Jesus Calls (English) - November 2017

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Prayers that touched God’s throne Special Day of Mega Prayer – A Report

“Consecrate a fast…” (Joel 1:14) “…the place where they were assembled together was shaken.” (Acts 4:31)


n October 2nd, a special prayer was designated, to pray exclusively for the nation, ministries and for people to receive peace and for families to have prosperity in abundance. This was organised at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Campus in Vanagaram, Chennai. Though there was heavy downpour till the previous night, people came in large numbers from Chennai and suburbs such as Kanchipuram, Tiruvallur and Vellore, and also from the neighbouring states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. A group of about 200 people came all the way from Gujarat. The meeting started with praise and worship at 10:30 am. In the first 2

session, prayers were offered by several servants of God. They prayed, for Governments to be led by God, for open doors to proclaim the Gospel, for miracles and deliverance with signs and wonders, for Christian institutions and families, hospitals to be protected and blessed, for God’s protection and provision for all ministries. All the people joined in prayer with one accord. During the prayer, the presence of God filled the entire campus. The Spirit of the Lord came upon the people in a mighty way. Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s message in the forenoon session on the theme, “Rivers of Living Water”. In the final session, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s word based on Luke 9:28 about the transfiguration experience of Jesus and pointed out how we can also be transformed with this mountain top experience. All those who attended the meeting were filled with joy. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran offered a powerful prayer for the people. At the end of the meeting Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed individually for those who wanted to be prayed for. People who came with great thirst, received rest in their souls, peace and new hope and they left the campus with great joy and glowing faces. Approximately 8000 people participated in this meeting. The event was telecast live in various languages throughout the Prayer Towers all over India and eight thousand people from all the Prayer Towers put together were blessed. And close to 600,000 people came to know about this Prayer Meet through Facebook-live. Let us give thanks to the Lord for the thousands of souls that were touched and for those who received miracles through this meeting. - November- 2017



“And he (Moses) said, “Please, show me Your glory. Then He said, I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you...” But He said, “You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.” And the LORD said, “Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock. So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by.”

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JESUS CALLS November - 2017

(Exodus 33:18-22)


oday I want to remind you of a powerful statement from Moses’ prayer. He said, “Lord, please show me Your glory” and to that God Almighty answers, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you”. Moses’ prayer and the prayer of Jesus’ disciples when they were “severely threatened” not to speak in the Name of Jesus as recorded in Acts 4:23-31, were prayers that were crying out to God to show them His glory. This is our prayer too “Show your glory once more Lord.” And God says: “I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the

difficulty to the special meeting which was hosted by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran at Chennai. At the end of the meeting, I personally God’s answer to Moses’ met Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and prayer: “I am going to put My asked him to pray for my name upon you. I am going to cancer to be healed. He at once proclaim the name of the Lord placed his hand on my head and upon you, for you to see my earnestly prayed in the Name glory and survive”. Yes, we need of Jesus, ‘The Egyptian you the shield of God’s name, that’s see today, you will never see why Jesus said, “Ask anything again. You will search for this in My Name, I will do it” (John disease and will not find it.’ At 14:14). We can approach God that time, I felt the glory of the only in the Name of Jesus. Lord descending upon me. I returned home with excitement At a recently held meeting, a sister by the name and hope. Miraculously, changes were taking place in my body. Jeyasankari from Chennai After a few days, I went back to gave her testimony before the hospital for some tests and thousands of people which the report came back, ‘No trace gave all glory to the Lord. of cancer’. The doctors were Here is her testimony: amazed! I received complete “In the year 2007, I was healing. Even my husband who suffering from severe health had left me came back seeking issues. There was no healing me. We now live happily in our in spite of receiving medical own house. We have become treatment. My health condition partners of all the facets in worsened as the days went the ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministry and by. When I went to the doctor are regularly supporting this again for diagnosis, I was told ministry. I am also serving as a that I was in the last stages of prayer intercessor at the ‘Jesus cancer. I was shocked. Under Calls’ Prayer Tower". the circumstances wherein I was “And these signs will not given many days to live, the doctors started me on radiation accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive treatment. I lost all my hair out demons; they will speak due to this and I lost even my complexion and became thin. in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; My body looked as though I was and when they drink deadly beaten up and my husband on seeing all of this left me and went poison, it will not hurt them at away. At this juncture, unable all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will to even walk, I tied a cloth on get well.” (Mark 16:17, 18). my head and came with great sea, and the dry land” (Haggai 2:6). Is this your prayer? He will answer it.

God says that He has given us His name, and He will proclaim His name on us. Every knee shall bow before the Name of Jesus and there is salvation for everyone in Jesus’ Name. Many years ago my father was heartbroken due to many challenges and burdens he had to face as he was following the Lord. There was tremendous criticism. You know God allows it, so that you don’t depend on man but only on Jesus. People close to you may not understand you, but God allows it so that you will cling only to Jesus and see the glory of God in your life. This helps you to rise up from the natural to the supernatural walk with God. It is not the success of man’s standards that count, but the glory of God’s power operating in your life. He then lifts you up to that next level. In deep agony my father cried out, “Lord, have you also forsaken me; are you also condemning me?” The Holy Spirit rose up within him, and Jesus came and said, “My son, come, let us go to heaven.” And he took him to heaven and showed him different parts of heaven. And then the Lord called an Angel, and he said, “On the way back show my son Dhinakaran, the kingdom of hell” and the Angel took my father to the kingdom of hell, of course the demons could not see them. That’s the power of God. God is the God of the dead and the living. God has power over heaven and power over - November- 2017



darkness. He says every knee on the earth, under the earth and in heavens shall bow before Jesus. To his surprise, my father saw, that Satan/Lucifer also sits on the same kind of throne like the one on which the Almighty God sits. He is so beautiful to look at, and so sweet that he can entice anybody. Then the Angel showed him different departments in hell. They were the departments of sickness, war, family problems, just like the governments have! And they are doing research on how to bring new troubles into the world! That’s why we have new diseases, new wars and new problems in families. They are manufactured in hell. But then those heads, which were controlling each department, were terrible to look at, specially the demon of sickness. It was awkward and terrible. He saw the lake of fire and how the people cry. He saw a dark cliff under which people sit. Suddenly the sky opens, and they see heaven, they see the light of God and see their relatives in heaven and they cry gnashing their teeth, “Why did I miss heaven?” and the sky closes and there is gnashing of teeth in darkness. Then the Angel brought my father back to the throne-room of Lucifer where all the spirits that were in control of different 6

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parts of the world, came and stood around Lucifer reporting to him about the national leaders, about the people of each country, and about the servants of God. Lucifer asked them, “Into which woman or man should I get in to take control of that nation. Who is the right person? What is lacking in that servant of God that I can touch and destroy a whole church, the whole ministry, community and the whole nation” and each demon gave its input. Yes, he needs only one person to get into, to take over a nation. And the Angel suddenly said, “Now see the fun Dhinakaran," and he softly whispered “JESUS.” He just whispered the name of Jesus in hell. It echoed and spread across different departments of hell including the throne-room of Satan, and every demon started standing up, and Lucifer stood up and they all began to shriek and cry in one voice: has Jesus come back to destroy us and bind us forever? The Angel smiled at my dad and said, “Just the whisper of the name of Jesus, makes the whole hell tremble. This name has been put upon your forehead Dhinakaran. Why are you afraid? Rise up! No weapon formed against you shall prosper. No man shall be able to stand before you. You have the great name of Jesus. You shall enjoy this glory.”

Thank God for the name of Jesus is upon you. Your name might be unknown: maybe people are fighting against your name; but thank God, the living name of Jesus is upon you. Praise him. You shall see his glory. People shall see His name in you and know the greatness of your God and you will do great things. Remember the promises of God: Ask anything in my name, I will show you my glory. Let not your heart be troubled.

God’s Goodness will pass before you “I will make all my goodness pass before you.” (Exodus 33:19) During a war in which India fought, one of the Air Force pilots who came back from the war met my dad, and my father said, “I have been praying for you, I’m so glad that you are alive.” He said, “Truly it is the grace of God which surrounded me uncle. I was flying the helicopter, and you know those rebels sit on the coconut trees and shoot rocket launchers, and I saw so many helicopters hit by the rocket launchers right before my eyes. The battalions, who went before me, were all destroyed and I had to convey the trooper. I was praying in the spirit, and suddenly a cloud came and surrounded my helicopter. They could hear the sound of the helicopter but they could not see

it. And I passed right through the coconut trees, took the soldiers, put them there and came back and until I came back, the cloud engulfed me. The enemy could not see me.”

Lord says “Come and stand with me. That’s all. Just surrender yourself to do my will in this world, I will do the rest. I will keep praying, and you will see my glory.”

Yes, we are not consumed because His grace surrounds us and we get to see His glory.

Yes, Jesus wants us to be with Him, listen to Him and walk according to His plan (Jeremiah 29:11). Since the Lord loves us so much that He desires that we should be with Him, do not allow depressing thoughts to build up in your mind. Then you will see His glory.

God has a Place for you And finally, God says to Moses, “Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock.” (Exodus 33:21) Jesus longs for us to be by His side, to be with Him. Eve came from Adam’s side (Genesis 2:21,22) and to also reflect our union with God, Jesus was pierced by His side on the cross (John 19:34). He chose his 12 disciples praying the whole night, for two reasons – that He may be with them and that they may desire to be with Him (Mark 3:13, 14). He prays for us, He prays for us with groaning (Romans 8:26). He says, “ My son Paul, come and stand by my side; I don’t want you to do anything else, just let me pray for you, let me pray for you, let me pray for you”. You may say: "There is nobody to pray with me, nobody to pity me, there is nobody to understand me”. My friend, the

“Where I am, there My servant also will be.” (John 12:26) “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12) Would you say: “Lord, I am here to do your will on earth?” These are the days, God wants to speak to us through prophesy. He says: “I will pour my Spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters shall prophesy” (Acts 2:17). When you hear His voice, saying: “Do it, take up this job, marry this person; speak this word to your family; speak this word to that person” just do it and the Lord will hear your prayers and you will see the

glory of God. In 1992, we had the first campaign in New Delhi. It was a glorious campaign and the government gave us permission to conduct it in the centre of the city. It was amazing! On the first day my father spoke, and the second day he said, “Paul, God says that you should speak tonight.” I trembled in my shoes because government ministers and other officials would be there. And behold at 3 pm I got a terrible headache and stomach pain. I began to shudder with pain and raging fever. I called my dad from my room, and I said, “I can’t move. Please daddy, you preach tonight.” He said "nothing doing whether you tremble or shiver, God has spoken that you are going to preach. Better obey God!” and he put down the phone. I used to tremble before my dad and I didn’t know what to do. At 6 pm I was still wriggling with pain. None of the medicines worked. But still I said, “Lord, you have spoken and my father has spoken. I have to obey you and I have to obey my dad.” With all the pain, without knowing what I was going to preach, in that most intellectual setting with nearly fifty thousand people there, I just got into the car, struggling, shivering and as - November- 2017



the car went near the platform, and as I was climbing the platform, the refreshing came

When we are weak, then God’s

appeared in his place. And I saw

power operates. Our weakness

rays of light coming from him and

cannot limit God’s power. And I

hitting me. I couldn’t bear it. I

upon me. It was truly the glory

saw the deaf hear, the blind see

soared and fell down. I got up just

of God. Within a moment all

and so many testimonies. And

now and saw people walking away.

my fetters were gone! As I went

finally a distinguished lady came

And I heard somebody calling me

to the platform, the Holy Spirit

to the platform. She was not a

from that same place, and drawing

showed me, John 14:27. He said:


me to the same platform. And see

“Preach about my peace.”And as I was speaking, the Holy Spirit was giving me the verses, the thoughts, the instances and the songs. That’s the first time I experienced the Holy Spirit doing everything. He said, “You

She said, “I had back pain

I am totally free! My back pain is

for more than twenty years and

gone, and I have great peace in my

somebody told me if I go to that

heart. I saw Jesus right here!”

meeting I will be healed. So I came to the meeting and sat in the last row. I didn’t know anything about Jesus; I didn’t know what

