Jesus Calls (English) - August 2016

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"What happened to the prophecies that were uttered for me?" "What happened to the prophecies that were uttered over my family and my nation?" If these are the questions troubling your mind then this month's revelation is going to set you free. It is also going to show you how you can be the person who will make prophecies for yourself, your family and your

nation come to pass. Yes! You are going to do it. This is one of the very powerful revelations the Holy Spirit has given me which I want to share with you in this month's message. Many prophesies have been uttered upon many believers from the throne of God through the prophets or through a revelation from scripture but they have not yet been fulfilled in Jesus Calls

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their lives. You would have heard many prophecies uttered over you but would have forgotten them because they never happened immediately. These prophecies are waiting for one more thing to mix with them and make it happen. What is that ONE thing? PRAYER. In Luke 18:1 Jesus says, "people need to pray continuously and not to

be discouraged". Ephesians 6:18 says, "pray always in the Spirit". 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, "pray without ceasing" and Philippians 4:6 says, "pray for everything". When we are in the realm of God, God speaks to us prophetically and when we pray for that prophecy to be fulfilled, then that kind of prayer is called ‘Prophetic Prayer'. Elijah brought fire from heaven, but the next moment God said, "I am going to send rain", but Elijah didn't wait for the promise to be fulfilled automatically but prayed seven times. He bowed and prayed continuously That is called ‘Prophetic Prayer'.

Planned before the Foundations of the World In Hebrews 4:3 the Bible says, everything has been already planned even before the foundation of the world. If the works of God are already finished even before the foundation of the world, then what is He going to do now? Is God going to bring those works to pass? How is He going to bring His works into being? God says in Amos 3:7 that God never does anything without revealing it to His servants - the prophets. So God's work is revealed to His prophets. When they are revealed to His prophets they will announce it to the believers and what will believers do? They will offer prophetical prayers – praying for the prophesies to come true and when prophetical prayers are made , God answers their prayers and thus the Will of God come to pass on this earth.

We need to pray that it will come to pass. PROPHESY should be followed by PRAYER. Habakkuk 2:2,3 says, "When God gives you a vision, write it down in a tablet and wait for it". How to wait for it? Pray and Pray and Pray for it. Then you will gain strength, and arise with wings as eagles (Isa. 40:30,31). So prophetical prayer is not just praying blindly; not just babbling in prayer. Prophetical Prayer is knowing the mind of God and praying accordingly. This is what will bring the kingdom of God upon the earth. That is the grace of God which is going to be given to you in order to fulfil the plan He has planned for you even before the foundations of the earth. This prophecy is not only about the nations. It will also be about you ; it will be about your spouse and children. Yes, first you have to become strong, then your family has to become strong and only then you can minister to the world. Many times we look outside but God is going to make you look inside. It is the word which God gives to your family members that you will have joy. As the prophetical words given through you come to pass in your family, people in your family will respect you, love you and honour you. That's the work of the Holy Spirit. But it is not enough that the family receives just words and promises from God. As I already told you that the word of God that is spoken needs to be PRAYED upon, if it has to be fulfilled. That is called ‘Prophetical Prayer'. It is praying over the PromJesus Calls

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ises of God so that the same can happen in this world. Praying for the prophecies to come to pass in this natural world in a supernatural way is in itself a ministry. This is how a family that prays together; stays together. Yes! My friend! This grace will come to you today.

What happens when you pray prophetically? Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel's hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake (Revelation 8:3-5) First, we see that the Prayers of saints are mixed with ‘Incense'. The prayers of the saints go like an incense. Second, we see the ‘altar' of God. An altar is a place where sacrifices were made in the Old Testament. It is the place where sin offerings were made. This can be equated to the blood of Jesus Christ whose blood was shed at the altar of God, once and for all the sins of the world. Thirdly, we see ‘fire' in the altar. When the prayers of the Saints go as a smoke upon the altar where the blood of Christ is, there is fire. Remember when Gideon offered his sacrifice upon the altar a fire from heaven

came and burnt it up as a sign of God accepting the offering (Judges 6:2021). Fourthly, we see an angel of the Lord throwing that mixture of Prayer of Saints and the fire upon the earth. Fifthly, we see the result of the angel throwing the fire upon the earth. There are four results viz: noises, thunderings, lightning and an earthquake Now, lets us see Prophetical Prayer and its powerful results in the light of this verse from Revelation. When you receive a prophetical word and you pray, your prayer goes as an incense to God. As your prayers are offered to fulfil the plan of God; as you pray for the prophesies of God to be fulfilled, your prayers go as an incense to God. When we pray with our ‘own words', it does not go as an incense to God because it is prayed in the flesh. It is full of our own self-words and thoughts. But when we pray with the mind of Christ; when we know the heart of God and pray with an expectation for it to happen i.e. when we pray prophetically, our prayers go as incense into the presence of God.

And you know what happens to your prayer when it reaches good heavens? Heavens receive your prayers in golden censers. Not just ordinary vessels but in golden censors and they offer it to God as an incense. Then the incense (which is your prayers) is poured upon the altar, which is before the throne of Jesus. And I believe that

altar has the blood of Jesus Christ. Here your prophetical prayers and the blood of Jesus Christ mixes together because only the blood of Jesus Christ is the blood that He has shed for God's plan to be fulfilled for humanity and therefore only that blood can trigger the plan of God into action in the world. So the plan of God (which you are praying) which becomes an incense and the finished work of Jesus Christ through His blood mixes together and becomes a powerful portion. Then you see that an angel of God takes a golden censer. Watch here that everything is in gold - pure gold, because

God loves it. The prophecies are like our crown and not even one hair shall fall on the ground. The Lord will not allow even one small prophecy to fall on the ground. So let us not think light of the prophecies that come to us. Let us write it down and pray as a church. Spend at least five minutes in prayer saying, "Lord, you have said this, this and this; make it come to pass". God loves this kind of selfless prayer. We are not praying for ourselves , rather we are praying for God's plan to be fulfilled; we are praying for the world. It is such a selfless prayer that God loves. There is nobody to pray His

As your prayers are offered to fulfil the plan of God; as you pray for the prophesies of God to be fulfilled, your prayers go as an incense to God. your prayers are so precious like gold. Friend! Don't underestimate the value of your prophetical prayers; don't underestimate the value of your prophecy; don't underestimate the power of your fasting. They are like gold. They are valuable in the presence of God. When you fast and pray write down those prophecies and say, "Lord fulfil this prophecy". Your prayers go into the presence of God like an incense and is sure to be answered. Every prophecy that comes out of the mouth of a prophet should be written down on tablets and be prayed. Jesus Calls

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prophecies into being. The golden censers are empty in heaven because there are people to prophesy, but there is nobody to pray those prophecies into being. You say, "God has spoken about my son that he will be a prophet. Fine! But have you ever prayed for that prophecy to be fulfilled? You are talking about that prophecy and this prophecy but you are not praying for that prophecy to be fulfilled. God is saying, " My altar is ready with the blood, but your prayers have not yet come as an incense". Prophecies don't get fulfilled au-

tomatically. Many have been forgotten, faded out and disappeared, not because they were powerless but they were prayerless.

you prophesy God's plan. When your

ing; Third lightning and fourth earth-

prophetical prayer mixes with the

The prophecies that come out of you shall go to the throne of God and get mixed with the blood of Jesus Christ. And then you see an angel of God, taking both in a golden censer and pouring it upon the earth. Some versions say, " he poured it upon the earth" and some versions say, " he threw it on the earth". What does he throw? He throws an answer from God for the prophetic prayers.


quakes. These things will not happen in the natural but in the Spiritual. Lets us see how these things happen in the Spiritual realm.

God doesn't do things on His own. He needs your prayers along with His blood to makes things happens on the earth. Friend! Would you make it happen? Will you pray for the prophecies of God to come to pass on this earth? If you say a ‘Yes' to this question then today it shall come to pass. You will see miracles in your family; miracles in your personal life ; miracles in other's lives for whom you pray prophetically and miracles in the nations. The revival will begin from you today.

blood of Jesus Christ, that's when the fire comes.

Here I need to insert a word of caution ! In the Old Testament, you see the sons of Aaron, Abihu and Nadab brought strange fire on the altar and they died (Leviticus 10:1,2). It is dangerous to bring wrong prophesies to the altar. Wrong prophecies are that which the devil is going to do. It's a dangerous fire that comes out of it. Let us be careful. Let us just talk about the works of Jesus Christ on the Cross and what He is going to do and it becomes fire. That's a small caution. Now, let us continue with the revelation. Then the Bible says, "the angel took the censer; filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth," . I like the expression, "threw it to the earth". See! ‘You' don't have to make anything happen. Everything will be thrown from heaven. Everything will be provided from heaven. There is

How do the answers come to this earth?

an angel, which is in heaven to throw

This is the most important thing? Four things happen. Let us look at the Scripture portion (Revelation 8:3-5) once more :

You will see it happen. Yes! The blood

You see, when the blood of Jesus and your prophetical prayer mix together, it is fire. Many times we are asking for fire anointing and say , "Fire, fire, fire". Fire doesn't come by jumping on the platform; it comes when

what is going to happen on the earth. of Jesus Christ and the prayers of the saints mixed together brings fire and he pours it on the earth and you will see things happening in heavens and on the earth as it was prophesied. When the prophetic prayer is being released four things will be released? First, noises; Second, thunderJesus Calls

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Voices and Noises Now, what do the words ‘voices' and ‘noises' mean? If you read Psalm 89:15 , it says, "Blessed is the people that know the JOYFUL SOUND: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance." You will begin to hear a voice from heaven. What is this voice? What does this voice say? As Jesus Christ prayed, He prayed prophetically. And His prayers went to heaven and there was a voice which came down from heaven and that voice said, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased; hear Him." (Matthew 3:17; 17:6) This is the voice that the world is going to hear even abut you when you prophetically pray. Every time you pray prophetically, heavens will open and God's voice will come upon the earth about you first. About you saying, "This is my beloved daughter in whom I am well pleased; this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased; hear him". The time is coming, when God's servants shall be a sign and wonder. He will honour you. I was preaching in Delhi in the year 1992. I was preaching that night about ‘peace' and there was a lady who was seated among the crowd. She was a great intellectual but she had a terrible back pain. She never knew anything about Jesus but at the

end of the meeting she came and cried on the platform. When asked what happened to her she said , ‘I came and sat there, just to get rid of my back pain because somebody told me that if I came to this meeting my back pain will be healed. Brother Paul was speaking and I was not even listening to what he was preaching. I was waiting for my back ache to leave me. My focus was on my back pain, but then suddenly, somebody appeared beside Dr Paul Dhinakaran. And a light glowed from Him and it covered brother Paul. Then that light came straight towards me as I was sitting far away in the chair and it hit me. I immediately swooned and fell down on the ground and laid there for several minutes maybe even for an hour. Then I woke up and got up to my feet. When I got up, I sensed a great joy and peace bubbling in my heart. I searched for my back pain but it was not there. It had disappeared. Then as I was getting up and beginning to leave, I heard a voice saying, " My daughter, I love you. I am Jesus". That voice drew me to the platform. Here I am. I came here with my back pain, but now I have Jesus, He is real.''

That is the voice you will hear. As I was praying prophetically, the angel threw a voice from heaven. That voice touched this sister and healed her and transformed her life. This is how God is going to move in the days to come. He will make His servants perform signs and wonders. A voice will be heard from heaven saying, ‘‘This is

my beloved son. Hear him" Today you may say, I am an orphan, but God is going to make you a sign for the world and make them listen to you. Let not your heart be troubled. And secondly, there are ‘noises' which are the voices of demons. Even the demons will shout and make noises. The angel will throw these noises also from heaven in order to honour the servant of God. They may be the noises of demons but they will bring honour to the prophet and the servant of God. Demons will shout as they hear your words – your prophetical words which will bear the name of Jesus Christ. Luke 4:40, 41says that when Jesus came near the demon possessed , they (the demons) shouted and said, "You are the Son of God", and when Jesus commanded them to go out of the person the demons automatically left. When we prophetically pray the demons will shout our name and say, "You are the child of God". They can never touch you.

Thunderings And next thing that will happen when you prophetically pray is that the angel will throw another thing from the censer upon the earth. That is ‘thundering'. And when did this thundering come? Acts 2:2-4, says, "When the Holy Spirit came upon the people as they were gathered together, there was thundering". One translation says, " It was a ‘noise' of the great wind". When the thundering came, a fire came upon the heads of the people. Fire is created when your prophetic Jesus Calls

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prayer is mixed with the blood of Jesus Christ. And when it comes as a ‘fire' then there is thundering. Note when there was thundering, people began to speak in new tongues. Therefore ‘thundering' here me and anointing - the power to speak the things of God in many languages. The disciples were speaking in every language of people who were present there. I don't know how many languages are here in the world today, but I tell you, the time will come when you will speak in every language. It is not we who will be bringing people from everywhere but the Holy Spirit will draw them from all the corners of the earth. People from various languages will come to experience the fire and the thundering – the voice of tongues. Why should the people of all nations come to the upper room where 120 disciples or followers of Jesus gathered together behind closed doors? Because when they prayed secretly behind closed doors, the fire and thundering came and people were attracted towards that place. Friend! Your prophetical prayer in secret will reveal God's glory to the nations outside and they will be drawn to where you will prophesy to them in their language. Yes! There is hope for the whole world through you.

