Jesus Calls (English) - July 2018

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Pastor. Reuven Berger, The Congregation of The Lamb on Mount Zion, Pastor Edwin Govendar, Senior Pastor of Faith Revival Church, Durban, Mr. Rick Ridings Succat Hallel, House of Prayer, and more. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s daily sessions were very powerful with exhortation, prophecy and healing gifts of the Spirit in operation. The Lord often revealed to him the names of people present there with illnesses and healed them. Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran ministered on the need for a close communion with God and Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran spoke on the power of prayer for families. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Mrs. Evangeline prayed individually for every single delegate at the end of the first and second day, laying their hands and prophesying over them as the Lord revealed to them through the Holy Spirit. We had the unique privilege of having Pastor Benny Hinn minister with us on the second and the final day. The Holy Spirit moved powerfully in our

midst during his teaching and healing sessions. Finally, we celebrated God’s goodness and faithfulness in the life of our dear Sister Stella Dhinakaran as she reached a milestone on her eightieth birthday on May 24th. It was a time of great rejoicing indeed! The curtains came down on this historic event on May 24th with Dr. Paul prophetically pronouncing God’s richest blessing upon people, families, kings, and nations of every language and tribe. The World Prayer Convention was truly a refreshing season for every participant at the feet of the Lord. The Lord blessed it and gave it as a delightful gift to us all.

- Arun Thomas Global Director – International Ministries - July2018 JESUS CALLS



y precious friend, may God bless you richly this month and may He grant you the desires of your heart. May all your beginnings have a fruitful end. May you experience abundant blessings which overflow in excess as it occurred in the days of Jesus. When He blessed the five loaves, it multiplied to feed 5,000 men, women and children and there were 12 baskets remaining even after everyone was satisfied. May God give you such a grace this month.


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For the first time, you will have excess and it will be stored up. You will have 12 different blessings, 12 different graces and God will honour you granting 12 different pillars for your life.

Become the Crown This month, the Lord has promised; “You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God.” (Isaiah 62:3) The Lord has promised that

'you' will become a crown of splendor and a royal diadem in the hand of the Lord. He will honour you and crown you before everyone ‘for the Lord takes delight in you.’ Let us understand that He will not put a crown on your head nor will He place a diadem atop your head, however, you will 'become' the crown and the diadem adorning the hand of God; the hand of God which moves and carries the whole world; the hand of God which came upon Elijah that made him run before the chariots of King Ahab; the hand of the Lord which came against the Philistine enemies and saved his people; the hand of Jesus that multiplied the bread; the hand of Jesus which healed the sick; the

hand of Jesus which carried the little children; the hand of Jesus that calmed the storms; the hand of Jesus which raised the dead; the hand of Jesus which blessed the disciples as He ascended to heaven. You will be carried as a crown in these same hands. You will be in God’s hand to adorn our Lord Jesus. You will not adorn mere kings, instead, you will adorn the King of kings. My dear friend, you may say, I am a simple and a poor person in this world, I am despised because I follow Jesus. But in the eyes of the Lord, you are honoured. He says, “You have been honoured in my sight and you are a delight to me” (Isaiah 43:4). You need to thank and praise Him as He has made you a crown. Just as the Bible says, in Psalm 139:14, 'you have been created fearfully and wonderfully by God' as the crown on the head of a King. The most skilled workman wrought to make that crown meticulously perfect in every way.Therefore, He will use gold in its most pure form to bring forth the best of diadems. The diadem will have the best of the world’s gems which God has placed in you; holiness, faith in God, humility, God’s peace, the Holy Spirit’s gifts and grace, the fruits of the Spirit and all this have made you a crown in the hand of God. Remember that Jesus is in you. He is the greatest diamond which shines in you. You are the crown that brings Jesus to the world. God

has kept you in His hands to be a crown before everyone. So, do not be afraid.

ters will prophesy.'

Secondly, the crown brings authority with it. When a person is adorned with the crown, he is the one who declares the laws of the country. Whatever he proclaims is law, and everyone in the country is asked to follow it. You are given the authority through the Holy Spirit to speak God’s love and God’s miracle into the lives of everyone whom God has chosen to bless through you. What you say, God will confirm through signs, wonders, and miracles (Mark 16:20).

When you become the crown of God, you will speak of God’s plan with authority that comes upon you. God will open your eyes to see His plan for your family, for your life and for your country. Just as a king never criticises his people, you will never criticise your government, the people who worship with you and your family. However, if your eyes are closed, you will criticise everyone and speak against them but when you are the crown of God, your eyes will be open, and you will know everything. God will give you the grace to know His mind and His heart. You will prophesy His will to the nation, your family and God will make it come to pass.

As the crown comes upon the person who is made a king or a queen, they forget their desires. The needs of the people come foremost into their hearts. They will speak words on behalf of the government of the country. All that a monarch can think about is what the country provides to the people, how people ought to live according to their laws and how to protect people from their enemies. That which comes from the mouth of the king or queen who wears the crown or the diadem is taken as the law of the land. You will hear God’s voice as you receive the crown. As you become the crown of God, you will speak God’s plan and prophesy as stated in Acts 2:17, ‘I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daugh-

In 2014, the Lord showed me the nations of the world will rally with India and it’s Prime Minister. On 1st January 2017, the Lord said, “North Korea and South Korea will come together; My glory will come upon those nations, and then My hand will come upon China. China and India will come together.” You will see this happen in the coming days and a new currency will be introduced into the world. The healing power of God will flow across China and India. God’s healing power will come upon the nations and then God will touch Russia. Russia will rally the Middle East and the Arab countries; Russia and these Arab countries will make peace with Israel which will be a miracle. The enemy countries of Israel will bring their embassy to

Authority of the Crown “Where the word of a king is, there is power...” (Ecclesiastes 8:4) - July2018 JESUS CALLS


Jerusalem. Today America, the friendly country has opened its embassy in Jerusalem, but Russia and the Arab nations will make peace with Israel and bring their embassy to Jerusalem too; these enemy countries will make peace with Israel and will make Israel place its headquarters on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Today, the whole world is fighting for that land in Mount Zion. There is an Arab shrine situated there but you will see the Israel headquarters being established next to this shrine and the golden gate will open. The Lord told me that the enemies will make peace with Israel and India will prosper. Mighty miracles and healings will occur in the name of Jesus across the nation and will spread to China. This is the future. We are God’s crown and no man can stop it just as God enabled us to establish the Prayer Tower in Israel. India made peace with Israel after that. Our Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi flew to Jerusalem and signed a peace treaty; a cooperation treaty with Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel. We are the crown that can prophesy God’s plan to the nations of the world. God is giving you that grace. Be of good cheer and enter into that grace. Ask God to give you a pro-

phetical anointing, then you will be God’s crown to the world speaking God’s plan and God’s law to the nations, to the people, to your own family and your own life.

Justice of the Crown “You shall no longer be termed Forsaken...the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be married.” (Isaiah 62:4) Lastly, when you are the crown of splendor in the Lord’s hand, you will not be deserted anymore. You will be married, and you will have joy. Your family will be together and will enjoy a joyous family life. This is your blessing for the future. To conclude, we read in Isaiah 28:5-6, ‘..the Lord of hosts will be for a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty to the remnant of His people, for a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment.” He will bring justice into your life. Whatever you have lost, He will give it back and you will regain everything. You will be made a crown with all the blessings on your life.

Prayer: “Father, I pray that these blessings come upon every partner. Lord, honour them this month with this blessing and transform them to be a crown in your hands. Let Your glory come upon them every day and let joy fill

their hearts in the midst of their sorrows. Give them your joy, and I pray that the gifts of the spirit which is in them will rise up, and shine like diamonds. Let all their sufferings end today and let the prophetic word from God begin to operate and shine. Lord, let wisdom come from heaven above, and guidance from the Holy Spirit. Let them begin to prosper and let the world hear God’s voice through them. Lord, let us guide the nations, guide the people, and guide the family. To know the plan you have for everyone with compassion and love, open our eyes and hearts of understanding. Let there be no more desertion; we should be kings and queens who know Your will and enjoy it. Lord, let our family lives be full of joy; let the nations rejoice over us, the demons bowed out of our lives, and God’s salvation flow through us. Lord, bless your children. Let there be great peace in their lives and let all the crowning blessing come upon them with no more losses. All that they have been waiting for should come to them in double measure. Let your blessings overflow. Lord, thank You for doing this and we claim this blessing for Jesus Calls, Karunya, Seesha, and for all the partners of the ministry in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

SEND YOUR REQUESTS THROUGH LETTERS, EMAIL AND FACEBOOK. Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. E-mail: Facebook:


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y precious brothers and sisters, I take im mense pleasure to connect with you through this issue. Thank you so much for being a partner of the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries which wipes away the tears of millions of people. I would like to remind you of a promise. “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning.’ (Lamentations 3:22,23)

riage Bureau, National Prayer and Ministry Alliance, National Prayer Tower, Israel Prayer Tower, Ambassadors, support to pastors, etc... nearly eight to nine lakh people are being ministered to monthly. Through education service we also conduct research programs to find solutions to the problems prevalent in the human society. Through Seesha, we care for the poor, especially the children, women and the differently-abled. Since you are the reason for us to offer these services, the Lord loves you.

Due to His immeasurable compassion towards you, the Lord has protected you from being consumed. His love and grace towards you shall follow you always.

Every month, through various

I am guided by the Lord to tell you that you are His most beloved. You have stood with us to pray for others in the name of the Lord and have honored Him; thereby encouraging us through your prayers. As you give your offerings to the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries, you strengthen the broken-hearted and are precious to the Lord. He delights in you.

methods, 9 lakh people send their prayer requests. Among them, how many are thankful to Jesus after receiving a miracle? Only a few thousands of people become partners in the ministry. You are one among the few thousands who are most thankful to the Lord. You are precious to the Lord Jesus Christ, to my family and me.

