Jesus Calls (English) - April 2018

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you have been cleansed and made righteous by the blood of Christ. My dearly beloved in Christ, May Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah who won victory over death, give you a new hope and make things work out miraculously in your life!

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles”. (Psalm 34:17) As this verse says, that the Lord will hear you when you call Him, and deliver you from all your problems and pressures because

APRIL - THE MONTH OF NEW BEGINNINGS “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5) I had a new beginning in my spiritual journey in the month of April in the year 1982. It was in April, that the Lord used me as an instrument to deliver His word for the first time in the Jesus Calls meeting in Virudhunagar. The

Lord has been graciously using me from then on till now by carrying me in His arms, putting His words in my mouth, anointing me with His power, to deliver millions from evil bondages and darkness and to add people to His kingdom. I ask of you to carry me in your prayers, for God to persistently fill me and use me for His work.

AMBASSADOR OF JESUS “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20) - April 2018



It is the Lord’s will that those of you who are supporting this ministry of the Lord with your offerings should become praying partners. This Ambassadors’ ministry was started with a vision, just like how by one Dhinakaran, millions of people were able to receive God’s blessings, in the same way thousands of Dhinakarans must evolve and carry the Love and Grace of the Lord, with God’s healing power to the people in the coming days. The “Jesus Calls” Ambassadors visit homes of the beloved, pray for them with tears, and lead them by God’s will in their personal, family and in their business/work place to receive God’s blessings. They encourage the Partners to form family prayer fellowships and Esther Prayer Groups to help them grow in God’s love. They also introduce to the partners the various facets under which one can give offerings or bear the various projects of this ministry of the Lord. To have at least one Ambassador for one postal code is the given vision. By the end of this year we are trying to have 10,000 Ambassadors. I ask you also to join as an Ambassador with Jesus Calls. You can avail details regarding this from the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower managers in your area, or you can also contact the Toll free number 1800 425 7755 from 7:00 4


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am to 9:00 pm to get details. The Prayer Academy will give you the necessary training to give Jesus as a present to the people. We invite you to join us as an Ambassador with Jesus Calls.

CONSTRUCTION WORK AT BENGALURU PRAYER TOWER “....and give them joy in my house of prayer.... for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” (Isaiah 56:7)

a new Prayer Tower building in Bengaluru for which you have been sending your offering as led by the Lord. For this I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This construction is nearly reaching its completion, except for some more walls and flooring that is pending. I encourage you to pray and also give your offering for the completion of the construction so that you pave the way through this Prayer Tower for people to receive the Lord Jesus as a present. Please refer page 34 to know the ways to give your offering for this purpose.

WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION “Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there. Bring down your warriors, Lord!” (Joel 3:11)

The Lord is graciously expanding the Prayer Tower Ministries. For many to be blessed, in various parts of India, by the will of God we have been able to and are establishing Prayer Towers. At major cities where people come in large numbers, there is a need for infrastructure to enable people to gather for prayers and counselling and to meditate in silence and receive the peace of the Lord. Therefore, we are constructing

As we have been announcing, the World Prayer Convention is about to be held in Jerusalem, Israel from

22nd to 24th May 2018. We as a family are going to minister along

with the mighty man of God Pas. Benny Hinn. The Thanksgiving for the 5th anniversary of the Israel Prayer Tower is going to be held on 24th May. I cordially invite you to participate as a family and receive the blessings and power of our Lord in your personal life and in your ministry. If you would also wish to visit the Biblical places in Jordan, Israel and Egypt we can make arrangements for you. The last date for registration for this World Prayer Convention is April 20. Details regarding this are available on the last page of this issue.

EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION KARUNYA By the Lord’s vision to my Father, to help children get higher education, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences was established. At this deemed university, under graduate, post graduate and research courses in Technology, Agriculture, Management, Media, Arts and science are available. The entrance exam for B. Tech in Karunya is scheduled to happen in the month of April from 27th - 29th at various centres in India. You can register for this exam at http://admissions. Register now for your children who have completed 12th standard to write this exam and get higher education. To get details regarding other courses contact our

toll free number: 1800-425-4300 or email to admissions@karunya. edu. Likewise, admissions at Karunya Christian School in Karunya Nagar for kindergarten to 9th std., and 11th std is in process. This school follows the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) system, it also has hostel facility. Children from 4th standard and above can reside and get education here. For more details contact us on telephone number 0422-2614830/31/32/33 or email to All details regarding admissions are on the website . We encourage you to admit your children in this school and receive God’s blessings. Similarly, it was in the month of April several years ago that Jesus

Calls TV Ministry began. By the grace of God, at present we have nearly 20 channels telecasting 600 and more Jesus Calls TV programmes in a month. Let us thank the Lord for this. April 7th is observed as World Health Day. I pray that our Lord

who promised us “for I am the Lord, who heals you.” (Exodus 15:26) will protect all of us from disease and sickness and give us good health. As we have been conducting annually the Dynamic Kids Camp during summer holidays, this year also we have planned to conduct it. You can get more details about this at your nearest Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. At present through the Telephone Prayer Ministry, we minister to around 3 to 5 lakhs of people in a month. Through Correspondence and Email ministries also the same numbers of people are getting benefitted. In addition, through social media network like Whatsapp and Facebook people receive God’s blessings. In order to achieve the vision that the Lord gave us - to bring in 2.5 crore new souls to the Lord Jesus, we are endeavouring to use these facilities in different languages to give us greater reach. Please pray that people with technical knowhow with the burden to serve the Lord will come forward to upgrade our facilities to reach the different language groups. To meet these expenses I kindly ask you to support this Ministry with your offerings. Your dear brother who is praying for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran - April 2018



“The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.” (Proverbs 20:7) My father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran used to often say in his address, “You have come to cry with us. God has given you as a treasure to weep with us.” Every time he stood up to preach, he would be moved with compassion and cry to the Lord to wipe away the tears of the people. His life too 6


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was full of tears. He sowed in tears. But you dear friends have shed tears before God to protect and to bless us as a family to be a blessing to millions more. Because of your prayers and love we have been kept alive in spirit and in life, today. You have sown into my father, into my mother and into us with tears. Through that you have sowed upon this earth, upon this nation because of which millions of people are blessed and have been resurrected and brought to life.

As a result of all those tears, God has given us a rich harvest during the past 10 years since my father was called ‘Home’. My father during his last moments cried to the Lord, “Lord, give me some more days on earth for there is a huge debt in Jesus Calls and Karunya. I don’t want to leave my son burdened with these huge debts. The debt will haunt him all through his life. I will come to you after I clear the debt of millions.” This was the last prayer of my father.

But thank God! These 10 years, all those tears of my father, your prayerful tears have been honoured by God; On February 20th 2008, when my father passed away, I cried for 23 days. I said “who will be a father to the millions whom my father had been carrying”. After those 23 days I had a divine visitation from the Lord. He said, “My son, your father has gone. Till now you heard My voice and received My directions through him. But from now on, I Myself will be a father to you. I will speak to you Myself. I Myself will direct you as to what to do in each activity and to each person, daily.” I said “Lord, how can I carry these millions” and He said “you need not carry them. You just do what I ask you to do and I will carry every one of those millions.” The Lord has been faithful to me as a father during the past 10 years.

KEEPS OUR TEARS ALIVE! When we shed tears they indeed dry up quickly and sometimes we say that we have no more tears to shed. But God by His power preserves those tears in His bottle (Psalm 56:8). He never loses them nor forgets them until He compensates for those tears a 100 times. As a result, you will be blessed with long life.

“He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” (Psalm 91:15,16)

“I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:6) Our family, Jesus Calls, Karunya, Seesha, your family and everyone who cried with us will stand firm because we are not grounded on any personal power, personal authority or personal name or fame, but we are grounded on tears - the tears that we have shed in our service to people all these years; also the tears that we have shed at the feet of Jesus for us to stay holy and do His will; the tears that we have had to go through to be transformed to be His servants ; Those tears can never be shaken by any authority or devil or human form. What a joy it is! The righteous can never be shaken (Psalm 112:6). Those who sow in tears will reap with joy (Psalm 126:5).

“A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.” (Psalm 34:19)

VISION OF MY FATHER’S ENTRY INTO HEAVEN: During the past 10 years since I lost my father, several people have asked me, “Have you seen your father in heaven. Did the Lord show you how he was received in Heaven?” I used to tell them that I never had a vision of my father after he had passed away. It’s because even today we always feel that he is with us. He speaks though he is dead (Hebrews 11:4). On the morning of February 20th 2018, I had a strange thought that I have completed all that

the Lord had entrusted into my hands during these 10 years having established the 120 Prayer Towers, Delhi Prayer Tower, Israel Prayer Tower, preached and prayed for millions, prophesied God’s plan to nations, kings, peoples and languages, trained thousands to serve the Lord, supported other Ministries to build hundreds of Churches, established Seesha Charitable Trust serving 150,000 poor children and youth, serving the sick through Hospitals, Transformation Centres, Disability & Spastic Therapy Centres, Disaster Relief, Scholarships to poor for higher education, Poor Widows and Women Rehabilitation Centres and expanded Karunya to three more schools. God had been gracious to sustain the Ministry financially and blessed the partners. I felt that the limit for accomplishing His will for me has come. But in the midst of this dryness, thank God, He resurrects the dry bones and gives us His word (Ezek. 37:1-5). All these ten years wherever I stood to preach, God’s word came to me and whenever I pronounced them, the Lord had been gracious to send His life upon the people, Nations and kings. But I believe today, God is taking us to the next level, to prepare people for His secret coming. I believe there is going to be a secret coming before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. On the 1st day of this year 2018, the Lord told me that the world has to be prepared for His secret coming. The times are coming when the world is going to become more wicked than ever before - April 2018



(2 Timothy 3:1-5). So, it is all the more necessary for those who profess Christ to become more holy and more righteous to reflect His holiness and righteousness in the world.

“He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” (Rev. 22:11)

opens the door, then the light would go on. Everybody would shout ‘Happy Birthday’. There would be great joy. It was so when my father went to be with the Lord. I saw the golden gates opening for him, and he rejoiced to see the great glorious welcome organised by the Lord for him.



There was a path of gold and glory laid before him. As the golden gates opened, he walked

ENTRY INTO HEAVEN And so in preparation for this, for the first time on the February 20th 2018, I had a heavenly vision where I saw how my father was received in heaven when he went to be with the Lord 10 years back.


GOLDEN GATES AND A GOLDEN PATHWAY I saw the golden gates of Heaven. As my father went and stood before the golden gates, exactly as the door of the house is kept closed when somebody has a surprise party, God had kept it closed. Usually the family members of the person celebrating birthday would get into the house switch off the lights but they would have the house decorated with everything and wait for the birthday baby to come. When the person celebrating the birthday 8


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to sing the praises of his Heavenly Father, because during his several visits to heaven in the Spirit while on earth, he had heard many beautiful songs of Heaven. He had seen David singing and the angels singing in heaven. He would sing also in tongues here when he was alive. But then God had prepared a new song for him. Even today, God has a new song for you. No more songs of weeping; No more songs of sorrow but songs of joy. Gladness shall be upon your head (Isaiah 35:10). Someday we will have to face death. Are we going to sing the song of sorrows in the world or are we going to get ready with the songs of joy to enter heaven? Let not your heart be troubled. God has songs of joy ready for you in heaven and I believe that songs of joy through the salvation that He gives will come upon you today.

