Jesus Calls (English) January - 2023

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My precious friend, I wish you a blessed New Year


Many people think that when New Year comes, everything will become new. They believe that everything is going to change and something new is going to happen in their lives. But truly, new things come only when the old is cast away. That’s why the Scripture says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” Yes, when the old passes away, then new things come into place. Things don’t happen automatically. It happens only through Jesus Christ. When Jesus who is the Alpha and the Omega steps in, He makes everything new. He transforms us.

What are the things that He makes new?

The first thing that He does is He makes us His children. Yes, in this world, whoever is born, is born in sin and is under the powers of darkness, destruction, and desolation. They walk into realms where they do not have power over themselves as they are bound by the forces of darkness. But when a person opens his/her heart to welcome Jesus into it, He comes in and removes the old sins from him/her for He is the life and resurrection. He takes away the darkness as we invite Him into our lives and makes everything new by His power and by His love for us. All He says is “come unto Me, all you that are heavy-laden and I will give you rest.” Yes, this is

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the promise we have in Jesus. We need not carry our burdens. We need not carry our fears. We need not suffer from the oppressions of the enemy and the wicked people and withdraw from the world. Instead, let's hand over our lives to Jesus because He went through death and defeated it and rose up on the third day from His grave. He is alive and He is going to make everything new for you.

His promise to you for this year is found in Isaiah 61: 3,4

“To bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the

display of His splendour. They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.”


The Lord says, “My child. I'm going to make you a crown of beauty.” You yourself will be a crown of beauty and your life will be a crown of beauty. What a great joy! Let’s praise God for this great promise. Yes, this year is going to be a year of beautification. Just praise the Lord Jesus who is determined to do it in your life. He also says, “I'll give you oil of joy instead of mourning, a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.” But you may say that everything in your life is in ruins and so is your family. But God says, “I will make you rebuild your ancient ruins.”


Secondly, the Lord says “I will restore the places long devastated.” Yes, everything that has been devastated will be restored. He says, “I will restore your house, your family, your finances, and your relationship with God.” So, no more devastation.


Thirdly, Jesus says, “I will make you renew the ruined cities, the ruined glory that you had.” The ones that have been devastated for generations will be renewed. You may say, “I'm under a generational curse.” But God says to you, “I will renew your ruined cities. Do not be afraid. There will be no more ruins.” Thus, God is going to build you up into a palace. So be of good cheer!


The first blessing is what we read in Jeremiah 30:17. Here the Bible says, But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the LORD, ‘because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.’

Maybe you're crying that nobody cares about you. People might have cast you out of their life and you might be feeling like an outcast. But God says, “I will restore you to health. I will heal your wounds.” Yes, the Lord Jesus will heal your wounds through His wounds on the cross for you. That’s why He says, “by My stripes, by My wounds, you will be healed.”

I'm going to share with you a wonderful testimony about a person called Sri Rangan. This man was a lorry driver, and his earnings were meagre. One day there was a mishap. As he was carrying a load of iron rods in his lorry, suddenly two people just walked in the path of the lorry and the lorry hit them. It was not his fault. One was an old lady who died on the spot and the other one was fighting for her life in the hospital. The man had to face the case. He also lost his job. He was suffering because he had to go to the courts periodically. Every time he would go, they would postpone it. They would adjourn the hearing. As a result, he had no job, but he took up the job of a security guard. He was just getting Rs.50 a day. He didn't have much to eat and feed his family. He was in a desperate situation when somebody told him about the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and he came to the Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessors welcomed him with love. The prayer intercessors also encouraged him saying, “Don't worry brother, we'll pray together to Jesus and Jesus will help you.” The prayer intercessors thus prayed for him with

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burden. Every time, before going to the court, he would come to the Prayer Tower and pray. The false accusers who were craftily raised by the opposite lawyer would not turn up. So finally, the judge dismissed the case by giving him a favourable verdict, saying, “Justice is on your side.” He became a freeman. Also, during this time, as he was coming to the Prayer Tower to receive prayers, he heard the word of God, and Jesus grew in him. Miraculously, he was also able to settle off his debts gradually and also bought a minivan. With that, he started a business to transport school children. Great joy came into his heart and to his family. When God helped him to come out of debt totally and have his own business, he had the means to feed his family. Yes, God healed his past wounds and restored him. He was called an outcast, was thrown before the accusers and was going to the court regularly with no food to eat. But God healed his life and restored the ruins.

Likewise, God will heal your wounds this year. You will no longer be cast out, instead, every joy will be restored in your life and you will live a life of dignity. Let not your heart be troubled.


The second blessing is found in Jeremiah 30:18, This is what the LORD says: “I will restore the fortunes of Jacob’s tents and have compassion on his dwellings; the city will be rebuilt on her ruins, and the palace will stand in its proper place.”

You might be saying, “Everything is ruined,” but God says, “I will rebuild you into a palace.” Yes, with His compassion just as He built Jacob's life again from nothing to everything, He will also build you into a palace. Jacob had a double portion. Nobody could stand before him and his family. He could even rise up and bless the ruler of Egypt. God raised him up to such great levels. Yes, God made him a palace by living in him. God will do that for you. You may be all alone; may have lost everything in life or been humiliated and humbled, but God is going to build you to become a palace. “I will restore your fortunes ,” says the Lord, “and your home will be built.” You will be where God has assigned you to prosper. Do not be discouraged.

Here is a man called Vera Sami whose testimony really moved my heart. He was working in a brick kiln making bricks. He was under tremendous debt and was therefore in great agony. Since he lost everything, he was being humiliated. One day, as he was surfing through the channels in his TV, he

came across the Jesus Calls TV Program. There he saw me praying for the people and as his life was touched, he came to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Coimbatore. The prayer intercessors there prayed with him with much burden for his situation and showed him love. He was greatly comforted and gradually he was able to settle off his debts. He started his own brick business. God prospered his business to such an extent that he started hiring people for his business. Today, God has blessed him with an own house too. What a great God we serve!

In the same way, God will build your home also and will make you a palace. This is God's promise for you because Jesus became so poor that through His poverty you and I can become rich.


The third blessing is found in Jeremiah 30:19, “From them will come songs of thanksgiving and the sound of rejoicing. I will add to their numbers, and they will not be decreased; I will bring them honour, and they will not be disdained.”

As you are filled with God's Holy Spirit without measure, thanksgiving to the Lord will flow out of you. God will increase you and will add honour to your family. The Bible says, Jesus was given the Holy Spirit without measure and He went about doing good, and delivering those who were oppressed by the devil. Yes, as the Lord pours out His Spirit like Rivers of Living Water into you, this year, you are going to laugh and laugh and your life will be full of thanksgiving unto God. “You'll be made merry,” says the Lord, and He will multiply you. The Bible says, “The Lord has remembered us and He will bless us.” So, you and your wife will increase; Your children will increase. This is God's promise for you. Surely this year, you shall not be few. God will increase you and honour you, this year. Isn’t it wonderful to receive such a blessing from the Lord?

