Jesus Calls (English) - March 2017

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to the address: Karunya Educational & Research Trust , 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email: Website: - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


Hello Friend, Let me turn your focus to a few unfailing promises of God for you in this month: “And He will love you and bless you and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land, your grain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flock, in the land of which He swore to your fathers to give you” (Deuteronomy 7:13) “And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.” (Genesis 17:2) “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20 ) It is wonderfully stated in Ephesians 3:20 which says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” The same verse 4

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gives a clearer and deepermeaning in the Amplified version which says, “Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely be-

yond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us.” Yes! My friend! The blessings and promises of the Lord makes us marvel! The Lord is saying to

you now, “My son; My daughter! I am going to give you exceeding abound and increase in abundance in this month and in the months to come”. Yes! My friend! Even as you are reading this message, this blessing that would make you abound in abundance will come upon you. You need to also note that the devil also knows that the Lord is going to bless you with the blessing that will make you abound. So even before this abundant blessing would come upon us he brings in abundant tribulations and sufferings upon us. He is going to bring a beast that will exceeding in abundant terribleness against the children of God; against the nation of Israel. (Daniel 7:19). We are going to enter such days very soon. How does the satan work? The devil took Jesus to a mountain peak in order to tempt Him (Matthew 4:8). Yes! When he makes people sin, he takes them to the peak of sin and makes them commit huge and atrocious sins. (Ezekiel 9:9) He did the same in the lives of Shadrack, Meshak and Abednego. He brought in an abounding problem by causing the King to punish them by throwing them into a furnace of fire. The King Nebuchadnezzar increased the fire by 7 times. The furnace was superheated against these children of God (Daniel 3:22). This is how evil people will work against the children of God. Yes! They will conspire a super – heated furnace of fire to burn them down to ashes. This is the work of the devil.

The same thing happened for Joseph too. He was obedient to his father. His Father loved him more than all his other sons. He gave him a multi-coloured tunic. When his brothers saw how much the father loved him above all of them they began to hate him. Joseph saw a dream and told that to his brothers. And that made his brothers grow even more jealous against him and hate him even more. (Gen 37:4,5). When God gave him visions he informed that to everyone. Upon the word of his father he took bread to all his brothers. But the brothers conspired against him to kill him. They threw him into a pit after which he was sold as a slave. He worked there faithfully as a slave. Then he remained faithful to his master by refusing to fall into sin. But eventually he only had prison as his reward. What a great agony? This is the way that the devil brings next path against God’s children. King Herod was very furious that he was not able to kill Jesus. He was deceived by the wise men and therefore he sent out an order to kill all the kids who were below 2 years (Matthew 2:16). When Jesus was walking on this earth, when he came to the country of Gergesenes there met Him two demon-possessed men coming out of the tombs, exceedingly fierce, so that no one could pass that way. (Matthew 8:28). Yes! Those who are led by the devil are exceedingly fierce. All these are the terrible ways that the devil works. Since Jesus went through the sorrow and sufferings of the Cross,

He was able to say, “My heart is full of sorrow unto death” (Matthew 26:38). Are you going the same path of sorrow and suffering?But remember Jesus rose up in every situation. When the devil took Jesus to the peaks of the mountain and tempted him; Jesus too confronted him by the most powerful words of the scripture. The devil left Him immediately. When the inquities of this world increased in abundance, Jesus came for our sake and shed His blood. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7). Shadrack, Meshak and Abednego were thrown into the blazing fire but the son of the living God appeared amidst them in the fire. The flames of fire could not harm them in any way. (Daniel 3:25). When King Herod got furious the Lord sent His angel and saved the baby Jesus. (Matthew 2:19,20). In the same way He is sending an angel of the Lord for us too. He is guarding us in all our ways and He takes us to the God–destined place in our lives. (Exodus 23:20). The two people who were possessed by demons were fierce and terrible but Jesus said, “ In My Name you shall drive out demons”. (Mark 16:17)He says, “I come to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). Sorrow unto death may fill our hearts but the Lord says, “You shall see Me again and when you see me your sorrow shall be turned into joy” (John 16:20). Sorrow could have increased in your life but Jesus will arise in the middle of that - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


sorrow; He will arise in the midst of sin. The Lord will arise with you in the midst with you like the furnace of fire. The Lord will appear as the Word when the devil comes to test you and tempt you with huge temptations. Jesus is our refuge.In this world we have hope through Jesus Christ. Let us invite Him to dwell in our hearts. They put Joseph into prison, but the Holy Spirit in him and delivered him from the agony of prison. Holy Spirit rose amidst the evil people around him and brought him before the King. The Bible says, in Ecclesiastes 4:14, “For he comes out of prison to be king although he was born poor in his kingdom”. In the same way the Lord will deliver you from all bondages and struggles. He will lift you up to honour in the society, in your work spot and in the nation. the King Nebuchadnezzar said about Daniel that “The Spirit of the gods are in you”. (Daniel 4:9). What a wonder! When the Sprit of God is in us, whichever prison they put us into, God will turn the events upside down and make us rulers of the nation. As you are reading this message,that grace of the Lord is laying upon you now. In this month and in the months to come God will make you Kingdom people. Friend! Are you in a agony, feeling as though you are bound and put into the prison?Forgotten by everyone? Rejected and betrayed? God will fill you with the Holy Spirit. It is important to be filled with the Holy Spirit. You will automatically enter into the rulership. How much ever you push it into the water, a rubber ball,will bounce 6

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back in great speed because of the air inflated in it. In the same way the Holy Spiritwill bring you back from prison – like bondages, from all things that enslave you and also lift you up and make you be seated on the throne. Surely God will do this to you in the future. So let us plead unto God saying, “Lord! I surrender myself to you. Lord Jesus! Please fill me with your Holy Spirit”. Then, the Lord will bless you, make you increase with blessings and fill you with exceedingly abundant blessings. What are the blessings the Lord will give us?

Abundant Wisdom “And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore.” (1 Kings 4:29) God will give you too this abundant wisdom. Through that wisdom the Lord will lift you up and make you stand before kings.

Abundant Wealth “Hezekiah had very great riches and honor. And he made himself treasuries for silver, for gold, for precious stones, for spices, for shields, and for all kinds of desirable items;” (2 Chronicles 32:27)

Great riches, great honor Friend! Hezekiah built treasuries to contain the abundant wealth he had. To contain what God is going to give you; you need to build large treasures. Yes! That’s the extent to which God is going to bless you and give you exceedingly abundance and make you prosper. From this month onwards there is going to be abundant wealth and

abundant blessings in your family.

Abundant Gladness “For You have made him most blessed forever;You have made him exceedingly glad with Your presence.” (Psalm 21:6) The LORD will fill us with joy which comes by dwelling in His presence. But look at the interesting way in which the Scripture describes the joy. It says “exceedingly gladness”. Friend! Are you sitting in sorrow? The Lord will make His countenance shine upon you and fill you with exceeding and glorious gladness. He said, “You will see Me and your sorrow will be turned into joy”. Yes! I will send that grace upon you.

Abundant Help “So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.” (Ezekiel 37:10) “For at that time they came to David day by day to help him, until it was a great army, like the army of God.” (1 Chronicles 12:22) People came like an army and helped King David.In the same way my friend, people of large numbers will come to you from different directions and help you in your ministry. They will stand for God in this nation. Friend! we are not going to be alone anymore. Your family too is going to arise like an army and stand as a witness for the Lord. God will grant you this grace.

Abundant Souls “So the people of Nineveh

believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them.” (Jonah 3:5) The prophet Jonah ran against the command of God. There was a terrible storm in the sea. Jonah was already full of fear saying, “Oh! I have sinned against the Lord” Then he was thrown into the sea and a whale that was prepared by the Lord came and swallowed him. Then he came out of the belly of the fish and crossed the huge city called Nineveh in three days.He announces the warning of God to the entire city and won all the souls of the whole city for the Lord. Friend! The same thing is going to happen in your locality; your

neighborhood and your city. I believe the Lord is going to do such a miracle in your state. It is for this reason that servants of God gathered from many other parts of Tamilnadu and on 19 th of December 2016. There was such a beautiful harmony of so many churches, missionary organizations and denominations. They united their hearts together and prayed. When we pray for our locality and our city the Lord opens the heavens to bless the city, so that we can bring cities into the blessings and presence of our Lord and deliver the city from the famine that the devil is planning to bring, and usher the city into Gods’ blessings and abundant prosperity. The Lords hand will descend over our

city. This is the abundant blessing the Lord gives you today. Through you your family will be saved. The anointing of the Holy Spirit. will descend upon you.Our Lord will meet all your needs according to His riches in glory. The Lord will fill you with a wealth of wisdom, wealth of riches and wealth of gladness. Further you will also receive a wealth of favour in the eyes of men and thus receive abundant wealth and affection. Today is the day you need to surrender your life into the hands of the Lord. And you will experience the God – given power that will make you overcome all the works of the devil against you. Yes! He will fill you with exceedingly abundant blessings.

PRAYER TO RECEIVE EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANT BLESSINGS! Loving Lord, who hears the prayers of all flesh, I have come to your feet believing that You will hear my prayers too. You have promised saying, “I have established My covenant between you and Me and make you multiply abundantly.” According to your unfailing word you will make me multiply abundantly. You will work in me more than what I can imagine or ask for. May the blessing that would make me multiply more abundantly descend upon me. O! God! I am going through terrible pain and hurt that are caused by problems that are too huge for me to handle. I am going through trials and tribulations that are like a superheated furnace. You, who overcame the devil with your word, please do arise in me and deliver me from these unbearable tribulations ,destroy all the works of the devil against me and change all my sorrow into joy. Send your angels before me to lead me to the high position that you have prepared for me. O! Lord! Who has planned to multiply my blessings abundantly, please bless me with abundant wisdom, understanding and expand my mental capabilities like the sands of the sea shore. Bless me with abundant prosperity and honour. Fill me with the abundant joy that your presence brings. Father God! It is your pleasure to bless me abundantly. May the love of God be upon me and establish the work of my hands. Bless me and make me multiply in all my blessings the way you blessed and multiplied Abraham. Bless me in such a way that I may increase a thousand times more that what I am now. Bless me with your favour that I may be a great success in the work of my hands, reap the good fruits of my sowing and be filled with joy, favour and goodness. - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


Father God! My wealth and prosperity is not needed for you but for the saints on this earth and to those saintly souls who I love with my whole heart. Father strengthen me so that I may sow into your ministry liberally and generously and with a cheerful heart and reap a hundred fold blessings. Help me to sow and reap and to share and to multiply in every aspect of my life. Help me to be completely blessed in all things and increase in my good works and grace. You are the One who gives seeds to the sower and food to eat. Accordingly grant me seeds and help me to multiply those seeds. Open the windows of heaven and bless me with no-room-to-contain blessings. Let blessings be poured into my bosom, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. Let my cup run over and let mercy and goodness follow me all the days of my life. Lord Jesus! When your disciple Peter tried fishing all through a night but could not catch even one, you visited him graciously and blessed him so that he caught boats full of fishes. You made him cast the net according to your Word and haul boat loads of fish. In the same way Lord, bless me too that I may do everything in my life according to your Word and reap abundant blessings. Help me to wisely use the talents that you have given me and be true and faithful in small things so that I can become master over big things. Father! Remember my works that I have rendered to the ministry and to the saints of God and do render, bless me more than I can imagine or pray and make me increase abundantly. Fulfill all my needs and remove all my insufficiencies according to your riches in glory. Fill me according to your riches; abundant wisdom; immeasurable wealth and unspeakable joy. Father! I praise you and thank you because you are going to do all this to me. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen. (Verses from the scripture that were used as the basic for this prayer: Ps 65:2;Gene 17:2;Eph 3:20;Daniel 7:19,3:22-25,Matt 4:3-10, 1 Jn 3:8;Jn 16:20,Exo 23:20; 1 Kgs 4:29; 2 Chro 32:27; Ps 21:6; Num 24:1; Ps 90:17;Gene 17:6,22:17;Deu 1:11;Ps 128:2,5; Ps 16:2,3; 2 Corin 8:2,3; Gene 26:12; Pro 11:24,25, 2 Corin 9:6-10; Isa 55:10; Lk 6:38; Ps 23:5,6; Lk 5:2-6; Matt 25:15-29;Heb 6:10;Jn 1:16;Philipians 4:19)