Lightnings And thirdly, there was lightning. When does this lightning come? Read Luke 10:18 where Jesus Says, "I saw Satan fall as a lightning". Yes! Satan has to fall on his face. When the Lightning hits, he has to fall flat. When does

this happen? See in Luke 10, Jesus speaks to His disciples and sends them two by two to the places, cities, villages where they were supposed to go. And all that they had to do was to go and say, " Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming". That was their message. But when they said Jesus was coming, they were only making an announcement but the demons were running. They said, "Lord we just went and said that Jesus is coming - just three words and demons were running". Yes! They only spoke three words but those words were said prophetically. This is what happens when we say words prophetically i.e. the words that were given to them by God. There is a difference between what ‘you' are saying and what ‘God' wants you to say. When God wants you to say something and you say it; it is a prophetical saying. God speaks only in simple terms like, "Jesus is Coming". And that word was powerful because those words were given to them by Jesus. That is why we pray. We don't preach without praying; we don't preach without listening to God; we don't preach our own words; we preach only those words given by God to us. The disciples just said it and the demons ran. And when they came back and said, "Lord, when we mentioned your name the demons ran", they were so happy. Jesus looked at them and said, "I saw Satan fall as lightning". You see when they said, "Jesus is coming", they were saying what Jesus had asked them to say and Satan fell as if a lightning struck him.

So as you speak prophetical words; as you speak the message that God gives you ; it literally opens the door for Jesus to come in. And when you pray, a fire will be produced and lightning will happen and the Devil will fall flat. Devil can never shut the door that God has opened. God says, "I will set before you an open door which no man can shut. When I keep the door closed no man can open, no devil can open" (Rev. 3:10).

Earthquake Finally, there will be an earthquake.

nations shall come". The shaking will come. It is happening right now. Nations are shaking, communities are shaken, finances are shaken, families are shaken, but I know quickly the desired of the nations is coming. How will he come? When we pray prophetically over the nations. God will give you the plan of God for the nations. That's why the Prayer Towers are established everywhere around the world – to pray prophetically for the nations and the nations shall be shaken. Yes! The nations shall be shaken for Jesus. The nations shall

When did earthquake come?

be shaken by the Gospel of Jesus

Matthew 27:50-54, When Jesus gave

Christ through you. When you pray,

His life on the cross, there was an

the saving power of Christ shall come

earthquake. It came when He cried,

upon the nations through you and

"Father, forgive them for they know

shake them up.

not what they do" (Luke 23:34). That

Today after reading this message

is prophetic prayer. When you forgive

when you close your eyes and pray

the sins of the world, they shall be

this grace will come upon you – the

forgiven. Jesus said, "Receive the

grace of prophetical prayer. When it

Holy Spirit", as He breathed upon them

comes upon you will blaze like a fire.

and said, "whosoever sins you forgive,

Voices will call you ‘blessed'; noises

it shall be forgiven". That is the power

of demons will call you ‘oh! Here is a

of the prophetic prayer which comes

powerful servant of God'; your pro-

by mixing the prayer with the blood

phetic words will travel like a lighten-

of Jesus Christ which he shed on the

ing and hit the devil and he will fall


and your prophetic prayer will shake

The time is coming, my friend,

the earth by the Gospel of Jesus Christ

when this world will hear the voice of

and millions of souls will be saved. And

God. Surely there shall be an earth-

for all this, you and your family will be

quake. What does an earthquake do?


It shakes. Yes! It shakes up the earth.

It is my fervent prayers that the

God said in Haggai. 2:6-10, " in a little

prophetical grace comes upon you and

time I will shake the nations; I will

you begin to operate in the Spirit and

shake the earth, heavens, dry lands

experience the many blessings in the

and seas. And then the desired of the

spiritual realm.

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"Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place” (II Chronicles 7:15).

The Lord made me live

I had a tumour in my brain and suffered a lot. Doctors said that I would live for only fifteen more days. I visited the Delhi Prayer Tower and requested the prayer warrior to pray for me. He too prayed earnestly that God should heal me miraculously. I joined him in the prayer and also wept bitterly and prayed in the chapel. The Lord accepted the cries and healed me miraculously. Six months have passed and still I am in good health. Millions of praises to the Lord, who has healed me. I thank God for the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower services. - Susila, Delhi.

Third place in the district When my daughter Anita Sarojini was preparing to appear for her 10th public exam, I visited the Prayer Tower in Nehru Nagar, Madurai and prayed that God should grant her good health and wisdom and help her to write her exams in an excellent manner. Hearing the prayer, the Lord helped her to score 99/100 in Tamil, English and Science, and 100 % in Maths and Social Science with a total score of 497/500. He graciously helped her to secure second place in the Madurai district level and third place in the Tamil Nadu state level. Praise be to the Lord, who heard the prayer. - Malliga Reginald, Madurai.

All Jesus Calls Prayer Towers are open from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM. Visit your nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and be blessed through prayers. Jesus Calls

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Chennai-DGS Dhinakaran Road  044-23456630 / 23456660 Chennai-Rajaji Road  044-23456660 Chennai-Vanagaram  9940600228 / 229 Chennai-Anna Nagar  044-26212655 Delhi  011 - 33999000 West Delhi  011-25354093 Dimapur  03862 - 224 224 / 248 333 Kolkata  033-2231 6711/2231 6712 Gangtok  03592-209438 Shillong  70850 62344 Guwahati  8471885771 Bangalore - Frazer Town  080 - 4146 7878 Bangalore - Rajaji Nagar  080 - 2310 5266 Bangalore -Pai Layout  080-6565 2535 Bangalore -HBR layout  080 - 2546 1133 / 77 Bangalore -Jayanagar  080 - 655 55 680 Goa  086056 10876 Ahmednagar  0241-2323 558/2326 565 Dahisar  022-289 111 22 Nagpur  0712 - 6604070 Mumbai - Ghatkopar East  022-2500 7722/33 Mumbai- Bandra(W)  022-6566 1234 / 264 11122 Navi Mumbai  022 - 2772 9944 Ahmedabad  079 - 661 44 444 Trivandrum  0471-2305551, 2300555 Cochin  0484 - 2348003 / 2348005 Madurai  0452-2380599 / 2380699 Secunderabad - Himmat Nagar  2782 9098 / 2782 Secunderabad - Padmarao Nagar  040 - 2750 3111 / 2750077 To know about the Prayer Towers throughout India, visit or call 1800 425 77 55 (Toll free - 7 AM to 9 PM) For 24 x 7 Prayer help, call

044 - 33 999 000

(The Lord gave me a revelation again on the 8th April 2016. This was following the earlier visitations on 14th March, 2nd May of 2008 & the 6th April 2014. I believe that there will be a window of opportunity for mankind to hear, experience and receive the gospel before the final count down towards the pestilence, natural calamities & human tragedies but God provides hope rapture, tribulation and the Lord's coming. Of Course there would be wars, through the power of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ for the redemption of mankind . This prophesy contains the hope God provides for those who believe and accept Jesus renouncing one's sin to follow Him in obedience to His plan for their life.) Jesus Calls

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MIDDLE EAST - Spirit of Prophecy upon woman and families Then My face will shine upon the Middle East. My Holy Spirit shall come upon the people in the Middle East. They will rise up under my power. The women shall began to prophesy in the homes and they will bring forth My joy. My spirit of joy shall come through the families. Family after family after family shall be filled with my Holy Spirit. The women and the children shall prophesy and the fathers shall turn towards me and righteousness shall come upon the entire Middle East through their families.

RUSSIA Word of God will go Then I will move in Russia. I will teach them My word . My word will go all across Russia. The days of the nation being controlled by the mafia will cease. They will lose their power across the world. All their CHINA & NATIONS accounts will be made empty. Then the OF THE EAST - Healing revival will fall in Russia and My word anointing will flow will be received by everyone. My name and My word shall be heard across My word and instruction the kingdom of the Mongols. The Mongols shall hear my voice . And China shall surely be anointed shall go across Russia.

by My Holy Spirit. My face shall shine upon them. The country will establish a frontier by which it would say that it is impenetrable. But as it becomes stronger and stronger and as it says that, nobody can penetrate into the wall and the web (electronic defence), it's protective wall will crumble. A pestilence shall first go across the nations of the East even in greater China. When nobody else can help them they will cry out to Me. My grace shall then follow and people shall be redeemed. My healing presence shall flow across the land of China. And they will know that I am their only Saviour and their only redeemer. As waters flow from the high mountains so will my anointing and grace flow from China to all the regions around. Today, all the regions around tremble at that nation but time will come when My grace will flow to all nations around from that great nation where my name will be resounding in a supernatural manner. They always begin their activities with the sound of the gong but now they will hear the sound of redemption. There will be great joy. Jesus Calls

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ISRAEL - Law of God will be taught Then My law will be established in Israel. Yes, my plans shall come true in the land of Israel. It shall begin to dictate terms to all the nations of the world. And whatever is decided by Israel shall come to pass in the other nations surrounding it. Then shall the walls of Jerusalem be built. You shall see My glory coming upon the nation of Israel from Jerusalem. The heavenly kingdom shall be connected with earthly kingdom there. And my grace shall flow from the Jerusalem city. Have I not said that My law will be taught in Jerusalem. Surely my children, you will see the law which has been fulfilled by my sacrifice being revealed from Jerusalem. Their eyes will no more be blinded; they will see Me in their spirit . My Spirit shall then proclaim My will across the nations of the world from Jerusalem.

AFRICAN COUNTRIES Spirit of prayer will prevail

The African countries shall then be set on Spiritual fire. Today, those who are oppressing the people who know Me shall then melt in those days. They will be destroyed as tribes and even as nations. A spirit of prayer shall spread across Africa. They will begin to pray and cry unto me. They will behold signs and visitations and the true prosperity shall begin. They shall become nations of excellence and nations of stature as the women leaders rise up there. I will deal with the witchcraft there and will break the powers of witchcraft which have emanated in those nations and borders. As the cloud covers the land My spirit of prayer will cover the whole continent of Africa INDIA - Great and mighty and everywhere people will kneel, cry and pray to me in one accord. I shall be fond of them. And miracles will happen all the human sacrifices that they have made and Then My hand will turn to the land of India. the children whose blood have been People shall be busy buying and selling. sacrificed will be avenged. The land shall And they will even sell their own family members become fertile again and I shall bless them. for the sake of money. But then it is at that moment My prophetic anointing shall surely be I will intervene. It has been a land of kings, upon them and their families. I shall take away terror from their borders kings in the Mughal Empire, kings amongst and bring peace into their the Hindu kingdoms then the British Lords took over.It will now hearts and lives and be followed by business kings. I will surely remember the people families. of India and will never forget them. Different, types of talents shall come out of India . Today as it is known for its entertainment and sports it shall now experience great excitement as I bring forth my miracles all over the country. The demonic powers too will exhibit their power but I will show my power in a greater measure. Great miracles shall I do, signs and wonders shall I exhibit. People shall be endowed with intellectual power to decipher the science and the times in India. They will also will be made to see My power exhibited through the simple faith of my people. They will see my glory and the grandeur of the greatness of My throne. It will be surrounded by miracles. No man can withstand my power. My light shall destroy those who try to destroy my people for the sake of my name. People shall write great books about the transformation in their lives as I enter into their lives. You will see great and mighty of this world turning towards to me especially in the entertainment kingdom. They will rewrite the history of India. Jesus Calls

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AUSTRALIA Cleansing of sin will take place I will touch the East. I will touch the Australian continent and I shall establish my power there. Today, they deny my name and walk in unrighteousness. I will surely touch all the western countries from there and my grace shall flow from Australia to all the nations of the West. I will surely reach them and then my kingdom shall be established in all the world.

This is God's prophetical revelation to Dr Paul Dhinakaran. Please pray that these may be fulfilled. “ The Lord answered me and said: Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.” (Habakkuk 2:2,3).

The prophecies have been written down in the 103 Jesus Calls Prayer Towers and are prayed that they should be fulfilled. Pray that the things revealed by God to His servant Dr. Paul Dhinakaran should be fulfilled.

Fulfillment of prophecy revealed by God through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran Uttered Prophecy (2016): Disintegration of existing political and business empires to form new conglomerates

FULFILLED PROPHECY: After the Second World War, a few nations in Europe jointly formed the European Union which consisted of 28 nations until this year. Among them, 19 nations used Euro as their currency. These nations jointly operated in many matters such as peace, job opportunities, and commercial and financial dealings. On June 23, the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum was held to decide whether Britain should continue with the European Union which has been a great politico-Economic Union in the world. Majority has voted that Britain should withdraw from the European Union, which has brought about a rift in this Union of 59 years. Experts say that Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union would have great impacts on the political and economical scenario of the world Jesus Calls

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"I will make them and the places all around My hill a blessing; and I will cause showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing" (Ezekiel 34:26).