Here I would like to share another beautiful testimony of a person called Charles. This man was

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a married man and everything in his life was going well until a tragedy struck his happy home. His little child was diagnosed with cancer and the child died within a year. They were shattered to the core. Adding to this misery, his wife’s parents intervened and separated him and his wife. Charles cried in pain saying, “I lost my child. Now I've lost my wife also. Nobody wants me. I'm all alone.” It was at this hopeless moment that he heard about the Jesus Calls meetings that were being held in his city and so, he came to the meeting with a broken heart. The Holy Spirit made me call his name from the platform among the thousands of people who had come there. I had never known him. I had never met Charles before. But under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, during prayer time, I said, “Charles! There is a person called Charles here. You have lost your family and you have gone through much pain and suffering in this world. But the Lord is rebuilding your life. He is giving back your joy. The Lord is coming with you and your life will be built again.” What a miracle! Within a few days, his wife came back to him and they got reconciled. Eventually, God also blessed them with a beautiful child again. Today, the Lord has indeed restored everything in Charles’ life and his child is now in school. What a miraculous turnaround!

Jesus said, “I was dead but I am alive evermore.”

The God who restored everything for Charles will do the same for you this year. There will be

thanksgiving. Yes, God will multiply you and honour you. He will heal your wounds and restore every joy in your life. God will build you up from the mud heaps and make you a palace. This is God's loving promise for you. This is a year when God is making you a crown of beauty from the ashes and He is pouring the oil of joy over your mourning; . For the spirit of despair, He is giving you a garment of praise. So, start praising the Lord and you will multiply. Everything that has been devastated for generations in your life shall be restored. You will have a crown of beauty on your head and have the oil of joy in your spirit and a garment of praise in your mouth. God will bless and beautify you, this year.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, let this year be a year of restoration for Your children and for them to be beautified. Let everything become beautiful in their lives. As You restore, heal, multiply, and establish them and build them up, let the glory of heaven come upon them. Transform them into Your image. Let them have these blessings which You have already paid for through Your suffering and Your resurrection. I hand them over into Your hands and let the past wounds be removed. Give them a new beginning. Make them a crown of beauty and let them be established in their lives. I give You all the glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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There are some problems and oppressions that can only leave when we fast and pray. Keeping this in mind, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran along with his family and the prayer intercessors of the Jesus Calls Ministry is setting aside January 7th, 2023 (Saturday), as a day of fasting and will be praying for the Lord to bring answers to your long-awaited prayer requests. So, please do not hesitate to drop your prayer requests at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to you. You can also send your prayer requests to us through letters, email, Facebook or by visiting our website. The communication details are as follows: The communication details are as follows:

*Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028.

*E-mail: Website:


You can also share your testimony through email to: or through WhatsApp: 9791934442

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Raipur Prayer Tower Rededication

The relocated Prayer Tower Raipur was rededicated on December 3rd 2022 at 9:00 am by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family, along with Rev. Ajay Umesh James, CNI Bishop, Senior Pastors and Partners. It was a joyous moment as the people of Raipur are sure to be blessed by this Prayer Tower for God's glory. If you are in and around Raipur, do visit the Prayer Tower which will be open from 8 am to 8 pm every day, Contact Raipur Prayer Tower, Rajdhani Chambers, Gurudwara road, Opposite Gali No.7, Shyam Nagar, Telibandha, Raipur- 492001. Phone No.0771- 4335600/4344137. Come and be blessed. Partners’


Chhattisgarh Partners’ Meet was held on December 3rd 2022 at St. Paul's Cathedral Ground, CNI, Near Raj Bhavan Civil Lines, Raipur at 4 pm. More than 5000 people participated. Stella Ramola led the Worship. Testimonies were led by Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran. People thronged the meeting venue in from all over Chhattisgarh from places like Dhamtari, Ambikapur, Bilaspur, Jagdalpur, Korba, Rajnandgaon. The partners of Jesus Calls in Raipur were thirsty and hungry for the Lord and He honoured their faith and did miracles.

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Dr. Paul Dhinakaran ministered to the crowd and prayed for their need. He shared God’s word from John Chapter 13 which is based on Jesus loving His disciples till the very end and assured the people of the unfailing love of Jesus for everyone who was gathered there. He offered prophetic prayers through which many were personally touched and experienced miracles. Individual prayers were also offered by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran for all the partners in the end.

Sunday Worship Services

On 4th December 2022, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran ministered respectively at St. Paul’s Church and the Church of God and shared God's word in the Sunday morning services. The congregation experienced God’s mighty power and was blessed.


The UTurn Youth Blessing Meeting took place on December 4th at the same venue as above at 4 pm. Stella Ramola led Worship that was soul-stirring and brought joy to every heart. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran ministered to the youngsters about the love of God and shared about the significance of the Heavenly Holy Kiss of God, the Father from the parable of the prodigal son and how that kiss can transform, refresh and reignite a person to march forward towards one’s destiny. Around 5000 youths participated and were blessed. All glory to God.

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My dear partner in the ministry, I wish you a Happy New Year and hope you will have many blessings in 2023.


As I was praying for the New Year by waiting in the presence of the Almighty Lord, He gave me the verse, "God will bestow on you a crown of beauty instead of ashes" (Isaiah 61:3) as per the promise for the year 2023 and has revealed to me that the year 2023 will be a year of beautification. As a family, we pray for our loving Lord to help you build everything that is broken in your life and beautify your family.

The Almighty God did remarkable wonders through the Jesus Calls Ministry in the year 2022. I will be sharing some of the details with you, our precious ministry partner, for you to praise the Lord with us for the mighty deeds He has done in the lives of millions through the Ministry and also for the miracles and blessings He has showered upon the people.

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Prayer Tower Ministry

Telephone Prayer Tower

"As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you."

(Isaiah 66:13)

The Jesus Calls Prayer Towers have been a beacon of hope to the broken-hearted people. Prayer Intercessors welcome the people who visit the Prayer Towers with godly love and intercede for them to receive miracles and blessings from the Lord. Hence, people feel as if they have come to their mother's house when they visit the Prayer Tower.

•In the last year, a total of 15,83,900 people have visited the 100 Prayer Towers for personal prayer.

•18,81,630 people are blessed by attending the Blessing Meetings conducted in the Prayer Towers.

• 19,77,986 blessed oil vials were distributed to the people who received them with faith. To serve the people more efficiently and for the comfort of the visitors, we have renovated and

"When I am in distress, I call to You, because You answer me." (Psalm 86:7)

The Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower has been relentlessly providing prayer support to the people in desperate situations, round the clock.

•Last year through telephone, our prayer intercessors prayed for 43,34,540 people. Apart from Chennai, we have also started this Telephone Prayer Towers in Bengaluru and Hyderabad.

National Prayer Tower

"Moses, His chosen one, stood in the breach before Him." (Psalm 106:23)

•124 Prayer Intercessors have come voluntarily from various states to the National Prayer Tower to pray for the nation.

28 special events were conducted in the National Prayer Tower to pray for the lawmakers, representatives of the people, and bureaucrats.

Blessing Meetings

"A great crowd of people followed Him because they saw the signs He had performed by healing the sick."