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JESUS CALLS March 2017 -

1 March - Isaiah 65:22- My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. Meditation: Isa 65:20; Ps 128:1-6; Gene 26:12,13; 35:28; Isa 43:21; Psa144:15,12-14; Lk 20:36 2 March - 2 Corin 3:17- where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Meditation: 2 Corin 3:18; 1 Sam 16:13,23; Judg 6:1-6; 1216;15:13,14; Lk 4:14,18;Acts 10:38;1:8;Zec 4:6 3 March - Psalms 16:8 - I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. Meditation: Pro10:30; 12:3; Ps 112:6,8; 21:7; 15:5; 55:22; 62:2; 30:6; 10:6; 125:1 4 March -Isaiah 43:2- I will be with you. Meditation: Job 23:10;Pro 3:6;4:26,27;4:11;2:20;1:15;2:8; Isa 40:3; 42:16;Jere 6:16;31:21;Jn 14:4,6;21:22 5 March - Isaiah 32:18 - My people will live in a peaceful and undisturbed resting places. Meditation: 2 Kgs 4:13; Job 5:24;Ps 120:6;Gene 15:15; 1 Kgs 4:24 6 March - Psalms 47:6 -The Lord of hosts is with us. Meditation: 1 Sam 1:3; 17:46-50; Isa 40: 26;45:12;41:10;43:5; Matt 28:20 7 March - Psalms 81:10 - Open your mouth wide and I will fill it. Meditation: Ps 147:7;12,13;92:1; 2 Chro 20:19,22; Gene 29:35;Zec 10:6; Matt 21:9; Ps 103:1-5 8 March - Exodus 33:14 -I will give you rest. Meditation: Deu 12:8-10; 1 Kgs 5: 4; 8: 56; 2 Chro 14:6; Ps 116:7;Matt 11:28; Jere 6:16;31:2; Heb 4:3,9; Rev 14:13; 9 March - 2 Corinthians 12:9 - I will give you strength. Meditation: Isa 41:10; 2 Sam 3:1; Ps 89:21; Acts 1:8;Isa 40:31;Rom1:16;Acts 3:16 10 March - Psalms 122:7 - prosperity within your palaces. Meditation: 2 Kgs 4:13; Job 5:24; 1 Kgs 4:24; Ps 4:8;Pro 11:14; Mrk 5:34; 11 March - Luke 1:37-with God nothing shall be impossible. Meditation: Jere 32:27,17;Ps 33:9;Gene 1:3-31;Matt 8:2,3;Rom 4:17;Mrk 9:23;11:22-24 12 March - Isaiah 1:19- You shall eat the best of the land Meditation: Ps 128:1-3;65:8-11;1 Kgs 4:20-24; 2 Kgs 4:8,13; 1 Peter 3:8-11; Jam 1:17; 1 Timo 6:17 13 March - Psalms 115:14 - May the Lord give you increase. Meditation: Gene 1:28;9:1;17:20;Deu7:13,14;Job 12:23;Isa 40:29;51:2;Heb 6:14 14 March - Zechariah 2:5- For I will be a wall of fire around you. Meditation: Exo 14:15-22; 1 Sam 25:16; Isa 26:1; 60:18;41:10; Heb 13:5,6; Rev 21:12,14,18,19 15 March - Isaiah 62:3 - A crown of glory Meditation: Exo 6:1;Ps 136:12; Hag 2:23; Hos 14:6; 1 Peter 3:4; Lk 24:39,50;89:21 16 March - John 14:13 - whatever you ask in My name. Meditation: Jn 14:14; Gal 3:13,14;Mrk 16:16,17; Acts 10:43;13:39; Pro 18:10;Rom 10:23;Philipi 2:5-11 17 March - Psalms 3:4-He answered me from His holy

mountain. Meditation: Judg 13:9;1 Sam 1:11-20; Ps 66:18,19; Pro 21:13; 2 Corin 6:1; 1 Jn 5:14,15 18 March - Psalms 91:14 - Love your God Meditation: 18:1;63:1,2; Jn 3:16; 1 Jn 3:16;Rom 5:8;21:1518;14:15, 21-23;Rev 3:9 19 March - Psalms 84:11- The Lord bestows grace and favor and honor. Meditation: Gene 32:9,12; Ps 128:1-6;34:11-14; Exo 1:20; Job 2:10; 42:10,12-17;Matt 1:5; 1 Peter 3:8-11; 1 Timo 6:17. 20 March - Jeremiah 33:3 - I will answer you. Meditation: Mrk 10:46-52; Matt 15:22-28;Ps 145:18; Judg 18: 22-24; Rom 10:13 21 March - Joel 2:26-You will have plenty to eat and be satisfied. Meditation: Deu 8:10; Ecce 3:13;2:25; 1 Kgs 4:20-25; Isa 23:18;65:13,14; 58:11; Esth 1:2-8;Ps 34:10;Lk 14:12-15; 15:2325;22:12-16 22 March - Psalms : 146:9 - He supports and protects. Meditation: Ruth 1:5,16,17;2:12; 3:10; 4: 11-17; Gene 21:1421;28:20-22;48:15,16; Jere 49:11; Lk 22:35; Heb 13:5;Philip 4:19 23 March - Deutronomy 15:10 - Lord your God will bless you in all your work. Meditation: Ps 1:2,3;Gene 26:12,13; 2 Corin 8:10,11;Pro 28:19,20;Eph 6:7,8;Colo 3:23,24; 1 Corin 15:58; 24 March - Psalms: 46:1 A very present and well-proved help in trouble. Meditation: 94:16,17;Acts 3:19;Isa 12:2; 2 Chro 19:11;1 Kgs 22:32,33; Joshua 1:5 25 March - Isaiah 60:22 - The least one will become a mighty nation Meditation: Judg 6:12-16;7:23,24;8:22,28;Isa 41:14;Deu 1:10,11;1 Corin1:26-28 ;Matt 4:18,20;Rev 7:9 26 March - Proverbs 10:22- The blessing of the Lord brings true riches. Meditation: Gene 24:35;26:12,13;1 Kgs 4:9,10;2:55;Mal 3:9,10;Gala 3:13; 2 Corin 8:9;9:10 27 March - Daniel 9:9 - To the Lord our God belong mercy and lovingkindness and forgiveness. Meditation: Exo 2:23-25;145:8;Judg 16:28-30; Dan 9:10; Matt 8:2-17; 15:22-30; Jn 5:2-9; Jam 5:11. 28 March - Psalms 34:10 - You will lack nothing. Meditation: 2 Kgs 4:1-7; Jere 29:13; Ps 37:25;27:8;Amos 5:14; Matt 6:33;15:29-37;Lk 22:35 29 March - Isaiah 52:12- God who protects us. Meditation: Gene 46:2-4; 47:30; Exo 13;14; 1 Sam 23:14; Nahum 1:7; Acts 18:9,10; Matt 28:20 30 March - Psalms 121:7 - The Lord will protect you from all evil. Meditation: Isa 43:2; Dan 3:19-26;6:16-22; 1 Corin 10:13;Lk 10:19; 2 Timo 3:11,12;4:18; Rev 3:10 31 March - Matthew 21:22 - whatever you ask for in prayer, believing, you will receive. Meditation: Jn 14:14; 1 Chro 4:9,10;Matt 8:3,4; Mrk 11:2124; Num 23:19; Heb 10:23 - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


For the first time, the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was held in the Sarguja region, which is located in northern part of Chhattisgarh state. Prayer Festival was held in the city of Ambikapur from January 13 -15 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), at Rajiv Gandhi Government P.G College grounds. Great multitude of people from the state of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa thronged to Ambikapaur, despite the severe cold climate.


JESUS CALLS March 2017 -

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared the Lord’s message and nearly 1 ½ lakhs of people were blessed directly through these meetings. The Lord touched the thirsty crowd through His mighty Word delivered by His servants. Many were delivered from the clutches of the devil and many received healing in their bodies. Thousands received the filling of the spirit and rejoiced. These meetings were held in the August presence of Shri. Ajit Jogi, former Chief Minister, State of Chhattisgarh, Shri,T. S. Singhdeo, Opposition party leader of Legislative Assembly, Most Rev. Pascal Topno, Retd. Arch Bishop, Rt. Rev. Amrutjay Ekka, Bishop, Gossener Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rt. Rev. Robert Ali, Bishop of CNI-Chhattisgarh Diocese. Dr. Ajay Tirkey, Mayor of Ambikapur not only participated but extended all the support for successful conduct of these metings. The Organizing committee comprising of Mr. Prabodh Minz (Organising Chairman), Mr. Munna Toppo-Vice Chairman, Mr. Prabhat Khalko (Vice Chairman), Mr. Ashish Chaurasiya (Convener), Mr. Anup Toppo-(General Secretary), Mr. Rajesh Philip (Jt.Secretary), Mr. Sunil Palaskar (Jt.Convener), Mr. Binu Mathai (Treasurer), Mr. K.M. Mathew (Jt. Treasurer), Conveners of working committees - Mr. Anupam Philip (Publicity), Mr. Shailendra Lal (Accommodation), Mr. Julius Lakra (Volunteers), Ps. Sam Varghese (Prayer Committee, Bro. Shanu Kuruvilla Mr. Rakesh Lakra, Mr. Budhram, Rev. Pranay Toppo and various other committee members had made wonderful arrangements of these meetings. Let us praise the Lord who used His servants mightily and satisfied the people with His miracles and blessings.

Praying for the Nation - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed‌.

20 year old pain gone I suffered from severe pain on my shoulder for the past four months because of which I could not lift my left hand. In this meeting, when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying I too joined him in the prayer telling the Lord that He should heal me. During the prayer time Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said that all the weaknesses is vanishing. That time I felt the Lord’s power touching me. 12

JESUS CALLS March 2017 -

Now I am able to lift up my left hand and can move it without any pain. The Lord has completely healed me. All glory and honour to the Lord Jesus. - Gloria, Ambikapur.

20 year old pain gone I was suffering from severe back pain for the past 20 years. I could not bend and doctors recommended an injection for me, every day. I did not want to go for treatment. Knowing about the Jesus Calls meeting, a Sister brought me here. When Dr. Paul

Dhinakaran prayed, my body began to tremble. I began to move around and by the power of God my back pain was completely gone. Now I am able to bend down. The sister who brought me here is a witness to this. I praise the Lord, who has healed me. - Kusum Kirkitha, Ambikapur.

Bleeding stopped Since the past 2 months, I had bleeding from my nose. Even this morning there was bleeding. But during the prayer

t h e pain, I did so and I had no pain. I share this testimony to glory of God. future. Glory to God who has delivered me time, when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying the Lord touched me and stopped the bleeding. Now my nose is clean. I praise the Lord with joy. - Binitha Yadav, Gwalior.

Suicidal thought vanished. My joined

parents me


B.Tech., and they spent a lot for my studies. But because of wrong friendship I could not finish my studies. I discontinued my studies and did not get a job also. I felt guilty over the money spent by my parents. Not knowing

from suicidal thoughts. - Vishwa Ranjan Kumar, Bihar.

Stroke Healed I had severe pain on the right side of my body. I went to doctor for the treatment. I had a stroke and I could not do anything. I could not lift up my hands and suffered a lot. It was my mother who did everything for me. I came to this meeting with severe pain. But after the prayer was over, I felt that the Lord had touched me and healed me. I am able to lift up my right hand. Glory to God who has healed me. - Ankitha Srivathsava, Ambikapur

what to do further I decided to com-

Chest pain healed

mit suicide. The next day I came

I suffered from chest pain since more than 4 years. I was seated in the last row of the meeting. During prayer time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “Here is a sister who is suffering from chest pain. Now that pain vanishes”. At once I was healed completely. The next day when my husband asked me to carry water to check if I had

to this meeting and was praying. During the prayer time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “Vishwa Ranjan Kumar, the Lord has given you a new life”. That time the Lord spoke in my heart that I should not destroy the life given by Him. I had a hope that He would give me a good

- Hannah Imiyal, Ambikapur.

God who convicted me This is the first time that I have attended the Jesus Calls meetings. On the first day’s prayer time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “I see a person by name Santosh. You wrote your exams using wrong method. Your heart is full of sin. So there is no peace in you. There is no prosperity in your life. Jesus wants to forgive your sins. Remove the sins from your life. Cry unto Jesus that He should come into your life. Right now commit your life to Jesus. Santosh! Come to the stage; I want to pray for you”. “Everything that the Lord spoke through Uncle Paul Dhinakaran is true. Since I always opted for wrong methods to write my exams, I had been failing in many papers. Because of my short tempered nature, my parents were often facing troubles. I was also not morally good. Now I repent and ask the Lord’s forgiveness. Praise be to Him. - Santhosh, Madhya Pradesh

Fits healed I used to have fits since when I was doing my 6th std., So my - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


ies were affected. My parents were in agony. I took many treatments but in vain. During the prayer time Uncle Paul Dhinakaran said, “I see a young girl by name Arpana. You have fits. You cry whether the Lord wouldn’t help you. Arpana, the Lord heals you. Witchcraft has been done against you. But the Lord Jesus comes to you. I tell you what the Holy Spirit tells me. He comes to you to change you into His child. Devils are fleeing. Divine strength comes upon you. Get up and receive your healing. Let the life of the Lord enter into your body and spirit. Lord, thank You for the healing that you are giving. Thank You for delivering this daughter. Thank You for changing her into Your child”. That moment I felt that I was healed fully. I thank my heavenly Father whole heartedly. - Arpana Bada, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.