SALVATION up that glory road. Thousands of Angels had been lined up by the Lord on both sides of that path. Among them I saw beautiful musicians playing different kinds of heavenly music from different musical instruments. It was a glorious heavenly music resounding all across heaven.

A NEW SONG Heaven had composed a new song especially for my father to welcome him (Zephaniah 3:19; Psalm 96:1). Yes indeed on earth my father loved songs and loved

And as he was made to walk on the golden glory streets, he was passing by souls of people belonging to each nationality on both sides. Souls of people from each nation amazingly were grouped together without their knowledge. They were all singing the same song in their own language. (Psalm 149:1). As he was passing by nation after nation, the language of the song was differing from group to group. All were praising Jesus for Bro. DGS Dhinakaran’s life having brought the message and ministry of salvation to millions.

THE SONG OF JOY My dear friend, there is a song of joy being sung on your behalf in Heaven when you bring each soul to Jesus Christ. Yes indeed, there is great joy in Heaven through the repentance of one soul on earth as that person makes the Lord JESUS the Lord of one’s life. What great joy would be resounding in Heaven through Jesus Calls ministry as many thousands of souls experience salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ and are on their way to Heaven having been saved from the devil through your support dear Jesus Calls Partners! All the time there is joy in Heaven because of you. So await the song of joy that is going to be sung when you walk into Heaven someday. Yes that’s why Jesus says, “You will not see me for some time. But I will come to you. When you see Me again your sorrow will turn into joy” (John 16:19-20). Let the joy of the Lord be your strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Yes, every time a soul is saved on earth through your support, rejoice because your name is written in Heaven (Luke 10:20). All that joy will be upon your head on earth and as you enter heaven after your life on earth or when the Lord returns in secret and takes you to heaven in your body with Him. That will break every

sorrow which comes against you in the world. In your weakness, His strength which comes through the joy of salvation that you posses, as well as the joy of salvation that you bring to others on earth, that your strength will be perfected on earth. (2 Corinthians 12:9). As never before, we are now going to work more for this joy to increase in our life. Would

that joy.” Remember, the grace for that is coming upon you today. I believe that grace will come upon the ministry that you do through Jesus Calls. This joy is going to increase because God is going to multiply the souls in the Ministry thru your offering and support through all the Ministry outreaches as well as your support in praying for people enrolling as Jesus Calls Ambassador and Prayer Intercessors.


you stand with Jesus Calls in this Mission? Would you dedicate your life for that? Tell Him “Jesus, give me many more thousands and thousands of people to turn towards You through salvation. Give me that joy to see millions receive JESUS as their Saviour from their sins. Let me live with

As my father walked by these souls in heaven, I then saw him being greeted by flowers by the millions - blooming everywhere on both sides. Each flower had a beautiful radiant colour with a beautiful smile reflecting the joy that the Lord Jesus had over the life of Bro Dhinakaran. How many millions of lives blossomed through his Ministry! The flowers were blooming and swaying from side to side in accordance with the rhythm of the song. The fragrance from those flowers made the souls including my father’s to rejoice and enjoy the fragrant presence of the Lord Jesus.

FRUITS ON REJOICING TREES Then I saw different types of trees with tall thick trunks on both - April 2018



sides bearing different types of fruits. Those trees themselves were rejoicing (Isaiah 35:10). The trees clapped their hands. Do you know why the trees rejoiced? They were carrying the beautiful fruits that my dad had produced for the Lord JESUS on earth. I saw each tree having different sizes of unique fruits reflecting the condition of each soul in one’s faith and commitment to the Lord and His Ministry. This will be the measure of the glory each one would carry when the final judgement would be pronounced as each one would be transformed into the image of the Lord Jesus. All the fruits that you bear in this world will go to Heaven as well as you will be a part of the fruit tree. All the offering that you give, all the prayers, all the sacrifice, all the humility and patience with which you send amidst your tribulation, is bearing fruits and determine your glory as a fruit of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus in heaven. My friend, sometimes you may not see the fruits for your labour in the world or even in your family. But your efforts have borne fruit in heaven (Matthew 6:19,20).

“And of Joseph he said: “Blessed of the Lord is his land, With the precious things of heaven, with the dew, And the deep lying beneath...” (Deut. 33:13) All those fruits sang for joy. That would be the greatest day for all of us who labour for God’s kingdom on earth. 10


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YOUR PORTION OF BLESSING ON EARTH Bro. DGS Dhinakaran, my late father has run his race and is enjoying his reward in heaven among the huge cloud of witnesses who are watching us run our race from heaven (Hebrews12:1,2). I believe that according to one’s

calling the witness in heaven is bound with the ones who have the same calling enabling them to run their race well looking unto the ‘Perfecter’ of one’s faith in order that they may complete their mission and reach heaven. The Prophet’s Reward Now as a partner of Jesus Calls, as a child of the Lord Jesus through His blood, you have also received Bro. DGS Dhinakaran as a prophet of God. If you have received a prophet because he/she is a prophet, you will receive the prophet’s reward (Matthew 10:41).

GOD WILL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS You will have sufficiency to live in this world (I Kings 17:9,10).

God will supply all your needs when you receive the prophet as the prophet (Phil. 4:19). Elijah looks at the widow at Zarephath who was collecting the dried sticks to make a fire to cook her last meal for herself and her son and he says to her “bring me the first cake that you make.” But the widow said, “I have very little oil in my jar; very little flour in my bowl, just about enough to make one bread for me and my son. After that, my son and I will die”. But the prophet said, “Bring me the bread; make the first bread for me. Then there will be flour and oil all through your life for you and your son.” And the lady obeyed. Before she could give the bread to her son to live, she made the bread for the prophet of God. You have done it too. You pray for us first even before you pray for your family and your families and you give an offering first to Jesus Calls ministry before you use it for your family. So God will surely honour you, because you had received a prophet as a prophet of God. God will supply all your needs. There will be nothing lacking in you and for you. Today the Lord asks me to share this blessing. There will be no lack for any member of your family. You have not received a man or a woman. You have received the little one in the name of Jesus. You have received the multitude of souls to whom we have ministered. Jesus said “if you receive one of these little ones in

My name you have received me”. So God will receive you. There will be multiplication of blessings in your family. There will be a great increase in your ministry and there will be nothing lacking in any of your ministry.


(1 Kings17:21). This is what the Lord asks me to pray for you today. “Let the life of this young man, young woman come back into them Lord”. And the Bible says, “The child lived. The child was resurrected.” He was given back to his mother. God will give back your children back to your bosom to love you. He will save them, transform them, bless them

Bro. DGS Dhinakaran is gone, and his mission is over. But God has the double portion for you and me.

The Zarephath widow’s son died (1 Kings 17:17). But God said there will be resurrection in that family. Yes the mother said, “My son is going to die; he has no future” and the child died exactly. The Bible affirms, “Whatever you say you will have”. We need to be careful what we say in the presence of God especially in moments of our distress.

“Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong. Do not be quick with your mouth; do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.” (Ecclesiastes 5:1,2) The woman cries out, “have you come to remind us for sins” but because she had received the prophet, the prophet’s blessing came upon her son. Elijah stretched himself out on the child and he cried “Oh Lord my God let the life of the child come into him again”

just as a master but as a prophet and said “My father! My father! The one who was the chariot for Israel; the one who was the horses for Israel; the one who ran before the king and ran before the people and showed them that the Lord is God” the spirit of God that was in Elijah came upon Elisha in double measure (2 Kings 2:9-14).

The remembrance of the righteous is a blessing. God is giving you the double portion. We are going to see the greatest move of God through the love of God across our nation and the world from this day as never before. Yes, you will see it happening in your life from today.

and prosper them. Your spiritual children also will come back to the Lord and to you. Whoever you have lost in the ministry will come back. Let not your heart be troubled.

DOUBLE PORTION OF ANOINTING When Elijah laid his mantle upon Elisha, a double portion of the spirit that was upon him came upon on Elisha. When Elisha received Elijah as a prophet, not

Things will change in every State in the nation and in your life and family from now on. The door for God’s people to bring His love amongst the people is going to be wide open for us as never before. Yes the prophetic anointing is going to be let loose among all the children of God, especially on those who have received the Lord for the first time in their families in their generation. May our precious Lord bless you richly with double portion of His power, double portion of His provisions, riches and a double portion of His preserving grace! - April 2018



The Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was conducted in the town of Jalna, Maharashtra on February 17 and 18, 2018 at the Azad Maidan. Every day, thousands thronged the ground, thirsty for the love of Lord Jesus. They witnessed the mighty move of God’s Spirit and received salvation, healing and deliverance. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the message of hope that only Jesus can wipe away their tears. He led the people into a time of prayer where everyone in unison cried out and poured their hearts before God. There was a mighty move of the Holy Spirit, with people whose names were called, came to the stage immediately and testified for the glory of God. When Mrs. Evangeline Paul prayed, the awesome healing power of Jesus was evident, with tumours disappearing, deaf ears opening and many getting delivered from the clutches of the devil. The Karunyans led the gathering in worship through singing and choreography. During prayer time, they went into the crowd and prayed over the people by anointing them with prayed oil. Thousands were blessed through the live webcast of these meetings and the TV telecast live 12

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in Big J TV & Rophe TV (Goa) . Camp Prayer Tower was organized in the meeting grounds during the meetings. Food and Shelter was also given to the people through Seesha. On the last day of the meeting, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Mrs. Evangeline Paul along with the servants of God laid hands and prayed over all the prayer requests that the people had sent in. Around 400 volunteers led by the organizing committee helped with great dedication which paved the way for the successful conduct of the event. We are thankful to every one of them. On February 17th morning, at Jalna, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Mrs. Evangeline Paul dedicated the 106th Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in India. Dr. Paul offered prayers for those who came for the event. This Prayer Tower will surely bring comfort to the broken hearted people and countless testimonies would be raised for God's glory. - April 2018 JESUS CALLS



am a Police In spector. The se vere pain in my knees for a long period was unbearable. The best doctors who examined me in Mumbai and Pune, reported of a ligament tear in my knees and advised that I should undergo a surgery. But my family doctor said to just wait. In this meeting, as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying in particular for the healing of knee pains, I united with him in prayers and claimed for a miracle. God heard my prayers. Immediately I could feel God’s healing flow through me. Now I am totally delivered from the pain. Praise be to God! - Manjusha L. Dhole, Amravati


run my own business. I am a Jesus Calls Business Blessing Plan partner. Because of that