Through 20 different outreaches, 120 Prayer Towers, Television, Digital Media, Correspondences, E-mails, Magazine, Books, CD’s, Public Prayer Festivals, Karunya, Seesha, Schools, Prayer Academy Training, Prophetic Prayer Conferences, Omni Channel Prayer Ministry, Mar8

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“Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you…” (Isaiah 43:4) “He will love you and bless you and in-

crease your numbers…you will be blessed more than any other people…the Lord will keep you free from every disease…” (Deuteronomy 7:13-15) Since the Lord loves you, He will bless you and increase you. The Lord will give you an increase in everything this month. You will have the position and the authority in this world. The Lord’s presence will be upon you. You will be blessed more than anyone else. On 27th May 2018, my mother, my wife and I prayed for

all partners on the rock where Jesus shed His blood in the Garden of Gethsemane; the place He prayed before He became a sacrifice for the whole world. We cried and prayed for the Lord’s will to be fulfilled in your life. We also prayed for you and your loved ones at Mount Tabor where Jesus was transformed and at the Sea of Galilee. The Holy Spirit gave us divine visions there. He rose within us and we cried out in our spirit, praying for you. Therefore, you will receive goodness in your life. You should believe in the spiritual blessings and the life-changing moments that are going to happen in your life. When you read these words, you will receive miracles. Therefore, say in faith, “Lord, I receive the increase you give through your grace and your blessings, healing from sickness, your deliverance, and your divine love for me and my family.” Declare it with belief and thank the Lord. “Even now...I will restore twice as much to you...” (Zechariah 9:12) According to this verse, the Lord will restore everything in double measure. You shall see the miracles of the Lord. We will continue to pray for you as a family along with our prayer intercessors. We believe that you will write to us about the miracle you received from the Lord. My friend, continue to pray for us and ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries. We are in the midst of renovating the Bethesda Prayer Centre. We are

nearing completion of the Bengaluru and Hyderabad Prayer Towers. Construction work is in progress at the Trivandrum Prayer Tower. We have completed fifty percent of the Digitization Project. Only after completion, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Library will commence functioning and people from all around the world can view audio and video messages, prayers, testimonies, teachings, and songs of each one of our family members from the archives of 45 years of ministry of 3 generations. You have enabled us to do so much and are a vital part of our mission. When you serve the Lord through ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries, you show abundant love towards the Lord. Every day we praise God for you and heaven delights in you. I’m now in India along with my precious wife Evangeline, managing Jesus Calls Operations, Karunya Deemed University, and Seesha Operations nationwide. I am also traveling to many places in India and abroad this year to preach the Word of God. Please pray for upcoming meetings that are mentioned and for the people to come to these meetings to feel God’s power and presence. Pray for the arrangements that have to be made and the Lord to use us mightily. 2018 June 27, 28 Karunya Staff Meeting 2018 June 30 Karunya Convocation 2018 July 1 Special Blessing Meeting Bethesda, Karunya Nagar

2018 July 7 Special Blessing Meeting Puducherry 2018 July 8 Special Blessing Meeting Perambalur 2018 October 11, 12, 13 Prophetic Prayer Training Trivandrum 2018 October 13, 14 Prayer Festival Trivandrum 2018 October 24-26 Prophetic Prayer Training Rourkela, Odisha 2018 October 26-28 Prayer Festival Rourkela, Odisha Pray for the International meetings which are to be held in Canada and South Africa in the month of August and September. We celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary in Chennai on June 2nd. We have dedicated to serving you all our lives. We pray for your prayer requests diligently. Do also write to us when God answers your prayers so that we can rejoice together in the Lord. We continue to look forward to your support to this huge ministry. “I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore.” (Genesis 22:17) I pray that the Lord bless you, your children and increase everything that belongs to you this month. Your dear brother Dr. Paul Dhinakaran - July2018 JESUS CALLS


now filled with prayer and joy. We are continuing to receive the blessings. The Lord gave a house for us. As her children, all three of us have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior. The Lord gave us a good future. We thank the Lord for this great miracle. We are continuing to support this ministry by also becoming a ‘Jesus Calls’ partner. -Yogesh, Nagpur.

Complete end to the debt problems! Freedom from the clutches of devil! My mother Rekha Barde, suffered greatly for more than ten years from demonic struggles. Due to this there was no peace in the family; darkness everywhere; no one had an inclination towards anything and there was frustration in the family. Since my mother was in this state as a family we went through the path of tears. During that time, we as a family attended the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festival held in Nagpur in the month of October, 2015. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran gave the word of the Lord and prayed, my mother felt a tender loving hand touching her and at that very moment received a great deliverance. Till today she is hale and healthy. After this miracle, our house is 10

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I was a person who did not know much about Jesus, I faced a lot of troubles in my life. Financial crises distressed me. I did not have enough money to meet daily needs, did not even have a house and was greatly troubled. I was into smoking, drugs and was a slave to many bad habits. When I attended the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festival in Dimapur in 2006. I went there to only look around and to know what was happening in the meeting. But the turning point of my life begun there. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran after giving the word of the Lord, started to pray, he called out my name during the prayer and said, “Lobo, the Lord is setting you free from all your problems! He is filling you with His peace”. When I was thinking that, “In this meeting there may be many having the same name as me, it cannot be me; I am a sinner, is God going to call a sinner”, the next moment

the Lord’s peace filled my heart. I received an unusual experience. I felt all my sins getting out of my heart. I became a new being. From that day on, the blessings increased in my life, I got a good job; my debts were gone, through the Lord’s grace I was able to get an own house and my children shined in education. Now I am doing part time ministry for the Lord. The Lord’s peace and joy is overflowing in our family. We are supporting the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries through our prayers and offerings. Thank you! - Lobo Tanti, Dimlapur, Assam.

Topper in school! My parents are ‘Jesus Calls’ partners and are supporting the ministry. They enrolled me as a Young Partner when I was very young. Before appearing for the 10th Std public exams in the academic year 2017-2018, I attended the Students Prayer Meet in February 2018 held in Chennai. At the end of the meeting I got prayed individually by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. Every day before I went for my exams, my parents would call to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower and would pray for me. The Lord has given me parents who pray. My father Mr. Ponnudurai is a staff working in Jesus calls office for more than 20 years. I gave my exam time table to be prayed in the chain prayer at Prayer Tower. The Lord strengthened me to face the exams. Through the grace of the Lord, I scored 490/500 and stood first in my school (Tamil - 97, English - 98, Mathematics - 97, Science 99 and Social Science - 99). I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the Prayer Tower prayer intercessors for praying for me. All glory to God! - P. Joycelin, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Blessed with an own house! From my young age, I am a ‘Jesus Calls’ young partner. Through that the Lord blessed me with a good life partner. We enrolled my husband’s business in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Business Blessing Plan. From then on we are experiencing numerous miracles in our life. Even though we had our own business, we did not have an own house and due to shifting from one house to another for rent we were greatly troubled. Every time we intended to buy a house, some barrier would stop us and we would become distressed. In this situation, in 2013, when I was reading the ‘Jesus Calls’

magazine, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran had written the needs of the ministry and the privileges one would receive on supporting the ministry. Particularly, when I read, “Build the house of the Lord and the Lord shall build yours” in spirit I felt that I should support this ministry of the Lord through my offerings. Since the Madurai Prayer Tower was close by, immediately we went and paid Rs.3000/- as an offering to the ministry. What a great miracle! The Lord saw us and blessed us with an own house worth Rs.30,00,000 and turned our sorrows into joy. After these miracles we still continue to send our offering to support the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries. Glory to God! - Vanitha Nandakumar, Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Got back the eye sight! In November 2015, when my wife gave birth to our second child, after 15 days there was a rupture in the optical nerve. She lost her sight. This prevailed for 3 months. We were worried. We spent our days in agony of not getting any result from the medical treatments. It was then I came to know that Samuel Paul Dhinakaran is coming to Raipur Uturn youth meeting in January 2016 and I took my wife to the meeting. At the end when Samuel Dhinakaran came down from the stage and started to pray for the people, my wife was also in that line to get prayed. Samuel Dhinakaran kept his hands on her head and prayed compassionately for her. In the state of hopelessness a new hope was born within us. With courage we went back home. Within few days my wife completely got back her vision. For the past two years she did not have any problem with her eyes. She is able to see and read very well. We as a family are ‘Jesus Calls’ partners. Thank you Jesus! - Rajju Bhardwaj, Champa, Chattisgargh. You can also experience such miracles as a family; Send you prayer requests by letter, telephone, E-mail. Address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 For 24x7 Prayers: (Tamil/English)

044 - 33 999 000

Email: - July2018 JESUS CALLS


Run in the midst of wicked people Look at Isaac. Isaac was in the midst of the wicked king Abimelech. He was a jealous man. At the same time the nation was in drought. On one hand there was drought and on the other unemployment. They were in a situation where whatever they sow did not give produce and were in agony. At the same time the king’s jealousy, anger and irritation made him and his group to plot against Isaac. In this state, Isaac was running. Though the drought was beginning, he did not say, “what can I do?” “Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him.” (Genesis 26:12) 12