Complete healing I suffered a lot from piles since the past 5 years. I used to writhe in pain. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for healing the Lord’s power came upon me. I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Lord immediately gave me healing. The Holy Spirit urged me to share my testimony. I give all glory to the Lord Jesus who has 14

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healed me completely. - Sita Kaina, Panjkula.

Addiction Gone I used to follow Christ. But I began to take alcohol and drugs. In due course I became an alcoholic. I started using drugs five times a day. Also I used to encourage others to use drugs. I used to leave my job and go for drinking. So I went far away from the Lord. During the prayer time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “I see a name Philomen; you were once following the Lord. Now you are an addict. Philomen, the Lord is delivering you. When you pray to Him, He will deliver you”. That time the Lord filled me fully. I did not touch alcohol or drugs till the next night. I feel a complete deliverance. - Philomen, Chhattisgarh

Miraculous Healing I had been suffering from severe stomach pain for the past 8 years. Every time when I had this pain I used to go to the hospital and take treatment. Yet I had no relief. Through the Jesus Calls magazine, I got the phone number of the Prayer Tower in Patna and contacted it. I was informed about the Prayer Festival to be held here and that the Dhinakarans would be coming to pray. So with the faith that the Lord would heal me, I was praying here in this meeting. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, ‘Saroj, Jesus is

now healing you”. That time I felt something coming out of my mouth. I was filled with the Holy Spirit and jumped up in joy. My stomach pain was gone completely. - Saroj, Ranchi. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed…

Nervous weakness I suffered from severe back pain for the past 5 years. I could not bend or lift heavy things or even clean the house. I could not stand for a long time also. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed, I too joined her in the prayer and that time I received the anointing of the Lord. My whole body trembled. I was completely delivered from my pain. Thanks to Sister who prayed for me. - Nirmala Tricky, Ambikapur.

Nervous weakness gone The left side of my whole body was paining since more



years. I used to cry out in pain and keep my head pressed. I would ask even my husband and children to press my head. During the prayer time when Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was praying I felt giddy and that time my nervous problem vanished from me completely. I am very happy.

- Neeru, Ambikapur.

Beloved in Christ, This is the blessing that God has kept for the family of David and for the people of Israel. We too belong to this family because we too love the Lord. We are the children of the God. (1 John 3:1). And so it is to us too that God is saying, “I will pour out the Spirit of grace and supplication” Why is the Lord pouring the Spirit of Grace and supplication? He is pouring these two blessing so that we can abide in His presence. What is the Spirit of grace?

Spirit that strength us “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41; Mark 14:38) We humans are made of flesh and the flesh is weak, but the Spirit is strong and that is why God pours out the Sprit of grace in order to strengthen our flesh. By pouring the Spirit of grace the Holy Spirit makes us Spirit –filled; makes us His own; makes us live with Him and in Him (Deuteronomy 14:2) The Holy Spirit is soft like a dove but He is also a powerful person. He is also like a mighty flood. When the enemy comes-in like a flood against us, the Holy Spirit will lift up a banner for us. (Isaiah 59:9) He will lift up a banner that would say, “I am with My child.” He will pour the love of God upon us like a river and will establish the truth saying, “This is my son/daughter”, and thus make the enemy flee from us. He will make our enemies grind their teeth in shame and defeat. The scripture - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


says that He will destroy those who speak falsehood (Psalm 5:6; 31:18). God will close their mouths and render them unable to speak. The Holy Spirit who strengthens and who is able will abide with us (Isaiah 28:2). No eyes have seen; no ears have heard nor has it entered into the heart of any man” what the Holy Spirit does (1 Corinthians 2:9). The Spirit of grace will do gracious wonders for us. He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). Therefore do not worry or lose heart if problems come in your life. Be courageous and confident. God has given us a Spirit of love, courage and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Nothing will harm us this month; in this year and in the months to come. The wicked one shall no more pass through you; He is utterly cut off (Nahum 1:15). What are the blessings that God has in store for those who receive the Spirit of grace the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Supplication?

Spirit that Prepares “But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.” (Romans 8:9) In Mathew 25:1-11, when the Lord Jesus explains about the Kingdom of God he explains about the 10 virgins. The virgins who were wise, took oil in their vessels along with their lamps, to meet the bridegroom. They were so prepared to meet the bridegroom Jesus Christ, when He comes and to go along with Him. But the foolish vir16

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gins took no oil in their vessels though they had lamps. Since the bridegroom delayed to come, they went to sleep. When the bridegroom came they awoke from sleep, looked at the wise virgins and said, “Oh! There is no oil in our vessels. Please lend us some oil.” The wise virgins said, “Go to the shop and by oil for yourselves lest we give oil to you and all of us go without oil when the bridegroom comes. When the foolish virgins went to buy some oil and returned to the bridegroom’s house the doors were closed. When they tapped the door the Lord said, “Who are you. I don’t know you!” what a tragedy! Let us be like the wise virgins who filled their vessels with oil. Somehow we have to receive the oil of the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of preparation, who will prepare us for the coming of the Lord. We need to ask God and receive the Spirit of grace and supplication like the oil in the vessels. The days are coming when there will be such scarcity of the Word of God. (Amos 8:11). The days of scarcity are coming when we will not be able to receive the life and power of God; when we will not be able to receive the Holy Spirit. Therefore we need to redeem our time (Ephesians 5:16) and get ourselves filled with the Holy Spirit.

Spirit that Helps to Pray “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6)

Let us always be filled with the Holy Spirit and let our requests and supplications be made known unto God. How much ever we put in all our efforts in our endeavours, including preparing for our exams, when we take those efforts without praying we will not be able to see any progress. And we need the help of the Holy Spirit to always pray being filled with the Holy Spirit. The Lord has said that he will pour the Holy Spirit upon all flesh. (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17). We have come into the last days. Therefore we need to come into the presence of God and cry with a broken heart saying, “Lord! I have lived without remembering you. Please have mercy upon me” Friends! Let our eyes look at the Lord, like the eyes of a servant will look upon the face of his/her master (Psalm 123:2). Let us wait at His feet. The Lord will surely have mercy upon us. How should we pray? Daniel prayed three times a day (Daniel 6:10). We too can pray thrice a day. We can also pray more than three times a day. The Psalmist says, “Because of your justice and righteousness I will praise you seven times a day” (Psalm 119:164). The Lord Jesus kept on praying throughout the day to do the will of His father. In the coming months, we too should set aside some time to spend in the presence of God and in prayer. The Holy Spirit will pour upon you this Spirit of supplication. We are weak but the Holy Spirit who is dwelling in us is strong. He will help us in our weaknesses. When we don’t know

how to pray He will pray in our behalf with mournings that cannot be uttered in words. The Holy Spirit will pray for us and through us. (Romans 8:26) Many years back we had our wedding anniversary and so we gathered together as a family to pray in the morning. Sam and Sharon were kids during that time. I was suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit and I was crying and crying and crying and praying in tongues. I prayed in tongues for 45 minutes. Others too were filled with the Holy Spirit and they prayed but stopped after some time and were waiting for me to finish the prayer but I kept on praying. It was a really different experience. My dress became wet with my tears. On the one side of my mind I was thinking, “Oh! Everyone have finished their prayers and are waiting for us; but I am keeping on praying”, yet I was not able to stop myself from praying. I was speaking in tongues and praying in the Spirit. After I ended my prayer I went to my Father and asked him, “What was I praying? I could not understand anything please tell me the meaning of my prayer” I asked him again and again. Then he said, “You were filled with the Holy Spirit and you were praying in tongues for your own family; for those who requested you to pray for them and for our family. “I was filled with great joy saying, “Oh! I never even thought of all these things but the Holy Spirit had prayed through me” I praised and thanked God for that wonderful experience.

This is exactly what is going to happen to you too my friend. You will not be able to control your

prayer even if you want to stop the prayer; the Holy Spirit within you will not allow you to stop it. You will keep on speaking in tongues. This is the Spirit of supplication given by the Holy Spirit. How many people do you think we can remember and pray for? But the Holy Spirit will make you pray for every one who has requested you to pray for them. He will fill you with the Spirit that will pray for the servants of God and for all those who requested you to pray for them. You may be in sorrow thinking that your own family is not yet saved. In the days to come they will be saved through your prayers. Salvation has come to your house today (Luke 19:9). Through you who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, your household shall also be saved. (Acts 16:31). It is not an easy thing to seek the Lord. You may seek Him alone but God will use you and bring your entire household into salvation. He will also bless those who are around you. This is why He is giving us the Holy Spirit; the Spirit of grace and the Spirit of supplication.

Spirit that Prays for Jerusalem “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you.” (Psalm 122:6) The Lord will pour out the Spirit of Grace upon the city of Jerusalem and upon the family of David – the family of Israel. They still have not known who Jesus is. What a tragedy for the Jews themselves to be in such ignorance. But the Lord has promised to pour our His

Spirit upon them. That is why God has chosen us – the Jesus calls family. Every time we go to Jerusalem, we will weep and pray in tears for Jerusalem. I encourage you too to receive the Spirit of Supplication and pray for Jerusalem. Then you will be blessed.

Spirit that Helps to Wait “Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem[a] until you are endued with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49) The Lord Jesus Christ said, “You need to tarry in my presence until I anoint you with heavenly power that will strengthen you to go around the world and serve God. Tarry in Jerusalem until you are endued with the power and strength of God”. Many days ago, I suddenly had severe stomach ache. At that time my husband had gone out of town. Therefore my mother Stella Dhinakaran took me to a hospital. When we reached the hospital I thought the doctor will examine me, prescribe me some medicine and then send me away but they gave a form in our hands to fill –out. The Doctor said, “Please fill – out this form and come and then I’ll try and send you away as soon as possible.” Meanwhile I was having unbearable pain. I thought, “Oh! How good it would be if they could start the treatment immediately. Why are they delaying so much?.” I got a bit angry at the hospital officials. I fell on my mother’s laps and began to cry. My mother said, “You want to do it immediately, but these doctors - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


are asking us to wait for 5 minutes” For me those 5 minutes were like 5 hours. This is how we will feel when we are in suffering and we are asked to wait. Sometimes we may think, “Why is the Lord not responding to my cries? Why is He delaying so much? Why is He not hearing my cry? Am I not His child?” We may also get a worried and angry. But my friends! The Spirit of Grace sometimes makes us wait. That is why God has given us ‘the Spirit of waiting.” God is allowing us to wait saying, “Wait for a little while. Only then you will understand how loving I am.” Especially when we are praying for our children and we don’t get answers from God, we get upset and angry. We say, “Father! My children are like this. Are you not worried? Do you not care? We lament and weep.

God will surely hear your voice. We call God for our needs, but we hesitate to wait for His time. However busy we are with our lives, God expects us to wait on Him. When we wait like that the Lord will pour upon us the Spirit of grace. When the Lord Jesus Christ was on this earth, though He was so busy with His ministry, He chose to wait on His father. He set aside all his busy demands and spent time with His father.

Spirit that gives Rest “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29) When the Lord Jesus Christ 18

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was on this earth, people kept flocking to him for prayer. He touched and healed everyone individually. He never even had time to eat. Yet, he kept all his busy schedules aside and took time to spend with His heavenly Father. He went up to the mountains to pray: “And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there.” (Matthew 14:23) “And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going and they did not even have time to eat.” (Mark 6:31) He took His disciples to the desert to spend time with them too. That is exactly how He draws us to spend time with him personally. He will make us alone and take us to a place in life where no human being will be able to help us. We may sometimes think, “Our relatives will help us; our friends will help us” but no one will come to your help when you desperately need them. The Lord takes us alone away from all human dependencies so that we can rest in him. This is called the Spirit of Rest. If you visit the villages of Tamilnadu you can find on the paths to the villages stone-stands that are built upto our shoulders. In the olden days people used to walk from village to village with their things for travel packed in baggages which they’ll carry on their shoulders. These travelers use these stones to place their baggages and give some rest to

their shoulders and then carry them again on their way.

