Jesus Calls (English) - February 2017

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magine how life would be if all the bad things that were meant to come to you suddenly changed into good things. Think how wonderful it would be if all the arrows that were sent against you to hurt and harm you changed into soft petals of flower and gently splashed on you with its sweet aroma? How would you feel if all the curses that were hurled against you turned into blessings and decorated your life instead of destroying it? Friend! This is exactly what the love of God does to you. The Bible reveals that ‘Love’ for God has the power to make ‘all things’

good. It has the power to change the ‘bad’ things into ‘good’ things. Let me prove that to you from the Word of God. Let me turn your focus to a truth-revealing verse in the Word of God: And we know that ‘all things’ work together ‘for good’ to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28) Note the expressions ‘all things’ and ‘for good’. If you read it together it gives out a meaning like ‘All things happens for our good’. Another translation says, “The

Lord turns all things into good to those who love Him”. So many things that were meant to bring us evil will be turned to bring us good instead, by the love of God. As we see this power of the love of God to turn bad things for our good, the next question that arises in our hearts is: How to receive this love of God? How to love God? Many times we struggle hard to love Him but we are not able to do it because we try to love God with our own ability - in our flesh. Friend! We can’t love God with our human love. Many people are trying to love God with their own love and failing miserably yet they keep trying to love God with their self– strength in vain. But the Bible shows us a different and easy way. The easy way is that the Holy Spirit does it for us. Let me show this - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


marvellous verse from the Bible: Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us (Romans 5:5) Look at how we receive the love of God in our hearts. Not by producing it by our own self. This verse reveals that God pours His love into us through the Holy Spirit. Yes! As the Holy Spirit comes into us, he opens our eyes to see the love of God and receive it in our hearts. The Holy Spirit produces the love of God in our hearts and with this love, we can easily love God and when we love God ‘all’ bad things will be turned into ‘good things’ for us. All the people who did evil to us will be shocked and amazed at the way the love of God turned the evil they meant for us to become good. All their fiery darts of jealousy and hatred which were meant to hurt us will be turned into flowers that will decorate us and make us appear glorious. This love did not come into our hearts because we first loved God but because God first loved us. If you read 1 John 4:19, the bible says, “We love Him because He first loved us”. First God loved us and that’s why we love Him. Galatians 2:20 says that God not only loved us but also gave Himself for us. So the Holy Spirit who comes into us makes us to see this love of God through Christ who gave Himself for us. Yes! This love comes into our heart because of the blood of Jesus. Even now as you are reading this message, you can ask God to cleanse you with the blood that Jesus shed on the cross and immediately God’s love will fill your 4

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heart and you will live your life with great joy. All things will work for your good. What good does this love bring us?

Love Covers multitude of Sins The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:8 that Love covers multitude of sins. Yes! There will be multitude of sins but love covers them all. My Friend! Love covers multitude of sins. That is the love of God. God’s love will say, “Son, I have poured my blood for you. I have poured into your heart My love which forgives sinners; My love which loved the betrayers ; My love which loved the one who denied me. If you have my love, you are a good man. You are good woman, My daughter”. Yes! The Love of God comes and transforms us into good people. All our sins are washed away. One day a preacher was going to preach in a church. That day they were celebrating the Lord’s Communion in that service. As the preacher saw the man who was administering the Holy communion, he found that he was the man who hurt him deeply. He had done wicked things and broken the heart and life of that preacher before. So his heart was burning within him. This preacher was debating in his heart whether he should go and receive communion from this man who had broken his heart into pieces. At the same time, in that place there were two groups of people. One who invited this man to preach and another group that followed the man who was administering the communion. And the group which supported the man who gave the communion

waited to see whether this preacher received communion from the person who hurt him. The preacher did not know it. That group was planning that if he did not take communion, they would stop him from preaching. While all these plans were schemed behind the preacher, the preacher was debating within himself in the flesh whether he should really receive communion on that day. The communion service began and as the person leading the service took the bread and the wine cup in his hand, the preacher was breathing and fuming and suddenly the Holy Spirit was poured into his heart. When the Holy Spirit came, He opened the preacher’s eyes. And he saw that in the place where that person who gave the communion was standing, Jesus appeared. Jesus had a broken body. He was broken on all sides in his body. He stood there as a broken person. There were wounds in His head and blood flowed from His wounds and He looked at the preacher and said, “My son, this is my body broken for you”. The preacher did not hear the voice of the person who is administering the communion. He saw Jesus in his place, standing with a broken heart saying, “My son, this is my body broken for you. This is My blood which was shed for you. Come to me, My son. Come to me”. The man fell on his face and cried. He came running to the altar and received the body and blood of Christ. Meanwhile the man who was administering the communion saw him that he was filled with God’s love. He wept as He administered the body of Christ. He cried for the atrocities he has committed against this man and repented. All his sins were wiped out. Both became new people.

Yes! My Friend! Love covers multitude of sins. Every time we come to the altar, Jesus Christ is standing there with His broken body, pouring His love into us. Love fills our heart. Love for Jesus fills our heart. And every one who participated in the communion became one body - full of the love of Christ.

God’s Love makes us Love our Family and Others This love comes into us, when we worship Him in the church through His body and blood. It covers all our sins. That is what brings love for each other. The Bible says in 1 John 3:15, “ If any one hates his brother, he would be a murderer. If any woman does not love her sister or brother in Christ, she is a murderer”. According to James 2:8 and Colossians 3:19, when God’s Love fills our hearts, we will be filled with love for our brothers and sisters and neighbours. When God’s Love fills our hearts, we will begin to love our family. First, spouses will begin to love each other. The Bible says in Titus 2:4 and Col. 3:19 that women should love their husbands. In Ephesians 5:25,28 and 33, it says that men should love their wives as his own body. If a woman does not love her husband or if a man does not love his wife, they are distorting the image of God because God created man in His own image (Gen. 1:27, 2:18) and from man, God created the woman. Yes! If a man beats his wife or if a woman does not love her husband, they are beating the very image of God. But thank God that by the love of Christ flowing through His body and

blood; through the communion, our sins are forgiven every time and we are filled with the love of God. The bible says in Proverbs 10:12, that love covers all wrongs. When the love of God comes into the wife for her husband and into the husband for his wife, miracles begin to happen in the family. My friend! I pray that all wives are thus filled with the love of God; all the husbands be filled with the love of God and all the members of God’s body be filled with the love of God. Love covers a multitude of sin of the family members. It

says, “ With all this, I will not fear because I have the love of God. The love of Jesus has filled me totally. So I will never fear anything”. Friend! There is no fear in love. Yes my friends, Proverbs 28:1 says, the righteous are bold like a lion. How does this boldness come? The bible says in John 16:8, that the Holy Spirit who comes into us, pours the love of God into our heart and love removes fear. Once fear is removed, boldness comes and once boldness comes, the first thing we will do is that we will call ourselves children of God and the righteous-

“GOD, IF YOU HAVE PREPARED FOR ME A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE IN HEAVEN, YOU WILL SURELY PREPARE A NICE HOUSE FOR ME IN THIS WORLD ALSO”. covers a multitude of sin of the society and the nation. This love that pours from the cross of Jesus Christ is still and makes us love everyone. His love flows through you and to me.

Love gives Boldness 1 John 4:18 says that there is no fear in love. Yes! Love removes fear. In Romans 8:37, the apostle Paul asks a very powerful question. He asks, “Who can separate us from the love of Christ?”. Then, in his own answer to the question, he lists all the problems that can comfort a believer in his life viz. tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword or pestilence or all the attacks of the devil and then he

ness of God. And then we will go ahead and live righteously in this world and therefore there would be no fear about judgment. All the time we will have righteousness in us and all the time the Holy Spirit will keep assuring us saying, “You are a child of God”, and make us confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord. The bible says that no one can confess Jesus Christ is the Lord except by the Holy Spirit ( 1 Cor. 12:3). Many years ago, we went to the city of Erode to conduct a big public meeting. Thousands and thousands of people were there. And when I stood up to preach, suddenly the clouds became dark and it started raining. As I saw the people struggling in the - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


rain with little children, my heart broke within me. It was not the human heart of Paul Dhinakaran but the Holy Spirit who filled me with God’s love for the people. When Jesus was in the world, when he saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion. When he saw the lame people; when he saw the blind; when he saw the people who had lost their loved ones, His heart broke. Love flowed out of Him. He said, “Where will they go? There is no one to help them in this world”. Yes! He was moved with compassion and laid His hands upon them, touched them and healed them. That same love comes into us when the Holy Spirit comes into us. It makes us cry for the people we do not even know. When we see their agony, we feel as if we ourselves are in that agony and we will pray for them. That night that love filled my heart. And I said, “Lord already they have cancer and they are crying ; already that sister is crying without a child. If the rain stops the meeting, they will go without their miracles. But Lord, you are a loving God, please stop the rain. Please raise your hands and remove these clouds”. When I said that filled with the love of God through the Holy Spirit, the rain stopped in just a minute. It was thundering and lightening everywhere else but there was no rain in the grounds. And in that ground, there was one man called Muthu. Muthu was an alcoholic. He was a vendor of things in the street. Filled with the power of evil, he kept drinking all the time and was beating his wife and children. He had borrowed money from different places and was full of debt. His wife who was always in agony that day managed to pull this man to the meeting. He was fully drunk. But when he saw the rain stop, he cried to God and the 6

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Holy Spirit opened his eyes. He was shocked to see God answering prayers like this and that night the Holy Spirit came upon him. He cried like a little baby. And from that day he was a new man - totally changed. Today, God has blessed his family and prospered his business. And the wife is a happy person today and the children are IT engineers. The man who was in the streets is today an honourable man. The love of God that flows through the Holy Spirit gave me the boldness to ask God to stop the rain and God did stop the rain. Many miracles were brought to people that night.

Friend! That same grace shall come to you. When God’s love fills you, you will always say, “ God is my daddy. Jesus is my father. The almighty God is my father. The Holy Spirit is my father. I can ask him anything”. You will have the boldness to ask anything to the father. Then you will worship God and you will see miracles happening to you. Yes! Miracles happens when we worship him.

Love reveals us the glory The bible says in 1 Cor. 2:9 that God’s love reveals us the glory which is kept for us in heavens. When God’s love fills our heart, it reveals us the future glory that awaits us. The bible says, “ eyes have not seen and ears have not heard the things that God has prepared for those who love Him”. In heaven is prepared a mighty treasure for those who love God. Nothing in this world can be compared with heaven. The beauty of heaven can never be explained with human perception and expression but when the love of God is

poured in our hearts my friend, it reveals us the glory of heaven through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit reveals us what heaven is and what is awaiting us. When we love Him, God gives us the Holy Spirit and the bible says that the Holy Spirit reveals the future to us. Acts 2:17 says, the Holy Spirit gives us visions. Yes, as we are filled with the Holy Spirit, in the midst of all the troubles we see in the world The Holy Spirit opens our eyes to God’s love in heaven and we will behold the glory of heaven. The Holy Spirit will tell you , “ Son! Daughter! God loves you. Don’t be discouraged. See what God has prepared for you in heaven. Look at what God has kept for you in heaven when you fight the good fight in this world”. Yes! My friend! We will see visions and hear prophecies from the Holy Spirit. We will get so excited over the love of God when we see what He has prepared and kept for us. Friend! We are not orphans. We have our father who has prepared a heaven for us. In this world, we may be struggling in our jobs, in our finances, in our business, in building our house and so we may be discouraged but through the Love of God, the Holy Spirit will tell us that there is a beautiful place prepared in heaven for us because God has loved us. It will encourage us so much. Then we will be able to pray saying, “ God, if you have prepared for me a beautiful house in heaven, you will surely prepare a nice house for me in this world also”. Oh! He will give every blessings here also. Friend! What a great life in this world we have through the Holy Spirit who pours the love of God in us. Let me share this true incident to build your faith.

A husband and wife were flying in an air craft. The husband was teaching the wife to operate the air craft. The wife pressed the wrong button and the plane came down and crashed. The wife was admitted in the hospital in an unconscious state. Her neck, hands and legs were broken. After several days she woke up. And the pastor who would go and pray for her everyday was standing by her side. When she woke up, she held the pastor’s hand and asked him. “Pastor, Why did you bury my husband without shoes?” Pastor asked, “How did you know?” She was in coma all those days. She never even knew that her husband was dead. She said, “I saw Jesus. When you buried my husband without shoes, I was concerned that my husband was not wearing shoes. Then she said, “as you buried him, I saw him raising up and I saw a bright light coming from heaven and surrounding him. He was full of glory and I saw a bright person coming from heaven near him. I saw my husband raising his arm and asking for forgiveness. I saw the bright person to whom he was asking forgiveness came and embraced my husband. I saw His face. It was Jesus. And He took my husband with Him into the glory of heaven”. Pastor, I am not afraid. I saw the glory of heaven. I saw Jesus taking my husband to heaven. What great love Jesus has for my husband that He has prepared such a wonderful heaven for him.

Friend! So cheer up! We are not orphans in this world. We all are waiting to go to heaven which God has prepared for us with His love through the Holy Spirit. Thank God for heaven! Thank God for His love! May God’s love fill your heart and may He live with you forever.