Take courage, my friend, the Lord can work through you too if you will surrender to His will and obey. “You will see the glory

need not do anything. I will

was going to happen. But this man

pray through you, and you will

as he stood up to speak, suddenly

see My glory.” And that night

a bright light appeared where

through you to those around, in

we witnessed the greatest of

he was. He disappeared, and a

spite of your weakness, pain and


beautiful person clad in white



JESUS CALLS November - 2017

of God” (John 11:40) revealed - November- 2017



Prayer Tower Ministry

Miraculous Healing Without Surgery For the past 7 years, I was suffering because of a cyst in my uterus wherein I was not able to sit or do any hard work. According to medical diagnosis, I came to know that the cyst had weighed about 1½ kilograms. The doctors said with hesitation, “The cyst can only be removed through surgery. But it can be fatal too.” My husband did not agree for the surgery. I lost all hope in medical treatment and came with a heavy heart to ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower at Rajaji Salai, Chennai. I explained the sufferings that I went through to the prayer intercessor and asked him to pray for me. He prayed along with me for the Lord to miraculously heal me and I felt a difference in my health condition as soon as I prayed at the Prayer Tower. I went back to the doctor and I was sent to the scan centre. The doctor who examined me was amazed and had a discussion with the other doctors there. When so many doctors stood around me at the same time, I was scared and enquired, “What is wrong?” The doctor said with amazement, “There is no sign that you even had a cyst in your uterus. Your uterus seems so clean as though a qualified doctor had treated you and taken out the cyst. Even the small water cysts that are usually found in a uterus have vanished”. I thank the Lord for healing me in a miraculous way. – Nadhiya, Chennai – 13. 10

JESUS CALLS November - 2017

Every day thousands of people come seeking prayer assistance to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers. The prayer intercessors along with those who come for prayer, plead at the feet of the Lord seeking His healing and wholeness for body, mind and spirit. The Lord listens to their prayers and removes all sickness, addictions, financial crisis and lack of peace, etc. Thousands of people participate in the Special Blessing Meetings and Fasting Prayers held at the Prayer Towers and receive blessings. Here we share with you some of their testimonies

Delivered from Alcohol Addiction My husband, Ezhumalai was addicted to alcohol. We have two daughters. As days went by, he became a drunkard and started beating me and the children. He went into depression because of his drinking habit and even tried to commit suicide. At this point, I heard about the Prayer Tower at Salem and went there. I asked the prayer intercessor to pray that the Lord will remove the addiction from my husband and give peace in our family life. I also participated and prayed in the meetings held at the Prayer Tower. The Lord heard the prayer offered from the Prayer Tower and graciously helped my husband to be delivered from the bondage of drinking alcohol and my husband started coming along with me whenever I went to the Prayer Tower. We came to know about the ‘Jesus Calls’ Television programs and started watching them. The verse that is being said in the programme, “Your sorrow shall turn into joy”, greatly touched my husband. We are now praying in our home too. Thanks be to the Lord who removed the lack of peace in our family! – Sakthi Tabithal, Salem.

Blessed with a Child after 14 Years

Blessing in Every Aspect

I am a teacher in a private school and my husband works for a company. We were married in the year 2000. For many years we were childless and so we consulted some doctors and received continuous treatment for many years. As there was no result in spite of receiving treatment till the year 2010, we became weary and stopped the treatment. We went in person to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower at Trichy and asked the prayer intercessors to pray that the Lord will bless us with a child. They prayed along with us and asked the Lord to give me the fruit of my womb. We continued to go to the Prayer Tower for prayers. My husband’s sister Reena also did not conceive even after 4 years of marriage. I not only prayed for myself but for my sister-in-law too. The Lord graciously helped me to conceive, 14 years after my marriage. In 2015, I gave birth to a girl baby. Three months later, the Lord was also gracious to bless my sister-in-law with a child. The Lord made our family happy by giving us two precious little children. We continue to come to the Prayer Tower and glorify the Lord. – Rebecca Prabhakar, Trichy.

Two years after my marriage, when my daughter was born, our family life turned into turmoil when my husband left me and went away. I had written the entrance test for a teacher’s job but there were many hurdles for me in acquiring the job.

With my husband gone, and with no job for me, I was in great distress. I continually went to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower at Madurai and prayed that the Lord should rebuild my life and that I should get the teacher’s job. I participated in the meetings that were held there. The Lord heard my prayer and not only gave me success in my exam for a Government teacher’s post but removed all the hurdles that were hindering me in getting a job and blessed me. He solved all the differences of opinion between me and my husband and we started to live together again. Then the Lord blessed my womb and has now given me a boy baby. I thank God for hearing the sincere prayers of the ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer intercessors who prayed for me. – Geetha Baburaj, Madurai.

The ‘Jesus Calls Prayer Towers are open every day from 8am till 8pm. Anointed prayer intercessors are waiting to pray for you. We lovingly call you too, to come to the Prayer Tower to pray for the Lord’s blessings in your life. You can also participate in the meetings that are held there. You can get details of the Prayer Tower in your locality by calling the Toll Free number 1800 425 77 55 or through the website

For prayers through telephone (24x7) TAMIL/ENGLISH (044 - 33 999 000) / TELUGU (040 - 33 999 000) MARATHI (022 - 33 999 000) / HINDI/PUNJABI (011 - 33 999 000) KANNADA (080 - 33 999 000) GUJARATI (079 - 33 999 000) MALAYALAM (0471 - 33 999 000) - November- 2017




he Lord said to Jeremiah that He has appointed him as a prophet to the nations, not just for Israel. God is calling you too for great things. Hence, when the Lord calls you for great things do not give excuses. Don’t say that you are weak, shy and inexperienced and so you cannot go. We can never give 12

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excuses to God. God called Moses saying,

I, the LORD, will do for you.”(Exodus 34:10)

weakness and prayed, “Lord,

"...I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring My people the Israelites out of Egypt.”

Open your heart, God will fill

so that people can hear my

(Exodus 3:10)

enable me to speak louder message and be blessed.” One

David said, “Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you have planned for us no one can recount to you” (Psalm 40:5). When God blesses us, His blessings will be such that there will not be room enough to hold them! Friend, even today, the Lord will pour out His blessing upon you. The Lord will crown the head of the righteous. Keep your heart open and open your mouth wide for Lord to fill it (Psalm 81:10). Keep your heart open for God to enter in and make your heart His abode.

But Moses gave so many excuses, “O Lord, I have never been eloquent. I am slow of speech. Please send someone else” (Exodus 4:10). The Lord was angry with his response and said, “I am sending your brother Aaron and let him speak for you. You be the Lord for him and He will be the mouth piece.” When the Lord chooses us, He does everything for us. We need not struggle over anything because the Lord says, “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Come to God Today let us cry out to God just as you are saying, “Lord, I commit myself and all my family to serve you. I was a shy and timid girl in Fill us with your Holy Spirit” the early days of my ministry and the Lord will answer our but as I opened my mind and prayers and use us as He used heart to God, allowing Him to Moses. fill me, He filled me with His Then the LORD said, "I Holy Spirit and turned me into am making a covenant a blessing for others. with you. Before all your By nature, I am a soft spoken people I will do wonders person. Therefore, when I never before done in started my ministry I would any nation in all the speak so softly that people were world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that

not able to hear my messages. I used to feel very sad about my

day a prophetess prayed over me and revealed my silent prayer which I had never even told my husband. She said “Evangeline! You are praying to God to give you a louder voice to enable you to speak loudly but this is what the Lord says, even your whispers can bring miracles Evangeline; so be as you are. You are a soft spoken person but then people will come to you and say that your very word touched their heart and the Lord did a miracle through you. You are a blessed person.” And that is what exactly happened in my ministry. Many people came to me, especially women, and said, “Sister you spoke just for me; I was full of fear but then the Lord delivered me today through your message.” Yes, the Lord will use you also in a unique way; just be as you are and don’t try to copy others. The Lord’s grace is sufficient for you. In your weakness the Lord’s strength will be perfected (2 Cor. 12:9). Be encouraged! “I must work the works of Him who sent Me - November- 2017



while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.” (John 9:4) One day my husband was praying over the prayer requests that were sent to him and the Lord showed him the above verse. He said, “My son, the night is coming; so work hard. Always pray as a family. My return is coming very soon. Prepare the world for My coming.” Today, the Lord is asking us also to prepare people to prophesy over the nations. You, who are reading this message, get up and go to serve the Lord! The Lord is sending you. You might be a weak, broken vessel but the Lord has chosen you knowing your brokenness. The Lord’s call is for a high purpose - to serve the world. Dear friends we have no time to relax or rest. Here is Rachel Joseph, a student of first year MBA, Karunya University testifying how God filled her in the Prophetic Prayer Conference held at Karunya recently. For the past few months, I had been constantly under the demonic oppression and I was in depression. I never used to like anything. Whenever I sat down to pray, I used to get negative 14

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thoughts and felt very discouraged. My parents are in the ministry and my father being a pastor always keeps praying for me. I wasn’t completely sure about my future regarding my job and career. I was working prior to joining MBA. I felt I should quit MBA and go back to work. I was really confused. I

developed severe migraine and because of this I had to skip classes and go home often. I got my CT scan done by the best doctors in my hometown but nothing worked for me. I was under deep depression when I attended t h e P ro p h e t i c P r a y e r Conference. I was sitting at the very last row. I just said, “Lord, I don’t even know why I am here but all I have to say is if You are

here with me, I want to see Your hand in my life; I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit.” When I felt broken, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out my name. I was not sure about it as Rachel is a very common name. Next day, I was praying “Lord, only if You had really called my name, I want to hear my name called once again. I want to be filled with Your Holy Spirit.” Immediately Dr. Paul called out my name and said “Rachel, you have been praying for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. God is filling you right now.” I felt the mighty power of God coming upon me and filling me completely. I was filled with joy which I have never experienced in my life. As I continued praying I could feel Jesus telling me, “Rachel, Jesus loves you. I have not forsaken you.” Truly I feel so blessed and encouraged.

Your weakness will not stop you Once when we were in New Zealand, a family invited us for dinner. One of them out of love and concern suggested, “Dr. Paul you are working so hard, you need some rest. Probably

you should have only one meeting per month”. But we have no time to rest. We have to be on the move to prepare the world for His second coming. My husband says, “Let anything happen to me or my family, but let us not stop running for the Lord”. In spite of his weaknesses in the body, he says, “I am here Lord, use me” and with the strength of the Lord, he stands before the people. When he completes his preaching all his weakness and pain are gone! We then wonder at how the Lord honours His children! Dear reader, are you weak, and burdened? Come to Jesus as you are. Don’t be confused looking at the circumstances around you. Fear not, for He will carry you through your life’s journey, no matter what the burdens may be be it health, finances, broken relationships, job situations, b e r e a v e m e n t, loneliness, shame or uncertainties in life. Romans 8:37 says, “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us”. In John 16:33 Jesus says, “In the world you will have tribulations; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” The Lord who has chosen you and anointed you will never let you down. He will fulfil His purposes in your life.

EASY WAYS TO SEND YOUR DONATIONS Through Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Tower in your area to make a donation in person by Cash / Swiping Machine Through Post Office: By Money Order & EMO or by “Mobile Money Transfer” through Post Offices to the number 9840 900 480. By Demand Draft / Cheque: Drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” and can be sent by Registered Post to the address: 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 (or) Jesus Calls, Bethesda Prayer Centre, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore - 641114. Through Online: using Credit / Debit card / Net Banking and Mobile Wallets through the website Transaction details can be intimated to our Toll Free 18004257755 – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm By Bank: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No.: 000901056144, Bank: ICICI Bank Ltd, Nungambakkam Branch, Chennai 600 034. IFSC: ICIC0000009. Details of the donations sent directly to the Bank can be intimated through the email: Through Ambassadors: To know the Jesus Calls Ambassador in your local area please contact the Toll Free 18004257755 (functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm) Jesus Calls Mobile App: Download the new Jesus Calls mobile app from Google play store and then you can make your donation through the mobile app. Paytm: Can donate using Paytm For 24x7 Prayers: TAMIL/ENGLISH (044 - 33 999 000) TELUGU (040 - 33 999 000) MARATHI (022 - 33 999 000) HINDI/PUNJABI (011 - 33 999 000) KANNADA (080 - 33 999 000) GUJARATI (079 - 33 999 000) MALAYALAM (0471 - 33 999 000) - November- 2017



Jesus Calls

Television Ministry The Jesus Calls Television Ministry revealing God’s love to millions of people.