Even we my friend, whenever we are over burdened with cares and worries we can keep our worries on our life’s stone – stand called the Holy Spirit. But there is a difference between the stone – stand and the Holy Spirit. Travelers can place their baggages on the stone – stand only for a little while after which they need to carry them again on their shoulders but those who cast their burdens on the Hsp. need not carry them again. They can lay their burdens forever on the Holy Spirit and rest forever. We need not carry our burdens again because the Lord cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). The Holy Spirit will ask us saying, “My son! My daughter! What do you want me to do to you”, and help us in our needs. This is the Spirit of Grace that is received by us!

Teaching Spirit “I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.” (Ezekiel 36:27) It’s not enough we just pray to the Hsp. for rest but we need to learn from Him. When the Lord chastises us let us say, “It is good that I go through these trials and tribulations.” Our God says, “I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk according to my statutes. I will make you obey my commandments and do according to my directions.” Yes! He will do everything for us. That is His grace. He says, “I am compassionate and humble.” He says, “Carry my yoke upon you and learn from me”.

When the Holy Spirit Himself becomes our teacher we don’t need any man to teach us. The Holy Spirit Himself will teach us everything. (1 John 2:27).

Spirit that makes you Talk “…for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.” (Matthew 10:20) When we stand up to talk for God – to preach His Word – the Holy Spirit will make us talk. If you have not talked for Him on stages so far, you will begin to talk for Him in future. The Holy Spirit will make you go up on stages to speak for God. Yes! God will use you to preach the Gospel. The Spirit of Grace that He will give you will make you do this. You will standup and talk to your family; amidst your relatives and neighbors. You will preach in your work spot. Yes! You will preach boldly for the Lord! The Lord who said, “Harvest is plenty; but labourers are few” will surely use you mightily (Mathew 9:37; Luke 10:12). He is there among us like a brilliant morning star!(Revelation 22:16). We cannot light a lamp and hide it under the bushel or cover it’s light. You are the light of the world (Mathew 5:14). Your are the salt of the world (Mathew 5:13). Therefore God will make you shine as a brilliant light (Ephesians 5:14). Arise and shine; your light has come. The glory of the Lord has risen on you. Yes! My friend! The Holy Spirit will pour His Spirit of grace that will make you talk on you and use you mightily. (Isaiah 60:1)

Spirit of Glory Though we are not able to see Him if we keep our faith and love on Him and abide in His presence what will the Lord give us? He will give us unspeakable joy! Yes! He’ll give a glorious joy. (1 Peter 1:8). Yes! He is going to give us the Spirit of Glory. The people of the world will be suffering and groping in darkness but the Lord will give us unspeakable and abundant joy. There will be problems waiting around you, but the Holy Spirit will keep you happy. The devil will expect you to sit and cry and live like dead people in the darkness. Yes! Scripture says, “Psalm 143: For the enemy has persecuted my soul; He has crushed my life to the ground; He has made me dwell in darkness, Like those who have long been dead”. But the Lord will fill us with joy – abundant joy. When we rejoice in the presence of the Lord, our problems become light and easy for us. “For by You I can run against a troop, By my God I can leap over a wall.” (Psalm 18:29) ‘Prayer’ is like a weapon in our hands. Let us be filled with the Spirit of Supplication and pray for our children, husband, wife, parents and all the dear ones in our family. This year the Lord reveals tremendous things through my husband. When we were so worried thinking, “How is this year going to be?”, the Lord said through my husband, “Fear Not! I will command the angels for you”. Yes! Angels will work for us. So we

need not fear! Friend! You are having the Lord before you; you are having the Lord at your right hand and so you will not be shaken. You will stand strong like a rock. This world is full of challenges, troubles and tribulations. But we will keep praying through the Holy Spirit (John 16:33). The horse will be made ready for battle but victory will come from the Lord. It will come through the Holy Spirit. (Proverbs 21:31). Not my power; not by might but it will all happen through the Spirit. (Isaiah 4:6). Friend! Get ready to be filled with the Holy Spirit; the Spirit of grace and the Spirit of Supplication. God will send the comforter to abide with you and comfort you; strengthen you and guide you to your God – given destiny. FORM IV (See Rule 8) Statement about ownership and other particulars about Newspaper JESUS CALLS 1 . Place of publication: Chennai 2 . Periodicity of its publication 3 . Printer’s Name

: Monthly : Paul Aravamuthan


: Indian


: Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St., Woods Road, Chennai-2.

4 . Publisher’s Name : Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran Nationality

: Indian


: 16, Dr.D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai -28

5 . Editor’s Name

: Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran


: Indian


: 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai -28

6. Names and addresses of individuals who own the newspaper and partners or shareholders holding more than one percent of the total capital: No. 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai -28 I, Stella Dhinakaran, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sd/(Stella Dhinakaran) - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


Beloved in Christ, It gives me great joy to meet you through this March Month issue of the Jesus Calls Magazine. It is my fervent prayers that the Lord who took care of you in all the past months like the apple of His eye will continue to care for you and protect you and your family from all the snares and deceptions of the devil. May He protect you in all your going out and coming in. May He bless you with His perfect blessings. "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us" (Ephesians 3:20) 20

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This verse brings out the blessing nature of our God. It does not just say, “more than what we could imagine or ask for” it says immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. The amplified version says “exceeding abundantly”. That is the nature of our God. He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or imagine. I like the way this verse is expressed in the Amplified version. "Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think beyond our greatest hopes or dreams, according to His power that is at work within us," (Ephesians 3:20) So my Friend! Be cheerful! You

have a God who is able to bless you exceeding abundantly .He will grant you beyond what you are praying for in this month. He will meet your needs beyond your expectations and prayers because He is a God who blesses double-portion and a hundred –fold. (Zachariah 9:12, Gen 26:12). Gold and silver belong to Him (Haggai 2:8). He spoke and it was done; He commanded and it stood fast (Psalm 33:9). There is nothing impossible with him. Therefore do not be disturbed at the situations that are challenging you. During acute famine in Zaripath, the prophet Elijah was sent to meet a widow who was

dying of hunger. There were none to feed her during the peak of her hunger but God saw the hand full of dough and a little oil that she had and was moved by her needs. He sent his prophet and not only took care of her immediate need but also made arrangements for her and her family to live till rain came down (1 kings 17:8-18). There could be famine in the nation but God cares for His children and sees to it that their needs are met and the work of their hands are blessed. He is the one that cares for you (1Peter 5:7). So be confident my friend! "To deliver their soul from death, And to keep them alive in famine." (Psalm 33:19) The devil may bring different problems every month. He can bring negative changes in our situations, in our relationships. But God fills us with appropriate strength at the correct time to overcome the onslaughts of the evil one, because His grace is new every morning (Lamentations 3:22). We need not be troubled in our mind and heart about how we could overcome our problems and challenges. The grace of God will fill you with the strength and power to overcome your challenges and problems. The Jesus Calls Prayer Warriors and I are praying for you everyday. Please be cheerful since we have a God who can keep us alive in famine. Be Blessed and be a Blessing While we are blessed by Jesus, we also need to be a Blessing to others. In this context , as we are co- workers in the Ministry and that I consider you as my own brothers and I sisters, I thought of sharing with you the growth, expansions and also the needs of the ministry.

Prayer Academy "After these things the Lord

appointed seventy others also and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go."(Luke 10:1) God is expanding the boundaries of the Jesus Calls Ministry day – by –day. The ministry is expanding its services into new districts, states and even nations around the world. Having the concern of Jesus in our hearts that it is not His will that even one soul should be lost, we are doing our best and everything possible in fulfilling Gods will with total dedication, commitment and with all integrity , as a family together (Matthew18:14). At the same time we also realize that our family alone cannot meet this great challenge . We alone cannot fulfill the great mission of preaching the gospel and healing the sick , comfort the broken hearted and express the compassion of God to the countless people in this world. Therefore according to the clear guidance of the Lord, we started the Jesus Calls Prayer Academy. In the Prayer Academy we are offering practical training and teaching for those who have the thirst to know more of the scripture; who desire to learn the secrets of spiritual life; who have the thirst for souls and those who are interested in learning the ways and methods to conduct ministries. The sessions and classes in the Academy are designed towards this end. These who complete their training in this Prayer Academy learn how to lead a soul towards Christ besides learning the foundations of the truths of scripture. These classes that began in Chennai city alone are being now expanded to various places in Tamil Nadu. On January 28th, 2017 we inaugurated Prayer Academy classes in the cities of Tiruchi, Madurai, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin and Nagercoil. The in-

auguration happened at the Madurai Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. These people who have already been trained in the Academy and completed their training successfully will conduct these classes. I request you to please pray for these ministries. I believe that these sessions of the Academy will carry the revival of the Lord throughout the country. You too are welcome to join these sessions in the area nearest to you and be blessed and be a blessing to others.

Praying for your Children "For God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy to a man who is good in His sight; but to the sinner He gives the work of gathering and collecting, that he may give him who is good before God. This also is vanity and grasping for the wind." (Ecclesiastes 2:26) This is a very important month for those of our children who will be writing their public and board exams. Thousands of such students received blessings by participating in the Students Prayer Meetings we conducted in Bethesda (January 8) and Chennai (February 5). I continue to pray that special wisdom and Divine Health be given to students by God and also Godly peace to fill the minds and hearts of students and their family members during this season of exams. If you take your children to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to your place the Prayer Warriors will pray for your children and their exams. There you can also get a copy of the Students Prayer written by me. And you can get prayer through Telephone Prayer Tower , working round – the – clock by just dialling 044-3399000. Anointed Jesus Calls Prayer Intercessors are waiting for you to pray for your - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


children and their performance in the examinations The Jesus Calls Young Partner Plan was given by God for the blessing of the children and youth. Those who are already supporting the Jesus Calls Ministries can now enrol their children too in the Jesus Calls Ministries through the Young Partner Plan. God will remember the support given in the name of your children into a ministry that works for the salvations of souls and bless them abundantly. The Prayer Intercessors in the 24 hours Prayer Tower are praying incessantly for the Young Partner’s protection, wisdom and bright future. That is why I encourage you to motivate your children too to support the ministry by enrolling them in the Young Partners Plan. You can enrol them in the Young Partner Plan through the Jesus Calls Ambassadors or through our website To get more information about Young Partner Plan feel free to call 1800 425 7755 from 7 am to 9 pm.

Blessing Meetings in Prayer Towers "Then all the multitude kept silent and listened to Barnabas and Paul declaring how many miracles and wonders God had worked through them among the Gentiles." (Acts 15:12) Many special Blessing Meetings are being conducted in the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers to receive anointing, to receive blessing; to receive healing in the body and also healing in the family life. These meetings are conducted every week by the Jesus Calls associate ministers and evangelists who are called and anointed by God for this purpose. These meetings not only happen in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower campuses but in other places as well. I encourage you to go and participate in the meetings conducted at the Prayer 22

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Tower nearest to you. There, anointed prayer warriors are waiting for you to talk to you, counsel you, teach you form the scriptures and pray for you. You can call the toll free No 1800 425 7755 from 7 am to 9 pm and get more information and details about these meetings.

Karunya University Admissions "...He has filled him (Bezalel) with the Spirit of God, in wisdom and understanding, in knowledge and all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works, to work in gold and silver and bronze, in cutting jewels for setting, in carving wood, and to work in all manner of artistic workmanship." (Exodus 35:30-33) The Karunya University was established with the goal of training the students in Engineering and technological knowledge and skills in a godly atmosphere to experience the Love of Jesus and sending them out to shine brightly for the Lord all around the world. This University that was established after facing numerous challenges, is today a channel of blessing to thousands of young men and women. Besides receiving world class technical education, the students also receive spiritual education, training and experience. High quality education is given through Exchange Programmes with several other International Universities abroad. Even before completing their studies, students are being selected by reputed MNCs for highly remunerative jobs through campus interviews. Many are those who studied in Karunya who are now shining as excellent businessmen. I encourage you to join your children in the various courses of technology, Masters Degree Programme, and Several courses in Arts & Science in the coming Academic year. You may

please visit or simply call 1800 425 4300 to get complete information about the Karunya University. This year, according to the guidance & leading of God, we are offering many scholarships for students to pursue their ambitions and dreams in studying in Karunya. Karunya University is also offering concessions in the college fees for the children of missionaries who serve the Lord, the children of pastors, evangelists and teachers of scripture , Jesus Calls young Partners who uphold the ministry with their offerings and also the children of Karunya Alumni.

