Jesus Calls (English) - August 2015

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● Daily Devotion ● Seesha News ● Singapore Meetings Report ● Testimonies ● Prophetic Message

VOL.43 ISSUE 8 AUGUST 2015 Rs.21/-


New Jesus Calls Prayer Towers Launched... On July 2, 2015, the 76 Jesus Calls Prayer Tower was launched at Kadapa, Andhra State. Address of the Kadapa Prayer Tower: Prayer Tower, Jesus Towers – II Floor, CSI Church campus, Kotti Reddy Circle, Station Road, Kadapa – 1. For more information: 08562-243366 / 243377 th

PRAYER TOWER, TIRUNELVELI IN A NEW PLACE On July 7, 2015, the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu was opened at a new place in Tirunelveli. Address of the Tirunelveli Prayer Tower: Prayer Tower, 244 A, Tiruchendur Road, (Near Sumangali), Murugankurichi, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli – 2. For more details of the events held in the Prayer Tower : 0462-257 3344, 257 9966

On July 6, 2015, the 77th Jesus Calls Prayer Tower was launched at Tirupati, Andhra State. Address of the Tirupati Prayer Tower: Prayer Tower, I Floor, 19-8-85/4B, R.C. Road, Annamaiya Circle, Tirupati, Chittoor District. For more information: 0877-2244242 / 2244010 ALL THE PRAYER TOWERS FUNCTION FROM 8.00 AM TO 8.00 PM EVERY DAY. Contact phone number for prayer help at any time, day or night:

044 - 33 999 000


Dear ones, You may have undergone sufferings in your life, until now. You may have lamented, “Oh, when will there be an end to my sufferings and agonies?” This month, the Lord will change your sufferings. Not only that, He will also give you the reward for all your labours and for your prayers. Perhaps, you are languishing in worries and burdens concerning your children’s health, education, financial needs of the family, crisis in the business and so on. This month, the Lord’s presence will fill you; His presence will change your problems and sufferings through prayer and enable you to get your reward.

How is our Lord? “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20) Our Lord is the One, who has the heart to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. He will give, what we ask, in double fold. He showers His love on us, exceedingly abundantly above all that

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we expect; He will willingly give us all that we desire. Our Lord cares for us and is concerned that we should enjoy glorious blessings. You may prepare yourself reverentially to offer an acceptable prayer to Him. But with much concern He asks you, “What should I do for you?” (Matthew 20:32; Mark 10:36). He lovingly inquires of you and tells you, “My hand is not shortened that it cannot save (Isaiah 59:1).

Let Me save you; let Me do miracles for you; let Me wipe away your tears; let Me do exceedingly abundantly above all that you desire and let Me exalt you; let Me remove your tears and grant you honour, prosperity and joy in double fold (Isaiah 61:7). Just tell me what You expect from Me.” Why this humility from Him? The reason is the tremendous love that He has for you. It is because of His love for us that He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death (Zephaniah 3:17; Philippians 2:8).

Him telling, “Lord, bless me today. I should receive your blessing and live in such a way to give you joy.” He will hear your prayer and grant you His blessings and benefits. He will fulfil your heart’s desires (Psalm 20:4).

Your fears will be gone; a courage and boldness will fill you. So, every day, early in the morning, one by one tell Him about your burdens, worries and the things that you should do for that day.

Perhaps you are worried, telling yourself, “I have to do all the works in my office; I have to shoulder all the responsibilities and burdens of my family.” But when you go to the Lord and pray and place all your burdens at His feet, He takes care of your burdens.

Pouring out your heart

He will reveal Himself to you, who seek Him in truth. You shall see Him (Psalm 145:18). Tell the Lord your needs, boldly. This month, He shall be with you, hear your prayers, bless all that you do and prosper you.

“Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you…” (Psalm 55:22).

Dear ones, what is the best time to pray? How to pray? What to ask in prayer? Let us meditate on these.

When to pray? The Lord said to Moses, "So be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and present yourself to Me there on the top of the mountain” (Exodus 34:2). Jesus Christ prayed early in the morning “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed” (Mark 1:35). The Bible says that early morning is the most suitable time for praying (Proverbs 8:17). We should make it a habit to pray early in the morning. Then He will be ready to meet you in the morning, saying, “My child will come in search of Me.” Pray to

He will lead you to do your job in the way, which He knows would bring you promotion and prosperity. You will be appreciated by all, for completing your job in an excellent manner. The Lord will give you peace through your children, spouse and surrounding people (Isaiah 54:13). He will make everything pleasant for you. He will be the wisdom to your children (1 Corinthians 1:31; Colossians 2:3; James 1:5). Our Lord is the One, who hears our prayers and manifests His power and love for us. Every day, when you go for work, cast all your burdens on Him. He will sustain you. Commit everything in His hands every day telling, “God, I need to do all these things today. Perfect everything for me.” Since He loves you, and since He cares for you, cast all your cares upon Him (1 Peter 5:7). Then the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding and which is unfathomable will fill you, much to your amazement (Philippians 4:7). Jesus Calls

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How to pray? You need not worry, “Will it happen if I pray? How to pray? What words should I use?” Pour out your heart to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:15). This is prayer. “Almighty God, I know that You are able to make me live well; You are mighty. My Father, who loves me dearly, please do this thing for me” – Thus telling Him, let Him know of your needs. “I’m not yet married. Please send home a suitable life partner for me.” “I don’t have a job; give me a job.” “My business is not doing well; O God, increase my business…” “I’ve lot of debts. Yet, You are the Master of both heaven and earth. Silver and gold are Yours (Haggai 2:8). So, send me Your blessings to remove my debts.” When you thus pray in the name of Jesus, for all your needs, He assures, ‘whatever you ask in My name, that I will do’ (John 14:13). So, He will surely do it. Enough of crying all these days! Now pour out your heart in the presence of the Lord. Receive miracles and blessings from His hands. Pray earnestly In the Bible, we read about a man called Elijah, known for prayer. He was a man of God, who moved the hand of the Almighty God through his prayer and performed glorious miracles.

“Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit” (James 5:17,18). The people of the nation were far away from God. In order to manifest the mighty power of God to those people, Elijah prayed, according to the will of God. When he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, the Lord shut the heaven. So there was famine all over the land. Similarly, with great zeal and earnestness, he again prayed, “Lord, send us rain.” Then the heavens opened and there was a heavy down pour. Hearing Elijah’s prayer, the Almighty God worked accordingly. Even today, dear one, you can move the hand of the Almighty God, through your prayers. Earnest prayer is powerful. He is the God, who hears our prayers. You too should pray earnestly. Instead of thinking, “Should I do this or that? Can I get this money and clear my debt?”, kneel down and pray earnestly, “Lord, help me.. I don’t have any other comfort or hope than You. Please do a miracle.” When you thus pray earnestly in the midst of your sufferings, your weaknesses, your shortcomings and remorse, the Lord’s presence will fill you. He will perfect everything for you (Psalm 138:8).

Prayer requests for prayer In I Kings 18th chapter of the Bible, we can read about a miracle performed by Elijah. Gathering all the

people of the nation, he went up to Mount Carmel. There, he built an altar and made all preparations to give offering to God.

your life. However, if you again need a miracle, blessings and prosperity, you need to pray every day for your every need.

He prayed, “Lord, not that we would put fire on the offering, but You send fire from heaven, accept this offering and show them that You

When my children Samuel, Sharon and Ramola were in the school going stage, they used to come home with different needs every day. “Dad, we need a pencil and an eraser” “Mom, we need money to go for our school excursion,” “Grandpa, we need a pencil sharpener,” “Grandma, today we need pozhi (a sweet).” Thus, they would approach each one of us for their needs. They never used to hesitate, “Yesterday, I got a pencil and so, how can I ask for it today?” or “Yesterday I got what I wanted; but I’ve broken it. Today again I need it. Grandpa will get angry…” Instead they would go to their grandfather and ask boldly, “Grandpa, give me a pencil.”

are the Lord.” Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice. At the same time, when God showed that He is in heaven, He also showed that He had accepted that offering. He also made known to the people that He is the One, who hears prayers. Everyone confessed before Elijah, the man of God, “The Lord, He is God” and glorified Him. After doing this miracle, there arose a situation for him to bring down rain. Elijah did not think, “I’ve just now performed a miracle. The Lord heard my prayer just now and sent fire. So, He will send the rain also.” Thus thinking, he did not fail to pray. Instead, he prayed again earnestly. Similarly, you too should pray earnestly for everything. We should not stop praying, telling “Yesterday the Lord did a miracle and hence I will get all the blessings today.” The Lord might have done a mighty miracle in Jesus Calls

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Similarly, do not hesitate telling yourself, “It was only yesterday that I asked the Lord. How can I ask again today?” He is your heavenly Father. Ask Him the things that you need for that day. The Lord will hear the earnest prayers that you offer for every need. You should pray for everything – for health, protection, wisdom, for favour from people for that particular day, for the prosperity of all that you do and so on. Elijah prayed in that manner. That’s why he saw the Lord’s power in everything. Not man’s power, wisdom and strength but the Lord’s power, wisdom and strength were seen in everything that Elijah did. That’s why kings fell prostrate at his feet and bowed before

him. They did as he told them to do. The Lord wants to lift you up also in similar fashion. The Lord will give glorious answers to your prayers. Indeed we are people, who have many afflictions. But the Lord is our strength. He wants to do everything for us. So, let us seek this Lord, early in the morning; let us pour out our heart at His feet; let us pray for all our needs. This month, He will answer all your prayers. He will fill your life, business and family with blessings.

Prayer “Our heavenly Father, I earnestly tell you of all my needs. I plead that You should hear me and answer me. I languish how to live without health / how to run my family / how to go for my job / how to study. Look unto me, Your child. Please help me. Touch my body and heal me. Let the life that is in Jesus Christ come into my body right now / meet my financial needs. Give me the treasures of the secret places /give me favorable atmosphere to work in my office / grant me favour in the eyes of my officials / give me wisdom to study well. Embrace me, kiss me and comfort me. Let there be food, riches and joy in my home and prosper me. Bless our family. Give me the anointing that I need, for today. Strengthen me. Lift me, Your child and my family, before the eyes of others. Protect my going out and coming in. Prosper my business. Give me the grace to receive the blessings that I ought to have and the good things that need to happen in my life. Give me this blessing and joy even this month and help us enjoy as a family. I pray in the name of Your son Jesus Christ. Thank You for heeding this prayer. Amen.”

BY DEMAND DRAFT/CHEQUE: Drawn in favour of ‘Jesus Calls’ payable at Chennai and can be sent by registered post to the address: Prayer Tower, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. THROUGH PRAYER TOWER: You can give your donation in your nearby ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower and get the receipt directly. THROUGH THE AMBASSADORS: You may give your donation to the ‘Jesus Calls’ ambassador who serve in your local area and get the receipt. THROUGH WEBSITE: You may send your offering through our website using credit card/debit card/net banking in a secure way. THROUGH BANK: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No: 60002010018005 Bank: Syndicate Bank, Chennai Armenian Street Swift Code: SYNBINBB007 IFSC: SYNB0006000 Thru’ ICICI Bank: Even though you don’t Have savings account in ICICI Bank, you can send offering for ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry without transaction charges. ‘Jesus Calls’ challan can be obtained by sending SMS to +91 909 409 99 77, by typing ICI. 6. THROUGH POST OFFICE MOBILE MONEY TRANSFER Donations can be sent by ‘Mobile Money Transfer’ through Post Offices to the number 9840900480. Donors, who send donations by the last two ways, may please type “Bank” or “Mobile Transfer” and send SMS to 9094099977 or contact the Partner Services number 1800 425 77 55 (7.00 AM to 9.00 PM every day) or send e-mail to and help us send acknowledgement for your donation.

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We kindly invite you to support the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programme, this month. You may sponsor a television programme on your birthday or wedding day or on any special day in your life. Offering to co-sponsor one programme - Rs.10,000/For details: +91 95001 27277 Email: Website: Please inform us 60 days before the day of telecast. We kindly invite you to send your offering (Rs.100/- or more) every month for the TV ministry to the above address and support this ministry.