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God has richly blessed me and I own a house. In 2008, I met with an accident and got injured in neck and right arm. I took all the medications but the pain never subsided. Because of this, I was unable to do the household chores and spent sleepless nights. In 2013, I attended the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival in Aurangabad. Moved by the Holy Spirit Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out my name and said, “Sheela, you cried to God and said, ‘Lord, if You really love me, then my name should be called and I should be healed from sickness’. Sheela, Jesus heals your neck right now." At that very moment, I felt something leaving my neck and I could move my neck and right arm normally . The pain left and till now for the past 5 years there is no pain. Thank You Jesus! - Sheela Lokhande, Jalna


am married for 10 years and childless. My husband used to drink and beat me. Lot of debts mounted up. Due to this I lived in fear and totally broken in this situation. My sister called me to this meeting but I did not have money to come. Yet I somehow came expecting a miracle. On the second day of the meeting, during prayer time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, called my name and said, "Radhika, you are wearing a pink colour dress. You are tormented by the spirit of fear. You are in this ground. Now, the Holy Spirit is coming into you. He is delivering you. No more losses in your life. Your heart is broken because of very serious losses in your life. No more loses. Jesus is coming. Open your heart to Him. You will have a child. No more fear. He will build your home." I am truly encouraged

by these words of prophecy .My family people used to call me as Radhika. God remembered me by that name and called me. I know God will build my family. All glory to Him alone! - Radha Gautam Mahske, Mumbai (When interviewed after a week, she says with joy that her husband has left his bad habits and she believes that as a fulfilment of the prophecy she will be blessed with a child and glorified God.) have been suffer ing from stomach cancer for the past 2 years. I developed breathlessness and was unable to walk. Today I attended the meeting with much hopes. During prayer time as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying, he said, "There is a person named Ganga. God touches you right now. The power of Jesus is flowing into your body. Rise up and be healed in Jesus' name. Ganga, be healed in Jesus' name ." At that very moment, I felt something being removed from me and there is no pain at all. I am totally healed. All glory to God! - Ganga Shindge, Aurangabad was an average student. After XII Std, I got admission in B.Sc nursing. In the first year I failed in my exams miserably. Friends mocked at me and said that I would never graduate and so it's better to quit studying. This broke my heart and I was depressed. People mocked at my parents too. But they stood with me. In the year



2013, I attended the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival in Aurangabad. I cried out to God, "If you really love me, then call my name". At that moment, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Paul said, "Little boy Rohit, you prayed to the Lord to call out your name; God's wisdom is coming upon you and you'll be a prophet in your young age." At that very moment, Holy Spirit touched me and delivered me from the depression I had been in. When I returned home I was able to study well and with a new zeal. I graduated with 2nd rank in my college. Further, God opened doors for a job and I became an assistant lecturer. Today, my friends and students are blessed by my prayers. I am also the Secretary for the youth mission in my church. Glory to God! - Rohit Gaikwad, Aurangabad y husband had not tasted the love of Jesus Christ. In 2012, while returning from a wedding in our two-wheeler, we were hit by a tractor. My husband suffered minor injuries but I met with head injury and was bleeding from nose. For one year I went through severe trauma of headache, giddiness and ear pain. No medication could help me. I was into depression, as I felt I will have to continue this pain for life long. In this situation my husband brought me to the Aurangabad Prayer Festival in 2013. Led by the Holy Spirit Dr. Paul said, "Suprabha, God is healing your ear and brain. Receive the touch of God." At that exact moment I


felt something like an electric shock running through my body and all my pain ceased instantly! Witnessing this miracle, my husband's heart also softened and he too turned to Christ. Praise The Lord! - Suprabha, Shevgaon , Aurangabad. often used to get annoyed with my family members and be angry towards them. In this meeting as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying, I started repenting of my sins and I was crying and begging for God’s forgiveness praying “O God, I don’t understand anything. I don’t know why my mind is disturbed. Deliver me from this bondage”. Exactly at that moment Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out "Ramesh, the witchcraft bondages are leaving you right now. Every evil power is leaving you right now.'' Suddenly I felt something leaving me from my belly. Now I am free and God filled me with His love. Thank You Jesus! - Ramesh, Aurangabad or the past sometime, I was suffering from a skin disease that caused boils in my hands. I attended this meeting with much longing for a miracle. Jesus called out my name through Dr Paul Dhinakaran and said, "Anjali Devi, Your boil is healed and your growth is dissolving by the power of the Holy Spirit. Be healed in Jesus’ name and come to the platform quickly. " Immediately I was healed completely! All my boils have dried up! Thank you Jesus for this miracle in my life! - Anjali Devi, Mumbai.


F - April 2018 JESUS CALLS


God is

able to give what “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.� (John 14:14)

we Desires

Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran

God has promised that He will give and fulfil our needs to make us happy whatever we ask in His name. What the (John 16:24). righteous desires He grants (Proverbs

Our Lord hears our prayers (Psalm 65:2). He is near to all who truly call on Him righteous people (Romans 8:33). He (Psalm 145:18). When we pray He draws cleanses us from all our sins through His nearer to us. What a great privilege it is to blood which He has shed on the cross to have Him by our side (Deuteronomy 4:7)! make us righteous (1 John 1:7). Hence, 10:24). God himself transforms us as

whatever we desire, whatever we ask

Satan does not like us to spend time with in His name He will certainly grant us God in prayer. He diverts our attention 16

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to studies without prayer and work without prayer. But when we look to God in prayer then Satan trembles. We should start our day with prayer and end the day with prayer. Prayer should be the key to open the day and the latch to close the day. This shows our dependence and our delight in the Lord; and the Bible says that if we delight in the Lord, He will fulfil the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4).

Call on the Lord

it is God, and not luck, that and clung firm to the Lord granted the miraculous answer in prayer. to your prayer. God watched her Several years ago, when faithfulness and healed her I was a young girl, Jesus immediately in a miraculous Calls meetings were held in way. As a family we thanked the town of Kovilpatti. We God for it. attended the meetings as a family. Suddenly it started You can also steadfastly raining and everyone started cling on to the Lord. He will to run here and there. We watch your faithfulness and ran towards our car and sat deliver you from all troubles. in it. But there were few who He will be the ever-present stood in the rain before the help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). Anyone who confronts you, the Lord will be your support at that moment (Psalm 18:18).

“And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honour me." (Psalm 50:15) Bible says, “If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength!” (Proverbs 24:10). Whenever help is needed, and you call on the Lord, He will help you stage with much eagerness immediately. to receive God’s blessing. When we pray and get My mother also stood in miraculous answers we should that crowd and she was immediately give the glory praying. She was suffering to God. Sadly, some people from a type of skin problem tend to say, ‘luckily my prayer called Eczema. Because she was answered.’ No, we should sought deliverance from this acknowledge and magnify that sickness, she stood in the rain

Hence submit yourself to the Lord and pray. Your help will come from the Lord, who is the Maker of heaven and earth (Psalm 121:2).

Don’t Give Up “...Always pray and not give up.” (Luke 18:1) Sometimes, when we pray and don’t receive any answer we might say that we are not lucky to have our prayers answered. This is a great misconception. Instead, we who love the Lord should “pray without ceasing” until we receive the blessing. But - April - 2018



when the Lord has something in store for us that is better and greater than what we have asked for, then the answers may be delayed to fulfil His purposes. Here is a testimony from Yamuna and Govindaraj, a couple from Thiruninravur, Thiruvalluvar District: Though we were married for several years, we were childless. Because of this we went through shame and humiliation. We had not much of financial strength, yet we took treatment in different hospitals but all failed. As 20 years rolled by, we were totally broken. One day when we were watching Jesus Calls TV program we saw Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying for those who were childless. Immediately we as a couple joined with him in prayer. Later we attended one of the meetings at Jesus Calls Vanagaram Prayer Tower where Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was ministering. At the end of the meeting we had an opportunity to have him pray for us personally. Straight away God answered the prayer and blessed the womb after 20 years of 18

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marriage by giving us a girl is only for our good. At times, and a boy! All glory to God! waiting may be difficult, but the Lord gives us His grace to May be you are also live a holy life. So do not get praying for a particular need discouraged, but continue to for a long time. Don’t be wait on the Lord, if necessary, discouraged. Pray continually by abstaining food and sleep. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and God will give a blessed reply There are many who visit the to your tearful prayers. Jesus Calls Prayer Towers to seek Jesus face to face and to receive an answer/blessing for their prayers and God grants “I waited patiently for the them whatever they ask in Lord; he turned to me and faith. As it is written, “For heard my cry.” (Psalm 40:1) where two or three come together in my name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). God answers those prayers offered in unison at the blessing meetings conducted in the Prayer Towers. Yes, He will answer your prayer also. When we utter the name of Jesus and ask, miracles happen. So do not be disheartened. He will make everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Wait Patiently

There are times when God wants us to wait before He gives the answers; this is to teach us patience and in the process of the waiting period, we learn to lean on the Lord. Any circumstance that draws us closer to the Lord

We read in the Bible, "Jesus has done all things well" (Mark 7:37). Yes, He will listen to your prayer and exalt you. He will use you in new dimensions and heap His blessings upon you and your family. You will arise and build the Kingdom of God.

Jesus said, ”Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Mark10:14)

“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)


Age limit: 4 to 17




All the 106 Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in India. Dynamic Kids Camp 7 days For details please contact the Manager, Prayer Tower in your area (or) Toll free: 1800 425 77 55

(7am to 9 pm daily)

The projected expenditure for one child is Rs.300/-, towards teaching material, gifts and refreshments. We invite you to kindly support as many children as you can inspired by the Lord. Your support will bring back blessings upon you and your children for generations.

Praying that God will make you and your children signs and wonders in our nation (Isaiah 8:18).

To partner with the Dynamic Kids Camp Ministry Name: ..................................................................... Partner No: ....................... Date of Birth: ....................... Address: ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ Mobile: .................................................. Email: ............................................................................................... q Rs. 300/- for a child q Rs. 600/- for 2 children q I shall send Rs. .......................... for ........... children. Easy ways for sending your offering to DYNAMIC KIDS CAMP is found in page 34 - April 2018



Unique revelation on the ‘Gift of Prophecy’ In the 3 day prophetic prayer conference held at Aurangabad, Maharashtra from February 14-16, 2018, about 2540 people from over 13 different States registered with much thirst and expectation. Dr. Paul outlined the mission of the conference stating that ‘everyone has to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit’. He shared a unique revelation on the Gift of Prophecy which he had not shared in any other prophetic conferences lifting each one into the presence of the Lord to be transformed by His Spirit. He led them into a time of prayer to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, particularly the Gift of prophecy. Grace overflowed and miracles followed too. Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared a powerful message from Psalm 89:15 about ‘the people who know the joyful sound and who walk in the light of His countenance’, citing the life of Jeremiah the prophet and Moses the man of God. She candidly proclaimed how the Lord met her and transformed her, from


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being a shy, timid person to a person filled with boldness through the Holy Spirit. When she led in prayer, many received a fresh anointing. God used the team members and the anointing sessions were packed with God’s power. As the team gave invitation for ministry involvement, many committed themselves to serve the Lord as JC Ambassadors. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed over every one of the delegates individually spending hours. One could witness the fulfillment of Acts 2:17 when the young delegates received the Holy Spirit and shouted with immense joy. All the participants left with a great passion to serve as God’s servants in their hometowns, preparing the world for the secret coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. All glory to God. - DR.S.J. KINGSLEY Group Head - Prayer Academy & Training

PARTICIPANTS SAY... God Transformed Me I was a wicked person and my life was full of sin. I used to threaten people with a knife and grab their belongings. I was addicted to drinks, gambling and ganja (drugs). In this terrible state, my wife took me to one of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s meetings in Gandhi Nagar, Ahmedabad in 2008. She was crying and praying for my transformation but then I got up and left that place to have some drinks. She then started taking me often to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Ahmedabad and the prayer intercessors prayed fervently for me. After every visit to the Prayer Tower, changes took place within me even without my knowledge. One by one the addictions left me and great peace started to fill my heart. I came to this Prophetic Prayer Conference just to give my testimony. But I was touched by the presence of God in this meeting and started to cry out for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Today as Dr. Paul was leading the prayer, God’s power touched me and He filled me with His Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus! - Mr. Joviel Yunabhai Christian, Ahmedabad

Great Deliverance For the past two years, the devil tormented me terribly. I used to have a strange feeling as though something was running in my head and waiting to kill me. I was in constant fear of death. Because of this, I had lost all my peace. But on the first day of this Prophetic Prayer Conference, during prayer time God called my name through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran true to the verse, “I have called you by name; you are mine” ( Isa 43:1) . He said, "Someone is feeling that something is running in his head. Nitesh, you are crying that something is running in your head and you are tormented. And there are several others who are being tormented like that. The Lord delivers you right now.'' Immediately something left me and I was filled with peace and the power of God. Now I am totally delivered from the fear of death & negative thoughts. Thank you Jesus! I thank Dr. Paul for praying for me. Praise the Lord. - Nitesh karkare, Mumbai - April 2018 JESUS CALLS


EXAM-READY, FUTURE-READY! Over 225 tudents of Class X & Class XII brimmed with confidence as they were equipped with tips and tricks to face the year-end government exams through a one-day workshop organised by SEESHA. The student beneficiaries from our Child Development Centres in Chennai participated with great enthusiasm as resource persons from Don Bosco Vazhikatti addressed them on various topics to help them prepare for exams, write presentable papers and score good marks. As an added motivation, former student beneficiaries of SEESHA who had done exceptionally well in their government board exams met with the participants and shared their experiences.