A Job and an Hike in salary Sekar was working in a News Agency at Salem. There arose a situation wherein he had to immediately resign his job. Two years went by and he was still without a proper job. His wife Vijaya Manohari, a teacher in a private school found it difficult to meet the expenses of her family with her meager income during those times. But she had a hope deep within her heart that the Lord will surely do a miracle and so she continually went for prayer to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at Salem. 16

It was one of Vijaya JESUS CALLS November - 2017

Manohari’s colleagues who introduced her to the Jesus Calls Ministry in 1998. Her family did not know the Lord. The acquaintance that she had with the Telephone Prayer Tower kept on increasing. Manohari started giving Rs.50/per month as offering in spite of her small income. As time passed, the Lord ordered a hike in her salary. Her husband also came to know about the Lord. The only

solace that he had at that time was God’s messages from the Jesus Calls Television program every Monday given by Sis Evangeline. He had many imperfections in his life which he hesitated to share even with his wife but he found consolation through God’s message by consistently watching the program. After two years, he got a job in 2015 in a good agency similar to the one where he had worked. Vijaya Manohari eventually started an independent training centre. From that time onwards, the economic needs of the home were met. Their children Harish Raghav and Soundarya are

Young Partners of Jesus Calls. They as a family still continue to go and pray at the Prayer Tower in Salem. They co-sponsored Jesus Calls television programs on their specials days like birthdays and wedding anniversary during 2015 and 2016. Quite unexpectedly, a health issue cropped up for Vijaya Manohari Approximately 630 programs are telecast in 10 languages through 21 television channels every month. These programs directly take the Lord’s good news to many people’s homes. This is possible through your offerings. We are gearing up to launch a Jesus Calls television program in the Assamese language. I lovingly request you to pray for this venture as well as support it through your donations. According to Psalm 2:12, blessed are you who put your trust in Him as you engage in the work of building the Lord’s Kingdom.

and the doctors doubted it might be a heart problem. At that time special prayers were conducted by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran at Chennai and that was telecast live at the Salem Prayer Tower. While praying, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “those whose hearts are weak are healed right now”. Sister Vijaya Manohari had joined with him in prayer. When they went for a check-up

later on, the doctors said that there was no problem with her heart and so her family decided to co-sponsor a television program again. The Jesus Calls television programs give comfort and hope in the lives of many like brother Sekar and Vijaya Manohari, leading them to the Lord.

Privileges you enjoy when you sponsor a television program: v You family photo will be displayed in the television program that you sponsor. The founders will pray for your prayer requests in that same program.

v We will send you a greeting on your special days (birthday/wedding anniversary). Moreover, we will pray for you through telephone call from the ministry.

v When you co-sponsor a television program, your name will be telecast in that specific program.

v We will send you a DVD of the television program that you sponsor / co-sponsor.

As led by the Lord, I would like to sponsor a Television programme (Kindly tick) q

I am sending Rs.30,000/- herewith as donation to sponsor a television program. (I have

enclosed my family photo along with the donation) q I am sending Rs.10,000/- herewith as donation to co-sponsor a television program. Kindly mention the television program that you wish to sponsor from the list of television programs given below ………………………………………………..

Day: ………………………......................................... Special Day: ………………………………................ Prayer Request: ……………………………………………………………………......................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................ Easy ways to send your donations to ‘Jesus Calls’ Television Ministry is found on Page No.15 - November- 2017



“How precious is Your loving kindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.” (Psalm 36:7)

From the depth of my

heart My beloved brother/ sister in Christ, The month of October was a month packed with ministries. The Lord had blessed all the ministries – both in India and abroad through your sincere prayers and generous offerings. My heart is filled with praise to God and thanks to you for making these ministries possible. You have been partnering with God in His mission and in His good work and I thank God for you specifically (Philippians 1:6). In the month of November, “May the Lord bless all those who put their trust in Him.” (Psalm 2:12) May November therefore turn into a month of blessings for you! 18

JESUS CALLS November - 2017

Having lost all resources to live, Ruth came and surrendered herself under the protecting and providing hands of God. She came into God’s hands totally empty but the good Lord filled her with abundant blessings. Be sure that the same God who had compassion on Ruth, blessed her and opened wonderful opportunities for her, will also turn your life into a success. Friend! Your success will bring glory to His Name and therefore He will make you a success. He will bless you to the full (Ruth 2:12).

My Friend the Holy Spirit "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your

remembrance all things that I said to you.” (John 14:26) The month of November is a very special month in my life. It is on 20th November 1980 that the Lord graciously filled me with the Holy Spirit and led me into that marvellous experience. Since then, my friend, it has been the Holy Spirit who has been my closest Friend, companion and guide in all aspects of my life. The Lord is not only filling me with the Holy Spirit but is also using me mightily to proclaim the Word of God to other people and to offer suitable solutions to their problems and to comfort them with the love of the Lord. I praise God for giving me these revelations (Isaiah 50:4). It is the comfort of the Holy Spirit that is leading us through this path of ministry successfully. It is

the Holy Spirit who helped me to proceed with this ministry in spite of the huge losses like losing my dear sister Angel and my dear father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran (John 14:16). The Lord is strengthening me to prophesy to the kings and their nations (Acts 9:15). It is through these prophecies that doors are opening to us in these nations. The rulers of nations are listening with reverence to what we have to tell them. People pour-in like a flood to listen to the message of the gospel and the prophetic revelations. Friend! I desire that you too receive this fullness. It is God’s Will to fill you and your children so that all of them will walk in the path of the living God and shine as powerful testimonies to the Lord (Acts 2:17). I am praying for the Lord to anoint your precious children.

Young Partners Plan “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:52) November 14th is being celebrated as Children’s Day in our nation India. We see in the Bible that our Lord Jesus Christ when He was on this earth, He called children to Himself, embraced them and blessed them (Matthew 19:14). The Lord wanted to fulfil the desire of so many parents who wanted their children too to receive the blessings that come by being a part of God’s ministry and so He gave the Young Partners Plan to my father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran in the year 1985. Since then this plan has been fulfilled successfully by praying for the children who are partners in the Jesus Calls Ministry in our 24 hours Prayer Tower. Prayers for their protection and blessings keep going up to heaven on their behalf. And the Lord Jesus Christ, who hears and answers prayers, has been specifically and abundantly blessing the Jesus Calls Young Partners.. And therefore my

friend, I encourage you also to enrol your children into this plan if you have not done so. This will open the way for your children to receive the anointing and blessing that is upon the ministry in their lives. You can get more and clear details about this plan at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to you or at the Jesus Calls Website You can also call our Toll Free number 1800 425 77 55 and get to know how to enrol your children as Young Partners and send offerings to the ministry in their names.

New Year Ministries "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) We are getting prepared for the various ministries that are being arranged for the first two months of the coming New Year 2018. Please pray that the Lord fills us and anoints us for the New Year Meetings with His new grace and anointing and through us fill the people who will be coming to these meetings with the same anointing and blessings. Let me furnish you with the details of our meetings so that you can uphold them in your prayers and also support us to conduct them successfully. 2018 January 5 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu 2018 January 6 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Vellore, Tamil Nadu 2018 January 7 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 2018 January 9,10 - Bless Telangana, Hyderabad 2018 January 13 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 2018 January 14 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu 2018 January 15 - New Year

Blessing Meeting, Salem, Tamil Nadu 2018 January 20,21 – Thiruvananthapuram Meetings, Kerala 2018 January 26, 28 - Dumka Prayer Festival, Jharkhand 2018 February 4 - Students Prayer Meeting, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 2018 February 10, 11 - Prayer Festival, Hyderabad 2018 February 14,15,16 - Prophetic Prayer Conference, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 2018 February 17,18 Marathwada Prayer Festival, Jalna, Maharashtra Please begin to pray for these meetings from now on and also start informing your near and dear ones in these areas to attend these meetings and be blessed. You will thus pave way for their blessings and the Lord will bless you for this deed of loving others as you love yourself. Besides the help of the ministers of God, we are in need of an abundance of material resources to conduct these meetings. All the needs of these meetings are met only by the sacrificial, small and faithful offerings that are sent by our partners. The Lord who took the five loaves and two fish from a small lad and multiplied it and fed more than 5000 people and even took lots of remaining, will also multiply the small offerings you give to the ministry and send the remaining as blessings upon you and your family (Matthew 14:17-21). Yes! My friend! You will never be in loss when you sow into the Lord's ministry. You may take your offerings for the above mentioned meetings in favour of JESUS CALLS in the form of cheque/ MO/ DD and send it to Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 or take it as payable at Coimbatore and send - November- 2017



it to Jesus Calls, Bethesda Prayer Centre, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore 641 114. You can also send your offerings online through our website at

Israel Prayer Tower "...It shall be that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come and see My glory.... And they shall declare My glory among the Gentiles.” (Isaiah 66:18,19) In the same way as we established the National Prayer Tower at Delhi to pray for India, we have established a Prayer Tower in Israel where people can come from all over the world and pray for Israel and also offer prophetic prayer for their own nations. This Prayer Tower was established in the year 2013 on the 4th of November. Since then many people from many parts of the world pour in and offer their prayers. When they return from these prayers they return with tremendous anointing and power and go and

serve God mightily in their own localities. It is our duty my friend to prepare the whole world for the coming of our Lord. You too can join in this prayer in the Israel Prayer Tower. You can obtain information about this through our website Please join me in thanking God to pray for Israel Prayer Tower which is about to complete four years of service. Next year, the Israel Prayer Tower will move into the 5th year. We will link this celebration with the date of the creation of Israel as a nation 70 years ago. In this context, we have planned to conduct a WORLD P R AY E R C O N V E N T I O N i n Jerusalem. Many eminent servants of God from all over the world are about to join in this event and deliver prophetic messages. We invite you to be prepared for these meetings from now on. Come to Jerusalem to hear the prophetic words of the Almighty living God. Bring your family too. Besides participating in this convention you can also participate in the Holy Land Tour. You can get

more details about this at the website Friend! You have been upholding the ministry through your incessant prayers, encouraging offerings and your sacrificial participation. It is through your offering, help and participation that this ministry is able to wipe the tears of thousands of people and bring people under the protecting hands of God and take the comfort of God to them in an abundant way. May the Lord bless you, who are so faithfully upholding the ministry according to His unfailing promise in Psalm 36:7; “How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.” May the Lord’s mercy and grace cover you throughout this entire month. Your loving brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran.

National Prayer Tower, Delhi The prayer intercessors at the ‘Jesus Calls’ National Prayer Tower in New Delhi offer continuous prayers and utter prophesies for the nation, looking toward the Parliament House, the Presidential Palace and the Prime Minister’s Office. On 27th September 2017 Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran visited the National Prayer Tower at Delhi and spent three hours with the prayer intercessors pleading with the Lord for our country. They also prayed in the presence of the Lord by pronouncing out the names of the partners who support the activities of the National Prayer Tower. Let us also pray continually for the fulfillment of the prophecies revealed by the Lord through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. 20

JESUS CALLS November - 2017

SEESHA NEWS Reaching Out to Provide Relief During the month of August 2017 SEESHA reached out to provide relief to people who were worst affected in the natural disaster due to torrential rains. In consultation with local government authorities, SEESHA’s relief teams distributed relief kits containing dry rations, basic toiletries, mosquito nets and tarpaulin sheets to help sustain more than 500 families in the Azhamnagar Block of Bihar and the fisherman communities of Mumbai. School kits were also distributed among children who lost their study materials.

Sow a Seed of Goodness, Let Life Blossom! The life of a child is like a fragile sapling – it needs gentle nurturing and ample love in order for it to grow. Unfortunately, a number of children living below the poverty line in India do not grow up in favourable conditions. Like plants that struggle to grow among crags and crevices, these children grow in challenging situations, facing hurt and experiencing a sense of loss very early in life. At SEESHA, we recognise the worth of every child. That is why, through a wide range of projects such as supplementary education and value education, distribution of school kits and new clothes, educational scholarships, health and WASH programmes, school enrichment programmes, talent hunts and sporting events, etc., we reach out to children in need. We constantly strive to fulfil their most pressing needs for the present, while also working towards ensuring that they have a secure future. This Christmas, we are getting ready to provide new clothes to 100,000 children, fulfilling one of their most basic physical and socio-emotional need. With a small contribution of Rs. 500, you can sow a seed of goodness in the life of a child and help them bloom with happiness! To contribute to the NEW CLOTHES project, send a Cheque/DD/Money Order in favour of “SEESHA” to our address: No. 16, DGS Dhinakaran Road, RA Puram, Chennai – 600 028.