“...all those who were around them encouraged them with articles of silver and gold.. and with precious things, besides all that was willingly offered” (Ezra 1:6) Jesus Calls Mobile app: Download the new Jesus Calls Mobile app from Google Play Store and then you can make your donation through the mobile app. THROUGH Online: You can donate through our secure website using Credit / Debit card / Net Banking and Mobile Wallets. Donation details can be intimated to our Partner Service No.18004257755 (Toll Free - Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm) BY BANK: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No.: 000901056144 Bank: ICICI Bank Ltd, Nungabakkam Branch, Chennai 600034. IFSC: ICIC0000009 Details of the donations sent directly to the Bank can be intimated though email: By DEMAND Draft / Cheque: Drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” and can be sent by Registered Post to the address: Jesus Calls, No.16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. THROUGH POST OFFICE: You may send your donation through Money Order & EMO. Donations also can be sent by “Mobile Money Transfer” through Post Offices to the number 9840900480. THROUGH PRAYER TOWER: You can visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower closest to you and make a donation in person by Cash / Swiping Machine. THROUGH AMBASSADORS: You may meet our Jesus Calls Ambassador in your local area and make your donations. You will be provided an acknowledgement for the same. To know your area Ambassador, Please contact 18004257755 (Toll Free - Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm) If you send your donation by Bank Transfer or Mobile Transfer mode, it is not possible for us to get your name and address. So, if you send your donation by using these modes, please send us your name and address or your contact telephone number soon after sending your donation by contacting the toll free number 1800 425 77 55 or by sending SMS to 90940 99977 or by sending Email to This would help us send reply to you, with prayers.

Address to send your prayer requests: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Email: Dear partner, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family will pray specially for you every day. Prayers will be offered for you in the 24 hours Prayer Tower. - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


As the annual/ Public exams are fast approaching, special Prayer Meet for students was arranged to take place in Bethesda Campus, Coimbatore.


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This Prayer Meet was conducted on 8th January 2017, at 2.00 PM. The songs, worships and skit by the Karunya students brought down the presence of God. Testimonies of the students of the previous years, who had achieved academically both in state and district level, inspired the gathering. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Chancellor of Karunya University, shared God’s message and prayed with burden for the students to write their exams without fear and be in good health, under God’s protection. Several thousands of students from and around Coimbatore attended this meeting and went back with God’s blessings.

Testimonies of a few Top scorers (Young Partners) of last year. State Level I am a Jesus Calls Young Partner. I appeared for my 10th Public Exam last year (2015-2016). Before my exams I could not concentrate on my studies. I had poor memory power and was gripped by an unknown fear. I contacted the Prayer Tower and sought prayers for my fears to be removed. Last year’s Students’ Meet was telecast through Bethesda website. During the meeting, when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, was praying, I also joined him in the prayer. After the prayer I had a conviction that the Lord would give me high marks. Accordingly He helped me to write my exams well. The Lord helped me to get centum in Maths and Science, 99 in Social Science and 98 in Tamil and English with a total of 495/500. This was the fifth rank in the state level. I thank the Lord for this. - E.Sathya, Karunya Nagar. - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


Centum in Two subjects I appeared for my 10th Public Exam last year (2015-2016). I am a Jesus Calls Young Partner. Before studying, I always used to offer the prayer compiled by Uncle Paul Dhinakaran for students. The moment I offered this prayer, I would be filled with hope and confidence. The Lord helped me to retain in my memory whatever I studied. Also before going to write my exams I contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers. As a result I did well in my exams. I got 98 in Tamil and English, centum in Maths and Science and 99 in Social Science with a total of 495/ 500. This was the fifth rank in the state level. I thank the Lord for this meritorious success. - Jerosha Rosaline Karunya Nagar

State First

several years of married life. When

I wrote my 10th Public exam a year ago (2014-2015). I am a Young Partner and in January 2014, I attended a meeting held in Bethesda. During the meeting Uncle Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the students who were appearing for their exams. I too joined him in the prayer and prayed for high marks. Also on exam days, I contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers. In 2015, when the results were published, I had got centum in every subject except in Tamil in which I had scored 99. The Lord helped me to reach state first with a total of 499/500. Glory to God.

they did not get a child even after

-Carolina, Kenathukadavu.

Centum in three subjects

medical treatment, they had visited the Bethesda Prayer Centre for prayers. After that I was born and so immediately they had enrolled me as the Jesus Calls Young Partner. When I was preparing for my 10th public exam, I became highly anemic because of which I could not study properly. My parents had sent an email to Uncle Paul Dhinakaran seeking prayers for me. He too had sent a reply. Hearing the prayers, the Lord helped me to get 486/500 with centum in Maths, Science and Social Science. I thank Him profusely for this. - R.Mahitha Cheruba,

My parents had no child despite


No age limit to join this Plan. Can be a partner till marriage. You may send any amount possible for you, every month! YOUNG PARTNER’S PLAN. Write the name of the children to be enrolled in the Plan (legibly) Mr/Ms:................................................................... Date of Birth:........................................................... Mr/Ms:................................................................... Date of Birth:........................................................... Mr/Ms:................................................................... Date of Birth:........................................................... Name of the parent/guardian:................................................................................................................... Contact Address:……………….......................................................................................………………….. City:………...........………….PIN Code............................................... Country:........................................ Email: .................................................................................................................................................... Along with the duly filled form, you may send the Demand Draft drawn in favour of Jesus Calls to the address: 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028, by registered post. You may donate through debit cards in the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. Donations can be made online in the website using Credit card/ Debit card/ net banking in a secure way. For more details: Toll free contact Number: 1800 425 77 55 (7.00 AM to 9.00 PM).

For Prayer: 10

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supported Classrooms Activity based learning Student

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centred & collaborative approach

equipped Maths, Science, Computer Labs Well stocked Library

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Mr.C.Samson Principal - February 2017 JESUS CALLS



hen Joseph was a young man he was sold by his brothers to slave traders who took him to Egypt. Even when he was a slave, Joseph sought the Lord with all his heart. He loved God. And therefore, God was with Him and blessed all the work of His hands (Genesis 39: 3, 4). Potiphar - the Egyptian official who saw the blessing on Joseph, made him the supervisor of his house. He entrusted all that he had to Joseph and because of that God blessed the Egyptian and his household. God abided with Joseph and blessed him 12

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in all aspects of his life. Friend! This is how God blesses those who seek God in their young age. Usually, the society would look at orphans and say, “oh! This guy does not have parents and that is why he is wandering here and there with no one to care or control him”. They would say, “He is an orphan and no wonder he is committing so many atrocities.” But look at Joseph, even when he was separated from them - he still loved God and God blessed every work of his hands. God made him successful. It is in the same way when an orphan boy or girl seeks God and

loves Him, God blesses every effort of that boy or girl and makes him or her a grand success. The Bible advises us saying, “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth before the difficult days come and the years draw near when you say, “I have no pleasure in them.” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). It is during the youth phase that a person desires to be happy and to have all the fun in the world but when a boy or a girl seeks and loves the Lord during this age, the Lord does every good thing for that boy or girl and makes him or her a success.

Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her (Genesis 29:20) Yes! because of the love Jacob had for Rachel, he slogged for 7 years under Rachel’s father Laban who was a terrible task master. But Laban cheated Jacob and got him married to his elder daughter Leah. Broken hearted, he asked his father – in – law, “Why did you deceive me,” for which the tough father – in – law said, “Serve me another 7 years if you want Rachel.” That sounds terrible – Isn’t it? But Jacob took that offer because of his love for Rachel. He worked another 7 years for her and married her. Friend! Just pause and think for a moment. If an ordinary man can do so much for a woman he loves, will not God do much more for you and me? Our father who loves us will do things beyond what we could ever ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20) because He knows our hearts. He will surely bless you! Yes! God knows our thoughts. Look at how the Psalmist puts it in Psalm 139:2. He says, “You know my sitting down and my rising up. You understand my thoughts afar off…” Young guys and girls may think, “Why should I search God at this age? All that is for old people. When we reach old age, then we will read the Bible and pray; but God knows our thoughts from far off. He knows our sitting down and raising up. When a boy or a girl is true to God during his or her young age; when he or she seeks the Lord with

his or her whole heart; when they read the Bible everyday sincerely and pray to God fervently and when they wait to hear God’s wisdom, guidance and power they will be able to clearly hear the voice of God, this verse from the Word of God will come true in their lives: “Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it, “Whenever you turn to the right hand or to your left” (Isaiah 30:21) Yes! When we wait at His feet everyday and meditate on His word daily, we will hear God’s clear voice in our spirits. We will know it. It will say, “This is the way; walk in it” Yes! You will hear a voice behind you instructing you and guiding you in your every right turn and left. He will guide you like a father. (Psalm 32:8) This Father God who guides with so much of love wants us to live in a certain way. What’s that way? He wants us to live like Him? He wants us to be perfect as He is perfect (Matthew 5:48); holy as He is Holy (1 peter 1:16); true as He is true and loving as He is loving (John 13:34). Yes! Our heavenly Father wants His children to be like Him – complete in everything. Now, what does God give us for living like Him?

Perfect Love Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given to us. (Romans 5:5) There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear,

because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18) God loves pure and perfect love in us through the Holy Spirit. When His pure and perfect love comes in us; all fear will leave us. When’ fear’ leaves we will have faith and confidence. So many times we are disturbed in our heart , thinking “How am I going to study? How am I going to search for a job? When are we going to get married? When am I going to have a child? But when the love of God comes into our heart all our fears leave us. A new confidence will be born in our hearts, because we will have a faith that “Our God is alive!” Let us see the blessings that would flow into us when this Love of God fills our hearts. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7) When David was a young boy he daringly faced the giant Goliath. David had no fear in his heart. That love gave him the Spirit of courage which enabled him to challenge the terrifying human monster. But Goliath belittled the young boy David saying, “Am I a dog that you come to fight me with wooden sticks? And he insulted and cursed the name of God, but David retorted in a heroic manner. He said, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a Javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defiled. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand and I will strike you and take your head from - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


you.” Where did David receive such tremendous faith and courage? It is God who gave him the courage. Because David loved the Lord even when he was young, he received the boldness to stand before a mighty army and challenged the strongest warrior of the army, fought with him and won him by cutting off his head. As said by God that the battle belongs to the Lord, David won that fight miraculously. (1 Samuel 17:47). Similarly when the Spirit of God came upon Samson, he tore open the wild Lion’s mouth in just a minute. He received that courage because Gods’ Spirit came upon Him (Judges 14:5,6). God will also fill you in the same way. God will give courage to all the youngsters who are reading this message. Today you’ll receive divine courage.

Perfect Knowledge You have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him (Colossians 3:10) Secondly, God endows us with knowledge. Our God is a God of perfect knowledge and He desires to transform us also into His image. He does not want us to remain as babes but to be like Him – matured in knowledge (Ephesians 4:11,14). He gives us His Holy Spirit which enables us to receive perfect knowledge. He wants to reform, renew and transform us through granting us perfect knowledge. Friend! If you have not yet received the Holy Spirit ask God today saying,” Father! Give me the Holy Spirit.” He will change us like Him. He will give us His divine, perfect knowledge and help us to 14

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climb up the ladder of success – everyday of our lives. When Jesus was living on this earth something happened one day: Jesus saw Nathanael coming towards Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!”. Nathanael said to Him, “How do You know me?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” Nathanael answered and said to Him, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” Jesus answered and said to him, “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these.” (John 1:47-50) Jesus was so filled with Divine Wisdom that He was able to read the heart of all those who came to Him and also revealed their hearts to them. Friend! Jesus wants to make us also like Him – full of Godly wisdom! Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any means, came behind Jesus and touched the border of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood stopped. And Jesus said, “Who touched Me?” When all denied it, Peter and those with him said, “Master, the multitudes throng and press You, and You say, ‘Who touched Me?’” But Jesus said, “Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power

going out from Me.” Now when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling; and falling down before Him, she declared to Him in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately. And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace.” (Luke 8:43-48) Note that amidst so much of crowd where it was impossible to say who touched Him, He was so accurately saying, “Somebody touched Me” That is divine knowledge. Jesus knew everything that was happening around Him with His perfect knowledge and it is this perfect knowledge that He is looking forward to giving us too. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5) When we ask our Father who does not condemn anyone, He will fill us with pure love. When we surrender our lives into His hands to live for His glory, He will surely bless us. Especially when youngsters give the prime time of their age to God, God will fill them with His Holy Spirit and make them perfect.

Perfect Joy You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; With eternal pleasures at your right hand (Psalm 16:11) Note here that God promises two things in His presence “fullness of joy” which is perfect joy and ‘pleasures forevermore” The

Bible says that the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit – (Roman 14:17). Friend! It is this joy with which God will fill you and me – the joy in the Holy Spirit.

are always so much of fights in my family.” But be cheerful because the Lord will fill you with His perfect peace even as you are reading this message, because you have held on to God and sought Him with your whole heart.