(John 6:2)

facelifted 17 Prayer Towers.

The Bethesda Prayer Centre and some of the Prayer Towers at Coimbatore (Avinashi Road), Salem, Namakkal, Kovilpatti, Madurai (City Centre & Nehru Nagar), Chennai, Anna Nagar (Tamil Nadu), Delhi (NCR), Bokaro, Ranchi (Jharkhand), Raipur (Chhattisgarh), Kolkata (West Bengal), Chittoor (Andhra Pradesh), Warangal (Telangana), Frazer Town (Bengaluru), Ahmedabad (Gujarat) were renovated last year.

In 2022, we have conducted the New Year Blessing Meeting, Family Blessing meetings, Partners meetings and Pastors’ Meetings at Chennai, Erode, Tirunelveli, Madurai (Tamil Nadu), Secunderabad (Telangana), Guntur (Andhra Pradesh), Bengaluru (Karnataka), Ahmadabad (Gujarat), Ranchi (Jharkhand) and Raipur (Chhattisgarh). Through these meetings, around 1,11,080 people have received God's word and were blessed.

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Ambassador Ministry

"...let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord." (James 5:14)

The Jesus Calls Ambassadors pay visits to our ministry partners' houses and pray for them every month. They also introduce the Jesus Calls ministry’s God-given missions to the people and encourage them to support the ministry as a partner.

•At present, 1,155 ambassadors are serving voluntarily.

•Our ambassadors have visited 34,436 families and prayed for them.

Television Ministry

"...many who heard the message believed" (Acts 4:4)

The 'Jesus Calls' ministry spreads the gospel to every nook and corner through television programmes. People are able to receive the word of God and pray along with us from their houses

and experience the mighty touch of the Lord.

•We produce television programmes in 6 languages (Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, and Sinhala).

•Our programmes in Tamil are being telecasted mainly through Family Channel 24x7.

•Through 11 television channels, our programmes reach thousands of households worldwide.

We minister in live programmes almost weekly where people can share their prayer needs through the telephone.

Digital Media Ministry

(Mark 13:10)

We upload videos and posts on social media platforms to bring the gospel to everyone's Smartphone. We maintain separate accounts for languages to cater to people's needs effectively.

• Facebook: Posts viewed 38,77,443 times with 18,29,875 followers.

• Instagram: 600 posts and 500 IGTV content have been published with 2,32,000 followers

• Twitter: 7,40,500 impressions on the Twitter handle

• Website: Around 55,12,648 visitors.

• YouTube: Videos viewed 4,54,55,571 times with 10,86,105 subscribers for all accounts.

Magazine Ministry

"You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life" (John 5:39)

Jesus Calls magazine has been published in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Gurajati, and English.

•More than 200 thousand households receive

“...the gospel must first be preached to all nations”
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our magazine every month, and 800 thousand people have been blessed through print and digital magazines.

•Last year the Hindi edition of the book “A family life united with Christ” authored by my mother, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran was published.

•28 other books were reprinted

•I am writing my autobiography titled ‘I am never alone’. This new book will be published this year.

Esther Prayer Group Ministry

"...where many people had gathered and were praying" (Acts 12:12)

In 2022, 85 Esther Prayer Groups, 56 Young Women Esther Prayer Groups, 26 Junior Esther Prayer Groups, and 21 Couple Esther Prayer Groups were newly started. 165 groups that were not functioning have been revived.

•Now 1,300 Esther Prayer Groups in all 4 types actively pray every month.

Esther Prayer Groups conferences were conducted in Chennai, Madurai, and Puducherry. Hundreds of Esther Prayer Group members attended these conferences and were blessed.

promises from the scripture.

•In 2022, we have replied to 6,91,715 prayer requests by letters in Tamil, Telugu, English, Malayalam, Hindi, and Kannada languages.

•We received 3,18,879 prayer requests last year through email and have sent prayerful replies to them.

UTurn Ministry

"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth" (Ecclesiastes 12:1)

Last year God enabled us to conduct many UTurn programmes like Worship Night, UTurn Club event, and Youth Blessing meetings at Chennai, Coimbatore, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, and Ranchi cities.

•Through all these meetings, more than 13,900 youth were blessed.

Correspondence Ministry

"Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy" (Psalm 143:1)

People send their prayer requests by letter, email, Prayer Towers, and social media platforms to our ministry. We pray for every prayer request and send them God-given replies with relevant

Almost every week, we are telecasting the UTurn live programme on Television. Thousands of youngsters have shared their prayer needs in these live programmes and have received blessings from the Lord.

Dynamic Kids Camp

"Teach them to your children and to their children after them" (Deuteronomy 4:9)

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Dynamic Kids Camp was conducted in all the Prayer Towers in April and May to nurture the budding generation with knowledge about God. We prayerfully prepared our syllabus to teach the kids last year.

Trumpet Prayer Group

"Blow the trumpet in Zion" (Joel 2:1)

8,000 Prayer Intercessors are voluntarily praying every day through the Trumpet Prayer Group. Since March 2020, these prayer intercessors have been praying for the ministry, nation, and the world. Last year, apart from every day's noon prayer, 12 monthly chain prayers were conducted.

Prayer Academy and Training

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15)

Partner Training Programme is being conducted in every Prayer Tower to equip all the paying

partners as praying partners. To raise trainers to train the partners in every Prayer Tower, the Prayer Academy conducts a Training of Trainers programme. Training of Trainers programme has been conducted in person and online. •Last year 254 partners were trained as Prayer Academy Trainers to conduct Partners Training Programmes in Prayer Towers.

Helping God's Servants

As commanded by the Lord, we are helping God’s servants who are in need and are supporting them to build churches. Last year, God enabled us to support hundreds of pastors and missionaries.

International Ministry

Now in 14 major cities of several nations, our Prayer Intercessors help the people to pray along with them. On 5th November 2022, the Israel Prayer Tower conducted an anniversary meeting. We celebrated the 9th anniversary of the Prayer tower as a blessing meeting. We hosted about 130 people from over 10 nations. On the 17th of

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November, Jesus Calls New Zealand Prayer Tower celebrated its 10th anniversary. The International Ministry is beginning to expand with a new Prayer Tower in Washington DC. Only by God's grace will we soon be able to establish a Prayer Tower in the Capital of the United States of America. We will now be able to pray for the whole nation of the United States from its Capital.

Nearly 500 staff members are serving full-time in the ministry. Currently, 577 volunteers are helping as prayer intercessors in our Telephone Prayer Tower. The Lord has enabled us to serve the broken-hearted people in 2022 without hindrance. Kindly join all the prayer intercessors and me in praising the Almighty for His abundant grace that carried us throughout last year.


In 2023, we plan to conduct Prayer Festivals nationwide and through media to bless thousands of people. The Lord has guided me to build a Prayer Operations Centre, a Prayer Training Centre and a Prayer Media Centre at Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower campus in Chennai. These centres would facilitate the effective use of technology to wipe away the tears of the youth, children & families, and those in need. We have started the works for these centres in faith to fulfil the vision 'No soul should be lost'. These three centres will be built in a total area of 61,540 sq.ft costing us about Rs 20 crores ($ 2.5 million).