GERMINATING A GREEN GENERATION We live in an age when vegetables are filled with more artificial chemicals than nutrients, and organic foods are expensive and hard to find! That is why, our student beneficiaries from the Child Development Centres in Vyara (Gujarat) and Ranchi (Jharkhand) have all become kitchen gardeners! SEESHA has provided them with seeds of various vegetables and encouraged them to plant them in their own homes, in places where the bathroom/ kitchen water exits. In this way, the seeds will be adequately watered and the waste water will also be utilised effectively. We have also taught them how to plant the seeds and care for the plants. In just a few months' time, the children will have their own home-grown, organic vegetables to enjoy along with their families!

EXTENSION OF WOMEN EMPOWERMENT PROJECTS SEESHA, joining hands with UNIPRES, has introduced short-term vocational trainings for women in the villages of Vadakkupattu and Sennakuppam in the outskirts of Chennai. Over 60 uneducated women from these communities are being trained in the first batch of these trainings and are being equipped with skills for income generation. The training programme was inaugurated by Mr. Atsutomo Suzuki, Vice President of UNIPRES. 22

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At SEESHA, we consider financial education an important part of our women empowerment programmes. While we train a number of women in vocational and technical skills, equip them for income-generation and support them for entrepreneurial ventures, we also stress on the importance of saving their earnings and conserving their resources in an effective manner. As part of this initiative, we have also incorporated the haybox training and demonstration into our women empowerment programme, to help women save money by saving fuel. The simple yet innovative haybox is a cooker which uses very little fuel for cooking and thereby helps women put some extra money into their savings. Moreover, the haybox cooker can be used to cook food unsupervised so that the women can use their time to involve themselves in other activities.

NOT JUST A SCHOOL KIT! To many, it may seem that a SEESHA School Kit is just a backpack with 14 school supplies. However, our dear donors who have been paying faithful patronage to this project year after year know the true worth that a SEESHA school kit! To a child in need, this school kit is more than just a bag of educational essentials – it is a bag of hope which will help him/her go to school without letting poverty get in the way! • A school kit lessens the burden of parents who are eager to send their children to school, but cannot afford to do so. • A school kit is a dream come true for children who have always been using old, torn, broken things thus far, giving them a sense of self-worth, where otherwise they might be ashamed of themselves and shy away from participating in class. • A school kit makes schoolwork and homework much easier, motivating first-generation learners and children on the verge of dropout to continue going to school.

If the lack of resources is making them child labourers, we can send them to school by providing them the resources! All it takes is a contribution of Rs. 500 from you to gift a SEESHA School Kit which will make a positive impact in the life of a child in need!

To contribute, visit or send a cheque/DD/money order in favour of “SEESHA” to: No. 16, Dr. DGS Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. In case of queries: call 044 66660000 or email ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX EXEMPTED UNDER SECTION 80G - April - 2018



Attitude of Gratitude:

Wake up with an unstoppable perspective your life!

Interesting fact now proven by the former professor of medicine at Stanford University, Dr. Bruce Lipton: your subconscious mind is running

A new perspective of why we are the way we are, has been introduced by some cutting edge molecular biologists. The foremost among them is Dr. Bruce Lipton. He says the new science of epigenetics has shown that our genes are in fact controlled and manipulated by how our minds perceive and interpret our environment. It was formerly believed by science that it is our genes themselves which dictate our traits – that our genes form who and how we are. The new findings are great news because it means that we can change many things about the way we are, including our health, by changing how we interpret events and situations which happen to us. (Source: The primary reason that many people wake up with no passion and enthusiasm is because their subconscious minds have been taken over by the forces of negativity. The remedy to fix this is by retraining your subconscious with habits that will help you stay motivated and live a successful life. I believe this is why Paul writes in Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Often when surrounded by difficulties our focus tends to shift from God and His able hand to our problems. Like Peter, many a times we too get distracted by the rising waves and the strong winds (Matthew 14: 28-33). 24

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Believe it or not, the mood you’re in when you wake up has a lot to do with what was on your mind before you had closed your eyes to sleep. So when you’re getting ready for bed, take a few moments and reflect on the things you are grateful for during the day. Remember that song we were taught in Sunday school “Count your blessings name them one by one, Count your blessings see what God has done…”

the sacrifices our parents make in affirmations that you can use to order to give us the best life that start and end your day: they can because we are blinded “The Lord is my light and by the desires of the world. my salvation; whom shall I Think about this for a moment; fear? The Lord is the strength every breath in our lungs is of my life, of whom shall I be breathed by God. How grateful afraid?” – Psalm 27:1 should we be for the life we have “O taste and see that the in us! Many do struggle to take a single breath effortlessly and Lord is good: blessed is the many don’t get to see a new day. man that trusts in Him. Oh A popular quote by Bil Keane fear the Lord you saints, for says, “Yesterday is history, there is no want to them that tomorrow is a mystery, today fear Him.” - Psalm 34:8,9

Do this especially if you’ve had a bad day and feel like there’s nothing to be thankful for. It can be the simple joys of life like snagging a parking spot, doing something nice for someone or maybe someone did something nice for you. Maybe you received a compliment and it lifted your spirits. Or maybe you finished a project before time, or closed a business deal. Try to focus on the good and remind yourself of God’s love and faithfulness towards you.

is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” Instead of counting the things we don’t have, like the latest gadget or a specific branded item, lets count the simple yet important blessings in life; our health, the gift of sight, the ability to speak, hear and understand, the understanding of God’s salvation, etc.

“I will sing of Your power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning: for You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble.” - Psalm 59:16

Here are a couple of Scripture

- Deepshikha Seymour

As young people, many a times we find ourselves facing silent competitions with friends. We worry about having the best outfit at a social gathering, our footwear should be better than someone else or we must own the latest mobile phone before anyone else we know and for that we pester our parents who might not always be in the position to fulfill our wants. We overlook

“For You will light my candle: the Lord, my God will enlighten my darkness. For by you I have run through a troop; and by my God I Practice this daily before you have leaped over a wall.” go to sleep and confess out loud - Psalm 18:28,29 the promises of God. Speak words of life and hope over “You have given me the shield yourself. You’ll see a change of Your salvation: and Your in your attitude when you right hand has held me up. wake up the next morning. For Your gentleness has made be added benefit, stand in front of a great. You have enlarged my mirror when you confess God’s steps under me, that my feet promise. Look at yourself as you do not slip.” - Psalm 18:35,36 declare His word over your life. This in turn will retrain your “My flesh and my heart fail, subconscious mind to be attuned but: God is the strength of my with God’s word and help lift heart and my portion forever.” - Psalm 73:26 your mood. - April - 2018



7 crores of people in the state of Karnataka, to be blessed by you My precious friend, The Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in India and abroad stand as a beacon of hope to those who languish in sinful addictions, loneliness, depression, sorrow, sickness, demonic oppression and brings them deliverance from all problems. Nearly 9 to 10 lakhs people get blessed through the prayers that we offer for those who call or come or write to us to the Prayer Tower for prayers every month. And as we pray along with them, the Lord listens and does miracles. ( Matthew 18:19) . Now we have 106 Prayer Towers in India. Thank you for helping us, to establish these Prayer Towers and to run them. As you are supporting each month to build God’s house, God will build your house. Now in Jesus Calls there is a need to complete the building for the Bengaluru Frazer Town Prayer Tower. It’s a 40,000sq.ft building, with basement parking, Prayer Tower to pray in person and through telephone in the ground floor and the first and second floor is a big auditorium to accommodate 1,500 people to lead the people to pray to seek the Lord for miracles from Him through as well as to raise thousands of Intercessors. We have finished the civil structure of this building up to the third floor. We have spent about 6 crores of rupees. Thank you for your donations so far . We need Rs 6 crores more to do the interior, the exterior and also have the electronics, the electrical and the air conditioning done. I pray that God will help you to build this Prayer Tower and complete it for God’s glory. . We want you to be blessed. Make use of this opportunity and build God’s house the Bengaluru Prayer Tower. 26

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Here is the blessing story of a dear Prayer Tower partner.... I am a partner in the Jesus Calls ministry from my childhood, even before getting married. Both me and my husband run a tea stall. Once a month, I used to send offerings regularly to the Jesus Calls and sometimes more frequently too. In 2012, we started to build a house and finally landed up in heavy debt. At this situation in 2013, my health also started to fail. I had three tumours in my neck and suffered for four months.. Doctors tested and said that it is cancer and if not treated it will enter the blood stream. We were literally in tears. Our relatives and friends mocked at us and unable to bear those words we moved to Chennai for a period of time. I was asked to undergo the biopsy test and it was then we visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessor prayed with burden. I gave an offering of Rs.5000/- towards the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Building Fund and also made a vow that if the test result is normal I will give my testimony. Then we returned to Virudhunagar and the biopsy test was done. To our surprise the test result came and it said “no trace of Cancer.” We were overwhelmed with joy and fulfilled our vow. Once again I gave a offering to sponsor a TV programme. By this time, our debts also got cleared and the same relatives and friends who mocked at us started to bless us. We now live in that same big beautiful house at Virudhunagar in peace. We taste miracles in our life everyday. It’s 5 years since I received the miracle. I am perfectly alright. My husband too received a miraculous healing; Our income has increased and our two daughters are blessed. The first one has completed her Engineering and the next one her MBA. All glory to God. - Mrs. Emelda Mary, Virudhunagar


Sponsor a prayer room for 3 lakhs rupees (or) Co-sponsor a prayer room for 1 lakh (or) Rs............................. each month ( 50,000 10,000 5,000 500 or even

100 every month)

Name:.................................................... Partner code: (If any)................................


Address:.................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................... PIN code........................ Mobile 1:............................................... Mobile 2.................................................... Email:........................................................................................................................