The disciples of Jesus were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:52). When the worldly people saw these disciples being anointed with the Holy Spirit, they thought the disciples were drunk with new wine (Acts 2:13). The Joy of the Holy Spirit is an unspeakable and glorious joy which cannot be described in human words. (1 Peter 1:8). It is in our hands to receive this perfect joy of the Holy Spirit.

Once, a wife who was abandoned by her family was left in her mother’s place. She lived there for days, months and years in tears and loneliness. She did not even know where the husband had gone. There was no information from him. She poured out her heart in tears unto the Lord and kept on praying without losing faith. But the people around her pitied her and said to her, “You have waited in vain for many years expecting your husband to return. Now, it looks like there are no chances for him to return to you. Since you have lived with him only for a few years, please move forward and get married to another man and build a life for yourself.” But the lady refused to listen to them saying, “My God will help me” She clung on in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ. One year passed away and the miracle happened. Her husband returned to her and began to live as a family. All the people around her were shocked and surprised. They glorified God saying, “This is her Lord’s doing” She began testifying to everyone that it was God who helped her by bringing back her husband to her. She was filled with perfect joy and peace.

The Chinese believed that their ancestors and parents who die continued to live in their graves only, and therefore they built their graves like big, spacious houses. Many rich and wealthy people built the graves like palaces, very luxurious homes for their ancestors to live in comfort and joy. Every year they used to go to the graves of their ancestors, parents and children and would cry there. But our joy is in the truth that our Lord Jesus Christ lives forever. Yeah! Everyday our Lord Jesus Christ guides us and satisfies us by filling us with the perfect joy of the Holy Spirit.

Perfect Peace You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. (Isaiah 26:3) God will fill us with perfect peace. Many housewives are crying saying, “Oh! My husband has abandoned me and gone”; “There

Likewise my friend! If we cling on to the Lord and say, “Father! There is no other way”, then no problem will appear to us like a mountain. When we surrender everything to the Lord Jesus Christ; when you do as the Bible says, “Cast your burden on the Lord”

(Psalm 55:22), then whatever may be your circumstances; whatever may be your problem, God will fill your heart with perfect peace, which will make you overcome the problem easily. The Bible says that, “He (God) said and it was done; He commanded and it stood fast” (Psalm 33:9). And therefore God can easily move your mountains in life. When you receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit God will move your mountains and set you free from all your problems. Yes! When the perfection comes, the imperfect disappears (1 Corinthians 13:10). When you sincerely pray unto the Lord saying, “I am losing control of my anger and I am picking up a fight with everyone. So Father God , please transform this character of mine,”, then the Holy Spirit will fill you with joy and peace and deliver you from the Spirit of anger. Even if you are sick physically; you’ll receive healing. When the chief priests came to arrest Jesus, there came along with them some soldiers too and at that time the disciple Peter got angry. Unable to control his anger; he took out his knife and cut off a soldier’s ears but Jesus took the ear of the soldier who had come to arrest him and fixed it back on his head. (Luke 22:50) Even at that moment of tension, Jesus performed a miracle to the ones who came to arrest Him. This wonderful Jesus, will surely heal your disease also. He is our only hope. When we look unto Him in love and faith, He will turn around and fill us with perfect love, perfect knowledge, perfect joy and perfect peace and make you happy!  - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


Beloved in Christ, I am extremely happy and joyful in writing this message during the second month of this New Year. “. . . My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). As quoted in this verse, I assure you that our Almighty Lord shall fulfil all your need and you shall not suffer any paucity throughout the year. This February is going to witness the shower of divine provisions. The eyes of the Lord shall be upon you to bless and satisfy every need of yours (Deuteronomy 11:12). He shall walk with you; bless you and all your endeavours (2 Corinthians 6:16). This month, you shall reap whatever you have sown in the 16

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Lord’s ministry. The Lord shall grant you in good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over (Luke6:38). The Lord will make you abound in good health and prosperity and he shall neither lessen them nor let you lose them. He shall rejoice over you with gladness and exalt your name. (Zephaniah 3:17)

exorbitant needs of Jesus Calls Ministry. I earnestly request that all those partners who support us through their offerings continue to support us through their prayers also. It is then the will of God shall be fulfilled through our ministry.

I am overjoyed to note that during the past years, you had supported the Jesus Calls Ministry with your generous offerings and prayers. Therefore, I feel encouraged to share with you the multifarious activities of our ministry and its needs. As we give thanks and praise the Lord for the magnificent works He has done through ministry, I exhort you to pray fervently so that the Lord shall supply the

“He was faithful to Him who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in all God’s house” (Hebrews 3:2).

Treading on the footprints of the Apostle of Love

It was on 20th February 2008, that my father, Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran the man of God who is also a spiritual father and a beloved brother to many, entered into glory. It was in the same month in 1955, as a young man he shed off his instinct to commit suicide and

accepted Lord Jesus as his Saviour. Then onwards God had used him mightily as a blessing to millions of people. Lakhs of people understood the unfathomable love of God and took the righteous path in their renewed life; innumerable people were delivered from the malicious instinct to end their lives; many broken families got reconciled and restored; numerous evangelists responded to God’s calling and commenced their ministry. We ought to praise the Lord as we commemorate my father’s ministry unto the Lord. Indeed, the Lord Jesus Christ had graciously blessed him as he exalted Moses, the obedient servant of God. Therefore, with clean and unblemished hands, he reached the feet of God. I express my deepest appreciation and gratefulness for all those who stood with us and sustained us throughout our ministry. Kindly continue to pray for its wide expansion and sustenance.

Digitization of the evangelical messages “…that they may teach their children (and their progeny)” (Deuteronomy 4:10). The divine messages of my father and my family members existing in the form of audio and video recordings of yesteryears have been modified and upgraded using modern technology. These would be be stocked in the library proposed to be established in the name of Dr.D.G.S Dhinakaran for the visitors to enjoy watching or listening here. It is also proposed to upload the materials in Jesus Calls Website to the benefit of the public. It is hoped that such digitized messages would pave way for the

present generation and their progeny to be well informed and spiritually be blessed. Kindly pray for all our efforts to be guarded and guided by the Almighty God. We also collect the information and pictures related to the testimonies and God’s miracles that happened during our public meetings from our Jesus Calls Journals and magazines and store them in Computers with an ardent faith that they would touch the souls those who wish to read them. A great effort has been taken to let not any soul to be lost into damnation. I request you again to have this as your most important prayer point. The digitized messages will be helpful for Research work and also as spiritual subjects for our Prayer Academy Students

Special Students’ Meet “ ... in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3). Strenuous preparation for examinations is the present scenario in colleges and schools. In such a moment, the students as well as their parents are in need of God’s blessings to face the exams with courage and good health. Hence we regularly convene special meetings to pray for them. On 8th of January we organized a Students’ prayer meet to pray for the students in and around Coimbatore. Thousands of students participated and received the blessings of God. Likewise another special prayer meet for Chennai students is to be conducted on February 5th and I place my humble request to you all to pray for the meticulous arrangement and smooth conduct of this prayer

meet. It should draw thousands of students so that they may be blessed with divine wisdom. Kindly forward the name and examination schedule of your wards to Jesus calls Towers for the prayer intercessors to pray for you. Send your prayer requests to the address Dr.Paul Dhinakaran, Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai- 600 028 either by post or mail it to According to the promise found in this verse “If you ask me anything in His name I will do it” (John 14:14), God will provide you with whatever you ask for through prayers; your children will excel in the examinations securing high marks.

Divine message to the multitude We are getting ready to render God’s message in the Students meet to be held on 5 February at Chennai, and the Prophetic Conference (8,9 & 10 February) and Festival of Blessing (10,11,& 12 February) to be held at Rajamundhry in Andhra. Pray that God uses us mightily and pours forth all His grace to equip us with well-instructed tongues to deliver the right words prompted by divine wisdom and intervention that they bear testimony to the miraculous signs and works (Isaiah 50:4, Mark 16: 20). We are going to organize the festival in an elaborate manner and direct telecast it through our internet portals to enable lakhs of viewers to be blessed. These may be possible only through your exemplary monetary support and - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


tributions. To make God’s message and healing virtue reach thousands of people, kindly send your donations to the Prayer Tower nearby your place. Of late, God has been opening the doors for us to render our service abroad, even from places unimaginable. Pastors and well-wishers from China and Korea request us to visit their countries and convene our prayer meet. If it is God’s will we shall do so during the later part of this year. Pray that all our efforts regarding this initiative are efficiently carried out. You can send your contributions through You can also call the toll free number 1800 425 77 55 from 7 AM to 9 PM to find out the details of payment through various modes.

Admissions of Students and Financial Support at Karunya University “A man’s wisdom makes his face shine” (Ecclesiastes. 8:1). A variety of new courses have been offered in Karunya University. Arts and Science courses have been started in the City Campus of Karunya University. Our Lord has graciously enabled many of our students to secure placements through the campus interviews. The mission of the University is to provide indigenous technical knowledge to students amidst spiritual ambience and transform them as leaders to stand witness to God’s mercy and grace throughout their lives. With a high aim of enabling our students to rise and shine at global level, this year it has been proposed to offer financial aids to 18

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students at Karunya University. A huge portion of fee is waived off for the children of Missionaries, Pastors, to the candidates enrolled as young partners, children of our alumni the time of admission. Since the admission process has already commenced, we request you kindly to visit or call 1800 425 4300 to gather information and admit them in any one of the programme offered here. As Karunya students, they not only learn subjects but also acquire spiritual knowledge that bring honour to parents and to God. Pray intensely that the students chosen by God enter into the portals of Karunya.

God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested” (I Chronicles 4:10).

‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partner Plan

In order to give opportunity for the young children to partake in God’s ministry through their offerings and prayer and also to render special prayers for them, my father started this Young Partner Plan as per the instructions of God. Since 1985 those who were blessed through the young partners’ plan encourage their children as well to get registered under this plan. Fervent prayers are being offered for the young partners so that they may have divine protection from evil, they may be filled with wisdom and also have a bright future. We glorify God through the testimonies from the Children who are the Young Partners in our ministry. I encourage your wards to become young partners as they would continue to experience God’s presence in their lives through His blessings, wisdom and protection especially during this examination time. You can enrol them with Jesus Calls Ambassadors in your area. Not only the children who appear for the public examinations, but also the children who desire to be conducted in the righteous path as per the verse, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” (Psalm 32:8) With love and prayers from your brother

“And Jabez called on the

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Karunya Christian School Karunya Christian School functions near Karunya University which is located amidst the scenic beauty of the Western Ghats. Karunya Christian School was started with the aim of providing quality education to school students. The School offers CBSE pattern of education, admissions are going on from kindergarten to eleventh standard. Hostel facilities are available for students studying from fourth standard onwards. The students of this school receive highest level of education that equips them with strong mind and the latest and most sophisticated knowledge in technology, arts and science. Contact the number 09487846615/0422-2614830/31 or send e-mail to or visit to gather more information.

February 1, Wednesday – Proverbs 10:6 - Blessings on the head Meditation: Gen. 48:11-16; Ps. 23:5; 133:1-3; 1 Sam. 10:1-11; Job 29:3; Pro. 11:26 February 2, Thursday – Psalm 147:3 – One who binds wounds Meditation: 1 Sam. 1:1-20; Ps. 34:18; 51:17, Is. 57:15-21; 61:1-3; 66:2; Matt. 11:28; Lk. 4:14-21 February 3, Friday – John 16:20 - Grief will turn to joy Meditation: Ps. 30:11; Neh. 12:43; Est. 8:1-17 Is. 35:10; Rev. 19:1-9 February 4, Saturday – Job 8:21 – Laughter and rejoice Meditation: Gen. 18:1-6; Ps. 126:1-6 Ez. 3:11; Rom. 4:16-22; Rev. 11:15 February 5, Sunday – Psalm 97:11 – Light for righteous Meditation: Ex. 13:21; 2 Sam. 22:29; Est. 8:16; Ps. 78:11-29; Is. 9:2; 30:26; 42:16 February 6, Monday – Psalm 94:18 – Lord who supports Meditation: Rom. 5:15-21; Is. 38:1-8; 2 Cor. 12:7-9; Lam. 3:22,23; Heb. 12:28 February 7, Tuesday – Psalm 147:11 – Pleasure of the Lord Meditation: Gen. 49:18; 1 Cor. 11:33; Ps. 27:14; 31:24; 34:11; 111:10; Pro. 1:7 February 8, Wednesday – Matthew 5:7 – Be merciful Meditation: Matt. 18:21-35; 6:7-15; Lk. 11:1-4; Heb. 4:16; Deut. 15:12; Ps. 112:5,6 February 9, Thursday – Psalm 91:3 – Saved from snare Meditation: Hos. 6:1; Ex. 23:25; Ps. 81:7; 124:7; Pro. 13:14; 14:27; Matt. 1:13-23 February 10, Friday – Psalm 16:5 – Portion and inheritance Meditation: Deut. 10:9; Josh. 13:15; Ps. 127:4; Pro. 13:22; 1 Peter 1:5 February 11, Saturday – Matthew 6:33 – Added blessings Meditation: Ps. 27:8; Pro. 8:17; Is. 55:6; Amos 5:4; Lk. 19:10-26 February 12, Sunday – Psalm 5:12 – Favour of the Lord Meditation: Pro. 10:22; 2 Sam. 7:29; Gen. 12:3 February 13, Monday – Proverbs 3:26 – Protection for foot Meditation: Rom. 12:12; Ps. 32:10; Is. 58:8; Joel 3:16 February 14, Tuesday – Psalm 23:6 – Goodness and mercy Meditation: Eph. 2:21; Heb. 3:4; Rev. 3:20; 2 Sam. 7:11; Matt. 7:24-27