"You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country" (Deuteronomy 28:3).

I pray that the Lord crowns you with love and compassion this New Year. Your brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran


Every earning member in your family can be blessed by contributing to the 'Jesus Calls' ministry this New Year.

"May He remember your gifts and be pleased with what you bring" (Psalm 20:3)

Lend your helping hand for millions to receive the Lord's blessing by supporting all these ministry aspects of Jesus Calls.


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Rs......………………………........./- as
Rs................/-. Name:……………………………………………………………..Mr/Mrs………………….…………….Partner No:…...........………… Address:……………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………...........…………….. City:…………………………………………….……..……..PIN/ Zip Code:…………......……..Country:……….…………………….. Email:……………............……..Mobi le:…………………………………Birthday:………………….Wedding Date:……………… Dr.
will be
your Personal Prayer Requests
offering for this New Year 2023: As a token of thanks, I give a day's income of Rs....……………………............/As a thanksgiving offering, I am giving one month's salary of Rs..…………………………............/-. I give one-tenth of my salary
a thanksgiving offering. I pledge to support Rs.………………....../- per year by making a monthly contribution of Rs...……...../-. As a thanksgiving offering, I give ........... share of profit
Paul Dhinakaran
praying for all
along with the prayer intercessors in the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers. The easy ways to donate towards 'Jesus Calls' ministry are mentioned on the 7thpage of this magazine. Contact our partner service number 044-23456677 (7 am to 9 pm).

In this new Era of Signs, Wonders, and Miracles, the Lord has given a fresh mandate to carry out the task of wiping away the sorrows of the people and making them into His servants. On my 60th birthday, we were able to start building a new 61,540 Sq. feet centre at Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai campus to carry out this God-given purpose.


Millions of people send in prayer requests every month via social media, phone, letters, emails, large public gatherings, and the Prayer Towers. Thousands of prayer intercessors with a prophetic anointing are required to pray for these requests. Therefore, in addition to managing the operations of prayer and attending to everyone's needs who writes to us in various Indian as well as international languages, we need to equip individuals.

Secondly, the Lord revealed to me that our mission should continue by keeping in touch with them and praying for their needs. He emphasised that until they come to know the Lord as a family, we must provide them with spiritual assistance.

Thirdly, they ought to be given the ability to serve God by joining us in praying for people in their region to find salvation, receive answers from God, and eventually be changed into Prayer Intercessors.

Fourthly, to minister to each person who enters Jesus Calls through one of its many portals in accordance with their needs and to impart both the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit so that they may fully experience the Lord Jesus and be empowered to be transformed as His Ambassadors, wiping away others' tears as they go.


At this proposed centre, the following divisions will be established:

i. To serve the people according to their needs: for example, If somebody writes to us saying “I have cancer”, we will be sending them the related message from one of us, the right prayer pertaining to their need and comforting songs in their respective languages from the huge Jesus Calls digital library (still being built) for them to get connected to the Lord Jesus until they experience Him and are ready to be empowered to pray for others,

ii. Ministry to Families who seek prayer or are partners in the Family blessing plan to be relieved of all their problems in their family life as well as to support them to establish a blessed & Godly family life,

iii.Ministry to the young people to have a UTurn in their life and become UTurners,

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iv. Ministry to the children through the Young Partners Plan by providing them with newly produced videos and teaching materials and systems to learn God’s word, v.Ministry to business people and those in ministry as well as those running Institutions. Also operate the National Prayer and Missions Alliance: NPMA, Professionals and Entrepreneurs Network: PEN, National Prayer Network for Institutions: NPNI.


At this centre, there would be excellent training facilities established with library resources and accommodations with boarding.

i.Here ‘Trainers’ from across the nation would be trained and raised from each area of the nation and eventually across the globe where different languages are spoken. Then they would be installed in each area of the nation to train their own people as Prayer Intercessors. After training, those trained would be connected to the Jesus Calls global digital prayer network to pray along with us for the millions of people who call our

Telephone Prayer Tower from their area or place their requests on the Jesus Calls social media or through the EPG, TPG, Chain prayer, at the Prayer Towers, Prayer Festivals etc.

ii.Also the Prayer Academy, Partners Training Program, Staff induction training and refresher programs, Evangelists’ training program, Managerial training, Prayer Intercessors training for those going to pray at the National Prayer Tower or the Israel Prayer Tower will be conducted with certification through full time Professional and Ministry Trainers.


A 20,000 SQ feet facility to house the new state of the art 4 k video production Studios with virtual reality, Data management centre, video archiving centre, social media content development and production facility, a full fledged IT, software development, networking, data operations & archiving, digital management facility, global communications management technology network & manage media productions for several TV as well as Social media channels & a few hundred staff.

I pray that the Lord will use you to support Jesus Calls in this vision by speaking to your heart. Your donation of any size can make a huge difference in fulfilling this divine mission. You can consider donating one brick or ten bricks or 100 bricks. Alternatively, you could also consider donating Rs. 5 lakhs or Rs. 3 lakhs to sponsor a facility, which would have your name inscribed. The Lord will never forget to reward you and your family for your generosity for generations. It is my hope and prayer that you will work with me to fulfill this goal. As we serve the Lord together, His name will be glorified. Millions of people will be able to serve the Lord, and He will remember your sons and daughters and give them the power to be His prophets. Would you support this vision? Also, if led by the Lord, you your family members, or your friends are most welcome to work with us full-time in a variety of activities, including operations, prayer ministries, media, IT, social media, digitization, and artificial intelligence. Please visit the Jesus Calls website or email your résumé to


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I have been associated with the Jesus Calls ministry since the 1990’s. Eighteen years back, I requested prayers to know God’s will concerning my VRS submission and I got a reply that I can proceed to submit my VRS as I would be placed in a position of giving jobs to hundreds of people. So, I gave my VRS and joined a Chinese company. I was serving in one of the top positions in the company but due to the pandemic, the company was shut down. I then wanted to start a business but had no capital for that. To my utter surprise, I was asked by a company to start mechanical and electrical plants in India. Everything I put my hand into was successful and thus the prophecy has been fulfilled today. I have given employment to hundreds of people and I have set up 9 plants in India and many abroad. As this prophecy has been fulfilled, I have sponsored 1 lakh toward this project. I am greatly blessed by supporting this ministry.

- Jayasingh, Vanagaram


Here is a testimony of a dear brother who has been blessed by sponsoring this project: IMMEASURABLY BLESSED BY SUPPORTING
You too will be blessed in unimaginable ways by supporting this ministry through your prayers and donations.
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pray that these new centres will help us reach out to broken-hearted people and bring healing to them through the ministry services. Your donation is indeed a powerful statement of your faith in our mission to wipe away the tears of millions.
19 - January 2023 JESUS CALLS

What a joy it is to receive this word, isn't it? I know nothing of your prayer will go to waste. Maybe you have waited for a long time for a blessing. But today the Lord says that there is a future hope for you.

That's what the Bible says in Proverbs 24:14, “Know also that wisdom is like honey for you: If you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.”

