Jesus Calls (English) - March 2018

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Jesus Calls Partners’ Meet on 20th January 2018 Thiruvananthapuram


went through several problems, shame and sickness and was rejected by everyone. I then happened to attend the Jesus Calls meetings held at Puthrikandam grounds, Thiruvananthapuram in the year 2002. I sat far behind in that ground hiding myself from others. I who knew nothing about prayer or reading the word of God or worshipping the Lord, was suddenly inspired to keep praising God. The meeting started and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, called me by my name through the Holy Spirit during the prayer time. He said, “Mr. Vincent, God’s power is coming upon you right now. The power of the demon which had tormented you thus far is now put to an end. All the evil powers that were sent by the wicked people clung on to your body and were causing you all the pain. Doctors were not able to identify the cause of your suffering but Jesus is healing you right now. Mr. Vincent, be healed in Jesus’

name. I say this under the power of the Holy Spirit. The power of God is flowing into you.” At that moment, for the first time in my life, I felt God’s love and power flooding into me filling me with great joy and peace. I was healed miraculously when Jesus came into my life. From that day, God started to bless me and lift me up. I had debts amounting to Rs. 240,000, but God enabled me to clear them all! So far I have sponsored twenty four Jesus Calls TV programs. As a family we are now totally blessed.


eing a partner, we have received numerous miracles as a family through Jesus Calls ministry. My daughter and her family reside in the US. My son-in-law lost his job in November 2016 and his family went through tough times. My husband and I, being here in India were helpless. I immediately contacted the Prayer Tower for prayers and I also attended the

Tuesday fasting prayers in the Prayer Tower and prayed for them. One Sunday morning, before going to Church, I with a heavy heart, switched on the TV to watch the Jesus Calls programme. In that programme, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out my son-in-law’s name saying, “Mr. Rakesh, God is blessing you right now. He will give you a new future. Wonderful projects are opening up for you. He will elevate you to great heights.” We shed tears of joy when that word came directly to us. I immediately called my daughter and shared this with her. It was the 1st of December and they were getting ready to leave America and come back to India at that point. But doors of miracle started to open up for them in USA, exactly as the prophecy that was uttered by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. God opened a new project and appointed Rakesh as a project manager in a leave vacancy in that company for 4 months. Later, He performed another miracle by posting him in a department when a person left that post. Then, God elevated him to have a permanent job in August 2017. This helped him to continue residing in that country with his wife and children. All glory to God. - March - 2018



From this year onwards, you will see these terrible times beginning in the world. People will become lovers of themselves and lovers of money. Yes, people will be willing to do anything for money. Anybody can be bought with money in the days to come. And those in authority will keep the poor people, poor all the time, so that when they throw some small amount of money they will do everything for them and keep them in power. No one will be able to trust another man - even from one’s own family. We shall see wife against husband, parents against children, and children against parents - all for the love of money.


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This is what is going to happen in the world from 2018 in preparation for the coming of the Antichrist. And this will be the preparation for the secret coming of Jesus Christ also. But what is God’s solution? Let’s see what happens in the last days.

PROPHETIC ANOINTING THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.” (Acts 2:17, 18) To overcome and sustain people during these ‘terrible times’, God is going to pour His Spirit upon “all flesh”. The Tongues from the Holy Spirit’s anointing will subdue the tongues of evil, lust and wickedness that hold people in their sway, rendering them powerless. God will give those anointed by His Spirit, visions. These visions will lead God’s people to do great things in the nation – always according to God’s will, to subdue the kingdom of the devil. (Rev. 10:11).

MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD’S TEMPLE WILL BE ESTABLISHED “In the last days the mountain of the Lord's temple will be established as chief among

the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and peoples will stream to it. Many nations will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths..." (Isaiah 2:2,3; Micah 4:1,2)

GOD WILL INSTEAD GIVE VISIONS TO LEAD THOSE ANOINTED BY HIS SPIRIT TO DO GREAT THINGS IN THE NATION ACCORDING TO GOD’S WILL TO SUBDUE THE KINGDOM OF THE DEVIL The hills represent the demonic powers which are love for money, disobedience, abusiveness and so on. But God’s temple, which is in you and me, will be on the mountains which will be above all the hills of the devil. God is going to establish each and every one of us upon the great mountains so that we can proclaim that Jesus is alive and He is the Prince of peace to the entire world. God will make your feet to stand on the mountain and

make your feet beautiful. You will bring the good news. (Isaiah 52:7; 40:9). You will show that your God reigns, and you will proclaim God’s peace over the nations of the world. Scholars have said that the seven mountains are the mountain of religion, education, family, government, media, entertainment and business/economics.” on which to establish the Kingdom of God.

RELIGION “These I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56:7). This is the mission of Jesus Calls. Today God has enabled us to pray from the 118 Prayer Towers for the broken hearted people to be healed; nation to function according to God’s plan of redemption; nations to come together in peace to be prepared for His coming.

“This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the Lord Almighty. ‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory - March 2018



of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” (Haggai 2:6- 9)

‘Young Partners Plan’. As we minister to them God is going to build the families for His glory.


To raise God’s anointed prophets to become kings and rulers. For this we need to pray without ceasing that God would cause His anointed prophets to hold responsible position in the government.

Through education, God’s power and His Kingdom has to be established. Thank God for Karunya Institutions (Deemed to be University and Schools). We have to establish several training institutions. All of the products have to be God-led, Spirit-filled and of divine nature so that the youngsters who pass through the institutions will imbibe the three essential qualities. And they in turn will have to prophesy - prophesy to kings and leaders. We will have to raise kings and queens for the nations. So, education will be a mountain, on which God will make us stand and establish His kingdom.

FAMILY The family life is being scattered by the love for money in the world today. But God is going to build the families through the Holy Spirit in these last days. The Lord says: “The prophet will come who will bring the heart of the fathers to the sons.” (Malachi 4:5, 6) So God will build up families across the world. In Jesus Calls we have a mission to specifically minister to families through our ‘Family Blessing Plan’ and ‘Young Partners Plan’. The prayer intercessors at Jesus Calls are pleading and interceding on behalf of those who have enrolled in the ‘Family Blessing Plan’ and 6

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THE FAMILY LIFE IS BEING SCATTERED BY THE LOVE FOR MONEY IN THE WORLD TODAY. BUT GOD IS GOING TO BUILD THE FAMILIES THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THESE LAST DAYS. MEDIA Today the news media is leading the world, leading even the governance of the world. So God’s grace will come upon us to bring God’s word and righteousness through the media and into the media.

ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS When there is recession in the whole world, only two industries will continue to prosper. One is entertainment and the other is food. And both of them will contribute to the prosperity of hospital industries and eateries. But in them God’s power will be made manifest. Today it is under the power of the evil one and is working against God’s kingdom. Terrible days! But the Holy Spirit lifts you up above these ‘hills’, and puts you on the mountain. And the prophetic voice that will come through you will break the power of these hills and it will bring people to the mountains.

BUSINESS/ ECONOMICS In the days to come business will control the governments. There will be changes in various governments and the conglomeration of the governments. The Lord spoke through me in 2016 “new conglomerations among the nations are happening.” And you saw Brexit - Brittan came out of European Union. In 2017 New Year Blessing Meeting, Chennai, the Lord spoke through me about North and South Korea: “The North Korea and South Korea shall come together.” After I announced it through prophecy, we saw North Korea was rising up with military power and threatening the United States. Very soon those powers will fall. North Korea and South

Korea will unite and the Gospel will go from there. So nations will be changed. Fulfillment of this Prophecy is now published in The Hindu newspaper on 18.01.2018 on Page 14 titled, “Koreas united on Winter Olympics; to compete as one team in the Games for the first time.” - North and South Korea have been talking since last weekfor the first time in more than two years- about the Olympics.

is no sin and so no death. God says, “I will give to eat of the tree of life.” God shows, there is a river of the water of life (Revelation 22:1,2). And next to it is the tree of life. And its leaves are for the healing of the nations. You will have life in you to bring healing to the nations.

Finally, as God brings us to these mountains to the establishment of these seven mountains that we meditated on, the Lord gives us seven blessings. Amazingly these seven blessings are given to the seven churches in Revelations.

“Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”(Revelation 2:10)

A. RIGHT TO EAT FROM THE TREE OF LIFE “I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.” (Revelation 2:3) So God gives you a reward (Rev. 2:7). He gives you the right to eat from the tree of life. This is in the paradise of God. Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden of Eden, so that they will not eat the fruit of the tree of life. They could only eat of the tree of knowledge. But the tree of life they couldn’t touch, for the tree of life gives life to be just like God. There


YOU ARE GOING TO BE PROMOTED IN SOCIETY AS NEVER BEFORE. God says, “I know your afflictions, your patience amidst slander and accusations. I know your poverty, I know that you have been put in prison, unjustly accused, punished unjustly and had to go through financial poverty. Yet you are rich. Before Me in My eyes you are rich. You are rich with Jesus. The reward for that is ‘the crown of life’. No evil one can touch you; I am going to crown

you. You will crush Satan under your feet (Romans 16:20)”. Yes, no man shall be able to stand before you (Josh. 1:5). You will have greater grace to overcome all the sin in this world (Romans 6:23; 5:20). Remember, the more the sin, the greater the grace of God (Rom. 5:20, 21). No weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). “No divination, no witchcraft, no enchantment, nothing will touch you (Num. 23:23), for God has put a crown upon your head. You will rule over every one of them; all those hills are destroyed.

C & D. HIDDEN MANNA, WHITE STONE WITH NEW NAME “The people of Israel called the bread manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey” (Exodus 16: 31) I know where you live-where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me. (Revelation 2:12,13) “Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.” (Revelation 2: 17) - March 2018



Revelations 2:10 can be paraphrased as God saying, ‘the devil fought with you so much, but you were faithful to Me; you never gave in to the temptation or the trails of the devil. Even though Satan and his people threatened you with death, you did not renounce your faith in Me.’ The blessing He gives us for that is, He says, “I will give you some of the hidden manna and I will also give a white stone with a new name on it” (Revelation 2:17). Only you will know the new name that is written on the white stone. The Bible refers to the manna the Israelites ate as “Human beings ate the bread of angels” (Psalm 78:25). He sent them all the food they could eat. Not one among them was weak; no one was missing, no one’s leg ever did swell. God protected them and made them walk to the promise land. Even if you are eighty years, you will be strengthened this year. You may be forty, and feel like ninety. But God is going to give you new organs and good health as a reward for standing up against the attacks of the devil and being faithful to the Lord JESUS in the midst of it. Secondly, when Jesus went up to the mount of transfiguration, His dress became dazzling white (Matthew 17:2). He was the corner stone and so he had to become white like lightning and then they hear the sound from heaven. It was a new name, “This 8

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is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased, hear him. (Matthew17:5)”Everybody in the world will hear that voice about you. Till now the devil may have spoken wrong things about your name; but from now on people will hear the new name which God is giving you; governments will hear it; your family will hear it; at the place of your work people

BECAUSE YOU HAVE KEPT THE WORD OF GOD AND NOT DENIED HIS WORD ,GOD HAS SET AN OPEN DOOR AND NO MAN CAN SHUT IT will hear it. And that new name will be, ‘This is my beloved child, this is my beloved son / daughter.’ God will make them hear it; you are going to be promoted in society as never before because you have been truthful in the midst of Satan’s attacks.

