Jesus Calls (English) - October 2015

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◆ Daily Devotion ◆ Seesha News ◆ Bethesda News ◆ Testimonies ◆ Prophetic Message

VOL.43 ISSUE 10 OCTOBER 2015 Rs.21/-


‘Jesus Calls Prayer Tower’ was inaugurated by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran at Alwal, Secunderabad, State of Telangana on August 29, 2015. Address of the Alwal Prayer Tower : Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, D.No.1-12-106/A/9 &10, Chanakiya Centre, Alwal, SECUNDERABAD 500 010. For details about the meetings held in the Prayer Tower : 040 – 27967225 / 27967226

‘Jesus Calls Prayer Tower’ was inaugurated by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran at Ashok Nagar, BHEL, Hyderabad, State of Telangana on August 29, 2015. Address of the BHEL Ashok Nagar Prayer Tower: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, No.22-102, Kanukunta, NH 9, near Ratnadeep Super Market, Ramchandrapuram Post, Hyderabad - 5000032. For details about the meetings held in the Prayer Tower: 040 - 65122344 Both these prayer towers function from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM.

Contact phone number for prayer help at any time day and night:

044 - 33999000


Prophecy revealed through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

January 2015 – Prophecy uttered:

The winds of change shall come to China. The Lord says: I will establish My wisdom and knowledge in the hearts of people and they will turn towards Me. Two major waves of change has been formed in China In August 2015, as prophesied.

there was a decline

in the stock market of China as a contrary wave. In September 2015, a massive military parade was conducted in the capital city Beijing. This has shown that the military strength of

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◆ A positive wave of change, September 2015

China conducted a massive military parade on September 3rd by which it showed it’s growing military strength. On account of the 70th memorial day of the end of the Second World War, 12000 soldiers took a parade in Beijing. Fighter jets and helicopters also flew overhead in the parade. Xi Jinping, President of China, who headed this pompous parade said, “China is well established in silent growth.”

On 24th August, China’s stock market faced a great decline of trillions of US dollars. Shangai stock market faced 8.5% decline. It is considered as a very bad decline which happened in one day. So, that day was called as “Black Monday” of China. The decline in China’s stock market made an impact in world economy.

China, which was in the second place among the world countries with regard to economy faced an unexpected decline.

◆ A negative wave of change, August 2015

China has become stronger.

Jesus Calls ● October 2015 ● 3

“…Remember me, O my God, for good!” (Nehemiah 13:31).


ehemiah, a man of God, prays to the Lord saying, “Remember me, O my God, for good!” The walls of Jerusalem, the great city, were broken down and its gates were burned with fire. It was Nehemiah, who faithfully did the great job of rebuilding it. He, who finished the job with total commitment amidst strong oppositions, pleads to the Lord to remember him for good. If anything good has to happen to us, God has to remember us. The psalmist firmly affirms, “The LORD has been mindful of us; He will bless us” (Psalm 115:12). When God remembered Rachel and Hannah, He removed their lack and fulfilled their longings. He blessed both of them with the gift of a child (Genesis 30:22; 1 Samuel 1:11, 19, 20). Yes, the Lord has compassion on us and regards us (2 Kings 13:23).

in this world. He is the Almighty God. It is He who created each day! He is the one who created the sun, the moon and the stars, commands them to go in their respective paths and leads them by His Word (Hebrews 1:3). The Almighty God has ordained, “O earth, you should revolve in this state. You should travel only by this path.” He has specified the measure of brightness of the sun and the moon. That is why, each one of them is functioning as per the command of God. There is absolutely no confusion or fault or sorrow in the ways of God and hence everything is doing its job perfectly.

Are you awaiting with various questions such as “Won’t this good thing happen in my family? Won’t I get this job? Will the Lord grant my child this blessing?” Look unto the Lord just as Nehemiah did. Surely this month, the Lord will have compassion on you; He will remember you for good. We are living in a wicked world which is full of evil and sorrows. But there is a Person who remembers us

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran Jesus Calls  October 2015 


On the other hand, God has given man six senses and the authority to walk as he likes. He can seek God if he likes; if not, he can reject Him (Deuteronomy 30:15; Micah 6:8). It is possible for God to be wrathful over those who do not accept Him and in a moment to make the moon to collide against the earth. He can destroy us. But He has adorned Himself with such humility that even today man can draw close to Him at any time. What a splendid love!

Remembers us in our lowly state “Who remembered us in our lowly state, for His mercy endures forever” (Psalm 136:23). “I am poor and needy; yet the LORD thinks upon me…” (Psalm 40:17). We see many ups and downs in this worldly life. Today are you deprived of anything such as status, health or money and languishing? Do you lament saying, “Seeing my poor status no one has compassion on me … everyone is avoiding to even meet me”? Do not be worried! The Lord Almighty, who created the heaven and the earth and who regarded the lowly state of Mary, is mindful of you (Luke 1:48). The Almighty God humbled Himself to interact with man and came down to this earth; He humbled Himself to the point of cross (Philippians 2:8). Since He loved mankind, He took upon Himself all our sins and burdens (Isaiah 53:5). Offering Himself as a sacrifice, He paved way for man to live

well, have redemption from sin and live happily in this world with all blessings (Hebrews 9:26).

state is. He is willing to take care of you and raise you up from your lowly state.

He, who rules over the world, the earth, the sun, moon and the stars, carefully watches over nature and keeps it under His control with the purpose, ‘I should make everything work well, for the sake of My children. They should live well.’ He makes all things work together for good to those who love Him and to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

Plead to the Lord Jesus saying, “O, God, who gave Your life for me! I need complete happiness. I languish without peace for a long time. It is several days since I had my food with contentment. It is several days since I spent time with my children. Please help me. Remember me in my lowly state”. He will not despise you. He will hear your cry (Psalm 22:24).

Dearly beloved, what is man that He is mindful of him? (Psalm 8:4). We should be thankful to Him as He is concerned about us. Thank Him with the realization that He has preordained that all things should work together for good in your life. The Bible says that God is the One, who gives us richly all things to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17). So, you would no more be in a lowly state. ‘He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash heap…’ (1 Samuel 2:8; Psalm 113:7). Does He do this only for the good people? No. You may be saying, “I won’t get this blessing; I am a wicked man/woman; I am sinful; I don’t have much faith; I don’t have hope; I am not a godly person…” and so on. He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good (Matthew 5:45). He considers everyone to be the same. So, He loves you, no matter what your Jesus Calls  October 2015 


Remembers us in our wants "Nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness" (Acts 14:17). Surandai, a village, where my father lived, is in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. Several years back, his friends in Surandai lovingly invited my father to come over there as it was where he grew up and wanted him to conduct a prayer meeting for everyone. So we went there, as a family. Great multitude of people warmly received us and my father. After that they said with worry, “Brother, our village is totally dependent on the monsoon rains. But, there has been no rain for several years. Agriculture has waned. There is so much of drought and shortages. Please pray to the gracious Lord Jesus to grant us rain. Let the Almighty God have compassion.” My father’s heart was broken. He made the seated crowd to stand up and prayed with tears, “Loving Lord Jesus, You have prom-

NPT- Model 2 ised "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” Let the sky open; let there be rain from heaven. Let the lakes be filled; let the wells be filled; let the ponds be filled.” Following that, he shared the Lord’s message and pleaded to God to bless the people. The moment we left that village, there was a heavy downpour. Every lake, pond, canal and well in that village overflowed with water. The next day, it was flashed in newspapers, “All the lakes have been filled; never had there been such torrential rains.” How close is the Lord to His children! See how He listens to our prayers!

Yes, the Lord supplies all our needs. He fills everything with blessings. He sends rain at the due time. He gives us prosperous times. He fills us with food and our hearts with gladness. This is the nature of our God. If we reject this mighty and caring God, it is we who would lose His blessings. Let us say, “Lord, You are always good to me. Though I am a traitor, You have protected me and given Your life. I fall at Your feet and thank You.” Then His heart would be moved with compassion. He will supply all our needs. He will fill us with all good things and make us glad.

Remembers us like a father “…But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him” (Luke 15:20). The father wants his child to enjoy everything. For this purpose, he works hard and earns wealth and treasure. He takes pity on the child when he goes astray. He has compassion on the child who repents for his wrongs and accepts him. The wife prays that her husband should be well, the children should be blessed and the family should be blessed and takes care of the husband and children. Besides, in many families the wives too work to earn money and raise up their families. Similarly, your heavenly Father too works for you; He watches over you with concern; He will neither slumber nor sleep (Psalm 121:4). He guards over you with concern. The Bible says that He preserves us like a bird flying over (Isaiah 31:5).