Once when we were ministering in Nagaland, the Lord gave me a word from Psalm 127:3, which says, “Children are a

heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him.” In those days, we were praying for God to give Sam and Shilpa a child. As we were there in that place to serve the Lord, the Lord told me there would be a blessing of the womb for Shilpa. I was so sure that Shilpa was pregnant on that day. That same day Shilpa had tested and found out that she was pregnant. Sam and Shilpa kept that a secret, but the Lord revealed it to me. While we were coming down from Nagaland by car, as it was a mountainous area, the roads were so rough and bumpy. It had ups and downs. I was so afraid, and I told my husband, “Let us pray for Shilpa, especially that the Lord should protect the baby and the mother.” Yes, that word that I received earlier from the Lord gave me so much joy and my hope was not cut off. The Lord protected the baby and the mother, and today the Lord has given us a beautiful

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granddaughter, Katelyn.

God’s word comes to us at the right time and will also be fulfilled at the right time. Maybe you have been waiting for a child, a life partner, a promotion or healing in your family for a long time! Don’t be worried. Don’t give up, dear friend. God wants to remind you today of His word from Isaiah 55:11, “So is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

Yes, heaven and earth will pass away, but His word will never pass away (Matthew 24:35). All you need is to continue to hope in the Lord. In several places in the Bible, God has written about the blessings that follow those who hope in the Lord. Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

This year, God will fulfill whatever He has been saying to you in the past years. You will no longer be in tears. You will no longer be downcast. The God of Hannah is your God. When Eli proclaimed God’s word to her, we read in the Bible that her face was no more downcast. It will be the same with you.

Have you ever noticed how the sun comes up? It always comes up after the darkest hour. That’s why people say that the darkest hour is just before dawn. It shall be so for you too. Maybe you have been seeing many dark days and wondering if you will ever receive what you have been praying for! But the good Lord assures you that you will see the sunlight and God’s goodness through what He gives you. Yes, we are able to see the good things around us only because of the sunlight that makes everything visible. Likewise, even though, we wait, when God gives us what He has planned for us, it will enable us to see how blessed we are in all aspects. This is how it is going to be for you this year. Your hope will arise.

Yes, great things happen in darkness. The growth of the roots underground, the growth of the foetus in a mother’s womb, the growth of a butterfly in a cocoon and so forth happen in darkness. So long, you might have

seen no hope. Only God’s promises might have been surrounding you all along. But this year what has been hidden will come to light. Just like how the growth of these things comes to light one day even if it takes months or years, you too will see the promises of God take root, give birth and turn into colours very soon. You only have to thank God in advance, for He is Jehovah Jireh. He will provide the lamb, the blessing at the right time. Have a blessed year filled with hope that will not be cut off. Happy New Year 2023!

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, Thank You for this beautiful word You have given me this year. I truly hope You will fulfill Your promises this year and grant me my prayer requests. Lord, thank You, for You will provide not just what I ask but even more, than I can ask or imagine, and You will help me testify of Your goodness through the blessing You give me. Thank You in advance for Your light will shine upon me, and my hope will arise. May Your name be glorified through the blessings You shower upon me. Give me the grace to put my hope on You and experience Your faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

21 - January 2023 JESUS CALLS

It has been 15 years since the inception of the Family Blessing Plan on January 13, 2007. Millions have been blessed through the prayer of the Dhinakarans and the Jesus Calls prayer warriors as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & family along with the prayer intercessors in Jesus Calls Prayer Towers, pray every day for the families in the Family Blessing Plan to be blessedfor them to enjoy peace, be in good health, live in unity, and be prosperous.

Here's how one such Family Blessing Plan partner has been blessed through this plan


I am from Chennai Royepettah. My wife Vazeena and I were living separately due to family issues. We had constant disputes betwee us so we decided to part our ways. We were heart broken and looking for a way to have peace. By the grace of Jesus, after I enrolled in the Family Blessing Plan, God changed our hearts and we both joined back together and are living together in peace for the past 5 months. Also, we recently celebrated our wedding anniversary on 21-5-22 together as a family. Million praises to our Lord Jesus for bestowing His grace, peace and love in our family life.

- Anwar Baasha, Chennai Your family too can be covered by prayers and reap God’s blessings and miracles by sowing into the Family Blessing Plan Ministry.

Privileges of a Family Blessing Plan partner:

•A Special Wedding Anniversary card will be sent to the couple from the Dhinakarans

•Prayer intercessors will call and pray on your Wedding Anniversary

•In the Prayer Tower, the prayer intercessors pray daily for the Family Blessing Plan partners and also during all the monthly fasting prayers and chain prayers.


For more details to extend your support:

• Call our Partner Care: 044 - 23456677 (7am to 9 pm, IST)

• Visit our Website: • Email:

• Address: 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran road, Chennai 600 028

• Prayer Tower: Contact the Prayer Tower in your area

2023 -
If you are not able to attend the conference, you are most welcome to support the event by sponsoring any amount as the Lord leads you. Since we are planning to give a welcome KIT, refreshments and food for each and every participant and also provide accommodations for those who come from far-off places, you can bear these costs by sponsoring a participant or more. YOU CAN ALSO GIVE TOWARDS THE MEETING ARRANGEMENTS, PLACE RENTAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE God will certainly remember your good deed and bless you for your generous heart as you are helping us to equip the participants in the knowledge of God. * Amount for 1 person is INR 3000. I am willing to sponsor: 1 Person 2 Persons 3 Personsor amount___________ Name:………………..................……. Phone No:……………......…….. Email ID:……..........................……………………. Send this tear-off sheet to Address: Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. 23 - January 2023 JESUS CALLS

It is a joy for me to write to you about God’s promise for the year. Are you enjoying the New Year so far? I know you would have been awake in the early hours and seeing all the celebrations. Yes, as you begin this New Year, you might be anticipating many things to happen this year or be anxious to know what this year holds! God’s promise to you is from John 15:11, “I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

Yes, God is going to give you overwhelming joy. The Bible also says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. You will be filled with complete joy so that you will have the strength to do all that God has for you this year. It is God’s will that you and I should be full of joy in our hearts that it overflows in our lives and in all that we do. When we are thus joyful, it helps us beat anything that comes against us and our lives.

So, what is this joy going to do for you?

Destroys the works of evil

Firstly, whatever comes from the Lord has the power to destroy the works of the devil and the works of the world. Yes, when God met Moses and said to him, “Go and deliver My people who are suffering in slavery,” God gave him a sign that the staff would turn into a snake when he stretches it before the Pharaoh. When Moses did the same before Pharaoh, the Pharaoh said to his people, “What is this great magic that Moses is doing? Show them our power as well!” Then the magicians did the same thing. But the snake that came from Moses’ staff overpowered the snakes of the magicians and swallowed them up.

My friend, the joy of the Lord in you will overpower any darkness that comes against you and the wicked people of the world. Keep that joy

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bubbling in your heart by praising God’s power always. Yes, God’s power will prevail. So, the joy of the Lord in you will overpower any darkness that comes against you.