E. WHITE DRESS, WALKING WITH GOD “Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy. He who

overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels.” (Revelation 3:4,5) Because you have obeyed God, you will be dressed in white. God says, “Your name will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life” and you will be ready for the rapture. Who are the ones whose names do not appear in the book of life? “The people who love gold, their names are taken off from the book of life! (Ex. 32:31-33).” But if you make gold as your god, then your name will be taken off from the book of life! What is there in the book of life? Firstly, your name is written in that book (Luke 10:20); your tears are recorded in God’s book of life (Psa. 56:8); the days of your life are written in the book of life; how long you should live on this earth is already written in that (Psa. 139:16). So, no need to fear death. Our deeds are written in the book of life (Mal.3:16). That’s why we should be careful not to waste our time, our words and our possessions. Yes, even the possessions that God has given us in our hands, we have to use everything for the glory of God. Jesus will open the book of life and He will speak out what you have done before the heavenly Father and before the angels. He will send Michael to protect you

and He will fulfil all that He has promised (Daniel 12:1).


F. OPEN DOOR WHICH NO MAN CAN SHUT “I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.” (Revelation 3:8)

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.” (Revelation 3:20)

Because you have kept the Word of God and not denied His Word, God has set an open door and no man can shut it. Open Heaven and open hearts with favour of men shall be yours.

Finally, God’s grace will come on us as it came upon the seventh Church. It will build every blessing in our life. He is going to prepare a great banquet for us this year. And

the greatest blessing he is going to give us is, “I will give him the right to sit with Me on My throne just as I overcame the world...” This is the greatest blessing that He is going to give us (Rev. 3:21). And He will make us sup with him. What a great blessing and what a great joy! He is going to give you a great banquet! All the seven blessings will come your way when you bring millions of people to God through the seven mountains, and ‘Jesus Calls’ offers you a great opportunity to serve on the seven mountains. Claim it and pray. God bless you.

The Dumka Prayer Tower was dedicated on 26th January 2018 in the presence of pastors, servants of God, partners and well wishers of Jesus Calls for the Glory of God by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family. Dumka Prayer Tower Address:

JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER, Prof. Stephen Marandi's Compound, Professor's Colony, Bandhpara, Dumka. Jharkhand 814 101. To know the details about the events conducted at this Prayer Tower contact: 6380752235 Those living in and around Dumka please visit the Prayer Tower in your area and be blessed. Introduce about the Prayer Towers to your friends, relatives so that they can also visit and be blessed. All Prayer Towers in India functions from 8am to 8pm everyday For 24x7 Prayers: 044 - March 2018

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The ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festival was held at the Koda Kicha grounds, Dumka from 26th to 28th January 2018, seeking God’s blessings on the people of Jharkhand. For the first time in the history of Jesus Calls, this meeting was held in Dumka, Jharkhand. Dumka is considered as the second capital of Jharkhand state and is also the main city for Santal region of Jharkhand state which is called as Santal Pargana. It covers six districts in the eastern part of Jharkhand adjoining West Bengal. A mammoth crowd was present and people flocked from all around Jharkhand state and from Bihar and West Bengal. The three-evening meetings were webcast live and countless people viewed through facebook. There was live telecast on News11, TV channel. The Karunyans took a major role in various events and during


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prayer time, anointed the people with oil and prayed for them. Seesha provided accommodation and free food (meals) for those who were in need. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran delivered God’s message and offered special prayers for the people who gathered there. The Lord, on seeing the faith of the people, performed great miracles. Many received divine healing and the Lord called many of them by their names through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. Those who received miracles shared their testimonies, thereby glorifying the name of the Lord. Special prayers of blessing were offered for the State. Irrespective of party lines, Ministers, MP’s and MLA’s participated with one accord. Pastors and leaders of various Churches graced the occasion. Honourable Minister Mrs. Louis Marandi, Minister for Tribal Welfare, Child and Women Development, Govt. of Jharkhand and her husband Mr. B. Kisku; Mr. Hemant Soren, former CM; Mr. Stephen Marandi, MLA; Mr Vijay Hansak, MP and Mr. Nalin Soren, MLA were present. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran met Mr. Raghubar Das the Chief Minister of the State at Ranchi and prayed for him and the people of the State. Next to Ranchi, in Dumka (Jharkhand state) the 104th Jesus Calls Prayer Tower was dedicated on 26th January 2018 for the glory of God. Let’s thank God for Mr. Stephen Marandi, MLA and his wife Mrs. Suhasini Marandi for all the support they gave to have this meeting and also to have the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at their home! - March 2018 JESUS CALLS


Relieved from Paralytic Attack

Called by Name

A year ago I had a paralytic stroke that rendered my left hand totally useless. I took medicines for one year and I was almost half dead. But I attended this meeting with much hope to receive a miracle. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying I felt like someone was touching my left hand and raising it up. Yes, Jesus has touched me and healed me! All glory to God. A word of prophecy from God through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for Mrs. Putur Kumari as she testified on stage; “You will study to great heights and when you lay hands on others and pray for them, they will receive similar miracles.”

I suffered severe pain in my right shoulder for five years and due to that I could not do any work with my hands. I even underwent a surgery, yet there was no relief. Despite the severe pain I made it a point to attend the Dumka Prayer Festival because I expected a miracle from God. During the prayer time Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called me by name and the pain disappeared immediately! I am so free and filled with God’s peace in my heart. Praise God!

- Putur Kumari, Bihar 14

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- Lilly, Odisha

19 Years of Agony Gone 19 years ago I met with an accident and my leg was broken which left me immobile, unable to

walk. However, I came to this meeting with the help of my friends. During prayer time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was saying, “Let the pain be gone from the bones and muscles; Rani, God healed you right now.” I felt God’s anointing coming upon me and I experienced a change in my leg. The injured leg which gave me much pain until then became very light and the pain disappeared! All glory to God! - Rani, Dumka

Double Portion of Anointing I am from Nigeria, staying in Ranchi. I have been praying for the anointing of the Holy Spirit for a long time. Before coming to this meeting I asked God, “What work do You have for me Lord?” and

Faith of the son, made the father rise up

He said, “I have kept for you double blessings.” Yesterday, Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, after the message while she was praying, said, “There is a servant of God in this meeting who is praying and asking God for the anointing of the Holy Spirit and now God is filling him.” Immediately I was filled with Holy Spirit, and today again I received a mighty anointing through Dr. Paul’s prayer, which is a fulfilment of God’s promise. Yes, double portion of anointing is now fulfilled through both of them! - Pas. Augustine Okoro, Ranchi

Revealed the exact problem I had a burning sensation in my throat and had heart palpitation for

the past 6 to 7 months. I was under medication. Due to this problem I had no proper intake of food. This made me very weak. Yesterday I attended the first day of the meeting and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called me by my name, saying “Naomi, God touches you right now; in your throat and in your chest, God heals you right now.” God revealed through Dr. Paul the exact problem I was going through. Last night when I went back home, for the first time I could eat well and the palpitation was not there and so I slept peacefully. Today I have come here to testify the goodness of the Lord for His glory. - Naomi Murmu, Dumka

My father had a brain haemorrhage, 7 months ago and that has disabled his ability to walk. In addition to this, doctors have said that he has cancer. Though he was given treatment the medicine did not work. He cannot do anything on his own and needed someone’s help for everything. Yesterday, on the first day of the meeting, I brought my father and I made him lie down in the front row, just in front of the stage. As Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying from stage, he said, “Rise up and walk!” and I kept on telling my father, “Believe, rise up and walk.” Immediately a miracle took place - amazingly my father stood up and started walking! Oh, it was a thrilling sight! Today we have come to testify the miracle and to praise God for His mercy. We believe God has healed my father totally. - Ganesh Das, Bihar

Heard God’s Voice I was having back pain and as I entered the ground for this meeting, the pain started to increase. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying, I felt God’s presence and was filled with God’s anointing. At that time I heard a voice from the Lord Jesus “I love you”. Now I am totally healed and there is no pain. I - March 2018 JESUS CALLS


confess “I love you Jesus!” - Christina Murmu

God’s Power through Facebook Live I am a teacher and so I have to often correct the answer sheets of students. Because of this I developed pain in my hands, shoulder and back. If I lift my hand I could feel the pain. In this situation, I was watching the Dumka Prayer Festival live through facebook, the first day of the meeting. I was thrilled looking at the miracles that were happening there! The next day, when I was watching the second day meeting live through facebook, I saw Mrs. Evangeline Paul preaching and during her prayer time, I felt God’s anointing coming upon me and the pain just disappeared! Great joy filled me and so I have come here to attend the final day meeting and to testify to God. To God be the glory! - Vinitha Marandi, West Bengal

Mighty Healing Through Prayers of Sharon Dhinakaran and Prayer Tower Prayers Gaurav is our only son who was born 6 years after our marriage when Bro. D.G.S son Gaurav Dhinakaran blessed testifying on stage us in the Jesus Calls meeting held in Ranchi for the first 16

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time. We enrolled him as a young partner and he grew up to be an intelligent, lovely and chubby boy full of energy and love for all. In May 2015, when he was in 6th Std, suddenly he started losing weight and began to have other complications. Upon extensive diagnose, the doctors came to know he was having a tumour close to his heart, lungs and windpipe, and it is a critical case of cancer. The carefree lively boy was confined to his room and this broke everyone’s heart. We as parents were shattered to think of the future of our only son and we spent all our savings for his treatment in CMC Hospital, Vellore. On 3rd July 2015 while waiting for the flight, we saw Sharon Dhinakaran at Ranchi airport and sought her prayers for our son. When she prayed, she said, “Lord, burn all the infected tissues in his body and recreate new tissues for him”. This prayer brought a new hope in us and finally a new health ultimately. The oncologist started his treatment and they decided to do a surgery because the tumour was very close to the heart. It was unsuccessful and they just removed the pus in it. During and after the operation, we continued to get prayer support from the Prayer Tower. When the report came it was diagnosed to be Hodgkin Lymphoma - a type of blood cancer. As the treatment started, a time came when we did not have anything more to spend for the treatment and we returned home.

This caused us to go still closer to God and trust Him for everything. As a result of prayers from Jesus Calls, help started coming from various people, and we were able to continue his treatment. We experienced that ‘Prayer Brings Miracles and Blessings’. Due to the chemo, he got herpes on his back which was very painful. Yet God gave him the grace to endure all. His radiation was completed in March 2016, but PETScan showed traces of Lymphoma in him and he was advised 2nd line of Salvage chemo with Bone marrow transplant-BMT. We couldn’t afford it and so our only hope was God, who does miracles. Hence we stopped medication, but God did a miracle. Day-after-day his health, height and weight started to increase. The doctors were surprised to hear from us and called us to bring him for a review. In Feb’2017, when we went to see the doctors at CMC Vellore, the doctor could not recognize Gaurav because he looked so hale and healthy! The doctor acknowledged that it was truly a miracle due to prayers and not just medicine. Today Gaurav is continuing his studies in 6th Std and he is in the School choir; he leads worship in the Church, shares his testimony with others and glorifies God through his compositions. All glory to God and thanks to the Jesus Calls Ministry. - Mr. Ravi Tirkey, Ranchi

AMBASSADORS Beloved in Christ, My loving greetings to you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! I earnestly pray that the power of the Father which delivered our Lord Jesus from the clutches of death and made Him victorious, will grant you a double portion of the blessings that you lost as well as renew all broken relationships. According to the verse “...Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,” (Psalm 103:4) the Lord will crown you and your loved ones this month with all goodness and mercies and grant you joy and honour.

The vision given to us for the year 2018 is to proclaim the love of Jesus and present Him as a gift to 25 million new souls. Since the love of Christ constrains our soul, we pray and do ministry unceasingly. This month also, I lovingly ask you to pray for the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry as it takes the love, the comfort and the healing power of God to people who have not come to know Him yet and also to support this ministry with your generous offerings. Through your great support we could dedicate the 105 th Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Nizamabad (Telengana) and the 106th Prayer Tower in Jalna (Maharashtra).