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Isaac sowed the seeds. Today, the Lord expects us to sow His words. What if there is drought? You saw the words from the Bible. It’s during the drought that you have to sow more. During the drought, Isaac also digs wells. Immediately the king’s people came and shut the wells built by him and his father. Even then he did not quarrel with them; he left the place and dug another well. It gave water. He sows and reaps a hundredfold. This is the hand of the Lord. During the drought, you should run to sow the verses into people. You should build wells. They will not get water. But you will get the water. Jealousy will increase and anger will rise. Unjustly they will close all your wells. They will also

close the wells built by your father. Ancestral property will also go. But you should go and dig again. As you dig again and again, the Lord will keep on giving water. As you sow again and again, the Lord will keep on giving you a hundredfold. Finally, the king and his people bowed their heads before Isaac and said, “The Almighty Lord is with you. Whatever you do shall prosper”. “…There ought to be a sworn agreement between

us’ - between us and you. Let us make a treaty with you that you will do us no harm, just as we did not harm you but always treated you well and sent you away peacefully. And now you are blessed by the Lord.” (Genesis 26:28,29) From then on they did not close any well. Wicked men could not win over him. If you want prosperity, there is only one way; sow the word of the Lord, go to new places and sow. Do not stop your run saying, “why did you close it here?” This is my experience in life. If someone shuts a door, there is no use in fighting over it. The children of God should not get angry. They will not have any loss. Whatever you lose, the Lord will give back to you. But all you have to do is to enter into the new door. The Lord has kept an open door to dig a new well; no one ever shuts it. Keep running. The Lord will give back what you lost and will also bless you with new blessings. Abimelech saw Isaac and Rebecca making love. It was only then he realized that they were husband and wife. They loved each other. Loving the Lord is on one hand, love between the husband and wife is on the other. Only then can you bravely sow; Only if there is peace between the relationship of husband and wife, can you sow in new places. Only then can you dig new wells. The wife will say, “Don’t worry, dig in an-

other place.” Family life is very important. To live in oneness and to love each other is very important. Such love was present in Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca and Jacob and Rachel. That’s why whatever they did prospered. Even in your family life you are going to experience such affection. Because of that a hundredfold blessing will come. The Lord told us, “Children, I will not destroy your enemies. Instead I’m going to bless you. Your blessings will destroy the power of your enemies.” He told this in 1987 and now, see how He has blessed us. After Angel’s death, the Lord blessed me with a wife, three children; He gave them talent and built Karunya. The Lord Himself has been doing all these things. We did not have to do anything. He opens the doors for kings, blesses the people and does miracles. This was not done by us. The Lord will do the same in your lives too.

Run in the midst of injustice Jacob says, “Yet your father has cheated me by changing my wages ten times. However, God has not allowed him to harm me.” “It was like this for the twenty years I was in your household. I worked for you fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks, and you changed my wages ten times.” (Genesis 31:7, 41)

Even then Jacob did not stop running. He did his job of herding the sheep truthfully. He took care of each sheep and restored for the lost ones. He was prudent in his job. Similarly the Lord expects you to be prudent in all the works given to you. Prudent in every aspect – with money, relationships, completion of a given job. Do not complain, “It’s like this, my boss is like this, what job is this? It’s very difficult”. Jacob had such a boss. He changed Jacob’s salary 10 times. But the Lord saw that he kept on running, blessed him with two portions of blessings and made him rich. For the times his salary was changed, the Lord poured the same amount of blessings. He is going to pour it the same way for you too in your job, ministry, and family and honor you. Do not be worried. Jacob’s own brother Esau threatened to murder him. Even then he did not stop his run. He prays, “Lord, my brother is coming to kill me. Please save me, save my family save my children my sheep and cows. Save what is mine”. The Lord came and saw how he was praying unceasingly. The Lord decided to change his prayer. He said, “Why are you crying and praying for yourself? It should be changed” and He touched the socket of Jacob’s hip. Only then his eyes were opened. The Lord said, from now on you are not Jacob, no longer a cheater, you are Israel. From now on don’t - July2018 JESUS CALLS


pray for yourself, don’t ask for yourself. I will transform you into a nation, from now on pray for that nation. Pray for the nation of Israel. You are Israel. I’m going to build a nation in your name but you are praying for yourself and your family. The Lord changed his prayer, his thoughts and blessed him (Genesis 32:24-29). We are aware of the incidents in Joseph’s life, Jacob’s dear son. His own brothers fooled him and sold him to strangers as a slave. There was unjust accusation on him in Potiphar’s house where he was working. Due to this he was sent to prison. The Lord gave Pharaoh a dream, created a situation where no Egyptian could tell or interpret the dream, made the king realize Joseph’s greatness and gave Joseph the wisdom to tell and interpret the dream. The king looked at his workers and said, “is there anyone else who is like him who has the spirit of the Lord?” The Pharaoh honored Joseph: “Since the Lord reveals everything to you, there is no one who is prudent and wise than you”

(Genesis 41:38,39). Finally, the Lord exalted Joseph to a position next to the king. He honored him as the ruler over the whole of Egypt (Genesis 38 – 44). Just as how Joseph interpreted the dream, Egypt was prosperous and fertile for seven years and followed by drought in the next seven years (Genesis 41:47 – 55). The people cried unto Pharaoh. Pharaoh replied, “you go to Joseph and do as he says”. Accordingly, Joseph opened the granary and sold to the Egyptians. A severe drought spread over all the nations. When Jacob came to know that there were grains in Egypt, he sent his children to buy some grains. He did not send Joseph’s brother Benjamin along with them. Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt and bowed down to him with faces to the ground. Joseph recognized his brothers. But they did not. Then Joseph revealed himself. They were terrified at his presence due to the injustice they did to him. Then Joseph spoke to them courteously and asked them

to bring his father. On hearing the news Jacob was thrilled. “I am God, the God of your father,” he said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there.” (Genesis 46:3) Just as the Lord said, Jacob received double portion of blessings. What an honor it is for Jacob to not only see his son alive but as a ruler over the nation when he spent all his life thinking he lost his son. Moreover he moved with his family to Canaan with each one’s sheep, goats and things along with his sons and went to Pharaoh and blessed him and in his last days he received this honor. Today the Lord is going to give us goodness and double portion blessings and transform us into a nation. The Lord is going to transform everyone who is clothed in the name of the Lord. Therefore, let’s stand up, run together, keep on running in the midst of wicked people and in the midst of injustice keep on running towards Jesus and be a blessing to the nation.

M.O.U. WAS SIGNED BETWEEN Karunya Institute of technology and sciences (Deemed to be University) and the Agricultural Research Organization, Government of Israel for research and development in the field of Micro-irrigation, Precision farming, Biological control, Plant Biotechnology, Food processing and Waste water reuse. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran , Chancellor of Karunya Institute of technology and Sciences, Prof. Eli Feinerman, Director of the Agricultural Research Organization, Government of Israel and the Volcani center and Prof. Itamar Glazer, Deputy Director for Research and Development signed the agreement. Karunya has also signed MOU with the Bar-Ilan University of Israel. According to the agreement signed by the Chancellor Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Mr. Moshe Lewenstein, the Vice-President of Bar-Ilan, both universities will have collaborative research in the areas of Nanobiotechnology, training and new findings in jewish and biblical studies. 14

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Comfort in God A mother’s love cannot be described in words. A mom holds a special place in our hearts for her unique attributes. She has unconditional love, forgives, patient, kind, endures, sacrificial and compassionate. Her family is her priority. The Bible states about Lord God in Isaiah 30 verse 18, “…He will rise up to show you compassion…” just like a mother. Those who wait upon Him are blessed and He waits to listen to your prayers. He is a merciful God who out of His abundant love will answer your prayers.

Therefore, the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you (Isaiah 30:18a). He keeps waiting for His sons and daughters to come to Him in prayer. When my mother was admitted in Vellore Hospital for cancer, I had sent a message that I will meet her. I was three months pregnant with Sam at that time. My mom was waiting eagerly for my

coming, looking through the hospital window. When I went to her, she immediately touched my stomach with much joy. She said that she was not sure if she will be alive when I give birth to the baby, but she said her mother will be there to help me during my delivery. Just as she said, when I gave birth to Sam, my mom had already passed away, but my grandma was with - July2018 JESUS CALLS


me and took care of me. She helped me in doing all of my work and my mother-in-law whom I call as ‘Mother’ also took care of me.I was treated like a princess. This is the heart of God. The love of my mother, God showered upon my life through two of this dear people. He will do the same for you. He will listen to your cry and answer your prayers. When we go to minister in the meetings, the Holy Spirit comes down immediately as we open our mouth to speak and when we pray, miracles happen. Let me introduce a wonderful testimony from my sister-in-law, Aarti Anand from Tirunelveli, who received perfect healing from God. “7 years ago, I underwent a mild fracture in the spinal cord and as a result developed pain and swelling in my right hand. The pain would increase during winter and penetrate from the shoulder to my right hand and fingers. I was unable to do any household chores. I could not cook or do anything with my right hand due to an inflammation. My husband and children were of great support to me during this time. In this situation, I happened to attend the Jesus Calls Prophetic Prayer Conference in 2016 at Chennai. I was in a situation where I was even unable to 16

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write down the message of Dr. Paul due to excruciating pain. I prayed that God would heal me. I said, “Lord, I am doing Your ministry. Please relieve me from this suffering. I desire to serve You more through this hand.” During prayer time, as I stood united in prayer with Dr. Paul, I received a miraculous touch from God. The pain disappeared that very moment. Now I don’t have pain. I am able to do all chores on my own. I thank God for this miracle in my life!” Yes, God desires to perform a miracle for you too. The Bible says that “…You shall weep no more.He will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry;when He hears it, He will answer you” (Isaiah 30:19).

Rejoice in God “You shall have a song, as in the night when a holy festival is kept and gladness of heart as when one goes with a flute; to come into the mountain of the Lord, to the Mighty One of Israel.” (Isaiah 30:29) You will find your joy in the Lord. He will make you seated in the higher places of this world and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob. Yes, this is the heart of God (Isaiah 58:14).