Karunya Christian School The Karunya Christian School has been established in a spacious campus surrounded by the beauty of nature, to offer high graded education to the kids. Admissions are going on for classes from KG Std to 9th std and the 11th std. The school follows the CBSE curriculum and has hostel facilities. To know more about this school call 09487846615/0422 – 2614830/314, email at or visit as at It is through the cheerful and generous offerings we are taking the love and compassion of our Lord to the broken – hearted ,rejected and hurt. God is faithful to bless you and your family who uphold the ministry with your sacrificial offerings "You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; And My people shall never be put to shame." (Joel 2:26) According to this verse may the Lord perfect you with His mighty hands and bless you. He will surely satisfy you. I am praying for you everyday. Your brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


are damaged and tattered and need to be replaced. The dome has to be air conditioned to provide a pleasant atmosphere for the visitors. Using the current technology, we are planning to form a fountain with God’s words proceeding from that. Owing to the limited space in the vision spot, many are unable to use it. Hence, a spacious dome for meditation has to be set up. The Bethesda Prayer Centre was built in the year 1993 and the Seven Stations of the Cross were set up in 1995. It is nearly 24 years since its inception and hence most of the areas need mending and restoration. Because of long term use, the waterfalls and the Bethesda Pool are damaged and arrangements have to be made to clean the waters. The Dome chapels of Bethesda have to be renovated. The Lord has been doing awesome deeds for those who pray in these rooms. We need your help for these renovations. Also, the pillar of the Angel, the main dome, and the pathway to the dome have to be renewed. The decorative lights and carpets in the dome 24

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You may help us for the above things. When we receive your offering to renovate a particular portion, it would help us to display your/your family’s name in that area and remember you in the presence of the Lord with the prayer, “Lord, these dear ones – this family – have renewed this place. Hence several lakhs of people are being blessed. So, please bless this family…” Through this renovation service, surely you would bring rich blessings to crores of people. Build the Lord’s house; He will build your house. As you will be instrumental in bringing down His healing power, the Lord will send forth His life into you and strengthen you. - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Silver Jubilee Project of Bethesda:

Come, together let us build God’s house, thus establishing His Kingdom! - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Name:....................................................................... Partner code: (If any)............................................... Address:.............................................................................................. PIN code....................................... Mobile 1:..................................... Mobile 2............................... Email: ...................................................... I would like to support the Bethesda Renovating Project by sending Rs.300/- for renovating 1sq.ft Rs.1500/- for 5sq.ft Rs.3000/- for 10sq.ft Rs.7500/- for 25sq.ft Or Rs……………/- for …………sq.ft. Rs.2,00,000/- for Prayers room or Porch in the Bethesda pool or Portion of path . Rs. 5,00,000/- Co- Sponsor Dome Chapel. For those who provide support for the construction of the counselling rooms, their name will be displayed in the Bethesda Prayer Tower, those providing support for the path way work will have their names placed along either side of the path. Contact Number for Bethesda Prayer Centre : 0422-2614580/2615515/(0) 9487846601/ (0)8754426134 (7.30 AM to 8.30 PM). Kindly send us the duly filled form along with DD or Cheque drawn in favour of Jesus Calls and sent by registered post or by Money Order. You may donate through debit cards in the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. Donations can be made online in the website using Credit card/ Debit card/ net banking in a secure way For details: 1800 425 77 55 (Toll Free service – 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM) - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


The Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was held on three days - 27th, 28th and 29th (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) of January 2017, at Thamukkam Grounds, Madurai. These meetings held in Madurai after a span of 4 years, were of great blessing to the people in and around Madurai. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s messages in these meetings. Though it was raining, people gathered eagerly to hear the Lord’s word, without minding the rains. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the rains to stop, the Lord accepted his plea, stopped the rain and made the people heed His Words, and feel His touch. Thousands of people received blessings in their personal as well as family life through these three days meetings. People, who received anointing, miracles and blessings shared their testimony on the dais and glorified the name of God. The Madurai Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was graced by the August presence of Rt. Rev. M. Joseph, Bishop in CSI Madurai –Ramnad Diocese, Rt. Rev. S.Jeyapaul David, Retd. Bishop, CSI Tirunelveli Diocese, Rev. D. Jesu Sahayam, Moderator's Commissary for CSI Tuticorin – Nazareth Diocese, Pr. Dudley Thangiah, Pr. Joseph Balachandran, Pr. J.J.Y. Arul, Pr. B.A. Daniel and Bro. Elisha Anbu. Mr. Manual Jeyaraj, the (Chairman – Organizing Committee) and Mr. PTR Daniel Thangaraj (Treasurer) and various other committee members had made excellent arrangements of these meetings. 26

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Leaders of Churches and dignitaries who graced the festival. - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed…

Deliverance from Demonic bondage I was suffering under the clutches of the devil for the past 6 years. None of my relatives took care of me. I came to this meeting, placing my trust on the Lord. When Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was praying saying, “Lord, deliver those who are in the bondage of the devil..’ a Karunya student placed his hands 28

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on my head and prayed for me. Within 2 minutes of the prayer, I did not know what was happening and I saw angels surrounding me. I fell down. When I got up I realized that God had come and I was filled with joy and peace. I have come to the stage to testify that I don’t need anybody and that the Lord Jesus alone is enough for me. The Lord has given me complete healing from the torment of the devil. - Esther, Madurai.

Stomach ache of 10 years gone I was suffering from stomach

ache for the past ten years. My stomach was bloated. When Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed I too joined her in the prayer and cried. The Lord delivered me from the torment of the stomachache. It vanished from me. Also I felt some evil spirit departing from me. Now I am healed completely. No more stomach ache. Millions of praises to the Lord. - B.Meenakshi, Manamadurai.

When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed…

Called by name and healed I was weak because of fits problem. During the prayer time, I prayed in the spirit, “Lord, this fits problem should not be there in me. You should give me complete healing..” The Lord touched me. Since the power of the Holy Spirit was poured upon me in an immeasurable way, I fell down unable to bear it. That time I saw a light. I began to talk in new tongues. That time when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed, he said that the sickness of fits was vanishing and said, “Senthil, Jesus fills you. All your weaknesses are vanishing now. You are not alone. You are not forsaken. Jesus would be your Father and make you live well. Commit your life into His hands’ He thus spoke by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus has promised me that I would not be weak anymore and that I would be healthy. - Senthil, Madurai.

Tumour vanished I am doing ministry among the youth. I had a small tumour on my left ear. When I was praying here, filled with the anointing, the Lord told me that He would call me through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. When I was thus in His presence, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “Stephen, you are not able to hear properly. Jesus is coming

upon you. He opens your ears. His glory is manifested. You would be a prophet and go all over the world. Thank you Jesus for Your hand is coming upon Stephen’ After that when I felt for the tumour it was not there. I had wanted to do ministry as a prophet. The Holy Spirit revealed that also through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. - Stephen, Madurai.

Ulcer Gone I had been suffering from ulcer and gastric problem since the past 1 ½ years. I had difficulty in digestion. I came to the Jesus Calls meeting with great desire and a prayer that I should be healed of ulcer and digestive problem. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for this, the Lord gave me complete deliverance from gastric problem and indigestion. - Simon, Madurai.

Called by name I was praying for my husband to be delivered from his alcohol addiction. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed, he said, ‘Mahalakshmi, the vision of the Lord is given to you. His life comes upon you. It touches your husband. The power of Christ comes upon your husband. Eternal blessings come upon you. His presence fills you in order that you would hold on to Him”. Glory to God for hearing my prayers. - Mahalakshmi, Madurai.

When Stella Ramola Prayed…

Knee pain gone When Sweety was singing a song on God sustaining us through struggles, I could not control my tears. I was suffering from severe knee pain since the past six months. When dear daughter was singing I was holding tight to my leg and was singing along with her. After the song was over, the pain just vanished. Now I don’t have any pain. The Lord has granted me healing, hearing Sweety’s prayer. - Malar Devasahayam, Madurai.

Leg pain healed I had a fracture since I was hit by a two wheeler in the month of November. I had to be in cast. Yet I had pain. I had great faith on the Lord but satan used to discourage me by whispering negative things in my ears. This morning I prayed to the Lord saying, “Lord, pour faith into me. Make me stand as a witness. Remove my leg pain. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and heal me”. Dear daughter Sweety was praying that time. Immediately the Holy Spirit came upon me. Even when He was filling me, I placed my hand on my leg and prayed for healing. My leg pain was completely gone. - Kamatchi, Madurai. - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


On behalf of the Jesus Calls ministry, a special prayer meet was conducted for the students appearing for their government public/annual exams. This Meet which was held on February 5th, at 2.00 PM in the Madras Christian College Hr.Sec. School campus, Chetpet was attended by several students in groups, as friends and as schools in Chennai as well as from suburban areas like Kanchipuram, Thiruvallur and Vellore. The Karunya students enthralled the crowd with their inspiring skit, songs and choreography. Stella Ramola rendered a heart melting special song. Students, who had scored high marks last year because of the prayers offered for them, shared their testimony for the glory of God. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s message on the success given by the Lord. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran offered special prayers for the thousands of students gathered there. Both Dr.Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran offered individual prayers for the students, at the end of the meeting. The meeting was begun with the prayers of Rev. Fr. M.Arulraj, Vicar General, Madras – Mylapore Arch diocese. Mr.G.J. Manohar, Principal of the School, gave the welcome speech. Students from different parts came for the meeting by school vans and were blessed. Everyone said that the Lord had removed their fear of exam through this meeting and had given them the courage to face the exams boldly, with faith on the Lord. 30

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YOUNG PARTNERS PLAN - JOIN TODAY For details: 1800 425 77 55 ( 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM) For Prayer help, during exam time: 044- 33 999 000 (24x7) Testimony of a Young Partner

SECOND PLACE IN STATE LEVEL I appeared for my 10th public exams last year. My parents are doctors. Through one of my mother’s colleagues, we came to know about the Jesus Calls ministry. My parents joined me and my younger sister in the Young Partner’s Plan. Until then I had very poor memory power and could not retain what I had studied. After joining this Plan, I started studying well. Particularly I could feel the Lord Jesus being with me. Every day I used to contact the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower before appearing for my exams. The Prayer Warriors too prayed earnestly for me. Also I offered the special prayer for students compiled by Uncle Paul Dhinakaran. Through these, I felt a divine wisdom coming upon me and I completed my exams. When the results were published the Lord helped me to obtain State Second with a score of 498/500 (Centum in Maths, Science, and Social and 99 in Tamil and English). Glory to God. - Sri Sanmathi, Madurai. - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


‘For He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; Nor has He hidden His face from Him; But when He cried to Him, He heard’ (Psalm 22:24). This is how David had written about his experience in life and the divine comfort he received. David was a man, who passed through the path of tribulations. Dear ones, are you too passing through the path of affliction today? The Lord, who helped David and comforted Him, would surely help you. The Lord Jesus Christ, who was manifested in the flesh, has promised, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33). In Psalm 22:24, the word used is ‘affliction’ whereas in John 16:33, it is ‘Tribulation” which is stronger than affliction. ‘Tribulation’ means ‘anguish’ (bewilderment) or despair (frustration) or sorrow (much worry and grief) (II Corinthians 2:7). This is not an ordinary grief but a grief that would sink us in destruction.


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Ezra has written, ‘Unless Your law had been my delight, I would then have perished in my affliction’ (Psalm 119:92).

of tribulation caused by the enemy camp prompted them to kill their mother and siblings in a horrible way.

Jesus says, “I have overcome this grief; so be of good cheer’.

This was reported in the newspaper several years after the war was over. Yes, surely oppression destroys a wise man's reason.

When afflictions assail, many suffer unable to bear it. The Bible says, ‘Surely oppression destroys a wise man's reason’ (Ecclesiastes 7:7). When oppression or affliction comes, even the wise men stumble. I read an incident in the newspapers. During the II World War, the American army entered into Japan and there was a big battle to seize an island called ‘Okinawa’. 66,000 Japanese soldiers died in that island and Japan was defeated. When the American army was proceeding forward, the people of that city were frightened about their fate and killed one another which resulted in 800 deaths. In a particular family, there was a 16 year old young boy who had an elder brother, a 10 year old sister and a 6 year old brother. They were four children. Both the boys were scared what would happen if the American troops entered their village. So, fearing the worst, they decided to kill their family before they fell into the hands of the Americans. Both the brothers began to pelt stones on their mother who did not know why they were doing so and pleaded them to stop. They did not stop and kept on pelting stones at her till she died. Then they strangled their own sister and youngest brother to death. They did not pay any heed to the pitiable cries of their siblings and killed them ruthlessly. The fear

But the Psalmist says, “God has not despised the afflictions of the afflicted saying, ‘What’s the big deal about this affliction’? He helped me”. Our gracious Lord too would never despise the affliction of the afflicted. Neither would He hide His face from us. His face would always appear to us. His eyes would always be upon us. When we call to Him, He would heed. This is because Jesus too walked through the same path of tribulation. The Bible says, ‘God made the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings’ (Hebrews 2:10). It pleased the LORD to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief… (Isaiah 53:10). Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows (Isaiah 53:4). He endured sufferings patiently, for our sake. Hence, we have a hope. What sufferings and tribulation did Jesus undergo? Bible Scholars opine that Psalm 22 is a prophetical Psalm. The many things that we see in this Psalm were fulfilled in the life of Christ.