“Then Jesus said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.’” (Mark 1:17) Even though we are proclaiming the love of God to people through various ways like letters, television, prayer festivals and Prayer Towers, it is vitally important to visit them in their homes and pray for their personal family needs too. The ‘Jesus Calls’ Ambassadors are voluntarily doing this ministry in a very sacrificial manner. These ambassadors will form prayer groups and Esther Prayer Groups in their locality and will also pray for the ministry, families as well as our country. These prayer - March 2018



groups will then join together and conduct a Special Blessing Meeting called the ‘Mission Network’, which will then bring about establishing of new ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in that locality for the people who participate in these prayer meetings and conducting of ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festivals for people to be blessed. We can definitely present the Lord Jesus as a gift to many through the ambassador ministry which proclaims the good news to every soul and takes the gospel to the multitudes. At present, approximately 1,500 people serve as ‘Jesus Calls’ Ambassadors. The vision that the Lord gave us is to have one ambassador in every locality where a post office functions. We are trying to rope in 3,000 ambassadors before the end of March 2018 in order to speedily fulfill that vision. We desire to appoint a minimum of 10,000 ambassadors before the end of this year. I request you also to come forward to serve as an ambassador in addition to your diligent prayers in this regard. If the Lord prompts in your heart to serve as a ‘Jesus Calls’ Ambassador in your free time in your locality, you can call 1800 425 77 55 (7 am to 9 pm) or 9500055385 for further information. You can also express your desire to the Manager of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in your locality. It will then be helpful for us to give you special training and use you to serve as ambassadors. 18

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WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION AT JERUSALEM “And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications…” (Zechariah 12:10) We are intensely involved in the work of preparing the world for the coming of the Lord. Moreover, it is also our duty that we pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). In this regard, we are planning to conduct a World Prayer Convention at Jerusalem from 22nd to 24th of May 2018 so that people from all over the world will come and participate in it. World renowned Evangelists are to participate in that Convention along with us and deliver God’s messages and offer powerful prayers. I request you to take part in this convention along with your family and also request pastors to kindly encourage their church believers to participate in this convention. The people who have returned from the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower at Jerusalem after prophesying to the nations are being used in a mighty way by the Lord in their locality. Likewise, we believe that the Lord will grant a great transformation in the personal life, spiritual life and ministry of those who participate in this World Prayer Convention. So, I encourage you to avail of this rare opportunity. As you come for this Convention, if you wish, we can make arrangements for you to visit places where the Lord Jesus

did His ministry and also some Biblical history-based holy sites. You can call 044-47101314 / 315 / 9840999906 / 9500996470 for further information in this regard or you can register on the web page

STUDENT ADMISSION AT KARUNYA “Thus Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the men of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt.” (1 Kings 4:30) The Lord graciously helped us conduct special prayer meetings on the 3rd and 4th of February at Bethesda and Chennai respectively for the students who are about to write their exams. Several thousands of students took part in the two meetings and were blessed. Thousands of them eagerly approached the Karunya Deemed University Information Centers which were set up in the grounds where this Prayer Meet was held, and received information regarding Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences. You too can obtain information regarding courses offered at Karunya, viz., Technology, Agriculture, Administrative Management, Media, Arts and Science, Post Graduate Studies and Research by calling 1800 425 4300 (toll free number) or through e-mail at In particular, the entrance exams for the B. Tech Courses of Karunya are to be held from 27 th to 29 th of April at various

exam centers. Do encourage your children to write these exams. You can apply in this regard on the web page http://admissions.karunya. edu. Let them also be educated through this Institute of Higher Education which was established according to the vision of the Lord and shine as stars for Him. Similarly, we are running Karunya Christian School under School Education in an excellent manner. Students from various States of India are being taught here. Student Admissions are currently going on for classes

from Kindergarten to 9th Standard and 11th Standard. Hostel facilities are available for boys and girls separately, from 4th Standard and upwards. We invite you to enroll your children in this school where education is specially taught under the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Scheme. You can obtain information in this regard by calling 0422-2614830 / 31 / 32 / 33 or through e-mail at Full information regarding admission is available on the website

If the Lord wills, we are planning to conduct a Prophetic Conference at Trivandrum in the month of July. We request your prayers in this regard. I warmly request you to continue to support this ministry by sending in your pledged offerings so that we are able to fulfill the vision given by the Lord to us which is “Good news to 25 million new souls”. Your loving brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran.


q Monthly Rs................................/-

q My one-day salary/income Rs...................../- q My one-month salary/income Rs....................../q One-tenth of my salary Rs........................./- q One-tenth of my income Rs............................./q One-time payment of Rs.............................../Name: ........................................................................................................ Partner No.: ......................................... Address: .................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................ PIN code: .................................................... E-mail: .................................................................................... Mobile No. ............................................................ Birthday ....................................................................... Wedding Day .................................................................... Prayer points to be prayed for on my behalf at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower are: .................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. Support this noble ministry; Present Jesus as a Gift to others. The simple ways by which you can send in your offerings are found in page no.23 For additional information call 1800 425 77 55 (Toll Free Telephone No. - 7.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.) For prayer help at any time (night or day) please call: 044

- 33 999 000 (Tamil / English) - March 2018



You Are the

Garden of the Lord - Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran

“The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a wellwatered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail .” (Isaiah 58:11) The Lord guides us continually and that is why David says “Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand” (Psalm 73:23). The Lord will hold your hand and 20

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guide you throughout this month. allow us to go through the path of tribulation alone. He is always When the Israelites sojourned with us to wonderfully guide us in the wilderness, they thought to so that our feet do not become themselves, ‘We are on our way wet or swollen and our clothes do to a place that is unknown to us. not wax old (Deuteronomy 8:4). How is it going to be?’ But the Lord went before them by day in “… for the Lord will go before a pillar of cloud and by night in a you; the God of Israel will pillar of fire (Exodus 13:21) and be your rear guard.” (Isaiah was performing miracles among 52:12) them so that they would have no fear. He divided the waters of the “…as I was with Moses, so I Red sea and made them walk on will be with you: I will never dry land so that their feet would leave you nor forsake you.” not get wet. The Lord will never (Joshua 1:5)

Men may fail us but the Lord our God will never fail us or depart from us. He will always walk beside us and make us His well-watered garden (Song of Solomon 4:12).

Blessed Garden

Moses fasted and prayed day and night for 40 days, received the commandments from the Lord and came down from Mt. Sinai. He was not aware that the skin of his face shone (Exodus 34). But the children of Israel saw that his face shone. Yes, our face shines bright when we are with the Lord.

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to While He was in this world, this land. I will not leave you our Lord Jesus walked with until I have done what I have people, moved with them and promised you.” (Genesis 28:15) healed the sick. In Mark 9:15 When Jacob left his family and the Bible says that the people walked alone he had no clue were greatly amazed when they what lay in store for him. The beheld Him and came running uncertainties of the unknown to Him and saluted Him. As we future must have clouded his too run to Him every day, He mind with fear and anxiety. But will bless us. he was not alone, for the Lord was with him and gave him a vision. And what He promises He will fulfill. Jacob went empty-handed fearing what might happen to him. But the Lord gave him abundant blessings so that he was fully satisfied. He blessed all the works of his hands and he was blessed so much that even his father-in-law was jealous of him (Genesis 31:1, 2).

the Lord will come with you; fill you with His Spirit and remove the fear that you have. He will change you into His blessed garden, Spirit-filled garden and prosperous garden.

Spirit helps us and comforts us whenever troubles and weaknesses arise. This month, the Holy Spirit will descend upon us. We know that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He hath given us of His Spirit (1 John 4:13)

Spirit-filled Garden “…..but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” (Romans 12:11) Adam received life when the Lord our God breathed into his nostrils (Genesis 2:7). Our Lord Jesus breathed on His disciples and they received the Holy Spirit (John 20:22). We become a new creation when we receive the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 5:17). We read in the Bible that when the Lord filled King Saul with the Spirit of prophesy he turned into a different man (1 Samuel 10:6). You may be praying for your family for salvation or for healing. In answer to your prayer the Lord will give you the Spirit of power and transform you to be the person who blesses other people to bring them to Him.

When the Holy Spirit works in us, the inner fire is kindled. Likewise, the Lord will also bless you and lift you up before The Holy Spirit is a sweet The Lord desires that we should your relatives. The mighty hand personality. Our Lord Jesus calls not backslide nor be silent. He of God which holds you will the Holy Spirit as the ‘Comforter’ wants to anoint us with oil and bless you. (John 16:7; 14:16). The Holy let our cup overflow. Beloved, - March - 2018



let us stir up the fire in our Spirit We call upon the Lord only when we face painful problems. Till this month! then, we do not seek God. We “Command the Israelites to run to the Lord in the midst bring you clear oil of pressed of tribulations. It is only then olives for the light so that the that Jesus is revealed to others lamps may be kept burning.” through us. Others come to know (Exodus 27:20) that you seek the Lord and that The Lord commanded Moses to Jesus is in you. have the lamp burn continually at His Altar. In those days, they worshipped the Lord in a tabernacle and due to the absence of a window it would be dark inside. The place where the Lord dwelt should not be dark and so He commanded Moses to have the lamp burn continually.

Fearless Garden

The Lord thus makes us pure

“ When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized think, “If the Lord leads us then that they were unschooled, why do we face these trials?” ordinary men, they were The Lord permits us to walk astonished and they took note through the path of tribulation that these men had been with because He wants to change us Jesus.” (Acts 4:13) into pure gold. When He has as the pure olive oil. We may

tried me, I shall come forth as

The Lord said, “Command refined gold (Job 23:10). The the people to bring in the oil of Lord will strengthen all those crushed olives”. who walk through the path of Golden colored, pure olive oil is extracted only when the olive berries are crushed for the first time. God required that for the lamp in the Tabernacle only pure olive oil must be used. This was the oil that was also used for anointing purpose. But when the same olive is crushed again a second time, the oil that gets extracted is not pure as subsequent process brings our impurities along with the oil.

The Lord graciously uses us as we are redeemed by the blood of our Lord Jesus and have the Holy Spirit within us. Even in ministry, we do not bring about miracles; it is the Lord Jesus Who performs miracles. He will use you too in the same manner.

tribulation by pouring out His Holy Spirit upon them and will also transform them to be useful

Peter and John were unlearned and inexperienced people. But they boldly did ministry for the Lord. The Lord will pour out His immeasurable anointing on you in order to give you also this same power.

and reveal Jesus the Son of God

Christ’s love is poured into our heart when the Holy Spirit comes Jesus was crushed like this into our heart. Perfect love casts olive for our sake. We read in the out fear (1 John 4:18). through them to others.