The Lord is desirous of giving

Once a doctor said to me, “Brother, in our country many times we are fed up of the scorching heat and lament, ‘Oh, I am unable to bear this heat’. Only because the sun shines

you all these benefits. You need not

brightly like burning Sulphur

wander here and there seeking for

with sizzling heat in India, the

blessings. The Lord is near you

people are protected from many

(Isaiah 55:6). Call to Him saying, “Lord, remember me for good.” He will supply all your needs and satisfy you with all blessings.

diseases. Deadly miero organisms that cause TB have rampantly multiplied. If the heat of the sun is less, these germs Jesus Calls  October 2015 


would attack us and destroy us. The whole nation would be affected by these diseases. But the Lord has commanded this heat just to keep the germs under control. This also is mercy shown by Him. That’s why we are alive. What great love the gracious Lord has for the people of our nation!”

Yes, dearly beloved, this is true. In case the Lord hides His hand, we would be destroyed in a second (Psalm 104:29). “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19). This world is under the sway of the wicked devil (1 John 5:19). But to prevent him from touching us or doing any harm to us and to prevent the rage of the wicked people intersecting us, the Lord is wrestling for us continually. That’s why we are not destroyed. How numerous are the problems and diseases in this world! The Lord is protecting us from all these. Since the Lord Almighty is protecting us like a father, we live with strength and health in the midst of these spirits of confusion. For this, we need to thank Him from the depth of our heart (Psalm 103:1,2). We are alive not by our own wisdom; not by strength; not by our fame; but by His benefit. This is the strength of man’s life. There would be a situation when the life may appear to ebb out in a moment. The power of God protects us from the enemy when he comes like a flood, from germs, darkness and death and makes us live well. He

loves you and hence He protects you and makes you live. So, call unto Him boldly.

Prayer Loving Lord, our heavenly Father, You have said, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” I have come trusting You, O sovereign God. I beseech You to shower Your grace on me right now. O gracious Lord, who emptied Yourself and offered Yourself as a sacrifice on the cross, please enter into my heart as well as into the hearts of my husband/wife and children. Fill every one of us with Your perfect blessings. Grant perfect blessings upon our spirit, body, business/profession/job! Let the life and power of Jesus come upon us miraculously and wonderfully. Make me great by Your mercy. Have compassion on us and remember us. I commit each one of us into Your bosom, as Your loving children. Manifest your concern towards us in such a way that those who see us would realize that You, the loving God is also our Father. Let all the blessings flow abundantly in our life. I offer millions of praises to You for thus blessing us. You bought us by shedding Your blood! I plead to You to grant us this privilege by that priceless sacrifice. I praise You for lifting us, supplying all our needs and embracing us like a Father, even this month. Let Your gracious hands guard me and my family and bless us. I offer this prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. F

BY DEMAND DRAFT/CHEQUE: Drawn in favour of ‘Jesus Calls’ payable at Chennai and can be sent by registered post to the address: Prayer Tower, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. THROUGH PRAYER TOWER: You can give your donation in your nearby ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower and get the receipt directly. THROUGH THE AMBASSADORS: You may give your donation to the ‘Jesus Calls’ ambassador who serves in your local area and get the receipt. You may know of the ambassador in your area through nearby Prayer Tower THROUGH WEBSITE: You may send your offering through our website using credit card/debit card/net banking in a secure way. THROUGH BANK: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No: 60002010018005 Bank: Syndicate Bank, Chennai Armenian Street Swift Code: SYNBINBB007 IFSC: SYNB0006000 Thru’ ICICI Bank: Even though you don’t Have savings account in ICICI Bank, you can send offering for ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry without transaction charges. ‘Jesus Calls’ challan can be obtained by sending SMS to +91 909 409 99 77, by typing ICI. 6. THROUGH POST OFFICE You may send your donation through Money Order & EMO. Donations also can be sent by ‘Mobile Money Transfer’ through Post Offices to the number 9840900480. Donors, who send donations by the last two ways, may SMS your name and town to 9094099977 or contact the Partner Services number

1800 425 77 55

(7.00 AM to 9.00 PM every day) or send e-mail to and help us send acknowledgement for your donation.

Address to send your prayer requests: Prayer Tower, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Email: Dear partners, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family will pray specially for you every day. Prayers will be offered for you in the 24 hours Prayer Tower. Jesus Calls  October 2015 


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One and a half years ago, when I was riding my bi-cycle, I skidded in the sand and tripped down. The thin metal piece of iron in the pedal, pierced my right foot. Immediately, I went to the hospital and took treatment. But, the wound did not heal even after 6 months. Instead puss started to ooze out of that. So I underwent a surgery and the puss was cleaned. Within a few days, again the puss was oozing and my leg began to swell. Doctors said that my


bone was infected. So after five months, the puss was removed again through a second surgery. The problem repeated and I underwent a surgery for the third time too. Yet, after two months, puss started oozing from the wound once again. My grandmother is residing in Erode. She used to visit the Bethesda Prayer Centre. She requested the prayer warriors there to pray for my healing. She brought a bottle of blessed oil and asked me to apply it with prayer. I did so, for a month. One day, when I was taking bath, I saw a black thing coming out of my wound. I plucked it out and saw that it was a piece of the rubber slipper which I was then

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- Puttaraj, Kollegal, Karnataka

wearing at the time of the accident. From then on, as I applied the medicine, within two weeks, the wound started to heal. Now, I am able to walk well. I went to Bethesda as a family, along with my grandmother and shared this testimony. Praise be to the Lord, who miraculously healed my wound which could not be healed even after surgeries.

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Bethesda Prayer Centre 22nd Anniversary Blessing Meeting Date : October 11, 2015 (Sunday) Time: 1.30 PM Venue : D.G.S. DHINAKARAN CENTRE (Karunya Auditorium) Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore.

God’s message and prayer: Sis. Stella Dhinakaran Prayers will be offered for God to deliver you from your worries, burdens, agonies, debt, distresses, sicknesses and dreadful diseases. We kindly invite you to come and hear the Lord’s message and receive His miraculous touch. For more details : Manager, Bethesda Prayer Centre, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore – 641 114. Ph: 0422-2614 580/2614 581 Mobile: 87544 26134/94878 46601

◆ Bethesda Prayer Centre is open from 6.00 AM ◆ Services are conducted every day at 6.00 AM and 6.00 PM. ◆ For those who come as a team, special service will be conducted in their respective languages. ◆ Special services are conducted during government holidays. ◆ Special services are conducted at 11 AM on Wednesdays, 10.30 AM on Fridays, 11 AM and 2.30 PM on Saturdays and 9.30 AM and 2.30 PM on Sundays. ◆ Special arrangements for vehicle facilities shall be made from Coimbatore for those who come as team. ◆ Bus facilities are available from Coimbatore Gandipuram, Town Hall and Railway Station. ◆ Accommodation facilities are available to stay as individual, family and as team.

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“Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24). The Lord who says this is willing to heed the prayers offered by the people and the prayer warriors in the Bethesda Prayer Centre.

- Vimala, Perur, Coimbatore

We have our own auto which met with an accident and the driver sustained head injurious. He was admitted in the hospital. He went into coma as he had a blood clot in the brain. We were greatly perturbed as he was battling for life. At this critical juncture, I came to the Bethesda Prayer Centre and sought prayers for our driver’s miraculous healing. The prayer warrior also prayed with much burden for the healing. Even before I left Bethesda, my husband called me up and said that the driver was out of danger. He had regained his conscience after 25 days from the accident. I was surprised to hear that. I think of the mercy shown by the Lord even before I could leave Bethesda and thank Him for that.


Come to Bethesda for prayer. The Lord will bless you.

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October 2015 October 1 Thursday :- Promise Verse: Proverbs 10:22. I praise You O God for You are the One who makes me rich. Meditation : Genesis 12:4; 13:2; 24:35; 32:10-29; 49:26; Proverbs 22:4; 10:22; Deuteronomy 8:17,18; 2 Samuel 7:8-12; Psalm 113:6-8; 1 Chronicles 29:28,11,12; Galatians 3:13,14; 2 Corinthians 8:9; 3 John 2. October 2 Friday :- Promise Verse: Psalm 40:1. I praise You O God for You inclined to me who waited patiently for You. Meditation : Ps. 27:13,14; Exo. 1:2-4; 5:11; Job 6:11; 14:14; 42:2,10; Ecc. 7:8; Heb. 10:36,37; 9:28; Rom. 5:3,4. October 3 Saturday :- Promise Verse: 1 Chronicles 29:12. In Your hand is power and might O LORD, and in Your hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all. Meditation : Ps. 113:7-9; 105:17-22; Isa. 51:2; Mat. 8:2-3; 4:23,24; Mk. 5:25-34; Acts 10:38; 9:1-20; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 4:13; 2 Cor. 12:9; 1 Cor. 15:57. October 4 Sunday :- Promise Verse: Isaiah 60:1. I will arise and shine for God’s light is shining upon me. Meditation : Acts 9:3-20; 17:6; 19:11,12; 1:8,13,14; 2:1-41; 4:12,13; 5:12-16; Levi. 9:1-6,23; 2 Cor. 5:17; 3:17,18; Rev. 21:23-26. October 5 Monday :- Promise Verse: Philippians 4:4. I will be happy for God will take care everything concerns me. Meditation : Isa. 64:5, Ruth 1:16,17; 2:12; 3:5,10,11; 4:13,14; Neh. 8:10; Ps. 37:4; Hab. 3:17-19; Acts 20:22-24; Phil. 4:46,12,13. October 6 Tuesday :- Promise Verse : 2 Timothy 2:13. I praise You, O Lord for You abide faithul, though I did not believe. Meditation : Pro. 28:20; Jer. 3:1; Hos. 4:1; 2:20; Ps. 89:1,5,8,34; 100:5; Mat. 25:24,25; Rom. 3:3; 1 Cor. 1:9; Jer. 5:11; Hos. 6:7; 1 Thes. 5:23,24; 1 John 1:7,9. October 7 Wednesday :- Promise Verse: Amos 5:6. I will seek the Lord and shall live. Praise be unto God.

