly joy. They glorified the Lord by sharing their testimony about their miraculous experiences and blessings on the stage. Many servants of God graced these meetings with their presence and most of them testified that the three cities Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali were blessed by these meetings. The organizers had made excellent arrangements of these meetings. Finally, on May 7th and 8th Sis. Stella Dhinakaran inaugurated new Prayer Towers in Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) and in Panchkula (Haryana) respectively, for the glory of God and for the blessings of the people in these areas. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran praying for the multitudes who came for the meeting. Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●


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- Emlin Karin, Sundergarg. One of the sisters of our Esther Prayer Group had no child even after 5 years of married life. We were praying with burden for her. The Lord heard our prayer and has miraculously blessed her with a girl baby. We give glory to God for this miracle.

Gift of a child

- Suganthamma, Andhra.

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Reunion after 8 years Sis. Ruthamma and her husband were living separated for 8 years. We had been praying with burden for their reunion. Hearing

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I am the leader of our Esther Prayer Group. During the prayer time, all of us felt the mighty presence of God. He helped us to understand each and every prayer


During the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord helped us to feel His presence and pray with tears

God’s presence and strength in the spirit

point given to us. A sister had the vision of the angels of God praising God along with each and every sister who was praising God, in this world. I thank the Lord for this glorious blessing given by God.

- Rosemary Toppo, Uttar Pradesh.

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Sis. Sushma, who had spent a lot of money for medical treatment for her sickness, was praying for her healing in the Esther Prayer Group. God heard the prayer and healed her miraculously. Sis. Alka was far away from God. When she attended the Esther Prayer Group and prayed, her tears were changed into joy. The Lord miraculously met the needs of Sis. Anita, because of our prayers. All glory be to the Lord.

- Sheila Ramalingam, Vellore.

and with the faith that He would surely answer our prayers. That time, all of us rejoiced in the spirit.

As a group, we attended the Esther Prayer Group conference held on 28.3.2015 in Vellore. The verse Jeremiah 33:3, made a great impact on me. This verse was ringing in my heart. I claimed this verse and prayed. That night, the Lord helped me, my husband and children to attend the ‘All Night Prayer’ held in our church. We had never attended any meeting as a family and hence this was a great change in our family. Hearing the prayers offered by dear mother and by the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord did this great miracle. Glory to the Lord.

Divine grace in the family

Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●


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- Hilda Raj, Trivandrum.

- Frieda Christopher, Trivandrum.

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I am the leader of our Esther Prayer Group. The prayer points and promise verse given for this month encouraged us and helped us to pray with burden. Filled with the Holy Spirit, we prayed with oneness of mind. The Esther Prayer Group prayer time was helpful in making all our weaknesses vanish and in strengthening us in the spirit. Glory to God.

The sister of Sis. Seetha of our Esther Prayer Group and her husband were living separated. Problems escalated to the verge of di-

Weakness vanished; strengthened in the spirit

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I am the leader of our Esther Prayer Group. The Lord was faithful to each one of us, all through the last month. The prayer points of this month instigated us to self analyze ourselves, examine our mistakes and sins and confess them and repent for them. Praise be to God for this great mercy.

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Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Young Girls Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel, so that the people there could be blessed, and revived, please write to us.

My dear sisters,

Contact address: Sis. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Email:

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Dear sisters, who pray in the ‘Prayer Group,’ pray with much burden for each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you.

During the Esther Prayer Group, the Holy Spirit came upon each one of the sisters as fire and everyone was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and rejoiced.


Fire anointing, miraculous healing

- Malar Devasahayam, Melagaram.

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- D. Esther Rani, Guntur.

I am the leader of our Esther Prayer Group. One of the sisters of our group had no child even after 13 years of married life. She underwent lot of sufferings in life. As a group, we prayed for her with burden. Hearing the prayer, the Lord has blessed her with a child. Glory to God.

vorce. As a group, we prayed jointly, for her reunion. The Lord miraculously helped that sister to rejoin her husband. Praise be to the Almighty God who did this miracle.

Gift of a child after 13 years

- Vermil Jain, New Delhi.

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- D. Maheshwari Antony, Hyderabad.

I was tormented by the fear of death and by evil thoughts. I watched the testimony of a sister, who had similar problem, in the Jesus Calls television programme. Not only that, I visited the Prayer Tower and requested the prayers of the prayer warriors. I also requested the Esther Prayer Group sisters to pray for me. They prayed for me with fervency. The Lord heard the prayer and has granted me complete deliverance. Glory be to God.

Fear of death vanished

Sis. Ankit was suffering from cancer. We prayed for her healing, in the Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayer and healed her completely. We give glory to Him for healing her.