Bible in Isaiah 53:5 that He was

My dear ones, whoever you may be, you can never give any and was bruised for our iniquities. excuses. The Lord will surely You may ask, ‘I have sinned, I take you and use you too. have wickedness in me, how can I stand up for the Lord?’ Beloved, We are now living in wicked The Lord wants His children to Jesus suffered on the cross for times (2 Timothy 3rd Chapter). be holy and so He makes us walk your sake. He has paid the price So, we should do as much through the path of sufferings. for us (1 Corinthians 6:20). ministry for the Lord as we can. 22

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wounded for our transgressions

Many people do not know the Lord. The Lord needs you. Stand up and boldly proclaim the Lord. The Lord will come into you to pour out His powerful Spirit in you to bless you and fill you. He will always pour the water of anointing in you so that you will be like the spring of water whose waters never fail and be like a watered garden. Serve the Lord in whichever way He wants you to serve Him. The Lord will surely bless you. “ Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.” (Proverbs 4:23-AMPC) Ask the Lord to fill you so that you can protect your heart as it is very important. Beloved, the

Lord will remove all uncleanness we should never be subject to from our heart and fill it up with them. Since Jesus replied saying, “Away with you, Satan! For it is springs of Living Water. written, you shall worship the The Holy Spirit will talk to us Lord your God and Him only you by revealing secrets when we shall serve”, so you should say, open our heart to Him (John ‘I will only worship the Lord.’ 16:13). All that belongs to the Lord belongs to us when we are Our Lord Jesus is a spring of always with Him (Luke 15:31). blessings. He desires to keep you Jesus says, “All that my Father as a spring which never dries up said to me, I will tell to you” and as a well-watered garden. (John 15:15). The Lord will not Peter looked at Jesus and said, hide anything from us. The Lord “Lord, to whom shall we go? desires to give us all treasures. You have the words of eternal Devil, the ruler of this world tells life” (John 6:68). Likewise, let Jesus, “All these things I will us also pray saying, “I will not give you if you will fall down and go to any man or go behind the worship me” (Matthew 4:8-10). devil. I will only come to you. We are living in a wicked world. Give me Your word every day.” Men of this world may tell us Then, He will strengthen you that they will give us money and so that you become a blessing bless us with material things. But to others.

EASY WAYS TO SEND YOUR DONATIONS Through Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area to make a donation in person by Cash / Swiping Machine Through Post Office: By Money Order & EMO or by “Mobile Money Transfer” through Post Offices to the number 9840900480. By Demand Draft / Cheque: Drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” and can be sent by Registered Post to the address: 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 (or) Jesus Calls, Bethesda Prayer Centre, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore - 641114. Through Online: using Credit / Debit card / Net Banking and Mobile Wallets through the website Transaction details can be intimated to our Toll Free 18004257755 - Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm. By Bank: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No.: 000901056144, Bank: ICICI Bank Ltd, Nungambakkam Branch, Chennai 600 034. IFSC: ICIC0000009. Details of the donations sent directly to the Bank can be intimated through the email: Through Ambassadors: To know the Jesus Calls Ambassador in your local area please contact the Toll Free 18004257755 (functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm) Jesus Calls Mobile App: Download the new Jesus Calls mobile app from Google play store and then you can make your donation through the mobile app. Paytm: Can donate using Paytm

For 24X7 Prayers: Tamil/English (044 - 33 999 000) Telugu (040 - 33 999 000) Marathi (022 - 33 999 000) Hindi/ Punjabi (011 - 33 999 000) Kannada (080 - 33 999 000) Gujarati (079 - 33 999 000) Malayalam (0471 - 33 999 000) - March - 2018



At Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore: In the Students’ Prayer meet organized at Dr. DGS Dhinakaran Centre, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, on 3rd Feb, 2018 around 2500 students from 64 schools from different parts of Coimbatore and the state of Karnataka took part. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran encouraged and challenged the students from the Word of God and prayed for each of them individually, seeking divine wisdom and knowledge for them. Testimonies from student achievers blessed through the previous Students’ Meet, built the faith of the student participants. At Chennai: True to the theme “BE CROWNED WITH SUCCESS” several thousands of students gathered at the Students’ Prayer Meet 2018 held at MCC Hr. Sec School Campus, Chetpet, Chennai on Feb 4th to receive God’s blessings for their exams and career with longing and expectant hearts, accompanied by their teachers and parents. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & Mrs. Evangeline Paul prayed for God’s hand to come upon them, their parents and the schools laying their hands on those thousands of students and parents and praying individually for them. All the students who attended the meeting returned with great peace, assurance, hope and confidence to face the exams. All glory to God!


JESUS CALLS March 2018 - - March 2018 JESUS CALLS


First in School 496/500 I studied in Villupuram till my 9th Std. but had to leave for Chennai for my 10th Std studies to study in the State Board School. I had to leave my mother and stay in my grandma’s house with my father. I could not adjust with this sudden change. My mother, being a Govt. teacher was much worried because she herself being a teacher, she could not take 26

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care of my studies. I lost my concentration in studies and at this point of time, my mother’s friend introduced Jesus Calls Young Partners’ Plan to us and I was enrolled as a young partner. Whether I studied my lessons or not, one thing which I did before every exam, was to call the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers. I used the prayer in the Student Prayer Card. Due to that, in every test at school I stood either

first or second. During the 10th Std public exams, without much stress in studies but only through the prayer support, I could come first in the school. God answered the prayers and honoured the trust I had in Him. I secured 496/500 (Maths 100, Science 100, Tamil 98, English 99 and Social Science 99). This marvellous victory is truly because of Jesus and not because of my hard work. I thank God for the Jesus Calls ministry. I was

awarded the district collector’s award, a cash prize of Rs.15,000/which I have donated to Seesha and Jesus Calls ministry. - Swetha Sri, Chennai

1192 / 1200 When I was in my 11th Std, I met with an accident and had a severe head injury. There was internal bleeding and I had to go through a surgery. My mom first called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessors prayed fervently. At that time I asked Jesus, “Lord, please give me life; I will live faithfully for You all through my life, please help me”. The surgery got over and I was advised rest for about three months. Hence, I missed some portions in my studies but somehow passed my 11th Std with less marks. Gradually a fear struck me, to face the 12th board exams, because I was not able to concentrate in studies as I did before. My doctor had advised me not to strain too much due my health problem. Then I attended the Students’ Prayer Meet and in that meeting, Uncle Paul Dhinakaran offered prayers seeking God’s strength on those who were weak. At that moment I felt God’s power coming on me. The Students’ Prayer Card had the promise verse, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give

you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Every day, before going for the exam I recited the prayer in the prayer card and developed confidence. After the exams, when the results came, I was amazed to look at the score—God blessed me with 1192/1200 (French 198, English 195, Accountancy 199, Commerce 200, Economics 200, Business Maths 200). In my 10th std., I could only get school fourth rank but this time, God had greatly blessed me and I became an achiever - the school topper! Truly the resurrection power of God had come upon me and granted me such a magnificent success. Then I wrote the CA entrance exam and got 75% and now I am pursuing CA. - Joshua Jebaraj Samuel, Chennai.

Fear gone Last year I wrote my 10th std. Before the exams a strange fear gripped me. I couldn’t study anything because of this fear. At that time my mother contacted Jesus Calls Prayer Tower to pray for me. That prayer comforted me and my family. Also I attended the Students’ Prayer Meet in 2017. In that meeting I united with uncle Paul Dhinakaran in the prayer and also enrolled us young partner. God removed the spirit of fear and strengthened me by His Spirit. By God’s grace I

secured 493/500 (Tamil – 96, English – 98, Maths – 100, Science – 100, Social Science – 99). I stood school first and also received the district rank. Truly I am happy. Praise God. - A.R. Rithya, Chennai.

Desire to Be a Missionary Doctor Fulfilled My parents enrolled me as a Jesus Calls Young Partner soon after I was born. At home we watch the Jesus Calls TV programs regularly. Though I had not attended the Students’ Prayer Meet, I used to download the Student Prayer Card from Jesus Calls website and read it before my 10th and 12th exams. Whenever I called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, the prayer intercessors prayed with much burden. I started to write letters to Uncle Paul and received encouraging replies from him. The verse, Isaiah 41:10 quoted in one such letter, strengthened me. I wanted to do medicine and God fulfilled my heart’s desire. By the grace of God, in my 12th Std. exams, I got 97% in my main stream and 95% overall in all subjects. As a result of all the prayers, I got admission into CMC, Vellore by merit. I extended my prayer still further asking God to also bless me with the best outgoing student of my batch in the medical course. I wanted to become a medical missionary. - March 2018 JESUS CALLS


God heard this prayer and I have received a total of 36 awards and 8 Gold Medals and finally the best outgoing student award in my batch also. According to the Bible verse, “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty”, I received this honour from the Lord God. The letters from Jesus Calls carried the words, “I will make you a blessing and you will be a blessing to others.” So, I donated all my cash awards to Seesha to be a blessing to other people. Glory to God! - R. Hallel Reba, Vellore

Received the Same Marks as Desired My mother enrolled me as a young partner when I was quite young. During my 12th Std, my brother and mother became sick. Particularly, my mother was very sick and she could not do any household jobs. I had to study and also take care of the household duties. One of my friend had scored 1185/1200 in her 12th board exams and when I heard this, I claimed the same marks for me too. But as the exams were drawing near, I had no hopes of even getting success in my exams due to the present situation in the family. I went to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Trichy and the prayer intercessors prayed for me and I felt strengthened. I gained confidence and miraculously scored 1185/1200 (English 190, 28

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Sanskrit 198, Business Maths 199, Economics 198, Accounts 200,Commerce 200), exactly the same marks that I had aspired! I have no words to thank God Almighty who has done this mighty miracle for me. - Kavitha, Trichy

Relieved from exam fear Even when I was young, my parents enrolled me in the Jesus Calls Young Partners’ Plan. Though I scored 491/500 in my 10th std, when I entered my 12th std was I filled with fear. I couldn’t study my lessons properly. In this situation I attended the students meet last year. When uncle Paul Dhinakaran prayed, I gained confidence and slowly the fear left me. I started calling the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower before every exam. I used the prayer in the Student Prayer Card and wrote my exams well. The results came. By God’s grace I scored 1174/1200 (Commerce - 200, Economics - 200, Business Maths - 200, Accounts - 199, English 190, Tamil - 185). This happened truly because of the prayers. - S. Dharshana, Chennai.

Few Karunyans are here to testify how to be a success all through the life with Jesus in the heart... I am doing my final year

B. Tech., (EEE) in Karunya. When I was in my 12th Std I had health problems. Just before the board exams I was affected by chicken pox. My only hope was Jesus. I prayed much for God to help me. By God’s grace I secured 82% and then I was in a confused state not knowing what to do next. At that time I luckily God admitted into Karunya but I was disturbed a lot, missing my family. Yet, God strengthened me through the prayer cells and the Bethesda ministry. I became a young partner and slowly turned me to be a success. I scored 92% and had the privilege of doing my internship at Israel. Now I am placed in Focus Academy Company. All glory to God. - David James I got 90% in my 10th Std, and 85% in my 12th Std. Now I am doing my final year B. Tech., (ECE) in Karunya. Wherever I struggled, in whichever subject I struggled, I began to master. I was weak in Maths, but when I entered Karunya, in my first semester I scored 100% in Maths and started to help the weaker students. Before the Maths exam, there will be lot of students sitting around me and I will be teaching them. Seeing this, in my second

year I was promoted as Student Counsellor and could teach 1st year students. God blessed me with 85% in my course. I had a longing in my heart for stage performance. My father is a pastor and my brother, a worship leader. God fulfilled this. In Karunya, I was blessed to be the master of ceremony for several university events and I could preach the word of God in the assembly and prayer cells. God was really with

me (Proverbs 21:31).Thus, not

round I didn’t know how to pre-

only in academics, God prepared

pare. I sought God’s help praying

me in other areas also. When it

“Prepare my mind, Lord” and the

came to placement, many network

same questions which God re-

companies only came and I had

vealed me only was asked in the

to wait. I was depressed. But God

HR round. At the end of the inter-

strengthened me through one of

view, they said, “You can be a

the verse in the board at Karunya,

software developer.” Usually the

“I will not leave you as orphans

results will be declared only after

(John14:18).” Next day came the

a month. But in my case it was a

Accenture Company. I cleared the

miracle. God’s favour was with

technical round and for the HR


- Danita

For more details: Toll free no.1800 425 77 55 (7 AM to 9 PM), For (24x7) Prayer help, during exam time: 044 - 33 999 000 (Tamil / English) Simple ways by which donations can be sent to ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partners’ Plan is found in Page No.23 - March 2018 JESUS CALLS


Blessedness in Perseverance “Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord; that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.” (James 5:11) The Lord is very compassio nate and merciful. The story of Job is a heart-rending story. He was a man who walked through the valley of weeping with much sorrow. And the Bible says that even in those hard times, he was righteous (Job 1:1). For the question that we ask many times, ‘Why do the righteous suffer?’ the story of Job is the answer.

was in Iraq, I visited Baghdad and they took me to a small village where the body of Job lies buried. There is a beautiful mosque over that and near that there are two wells and I found people drawing water out of it and carrying them to their home with great piety and reverence. And one lady whom I met there told me, “Sir, this is the place where the great saint Job lived. They call him as ‘prophet Ayyub’, and God healed him of his terrible and incurable skin disease. So, we take this water and in belief put it upon the sick that they would be healed.

incident that had happened. If God can heal and bless one man, surely He will bless you today, wipe away your tears and grant your requests and “the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4).