Dear beloved, blessing is a good

and perfect gift a man could receive in his life time. But, he cannot receive it from another man however great or saintly that person may be. The blessing that humans give has a limit. It can never be showers. It can only be in small drops. It is only God who can shower this perfect gift on us. Even in this month the Lord promises to shower His blissful blessings on you. Freedom from sin, healing from sickness, victory over curse, whatever may be your needs the Lord is here to provide everything for you. Yes! With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Let us take the blessing given by Isaac to his two sons Esau and

- Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran Jacob. Jacob played Esau and robbed the blessing of the first born from his father Isaac. Now the first born Esau comes to Isaac and finds that his brother has robbed away his blessing. He then cries unto his father and pleads him to bless him too but Isaac says that the blessing has already been taken away by Jacob and he cannot place that same blessing on two people. Esau lifts up his voice and cries bitterly over his irreplaceable loss (Genesis 27:1-38). Friend! Look at human blessing. It is limited. It is like drops of water. Isaac’s blessings were limited. He did not have any blessing for his second son. The result Jesus Calls

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is heart-break and disappointment to Esau, but the blessing of God is not limited. It does not say, “Sorry! I have blessed others and so no blessings for you.” Even if everyone in the world go to God; He has showers of blessing for each and everyone. Yes! Today He has showers of blessing for you too. You will not be disappointed. The blessings of God can never be exhausted. What kind of a shower is the Holy Spirit going to rain on you today?

Cleansing Rain "Thus you shall do to them

to cleanse them: Sprinkle water of purification on them, and let them shave all their body, and let them wash their clothes, and so make themselves clean" (Numbers 8:7) In the days of the Old Testament, God commanded His people to be cleansed by sprinkling water on them. God used water to cleanse His people and purify them. God says, “I am the Lord who makes you holy” (Leviticus 20:8). The water in the Old Testament which purified people indicates the ‘blood of Jesus’ in the New Testament. The “blood of Jesus” cleanses us from all our sins (1 John 1:7). Why did the Lord Jesus come into this world? To cleanse us (Luke 19:10). In John 13:4-10 we read that Jesus was cleaning His disciples by washing their feet. There was a spiritual significance to this ‘washing’, but Peter without knowing that told Jesus, “Lord! You shall never wash my feet”, but Jesus replied him saying “If I do not wash (clean) you, you have no part with me”. Then, his eyes were opened to the truth and he said, “Lord! In that case wash my whole body”. Today The Lord Jesus Christ continues to cleanse us from all our impurities. You may be struggling with habits that you are not able to quit; with temptations that you are not able to overcome. You may be crying out saying, “Lord! I am not able to give-up this sinful habit”. But friend! Here is hope of cleansing from our Lord Jesus Christ. Cry out to God like David saying, “Lord! Create in me a clean heart; remove all wickedness from my heart” (Ps. 51:10,11). When you do this, the Holy Spirit will pour out His cleansing showers on you and cleanse you. A brother named Jacob, lives in Bangalore doing construction work shared this testimony with us. During his work in order to

forget his body pain he became addicted to chewing tobacco and was a slave to the intoxication that it produced. He also had the habit of frequenting the bar and drinking alcohol when he returned home from work. He was suffering with these habits but he could not overcome it. It held him so strong that all his efforts against overcoming it failed bitterly. It was in this condition he happened to watch the Jesus Calls Programme in Television. That day I was preaching in the Programme. At the end of the message during the special prayers, brother Jacob joined me and prayed for deliverance. During that prayer time the power of the Lord touched his mind and delivered him from his addictions and bondages. That day God set him free from his addiction to tobacco and drinking. He changed so much that he himself wondered how he changed so drastically. Yes! It is wonderful what the Lord does!

Friend! When the Holy Spirit sets you free you will be free indeed. (John 8:36) So don’t worry! The Lord Jesus is willing and waiting to deliver you too from bad habits and addiction and set you free so that you can grow and shine. "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their lawless deeds, I will remember no more." (Hebrews 8:12) And do remember friend that when our Lord forgives and cleanses us once, He will never again remember them. He will throw it into the bottom of the sea (Micah 7:19). Hence, we need to pray saying, “Lord! I should not return to my old sins. Keep me cleansed so that I continue to be holy and righteous. The Bible too says that a righteous man will hold on to his cleansing. "Yet the righteous will hold to his way, and he who has Jesus Calls

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clean hands will be stronger and stronger" (Job 17:9) Friend! He who keeps himself clean will be strengthened. They will be stronger and stronger. Commit yourself to keep your hand and your eyes clean and continue to live in that cleanliness and the Holy Spirit will come to your help. The Bible says that, “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it till the day of the Lord” (Philippians 1:6). The Bible also says that we will become complete in holiness (2 Corinthians 7:1). Yes! He will pour upon you showers of rain and cleanse you from all sinful habits and evil ways and will also keep you clean (Psalm 72:6).

Rain of Healing "And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there; for they will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river goes" (Ezekiel 47:9) Friend! It is difficult thing to search the Lord especially when we have to face a lot of troubles from this evil world, but when you turn to God and seek Him with all your heart, He too will turn towards you (Jeremiah 24:7) and fill you with his showers of blessing. Look at how David expresses what he felt when he is faced with troubles. "For the enemy has persecuted my soul; he has crushed my life to the ground; he has made me dwell in darkness, like those who have long been dead" (Psalm 143:3) But the same David says in the same chapter in the verse 11, “God for your righteousness sake redeem me; save me from troubles and save my soul form temptation”

See how He immediately turns to God and looks unto God for redemption and comes under the showers of blessing. Yes! “many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all” (Psalm 34:19). The righteous will have to face many troubles in this world because the devil comes like a thief to steal and to kill and to destroy (John 10:10). But we have hope because in the same verse it says, “ Jesus has come to give us life of life eternal”. Friend you may say, “Someone has done some witchcraft for me. My body is full of diseases. I cannot live any more”; you may say, “People are calling me useless. Darkness is covering me.” But friend! It is upon people like you that God loves to pour out His rain of healing because the Bible says “ there is no sorcery or witchcraft against Jacob” (Numbers 23:23). Bro. Anand Kumar has written his testimony to us. When he was eight years old, his mother and father separated from each other. He grew up with his father. Even at that young age he suffered with acute pain in his legs. Suddenly he would get terrible pain in his leg – joints. He used to wear a belt around the joints to reduce pain. He could not play around like the other children and so remained only as a spectator. He felt left-out and lonely all the time. Besides his mental and emotional pain, he spent ten years in physical pain. Whenever he gets this pain he would ask someone to stand on his legs and for those few moments he would be relieved off his pain. But after some time the pain will return . The pain was so excruciating.

It was in this condition he participated in a Jesus Calls Prayer Festival conducted on the 17th May 2008. I was preaching on that day and when the time of prayer came I asked the crowd to kneel down

and pray”. He had come to that meeting with leg pain; yet he took efforts to kneel down to pray. With great difficulty he stood on his knees. I prayed for about 20 minutes. During the prayer time he felt a cool breeze blow against his body and felt God’s touch upon his body. When he got up after prayer he found his pain completely healed. Eight years have passed. Today he is 26 years old and rides bicycle for 40 kms everyday to and fro for his work. He is happy and is shining as a testimony for the love and power of God. Let God’s name be glorified. Friend! Are you too suffering with illnesses in your body? Are you feeling lonely and abandoned because you are not able to live a normal life? Are you losing hope that you will ever have a new life? Cry unto Him today saying, “Lord touch me and heal me.” He will sprinkle his blood upon you and heal you. We have a loving Father who can heal all your diseases in just one touch; not only physical illnesses. He is also able to set you free from whatever illness you have, even mental and emotional (Mark 3:10, Luke 22:51).

Rain that Prevails over Curse "Behold, the Lord has a mighty and strong one, like a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, like a flood of mighty waters overflowing, who will bring them down to the earth with His hand." (Isaiah 28:2) Bro. Jayaraju is a lawyer. He is also involved in many social services. He was serving the poor during which time some jealous people had done witchcraft against him. An evil spirit came upon him and began to torment him. He suffered under the terrible possession of the evil spirit. He could not continue with his social services. He was at the Jesus Calls

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verge of closing down all his centres and come to the roads. At this condition he came to the Jesus Calls Prayers Festivals in 2008 conducted at Bhubaneswar. I was preaching there and during the prayer time the Holy Spirit came upon him. In a moment, all the bondages of the evil that were binding him was shattered. The witchcraft against him was broken and he received total deliverance and healing. Today he is shining as a leading lawyer in the city and is also continuing his service to the poor and down trodden.

Yes! My friend! When the showers of blessing pours upon you all the curses will turn into blessings. (Deuteronomy 23:5). If God is with us who can be against us. (Romans 8:31) When the showers of blessing pour upon us it renews and refreshes us. It gives us a new life. We often think that the Holy Spirit will always descend softly like a dove, but He will also descend majestically. He will descend upon us like a powerful shower which will turn us into a fertile land and make us fruitful. (Jeremiah 17:7,8). Yes! The Holy Spirit will descend upon you in a tremendous way and set you free. He will also make the shower of the anointing fall upon you and fill you with the fruit of the Holy Spirit. So my friend cry unto Him saying, “Lord! I cannot do anything alone, without You". Say to yourself, “ The Lord Jesus Christ who gives strength will make me strong. What is impossible by men is possible with You, God!” (Luke 18:27) and then pray, “ So strengthen me and make me fertile that I may become fruitful and bring forth abundance of fruits”. Pray like Peter and Daniel who cried out saying, “Lord! Not only my feet, but also wash my hands, head, my whole body and my soul. Search me O! God and know my heart today. Try me O! Saviour and know my thought I pray. See if there be some wicked way in me. Cleanse me from every sin and set

me free. Renew a right Spirit within me O! Lord! and make me fruitful.” Where the Spirit of God is there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). So cry to Him saying, “Lord! Send me Your Holy Spirit and deliver me from all bondages of curses. Cleanse me from all sins

and make me holy”. When you pray like this, God will shower His Holy Spirit upon you and fill you. He will decorate you with the fruit of the Holy Spirit. He will shower His blessing in such a way that everyone who looks at you will be surprised and astonished. You will be

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a blessing to others too. "...He will come to us like the rain, like the latter and former rain to the earth." (Hosea 6:3) God will pour the showers of prosperity upon you and make you a watered garden blooming with fruits and fragrance. 

Section of the crowd Karunya University Convocation


n 2nd July 2016, the 14th Convocation of the Karunya University was held in Dr.D.G.S Dhinakaran Centre in the august presence of Thiru.P W C Davidar, IAS, Principal Secretary, Chairman & Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Urban Finance and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. Dr.Paul Dhinakaran, Chancellor, Karunya University distributed the certificates to the 1996 students (UG – 1492, PG-458, MPhil-8, Ph.D.-38) who have successfully completed their degrees - B.Tech, MBA, MCA, M.A., M.Sc., M.Tech & Ph.D. Best outgoing student awards (Chancellor Award) were given to Ms.S Karunya Chrysolina (ECE) in the UG Category and Ms.M Sreelekshmi (Biomedical Instrumentation) under PG category. 103 Toppers were honoured with cash award. In the Convocation address, Thiru.P W C Davidar encouraged the graduating students to practise integrity in their work place. He also advised them to show purity in marriage and use their personality traits to achieve great things in their profession. He led them to take a pledge to be good citizens of the country practising integrity both in profession and family. The graduating students of Karunya University along with SEESHA donated TVS Scooty (altered), Tricycles, Wheel Chairs, etc to the differently abled people. This noble gesture is in line with the vision of the Chancellor, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to serve humanity with social concern by finding solutions to human problems in areas relating to Water, Food, Health Care and Energy through scientific, social and technological research. The Officiating Vice Chancellor Dr.M.J.Xavier, Registrar Dr.C.Joseph Kennady and the Controller of  Examinations Dr.Hepzibah Christinal graced the occasion with their presence. Jesus Calls

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Graduates along with Seesha helped the physically challenged

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My beloved in Christ,

tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.” (Isaiah 61:1-3)

It’s always feels great to greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I come to you from the presence of God with promises for you because you are valuable in His eyes and that’s because you are his co-workers; His co-partners; His beloved children who have joined hands and hearts with Him in building His temple on the earth; in building the Kingdom of God through which the comfort and love of God is being taken to millions of broken hearted people. In His presence, I have prayed for God to bless you in a special way. God will remember you for your prayers; your support and your liberal giving to His mission and pour His showers of blessings on you. In this month of August, God will command a great deliverance in your spiritual life. All the spiritual bondages that were troubling you and causing you pain; all the addictions, all the besetting sins; all the quarrels and misunderstanding in your family will leave you in this month. You will break free from all these bondages and become free and happy. This will be a month of “Experiencing Spiritual Freedom”. There is one verse in the scripture that beautifully describes what will happen to His children. Let me quote that to you.

Whatever has been described in this verse is what Jesus would do in your life in this month. He will heal your broken heart; He will set you free from your addictions and all the things that are binding you; He will comfort you and console you and make beauty out of all your ashes. He will turn your mourning into joy; He will make you praise Him without heaviness in your heart and make you a tree of righteousness, so that God’s name will be glorified in and through you.

“Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (2 Corinthians 3:17)

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good

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The Ministry of Comfort The Jesus Calls Ministry takes the comfort of God that comes through the Word of God to those who are suffering with a broken heart and painful illnesses in their bodies. The Prayer Warriors fervently pray for healing, blessings and miracles upon those who call for prayer, based on the unfailing promises of God. This glorious ministry of the Prayer Tower was founded on the 12th August 1983 by my father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. Since then this ministry has expanded to touch millions of people in many cities all over the nation and the world. This has been made possible only by the grace and power of God and the generous and faithful support of the thousands of people who love God and His mission. So far around 103 Prayer Towers have been established in our nation and in many countries around the world, through which prayer services are being rendered to those who seek prayers.From morning 8’ 0’clock to evening 8’ 0’ clock people and families who personally visit the Prayer Towers are being received by the Prayer warriors with love and grace and are taken to separate rooms where they are given counseling and then prayers are offered for them, according to their problems. To give you some statistics so that you’ll know to how many people you have become a blessing by your generous giving, let me tell you a sample of how big a blessing you are in the Kingdom of God. You’ll be glad to know that around 8,45,000 people have personally visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower during the period between January and June in the year 2016. Around 23,00,000 people have been blessed through the telephone segment of Prayer Tower alone.

People have been offered prayer services in the language of Tamil, English, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarathi and more. Those people have shared their experiences of receiving blessings in their regional Prayer Towers and given glory to God. Friend! All these services are possible only through your loving and sacrificial donations and support. There is a great need for more of such Pts. around the world. There are cities, districts, capitals and Populated places, where modern living is bringing of lot of stress, problems and challenges and ‘prayer’ has become a dire necessity to relieve these people off the weight of these problems. This is one passion from God’s heart which should also flow into our hearts. The passion for souls as said in Matthew 18:14 that it is not God’s will even for one person to perish. It is this passion of Christ that is filling our hearts too and that is why we are inviting Gods Children to join us in this very important mission. When we do what is in the heart of God; He will do what in our heart . He will fulfill the desires in our hearts” (Psalm 37:4). I request you to pray, both in your individual prayers and your family prayers that opportunities will open for us to establish the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in many more towns, cities and countries. As the Lord pours into your heart too from what fills his heart, we invite you to come join us in this mission of building Prayer Towers. As you read this message, the Holy Spirit will prompt in your heart to send in your financial support to the Jesus Calls Ministry. If you even have even the slightest feeling in your heart to do something for this ministry please feel free to send your donation to the Jesus Calls

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nearest Prayer Tower you can or handover the donation to one of the Jesus Calls Ambassadors in person or take a DD., Cheque, or MO in favour of “Jesus Calls’ and sent it to Prayer Tower, No:16, DGS Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. You can also donate through our websites at God will surely reward you for the compassion that you are showing towards the broken hearted.

Chain Prayer Your Voluntary Part Besides supporting the ministry through offerings and donations you are also invited to support the ministry through your prayer and your voluntary help. If you are a Jesus Calls partner and your have been keeping in touch with the Jesus Calls Ministries for quite sometime, you can go to the nearest Prayer Tower and offer voluntary services. Many such volunteers who have taken out a part of their precious time amidst their own life-needs and have sowed their time and labour voluntarily in the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers have been abundantly blessed by God. If you are a working person you may come during your holidays, during your leave days, when you are free – say once in a week or once a month – you can go to the nearest Prayer Tower and offer your voluntary services. I am very much aware that you are sincerely praying for the Jesus Calls Ministries. Your prayers are making it possible for us to receive strength from God. If you could register your name in the Prayer Chain, we would be sending you the list of Prayer Points. Please send us your interest along with your personal details to or

call the toll free number 1800 425 7755 from 7am to 9 pm and express your willingness to our staff.

Prophetic Prayers for the Nation Prophetic Prayer for the nation is being offered at the Delhi Prayer Tower every day in four sessions. We invite you cordially to offer your voluntary prayer services at this Prayer Tower. You can stay in the National Prayer Tower for one month and pray continuously for the nation’s security, safety, good governance and prosperity, Boarding and lodging will given freely for those who volunteer to stay and pray for the nation. Let me tell you one thing - even as you pray the prophetic prayer for the nation in the Prayer Tower, heavens will be opened for you. When you complete your prayer and return home, abundant blessings will follow you to your family and your ministry will expand exponentially. You can get the information related to this Voluntary Residential Prayer Service in the Delhi National Prayer Tower by contacting us at 088 263 400 44 or

Prayer Festivals According to the Bible truth which says, “The Word of God grew and multiplied” (Acts 12:24), God is strengthening us and using us to take the Word of God around the world. I have given below the details of our meetings for the remaining of this year. Please pray fervently for these meetings. Uphold us in your valuable prayer for God to fill us with special anointing and grace, and fill us with journey mercies and protection. Also pray for God’s favour to be upon those who are organizing these meetings. August 5 & 12 - Dallas Meetings, USA

August 13 & 14 - San Antonio Meetings, USA August 19 & 20 - Toronto Meetings, Canada August 27 - Chicago Meeting, USA September 2, 3, 4 : Fiji Meetings September 8,9,10 : Prophetic Prayer Conferences in Auckland, New Zealand September 15, 16, 17: Prophetic Prayer Training in Sydney, Australia September 18 : Melbourne Meeting September 25 : Malaysia Meetings September 29 : Amritsar (Punjab) Prayer Tower Inauguration September 30 - October 2 : Amritsar Prayer Festival October 15-16 : Kochi Meetings

Blessing for the State of Punjab Gods willing, we are planning to inaugurate a Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in the state of Punjab in the city of Amristar. A Three – Day Prayer festival in also scheduled in the same place. We believe and expect around three hundred thousand people to gather for the Prayer Festival and receive God’s blessings. To continuously feed the state of Punjab with the Gospel, we are planning to telecast our Jesus Calls TV Programs there and are also planning to publish and release the Jesus Calls Magazine in the Punjab Language. Also pray for these meetings and help us to meet its financial needs.

Israel Tour Plan is underway to organize a tour to Israel, Jordan and Egypt from October 28th to 31st, 2016. This would be a wonderful opportunity to experience standing and viewing the Biblically historical places where the Biblical events Jesus Calls

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took place. You can stand and see the place where our precious Lord Jesus Christ walked, preached and performed miracles . Also available is the facility to be guided by biblical explanations for these places in your own language. There is a special privilege arranged for those who participate in this tour – they will be taken to the Israel Prayer Tower where they can go and pray, in the Land of the Bible; the city of King David; the city of God – Jerusalem. I encourage you to get prepared for this exciting tour and invite you to participate in this glorious experience.

Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem The Jesus Calls Prayer Tower is functioning at the 20th floor of a multi –storey skyscraper. Prophetic Prayer is being made continuously in this Prayer Tower for the Peace of Jerusalem. Prayer warriors from all around the world come to this Prayer Tower and voluntarily participate in this Chain Prayer. Those who express interest in joining the Prophetic Prayer Chain will be trained adequately and then allowed to pray. You can voluntarily stay in the Israel Prayer Tower from one week to one month and pray. Please log in to or else call 91 9500996470 for more and clear details about this prayer. “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (2 Corinthians 3:17)

According to this verse I have prayed for God to set you completely free in every aspect of your life and fill your life with overflowing joy. Your loving brother,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

August 1: Monday- Fear of the Lord- Proverbs 19:23 Meditation: Deu 6:24;Psalm 31:19; Proverbs 10:17; Isa 33:6; Luke 1:50 August 2: Tuesday- God that never leaves- Joshua 1:5 Meditation: 1 Samuel 12:22; Proverbs 3:5,6; Isa 41:10; John 14:18; Heb 13:5 August 3: Wednesday - Christ who gives victory- 1 Corinthians 15:57 Meditation: Deu 20:4; 2 Chroni 20:15; Psalm 20:8,9; Romans 8:37; 2 Corin 2:14 August 4: Thursday- God who redeems- Psalm 138:7 Meditation: 2 Chroni 14:11; Psalm 20:6; Isa 40:9,10; Acts 10:38; 1 Peter 1:3-5 August 5: Friday-For with God will be impossible-Luke 1:37 Meditation: Gene 18:14; Job 42:2; Jere 32:17; Mathew 19:26; Mark 9:23 August 6: Saturday - God who gives you delight- Isa 58:14 Meditation: Psalm 31:11; Zep 3:14; Luke 1:47; Philipi 4:4; 1Thes 5:16 August 7: Sunday- God who gives you peace- Luke 24:36 Meditation: Isa 9:6; John 14:27; Romans 14:17-19; 2 Corin 13:11; Philipi 4:6,7 August 8: Monday- God who walks with us - Isa 44:2 Meditation: 1 Samuel 22:23; Psalm 55:14; Proverbs 24:1; Zep 3:9; John 14:16; 1 Corin 15:33 August 9: Tuesday - God who set His sanctuary in your midst forever - Ezekiel 37: 26 Meditation: Exo 29:45; Levi 26:11; Zecha 2:10; John 1:14; Reve 21:3 August 10: Wednesday-God who gives you power- Acts 1:8 Meditation: 1 Chroni 16:11; Psalm 37:39; 138:3; Ephe 3:16; 6:10 August 11: Thursday- God who helps you - 2 Chronicles 14:11 Meditation: Deu 33:26; Psalm 46:1, 54:4; Isa 41:14; Romans 8:31; Heb 4:16 August 12: Friday- God who is attentive to your prayer2 Chroni 7:15 Meditation: Psalm 66:17-20, Proverbs 15:29; John 9:31; James 5:16; 1 John 5:14 August 13: Saturday - Sing unto the Lord - Ephesians 5:19 Meditation: Psalm 33:1-3; 96:1-2; Isa 35:10; Acts 16:25; Colo 3:16; James 5:13 August 14: Sunday - God who adorns in holiness - Psalm 93:6 Meditation: Exo 15:11; 1 Samuel 2:2; Isa 57:12; Luke 1:49; 1 Peter 1:16 August 15: Monday-God is fountain of life- Psalm 36:9 Meditation: Psalm 104:10,11; Isa 12:3; 44:3; Eze 36:25; Zec 14:8; John 7:38 August 16:Tuesday - God who calls by name - Isaiah 43:1 Meditation: Exo 3:4; Jere 1:5; Romans 11:29; Ephe 4:1; 2 Timo 1:9 August 17: Wednesday- God is word - John 1:1 Jesus Calls

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Meditation: Joshua 1:8; Psalm 119: 18; Jere 23:29; 2 Timo 3:16,17; Heb 4:12 August 18: Thursday - God who gives you increase - Psalms 85:12 Meditation: Nahe 9:20; Psalm 23:6; Lamen 3:25; Mathew 7:11; Philipi 1:6 August 19: Friday - This is the day the LORD has madePsalm 118:24 Meditation: Num 6:24-26; Psalm 5:3; 27:1; Philipi 4:4; 1 Thes 5:16 August 20: Saturday - You are Holy people of God - Exo 19:6 Meditation: Levi 11:44; John 3:16; Acts 2:38; Heb 12:14; 1 Peter 2:9 August 21: Sunday- The Lord is in the beauty of holinessPsalm 96:9 Meditation: 1 Chroni 16:29; Psalm 29:2; Proverbs 20:29; Isa 33:17; Ephe 1:4; 1 Thes 4:5 August 22: Monday- God who saves you from afarJeremiah 30:10 Meditation: Psalm 46:1,2; Proverbs 3:24-26; Eze 18:31,32; Mathew 5:9,10; Romans 8:37 August 23: Tuesday- God who never changes- Malachi 3:6 Meditation: Exo 3:14; Num 23:19; 1 Sam 15:29; Psalm 102:2527; Heb 13:8 August 24: Wednesday- God who alone does great wonders - Psalm 136:4 Meditation: Deu 10:21; Job 5:9; Isa 43:2; Jere 32:27; Mathew 19:26 August 25: Thursday - The abundance God- Proverbs 3:10 Meditation: Psalms 145:16; Proverbs 10:3; Jere 31:14; Luke 6:38 August 26 : Friday - Resurrected Lord - Ephesians 2:5 Meditation: Job 33:25; Psalms 19: 17; 85:6; Isa 38:16; John 21:15-19; 2 Timo 1:6 August 27: Saturday - God of risen Glory- Isaiah 60:1 Meditation: Num 6:25; 2 Sam 22:29; Psalm 31:6; Micah 7:6; Ephe 5:14 August 28: Sunday - Our Saviour God - Psalm 116:6 Meditation: Job 33:28; Psalm40:17; Mathe 1:21; John 3:16; Ephe 2:8 August 29: Monday- God who fulfills the desire of heartPsalm 145:19 Meditation: 1 Kings 3:5; Psalm 20:4;37:4;145:19; Ephe 3:20; 1 John 5:14; 3 John 2 August 30: Tuesday - God who heals your wounds Jeremiah 30:17 Meditation: Isa 53:5; Jere 17:14; Mathew 10:8; James 5:15; 1 Peter 2:24 August 31: Wednesday- God who never put you to shameJoel 2:27 Meditation: Psalm 34:5; 119:6; Isa 50:7; 54:4; 2 Timo 1:8

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For the first time, Prophetic Prayer Conference was held in the Israel Prayer Tower from June 16-18, 2016. More than 350 people speaking different languages from different nations participated in this Conference. Sister Stella Dhinakaran, Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, taught on prophetic anointing and led the prayer. The participants of these three days conference went back joyfully, having received the prophetic anointing. Section of the participants of the Prophetic Prayer Conference held in Israel.