What kind of joy does God expect us to have? We simply must rejoice looking at the miracles the Lord is doing in our lives every day. In the Bible, we read about a Canaanite lady who came to Jesus and begged him with a loud cry saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, my daughter is cruelly possessed by a demon.” But He did not answer her a word. If we were in a similar situation, we would think that God is not mindful of us. However, she didn’t go away but she waited for him.The disciples came to Jesus and urged him to send her away but Jesus said that He was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel; He said it’s not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.But she humbled herself and replied, “Yes Lord, but even the little dogs eat the crumbs from the master’s table” (Matthew 15:21 - 28). Such is the heart of a mother. No matter the troubles she goes through, she will plead for the sake of her children. Jesus looked at the mother’s heart and healed her daughter.This is the heart of our Lord Jesus. No matter how many times we trouble Him, He still pleads for us to God for a miracle and to make us glad.So rejoice in Him!

Protection of God In our personal life, the devil has tried to bring problems and had wanted to wound our body, but Jesus interceded for us just like a mother and enabled us to continue His work for the Lord’s ministry. Today, if you are brokenhearted, remember that God pleads for you. He fights for you. He walks before you so that no one can fight against you. God has graciously been with me and guided me all these 50 years. Like a mother, He carries and protects me every day. I know that you also can quote several instances of how God has been so good to you. “…. Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28)

Jesus, after he was raised from the death, third time he appeared to His disciples. Peter was back to fishing along with few disciples. That night they caught no fish. Early in the morning Jesus was there at the shore. When Peter threw the net on the right side of the boat as said by Jesus, they caught large number of fish. Only then the disciples recognized it was Jesus and already in the shore they saw a fire of burning coals with fish in it. Jesus said, “Come and have breakfast.” And gave them bread and fish (John 21:1-13). Yes, we have a loving God who cares for us, knows our needs and protects us. Just as he supplied food for Peter and the disciples, He has already kept in store every blessing that we need. He dwells within us, listens to our

words and helps us in times of trouble.He serves us like a loving mother. The Bible says that Mary kept everything in her heart and pondered over it as stated in Luke 2:19. Similarly, I too ponder over the wondrous works God has done for us in our own personal and ministry life. He has carried us and helped us. Not a single word the Lord revealed thus far has fallen apart. We serve such a mighty God who protects us like a mother!Our Lord wants us to simply trust Him and have a childlike faith in Him. He will take away all your pain and fears, instead will fill you with blessings and joy! May this good Lord give the fullness of joy all through this month according to the verse quoted below; “I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer.” (Isaiah 56:7) - July2018 JESUS CALLS


Let us read one such testimony.

The Young Partners Plan (YPP) is one of the excellent God-given plans of the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry. This plan was instituted on the 25th July 1985 with the sole purpose of reaching out to young people all over the world covering them with prayers (24 x 7) for their Wisdom, Protection & Prosperity. Yes! The Lord has promised that these dear young partners will receive a divine protection from the evils of this world (John 17:15), wisdom to shine in their studies (Isaiah 54:13) and prosperity to enable them to flourish in their life (Psalm 115:14). For the past 33 years, the Dhinakaran family and the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers pray every day for our precious young partners. Thanks be to God, who hears these prayers and blessing the Young Partners in special ways. We receive many testimonies on how God has been faithful in the Young Partner’s lives. 18 JESUS CALLS July 2018 -

Alisha from Maharashtra says, “I am from Nagpur and I was very weak in my studies during my childhood. During that time my parents enrolled me in YPP. After this, I gained an interest in my studies and I was able to easily grasp and memorize my subjects. Due to this, I started excelling in my studies and I understood that there were people praying for me daily. As my 10th Board exams were coming up, I wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting him to pray for me. I received a response from him that encouraged me and assured me that God will bless me to get good marks. To my surprise, I scored 98% and I was a topper in the 10th Std. among my whole minority community. I give all glory to God for my success.”

Isn't this a beautiful testimony? You too can benefit like Alisha by becoming a Young Partner. It's open for everyone.

 The Dhinakarans will earnestly pray for you every day  Prayer intercessors at the 24 hours Prayer Tower will pray for the Young Partners by calling out their name and claiming the promise of the Lord found in I Chronicles 4:10  On

the completion of a minimum donation of Rs.3000/a certificate will be sent  A

special greeting card from the Dhinakarans on your birthday

 A prayer intercessor will call you on your birthday over the telephone and pray for you  You

will receive a daily promise verse through SMS

Witness God’s promises being fulfilled in your lives! Furthermore, Jesus Calls is gearing up to bless you further with spiritually nurturing activities and programs through the youth wing called 'UTurn'. UTurn is actively engaged in transforming the young lives through various mediums into a lifestyle founded on the Word of God led by the Holy Spirit. They are trained to live a holy life, blameless in God's sight and to shine like stars as mentioned in Philippians 2:15. Lots of fun-filled activities, activity-based learning, teaching, growing together in the Lord, etc...are on the cards. Await for more info in this section in the coming month. Don't miss out on this opportunity!

Dear Parents, Enroll your children as a Young Partner and see them being blessed. They are the future leaders of the world and most of all, important in the Kingdom of God. You can enroll them even from the point of their birth till they get married. Fill the form given below and send it back to us with a passport size photo of the child. Let your children’s future be secure in the hands of God and let them be exalted in life. Young Partners Plan You can enrol as a Young Partner at any age until you are married. Offering of Rs.3,000/- can be sent.

Details of children to enrol in the Young Partners Plan Mr. /Ms............................................................................................ Date of Birth: ................................. Mr. /Ms............................................................................................ Date of Birth: ................................. Mr. /Ms............................................................................................ Date of Birth: ................................. Name of Father/Guardian: ....................................................................................................................... Address for Communication: ..................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. City: ............................................. Pin code: ................................ Mobile No: ....................................... E-Mail ID: ................................................................WhatsApp................................................................. For more details:  Website:  Toll Free: 1800 425 77 55 (7 am – 9 pm)  Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area  Email: Simple ways to send your donations to ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partners Plan is found on Page No.23 - July2018 JESUS CALLS


This service is for those who want to find a partner who loves Jesus and who has dedicated to live righteously to fulfill God’s purpose. The Matrimonial service was launched through a divine command to Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. It’s open to all. We pray that everyone who registers for this matrimonial service will be blessed by God with a wonderful partner. As any parent, I wanted my son Rajkumar to get married. Unfortunately, he did not show any interest and did not want to get married. After a year, I registered him in True Friend Matrimony in March 2018. That same

evening, I received a call from a True Friend Matrimony partner interested in my son's profile. With much hesitation, I conveyed this to my son and he immediately accepted the proposal. In a week’s time, they were engaged and they

got married within a month on April 11th this year. Both my son and daughter- in-law are so happy. It is indeed a miracle! - Mrs. Geetha Getzial, Chennai

REGISTER TODAY Whatsapp: 75500 14747 Email: Address: #72, Rajaji Salai, Parrys, Chennai - 600 001. 20

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Our dear (late) Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran had compiled his heavenly / supernatural experiences in the book, ‘An Insight into Heaven’ and published it in 2007. In this issue we wish to share one chapter from the book to inspire you to desire such glorious experiences. A vision could be granted to us in two formats. We can be made to look at the open Heavens from the place where we are lost in deep prayer on the earth. Otherwise, the Lord may choose to take us to Heaven in the Spirit, to impart unto us whatever is pleasing to Him.

1. God’s Appreciation of Our Thirst for Him An unquenchable thirst in our hearts to walk with God, like the old time prophets, could gear us up, to seek the face of the Lord in a very intense way. The Almighty God Himself, who was put in an

embarrassing situation, had to plead with Jacob as given below: And He (God) said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.” (Genesis 32:26) The same thing can happen today also in answer to our tearfilled prayers.

2. The Compassion of God When we are anointed with the Holy Spirit, God’s love and compassion fill our hearts (Romans 5:5). When we pray with a real agony for the deliverance of the broken-hearted people, through our

intercessory prayers, this compassion enables us to lay hold of God until that person is delivered. In the year 1965, I was in a city called Bangalore, in India. At that time, as a family we used to go for worship to a particular church. The Pastor of the church was a very godly person. One Sunday, after the morning worship service, he told me with his voice choked with emotion, “My brother-in- law, is lying seriously ill in my home. He looks almost lifeless. Can you please come home and pray for him to be revived?” I readily agreed and rushed with him to his house. Truly, he seemed to be in his last stages with his finger nails turning blue. I saw his pale grief-stricken wife holding their two children in her hands. On seeing them, a great compassion filled my heart and I began to cry unto the Lord to send back his life. The Holy Spirit came and filled me in a powerful way. Then, our beloved Lord Jesus Christ appeared before me and - July2018 JESUS CALLS


asked me, “What are you trying to do?” I told Him, “Lord, I want his life back”. The Lord said nothing but just disappeared from the scene. I felt very forlorn, but was greatly encouraged when the Holy Spirit whispered, “Come, let us also go.”

Before sending His judgement on the city of Sodom, God came down from Heaven all the way to reveal it to His prophet Abraham (Genesis 18:17; 20:7). Likewise, the Lord Jesus Himself may choose to take us to Heaven to speak to us about the events.

All that I saw next was the Lord walking on the golden streets of Heaven. I followed Him in the Spirit. When He sat on His throne, He asked me, “What do you want?” Again I told Him, “Lord I need the life of that person back.” Then He confided to me a personal message to be given to his wife and asked me, “Will you go and convey this to her?” I promised Him without any hesitation that I would do it. Then His voice was reverberating throughout Heaven telling me, “Go back, he lives.”

Now, let me list out some of the key truths which anyone who is really keen to have an insight into Heaven should be aware of. These key truths are imperative to have a real glimpse of Heaven.