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- K.Usha Devi, Visakhapatnam.

our prayers, the Lord miraculously brought them back together. Glory be to God.

Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ●



(Many are those who suffer mentally by comparing themselves with others. Many are the parents who admonish their children saying, “Study like him/her; behave like him/her…” Because of these comparisons which are done out of ignorance, youngsters suffer a lot. This leads them towards wrong decisions. This prayer has been compiled for the use of parents whose children are miserable because of inferiority complex)

Loving heavenly Father, We thank You for the son/daughter whom You have given for us. We know that the gift of a child is a great blessing. We praise You whole heartedly for giving us this blessing. We thank You for protecting our son/daughter till date. We thank You that You have kept us in a position to meet the essential needs of our son/daughter. Give him/her the grace to understand that. We are unable to bear it when she becomes bitter by comparing our family and social status with that of her friends. Guard our child’s heart so that he/she will not give room for satan to plant unwanted worries and longings in his/her heart. We have joined our child in the school/college which is according to our capacity. He/she is interested in studies. Your grace is sustaining him/her. We praise You for that. We realize that our child feels bad as he/she is unable to score high marks


like others, in this competitive world. Forgive us if we had by any chance compared our child with other children. Give us the strength not to repeat this mistake. The Bible says that “Children are a heritage from You.” You have given each child special skills and talents just as how one star differs from another star in glory. We know that when we do whatever our hands find to do, with might, You will reward that. Grant Your grace for our child to realize that and to have the faith that You are able to help him/her score excellent marks. Lead him/her in such a way to ask You for wisdom and receive it. Lord, You have created man in Your own image. Even now the son/daughter whom You have given us is a priceless gift. He/she seems to have developed inferiority complex regarding his/her personality. We understand from the Bible that apostle Paul, whom You used greatly had a weak appearance. By the strength given to him, David, who was smaller in appearance than his brothers, killed the giant Goliath. You are the One who does not see the face but the heart. Give my son/daughter the grace to understand this and to open up his/her heart to You to be used by You fully. You are aware that my son/daughter is languishing that he/she has not got a job in a big firm just as how his/her friends have got. We have tried our level best to instill in him/her hope. You make everything beautiful in its time. We beseech You to kindle the faith in his/her heart that at the due time, You would give him/her an excellent job which is far above what he/she asks for. Develop in us the tendency to give comfort to our child in every way without provoking and constantly criticizing him/her and to help him/her to grow in faith. It is Your wish that our son/daughter should be prosperous. So we ask You in the name of our Saviour Jesus that You will remove his/her shortcoming and grant him/her peace and joy. Amen. (Based on the Scriptures: Psalm 127:3,4; 1 Corinthians 15:41; James 1:5; Ecclesiastes 9:10; Genesis 1:27; 2 Corinthians 10:10; 1 Samuel 16:11,12;17:4; Ecclesiastes 3:11; Ephesians 3:20; Colossians 3:21).

Jesus Calls ● July 2015 ● 50 Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

Holy Land

Tour Israel Jordan Egypt

Come! Walk where the Lord walked and experience His miracles. Tour starts from 12 October 2015 onwards. Groups will start from major airports in India and other Countries. During this tour, groups will be taken to visit the Israel Prayer Tower on different days to pray for two hours. Dr Paul Dhinakaran and Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran will share prophetic message and pray individually for them. Experienced guides will provide guidance and help in the places related to Biblical incidents. Translations will be made available (English, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada ). Facility to offer personal prayers in these places can be availed. A golden chance for you to choose from three tour options.

Option-1. ISRAEL Rs.79999/- (6 nights/ 7 days – inclusive of three times food) Option-2. JORDAN (Petra) & ISRAEL Rs. 99999/- (8 nights/ 9 days - inclusive of three times food) Option-3. JORDAN (Petra), ISRAEL & EGYPT (Pyramid) Rs. 108999/- (11 nights / 12 days - inclusive of three times food) (This charge is only for the groups that leave from India).

Hurry up! Register now!

For more details contact : 044 65556841 / 42/ 43 Email : Website:

Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-6-2015

In Bethesda...

Special Blessing Meeting 12th July, 2015 - 1.30 PM (Sunday) Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran will share God’s message and offer prayers

Bethesda Auditorium, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore.

To enjoy receiving God’s comfort, peace, deliverance and blessing, come with your friends and relatives. JUST FOR A DAY …. DON’T MISS THIS RARE CHANCE! For your facility, special buses will be operated from Coimbatore Gandhipuram Bus stand, Railway Station and Town Hall. Bethesda is situated 25 Kms away from Coimbatore. You may come by private vehicles also. Ample Car Parking facility. Meeting/accommodation details: 0422-2614580/9487846545/0422-2614791

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