Testimony of a person who received blessing through the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programme: ESCAPED FROM SUICIDE I am a member of the Municipality in my area. I actively take part in public services. We were living well. At this time, because of debt problem, there was no peace in my family. My husband and I had difference of opinion. I had no peace because of family problem and the burden of debt. In the month of May, I decided to commit suicide by hanging in the ceiling fan, after sending my children to school. Usually I used to watch a programme on horoscope in the television. That day as I was changing the channels, I was shocked to hear a voice speaking through the Sathyam TV saying, “Daughter, are you going to commit suicide?” I continued to watch that programme. Later, I came to know that the speaker was Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. After her, Sis. Evangeline Dhinakaran prayed saying, “My grace is sufficient.” I noted down the telephone number flashed at the end of the programme and contacted it for prayer. I told them, “I am in agony and have heavy debts. So, I have decided to commit suicide. Please pray for me.” The sister, who was on the other end said with concern, “Don’t worry. The Lord has touched you through the television programme. The ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in Vanagaram is closer to your area. If you go there, they will continue to pray for you.” I too went there. The people there listened to my problem with concern, prayed for me and comforted me. I, who had not known the Lord until then, received a great peace through that prayer. My heart-felt thanks to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, who pray for people like me. I remain grateful to the Lord, who is comforting and blessing me. - V.Kasthuri, Mangadu, Chennai. Jesus Calls

We kindly invite you to send any amount (Rs.100/- or more) as your offering for the TV ministry to the above address. ‘Jesus Calls’ television programmes   

(UttarPradesh/ Uttarakhand / Haryana - Daily)

10 pm - 10:30 pm-Sadhana news Bihar/ Jharkhand - Daily   10:00 pm to 10:30 pm - Sadhana news - MadhyaPradesh/Chhattisgarh - Daily  6:30 am - 7:00 am - Surya TV - Sunday  6:30 am - 7:00 am - Jeevan TV - Mon - Sat  07:00 - 07:30 am - ACV TV - Daily  09:30 pm - 10 pm - Power Vision - Daily  06:00 am - 06:30 am - Kasturi TV - Daily  6:30 am - 7:00 am - Zee Kannada - Daily  6:00 am - 6:30 am - Vissa TV - Daily  6:30 am - 7:00 am - ETV 2 - Daily  9.30 pm - 10.00 pm - Aradhana TV - Daily 

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6:00 am- 6:30 am - Zee News - Daily 6:30 am - 7:00 am Sony SAB TV - Daily 09:30 pm to 10 pm - Sadhana religious - Daily 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm - Sadhana news


(Andhra Pradesh)

Prayer Festival 2015


- A Report

he Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was conducted in the town of Kadapa, Andhra State, on three days – July 3rd, 4th, and 5th 2015. The Prayer Festival began every day at 5.30 p.m. at the Municipality ground, Sankarapuram. Despite the monsoon season, the Lord commanded good weather conditions on all the three days. Stella Ramola conducted the worship by singing melodious songs which brought down the presence of God. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared the Lord’s message and prayed powerfully that the Lord should bless each and everyone who attended the meetings. Lakhs of people not only from Kadapa and surrounding areas but also from other districts of Rayalseema attended the Prayer Festival and received blessings. The meetings were held in the august presence of Shri S.V. Satish Kumar Reddy, Hon’ble Deputy Chairman - Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council, Shri. Y.S.Avinash Reddy, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Kadapa, Shri. P. Ravindranath Reddy, Hon’ble Member of the Legislative Assembly, Kamalapuram, and Shri. K. Suresh Babu, Hon’ble Mayor of Kadapa. Rev.I.M.N.Jothi, Bishop’s commissary, Vice Chairperson - Church of South India, Rayalseema Diocese also attended this Prayer Festival. Rev.P.D.S.J.Benhur, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Rev.P. Isaac Varaprasad, Dr.C.Aruna Sulochana Devi and Rev.V.Solomon, Vice Chairpersons, Mr. P.Manohar Babu, General Convener, Dr.Grace Nirmala, Treasurer, Mr.G.Jonathan and Dr.Madan Mohan, Joint conveners and Mr.P.V George, Convener, Finance had made wonderful arrangements of these meetings. On July 5th, the U-Turn meeting for the youth was conducted in the CSI Central Church ground. Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared the Lord’s message and Stella Ramola conducted the worship service. ◆ Jesus Calls ● August 2015 ●


Dr. Paul Dhinakaran praying along with Leaders and Pastors for the blessings of Kadapa and Andhra State.

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“Anita, the Lord is now touching you. You are struggling. You are very weak. Now the Holy Spirit comes upon you. You are unable to read the Bible. You are very much affected. Come to the stage. Jesus touches you now. The Holy Spirit comes upon you.” That time the Lord touched me and healed me. My joy knew no bounds. Glory to Him”

– Anita, Kadapa. George, your financial lacks are removed

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When I was entering the venue of the meeting, I was praying, “Lord, You should call my name first.” The Lord called my name first through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. He said, “Rashmi, I see a name Rashmi. The power of the Lord is coming on you. Every infection in your body is getting healed by the power of Jesus. All the powers of the devil that have been tormenting you are fleeing. Every sorrow that you are experiencing is going away from you. That’s why Jesus called your name. All the pains in your life are departing. He is providing you with everything that you need. He will never forget you. Come and glorify God.” When he said these, the Holy Spirit came upon me mightily. Unable to bear the glory I fell down after which my heart was filled with joy and peace. – Rashmi, Kadapa. Mentioned my weakness Since a year I had no appetite. As I could not eat, my weight went down to 45Kg from 60 Kg. My eye sight was also poor. When I was praying with agony, during the meeting, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said,

Called me first

I was spending my days in misery because of financial strain in my family. In this meeting, when I was praying along with Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for my financial needs to be met, he prayed, “Lord, meet the financial needs of all those who have lacks and help them to have remains.” Then he said, “George, the Lord is touching you. You are a prayerful man. You help others. You are going through financial strain. Now the Holy Spirit comes upon you and exalts you. The glory of the Lord comes upon you. The powers of the evil spirit that are binding the blessings, peace and joy that the Lord wants you to have, are departing from you.” When he said these, the Holy Spirit filled me mightily. I was trembling. All my fears vanished. I was filled with joy and peace.” – K.George, Kadapa.

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not even sit in my class room and listen to the teachings, even for an hour. I came to this meeting with the desire that somehow I should receive healing from the Lord. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed, the power of the Holy Spirit came upon me. I could not bear it and fell down. The neck pain which was tormenting me since a long time, was gone. Now I am able to turn my neck. Glory to Jesus.” – Shanthi, Kadapa.

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Because of lung problem, I had a pricking sensation when I breathed. I also used to bleed from my mouth. I was tormented by this since several days. Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the deliverance of those who had lung problem. That time the Lord touched me and granted me complete healing. Now, I am able to breathe well. – Sivaiah, Kadapa.

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The Lord did many more miracles. All glory to Jesus!

Long term suffering gone When I was a child, I underwent a surgery on my neck. After this, I suffered from neck pain. I could

– Sharon, Kadapa.

Lungs healed

for you too. Now the disease of cancer departs. All tumours are vanishing.” When he said this, the tumour on my baby’s thigh vanished. The big tumour which was there, when I brought him here, is no more. I give glory to the Lord who did this miracle.”

My little son’s name is Mahimakumar. Since the past two months, he was suffering from a big tumour on the thigh. I could not see my little one’s suffering. I came to this meeting with agony. During the prayer time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “Friends, if you are a sick person, place your hands on the spot where you have that sickness. Jesus was moved with compassion on seeing the multitude. Now He will heal you. When you pray, uttering the name of Jesus, He will deliver you. He, who has said, “Whatever you ask in My name I will give” will do the same

Tumour vanished

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He is the great grandson of former US President and Noble laureate Dr. Theodore Roosevelt. Special prizes were awarded to the students who had scored first rank in their respective field.


he convocation for the students who had completed their B.Tech, M.Tech, MCA, MBA, M.Sc., M.A, M.Phil and Ph.D was held on Saturday, the 11th July at Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Auditorium, Karunya University. The ceremony was presided over by Dr.Paul Dhinakaran and special prayer was offered by Sister Stella Dhinakaran. Dr.Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, Prof. & Fellow, University of Oxford, UK was the Chief Guest who delivered the convocation address.

University Chancellor, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran conferred honorary degree of D.Sc (Honoris Causa) on Dr. Theodore Roosevelt Malloch. The graduated students of the Karunya University, provided 5 cerebral palsy chairs, 5 motorized tricycles and 5 remodeled motor cycles for the differently abled people. ◆


On behalf of the graduated students of the Karunya University, cerebral palsy chairs and motorized cycles were distributed through Seesha.

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Dearly beloved, I thank the Lord for giving me the opportunity to get in touch with you through ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine, even in this month. May the God of gods be with you and your family all through the month of August and prosper all that you do. “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3). According to this verse, whenever you call the Lord, He will answer you and fulfill all your purposes. He will do great and mighty things. Perhaps, certain happenings in your family or business might have broken your heart. You may be dejected and frustrated, having lost interest in everything. Do not worry! Our Lord will not break a bruised reed and smoking flax He will not quench (Isaiah 42:3). He will comfort your heart. Hearing your cries, He will make your life shine again, this month.

Prayer Tower service in the 33rd Year It is 33 years since the Prayer Tower was started on 12 August 1983. It has completed its service of comforting the broken hearted Jesus Calls

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people, who have lost hope in life, are forsaken by the doctors, are rejected by their family, and are wayward, with no peace because of lust, counseling them to receive God’s help and praying for them with compassion in order to give them a new hope and healing. These Prayer Towers offer prayer help on all days, at all times to all those who visit in person from 8.00AM to 8.00 PM and who contact them over the telephone, day and night. The Lord graciously helped us to open the 64th and 65th new Prayer Towers in Kadapa and Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh) on July 2nd and 6th respectively. He also helped us to open the Prayer Tower in a new place in Tirunelveli on 7th July. Works are in progress to establish Prayer Towers in Pimpri Chinchwad, Navi Mumbai and Nagpur in Maharashtra. Do not forget to pray and support this Prayer Tower ministry that beams new light in the darkened hearts of the people, every month. The Lord will delight over you, as you support this ministry which is of blessing to many.

Vision of the Ministry It is well known to everyone that ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry is a ministry that prays for miracles. Our foremost service is to pray for the broken hearted. Our prime aim is to pray for the people through the Prayer Towers, TV programmes, Prayer Festivals, letter etc., and help them receive miracles from the Lord. Our next service is to pray prophetically for the nations, the kings and those in authority. Yes the sec-

ond aim of ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry is – Prophetic Prayer. The third aim of the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry is to raise up prophets and ambassadors to pray for the people. At this time, it is necessary to raise up and train ambassadors and prayer warriors who would visit every home and street to pray for the people.

Prayer Academy The ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry has been thus far conducting Prophetic Conferences. Now, according to the Lord’s clear guidance, we are planning to start a Prayer Academy. Apart from imparting teachings on how to receive blessings from the Lord by praying to Him, this academy will also give practical guidance to pray for others. Until now, few thousands of ambassadors are with the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry. The territory of the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry should be expanded to many more nations and in various parts of India. Prayer warriors to pray for the people who speak different languages and bring God’s miracle should be raised in the respective languages. The Prayer Academy is to be begun for this purpose. The vision of this Academy is to raise up thousands of people like Bro. Dhinakaran and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and send them into the nation/world.

conducted; books have to be published. We also pray for the partners of the Family Blessing Plan that the Lord should bless their family. In turn these dear ones receive blessings from the Lord and are thankful to Him. Plans to introduce the dear ones, who have joined the Business Blessing Plan and who love the Lord and do business honestly, to one another for mutual benefit, should be implemented. Thus, the Lord has given various new strategies to be executed, through the partners of the ministry, for His name to be glorified. I am praying that the Lord should provide us the right people to chart out proper plans and put them into action. Pray that the Lord Himself should bring people who will execute the vision given by God in an exact manner.

Prayer Festivals June 21 - One day fasting Prayer in the Prayer Towers all over India. June 26-28 - Festival of Joy, Singapore. July 1 - Thanks giving prayer meeting on Bro. Dhinakaran’s Birthday, Chennai. July 3 - Women’s Special Meeting, Chennai. July 3- 5 - Kadapa Prayer Festival, Andhra Pradesh.

New ventures

July 4 - Partners’ Meet, Kadapa.

The ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry is doing service through various schemes. Among them, the Lord has given me certain new guidance for the Young Partner’s Plan, Family Blessing Plan, and Business Blessing Plan. In order that youngsters should raise up as God’s ministers and shine for Him, special meetings for the youth have to be

July 6 - Partners’ Meet, Tirupati.

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July 7 - Partners’ Meet, Tirunelveli. July 10 - Family Blessing Meeting, Salem. July 12 - Special Blessing Meeting, Bethesda, Coimbatore. My mother Stella Dhinakaran, my wife Evangeline and I partici-

pated in these meetings, in different places, conducted worship, shared God’s message and prayed for the people. Many were blessed by attending and watching these meetings live on television. Let us thank the Lord, whole heartedly for this. August 1, 2 – Glasgow, Scotland August 8,9 – Paris, France October 2-4 – Prayer Festival, Nagpur We are making arrangements for the above meetings. Inform about these meetings to your dear ones and relatives. Get ready to participate and be blessed. Pray for the arrangements of these meetings.

Multilingual Blessing Plan Our television ministry is playing a major role in guiding countless numbers of people, who have not tasted the love of the Lord and who have not known His power and in bringing divine peace in the midst of families. Lakhs of people attend the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival. Many more watch the live telecast of these meetings through TV and web. They are eager to hear the God’s message shared in these meetings, in their respective languages and receive blessings. The recording equipments currently used by us are 15 years old and are outmoded. Hence it is not possible to telecast them in different languages, simultaneously. Renting these equipments incurs heavy expenditure. The Prayer Festival, in Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh which was held last month was webcast in five languages – Tamil, English, Hindi, Telugu, and Malayalam and

in two languages through television. Many have informed that these telecasts were of great blessing to them. So, in order to buy modern equipments, and to avail the current technical facilities, we need a minimum of Rs. 2 crores. Pray that the Lord should raise up people who would meet this dire need of the ministry.