Blessed Life Filled With Riches “When my steps were bathed with cream, and the rock poured out rivers of oil for me!” (Job 29:6)

The Bible says that that was the time when Job was at the prime of his prosperity. He was the greatest and the richest man living on earth at that time Yes, the story of Job is true, (Job 1:3). And he had a great In 1989 when I it is not a fable. It is a real household with him to help him

(God's word taken from the book"I am that I am" authored by dear (late) Bro.D.G.S.Dhinakaran) 30

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in everything. The Scripture says, “In the day of prosperity be joyful” (Ecclesiastes 7:14). Yes, Job was joyful. At the same time Deuteronomy 28:47 says, “Because you did not serve the LORD your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity...” God expects that we should serve Him as a family. Job did this also. He walked with the gladness of heart, and joy before God. God himself says, “Job was a blameless man, an upright man, a man who fears me and shuns evil” (Job 1:8).

was with a young man called Joseph and whatever he did prospered (Genesis 39:3). Yes, where God is, there will be prosperity. There was a man called ObedEdom who revered God and walked with reverence. He had the wonderful privilege of accommodating the Ark of the Covenant of God in his home. God blessed him and his household and God blessed everything he had (2 Samuel 6:11). Likewise, God had blessed Job. There was no sorrow. In the days of Job, abundance of honey and cream were considered to be signs of prosperity. And Job belonged to that stratum of society as he had honey and cream flowing like streams and rivers in his home. That is prosperity. Job was blessed with this (Job 29:6). He enjoyed God’s abundance.

Some people take care of themselves, but they forget their families. But Job was so careful to see that his children also lived a sanctified life and used to offer sacrifice to God and sanctify them. He was as a family walking in the gladness of heart and joy in serving God for all the goodness God had When thousands upon given him and said, “The thousands of Israelites Almighty God is with me” marched from Egypt to (Job 29:5). That was the secret Palestine, God fed them (Deut. of his prosperity. 32:14). He will satisfy you When God called Joshua to also with the finest of wheat go and fight for Israel, He said, and honey (Psalm 81:16). Yes, “Joshua, I will be with you” the blessing of the Lord brings (Joshua 1:5). And to Gideon wealth (Proverbs 10:22). He says, “I will be with you” Blessing of (Judges 6:16). When He called Protection Jeremiah to be a prophet of God, He said, “Jeremiah, “Be sober, be vigilant; don’t be afraid, I will be with because your adversary you (Jeremiah 1:8, 19). God the devil walks about like a

roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Peter 5:8) “Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Cor. 2:11) When the Lord Jesus Christ mentioned about the devil, He said that he is a murderer, a liar and a thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy” (John 8:44; 10:10). He is the old serpent who came into the Garden of Eden to deceive Eve. His names are thief, dragon, Satan and the old serpent (Gen. 3:15; Revelation 12:9). Once or twice the devil had come to me and tried to convince me. Once he asked me “Mr. Dhinakaran, I very much appreciate your devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. I am really thrilled. But think for a while, what has he given for you. You are still in poverty and financial problems. Wherever you go to preach, people are up against you. And all the time you have problems and sicknesses. All the time you are praying and praying and your legs are so weak. Why all these? Just say that you will serve me and see what I will do; the whole world will be at your feet.” Oh, he will speak so sweetly, so wonderfully, so convincingly. And I was about - March - 2018



to say, “Oh that is a good deal. Why not I take it?” Then came the Holy Spirit in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, and showed me, - How I was waiting, how I was walking towards the rail road to wait for the express train to come, to jump before the train and kill myself. And the Holy Spirit told me, “Satan never died for you, but Jesus died for you and He saved you.”

in the night and there she will be asking, “Dad, what do you want?” Sometimes at 2 am and there she will ask, “Dad, what do you need?” At 4 am she will ask me, “Do You need anything?” I used to wonder, when she sleeps and whether she gets a nap at all! It’s all love that makes her do that.

one for himself and had his own angels to follow him, my brothers and sisters, there is a sadness and even the light will be just like the twilight in the evening( Eze.28:13,14). But if you go to heaven there is light everywhere and everywhere there is singing and joy. Especially if you go to the third heaven, My God! My goodness! What a thrill, what a joy! A glorious light surrounds the third heaven.

Likewise, the Almighty God protected Job because of His Job said, “His lamp shown great love for him. He will on my head; He was still with hedge around you and your me” (Job 29:3, 5). How great family too. Then Jesus spoke to them it is for the Lord to be with us Blessedness of again, saying, "I am the and protect us. Heaven “He will not allow your foot “Who alone has immortality, light of the world. He who to be moved; He who keeps dwelling in unapproachable follows Me shall not walk in you will not slumber. Behold, light, whom no man has seen darkness, but have the light He who keeps Israel shall or can see...” (1 Tim. 6:16) of life." (John 8:12) neither slumber nor sleep.” Heaven is an amazing place! (Psalm 121:3, 4) You can see the apostles; see The Bible says, “For I, says the mighty prophets of God, the Lord, will be a wall of fire Elijah, Elisha, Moses. You all around her, and I will be the will feel so reluctant to come glory in her midst” (Zechariah back to this world again from 2:5) about the protection that heaven. It’s so marvelous! But God gives us. Satan says that in hell it is very depressing, the Lord has made a hedge Satan is a murderer from the beginning and he is the killer around Job and his household of all people. He knows how (Job 1:10). Yes, God keeps evil to speak deceiving people away from us. (Genesis 3:1-5). In hell, people Several times I have walked are bound by the chains of through the valley of death darkness (Jude 6). and every time I have noticed Whatever grandeur Satan one unique thing, it is the may have, however much faithfulness of my wife. I he might have tried to copy will wake up at 12 O' clock the throne of God and made 32

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When we follow Jesus who is the light, we will become a light to the world (Matthew 5:16). He will then make us worthy for heaven which is surrounded by glorious light (John 14:2). In our faith-walk let us overcome the trials and tribulations of this world and receive the blessings of prosperity, protection and be partakers of heaven! So, do not be troubled, let us run our race with patience (Hebrews 12:1). God will bless you with prosperity and heavenly bliss.


Isaiah 41:15 - God who makes everything new Meditation: 2 Cor. 416; Col. 3:10; Titus 3:5; Rev. 21:5 Gen. 15:1 - God is our shield and exceedingly great reward Meditation: Exo. 15:2; Psalm 28:7; 46:1; Prov. 30:5; Jer. 16:19 Colossians 2:3 -Treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ Jesus Meditation: Exo. 31:5; Prov. 2:6,7; Luke 21:15; 1 Cor. 1:30 Hebrews 13:5 - God who never forsakes us Meditation: Gen. 28:15; Deut. 31:6,8; 1 Chron. 28:20; Joshua 1:5 Genesis 27:28 - God will richly bless you Meditation: Gen. 26:3,12,13; Deut. 15:5; 28:8; 1 Chron. 4:10; Prov. 14:11 Psalm 23:1 - The Lord is our shepherd Meditation: Isaiah 40:11; Psalm 80:1; John 10:11-15; Hebrews 13:20 Psalm 138:7 - God who revives us Meditation: 1 Sam. 2:6; Psa. 71:20; Hosea 6:2; John 5:21; Ephe. 2:5 Psalm 50:15 - God who delivers us from troubles Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:19; Psalm 91:15; 107:6; Jeremiah 15:21; Daniel 3:17 Galatians 5:16 - Live by the Spirit Meditation: Ezek. 37:1-6; Rom. 8:5,9; Galatians 6:1; Col. 1:10,11 Psalm 61:2-The Lord will set you high on the rock Meditation: Deut. 32:13; Psalm 27:5; 40:1-3; Isaiah 33:16 Ezekiel 36:26 - God will give you a new Spirit

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Meditation: Neh. 9:20; Ezek. 11:19; 37:14; Acts 2:17,18; Rom. 8:15 James 4:5 - The Spirit dwells in us Meditation: Exo. 25:8; 29:45; 1 Kings 6:13; Zechariah 2:10; John 14:17 Isaiah 43:19 - God makes way Meditation: Deut. 1:32,33; Neh. 9:19; Psalm 25:12; 1 Cor. 12:31 Psalm 81:16 - God will satisfy us Meditation: Lev. 25:18,19; Neh. 9:25; Jer. 31:14; Mark 14:15-20 Isaiah 60:20 - The Lord is our light Meditation: Psalm 27:1; Micah 7:8; Matthew 4:12-16 Psalm 55:22 - The Lord shall sustain you Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:19; Psalm 20:2; 146:9; Isaiah 31:5 Psalm 84:7 - Strength to strength by the Lord Meditation: Psalm 29:11; Habak. 3:19; 2 Cor. 12:9; Phil. 4:13 Deuteronomy 32:13 The Lord will make you ride in the heights Meditation: 1 Sam. 2:8; Job 36:7; Psalm 89:20-27; Isaiah 33:15,16 Genesis 12:2 - God will make your name great Meditation: Deut. 28:1; Joshua 3:7; 4:14; 1 Chron. 11:20,21 Deuteronomy 33:27 God is your refuge Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 9:9; 18:2; 46:1; Jer. 17:17; Joel 3:16 Numbers 6:24 - The Lord will bless you Meditation: Gen. 22:17; Deut. 2:7; 2 Sam. 6:11,12; Hebrews 6:14

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Zephaniah 3:15 - You shall see disaster no more Meditation: 1 Chron. 4:10; Psalm 41:1; 121:7; Acts 18:10 Rom. 8:28 - In all things God works for the good Meditation: Gen. 50:20; Neh. 2:18; Psalm 119:122 1 Peter 2:24 - God who heals the diseases Meditation: 2 Kings 20:5-7; Isaiah 53:1-5; 57:18,19; Jeremiah 33:6 Genesis12:3 - Your descendents will be blessed Meditation: Genesis 28:4; Deut. 7:11-14; Psalm 37:21-26; 112:1-3; Isaiah 65:17-23 Proverbs 8:17 - God loves us Meditation: Exo. 33:11; Isaiah 43:4; Jeremiah 31:3; Matthew 26:50; John 15:15 Romans 8:26 - The Spirit helps us in our weaknesses Meditation: Deut. 31:6,7; Joshua 1:1-9; 1 Chro. 28:20; 2 Chro. 14:11 Proverbs 3:6 - The Lord will direct our paths Meditation: 1 Sam. 12:23; 2 Sam. 22:33; Psalm 5:8; 18:32; Prov. 3:6; 4:11; Isaiah 45:2,13 Isaiah 60:15 - God will keep you joyful Meditation: Neh. 8:10; Psa. 43:4; Isaiah 62:5; 65:19; Habakkuk 3:18 Psalm 145:18 - The Lord is near to all Meditation: Deut. 4:7; Psalm 34:18; 119:151; Isaiah 55:6; Phil. 4:5 Psalm 146:9 - God is the Helper of the fatherless Meditation: Deut. 16:11; Psalm 10:14,18; Jeremiah 49:11; John 14:18; Hosea 14:3

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very human being born in this world is unique with different kinds of personality traits. Even in godly living they differ from each other. Some face trials and difficulties that words cannot describe, while for some the struggles may be tolerable. But the fact remains that all pass through sufferings every day. Many who languish in poverty lament, ‘When will our situation change?’ Some, who are caught up in family problem shed tears saying, ‘Is there any way for our life to bloom?’ Thus, when everybody’s sufferings are seen, many wonder why they were born in this world. However, Paul, the chosen one of God and His servant, found victory over all the troubles of the world and said in his final days of life: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the

race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.” (II Timothy 4:7, 8) Not only this, from his words of faith written to Timothy, a true son in faith who ministered along with him, we can understand that everyone of us who are in this world can also taste such victories and learn ways to attain it. “But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the

g o o d confession in the presence of many witnesses…” (I Timothy 6:11, 12) Yes, true Christian life is full of struggles. Perhaps for those who conform to the world and consider worldly life only matters, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, saying, ‘let us eat, drink and be merry’, may go through minimum troubles. But, those who want to live as true Disciples of Christ have to pass through problems and troubles. ‘strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God." (Acts 14:22) - March 2018 JESUS CALLS


‘For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places’ (Ephesians 6:12) Let us examine the divine ways stated by St. Paul to overcome all our tribulations and live a successful life in this world, being united with the Lord Jesus; let us walk by these ways and live victoriously.