AFFLICTION OF BEING FORSAKEN ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’ (Psalm 22:1).

When affliction assails us, darkness first covers us. The presence of God, suddenly vanishes. We would try to pray but cannot. Our heart would be broken to pieces. Darkness everywhere; forsaken by man, doctors, and friends. We would feel that God has forsaken us and wonder where to seek Him. Our gracious Lord Jesus too passed through this same problem underwent by the Psalmist. That’s why He cried out loudly, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (Matthew 27:46). Job said, “The days of affliction take hold of me. Days of affliction confront me” (Job 30:16,27). If He goes by me, I do not see Him; If He moves past, I do not perceive Him (Job 9:11). "Look, I go forward, but He is not there, And backward, but I cannot perceive Him; When He works on the left hand, I cannot behold Him; When He turns to the right hand, I cannot see Him’ (Job 23:8,9). In Job 2nd chapter he says, ‘The Almighty was with me. His countenance was upon me. But when affliction comes, I see on the left and right side but cannot perceive Him. I feel as if something is working on my left side. I hear some noise at the right side. I turn back and I do not perceive Him. Finally he laments, ‘Oh, that I knew where I might find Him, That I might come to His seat! (Job 23:3). When afflictions or trouble come or when grief overwhelms us, our soul would lament, ‘Where can I find Him?” ‘I will be glad and rejoice in - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


Your mercy, For You have considered my trouble; You have known my soul in adversities..’ (Psalm 31:7). ‘The troubles of my heart have enlarged; Bring me out of my distresses!’ (Psalm 25:17). The trouble of our soul is when the face of God suddenly gets hidden from us. At times of sorrow or when agonies torment us, many times, we wonder where God has gone, without listening to us.’ Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass, When the Lord has not commanded it? (Lamentations 3:37). David says, “My times are in Your hand (Lamentations 31:15). Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass, When the Lord has not commanded it? Yes, nothing will happen in our lives, without His permission. You should be very clear about this. We say, ‘somebody has done witchcraft’. Where is it written that the witchcraft done by them would come to pass? Do not be afraid. Why does God allow afflictions in our lives? Why is He silent as if He does not hear our cries? ‘When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold’ (Job 23:10). It takes time to refine gold. So, be patient. Do not think that He has forsaken you. ‘If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the LORD have done it?’ (Amos 3:6). First of all you should think that affliction has not come, without God telling. But, we are not going to stay forever in the affliction. The 34

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Lord would come again, embrace us and reestablish us. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all’ (Psalm 34:19).

AFFLICTION OF REPROACH "He trusted in the LORD, let Him rescue Him; Let Him deliver Him, since He delights in Him!" (Psalm 22:8). When Jesus passed through the path of affliction, He faced reproach. David says, ‘Reproach has broken my heart’ (Psalm 69:20). When everything is well, everybody would praise us. But once, afflictions attack us as it did to Job, the same mouths would deride us. This is how, when Jesus was hanging on the cross, those who passed by blasphemed Him, wagging their heads; even the robbers who were crucified with Him reviled Him with the same thing (Matthew 27: 4044). About this ungrateful people, David says thus: ‘For dogs have surrounded Me’ (Psalm 22:16). The Bible also says, ‘Deliver Me from the sword, My precious life from the power of the dog’ (Psalm 22:20). ‘At evening they return, They growl like a dog, And go all around the city. Indeed, they belch with their mouth; Swords are in their lips; For they say, "Who hears?" (Psalm 59:6,7). ‘These bloodthirsty men have swords in their lips…’ (Psalm 59:2).

There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword… (Proverbs 12:18). Jesus went through such paths. Several years ago, one of my friends in South Africa shared with me a news: In South Africa, there is a place for wild animals like lion and it is called the Park. Many people visit this Park. This friend was staying in a hotel near the Park. One day, as he was watching, he was shaken to see a terrible sight. A lion came out of a cave. The moment it came out, 6 dogs from all directions fell upon it, tore it apart with their teeth and killed it. A lion, does not turn away from any (Proverbs 30:30). But just as how those 6 dogs surrounded the lion and killed it, wicked people surrounded our gracious Lord to kill Him. They stood around His cross and blasphemed Him. This would happen to us also, when afflictions attack us.

Our gracious Lord Jesus is full of comforts (Philippians 2:1,2). ‘A (true) friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity’ (Proverbs 17;17). … there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). ‘Sticking closer’ means ‘ with rights’. The Lord Jesus loves us with the rights more than a brother. He comforts us in the midst of our afflictions and reproach. So don’t be afraid when you see reproaches. Let reproach, scoffing, shame and words piercing like sword come against you. Jesus, who passed through them, would appear on the other side. He will embrace and kiss you. He will comfort you in so many other ways. He will give you victory over  affliction.



“...that though He (Jesus) was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich” (II Corinthians 8:9)

n order to know the suffer ings undergone by the poor, the Lord Jesus Christ, despite being rich, committed Himself to be born on this earth in a poor family. God the Father too, sent Him, who was beside Him as His beloved Son, into the world as a Sacrifice for redemption of sins. He grew up as the Son of an ordinary carpenter; He underwent all the sufferings of the people of the world. According to the will of God, He gave up His life on the cross; on the third day He rose again by the power of God. Since He bore all the sufferings for the sake of man’s redemption, He obtained the grace to be seated on the right hand of God (Romans 8:34). “For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an ex-

ample, that you should follow His steps” (I Peter 2:21).

Accordingly, it is the will of God that we too should follow His steps, and press every day toward the goal for the prize kept for us. ‘Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us’ (Hebrews 12:1). ‘…forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 3:13,14).

As the Apostle Paul thus says, what is the use of worrying over the sufferings or trials or burdens of the world? "Which of you by

worrying can add one cubit to his stature? (Matthew 6:27). Sufficient for the day is its own trouble (Matthew 6:34). Accordingly, if we hold onto the Lord Jesus, who bore all the sufferings and tell Him, “Lord, You are my thoughts; there is none but You to help with love”, He will surely deliver us. Remembering the physical sufferings that He underwent when He was in this world, He would intercede for us at our times of trouble. “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15).

How did the Lord successfully overcome His sufferings and what are the blessings that we obtain by following them? – Let us meditate on these things: - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


Grace given by obedience ‘Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them, but His mother kept all these things in her heart’ (Luke 2:51).

At the age of 12, knowing the purpose for which God, His Father sent Him into this world, the Lord Jesus sat in the midst of the teachers in the Temple and spoke to them. And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. His mother said to Him, "Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously." And He said to them, "Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?” Yet, knowing well that obeying His parents was the will of God, He subjected Himself to them and went with them. Hence, He increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men (Luke 2:46-52). Once, a mother spoke to me over the phone and cried for her son’s long term sickness. I reminded her about God’s promise, ‘if you would believe you would see the glory of God?" (John 11:40), and explained to her about the Lord’s love, miracles and signs. After that also, she kept on talking about her problems and did not obey the Lord’s Words and give room to thoughts about His 36

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glory and miracle. "For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the LORD our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him?’ (Deuteronomy 4:7). The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth (Psalm 145:18).

When we believe these promise verses and obey Him, He would be near us. My dear sisters, like King David, who sought the Lord early in the morning (Psalm 63:1), learn to seek Him early in the morning. According to the verse, ‘He awakens Me morning by morning’ (Isaiah 50:4), He would give you the grace for that. Get up early in the morning and interact with Him; hand over your worries to Him; you, who seek Him early in the morning, would find Him (Proverbs 8:17). Then the wisdom from heaven would rule over you. Seeing your obedience, your firm faith and humility, the Lord will delight over you. He will increase His grace in your life to do His will.

He will grant your needs according to your request.

Depth of Love ‘God is love….he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him’ (I John 4:8,16).

Once, the scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman caught in adultery. People too surrounded Him curious to know what form of judgment He would pass on her. ‘He had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man’ (John 2:25)

But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31).

Accordingly, knowing what was in their minds, Jesus kept quiet for sometimes. Then He said, ‘"He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.". Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one. He, who is the personification of love and who hates sin but loves the sinner said to that woman with real burden and concern, ‘"Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." (John 8:1-13). Is there anything comparable to the love of the Lord who forgave that woman caught in adultery and who was a laughing stock to the people and delivered her from the hand of the wicked?

Also, if you read the Word of God daily, obey His Word and wait in His presence in reverence, the Lord would dwell with you.

My dear sisters, likewise, this heart of love looks at you too! Is everyone blaming you and causing you pain? Don’t be worried.

Look up to the Lord, who hates sin but loves the sinner. He will forgive your sins. He will protect you from not falling into the mud of sin. He will remove from you all the worldly things such as the love of the world, lust of the flesh, and pride of life (I John 2:16,17). He will transform you into a new creation (II Corinthians 5:17). He will draw you with gentle cords, with bands of love (Hosea 11:4). A sister was leading a happy family life with her husband and dear children. Suddenly the quiet family was assailed by a storm like situation. How? That woman, who should have submitted herself to her husband, developed friendship with another man. The family life became hell. Seeing the mother’s adulterous life, the children began to lead a wayward life. But, the husband, the head of the family, held on to the feet of Christ, who was his only hope. His love and unshakable faith on Him, gradually changed that woman’s heart. She too began to love Jesus and her family. Divine love flooded into that family and peace and joy was restored.

My dear sisters, who are caught up in such sinful temptations, hold onto Jesus. ‘If anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him’ (John 9:31). Accordingly, commit yourself to be godly and do His will. His love

will change everything in your life and divine peace and joy would rule over you.

Blessing of Patience ‘He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth’ (Isaiah 53:7).

Through the above verse, we come to know how Jesus was tormented by the jealous people and how He was silent even amidst that, without opening His mouth. For whom did He bear all these sufferings? In order to deliver us from sicknesses, trials, and afflictions, He patiently endured all the sufferings and trials that came against Him. A young girl was a busybody and had the habit of talking openly about everything. Her terrible nature frightened everyone, who tried to avoid her as much as possible. Once she went to a Gospel meeting where she heard the Word of God which pierced her heart like a two edged sword. She repented and confessed her sins to the Lord with tears. She received divine peace and joy. Her life was totally transformed. From then on, only godly words came out of her mouth and those who were scared of her came seeking her with love. Who did this wonder? Who else can do this but the Lord Jesus who patiently gave Himself up on the cross to change our sinful life and sanctify us?

‘…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control’ (Galatians 5:22,23).

The only way for these fruits of the spirit to be seen in us is to meditate on Jesus saying ‘You alone are my thoughts’ and to follow His steps. ‘…when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away’ (I Corinthians 13:10).

Let us pray to get filled with the Holy Spirit, the Perfect. Let us think of the benefits that we have got from God and praise Him from the bottom of our heart. Then He will pour His Holy Spirit upon us in such a measure that there will not be room enough to receive it. Then the Holy Spirit will remove all our shortcomings and lacks. My dear sister, it is the will of God that we should receive good qualities such as love, obedience, and patience from the Lord Jesus. Hold on to Him right today! Don’t think of man and things of the world and get disappointed. Instead let your thoughts be filled with Jesus! Let your vessel overflow with Christ’s characteristics! May you receive His priceless and inexpressible, glorious blessings and live happily!  BIBLE QUIZ 59 - WINNERS

Chennai: Godvia D. Sumithra David Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy Karnataka: Manna Prasad, Florence Nirmala Kesari, K. Dhanamani, Annie Evangeline New Delhi: G. Raja Haveela Andhra: J. Thanuja Telangana: Helen Cornelius - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


Reunited after 16 years! Sis. Sarah Gandhimathy of our Esther Prayer Group, was living separated from her husband since 16 years. We had written to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for her. Also we prayed for her in our Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayers and helped her to get reunited with her husband on December 7th. Our thanks to the sisters who prayed for her! We give all glory to the Lord. Also, Sis. Gethsial Ezekiel of our group faced hindrance in her prayer life and spiritual growth. The same prayer point was given to her for prayer and she prayed with burden. The Lord gave her perfect peace. - P. Zacharial Prince, Chennai – 27

Increase in the Esther Prayer Group For the past three months of our prayer, there were only 5 sisters and I felt bad and even thought of stopping the prayer. Sis. Glory Rajayogam, the co-coordinator of our area met us and encouraged us to continue with the prayer, by giving us many counsels. Accordingly before this month’s Esther Prayer Group fellowship – on December 19th – I prayed with fast38

JESUS CALLS March 2017 -

ing. By the grace of God, 13 sisters attended the prayer. Glory to God. - G.Tharamani Grahadurai Sivakasi.