Prayer: Father! Give them the grace to have all the blessings and joy to give and to build your Prayer Tower. Meet all their needs Lord. Help us to complete it by this September fully paid. In Jesus’ name, Amen! God bless you. Easy ways to send your donation to Bengaluru Prayer Tower Building Fund is found in page 34. - April 2018 JESUS CALLS



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Word for Today April 2018


Psalm 34:17 – Lord who hears the cry Meditation: Psalm 30:2; 120:1; Isaiah 57:13; Jonah 2:2





Jeremiah 30:17 – God will give you strength Meditation: Numbers 23:1-22; Nehemiah 8:10; Psalm 29:11








15 16

24 25

John 11:40 – You will see the glory of God Meditation: Num. 20:1-6; Deu. 5:24; Psalm 97:6

Isaiah 66:13 – God who comforts as a mother Meditation: Isaiah 12:1; Psalm 71:21; 94:19; 1 Thes. 5:14-28

Isaiah 49:16 – God who protects you Meditation: Deut. 32:10-13; Psalm 121:3-8; Zech. 2:8 3 John 2 – The Lord makes all go well with you Meditation: Lev. 25:18-21; Deut. 33:12; Ezekiel 28:26; Ruth 1:9

6 7

Joshua 1:9 – God will be with you Meditation: Deut. 31:1-8; 2 Samuel 7:9; Jeremiah 30:11

Isaiah 54:3 – God will enlarge your territory Meditation: 1 Chron. 4:9,10; Psalm 72:1-8; 2 Cor. 10:16

John 8:12 – God is your light Meditation: Isaiah 58:10; Daniel 2:22; Matthew 5:16; John 8:12

Psalm 32:8 – God who counsels you and guides you Meditation: Psalm 25:5; 27:11; Isaiah 48:17; Nehemiah 9:12 Psalm 16:8 – Trust in the Lord Meditation: 1 Chron. 5:20; Psalm 34:8; Jeremiah 17:7-10

Daniel 12:3 – God will make you shine Meditation: Exodus 34:29-35; Psalm 118:27; Rev. 22:5

Proverbs 2:7 – God is your shield Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:7-31; Psalm 3:3; 144:2; Prov. 30:5 Lamentations 3:22 – God of mercy Meditation: Exo. 20:6; Deut. 4:31; Ephesians 2:4-7 1 Corinthians 3:23 – You are of Christ Meditation: Deut. 7:6; Ephesians 1:14-19; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 2:9

John 14:6 – God who guides Meditation: Exo. 13:21; Deu. 32:12; Nehemiah 9:19; 1 Thes. 3:11 Psalm 147:14 – God who satisfies you Meditation: Lev. 25:19; Deut. 14:29; Ruth 2:1-18; Psalm 103:5


Nehemiah 8:10 – God makes you to rejoice Meditation: Nehemiah 12:43; Psalm 30:11; 37:11; Isaiah 35:10


Jeremiah 1:19 – God will rescue Meditation: Exodus 15:2; Psalm 118:1-14; Jeremiah 3:23; Pslam. 3:26









Deuteronomy 28:9 – You will be established as God’s holy people Meditation: 1 Thes. 3:13; 1 Peter 2:9,10; Rev. 21:3



James 4:10 – God lifts the humble Meditation: Prov. 3:34, 22:4; Zeph. 2:3; James 4:6,10; 1 Peter 5:5

John 16:20 – The Lord will turn your sorrows into joy Meditation: Nehemiah 8:1-12; Proverbs 12:20; John 15:11; 16:24

Proverbs 28:25 – One who trusts in the Lord will prosper Meditation: Isaiah 66:12-14; Acts 14:17; Proverbs 11:25

Psalm 32:10 – Mercy surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord Meditation: Exodus 33:12-19; 2 Chron. 6:14; Psalm 86:5 Isaiah 62:3 – God will exalt you Meditation: Deut. 28:1-14; 1 Chron. 29:12; Zeph. 3:20


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Jeremiah 29:13 – Seek God and you shall find Meditation: Deu. 4:29; Prov. 8:17; Matthew 7:7; Acts 17:27

1 Samuel 2:30 – God will honour you Meditation: Joshua 4:14; Isaiah 43:4; 55:5; Prov. 4:8

Romans 8:31 – God is on your side Meditation: Psalm 118:7; Ezekiel 36:9; Zech. 9:14

Ephesians 3:16 – Be strengthened with power Meditation: 2 Chron. 20:6; Ephesians 6:1-10; 1 Thes. 1:5 John 4:14 – God the spring of water Meditation: Psalm 104:1-10; Isaiah 49:10; Rev. 14:7

The Risen


- Message given by our dear (late) Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran “And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him.... Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.” (Colossians 2:13-15) Through these Bible verses let us ponder and inherit the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon us by His death and resurrection.

To Live a Righteous Life An uncle of mine who was working in the police department as a constable was badly addicted to alcohol. He used to drink daily and lived a horrible life. One day after a heavy dose of

drink he was lying down in his room. At that time some people came in search of him seeking his help. The neighbours asked them, who they came to meet and they mentioned my uncle’s name and said, “We want to see him.” The neighbours replied, “Oh, you have come at the wrong time. He will be fully drunk by now and won’t be in his senses. You cannot talk to him now.” These words fell in the ears of my uncle who was lying down inside the house and it pricked his heart like thorns. He got up immediately, took the Bible to read -- for the very first time! “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1) This verse appeared before his eyes and his heart broke when he

read the verse and it changed his life upside down. After that he lived an exemplary life of witness for Jesus Christ. Yes, my beloved, our Lord Jesus Christ was delivered to be killed on the cross for our sins. We should never forget the fact that He triumphed over death and rose from the dead so that we would be made righteous in this world. If there is someone who has the authority to forgive our sins, it is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ! He is the one who gave His life on the cross for the sins of each one of us (Romans 4:24-25).

Way to enter into the Holy Place “But into the second part the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which - April - 2018



he offered for himself and for the people’s sins committed in ignorance.” (Hebrews 9:7) As per the verse above, during the Old Testament times, the chief priest will enter into the Holy Place and then into the Most Holy Place once a year, carrying the blood of the sacrifices to be poured on the altar of God for the remission of his own sins and the sins of the people. But, every other day he will have to go to the Holy Place to offer incense to God. My beloved! Every time Aaron came into the Holy Place, he had to wear a long robe. The edges of the robe will have bells like pomegranate seeds hanging from them. He has to wear it when he enters and exits the Holy Place so that the sound of the bells can give the assurance that he is still alive. Everyone who enters God’s presence in those days would worship Him with great fear. They had appointed certain sacrifices like remission of sin offering, peace offering, guilt offering to be offered if the do's and don’ts of the Ten Commandments were not followed. But, according to Hebrews 10:19-22 what happened when Jesus was killed on the cross as a sacrificial offering? Since, Jesus Christ our Chief Priest took His own blood that was shed on the cross in His hands and entered into the Most Holy Place by Himself (where the Chief Priest entered once a year), He tore the veil into two that separated the Most Holy Place from the Holy Place. “And Jesus (on the cross) cried out again with a loud voice, and 32

JESUS CALLS - April - 2018

yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split.” (Matthew 27:50,51) The veil that was there for priests like Aaron to enter into God’s Holy Place was torn in two. Hence, we need not fear to approach God, kneel down in His presence and talk to Him about our concerns. “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace…” (Hebrews 4:15-16). The Lord Jesus, who is invisible, tore apart the veil into two that separated man and God through His death so that we might behold Him. He willingly gave up His human body on the cross to be torn apart. The spear penetrated into his chest and water and blood gushed out from His body.

permission. But, all of a sudden, my door will swing open and one person will enter my room and sit at my desk. Nobody can stop him at any time. He will take my pen, scribble something down and end up breaking the pen. He would freely access any book on my desk to flip through-well, it is none other than my son Paul who was a young boy at that time. That’s the privilege of a son! “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” (John 1:12) In the same way we are His children too! This is what Christ Jesus has accomplished on the cross. He put asunder all the laws and ordinances that stood between man and God (Romans 10:4). Therefore, fear nothing but straightaway cling on to the feet of Jesus and pray for your needs. The God of gods is your Father. He will help you.

Yes beloved, that is the blood that has torn apart the veil that stood between us and God.

Protects from Evil Powers

When, I was working in the bank, I used to tell my office assistant, “Please don’t allow anybody to come and see me; I have a lot of work to do.” Several people would come to see me. He will write down their names on a piece of paper and make them sit there. I will get that paper from him and tell him, “Let them wait; I will call them after some time.” He will not let anybody come into my room without my

There are different types of angels of God like Cherubim, Seraphim, God’s exclusive angels and ordinary angels. The Almighty God created angels to worship Him and to gloriously serve Him. But amongst them was Lucifer, one of the chief angels who rebelled against God, thereby fell down from heaven. He was also called ‘Morning Star’ in the Bible. He fell down from the grace of God. It was only after his fall that God made man. God made man like Himself,

in His own image. Therefore, these fallen angels are always bitter and jealous of the human beings. They work against the human race. They always work against man’s spirit, body and mind. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12) As long as we are in this world, we will have struggles. They can only wrestle against a child of God but they cannot do him any harm because, Jesus Christ has destroyed all their powers on the cross (Hebrews 2:14-15). Satan moans to the Sovereign God saying, “Have You not made a hedge around Job and all that he has on every side? Therefore, I am not able to do anything against him (Job 1:10). Yes, God Himself is a wall of fire around his people and protects them (Zechariah 2:5). So, don’t worry about anything. There are different kinds of evil powers in this world. Many of the people who have come to me seeking help have told me that someone has cast some witchcraft against them and their family. The fact is, it is those who hardly spend time with God or who have not had a personal experience of the love of Jesus in their lives that are trapped into such evil. Husband and wife cheat each other in the upbringing of their children, like giving them money without the knowledge of the spouse and the children misuse them for watching obscene movies.

Such children slowly go astray and become slaves to the power of the devil. Their brain gets muddled and evil things enter into their life. Yes, it is true that there are evil spirits in this world and that they have power. But, if you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart and have fallen at His feet, having tearfully asked for forgiveness from your sins saying, “I am Your child henceforth, I will live only for You”, then be assured that all these things can never touch you. As per God’s guidance, Jacob left his uncle Laban’s home and was returning back to his father’s home. But, Laban followed him. Then Jacob asks, “Why are you following me? Have I stolen anything from you?” Laban replied, “You may go if you want to; but why have you stolen my gods and my idols?” Jacob knew nothing about this for it was his wife Rachel who had stealthily hidden her father’s gods and brought them with her. My beloved! In the same way, as long as sin is lurking in us, in the form of lusts of the flesh and world on the one side, and Christ on the other side, there is definitely a way for Satan to enter our lives. Then witchcraft will easily bring you down, the reason being your body which is the temple of living God, is hidden under all unclean thoughts, desires and lusts. You have given room for the devil who is the captain of all uncleanness to come into you. Today, we see many Christian families destroyed by black magic, sorcery and witchcraft. After this

happens, there is no use in blaming Christ or even praying for them. My beloved! I have worshipped Christ for several years and prayed for millions of people. But, when I pray for some of them, Jesus Christ will not speak to me but remain silent. I will plead with Jesus for them saying, “Oh, they suffer so much, please have mercy on them.” But, He will never respond. Do you know the reason for that? They would have come to me for prayers, but deep down in their hearts, they would have hidden their sins and their bad habits. They will pray and go, but as soon as they leave, they will go out and seek divination from a sorcerer. Beloved, if it is true that we have been washed by the blood of Christ then none of those powers can gain access to us. Jesus said that none of them will harm you. In reality, they are scared of us. I had been to a particular city in a foreign country. I saw a poor woman there. She was always kept in chains as her house was on the fourth floor and as she would sometimes jump out from there all of a sudden. She would frighten everybody by suddenly climbing up on a window and say, “I will jump down from here.” Nobody could control her. One morning, I was delivering a message in a particular church service. Soon after the message, the pastor requested me to pray for some people and I agreed. This particular girl was brought to me for prayer. At that time, a divine love descended upon me even without my knowledge. - April - 2018