Way of Righteousness ‘You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.’ (James 2:24) Though the woman called Rahab was into harlotry, when she whole-heartedly helped God’s chosen people, she was justified by that good work (James 2:25). This shows how important it is for us to follow the path of righteousness! Romans 2:15 clarifies, ‘…the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accuses or else excuses them.’ (I John 3:20). Let us choose the blameless ways of righteousness. This is pleasing in the sight of God. Unwanted thoughts caused by the flesh instigate us to do things that are against God. Our 36

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conscience says we should be at peace with everyone. Yet, the carnal mind brings in us enmity, bitterness, envy and strife. A dear mother brought up her son in just ways. Once he studied well and got a job, she sought out a suitable partner for him and settled him in marriage. The girl too followed righteous ways. She was earnest in seeking the Lord

If you discard carnal mind and give room to the mind of the spirit, it would take you to the righteous path. through family prayer and Bible reading. However, as days went by, she began to give room to carnal thoughts. Having received all the family blessings, she gradually forgot to seek the Lord and read His Words. The devil, which was eagerly waiting for that opportunity, brought into her all kinds of mean thoughts the spirit of irritation, envy and bitterness. Confusions began to attack the family which was peaceful until then. Particularly, she targeted her

mother-in-law and hurt her unnecessarily. The poor mother was much disturbed. Yet, with more fasting and prayer than before, this mother sought the Lord and bound the carnal thoughts and the works of the devil in her daughter-inlaw, in the name of Jesus (Philippians 2:10). The Lord heard the mother’s prayers, broke the fleshly things that were working in that dear daughter’s mind. One day, without any interest, she took the Bible and began to read it. The following verse flashed before her eyes: ‘…lest you even be found to fight against God." (Acts 5:39) All her wicked character flashed before her. She knelt down in that place, shed bitter tears and clung on to the Lord (the righteous way). The Lord Jesus, who is rich in mercy, forgave her and mended her life again. Divine peace which the world can never give filled that family. Dear sisters, have you also given room to such carnal mind and kept enmity with God in your heart? This is not the way of righteousness. However if you discard the carnal mind and give room to the mind of the spirit, it would take you to the righteous path. It would pave ways to receive peace and life (Romans 8:6). Rahab and the above mentioned girl chose this divine

way and were made righteous. Follow this way and walk in ways that are just and enjoy a life of peace.

Way of Godliness “Now godliness with contentment is great gain.” (I Timothy 6:6) According to this Scripture, let us be content with the thought that it is enough if we have something to eat and clothe ourselves with. But through Paul, the Bible warns us that other than this, if we love money and lust after material things, it would make us stray from faith and ‘pierce us through with many sorrows’ (I Timothy 6:10). "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33) The Scriptures declares that the Lord gives all benefits “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think”, to those who give Him first place in their heart (Ephesians 3:20). Problems crop up when we try to earn riches through our own efforts, wisdom and strength instead of receiving this privilege from the Lord. On the other hand, let us try to walk in godly reverence with the plea, ‘Lord, come into my heart; lead me by Your hand to do only the things that are pleasing to You’- this is the godly way, pleasing to God.

I met a woman, who is doing God’s ministry. In her young age, she lived as she liked, adorning herself in trendy and modern way, reading all sorts of filthy books and ‘walking in the ways of her heart and in the sight of her eyes’ (Ecclesiastes 11:9). But she used to go to church regularly on Sundays. Others did not see the inner state of her heart. However the Lord, who was

Having firm faith depends on our intake of His words with diligence pained by the condition of her heart, was eagerly waiting for an opportunity for her to seek Him. That day arrived! Her life which was going smooth became rough. She languished without any human help. In that state where no human could help her, she was crying in loneliness. Then the love of the Lord overpowered her. Realizing the love of Jesus with her whole heart, she knelt down right where she was, with the deep regret that she had rejected such a great love

until then. She committed her life completely to the Lord Jesus who spoke to her and said to Him, “Jesus, forgive me; I commit my life completely to You. There is no other way other than You. Lead me...” What great changes came in her life after that! All the worldly things such as the lust of her eyes and flesh and the pride of life fled from her. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (II Corinthians 5:17) According to the Scriptures, her life became totally new and pleasing to God. Many were amazed to see her adorned with the ‘incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit’. Dear youngsters, which of the above two things would you choose, worldly ways of outward adornment or the adornment of the incorruptible beauty of godly ways? "For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the LORD our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him?” (Deuteronomy 4:7). This promise of God is applicable to everyone who trusts Him and who has godly reverence for Him. What a great privilege to - March 2018 JESUS CALLS


have the Lord who has created the whole universe, with us!

Way of Faith The Lord Jesus went through terrible sufferings, was crucified on the cross, died and was buried. Out of great love and gratitude for the Lord, Mary Magdalene, who was delivered by Jesus from the clutches of seven demons, went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, on the first day of the week and was shocked to see that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. She then ran and informed this to the disciples. Peter and John, the beloved of the Lord ran together and went in, but could not find His body. The linen clothes were kept folded. Unable to understand anything, the disciples went back. But Mary, not wanting to go back, stood by the tomb weeping that she could not find the Lord. Knowing her love for Him, Jesus, who rose from the dead according to His Word, appeared to her first after His resurrection. The reason why this poor woman had the excellent privilege which even the disciples did not have, was the faith that she had on Him, despite not seeing. Apostle Paul terms this as ‘sincere

Mary Magdalene, who was doing ministry along with the Lord, listened to His words carefully and had firm faith on Him. Having firm faith depends on our intake of His words with diligence (Ezekiel 3:3; Jeremiah 15:16). This faith would greatly help us to be steadfast amidst the troubles in our daily life.

(Hebrews 4:12). I felt God speaking to me through His Scriptures and through them the faith of Job came into me. I got divine strength to pray without being anxious. The Lord did a miracle. Within a few days, my daughter was healed. Within a few months, my husband too recovered fully. And like He did with Job, the Lord blessed him with double fold blessings in his ministry, more mightily than ever before!

Several years back, my husband Bro. Dhinakaran as well as my little daughter fell ill seriously. Everybody thought that my five-monthold daughter would die. I was greatly distressed and Jesus was my only comfort. Therefore, I took the Bible in my hand but I did not know what portions to read. I was in utter misery. There was none to comfort me. I then remembered the terrible sufferings that Job underwent and how he held on to the Lord despite passing through those agonizing paths. I decided to follow that and began to read the Book of Job. “The word of God is living and powerful”

Yes, dear sisters, it is the word of God that feeds us with firm faith. The more we honor the word of God, the more we can enjoy God’s blessings. Those of us who have not yet accepted Jesus as our personal Savior, who have not followed the ways of righteousness, who have not walked in godly ways and have not got rooted in faith, let us receive Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, get rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, abounding in it with thanksgiving (Colossians 2:6, 7). Then, as Apostle Paul says, God will give us the grace to fight the good fight, live a victorious life, to keep our faith and receive the crown of righteousness in heaven.

faith’ (I Timothy 1:5, 6). ‘So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.’ (Romans 10:17)

EMAIL MINISTRY…. My son Aju Mathew Thomas had a swelling on his chest. He was taken to the doctor and it was diagnosed as fat deposit and it had to be removed by surgery. He was given some medicines for time being. It was at that time I sent an email to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran requesting prayers. She sent a consoling reply stating that God will touch him and grant him a miraculous healing. Accordingly, God has done a miracle to him; the swelling disappeared. There was no need of surgery. He is perfectly alright. Praise the Lord. I thank dear sister for her prayers and blessings. - Sally K Mathew 38

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loom engulfed Sylvia’s house which should have been filled with happiness because of her wedding which was fast approaching in ten days. The sudden attack of shingles (painful rash with blisters) on her face tormented her and her family could not see her suffering with severe pain. They, who were busy in distributing wedding cards and going for shopping until then, stopped all their activities and turned their full attention towards her. Her parents were all the more shattered when her chithi came and shared with them the words said by one of the groom’s relatives:’ The boy’s side is thinking of cancelling the wedding. They feel that this may not be the will of God and that’s why He has allowed this herpes problem. Pain would be there at least for a month or so. For some people it may take even three or four months to be cured…” Her parents were broken to hear the words, ‘cancelling the wedding’. Some of the relatives from abroad had already booked the air ticket. Relatives from both sides had arrived three days before. Advance had been given for the hotel, camera, video, food

etc., They had also bought the wedding sari and Thali just four days back. Everybody wondered how terrible it was. ‘She’s a godly girl… then why has this happened?’ “No… the Lord is not pleased with this wedding….” “The time of the groom’s arrival is not auspicious….” “Sylvia is a single child….it would be awful if her wedding stops….” The talk went on. Though she kept on crying out to His name saying, ‘Jesus, Jesus,’ Sylvia could not bear to see her parents’ suffering. Yet she firmly believed that the Lord would not forsake her or put her to shame. Granny Kiruba arrived four days earlier than expected. ‘Somehow I felt that I should come early. So I cancelled my train ticket and have come by bus….” As she said this, her parents broke into tears and shared everything to granny. “Are you people shattered because of this? It would take days for your medicine to bring down the intensity of herpes. Let me give her treatment and it would take just three days….” “Do you know any Potter,

Maria?’ Granny asked the maid servant who told her that there was someone who was into pottery, near her sister-in-law’s place. She went with the maid and brought him home, with the medicine. He applied the juice of some herbs along with the dye which is used to make pots. Pain subsided that very day. Everybody was thrilled. “Child… you should come to the church and give your thanks offering..” Sylvia looked at granny with wonder. After three days of medication, her pain was completely gone. She was cured completely. ‘The potter’s clay has medicines, my child… God is good. Or else would He have brought me here earlier?” Thus saying, granny urged everyone to do the wedding chores. Within five days, the bride became normal and everyone who saw her in the church on the 7th day was amazed. There was not even a scar on her face. Everybody thanked the Lord who had given her a new life, when everything seemed to be finished and they sang praises. “The LORD has been mindful of us; He will bless us” (Psalm 115:12) - March 2018 JESUS CALLS


Dear sisters and children, who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for the each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you. If possible try to memorize the promise verse and retain it in your heart.