Breaks the power of defeat

Secondly, the Lord's joy in you will be so great that the joy will break every power of defeat in your life. Yes, there was a young boy who came to one of our UTurn youth meetings and prayed with us with much burden as he had 30 arrears to clear to graduate. He came to the meeting thinking, “I have completely ruined my life. My life is probably over as my education is beyond redemption.” He was so burdened and broken. But when we prayed in the meeting, God’s joy filled him and he was strengthened. He went back empowered with joy and cleared all 30 papers in just one semester. Isn’t that amazing?

What he could not achieve over all the years of his college, he was able to do so successfully in a single attempt. That's the power of God that can break any defeat. My friend, God will give you a new confidence over all your defeats. He will turn them upside down. His victory is upon you as you carry this joy. It will break the power of defeat in your heart and it will strengthen you to become an overcomer. God is giving you such grace, today.

Fills your heart with satisfaction

Finally, in Ecclesiastes chapter 2 we see that the writer says, “I have tried out the joy and satisfaction in experiencing so many pleasures that I have built for myself but still I am not able to experience any joy or any satisfaction in whatever I do.”

Only the joy of the Lord which He gives can give us true happiness. As in Ecclesiastes 2:26, “To the person who pleases Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness.”

Yes, true happiness comes when you have Jesus in your heart and when you please Him. He will supply all your needs and lead you so beautifully as you will have the joy of having Jesus all the time. Your heart will be content and full. You will go about pleasing only Him and living your life for Him. Your life will be victorious and a blessing to many.

Prayer: Loving Father, Thank You, Lord, for adding this wonderful year to my life and promising me Your joy. Lord, You know the burdens in my heart. I give myself into Your hands. Change my heart and fill it with Your joy only. Help me be empowered with Your strength and be victorious in all my endeavours. Give me a pleasing life in Your sight and help me experience Your wisdom, knowledge, and happiness. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

25 - January 2023 JESUS CALLS

•Special Fasting Prayer was held on 22th November (Tuesday) at JC House Prayer Tower, Chennai 600 001. God’ Word was shared by Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran. 2,158 visitors attended the prayer and were blessed.

•Special Blessing Meeting was held on 27th November 2022 (Sunday). God’s word and Prayer was shared by Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran at Zion Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Selaiyur and Tambaram around 4.30 pm. Around 600 people attended and were blessed.

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•National Prayer and Ministry Alliance (NPMA) Meeting for Chennai Pastors was held on 7th December 2022 (Wednesday). God’s word and Prayer was shared by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran at Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Hall. More than 1,500 pastors attended and were blessed. The ministry leaders joined together and prayed for the blessing of the nation and the ministries throughout India.
27 - January 2023 JESUS CALLS

We read this blessed and promising word in Psalm 65:11. This is the ‘word of blessing’ given by the Lord to each one of us, in this New Year. Let us make it as our own! In Psalm 85:12 also we read, ‘the Lord will give what is good’. Aren’t our hearts cheered by these blessed words that give us hope and blessing for this New Year that we have entered? It indeed gives us new hope. At the same time, it is necessary that we understand for whom the Lord would give this good gift. Only when we fulfil those terms in our daily life, we can enjoy these benefits in our lives. Shall we examine how we can receive this God-given gift?

He, who fears the Lord, will dwell in Prosperity (Psalm 25:13)

David, the man of God, writes about his experience thus: “ As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for you.” (Psalm 42:1)

David’s soul pants for God just as how a deer pants for the water brooks. Dear ones, do we have this kind of thirst and desire in our souls? – Let us examine. The Bible too clearly states that we can surely find the Lord, only when we seek the Lord with great desire and with our whole heart and soul (Deuteronomy 4:29). Likewise, the Lord Jesus also reiterates the same in the following Scripture verses: Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27.

The foundation to receive this divine life is the ‘fear of the Lord’. The Lord says, “I will put My fear in their hearts…to do them good and I will assuredly plant them in this land…” (Jeremiah 32:40,41)

My dear children of God, think of the condition of your heart! How much fear of God and desire for things of God are seen in your life? Are you enslaved by this world, the flesh and the devil and are desirous of them? The early man, Adam and Eve desired after a small

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fruit and became slaves to the devil and lost all the benefits that the Lord had in store for them. Is your heart desirous of such destructive things and have you also committed your lives to perdition? Or do you, who have entered into the beginning of this New Year, want to commit your life like David, being filled with the fear of God, to desirously seek the divine experience, “O, God, You are my God; early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water.”

(Psalm 63:1)

The Lord is waiting to give you the divine life of ‘the Sun of righteousness, arising to you, who fear the Lord (Malachi 4:2).

In my life, I was also living a nominal Christian life, not knowing how to seek the Lord desirously with the fear of fearing Him. However, in His grace, in due time, the Lord taught me the desire to seek Him with divine reverence and led me beautifully with His hand. As a result, I received the divine life, filled with goodness and mercy. After that, the Lord is miraculously leading not only me but also my family and many others to understand the glory of this divine life.

Dear ones! You, who have entered into this New Year should also commit your life to Christ, in all reverence. Do not give room for the devil in any situation, but seek the things of the Lord with desire and walk in the holy ways shown by Him in all reverence. How true is the word, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” (Psalm 32:8)

The important thing for this is the reverence and desire that you have for the Lord.

The Lord says, “Until now you have asked nothing in My name; Ask and you will receive that your joy may be full.” (John 16:24)

Those who seek the Lord shall not Lack any Good Thing (Psalm 34:10)

It is written, “The hand of our God is upon all those for good who seek Him…” (Ezra 8:22).

Shall we see how our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the model for all of us, sought God, His Father in reverence? We read in Mark 1:35 that ‘in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight He went out and departed to a solitary place to seek the Father. In the same way, we read in Luke 6:12 that ‘He went out to the mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God.’

Likewise, when the time came for Him to go through the sufferings on the cross, in order that we too would follow His example, He knelt alone before entering into those terrible trials and pleaded to the Father thrice, with tears. We clearly understand that because of that He overcame that trial and triumphed over the cross (Colossians 2:15). Dear ones, if we too would follow His footsteps and seek Him with our whole heart and mind, we will surely receive this divine life of victory.

We also read that in the Bible days, many men of God like David and Daniel sought the God of gods faithfully and in reverence even in the midst of their afflictions. As a result of which the Lord was with them in their terrible trials, filled them with goodness and mercy and protected them. So, as we have entered into this New Year, let us also be careful to seek the Lord and His holy presence faithfully - January 2023 JESUS CALLS 29
The Hand of God upon you has been good and made everything perfect

and sincerely and in reverence. Also, let us be careful to walk in the divine ways of prayer, Bible reading and fasting to seek the Lord. Then the Lord, who has said, ‘ A faithful man will abound with blessings…’ (Proverbs 28:20), will lead us blessedly without any lack in our life, according to His word.

“The Hand of God upon you has been good

plans, Nehemiah, the man of God, sought the Lord with fasting and prayer and fulfilled things concerning Him. Hence, the Lord stood with Him, helped Him and fulfilled everything for Him victoriously as mentioned in Psalm 119:122. From this, we can experience, how true the word that we read in Psalm 138:8 is!