February 15, Wednesday – Matthew 5:9 - Children of God Meditation: Matt. 10:5-31; 1 Jn. 5:1; Rom. 12:18; Eph. 2:1-5; Is. 52:7 February 16, Thursday – Psalm 121:8 - Lord, the preserver Meditation: 2 Thes. 3:3; Deut. 31:6; Is. 41:10; Ps. 138:7; Jas. 5:20 February 17, Friday – Deuteronomy 1:11 - Increase of a thousand time Meditation: Gen. 22:17; Jer. 30:19; Matt. 15:32-39; Acts 9:31; Heb. 6:14 February 18, Saturday – Isaiah 50:9 - Lord who helps Meditation: Ps. 46:1; Pro. 3:5,6; Phil. 4:13; Heb. 4:15,16; Matt. 19:26 February 19, Sunday – 1 Peter 5:7 - One who cares for you Meditation: Matt. 6:25-34; Ps. 23:1; 1 Jn. 5:14,15; Gen. 28:15; 1 Tim. 5:8 February 20, Monday – Psalm 62:2 - Rock of salvation Meditation: Is. 30:29; 2 Sam. 22:32; Ps. 144:1; Deut. 32:4; Jer. 16:19 February 21, Tuesday – Numbers 6:26 - Face of the Lord Meditation: 2 Chr. 7:14; 1 Chr. 16:11; Ps. 31:16; 102:2; 119:135; 1 Pet. 3:12 February 22, Wednesday – Proverbs 28:20 - faithfulness and blessings Meditation: 2 Chr. 16:9; Matt. 25:14-30; Lk. 16:10; 1 Cor. 4:2; Rev. 2:10 February 23, Thursday – Leviticus 26:12 - God's people Meditation: Ex. 29:45; Num. 35:34; 1 Kgs. 6:13; Rev. 21:3; Is. 57:15 February 24, Friday – 1 Peter 2:24 - Body of Christ Meditation: Jn. 1:14; Gal. 4:6; 1 Cor. 12:27; Col. 1:18,24 February 25, Saturday – Proverbs 21:31 - Victory from the Lord Meditation: Deut. 20:1-4; 2 Chr. 20:1-25; 1 Sam. 17:45-47; 1 Cor. 15:57; 2 Cor. 2:14 February 26, Sunday – Isaiah 40:29 - Strengthened Meditation: Ps. 119:28; Eph. 6:10; Hab. 3:19; 2 Cor. 12:9,10, 1 Kgs. 19:1-8 February 27, Monday – Isaiah 62:5 - Rejoice of God Meditation: Ps. 104:31; Gen. 1:1-31; Pro. 11:1; Jer. 9:24,25; Lk. 15:1-7 February 28, Tuesday – 1 Corinthians 2:9 - Unknown blessing Meditation: Gen. 22:1-14; 2 Sam. 22:44; Js. 1:12; 2 Tim. 4:8; Is. 55:5 - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


Loving Heavenly Father, I thank You for all the doors that you have opened for me to study, all these years. Now that I am about to write my final exams I pray that You would remember me and bless my efforts . I acknowledge that you are the source of all wisdom and that you grant success to those who seek you. So I pray that you will fill my heart with yourself and make my heart clean and perfect before you . I pray that you will forgive all my sin and transform me to be your child. Give me grace to honour my parents. Please fill me with your wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Give me concentration, memory power and the ability to comprehend all truths. Lord, remove all fear, distractions and deceptions and empower me to feel your presence. Give me good health, strength and peace all around. Help me to write all my exams answering all questions, perfectly. Fill me with Your Spirit. I believe that you love me and will enable me to get the right marks to fulfill your plans for my future. It is Your will that I should be exalted. Thank You Lord for the great victory that you are going to give me. . Help me to be grateful to You for this always and be your beloved child at all times. Please accept this prayer as I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus You may send your prayer requests - Amen. and exam time table to us.

Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Prayer Tower, No 16. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. Email: paul@jesuscalls. org 20

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On 16 January 2017 a new Jesus Calls Prayer Tower was dedicated for the blessings of the people in Ambikapur, in the state of Chhattisgarh in the presence of the Jesus Calls partners, leaders of church and servants of God. th

Address of the Prayer Tower: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Ursuline Akashvani Road, Above State Bank of India ATM, Ambikapur, Surguja,Chattisgarh. Mobile Nos: +91 8959232323 / +91 7869573299 This Prayer Tower shall function from 8 AM to 8 PM every day.

Please introduce this Prayer Tower to all your friends and relatives so that they too can be blessed.

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Chennai-DGS Dhinakaran Road  044-23456630 / 23456660 Chennai-Rajaji Road  044-23456660 Chennai-Vanagaram  9940600228 / 229 Chennai-Anna Nagar  044-26212655 Delhi  011 - 33999000 West Delhi  011-25354093 Dimapur  03862 - 224 224 / 248 333 Kolkata  033-2231 6711/2231 6712 Gangtok  03592-209438 Shillong  70850 62344 Guwahati  8471885771 Bangalore - Frazer Town  080 - 4146 7878 Bangalore - Rajaji Nagar  080 - 2310 5266 Bangalore -Pai Layout  080-6565 2535 Bangalore -HBR layout  080 -40917051 / 41493592 Bangalore -Jayanagar  080 - 655 55 680 Goa  086056 10876 Ahmednagar  0241-2323 558/2326 565 Dahisar  022-289 111 22 Nagpur  0712 - 6604070 Mumbai - Ghatkopar East  022-2500 7722/33 Mumbai- Bandra(W)  022-6566 1234 / 264 11122 Navi Mumbai  022 - 2772 9944 Ahmedabad  079 - 661 44 444 Trivandrum  0471-2305551, 2300555 Cochin  0484 - 2348003 / 2348005 Madurai  0452-2380599 / 2380699 Secunderabad - Himmat Nagar  2782 9098 / 2782 Secunderabad - Padmarao Nagar  040 - 2750 3111 / 2750077 To know about the Prayer Towers throughout India, visit or call 1800 425 77 55 (Toll free - 7 AM to 9 PM) For 24 x 7 Prayer help, call

044 - 33 999 000 - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


I am a Young Partner of the Jesus Calls Ministry ever since my birth. God bestowed me with His choicest Blessings. Hearing the prayers offered by the Dhinakarans for me, a Young partner, the Lord endowed me with miraculous knowledge and wisdom. He graciously helped to score 9.96 CGPA in the subjects Chemistry and Zoology in my B.Sc., (B.Z.C.) Degree. Also He made me win many Cups, and Shields in various other competitions. After completing my B.Sc., I wanted to do my PG and it was my dream to study in the Karunya University. My parents also encouraged me and the Lord helped me to join, Chemistry in Karunya where there are plenty of opportunities to grow spiritually. We are able to minister in Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals, Blessing Meetings, and in Bethesda Prayer Centre. The Lord is also blessing my studies. Here God has also graciously granted me two prestigious UGC Scholarships. I whole heartedly give Glory to God for this. - P. Doris Hannah Grace (2015-2017 M.Sc. Chemistry)

The four years of my life in Karunya University has been an adventure. I wouldn’t it say it was an easy journey. There were many choices to make, decisions to take, hurdles to cross, but God helped me to top in all my subjects and finish my B.Tech. successfully. Now I am working as a site engineer in Countour Dakshin, Architects & Planners, in Kerala. Mr. Ajisan K. Shaji (2012–2016 B.Tech. Civil Engineering),


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Dear Friend, Hope you are toiling very hard and preparing to write your exams. I pray to God that He should fill you with His divine wisdom. Let us continue to meditate on God's Wisdom.

Peace loving Job 2:10- Wisdom from God gave Job peace to make the right decision. So all these characteristics operates when God’s wisdom comes into us. These characteristics are not transient ones. They do not come and stay for a while in us and disappear. They stay in our hearts for eternity. God uses them to shape our hearts and according to 2 Corinthians 3:18, He transforms us into His image and makes us more like Jesus. We not only acquire His Wisdom but through it the nature of Jesus itself so that we become more like Him in this New Year.

First He works in you. And then secondly what this wisdom does? “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” (Luke 2:52) When Jesus grew in the wisdom of God, He also grew in stature and he grew in the favor and grace in the eyes of God and men. So secondly God’s Wisdom transforms the whole situation around you. Everything around you and about you is completely transformed. As this wisdom of God operates through you ; you will flow in wisdom; you will speak in revelation. In Daniel 2:46 we find that Daniel spoke the wisdom of God before the king, what God revealed to him in a dream. When the king heard it, he did not even know this God, but he fell prostrate before Daniel. God gave him stature and favor in the eyes of a king. The authority with which Adam walked in this world came

(Part - 3)

- Samuel Dhinakaran 24

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back to Daniel. You could walk with authority and God’s glory will make God’s wisdom flow in and through you. That wisdom provided a solution, which amazed the king. He will give you the same wisdom which would amaze your classmates, your colleagues in your work place, your family members and your friends and neighbors. They will all show favor on you and God’s favor too will be upon you , your family life, your career, your finances and all other aspects of your life. If for all these while you have only been receiving shouting, kicking and beatings of the world, from now on you will be receiving honour and favour in the same place you received shame. You will grow in Jesus’ stature and receive favour in the eyes of God and man. God will give this blessing in your family life also to make you grow in your family with peace. This will happen from today and I believe that is why the Holy Spirit has caused

you to read this message. God wants to change you into the nature of Christ and He wants to transform your whole life so that you can walk like a king in this world. The God who operated in such great ways, with such great authority in the Bible days, will operate through you too and make you shine like stars in the sky. Do you believe it? Yes! You are going to float with the wisdom of God! It is a powerful thing my friends, its going to change the scenario in which you are living in. It will touch and transform your family situation, your studies, your career, your finances, your business and make your work to move in the plan of God, you will shine in all these things, Amen. How do We Get This Wisdom of God? Finally, how exactly do we get this wisdom from God today? How do we practically get it? This wisdom is not found anywhere in this world. It is a rare precious resource. So where is this wisdom? It is in the hands of our Father. God the Father possesses this wisdom in Him. Whom does he give it to? “If any of you lack wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault and will be given to you.” (James 1:5) Yes, if you lack wisdom, what should you do? You should just ‘ask’ of God. He gives wisdom to all of His children who asks. That is the simplest requirement we need to do – Ask! He said, “ Call unto Me and I will answer”. That’s all you need to do to acquire the wisdom of God. So

how do we exactly call unto Him? When we need wisdom in a situation; when we need a solution for a problem, how do we exactly ask Him? When we are confronted with a critical situation, first we are gripped with fear. We start shaking. We start shivering. We don’t know what is going to happen next. When me and my sister Sharon were little children, we loved watching cartoons. There is one of the cartoons that used to come right during our study time! Mum had laid a rule saying, “Three hours every evening is for studies”, but right in the middle of that study time, our favorite cartoon would come. So we would find some way to watch it, but mum would make us sit in the room where she is and she would say, “ No! TV at this time, whether your favorite cartoon or worst cartoon, I am not allowing you to watch it. Sit down and study. Finish your studies and then you can do anything”. But we would say, “ But mum, after studies, the cartoon won’t come”. She would reply firmly saying, “ I don’t care. No TV during studies”. But in the midst of that we were children who never gave up and so we sat and planned. There was a very small TV in the next room. So we would say, “ Mum! I need to go to the toilet. Let me go please”. And she would say, “ OK, Go”. Then my sister would say, “ Mum I am so hungry, I need food”. She would go gets some snacks from the kitchen. Then we would go to the next room and immediately sit at the edge of the door and switch on the TV , keep the volume so slow so that mum can’t hear it in the next room and watch the

show. One day, like the Bible says that all the plans of a man fails, I was standing at the door and became so engrossed in the show that I just forgot about the entire world and where I was living in. I felt like I was inside the cartoon, and I was fighting with that guy, but then somebody tapped my shoulders, and then the reality came back to me. I came back to the earth and I turned around to see my mum standing huge beside me. I was shocked and thought, “ My God ! Its over. This is the day of my death”. She said, “ What is going on here? Are you watching that cartoon again?”. When she asked that question, a divine wisdom came upon me and I said, “ Mummy, it was she – Sharon who did it. I am here to pull her out of the room. Mummy , look at what she is doing, after you so sincerely told us not to go into that room and watch that cartoon. I have been trying to tell her again and again. Mum was hearing all that and said, “ Hmmm …. mmmm …. , is that the truth?” She knows when we are lying and when we are telling the truth. That day I got beating not only for the watching cartoon, but also for lying. That’s what we get for following the Father of lies- the devil. But my friends, when we are gripped with fear, we have an option which way to follow. There are two roads in front of us: we can hide like Adam and continue to be in that fear or we can ask wisdom from the father above. You see when fear comes through the problems, transform it into the fear of God. That’s the first step. Many times we choose to be in the fear but instead let us choose - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


to fear before the Lord. That’s what Daniel did in Daniel chapter Two. When the king said, “ Daniel if you don't explain this dream, I am going to kill you, you are of no use to me. You are a so - called wise man, you are of no use to me if you don't interpret my dream”. Daniel got afraid like us. He shook in fear but what did he choose to do? Did he try to escape and flee from the city? No! He went to his friends and said, “ My friends. Please come! Let us pray that God will reveal the mysteries of heaven that He has for me”. He chose wisdom! Yes! He chose to fear before the Lord. When you are afraid about your studies, kneel down and pray; when you are afraid about your work, ask for the peace of God to give you wisdom in that situation; when your heart is full of rage in anger, just take a breath and fear the Lord. Think of what you need to do in that situation to please the Lord and He will give you wisdom in that situation. It is such wisdom that made the king bow down before Daniel. Today the Lord makes it much more simpler in our lives because Jesus came into this world and He gave his life and left the Holy Spirit as a comforter to live in us. That’s the Holy Spirit who is going to fill us right now with divine wisdom and knowledge. We read in John that the Holy Spirit searches the mind of God. He searches for the thought of God. He not only searches our hearts to know what we need; what we are facing. He also searches the thoughts of God to give the right solution for our situation. 26