Fire Anointing; miraculous deliverance God wonderfully led the Esther Prayer Group meeting right from the beginning to the end. Fire anointing was poured in our midst in an immeasurable way. When each prayer point was prayed for, the sisters prayed with tears, being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. They shared the testimony that God heard their prayers and changed their captivity. Those who came with sickness went back, miraculously delivered. Glory to God. - Shanthi Jebakumar, Chennai.

Much comfort, peace and divine blessing The time of Esther Prayer Group fellowship was of great blessing. The women, who languished with different kinds of problems, work burden, family problems and who had no time to pray or take care of the children, felt that each prayer point was given for them and prayed with burden and zeal, having been filled with the Spirit. As a result they received much comfort, peace and 40

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divine blessings and glorified the Lord Jesus by sharing their testimony. - Vathsala John, Coimbatore.

Miraculous Healing from critical condition Bro. Prakash’s both kidneys had failed and his condition was critical as his body could not accept the dialysis process. After praying for his healing in the Esther Prayer Group, he was healed and God worked mightily in such a way that he could take good food. Thanks to the Lord, who has granted him healing. - S.S.Miruthubasim, Chennai -18

Leading of the Holy Spirit Only very few sisters attended our Esther Prayer Group and hence we prayed with burden for more number of sisters to join us and that our prayer group should increase. Also we had written to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for this. “Holy Spirit, You are the head of this group; You should bring the sisters for this prayer…’ The Lord heard this

prayer and made many more sisters to join the fellowship. This month’s promise verse was of great blessing to us. All the prayer points were given for each one of us and hence we prayed with tears and faith, holding on to the promise verses. We very much felt the leading of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God. - Hephzibah Beulah, Tharapuram.

Wonder of recovering the lost document of 17 years In our Esther Prayer Group Sis. Logathai’s house document was lost 17 years back. She was in sorrow. This sister, who never knew the Lord, would regularly attend the prayer every month, with great faith. The Lord heard the prayers offered with burden by all of us in the group and miraculously helped her to get back the document which had been lost for 17 years. Sis. Geetha’s husband, though knowing the Lord, was backslidden, became a drug addict, did not go to church and forgot the

Lord completely. We prayed for him in the Esther Prayer Group and had also written to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. Hearing the prayer, the Lord graciously helped him to get rid of his alcoholism and to go to church regularly with his family. Glory to God. - R. Kaladevi Yoganantham, Idukki, Kerala.

The Lord, who brought back the missing son Sis. Marial of our Esther Prayer Group is a widow. She has a son and a daughter. Three years back, the son left home and went missing. The mother searched for him everywhere and filed a police case but in vain. This sister started attending the Esther Prayer Group regularly and prayed with tears along with us. The Lord heard the prayer and did a great miracle. He helped that son to come back home. The mother’s joy knew no bounds. Glory to God. - Kumari Jawahar, Erode.

because of terrible pain. Everybody thought that she would not survive. As a group we prayed for her and also wrote to sister Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers. She too had prayed and sent us a reply stating, ‘I have prayed, she will be healed’. The Lord heard the prayer and healed her and has given her a new lease of life. Glory to God. - P. Hephzibah, Thiruthangal.

Gave grace to pray with anointing God filled each and every one of us in the Esther Prayer Group with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. He gave us the grace to get filled with the anointing and pray for each prayer point. He gave us the thirst and desire to pray earnestly and in humility, with our whole heart. We believe that surely God will bring a mighty revival among women, through this Esther Prayer Group ministry. - Janet Manoharan, Padmaneri.

Miraculous Healing

Spiritual Growth

Sis. Christina of our Esther Prayer Group said that her daughter-in-law was admitted in the hospital since her foot got decayed and that she was in tears

The prayer time of Esther Prayer Group was of great blessing. Sis. Victoria struggled to walk since she had a boil on both her feet. The Lord heard the prayer

offered in the Esther Prayer Group and graciously healed her wonderfully, without any medicine. Sis. Purnima said that since she joined the Esther Prayer Group and prayed, her personal prayer time has increased. Her husband used to be quarrelsome. But after she started praying in the Esther Prayer Group, she and her children maintained the peace by keeping quiet and reading the Bible, when he used to shout at her. Seeing that, her husband started calming down and going to sleep peacefully. Hence they do not have much problem in the family. Sis. Sasikala testified that she could find a growth in her prayer life as well as in her spiritual life and that she is now courageous. - Leela Rani, Chennai.

Miraculous Delivery After 4 ½ months of married life, my daughter had to take treatment for a tumour in the uterus. On the 5th month, the doctor who tested her said that she had both a tumour and a baby. Also she had high blood pressure. Yet God helped her to deliver a sweet girl baby through a normal delivery. - Esther Enima Solomon, Chennai.

GOD’S MIRACLES IN THE COUPLES’ ESTHER PRAYER GROUP: Miracle of reuniting issues, the couple Reuben and of great help for many separated Jacqueline, had decided to go for families to get reunited and for the the couple I thank God for the wonderful Couples’ Esther Prayer Group which He had given. After we started this Couples’ Esther Prayer Group, the Lord has given us the privilege to bear one another’s burden. Last month, owing to certain

divorce. I had written to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for their reunion. The Lord heard the prayer. On October 18th, quite unexpectedly, Bro. Reuben called his wife over the phone and both decided to get reunited. Now they are rejoined. Truly this Couples’ Esther Prayer Group is

husband and wife to overcome their difference of opinions. Glory to God. - Mrs & Mr. T. Arul Prakash, Chennai.

Prayer time - much blessing to the couples My father-in-law passed away several years back but still we - March 2018 JESUS CALLS


could not get his death certificate. We took many efforts, in vain. At this juncture, we, as five couples prayed together in the Couples’

Esther Prayer Group. The Lord blessed the prayer time. Everybody went back with great joy. That very month, the Lord helped us to get

back that certificate which had been hindered since several years. - K.K.Shanthi, Nerkuntram, Chennai.

My Dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you or young girls/children to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or Junior Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women/young girls/children in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Make use of the time. Let us hasten to build the Lord’s kingdom. Contact Address: Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 Email:

Bible Portion from Joshua, Judges & Ruth (Answer with Biblical reference) 1. Who said to whom, what they should do and Why? 2. Who will do what, what will be given by whom and under what you have come for what? 3. Who fought from where and against whom? 4. Who did what for whom and who caused what in whom? 5. What you should do to whom and who should do to whom? 6. Then who said to whom, whom will the Lord make like whom? How you should be and be famous in where? 7. From whom, how they returned and from where? Whatever comes out of what will surely be whose? Who said that and do what? 8. Since who has done what for you, if you forsake whom and serve whom, He will turn and do what and make you as what? 9. Who said to whom, what should not be left, today what has been done to you, by whom be praised? 10. What are the things consecrated to the Lord? From where they shall come into what? Answers must reach us before March 20, 2018 Address: Bible Quiz – 73 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email: 42

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Perfect Healing and blessing I got married in the year 2001. My husband and I were working in Singapore. At this juncture, since I had to do my higher studies, I stayed with my grandmother in Chennai. My grandmother suddenly took ill and fainted. Immediately I took her by an auto to the hospital. On the way she hugged me and passed away in that instant. Since then I was gripped by a kind of spirit of fear. Whenever I had this panic attack, my hands and legs would get entangled and I would become bedridden, totally exhausted and unable to even breathe. !3 years passed in this manner because of which I could never go anywhere by myself. My husband sent me back to India and my parents took me to several hospitals for treatment but in vain. My condition deteriorated as days went by. Finally my parents too forsook me. When I was languishing not knowing what to do, I came to know about the Prayer Tower through a neighbour. Even without my knowledge I went to the Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower where a special Family Blessing Meeting was being conducted. During the

prayer time Sis.Stella Dhinakaran said, “The Lord will be a wall of fire around you’. That time, something that was pressing heavily upon my heart departed and my heart became light after 13 years. I received healing and deliverance. After this I committed my life to the Lord and have become His daughter. While attending the Family Blessing Meeting I gave prayer request for a house of our own and a way to be opened to do business in Chennai. By the grace of God and by the prayers of dear sister, the Lord has helped us to get an own house as well as to start a business and join my husband. He has also helped me to lead a happy life by filling me with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. - Rekha Rajeshwaran, Chennai – 41

Health and comfort My brother passed away in 2016. Hence my mother was in agony and she could not bear his loss. Also she had burning sensation all over her body and suffered a lot. On hearing about the Family Blessing Meeting to be held in Vanagaram Prayer Tower in Chennai, I invited my mother.

Because of the burning sensation, she could not attend the meeting. But still I managed to bring her for the meeting. She could not even sit. On one side she was grieving over her son’s death and on the other side she had burning sensation all over her body. So she wanted to go back home but I insisted on her to sit down and wait with patience. I assured her that God would deliver her. That day the words said by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, “God’s love will set you free’ were of great comfort to me. Finally she asked everyone to stand to their feet for prayer and said, “Nobody should get up and leave during the prayer time. The Spirit is walking in our midst. He is going to do a miracle”. So saying, she prayed earnestly. That time the power of God filled my mother. That minute, all the burning sensation and the demonic problem left her completely and she received perfect healing. Not only that she also received a great peace and her grief over her son’s loss was removed. Since that day she is living with good health and without any issues. Praise the Lord. - A.Devibala, Maangadu, Chennai. - March 2018 JESUS CALLS


“Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). Dear ones, do you realize how wonderful this Word is that is given by the Lord! It is yours for the asking, so just ask and receive this divine experience from Him. This is not man’s word. It is a promise given by the Lord Himself to His children. My dear sisters, the Lord has given to us who are His children, this promise. In contemporary style, it’s like the Lord assuring us: ‘When you do not know which way to turn, I will lead you in the right way for I Am the Way; when you get mixed up with truth and falsehood, I will reveal the truth to you, for I Am the Truth; when you feel lost and lonely and wonder if life is worth the living, I will give you life, because I Am the Life!’ So, do not be worried about 44

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anything. When you take this divine promise for yourself, the ways in which He leads would be wonderful. He Himself would lead you in the ways of His truth. He will be your guide enabling you to live close Him in this world. Having received the life given by Christ, let us meditate on a few necessary areas that would enhance this experience.

God Himself Will Lead Us The Lord Jesus Christ teaches us, “I am the way”. The Lord firmly says, ‘My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," (Isaiah 55:8). Hence, in order to walk in divine ways, we need to fix our eyes only on the Lord, who leads us. In that case, it is imperative that we know His Word. Today, many ignore reading the Bible. These days we see many people using the mobile phone like Bible. No dear ones! What a privilege it is to carry the

Bible which contains the Word of the Lord! But those who ignore this and turn towards the ways of the world have no fellowship with the Lord. Look at the Lord Jesus Christ! He lived an exemplary life and was diligent to do all things pleasing to God, affirming, ‘I and My Father are one’ (John 10:30). My dear ones, as you read this article, it is my prayer that your life should become like that of Christ, filled with godliness and a life that is pleasing to the Lord. Do not feel ashamed to carry the Bible in your hands. Also, diligently read the Word of God every day since “the Word is God” (John 1:1). When you read it diligently, the Lord will talk to you. He will teach you and guide you with His eyes as per Psalm 32:8. This is divine guidance. Today many ask us, the servants of God, ‘what is God’s will concerning my life?’ I ask them, “Do you diligently read the

Bible daily? Do you seek the Lord truthfully? If you do, then God would lead you beautifully, according to His will.” My dear ones, if you read the word of God diligently, the Lord would speak to you through it. We read in the Bible that it has power and life and is of the Spirit (John 6:63; Hebrews 4:12). With this realization when you read the

and receive His blessings? Just think! Brother Dhinakaran was diligent in praying and in reading the Bible from 6.30 to 8.30 in the morning, soon after the family prayer was over at 6 O’ clock. Hence the Lord saw his genuine love, filled him with all His grace and the good things of the world as well.