Distribution of relief materials in Bihar

Distribution of relief materials in Mumbai Training for Transformation SEESHA is partnering with ADGP Dr. C. Sylendra Babu (IPS) of the Prison Department to train inmates of the Puzhal Central Prison in four-wheeler driving. SEESHA has introduced this as part of the prison rehabilitation programme for the very first time in India. Through this training, prison inmates will be equipped with the skill for self-employment, to sustain themselves and support their families through respectable means after their sentence. Over 300 prisoners are expected to be trained annually through this initiative.

or Donate online at In case of queries, call +91 9300 600 600 Inauguration of Prison project in Puzhal Central Prison - November- 2017



God Performs

Miracles in the lives of Young Partners

Jesus Calls

Young Partners Plan God Opened the Right Doors at the Right Time Mrs. Balamani and her husband Jacob used to see a sign board which read ‘Jesus Calls Prayer Tower’ on their way to work. It was very close to their home as well as their workplace but they had not visited it even once. One day their neighbour Mr. Thakkar, a retired seaman, while talking with them mentioned about the Prayer Tower and invited them to go with him to the Prayer Tower. Since he was their neighbour, they went to the Prayer Tower just to please him! The prayer and the 22

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meetings that were held there were very soothing to the soul. So as husband and wife, they made it a point to go and pray and take part in the meetings at the D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower whenever there was time. They enrolled their son Lokesh Sylvester and their daughter Lia Sherlin in the Young Partners Plan. Lokesh wrote his 12th standard

exams this year. Balamani and her husband Jacob Lawrence took leave from their workplace on the exam days and prayed in turns for their son in the meditation room of the Prayer Tower. They sent their son for the exam only after praying through telephone by contacting Prayer Tower. They even made a vow saying, “We will testify if he gets high marks”. Lokesh stood first in class with 1182 marks. But, all of a sudden, National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) was announced for those who aspired to take up medicine. A medical seat for Lokesh which would have been so easily attainable, now became uncertain. Lokesh began preparing for that exam which

was unrelated thus far. Lokesh wrote that National Eligibility and Entrance Test for Medicine having just a month’s preparation and training. Since he was a Young Partner, his parents requested the prayer intercessors to pray for him as they put their trust only on the Lord. The test results came out. But his parents were embarrassed as there was no clear-cut information about the test. Suddenly the next day they received information from the Government to attend the medical counseling session. At this juncture, they had received transfer in their job from Chennai to Coimbatore. During counseling, there were only two seats available to be filled in for the Coimbatore Government Medical College. The Lord had prepared one of those seats for Lokesh who was a Young Partner. At a time when they were perplexed, the Lord not only gave success in the entrance test but also opened the door for him by giving him a seat in the medical college in the locality where they were to relocate. After counseling, The

Jacob & Balamani couple came straightaway to D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower and testified all that happened to them thereby glorifying the Lord.

Young Partner wins Gold Medal We have been partners for several years with the ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministry. As we reside near the Va n a g a r a m Prayer Tower in Chennai, we used to go for the meetings conducted in the Prayer Tower, especially the Promise Meeting conducted on the first day of the month whenever we found time and the Lord has been continuously blessing our family. My younger son Alan Rohith is a Young Partner of ‘Jesus Calls’. He is doing his final year of graduation in a college at Chennai. This September, he was to participate in the weight lifting

category at the University Level sports competition. There was a chance for him to be selected for the All India Level Competitions if he won at the University Level. So, we went to the Vanagaram Prayer Tower for prayers before he went for the competition. The Lord approved our prayer and by His grace, He enabled him to win the gold medal in the 105 Kg category at the University Level. We came in person to the Prayer Tower and testified about the goodness that the Lord had granted to our son. By the time we were leaving after our testimony, we received the news that he was also selected for the All India Level Competitions. We thank the Lord for bestowing His grace upon our son’s life, him being a Young Partner. - Latha Wilson, Porur, Chennai.

Privileges for the Young Partners 1. The Dhinakarans will earnestly pray for you everyday. 2. Prayer intercessors in the 24 hour Prayer Tower will pray for the Young Partners mentioning their name and claiming the promise of the Lord found in I Chronicles 4:10. 3. You will get a special gift when you enroll as a Young Partner. 4. You will receive a certificate as soon as a donation of Rs.3000/- is completed. 5. You will receive a special greeting card on your birthday from the Dhinakarans. 6. The prayer intercessors will call the Young Partner on his/her birthday over the telephone and pray for him/her. 7. Daily promise through SMS.

“...I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring” (Isaiah 44:3)

Young Partners Plan You can enroll as a Young Partner at any age until you are married. Vow offering Rs.3,000/- (You can send donations every month as per your wish) Details of children to enrol in the Young Partners Plan Mr. /Ms............................................................................................................................ Date of Birth: ................................................. Mr. /Ms............................................................................................................................ Date of Birth: ................................................. Mr. /Ms............................................................................................................................ Date of Birth: ................................................. Name of Father/Guardian : ...................................................................................................................................................................... Address for Communication: .................................................................................................................................................................. City: ........................................................ Pin code: ....................................................... Mobile No: .................................................... E-Mail ID: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

Easy ways to send your donations to ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partners Plan is found on Page No.15 - November- 2017



h c u o T The t r o f m of Co Late Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran had compiled his heavenly / supernatural experiences in the book, ‘An Insight into Heaven’ and published it. In this issue we wish to share one chapter from the book to inspire you to desire such glorious experiences. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honour. (John 12:26) The gift of the Word of Knowledge is one of the most powerful gifts of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 12:8). Anyone who is blessed with this gift will be empowered to understand all biblical mysteries (Proverbs 28:5). This gift is described below: ...the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. (Isaiah 11:2) The ‘fear of God’ goes hand in hand with this gift. This gift enables us to understand every mystery behind the acts of God and also the Scriptures. For example, Apostle Paul was not anywhere near our Lord Jesus when He sojourned 24

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on the face of this earth. However, when he was called for God’s ministry by the Lord later (as described in Acts 9:1–16), it pleased the Lord to re-enact before him, important episodes in His life that the Lord felt Paul should know. One such episode is the Passover which He observed on the night in which He was betrayed. Paul describes that experience as observed by him (I Corinthians 11:23-25). He emphasises this again saying, “For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ” (Galatians 1:12). There were times when it pleased the Lord to take me to the very place in Heaven where the Old Testament and New Testament saints are. It was on such occasions that I would be allowed to put my doubts across to them about their life and ministry which were difficult for me to understand. The Scripture, 2 Chronicles 21:12 has always been a mystery for me to understand. The reason is this. Prophet Elijah was taken away to Heaven in flesh and blood in a chariot of fire (II Kings 2:11). However, how would several years later an evil king by the name Jehoram of Judah received an epistle written by Prophet

Elijah admonishing him for his perverse administration, which was far from the statutes of the great Jehovah. Of course, whatever he had written in that epistle concerning the future of that king happened exactly as written in that epistle. One day, when God gave me an opportunity to meet Prophet Elijah, I asked him to clarify this mystery. This is what he told me, “When I was ministering on earth as the prophet of God, I stood before God all the time (I Kings 17:1). Now, also, I stand before Him in Heaven (Zachariah 4:11, 14; Revelation 11:4). Moses and the other prophets are also in Heaven before His presence. But there is one major difference. Moses and the other prophets in Heaven are in Spirit. Hence, they are not in any way anxious or concerned about the happenings in the world. As far as I am concerned, I am still in the flesh. So, I am certainly concerned about the things that happen in Heaven, as well as the events in the world. So, I was really inflamed and grieved in my spirit because of the evil ways of King Jehoram at that time. The Lord wanted me to reprove him. Yes, it was I who wrote that epistle and sent it to him”. With this, my confusion about this epistle was cleared. Once, I was brooding over the experience of Prophet Jonah in the belly of a big fish for three days as reported in the Book of Jonah, as well as quoted by

our precious Lord in Matthew 12:40. Several days later, during my time of prayer, I heard the voice of God saying, “Come here.” The Lord introduced me to a person of short stature and said, “This is Jonah and you can put forth your question to him.”

that great fish for three days and three nights he cried unto the Lord for His mercy and grace (Jonah 2:8), and God’s grace did surround him and protect him.

Yes, ‘The gift of the Word of Knowledge’ does help to traverse to this wonderful I was indeed surprised at place in Heaven where people the personality of this man as who had lived and served the he looked very simple. Sure Lord are kept in the consoling enough, I put the question to presence of the Lord. him, “Sir, how did you feel A PLACE OF COMFORT when you were in the belly of There were occasions when a big fish while you were in the Lord enabled me to have this world?” He smiled and some time with Sadhu Sundar said, “It was a very agonizing Singh, the great and acclaimed experience. The digestive acid Saint of India. The divine joy in the belly of the fish would that was reflected on his face is surround me from all sides. I beyond any description. Yet, no would be submerged in that. one can even presume that when The acid would try to digest he was in this world, he had me, my whole body will burn suffered so much for the Lord. and I would scream at the top All the time a natural smile and of my voice for God to help me joy was reflected on his face. to come out of this onslaught.” The following Scripture verses He continued, “Then, most gives a glimpse of the Third astonishingly, ‘the grace of Heaven: God’ would come from another It is doubtless not direction and surround me to profitable for me to boast. redeem me from the power of I will come to visions and that digestive acid. The grace revelations of the Lord: of God would envelop me as I know a man in Christ an invisible fluid comforting who fourteen years agoand consoling, and with that the whether in the body ... I burning sensation would stop. I do not know, God knowswould be greatly relieved of that how he was caught up agony and heave a sigh of great into Paradise and heard relief! However, after some time inexpressible words, which the whole scenario of crying out it is not lawful for a man in agony would be repeated and to utter. again the grace of God would (II Corinthians 12:1-4) come forth to help me.” The glory that fills this place Indeed, the Bible says that can never be put in words. Only while Jonah was in the belly of - November- 2017



those who had the privilege and experience of walking with God in this world can withstand and enjoy His glorious presence in the Third Heaven. The Bible says, Enoch and Noah walked with God (Genesis 5:24, 6:9). Abraham was a Friend of God (II Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8; James 2:23) and hence walked with Him. God was a Friend of Moses and talked to him face to face (Exodus 33:11; Numbers 12:8). Apostle Paul was so close to God that he would be transported back and forth to Heaven at God’s will and pleasure (II Corinthians 12:14; Galatians 2:20). John was a bosom friend of the Lord in like manner (John 13:23, 19:26, 20:2, 21:7, 20). The Lord Jesus also has very specifically demanded from His Father that this privilege of being with Him should be given to those who walked with Him, according to the Scripture below: Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. (John 17:24)

Christ in this world would be made comfortable in the Third Heaven. THE HEAVENLY COUNCIL Daniel 7:10 and Revelation 20:4 speak of the ‘Heavenly Council’ that God has instituted in Heaven. And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. ... (Revelation 20:4)

The great Holy Spirit follows us to Heaven also with His Holy comfort if we have suffered The Lord Jesus Christ could be seen having deliberations for Him in this world. So be of with the Old Testament and good cheer. God is our comfort New Testament saints about His both in this world as well as in intentions concerning the future Heaven if we live for Him and events in the world, at His will serve Him (Colossians 1:24). and pleasure. While I was still with the Lord in the Third Heaven, Elijah asked the Lord a direct question, “Lord, has the time come for me to go back to the world?” Enoch too put forth a similar query. The Lord immediately said to both of them, “No, not yet, wait.” As in Revelation 11:4, both Elijah and Enoch are to come back to the world to die as martyrs at the appointed time (Revelation 11:7, 8).

God can comfort anyone and everyone under any circumstances. (Psalm 94:19). Further, the Holy Spirit is described as ‘the Comforter’ and is introduced so in the Hence, only those who have following verses: had a burning desire to be "And I will pray the with Him at all times and Father, and He will have practised the presence of give you another 26

JESUS CALLS November - 2017

Helper, that He may abide with you forever; "the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. (John 14:16,17)

Do not fail to get a copy of the book, ‘An Insight into Heaven’, and read it in full. To get a copy you can send the amount in favour of “True Friend Management Support Services”, through money order/demand draft to, 72, Rajaji Salai, Chennai - 600 001 and get it by post. For details contact: +91 95001 55588 For online orders:

This book is available in Tamil, English, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Gujarati & Assamese. (Rs.165/including postal charges)

(November 14, 2017 is being observed as World Diabetes Day. So, for those suffering from Diabetes to receive a miraculous healing, we have printed a model prayer here. Pray with faith and receive your complete deliverance.) Our Loving Heavenly Father, As mentioned in the Bible, “Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows”, completely remove from me all the weakness that this evil Diabetes brings. Doctors tell me that my pancreas is unable to secrete the required amount of insulin. I plead and pray that You renew my pancreas, for it is written, “You speak and it will be done.” I find it burdensome to take the medication for this everyday and I declare my inability to do so. If you can do anything about this, have sympathy on me and help me. Please help my unbelief too. The doctors tell me that this weakness will affect the nervous system, eyesight, kidneys and the flow of blood to the heart. Let this sickness leave me as per Your word which says, “I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him”. Moreover, they tell me that it might be hereditary since my parents and forefathers in my family have had it. With much burden I pray that You who took my curse on the cross should never allow the disease to be found in my children and children’s children. My body is getting weaker as I am not allowed to eat different types of food. Whatever I eat or drink, please protect me so that nothing affects me. At the same time, protect me also from the sin of gluttony, for my body is Your Temple. I pray all of this in the Name of Jesus the Atoner for my sins. Amen!