The next moment, I found myself back by the side of that person’s bed. My clothes were totally drenched in sweat. He had already sat up and was asking his dear sister, “Give me something to eat, I feel very hungry.” What a thrill it was for the entire church when he came and sat in the front row of the church for the evening service on the same day. Yes, it is God’s compassion that moves us to see miracles from His hands (Psalm 111:4).

3. God’s Desire to Communicate Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. (Amos 3:7) 22

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a) The Reality of Heaven In My Father’s house are many mansions; ...if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself ; that where I am, there you may be also. (John 14:2,3) Once, I read in a magazine about a renowned philosopher exclaiming on his death bed, “I do not know why I came into this world; I do not know how I lived here and now also I do not know where I am going.” This is the agonizing cry of almost the entire humanity. Quite contrary to this, people who have committed their lives to our Lord Jesus leave this world with great excitement and expectation.

b) The Abode of God Heaven is the abode of the Almighty God (Psalm 115: 3, 16). We human beings are born and brought up in this world and hence our knowledge is earth-oriented. No doubt, Heaven remains a mystery to us. Sometime ago, there was an article in an International magazine

about a very huge observatory in California, USA. In that article, the head of that observatory had mentioned with great excitement, “Everyday we scan through the sky with the help of the most powerful giant telescopes. It is really a wonder that almost every day we are able to trace nearly five or six new stars.”How innumerable should be the stars on God’s sky. If that be the case, how vast then should the firmament be that upholds the stars, and how inexplicable Heaven should be!

c) The Holy Spirit, God’s ‘Rocket’ to Heaven Mankind has been privileged to watch the mighty rockets lifting up into space from NASA in USA. What an awesome sight, it is to watch a powerful rocket rising into the space, spitting fire and smoke all the way. It penetrates into space and reaches the point where the spaceship would be solely drawn by the gravitational force of the moon. By the same analogy, we need the mighty supernatural rocket called ‘The Holy Spirit’ to transport our human spirit (soul) to Heaven to have a glimpse of the ‘Abode of God’. Thank God, He, in His mercy, has graciously come forward to empower us with His mighty Holy Spirit to transport our human spirits (souls) to Heaven at His delight and pleasure so that we can have a real insight into Heaven.

d) The Inhabitants of Heaven (i) God Himself In Heaven there is a great person called GOD waiting to

receive us (John 4:24). Apostle Paul describes His magnificence in the Scripture verse: “…dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power” (I Timothy 6:15, 16) (ii) The Saints of God On the Mount of Transfiguration, Peter, the fisherman, a disciple of the Lord Jesus was transfixed looking at the ‘transfigured’ Jesus in His original Heavenly glory (Matthew 17:1–5). On both sides of the transfigured Jesus Christ,

appeared two acclaimed prophets of God, Elijah and Moses. Elijah was translated into Heaven in flesh and blood (II Kings 2:11). Moses had died like any other man and was buried by God Himself (Deuteronomy 34:6). Yet, when he and Elijah appeared before the physical and natural eyes of Peter, both were visible and identifiable in their appearance equally. It must be understood that all the inhabitants of Heaven who have gone from this earth could still be easily recognized and identified as they would continue to retain the

personality in which they had lived in this world, even after their death also. Although our precious Lord is in His glorified body, yet He appeared to be in flesh and blood after His resurrection according to Luke 24:39,40. Yes, Heaven is a wonderful place. In Heaven every soul would be lost uninterrupted with joy unspeakable and full of glory all the time. While reading this book, these little helpful keys should be kept in mind so that the Holy Spirit would be able to reveal the real Heaven to you without any bias or prejudice.

Do not fail to get a copy of the book, ‘An Insight into Heaven’, and read it in full. To get a copy you can send the amount in favour of “True Friend Management Support Services”, through money order/demand draft to, 72, Rajaji Salai, Chennai - 600 001 and get it by post. For more details, contact: +91 73387 93939 Email: For online orders: This book is available in Tamil, English, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Gujarati & Assamese. (Rs.165/- including postal charges) - July2018 JESUS CALLS



he messages, prayers, and songs of Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, and family, recorded in audio and video forms using the technology prevalent those days have almost worn out. Hence, we are in the process of digitizing, restoring them with the latest technology. We are also collecting, filing and preserving the old issues of Jesus Calls magazines, photographs of Prayer Festivals and other events etc.. so that they could be utilized in the future. We thank God for loved ones like you who have liberally sent your offerings towards this project. The CDs (songs and messages), audio and video cassettes, recording of God’s miracles and testimonies witnessed through the Jesus Calls ministry are currently being categorized under various topics. This will enable generations to enjoy the blessings through messages that were preached powerfully even a few decades back. These messages comfort and transform the countless number of broken-hearted people. This project involves the investment of the following technologies: ď † Post-production online editing suite 24

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 Media Asset Management -MAM, to integrate all the archived and current contents  Metadata labelling for categorization and classification for easy retrieval and use  Automated Robotic Library

The Lord has helped us to acquire an Automated Robotic Tape Library through your kind donations. But, we need to purchase the other specialized equipments to restore and preserve the old messages as well as continue the digital conversion works. You have enabled us to digitize nearly 10,500 audio and 52,000 video messages. However, 3,500 audio and 15,000 video messages are yet to be digitized. We request you to kindly support us in this great project.

We will see how the Lord has touched Mrs. Hepzibah Beulah from Dharapuram who has been associated with Jesus Calls Ministries. She writes, “I am a Jesus Calls partner for a long time and have been tremendously blessed. Through the prayers of Jesus Calls, immediately after my marriage, my husband got a permanent job posting as a teacher. My sister–in- law became a Jesus Calls Ambassador and I am also conducting Esther Prayer Group in my area. We are partners in the Family Blessing Plan, Seesha and our children in Young Partners Plan. God has blessed us with a beautiful house and protected us thus far. Once, as I was watching a Jesus Calls TV program, I saw a family testifying on how God has been good to them and gave a vow offering as promised. Following that, there was an appeal to give for the Digitization facet to conserve the message tapes of the Dhinakarans. This inspired me and I too prayed making a vow to give my wedding chain for the appeal to conserve the message tapes of the past through digitization. I went to the Prayer Tower and gave my chain as an offering for the Digitization facet. Because of that, God has blessed our family and I thank the Lord Almighty who has led us in miraculous ways, healing us, protecting us and blessing us thus far through this wonderful ministry.”


My donation of Rs.500/- to digitize one audio message My donation of Rs.3,000 to digitize one video message My donation of Rs.15,000 to digitize five video messages My donation of Rs.30,000 to digitize ten video messages I would like to make an offering of Rs.................../- to digitize ..........Audio / Video messages Simple ways to send your offering, kindly refer page 23 - July2018 JESUS CALLS



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During the Esther Prayer Group time, the entire time should be spent only for prayer and not for God’s message and conducting worship. First of all the theme song of the Esther Prayer Group should be sung after which everyone should enter into the prayer time. (Everyone should have memorized this song). As soon as the singing is over, one person should start praying with the presence of God and others should pray along with her. Everyone should get filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit right from the beginning. Only then our prayers would be answered immediately. The 20 prayer points should be prayed for not less than 2 hours. Testimonies through the Esther Prayer Group could be shared at the end. While praying for the 20 prayer points, you must compulsorily use the verses given for each point. At the end, start praising God loudly believing that the Lord has heard your 30

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prayers. Some people pray with a couple of sisters for a particular day and invite another two for another day. Thus they pray with two people each time. No dear ones, when 8 people join together on a particular day and pray with one accord in the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord changes it into a blessing. Next, some people are unable to pray on some months, owing to certain reasons. So they want to know if they can stop conducting the prayer. We should fulfil the Lord’s work in all reverence, without giving first place to things such as the world and the flesh, thus despising the Lord’s work and His will and thereby stop conducting the Esther Prayer Group. We should work diligently, keeping in mind that this is God’s ministry. Some people fail to understand the importance of

the Esther Prayer Group and stop conducting it even for some trivial matter in the family. The Lord has given this ministry in your hands as a prayer ministry. So when the day of prayer arrives, you should give importance to it and act in reverence. As much as possible do not give room for other things, on that day. If there is no other way, you should make arrangements for some other sister to conduct the prayer on that day. As much as possible, try to gather and pray on the day promised by you.

help of God work in reverence to start many more groups. The Lord’s coming is very near.

We need to further expand this divine ministry given by the Lord. So do not stop with conducting only one Esther Prayer Group. Wherever you go, please tell about the Esther Prayer Group, Junior Esther Prayer Group, Youth Esther Prayer Group and Couples’ Esther Prayer Group to others and with the

Sister Stella Dhinakaran: Sis. Esther Aruldoss said, “I go to several places for ministry. I share about the Esther Prayer Group to the pastor of the church in that respective place and try to start the prayer there; particularly, I encourage them to start the Youth Esther Prayer Group”. So, if the Lord speaks in your heart, you may also do that.