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Ask for Holy Spirit Thank God for the Holy Spirit so that when we fear before the Lord and say, “ Lord, please give me your solution; please give me your nature; please give me your answer and transform the situation”, the Holy Spirit comes! Every morning I wake up in the morning and even before reading the Bible, I ask Him saying, “ Holy Spirit! You first come Lord! You first burn within me Lord! You first anoint me Lord! Because even to understand the Bible I need you; I need your wisdom to understand what you want to talk to me. Without your guidance the words in the Bible are just words of ink on paper but I need your wisdom to interpret these words for me”. When I pray like this and then read the Bible it would be amazing how the same chapter I would be reading that day would exactly fit my life- situation on that day. When I pray in the morning, I am assured of victory the rest of that day. So whenever I face any problem or a fearful situation that day, I remember what God promised me in the morning and I just claim it and I thank him. I would say, “Lord! Thank you for the victory you have already given in this situation. I claim this promise Lord and it is finished before me”. When I pray like this nothing harms me. All things bow before the authority God gives me through His wisdom. The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom right in the morning itself through the Word of God. You need to get it early in the morning. God will make you walk just like Adam once again in glory for the rest of the day. He will

be like a wall of fire around you and in the midst of it will be found the glory of God along with you to make you walk gloriously with victory that day and from then on step by step, every single day you will walk in the success of God and lead a successful life and shine like stars in the sky. That’s the secret my friend - to live a successful life with Jesus through His wisdom. I am sure you want this wisdom. Its enough you have been blinded; its enough you have been troubled; its enough you have gone through the path of depression all alone; its enough you have followed the short cuts of the devil; its enough you have had the pleasures of the world. Now, ask the Lord for His deliverance and He will release you with His nature, fill you with His power, so that you will conquer all things in your life. Friend! The Holy Spirit is ready to fill you right now as you have ended reading this message. Will you now take some time kneel down and look up to God right now. Will you and ask for Him to come and fill you now? Pray to Him saying, “Lord, I need you through the rest of my life. Come! Holy Spirit and fill me. I need you today”. Friend! Just open your mouth and cry out for this Holy Spirit. This is the day of your anointing; it is the day God has chosen to make you shine in this world through His wisdom and may be that is why He has made you read this message. Ask Him for His wisdom. If you have finished praying like this then look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I am a wise man/woman”. Keep burning for God my friend! Let your light shine continually! 

What would happen in the year 2017? Revelations from God through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran The New Year Blessing Plan for 2017 was held in YMCA Grounds, Nanthanam, Chennai at 5.30 PM on the New Year Day. Special songs and prayers by Samuel Dhinakaran, Sharon Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola were of great inspiration. Sharing the Lord’s revelations concerning things that would happen in India and the nations of the world in 2017, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran offered prophetic message for the New Year. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran offered special prayers for the blessing of New Year. Thousands of people from Chennai and surrounding areas attended this meeting and received God’s blessings. - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


LET US REMEMBER THE APOSTLE OF LOVE LET US PROCLAIM THE LORD’S WORD The month of February holds historical importance in the life of Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. This was the month, where young Dhinakaran who hastened to commit suicide, because of series of problems in his life – failure in studies, unemployment, poverty in the family, and mother’s illness, was transformed into Bro. Dhinakaran to lead crores of people towards the Lord’s salvation. On February 11, 1955, Brother Dhinakaran, who was heading towards the Railway lines to end his life by throwing himself before the train was met by the Lord through His gospel of love. It was on that day, he received His salvation. Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran, who was tirelessly doing the Lord’s service as His beloved servant, till his demise on February 20, 2008, has led several thousands of people to the Lord’s salvation. His service of love is continued by his family till today. There is a huge collection of thousands of God’s messages shared by the Dhinakarans. The CDs (Songs and messages), audio/ video cassettes, recordings of God’s miracles and testimonies raised through the Jesus Calls ministry are currently being categorized under various topics. For this purpose, the Lord has helped us to buy an automated 28

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Obstacle for marriage removed I have been working as a teacher for the past 15 years. I always had a desire to do the Lord’s ministry, particularly the Jesus Calls ministry. In 2013, the Lord called me to do ministry by joining the Jesus Calls ministry. He gave me the ministry of praying for many other people. He has also been blessing me in many ways. My parents were worried about me as my marriage was getting delayed. One day Aunty Stella Dhinakaran prayed for my marriage settlement. After that I got my transfer to another place. That time Dr. Paul Dhinakaran sent me there with prayers. In the new place I began to grow in the Lord all the more. Yet there were confusions about my marriage. At this juncture the Lord settled my marriage quite unexpectedly. I had made a vow to send Rs.3,000/- as offering for the digitizing service. In the following days, the Lord removed all the confusions and helped us to conduct my wedding without any financial problem. I wholeheartedly thank the Lord for this. - R. Christina, Bengaluru.

robotic tape library through your kind donations. The Brother D.G.S.Dhinakaran Library would house these categorized messages in order that the people could listen to the messages needed for them personally both in audio and video form in the website and receive God’s comfort, edification and peace. Similarly they can enjoy God’s blessings through various other ways such as the Jesus Calls Prayer Academy and magazine. Let us praise the Lord for these services which are being carried out ceaselessly amidst several needs. Please pray for the Brother D.G.S.Dhinakaran Library as well as for the digitizing services. Support this ministry, as prompted by the Lord! My contribution for the digitizing work: (mark with a )  I offer Rs.3,000 to digitize one message  I offer Rs.6,000 to digitize 2 messages  I offer …….Rs……./- to digitize more than 10 messages To send your offering for the digitizing work, send this duly filled form along with DD or Cheque drawn in favour of Jesus Calls or by money order to the address: Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 Or you may give the offering directly in the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your local area. You may send it online through credit card/debit card/net banking via our website www.jesuscalls,org in a secure way. For more details: Toll Free number: 1800 425 77 55 (7.00 AM to 9.00 PM). - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


“Finally, brethren… Become complete. Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you” (II Corinthians 13:11). The Bible says that `God is love’ (1 John 4:8). Yes, God is saturated with love. Some years ago a musical team visited Soviet Russia. The music director, who was leading that team, was a very famous man. Just before they began their performance, the organizers came running to him and said, “The Russian president is coming here in a while; could you please sing a special song for him?” The musicians were taken aback and wondered how they could compose a special music for the President within few minutes. The President arrived within 15 minutes. When he came in, the musicians stood up and the music director led them to sing a beautiful song; the orchestra played a wonderful music. The president was stunned on hearing that awesome song; the entire crowd was thrilled and gave a big round of applause. How was that music director able to compose such a beautiful song within a few minutes? Because, music was in him. He was always saturated with the talent of music. It was flowing out of him.

Our God too is like that. Love is flowing out of Him all the time. My dear brother and sister! God is love (I John 4:16). He is filled with love and it is manifested through His Words and deeds. The Almighty Lord came in the form of Man


JESUS CALLS February 2017 -

with the name Jesus. The name Jesus means, ‘Saviour’ (Matthew 1:21; Luke 2:11). Jesus has said, ‘"I and My Father are one." (John 10:30; 12:45; 14:9). Yes, the Lord Jesus’ works are reflection of His love.

Love on the Children “…Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He…said to them, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them… And He took them up in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them” (Mark 10:13-16). Once they brought little children to the Lord Jesus. But this was not pleasing to His disciples. But Jesus took them up in His arms, embraced them and kissed them and blessed them. Joseph brought his two sons to Jacob, our forefather. He kissed them and embraced them (Genesis 48:10). I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ would have also done that to the little children. He is the God, who embraced and kissed little children and blessed them. This loving Lord will thus embrace you, kiss you and bless you this New Year. Once, I was critically ill and admitted in the hospital. I was undergoing treatment there for more than a month. That time my granddaughter Sharon was 2 years old. She was waiting for me every day and became weary. She began to miss me. She always carried with her a copy of my photo. Eventually she lost

her patience and began to ask ‘Where is grandpa?’. One day my daughter Evangeline brought her to the hospital. As soon as she saw me, she came running to me. Doctors advised me not to lift her up as I was too weak and my hands were trembling and as she should not get infected. Yet, again she came back and came running to me. The nurses carried her away. After a while, when nobody was expecting, she came running towards me, crying out, ‘Grandpa lift me up…”, Automatically, I took her in my arms with trembling and embraced her and kissed her. She sat like a queen on my lap.

That day, the little children would have cried out to Jesus, ‘Lift me up”. He would have gladly lifted them up and kissed them. Though they were small children, He did not shun them but loved them dearly. Whatever is our age, sometimes, when we think of our father or mother, we feel, ‘How nice it would be if they are here today’! All of us have a heavenly Father. He says, ‘I shall be a Father to you. You shall be My sons and daughters’ (II Corinthians 6:18). Perhaps you are 70 years old. Yet, the Lord calls you, ‘My Son/ My daughter’. When you look up to Him in this New Year, He will come near you. You can feel His loving touch.

Love on Youngsters “Now as He (Jesus) was going out on the road, one (a young man) came running, knelt before Him, and asked Him, "Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?" (Mark 10:17). When a rich young man asked

Him, “Master what I should do to inherit eternal life?’, we read in the Bible that the Lord Jesus loved him (Matthew 19:21; Mark 10:21). The Bible says that ‘when young man wander away from God, God will have no joy in them’ (Isaiah 9:17). But He loves the young men who ask Him, ‘What should I do to inherit eternal life?’ Young people long for love. In this time, when temptations like evil habits, drugs, alcohol etc., surround them, the Lord is waiting for them with genuine love. It is a big challenge for the young people to live holy. My dear youngsters! Tell the Lord Jesus, ‘Father, I cannot live a holy life in this world. I need Your love to live holy in this New Year”. When I repented and turned to the Lord at my young age, the assurance that there is a heavenly Father took deep root in me. I began to read the Bible and pray to Him every day. Gradually my problems vanished. I got a job. The Lord helped me to get promoted as an Officer in the State Bank of India. He will do the same thing for you. He will lift you up in life. The Lord, who showed loved to that rich young man, 2000 years ago, will show the same love to you. This world may not give you joy and happiness. But Jesus Christ will provide these things for you. Are you broken hearted? The love of Jesus will comfort you. With His love, He has comforted so many people, who were on the brink of suicide and has provided their needs and lifted them up in life. He will love you even this New Year - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


and give you excellent job opportunities.

Love till the End “Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end” (John 13:1) We read in the Bible that Jesus loved His disciples (John 15:9). He will love you also till the end. His love will never depart. It would remain till the end. The Lord Jesus loved Apostle John, very much. He was all the time leaning on the bosom of Jesus. And when Jesus Christ was hanging on the cross, He said to John, who was near the cross, ‘O, My disciple! Behold your mother! My mother will show you all the love”. He never forgot John (John 13:13,25). When John was in the Island of Patmos all alone crying in broken heartedness, Jesus appeared to him and said, “John, fear not, I am that I am. I was dead but I am alive to help you’ (Revelation 1:1618). Yes, He loved His disciples till the end. He will love you too till the end. Do not be discouraged. Several years ago I had a good friend in Alleppey, Kerala. Once, he took me to his father, who was an excellent man of God. That time, he was in his death bed. This friend asked me to pray for him. When I went near him, I was thunder struck to see a divine brightness on his face. His face shone with divine glory. When he saw me, he said, “Young man, kneel down”. And he laid his hands upon me, 32 JESUS CALLS February 2017 -

prayed a powerful prayer for God’s blessings upon me and also prophesied for my future. I felt God’s power and grace coming upon me. Look at this man of God! He was dying and was in great agony, physically. But when he saw another disciple of Jesus Christ, he forgot all his sufferings, and love went out of him.