I just looked at her and said, “Sister, sit down and I will pray for you.” She sat down immediately and those who saw it were amazed. They said, “This is the first time that she heeded the voice of a man and sat down.” Then, I placed my hands upon her head and prayed for her. Immediately, she shook her head and fell down. At that time, the presence of Jesus came down and He touched that woman. She received her healing in a moment and stood up. Yes, when a person accepts Christ as his God in his heart, He comes into him and dwells in him. He lives in him. Therefore, the evil spirits tremble not because of us but because of Jesus who lives in us. Why do people want to see obscene dances and vulgar movies? It is because they have

not yet known the Lord Jesus and His divine love. Once you accept Jesus into your heart, the thought, ‘I will always talk about Him, I will always sing praises about Him, I will always pray with others who love Him, I will always tell about Him to people who have not known Him yet’ will fill your heart. Yes, He is so sweet. There will not be any place in our hearts for the things which displease God, if we accept Him. Therefore, pray with tears, “Son of God, I will never depart from You, come what may. Please protect me from sin.” First of all, you are able to receive forgiveness of sins and live righteously because of the resurrection of Jesus. Secondly, the barrier which stood between God and us has been removed because of the resurrection of Jesus. We can go into the presence of God and personally talk to Him, through

prayer. Thirdly, He casts away all the evil forces that work against us in this world and protects us from them for Jesus has destroyed them on the cross. Let us read the Bible more and more and be filled with more of the knowledge of these matchless blessings. Then, our faith will be multiplied! Moreover, we should be careful to find time to wait in the presence of God and have fellowship with Him through prayer. Then, the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ will turn our life around completely. This is what Paul said, “It is not I but Christ who lives in me” (Gal. 2:20) As the power of Christ transformed him to be a servant of God, an ‘apostle’ who rose up and shone for the glory of God, you too cling on to Him and fear Him. Then, He will grant you all those divine experiences and use you for His Name’s glory and exalt you.

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JESUS CALLS - April - 2018

“In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him” (I John 4:9)


od sent Jesus Christ into the world as God-incar nate in order that all people living in the world should enjoy heavenly bliss right here on earth. He offered Himself as a living sacrifice on the cross to redeem humanity. He rose again on the third day by the power of God and is still alive today. Since God loved us, He gave His only begotten Son as a gift to this world. Today, I take pride in declaring that I am one among the thousands liberated from tears and worries through this Gift. The Bible says, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ

died for us” (Romans 5:8). Let us meditate on the blessing that we enjoy in this world as well as in the next, because Christ Jesus is alive!

God’s Love was Manifested: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16) The man called Zacchaeus lived in the darkness of sin; but when he met Jesus, he realized his sin, repented and confessed to Jesus his sins and his plans for retribution. The Lord Jesus went to his home and declared, "Today salvation has come to this house”

(Luke 19:9). This is God’s free Gift of Salvation! Romans 5:20 says, ‘…where sin abounded, grace abounded much more’. According to this Scripture, Christ Jesus gave up His life as a sacrifice for us, on the cross. When we confess all our sins and transgressions to the Lord and live for Christ, we receive eternal life through Him and enjoy heavenly bliss in this world, having been freed from sin and abiding in His righteousness. “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” (John 1:12) Yes, God gives the grace for - April 2018 JESUS CALLS


all those who believe Him with their whole heart and who accept Him, to become His children. It is not His will to give us, who live in this world, for condemnation. Rather it is His will that we should live a holy life just like He did. “And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Galatians 5:24) God gives us the privilege of making Christ our means of rejoicing, as the Psalmist says “…In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11). Hence, there is no need for us to look for pleasures in life through worldly means. He tells us, “My son, give me your heart, And let your eyes observe my ways.” (Proverbs 23:26) So, with true repentance, plead at the Lord’s feet saying, ‘Lord, You were born as a Man in this world, for my sake. You went through untold sufferings and ultimately underwent unbearable agony, afflictions and reproach. Like the sinful woman who fell at Your feet and cried, I too pour out my tears at Your feet. Wash me and cleanse me with the pure blood that You shed for me. Give me the grace to call myself Your son/ daughter. Completely deliver me from all the sins that I have com36

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mitted. Come into my heart Lord Jesus, I can no longer live without You, even for a minute. You are everything in my life. So, please stay with me. Thank You for hearing my simple prayer.’ According to your faith, the Lord will save you. He will give you a new life. He tells you, "Your faith has saved you. Go in peace” (Luke 7:50). This Godgiven peace will overflow in your

When we confess all our sins, transgressions and everything to the Lord and live for Christ, we would receive eternal life through Him and enjoy heavenly bliss in this world, having been freed from sin and abiding in righteousness. heart. He loves you dearly and you will enjoy His divine joy in your soul while you are in this world. Several years back, a young woman, though a Christian, sought God just for namesake and not with a true heart as mentioned above. But the Lord came seeking her. He called her by name. His loving voice astounded her. Even without her knowledge, she knelt down at His feet and said, “Lord, what do You want me to do?”

His love flooded her heart and overflowed. Since then she began to love Him truly, even without her knowledge. He became her close Friend and help. The Lord chose for her a blessed life partner. Amazed that God had given her such a blessed and excellent life, she loved the Lord all the more. My dear young children, when you reach your days of youth, you begin to search for your life partner on your own. As a result several young women have wrecked their lives even without their knowledge and are shedding tears. So, do this prayerfully seeking the Lord’s direction and do not let your desires overpower you. Hold on to God firmly. He will not forsake you. At the right time, He Himself will bless you with a blessed life partner. He will build you up and exalt you.

Love Through Tribulations: “For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.” (Hebrews 2:10) Out of love for humanity, God sent the Lord Jesus Christ to this world, in human form. It was out of His love for humanity that Jesus

willingly went through severe suffering, and we are well aware of the intensity of His suffering. Have we realized that you and I make up this ‘humanity’ and that it was for us that Jesus suffered and gave Himself up for our sake? “Christ Jesus, in the days of His flesh, offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to

Similarly, Mary Magdalene followed the Lord faithfully. When Jesus died and His body was kept in the tomb, she went there early on the first day of the week while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. Not seeing His body there, she broke out into tears out of unbearable sorrow. In that instant, the Lord Jesus who is full of love, compassion and mercy, ap-

save Him from death” (Hebrews 5:7). In the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed earnestly to His Father, saying, "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done" (Luke 22:42). We read in the Bible that “His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground” (Luke 22:44). There are some examples in the

Do not fear about any kind of affliction but hold on to the Lord firmly. The Lord would miraculously deliver you from all your afflictions and exalt you.

Bible of how God delivered people when they went through agonizing circumstances. For instance when Hagar’s son lay dying of dehydration, she withdrew from the child, unable to bear the sight and wept her heart out. And the Angel of the Lord came to her aid and showed her a spring of water. And God promised her that a great nation will come out of this child and filled the mother’s heart with joy and happiness. (Genesis 21:16, 17).

peared to her and asked her lovingly, ‘Woman, why are you weeping? Yes, He gave her the blessing of being the first person to see Jesus after His resurrection. (John 20:11-15). Once, a devout couple lived jointly with several other sisters and brothers in their family. Except for this couple, all the others indulged in worldly pleasures and things that were displeasing to Christ. So, the

devout wife asked her husband one day, “Why is it that these people always quarrel and talk unwanted things that displease God? Will we lose our holiness since we are living with them?” But the husband advised her, “No, it is our duty to show the love of Christ to them so that eventually they will be drawn to the Lord. So please cooperate with me and be patient”. It so happened, that suddenly the family had to go through a tough path of troubles after which they started approaching this couple one by one. The love of God flowed into the couple’s hearts and the Holy Spirit started working (Romans 5:5). The people in the family were drawn to Christ through the comfort of God’s love (Isaiah 48:10). 'Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord; that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.’ (James 5:11) This shows that because of the long endurance and the love shown by the godly couple, the afflictions in the family were changed and the Lord graciously helped everyone to enjoy receiving the privilege of - April 2018 JESUS CALLS


knowing His divine love. My dear sisters and brothers! Do not be afraid of any kind of affliction, but hold on to the Lord firmly. The Lord will miraculously deliver you from all your afflictions and exalt you.

Love Through His Resurrection: Having conquered death, the triumphant Lord Jesus said, "I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore…’ (Revelation 1:18). "O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?" (I Corinthians 15:55) Yes, Christ was raised from the dead by the Father’s glory and is living forever. Hence, God has graciously helped us to be dead indeed to sin, but to live victoriously as slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:11). Realizing this Apostle Paul has boldly said, "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). “…buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, 38

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who raised Him from the dead.” (Colossians 2:12) “…if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection.” (Romans 6:2-5) Once, a family that did not know the Lord attended the Jesus Calls Good News meeting, just out of curiosity. When they were listening to the message on the Lord Jesus’ love of Calvary and His resurrected power, the love of Jesus flooded into their hearts. They accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour. As the love of Christ was poured into their hearts, they decided to live for Jesus, as a family. Consequently, they were ridiculed by their friends and relatives. Yet they held on to the Lord saying that they would not leave the precious love of Jesus, all through their life time. The Lord, who transformed their life, changed the whole family as His divine descendants through His power of resurrection. “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33) Having given us this promise, the Lord will certainly remember

us when we go through any kind of sufferings. Not despising our afflictions (Psalm 22:24), He would make us realize God’s love. Let us remember that the afflictions that we undergo are nothing compared to the terrible afflictions that He underwent (Colossians 1:24). It is only when we decide to live holy, that the devil would try his level best to bring about a lot of hindrances to ruin our lives (John 10:10; I Peter 5:8). The Lord Jesus Christ went through such afflictions and ultimately received a glorious place, as recorded in Hebrews, “… who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God’ (Hebrews 12:2). So, do not give room for dejection but look up to Him, who patiently endured the sufferings. The Lord who has said, ‘I was dead, and I am alive forevermore’ will surely wipe away your tears (Isaiah 25:8; Psalm 116:8). The Lord will give you His divine rest in the life which is filled with worries, trials and weariness, right in this world (II Thessalonians 1:6). God, who gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ as the ‘loving gift’ for us, will certainly grant His divine blessings in your life and make you happy.