(The Bible verses on which this prayer is based on are: Exodus 15:26; Psalm 33:9; Proverbs 23:2; Matthew 8:17; Mark 9:22-25; 16:18; 1 Corinthians 6:12, 19; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Galatians 3:13; Revelation 21:5) - November- 2017



KARUNYA UNIVERSITY SNIPPETS RESEARCH DIALOGUE 220 posters in ongoing research areas were displayed and presented. Dr. Jacob Thomas, IPS, Former DGP, Kerala & Director General Institute of Management, Kerala interacts with the faculty.

CONSULTANCY - ASSESSING BUS SHED COLLAPSE Faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering inspecting and offering remedial measures soon after the collapse of the concrete roof of a bus shelter at Somanur, Coimbatore that claimed several lives.

At the INDO-GERMAN LAB organized by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) at New Delhi, Karunya University was adjudged the best for presentation on "No Future Without Education".

INTERNATIONAL GUESTS OF HONOUR Special lecture on ‘The 4th Industrial Revolution and Impact of IoT on Smart and Connected Cities’ was delivered by Prof. Erick C. Jones, University of Texas, Arlington, USA


JESUS CALLS November - 2017

Dr. Dennis Lindsay with four decades of teaching experience in Creation Science at Oral Roberts University, USA sharing biblical views on Creation vs Evolution and expounding the purpose, morality and destiny of man.


Inauguration of the 25th Karunya Evangeline Memorial Tournament 2017 by Ms. Jeena Zachariah, former International Basketball Player and Coach, and release of souvenir by Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran. 225 teams from 151 Universities and Colleges participated in this mega tournament making it a grand success

GREEN INITIATIVES ON CAMPUS Grid – Tied 95kW PhotoVoltaic Poly Crystalline Solar Power Plant with 312 roof top panels in the administrative block, generating 1.77 lakh units of power

Attractive eco-friendly files and folders produced at the Paper Recycling Unit using 150-200 kg of paper waste generated each day

BIOGAS PLANT Food Waste Grinder

Underground Dome with Outlet and Effluent tank

Biogas Burners - November- 2017



H TH EAR ER IN AP G Y! “Listen! My Son...� (Proverbs 1:4,8; 8:33) Only I know how it feels to stand before more than 350 students in a university auditorium with all their eyes gazing at me 30

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The effortless and scriptural way to transformation, success, health, prosperity and beauty!

and their minds focused on shooting me! Not with bullets! But with questions! By the leading of the Holy Spirit and totally depending on Him, I risked myself into a Question-Answer Session in a University retreat. As I stood at the firing spot, there

stood up a guy who fired a unique question at me. “Sir, can you tell us the secret of success in one word?” I replied, “Ears!” The whole crowd heaved a sigh of amusement and wonder! “Whaaaat?” exclaimed many at once. There was the noise of whisper and bewilderment across the audience. There were sounds of giggling, murmuring and discussion. Then I explained. For the next 20 minutes I preached on ‘faith’ as the secret of success and the whole crowd agreed to it. Then one of them asked, “Then why didn’t you say ‘faith’ the first time?” I opened the Bible and read to him Romans 10:17 which says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God!” and then I said, “How do you hear without ears? “Then there broke out a loud round of applause! We take many efforts to change our lives from failure to success; from curse to blessings; from poverty to prosperity; from insufficiency to fullness and from sickness to health and many of us do not succeed. We get tired and exhausted due to our strenuous and laborious efforts but we miss to see that God had made it all very simple. He made it as simple as ‘hearing.’ That’s why Jesus said, “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light (Matthew 11:30).”

ears into your mind and then into your heart. Once it reaches your heart it becomes faith and once it becomes faith it will increase and gush out of your mouth as words and once faith is released through words into circumstances the circumstances will bow down before these words and will obey and change according to those words. Not all words but only the words that come from the heart can do this miracle (Romans 10:10). The Holy Spirit is called a teacher (one who leads us into all truth – John 16:13) and the least response you can give a teacher is to ‘hear’ him – listen to him. If you have been just ‘hearing’ some words and those words are not creating or increasing your faith, then you are not hearing the right words. Instead of setting you free (John 8:32), if the words you are hearing are only inducing guilt, condemnation, fear, inferiority and discouragement in you, you need to seriously consider stopping to hear what you are hearing. Listening to truths is a therapy. It’s a powerful therapy. Hearing can lead to healing.

There was once a young man with an addiction to smoking who came to see me. He was tired and exhausted of trying all methods known to him to stop the habit but could not succeed. He wanted to attend our fellowship ‘Hearing’ is a powerful means by which meeting but his guilt stopped him from coming you can open your mind and heart to the there. He told me, “I want to come and hear powerful truths of God. Like a stream, the life- the truths taught here but I have an addictive transforming truth of God flows in through your habit. I am a chain smoker and can’t be without - November- 2017



smoking for more than 20 minutes. The fellowship is a holy place and so I can’t come there. Let me first quit this habit and then come to the fellowship.” I told him, “Then you will never come to our fellowship”, because I found out where he was being deceived by the devil. The devil had told him, “Hey! The fellowship is a holy place. You can’t go there as a sinner – a smoker and taint the place. God will get angry if you enter that holy place as a sinner and will punish you or curse you. So first quit smoking and make yourself holy and then go to the fellowship.” This is what was stopping him from coming to the place of hearing! I told him, “Brother! If you can save yourself, you don’t need a ‘Saviour’. It is when you say, ‘I can’t save myself’ do you acknowledge the need of a Saviour. So you don’t deal with this habit. Just leave the habit as it is. Just walk into the fellowship and do only one simple and easy thing! Just listen to what is being taught. Do this regularly. Even if you had smoked before coming to the fellowship, it’s ok! Even if you go and smoke soon after the fellowship gets over, it’s ok! Just don’t smoke in and during the fellowship.” I also told him not to take efforts to quit the addiction by his own strength or will-power. He was very sincere in doing what I told him to do. He continued to come to the fellowship regularly and diligently listened to the truths. Yeah! He continued smoking. He did not even take the slightest effort to quit smoking. The Holy Spirit helped him take the truths to his heart and the truths began to unleash their transforming power and dissolved those mental knots that were keeping him bound to the habit. In a few months he himself 32

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began to feel there was a slight change in him. After a few months he said, “Brother! I don’t feel like smoking!” A few months passed and then he said, “Smoke is nauseating”. A few months later he said, “Wow! It’s been months since I smoked!” He was free! Yes! No addiction is too strong for the truths of God to melt and dissolve. So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11) This is exactly what happened to a parent who had a troublesome child. I told them to stop beating, arguing, hurting, scolding and punishing the child which created unbearable agony and stress to both the parent as well as the child and strained their relationship. I just asked them to bring the child to the fellowship in order to offer an opportunity for him to hear the truths of God and mix with the wonderful people there, whose lives have been transformed by the truths of God. They were sincere in their efforts. In a few months’ time there was a beautiful transformation in the life of that child. Friend! Can God make it any easier? Can God make it any simpler? The way for great deliverances and transformation begins with the simple task of ‘Hearing’. So friend! Stop struggling and start hearing! Stop feeling guilty and start hearing. Stop fighting with your problems and start hearing the words of God. Hear your way to freedom, healing, deliverance and transformation. Yes! Effortless transformation! - A.V. Samson Sugunakumar

TO THINK.. TO ACT The One Who Prayed Without Slumber


n the year 1911, John Hyde was returning to America after his ministry in India. During that journey, one of his friends who had been with him in his ministry said, “The light kept burning in his room at midnight. Then early in the morning at 2, 4 and 5 a.m. the lamp was burning from 5 p.m. onwards.” John Hyde was also known by the names, ‘Praying Hyde’ and ‘The one who prays without slumber”. John Hyde was born on 9th November 1865, in the State of Illinois in the United States of America. In 1892, he boarded a ship to India. Hyde was doing his ministry with incessant prayers and without any rest and in the years 1904, 1905 and 1906, the meetings held at Sialkot in the State of Punjab led many into a deeper experience in their spiritual lives. He formed many prayer groups. A letter from a friend which read, “I shall not cease praying for you, Dear John, until you are filled with the Holy Spirit.” guided John Hyde to receive that spiritual experience. He returned to America in 1912 when he fell ill, and at the age of 47 he went to be with the Lord. “Shout the victory of Jesus Christ!” is a famous quote of John Hyde. “Continue in prayer…” (Colossians 4:2)

The One Who Wrote For Christ

C.S. Lewis was an atheist till he accepted the Lord at the age of 33. He was born in Belfast, Ireland, on 29th November 1898. He became an atheist after he lost his mother when he was ten years old. He was well educated and served in the British Army. In 1918, he quit the army due to injuries that were inflicted on him during the war. Lewis, who was very much into writing, started teaching English Literature at a college affiliated to the Oxford University from the year 1925. He accepted Christ after the passing away of his father in 1931. He has written many famous novels and also the best of various books explaining the teachings of Christ. C.S. Lewis who was a famous literati as well as a believer of Christ, passed away in the year 1963. “My heart is inditing a good matter… my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” (Psalm 45:1) - November- 2017



God’s Word for Today

Acts 17:27,28 – God is near. Meditation: Deu. 4:7; Psalm 34:18; 119:151; 145:18; Philippians 4:5.


2 Corinthians 4:14 – Hope of assurance. Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:3; 2 Kings 18:5-8; Psa. 62:5; Isa. 12:2; Acts 24:15.


2 Corinthians 3:18 – Everincreasing glory. Meditation: 1 Kings 3:10-14; Ezek. 10:4; John 11:40; Rev. 21:23,24.


Exodus 1:7 – Exceedingly numerous. Meditation: Gen. 22:17; 35:9-11; Job 1:10; 1 Cor. 15:58.


Isaiah 46:10 – God’s counsel shall stand. Meditation: Psalm 33:11; 139:17; Prov. 8:14; Isaiah 25:1; 28:29.


Proverbs 16:23 – Teaches wise. Meditation: Exo. 35:33; 2 Chro. 1:10-12; Prov. 2:6; Eccl. 2:26.


Proverbs 4:18 – Shines ever brighter. Meditation: Exo. 34:29-35; Num. 6:25; Psalm 67:2; Rev. 22:5.


Genesis 24:31 – You are blessed. Meditation: Gen. 12:2; Deu. 1:811; Prov. 10:6.


Deuteronomy 1:10 – God will increase your descendents. Meditation: Gen. 22:17; Josh. 24:3; Job 5:25; Psalm 112:2.


1 Chronicles 12:18 – God will help. Meditation: 1 Samuel 14:42- 45; Psalm 46:1; 2 Timothy 4:17.


Psalm 94:14 – Lord who does not reject. Meditation: Deu. 4:31; Josh. 1:5-9; Isaiah 41:17.


Matthew 16:24 – Follow God. Meditation: Mark 1:17; Luke 9:57; John 8:12.


2 Thessalonians 2:13 – God who chose you. Meditation: Luke 18:7; Ephesians 1:12; 1 Peter 2:9.


2 Peter 1:10,11 – Eternal kingdom. Meditation: Daniel 2:44; Rom. 14:17; Heb. 12:22-28; James 2:5.


Jeremiah 7:23 – Well with you. Meditation: Exo. 1:15-20; Nehemiah 2:18; Psalm 23:6.


Matthew 28:20 – God will be with you always. Meditation: Gen. 39:2-5; Isaiah 41:10; Acts 18:10,11.


Psalm 103:11 – Great mercy. Meditation: Gen. 6:1-8; Psalm 86:13; 1 Peter 3:7.

James 4:7 – Submit yourselves. Meditation: Exo. 24:4-7; 2 Chro. 11:4; Ephesians 6:1.



Exodus 33:19 – Abounding in mercy. Meditation: Deu. 7:9-13; Ezra 7:9; Ephesians 2:6,7.


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Genesis 13:17 – He is giving you the nation. Meditation: Lev. 20:24; Numbers 21:32-34; Psalm 47:4.

2017 NOVEMBER 21 Isaiah 45:3 – Treasures and riches. Meditation: Gen. 43:20-23; Prov. 15:6; Isaiah 2:7; 33:6.

Luke 8:18 – You will receive more. Meditation: Matthew 7:7; Luke 12:29-32; John 16:24.