Mobile App In order to take the Lord’s message to people, using the changing technical facilities, we have been trying since a long time to set up the ‘Jesus Calls’ Mobile App. By the grace of God, the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry’s Mobile App was launched during the Prayer Festival held in Kadapa. This includes God’s message for each day, meditation, events of the ministry, and the facility to send prayer request. You can install this facility in your Android phones. Guidance to avail this facility is given in this magazine.

Karunya University

The Lord graciously enabled us to hold the 12th convocation of the Karunya University on 11th July for more than two thousand students who have completed their B.Tech, M.Tech., M.B.A., M.C.A., Ph.D. etc. We also addressed new stuJesus Calls

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dents, who have joined Karunya in this academic year, as well as their parents on 13th July. Pray that the Lord should open doors for us to sign new MoUs and embark on various new ventures.

Seesha Social Service Wonderful are the unceasing social services done through Seesha. School kits containing stationery items were provided to the poor students, on July 1, the birthday of my father, Apostle of Love Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. On July 2nd, the Lord enabled dear daughter Sharon Dhinakaran to visit the villages adopted by Seesha near Ranchi (Jharkhand) and understand the need of the economically and educationally backward people by meeting them in person and providing school kits to more than five hundred students in those areas. Following that, school kits are being distributed among the needy students in various places in India. Kindly help this service as prompted by the Lord to help us continue with this in an excellent manner. I pray that the Lord should guard you, who support us, His servants and the ministry by your prayers and willing offerings, with good health and peace according to the promise, “Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth” (Jeremiah 33:6). May He guard you thus!

Your loving brother

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Loving Heavenly Father, I thank You for making me a father to my children. You have graciously given me and my wife, children who are the fruit of the womb and Your inheritance. Give me grace to be faithful in my relationship with my wife so that my children may be a Godly Offspring. Lord please help me to walk with Godly fear and desire to fulfill Your commands for my children to be mighty in the land. Please help me to build and plant Your kingdom in the hearts of others with humility and love so that no misfortune will ever touch my children. Help me to value my children and thank You for them no matter what situation they are in. Let no evil overcome them. Give me grace to wait for them patiently with love to receive them with humility anytime they need me, to bestow them with the robe of righteousness, the ring of confidence and authority to operate with stature provided by my integrity and hard labor and the sandal of security. Give me all grace to provide for the needs of my children. Let me enjoy the great peace of my children. Help me to be a perfect father as You are perfect. Empower my children to become Your prophets and have Your vision. Thank You Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. (Matt 5:48, Luke15:11-32, Isaiah 54:13, Isaiah 65:22,23, Malachi 2:14,15, I Chronicles 4:10, Acts 2:17, Psalm 112:2, 127:3).

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As the new academic year has begun, SEESHA distributed 25,000 school kits, containing stationery items, to the underprivileged students from poverty-stricken and financially backward communities in rural and urban parts of India. The inauguration of this annual project of SEESHA, was held at Chennai, on July 1st, during the birth anniversary of late Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. It was a joyous moment, when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran along with his family, interacted with the poor children from various slum areas in Chennai and distributed the school kits to them. The supporters of Seesha, who attended this ceremony also avidly took part in providing school kits to the poor students. In North India, the school kits distribution was inaugurated by Sharon Dhinakaran who personally visited “Banas Talab,” the adopted village of Seesha, near Ranchi (Jharkhand) and distributed the school kits to the underprivileged children. It was a dream come true moment for those children since they too were able to possess new bags and stationery items like their classmates. The village, “Banas Talab” is one of the beneficiary communities of SEESHA’s Community Adoption Programme (CAP). During her visit, Sharon Dhinakaran spent a day interacting with the people of the community to understand the need and the positive impacts of SEESHA on their community. Also, in order to create an awareness among the children who are benefitted by the Seesha Tuition Centre which is functioning there, Sharon Dhinakaran conducted a session for them and expounded on the importance of keeping the surrounding clean and neat. Conversing with the women – folk of the community, she was assured of the wonderful transformations that had taken place in the lives of the people of that isolated community through Seesha. Jesus Calls

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“Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:32) Over 7.4% of India’s population is above the age of 60 years. A majority of these elderly people are today forced to depend on others for their shelter and support, due to their poor economic and health conditions. While it is the duty of their children and grandchildren to take care of them and provide for them, such is not always the case. Abandonment and rejection of the old people by their own family has become a daily occurrence. At SEESHA’s Old Age Care Home at Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, currently, 20 old women, from different states are taken care of. All of them live happily, united as sisters. Their every need is being met by Seesha. Plans are on the anvil to develop this Home into a retirement village, wherein more than 300 old people can spend their lives in good health and cheer. In addition to this, we also provide a small monthly pension to 60 elderly women in Tharangambadi (near Karaikal) for their basic needs. DESERTED BY SON; EMBRACED BY SEESHA When my son was 8 years old, I was deserted by my husband. Since then life was a big struggle for me. I was working for several hours at a garment factory until my son grew up and started earning. As I became older, my health began to deteriorate, and I could no longer work. By now, my son had settled in life and I believed that he would take care of me. Instead, I was shocked when my son asked me to leave the house. With no strength to do any job and with no support, I was literally stranded on the street, as a destitute. Placing my trust only on the Lord, I approached the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry for help. They referred me to the SEESHA Old Age Care Home at Coimbatore. When I went there, I was given a warm welcome and a secure shelter. Today, I lead a happy and comfortable life at the Home. I was also given medical help and care for my knee surgery. Now, I am in good health and I am able to stitch - Jeyalakshmi clothes for the other residents of our Home.” Dear partners, we kindly invite you to be a part of this service that takes care of the elderly: Cost of constructing the new retirement village (Home) For one Sq.ft - Rs.2,500/Cost of caring for one elderly person per day - Rs.250/Cost of caring for an elderly person per month- Rs.7,500/You may directly pay the donation for the above cause at the nearest ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers or send a cheque/DD drawn in favour of SEESHA to the below address: Seesha, 16 Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 India Donations can be made online through using credit card/ debit card/ net banking in a secure way Telephone: 044 - 2461 6666, Fax: 044 - 2525 1414 Email: *All donations made to Seesha are exempted from income tax under 80G (Indian Citizens only). Jesus Calls

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ornelius, a centurion of a regiment and his household feared God. Apart from being a devout man and giving alms generously to the people, he always prayed to God. Once an angel went to him and said, "Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God” (Acts 10:1-4). The answer for Cornelius’ prayer was given since it was heard in the presence of God. The Lord is the One, who hears prayers (Psalm 65:2). So the Bible clearly teaches us not to become weary but to pray unceasingly (Luke 18:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:17). Perhaps you may wonder, “Will the Lord hear my prayers?” Surely He will answer your prayers (Psalm 66:20). David, the psalmist firmly says, “The LORD has heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer” (Psalm 6: 9). The Lord Jesus has said that we can receive everything by praying with faith (Matthew 21:22). When you call upon the Lord in your distress, your voice and cries will reach His ears (Psalm 18:6). So, tell your needs to the Lord, boldly (Hebrews 4:16). Let us meditate on how to pray to make the Lord hear our supplications?

Ask what you want “At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by

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night; and God said, ‘Ask! What shall I give you?’“ (1 Kings 3:5).

Ask with cries and tears

was blessed with a beautiful child.

The Lord wants us to tell Him of our desires. David has declared in Psalm 21:2, “You have given him his heart's desire, and have not withheld the request of his lips.” Every word that comes out of your lips is written by the Lord in His account. He does not reject them but answers them. David says, “May He grant you according to your heart's desire.” Keep in mind that the Lord knows everything that you desire in your heart (Psalm 139:4).

“He shall regard the prayer of the destitute, and shall not despise their prayer” (Psalm 102:17). “…Put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in Your book?” (Psalm 56:8).

Dear ones, the Lord will do such wonderful things in your life too. Here is the testimony of Sis. Daisy Sahayarani of Dindigul, Tamil Nadu who received a similar miracle:

You may think, “The Lord knows everything; He knows what to give us. So, why should I ask?” He has the power to give even before you ask. Yet, you should ask Him for what you want. The Lord will surely grant it. He can give you even your smallest wishes and desires. When my daughter Sharon was in the womb, one morning in my personal prayer I had asked the Lord, “Lord, my child which is growing in my womb should have curly hair; the child should be tall and grow up in fear of you.” That day, through my father, the Holy Spirit said to me, “You want your child to have curly hair and be tall. I will bless you with such a daughter.” I was so thrilled that the Lord had taken note of even that small wish. What a wonder!

You may doubt, “Oh, I’m asking for such a big matter. Will the Lord grant me that?” The Bible says, “For the world is Mine, and all its fullness” (Psalm 50:12). Everything is with the Lord. He has the power to grant us anything. So, boldly ask the Lord what you wish to have and receive it.

When we cry pray to Him saying, “Lord You alone are my refuge,” the Lord hears that prayer. Once, a sister by name Anita, an alumnus of the Karunya University shared her testimony thus: ‘That sister had no child even after 14 years of married life and cried to the Lord, in anguish. Her first child was a still born baby and the second one died even when it was in the womb. She underwent terrible agony as she had no child. One sister, who went to her house to pray for her said, “Anita, you had committed some grave sin. That’s why every time you conceive, your child dies. You will not have any child.” On hearing this Anita was broken hearted. Not knowing what to do she was asking the Lord with tears, “Lord, won’t someone pray for me? Please send somebody to pray for me.” That time, my husband Dr. Paul Dhinakaran had a strong urge to contact Anita, as she was an alumnus of Karunya and he called her over the phone and said, “Anita, how are you? I feel that I should pray for you.” The moment my husband said these words, she burst out crying and told him about her condition and the reproaches she was facing and requested him to pray for her. On hearing her distressed state, my husband too cried out to the Lord and prayed with tears for her. What a wonder! The Lord blessed the womb of Anita, who had no child for 14 years. She Jesus Calls

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I had fibroid in my uterus. I was spending my days in misery. At this juncture I attended the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festival held in July 2012 and prayed. That day, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was praying for those who were suffering from sicknesses. When she prayed, she said, “Lord, let your children conceive. Let them carry a child in their womb. Let all the cysts and fibroids vanish in the name of Jesus. Touch every sister who does not have a child. Touch my sisters and heal them, Father.” I too joined her in the prayer. The Lord heard that prayer and granted me a miraculous healing. Now I am in good health. When I again went for a checkup, the report was normal and said that there was nothing wrong with my womb.

Dear ones, the Lord heard the prayers offered by Sis. Daisy with tears and cries and made the fibroids in the womb to vanish. Similarly, the Lord has granted miraculous healing to so many people through the television programmes, letters and so on. The same God is able to answer your prayer and grant you good health. He will not reject the prayer that you offer to Him in the midst of your agony. Don’t be dejected by looking at your sufferings. Call unto the Lord in the midst of that. He will hear your prayer; He will end your sufferings and shower you with blessings.

Ask in the midst of affliction The Bible says, “For He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; nor has He hidden His face from Him; but when He cried to Him, He heard” (Psalm 22:24). Many live in a miserable condition because of problems and sufferings in the family and in the body. Not only that, many are the daughters-in-law who face afflictions because of the father-in-law or mother-in-law. Some women have no peace in their life because of their alcoholic husband. Many are the families that are afflicted as they are unable to face others because of the recurrent loud, heated arguments and of utter shame. Many are those who are

afflicted by physical problems. Many may be assailed by terrible and dreadful diseases and weakness which may be viewed with pity and reproach by others. My mother had a skin disease on her leg. She suffered a lot and could not go out of the house. She used to tell us, “I have severe itching. So I feel ashamed to attend functions.” Several years back, my mother attended the ‘Jesus Calls’ Good News Festival held in Kovilpatti (a small town in South India). We were little children then. On the day of the meeting, there was a heavy down pour and even in the midst of the heavy rains, my mother cried to the Lord in faith, during the final prayer. When she thus prayed with tears in the midst of rains, the Lord granted her healing. After the meeting she showed us her leg and said, “Oh, Daily promises, messages of blessing, with facilities for watching on line TV programmes, sending donations and prayer requests.

Jesus Calls magazine can be read at Special Website for the Youth Browse and be benefitted; introduce to your friends!

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I’m healed well. The Lord heard my prayer.” There was no limit to her joy.

Accordingly, the Lord will not despise you but hear your prayer. He too had gone through the path of reproach. They spat at Him; they beat Him; they mocked Him and asked, “Prophesy! Who is the one who struck You?” He was hated by all. The Lord Jesus did miracles for so many people. Yet nobody came forward to comfort Him. He went through a shameful experience in which He was forgotten by everyone. Dear ones, you too may be shedding tears in the midst of your agony and afflictions. The Lord bore all the sufferings in order to answer your prayers. He knows your pain and tears. So, He will surely hear your prayers. He will answer you. 