Everybody who saw Ruby’s house was stunned! ‘Is it a house or a palace?’ - They looked at it with awe. Some of the close relatives looked grim, besotted by jealousy. ‘How come Kumar, who was selling utensils on the streets, has built this house?’ - Even as Nalini, Ruby’s cousin asked this, memories of Ruby’s wedding flashed before her eyes. Ruby’s father managed to settle his elder two daughters’ marriage, despite his business failure. Both the sons-inlaw helped the family financially. But before he could settle Ruby’s marriage, he passed away and with his death, both sons-in-law stopped their help. The other two, gradually kept out of the family. When Kumar’s family which was known to Ruby’s mother approached her with the marriage proposal, her mother agreed immediately solely for the reason that the groom’s side did not ask for anything except the girl. Ruby’s four sisters did not like this alliance at all. The reason, he was a street vendor selling utensils. Yet they had to put up with that since their family members were not

willing to help their sister Ruby. Ruby relocated to Chennai, after marriage. Her four sisters visited her when she was residing in a small rented house. That’s all. They never came back. They felt bad over their sister’s poor state and their helplessness to support her. All they could do was to talk to her over the phone, now and then. Yes, the same Kumar! Now he has built a palatial house and the house warming ceremony was going on. On Ruby’s wedding day Nalini told her, “The cliché goes, ‘Fifth daughter basks in plenty of gold’, but in your case, what’s the use though you are the fifth daughter? No gold or silver...” Nalini came out of her reverie and approached Ruth, Ruby’s elder sister to inquire of this: “He was of course a street vendor; but when some people expressed their desire to buy things from him in installments, he agreed. This brought him a good profit and soon he closed his shop and took over the utensils shop run by Raju uncle, who had gone abroad. He had worked hard and

has now reached this level. It is God’s grace and his tendency to help the poor that had brought him this blessing. ..” Nalini was pained to hear this. She regretted for the way in which she shifted her house for the fear that Ruby would keep asking her to lend money, when they were living close by. “She is very prayerful. Apart from helping Kumar in his business, she is also running a business of selling Idiyappam flour, vatral, idli powder under the name Morphy...” Even before Ruba, Ruby’s sister could complete her sentence, Nalini interrupted her to say, “Oh, Is it her’s? We always buy those for our use. The quality is really good” said she with wonder. Nalini began to understand that how true is the word, ‘He raises the poor from the dust’ and realized that how she should liberally extend her helping hands to the poor. He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD… (Proverbs 19:17) - April 2018 JESUS CALLS


Miraculous change Sis. Nancy of our Esther Prayer Group, had decided to end her as well as her children’s lives by drowning in the river since her husband has been addicted to alcohol and creating lot of problems in the family. We prayed with burden for the peace of this family in our Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayer and changed this sister’s mind drastically. She went back home deciding that she would not do things that would displease God. Now she lives in peace. Glory to God. - Kumari Jawahar, Erode.

Encouraging words I have given a hundi box to the members of our group and they bring it every month for the prayer with the offerings collected in it for the Esther Prayer Group ministry. If they get even Re. 1/- they will drop in the box every day and pray for the Esther Prayer Group 40

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every day with burden . Aunty Stella Dhinakaran’s words of reply “when every member would follow this, all could give more offerings for the ministry and likewise if every group starts a new group every year, the number of groups would increase double fold; similarly if every group buys the books written by dear Aunty, they would grow in the Scriptures too’ encouraged all of us. - Leela Sampath, Chennai.

Joy given by the Promise It is a great privilege for us, the women, to receive this month’s promise. The words, ‘"Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you’ thrilled and excited us. I really feel that our group members and I have received the same blessing that Mary got that day. I used to long whether someone would greet me with the words,

‘Highly favoured one’. I used to weep when I prayed. So, my joy knew no bounds when I saw this month’s promise verse. I praise the Lord million times for sending this word of life towards me. - Hephzibah Beulah, Tharapuram.

Fire, shining stones When this month’s promise verse was read, Sis. Rani Thanraj saw a vision of fire coming in our midst and when the 13th prayer point was read, she saw the fire burning and stones turning into bright blue shining ones when the feet of Jesus touched them. When coming for the prayer, she came with difficulty because of hip pain. At the end of the prayer, she was completely healed. Sis. Annal testified that on December 2nd , when dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was sharing God’s

message she saw the backdrop filled with bright, shining stones on both sides. Glory to God. - Pushpalatha, Kalasapakkam.

Filled with the glory and fire of God I came with much prayer to attend the Esther Prayer Group conference held in Chennai on 2.12.2017. I attended the conference with the thirst and prayer to God, ‘Today fill me with Your Spirit; give me new anointing’. From the beginning the Lord filled me with His glory, fire and the Spirit of tears. I am grateful to every loving word spoken by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran with severity. God’s anointing was mightily poured down during that meeting. I went back to my place with great joy and shared this with the sisters of our Esther Prayer Group. - S. Glory Rajayogam, Sivakasi

Melted the heart The Lord helped us to conduct the Esther Prayer Group prayer in a wonderful way. The promise word, ‘Highly favoured one’ was of great encouragement to all of us. The prayer points were heart touching. Particularly the 8th prayer point and II Thessalonians 2:16 melted our hearts. This prayer point was of comfort to the helpless sisters. We poured out our heart and prayed for all the prayer points. Glory to God. - Rajathy Ashok, Tirunelveli.

Revealed my situation Sis. Sahaya Mary of our Esther Prayer Group testified that the prayer points 8th and 14th revealed her situations and hence she could pray with burden for them. Sis. Kanimuthu testified that the 6th prayer point made her realize her state of despising her daughter-in-law and failing to treat her as a daughter and hence she prayed with burden for that point. According to the 19th prayer point, we were convicted to carefully do the ministry worthy of God who has called us according to His plan and by His grace and add new souls. - T. Rajathy, Kombai

Immeasurable Anointing Bro. Susai of the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group did not know how to pray. He came with debt problem as he had no job. Hearing the prayers offered in the group, the Lord granted him a good job, helped him clear the debts and also enabled him to buy a vehicle. When he prayed this month, the Lord filled him with the Spirit of prayer, and the power to pray with zeal and burden. The Lord immeasurably filled all of us who attended the Esther Prayer Group held in Chennai, with His anointing. In this meeting, the Lord spoke to me through the verses Psalm 133:1-3, and I am able to feel the anointing following me as I desired and overflowing as the anointing of the oil of grace. I am experiencing the anointing filling me immeasurably even in the work spot.

I had invited 3 sisters who had stopped conducting their group prayer, for this meeting. The Lord anointed them and granted them a new experience. - T. Jeyarani Irudhaya Raj, Chennai.

Could feel the glory of grace From last month’s prayer points, we could understand the grace of God and how to receive that grace, and we prayed earnestly for that. We could understand the great glory of this grace. The prayer time was of great blessing to us. - S. Subbammal, Pattanpillai, Trichy.

Favoured ones This month’s promise verse was like a greeting to us, and encouraged us by strengthening our faith that we have received the favour of the Lord; we were greatly encouraged when the Holy Spirit impressed upon us that we are favoured ones like Mary was. The prayer points centered on grace made us pray with understanding. - Sheela Soundararaj, Tharapuram.

Tumour vanished Sis. Vijaya of our Esther Prayer Group had a tumour in her uterus. Doctors said that it could be cured by tablets but yet she was scared. We prayed with burden for her in the Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayer and made the tumour vanish from her uterus. - Sylvia Kalaimani, Chennai. - April 2018 JESUS CALLS


Miraculous Healing Sis. Bhavani suffered from severe knee pain and could not be cured even after visiting many hospitals. The Lord answered the prayers offered for her in the Esther Prayer Group, after applying prayed oil and granted her a

miraculous healing. Now she is able to sit on the floor, climb up and down the stairs and walk well. Glory to God. - K.Nancy, Manachanallur

Stone vanished without surgery

stone in his kidney and the doctors advised for surgery. On the day of surgery, the scan report showed no trace of stone and the Lord made them rule out surgery. - D. Gethsiyal Daniel,

Sis. Amutha’s husband had


My Dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you or young girls/children to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group , Junior Esther Prayer Group or Couples Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women/young girls/children in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Make use of the time. Let us hasten to build the Lord’s kingdom. Contact Address: Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email:

Bible Portion from I Samuel, II Samuel, I Kings, II Kings, I Chronicles and II Chronicles (Answer with Biblical reference) 1. What, where, how long and who did what to whom? 2. What shall you not see? Who will do what and how? Who said? 3. Who, will not tell what? Is He not what? Do what? 4. Whom, how and do what, since who has said, who did not do what? 5. To whom, do what? What is doing what? 6. Whose and what? Not made of what, in whose days and considered as what? 7. To whom, give what and come before what? How and to whom and do what? 8. Whose word was that? When, where and what will be done and through whom it was said? 9. With what have you come to me? But how did I come to you? Who said this to whom? 10. What is perfect? What is Proven? How is He to whom?

Answers must reach us before April 20, 2018 Address: Bible Quiz – 74 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email: 42

JESUS CALLS April 2018 -

Fulfilling God’s Will First of all, Jesus had fellow-

ANSWER: ‘God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.’ (I Corinthians 1:9) Yes, dear ones, this is a very important thing that has to be seen in our life. In order that we should be in fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ, God has called us in faithfulness. Every one of us should understand the excellence of this calling. Many do not understand the glory of this divine calling. They may call themselves a Christian. They may attend church regularly; have the Bible at home. However, their heart is involved only in the things related to the world, the flesh, the desires and lusts. There is absolutely no possibility for such people to have fellowship with God and Jesus Christ, His Son. Hence, all those who read this, is your fellowship truly with the

Lord? Or are you united with the above mentioned things of the world? Just think and act. Apostle John writes, ‘truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ’ (I John 1:3). Likewise, our Saviour Jesus Christ who came into this world as a Man in order to show us an example says about Himself, ‘I and My Father are one" (John 10:30). Apostle Paul writes that ‘Christ has left us an example, that we should follow His steps’ (I Peter 2:21). Accordingly, the life experiences of the Lord Jesus Christ consist of significant examples for us. To know them, it is good to carefully read the four gospels. If we keenly observe the life of Jesus Christ, and walk accordingly with reverence, it would be possible for us to have fellowship with Him just like Apostle John.

ship with God by submitting His life to do His will saying, ‘O God, let it be according to Your will’. He humbled His life to the point of death and fulfilled His will (Philippians 2:8). Similarly we too need to have fellowship with God by knowing why God has created and what is it that He wants to do through us. The Lord is the One, who speaks to us. Reading the Bible and praying hastily will not be of any use. Hence, my dear ones, to know the will of God and have fellowship with Him, it is imperative that we wait in His presence alone in prayer, with all reverence. We read in the Bible that before the Lord Jesus Christ was handed over to the enemies, He prayed thrice to know His will (Matthew 26:37-44). Because of the cruelty of death, He committed Himself to Him saying, ‘"O My - April 2018 JESUS CALLS


Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will" (Matthew 26:37-42). It was His will that He should pass through the path of cross. Knowing pretty well that salvation would be brought only through that He offered Himself up on the cross, according to His will. Knowing that it was His will that He should rise again on the third day and go to heaven and sit at the right side of God, He offered Himself for that. Following His exemplary life, if we too act accordingly in all reverence, knowing the will of God, we would get victories, benefits and blessings. Like the Lord Jesus Christ gave Himself to the will of God, you too should have fellowship with Him every day and in everything and commit yourself.

cording to the will of God, His

Pleasing walk with God

My food; fulfilling the will of God is my joy”.

Next, Jesus Christ had fellowship with God by walking in the ways pleasing to Him. Likewise we read that we should also ‘stand perfect and complete in all the will of God’ (Colossians 4:12). Once, Jesus Christ met a Samaritan woman. Since God was revealing His will about that woman, He might have clearly revealed about His meeting with her and what He should speak to her. He was waiting for her near the well. When He conversed with her ac44

JESUS CALLS April 2018 -

words created in her a big faith. Since He was clear about His knowledge about her terrible sinful life, she was convicted of her sins, realized that He is the ‘Saviour, the Messiah’, received this divine blessing and led her people also towards receiving the same experience. In John 4th chapter, the Lord has clearly said, ‘This is

Would you commit yourself to be a pleasing vessel to God by yielding fruits of all good works and by growing in the knowledge of knowing God?