A COUPLE’S EXPERIENCE IN THE ISRAEL PROPHETIC PRAYER CONFERENCE I thank the Lord for Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. His voice brings life and the power to raise up the dead, just as how Jesus called, ‘"Talitha, cumi,". Dr. Paul’s preaching was similar to Jesus’ words which said, “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation”. - Pr. Benjamin, Russia. Jesus Calls

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In order to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for the blessing of the nations of the world and for the prophecies given by God to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to be fulfilled, prophetic prayer is conducted in the Israel Prayer Tower 24x7, since June 15. 13 people from India involved themselves in the first batch of this prayer.

Prayer Intercessor praying for the peace of Jerusalem from the 20th floor of the Israel Prayer Tower.

First batch that attended the 24 hours prophetic prayer in the Israel Prayer Tower

If you would like to get involved in this prophetic prayer that prepares the world for the coming of the Lord, please contact +91 9500996470 or Those who leave from India would be sent to Israel after a two day training for them in Chennai

‘Pray for the peace of Jerusalem….” (Psalm 122:6). Jesus Calls

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Punjab is a North West State in India which has 22 districts, 157 cities and thousands of villages. God has opened doors for us to proclaim His love to the broken hearted, to make them enjoy His healing power, change their financial crisis, deliver them from addiction and receive His blessings in their family and personal life. In the year 2000, the Prayer Festival was held in Chandigarh and now the Punjab Prayer Festival is proposed to be held from September 30th to October 2nd in Amritsar which is one of the main cities of Punjab. Apart from praying that the heavenly Father should fill this State with His Holy Spirit and reveal His divine power in the lives of the people who are waiting for a miracle, you may also support this ministry as led by the Lord. Jesus Calls

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PUNJAB PRAYER FESTIVAL More than 3 lakhs of people are expected to participate in this Prayer Festival which is to be conducted from September 30th to October 2nd. A huge expenditure is needed for setting up the stage, advertisements, travelling, audio/ video arrangements, and for the live relay of these meetings through television and web. Would you prayerfully consider helping us to bring blessings to the people of Punjab? AMRITSAR PRAYER TOWER In order to pray for the blessing of the people of Amritsar and the state of Punjab, to give them counsels on the basis of the Scriptures and to bring God’s blessings for them by interceding at His feet, we are in the process of dedicating a new Prayer Tower at Amritsar, Punjab. Many more such Prayer Towers should be established in Punjab. You may prayerfully support this Prayer Tower ministry. Our heavenly Father, who does not want any soul to perish, would certainly remember your labour of love and bless you richly (Matthew 18:14; Hebrews 6:10). JESUS CALLS PUNJABI MAGAZINE The Jesus Calls Magazine, published in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada and in English reaches several lakhs of people. Now efforts are taken to bring this magazine in the Punjabi language in order that the people f Punjab would benefit by reading the God’s messages and His mighty deeds in their own language. Would you support this ministry? (Acts 2:11). JESUS CALLS PUNJABI TELEVISION PROGRAMME In these ‘fast world’, we are preparing and beaming the Jesus Calls Television programmes with the thirst that God’s blessings and His good news should be somehow taken to the people of the world. Many people in India hear the word of God in their own regional language and are blessed. In order that the people of Punjab too would understand the love of God in their own language, we are taking steps to telecast the Jesus Calls TV programme in Punjabi also. We invite you to support this new language TV programme with your offering. You can support us in this mission Prayer Festival:  Live telecast  Live webcast Prayer Tower Building Fund:  Rs.300/- for a brick  Rs.3000/- per sq.ft Rs.1,00,000/- for Chapel Rs.3,00,000/- for Prayer Rooms Jesus Calls Punjabi Magazine:  Rs.50/- for one copy I am sending for............ copies of Magazine X Rs.50/- =................. Jesus Calls Punjabi Television programme:  Rs.100/- (TV Club partner)  Rs.1000/- (TV Supporter) Rs.10,000/- (TV programme Co-sponsor) Please send your donations through cheque/ draft / Money Order drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” to the following address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. (While sending your offering please mention that it is for “BLESS PUNJAB” project) You can also donate online through our secure website: (or) Visit our nearest Prayer Tower. For further details call our toll free number : 1800 425 77 55 (7 am to 9 pm). Jesus Calls

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SEESHA News: On June 25th, 2016, an event called ‘Continued Efforts for Educational Development’ was organized by SEESHA in Chennai. This event highlighted all of SEESHA’s efforts taken in the field of education, to ensure the development of communities. It was the inaugural of SEESHA’s educational initiatives for the year. This year, SEESHA School Kits, each containing 14 educational items, were distributed to over 30,000 needy children across the nation. A scholarship amount of Rs. 30,00,000/- (Thirty Lakhs) has also been instituted towards school and college education of deserving students. At the event, over 1000 children from across Chennai were brought in from Corporation shelter homes, streets, slums and fishermen communities – children who are being mainstreamed into schools after dropping out due to lack of resources. The event aimed to motivate children like them to pursue their education, assuring them that SEESHA will support them. To inaugurate the distribution of SEESHA school kits, 1000 children were given the school kit during this event. Also governmentrecognized certificates were awarded to over 100 women who have completed various vocational courses from SEESHA’s training centres in Chennai. 12 sewing machines were also distributed by SEESHA in an effort to help those women who, after completion of the tailoring course, are in dire need to set up businesses of their own. Not only this, SEESHA also distributed 5 retro-fitted motor vehicles to physically disabled persons. Pray for SEESHA that supports the Old Age people, renders services to the differently abled people, empowers the poor and the destitute women by giving them training in tailoring, and imparts knowledge to the school going children through its Tuition centres. Jesus Calls

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A scholarship amount of Rs. 30,00,000/- allotted for the education of poor students.

Free sewing machine for the women who had successfully completed their tailoring training

To support SEESHA visit website or call +91 9300 600 600. Distribution of Retro-fitted motor vehicles to physically disabled persons Jesus Calls

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When I was a little boy, we lived in a town called Cuddalore. One day, as I was standing in the bus stand, I saw a man near me, holding a bag. Suddenly he began to yell, “If you have scabis….” (a kind of skin disease). Every one turned to see him but he kept quiet. After a while, he again started shouting, “If you have scabis… perhaps….” As he said this, a crowd gathered around him and he opened his bag and took out a bottle. He then said, “If you have scabis, you may apply this medicine only once…that’s all, your

scabis would be healed….” Immediately, all the medicine bottles were sold off.

fore Him; I declare before Him my trouble” (Psalm 142:2).

For the afflictions faced by mankind, the world gives the solution, “Are you in Sorrow? Go and take some liquor… use drugs… indulge in vain pleasures…. You’d forget everything”. But the Bible says, ‘Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray…. What is prayer? ‘…Pour out your heart before Him’ (Psalm 62:8). “I pour out my complaint be-

The prelude to Psalm 102 says, ‘A prayer of the afflicted, when he is overwhelmed and pours out his complaint before the Lord’. In these Psalms the Lord has shown a way for the sorrowing and the afflicted who struggle to express their pain.

Jesus Calls

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Prayer is the only way for us to tell God all our sorrows, afflictions, agonies and grief of heart. The God of gods is seated on the throne. Angels of God bring

before Him the bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saint. Yes, prayer is the sweet smelling aroma for God. He takes pleasure in smelling it. What is the fragrant incense? It is the prayer of the saints (Revelation 5:8; 8:3). Perhaps you may wonder, ‘Am I a saint? Will my prayer be pleasing to God?’ David, who killed countless number of people in the war, tells, “Lord, Let my prayer be set before You” (1 Chronicles 22:8; Psalm 141:2). The God of gods, who accepted his prayer as incense is eager to hear your prayer. When we pour out our needs and sorrows at the feet of the gracious Lord, He would listen to it with delight saying, “This is like an incense before Me”. Do not worry! Jesus, the Son of God, has left us an example, that we should follow His steps’ (1 Peter 2:21). What place did Jesus, who is our example, give for prayer in His life? “When all the people were baptized, it came to pass that Jesus also was baptized; and while He prayed, the heaven was opened. And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, "You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased." (Luke 3:21,22). When Jesus, the Son of God, began His ministry, He took baptism from John the Baptist following the sinners and the tax collectors. Soon after taking baptism, He came out of the water and prayed. What would have been His prayer, on the very first day of His minis-

try? “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me; I have the Lord’s Spirit upon Me; The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Me” (Isaiah 61:1, 42:1, 11:2). This is the promise of God regarding Jesus Christ, His Son. So our gracious Lord Jesus would have prayed with tears, on the banks of River Jordan, “O, God, give Me Your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Lord according to Your Word”. “O, God, when I was in heaven, I was in Your lap. Now the place where I will be doing ministry is a wicked and evil world – a world where the wicked devil walks about seeking whom he may devour. So, You should be with Me”. Thus He would have cried to His Father with tears (John 1:18; I Peter 5:8). God heard that prayer. Yes, it is recorded in the New Testament, ‘God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power,’ (Acts 10:38). God was with Him (John 8:16,29). Let us also learn to call upon Him when beginning our ministry or building our house or when we begin to do anything. Jesus could firmly say, “I am not alone; My Father is with Me”. Similarly, our gracious Lord Jesus would stay with you.

erbs 8:17). So we should never forget to seek God every morning.

Early Morning Prayer of Jesus

The Jesus Calls Prayer Tower is functioning 24 hours. Once when we had been to Germany, a friend by name Wilson said to me, ‘Brother, one day, my son fell down and his face was completely broken. We took him to the hospital. Doctors gave up hope and advised us to take him to another hospital. On the way, my wife suggested that we call the Jesus calls Prayer Tower in Chennai. But since it was night in India, we hesitated a little. Yet she called from home and imme-

“Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed” (Mark 1:35). Jesus rose up before daylight, went out to a solitary place and prayed. He knew pretty well that those ‘who seek me diligently (early in the morning) will find me’ (ProvJesus Calls

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When He thus prayed every morning, God clearly and specifically showed Him the things that He had to do on that day (John 5:19). He is waiting to give us this blessing. I once inquired of my relative lady who had lost her husband a few months earlier. She said, “I used to worry about so many things which I wouldn’t have finished and decide to share those things with my husband the next morning. But only when I wake up I would remember that my husband is no more”

My dear sisters, are you thus troubled? Jesus says, “Seek Me early in the morning. I will come and teach you everything”. Do you lament, “Oh, I don’t have any support! Who will teach me?” The Lord will help you and teach you everything.

Night Prayer of Jesus Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God (Luke 6:12) ‘The day is Yours, the night also is Yours’ (Psalm 74:16).

diately it was attended by a sister to whom my wife explained the situation. My wife was surprised that Prayer Tower was active even during the night. That dear sister pleaded to the Lord saying, “Lord, please save our dear child”. After the prayer, my wife said to me, “When I heard that prayer I wondered whether it was my son or her son who was affected” because she had prayed with so much of love for the child. We took him to a bigger hospital and here too almost all the doctors gave up hope. Finally a doctor suggested that we take him to an eye specialist. By the time we took him there, the Lord had done a miracle for our son”.

ery small answer He got for His prayer.

wicked people, pierced His heart like a sword. Young children, who are unemployed despite your qualification! My dear children, who have faced failures in your studies! Do such words make you miserable? The Bible says, ‘It is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth. Let him sit alone and keep silent, Because God has laid it on him” (Lamentations 3:27,28). “For the Lord will not cast off forever. Though He causes grief, Yet He will show compassion According to the multitude of His mercies” (Lamentations 3:31,32).

Yes, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep (Psalm 121:4). Let us also decide to seek God through prayer just as how the Lord Jesus did.

The Father too tells, ‘"Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you” (Isaiah 49:15). Pray day and night for any small need. Keep thanking Him for each and every benefit that you have received. Then the Lord will never depart from you. He will always be with you. He will be around you saying, “I don’t know when My son/daughter would call upon Me or thank Me. So let Me be near him/her all the time” Do not be troubled. Let us learn not only to pray but also to praise Him. Then the Lord will be with us.

Prayer in the midst of affliction

Day time Prayer of Jesus Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name (Hebrews 13:15). Standing before the tomb of Lazarus which contained his decaying body of four days, Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me” (John 11:41;42). In order to feed the five thousands, He took the five loaves and two fish in His hands, looked up to heaven, blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples (Matthew 14:19). He prayed for everything for the reason that He should not let go off God since it was glorious to have Him with Him day and night; He lived by thanking Him for ev-

The peak of affliction is the experience of crucifixion! Jesus offered two prayers, when He was hanging on the cross, Firstly, ‘"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." (Luke 23:34). Secondly, ‘"My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (Matthew 27:46). The gracious Lord Jesus was not only bruised physically but was also hurt by the people’s words. ‘My soul is among lions; I lie among the sons of men Who are set on fire, Whose teeth are spears and arrows, And their tongue a sharp sword’ (Psalm 57:4). As the Bible says, the people said, “If He is the Son of God let Him now come down from the cross; "He trusted in God; let Him deliver Him now if He will have Him;’ The spear like words of the Jesus Calls

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Think of the burdens that the Lord Jesus bore on the cross and His cry for you in His heart. Even that time He prayed, “Alas, my grief is great; my wounds are foul. Yet, O God, it is necessary for Me to carry these for the sake of My children” I once read about a true incident in a Newspaper. There was a wealthy man in the United States of America, who had a son. Some of the wicked people made a plan to kidnap that only child for a huge ransom in order to become rich. They executed their plan and sent the man several threatening letters. But he was not willing to bargain with them. Infuriated over his indifference, these men put that son in a coffin, nailed it and buried him alive in a forest. They then sent messages to the father explaining his condition and demanded for money. Confined to the coffin, the boy was in tears lament-

ing that his parents would be missing him and that he had never lied down in such places. A day passed. The blood from the boy’s bruised body started attracting the attention of ants, insects and worms. As they began to eat on him, he writhed in pain and wept bitterly, not knowing what to do. Suddenly he remembered Jesus, who gave up His life on the cross for his sake. He prayed, “Lord, is there any way of escape from this coffin? I cannot turn on my side. I am so thirsty and my tongue is parched. I am infested and I can’t even move my hands to pluck these worms off. Please remember Your sufferings on the cross, for my sake…”God heard that cry.