Conducted on Sunday, June 21, 2015 at all the Prayer Towers In Chennai ... In order to offer praises to the Lord for the mighty deeds and blessings He has outpoured in the first six months of 2015 through the Jesus Calls ministry, for the students of Karunya, the young generation, for the social and medical services done through Seesha and to pray that the Lord should help us to lead many souls around the world towards Him through the ministries that are to be conducted in the next 6 months, through the various plans of the ministry such as Prayer Tower, Television ministry, Blessing Meetings, website, magazine etc., an one day fasting prayer was arranged on Sunday, the June 21. This fasting prayer was conducted at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Vanagaram, Chennai and in all the Prayer Towers all over India. The messages shared by the Founders at Chennai, were live webcast in all the Prayer Towers for the blessing of the people who gathered there. The Jesus Calls prayer warriors, voluntary prayer warriors, ambassadors and evangelists in those Prayer Towers conducted the worship and offered prayers during praise and prayer time. The meeting started at 11.00 a.m. with Stella Ramola conducting the worship, which was followed by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s powerful prayer. During the prayer, the Lord called many by their names through His servant, mentioned their problems and made him prophesy. The first message of the fasting prayer was shared by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. This was followed by the video screening of the mighty works done by God through the Jesus Calls, Karunya and Seesha, in the past 6 months. The Lord was thus praised. Special praises were offered to the Lord for the miracles that He is doing through the Prayer Towers in India and other parts of the world. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s message in the afternoon and expounded on deep truths concerning the glory of fasting and receiving miracles from God through fasting prayer. The Jesus Calls evangelists prayed powerfully that the Lord should do glorious things through the ministries that are to be carried out in the next six months. The meeting came to an end with the earnest prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran that the Lord should touch the people who had gathered there with His gracious hands and bless them and their families. In Chennai alone, more than eight thousand attended the meeting and received blessings. Thousands attended the meeting held in other Prayer Towers. Kindly continue to pray that the Lord, who hears prayers, should work gloriously through this ministry, in the coming days. PRAYERS AT OTHER PRAYER TOWERS Jesus Calls ● August 2015 ●


– A Report

The ‘Festival of Joy’ was conducted from June 26th to 28th in Singapore.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared the Lord’s message in these meetings, which were held in the City Harvest Church, Jurong. The Lord called many by their names, through His servant Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. On all the three days of the meeting, the move of the Holy Spirit was awesome. Many, who attended the meetings, rededicated themselves for the Lord. Many others committed their lives for the Lord. The messages shared by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran based on the verse, “Your sorrow shall turn into joy” (John 16:20), brought blessing and comfort to the participants. The congregation of the King of Glory church had organized these meetings in an excellent manner. ◆ Jesus Calls ● August 2015 ●


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During the prayer time of the ‘Festival of Joy’ conducted in Singapore on Friday, June 26th, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said “Now the hearing ability is increasing…” Usually I wear hearing aid. In crowded places, I could not hear others’ speaking, despite using the hearing aid. On June 29th, when I spoke to my wife over the telephone, I could hear her very well, even without the hearing aid. We were thrilled and happy. I give all honour and glory to the Lord for granting me the hearing

God, who made me hear

- S. Franklin


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I had been suffering from migraine since several years. Though I was under treatment a n d w a s taking medicines for nerve problem, there was no remedy for my pain. On the first day of the ‘Festival of Joy,’ Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out my name and said with the power of the Holy Spirit, “Sylvia, the Lord has heard the voice of your cry. He is delivering you from migraine.” At once, I felt that the Lord was calling me, in answer to my cries. I believe that He has healed me. Glory be to the Lord” – Rexi Sylvia

The Lord, who called by name

The Lord did many more miracles. All glory to Jesus!

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DELIVERANCE FROM DEMONS My wife’s name is Sundari. We have two children. My wife was under demonic attack and could not sleep at nights. She always appeared to be pre-occupied. There was no peace in the family. I was addicted to alcohol and I was always drinking. Hence, my children were living miserable. We con-

sulted many sorcerers for my wife’s deliverance from those demonic attacks. We spent lot of money for this. Yet she had no deliverance. At this juncture, through one of my relatives, I heard about Jesus and the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. Initially I was hesitant to visit the Prayer Tower. Because of my relative’s compulsion and because I wanted my wife to be Jesus Calls

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healed, we went to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Rajaji Road, Chennai. There, the prayer warriors prayed with compassion for my wife. After that we began to visit the Prayer Tower regularly, every month. We then joined in the Family Blessing Plan. There was improvement in my wife’s condition. We also continued to watch the Jesus Calls Television

was three months old, her physical condition deteriorated. Doctors said that her blood platelets count has gone down drastically. He said that the platelets which should be low were high and which should be high were low. He further said that everything could be confirmed only after a bone marrow test. Some people advised us against this since it was risky to make a three month old baby undergo the bone marrow test. As parents, we were broken hearted. With trepidation, we brought our child home. As days went by, she began to bleed through her nose. We took her to Chennai to give her special treatment. Just before we could take her to the hospital her eyes started bleeding. Again, in the Chennai hospital, she was advised for bone marrow test

and hence my husband and I decided to pray for her. We brought her to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Rajaji Road, Chennai. Hearing about her condition, the prayer warriors prayed for her fervently. Four months after the prayer, we again went for a medical check-up. The doctors who tested her were amazed to see tremendous improvement in her blood report. Now Rithika is 2 ½ years old. She has absolutely no problem and is in good health. Thanks to the prayer warriors who prayed for her. Praise be to God who healed her. - Priscilla, Kodaikanal.

programme. After my wife got completely delivered from the demonic clutches, I too got delivered from my addiction to alcohol. This habit left me completely. Now we are living happily and peacefully. The Lord is blessing my business too. Thanks to the prayer warriors who prayed for me and my wife. All glory to God, who delivered us through the Prayer Tower. - Anand, Korukkupet, Chennai-21 MIRACULOUS HEALING When my daughter Rithika Josna You may visit the Prayer Towers for prayers from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m., every day. To wait alone at the feet of God and to meditate, Chapel is available in the Prayer Towers. For details about Prayer Tower at your area, you may contact our website or toll free number 1800 425 77 55 (7.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. every day). Considering the growing need for ministry, the Prayer Towers and the auditoriums are in need of expansion.

EXTEND YOUR HELPING HAND FOR THIS GLORIOUS SERVICE Build the Lord’s house; He will build your house (II Samuel 7:11).

My contribution to the expansion works of the Prayer Towers: Hyderabad Bengaluru Trivandrum Madurai Mumbai Name:.............................................................................................................................................................. Address:..................................................................................................................................................... Telephone:………….................. Mobile:................................ Email:......................................................... For the expansion/establishment of Prayer Tower I wish to offer Rs.300/- for one brick.................or Rs........................./- for............................bricks onetime payment of Rs.6,000/Rs.10,000/Rs.3,00,000/I wish to pay Rs.....................…/- every month as offering. Special Privileges for donors: A certificate with the name of the Prayer Tower of their choice will be issued to those who donate Rs.6,000/- and above. The names of those who donate Rs.1,00,000/- will be printed on the donors’ list , in the Prayer Tower of their choice. The names of those who donate Rs.3,00,000 will be imprinted in a room in the Prayer Tower of their choice. Apart from these, you are welcome to give any amount according to your capacity, as offering. The number of souls won by the services of the particular Prayer Tower supported by you, shall be written in your account in heaven. Donation can be made by DD or Cheque drawn in favour of ‘Jesus Calls’ and sent by registered post or by Money Order. Address: Prayer Tower, 16, Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Tamil Nadu. Donations can be made online in the website using Credit card/ Debit card/ net banking in a secure way Jesus Calls

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August 7, Friday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 11:7. Praise be unto You O righteous God for You love righteousness. Meditation: Deu. 32:4; Isa. 45:21; Jer. 9:24; Ps. 37:28; 97:2; 145:17; 9:8; Pro. 21:3; 1 Timo. 6:11; Mat. 6:33. August 8, Saturday:- Promise Verse: 1 John 5:14. I praise You Lord, for You give me everything according to Your will. Meditation: 2 Sam. 12:7,8; James 1:17; 1 Tim. 6:17; 1 Ki. 2:13-25; Mat. 7:7-11; 21:22; Gen. 1:28-30; John 14:13,14. . August 9, Sunday:- Promise Verse: John 10:11. I praise You O Lord, for You are my good shepherd. Meditation: John 10:1-18; Ps. 23:1-6; 78:70-72; 80:1; 95:7; 100:3; Eze. 34:31,2-15; Isa. 58:11; Lk. 12:32; 1 Pet. 5:1-4. August 10, Monday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 17:15. I praise thee O My Lord, for thou will satisfy me with thy likeness when I awake. Meditation: Gen. 1:26-28; Eph. 4:23-25; Rom. 8:29,30; 6:5; James 3:9; Colo. 3:9,10; 1 Cor. 15:49; Pro. 8:17; Mat. 17:1,2; Exo. 34:28-30; Acts 4:13; Hab. 2:13; 1 John 3:1,2. August 11, Tuesday:- Promise Verse: 2 Samuel 22:2. I praise thee O God for thou art my rock and my fortress. Meditation: Ps. 27:5; 40:2; 1 Cor. 10:4; Pro. 18:10; Joel 3:16; John 17:12; Isa. 49:15,16; Acts 18:9,10; 2 Timo. 3:11; 4:17,18. August 12, Wednesday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 117:2. I praise thee O Lord for thy merciful kindness is great toward me. Meditation: Exo. 34:6; Neh. 9:25,31; Ps. 51:1,2; 86:15;

August 1, Saturday :- Promise Verse: Isaiah 52:13. Give me grace O God to deal prudently and be exalted. Meditation: Isaiah 53:1-12; 50:4-7; 1 Samuel 18:1430; Genesis 41:38-46; 39:7-12; 37:13-36; Psalm 105:1722; Matthew 12:17-21; Proverbs 17:27,28; 1:7; Psalm 112:1-4. August 2, Sunday:- Promise Verse: 2 Corinthians 6:16. Praise be unto God, for I am His temple. Meditation: 1 Cor. 3:16,17; 6:19; Exo. 25:8; Rev. 21:22,23; Eph. 2:19-22. August 3, Monday:- Promise Verse: 1 Chronicles 16:34. God is good, and His mercy endures forever. Meditation: Ps. 100:5; 106:1; 107:1; 118:1,29; 136:126; 2 Chro. 7:3; 20:21; Isa. 54:10,8; John 1:16; Rom. 5:20; Eph. 2:8. August 4, Tuesday:- Promise Verse: Deuteronomy 28:13. I praise You O Lord, for You will make me the head not the tail. Meditation: Ps. 78:70-72; 1 Sam. 2:8; Gen. 37:18-36; 39:19-23; 41:38-46; 50:20; Mk. 5:2-21; Mat. 4:18-22; Acts 4:13,14. August 5, Wednesday:- Promise Verse: Colossians 3:24. Give me grace O God, so that I may do everything as to you, not unto men. Meditation: 1 Cor. 9:16-22; Phil. 1:6; 3 John 5,6; Lk. 7:4,5; James 4:13-15; Rev. 22:11,12. August 6, Thursday:- Promise Verse: Numbers 6:25. I praise You O Lord, for you are gracious to me. Meditation: Gen. 6:8,9; 7:18-23; 39:21; Exo. 33:1219; 1 Sam. 16:22; Ps. 32:10; 89:33; Lam. 3:22; John 1:16; Rom. 5:21.