Helped me to be patient When Sis. Kalaimathy of our Esther Prayer Group prayed, she had the vision of Jesus. As per my prayer request, the Lord gave me the grace to be patient in everything. Hearing the prayers offered for Sis. Kaaleeswari to get a job, God granted her a good job. - A.Shalini, Madurai.

Blessed with a job I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Sis. Mamatha of our group was living in a hut and she was praying for a house of her own. Hearing the prayer, the Lord granted her a good job. He has also blessed her with a nice accommodation. We are all happy now. The Lord is doing miraculous things in our Esther Prayer Group. I give all praise and glory to Him. - Kirubamani, Telungana.

Fire anointing, divine vision I am the leader of the Esther

Prayer Group in our area. The time of prayer is of great blessing to all of us. All the sisters were filled with fire anointing. Heaven was opened and God’s glory came upon us. During the prayer, the Lord appeared in our midst. The sisters saw the vision of angels walking in our midst. The promise verse is of great blessing to us. All glory to the Lord for the divine blessings bestowed upon us during the Esther Prayer Group fellowship. - Aysha Selwyn Christian, Amhedabad.

The hand of God; the touch of the Spirit I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. This month’s promise verse was of great comfort to all of us. During the Esther Prayer Group prayer, Sis. Sangeetha saw the vision of the Lord’s hand coming upon her. The Lord strengthened the sisters who attended the prayer. He granted us the gift of prophecy. Everybody enjoyed the touch of the Holy Spirit. Heavens were open and they were thrilled to see the angels. They received the Lord’s powerful touch and fire anointing. Glory to God. - Selvina Amit Christian, Gujarat.

CHILDREN ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Grace to pray and read the Bible Last month, Sis. Karishma of our Junior Esther Prayer Group did not know how to pray. She struggled to read the Bible. But this month, she read the Bible and prayed for the prayer point. We were so happy. Jebina said that she was happy to attend the prayer. - G.Emima, Coimbatore.

My Dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Contact Address: Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email:

Dear sisters, who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for the each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you.


Who was like no one? From which part to which part, what was not in him? When will who give what? What was done to which thing and what departed from where? What was upon whom? What did he do and ran ahead of whom to the entrance of which place? 5. Who was as what? How was he? 6. According to what of the Lord was which thing and what else sold for how much? 7. What is as great delight to whom in doing what? 8. What did who give to whom and like what? 9. When who did what using which thing, what happened to whom? 10. What has pleased whom so that He will not do which thing for His great what?

Answers must reach us before MARCH 20, 2017

Address: Bible Quiz - 61, Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


“…he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him’ (I John 4;16)


rom this verse, we can understand how pow erful and glorious God’s love is! The God of gods, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit give us this divine love. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are the same. So, we are able to taste God’s love in three forms because of which divine peace and joy fill our life. Let us meditate on a few women, who thus loved the God of gods and received blessings.

proceeded out of His mouth were full of love and life, sat at His feet whenever He visited them and listened to His Words. The reason, her love was filled with godly fear. That’s why the Lord tells about her to Martha,

Martha and Mary

My dear sisters, what kind of love do you show to the Lord? Mary chose the good part which could not be taken away from her. This is the biggest blessing that He gave for the love she had for Him. Even today, like Mary, if you too would wait at the feet of the Lord Jesus, read and meditate on His Word diligently and seek Him, the Lord would proudly tell of you, ‘You’ve

Both were sisters. They, as well as their only brother Lazarus had much love for the Lord Jesus Christ (John 11:5). Yet their love differed from each other. Martha showed her love for the Lord by welcoming Him in her home and by taking care of Him. Lazarus too loved Jesus dearly. Mary, on the other hand, knowing pretty well that the words that 40

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"Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:41,42).

chosen that good part which will not be taken away from you”. Today, if our life lacks this divine state and fulfils Bible reading and prayer as some duty, there is no way to enjoy the divine peace and joy given by God. In the Esther Prayer Group, many sisters gather as groups and learn to pray for others. When we send them the Prayer Points along with Bible verses, they read them eagerly, meditate upon them and pray earnestly for other women, holding on to those promises. This prayer becomes a blessing to many women’s lives and also the sister who prays gets filled with great peace and joy. Don’t you want this kind of blessing which the Lord gives for the sisters in the Esther Prayer Group? For your life to be pleasing to the Lord, if

you spend your time in prayer and in reading the Bible with reverence, there is no doubt that your life too would be filled with divine peace and joy. About this we read in Psalm 29:11, ‘The LORD will give strength to His people; The LORD will bless His people with peace’. Today, there is no peace in the lives of many people. Their hearts are filled with worries, burdens, jealousy, anger, enmity, hatred, filth and lust which are brought by the devil (James 3:14-16). They are far away from the Lord. The devil easily enters into them and gives them a life of unrighteousness, filth and iniquities. My dear sisters, have you given your life to the devil? Or have you given your whole heart to the Lord Jesus? Do you seek the Lord with reverence like Mary? – Examine your life. If these lacks are found in your life, kneel down in the presence of God and plead to Him saying, “Lord, You know about all the shortcomings in my life; change my life upside down to choose the good part like Mary did and taste your love. Forgive all my

sins. Wash me with the sacred blood which You have shed for me on the cross and give me the grace to seek You with all my heart” "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." (Matthew 21:22).

Accordingly, the Lord will surely hear your prayers and grant you victory. The Bible says, ‘this is the victory that has overcome the world; our faith’ (I John 5:4). Hannah, mother of Prophet Samuel: In the Bible, we see Hannah, the mother of Samuel, languishing without a child since several years. But, her husband’s other wife, Peninnah, had many children. You can imagine how much suffering and tears would have been there in Hannah’s life. Yes, she was tormented by sorrow, pain and agony and she had absolutely no peace and joy. At this juncture, she remembered the love of God. Immediately, she ran to the Temple of God and opened up her heart to Him. She said, ‘I have poured out my soul before the LORD’ ( I Samuel 1:15). In the same Chapter, 18th verse says, ‘her face was

no longer sad’. What does it mean? The moment Hannah poured out her heart in the presence of God, He filled her with divine peace. Also, He made her realize with faith that only His love would give joy in her life. Accordingly God blessed her with, not a single child but with many children (I Samuel 2:21). Anna, the Prophet: Like Hannah, we read about Anna in the New Testament (Luke 2:36-38). How was her life filled with sorrow? She lived with her husband only for seven years and became a widow at quite a young age. Just imagine how her life would have been. Today, so many sisters who go through this path are deeply troubled. They languish without peace saying, ‘What will I do next? How will I live in loneliness?’ But this Anna, ran to the Temple of God and prayed for God’s love. Don’t we get His love, care and blessing when we seek His presence? Many widows of these days fail to understand this. They think more about their remarriage and wonder how they would live in loneliness. Sometimes, - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


they undergo yet another sorrowful situation in their lives. But Anna held on to the feet of God. Not departing from the temple, she served God with fasting and prayers night and day. When her love got united with the Lord’s love, she was filled with the joy and peace of knowing the Lord at the ripe old age of 84. In my life too, by the grace of God, when I lost my husband with whom I had

lived for 48 years and was left alone, I chose this life like Anna did. God is leading me always to abide in Him, read and meditate upon His Word, and with His help, comfort the sisters/families that need comfort. I cannot describe in words how much peace and joy I enjoy from this.

Yes, dear ones, like the above mentioned sisters, you too should love Him dearly in order that the love of Christ should flow into you. Get

united with Him. A man of God sings, “I am nothing without You…” Let us also sing about Him thus. Let us come out of all the things of the world, seek Jesus, be on fire by the Holy Spirit and be victorious enjoying a life filled with God’s love and be always filled with divine peace and joy. The love of the Lord will wipe away your tears.



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JESUS CALLS March 2017 -

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TELEVISION MINISTRY Reunited Family! I am married since more than 30 years. We have two sons and a daughter. My husband was an extreme alcoholic because of which we underwent terrible sufferings in the family.

band, who hated Jesus earlier, has now accepted Him as his personal Saviour and is praying along with me in the Prayer Tower. Our family is filled with peace and joy. Glory to God. - K.Kanchana, Chennai - 108

Also, quite unexpectedly my husband left me in the year 2007, taking my two sons with him. My daughter, who was then studying 7th std., was with me. I did not know what to do and both of us languished without food. We approached our relatives but they too rejected us. I had no way to live. Then I got a chance to work as a maid in a house and with that income I brought up my daughter with great difficulty.

Last August I fell sick and went to the hospital as my fever spiked up. The doctors gave me some medicine but the next morning when I woke up, my both legs were swollen and I could not walk. I could not pass urine also. Immediately my children took me to the hospital. Again the doctors tested me and said that my both kidneys had failed and that I needed urgent treatment. I was taken to the ICU.

At this juncture, the mistress of the house where I was working told me about the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. I began to visit the Prayer Tower. Particularly, in 2012, I attended the meeting conducted by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran in the Vanagaram Prayer Tower. I was surprised when she said that day that God would do a miracle. I trusted God more. Since then I held on to Him and became His child. Also I continued watching the Jesus Calls TV programmes and joined Sis. Stella Dhinakaran in prayer for my husband and for my family to get reunited. What a wonder! In 2014, my husband came back to me. Above all, he was completely delivered from alcoholism. Presently, my husband, children and I are living happily. My hus-

Delivered from death

My condition worsened as days went by and I became bedridden. Finally doctors gave up hope and said that I wouldn’t live long. Even the chief doctor had told my children that there was no chance for me to live and that I should be admitted in the government hospital since the cost would be low. I was admitted there and here too doctors said that I would not live. I too felt the same. Since the hospital was becoming crowded, I was sent back home after a week. That day my daughter contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower to pray for my healing. The Prayer Warrior said that the Lord would surely heal me. Also when Sis. Stella Dhinakaran was praying for the sick in the TV programme, I too joined her in the prayer. What a wonder! I began to pass urine. Not only that, the swelling on my leg vanished and I

started walking. Now I walk well and am going for my job. Glory to God who has done this miracle. - S.Vimala, Chennai - 74

Power came down; tumour vanished I am married and have a child. I am working in a company in Chennai. I had a tumour in my throat because of which I could not eat properly. Also whenever I ate something my stomach would bloat. So I suffered a lot and could not even drink water properly. Because of this, I could not concentrate on my job. As I became sick I went to the hospital and took medicines. But still I was not healed. At this juncture, while I was watching the Jesus Calls TV programme, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran was sharing God’s message and she prayed specially for the sick. I too joined her in the prayer and cried out to God for my healing. Suddenly Sister said, ‘Let the thyroid tumour vanish’. I felt as if the prayer was for me. When these words came from her, the power of God came upon me and immediately the tumour in my throat vanished. I was healed completely. After that when I again went to the hospital for check up, the report came out to be normal. Since then I am in perfect health. I am able to eat well without any problem and also do my job. My thanks to God who did this miracle. - M.Leema Murali, Chennai -74. - March 2017 JESUS CALLS