Meditation : 1 Chro. 28:9; 16:11; 22:19; 2 Chro. 15:2-4,13-16; Isa. 55:6; Mat. 7:7,8; Mark 5:27-34; Jn. 1:37-39; Ps. 69:32; 3 Jn. 2. October 8, Thursday :- Promise Verse: John 14:6. I praise You O God for Yor are the way, the Truth, the Life. Meditation : Exo. 34:6; Isa. 65:16; Ps. 85:11; 96:13; Pro. 26:23; John 3:33; 4:19; 14:6; 17:17; 1:17; Mat. 4:19; 1 John 5:20; Ps. 43:3. October 9, Friday :- Promise Verse: Joshua 24:15. Praise be unto God who saved me and my family. Meditation : Acts 16:14,15,31-33; Gen. 6:8-10,17; 7:7, 23; 18:18,19; 35:1-5; Lk. 19:2-9; 1 Timo. 5:8; 3:4,5; Ps. 103:17; Acts 10:1,2-24,25-48. October 10, Saturday :- Promise Verse : Acts 10:38. I praise You O God for You have anointed me with Holy Spirit and with power using me in Your ministry. Meditation : Acts 6:8; 1:8; 2:1-41; 4:31; 5:3-5; 19:2-6,11,12; 10:38; Lk. 4:14,18; Zec. 4:6; Lk. 4:1,14; Rom. 15:18; 8:9; 1 Cor. 2:12,13; 12:1-13; 2 Cor. 3:17. October 11, Sunday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 23:6. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the House of the LORD for ever.” Meditation : Ps. 84:1,4; Gen. 28:16-19; 1 Sam. 1:3,7,16-19,22; 2 Chro. 31:10; Ps. 92:12,13; Isa. 23:18; 56:7; Lk. 15:17,18,2224; Jn. 1:37-39; Lk. 22:35. October 12, Monday :- Promise Verse : Exodus 4:12. I praise You O God for You teach me what I should say. Meditation : Mat. 10:20; Lk. 21:14,15; Pro. 25:11; Isa. 50:4; 1 Timo. 4:16; Acts 12:21-24; 1 Cor. 2:13; 1 Jn. 2:27; Jn. 7:16-18. October 13, Tuesday :- Promise Verse : Proverbs 4:23. Give me grace O God to keep my heart with all diligence. Meditation : Pro. 3:5,6; 23:26; Gen. 6:5; Exo. 28:3; 31:6; Mk. 7:21-23; Phil. 4:5-7; Pro. 14:22; Deu. 4:4,5; Jn. 7:37,38. October 14, Wednesday :- Promise Verse : Exodus 33:14. I praise You O God for Your presence is going with me and before me always.

Jesus Calls  October 2015 


Meditation : Exo. 33:11-14; Deu. 32:11,12; Jos. 1:5; Mat. 28:20; Mk. 1:35; 3:13-15; Acts 18:9,10; Rev. 22:4. October 15, Thursday :- Promise Verse : 2 Thessalonians 3:18. I praise You O God for Your grace is with me. Meditation : 1 Chro. 16:34; Ps. 100:5; Lam. 3:22; Rom. 5:20,21; Eph. 2:8; Pro. 3:34; 14:22; Ps. 32:8; 147:11; Jn. 1:14,17; Phil. 1:7; 2 Pet. 1:2. October 16, Friday :- Promise Verse : Proverbs 17:22. A merry heart is a good medicine. Meditation : Neh. 8:10; Levi. 23:40; Ps. 30:11; 64:10; 92:4; Pro. 15:23; Isa. 61:7; 65:18,19; Zep. 3:17; Hab. 3:18; Gal. 4:27; Phil. 4:4; Gal. 5:22. October 17, Saturday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 30:2. I praise You O God for I cried unto You, and You have healed me. Meditation : 2 Ki. 20:1-7; Gen. 20:17,18; Jer. 33:3,6; Mat. 15:22-28; Mk. 10:46-52; Jn.14:14; Exo.15:26; 1 Pet. 2:24. October 18, Sunday :- Promise Verse : Luke 12:31. I praise You Lord for the promise that ‘seek ye the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.’ Meditation : Mat. 6:25-34 ;1 Ki. 3:3-13 ;4:1-34; mat. 19:2729; Lk. 5:2-9; 22:35; Phil. 4:19; Ps. 23:1; 34:10. October 19, Monday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 67:7. God has blessed me and will bless me continuously. Glory be unto God. Meditation : Gen. 12:2; Deu. 7:13,14; 15:6; 23:5; Lk. 2:10,14; 24:50; Eph. 1:3; Gal. 3:13,14; 1 Pet. 3:9. October 20, Tuesday :- Promise Verse : Genesis 6:8. I praise You O God for I found grace in Your sight. Meditation : Gen. 6:8,9; 7:23; 19:16-29; 39:2,3,21-23; 50:20; Exo. 33:13-19; 1 Sam. 16:21,22; Pro.16:6; Jn. 1:14-17,29; Gal. 3:22; Rom. 5:16-21; Eph. 2:8; Ps. 63:3. October 21, Wednesday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 145:19. I praise You O LORD for You fulfill the desire of them that fear You. Meditation : Gen. 22:1-13; 24:2-51; Ps. 31:19; Pro.1:7; 13:13; 14:26,27; Lk. 1:50; 2 Ki. 17:39; Mal. 4:2; Acts 10:1-6,22-46. October 22, Thursday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 91:5. I praise You O God for You delivered me from the terror by night; and from the arrow that flies by day. Meditation : Ps. 121:4-8; gen. 28:28:11-17; Exo. 13:21,22; 14:19-27; Ps. 1:2; 119:105; 43:3; Jn. 17:9,12,15. October 23, Friday :- Promise Verse : Proverbs 29:23. Give me grace O Lord, so that I may be upholded by honour. Meditation : Pro. 3:34; Exo. 10:3; 1 Ki. 21:27-29; 2 Chro. 7:14; 1 Sam. 18:14-30; Ps. 113:7,8; Pro. 11:2; Gen. 40:14,15; 41:16,33,38-45; 37:28; 42:21; Lk. 18:10-14; Phil. 2:5-11.