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August 23, Sunday:- Promise Verse: Exodus 31:14. Give me grace O God to keep the sabbath holy. Meditation: Exo. 20:8-11; 31:13-15; Gen. 2:1-3; Num. 15:32-36; 2 Chro. 8:13; Mat. 12:1-8; Isa. 58:13,14. August 24, Monday :- Promise Verse: 1 Peter 4:8. I praise You Lord, for You have filled me with Your divine love which covers the multitude of sins. Meditation: Pro. 10:12; Mat. 18:21,22; Jer. 3:1,12; Jonah 4:2; Micah 7:19; Hos. 11:9; Ps. 34:8; LK. 7:3750; 1 John 1:7-9; 4:8; Rom. 5:5; Eph. 4:32. August 25, Tuesday :- Promise Verse: Psalm 33:5. LORD loves righteousness and judgment. Meditation: Deu. 16:19,20; Eze. 18:5-9; 1 Sam. 26:23; 2 Sam. 8:15; Est. 1:14; Ps. 4:1; Deu. 6:25; 9:5; Isa. 64:6; Gen. 15:6; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Cor. 1:31; Rom. 3:2031; 4:1-25; 1:17. August 26, Wednesday:- Promise Verse: Proverbs 3:6. If we acknowledge God in all our ways, God will direct our paths and give us success. Meditation: Pro. 3:5,6; 1 Sam. 17:17,18,20,21-51; Gen. 24:5-67,50; Dan. 1:1,2,6; 6:13-28; Mat. 10:20; Lk. 10:120; Deu. 8:18; Ecc. 12:1; 1 Cor. 15:10,57. August 27, Thursday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 25:5. I praise You Lord, for You teach Your truth to me and leading me. Meditation: Ps. 32:8; Deu. 6:6-9; John 14:6,26; 16:13; Titus 2:11-13; 1 John 2:27. August 28, Friday :- Promise Verse: Psalm 97:11. I praise You O Lord, for You have sown the light and gladness for the righteous. Meditation: John 8:12; 9:5; Ps. 85:11; Gen. 6:5-9; 7:1,12-23; Exo. 14:20; Ps. 27:1; Job 1:1,8-20; 30:26; 42:10-17; Isa. 60:19,20; 49:6; Acts 16:31; 1 Cor. 1:31; 2 Cor. 5:21; Rom. 10:9,10; Rev. 21:24. August 29, Saturday:- Promise Verse: 1 Corinthians 6:17. I praise You O Lord, for You have given me the grace to be joined with You in one spirit. Meditation: Gen. 2:24; 5:22,24; 6:9; Ps. 65:4; Exo. 33:11; Deu. 9:9,18; Mk. 3:13,14; 5:31; Acts 1:13,14; 2:1; 6:4; John 14:3; Eph. 5:32; Rev. 21:3. August 30, Sunday:- Promise Verse: Hebrews 13:16. God is well pleased with sacrifices of doing good and giving alms. Meditation: Gen. 4:7; James 1:27; Acts 10:2-44; 9:3641; Lk. 7:4-10; 11:41; Isa. 1:17; 3 John 11; 1 Peter 3:6,11-13; Gal. 6:9,10. August 31, Monday :- Promise Verse: John 13:15. I praise You Lord, for You are giving me grace to be a follower of You in all things. Meditation: 1 Peter 2:21-23; Eph. 4:17-32; Lk. 9:4656; Mat. 4:19; 5:3-16; 1 John 3:1-6; 1 Peter 1:15,16; Rev. 21:24-27. Constant Prayer and Word of God is the divine key for Prosperity and Success.

103:8; Jonah 4:2; Rom. 5:21; Eph. 2:4-8; Heb. 2:4; Rev. 21:24-27; 20:15. August 13, Thursday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 46:7. The Lord of host is with me. Meditation: 1 Sam. 17:45-51; Gen. 32:2; 34:25-30; 35:5; 46:1-3; Exo. 12:40,41; Deu.11:25; Jos.5:13,14; 1:5-9;12:8-24; 21:43-45; Rev.19:13-21. August 14, Friday:- Promise Verse: Mark 9:23. All things are possible to me for I believe in God. Meditation: Mat. 19:26; John 1:9; Eph. 2:1,5,8,9; 1 Sam. 17:32-37,45-50; Ps. 18:28,29; Mat. 8:2,3; 9:2730; 1 John 5:4,5; Phil. 4:13. August 15, Saturday:- Promise Verse: Joel 2:21. I praise You O Lord for You will do great things in our nation and in my life also. Meditation: Joel 2:26,27; Ps. 126:3; 113:8-10; Jer. 33:3; Job 9:10; 2 Sam. 7:18,19; Lk. 1:13,18-24,27-37,49; Mat. 9:27-33; Mk. 16:16-20; Acts 4:12-14,30,31; 5:14-16; 6:6-8; 17:6; 19:11,12; Rom 15:19. August 16, Sunday:- Promise Verse: Ezekiel 37:26. I praise You Lord, for You are in my midst. Meditation: Exo. 25:8; Ps. 46:5; Zep. 3:17; 1 Cor. 3:16,17; 2 Cor. 6:16; Rev. 21:3. August 17, Monday :- Promise Verse: Psalm 71:3. I praise You O Lord, for You are my rock whereunto I may continually resort. Meditation: John 6:35; Lk. 7:37-50; 15:17-24; 6:35; 2 Sam. 13:29-39; 14:32,33; Jer. 3:1; Isa. 1:5; 1 Sam. 12:21; Isa. 55:1; Mat. 11:28. August 18, Tuesday:- Promise Verse: Proverbs 13:21. I praise You O Lord, for You made me righteous and repay me with good. Meditation: Isa. 3:10; Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17; 3:20-28; 8:14-17,32; Lk. 11:8-11; 1 Cor. 1:31; 2 Cor. 5:21; John 14:14. August 19, Wednesday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 56:3. What time I am afraid, I will trust in the Lord. Meditation: Isa. 12:2; 26:4; Pro. 3:5,6; Ps. 34:1-22 (Read also what is mentioned in the bracket of this psalm’s beginning); 27:5; 86:7; 62:8; Joel 3:16; Zep. 3:15,17; Isa. 41:10; John 14:1; Mat. 28:20. August 20, Thursday:- Promise Verse: Ephesians 2:5. I praise You O Lord, for by Your grace I am saved through faith. Meditation: Ps. 3:8; Eze. 18:20; Rom. 5:21; Eph. 2:1,5,8,9; Rom.10:8-13; Ps. 55:16; 116:6,5; 2 Timo. 4:18. August 21, Friday :- Promise Verse: Psalm 127:3. Children are an heritage of the Lord. Meditation: Psalm 127:4; Gen. 15:1-4; 21:10-12; Eze. 46:16-18; Exo. 34:9; Num. 18:20; Deu. 9:29; 18:1; John 1:12; Rom. 8:16,17; Gal. 3:29. August 22, Saturday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 116:6. I praise You O Lord for You preserve the simple. Meditation: Num. 6:24; Ps. 32:2; 120:3,4; 101:3; 24:3,4; Job 27:3; Pro. 12:20; 26:24; Jer. 5:27; 8:5; 14:14; Mk. 7:22; 2 Cor. 1:12; 1 Thes. 2:3; 1 Pet. 2:2; 3:10,11; Rev. 14:5. Jesus Calls

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Lakhs of people attend the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festivals. We share God’s message to the multitudes that gather there. The messages that we share somewhere in the 29 states and 7 union territories in India take time to reach the people in other states and union territories. Because of this impediment, the other people are unable to receive blessings. Hence, we are in a dire need to upgrade the translations and live telecast of these meetings through the television and web. The ministry incurs a heavy expenditure by getting the necessary equipments for rent. If these modern, contemporary equipments are bought for the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry on its own, it would pave ways for millions of souls to be blessed. Live telecast can be made possible in a minimum of five languages through the various television channels. Arrangements could be made for God’s messages shared in the Prayer Festivals, to be made available in DVDS for the dear people who would like to hear these messages in their respective languages. Besides, through this, the standard of the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programmes could be raised.

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Jesus Calls ● August 2015 ●


(PART 2) What happens next? "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory” (Matthew 24:30; Luke 17:24,25). Yes, when He comes, all the tribes of the earth will mourn.

In Finland, several scientists together embarked on a mission of drilling a 9 miles long hole in the earth. It was an extremely difficult task. But somehow they managed to finish the job. When they inserted the specific device which was 9 miles long, into that hole, weird howling voice could be heard. Assuming that something was wrong with their device, they took it out and tested Jesus Calls

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it. But nothing was wrong with that. So, in order to find the reason for that voice, they recorded that and played it. They were stunned to hear human voices crying and screaming, “Alas, I’ve come to hell… I’ve come to this Hades… my life is over. I’ve lost the salvation… I’ve lost my redemption. I am forsaken by everyone and am languishing in this fire…”

On hearing this, the scientists who were doing the research were deeply troubled and lost their peace. They resigned their jobs and fled away. The voices were so miserable and piercing.

The Bible warns us that He brought our soul up from the hell (Psalm 86:13). When Jesus comes back, all those who derided and despised Him will surely lament on that day. Will we be excited or mourn and cry when our gracious Lord comes? People will see when Jesus comes and they will mourn and cry that they have denied Him. When He comes, am I going to scream like these people? Let us examine our lives today.

Those who pierced Him will see Him “But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out…” (John 19:34). Jesus cried out with a loud voice and gave up His life on the cross. To check if He had died or was alive, one of the soldiers, pierced His side with a spear; immediately, the last drop of blood and water came out. But, who handed over Jesus into the hands of the Roman soldiers? The Jews. Pilate, the governor said, “He is a just Man; I find no fault in Him.” But the Jews said, "His blood be on us and on our children." (Matthew 27:25). During the period 1940 -1944, Hitler killed more than 60 lakhs of Jews. As they screamed, “Let His blood be on us and on our children,” it happened so. When the blood came on them, the Jews mourned and lamented. Even today, there is a Wailing Wall in the city of Jerusalem. Every day, several Jews bang their forehead on this wall and wail, “Messiah, when will You come?”

When Jesus comes again, when the voice, “Messiah is coming,” is heard and when the trumpet sounds, they will keenly watch, “Who is that Messiah?” When it is said, “He is Jesus.. He is the Messiah…,” they will mourn and cry, “Alas, didn’t our forefathers kill this person? Didn’t they nail Him on the cross and hang Him there?” On the other hand, we would fondly welcome Him saying, “Amen, come Lord Jesus!” The coming of Jesus Christ is a real incident that is going to happen. There is no doubt about that. Will I mourn and cry when He comes? Or will I be thrilled? – Let this question reverberate in your heart. Who will Jesus bring? “Then you shall flee through My mountain valley, for the mountain valley shall reach to Azal. Yes, you shall flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Thus the LORD my God will come, and all the saints with You…” (Zechariah 14:5). Look at the verse Jude 15! It talks about the same thing. Whenever God came down on Sinai, countless number of saints accompanied Him (Deuteronomy 33:2). Similarly, when our gracious Lord Jesus comes, He will bring the saints along with Him. We will see Elisha, Elijah, Abraham, Isaac, Samson, Barak, Samuel and David, who danced and sang joyfully. How privileged are we, who wait for Him! Once, when I had been to the United States of America, a big convention was going on. Great leaders of that country and from other nations had gathered there. A reputed pastor in America took me there and seated me on the first row. Two persons on either Jesus Calls

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side of me introduced themselves to me. Everyone, who was there, was a reputed man of God in his respective country. It is impossible to meet and spend even a minute with them. I was thrilled to shake hands with them and they too felt the same.

Dear ones, He will honour you, who is saying, “Oh, I am an ordinary woman/man/boy.” What a blessed day it would be! Do not be worried. The Lord has kept for us the most exciting day. It is the day when Jesus will come back. It is the day when He will bring the saints along with Him. For this purpose, the Lord is preparing you. Prepare yourself and your family and wait for His coming. “…to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessalonians 1:7,8). As the Bible thus says, He will come with His countless mighty angels. The angels will come forth to separate the wicked from among the just, and to prevent those who persecuted the people of God from seeing Jesus (Matthew 13:49). ‘I know a man… who was caught up to the third heaven. He heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter’ – Paul writes so, about some of his spiritual experiences (2 Corinthians 12:1-4). The gracious Lord gave many deep experiences to Paul. Paul says that he neither received it from man, nor was he taught of it, but that it came through the revelation of the Lord (Galatians 1:1215). Yes, he received deep experiences in the Scriptures. That’s why

he was able to write about every matter clearly and strongly. You must know that even today we too can receive such experiences and the nine gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8-10). God is not partial to say that He will not give the spiritual experiences of one person to the other (Romans 2:11; Acts 10:34). It is in our hands to desire and ask for it. My dear ones, shunning away from spending our time in vain, by finding fault with others, let us tell Him our desire saying, “Lord, how can I walk with You? How can I walk with You like Enoch? How can I be caught up to the third heaven, like Paul? How can I see the scenes there and preach Your words to others, clearly and firmly?” and examine our life. I know of a brother, who has had similar experience. He used to invite the gracious Lord into his soul. Outwardly, he would be on his knees and praying. But his heart and spirit would be interacting with Jesus, in heaven. Jesus would reveal to him many important ministerial matters and new plans to be implemented. One day, as this brother was standing near the throne of Jesus, he saw souls coming towards heaven from earth. The soul of a lady was coming up to heaven. It hastened to enter in. When it neared the gate, a hand darted from nowhere and stopped that soul. A voice said, “You don’t have a place here.” Yes, the evil spirits, that are the angels of the devil, stopped that soul and took it to another place. That lady turned back and looked at Jesus, with agonizing eyes. But, Jesus did not do anything. He was quiet.

The time in this world is given for us to decide whether to go to

heaven or to hell. If we ignore the chances that are given to us, if we deride all those who preach the word of God and if we are indifferent saying that we will see tomorrow, we will mourn in the end. That’s why when Jesus comes back, He sends His angels in order to separate us from others telling, “Bring My children without fail. Be careful that others should not enter into the crowd that comes to meet Me.” Dear ones, even in the Lord’s coming, those who disregard us as well as the Word of God will plead to the angel to take them also with him. But he would say, “No, he/ she is the son/daughter of God. I’ve come to take her/him only.” What a joy! What bliss! So, let us live in the ways pleasing to the Lord, right now and follow Him. Blessed are those who have slept in the Lord since Jesus will bring them back when He comes (1 Thessalonians 4:14; Revelation 14:13). There was a man of God by name Pr. Sundaram in Chennai. He once narrated an incident that happened in his life. One day, when he was ministering in Nagercoil - Tamil Nadu, he was tired after the morning service and laid down to take rest. One of the church elders was standing by his bedside, talking to him about the next service. Suddenly that man fell down clutching his chest and died. He was a dear man and his children were small. On the day of the funeral, they did not allow the coffin to be closed. They kept on crying “Pastor, don’t take away our father…” The pastor concluded saying, “Even today, their screams are echoing in my ears.” Days passed by. Nobody could comfort that family. One Jesus Calls

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day, quite unexpectedly, the wife of the deceased man saw her husband standing at her door step with two angels beside him. He called her by her name and said, “Violet, why are you crying? Glorify God.” On seeing her husband, the tearful mother, was filled with joy. This scene completely erased the sorrow from her heart. When the Lord Jesus comes back, He will bring even those who have died in Christ, in our family.