A bunch of policemen who was passing by that side noticed a tyre which was lying down on the way. (This had been accidently left by the kidnappers who were in a hurry). The police saw the freshly dug sand near it and suspected something was wrong. So they dug out the pit expecting to see a dead body. When they opened the coffin, they were shocked to see the boy alive. He was rushed to the hospital and he survived. When the press reporters asked the boy, “Son, what were you doing in the coffin?” he replied joyfully, “Sir, I prayed. Jesus saved me”

Do not be troubled. Perhaps affliction has surrounded you on all sides. Perhaps you are lamenting, “No peace from any side; no joy in

my heart; no rest for me”. The Bible teaches us the way, “If anyone suffers, let him/her pray in the name of Jesus, the Son of the God of gods” It is a fact that a person, who has not accepted Jesus and who has not learnt to pray, in the days when everything was well, cannot pray during the times of afflictions. Let us learn to pray when everything is going on well. Before any sorrow or affliction or loss or reproach or shame assails us, let us plead, “Jesus, Son of God, who hears prayers! Come into my heart. Come and stay in our home”. Then He will come. He will dwell in your heart and family. Then no evil can come near you. Your life will be a blessing to many.




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Mention the name of the specific programme which you would like to sponsor and along with your family photo. Please inform your willingness 30 days before the day of telecast. (You may also give your donation in the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower).

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August 2016 


Jesus Calls

August 2016 


- Sister Stella Dhinakaran

“...who (God) has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according rnfhjÇ âdfu‹ to our works, but according to His own purpose andÞblšyh grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began…” (II Timothy 1:9; Hebrews 3:1; Philippians 3:14).


od’s calling is holy. He has called us to be par takers of the heavenly calling. This worldly life is not a permanent one and everything in this world would pass away (I John 2:17). Heavenly life alone is eternal and so God has called us to enjoy His eternal life. “Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified’ (Romans 8:30).

God would command His full blessings on you, who have been called by Him, because of your true love, trust and fear on Him. He will give you richly all things to enjoy (I Timothy 6:17). How will He, who has called you, bless you? How will He satisfy you with good things? – Let us meditate on these.

Satisfying with Rich in Blessings "Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect’ (Matthew 5:48). Here is a testimony of a young girl, who could not continue her studies because of her sickness and who suffered a lot, unable to take proper medical treatment because of poverty: “I am Abirami. We are living in Vellore. We are five girls in our family. When I was doing my 9th Std, I started suffering from epilepsy and could not breathe properly. Often I was taken to the hospital. My father is a farmer. Our family went through poverty because of severe drought in our area. So I could not undergo proper medical treatment. Whenever I had an episode of fits, I used to roll down on the ground and weep bitterly, unable to bear Jesus Calls

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it. So my studies were stopped and my future was bleak. Struck by poverty on one side and by sickness on the other side, my life was in tears. It was at this time, we heard about the Jesus Calls ministry. We began to watch the Jesus Calls Television programmes. Through this, we came to know of the Young Partner’s Plan and my parents enrolled me in that Plan by donating Rs.50/-. Also I had written a letter to Jesus Calls seeking prayers for my healing and my further studies. What a wonder! After this, I was completely healed of this epilepsy even without any medical treatment. I resumed my studies but we could not even pay the school fees. Yet, known people helped me and I completed my Nursing Training. Hearing about the Youth Esther Prayer Group, I joined the group and prayed for other young girls.

The Lord changed my captivity as said in Job 42:10, “And the LORD restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before’. Quite unexpectedly I came to know of a job offer in Singapore and applied for the same. The members in our Youth Esther Prayer Group prayed earnestly for my selection. What a wonder! I got through all the tests and was selected for that job. Now I am keeping good health. Millions of praises to the Lord who has healed me, made me continue my studies and who has blessed me with a good job’.

Dear ones, today, there may be many lacks in your personal as well as worldly life. Yet, when you hold on to the promise of God and pray, the Lord would change all those lacks and grant you rich blessings. This is because our God is mighty in deed, in love and in power. Yes, when He was anointed, He went about doing good. So if you believe these, you would also be doers of good. You would also see the glory of God (John 11:40). ‘…that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God’ (Colossians 1:10) ‘…that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation…. which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works’ ( I Timothy 2:9,10). When you do good works and please God and the people, He will

satisfy you richly with all things. Heeding the pleas offered in the Esther Prayer Groups every month, the Lord commands healing even to those who are battling for life; He blesses those who languish without a child even after 10 or 15 years of married life, with the gift of a child; He draws drunken husbands towards His love. Many are such miracles that happen these days, through the women Prayer Warriors. “I’m not worthy to do the Lord’s service; I am illiterate; what ministry could I do?” – The Lord will change you, who lament thus, as a mighty sword for His glory and as a well prepared vessel of honour to do good works (II Timothy 2:21). He will make you worthy to be perfect in everything – in seeking the Lord, in your conduct, talk, deed, thoughts and in earning a good name in your family (II Timothy 3:16; II Corinthians 3:5). When you sit at His presence in all humility and are diligent to seek Him with reverence, He will remove all your unworthiness and lacks. When you seek Him with all your heart, tarry at His presence and get filled with His Spirit, He will change you as He is (I John 4:17; II Corinthians 3:18). We read about a woman called Tabitha, which is translated Dorcas, in Acts 9:36. This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds. That’s why, when she died, all those who had enjoyed benefits from her called Peter, showed him her good works and stood by him weeping. Moved with Jesus Calls

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compassion, the Lord brought her back to life. My dear sisters, even today, the Lord would make you a vessel of honour, filled with similar good works. He will satisfy you richly with all blessings and good things.

Rich in wisdom ‘…but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God’ ( I Corinthians 1:24). Wisdom is highly essential for women to live holy and be perfect both in the society and in the family. Wisdom is needed for them to conduct themselves well with their husband/children/neighbours and colleagues and earn a good name. Many women write to me the problems faced by them in their family or in the office. What is the reason? If the Lord is with us, He would keep us away from all troubles. He will give us special wisdom to walk wisely and be in peace in this world. He will show the difference between you and the other worldly people and help you to live a successful life with wisdom in your worldly life too. He will give you divine strength in your spirit, soul and body. Of course, we the women, are weak vessels as said in the Scriptures (I Peter 3:7). However, even in the midst of this weakness, the Lord will give us His grace to live strong and bold. ‘…the righteous are bold as a lion…’ (Proverbs 28:1). We read about a King called Asa, in the Bible. Zerah, an enemy

king comes against him with his huge army of a million men and three hundred chariots. But Asa has only an army of three hundred thousand from Judah and from Benjamin two hundred and eighty thousand men. Under these circumstances, there is no chance that Asa could overcome the enemy with the strength of his army and men. So, he fully trusts the Lord. He cries out to the LORD his God, and says, "LORD, it is nothing for You to help, whether with many or with those who have no power; help us, O LORD our God… (II Chronicles 14:11). With faith and reverence, he says to the Lord, ‘O LORD, You are our God; do not let man prevail against You!". His eyes are only upon the Lord. Heeding his prayer, the Lord struck the enemies and they were broken. Yes, dear sisters, Asa set out for the battle with the hope that the Lord would strengthen him. Similarly, when you encounter struggles and problems in your life, look only up to the Lord, ‘the Hills from where comes the help’. He will give you the wisdom and strength needed to overcome those troubles. He Himself will grant you victory. Once, a sister, who conducts the Esther Prayer Group in North India, wrote to me a letter asking what she should do about a particular sister who was unsaved but wanted to attend the Esther prayer. I replied her saying, “Give her a chance. The Lord will speak to her and transform her”. This sister did likewise. God’s strength filled that new sister who attended the Esther Prayer fellowship. She

accepted the Lord as her personal Saviour for the first time in her life and in due course, she began to pray zealously like other sisters. Through her, the Lord drew many other women towards Him. The Bible says,

‘For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright…’ (Proverbs 2:6,7). ‘in whom (God) are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge’ (Colossians 2:3). ‘Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!... (Romans 11:33). So, humble yourself before the Lord and ask Him, “Lord, I don’t have wisdom. I don’t have strength in my body. Give me wisdom to take care of my home”. The Lord will give you His divine graces in an abundant measure. Many will be blessed through you. Yes, ’the law of the wise is a fountain of life’ (Proverbs 13:14). A prudent woman opens her mouth with wisdom (Proverbs 31:26). Today, are you strong and wise, unlike the worldly people? The wisdom of God would transform you. The Lord will live in you just as how Apostle Paul said, ‘it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me’ (Galatians 2:20). When you live closer to Him, He will make you into a fountain of wisdom for others. Law of the wise would proceed from your mouth. Many will be blessed through you. Jesus Calls

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Shining in the darkness: ‘And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts’ (II Peter 1:19). ‘You will shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life’ (Philippians 2:14). On one side the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people (Isaiah 60:2). Yes, the coming days are terrible. Days of horrible destructions as never before could be there. But, on the other side, the Lord will make you shine brightly even in its midst. His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Look at the life of Moses! He waited in the Lord’s presence, listened to His words and led the people of Israel. When he came out of the presence of the Lord, the people saw his face shining. You too should wait in the presence of God to have this experience. Plan your day in such a way that you would not waste your time. Get up early in the morning and seek His presence without fail. The Lord says, And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). As you keep seeking Him, all the darkness in your life would depart and there will be light. You will be a blessed woman. Also, the Lord will be delighted over you. "I will multiply upon you

man and beast; and they shall increase and bear young… and do better for you than at your beginnings’ (Ezekiel 36:11). Accordingly He will increase you and do better things for you. When Paul asked Him, “Lord,

what do You want me to do?" (Acts 9:6), He said, "Arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do." Likewise, commit yourself to do the will of God. Let Him tell you what you need to do. You shall arise and shine. He will make His face

shine upon you just as how the face of Moses shone with the glory of God. He will do great things through you. May the Lord help you to fulfil His will and be a blessing to your family and others, by making you understand the glory of His calling in your life!

LET YOUR WILL, O FATHER! A book in which Sis. Stella Dhinakaran has put into writing highly profitable counsels on how to discern the will of God and further the means of executing it.

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BIBLE QUIZ - 54 (Bible Portion: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Isaiah) (Read the given verses carefully, line by line. You can easily find the answers) 1.What should be heard? 2.Who will learn what? 3.Who will make learn what and to whom? 4.What and what will give what? 5.Who destroys what? 6.What will the Lord cause to spring forth? 7.Who will store up what? 8.What is as strong as what? 9.If you are what, what shall you eat? 10. Who has refuge in what?

Answers must reach us before

AUGUST 31, 2016

Address: Bible Quiz - 54, Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Jesus Calls

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ANSWERS 1. in Your hand is there not power and might - II Chronicles 20:6 2. He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place – II Chronicles 36:15 3. His judgments are in all the earth – I Chronicles 16:14 4. there is no one who does not sin – II Chronicles 6:36 5. Have pleasure in uprightness – I Chronicles 29:17 6. You have made Your people Israel Your very own people forever – I Chronicles 17:22 7. "Israel, without the true God, without a teaching priest, and without law – II Chronicles 17:22 8. His mercies are very great – I Chronicles 21:13 9. the LORD searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts – I Chronicles 28:9 10. The Lord’s saints rejoice in goodness – II Chronicles 6:41

(Testimonies from Mumbai) Alive, to pray for others I suffered a lot in life because of a tumour in my stomach and because of other many problems. The Lord has delivered me, who was walking through the path of death and has made me live. It is by His grace I am alive today. After I joined the Esther Prayer Group, my problems got solved one by one. Every month I had to take a scan and that time I used to write to Aunty Stella Dhinakaran who would send me replies assuring that the report would be normal. Accordingly the reports were normal. Even when I went for a surgery, the Lord granted me good health. He has kept me alive to pray for others. Glory be to God for giving me a new lease of life. I thank Him for enabling me to join the Esther Prayer Group. - Leena David, Pune.