Bible, you will experience the Lord’s leading in no uncertain terms. Today, there are many namesake Christians who have not experienced God’s leading, neither do they seek for it. Hence, my dear sisters and young children, read the Word of God daily, early in the morning, in all reverence. Then the Lord will teach you and lead you every day.

Jesus says, “I am the Way in all the matters - both big and small.” So, receive His guidance, His full benefits and blessings.

The Scriptures will remain in your heart and His guidance will be of much blessing to you. “For the ways of the LORD are right; The righteous walk




transgressors stumble in them”

(Hosea 14:9).

According to this verse, what are you going to choose? Would

Likewise, commit yourself to be careful in reading the Bible and in praying in order that grace and goodness would follow you and that you would receive God’s blessings through that.

Commit Our Ways to the Lord

going to earn agony? Or else would

‘Commit your way to the LORD; Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.’ (Psalm 37:5).

you walk in the ways of the Lord

“Trust in the LORD with

you ignore Bible reading or read it for namesake as a duty and stumble in your ways? Are you

all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5, 6). My dear ones, we clearly read in these verses how we should walk. Today, many are wandering around blindly because they do not know the Way. They shed tears not knowing what to do in tough situations. For example, if you are about to conduct a wedding or begin a business, first of all, kneel down at the feet of the Lord and commit everything into His hands. The phrases: my wisdom, my money, my experiences are of no use. You need to humble yourself in His presence and pray seeking guidance and leading. When you place your full trust in the Lord, He will perfect it beautifully. Today, we fail to do this and end up acting on our own wisdom and as a result meet head-on with failures or unsolicited entanglements. We read about this in Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Therefore, before embarking on any matter commit its - March 2018 JESUS CALLS


responsibility to Him, as a family or individually. He will perfect everything. On the other hand, if you bring money, status, education, wealth and freedom into this, surely that matter will bring you pain. Dear ones, when you do anything, committing it into the Lord’s hands, He Himself will help you (Isaiah 55:8). The Bible says, “Blessed are those who keep my ways” (Proverbs 8:32). When you place your full trust in the Lord, He will go before you. He Himself would remove all the crooked and evil things that crop up in the middle and straighten your path (Isaiah 45:2). My dear sisters, firmly hold on to the Lord who said, “I am the Way’ in all matters - both big and small - and receive His guidance, His full benefits and blessings.

The Lord’s Ministry of Judging His House ‘…if you will keep My command, Then you shall also judge My house, And likewise have charge of My courts....’

(Zechariah 3:7).

This is the loving call to do the Lord’s ministry. When we follow the ways of the Lord reverentially, seeing our faithfulness, He will separate us for His service. You need not worry about how you can 46

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serve Him because you are not qualified or educated, etc., etc., because the Lord calls those who are faithful and walk in His ways reverentially. He Himself will call you, lead you and make you abound.

Training School where I did

I have found this true in my own life. My initial ministry was very insignificant. I was timid and shy when the Lord chose me for His ministry. I used to be scared to stand among people and speak. My co-workers used to arrange the mike to make others hear my voice, but I used to stand a little away from the mike so that my voice could not be heard! However, today the Lord, who has filled me with His Spirit to do His ministry, has given me divine strength, reverence and godly zeal and has made me stand for Him. Do you see how wonderful the Lord’s leading is?

said, ‘Do you know how proud

In the days when I was doing Teachers’ training, I excelled in everything and so I was chosen to take up leadership in several activities. But I used to be frightened to stand up and speak. Several years later, when I was sharing God’s message in a meeting in Chennai, one of the wardens from the hostel of the Teachers’




happened to attend that meeting and saw me speaking boldly, without any fear. After the meeting, she came over to me, called me by my name and I am? Your beginning was full of fear. But today the Lord has changed you into a bold woman.” She was amazed! Yes, dear ones! As the Bible says, when we are diligent in walking in the ways of the Lord, He would choose us for His ministry and use us according to His will. The Apostle Paul’s initial days were full of lacks and horror. But when he asked, ‘Lord, what do You want me to do?’(Acts 9:6) the Lord turned his life towards His ways. He changed him into a saint and used him in the ministry. Today, do you want to be changed like that? Whatever state you are in, the Lord will lift you up through the Holy Spirit. He will honor your faithful service and fill you with His strength and wisdom and change you into a vessel of blessing to many. Dear ones, just pray, “Lord Jesus, I commit myself to You; according to Your will give me the grace to walk in Your ways.” May the Lord bless you!

Answer: My dear ones, ‘offering praise’ to God should be an essential part of every Christian’s life. When someone helps us or gives us something, it is a natural reaction for everyone to say ‘thank you’. It also indicates that you accept their gesture with gratitude. If this applies on a worldly level, how much more essential it is to practice giving thanks and praise to the Lord who loves us, who is with us and who leads us wonderfully and provides for us just about everything we need, in addition to the free gift of salvation! It is sad to see that many Christians today eat their food without praying and thanking the

Lord for the food He has given them. The Bible says, “For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer” (I Timothy 4:4,5). According to this, the Lord sanctifies or cleanses the food, making it safe for us to eat it! Just imagine the cleansing process is done by the Word of God and prayer! Once, a woman, who had just accepted the Lord as her Savior, lovingly invited me for dinner. There she shared her testimony which thrilled me. She testified, “I never knew

that before eating food, I should first thank the Lord for the food He has given me, until I heard you say that in one of your meetings. This made a deep impact on me and from that day I started to thank God before eating anything. It makes me feel happy!” Today, many who call themselves Christians do not have the habit of thanking Christ. When we thank the Lord in each and everything, God’s presence will fill us and the Lord will be pleased with us. My mother trained us from our childhood to thank the Lord for everything. Even when she bought us a pencil, she would ask us to take it to the church, thank the Lord for it and use it. She taught me to wear new clothes to the church first and - March 2018 JESUS CALLS


then use it. Dear ones, my mother did not know deep godly things. But today, we say that we know the truth deeply and yet do we offer praises to the Lord? Just think for a while!

The Benefits of Praising the Lord The Bible beautifully teaches us what we need to do when we are beset by worries, pain and anxieties. Philippians 4:6,7 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” What a wonderful truth this is! Today there are many who have no peace in their hearts or in their families. There are rifts between couples. Even children don’t have peace. Some languish to the extent that they even contemplate suicide. It is such a tragedy because they do not know where to turn to. All we need to do is pray to the Lord Jesus with thanksgiving, placing our requests before Him. Our thanksgiving indicates our trust in Him that He hears our petitions and will provide for us. A simple example of praying with thanksgiving goes like this: Suppose you fall sick seriously, your prayer should be, ‘Lord I am unable to bear this pain, but You 48

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have borne all this in Your body, and have earned victory and deliverance for me on the cross; You have suffered physically for our sakes. So I place all my worries on You. Thank You Lord that You are able to set me free and heal me. I truly praise You, Lord” - Try to pray like this and a divine faith will fill your heart. Hearing your prayer, God will first give you peace and remove all

When we thank the Lord in each and everything, His name would be glorified. God’s presence would fill us. your worries (I Peter 5:7). If you follow this principle, God-given peace will fill your heart. Offering praise and thanks to God should be your core responsibility. Different kinds of crisis, doubts, lacks, distresses, divisions and bitterness may crop up in family life. Today we see many families divided because of such problems. Now is the time when you as husband, wife and children ought to humble yourselves and offer the sacrifice of praise with your whole heart saying, ‘Lord,

give us Your divine peace and fill us with Your grace. Come into our midst and lead us. We praise You that You are the truth, the way and the life and that You have taken control of our problems’, the Lord would hear your prayers of thanksgiving and His grace would abound in you. His fellowship and divine love would come upon you and fill you. You would be set free from all your problems. What a wonderful Savior we have! Is your family divided? Cast away your vain pride, join with your husband/wife and children and humble yourself before the Lord seeking His forgiveness. Then the Lord will fill you with His Spirit, and make you shine for Him. We need not be afraid of any suffering, sorrow or the state of being forsaken by men. David was in a similar situation when Saul sought to kill him. David wrote Psalm 34, when he pretended madness before Abimelech, who drove him away. “I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth…” Dear ones, do you look to the Lord when life turns hard on you? Is there praise on your lips like David had? Just think. His trust on the Lord was such that he praised the Lord wholeheartedly even in that pitiable state. No wonder he wrote, “This poor man cried out, and the LORD heard him, And saved him out of all his troubles.” (Psalm 34:6) Because David looked up to

the Lord in times of tears and distresses and praised Him, the Lord blessed him directly. That’s why he wrote with deep conviction, “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want” and “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me” (Psalm 23:1 & 6). Therefore my dear ones, like

David if you praise the Lord whole heartedly you would surely receive the Lord’s blessings and deliverance. Finally my dear ones, when you praise the Lord, He, who is “enthroned in praises”, will come into your midst, according to Psalm 22:3. When He is with you

forever, where is the need for you to worry? He will sustain you and “will go before you, will be your rear guard” and lead you (Isaiah 52:12). So, be diligent in offering praises to the Lord and in glorifying Him.

May the Lord fill you with His full blessings!

BOOK MINISTRY… God given Holiness I read the book ‘Divine Holiness’ written by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. The prayer points written by dear sister in the 13th page as well as in the 57th page say, “Lord, fill me and my family with the filling of the Holy Spirit and the perfectness of Your image. As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). Help us, the family members, to live holy like You, devoid of all things that are displeasing to You” and “Lord, give me perfect godly mind to live holy like You just as how Your disciples desired. Pour into me the fullness of Your Spirit so that unwanted thoughts and mind should not separate me from You and keep me away from all evil by Your divine strength”. I claimed these and prayed to the Lord. He heard my prayer. He has removed all the unwanted thoughts and mind which I could not leave and has given me holiness. I give millions of thanks to Him. - Regina, Ariyalur.

ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ – 71 1. God told the male and female whom He has created, “Be fruitful and multiply,” have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth and He blessed them (Genesis 1:28). 2. “Do not be afraid. Standstill, and see the salvation of the Lord. The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace” (Exodus 14:13,14). 3. Night, Laban the Syrian in a dream and said to him, "Be careful that you speak to Jacob neither good nor bad” (Genesis 31:24). 4. Joseph, as the sand of the sea gathered very much grain, for it was without number (Genesis 41:49). 5. The children of Israel, reached until they came to the border of the land of Canaan, 40 years, ate Manna (Exodus 16:35). 6. Judah, brothers, on the neck of your enemies, your father's children shall bow down before you (Genesis 49:8). 7. The Hebrew midwives named Shiphrah and Puah; they feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male children alive (Exodus 1:15,17) 8. You shall not circulate a false report. Do not put your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness (Exodus 23:1). 9. Lord, Abraham, his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice (Genesis 18:19). 10. Lord Moses, as a man speaks to his friend, face to face, his servant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, did not depart from the tabernacle (Exodus 33:11).

BIBLE QUIZ NO.71 WINNERS Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy Andhra: Dr. Samuel Rajendram Maisa, P. H. Swarna Vidyullatha, T. S. Shalini Raj, B. Priyanka Karnataka: Keren Graciya R., K. Dhanamani - March 2018 JESUS CALLS



JESUS CALLS March 2018 -

Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(s) Dn/ 513/2018-2020 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/wpp-156/2018-2020 Published before 22nd of every month


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