How will we be, when we thus see our dear ones, the saints and the angels? We read that every day, our spiritual life, is being transformed into Christ’s life by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). The Holy Spirit works in our heart in such a way to transform us into the image of Christ. As He is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). The Holy Spirit helps us to live in this world with love, compassion and holiness. He walks with us in the form of the Spirit. He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. So, when He comes, we shall be like Him (1 Corinthians 15:49; 1 John 3:2). I know of a man of God. Once Jesus took him to heaven and showed Him the event of Judgment. A huge multitude of people was standing – on one side were those who rejected Jesus and on the other side were those who lived for Him (Revelation 20:11-13). It was time. A shaft of light from the heavenly Father, who was seated on the throne, surged forward. The gracious Lord Jesus stood on His right side. When that light fell on the people, who had lived for Jesus, all of them were transformed into the image of Jesus. The man of God was amazed to see this. The Holy Spirit said to him, “On the

Day of Judgment, this is the greatest experience that God will give to all those who lived for Him.” We will be transformed like Him.

Reward for works

Finally, the Lord Jesus said, "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work” (Revelation 22:12). Surely there will be reward for us, who undergo sufferings and sorrows for His sake, in this world. When Jesus was dying, a thief requested Him, "Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom" (Luke 23:42,43). And Jesus said to him, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise." He did not undergo any suffering for Christ. At the same time, read about the sufferings of Paul which are written in 2 Corinthians 11:23-30. In that case, will he and the thief have the same place? Will they have the same

reward? There is no partiality with God. The Bible says that everyone will be rewarded according to his work. “…those who turn many to righteousness (shall shine) like the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3). They will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father (Matthew 13:43). The LORD God is a sun (Psalm 84:11). “I am … the Bright and Morning Star" (Rev-

elation 22:16). He transforms those who win souls and those who suffer for His sake like Himself, like the Morning Star. You and I shall shine forth, accordingly. We are going to enjoy receiving this reward during the Second Coming of Jesus. "He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward. And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward" (Matthew 10:40-42). Perhaps you may not preach or do the ministry of the Lord, like others. But you must know that when you accept the Lord’s ministers as a prophet or as a righteous man or as a disciple, surely there is a reward for you. The Lord will never forsake you. He will be waiting to give you the reward in some way, in heaven. Once, when I was admitted in the hospital because of heart damage, the doctors did not allow anyone to visit me. After nearly 1 ½ months, one day, a woman from a place called Palani in Tamil Nadu came running to see me. Suddenly, when there was nobody around, she darted into my room. Her clothes were torn and she looked haggard. On seeing me, she cried out, “Is brother alive?” Turning to my wife she said, “Ever since brother was admitted in the hospital I did not take food. I am fasting and praying for him. Somehow I wanted to see brother and Jesus Calls

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so managed to save some money with great difficulty and have come here.”

Won’t the Lord reward her for that love? He, who gives only a cup of cold water, shall by no means lose his reward." Let not your heart be troubled. We had to spend Rs.2 lakhs for my surgery. We did not ask any one for this amount. The money given for the ministry should not be spent for this. But everyone helped me financially by sending Rs.10/-, Rs.5/- and so on. Won’t the Lord reward them? Surely He will. Surely He will make the fruits abound to your account. The Lord will never forsake you. He will reward you duly. A big crusade was conducted by one of the biggest churches in the United States of America. Nearly 10,000 representatives from all over the world attended this meeting. During the meeting a film on how the new heaven and new earth would appear, when Jesus will come back, was screened. Among the audience was a woman, who was sitting on her wheel chair. She was keenly watching the film and was wondering within herself, “Will this happen, when Jesus comes back?” Suddenly, a power surged through her legs. Both her legs were healed and she went running to the stage, jumping in joy. All the doctors who were present there tested her and said, “This is indeed a miracle. Truly the Lord has touched her.”

Dear ones, when the imaginary scene of Jesus’ Second Coming could do this, won’t the living Lord Jesus, who is walking in our midst, do a miracle for us today? Surely He will do. Let us ask, “God, prepare me for Your coming.” Let us  prepare others.

- Sis. Stella Dhinakaran “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him” (Psalm 28:7). In his life David, thus experiences God as his strength and shield and writes like this.

What is a shield? In this world, when the soldiers go for the battle, they wear a shield made of bronze, over their chest, for their protection. Similarly, God is like a shield to us. He tells us, “Daughter, I am a shield for you to bear your burdens and to protect you from harm.” “But You, O LORD, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head” (Psalm 3:3). “Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield” (Psalm 33:20; Psalm 59:11). “O God, behold our shield, and look upon ….for the LORD God is a sun and shield” (Psalm 84:9,11). Yes, the above verses clearly say that the Lord is our shield. So, when we wear the Lord as our shield, when we hold on to Him firmly saying “the Lord is my shield; my strength” and when we pray, nothing shall harm us (Luke 10:19). Divine strength will fill us in our weakness. How to receive the Lord, our shield, in our life? How will He build Jesus Calls ● August 2015 ●


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the Father gave His Son Jesus Christ as an offering of sacrifice on the cross

The Bible says,

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“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

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Here is a testimony of a sister, who had similar experience:

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She was working as an ordinary maid in a school. Her husband was addicted to alcoholism for 30 years. This sister repeatedly advised him to leave this habit, but in vain. They struggled to run the family as they had no sufficient income. At this juncture, one of her co-workers

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According to this verse, when we crucify the flesh with its passions and desires, we are transformed and we accept the Son of God as the Saviour; and we wear Him, the shield of salvation. In order that we should wear the Son of God as the shield, God

(Galatians 5:24).

“And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires”

Those who truly wear this shield of salvation are the ones, who are of Christ. That’s why the Bible says,

How to receive this shield of salvation?

The Lord gives us ‘salvation’ as the shield. Without this shield of salvation, we cannot live in this world, as true Christians. Only when the Lord is our Saviour and is the shield of salvation, we become one with Him. He undertakes the responsibility of our life.

Perhaps, your mother is dear to you. If someone asks you about her, you may say,” Yes, my mother is very dear to me. I love her so much.” Similarly we express our feelings about our wife, husband and children whom we love.

Thus the psalmist joyously describes that the Lord is his strength, rock, fortress, salvation, shield, horn of his salvation and his strong hold.

“I will love You, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” (Psalm 18:1,2).

(Psalm 18:35).

“You have also given me the shield of Your salvation; Your right hand has held me up, Your gentleness has made me great”

Shield of salvation

our life? How will He remove all our worries and make us happy? – Let us meditate for a while:

informed her about the Esther Prayer Group and advised her to take part in the prayer so that she could receive blessings. This sister had absolutely no idea about prayer. Yet she attended the Esther Prayer Group and learnt to pray, in due course. At this time, this sister’s husband was diagnosed with a serious disease. Hence, he was gripped by a fear that he would die and so he completely stopped taking drinks. After that blessings came into the family one by one. Her son completed his education, got a job, got married and was blessed with a child. Since she sought the Lord, He became a

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(Isaiah 12:2,3).

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Accordingly, when you are delivered from the bondage of sin, when you receive salvation, when you live holy and when the Lord graciously turns you towards Him, you get transformed. If you have entered into sinful life again, after accepting the Lord and living a good life, the Lord lovingly tells you, “My daughter, didn’t I give My life for you? Come back to Me today with repentance. I want to be the shield of salvation for you again.”

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According to this wonderful promise, the Lord will remove all the lacks in your life and He will be the fulfilling God to you in all things, protect you as the shield of salvation and bless you.

Shield of faith

“But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

“..taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one” (Ephesians 6:16). “…your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

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He sends his fiery darts again and again. But, in order that we should overcome him, the Lord gives us faith as the shield. We are guarded by this. We are delivered not only from the evil but also from the various sufferings in the family life.

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Look at David! Though he held on to the Lord

According to these verses, when you look unto Him, the Lord removes all your former conduct which

“Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘For Jehovah, the LORD, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation. Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation”

(Ephesians 4:22-24).

“…that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness”

corrupts according to the deceitful lusts and gives you new life. He makes you renewed in the spirit and creates in you a new man in true righteousness and holiness. He makes the old things pass away.

Similarly, whenever we walk in the ways that are displeasing to God and whenever we indulge in doing things that are not pleasing to Him, the shield of salvation given by the Lord is trampled by us under our feet. If you, who had received salvation, who had the joy of salvation and was happy, have now fallen into sin, turn to the Lord like David did.

David, who sought the Lord early in the morning, noon and evening (Psalm 55:17; 63:1), woke up from his sleep and walked on the roof of the King’s palace one day instead of praying that time, as was his custom. It was when he was walking on the roof, his eyes looked at a wrong place which stirred up his lust and desire. This made him discard the shield of salvation of the Lord in a moment, and turned him away to commit a presumptuous sin. He killed the husband of Bathsheba and made her his wife. When his sin is convicted to him by a prophet, he cries out to the Lord with tears and says, “Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit” (Psalm 51:12).

We are saved; we obey the commandments of the Lord; we are blessed; we are happy. But sometimes, our eyes again go back to the old sinful ways. Hence pitiably we depart from the Lord!

Discarding our sins, lusts and filth, when we commit ourselves at His feet saying, “Lord, I am a sinner; have mercy on me,” we receive the shield of salvation. We become His own.

shield to her family. The family was filled with joy.

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are. Open your heart to the Lord and tell Him your problems and sufferings. He is your Friend. He will surely deliver you from all troubles and save you. Won’t He, who helped David, help you? Today, with thanksgiving tell Him boldly, “Lord, You are my shield; my Saviour”; the devil will flee from you. Your worries and tears will change.

firmly, he encountered so many sufferings in his life. King Saul was trying to kill him and put an end to his life, out of jealousy and resentment. Absalom, his own son tried to chase him out, in order to seize the kingdom. Things thus happened against David, who sought God and who had the Lord as his shield. What did he do then?

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How many were the sufferings that we faced in our family life! We struggled with sickness and death, one after the other. We languished without money and without the gift of a child. However, all we ever did was this. We committed everything to Him telling ourselves, “Let us believe only the Lord and have faith on Him” Then the Lord amazingly delivered us from everything.

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David cries out, “Oh, I am a sinner! What a great trouble because of my son and king” Keep these two things in your mind. Never give room for dejection in your life, no matter how terrible your distresses

Accordingly, when we make our requests known to God with prayer and supplication, with a firm heart and hold onto the Lord, all situations and problems will completely vanish from you.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6).

Dear ones, this is how you should keep everything at the feet of the Lord, without worrying, “Oh, I’ve this problem; this much of sufferings” and so on.

The Lord commanded us to build the Karunya University. When we consulted this with the officials of the educational department, they said, “This involves crores of money. Besides, it is extremely difficult to find the needed faculty members. The campus is situated 25 Kms away from Coimbatore city. So, how will you manage all these problems?” Yet, even in the midst of these difficulties, Bro. Dhinakaran prayed day and night, on his knees, holding faith as his shield; as a result, the Lord perfected everything for him.

“I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. This poor man cried out, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles” (Psalm 34:4,6).

He says,

Recently a sister, who attended the Good News Meeting held in Coimbatore, shared her testimony thus: She lost her 42 year old husband, quite unexpectedly. She has two young children. She had to educate them in the college. Fear and worry over her family situation, engulfed her. At this time, when she was once watching the ‘Jesus Calls’ TV programme on the Raj TV, she heard me sharing the Lord’s message of comfort as, “Perhaps you may be in agony as you have lost your dear ones. Do not worry! Today the Lord will comfort you.” On hearing this, she was happy and she began to hold on to the Lord, with faith. An unshakeable faith grew in her. With the firm faith that the Lord will build up her life, she started visiting the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower, for prayers. Her heart was strengthened in the Lord. After that a particular organization volunteered to finance her children’s education. Today, they are completing their studies. The Lord will do similar things for you too.

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The Holy Spirit will give you a glorious life when you ask Him, “Lord, be my shield of glory”.

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In the year 1955, my husband received salvation, in a miraculous way. One day, when he was reading the Bible, he happened to read the following verse,

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“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38).