Every month we send the Esther Prayer Group prayer points to each leader by post or Email. Once we get the report that you send after conducting the prayer for that month, we immediately send you the prayer points for the next month. Some sisters tell us over the phone that they had not received the prayer points sent by post. In order that everyone who conducts the Esther Prayer Group should conduct it without any hindrance and to help you avoid missing out the prayer points we send these prayer points every month to the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers, 15 days ahead. Every month, we prepare these prayer points with great burden and reverence and send them to you. However, some sisters get the prayer points directly from their nearby Prayer Tower even without sending us the report and do not send us the report again. You should be diligent to clearly write the report with godly fear within two days of conducting the

Be diligent to please the Lord through your good works, good testimony, holiness that God loves and through manifesting the love of Christ and be an example. Then you would shine for the Lord’s glory. Question: In case we want to start new prayer group, should we start it in our local area only? You may start the Esther Prayer Group in whichever place you want.

prayer and send it to us. Some people say that they do not have the report form or that they had not received it. Even if you do not get the form or the cover we send you, you may write down the report in detail in another paper addressing it to ‘Esther Prayer Group’ and send us the report every month without fail. Many send the report to us by post or Email. They mention only their Esther Prayer Group number or name. Some people send the report without mentioning their name. Some others do not write any detail in their email but ask for the prayer points. So it is difficult for us to find out from whom the letter or email has come. We are unable to contact them through phone also. Some people fail to inform us of their change in phone number. Hence we are forced to waste lot of time. Hence, every month the Esther Prayer Group leaders should send your report to the Esther Prayer Group office. When you send your report by post or - July2018 JESUS CALLS


email, you must write your name, your group number, the date of conducting the prayer, the number of people who attended and in what language you would like to receive your prayer points, your full address, and phone number. In case your email ID or address is changed, you must clearly write to us your new ID and the old as well as new address. Only then it would be easy for us to reply you on time, without any undue delay. Some people contact us only on the morning of the

Esther Prayer Group prayer and inform us “We have not received the prayer points. So, please send it immediately”. It would be good if you avoid asking for the prayer points at the last minute. If you receive the prayer points for the next month well in advance, it would help you to prepare well for the prayer. Every month, we mention our contact numbers and Email ID at the end of the prayer points in order to help you contact us for any help. All the Esther Prayer Group leaders should have the contact telephone number of the Esther Prayer Group department.

Some sisters provide food for those who attend the prayer. One particular sister offered food for the members because of which she had to face problems from her husband. Eventually she could not even get permission to conduct the prayer. So, you should be careful in this. Many conduct the prayer with fasting. If you do so, the prayer would be much effective.

Question: I do not ask for offering since many who attend my group are poor. I send only my offering. Can I ask offering from them? If you wish, you may collect offering from others just as how Sis. Leela Sampath collects offering using hundi. It is the individual’s wish to give offering. Let them give on their own and so do not compel anyone. Question: I had sent my report last month. I would always keep the offering inside the report cover and directly hand over it. So I used to get the reply immediately. However last month I kept the offering along with the report and sent it by post. But I did not get any reply from you. Esther Prayer Group leaders! Do not send the offering by post, keeping it in a cover. As per the postal law, it is not right. Question: Every month, I conduct the Esther Prayer Group on the first Saturday and send the offering by Money Order. This month you had given ‘Karunya Nagar’ address in the self addressed M.O Form. Please let me know the details. Esther Prayer Group office is functioning in Chennai. So, you may send all your letters or offerings to the Chennai address. 32

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*If at all you do not have any place to conduct the Esther Prayer Group you may approach the administrator in your nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, discuss with him and choose a particular time which is convenient to them (when there are no other meetings in that Prayer Tower) and conduct the Esther Prayer Group that time. The administrators of the Prayer Towers are willing to help you in this regard.

Finally an important thing! For your prayer ministry to be conducted in an excellent manner, seek the presence of the Lord with reverence. Before conducting the prayer, fast and pray with burden for its blessing and that many people should attend it. The Lord would surely give the due reward for that.

Mrs. Vidi Kingsley (Zone - I Leader) The Esther Prayer Groups of the Chennai district have been divided into 9 zones and I am the leader of the first zone. First of all, along with the three Coordinators given to me, we, as sisters, got to know the leaders of the Esther Prayer Group, their address, telephone number and contacted them over the phone. Next, the four of us have formed four divisions and are contacting the Esther Prayer Group leaders through phone to know whether they conduct the prayer group on that respective month or not and thus we encourage them. Many do conduct the Esther Prayer Group. However, after the prayer is over, they fail to send back the report form duly filled to the Jesus Calls EPG department that

very month itself, since they are unaware of it. Every month we send them the prayer points with promise verse. We encourage the leaders to conduct the prayer with that and guide them as to how they should fill the report form soon after the prayer is over. Many say that they do not get the prayer points. In that case, we directly hand over the prayer points to them and make them conduct the prayer without fail. Also, with prayers we are taking efforts to form at least two prayer groups in each place. We inquire of people whom we meet as to whether they are conducting the Esther Prayer Group or whether they are attending it and thus encourage them to attend the Esther Prayer Group in their nearby area by giving them the address. We also tell them to start doing

ministry for the Lord by gathering 8 sisters who have thirst for prayer in their locality and form the group. By such encouragement the Lord is helping us to form new groups. Some sisters say that they could not conduct the group because of sickness. They thus stop doing the ministry. However we encourage them by telling that it is a ministry given by the Lord and that they should not despise it and that He would bless them if they continue conducting the group. So, the Lord helps them to conduct the prayer the next month. In some places it is difficult to find the addresses of the Esther Prayer Groups. The reason, they do not inform us of their change in address or telephone number. Yet, I take much effort to meet them in person no matter where they are - July2018 JESUS CALLS


– in a hut or in a big house. The burden of my soul is that all the addresses should be traced and to know why they had stopped conducting the prayer and thus encourage them to restart the group. The Lord is helping me in this regard. Not only that, every month, as leaders, we gather in the Anna Nagar Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, discuss about what we would be doing the next month and pray much and encourage each other. Apart from Anna Nagar, 17 areas have also been given to us. Once in two weeks, we visit places such as Villivakkam, Ayanavaram, Perambur, and Koratur, meet the leaders and encourage them to continue with the ministry and form many more groups too. In the year 2015, 20 groups out of the 46 groups given to me, were not conducting the prayer. The Lord helped us to revive those groups and has also increased the number of groups to 100. The Lord is miraculously helping us to form new Prayer Groups in every place given in our zone. The lesson that we have learnt from the Esther Prayer Group is that’ first of all we should commit ourselves’. The Lord desires commitment. He sees whether we are faithful in that and whether we have the desire for that. We need to go out and work towards this. If we are unable to contact through telephone we should be able to meet the leaders in person and encourage 34

them. He, who said "Every place on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours’ paves ways to somehow conduct the prayer in the respective places. Thirdly, we should show love to the Esther Prayer Group leaders. When we tell them, ‘You are praying for others and we are praying for you’ and thus encourage them, the Lord helps us to form new groups through them. Thus the Lord has formed many new groups. Recently I suffered from knee pain as a result of which I could not do the ministry properly. One day when I took the Bible and read it, the Lord showed me a warning verse which said, ‘With whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness?’ Immediately I fell at His feet and rededicated myself for the ministry, crying out to Him telling, ‘Lord, You trusted me with this prayer ministry. Give me the strength to do this”. Yes, weakness may assail us. Yet when we pray to the Lord, He would help us to continue with the ministry. The Lord also gave me another warning verse in Matthew 21:43 which says, ‘the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it’. If we, the leaders of the group fail to do this Lord given ministry, He would remove it from us and give it to others who bear the right fruits. Hence, when we do this ministry with commitment, eagerness and with love, the Lord would com-

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mand increase. I give millions of praises to the Lord.

Esther Aruldoss, Group Leader, Chennai. The vessel in the hand of the Master We read in the Bible that there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay. Whatever it is, if it is in the hands of the Master it will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work’ (II Timothy 2:20,21). Who and what we are is not important. Rather, whether we are useful to God is important. This is what the Esther Prayer Group teaches us. We the leaders of the Esther Prayer Group are of different kinds. We have joined the group in different ways. Yet, we are in the hand of the Master. It is the Lord who has brought us today into His presence. I always used to carry the Esther Prayer Group prayer points in my bag. Wherever I go for ministry, I give these prayer points to the sister who has organized the meeting or the wife of that particular church pastor or his daughter and ask them to conduct the Esther Prayer Group in their place. I never come back without sharing this. The reason, this is not merely the burden of our dear mother but it is a duty that has fallen upon each one of us. Once we have prayed, ‘Lord, bless all the women’. But these days, the prayer points which reach our hands from dear mother Stella

Dhinakaran make us weep. Hence, those who receive these prayer points are surprised whether it is really possible to pray like this. There are sisters who pray, basing on the Scripture verses. They too wonder, ‘Are there such people who can pray claiming the Scriptures?’ Many sisters do offer prayers on the basis of the Scriptures. Once, I had been to Thirupathur concerning a matter related to my husband’s job. I was thinking to myself that unlike in Chennai, there was no Esther Prayer Group in Thirupathur. One day I visited a departmental store where I met a sister. I asked her if she was a Christian and when she said ‘Yes”, I told her that I would visit her the next day. I went to her place and shared with her about the Esther Prayer Group. Immediately she agreed and started the prayer group. Yes, the Esther Prayer Group leaders are very near us. The coming of the Lord is very near. Before His coming, we need to raise many Esther Prayer Group leaders. I have shifted 15 houses so far. The Lord has enabled me to raise 15 Esther Prayer Group leaders near those houses. I started an Esther Prayer Group in Hosur. That church pastor’s wife attended the prayer group. She had shared about this to her husband and had said, ‘The sisters of the Esther Prayer Group are praying on their knees”. As a result, he was burdened for women

and wrote a book titled, “War on Knees’. Dear mother wrote the foreword for this book which has now been published. The Lord touched that leader and now three groups are functioning there. I had gone to Trichy for the sake of ministry. By the grace of God, the Lord gave me the grace to start 10 Esther Prayer Groups in those 40 days of time. By His immense grace we are running a church. Though I had started Esther Prayer Groups in several places, we are also conducting 2 groups in our church. Every week, after the Sunday service, we conduct the Esther Prayer Group. The fire of prayer catches us and the Lord leads the believers in burden. There were many groups that had been stopped. I am a slightly weak vessel and as such wondered how I would meet those prayer groups. The Lord removed a sister who had stopped conducting the prayer and set up another sister with burden for prayer. A sister who is my neighbour did not conduct the prayer for four months. But she came for the prayer. After the prayer I asked her if she was willing to resume conducting the prayer in her place. Immediately she agreed. Thus it is our ministry to find out the leaders who have stopped conducting the prayer. Rather than complaining that so and so are not conducting the Esther Prayer Group, when we ask God to raise up another person, He does it. The Lord has thus given me the privilege of doing this kind of min-

istry. The more I do ministry along with the Esther Prayer Groups, the more my spiritual life is growing. Every time when I read the prayer points sent by dear mother, it comes as a message to me. I write it down and memorize the Bible verses quoted there. The message that I glean from them moulds me. It forms the groups and moulds others also. I consider it a great privilege to do the Esther Prayer Group ministry along with dear mother. This is an accountability given in our hands. Just as how Mordecai said to Esther ‘"For if you remain completely silent at this time, you and your father's house will perish’ if we do not pray, destruction would befall families and our nation. However, through the Esther Prayer Group the Lord has given us the accountability to pray with burden for children, families and for the nation. I thank the dear Lord who thus moulds us and leads us in prayer.