Psalm 4:3 – Lord will hear. Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:1821; Jeremiah 33:3; Psalm 91:15.


Proverbs 10:25 – Righteous stand firm. Meditation: Psalm 55:22; 92:12; Prov. 12:7; John 15:5.


Psalm 77:14 – Performs miracles. Meditation: Jeremiah 32:17; Job 9:10; Luke 5:26.


Isaiah 66:2 – Tremble at God’s word. Meditation: Ezra 9:1-4; Job 23:12; Matthew 7:24.


Isaiah 33:17 – Full of glory. Meditation: Lev. 9:2-6; Ezek. 43:4,5; Matthew 16:27; 25:31.


2 Samuel 8:6 – Lord will watch over your coming and


going. Meditation: Exo. 33:14; Psalm 121:8; Isaiah 31:1-5.

Proverbs 14:22 – Mercy and truth. Meditation: Exo. 34:6; Psalm 25:10; 85:10; Prov. 3:3.


Jeremiah 20:9 – Word like fire. Meditation: Deu. 4:32-36; Jeremiah 23:29; Matthew 4:4; 24:35.


“…Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.” (Psalm 2:12)

Life, trusting the Lord -Sis. Stella Dhinakaran The word ‘trust’ has many connotations such as ‘holding fast’, ‘clinging on firmly’ and so on. While crossing the road with little children, the parents tell them, “Hold on to my hands firmly.” It is called the vice grip of an Iguana. Once the Iguana catches hold of something, it would never let it go. Similarly, God’s blessings are certainly given to whoever holds on to the Lord. Such kind of life alone could be said to be a Christian life. In these days of wickedness in the world, we see terrible things happening every day. Wicked deeds such as jealousy and anger and evil characteristics such as bitter envy, enmity, lies etc., are seen even among the people who call themselves Christians (James 3:14-16). The reason why such shortcomings are found in the so called Christians is that they absolutely do not have the divine life of ‘trusting on the Lord, interacting with Him and of clinging on to Him firmly.’ In that case, how can we get the grace to put our trust on Him?

Life, joined with the Lord In the Old Testament of the Bible, we see about two men of God by name Enoch and Noah. Both Enoch and Noah walked with God (Genesis 5:24; 6:9). Abraham was a friend of God (James 2:23; Isaiah 41:8; II Chronicles 20:7). Moses, the man of God, waited in the presence of the Lord for forty days and nights (Exodus 34:28). This is the true Christian life! This is the life of living close with the Lord! We read that like Abraham, Sarah too believed and received strength to bear a child (Hebrews 11:11). Many such people could be seen in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, we see that Mary, the mother of the Lord, was filled with the grace of God and was the most blessed among women (Luke 1:28,42). We also see about a sinful woman, who was living far away from the Lord. In those days, when Jesus - November- 2017



went to the Pharisee’s house and sat down to eat, that sinful woman, who had heard about His love, brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil, and stood at His feet behind Him weeping; and she began to wash His feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head; and she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil. When she thus loved Him, the Lord’s heart was thrilled and He said, “Her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much.” He further turned to her and said, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace” (Luke 7:37-50). The peace that surpasses all understanding filled her (Philippians 4:7). Yes, this is the divine blessing that we receive as a result of our union with God. The Bible says, “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love… and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” (I John 4:8,16) Today, there is no love between one another in churches and in families. But, our Lord is love! He gives us deliverance from sin, curse and sickness. It is He, who changes us to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:11). When we accept the Lord as our Saviour and get filled with divine love (Romans 5:5), and when we hold on to Him firmly, He grants us a divine life of being dead to sin and alive for righteousness, for His sake. Several years back, a pastor 36

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took with him a servant of God, who had the gift of prophecy, to pray for a woman, who was afflicted with a deadly disease and was battling for life. When this servant of God went there and wrestled in prayer for her on his knees, a devil appeared before this man of God and said, “Why are you praying for this woman? I have dug a huge pit for her. She is a sinner. The moment she dies, I would drop her in that pit.

cleanse this sister. Jesus now forgives her sins; He sanctifies her and makes her a new creation. Today the Lord is healing her.” That’s all! The devil fled from that place. The Lord miraculously healed that sister through His healing power. The next Sunday, when the minister of God went to the church, he could hear someone singing sweetly and he was surprised to find that it was that woman. She had throat cancer and hence was not able to sing. But that day, she shared her testimony about her miraculous healing and was happily singing praises to the Lord. This is the privilege given for those who put their trust on Christ.

Life, choosing the good part If you dare to pray for her, I would throw you also in that pit, along with her…” At that instant, the servant of God, looked at the cross of Jesus. He saw the following verse coming towards him, from the cross: “…the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (I John 1:7) The moment he saw this verse before him, being filled with the Spirit, that servant of God said to the devil with authority, “The blood of Jesus would remove all sin and would now

“Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.” (John 11:5) In the Bible, we read about the loving family of three members – Martha, Mary and Lazarus. They even loved Jesus dearly; Martha was happy, cooking delicacies for Jesus and feeding Him; she wanted Mary to help her in cooking. That’s why she came to the Lord and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” Jesus said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But

one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41, 42) Yes, when the Lord went to their house, Mary took it as a good opportunity and sat at His feet and heard the words that proceeded out of His mouth. She clung on to His feet. Hence, she chose that good part which would not be taken away from her. Even today, some women tell me, “Mother, I have written to you so many times; yet my problems are not solved…” Dear sister, how long do you pray for your problems? How long do you read the Bible? Do you wait at the feet of the Lord? How far are you faithful before God? Examine your life. The Lord says,

on the mountain by Himself to pray. In Luke 6:12, He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. Before going to the cross He offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears (Hebrews 5:7). He prayed thrice, saying “not as I will, but as You will.” He said to His disciples, “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation” (Matthew 26:39,41). Accordingly, we should also wait at His feet and pray, holding on to the Scriptures. A young girl once shared her testimony: She was not used to putting her trust on the Lord. She was unmarried.

The Bible says, “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63). It is living and powerful (Hebrews 4:12). How true this is! Like Mary, you too should wait at the Lord’s feet every day which is the good part. Read the Bible diligently and hold on to the promises that touch your heart. Like that young girl, ask the Lord with faith and surely the living word of God will bring you a miracle just as how it brought a miracle for her.

“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3) Only when we read the Bible, we will know the value of these promise verses! Bible reading and prayer are very important in our lives. The Bible says, “One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer is an abomination.” (Proverbs 28:9) Read the life of Christ Jesus. He said, “I and My Father are one” (John 10:30). In the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, Jesus went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed (Mark 1:35). In Matthew 14:23, He went up

this juncture, she happened to watch the Jesus Calls Television programme one day, wherein, I was sharing God’s message on the verse “Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth” (Jeremiah 33:6) and this verse touched her heart. She held on to this and prayed every day by claiming this promise verse. One morning, she saw a miracle when she woke up. She was amazed to note that the oozing of the blood and pus had stopped. Yes, the power that was in the word of God which touched her that day had brought her that perfect divine healing.

She had a terrible skin disease and suffered from severe itching all over her body and because of this, pus started oozing from her skin and drenched her clothes which stuck to her body. It was a pitiable state! When she tried to remove her clothes, the skin would peel off, bringing out blood. She was scared to share this with her mother since she would take her to the doctor. At

Life, always in the Spirit “…he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.” (I Corinthians 6:17) This verse denotes the experience of always being filled with the Spirit and we need this divine experience today. When we are thus filled with the Holy Spirit, everything in the world - lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the - November- 2017



pride of life - would be gone (I John 2:16,17). They would be loathsome to us. On February 14th, 1963, I was filled with the Holy Spirit. After that all the little, unwanted worldly desires in me left me completely. Particularly I totally lost my desire to wear thick strands of flowers on my hair. The Bible says, “those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Galatians 5:24) and “do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” (I Corinthians 6:19).

guidance of the Holy Spirit that made me bring forth the second volume too. Also, the Lord is continually leading me to work for Him in different ways in His ministry. Yes, dear ones! When you too are thus filled with the Holy Spirit, the Lord will miraculously do great and mighty deeds in your life, in an unexpected manner. “For by You I can run against a troop, By my God I can leap over a wall.” (Psalm 18:29)

Every one of us should have the abundant filling of the anointing of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Only then we can receive the life of being one with the Lord and of putting our trust on Him. Since I held on to the Lord firmly, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and comforted me when I was bewildered as to how I would live after I lost my husband on February 20, 2008. What a wonder! 9 years have gone. First of all the Holy Spirit told me to go to the Jesus Calls office taking the Jesus Calls song book with me. I am never a bold singer! Yet, according to the leading of the Holy Spirit, I went to the studio and sang my maiden song. I was able to sing without any mistakes. The Jesus Calls staff who recorded that song encouraged me saying that I sang well. The Lord helped me to sing a few more songs and also enabled me to release my first audio CD. It was the immense grace of God and the divine 38

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Never think, “Oh, I am a woman. How can I leap over the wall?” You will arise and shine for the Lord when you are strengthened in the spirit. “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20) As Apostle Paul says, this life of always living in Christ, is a wonderful life! So, get filled with

fire in the spirit and arise and shine for the Lord. Peter, the disciple of Jesus, was afraid and denied Him and cursed and swore when Jesus was given up for death on the cross. But as per the Lord’s command (Acts 1:5) he continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers (Acts 1:14). When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly the Holy Spirit from heaven gloriously filled them, as of a rushing mighty wind (Acts 2:1-4). When the people saw the boldness of Peter and John, they marveled (Acts 4:13) and they realized that they had been with Jesus. Dearly beloved, when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, the Lord will help you to lead a life of always being in the spirit and to arise for Him as bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1). Do not be indifferent to the Holy Spirit! If so, you would lose great blessings. Commit yourself to be filled with the Holy Spirit as a family. Pray incessantly, telling Him, “Lord, You should always be with me as my Saviour; forgive my sins and make me a new creation. I believe in You. Give me the grace to read Your Word and meditate upon it, every day. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit immeasurably.” The Lord will give you the life of living in unison with Him. You, who put your trust on Him, will be greatly blessed.

Faith brings



pa - Yesu

Totally unaware that she was in the hospital, Kiruba wailed loudly, the moment she heard the doctor’s words. “It’s difficult to save your baby… better take him home” She could not bear to hear the Chief doctor’s words. Not knowing how to comfort her, Ananth, her husband, gulped down his own sorrow. Whenever Kiruba had expressed her displeasure over living in the village with poor facilities and requested him to get a transfer to another place, he used to tell her, ‘It’d be difficult…. They’d demand lot of money and I have to run here and there for recommendation. I have to be in a village at least for 8 months…” All his comforting words were in vain and now he was at a loss not knowing how to comfort her. “Take your baby home. If the child dies even auto drivers will not come to this village… Moreover, our hospital name

will be marred… and that is why the doctor told you to go home…” A young nurse nearby whispered to them. They had come by their bike and were in no need of an auto. Yet, not wanting to stay there any longer, they went out. Weeping loudly Kiruba felt as if she would faint and so she sat down on the sofa in the hall, keeping her child on her bosom and muttering “Jesus, Jesus”. Seeing her plight, Manjula, the lady who lived in the opposite house, heard the details from Ananth and said, “Its your custom to take the body to the church, isn't it? But there is no graveyard in this village…” Kiruba wailed in agony and Ananth immediately informed everything to both their parents. Somebody was at the gate; Ananth peeked out and was comforted to see his parents getting down from an auto. “I called Kiruba in the morning. I felt bad when she cried. So I have brought dad along and here we are….”

Saying so, his mother took the baby from Kiruba. Kneeling down she lifted up the baby whose body had now become cold and cried to the Lord saying, “Father Jesus! I trust only You, who gave life to Lazarus who was dead – and not the words of the doctors. Do a miracle to make everybody know that You are the Lord in this village which is home to only a very few Christians. It is You, who gave this baby to us. I know that You will not take him. Thank You…” “Bring the milk; I am going to feed him…” As she boldly said this with faith, the Lord who saw all their tears had already given back life to the baby. Ananth ran to fetch the milk. The child slowly drank the whole bottle of milk and began to move his arms and legs. It was Manjula who first exclaimed excitedly, “The Lord Jesus has given back life to the baby”. Tears of joy flowed down from everyone’s cheeks. ‘Praise You Lord….’ All of them began to praise and thank the Lord, remembering His wondrous deed. - November- 2017



God’s miracles Dear sisters and children, who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for the each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you. If possible memorize the promise verses and keep them in your mind.