Dear ones, you may be doing God’s ministry. Yet you may be going through all kinds of problems. The Bible says, “God will be always moved with compassion for His servant” (Psalm 135:14).

Love on Traitors He loves not only the true disciples but also the traitors. He, who prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, shedding sweats of blood, amidst so much of agony, sees Judas who comes to betray Him. Judas comes and kisses Him, saying, ‘Hail rabbi’!. Jesus asks Him, ‘Friend why have you come?’ He never called him a traitor. His love is such that it covers even the traitors. Years ago, there was a young preacher, who was always criticizing other servants of God. He used to slander me and the ministry, for no reason at all. In due course, I forgot about this. One night, my telephone rang and he was there on the other side of the phone. He was crying profusely. He said, “My only daughter is on death bed because of a tumour in her head. I cannot lose her. Please help me”. I couldn’t believe that he, who had been slandering me, was crying so pathetically. I did not know what to do. According to Romans 5:5 the Holy Spirit poured out His love into me. On one side I was

very angry to hear his voice, but on the other side the love of God flooded out of me. Without my knowledge, I said, ‘Brother tomorrow morning your daughter shall be well’. He said, “Brother, tomorrow morning is the operation; they are going to open her skull” But again I said, ‘Tomorrow morning, the tumour will not be there’. He put down the receiver saying that he would contact me again. A great fear came upon me since I felt that I had said so, out of my flesh. The whole night I cried to God and said, ‘Father forgive me. I was really angry with this man, but I am moved by this little girl’s condition. Please forgive me; Show mercy on her…” The Lord Jesus Christ was moved with compassion for her. The next morning when the doctors came to check her up before the surgery, they found that they could not see any tumour in her head. The Lord saved her and kept her alive.

Yes, the Lord loves not only His true disciples but also the traitors. Brother, perhaps you have slipped into back-sliding. But the Lord Jesus is unchanging. He will love you till the end.

Love on common People "Therefore David himself calls Him 'Lord'; how is He then his Son?" And the common people heard Him gladly (Mark 12:37). The Bible says that the common people heard Him gladly. Yes, He never shunned any one. He loved everyone; He accepted everyone. Four people carried a paralytic man to Jesus Christ. He saw the faith of these four people and healed him saying, ‘ Son, your sins

are forgiven’. The Lord Jesus could understand that his sickness was because of his evil life. Yet, He never called him ‘Sinner’ but `My son’. Another woman also came to Jesus. She had issue of blood for 12 years. She touched the garment of Jesus and she was healed. The Lord Jesus said to her, `My daughter, your faith has made you whole, go in peace”. Dear brother and sister! The world may call you a sinner. People may reject you because of your sickness or infirmities. They may desert you. Cheer up. The Lord Jesus loves you. He will forgive your sins, this New Year. He will call you with love, ‘`My son/ My daughter’. He will heal your diseases. Once, I had gone to a town

called Kothagudem, in Andhra Pradesh, to conduct Good News meetings. Nearly 1 ,50,000 people from all sides had gathered there. I finished my preaching and the presence of God came upon me. When I was filled with the love and compassion of the Lord Jesus, I became different and said, ‘There is a young man in this crowd, who is a drunkard. Because of excess drinking your liver is completely damaged”. I did not want to mention his name since thousands were there. But I said these words, pointing my finger at his direction. But the Lord Jesus wanted me to mention his name. I said, ‘Benjamin, repent tonight! Even now you are fully drunk”. When people came up to give testimony Benjamin was there. Jesus forgave his sin, and within a split second He healed his liver.

Dear ones, even today, He is full of love for you to forgive your sins and heal you. This is because, He has loved you and has given Himself up for death on the cross just for you. This Lord, who died for your sake, loves you. When He was hanging on the cross, the Roman soldiers were watching Him. One of them, pierced His heart with a spear and immediately blood and water came out (John 19:34). He who has seen has testified, and his testimony is true; and he knows that he is telling the truth. The love of the Lord Jesus, who shed the last drop of His blood, is never changing. It is eternal. He will forgive your sins this New Year, with that love. He will heal your sicknesses and He will keep you as a blessing to others.




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Daily - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


TESTIMONY: “My father, Padmanabhan, is 76 years old. He is an entrepreneur, and the pillar of the entire family. One day, unexpectedly, he had a severe brain stroke which left him paralyzed on his left side. After being hospitalized in a private hospital for more than two months, the doctors treating him shattered our hope. They informed us that he would live only for another six months, and that he would be unable to consume food or water on his own and be completely bed-ridden. It was at such a time that we came to know about SEESHA’s Rehabilitation Centre. Since that day, it has been a blissful experience. The expert therapists provided my father with physiotherapy and treatment with love and prayers. They encouraged us, the family members, to stay motivated and positive. This did a miracle! It has now been 1 1/2 years, and my father, whom expert doctors termed as hopeless, is still alive and living with the family! What they said would be impossible has been made possible through the support of SEESHA! It is clear to us that SEESHA is blessed by God in a wonderful way. Thank you, SEESHA, for your tremendous support! Do continue to pray for my father.”

- Raji & Rani

SEESHA’s programmes to support and train the differently-abled! Distributing free assistive devices like retro-fitted motor vehicles, tricycles, hearing-aids, crutches, wheelchairs, etc. to the differently-abled, we empower the differently-abled to carry out their work independently. By providing therapy, special education, counselling and equipping them, the SEESHA Centre, offers a holistic Rehabilitation. The Centre also provides home-based therapy through home visits and inpatient therapy.

Community-based Day-care Centres SEESHA provides care and special education for children and youth with various types of intellectual disabilities. Currently, our Centres are located in Thondamuthur and Madukkarai in Coimbatore and, in association with the National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (NIEPMD), at Vanagram in Chennai. Special Events - We organize special events such as sports and arts competitions to provide differentlyabled children a platform to exhibit their talents and help them overcome their stress regarding their disabilities.

For more details you may visit or or call +91 9300 600 600. 34

JESUS CALLS February 2017 -

Sister Stella Dhinakaran ‘Those who trust in the LORD Are like Mount Zion, Which cannot be moved, but abides forever” (Psalms 125:1)


He knows those who trust in Him (Nahum 1:7).

uring the reign of Nebuchadnezar, king of Babylon, three young Jewish men Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego who overlooked the affairs of the Babylon province trusted God fully and received blessings. Though the King’s order was against them, they did not relent but stood firm for God saying, “Oh, King! our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand…But if not, let it be known to you, that we would trust Him” (Daniel 3:1618). According to their unshakeable belief the Lord miraculously delivered them from the fiery furnace. Eventually the King had to declare, ‘Truly the God whom they trust is true God… there is no other God who can

deliver like this.” (Daniel 3:29). He also proclaimed His glory to others. Dear ones, if you too would stand firm for the Lord just as how Shadrach, Meshach and Abed Nego stood and would hold on to the God of gods with faith like Job saying, “Even if He slays me, yet I will trust Him’, ‘He will fight the battle for you’ (Exodus 14:14). He will be with you and make everything come to pass. ‘How to place trust on God as a family and receive blessings when the family is tossed by sufferings and problems,? – Let us meditate on this.

Firm Trust But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15).

Thus Joshua was firm in hold-

ing on to the Lord. Because of his strong faith on the Lord, He made the waters of Jordan cut off and helped him and the people to cross Jordan on dry land (Joshua 10:1214). Not only that, when Joshua fought against the Amorites, God made the sun and moon stand still (Joshua 10:12-14). Yes, since his trust was only on God, He did a big supernatural miracle for them. The mother of men of God Charles Wesley and John Wesley, committed every matters of her family and other responsibilities at the feet of God and acted accordingly. Every night, before going to bed, she used to place her hands on each child’s forehead and pray for them. Only then she would go to sleep. Similarly, every morning, before the children got up, she used to place her hands on them and commit that day’s matters and - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


future of the children at His feet and would start her daily chores. It was that mother’s firm trust that changed all her children into blessed descendants.

My dear sisters, perhaps the problems in your life may be terrible, like River Jordan. Learn to look up to God with firm trust on Him, even in the midst of that. Then all the problems in your family would vanish with no trace. Jesus, the King of victories, would abide in your home. So, take Him as your refuge. “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, And whose hope is the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit’ (Jeremiah 17:7,8).

Accordingly, the Lord would bless your family too as you place your full hope on the Lord.

Trust on His Word Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. (Genesis 12:1,2)

When Abraham received God’s call, He obeyed His Word despite not knowing anything 36

JESUS CALLS February 2017 -

about the land to which he was going; he trusted His Word and set out of his land, family and father’s house. That’s why he was known as the friend of God (James 2:23). The Lord who gives grace to the humble (James 4:6; Proverbs 3:34), made his life a blessed one because of his unshakeable trust on Him.

You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life” (John 5:39).

“…on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word” (Isaiah 66:2).

When you go in the wrong path, the written promises would guide and comfort you saying, “Don’t go in the wrong path’ (II Timothy 3:16,17) and “This is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21). So read the Bible diligently whenever you have time. Evil company corrupts good habits.” (I Corinthians 15:33). So leave all unwanted words and place your trust on the Lord and His Word.

“Blessed is the man who …meditates day and night in HIs law (Psalm 1:2).

Thus says the Lord. Yes, He loves those who honours HIs Words and obeys Him. The Lord made a man named Saul the King. When Saul was leading the people of Israel, God ordered Saul to completely destroy the Amalekites. But Saul did not destroy everything but spared some of the good things which he desired. Knowing this Prophet Samuel was grieved and asked him, “Why then did you not obey the voice of the LORD and do evil in the sight of the LORD?”. Saul gave lame excuses saying, “The people took the best of the sheep and oxen to sacrifice to the Lord”. But Samuel said to him, “To obey is better than sacrifice” (I Samuel 15:22). Yes, He is pleased when we place our trust on His Word and obey Him.

The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life…’ (John 6:63). When you roam, they (Lord’s Word) will lead you; When you sleep, they will keep you; And when you awake, they will speak with you (Proverbs 6:22).

In a family, the husband and wife were of one minded and lived happily. Suddenly the husband had a terrible disease and it was found that he had cancer. Doctors said that his intestine was full of holes and that he would be alive only for a few days. With great agony, they immediately contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower over the phone and expressed their pitiable state. Bro. Dhinakaran said that he would pray and give them the answer the next day. Accordingly they called him the next day and Bro. Dhinakaran who had prayed earnestly for the husband

assured them that the Lord had promised to give him complete healing and asked them to be bold. On hearing this, a divine hope flooded into them. When they again took him for a test to the same hospital, the doctor was amazed to see that there were absolutely no holes in the intestines. The Lord had given the husband complete healing. From that day, the couple had much faith on the word of the Lord and began to love Him more. Their trust on the word of God turned their life upside down.

Deep Trust There was a centurion by name Cornelius, a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave alms generously to the people, and prayed to God always (Acts 10:1,2).

Some people have the wrong idea, “I live in fear of God. But my parents or siblings are not pious. So I should not talk to them or mingle with them”. You should not be so but should show your love to them. Don’t hate your husband just because he comes home drunk or walks in the ways displeasing to God. If you want to bring them to the Lord, you should place all your burdens and problems on the Lord and show them as much love as possible. At the due time the Lord will change their hearts and make you happy. There was a sister who desired to lead a devoted life to God.

But her husband had absolutely no connection with God. He lived as he liked. This sister had a great desire that her husband and family too should walk in godly ways and was praying for that. She had also requested a man of God to pray for her family and he too was praying for them with tears. That time, the grace of God flooded into this sister’s life. One morning she saw her husband, who had never touched the Bible, reading it. She was amazed to see this sight. From that day, prayer and Bible reading started to take place in her family. Will there be any lack of peace and joy in a family where Jesus enters? His presence came upon that family in an abundant measure and that sister was filled with joy thinking about the wondrous miracle that had happened in her family.

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. (Proverbs 31:30).

If you too would fear the Lord, you shall surely be praised. You shall be blessed! Cornelius was a blessed man and was giving alms generously to the people. So let us also do what we can do for others. Let us extend a warm hospitality to those who visit us. “…Do not forget to entertain strangers’ (Hebrews 13:2; Romans 12:13). He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, And He

will pay back what he has given. (Proverbs 19:17).

So, share what you have with others, without any grudge. The Lord would repay it in several folds and honour you. Cornelius was praying always. In our lives too, if we need blessings in our family, prayer life is highly essential. The Lord has kept abundant blessings for you. But many times, it is because of our lack of prayer that we lose the blessings that God has kept for us. I know of a dear sister. She was bedridden because of a terrible disease. Yet her face would always shine. The reason, even while in bed, she would always be praying for servants of God and for others. When she reached the final stage of her life, she did not give room for dejection but kept on praying for others’ welfare.

Cornelius too did things pleasing to the Lord and hence He was waiting to give him a big blessing. One day he sent His servant and filled him and his household with His Holy Spirit (Acts 10:44). My dear sisters, the Lord is eagerly waiting to fill you also with His Holy Spirit. But only when you are filled with the Spirit of God, you could be of blessing to others. When the Spirit of God comes into your heart, He would remove all the fears and pains from you and deliver you from all bondages. - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


‘God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind’ (II Timothy 1:7).