Alice Prabhakar, Group Leader, Chennai. It was a great burden for me when Sister Stella Dhinakaran appointed me as the Coordinator of a zone of the Esther Prayer Group. Every day, as dear sister has told us how we should claim the verses every day, I too claim the verses ‘I can do all things through Christ - July2018 JESUS CALLS


who strengthens me’ and ‘the Lord is with me as a mighty, awesome One’. It is the Lord who is with me as the Mighty one and is doing mighty deeds through me. He has given me wonderful sisters to do this ministry along with me. Sister Stella Dhinakaran said, ‘Most importantly you should revive the groups that have stopped praying. This alone would make me happy”. Accordingly, when we first meet the group leaders who have left conducting the prayer, initially they would give excuses such as, ‘I can’t do it; nobody would turn up in our house; I am going for work; I don’t have time’ and so on. Yet, when we tell them, ‘The Lord has called you for this ministry. He, who has called, is faithful. He would lead you. We would also pray for you’, they get encouraged and continue with this ministry. Since the Lord has given us much burden to revive the groups that have left, He instantly works in their hearts even when we talk to them. Recently, a young girl, who had been conducting the Youth Esther Prayer Group had stopped the prayer for several years. When we spoke to her, she said, “Now I don’t have the time; I conducted the prayer when I was very young. Now I am going to college”. I suggested that she could have it on any holiday for which she said, ‘No, I don’t have any holidays; Sunday is the only holiday but that day I would be involved with church activities”. However, I insisted and re36

minded her of the verse, ‘"No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God" and encouraged her saying that God would give her the strength and that we would pray for her. She finally agreed and promised to conduct the prayer group from that month. Another sister stopped the group saying that she was in financial problem and that she could not conduct the prayer. When we encouraged her to continue with the prayer group and assured her that the Lord would be with her and help her, she was encouraged. Thus the Lord is leading the ministry. We are able to continue with the ministry purely by the grace of God and by the prayers of dear sister. The Lord has enabled us to revive 18 groups that had stopped praying. I thank the Lord whole heartedly for this.

Sarojini Gopi, Group Leader, Coimbatore. I am a teacher. Now I am 75 years old. I started the Esther Prayer Group for the first time in 1998 when I was in Gudalur, Nilgiris. 40 sisters attended the prayer. I was greatly encouraged by this. Seeing my activeness, those in the estates, who never knew how to pray, learnt to pray. They started reading the Bible also. I continued this ministry till my retirement. Then I shifted to Coimbatore. Here again I started Esther Prayer Groups. I am very much enthusiastic

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about this ministry. Since my age is advancing I would think of closing this ministry and inform dear mother about this; yet I would not be able to put it in writing. The Lord is encouraging me by reminding me the verse, ‘They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing’. From Coimbatore I shifted to Kerala since I got a job as the Manager of a Hostel. There I started the Esther Prayer Group. Without commitment we can never start the Esther Prayer Group. We should hand over everything to the Lord. God has made me, an unworthy person, into a worthy woman and has established me in this Esther Prayer Group. Dear mother stands behind us and is sowing in tears. ‘Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy’. Inspired by dear mother I continue this ministry with zeal and work tirelessly. Without giving lame excuses and without giving room for discouragement I personally visit houses and introduce the Esther Prayer Group. I introduce it to the women whom I meet in the market places - fish markets and vegetable markets. In the church too I mingle with sisters and encourage them to start the Esther Prayer Group. There are two groups in Periyanayakanpalayam and 12 groups in Coimbatore. By the grace of God these groups are increasing. When we commit ourselves for the Lord, the ministry too would

increase. We, the Esther Prayer Group leaders are servants in the garden of God. You, who conduct this group should multiply and increase. You should have a desire for prayer. You need a growth in your spiritual life. You should also be filled with the Holy Spirit. Only then the groups would increase. I have begun Children’s ministry also. Praise be to the Lord for His mercies.

Every Group may support the Esther Prayer Group thru’ offering I am a retired bank officer. Since I worked in a bank I always used to have a thought in me as to how to meet the needs. Hence, I wondered how I could meet the needs of the ministry through the Esther Prayer Group conducted by me. So I got a hundi box for every sister in my group

and encouraged them to collect offerings for the Lord every month and also give on their own as much as they could. I also advised them to pray at least for five minutes for the Esther Prayer Group. I further told them, “Bring the hundi box when the prayer is conducted every month. I would open the hundi box right in front of you, count the amount and send it to Sister Stella Dhinakaran for the Esther Prayer Group ministry’. Everyone cheerfully started collecting offerings in the hundi box. I have been doing this for the past three or more years. Every month I am collecting nearly Rs. 5,000/- through the group and am sending it for the needs of the ministry. Dear Esther Prayer Group leaders, everyone can do this offering ministry. The Lord has said that we should not go empty handed to His presence. So when you go for prayer, bring an offering for the

Lord. You may follow my method and support this ministry through your group. When dear mother is travelling to many places at this age and is doing the ministry with great difficulty, isn’t it necessary for us to support the ministry thus, even while staying at home? Won’t the ministry grow further because of that? Also, dear mother has written several books. How many of you have bought and read these books? Have you introduced them to others? Coming to know of others’ problems, encourage them to buy these books and to pray, holding on to the promise verses quoted there. For example, introduce the book, “Fruit of the womb’ to those who do not have a child and it would be of great blessing to many. Tell your group members also about this. I hope you would accept my small suggestion and follow it. - Leela Sampath, Chennai.

Glory to God for His marvellous deeds through the Esther Prayer Group leaders! Junior Esther Prayer Group (JEPG): Young children (7 years to 15 years) may gather as 4 or more children and pray for 1 hour every month for the 10 prayer points that would be sent to you.

Couples’ Esther Prayer Group (CEPG): As couples, you may gather as 4 or more couples and pray for 1 hour every month for the 10 prayer points sent by us. My Dear sisters, If the Spirit of the Lord prompts you or young girls / children / Couples to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or Junior Esther Prayer Group or Couples Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women/ young girls/children/couples in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. These are the end times. Make use of this time. Let us hasten to build the Lord’s kingdom.

Contact Address: Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: - July2018 JESUS CALLS



oday, this is the word of the Lord given to us. ‘The har vest is truly plentiful but the labourers are few’. There are nearly 4000 leaders in our Esther Prayer Group. However, only 1200 leaders are conducting the group regularly and continually. Today, in actuality, there are so many problems in families because of women. There is no peace in families; once the son gets married and daughter-in-law enters into the family, only very few mothers-inlaw accept her with divine love. Yet, the Lord has given us this Esther Prayer Group to transform us from all such shortcomings.


In the Bible, while we see the experiences of the disciples, it could be seen that Peter was trembling with fear on several occasions. When Jesus asked His disciples to ‘gather and pray’ (Acts 1:4,5), they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and prayed (Acts 2:1-4); in the 3rd chapter we read that through them the same divine power that was manifested from Jesus was revealed. This is how all of us who are gathered today should be transformed. Today, the lives of women are ruined because of worldly lusts. The Lord should touch them through you; they should be led to-

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wards the experience of salvation (I Timothy 2:4). When we see the Samaritan woman we read that she had five husbands and that the one she had then was not her husband (John 4:16-18). These days, this is how lot of women live as they like, out of the lust of the eye, flesh and the pride of life. Some young girls used to write to me saying, ‘Mother, I have repeatedly committed a mistake. Now I am going to get married. What should I do? Please pray for me”. The Lord has chosen us, the Esther Prayer Group prayer warriors to direct such women and

bring them to the Lord. This is what harvest is! Praying in the Esther Prayer Group is not merely a duty. Rather it is for transforming the perishing souls into His own people and to harvest the souls! The Lord has given us such kind of ministry. Until now how many souls have we harvested through the nearly 4000 Esther Prayer Groups? We have been conducting the Esther Prayer Group since the past 30 years. How many of you are conducting this Esther Prayer Group faithfully and sincerely and doing the Lord’s service through that? Just think. The Bible says, ‘...that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God’ (Colossians 4:12). What is the will of God? How should I conduct this Esther Prayer Group? How to harvest through that? - We need to learn this. In 1988, I was heartbroken and in grief as I had lost my daughter. That time the Lord showed me two women who were chatting and laughing and asked me who would tell about Him to such women. At once, we, as few sisters gathered and started praying for the transformation of such women. Through that today, thousands of women have received the Lord’s salvation and the blessings of truth. When you conduct the group, you should do it with all your strength as the Bible says, ‘Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might’ (Ecclesiastes 9:10). The reason, the coming of the Lord is very near and He would

take only those who have the anointing of the Holy Spirit to His glory. That’s why the Bible says, ‘…redeeming the time, because the days are evil’ (Ephesians 5:16). Each one of you has been called to get filled with the Holy Spirit. Let us meditate elaborately on how to accomplish this.