New Spiritual Experiences Our dear Lord gave us the grace to conduct the Esther Prayer Group. With the help of the Holy Spirit, dear Sister Stella Dhinakaran had prepared the prayer points on the topic “anointing”. Every prayer point was meant for each one of us. Particularly, the first and third prayer points were for the women who were depressed in spiritual matters, because of their worries and struggles. Realizing our condition, everyone in our Esther Prayer Group prayed with burden and tears. When we prayed for the third prayer point that God should anoint us with the new oil, strengthen us and help us, all of us were filled with the Spirit and zealously prayed for the anointing of the new oil and received new spiritual experiences. Sheela Soundararaj - Dharapuram 40

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Happy Life The husband of a particular sister in our Esther Prayer Group works in a foreign country but there was no contact from him for the past 3 ½ years and he did not even come to see his family. We prayed for this with burden in the Esther Prayer Group and also sent a letter to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran seeking her prayers. Hearing the prayer, the Lord helped him to come back on the 10th of this month and made them live happily as husband and wife. We give all glory to the God of gods for granting them this joy. A. Daisy PushpaRani - Sivakasi

Tumour Vanished Miraculously In the month of January, the Doctor said that I had a tumour in my throat and I was advised not to talk or conduct services in the Church. I wrote about this to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran seeking

her prayers. The Lord heard the prayers and granted me a miraculous healing. He also helped me continue to regularly conduct the Church service. Thanks be to dear mother who prayed for me. Glory to God who did this miracle. Clara Moses - Kancheepuram

The Lord who redeemed the Child Sis. Latha Ruben’s daughter had conceived a child. Since she had high blood pressure and chickenpox she became weak and so doctors suggested that the child should be taken out since otherwise, it would be affected. However, she and her husband prayed with burden and all of us earnestly prayed for her in the Esther Prayer Group. Hearing the prayer, the Lord helped her to deliver the child safely. Glory to God. Ruby Messiah Dhas - Nagercoil

No stone in the Kidney Jerline, son of Sis. Ranjitham of our group was diagnosed with stone in the kidney. As a group we prayed for her son with burden. Sis. Ranjitham encouraged her son with faith saying, ‘all of us have prayed for you, God has done a miracle. Better take another scan’. Accordingly, when he took another scan, the report came out to be normal. Glory to God.

I fell on my right side from a two wheeler. When a scan was taken, the report came out to be normal. I was provided this divine protection because of the prayers offered in the Esther Prayer Group. Glory to God. Viola Dhanraj, -Trichy

Fire anointing, Divine blessing

Heavenly visions I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. During the prayer time, the sisters in our Esther Prayer Group received divine visions. They saw fire surrounding them and heaven opened, with the Lord seated gloriously. Every one received new fire anointing. They also saw God’s Angels. Glory to the Lord who gave us glorious experiences. Tara Vinodbhai Kristi - Gujarat

I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Sis. Agnes of our Group was in agony as she had no child for the past six years. We earnestly prayed for her to be blessed with a child. God heard our prayer and has blessed her with a boy child.

I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Several sisters who attend our Esther Prayer Group have received divine peace and joy. The promise verse is of a great blessing and encouragement to every sister. Also, during the prayer time, the sisters saw a very bright light. Some of them received the fire anointing. Glory to God for the divine blessings granted to our Esther Prayer Group.

I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Initially, the sisters who joined our group were bound by the spirit of fear and could not read the Bible and pray. Now they have been delivered from the spirit of fear and have learnt to read the Bible, pray for others and share God’s Word. Glory to God for the spiritual blessings.

I had already undergone a surgery in my spinal cord. At this juncture,

Rajni Bhavesh Macwan - Ahmedabad

Shilpa Devraj Rajput - Maharashtra

J. Stella Abraham - Chennai

Gift of a Child, Divine protection

Deliverance from fear

COUPLES ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Great Peace After attending the preliminary meeting of Couples Esther Prayer Group conducted on 5th August, we came back home and had a quarrel because of which we stopped talking to each other. I was burdened on how to start the prayer under such situation. However, God gave us the grace to get reconciled and have the prayer as a couple. Every prayer point is of great benefit to us and we prayed happily. When brother Amalan and his wife were about to attend the Couples Esther Prayer Group conducted by us, they had a mis-understanding. However, God removed that and helped them to attend the prayer. He granted peace. Mayakannan Nagarajan, Chennai My Dear sisters, If the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or Junior Esther Prayer Group or Couples Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women/young girls/couples/children in your area could be blessed and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Make use of the time without wasting it. Let us swiftly build the kingdom of God. Contact Address: Sister Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028, Email: - November- 2017



the Television Ministry


God’s Words that lifted up the Family My husband passed away in the year 2003. When he died my three children were small. He was everything to me and hence the future looked bleak to me. I was troubled how I would live in this world and even went to the extent of contemplating suicide to end my life. After that, considering my children’s future, I strengthened myself. With the money I got, I enrolled my three children as partners in the ministry. I started watching the Jesus Calls TV programmes, particularly Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s progamme and prayed continually, holding on to the Lord. Every word spoken by her comforted me and gave me hope. The Lord began to bless me accordingly. Now my eldest daughter is married and is settled in America with her husband and children. My second son is married and settled in Australia. Third son is with me and is holding a good job. Through the Jesus Calls ministry and particularly through the words of Sister Stella Dhinakaran and the Scriptures quoted by her, the Lord has today elevated our family, which had nothing before, and has kept us as a blessing to many. Through the Esther Prayer Group, I have also learnt to pray with burden for others and am praying for other women because of which I am receiving many blessings. Glory to God! B. Thayamani, Bengaluru – 76

Miraculous Healing Years back, my husband had left our family and had gone separate. I went for a job and brought up my two children. Through known people, I came to know of Jesus after which I started visiting the Madurai Prayer Tower for prayers. The Lord blessed our family and settled my children’s marriage. My son got married in May 2015 and my daughter –in-law’s name is Chithra Devi. In September 2015, she fell sick and as days went by, her condition worsened and we took her to a big hospital. She was diagnosed with brain fever. She lost her conscience for nearly a month. I was in agony. Also she had a stroke and had partial paralysis. We lost all hope that she would live. At this time, when Sis. Stella Dhinakaran was praying for the healing of the sick people through the Jesus Calls Television programme, I too prayed for my daughter-in-law’s healing, with tears. Also I gave my prayer request in the Madurai Prayer Tower. The prayer intercessor too prayed and assured that the Lord would do a miracle. After that I had the faith that the Lord would surely grant her a miraculous healing and continued praying for her. What a wonder! Within a few days, she got healed completely, and now she is doing all the household works. Glory to God! Marial, Madurai – 9 Many receive such miracles through the “Jesus Calls” Television Programme! You too can be blessed! Introduce to others also. 42

JESUS CALLS November - 2017

wish to be a Prayer Intercessor? Begin the Esther Prayer Group (EPG) to pray for the welfare of the women. Once a month for 2 hours only! 20 Prayer Points will be sent to you. Join the sisters who have the burden to pray with you! Likewise, YEPG is for the young girls at the age of 14 to 25. You can join 4 young women with you and pray for an hour. JEPG – This is for the children between the age of 7 and 13. You can join 4 children who have the desire to pray and conduct the prayer. Similarly the Couples Esther Prayer group - You can choose 4 couples who are godly and have the desire to pray like you and pray for an hour in a month at any time convenient to you. If the Holy Spirit prompts you to start the above mentioned Esther Prayer Group/Youth Esther Prayer Group /Junior Esther Prayer Group/ Couples Esther Prayer Group, write to us in the address given below mentioning the specific Prayer Group you would like to conduct. We will send you the prayer points. Once the prayer is over, you may send the report and you would be allotted a code number with which you can always contact us. You may get the prayer points from the respective Prayer Towers also. This is the end time. Do ministry for the Lord. Watch and pray. Receive the Lord’s blessings in abundance. Contact address: Sister Stella Dhinakaran Esther Prayer Group, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 Telephone: 044-23456630. Email: When you do this ministry, send us the testimonies of the benefits that you have received, in detail. Let us glorify the Lord together.

Photos of the Esther Prayer Group (EPG) meeting held in Bengaluru recently: 1. Prayer Time 2. Youth Esther Prayer Group (YEPG) 3. Co-Ordinators of Karnataka Esther Prayer Group 4. Prayer time filled with anointing. - November- 2017




ing M ily Bless

s e l c a r Mi


Changed into a new man by the Lord I became addicted to

alcoholism since the days of my youth and was leading a life displeasing to the Lord. I got married in the year 1999. Even after marriage I was addicted to sinful habits because of which my wife and I always had fights. There was no peace in the family – only emptiness. I could not pay much attention to my tiles job because of this drinking habit. Thus my life went on. Though I came to know of Jesus through my mother-in-law, I could not come out of my sinful habits. Since there was no peace in the family, I decided to end my life. I always used to have a bottle of pesticide with me. At this juncture, on 5.6.2016, I attended the Family Blessing Meeting held in Guduvancherry. During the prayer time, Sis.Stella Dhinakaran said, “Commit your life today. ‘There is no 44

JESUS CALLS November - 2017

I have three elder sisters. I am the only son and I went astray. I indulged in all the sins of the youth and lost my peace. At this juncture, through my relative, I came to know about Lord Jesus. Yet I did not give my life completely to Him. I could not live a truly close life with the Lord. I have been doing my job staying in Chennai and I had no peace. I tried hard to remove the empty feeling in my heart but in vain. Through my friends I came to know of the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. Hearing that a special Family Blessing Meeting was to be held in the Prayer Tower campus on 16.4.2017, I came to the meeting. That day Sister Stella Dhinakaran shared God’s message on the title, “Divine Love manifested From God”. Finally she said, ‘Whoever wants deliverance, ask for the Totally transformed Life power of the Holy Spirit. This anointing would strengthen I am 25 years old. My parents you and deliver you”. I too are doing farming in Thiruthani. joined her in the prayer and righteousness in my life; still there is sin in me; still I have the desire to take drinks; I am tormented by lusts and desires. How would I get deliverance from these?’ – Whoever is thinking like this, ask the Lord. He will deliver you. The Lord says, ‘The just shall live by faith’. So, if you believe, He wants to change your life”. I too prayed accordingly. That time I felt something going out of me and the power of God coming upon me. Since then I have left all my bad habits and am living as a new person. Also, now I am doing village ministry along with our church. After attending the Family Blessing Meeting in Guduvancherry, the Lord has completely transformed my life. Glory to God! Govarthan Ravi, Guduvancherry.

prayed for the Lord to fill me and that time a divine power came upon me. At that instant I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The emptiness that was tormenting me until then vanished. After that my life was totally transformed. The Lord has granted me the gift to pray with tears whenever I begin to pray. Since then I am a new man. Old things have been changed by the anointing of God and I am now living as His son. Daniel, Thiruvallur.

from my job at Harbour. Due to carrying of heavy parcels which was my nature of work, I developed back pain for more than three years. In spite of that pain, I was doing my job and got retired. However the back pain persisted. The pain became unbearable and hence I went to the hospital where I was given some medicines. Still the pain did not subside. Every day was an agony to me. I spent a lot of money for medicine but in vain. Added to this I developed knee pain also. I suffered a lot Knee pain and back but still had to do my household pain vanished work. I was wearied by the knee In the year 2015, I got retired pain. On hearing about Sis.

Stella Dhinakaran’s meeting, I attended it. That day she was speaking on the Lord’s sufferings and His love. Also she quoted the Scriptures and said, "The Lord will heal your wounds”. In the end, I prayed earnestly with faith and said, “Lord give me a miraculous healing from my back pain and knee pain”. That time the power of the Lord came upon me and removed my pain. Since then I am living in good health. My thanks to the Lord, who did this miracle. Presently I am able to do all my work without any problem. Manoharan, Chennai – 7.

In November…


Ministering in Special Meetings

Chennai…. Annual Thanksgiving Meeting

Date: November 18, 2017 (Saturday) Time: 9.30 am to 1.00 pm Place: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Campus, 96, Poonamallee High Road, Near Flyover/ Outer Ring Road, Vanagaram, Chennai – 600 095 We lovingly invite women to take part and be blessed! Bring your friends too! For more information: 9940600228 / 9940600229

In Guwahati (Assam).. Family Blessing Meetings Date: November 11&12 , 2017 (Saturday& Sunday) Time: 5.30 pm Place: College of Veterinary Science Playground, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam-781022. For Contact: 9954254997 / 9435111783 / 9435102940

Come and be blessed as a family!




Promise Message

you may stand

perfect and complete in all the will of God’ (Colossians 4:12).