Yes, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you He will fill you with His strength and love (Ro-

mans 5:5). So plead to the Lord to fill you with His Holy Spirit and power in an immeasurable way. He has kept many blessings needed for your spirit, soul and body. So place your trust on Him.

Give first place to read the Bible. Also fear the Lord, obey His Word, do good and keep praying to Him. Then the Lord will surely bless you and make you into blessed women.

BIBLE QUIZ 58 - WINNERS Chennai: Sumithra David, Kamala Paulraj, Godvia D. Trichy: Gracy Vellore: Jaya Kumari Tanjore: J. R. S Sharon Tirupur: Sam Paul Andhra: J. Thanuja, Dr. Samuel Rajendran Maisa Karnataka: Mercy J. Rajakumari, K. Dhanamani, Manna Prasad Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy

Available at all Christian book centres. Send the amount in favour of ‘True Friend Management Support Service’ through Money Order / Demand Draft to 72, Rajaji Road, Chennai 600 001 and get it by post. For details, contact:+91 9500155588 For online orders 38

JESUS CALLS February 2017 -

WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Burden gone; hope born My daughterin-law and I had come to this meeting from Kodaikanal. My daughter-in-law has no child even after 6 years and so we came to Chennai for her treatment. Hearing from the TV that Sister Stella Dhinakaran’s meeting was being held in Vanagaram, Chennai, we came here, without going to the hospital. Both of us prayed along with Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. After that the burdens and worries in our hearts are gone and we go back with a firm belief that God would surely bless my daughter-in-law with a child. - Mariammal, Kodaikanal.

Able to walk well When I came to this meeting I could not walk. I had been struggling to walk since the past

13 years. I came here with great difficulty. During the prayer time, when Sister Stella Dhinakaran prayed, the anointing of God came upon me mightily. At once I was able to walk. Now I walk well. Glory to God. - Susila, Vanagaram, Chennai.

Saw a bright light I came to this meeting with the desire that I should see Jesus. During the prayer time, when dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was praying, I saw a bright light. I cannot describe that light. My whole body shook and now an unknown joy overflows from me. Glory to Jesus. - Rajeshwari, Thuraipakkam.

Selvi, Don’t be afraid; God is with you! When I got the handbill of the Women’s Conference held on 26.11.2016, I was thrilled. Since then I was praying earnestly that God should speak to me during this

meeting, Though I did not know much about the venue of the meeting, I came from vehicle from Neelangarai, Chennai. The Lord, who saw my desire, brought me to the meeting safely. In my personal life too, I was undergoing many distresses. Because of over work and stress I had severe headache and took leave from the office. Amidst this pressure, I came to the meeting and was praying that the Lord should give me solutions through His Word. When dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was sharing the message, she suddenly said, “Selvi, don’t be afraid; the Lord is with you; He will remove all your problems and take care of your life”. I was shocked to hear this. I wept aloud. I thank mother for the wonderful message which has given me new hope and strength. I believe that the Lord would surely remove all my problems. Now I am very happy. - Selvi Raja, Neelangarai, Chennai.

For all your queries relating to the ministry, to inform change of address, contact number, birthday and wedding anniversary details call our toll free number (All days - 7 AM to 9 PM)

(Please do not call the above number for prayer help) - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


Lord’s glorious presence

blessings He has given our group. - Renu Thekiel, Assam.

I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. During the prayer time, it was wonderful when we sisters were filled with the presence of the Lord and rejoiced in Him. Every prayer point was apt for the situation in each one of our life. All these were similar to the experience of the Lord Jesus joining with the disciples as they walked towards Emmaus and conversed with each other. The eyes of the sisters of the Esther Prayer Group were opened. Just as how Jesus spoke to the disciples, He spoke to them through the prayer points. Glory to the Lord. - Juliet, Dakka, Bengal.

I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group. I am blessed by the Bible verses given in the Esther Prayer Group prayer points. God has taught me to fast and pray and believe the Bible verses under all difficult situations. I feel the Lord speaking to me through the Bible verses. He speaks to me through the parables in the Bibles. He calls me by my name. The Lord has helped me to enjoy these blessings through the prayers of the Esther Prayer Group.

Spiritual blessings

The Lord’s wonderful ministry

I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Every Esther Prayer Group prayer point is of benefit to us. The prayer time was of great blessing. Sis. Minula was renewed in the spirit. She got miraculous deliverance from all the problems which had been tormenting her for several days. Sis. Naleb, who suffered from nightmares, was delivered. I give all glory to the Lord for the spiritual 40

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Lord speaks to me

- Maria D’ Fathima Khana. Kolkata.

10 years ago, Sis. Diana Rajasingh of our area encouraged me to start the Esther Prayer Group. I was putting it off. I said that since my husband was very ill and bed ridden, I wouldn’t be able to conduct the Esther Prayer Group. After my husband died, I was very sad and in pain and that time I was reminded of Sis. Diana’s suggestion to start the

Esther Prayer Group. Immediately I started the fellowship after which I came out of my misery. I was greatly comforted and had peace of mind. I consider this to be a wonderful ministry given to me by God. I have never had this experience. Every month, the time of prayer and rejoicing in the Lord is wonderful to me and gives me comfort. Glory to God. - Amelia Charles, Madurai. (Dear sisters, who are in agony over loss, receive peace and comfort through the Jesus Calls Esther Prayer Group ministry).

Divine joy and peace I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Sis. Mini Raj testified how she is enjoying a divine peace and joy which she never had before joining the Esther Prayer Group. God has also granted healing to her sick husband. She is thankful to God for helping her become a member of the Esther Prayer Group. - P.T.Rajam Rajkumar, Trivandrum.

Miraculous healing I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Last month, Sis. Marina’s husband suffered from high fever and also be-

came critical when he fell down in the bathroom. He was admitted in the hospital and was put on ventilator. His body could not accept

the treatment given to him. So in our Esther Prayer Group we prayed for his healing with great burden and the Lord heard the

prayer and healed him miraculously. Glory to God. - D. Maheshwari Antony, Hyderabad.

My Dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Contact Address: Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email:

Dear sisters, who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for the each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you.

Bible Quiz - 60 (Bible portion from Numbers to Ruth) (Read the Bible verses diligently, line by line. You can find the answers easily)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

How was this man and more than who all? Who will perish? Who will be like what? Who is he who has not forsaken His what to whom & is blessed by whom? Who will dwell where? Where will what be? What will be filled with what? According to what was it spoken? You have given me that? Give me this also? Who asked whom & what? How shall not who live, but by what? From where? When what went up from where, did who ascend in what? In whose sight, whom spoke over what and where and commanded to do what? Who will lift up what upon whom and give what?

Answers must reach us before FEBRUARY 20, 2017 Address: Bible Quiz - 60, Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


"So you shall serve the LORD your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you’ (Exodus 23:25)


n this passage, we clearly read about the divine bless ings bestowed by God. The Lord has given us His Word as a promise to us. So, He will surely fulfil it. But, many women do not know how to receive these blessings. Why do we read the Bible? To make the Lord’s promises in the Bible our own and to receive blessings. When we read this divine promise, we can take it as it is according to our need. The Bible says ‘He will bless your bread and your water’. Today, we see many families sitting together on the dining table to have food. But as the dishes are served, some of them would begin to eat without waiting for the others. This is their habit. How should a good Christian family be? They should sit around the table or on the floor, as a family and eat the food together. Only then love would multiply in that family. If the woman of the family is serving, then it is necessary that everyone should wait till she too comes. After everybody is seated, you should 42

JESUS CALLS February 2017 -

pray with folded hands, “Lord, we thank You for the food You have given even in these days of famine. Bless this food’.

His hands and bless your food. This is true Christian life.

‘It is sanctified by the word of God and prayer” (I Timothy 4:5).

mother who loved us very much

We should believe this. Then the Lord’s abundant blessings would come upon the food that you eat. Today, how many of you follow this in your family, with reverence? Perhaps, if you have failed to do this, start doing this as a family from today and have your food with thanksgiving. You would know its glorious blessing. Here there would not be any room for unwanted talk or fights. When you eat your food in peace and joy, your body too would be blessed. Experience this and receive blessings. After being blessed thus, do not fail to write to me your testimonies and experiences. When every family does things which are pleasing to the Lord, He too would be pleased with them. Every day, when you thus offer prayer of thanksgiving before having your food, surely God will stretch forth

there. She gave me food and kept

Once, I went to Ooty. Hearing about my visit, a dear invited me to visit her house, which was on the way. I went on talking. As is my custom, I prayed for the food kept before me and began to eat. She then said to me thus, “Mother, I was born in a family that did not know Christ. But, once when I attended your meeting, you mentioned in your message that we should thank God before eating. At once I begged the Lord’s pardon for not doing that and promised to follow that from then on. Since then I am fulfilling it. He has given me the grace for that. Thank you for the valuable lesson taught to me”. What a wonder! A woman who never knew the Lord! Yet, you, who proudly say that you are a Christian! Is it right on your part to eat without praying? Realize this and take a decision today.

Be careful to glorify God in everything according to the verse,

“…whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men’ (Colossians 3:23).

Similarly, to receive the divine blessing, ‘I will take sickness away from you’, you should keep this promise before God and pray for that. How to receive this divine blessing from the hand of God? Today, many are confused not knowing this glory. The root of sickness troubles them. So let us meditate on how to get delivered from diseases: We should first of all know why we should read the Bible. The Bible contains plenty of truths which are full of life. We also read the Lord’s teachings in the Bible. When we read them and claim them as our own, we grow in the Lord. This growth is essential for everyone who claims himself/herself to be the child of God. When we thus read the Bible and make the promises our own, we could receive the growth of this blessing. About this we read thus, ‘…as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby’ (I Peter 2:3).

‘Milk of the Word’ means the profound things of the Scriptures. Unless we read the Bible, we cannot grow in Christ. When we read these promise verses, our faith should be stirred up. “I am reading the Lord’s Words; let it be according to this Word. I receive it” – When you thus read it with

prayer and faith, you would surely receive it. The Bible says, “…who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree.. by whose stripes you were healed’ (I Peter 2:24).

Particularly, we read in this passage, ‘By His stripes you were healed’. So bring before your eyes the sight of Jesus Christ bruised and broken for our sake on the cross and pray to Him with faith, ‘Lord, You were broken and bruised for my sake; your wounds are awful. The blood that comes out of them is able to heal my sickness. Your stripes have the power to heal me”. Accordingly the Lord’s power will come upon you. “…if you would believe you would see the glory of God?" (John11:40).

Likewise, we read in Isaiah 53:5, ‘The chastisement for our peace was upon Him’. So, when we meditate on His crucifixion, God’s peace would fill us in the midst of our sickness. Yes, He suffered for our sake, and has granted us divine strength in abundance. So, we have the faith and confidence, “Even in the midst of these sufferings I have peace; the Lord is with me; He is able to heal me and will guard me without forsaking me”. This hope and faith bring down miracles and wonders. Several times in my life, when I had to undergo pain and suffer-

ing because of Bro. Dhinakaran’s sickness, the Lord gave me faith and hope on Him and comforted me. In 1969, when his both lungs were completely infected and damaged, the Lord’s words alone strengthened me. I held on to His Word and was thanking Him. Do you know what happened after that? The Lord perfectly healed his both lungs and gave him brand new lungs miraculously. This was a great miracle in our lives. Also see how wonderful is the following verse, “But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves” (Malachi 4:2).

Have you ever meditated on this verse? Ruth, a Moabite woman, who came under the wings of the Lord received this blessing in her life (Ruth 2;12). Accordingly, we read that when we suffer in sickness, He covers us with His feathers and gives us refuge (Psalm 91:1,2). If you believe this with your whole heart, you too would receive blessings like Ruth did. So, dear sisters, we read about many men of God in the Bible, who had thus received divine healing from the Lord. Hence, when we take these promises for us, we can receive the Lord given healing and strength. Read the Bible diligently and pray, holding on to the promises. Receive God’s full blessings. - February 2017 JESUS CALLS



GOOD WORD FOR THE DAY (Available as Part I and Part II –Two books) PART -1: Book is in Tamil, English, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Punjabi and Marathi languages PART -2: Book is in all above languages except Marathi Each book cost Rs 175/including postal charges

Available at all Christian book centres.

To meditate throughout the whole year, meditation are given in this book for everyday. Read and be blessed.

Send the amount in the favour of True Friend Management Support Services, through money order/Demand draft to, 72, Rajaji Salai , Chennai -600001 and get it by post. For details, contact: +91 9500155588 For online orders:

Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran memorial Special Thanksgiving meeting February (Sunday) 5:30 PM

Bro.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, (Near Sathya Studio / Music College) Chennai - 28.