Firstly, ‘"Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish’ (Matthew 18:14) ‘who (He) desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth’ (I Timothy 2:4). According to the above verses, it is not the will of God that even a single woman of this world should get perished. So we should think how to do this through the Esther Prayer Group and where to go and harvest. Once, I had been to the place called Rajapalayam in Tamil Nadu, to attend a wedding. That time I wanted to meet the sisters of the Esther Prayer Groups in that area and had made arrangements for that. However I could not go there on time and was delayed. Yet with thirst, some of the sisters were waiting for me, with their babies in their arms, for several hours. ‘All men (women) should be saved’. Wherever you go - even if it is a wedding - on seeing the women, you should have the urge to pray for their salvation. This is the thirst for harvesting souls. You too should raise up many for the

Lord. This is the greatest accountability that God has given you. The Lord Jesus Christ lived as an example for us in everything. He accomplished the will of the Father (John 19:30). According to Hebrews 5:7, He offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him. Knowing that the sins and transgressions of the people would be forgiven only if He was broken and bruised on the cross, He prayed thus to fulfil it. In that case, for the salvation of every woman, we should wait at the feet of the Lord and pray. Your prayer life should completely change. For that, you should first of all confess all the shortcomings in your life. Get reconciled with the Lord by removing all the things that are displeasing to God. Then He would bring plenty of women to your group. This is the Lord’s ministry. This is the harvest, pleasing to God. Next, before conducting the Esther Prayer Group, pray to the Lord. First of all you should be on fire in the spirit. On seeing you praying in the spirit, the sisters of your group too would get filled with the Spirit and be on fire. The Lord would grant reverence and zeal to everyone. In Brother Dhinakaran’s life, he would suddenly receive calls from the Karunya Engineering College at nights. They would say, ‘Tomorrow this much of amount should be paid for this...’ He would kneel down in prayer at 11 O’ Clock in that night and - July2018 JESUS CALLS


pray to the Lord. He would finish his prayer only by 4 O’ Clock in the morning. This is the true burden for harvest. That is why the Lord used Him mightily in His ministry. Though David was a king of a nation, he says, ‘When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches’ (Psalm 63:6) and ‘I have set the LORD always before me’ (Psalm 16:8). Yes, he spent much time in seeking God. Only when we too thus pray diligently we can harvest many women for the Lord.

What should we do to have such kind of prayer life? “Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!” (Psalm 27:14). When Bro. Dhinakaran used to return home at night after finishing his job in the bank, somebody would have given him his/ her prayer request. Though he used to come home dead tired, he would change his dress and start praying immediately. The Lord Jesus Christ too was like that. On several occasions He sought the face of the Father to accomplish His will in His life and to be an example. We read about Deborah in the Book of Judges. Like us, she too was a family woman. Yet, she was the only woman Judge among the


Israelites. Filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, she had the gift of prophecy. She used to tell others about what God revealed. She asks Barak, the commander of the Israelite army to go and fight against the King of Canaan and he says, "If you will go with me, then I will go!"(Judges 4:8). The reason why the commander of an army should thus give her respect was that the Spirit of God was in her. She was led by God. Accordingly the Lord would give His Holy Spirit to everyone who seeks Him with desire. He would give His gifts and power. You have a great role in this harvest. When you keep this in your mind and pray with burden asking the Lord what He wants you to do, He would reveal His will to you. When you, the Esther Prayer Group leaders, are thus formed, He would mould the women who pray with you. My dear sisters, realize how important you are to the Lord. The Lord would give us His power and gifts to do His ministry. "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him’ (II Chronicles 16:9). He gives His power and gifts to those whose heart is loyal to Him. How is your heart? That is why the Bible says, ‘a little leaven leavens the whole lump’ (I Corinthians 5:6). Our life too is like that. Throw away the old characteristics and plead to the Lord saying, ‘Lord, this leaven is in me.

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Remove all these from me and cleanse me’. The Lord will deliver you and sanctify you. Once I spoke about two specific Esther Prayer Groups to a particular person. After hearing me that person said, ‘Oh, both of them hate each other; it is impossible to unite them…” This is the leavened. Today, in the Christian world, even those who do the Lord’s ministry have such bitterness, rifts and the thoughts of being greater than the other. Hence, revival gets hindered. My dear ones, if there is such leaven in your life, throw it off and become a new creation. Sanctify yourself since ‘cleansing’ is very important for harvesting. Only then there would be ways for God’s power and gifts to operate from you. For seven long years, Bro. Dhinakaran waited at the feet of the Lord, with a loyal heart to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Every day he used to read the Bible diligently and meditate on it as a result of which he had the ‘thirst’ and ‘desire’ to compulsorily receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. He prayed unceasingly with zeal and desire that the Lord should give him His power. One day, he had 20 minutes left to go to office and he wanted to spend ten minutes in prayer and reach the office in the next ten minutes. He began to pray and it was at that time, the Spirit of God took him in the spirit to heaven for the first time. It was a time when son Paul was

born. He could have easily spent those 20 minutes in playing with him. But he did not do that and instead sought the Lord. Because of that genuine desire, he got that divine experience. God asked him, ‘What do you want?’ He said, ‘I need the gifts of the Holy Spirit”. The Lord further asked him, ‘Do you want the gifts? Or do you want the Lord who gives you the gifts?’ As per the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he said, ‘Lord, I want You only”. Since that day, the Lord’s gifts began to operate in his life and the ministry multiplied.

Songs 7:11-13). Likewise, you too should call unto the Lord. Pray to Him saying, ‘Lord, come into me. Grant me the divine life of blossoming and spreading fragrance. Lead me in such a way that all the things that I do would be pleasing and useful to You’. One day, after Bro. Dhinakaran passed away, I wept bitterly unable to bear the grief of his loss. After that the Holy Spirit undertook my life.

Such kind of fragrant life would bring rich harvest. Hence, examine whether your life is full of fruits for the Lord. After the passing away of Bro. Dhinakaran, God has led me to fulfil many ministries according to His will, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Likewise, you, the Esther Prayer Group leaders should also get filled with the anointing and commit yourself to reverentially accomplish this harvesting ministry.

My dear sisters, such blessing would be there in your life too. When you ask with thirst, the Lord would give you that blessing. Believing that you have received it, do what you can do, with faithfulness, for the harvesting. The Samaritan woman came to the Lord as a sinner. But when she went back, she had received salvation and went as an evangelist. The reason was the spiritual thirst that she had in her. Accordingly, every one of us needs to have that thirst. We have come to the last days. So, do not waste your time. Ask with reverence, ‘Lord, what do You want me to do?” The Lord would strengthen you, and do great and mighty things through you. He will increase your harvest. The Lord will change your life into a sweet smelling aroma – He would change your life into a useful one for other women. The Shulamite invites saying ‘Come, my beloved’ (Song of - July2018 JESUS CALLS


1.Who ways are before whose eyes? What will He do? 2.How will it be for those who fear whom? Before whom? 3.What will you ask of me? Concerning whom? Concerning what? What should you do? 4.When should you seek and whom? What should you do while He is where? 5.During which seasons, how should you be? Who has appointed the one as well as the other? Why ? 6.Who will be known among whom? Who are they among whom their offspring will be known? Who shall acknowledge them? In what way? 7.Who has been named already? Who can he not contend with? 8.From what does one turn away his ear? How will his prayer be? 9.What should come? What should it do? Who will come to his garden? What will he eat? 10.Whose ways please whom? Who does He make to be at peace with him?

ANSWERS MUST REACH US BEFORE JULY 20, 2018 Address: Bible Quiz – 77 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ – 75 1. Ezra, the Lord God of Israel had given and he was skilled scribe in the Law of Moses. The hand of the Lord His God was upon him, The king granted him all his request (Ezra 7:6). 2. Esther, obeyed the command of Mordecai, had not yet revealed her kindred and her people (Esther 2:20). 3. Haman prepared the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the king’s wrath got subsided (Esther 7:10). 4. The hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to do this good work (Nehemiah 2:18). 5. Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Jeshua the son of Jozadak rose up and began to build the house of God which is in Jerusalem; and the prophets of God were with them, helping them (Ezra 5:2). 6. I gave the charge of Jerusalem to my brother Hanani and Hananiah the leader of the citadel, for he was a faithful man and feared God more than many (Nehemiah 7:2). 7. All the officials of the provinces, the satraps, the governors and all those doing the king's work, helped the Jews. The fear of Mordecai fell upon them (Esther 9:3). 8. Because of the transgression of those who had been carried away captive, everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel assembled to me. I sat astonished until the evening sacrifice (Ezra 9:4). 9. The heads of the father’s houses of all the people, with the priests and Levites; to understand the words of the Law, were gathered to Ezra, the scribes (Nehemiah 8:13). 10. Since the people shouted with a loud shout, and the sound was heard afar off. But the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people (Ezra 3:13).

BIBLE QUIZ NO.75 WINNERS Chennai: Suchetha Francies Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy Andhra: J. Thanuja, T. S. Shalini Raj, A. Dhatrika Telangana: M. Krupa Kumari Tagore, P. H. Swarna Vidyullatha, P. Vinay Mahimakar, Renuka Perumal, D. Sunanda Sunder, Dr. Samuel Rajendram Maisa, Karnataka: K. Dhanamani 42

JESUS CALLS July 2018 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(s) Dn/ 513/2018-2020 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/wpp-156/2018-2020 Published before 22nd of every month


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