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- Yesupatham Savitha halted as she came out of her room, taking her lunch bag. “Is he Divakar? It’s years since I saw him in person… seen him only in the photo’ – As she was thus musing, “You are Savitha, right?” – the question asked him, confirmed her suspicion. “Yes, I was wondering if you are Divakar… How are you and how is your mother?” “Mom had a fall and her hip is injured. So she’s not able to walk..” “Oh, gosh! O.K come with me, let’s us have lunch. Give me your mother’s address. I’ll visit her” Divakar, who was about to decline her offer for lunch, hesitated and finally decided to go with her to the dining hall as ordained by God. ‘Savitha! You talk well now. Its quite surprising that you could hear now. I never thought that I would see you working in a bank”. Hiding her moist eyes, she spoke, “Yes, it is a surprise for many. But this is an easy thing for the Lord. When I was deaf and

dumb, I was a laughing stock. I could not bear it at that young age and even decided to commit suicide. But God comforted me through my Sunday School teacher. It was she, who introduced Jesus to me as a close friend. Since then I started telling him my difficulties and shame, on my knees. He gave me peace which made me take my impediment as a challenge. By His grace, my ears were opened and my tongue was loosened. I began to talk well. Through my education, in Sashtri Nagar, Adyar, Chennai I concentrated on my studies and shifted to English Medium when I was in my 7th Std., Everybody discouraged me but I committed everything to Jesus and continued with my studies. I could complete my schooling and did my college. Here again some people teased me. But I was not bothered. I came college first much to everyone’s surprise…” Finishing their lunch, they continued with their conversation. “Mom and I had teased Savitha a lot. We’ve made her cry quite often. How is she able to

forget everything and sit here with me?” Wondered Divakar. “I wrote bank exams and finally got this post last month. My husband’s family willingly accepted me and now we are happy”. Divakar was stunned on hearing this! “O.K I’ve been talking only about me Divakar. What about you? How many children do you have?” With a grim look, he talked to himself, “After listening to you, I feel that I can also achieve something. I don’t have a job and so am not able to take care of mom…” “What happened Divakar? You are not telling anything? His thoughts were interrupted by Savitha. ‘After coming here, I have also become a new man. I’ll tell you when the time comes…’ So saying he got up to wash his hands. Both looked happy! Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away (II Corinthians 5:17). - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


GOD’S MIRACLES THROUGH GOD’S MESSAGES Victory given by the Promise My son is now doing second year in college. For several months, he had been practising for weight lifting competition. He told me that he had to attend a competition on November 17th. But he faced many obstacles. He could not get the certificates needed for that. He was told that he could participate in the competition only if he had those certificates. We tried for many days but in vain. So my son was totally upset and we did not know what to do. It was painful to see him suffer. At this state, as a family we visited the Vanagaram Prayer Tower Chennai, on November 1st. I was wondering about that month’s promise word. That time, the special promise message for that month was being broadcast in the Prayer Tower and I started listening to it with prayer. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran mentioned the verse, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ (Philippians 4:13), and said that the Lord would strengthen us. I claimed this promise verse for my son and began to pray every day. My husband and son too joined me in the prayer at 4.30 in the morning every day and pleaded to the Lord to help him take part in the competition. What a wonder! Within few days after hearing the God’s message, he got the two certificates which he needed and the obstacle was removed. After getting prayers from the Prayer Tower, he attended the competition on November 17th and he got the first place. He got a certificate and cash prize. Glory to God. - Latha Wilson, Chennai -116

GOD’S POWER CAME DOWN; OBSTACLE REMOVED I was suffering from the problem of varicose vein because of which my whole body, especially legs and hands would tremble. I was scared. I attended the Family Blessing Meeting conducted by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, with hope. That day she gave God’s message and prayed for the sick. That prayer was for me. I too joined dear sister in prayer. The power of God came upon me and in a moment all my fears vanished. Also my trembling stopped and now I am in good health. My thanks to dear sister, who prayed for me. - Saravanakumar, Chennai -28

Obstacle gone; Marriage took place My daughter was not married for a long time. So we were in agony. I attended the last Women’s Conference. When Sis. Stella Dhinakaran offered God’s message and prayed for those who were not married, I too joined her in the prayer. Hearing the prayer, the Lord blessed my daughter with a suitable partner and helped us to have the marriage in a grand manner. Glory to God. - R.Prema Ravi, Kanchipuram.

ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ - 59 1. The voice of Abel’s blood; from the groud - (Genesis 4:9,10) 2. Bribe; the discerning; the words of the righteous – (Exodus 23:8) 3. Fire went out from the Lord; Nadab & Abihu, the sons of Aaron – (Leviticus 10:2,1) 4. The Lord God’s mercy & truth; Abraham – (Genesis 24:27) 5. All the tithe of the land; the seed of the land; the fruit of the tree; to the Lord – (Leviticus 27:30) 6. As a tale bearer; against the life of your neighbour – (Leviticus 19:16) 7. Rebekah; her life; the daughters of Heth – (Genesis 27:46) 8. The scepter; From Judah; until Shiloh comes – (Genesis 49:10) 9. A fire; on the altar – (Leviticus 6:13) 10. Spirit of God; Bezalel; and in wisdom and understanding and in Knowledge & all manner of workmanship – (Exodus 35:30,33) 46

JESUS CALLS March 2017 -

QUESTION: Is godly fear necessary in our daily life? How to follow that and live a pleasing life to God? The Bible says, ‘His delight is in the fear of the LORD’ (Isaiah 11:3). ‘Happy is the man who is always reverent’ (Proverbs 28:14).

Hence, my dear sisters, read this diligently and follow this in reverence, with the help of God and then He would change your life into a blessed and sweet smelling life, pleasing to Him.

FEAR OF GOD IN WOMEN’S LIVES: The Bible says, ‘But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised’ (Proverbs 31:30).

Let me elaborate on my life to you. I was born in a Christian family. My parents brought me up in godly ways as much as they knew. We attended church every Sunday, without fail. I was in the Sunday school and won many prizes. This was my spiritual life! For the sake of studies I had to join a hostel. When I was there, I used to long for

my parents’ love. I was 16 then. Many friends were there but still one day I was crying thinking that I was far away from my parents’ love and care. That time, I saw the presence of God coming down. I did not see anyone. I heard the Lord’s voice in my ears. Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ came into my room and spoke to me. I felt Him asking me, “Daughter, I have given My life for you. Won’t you seek My love?” Also, I was drawn by His divine love. I cannot describe this in words. Even without my knowledge I opened my heart to Him. Right then I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Saviour. I felt His divine peace and joy filling me. Since that day, the love of my friends or even my parents did not appear great to me. The Lord gave me a divine life of always meditating on Him and living in unison with Him. From this, He Himself taught me to do

everything only according to His will and walk in fear of Him. “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye” (Psalm 32:8).

Yes, dear ones! This divine love has given me reverence and a holy life until now, as a result of which it is of great help to me to live closely with Him, to have fellowship with Him and to walk in the ways shown by Him. This is a life of godly fear. What does the Bible say about this? ‘I will put My fear in their hearts so that they will not depart from Me’ (Jeremiah 32:40).

During my betrothal, the pastor read from Proverbs 31:10-31. As I listened to it, I was afraid and worried that I did not have such a life. But after marriage as we lived as couple, God gave me godly fear and taught me step by step to live as a virtuous woman - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


and as a vessel pleasing to Him. He thus led me and blessed me. Hence, dear sisters, God will surely increase godly fear and divine love in you in order that you would live as priceless and virtuous women.

GOOD PART THRU’ GODLY FEAR: When we read about the sisters Martha and Mary in the Bible, as the Lord said, Martha was content doing ‘much serving’. Hence she had no godly fear because of which worries and burdens in her life oppressed her. On the other hand, her sister Mary, had committed her life to always holding on to the feet of God and in meditating His Word. Hence, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself testifies about her, ‘Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:3842). So, my dear sisters, as the Bible says, ‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 4:6,7). 48

JESUS CALLS March 2017 -

Accordingly, hold on to the Lord firmly. Read the Bible verse diligently every day. Memorize the promises in the Bible. At the due time, during your difficult times, these promises of God would come to your mind. Holding on to these promises, when you pray for your problems, the Lord will surely heed your prayers. Like Mary, your life would be a life that has chosen the good part and will be full of godly fear.

WOMAN OF DIVINE STRENGTH Today, many women are not worried, ‘How to live for the Lord? How to arise and shine? And how to fulfil His will?’ They do their routine regular works and do not pay any attention to seek God and to walk in His ways. In the Bible we read about a woman judge by name Deborah and how she lived. She was a wife who had many responsibilities as every wife has. Since she had a close fellowship with God, He had filled her with the power of His Holy Spirit. Having the gift of prophecy, she had been chosen by God as a Judge of Israel. God also used her to gain victory in every battle by revealing His will

to her in each and every battle. What about you, my dear sisters? Do you want to fill your life with this divine power and fear? The Bible says, ‘"For everyone who asks receives…’ (Luke 11:10). For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, And floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, And My blessing on your offspring (Isaiah 44:3).

Accordingly, if you kneel down with thirst, longing and godly fear and ask Him for this kind of life, the Lord will surely grant you such kind of life, filled with divine power. The wife of a particular servant of God never used to respect her husband’s untiring, day and night service for God. Whenever he came home late, finishing his ministry, she would keep a bowl of cold porridge before him and go back to her room, pretending to sleep. But, he would take up the bowl in his hands and pray loudly, ‘Lord, I praise You for this porridge. So many poor are there who are denied of even this porridge. I thank You for the food You have given”. After that he would go to sleep peacefully. But this woman used to be restless in the bed, angry and annoyed with him.

At this juncture, that ser-

out of her. Whenever she

vant of God died quite unex-

prayed for people, filled with

pectedly. After that, she was

this love, she would shed

left alone and she longed for

tears. Her life was totally

someone to help her. But

transformed. Through her,

none was there. Only then

many churches were estab-

her eyes and heart were opened. She immediately looked up to the Lord. Our gracious and merciful God, forgave all her transgressions and changed her into a new creation. Also, as she began to wait in the Lord’s presence more and more, He anointed her with the filling, power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. The love of God flowed





miracles done because of godly fear in her life. Even today, her children are serving the Lord in different places.

Yes, dear sisters, do you live a foolhardy life, without any fear of God? Is your life filled with filth and unrighteousness? If so, kneel

down before the feet of God and cry out to Him, like that sister did. Let us commit ourselves by praying, “Lord, remove my pride and haughtiness and give me godly fear and reverence. Forgive my sins and change me into your daughter. As Paul said, give me the divine life of living for Christ. Give me the grace to follow You every day, with fear”. Then, the divine power, gifts and the filling of the Holy Spirit, which the Lord gave for that woman, would fill you. You would arise and shine for the Lord.

Thru’ Letters… God, who rebuilt the broken family I got married in 1991. In 1993, my husband died in a road accident and I was heartbroken. I did not know what to do. I came to know of the Prayer Tower and wrote a letter seeking prayers for me. I was comforted by the reply. After that I was in contact with the Prayer Tower regularly. I also supported the ministry with what offering I could give. After this, I who had studied up to 6th std., did my higher studies. I had requested for a good job. By the grace of God I got a government job. Now I am doing well. I educated my son with great difficulty. By the grace of God, he has also completed his B.E and is holding a good job. Thanks to you, who prayed for me! Praise be to God who has done miracles in my life. - T. Roja Mani, Chennai - 70

Sister Stella Dhinakaran is eagerly waiting to pray for you. Please feel free to send your prayer requests to Sister Stella Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 or mail to - March 2017 JESUS CALLS


At SEESHA, we see women of indomitable spirit in the rural and urban poor communities where we work. They may be uneducated, without a job, widowed or dealing with an alcoholic spouse – but they never stop seeking ways to support and uplift their families. That is why we support such women through trainings, awareness campaigns and financial assistance, building their capacities to play the roles they have so passionately taken up in their homes and communities. Though SEESHA awareness on a range of topics including health, hygiene, disease, financial management, rights, government schemes, water conservation, waste management, etc. are made. Help to improve the health, financial status and quality of living in their families, long-term and short-term skill training courses such as tailoring, jute-bag making, cosmetology, etc. equip them to become breadwinners and entrepreneurs who can financially support their families, is given. Self-help groups and women’s groups help them manage revolving funds and support the financial needs of their families. Monthly financial assistance for women who are widowed or have been made destitute is provided. Motivated women are trained in various areas of health and environment, and groomed into Community Health Facilitators (CHFs) who act as ambassadors to promote health and prevent disease within their own local communities. Last year 430 women were trained in tailoring through 13 centres. 39 sewing machines distributed to women who completed tailoring training. 731 women received awareness and skill training in various shortterm programmes. 222 widows/destitute women were supported financially.

SEESHA’S SUPPORT : “I am S. Sasikala from Keelkavarapettu village. My husband passed away 6 years ago, leaving me with my two children – one son and one daughter. I am a daily-wage labourer, working in agricultural fields. I do not get regular work, and the wages I earn is not sufficient. As we live below poverty line, I find it difficult to fulfil the growing needs of my children. Thanks to SEESHA, I am now being supported financially on a monthly basis to take care of my children’s needs. Moreover, I am being trained at SEESHA Tailoring Centre so that I can start my own business and support my family without having to depend on anyone else. I am truly grateful for this wonderful opportunity that gives me hope for the future.”

To donate or know more, visit or call +91 9300600600.

*Donations made to SEESHA are eligible for tax savings as per Section 80G of the Income Tax Act (for Indian citizens).* 50

JESUS CALLS March 2017 -

Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-02-2017


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