God’s message and Prayer by:

Sister Stella Dhinakaran Come and participate as a family and be blessed. For more details: Toll Free number: 1800 425 77 55 (7.00 AM to 9.00 PM) 44

JESUS CALLS February 2017 -

- Yesupatham Vasantha’s heart shattered as she listened to the servant’s words, with bated breath. “Your son-in-law is busy with his work. I would ask for you and he wouldn’t refuse… But I haven’t yet asked him…’ Is what my daughter said true…?” “O, God, how can I live with this shame?’ – She ran into her room and cried out to the Lord. When the doctors tested Vasantha as she was not well, the whole family was shattered when she was diagnosed with cancer. Yet, her husband Rajasekar took her for good medical treatment and brought her home safely. She had almost become normal. Soon, they settled their son Gunasekar’s marriage too. Alas, her husband Rajasekar passed away soon after that as if to say that his responsibilities on earth were over. Two years went by without any mishap. Again, when Vasantha went for a check-up as she was not feeling well, doctors confirmed that the cancer had recurred. Before she could tell the details to her son, he said, “It is difficult for

me to take leave. Ask Savitha to be with you and start your treatment. I’ll come and see you when time permits…” He left as if he had nothing to do with her. Shocked to the core by her son’s reaction, Vasantha cried her heart out for a week. Savitha, who saw her mother’s tears promised to bring money from her husband but kept on postponing it saying that he was busy with his work. Vasantha believed her daughter but the servant’s words pierced her heart. “The house is in your brother’s name. So it is he, who has to give treatment for your mother. If you want, you can go and be with her for a couple of days. But don’t ever ask me for money…” Her son-in-law’s words were reported to her by the servant, whose sister-in-law was working in her daughter’s place. Lily aunty, who came there by chance, was baffled to see Vasantha’s tears. Vasantha poured out her heart to the kind Lily aunty. “Hey, are you broken because of this? Everybody’s love would

change one day. Only the Lord’s love is unchangeable. So be bold. What are you going to do with your jewels? Who’s there to wear it? They were given by your father and husband. So sell some of them and spend for your treatment. God will surely heal you. Your work which you started is not finished. Many children have been benefitted by the Tuition centre which you began in the Rasi slum area. Will the Lord forget you, who are working hard to give vocational training to the women and to build a chapel to worship Him? He knows your efforts. He will finish the job which you have started. Come, I’ll take you to the hospital tomorrow…” As Lily aunty kept talking, her courage increased. ‘This world and its people would only cause us pain. Only when we see the Lord and His work, sufferings would flee from us…’Thus thinking, she got up to make coffee for aunty. The thought to do the Lord’s work and to live for Him removed the burden that was oppressing her mind. She was strengthened to do the job for God which she had begun. - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


FAMILY BLESSING MEETING Deliverance from Demonic problem I was affected mentally; so my sister brought me to the Prayer Tower. Also both of us attended the Family Blessing Meeting conducted by Sister Stella Dhinakaran. During the prayer time, when she said, “The Lord delivers those who have demonic problems, I felt the devil leaving me. Now I am well. Glory to God. - N.Sudha Nahuran, Ramanathapuram.

Miracle while praying We were taking many efforts to settle our daughter’s marriage but it was getting delayed. We wanted to have her wedding before November 2015, when my husband had to retire. At this juncture, my daughter and I had come for the Family Blessing meeting held in Chennai. Dear mother Stella Dhinakaran shared the message and finally prayed with compassion for the crowd. I too was then praying earnestly for my daughter. That time I got a phone call which I could not attend as I was praying. When I saw it after returning home, I found that the groom’s side had called. Immediately the marriage talk was finalized in November 2015, and the marriage took place in February 2016. Before marriage I wanted to somehow meet dear mother, and get her blessings for my daughter. The reason, I grew up reading her 46

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books and messages. So I wanted my daughter to be like me. Dear mother welcomed us with a smile and prayed for her. By her blessings, we got the money needed for the wedding and my daughter’s marriage was held in an excellent manner. Now she has been blessed with a child too. - D.Muthukumari, Vijayawada, Andhra.

Blessings in unexpected measure During the last Family Blessing meeting, I prayed that we should be able to sell of our old house and buy a new one. By the prayers of dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, we were able to sell it for a good price more than we expected and buy a new one. Also the Lord protected me miraculously. - Kamatchi Srinivasan, Chennai.

Infirmity Gone Since when I was a child, I was weak. So sometimes, while driving my vehicle I even used to sleep when I stopped at the traffic signal. Everybody would be honking and would scold me thinking that I was driving under inebriated condition. Then I would take the vehicle to the road side, sleep for a while and then again drive. I never knew how I was going for work. On hearing about the Jesus Calls ministry, I began to watch the Television programmes. During a

programme, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran encouraged the viewers to send possible offering to build a Prayer Tower in Bengaluru. I, who was struggling for even one time meal, made a prayer of vow that I would donate Rs.5,000/- for that. Initially I gave Rs.2,500/-. After that I attended the Family Blessing meeting held in Guduvancheri and gave Rs.5,000/- in person to dear mother. Not only that, I had given a loan of Rs. one lakh to a known person which he never repaid since 10 years. Since I had shifted my house, I had no contact with him. But after I gave donation in the Bengaluru Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, that person returned Rs.83,000/- to my brother. I am giving the tithe out of this amount as offering for the Jesus Calls ministry. Glory to God. - Thangathurai, Chennai - 61

Blessing of God’s peace I have three daughters. My husband died in the year 1997. After that I came to know of the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and am living as the Lord’s child. Yet, a fear of future always oppressed me. So I had no peace and was filled with an empty feeling. I tried hard to come out of it but could not. At that time, I heard about Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s meetings

held on November 11, 2014 at Bro.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower and attended it with fear. When she began to give the message, she said, “When the Lord is with us, surely a miracle would happen. Don’t worry. The Lord will do a miracle”. Those words were meant for me. I also joined her in the prayer and that time the peace of God filled me. Not only that, when she was praying, I was filled with the power of God and I received the anointing in an abundant measure. The fear that was tormenting me until then left me and a hope that the Lord would do everything for me, filled me. Since then all my fears are gone and I am living in peace with the strength of God. By the grace of God, my eldest daughter is now married and the other two daughters are holding good jobs. Praise be to the Lord. - P.Surya Kala, Chennai - 41

Obstacle removed; marriage held My elder brother’s marriage was getting delayed since several years. At this juncture, I attended the Family Blessing meeting and prayed. Dear mother Stella Dhinakaran prayed for the children, whose marriage was getting delayed and I too joined her in the prayer. Hearing the prayer, the Lord made things possible and helped us to have my brother’s marriage in a blessed way. - Anita, Chithoor.

CAN’T MAKE A DONATION BECAUSE IT’S A BANK HOLIDAY? A NEW METHOD TO MAKE A DONATION FROM THE CONVENIENCE OF YOUR MOBILE PHONE IMPS (IMMEDIATE PAYMENT SERVICE) Is an instant inter-bank electronic fund transfer service available 24x7, throughout the year including Sundays and any bank holiday

What should you have? • Register for mobile banking with your bank • Get mobile money identifier (MMID) and MPIN from the Bank • Download software (app) for mobile banking on your phone (ensure the compatibility of mobile with the application)

How do you make a donation to Jesus Calls? • Login to the application and select the IMPS menu • Enter the following details Account number – ZJESUS + your 10 digit mobile number (For eg. If your mobile number is 9800098000, then the account number will be ZJESUS9800098000) IFSC code: INDB0000167 Await confirmation SMS for the debit from your account and credit in the beneficiary’s account Note the transaction reference number for any future query

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For Prayers (24x7):

044 - 33 999 000 - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


Question – Answer Question: Is it possible to get the Lord given life of perfect blessings? Answer: This is one of the questions asked by many, in these days. As the Bible says, ‘…in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy’ (I Timothy 6:17).

How sweet and pleasant is this! To enjoy the rich blessings of the Lord, it is highly necessary that we live in unison with Him. Today, most of the people live a surface level Christian life. There is absolutely no prayer or Bible reading in their lives. With no room for family prayer, their prime desire is to sleep well. That’s why fights, anger and divisions are rampant in these families. Today we could see such demonic things in many families. Hence, let us think about the things to be done and act accordingly. Our Lord is rich. As Isaiah 26:3says, He gives perfect peace to those who hold on to Him firmly. Let us examine how we are in this matter. Do we have the 48

JESUS CALLS February 2017 -

mind to firmly hold on to the Lord Jesus Christ? Do we trust Him fully? – Examine yourself. Today, only a few have such closeness with the Lord. In the Bible there was a widow called Anna. We read about her clearly in Luke 2:36-38. She became a widow when she was quite young. Today, many young women, who lose their husbands, seek after worldly things wondering, ‘Next what should I do in life? Can I remarry?’ But what did Anna do? She immediately went to the Lord’s house, sat at His feet and prayed, and sought and received His guidance daily. What happened? The Lord filled her with His divine Spirit and gifts and changed her into a prophetess. We read in the Bible that she, who went to the Temple of God at the age of nearly 25, held on to Him firmly until her 84 years and became His daughter and servant.

commit yourself for this kind of

My dear sisters, perhaps, if you are also a young widow,

Next, you may be perplexed

life. Yet if your parents resettle you in life, there is nothing wrong in accepting it. However, do not be dejected over your loss and loneliness but seek His presence and cling on to Him firmly. Then there is no doubt that your life too would be filled with rich blessings. Though I am advanced in age, I committed myself to the Lord fully according to this verse, when I lost my husband at the age of 70. I began to seek Him fully. Then the Lord got united with me. Today, He is using me in the ministry wonderfully. What a joy! My dear sisters, who have to be alone for the sake of ministry! Wipe away your tears! To receive the Lord’s rich blessings, hold onto Him firmly and trust Him. The peace given by Him would be a great joy.

as to how to receive rich bless-

ings and healing, being sick and weak in this world. But, do you know how the Lord’s rich blessings would come into your life? Apostle Paul was God’s servant. He prayed to the Lord thus: ‘…lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me.’

Lord come? When you begin each day, you should wait in the presence of the Lord. Read the promise verse given by the Lord and take it as your own. “…my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4;19).

lives. This is an absolute fact!

Accordingly the Lord will strengthen you. Thank Him with faith. Likewise, that same night, kneel down, think how God strengthened you that day and thank Him for that miracle with gratitude. This is the only way for you to receive strength from the Lord. To thus wait in the Lord’s presence and to pray to Him, the Lord will pour into you the Holy Spirit, His divine strength. Read carefully Acts 2nd chapter which tells how the disciples received this and thus get the same experience. It should not be forgotten that the Lord Jesus too received it (Acts 10:38). Thus we can receive God’s strength richly and arise and shine for Him happily.

My dear sisters, there may be many weaknesses or infirmities in your life. Do you worry, “Even if I don’t go for work, I have plenty of chores to do at home; I have to take care of the children too…’? How would the strength of the

Similarly, yet another important thing is perfect love! Our Lord is full of love (I John 4:8,16). When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the Lord gives us this divine experience. In the Bible we read that God’s love is

(II Corinthians 12:7,8)

But the reply given by the Lord was, ‘"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." (II Corinthians 12:9). In this world, we would have weaknesses; there may be many reasons for that. Whatever it be, if we wait at the presence of God and pray to Him earnestly and incessantly saying, ‘Lord, let Your strength come upon me in this weakness”, surely a divine strength would operate in our

poured into us through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). What a wonderful experience! When this love is poured into the hearts that have no love, through the anointing, their lives would change upside down and become pleasing to the Lord. The divine love that comes into us through the Holy Spirit changes us drastically. When we are filled with this love and when the Lord’s perfect love comes into us, all the fears that surround us depart from us. The spirit of fear goes away from us and the spirit of power and love and sound mind enters into us, according to II Timothy 1:7. Also, when we do not give room for worldly worries, a divine inexpressible and glorious joy fills us, according to I Peter 1:8. These are the ways to receive rich blessings from God. Let us follow the true Christian life of getting filled with the presence of God and living in union with Him. Through that the Lord would lead us beautifully to be filled with His perfect and rich blessings. So, confess all the shortcomings in your life, leave them and learn to walk in His word, pleasing to Him. Then He will fill all the things which you desire with His rich benefits and bless you abundantly. - February 2017 JESUS CALLS


Bible Quiz My dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, Your Bible Quiz is of great blessing to me. It helps me to find the answer by reading the Bible line by line because of which I am able to read the whole Bible within a year. It helps me to know deep truths and walk by them. – A. Rajeshwari, Madurai

Thru’ Book Ministry… Gift of a child My sister-in-law’s daughter, who is in London, had no child. So I presented her with Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s book ‘God given Gift of a Child’. She was reading that book diligently. Now she has conceived. Glory to God. – A.Leoni, Trichy

Miraculous Healing Recently, when I was trying to get up from my bed in the morning, I found that I could not move my body from head to foot. I was in terrible agony. I could not walk for long and there was none to help me. I was praying that the Lord should heal me as I am a partner of the Jesus Calls ministry. Also I received the Jesus Calls magazine and was reading the testimonies of people who had received miracles through dear mother Stella Dhinakaran’s prayers. I also applied prayed oil and made a prayerful vow that I would attend dear mother’s meeting and share my testimony if I was healed. The Lord heard the prayer and granted me complete healing. Now I am able to lift my hands and walk well. Praise be to God. – J.Baby Rani, Visakhapatnam, Andhra.

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JESUS CALLS February 2017 -

Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-01-2017


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