Bro. Dhinakaran has completed the glorious ministry given to him by God and has gone to heaven. Even today, the Lord asks us, “The harvest truly is plentiful” (Matthew 9:37) “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” (Isaiah 6:8). Tell Him, “Lord, Here am I.” Then He will bless you, and give you His shield of glory. He will fill you with His divine power and use you. Specially, young children, arise. The Lord will bless you too with the shield of glory.

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Since then, he fasted and prayed earnestly for seven years to have this experience. After 7 years, one day, he saw the Lord Jesus Christ face to face for three hours, so wonderfully. The Lord spoke to him openly about all the things that were going to happen in the ministry. After this, his life was completely changed. The Jesus Calls ministry began.

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Even when she was just 10 years old, my granddaughter Sharon, desired for the Holy Spirit and asked the Lord for Him. Seeing her longing, the Lord filled her with the power of the Holy Spirit and fire anointing. After that He began to use her mightily in the ministry. Last year, she conducted a youth meeting in Trivandrum. She was making plans to organize this meeting meticulously. But because of heavy rains, the situation

The Lord, who did this miracle for my husband, will do it for you also. He will give you promotion and command all blessings in your family.

I have seen this in my husband’s experience. He waited for many promotions; he wrote many exams for promotion and always got the first two places. But, his promotion was denied. In fact, his name would be shifted to the last place in the list. But my husband used to thank the Lord for everything. He would pray, “Lord, if it is Your will, let it come to pass.” Once, an unexpected event happened. A higher official of the Bank paid a surprise visit to the bank and asked for the promotion list. It was given to him and he saw that my husband’s name which was in the second place, had been struck off and that another person’s name had been included. At once, he called the officer and said, “I know Dhinakaran very well. He is faithfully working in the bank for several years. It is he, who is eligible for this promotion. So make the necessary changes in the list.” So saying, he promoted my husband and honoured him in front of everyone.

Sometimes, we feel bad that the promotion that is due for us, at our work spot is given to those, who joined after us.

When we wear the shield of glory, He will lift up our head. We shall be exalted in life.

“You, O LORD, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head” (Psalm 3:3).

Shield of glory

According to the verse, ‘this is the victory that has overcome the world; our faith’ (1John 5:4), it was her faith that delivered her from her worries and burdens and saved her. Similarly, you too ought to pray to the Lord. He will give you deliverance.

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The Bible says, “…the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Daniel 11:32).

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In Ma du rai ...

My precious young girls, the Lord asks you, “I will give you My crown of glory. Will you arise and shine for Me?” Commit yourself to His will and ask Him with zeal, “Lord, I will not let You go unless You bless me.” He will transform you also from glory to glory’ (2 Corinthians 3:18). Many will receive the crown of righteousness through you. The Lord who gives victory will be with you and grant you victory in everything.

seemed to turn against her plans. When the organizers asked her how to proceed with the meeting, she said with a strong faith that it would be held as scheduled without any hassle. Accordingly, the rain stopped on the day of the meeting and the Lord Himself conducted that meeting perfectly and wonderfully. Multitudes had thronged and the Lord did great things for the glory of His name.

Bro. Dhinakaran’s father (my father-inlaw) received this anointing only at his old age. He used to pray, read the Bible and meditate on it always. So, age is not a factor for receiving anointing. He will fill your family, from the old people to the little ones. So ask the Lord saying, “I need the shield of salvation, the shield of faith and the shield of glory. I will receive these three and see the Lord. I will arise and shine for Him” – If you take this decision, you will enjoy receiving the abundant blessings that the Lord has kept for you. The Lord will do glorious things through you.

Many are the people in this world, who are crying bitterly, “Who is there to comfort me?” First of all, accept the Lord Jesus Christ as the shield in your life, receive His glory and the filling of the Holy Spirit and get filled with the divine grace of comforting others. The Lord will be a shield in your life as well as in others’ life, through you and grant you an excellent and joyous divine life. ◆

Special Women’s blessing meeting

Date : 2015 August 15 (Saturday) Time : 9 a.m. - afternoon 1.00 p.m. Venue : New Life Church, 39, Gaberial Street, Newlife Nagar, HMS Colony, Madurai.

God’s message :

Sis.Stella Dhinakaran COME AND BE BLESSED

For further details: ✆ 0452-2380599 / 2380699 / Mobile: 8754426131

Jesus Calls ● August 2015 ●


Divine Blessings of Promise

(Psalm 75:10).

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word and eat the fruit forbidden by Him. Since she took it and ate it, she not only fell into sin but also made her husband fall into sin.

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Kindling in us desires and lust for money and materialism, the devil makes us indulge in sins. God made Adam and Eve, His first creations, to dwell in the Garden of Eden in the midst of various kinds of fruits and trees that were pleasant to the eyes, and desirable. They lived there in a pure state like God. In those days, the devil created desires and lust in them and instigated Eve to disobey God’s

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about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). Sufferings and afflictions are caused for us in this world, because of this reason.

We read in the Bible that the ‘whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one’ (1 John 5:19), the devil our enemy ‘has made us dwell in darkness’ (Psalm 143:3) and that adversary the devil walks

In that case, how to receive the divine life, pleasing to the Lord?

All of us, who live in this world, seek for elevation in life; we strive hard for that. But this verse says that when we walk in the ways of righteousness, we can easily get exalted in life.

(Psalm 75:10).

“But the horns of the righteous shall be exalted”

- Sis. Stella Dhinakaran

Even now, knowing well, that the Lord Jesus Christ will be coming to the world soon, for the second time, and that he is left only with a short time, satan is hastily taking full efforts to ruin as many people as possible by making them fall into sin and destroying them. That’s why, even in loving families, he causes problems, bitterness and rifts. Not only that, he also makes those who are upright in the path of righteousness, to falter and fall into sin.

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of such people and prospers whatever they do. He honours them and exalts them.

only that, He dwells in the houses

Don’t you need this glorious

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truth and prosper your life. Yes, the Lord wants to bless the lives

life? Humble yourself in His pres-

He will fill you with grace and

ence and reconcile with Him. He will be pleased over you and give you the strength to walk in the ways of righteousness and make your life shine.

gives us the privilege to live as new

bright life leading to eternity. He

to exalt them in front of others. Not

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teousness, God will be with you.

ways, He gives us a new and

Changing our old wicked

life and walk in the ways of righ-


When you thus receive a new

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and makes them holy and righ-

ing room for the devil.

sacred blood, shed on the cross

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pleasing to the Lord, without giv-

ness, washes their sins with His

teousness. Follow the good ways,

people, who thus stumble in dark-

prayers of the righteous. He wants

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self to walk in the ways of righ-

Jesus. He delivers and saves the

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My dear sisters, commit your-

Dear ones, look at the love of

of such people, hearing the

devil will be put to shame.

for awhile:

righteous people in Christ. The

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your life like this today? Examine

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creations (2 Corinthians 5:17) and

Dear ones, do you stumble in

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- Yesupatham


he moment Lydia entered the house, she noticed with dismay the posts lying on the table. Somehow she managed to hide her true feelings. Her mother Leela was quite aware of Lydia’s expectant look and she felt bad that her daughter was disappointed again. “This time, your story was good. I was sure it would be published. At least they should have sent it back to us, if they don’t want to publish it…” Leela directly poured out her regret to her daughter. “The Lord’s time has not arrived Mom…”

When she was in her school, Lydia won the first prize for story writing. Now the buried talent has been dug out. Egged on by her teachers’ appreciation, she began to write stories and sent them for publication in monthly magazines. Nothing was published. A few returned her stories and others did not, though she enclosed a self addressed envelope. Yet she continued to send stories to as many monthly magazines as possible. Her father was not at all interested in that. “At this age, when you ought to study, better concentrate on your studies. Don’t waste your time in writing these things…Not everyone could Jesus Calls ● August 2015 ●


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whenever she heard this from Lydia. Some others said, “May be this is not God’s will…” But she always replied, “A time will come when everyone will accolade my writings. Wait and see. My hope in the Lord will never be cut off…” She ended all arguments with this.

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like hot cakes. Lydia could not believe it. Requests from magazines poured in. After her college studies, she got a job. She continued her writings along with her job. Her writing improved day by day. The publications of her spiritual writings on the glory of the Cross of Calvary and the love of Christ made an indelible mark in the world of writing. “Those who trust in the LORD Are like Mount Zion, Which cannot be moved, but abides forever” (Psalm 125:1).

Days passed. Her uncle asked her to give him some of her stories to publish on his own expense. He did as he promised. Within two months, her books sold out

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is like a tonic for me. You may not encourage me; but don’t discourage me…” Leela shut her mouth

“For surely there is a hereafter, And your hope will not be cut off” (Proverbs 23:18). This verse

Her mother too agreed with her father and begged her to listen to her father to avoid unpleasantness at home.

have this talent. You’ve wrongly assumed that you have this talent…” “You’ve miscalculated yourself”


ANSWERS – Bible Quiz - 41 1. The prophets who envision futility and who divine lies (Ezekiel 13:9). 2. The day of the Lord (Isaiah 13:6) 3. By walking in the Lord’s statutes (Ezekiel 20:13)

(Bible Reference: Four Gospels) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What is from the evil one? By hearing what, one shall live? What things came through Jesus Christ? Of whom will they ask the more? To whom, ‘more will be given’? For whose sake, what will be shortened? What is everlasting life? What should be taken heed? Who will find, what? What does Jesus not receive, as said by Him? Send your answers before 15th August 2015 to: Bible Quiz 43, Jesus Calls 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600028.

(Please find the answers by carefully reading the given Bible portion. Do not refer with others or follow any other methods to find the answers as this would not be of help to enhance your Biblical knowledge)

4. The life of the poor From the hand of evildoers (Jeremiah 20:13) 5. Zion, with justice and righteousness (Isaiah 33:5) 6. Host of heaven and sand of the sea (Jeremiah 33:22). 7. Our hearts and hands (Lamentations 3:41). 8. Righteousness, things that are right. (Isaiah 45:19). 9. Those who make an image (Isaiah 44:9) 10. Salvation (Jeremiah 3:23).

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This is a wonderful question. It is an important experience that everyone ought to have. For this, firstly, we need to become one with God. Look at the life of David. How did he live close to the Lord?

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“I have set the LORD always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved” (Psalm 16:8).

Yes, he firmly says, “I have set the Lord always before me.” Like David, it is important that we too set the Lord always before us, look up to Him and talk to Him. There are different kinds of trials that we face in this world! Look at Joseph. He was a youth, when he had to face the pitiable state of getting separated from everyone in his family. Yet, he chose the God of gods as his companion and lived with Him in unison. How difficult it is for a 17 year old youth to live like that. My dear youngsters, do you have the zeal for the Lord like Joseph? Because of that, he easily overcame the most terrible temptation that came against him, with the help of God. He guarded himself from that evil by saying, “How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9). Not only that, the Lord was with him and strengthened him, because of that. Youngsters, do you say, “I’m unable to seek

Like Joshua, the man of God, I too have the desire that ‘me and my house should serve the Lord.’ How to accomplish this?



the Lord as I face so many temptations. I am dejected. How can I be delivered?” Do not worry! Like Joseph and David, commit your life to set the God of gods before you, to do the things that are pleasing to Him and to live a life of unison with Him. Then, like the men of God of the Bible, the Lord will

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By the immense grace of God, from the very first day of our marriage, Bro. Dhinakaran and I followed this practice in our life. We used to pray as a family at 6 O’clock in the morning. As a family we would sing and praise God. Then the Lord will come in our midst. With the awareness that He is God, who is enthroned in the praises of Israel, as read in Psalm 22:3, we would praise Him. We would read the Bible, meditate on it and share its goodness. After that we would start praying to the Lord sincerely. Then the Lord will come. Sometimes, He will speak to us, in His mercy. Since Bro. Dhinakaran was gifted with the gift of prophecy, he would tell us the Lord’s revelations. Today, since the Lord has given my son Paul Dhinakaran too the same grace, do you know how the time of our family prayer is! Please do not give priority to sleep or your job and neglect this experience of enjoying divine joy.

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Accordingly, it is very, very important that we seek the Lord as a family and with oneness of mind. Today, there is no prayer in 90% of the families. Giving importance to job, they set out in the morning without prayer. As a result, they face utter chaos in their work spot! No promotion! No unity or oneness of mind in the family life! The children’s lives are thoroughly spoiled. Finally, they struggle not knowing what to do. No dear ones, don’t we read in the Bible that Joshua was godly and was diligent in seeking the Lord, as a family? So, every morning, begin your work with a prayer personally and as a family. Since you fail to do this, you are not able to enjoy the peace

When we look up to the Lord, get filled with the strength given by Him and fulfil His will, despite our sufferings, sorrows and the situations where we need to make sacrifices, He will be pleased with us.

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2).

ing to the verse,

He will surely bless us accord-

and joy of the Lord in your family.