10 years of asthma gone I was suffering from asthma since the past 10 years. Whenever I had an attack I had to be admitted in the hospital and was given oxygen. I had never been happy in

my life. I took so many medicines but in vain. There was no end to my sufferings. I thank the Lord for the Esther Prayer Group which has been raised up by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. I began to pray in the Esther Prayer Group and also wrote to Sister Stella Dhinakaran for prayers. The Lord, who is above all the physicians, heard the prayers and granted me complete healing. Also I also suffered a lot from disc prolapse. Doctors could not do anything about it. But Sis. Stella Dhinakaran prayed for my healing. The Lord healed me. He has done so many wonders for me ever since I joined the Esther Prayer Group and prayed. Now there is no asthma or back pain or limb pain. I don’t take any medicines or injections now! Glory to God, who has totally transformed my life! My thanks to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and the sisters of the Esther Prayer Group for praying for me.

erable. I continued with all kinds of treatments for more than six years but in vain. I then stopped going for any treatment.

- Lalitha Durga, Pune.

Every month, I attend the Esther Prayer Group without fail. The sisters of our group prayed fervently for me. Also I read the Book, “Lord given Gift of Child’

Gift of a child after 14 years I had no child even after 14 years of married life and was misJesus Calls

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I joined the Esther Prayer Group and started to pray. I also wrote letters to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers. She sent me a reply quoting, “If you believe, you would see the glory of God”. I believed those words. After this, known people advised me to go to a particular doctor as a last resort. She treated me for six months after which she declared that I was normal and that I had no problem in conceiving. However she took a final scan in which she found that I had a block in the uterus. I did not know what to do. So, the doctor advised us to adopt a child and assured that she would make all arrangements for that. I did not respond and came back home with faith that the Lord would perfect everything for me.

written by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and wrote down all the verses quoted there. I placed these promises on my belly and prayed with faith, “The Lord, who opened the womb of Hannah would surely open mine too” In 2014, when I

went to the hospital for a checkup the doctor who said that I had a block, tested me and confirmed that I had conceived. My joy knew no bounds. I thanked the Lord with tears and glorified Him. I was blessed with a son on October 15,

2014. Now he is 1 ½ years old and we have named him Samraj. I express my thanks to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and all the sisters of the Esther Prayer Group, who prayed for me. - Sundari Sekar, Mumbai.

GOD’S MIRACULOUS EXPANSION IN THE ESTHER PRAYER GROUP My dear sisters, The loving works of the Lord are directed towards the little children in the ages of 8-13. The Lord has commanded a burden in the hearts of the little children in Angel Garden and Canaan Hebron Residence in Karunya, Coimbatore. Under the leadership of Sis. Florence Theodore, a group of these children, had conducted prayer. What a joy! Accordingly, if the little children in your family or in your neighbourhood are willing to pray, please write to us. We will send them the prayer points which have been compiled in simple way, for their easy understanding. The little children in this picture have come forward to take part in the ministry, with a prayerful mind. Kindly pray with burden that the Lord should bless them and increase them more and more. Address: Sister Stella Dhinakaran Junior Esther Prayer Group (JEPG) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 Email:

I would like to join the chain prayer to pray for the Jesus Calls ministry, staff, and for the welfare of the nation. Those who are already involved with the Jesus Calls chain prayer and fasting prayer may kindly specify your day of fasting and time of prayer, for our records. My day of chain prayer................................ Time...................................  Sunday  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday Friday Saturday Name:..................................................................................................... Partner code (if any).................................................................................. Address:................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................... Mobile 1: ......................................... Mobile 2: ............................................ Filled up form to be sent to: Prayer Tower (Chain Prayer) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai- 600 028. Email: Toll free number 1800 425 77 55 (7.00 AM to 9.00 PM every day). Jesus Calls

August 2016 


- Sister Stella Dhinakaran


ear ones, the most ago nizing things that we see these days is lack of prayer in many people’s personal as well as family life. Prayer is talking to the Lord. Unfortunately, many people have no inclination to do this. Even those who want to pray, give many lame excuses – “I feel so sleepy’ and so on. So today let us see in this message, ‘What is the importance of prayer?, How to pray?, What are the divine blessings that we receive when we seek the Lord through prayer?’ and ‘How glorious would be the divine presence that we enjoy through prayer?’

1.How to Pray? There is no criterion for prayer. However, the only factor needed is that our heart should be always joined with the Lord. This alone is true prayer. To be precise, prayer is nothing but talking to the Lord face to face or pouring out our heart in His presence (Psalm 62:8; 142:2; Lamentation 2:19). If we understand the secret of prayer, we

can feel the Lord being with us always. We read in the Bible that men of God like Enoch and Noah talked to God and walked with Him (Genesis 5:24, 6:9). This is the divine blessing that we get through prayer. Similarly, Moses was called by God. He deeply understood the glory of praying by waiting in the presence of God. So he had the privilege of speaking to God face to face, as a man speaks to his friend (Exodus 33:11). So, dear ones, in our daily life, if we too thus exhibit our devoutness to God, by talking to Him face to face and praying, God would be with us. This is the divine blessing that we would receive. Then He will give us the grace to do His will in our life. Moses was called for God’s ministry. Leading the people of Israel from Egypt to Canaan was his God given ministry. For this, he very much needed God’s counsel and guidance. So, whenever he ran to God’s presence, He shone upon His countenance on him, stayed with Jesus Calls

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him till the end and helped him to accomplish His will in a beautiful manner. Similarly, we too should know how to be successful in our Christian life on a day to day basis and how to practise things that are pleasing to God, through prayer. Knowing these, we should plead to the Lord to help us live a pleasing life to Him. "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." (Matthew 21:22). This verse wonderfully explains us the importance of prayer. We need to pray in the presence of God, with faith. Then He would hear our prayer and answer us. My dear sisters, don’t ask, “What is prayer? I don’t know how to pray’, ‘ Will you write a prayer and send me?” Instead kneel down in the presence of God and pour out all your burdens, worries and needs in His presence, like water. This is prayer. A woman called Hannah, lived

in tears as she had no child. But one day, she went to the temple of God, knelt down in His presence and poured out all her agonies at His feet (I Samuel 1:15). What happened? After that her face was no longer sad (I Samuel 1:18). God heard her prayer and gave peace in her heart. After this, He blessed her with a child, who was a divine prophet of God. He then blessed her with more children (I Samuel 2:21) and filled her richly with all things ( I Timothy 6:17).

and joy. Till her ripe old age of 84,

Likewise, everyday you may also let God know of all your needs through prayer, in His presence, whenever you have time. Or you may thank and praise Him for all the benefits that you have received. You would enjoy experiencing God’s delight over this. You would be filled with divine peace.

They get involved with things like

2.Blessings and benefits thru’ prayer

Him alone. Talk to Him and pray.

Sometimes, we struggle unable to achieve anything on our own efforts. We are suffocated by loss in the business, failure in studies, needs and wants, other people’s envy and malice. Unable to put up with these, some people even resort to suicide. But, the only way out of this is holding on to the feet of the Lord.

He will surely answer all your re-

Anna became a widow, even when she was young. She did not plunge into self pity but went to the temple of God; sat at the feet of God; poured out all her agonies and worries. All her sorrows vanished. She was filled with divine peace

faith. Since the Lord Himself has

she did not depart from the habit of praying in the presence of the Lord. As a result, God lifted her up as a prophetess and as His servant. My dear sisters, are you troubled over various lacks and losses in your life? Don’t worry. The only way to be delivered out of these is to pour out your heart at the feet of the Lord. These days, unable to contain their worries, many women share it with others. consultation of horoscope, fortune telling etc., which are displeasing to God and which bring darkness into their lives. My dear sisters, when you face problems, please do not seek such demonic things but hold on to the Lord who comes seeking you with love. Trust on He will listen to your voice keenly. quests, grant you all good things and bless you. Today, as per the Lord’s command, Prayer Towers have been raised up all over India and in many foreign countries. Every day, people visit these Prayer Towers in multitudes and get prayers with commanded us to start these Prayer Towers, He manifests Himself, touches all the people who come seeking Him and blesses them. He embraces them and does miraculous things for them. Even Jesus Calls

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those who do not know God visit the Prayer Towers and come to know of Him through the prayers offered by the Prayer warriors. They receive miracles and blessings. Thousands are the testimonies that we receive these days. Drunkards get transformed and begin a new, beautiful family life; lacks and wants in people’s lives are removed; all kinds of darkness are removed. The reason, the prayer offered in the presence of God. Are you worried today? Don’t be troubled. The Lord is very near you. Seek Him through prayer. ‘Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.' (Isaiah 41:10). Doesn’t the Lord promise you that He is with you and that you need not be afraid? Trust this and commit yourself to wait at His presence and pray. Then He will remove all the problems in your family and bring upon you the blessings for which you had been waiting since a long period. How would the Lord give it? ‘Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us’ (Ephesians 3:20). Accordingly, He will give you, who pray to Him, all the blessings and make you happy.

3.Divine Presence thru’ prayer In the Bible we read how the

men of God wonderfully enjoyed the presence of God by praying to Him and received His blessings. Esther, a woman like us, was also one among them. She was a Jewish woman. But she was married to Ahasuerus, a non – Jewish King. Haman, a man who was pleasing to the King, wanted to completely destroy all the Jews. Esther heard about his plan. What did she do then? She did not seek after human help. Instead she firmly held on to the feet of God. She did not offer an ordinary prayer. My dear sisters, read carefully! Whenever you stumble, unable to handle the problems in your life, all you have to do is to ‘fast and pray’. Fasting prayer is abandoning food,

Lord for any of your problem. Then

presence with me. This is truly

His presence will fill you. He will


heed your prayer.

After my beloved husband

Perhaps you may say, “My

Bro. Dhinakaran left for heaven,

house is small; everybody would be

my son and his family too had

moving around; how to pray in this

to depart from me and go to an-

situation?’ Or you may say, “I’ve

other country for the sake of min-

so much of work to do. Being a

istry. That time everyone worried

woman, I’ve to do so many things

about me as I had to be alone

–cooking and other chores. So I don’t have time to pray”. Dear ones, if you are united with the Lord, He will abide in your heart forever and speak to you. You too can always talk to Him. Even while cooking on one side, you can also keep talking to Him in your heart.

with no company. But, in those days, I had the abundant guidance and help of the Holy Spirit. He began to talk to me. He keeps talking to me, making me seek His presence always and fulfilling His will in my daily life. I am timid by nature. I don’t have divine wisdom too. Yet it is by the

Enjoy this wonderful and blessed

grace of God and His wisdom I

prayer life!

am what I am today! The Holy

humbling ourselves before God and

I have experienced this in my

Spirit guides me wonderfully and

waiting at His feet. Some people

life. When I thus talk to the Lord,

is sustaining me with His

declare that they are fasting but

He blesses even the cooking part

strength when I am weak

would be roaming around doing

of life. Everyone who tasted the

(Philippians 4:13; II Corinthians

everything except praying. Fasting

dishes prepared in this way, have


without prayer is useless. Doing so

appreciated me for my culinary

is self deception. Queen Esther and

talents! The reason, they are not

her maids fasted without eating or

done by you; even as you keep

drinking for three days and prayed

talking to Him, your heart would

(Esther 4:16). When she thus

be united with Him and He will

fasted and prayed, her prayer was

perfect everything concerning your

heard. Haman, who rose against

cooking (Psalm 138:8).

her, was destroyed by the work of

My dear sisters, practise this

God. Her Jewish tribe was re-

profound truth in your life and wait

deemed miraculously and there

for the presence of God to fill you,

was rejoicing and gladness. Ac-

at times of crisis. This is the great-

cordingly, humble yourself even

est privilege of God. After the Lord

today with fasting and plead to the

speaks to me, I always feel His

"...Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God - and righteousness and sanctification and redemption" ( I Corinthians 1:30). So, do not give room for dejection, despair and worries; do not waste your time by criticizing others but be fervent in the Spirit and arise and shine for the Lord by getting filled with the Holy Spirit. Let the incense of prayer be always offered from your life and family. May God bless you to perfectly fulfil His will and glorify Him!

BIBLE QUIZ 52 - WINNERS Chennai: Jonathan Abilash, Godvia Princes D., Sumithra David Karnataka: Manju Varatha Jesus Calls

August 2016 


IN CHENNAI… Special Training sessions (Morning and Evening) to learn the secrets of prayer!