October 24, Saturday :- Promise Verse : James 4:7. I praise You Lord for You have given me power and authority over devil to resist him. Meditation : 1 Sam. 17:4-51; Mat. 4:1-11; 2 Tim. 2:22,23; Eph. 4:26-32; 6:10-18; Acts 10:38; Mat. 8:16,17; Rev. 20:2. October 25, Sunday :- Promise Verse : Romans 12:21. O Lord give me grace, so that I may not be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good. Meditation : 1 Sam. 18:17-25; 23:14; 26:7-25; 31:1-6; 2 Sam. 4:1-12; 5:1-6; 9:1-13; 3 Jn. 5,11; Rom. 2:9,10; Jos. 24:20; Pro. 19:22; 11:17; Heb. 13:17; Jam. 4:17. October 26, Monday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 119:89. I praise You O Lord for Your everliving Word. Meditation : Isa. 40:8; 1 Pet. 1:25; Ps. 119:152,160; Mat. 24:35; John 1:1,14; 6:63; 8:51. October 27, Tuesday :- Promise Verse : 2 Samuel 22:36. I praise You O Lord for You make me great by Your gentleness. Meditation : Ps. 113:6-8; 1 Sam. 1:20,22,25-28; 3:1-21; 9:6; 16:11; 17:32,33; 2 Sam. 7:8,9; 1 Chro. 29:27,28; Ps. 18:50; 89:21; Gen. 26:12,13; 1 Chro. 29:25; Est. 2:19; 9:4; Mat. 18:4. October 28, Wednesday :- Promise Verse : Proverbs 1:7. I praise You O God, for You have given me the fear of the Lord and wisdom. Meditation : Pro. 2:1-7; 8:13; Isa. 11:1-3; Gen. 22:1-12,17; Ecc. 12:13; Job 28:28; Deu. 4:1-6; Gen. 39:6-10; 42:38-46; Ps. 25:12. October 29, Thursday :- Promise Verse : Jeremiah 30:11. I praise You Lord for You are with me to save me. Meditation : Jer. 1:19; 2 Sam. 8:6; Isa. 41:10; Mat. 28:18-20; Acts 18:9,10; Heb. 5:7. October 30, Friday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 24:1. The Earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they who dwell therein. Praise be unto God. Meditation : 1 Chro. 29:11,12; Hag. 2:8; Ps. 50:10-12; 1 Cor. 10:26; Eph. 1:3; Phil. 4:19; Rev. 4:11,12; 7:12. October 31, Saturday :- Promise Verse : Matthew 3:11. I praise You O God for You baptize me with the Holy Spirit, and with fire. Meditation : Mat. 3:4-14; Jn. 1:19-34; Lk. 24:49; Acts 2:1-4; 2:17,18; 8:15-17; 10:43-46; 19:2-6; Num. 11:25-29; Eph. 1:13,14; 4:30; Jn. 3:34; Rom. 8:9. Constant Prayer and Word of God is the divine key for Prosperity and Success.

Jesus Calls  October 2015 


Dearly beloved, I greet you in the sacred name of the Lord that you should be blessed in every way. “For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, saying, surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you. And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise” (Hebrews 6:13-15). This month, the Lord will grant you whatever blessings you have been waiting for and make you happy. Perhaps, you may be dejected, having waited for a long period. You might have even wondered, “Could this blessing be received any more?” The Lord is unchanging in His promise. He does what He says (Numbers 23:19). Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (He-

brews 13:8). He will never forget you; He will never fail to bless you. He would willingly grant you His abundant and finest blessings.

Mighty Spirit My father Brother D.G.S.Dhinakaran committed his life to the Lord in the year 1955. Soon after this, he began to tell the people about the Lord and the redemption of sin given by Him. Realizing that the anointing of the Holy Spirit is needed to do the ministry to remove the sorrows of people who languish in sicknesses and dreadful diseases, he was earnestly praying for the Lord to fill him with His Spirit. On October 10, 1962, as usual, my father returned home from his bank job, totally exhausted and began the family prayer. That time, the Lord Jesus filled him with His Holy Spirit and he had the privilege of beholding Him face to face for three hours. From then on, his

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ministry was filled with power and much fruits. “…that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man… that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:16-19). According to this verse, this month, I pray specially that the Lord should fill you with His Spirit and strengthen you (Acts 1:8). You would not be discouraged when the inward man is being renewed day by day (2 Corinthians 4:16). “For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, and My

blessing on your offspring” (Isaiah 44:3). The Lord, who promised thus, will surely fill you and your children with His Spirit. He will strengthen your inner man; He will make your life shine gloriously, as a witness for Him.

National Prayer Tower – Extension Project ‘You shall establish a Prayer Tower for the nation in the centre of Delhi, that is near the corridors of power…’ - In accordance to the Lord’s command given to me on 11th August 2008, the Delhi National Prayer Tower was inaugurated to pray for the nation of India for 24 hours. Prayer warriors who have the vision to pray for the people of the nation come from all over India and incessantly pray for the blessing and prosperity of the nation as well as for the welfare of the people, by viewing the Parliament House. In these 5 years, prayers for the nation have been offered through the National Prayer Tower for 26 lakhs of minutes. It is through the help of dear partners like you, the Jesus Calls ministry has been doing this continuous prayer. “And the LORD restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before” (Job 42:10). Accordingly, through the testimonies of the dear partners, who support this service of praying for the people all over the nation with their offerings, we know how the Lord remembers them and blesses them, and we thank Him for that. The expenses for travel, accommodation and food for the people of God who come from all over the nation and who stay here

and pray for the nation, are borne by us, at our own expenses. It is highly imperative that we enhance the operations of this Prayer Tower, for which Rs.2 Crores is needed. This need could be met if 2000 people are willing to send a donation of Rs.10, 000/- each. You may send your offering in your name or in the name of your spouse, children or parents. “And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward” (Matthew 10:42). According to this verse, the Lord will remember you too and bless you and your children abundantly.

Karunya - 30th year In the year 1981, the Lord gave my father a commandment to establish a University to provide excellent technical education to students and raise professionals and leaders of high academic caliber and make them shine for Christ in different parts of the world by moulding them as Josephs, Daniels, and Esthers filled with the Holy Spirit and divine wisdom. In obedience to this, Karunya, an Engineering college was started on 4th October 1986. By the immense grace of God and by the generous donations sent by you, our dear partners, today, Karunya stands aloft as a prestigious University. Remember the Karunya University, the teaching and non teaching faculties as well as the students of Karunya in your daily prayers. The students who learn in Karunya are fully trained in modern technologies. I request those who run technical firms and hold high positions in MNC to induct Jesus Calls  October 2015  13

these well equipped students in your companies. For more details regarding this contact the Chief training and placement officer Mr.A.K. Balakrishnan, at 09487846508 or via

New Prayer Tower dedication All over the world, many are those who languish with personal problems, troubles in the family, rifts in relationships, financial constrains, wayward children, physical weaknesses and depression. The Prayer Tower service is functioning to comfort and console these people who ‘look for someone to pity them’, on the basis of Scriptures, remind them of the Lord’s wonderful promises and intercede for them basing on these. “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place” (2 Chronicles 7:15). According to this verse, the Lord keenly listens to the prayers offered in the Prayer Towers, is moved with compassion for those in need and blesses them by doing the needed miracles for them. New Prayer Towers are to be launched in Nagpur on 1st October, in Pimpri Chinchwad (Pune) and in Navi Mumbai on 6 th October and in Hubballi on 26th November. Efforts are being taken to open Prayer Towers in Shillong, Guwahati, and in Goa.

Meetings I have given below the details of the upcoming meetings in which we would be ministering. Do not forget to pray that a great multitude of people should attend these meetings, and that the Lord should use us in a blessed and powerful

way by anointing us specially and granting His Words in our tongue. Also pray for journey mercies and for the team that would be accompanying us. October 2-4 – Prayer Festival – Nagpur October 3: Partner’s Meet – Nagpur, Maharashtra. October 5 – Partner’s Meet, Pimpri Chinchwad (Pune) October 7 – Partner’s Meet, Thane October 10, 11 – Blessing Meeting, Doha, Qatar October 13-21– Holy Land Tour November 27-29 – Hubballi Prayer Festival

Awaiting your call We would like you, our dear partner, to get in touch with the Jesus Calls ministry, at least once in a month. For this purpose, we

have allotted the telephone number 1800 425 77 55 for you to contact us and inform us about change in address/ language, your date of birth, wedding anniversary etc., You may also inquire of the details of your donation sent towards the Jesus Calls ministry. Our staff member would be waiting for your call every day from 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM. I encourage you to avail this facility.

Prayer Academy Prayers are offered for the world by the Prayer warriors in the Jerusalem Prayer Tower, in the nation of Israel. The Lord has led us to launch a Prayer Academy for training the dear ones, who would like to get a proper training to pray. God willing, we will be starting the first batch of this Academy in the Israel Prayer Tower, in the month

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of October. Let us praise the Lord for this. If the Lord prompts you to send help for this Prayer Academy or the services of the Israel Prayer Tower, I encourage you to kindly send us your donations. The Lord will never forget you, our dear partner, who supports the Jesus Calls ministry every month and your offerings and who labours towards His ministry and His servants (Hebrews 6:10). “Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their doings” (Isaiah 3:10). Accordingly, the Lord will remember you to make everything well with you. He will enable you to reap full reward for your hard works (2 Timothy 2:6). Your loving brother

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Loving heavenly Father, I thank You for the occupation that You have given me. You gave man the foremost responsibility to till the land. So I deem it a great privilege to do this as a profession. I thank You for giving me this privilege to produce food needed for the people. In these days, when agriculture is on the verge of being shunned because of drought and infertile soil, please grant us sufficient rain. Help the ground water to retain its purity for the growth of crops, without getting polluted. Command a surplus water level. Give me the right guidance to discern the right food/cash crops and plant them. Give me a rich yield so that the ox that treads out the grain is not muzzled and the grains that fall are not gleaned but are given liberally to the poor and those who toil with us. Have compassion on me, O, God who gave hundredfold reward for Isaac when he sowed in the land and give me similar yield. I thank You for giving rains at the due time and a conducive climatic conditions until now and blessing my farming. With gratitude I think of the way in which You have strengthened me to continue with this agriculture without losing heart even in the years when rain was scarce. You are the God who calls those things which do not exist as though they did. You are able to bless me even in adverse circumstances. I thank You for that.