(Nehemiah 2:18)

Nehemiah, the man of God, was in grief when Jerusalem was in ruins and its walls were burnt by fire. His heart was heavily burdened to rise up and rebuild it and fulfil that divine work, with the help of God. As we read in Psalm 3:1, enemies rose up against this and hindered this good work from getting accomplished.

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

(I Peter 5:8)

As we thus read in the Bible, don’t we also face a lot of obstacles brought in by the devil in our lives, when we try todo some good works for the Lord? However, what does Job, the man of God, say about this?

“I know that You c an do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You.” (Job 42:2)


“The one, who breaks open will come up before them; they will break out, pass through the gate, and go out by it; their King will pass before them.”

(Micah 2:13)

As we read in Psalm 103:5, ‘He will satisfy your mouth with good things.’

Yes, even in the midst of the enemies’ wicked

In 1986, the Lord clearly spoke to Brother Dhinakaran and commanded him to establish the Karunya Educational Institute. It was then a state of utter emptiness of no finance! It was when we set out to obtain a loan in a bank, we faced the terrible situation of losing our daughter Angel in a car accident. Added to this, were the reproaches of the ignorant people. Thus, we were oppressed by humiliation, shame, suffering and affliction on all sides! Yet, we trusted the Lord as a family and continued to do His things, with much prayer.

“No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.”

(Psalm 84:11)

According to this verse, after so many years, when I look back, the glory of this Karunya Educational Institute is seen and it is very clear that the Lord will never let His children down and that He will be with them and fulfil His will.

Yes, dear ones! This Lord, who is the personification of love, will give you that which is good in your life as well, as you seek Him in reverence. He will make everything turn out to be good for you.

As seen in I Timothy 6:18, He will make you do good and become rich in good works. Thus He will crown your life with His goodness, all through this New Year 2023 and protect you. Be diligent in seeking the Lord with desire, with His fear and with a faithful heart and rejoice in Him by getting filled with divine benefits given by Him!

and made everything perfect
30 JESUS CALLS January 2023 -
God will crown your life with His goodness and protect you

Isaiah 61:3 - Beauty instead of ashes Meditation: Isaiah 61:7; Ezek. 16:12; 20:6; Daniel 11:16

Psalm 21:6 - Eternal blessing Meditation: Genesis 22:15-18; Psalm 115:12,13; Gala. 3:8,9; Hebrews 6:13,14

Isaiah 32:18 - Constant presence Meditation: Levi. 26:11; 1 Kings 8:12-14; Psalm 132:13,14; Revelation 21:3

Nehemiah 8:10 - Rejoice in the Lord Meditation: Nehemiah 12:43; Psalm 30:11; Isaiah 35:10; Habakkuk 3:18

Exodus 33:14 - The presence of the Lord will go before you Meditation: Exodus 13:21; Deut. 31:8; Psalm 68:7,8; Isaiah 45:2; 52:12

Psalm 46:1 - The Lord is a helper in danger Meditation: 1 Samuel 17:45; Psalm 91:15; 115:15; 121:1,2; 134:3

Isaiah 66:13 - A God who cares like a mother Meditation: Psalm 86:17; 94:19; Isaiah 12:1; Jeremiah 31:13; 2 Thess. 2:17

Psalm 145:19 - The Lord fulfils desires Meditation: 1 Kings 11:31-37; Psalm 37:5; Proverbs 3:5,6; 13:12

Daniel 12:3 - You shall shine Meditation: Exodus 34:29-35; Proverbs 4:18; Matthew 5:14-16; 2 Cor. 4:6

Isaiah 62:3 - In the hand of the Lord you shall be a crown Meditation: Psalm 132:18; Zechariah 9:16; James 1:12; Revelation 2:10

Psalm 37:4 - God grants the requests of the heart

Meditation: Genesis 25:21; Exodus 8:30; Psalm 20:5; Luke 1:13 Deuteronomy 28:1 - The Lord will exalt you Meditation: Joshua 3:7; 4:14; 1 Chronicles 29:12; Isaiah 33:10; 55:5

Ephesians 2:10 - You are God's handiwork Meditation: Psalm 143:5; Isaiah 29:23; 60:21; Phil. 2:13; Hebrews 2:7 Matthew 21:22 - Faithful prayer Meditation: Matthew 21:21; Mark 11:24; James 5:15; Judah 20

Isaiah 38:5 - He who sees tears

Meditation: 2 Kings 20:5; Psalm 56:8; Isaiah 25:8; Revelation 21:4

Psalm 122:7 - Peace and comfort Meditation: 2 Chronicles 14:1-6; Isaiah 32:17,18; Zechariah 1:11

Isaiah 41:15 - A sharp instrument Meditation: Psalm 45:5; 127:4; Isaiah 41:16; Micah 4:13

John 14:14 - Ask in Jesus' name Meditation: Matthew 7:7,8; John 14:13; 16:23,24: Luke 11:10

Psalm 91:4 - The protection of the Lord Meditation: Exodus 23:20; 2 Samuel 22:49; Psalm 91:11; Isaiah 58:8

Isaiah 60:2 - Glory to the Lord Meditation: Levi. 9:6,23; Numbers 20:6; 2 Chronicles 7:3; Luke 2:4-9

Deuteronomy 11:24 - God will give a place to dwell Meditation: Genesis 13:14-17; Numbers 10:29; Joshua 1:3; 14:9; Hebrews 11:8

Philippians 1:5 - The Lord is our guide Meditation: Deut. 8:21; Psalm 48:14; Isaiah 58:11; Joel 2:26

Isaiah 12:2 - God is my salvation Meditation: Exod. 15:2; Job 13:16; Psalm 25:5; Proverbs 20:22

2 Samuel 22:34 - The Lord will set us on high Meditation: Deut. 32:13; Job 36:7; Psalm 18:33; Isaiah 58:14

Isaiah 43:4 - The Lord will honor you Meditation: 1 Sam. 18:30; 1 Chronicles 4:9,10; 29:11,12; John 12:24-26

Psalm 16:8 - You will not be moved Meditation: Psalm 62:2,6; Proverbs 10:30; Luke 6:47,48; Acts 2:25

Malachi 3:10 - An everlasting blessing Meditation: Genesis 26:12,13; Ruth 2:12; Psalm 19:9-11; Luke 5:1-7

Jeremiah 29:11 - Your expectations will be fulfilled Meditation: Proverbs. 13:12; Jeremiah 31:16,17; Eph. 3:20,21

Psalm 18:16 - The Lord will lift us up Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:17; Psalm 40:2; 113:7; 145:14; Mark 1:31; 9:27

Jeremiah 31:3 - Eternal friendship Meditation: 1 Samuel 18:1; 20:17; Proverbs 17:17; 18:24; John 15:13-15

Isaiah 26:3 - Perfect peace Meditation: Levi. 26:3-6; Psalm 29:11; Mark 5:25-34; 2 Thess. 3:16

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 17 19 20 25 18 13 21 23 27 16 26 14 29 31 15 22 24 28 30 - January 2023 JESUS CALLS 31

As per the Holy Spirit’s guidance given to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, the Esther Prayer Group conference was held on 03.12.2022 at 2.30 PM in the Hallelujah A.G Church, Puducherry. Leaders and members of the Esther Prayer Groups, Youth Esther Prayer Groups and Junior Esther Prayer Groups from districts such as Puducherry, Vizhupuram, Kallakurichi, Cuddalore and Nagapattinam numbering 122, attended this conference, with great thirst and desire.