Venue: JESUS CALLS PRAYER ACADEMY JC House, 72, Rajaji Road (Opp:Beach Railway station), Chennai - 600 001

Certificates will be issued on behalf of the Karunya University. Classes conducted by anointed and trained personnel. Training would be provided by the Dhinakarans occasionally. For details: Director, Jesus Calls Prayer Academy, 72, Rajaji Road, Chennai - 600 001 Telephone: 044 - 23456677 (Extn.4009) Mobile: 97899 77807

AT MADURAI... FAMILY BLESSING MEETING 2016 August 15 (Monday) 5:30 PM Venue: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, 104, By-Pass Road, Nehru Nagar (Near PRC Depot), Madurai 625 010 For details, Call: 0452-2380699 / 2380599 AT CHENNAI... FAMILY BLESSING MEETING 2016 September 11 (Sunday) 5:30 PM Venue: Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. For details, Call: 1800 425 77 55 (7AM to 9 PM) AT BHILAI... FAMILY BLESSING MEETING 2016 September 17, 18 (Saturday & Sunday) 6 PM Venue: Dussehra Maidan, Near Ispat club, Sector - 07, Bhilai ( Chhattisgarh) 490 006 For details, Call: 094252 27560,7024269165,7024269167


August 2016 


"You are the light of the world….’ (Matthew 5:14). This is a wonderful promise! This is the Lord’s wish concerning us. It is His desire that all of us walk as the children of light and not in the darkness. Unfortunately, these days, we see even those who claim to know Christ, struggling in the darkness, without living in the light. What is light? How to receive this life of light? Shall we meditate on this? The Lord Jesus Christ says, ‘"I have come as a light into the world’ (John 12:46). In order to bring out all those who are in the darkness, to light and make them shine brightly, He came to this world and offered Himself as a living sacrifice on the cross. That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world (John 1:9). Yes, dear ones, when Jesus Christ comes into our life, He changes our life of darkness and makes it shine, by His power and divine presence. We read in Ephesians 2:3 that a man or woman who conducts himself/herself in the lusts of flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, is by nature a child of wrath. Today, such kind of people are spread

everywhere in the family and society. Drunkenness, lust of the flesh and eyes and pride of life take them towards the path of hell. Today, even women have illicit friendships with other men, despite being married and go to the extent of committing murder, as we see in the News papers. This is the life of darkness. But how does the Lord Jesus change this life of darkness into light? He is rich in mercy. Though we were of this sinful nature, He loved us, offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross, gave His body to be broken and has shed His blood. When those who are in the darkness cry out to Him saying, ‘Lord, have mercy; forgive all my sins; I am the worst sinner of all sinners’, He forgives them of their sins, washes and cleanses them with His blood and gives them salvation. He fills their lives with holiness. Then they would receive a blessed life in Christ. This is the life of light from darkness. My dear sisters, examine your life. Have you received this life of light? Does Christ live in you? Are you united with Him? This is the life of light. Perhaps if you have not received this experience and are living in sin, kneel down today and plead to the Lord. He will change you into a new creation and Jesus Calls

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make all old things pass away (II Corinthians 5:17). He will give you a joyous and blessed life where you can say that you are one with Christ. This is the divine life of seeing light from darkness. It is necessary that all the dear sisters receive this blessing. Accordingly, pray that your household and children too should be blessed in this manner. When the Lord Jesus went to the house of Zacchaeus,, He blessed his home saying, ‘"Today salvation has come to this house’. Similarly, He will bless your home too. So please do not ignore this divine life of light but become the ‘vessel of grace’ by asking the Lord for these blessings with tears and receiving them. "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." (John 8:12). ‘What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory?’ (Romans 9:22,23).

How to receive the life of brightness? The Bible says, But the path

of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day (Proverbs 4:18). This is a life of divinity. When will this brightness be seen in us? When our life is filled with Jesus, the sun of righteousness, this brightness would be seen in us.

How to be filled with this? The Word of God makes our life to shine. As we keep reading the Scriptures, they go into us and change all our lacks and shortcomings. For example, a woman was plunged in the darkness and struggled with lack of Christ’s love in her. She had absolutely no peace and joy and quarreled with everyone. One day, she happened to attend a spiritual meeting and the living words of God shared there, pulled her towards the love of God. Only then she realized that her life was filthy and that she was wanting in her desire to seek the Lord and His Word. She committed herself to the Lord in that meeting. After that, she began to get up early in the morning, read the Word of

God and started talking with Him. She was filled with a peace which the world cannot give. She could not contain the divine joy that she enjoyed and got reconciled with all those with whom she had fought. She had no more enemies. The Lord Jesus Christ dwelt in her heart. All the darkness in her was gone and her face began to shine brightly like the sun. Whenever she had time, she did prayer ministry and shared her sweet experience with others and helped them enjoy the same blessing. Hence, the Lord made her life shine brightly in order to bring many others to light from darkness. She prayed with burden for all those who were oppressed with affliction, sorrow and tears. Through her, their lives began to shine. About this we read,

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you (Isaiah 60:1). My dear sisters, you may have a family; you may have works to do. But, do not focus only on these and despise this life of brightness. The Lord asks, "Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?" (Isaiah Daily promises, messages of blessing, with facilities for watching on line TV programmes, sending donations and prayer requests.

Jesus Calls magazine can be read at Jesus Calls

August 2016 


6:8). My dear sisters, are you going to lock up the light of life which you have graciously received? If so, your life would be useless. Instead, arise amidst women. Build up your family. Plead to the Lord. When Saul became Paul, he asked, “Lord, what do You want me to do?’ Accordingly, he beautifully accomplished the will of God and testified about it (II Timothy 4:7). The Lord Jesus too gave up His life after fulfilling the will of God and said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). You too should enter into the life of light and bring out other sisters who are in the darkness to light and thus fulfil the Lord’s will. This is the necessity laid upon us. Whiling away our time in eating well, dressing well and sleeping soundly is the life of darkness. I beg of you to seek the life of light; commit your life so that your light would enter into others and that many would receive the light of life through you. May God help you to receive this divine life of shining brightly for Him, which is pleasing  to Him!

Divine joy by anointing

had no mind to pray. I never knew how

my work. When dear mother

to pray. After a while, I started

ing all the pains – in the legs, thighs,

clapping my hands and began to pray. That time the

is coming upon everyone. What-

did not know anything about the Lord Jesus. During the prayer time, dear mother said, “The Lord is filling you with His anointing; He pours down immeasurable anointing; get filled with the anointing”. That time I felt a sudden change in my body and felt the Lord touching me. The Holy Spirit filled me in an abundant measure. As I kept praying, I could sense a great transformation taking place within me. Yes, the Lord touched me and

Holy Spirit came into me and I felt something departing from me. Af-

delivering you right now. Receive

ter this I began to pray well, with tears streaming down. Now I am

Lord came upon me and touched

very happy. Jesus has given me the fullness of joy.

vanished. Now I am well. Jesus

blessed me. Now I am very happy!

could not stand for

- A. Prema, Ramnagar,

long. The pain in-


tensified in this past

We are married since four months and are residing


Guduvancheri. I

Fullness of joy When I came to this meeting I

- Pravin, Srinivasapuram, Gududvancheri.

Lord’s power came down; miraculous deliverance

prayed saying, “The Lord is healknees etc., Now the Lord’s power ever your problems may be, He is your healing”, the power of the me. That moment, all my pains Himself has healed me. He is with me.

- Selvi, Bharathiar Nagar, Gududvancheri.

Strengthened and gladdened by anointing

one week and I cried a lot when-

I have known the Lord and was doing ministry for Him. However I fell into bad company and went down in my spiritual life. My mother forced me to attend this

ever I had to keep standing to do

meeting. I came here with severe

I had a fracture in my leg and hence

Jesus Calls

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back pain. During the prayer time,

ing. Now I go back with joy.

shake this place and make them

dear mother said, “The Lord wants

- Pushpalatha, Valancheri,

shine for You”. That time I felt the

to give you His blessings; He


presence of God mightily. I came

wants to transform your life; His

Unbearable anointing

blessing comes upon you now. So


humble yourself and plead to Him

prayer time, when

telling, “Lord transform me; remove

dear Aunty prayed,

all the unwanted character in me;

“Lord, pour down

give me victory. You were crucified on the cross for my sake and were broken. So wash me with Your blood”. I too joined her in the prayer. That time the Lord touched me and anointed me. I had been longing for anointing since a long time. Today when the anointing came upon me I felt a wind blowing over me. Also the Lord touched


the anointing of the Holy Spirit on young children’, I was filled with immeasurable

here with agony and now I am at peace. I go back with complete deliverance and as a saved son. My heart was filled with peace when I was praying. Jesus has come into my heart. I am now a saved son of God.

- Cibi, Chennai -48

Tumour vanished

anointing which could not be con-

The Lord has

trolled. I shall live as a testimony

lifted me up, who

for the Lord, from now on. Halle-

was in a lowly state


and has blessed me

- Devi, Kanchipuram.

Saved and made righteous

with a good job. I always had the regret that I was not

I had been long-

with a prayer that I should receive

ing to receive the

the joy of salvation. During the

anointing of the

prayer time, dear Aunty asked,

Holy Spirit. I could

“My dear young children, what

not receive it even

blessing do you need today? And

after attending this meeting and

she further prayed, ‘Lord, take

hence I prayed with tears saying,

possession of young children who

“Lord, forgive my sins; fill me with

say, “Come into me Lord, as You

Your Holy Spirit” That time dear

were upon Daniel; let me be a good

mother said, “All of you open your

testimony for You and live for Your

mouth and praise the Lord. He

glory like Daniel; let Your glory

says, ‘Open your mouth and I will

come upon me. I should be a wit-

fill it “. So He will fill you with

ness for you and rise up as a righ-

doing anything for God. I came to this meeting with a heavy heart and prayed that God should speak to me and touch me when dear mother shared the message. That time she spoke on the verse, ‘The Just shall live by faith”. Holding on to this, I prayed, “Lord, thank You for making me live; thank You for filling me and my house with Your glory; thank You for filling me with Your Spirit”. As I was thanking the Lord, He filled me with His peace. I came here with a tumour on my breast and was praying for deliverance. I did not touch that area. I continued praying with a faith that who else other than Jesus could do a miracle. After this, when I touched that spot I was excited to see that it had vanished completely.

anointing. Receive the Lord’s

teous person”. You would do great

Glory to God.

anointing and His blessings” Imme-

things through such youngsters;

- Shanthi, Gududvancheri,

diately I was filled with the anoint-

Thank You for You are going to


me and has healed my back pain which was tormenting me for the past two years. Now I am in good health.

- Esther, Kurinchipadi, Gududvancheri.

New creation; new joy

Though I was born and brought up in a family that knows Jesus, I had never received the salvation experience. I came to this meeting with much burden and

Jesus Calls

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Removed the bondage; filled with good things I don’t know how I came to this meeting from home. I was unconscious and my family has carried me here. During the prayer time, dear mother said, “The Lord’s blessing is coming upon you; nobody will go back empty handed; the Lord will fill every one with joy; He will shower His Holy Spirit upon all of you; He will wipe away your tears. Whatever your needs are or whatever sickness you have, the Lord is going to heal you. When the power of the Lord comes upon you, He will fill you with good things above all that you ask or think. Thank the Lord with faith”. When she was thus praying, the Lord did a miracle for me. All the evil bondage which was binding me left me. Jesus delivered me from all bondage and sufferings. I am very happy now. Dr. Jebaraj Samuel: I was watching this dear daughter coming for the meeting. She was semiconscious and could not walk. She was brought by an auto and I shared this with Bro. Ernest, who

- Valli, Kanchipuram.

then gods for the past 10 years. My

Salvation given by Jesus

husband and I are living separated

I know Jesus for the past 15

for the past three months, because

years. But I was cheating Him and

of certain problems. He is in an il-

my family in many ways. I had so

licit relationship and hence I had

many hidden sins. So there was no

decided to end my life, forgetting

deliverance and I had even con-

my two children. But the Lord pro-

templated suicide. When I came to

tected me. During this meeting,

this meeting, during the prayer time,

when dear mother was praying, she

dear mother said, “Let us commit

said, ‘Dear ones, today the Lord

ourselves. All those who say, ‘I am

blesses your family. Salvation

not in the righteous path; I still have

comes to your house. The Lord said

sins; I am tormented by lusty de-

to Zacchaeus,

sires and the desire to drink. How

‘"Today salva-

will my life be?

tion has come

How to be de-

to this house’.

livered from

The same God is

these?’, shall

walking in our

now commit their lives to the Lord

midst. No more

and ask Him. The Just shall live

fights, suspicion;

by faith. The Lord wants to give

beatings and bitter-

ered her.

you His blessings; He wants to change you. His blessing is coming upon you”. When she prayed thus, all the evil bondage in me left. Now my heart is filled with peace. I am very happy. Wife: My husband was leading a wicked life. I had been praying with tears for his salvation and de-

My husband, who was not in contact with me for three months, called me over my mobile even when I was in the meeting and immediately I remembered the verse mentioned by dear mother, ‘Blessed is she who believed’. With this faith I saw my mobile and found that he had called me four

ing my prayer, the Lord has saved

times. I have come here to testify

my husband. Glory to Jesus.

after which I would talk to him. I

- Ravi, Thailapuram,

will do a miracle when dear


Lord did a miracle and has deliv-

into you”. Accordingly it happened.

liverance from sinful habits. Hear-

went to her and assured, “The Lord mother prays’. Accordingly, the

ness; the Lord’s peace is coming

Salvation for my home

thank the Lord for the benefit He has done for me”. - Sheila, Chrompet,

I was under the clutches of hea-


August 2016 


Chennai – 44

Jesus Calls

August 2016 


Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Special prayers will be offered for your sorrows to be changed into joy and for the Lord to set you free from financial constraints. Come with family and friends. Receive the Lord’s blessings! Admission Free!! We warmly encourage you to send your offering to meet the expenditure for these meetings . You may send your offerings by DD or Cheque drawn in favour of Jesus Calls or by money order to Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. You may send it online through our secure website For details, contact: Prayer Festival Office: 98155 85631/98155 85645 / Dhariwal Prayer Tower: 70870 60378/8283961378 / Punchkula Prayer Tower: 0172-2582487/70870 33892

Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-7-2016


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