I pray that you should protect every phase of cropping such as the sowing, planting and harvesting. Guard the crops from being destroyed by scarcity of rain, heavy rain, storm, heavy winds, climatic changes, cattle, pests, locusts etc. Bless my granaries so that the yields of the field/ grove - grains, vegetables, fruits – do not get spoiled or perished until they reach their respective market/ exporting places. Create the right market for the produce of my garden/field. Give me the grace to get the right price that is due for the toil and money that I put in. I beseech You, who bless the labour of our hands, to bless mine. Help us get a sufficient income from the agriculture so that my family and I who toil in the land should eat satisfactorily and lead a decent life. Let Your angels guard me, while I do my work. The Bible says that You, the Almighty God, are willing to give hundredfold blessings to the children who hold on to You. So, bless me too in hundredfold. You are the God who blesses the earth to yield her increase. I plead to You to give rains and sunlight at the due time. I offer this prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus, who desires to bless me. Amen. (Based on Scriptures: Genesis 2:15; Deuteronomy 28:12; Psalm 67:6; Zechariah 8:12; Job 5:11; Psalm 65:9,10; 2 Kings 2:19,20; Ruth 2:16; Deuteronomy 25:4; Genesis 26:12; Mark 10:30; Romans 4:17; Psalm 144:13; 128:2; 67:6).

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29 years of Empowering the Mind and Spirit In 1981, the Lord appeared to Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran and gave him a command saying, “My son! You shall establish a place of learning to enhance the knowledge of My people.” On 14th May 1984, the Lord again confirmed this, when he was praying in the city of Jerusalem and said to him, “Implement the plan of setting up an university. Do not worry! I will give you the right people to run the institute.” According to the Lord’s command, from October 4, 1986, with the support of our dear partners, Karunya began to function as an autonomous Engineering College amidst scenic surroundings. Currently more than 8,000 students are pursuing studies in different subjects of Engineering, Management studies, Information Technologies, Arts and Sciences and are undertaking researches in various fields in Karunya which was accredited the Deemed University status in 2004. Nearly 500 teaching faculty are employed in Karunya. The students are accommodated in 15 hostels.

Give glory to God for Karunya! Continue to pray! Here are the success stories of a few Karunya alumni, among the thousands who are excelling in life!

High Post I completed my Mechanical Engineering in Karunya in the 1989-1993 Batch. The beautiful campus, the morning assembly, the prayers cells in the hostel, wonderful staff and a friendly atmosphere made a deep and lasting impact on the lives of all the students who were changed to become vessels worthy of God’s love and encouraged to draw closer to Him. While studying in Karunya, I had the opportunity to participate in the Institute of Power Ministry conducted by Uncle D.G.S. Dhinakaran and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and was blessed. During this Power Ministry training, I truly committed my life to do ministry for the Lord. The Lord has blessed me with a godly wife. Her name is Christina. He has also blessed us with two children. We, Karunyans, address Dr. Paul Dhinakaran as “Anna” (Brother). Truly he is an elder brother to us. He is such a blessing to me and my family. Recently he prayed for me and my wife to get a good job. Hearing his prayer, the Lord has granted us both good jobs in the same city where we are living. The Lord graciously helped my wife to get a job in Citigroup and has given me a high position as Associate Partner in IBM in Jesus Calls  October 2015 


Inauguaration of Karunya Salzer Innovation Cell

Karunya Convocation

the global Data Practice. All glory be to Him. I have seen my Karunya friends truly ‘Rise and Shine’ all over the world. I thank the Lord for the impact that Karunya is making in the world today. - Paul Jeyasingh (Associate Partner, IBM, FL, USA)

Karunya which developed my personality I, who was born and brought up in an ordinary family in Erode, studied in government schools in Tamil medium. So when I stepped into the Karunya campus in 2003, I was frightened about my poor communication skill in English. The two years that I studied in Karunya changed the course of my life. Every single period of learning was enjoyable. The professors were friendly and approachable. The spiritual atmosphere of Karunya helped me to develop myself. Currently, I am working as a General ManagerHR in an American based Technology Company in

Postal stamp was released

Chennai. The Lord helped me to be chosen as one among “40 most talen ted HR Leaders in India” for the year 2014 by World HRD Congress in Mumbai in association with ET NOW, a business news channel and many other awards for leadership and HR related areas. All the students who studied with me are excelling in their respective fields. As the vision given to our beloved Uncle Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, that Karunya will develop Daniels, Josephs and Esthers, is getting fulfilled, I glorify the Lord. With gratitude, I remember Karunya which played an important role in my life. - Daniel Jacob (2003 – 2005 MBA)

Karunya invites students

Courses offered in Karunya University B.Tech., B.Tech., (Lateral Entry), M.Tech., M.B.A., M.Sc., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. P.G. Diploma For admission contact : The Admission Officer, Karunya University, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore - 641 114 Toll free: 1800 425 4300

Telephone: 0422-2363636 Web:

Fax: 0422-2615615 Email:

Jesus Calls  October 2015 


1994 February


was tormented by continuous stomach ache. I used to writhe in pain. I took various treatments for two years but in vain. The doctors who tested me said that I had a big growth and bleeding in my large intestine. Seeing the medical report, the doctors said, “Cancer has reached the last stage. So, there is no hope for recovery.” So saying, they sent me to a cancer institute. I underwent various tests in that hospital, for five days. Finally, the doctor gave up all hope and said that the disease had reached the last stage. He further explained to me about the surgery that I needed to undergo and I was scared to hear that. ‘Life or death’ – this question was posed before me. I came to my bed without telling anything to the doctor and started to cry. I kept on crying for several hours. Ultimately, I decided that I should go back home, without undergoing any surgery. That day a sister and her husband visited my room and they read a portion from the Bible and prayed for me. After that they gave me a telephone number and said, “Please call this number. They would pray for you.” It was the telephone number of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower. Jesus Calls  October 2015  18

Every day the ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer warriors are waiting to pray for those who languish saying, “Will not someone pray for me in my sorrowful time of sickness, distress, accidents?” Prayer Tower phone number (24x7)

044 - 33 999 000 That night at 8 O’ Clock, I contacted that telephone number and sought prayers, explaining my condition to them. The brother, who attended my call, patiently listened to my woes and prayed for me, in all humility to the Lord. As I heard every word uttered by him, I had a new hope that Jesus can change everything and that He can bring transformation in my life and that I would live for several more years. Even as I was praying, I decided to go ahead with the surgery. The next morning, I was sent for a scan to find the exact location of the growth and to what extent the cancer had spread. With great trepidation, I was waiting outside the scan room. Tears rolled down my cheeks, out of great sorrow. Seated there, I began to confess all my sins and promised God that I would never commit sin from then on. The doctor came and tested me and declared, “You are lucky. Though this disease had been there for two years, it has not spread anywhere. So, it is enough if we remove the excess growth.” The next day, I underwent the surgery for five hours. Again the mass removed from my intestine was

sent for Biopsy. We were in the hospital for 21 days. In the mean time, many people prayed for me. The test results came. The doctor said to me, “There is no trace of cancer in that fleshly growth. You may go home.” This is the greatest miracle that the Lord Jesus performed for me through the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. Now, it is 21 years since I underwent that surgery. I am still alive.

2015 April This year, I again had stomach ache in the months of February, March and April. I went to the doctor and he tested me and said that I had a problem in the small intestine which had lost its capacity for digestion. I could not eat anything except liquids. The doctor made me undergo many tests and treated me for two months. But, it was of no use. So he said, “This seems to be a sure case of cancer. Since you have already undergone a major surgery, it would be better if you go to the same cancer hospital.” He thus sent me back, after giving me details of the treatments that I needed to undergo. On April 16 th I went to the Jesus Calls  October 2015  19

cancer hospital. Again, I underwent lot of tests – urine test, blood test, X-ray, C.T. scan etc. That day my daughter Priscilla sent an e-mail to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran seeking prayers for me. On the 17 th morning, both she and my wife contacted the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower at 9.30 AM for prayers. The prayer warrior who prayed earnestly for me said with faith, “The Lord has touched that wound. You would return home, smiling.” At 12.20 that day, the doctor called my wife and daughter and as they entered his room with fear and terror, he said, “There is no chance for cancer. You may take him home.” The Lord has done the same miracle which He did for me 21 years back. On both occasions, He has made me come back home with the good news of ‘no cancer’. When I was in the hospital, I had made a vow that I would share my testimony in the ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine if I was healed. Thanks to the ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer warriors, who prayed for me. I praise Jesus who showered His miraculous grace upon me. A.Augustine, Sorab, Karnataka.

“Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever” (Exodus 14:13). The Israelites suffered slavery for 400 years in Egypt. God helped Israelites with Moses leading them out of Egypt. The people of Israel left Egypt. Moses began to lead them to the Promised Land - Canaan. The Bible says that the Lord led them through the wilderness that was around the Red Sea. God led the people around by way of the wilderness of the Red Sea. And the children of Israel went up in orderly ranks out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 13:18). The Egyptian army followed hard after the Israelites. Alas! The Israelites were now trapped between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea. Filled with fear they grumbled to Moses, “We told you to leave us alone. We would have been better in Egypt serving the Pharaoh and Egyptians. Why did you bring us out of Egypt to die here in this wilderness?” When the Israelites complained to Moses, he said, “Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. You will see the deliverance of the Lord that He will bring today.” Yes. The Lord expects us to stand still and see His deliverance at times when we face troubles. Are you trapped between your problems like the Israelites who were trapped between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army? Do not be impatient; do not worry. Wait for the Lord to work in your life. He will deliver you from all your troubles. A couple had gone to an exhibition, where the wife wanted to go on a Ferris Wheel (giant wheel) ride. The husband was afraid of heights and did not go with his wife. The wife went round on the wheel twice. When the wheel went round for the third time, due to the speed of the rotation, she was thrown down from the wheel! She landed with a thud near the feet of her husband who was standing a few yards away. The husband was appalled and lifted her up asking, “My dear, are you hurt?” She replied, “Yes I’m hurt.” He then asked her, “Is it hand or leg that got hurt?” She replied, “No wound.” The husband was surprised and asked her, “Then how could you be hurt when there is no broken bone or any wound?” The wife replied, “When I went round on the wheel, I saw you and waved to you each time but you did not wave back to me even once. So my heart is hurt very much.” Similarly many people complain for such trivial matters and grumble.

Sis. Evangeline PaulDhinakaran Jesus Calls  October 2015 


We too grumble against God for the negative things that that happen in our life. Grumbling spirit and murmuring spirit stand as hindrances for God to work in our life. Murmuring shuts our heart before God. When things don’t work out, when faced with troubled situations and when mistakes happen in life, we start to doubt God’s plan. We hurriedly want Him to do something at that very moment. Dearly beloved, we are living in a time when everything is available instantly. From coffee to food everything is available instantaneously. Through social networks, we even make instant friends of people whom we do not even know. This is the correct sentence and not what is given there. Due to this fast growing technology, we are able to talk with our loved ones as soon as we think of them. In such a fast world being still does seem impossible for us! But, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord (Isaiah 55:8). When we wait patiently for the salvation of the Lord, He removes all the distresses that beset us and is able to bless us (Lamentations 3:26). How does the Lord change our distresses?

Silences the troubling waves Once, after preaching and praying for the sick, Jesus crossed over to the other side of the lake with His disciples. Being tired, He fell asleep. As the boat was sailing, the wind blew. The waves began to

beat over the boat. Water was filling the boat and the disciples were terrified. They woke up Jesus from His sleep saying, “Teacher, don’t You care that we are perishing?” The Lord rose up and rebuked the wind saying, “Peace, be still!” Immediately the wind ceased and there was a great calm. The disciples feared Him exceedingly and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!” (Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-40). The disciples could not understand that Jesus is Lord. Many times we too like the disciples, complain saying, “Lord, do You not care for me? Don’t You see the problems I’m going through.” We blame the Lord for everything. Whatever may be our problems or tribulations that are brought by the prince of this world, we often forget that God in us is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). Do not struggle with the problems. Cast your cares on Him and be at rest. Then Jesus will arise and say to the problems, “Peace, be still.” The God who fought the battles for the Israelites, the same God who was a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire for them will fight against your problems too and grant you victory. So, do not be afraid. I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth (Psalm 121:1-2). Return to your rest, O my soul, for the LORD has dealt bounti fully with you (Psalm 116:7). Just as David says in the above ïnJesus Calls  October 2015 


verses, you too keep your trust on the Lord. Allow Him to work within you. He works all things together for our good (Romans 8:28). His priceless mercy will be upon us. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). God has promised thus: When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze (Isaiah 43:2). Yes. When you cross the waters, rivers and fire, He will be with you. Whatever wave terrifies you in your life do not be perturbed. Are the waves of worries caused by husband, wife or children frightening you? Are you entangled in the waves of problems caused by the office superior or the co-workers? In your business or career are the waves of troubles overwhelming and threatening you? Wait on the Lord patiently. He will listen to your cry. He will rebuke those waves saying, “Peace, be still.” They will become null and void. Henceforth, do not fear for anything. In quietness and trust is your strength (Isaiah 30:15). We have to be steadfast in the Lord. That shall be pleasing to the Lord. A gentle and quiet spirit is very precious in the sight of God (1 Peter 3:4). Let us plead to God to grant us the quiet and gentle spirit to us. Let us plead God to grant us a quiet and gentle spirit and spirit of sound mind.

Grants Heart’s desires “…you are the helper of the fatherless” (Psalm 10:14). “…for in you the fatherless find compassion” (Hosea 14:3). However your situation may be the Lord is able to change everything and grant your heart’s desires. God wants you to prosper in everything as your soul prospers (3 John 2). Whatever may be the lack or distress, amidst that if you hold on to Him and wait on Him to act, He will guard you with peace (Isaiah 26:3). Do not lament saying, “I don’t know any influential person. There is none to show concern over me! My father is no more! Hereafter, who is there to talk for me?” Keep all your hope and faith on the Rock our Lord; He will give the blessing at the right time (Ecclesiastes 3:11; Matthew 7:11). He provides food for the young ravens too (Psalm 147:9). He will never forsake you. So, wait patiently for Him. Priya’s life was full of struggles. Amidst that, God granted her heart’s desires. This is her testimony: “My name is Priya. I am from Vijayawada. My father passed away just when I had completed college. Thereafter, our family had to pass through great financial problems. I do not have any brothers to help. Moreover, my mother would often fall sick. In this situation, I got an appointment to work as a junior lecturer in a college. Though I was from a Hindu background, I believed in Lord Jesus. It was my desire

that God should grant a God-fearing Christian person as my life partner. I received many marriage proposals but I was waiting for God to give me the right person. It was in this situation that I attended the “Blessing Meeting” in Bethesda. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran after sharing the Word of God, prayed individually for everyone. While praying for me, she prayed that God should grant me a good husband. In answer to our prayers, God blessed me with a God fearing young man, who was a scientist working in Spain, as my husband. Further, I sponsored a television program to show my gratitude to God for blessing me with a good husband. I had asked Bro. Paul Dhinakaran to pray that God should grant my husband a better job and elevate him in his job. On the day of telecast, Bro. Paul Dhinakaran prayed specially for my husband that God would bless him with a better job abroad and that He would exalt him. Amazingly, within a month, the Lord blessed my husband with a splendid job in Sweden. We have no words to thank the Lord for the goodness that He is showering on us. I praise God who granted me a God-fearing husband and also a better job as per my heart’s desire.

The Lord who strengthened Sis. Priya to go through her troubles and granted her heart’s desires will grant you too the deliverance from your distresses. Are you wondering whom you can get help from? Don’t be disheartened! The Lord Jesus Calls  October 2015 


will deliver you from all your problems. You might have lost your hope due to your family situation. You may be saying with longing ‘Living itself is a big problem for me, how can my desires be fulfilled?’ God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34; Galatians 2:6). He loves everyone. Even if you do not have any worldly support, He is faithful to fulfill your heart’s desires. He will fill your future with peace and joy.

Removes sickness He (Lord) sent out His word and healed them; He rescued them from the grave (Psalm 107:20). In some of the people’s life, weakness in their physical body and sicknesses become a great burden for them. They are broken in their hearts without receiving any cure, even after many medical consultations and treatments. They languish saying, “Who will deliver me from this distress of disease?” Is the door of deliverance shut before you? Are you saying, “There are many hindrances for me to receive my blessing”? Call unto God. The Bible says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). The Lord asked His disciples, “Where is your faith? Don’t you have faith in me? Do you not trust me?” Beloved, let us keep our faith in Him. Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). He will help you to see salvation and to receive blessings. He will deliver you from physical infirmities and honor you.