Dr. S.J.Kingsley, Director – Esther Prayer Group compered the meeting which began with God’s glory through songs and worship. Sis. Esther Aruldoss shared the glory of God’s calling and glorified Him. Sis. Vidi Kingsley, explained through her experience how to reverentially strive for the expansion of this ministry. Sis. Arul Selvi spoke on how we receive power and blessing in our lives by doing this ministry with burden and made everyone dedicate themselves with prayer.

Following this, the testimonies shared by many about the mighty things done by the Lord through the Esther Prayer Groups were of great encouragement to the participants. Sisters, who had come from Chennai, prayed with much burden for the special prayer points given to them.

Dear mother Stella Dhinakaran shared the Lord’s anointing words, ‘…among whom you shine as lights in the world…’ (Philippians 2:14,15) and everyone’s faith was kindled by her message. The meeting came to an end with the word of blessing by Pr. Steve Asir, the pastor of this church.

Many people shared their spiritual testimonies during this meeting. We are sharing below one such testimony for the glory of God:

My name is Sonia Priyadarshini and I am conducting the Junior Esther Prayer Group. I have learnt so many Bible verses by conducting this prayer group. My prayer life has also increased. Initially, the children of our group did not know how to pray. When I used to read the prayer points, they would ask me to pray. Today, the Lord has changed them in such a way that they pray well and everyone has grown in their prayer life. The Lord has graciously helped my prayer life also to grow likewise. Glory to God!

32 JESUS CALLS January 2023 -

Heard the Voice of My Cry

I am conducting an Esther Prayer Group in Muscat. I got married to Mr. P. Sam Davidson on December 6th, 2002. Like every other couple, we too longed to have a child. But we had no child. The couples, who are younger to us, were blessed with children but we were not. We felt humiliated when someone asked us how many children we had. Though we could not answer them, we started telling them that God would give us a child in the due time. Every month I used to ask our group members to pray for us in the group and they too prayed earnestly for me. Without losing my faith in the hand of Jesus that does miracles I continued praying fervently. Hearing the voice of my cry, the Lord has blessed us with a beautiful girl baby. We have named her Giana Merryn and we are thrilled to see her. I thank dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, who prayed for us. All glory to God!

– Mrs. Judith Prabha, Muscat.

(Dear sisters, the Lord can do such miracles for you as well. Your hope shall not be cut off (Proverbs 23:18)

New Spiritual Life

every month, we are praying for the inactive Esther Prayer Groups. The members of these inactive groups attend this prayer and have begun to restart their groups in their areas. In this time, when there is a slight disinterest to conduct the Esther Prayer Group, such prayers are indeed necessary. Many have been delivered from their sorrow, pain, troubles and problems and have received new life to restart their group. Many have been mended in their spiritual lives and have begun to grow in the Lord. The prayer points and the Bible verses related to them are of great blessing. This prayer is a great blessing to several inactive Esther Prayer Groups and also encourages many new sisters to join the group. I give glory to God! – Mrs. Christina Shadrack, Delhi.

(Those, who thus do this God given ministry with reverence and godly zeal, are pleasing in His sight. The Esther Prayer Group ministry is being beautifully conducted by several such children of God. I thank the Lord for such precious children. On the other hand, there are also those who put their hands on the plough and look back by becoming slaves to this world and the flesh, magnifying trivial things into big issues and disregard doing this ministry. As I was pondering what to do for such sisters, the Lord helped me to share the burden to pray for such lifeless groups on third Saturdays, with the prayer warriors. An important person among them is the above sister. We should pray earnestly that similarly every leader should gather many and pray for their group to be revived for the glory of God. By this, the Lord will honour you and glorify you. May the Lord richly bless the above sister, who had shared her testimony

– Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran)

Divine Protection and Gift of a Child

Sis. Jacqueline of our group and her two sons were watching TV and suddenly due to

The Lord is glorifying His name by performing countless signs and wonders among women, through the Esther Prayer Group ministry. We are publishing a few of them:
As per the advice given by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, on the third Saturday of - January 2023 JESUS CALLS 33
Little Giana Merryn with grandmother Stella Dhinakaran!

the high voltage of electricity, the TV set burst and sparks of fire started coming out. These sparks fell on the clothes lying in the room and spoiled them. But God miraculously protected the three of them, who were sitting closer to the TV, without any harm and saved their lives.

Also, the son of Sis. Arul Selvi who prays with us in our group had no child even after four years of married life. For the past two years, we had been praying regularly for her son and daughter-in-law in our Esther Prayer Group. The Lord has heard the prayer and has now blessed the daughter-in-law’s womb. I offer praises to the Lord for this miracle!

– Mrs. S. Punitha Venturo, Coimbatore.

Supernatural Miracles

The marriage of Monisha, granddaughter of Sis. Jeya, who prays with us in our prayer group, was getting delayed for the past one year. That family, which did not know Christ, had approached an astrologer who had told them that unless she got married within a year, she would not get married at all. So they were in agony as her marriage was not settled that year. At this juncture, as sisters, we prayed for her marriage in our Esther Prayer Group. We told her that God would bless her with a suitable partner after the year mentioned by the astrologer was over. Accordingly, the Lord has miraculously helped her to get a good alliance and she had a grand wedding ceremony. Also, she, who was trying for a new job, has also got a very good job. But she was perturbed as to how to get a loan for her

marriage since she had joined her job just then and we prayed for that specifically in our Esther Prayer Group. The Lord had mercy and helped her to get the loan as well.

Also, Sis. Sasikala of our group had no child even after 8 years of married life. We prayed for her with tears in our Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayer and miraculously granted her a child and has also enabled the child to celebrate the first birthday as well. I give all glory to the Lord, who did all these miracles!

– Mrs. Shanthi Jebakumar, Chennai.

Broken Family Rebuilt

Sis. Shanthi of our Esther Prayer Group suffered from a cyst in her brain for a month. She consulted the doctors and took treatment but in vain. At this juncture, we earnestly prayed for this dear sister in our Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard all the prayers and granted her perfect healing. Her daughter Brinda Devi got married in 2014. The Lord blessed her with a beautiful baby in 2017. At this time, her daughter and her husband had some problems and were living separately. With agony, Sis. Shanthi requested us to pray for them in our Esther Prayer Group. We too prayed with tears for this couple to rejoin. The Lord heard the prayer, made the separated family rejoin after three years and wiped away this daughter’s tears. Now they are living happily and peacefully. I give glory to God!

– Mrs. R.E.J. Malar Devasahayam, Melagaram, Tenkasi

34 JESUS CALLS January 2023 -
Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran
36 Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73

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