In certain families, if the husband has to go early to work at around 6.00 AM, he

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with us.

fulfil His will, He will be pleased

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Christ at all times, with devotion,

when we too seek the Lord Jesus

My dear ones, like Joshua,


with faithfulness and loyalty, and

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Look at Joshua. Along with Moses, he involved himself in doing God’s works. When Moses was called by God to talk to Him face to face, he waited outside for Moses, with a faithful and loyal heart. Seeing his sincerity, after Moses, the Lord chose Joshua to do His ministry and fulfilled His

So, it is very important that you build your personal as well as family life on the Lord Jesus Christ. When you thus build, He Himself will be the foundation of your home. When people are careful in laying the foundation when they build an ordinary house, how much more should we be diligent to build up our spiritual life in the Lord? If we read the Bible for a while and pray for five minutes, how can the houses or our family or our personal life we build will abide in the Lord? Today, we see many families in ruins, because they do not abide in the Lord. The reason is their failure to look up to God, the Hill from where their help comes (Psalm 121:1).

give you the grace to join Him and do only things that are useful to Him, no matter what problems or afflictions befall you.

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My dear sisters, please enjoy this pleasant life of living in union with the Lord. If you prefer to move close with people, if you love your family more than God and spend much time with them, you cannot receive the divine life of living in unison with Him. So, be careful to give the Lord as much time as possible. Then, seeing your zeal for Him, the Lord will give you the grace to say like Joshua, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

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Today, by the grace of God, so many families have shared their testimony about living in close communion with God. Accordingly, will you change your life? The greatest treasure which cannot be availed in the world is the Lord Jesus Christ and His presence. May the Lord help you to seek this great treasure and receive a pleasant and testimonial life! ◆

BIBLE QUIZ - 41 WINNERS Chennai: Godvia Princess D., Tanjore: Baby J. R. S. Sharon Vellore: P. Rajapandy,

Yes, dear ones, the more you seek the Lord with thirst, the more the Lord will be with you. Once, we were staying in Kerala. In those days, Bro. Dhinakaran would return from office only very late in the night. We were residing in a very big house and the surrounding was lonely, without any house. I had to stay all alone. Yet, even in that lonely state, I looked up to the Lord and spent my time

with Him by praising Him. The Lord was a guard around me, hid me under the shadow of His wings, protected me from all harm and led me.

Karnataka: K. Dhanamani

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Sometimes, Bro. Dhinakaran would leave the house at 4 O’ Clock in the morning, for ministry. So, on such days, I used to get up at 3 in the morning, do everything for him and send him with prayer. After that I would be alone. That time, I would kneel down and keep on pleading to the Lord to be with Bro. Dhinakaran wherever he goes for ministry and bless his ministry. Accordingly, sometimes, he used to come home at around 2 AM after doing ministry. Till then I would be on my knees, praying for him. In

those days, my son Paul too would join me and pray on his knees. Since he was a kid, he used to go to sleep after praying for a while. But, I used to be on my knees and pray for my husband till he returned home, after completing his ministry. So I would open the door for him, at whatever time he returned home. As there were many houses around, every family near my house would proudly refer to this. I would tell them that it was the love of Jesus that changed me. They used to be amazed to hear that.

Andhra: R. E. Jayanthi, K. Joel, K. Joshua Paul

I don’t want to talk high of myself. Yet, in order that you should receive the Lord’s blessings, I share my experience with you:

would prepare coffee for himself, lock the house and leave home. But the wife would sleep till 8 O’clock, get up slowly and begin her work. How can the Lord’s blessings rest upon such families? Dear ones, instead, if the wife and the husband get up early in the morning and seek the Lord at least for 10 minutes, there is no doubt that God’s blessings will rest upon their family and personal life.

Jesus Calls ● August 2015 ●


- Vimala Jeyachandran, Walajapet.

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we prayed with thirst that we should have still more burden for the souls, as well as that we should have fruits and gifts of the Spirit. Sis. Florence had no peace of mind because of her sister’s abusive words and false accusations. She testified that this month’s promise verse about showing love to brethrens touched her heart.

Miraculous healing

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This month, right from the beginning of prayer time in the Esther Prayer Group, all of us were gripped by the zeal to arise and shine for the Lord. When we were praying for the 18th prayer point,

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I am a widow and have two daughters and a son. I struggled a lot to educate my children and settle their marriage. Sometimes I felt it was better to die than to live. There was none to help me. At this

Touching promise verse

- Mercy, Chennai.

Peace and Joy from the Lord

forlorn state, Sis. Jothy said to me once, “The Lord will never let you down. So don’t worry. I am conducting the Esther Prayer Group. You may also attend it and send your prayer requests to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran for prayers.” She thus invited me for the Esther Prayer Group and the Lord helped me to join in 2011. He answered all my prayer requests offered in the Esther Prayer Group. Besides, by joining this group and praying, He granted peace and joy in my soul. He helped me to settle my son’s and daughter’s marriage. My daughter was in agony as she was childless. The Lord heard the prayer and she has conceived now. Millions of praises to the Lord, who did these miracles in my life.

- P.E. Bhuvaneshwari, Vellore.

During the Esther Prayer Group conference held in March, in Vellore District, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran met all the groups and prayed for them personally, laying hands on their head. Sis. Anjali of our Esther Prayer Group was suffering from neck pain because of which she could not even turn her neck. That day, the moment when Sis. Stella Dhinakaran placed her hands on Sis. Anjali, and prayed for her, the pain vanished. She could turn her head on both sides. She testified about this in the Esther Prayer Group conducted in April and glorified the name of Jesus. Glory to Jesus.

Immediate deliverance

I am one of the leaders of the Esther Prayer Group. The Lord helped me to start the Esther Prayer Group on 13.09.2014. I am a widow. On 10.2.2015, when I conducted the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord made it a great time of blessing. After the prayer, I was talking to my relative. Suddenly, I felt giddy and had an attack of seizure because of which I had froths coming out of my mouth. My relative contacted the Prayer Tower and prayed. After that I was admitted in the hospital. The doctor said that it

Jesus Calls ● August 2015 ●


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I am one of the leaders of the Esther Prayer Group. During the

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Divine presence and power

Gift of a child after several years I am one of the leaders of the Esther Prayer Group. Sis. Aruna and Sis. Sarah of our group were longing for a child for the past 18 and 10 years respectively. There was no limit to the sufferings they underwent. We were praying with tears that the Lord should do a miracle and grant them both the gift of a child. The Lord heard the prayer and has blessed Sis. Aruna with a girl baby and Sis. Sarah with a boy child. I give glory to God for the miracles He has performed in their lives.

- Juliet Hanslaves, Bangladesh.

- Sujatha Francis, Chennai.

Sis. Sharon Marion Holmes was living separated from her husband as problems cropped up between them soon after marriage. Days passed. She lost all her hope of rejoining her husband. After that, she joined our Esther Prayer Group and prayed as a result of which she got rooted in the Lord, gradually. As sisters, we continued to pray for her in the Esther Prayer Group that she should join her husband. The Lord heard the prayers and she rejoined with her husband. The Lord also filled all the sisters with His Holy Spirit during the time of prayer and made everyone realize the importance of the Holy Spirit. Glory be to God.

Broken family reunited

- Janaki Joseph D’Souza, Secunderabad.

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Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the people there could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. Contact address: Sis. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Email:

My dear sisters,

Dear sisters, who pray in the Esther Prayer Group, pray with much burden for each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you. Do not forget to send your testimonies.

I am one of the leaders of the Esther Prayer Group. The time of prayer was of great blessing to us. Everyone enjoyed the presence of Jesus. The Holy Spirit came upon us mightily. We received divine peace and joy. We thank the Lord for the divine blessings that He has given us in the Esther Prayer Group. Bro. Jeyawanth was addicted to drugs. We were praying with great burden for him that the Lord should somehow deliver him.

Divine blessing and deliverance

- Agnes Michael, Bengaluru.

prayer time, the love and compassion of God came down in our midst. We could feel the move of the presence of God. Every one prayed with tears for all the prayer points. That time the Holy Spirit came down mightily. All of us glorified the Lord, filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!

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- Viola D. Trichy.

I am one of the leaders of the Esther Prayer Group. Sis. Rebecca and Sis. Papa of our group had no child even after 14 and 6 years of married life respectively. We were praying earnestly for this in our Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayers and blessed Sis. Rebecca with a girl baby and Sis. Papa with a boy baby. They have no words to express their joy. Glory to God!

Gift of a child

Hearing the prayer, the Lord has completely delivered him from this addiction. Glory to God!

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- Rubina Indrasen, Gujarat.

was a stroke and that it was because of high blood pressure. I prayed to the Lord saying, “Lord I want to serve You. If my legs become paralyzed, how will I do Your ministry? Please heal me.” At once the Lord healed me and made me to walk well. The next day, all medical reports came out to be normal. The Lord helped me to get discharged from the hospital. Now, I am hale and healthy as never before. Millions of praises to the Lord, who healed me.

Jesus Calls ● August 2015 ●


OWN HOUSE AFTER 35 YEARS Dear Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, Our provision shop was running in loss because of which we faced financial crisis. At this juncture, we tried to build a house on our plot. Yet, because of financial problem, we could not build a house for 35 years. There was no prosperity in the business also. As a family, we were broken hearted.

Every Sunday watch Raj TV... “Jesus Calls” programme “HOUR OF HOPE” (Tamil) on 8.30 p.m.

During this time, our neighbours told us about Jesus Christ and advised us to watch the ‘Jesus Calls’ TV programmes. So, with faith we began to watch the programmes. Since then we began to trust God. So I continued watching the ‘Jesus Calls’ “Hour of Hope” programme and started praying with you. The Lord began to bless our business.

After that in 2013, hearing about your meeting in Bethesda (Coimbatore), I attended it. That day I was comforted by your words, “The Lord will perfect everything for you.” Finally, when you prayed, I joined you in the prayer. I also met you personally, and requested prayers that God should help us to complete the house construction. You too placed your hands on my head and prayed fervently that God should help us to build the house. What a wonder! As you prayed, our financial needs were met and we dedicated our new house on 10th February 2014, by His grace. Now our business is also flourishing. Praise the Lord. CE E PEA N I V I ;D ANGE H C S U CULO A R I M TV programme every day. Also I visited the Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Dear Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, Memorial Prayer Tower in My husband was addicted to Chennai, for prayers. When I enalcohol for the past 7 years. He tered the Prayer Tower, I was spent all the money on alcohol. filled with divine peace. The prayer Hence, I could not run my family. warriors warmly welcomed me There was no peace in the family and prayed for my husband’s and I was living in agony wonder- transformation. What a wonder! ing why my life was so. At this By the grace of God, my husband time, my relative introduced me to was miraculously delivered from the ‘Jesus Calls’ministry. After that his addiction. He became a child I began to watch the ‘Jesus Calls’ of God. My joy knew no bounds.

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- Easwari, Tirupur.

After that, when I was watching your programme, every day, I had much faith on the Lord. I claimed every verse that you mentioned and prayed. Those words were useful to me to live zealously for the Lord. Now all of us have become the children of God and are living for Him. Peace prevails in our family. Thanks to the prayer warriors, who prayed for us and to the Lord who did the miracle! - Sudha Arumugam, Kanchipuram. Watch the ‘Jesus Calls’ TV programme and be blessed.

Jesus Calls ● August 2015 ● 50 Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

Holy Land Tour Come! Walk where the Lord walked and experience His miracles. In Israel,

Jordan, Egypt from 12th October...

Facility available for teams to start from major airports in India and other countries. ◆

During this tour, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran will share prophetic messages and pray individually for them in Israel Prayer Tower. ◆ Translation facilities are made available to explain about places related to Biblical incidents, to the teams (English/Tamil/Hindi/Telugu/Kannada). Facility to offer personal prayers in these places can be availed. 3 TIMES FOOD (inclusive) A golden chance for you ◆ Package-1 ISRAEL to choose from Rs.79,999/- (6 nights/ 7 days) three tour packages . ◆ Package -2 JORDAN (Petra) & ISRAEL Hurry up! Rs. 99,999/- (8 nights/ 9 days) Register now! ◆ Package -3 JORDAN (Petra), ISRAEL & EGYPT (Pyramid) Rs. 1,08,999/- (11 nights /12 days) (This charge is only for the teams that leave from India). For more details contact : 044 65556841 / 42/ 43 Email : Website: 51

Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 27-7-2015

Vidarbha Prayer Festival October 2 - 4, 2015


Every day at 5.30 PM


d prayer by Message an


Dhinak l u a P e n i l e . Evang s i S , n a r a k a in round G Dr. Paul Dh k r a P d n asturcha nk), Nagpur. Venue : K rve Ba e s e R r a e N ( /Hindi in : English




Pray for the 5 lakhs people who will be directly blessed through this meeting. We believe that 30 lakhs of people will be blessed through the live telecast of this meeting in 3 languages, all over India. We kindly invite you to be a part of this ministry by rendering your financial support towards the meeting ground, advertisement, dais, audio-video system. You may send your offering through money order or cheque or demand draft drawn in favour of ‘Jesus Calls’ mentioning “Vidarbha Prayer Festival” to the address: Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. You may also give your offering in person in the following address: Jesus Calls Office, Patni Complex (First floor), Near Patni Automobiles, Camptee Road, Nagpur – 1.

Donations can be made online in the using credit card/ debit card/ net banking in a secure way. For further details contact : 9552965912 / 9552039847 52

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