Here is a testimony of a sister who received miraculous deliverance from disease: I am Dr. Vidyulatha Devi. I worked as a professor in a college till I retired in 2013. All of a sudden, my health started deteriorating and I lost weight rapidly. I had allergy from head to toe on my skin. My face and ankles became swollen. I couldn’t sleep even at night times because of this aggravating allergy. I consulted seven doctors. I had done all tests and scans, which showed that I was normal. The doctors were unable to diagnose my problem. One day, my brother took me to a doctor saying that he was an expert in his profession. The doctor suggested more tests and sent them to Mumbai for results. The results came. The doctor said that I was having Auto Immune Disorder (SLE). It affects all the organs of the body causing them to work against your own body. The digestive system was affected first and the skin followed it. The doctor said that there is no cure for this disease and put me on steroids. After taking steroids for 5 days, I got severe abdominal pain and started passing blood in the urine. Fear gripped me. I went to the hospital and told my condition to the doctor. I requested them to admit me; but they took tests and sent me home. I feared it might be the last day of my life. I comforted myself and continued my duties. Suddenly, a thought struck me that “Why can’t I sponsor a ‘Jesus Calls’ television program?” I watched a ‘Jesus Calls’ television program. In that program, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was preaching. She specifically

prayed for people who were suffering from skin problems and for the itching to stop. Right then, I felt deliverance in my body. My itching stopped. I could not believe my eyes. Moreover, as my digestive system was affected, I was unable to eat. But, after the prayer, my appetite increased and quantity of food that I ate also increased. I ate like a normal person.

The Lord delivered dear Sis. Vidyulatha who called Him in her helpless condition. The same God who delivered Sis. Vidyulatha, will deliver you too. He is the Lord who heals all your diseases (Psalm 103:3). He will remove disease from us (Exodus 23:25). So, do not worry over your sickness. Do not be weary saying, “Who will heal me?” “He (the Lord) will yet fill your mouth with laughing, and your lips with rejoicing” (Job 8:21). “Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, ‘The LORD has done great things for them’” (Psalm 126:2).

According to the above verses, the Lord will fill your mouth with laughter. Dear ones, you shall see the salvation of the Lord. You shall see the salvation of the Lord for your dear ones for whom you are praying. If the Lord is for us who can be against us? (Romans 8:31). Today the Lord shall break every stronghold in your life which is standing against your blessing. Nothing can stand against you. He will remove every slavery that is tormenting you and He shall surround you with songs of deliverance (Psalm 32:7). He will be a wall of fire around you and be the glory in your midst (Zechariah 2:5). Your relatives and neighbours will confess that the Lord did great things for you people when the Lord rebukes your waves of lack of peace, grants your heart’s desires, causes your valleys to be filled with water and removes every disease from you. And you will F be the Lord’s witnesses.

6:00 am- 6:30 am - Epic - Daily 6:30 am - 7:00 am - Sony SAB TV - Daily 09:30 pm to 10 pm - Sadhana religious - Daily 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm - Sadhana news (UttarPradesh/ Uttarakhand / Haryana - Daily) 10 pm - 10:30 pm - Sadhana news Bihar/Jharkhand - Daily 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm - Sadhana news MadhyaPradesh/Chhattisgarh - Daily 6:30 am - 7:00 am - Surya TV - Sunday 6:30 am - 7:00 am - Jeevan TV - Mon - Sat 07:00 - 07:30 am - ACV TV - Daily 09:30 pm - 10 pm - Power Vision - Daily 06:00 am - 06:30 am - Kasturi TV - Daily 6:30 am - 7:00 am - Zee Kannada - Daily 6:00 am - 6:30 am - Vissa TV - Daily 6:30 am - 7:00 am - ETV 2 - Daily 9.30 pm - 10.00 pm - Aradhana TV - Daily Jesus Calls  October 2015 


For the Lord Jesus to protect and lead every ‘Young Partner’ (Psalm 121:7) provide wisdom knowledge and memory power needed for the ‘Young partner’ (James 1:5,17) grant him/her a prosperous and bright life, devoid of sickness (Psalm 115:14) Prayers shall be offered for your dear child by pronouncing his / her name by the prayer warriors in the 24 hours Prayer Tower, from where the incense of prayer is offered incessantly. The Dhinakarans will pray for the ‘Young Partners’ every day. A special certificate with God’s promise will be issued to every ‘Young Partner’. Birthday greetings from the Dhinakarans will be sent to the ‘Young Partner’. On birthdays a Jesus Calls prayer warrior will contact the Young Partner and pray specially for him/her. Every day, promise verse will be sent to the Young Partner through SMS. ‘True Friend’ magazine will be sent to Young Partners of age group 13 – 25, free of cost in the language preferred by him/her (Tamil/English/Hindi/Telugu).

Testimonies of a few Young Partners who are blessed by the Lord

God who protects since birth My daughter Josephine is living in America. She was blessed with a boy baby, a year back. Before the delivery, the doctors who tested her never mentioned anything about the foetus. But she had to be admitted in the hospital, a month before the date of delivery. The child was born through caesarian and was underweight. The doctors who tested the child said that there was some problem with the umbilical cord and that he had been getting only the oxygen but not any food. So he was given treatment in the NICU. Seeing many medical equipments fixed on our little grandson’s body, we were greatly perturbed. He underwent frequent blood tests. From there, we contacted the Chennai Prayer Tower and sought prayers for our grandson. The prayer warrior prayed fervently for his quick recovery. Also, we enrolled our grandson Micah Caleb in

Jesus Calls  October 2015  24

the Young Partners Plan. After 20 days of intensive treatment, they discharged him from the hospital. Yet doctors said that he might develop complications in his ability to hear or walk or in his heart. We also made a prayerful vow that we would share the testimony in the ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine if Micah Caleb grew up into a normal healthy child. Now he is one year old. Contrary to the doctors’ apprehensions, he is now normal and healthy like any other child. We praise the Lord for this. Jeeva Jawahar, Chennai – 91

Higher studies in Surgery We are the partners of the Family Blessing Plan. We have two daughters and a son, all of whom are Young Partners. We enrolled our son Suvarana Raju in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partners Plan and got the certificate in 2010, after we completed the pledged amount. Since then he has been filled with divine wisdom. The Lord helped him to complete his schooling with high marks. After that he got admission for MBBS in the Guntur

Government Medical College. Soon after completing it he got through the entrance exam for higher studies. Hearing the prayers offered for him, a Young Partner, in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower, the Lord helped him to succeed in the entrance exam and gave him admission for M.S in General Surgery in the Chandigarh Medical College. My son Dr. Suvarana Raju got admission for higher studies in two government medical colleges. I believe that it is because he is a Young Partner, he has got this much of wisdom. I thank the Lord Jesus for filling dear son with His wisdom. Thanks to the prayer warriors who are praying for us. Daniel Raju, Repalle, Guntur

Incredibly intelligent among 178 countries My son Burgulaa Jaeden is 2½ years old. Being a Young Partner, he has been given the promise, “I

will make you an eternal excellence, a joy of many generations” (Isaiah 60:15) in the certificate. Accordingly the Lord has been exalting him. In the month of July 2015, international level competitions were conducted in Hyderabad among 178 countries. Questions related to 22 topics were given and the Lord graciously helped Jaeden to win the Memory Contest and IQ Tests. Two gold medals and certificates were

awarded to him on behalf of the International Organizations, Wonder Book of Records and Genius Book of Records. I praise the Lord for blessing dear son, who is a Young Partner. Burgulaa Ravi, Hyderabad.

Young Partners Plan ‘Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers’ (III John 2)

Write the names of the children to be enrolled in the Plan (legibly)

Mr/MS:......................................................................Date of Birth....................................................................................................... Mr/MS:......................................................................Date of Birth...................................................................................................... Mr/MS:.......................................................................Date of Birth..................................................................................................... Parents’/Guardian’s Name:..................................................................................................................................................................... Contact Address:.................................................................................................................................................................................. City: ..............................................Pin Code:....................................State:........................................................................................... Mobile:.....................................................................Telephone:............................................................................................................ Email:....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Pledge amount: Rs.3000/- You may send any possible amount, every month. Prayer Requests:................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... (Can be written in a separate sheet and attached)

Fill up the form and send it along with the stamp size photo of each child, with name and address as well as your contact phone number written at the back of the photo. Along with the duly filled form, you may send the Demand Draft drawn in favour of Jesus Calls to the address: 16, Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028, by registered post. Donations can be made online in the website using Credit card/ Debit card/ net banking in a secure way For online registration in colour photo can be sent by scanning to Enrollment form could be downloaded and sent by post, duly filled along with the photo. Jesus Calls  October 2015  25