-Sis. Stella Dhinakaran


y dear sisters, the above

to His wish and for your lacks to

get up at 4.30 in the morning and

Scripture verse – the

be changed, with reverence. This

read the Bible diligently. The Lord

promise verse – builds each one of

is the most essential thing that is

would then speak to me through

our life in Christ Jesus; it changes

needed for each one of us these

His word. According to Psalm

us into His likeness. Hence, read


32:8, He reveals His instructions

this carefully from the beginning. The life of living united with Christ should be perfect and complete in all the will of God. Today, we,

‘…understand what the will of the Lord is’

(Ephesians 5:17)

to me, and wonderfully guides me with His eyes, in the way pleasing to Him. My dear sisters, only when you

the women, do not take this into

According to the above Scripture

consideration at all. The mind of

verse, it is very very important to

most women is to eat, sleep and

read the Bible diligently and to

dress well. Worldly thoughts,

get filled with the knowledge of

desires and lust ruin many lives.

knowing the truth which is taught

However, if we are careful to live

to us by the Lord. Unless we thus

a pleasing life to God, and indulge

read the Bible conscientiously, we

in doing things with reverence, we

can never perfectly understand the

could be diligent in fulfilling the

will of God and fulfill it. Examine,

understand His desires, His will

above promise verse.

how much knowledge of the Bible

and act accordingly. The Lord

is there in you. Those who do not

is closer to you than you could

Hence, my dear sisters, read

yet own a Bible first of all buy one

ever think of. Perhaps, the man or

this promise message carefully

and try to read a minimum of 2 to

woman whom you seek with desire

with reverence and unite with the

5 chapters in the Old Testament

may not be near you. There is no

Lord to mend your life according

and the New Testament. I usually

use in trusting a human. What is


JESUS CALLS November - 2017

are careful in these two things, you can fulfill the will of God. It is the will of God that none of you should perish. I don’t know in what state you are in your spiritual life. But it is very essential that every one of you get united with the Lord,

the use of trusting man (Jeremiah

him fall down. He lost vision in

It is God’s wish that this question

17:5)? However, he who trusts the

both his eyes. Yes, our Lord is full

should proceed from your mouth.

Lord is blessed (Jeremiah 17:7).

of glory and honour. It is certainly

Through this one question, the

Hence, my dear sisters, place your

true that no evil power can ever

Lord changed Saul, the son of

entire trust on the Lord Jesus Christ

stand against Him.

perdition, into Paul His servant

and lean on Him alone. Then you

who fulfilled His will. My dear sisters! Do not ruin

would clearly understand ‘What

your life by fearing about

is His will for you? What is His

witchcraft and black magic and

will concerning other important

getting involved in that. Our Lord

things?’ There is no need for you

is powerful; He does glorious

to seek after anybody.

things. No power can stand against Him. Apostle Paul, when he was

1. Divine life of knowing God’s will

Saul, a cruel man, was proud of himself thinking that he had been

What should we do to receive this

achieving things. However, when our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ

divine life?

stood before Him, he could not And do not be conformed

stand against His love. The Lord

to this world, but be

touched his hard heart. In an

transformed by the

instant He changed him upside

renewing of your mind,

down as Paul, His servant. Finding

that you may prove what

him to be faithful, the Lord chose

My dear sisters, the Lord changes

is that good and acceptable

him to be His servant from that

you in similar way and chooses

moment. Yes, the powers of this

you for His ministry. It is no

world are strong. Hence discard

longer you who live, but Christ

all the fears in your heart and kneel

lives in you; Paul writes ‘the life

down right now to look up to the

which I now live in the flesh I live

Lord alone in all reverence.

by faith in the Son of God, who

and perfect will of God.

(Romans 12:2)

Accordingly it is very important that your mind is renewed. For example, look at the life of Apostle

loved me and gave Himself for

Paul! He was a blasphemer, a

My dear sisters, why I write

me’ (Galatians 2:20). According

persecutor, and an insolent man;

this to you with burden is that

to my faith, this divine experience

but he obtained God’s mercy

everyone who reads this should be

comes upon your life by the grace

because he did it ignorantly in

completely delivered from your

of the Lord. Yes, right now, you are

unbelief (I Timothy 1:13). Also,

sinful ways and the lust and desires

being transformed even without

the grace of God was exceedingly

of the world. What does the Lord

your knowledge to fulfill the will

abundant upon him. In that dreadful

ask you now? “How long are you

of Christ. Old things have passed

situation, when he rose against God,

going to persecute Me?” Right

away; behold, all things have

the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to

at this minute, like Saul, ask the

become new (II Corinthians 5:17).

him. The moment he saw the Lord,

Lord with tears, ‘Lord, what do

This blessing of God comes into

His glorious divine presence made

You want me to do?" (Acts 9:6).

you hundred percent. Realizing - November- 2017



this, if you accept it in faith, lift

of way, a Samaritan woman, who

profound divine experience. Please

up your hands, close your eyes

was a sinner, came to know of the

read this again and again until you

and commit yourself to Him in

Lord as her Saviour and the people

understand its meaning and pray

reverence and humility telling Him,

of her city too knew Him to be the

to the Lord. What great things did

‘Lord I Praise You! From today let

Christ and believed in Him (John

the Lord do in Saul, who was the

Your will alone be fulfilled in my

4:42). The reason for the Lord

son of perdition, to change him

life perfectly”. The Lord will grant

Jesus Christ to be incarnate as a

into a mighty servant who would

you a new life pleasing to Him.

Man in this world was to turn the

fulfill the will of God! From being

hearts of people to God and make

a terrible man that he was, how

them receive eternal life in the

greatly did he arise and shine for

end. For this purpose alone, in the

the Lord!

2. Jesus is the example The life of the Lord Jesus Christ is an example to all of us. We read about this in a beautiful

days when He was in this world, He fulfilled the will of the Father

My dear sisters, read the

and left us an example by His life.

exemplary life of the Lord, pray

manner in the following verse:

to Him and commit yourself to My dear sisters, though we are

For to this you were

women and though the Bible says

called, because Christ also

that we are weak vessels, when

suffered for us, leaving

we diligently follow the ways of

us an example, that you

the Lord Jesus Christ, we will be

should follow His steps.

filled with His strength, wisdom,

guidance and the burden for souls

(I Peter 2:21)

change your life into that which would accomplish His will. The Lord Himself will lead you miraculously.

3. Accomplishing the will of God

and accomplish His will as an The Lord Jesus Christ said to His disciples,

instrument that strengthens many

When we read and examine the

people in Him. This is also a

lives of the servants of God like

"My food is to do the will

Paul and Peter, we see that initially

of Him who sent Me, and

they had many shortcomings.

to finish His work….”

However, as per the verse, ‘when

(John 4:34)

that which is perfect has come,

He said this when He was tired

then that which is in part will be

and physically weary with hunger

done away’ (I Corinthians 13:10),

because of the ministry, and when

when they were filled with the

He had fulfilled the will of God, which He always kept in His mind. From this we infer how

Lord, the perfect and complete One, their lives changed upside

diligent He was in fulfilling the

down. As we read in Hebrews

will of God and the wishes of His

4:12 and John 6:63, the word of

Father. He did not give importance

God that was revealed through

to anything else – hunger or thirst.

them was powerful and glorious.

Since He operated in this kind 48

JESUS CALLS November - 2017

Peter was an ordinary fisherman.

and other disciples did as we read

had done for me, I began to open

Yet, people marvelled by the power

in Acts 1:14. Do not spend much

my mouth to praise Him with

in his authoritative words (Acts

time in taking care of your family

gratitude. By His grace the Lord

4:13). Demons trembled; people

matters saying, “I have a lot of

filled me also with the Holy Spirit.

were healed when his shadow fell

responsibilities”. Join the Lord in

Till now, the Holy Spirit Himself

on them; he brought back the dead

prayer. Praise and thank Him with

is beautifully guiding me to fulfill

to life; he thus fulfilled the ministry

your whole heart. As you thus keep

His will concerning me. How great

of God by doing several such

praising Him, His grace will come

is His love, grace and mercy that

miracles. Similarly Paul’s life too

upon you. His presence and power

is strengthening my body and has

was filled with the power of God.

will fill you!

made me into a good witness to

How proud the Lord would have

fulfill His will! When my husband Bro.

been about them! They fulfilled

D.G.S.Dhinakaran waited at the

My dear sisters, you too should

the will of God, became perfect

Lord’s feet, he was filled with

receive these glorious experiences

in that and lived a godly life. Do

the Holy Spirit and received the

and arise and shine for the Lord.

not underestimate yourself saying,

strength to perfectly fulfill the will

When you thus act reverentially,

“How can this be possible in my

of God. On seeing that, I longed

your family would be pleasing

life which is full of shortcomings?’

for the same experience. Whenever

to the Lord. Every lack in your

All you have to do is wait at the

I got time, I firmly clung on to the

family would vanish. The Lord will

feet of the Lord and pray until His

Lord, without wasting my time.

perfect everything that concerns

strength fills you, just as how Peter

Remembering the good things He


Bible Portion from 1 Thessalonians to Revelation (Answer with Bible reference) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Who, why hasn’t He called us for, but for what He has called us? Along with what, what is great? Why, they turn away for and give their attention to what? What, which is produced and what is done in what? By whom, received what and you know what? What you should not lose, to receive what and how we should be? What you need to do, to receive what and which is needed for you? Even if what would happen, to escape from that not looking at anything, through what and all they won the victory over him? 9. What is revealed, you have to do what, since you are the partakers of what? 10. By what you have to keep yourselves, leads to what and wait to receive what?

Answers must reach us before November 20, 2017 Address: Bible Quiz - 69 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email: - November- 2017



BIBLE QUIZ NO. 67 WINNERS LIST Vellore: Mr. Isaac Welson, Karnataka: Florence Nirmala Keasari, K. Dhanamani, Andhra: Dr. Samuel Rajendram Maisa, S. Anitha, T. S. Shalini Raj, P. H. Swarna Vidyullatha, R. Innaiah, J. Thanuja Biblaspur Chhattishgarh: Amit Bahadur

ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ – 67 1. That they know You the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent (John 17:3). 2. Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour (Matthew 25:13). 3. Mary who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to His teaching (Luke 10:39). 4. When He rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene from whom He had cast out seven demons (Mark 16:9). 5. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32). 6. You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48). 7. Jesus – Peter, James and John and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And He was transfigured before them (Mark 9:2). 8. By the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you (Luke 11:20). 9. Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5). 10. Jesus of Nazareth, a man who was a Prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people (Luke 24:19). Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


JESUS CALLS November - 2017

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran met His Excellency, the President of Sri Lanka Mr. Maithripala Sirisena. They prayed for him and the nation as requested by his excellency. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed that the Lord should grant long life to the President and give him divine protection. He sought the Lord to bless all the projects of the nation and prayed for prosperity and security for every citizen of Sri Lanka. The Lord promised to bless the efforts of the President to carry out goodwill measures for all the people as the father of the nation.

More than 2,000 partners participated in the Partners Meet at Kandy.

Seesha’s aid for the children & families in need in Sri Lanka

More than 3,500 people were blessed in the Partners Meet at Colombo.


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-10-2017


em l a s u r e J In

O T D N A L Y L O H &

22-24, 2018

Don’t miss this great opportunity... Come and receive God’s richest blessings as a family in the Holy Land



CONVENTION & TOUR PACKAGE Package 1: Package 2: Package 3: Package 4:

Only Convention – (4 Nights / 5 Days) Convention & Tour (Israel) – (8 Nights / 9 Days) Convention & Tour (Israel & Jordan) – (10 Nights / 11 Days) Convention & Tour (Israel, Jordan & Egypt) – (13 Nights / 14 Days)



Package 5: Only Tour (Israel, Jordan & Egypt) – (8 Nights / 9 Days) Package 6: Only Tour (Israel, Jordan & Egypt) – (11 Nights / 12 Days) Package includes Air Tickets, Visa, Border taxes, Travel Insurance, Entrance Fees to the Holy Sites, 3 meal food everyday, accommodation in 3 / 4 Star Hotels and Local travel in AC coach bus.

Tour dates: Starting from 17th May 2018 till 1st June 2018

Enjoy your holidays where Jesus walked! Plan your holidays now! Book your seats today! Pay a part now and balance in instalments* For more information and to book your seats please visit the Prayer Tower in your area or call Tamil/English (Ph. 044-32000281 & 32000282), Hindi (Ph.044-32000283) Telugu/Kannada (Ph. 044-32000284), Mobile/Whatsapp: +919840999906, +919500996470, Email: / website



Groups will depart from major International airports in india. Official tour partner: True Friend Tours (A Unit Of TFMSS Pvt. Ltd.) * terms and conditions apply

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