Dear ones, when we thus know the will of God concerning our life every day, and act accordingly, we can receive a life of having fellowship with God. As I often write, when my husband left the world in 2008, I was left alone. On several occasions I had agonized that my husband, who always used to counsel and encourage me, was no more with me. At such times, the Holy Spirit in me revived my life. In that instant my faith was strengthened. Realizing that the

Lord is with me, that He is my way, truth and life and that He is sufficient for me, I became close to Him and depended on Him. What happened then? Through the Holy Spirit, the Lord is teaching and instructing me as what I should do every day. Do you know how wonderfully He would be pleased with us and lead us when He is with us and when we have close fellowship with Him? The wonderful way in which He leads me in everything, particularly in the ministerial path, as my Guide and Teacher since the past 9 months is amazing. My dear sisters, do not worry about anything. Do not be dejected even for trivial matters. Wait in the presence of the Lord for everything and talk to Him. Talking to Him would give you much pleasure and divine peace. Also, it would be wonderful when He leads us by holding our hand. Do not worry that you are alone. Since your fellowship with the Lord is pleasing to Him, He will never forsake you. We read about this glorious experience in I Peter 2:5. “…you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” My dear sisters, there is no use

in leaving this divine fellowship and lamenting, “I am all alone; I’ve lost my dear ones. Who would help me?”. Listening to my words many sisters, who had lost their husbands, have had fellowship with the Lord and are arising and shin-

ing for the Lord. Would you also commit yourself to be a pleasing vessel to God by yielding fruits of all good works and by growing in the knowledge of knowing God? (Colossians 1:10). May the Lord embrace you,

who read this message, fill you with His Holy Spirit just as how a mother would pour out her love, and help you to be diligent in fulfilling His will, knowing His ways and walking by it and arising and shining for Him!

Living as God’s Children, as a family I was addicted to alcohol because of which I had lost peace. I was always oppressed by an empty feeling. Then I got married in 2010 and yet I could not give up my bad habit. Two children were born and still I continued with my habits. Both my children often fell sick and we had to take them for medical treatment. Yet they were not cured. Because of my alcoholism, our financial condition was worse. Our medical expense was more. My wife was always worried about our family situation. At this juncture, through my brother’s wife, I came to know about the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and my wife started visiting it seeking prayers for our children’s good health. They were healed miraculously. After that I joined the Family Blessing Plan. We also started watching the Jesus Calls Television Programme. As the word of God was sent into us, my drinking habit began to decline. In 2013 my bad habit was completely gone. Since then I am living as a new man. Now I go for job regularly. We are living as God’s children, as a family. My thanks to the Lord who did this miracle!

- Martin Roshan D’ Souza, Karnataka.

Power of Prayer We were married and childless for 6 years. Due to this we were greatly worried. We could not even attend any functions because of this reason. We went to many hospitals for treatment to get a child but in vain. At this juncture we started watching the Jesus Calls TV programme. Once when Sis. Stella Dhinakaran was praying for the childless couples, my husband and I joined her in the prayer. We then waited with faith that the Lord would remove all obstacles and do a miracle. As per our faith, the Lord made me conceive and doctors confirmed my pregnancy. We also sponsored a TV programme. Through the prayers offered in that sponsored programme, I delivered a healthy and bonny boy baby without any complications. Now the child is well grown. We are very happy.

- K.S.Poornima, Mangalore, Karnataka. - April 2018 JESUS CALLS


The local committee in Mangalore headed by Rev. Edwin Walter poured true Christian love on the servant of God, Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran by honouring her right from her arrival at the Airport on 8th February 2018. The committee members along with Jesus Calls evangelists and ambassadors gathered together on the same evening for a time of prayer seeking God’s blessing on the meetings scheduled for 10th & 11th of February at the Balmatta Ground, Mangalore. The Esther Prayer Group meeting was conducted on 9th February. Nearly 100 Esther Prayer Group members were present for the event. They had come from Mangalore and the neighbouring districts. They were greatly strengthened by the word of God shared by Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran. The miracles and deliverance they received in this meeting were testified later and most of them were filled with the power of God. The inaugural prayer of Family Blessing Meetings was offered by Rev. Dr. Honey Cabral, the principal of Karnataka Theological College. Special guests of honour were Mr. J. R. Lobo, MLA Mangalore south; Mr. Jayaprakash Simon, President Basel Mission Church and Mr. Naveen R. D’ Souza, Corporator, Balmatta ward. Thousands of people thronged to the two-day meetings and everyone was blessed in their body, mind and soul. Of all the testimonies, one particular testimony of a person who was delivered from his long years of pain in the back and in his legs was remarkable. As he shared his testimony, he removed the elbow and knee orthopaedic support that he had and started jumping with joy! People were astonished to see this great miracle. On Sunday, the presbyter-in-charge and the pastorate committee of CSI.Shanthi Cathedral, the main church in Mangalore city invited Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran to preach in their church in the morning worship service. We thank God for the powerful move of God in Mangalore city during the meetings. All glory and honour to the Lord alone for His Ways are wonderful! Hallelujah! - Rev. V. Dinesh, Jesus Calls Regional Manager, Prayer Tower, Karnataka A part of the large gathering in the Family Blessing Meeting


JESUS CALLS April 2018 -

Es Gro

God’s Miracles in the Mangalore Family Blessing Meeting bow was affected and hence he My wife suffered severely put a cast and advised her to take from pain in the elbow. As per rest for 9 months. At this juncture doctor’s advice, she took tablets I attended the Jesus Calls Family for 15 days after which she started Blessing Meeting held in passing blood in her stools. So she Mangalore. On Sunday, during the stopped taking the tablets. Doc- prayer time, when Sis. Stella tor said that her nerve in the el- Dhinakaran was praying, my wife was completely delivered. All her weakness and pains vanished. The elbow pain was gone. After the meeting Church service at CSI

Elbow pain gone

was over, she was able to move, lift up and stretch her hands. Now there is absolutely no pain. Glory to Jesus! - Stephen Maroli, Mangalore.

No need for belt anymore In 2015 I met with an accident and was admitted in the hospital for treat-

Shanthi Cathedral

sther Prayer oup Meeting

Sis. Grace Ammanna Group - April 2018 JESUS CALLS


to wear the belt anymore. I leave my belt right here. Glory to Jesus who healed me! - Darris, Arasikara

Abundant Blessing Dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, ment after which I was made to wear a belt around my elbow and knee( orthopaedic support ). Since then I had to wear it regularly. When I came to this meeting, my body was shivering. Before coming here, I could not sit or bend or walk or lift up my hands. I came to this meeting with great difficulty. When Sis. Stella Dhinakaran prayed, I too joined her in the prayer and prayed for my healing. The Lord heard the prayer. Now I am able to lift up my hands, sit down, bend and walk well. The Lord has touched me and granted me complete healing. There is no need for me


JESUS CALLS April 2018 -

I was delighted to see you in Mangalore. Also I was greatly blessed by taking part in this mammoth meeting. The Esther Prayer Group prayer time opened my eyes this time. After the message, I could understand the importance of being a prayer intercessor in the Esther Prayer Group. I also understood how reverentially the Esther Prayer Group prayer should be conducted. Your message was different and encouraged me to start many more Esther Prayer Groups. The Family Blessing meetings were of great blessing. It is very difficult to conduct meetings in

Mangalore. Yet, it is a blessing that a great multitude attended these meetings. The Jesus Calls ministry is a big blessing to me. It has completely transformed my life. - Sharon Rajesh, Mangalore.

Totally healed

My mother came to this meeting with swollen leg and much pain. During the message time, she gave her heart completely to Lord. The power of Jesus descended upon her. Immediately all the pains and her agony disappeared. She got perfectly healed. Glory to God! - Yasodha, Mangaluru

den, I did not know what to do. I went into depression. Every day I used to cry thinking of my future as well as that of my children. I

Miracle in children’s lives We got married in 1983. We have a son and a daughter. Even when they were small, we enrolled them in the Young Partner’s Plan. Hence the Lord has been blessing and protecting them. Particularly, when my daughter reached the marriageable age, we sought for a good alliance. But her marriage was getting delayed. My husband and I tried in so many places but we faced hindrance. At this time, in 2009 I had the opportunity to meet Sister Stella Dhinakaran in Bethesda. I requested her prayer for my children’s blessed future and for my daughter to get a suitable alliance. She placed her hand on my head and prayed and said, ‘The Lord will bless your daughter with a suitable partner and help you to have the wedding in a grand manner’. What a wonder! That same month she got an alliance and the wedding took place in a wonderful way. Also God has now blessed

her family life by granting her a child. My second son Prajwal had no proper job after completing his studies. In the Esther Prayer Group we prayed for those who had no job despite good qualifications. I also wrote a letter to Sister Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for my son to get a good job. She too had sent me a reply after much prayer. What a wonder! The Lord heard the prayer and helped him to get a job in a good company in Abu Dhabi. Now he is working there. Our joy knew no bounds. My thanks to dear mother Stella who prayed for us for a miracle to the dear Lord! Now because of dear mother’s messages, we are able to excel in our spiritual life also. - Shoba P. Ammanna, Udupi, Karnataka.

Lord, who never left us as orphans We are married and have two children. My husband passed away quite unexpectedly because of heart attack. That time my son and daughter were studying in the school. Since his death was sud-

could not come out of that depression. At this time, I shared my agony with Sister Stella Dhinakaran through a letter. She prayed for me and sent me a reply with a few counsels and the Lord’s words. This reply comforted me a lot and I had the courage that the Lord would help me. Her prayers and counsels also encouraged me. By the grace of God, I got a job as the Principal in a Nursing College in Mangalore. Leaving my children in my sister’s place, I am working in Mangalore. I have enrolled my children in the Young Partner’s Plan and hence the Lord is taking care of them and protecting them. My son got 1174/1200 in 12th Std. and has completed B.E. On the 4th year, he was selected in the TCS Company through the campus interview. Also my daughter got 482/500 in 10th Std. and secured 1st class. The Lord has stretched forth His hands and is blessing and exalting us from a helpless state and is keeping us as blessings to many. Also the Lord has healed my legs and has helped me to walk well. - R. Kanagavalli, Mangalore, Karnataka. - April 2018 JESUS CALLS


ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ – 72 1. The Lord, opened Balaam's eyes and he saw the Angel of the Lord standing in the way with His drawn sword in His hand and he bowed his head and fell flat on his face (Numbers 22 :31). 2. The Lord, Moses in a valley in the land of Moab, opposite Beth Peor; but no one knows his grave to this day (Deuteronomy 34:5,6). 3. For I am the Lord am holy and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be Mine (Leviticus 20:26). 4. Your fathers, seventy persons, went down to Egypt, the Lord your God has made you as the stars of heaven in multitude (Deuteronomy 10:22). 5. To spy out the land, Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh remained alive, died by the plague before the Lord (Numbers 14:37,38). 6. You shall not defraud your neighbor, nor rob him. The wages of him who is hired shall not remain with you all night until morning (Leviticus 19:13). 7. When you make a vow to the Lord your God, you shall not delay to pay it; for the Lord your God will surely require it of you, and it would be sin to you (Deuteronomy 23:21). 8. The sons of Eliab were Nemuel, Dathan, and Abiram. These are the Dathan and Abiram, representatives of the congregation, who contended against Moses and Aaron in the company of Korah (Numbers 26:9). 9. I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply you and confirm My covenant with you (Leviticus 26:9). 10. The lower or the upper millstone in pledge, for he takes one's living in pledge (Deuteronomy 24:6).

BIBLE QUIZ NO.72 WINNERS Chennai: Suchetha Francies, Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy, Andhra: M. Krupa Kumari Tagore, Dr. Samuel Rajendram Maisa, P. H. Swarna Vidyullatha, Helen Cornelius, B. Priyanka Karnataka: K. Dhanamani 50

JESUS CALLS April 2018 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(s) Dn/ 513/2018-2020 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/wpp-156/2018-2020 Published before 22nd of every month


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