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face…then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land’ (2 Chronicles 7:14). “You shall establish a Prayer Tower for the nation in the centre of Delhi, that is near the corridors of power…” - In accordance to this Lord’s command given to me on 11th August 2008, the National Prayer Tower was inaugurated to pray for the nation of India for 24 hours. Prayer warriors, who have the vision to pray for the people and the nation, come from different states of India, stay for a month in the National Prayer Tower and pray for the blessing and prosperity of the nation as well as for the welfare of the people, by viewing the Parliament House. In these 5 years, prayers for the nation have been offered through the National Prayer Tower for 26 lakhs of minutes, all the 24 hours. It is through the help of dear partners like you, the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry has been doing this continuous prayer. Through the testimonies of the dear partners, who support this service of praying for the people all over the nation, with their offerings, we know how the Lord remembers them and blesses them, and we thank Him for that. Having completed five years of service, the need to expand the works of the National Prayer Tower from where anointed prayer warriors stand in the gap and prophetically pray 24 hours for the prosperity of the nation, has arisen. For this nearly Rs.2 crores is needed. For this we need, 20,000 people who can give an offering of Rs.1,000/- (or) 4,000 people who can give an offering of Rs.5,000/- (or) 2,000 people who can given an offering of Rs.10,000/“It is to your advantage not only to be doing what you began… but now you also must complete the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to desire it, so there also may be a completion out of what you have” (2 Corinthians 8:10,11). Your loving brother Dr. Paul Dhinakaran Jesus Calls  October 2015  26

Testimony of a dear partner, who is one among the many partners, who sent offering towards the Prayer Tower Building Fund and was blessed: Peace, promotion and health – Continual blessing I sent offering to the Prayer Tower Building Fund. At that time, I prayed that my family should be blessed. After giving the offering to the Prayer Tower Building Fund, I could feel a great peace prevailing in my family and among my relatives. The Lord graciously helped my son Enos, who is in the Army to get his promotion. By the power of God, I, who had been affected by nerve problem, am improving in my health. So, in order to give thanks to the Lord, I have come to the Delhi Prayer Tower for co-sponsoring one of the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programme as well as for the Seesha Social Service. I give glory to God who graciously blesses us. Thanks to the prayer warriors, who pray for us. - Kamlesh Massey, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi

Volunteer to pray in the National Prayer Tower.

Build the Lord’s House He will build your home and life (2 Samuel 7:11) As led by the Lord I would like to help in expanding the National Prayer Tower works by sending Rs. 10,000/Rs. 5,000/Rs.1,000/- or more ……….. Name: ........................................................................................................................................... Your existing Delhi Prayer Tower partner code could be used: ……................................................... Address: ....................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... Mobile:................................................................Email:.................................................................. My prayer requests:........................................................................................................................ (Signature).......................................... “And the LORD restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before” (Job 42:10). According to this verse, the Lord will remember you, who support the service of praying for the nation and bless you immeasurably. You may give your offering in your nearby ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower. Or you may send it by cheque/DD drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls”. Donations can be made online using credit card/ debit card/ net banking in a secure way. Address for donation to be sent: 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Website: Jesus Calls  October 2015  27

“…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).


he devil, who had fallen from the presence of God, is an enemy to each one of us (1 Peter 5:8). He also has a name called Satan (Revelation 12:9; 20:2). The Bible says that Jesus Christ came down to this world just to destroy the works of this devil. When our gracious Lord Jesus began His ministry in this world, it was the devil, who first met Him. After being baptized by the man of God, John the Baptist, He stepped out of the river praying and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended upon Him. At that time a voice was heard from heaven, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” What a pleasant experience! (Luke 3:21, 22). But soon after this, Jesus was led into

the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (Luke 4:1, 2; Matthew 4:1). Once, when a servant of God was praying, he felt an angel to have entered into his prayer room. Sensing a powerful presence in that place, he opened his eyes and saw a figure as beautiful as an Angel. He said, “I’m Lucifer, the devil!” The servant of God could not at all believe his eyes. Many times we too assume that the devil would be dark in appearance with two big horns and would come flying with wings. That is an erroneous thought. The devil is full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. The Bible says that it was because of this wisdom and beauty that his heart was lifted up and he was cast out of the presence of God (Ezekiel 28:12-17;

Isaiah 14:12-16). Yet another name given to the devil is the ‘Tempter’ (Matthew 4:3; 1 Thessalonians 3:5). Testing us and bringing temptations in our lives is one of his deeds. That’s why he tempted even Lord Jesus. Why do temptations occur?

Away from God “Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God” (Hebrews 3:12). An incomparable valiant king ruled a country. He had a dear son, who was unparalleled in wisdom and power. Whenever the father went to battles he used to go along.

(God’s message shared by Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran in 1992) Jesus Calls  October 2015 


They always were victorious. Soon the king made him the ruler of a state. The son’s name and fame spread far and wide. The king had a mistress and she wanted to seize the nation. So, she sowed a seed of poison in the king’s heart saying, “Everybody is praising only your son. I heard the news that he’s planning to kill you soon and usurp the kingdom.” Believing her the king became furious. He summoned his son who came before his throne and asked him lovingly, “Father, why did you call me?” In fury, the king ordered the soldiers who were standing nearby to strangle his son with iron rods and kill him. Alas, the son died pathetically. Days passed by. The same woman instigated the king to wage a war against the neighbouring country. He went leading his troops without the son’s assistance. Alas! He was defeated and lost everything to the enemy.

This is how the devil changes our heart into evil with unbelief, bringing temptation willfully in order to make us depart from the living God. He tempts us so that he can do anything with us when we get separated from God. Before embarking on His ministry, the gracious Lord Jesus waited alone in the presence of God for forty days and nights, in order that the grace of God should rest upon Him, that He should always be with Him and that He should receive the strength to fully accomplish the will of God. He fasted and prayed. Once those days were over, the tempter came and tempted Him.

Hunger And when He had fasted forty

days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” (Matthew 4:2, 3). Hunger makes us miserable (Deuteronomy 8:3). There is a cliché in Tamil which means, “Everything is forgotten when hunger sets in”. When the Lord Jesus was hungry, devil, the tempter told Him, “You can make these stones into bread and eat them.” But Christ said firmly, “'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” It is the will of God that I remain as it is, until He sends food for my hunger. I willingly go through this path of hunger in order that the people should not depart from God when they languish in hunger. Hence I should bear this hunger”Thus He was firm. He overcame this temptation. Several years back, a new government was formed in a large nation through revolution. It was a situation when the government had to provide food for all the people. Every day the people were given only porridge all the three times. However, a special feast was given to the people on New Year where along with the usual food, a boiled egg was given. Out of hunger, the people used to eat even the shell of the egg. However, a different conflict would happen in the families which loved Christ in that country. Once the eggs were given, little children in the families would go to their aged grandparents and beg them to take their egg saying, “Grandpa, you are very weak; please have Jesus Calls  October 2015 


my egg too. Grandma, eat my egg also.” But the grandparents would decline their offer saying, “No! My time is over. I may leave the world today or tomorrow. Son, eat the egg. You should be well.” Thus there were ‘love fights’. Did they deny God out of hunger? No, never. Hunger is not an issue to the people who love God.

Jesus overcame that temptation and the tempter. Apostle Paul says that hunger cannot separate him from the love of God (Romans 8:35; 1 Corinthians 4:11; 2 Corinthians 11:27). Yes, Jesus will graciously help us to endure hunger, to love God and to follow Christ. He will open a way to remove hunger. That is what is said in the Bible, “My God shall supply all your need” (Matthew 6:33; Philippians 4:19).

Testing the Lord “Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: ‘He shall give His angels charge over you,’ and ‘In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.’” Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the LORD your God.’” (Matthew 4:5-7). When his first question was answered from the Scriptures, the devil also told Him yet another thing from the Scriptures. “It is written that angels are given charge over you lest You dash Your foot against a stone. So, why don’t you jump down from the pinnacle of the temple?” He thus instigated Jesus to test the Scriptures. Jesus replied, “It is only said that they would bear me up

when I walk and it does not say in The Scriptures, “Jump from above and I’ll bear you up.” Nor does it say “test me.” Out of ignorance, most often people test God (Psalm 95:8, 9). It is written in Mark 16:17, 18 ‘…those who believe…will take up serpents.’ A pastor in a particular city was rearing snakes. While he is preaching, he would put these snakes around his neck and proudly say, “These snakes will not do anything to me. The reason is that Jesus has said that they will take up serpents.” One day while he was preaching, one of the snakes bit him. He fell down and died. He forgot the Bible verse which says, ‘A serpent may bite when it is not charmed’ (Ecclesiastes 10:11).

Jesus did not ask us to play with snakes. We read about an incident in Acts 28:3-6. Once when Apostle Paul was imprisoned and taken, the ship was wrecked and he reached an island called Malta. When he gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, which was kindled because of the cold, a viper came out and fastened on his hand. But he shook off the creature into the fire. The people of the island assumed that he would die. But he suffered no harm. Then they considered Paul to be God. God had sent Paul to that island only temporarily. But He had told him, “You should be a witness for Me in Jerusalem too just as you were in other cities.” Hence, his actual destination was Jerusalem. So, in the meantime, wouldn’t his life be preserved no matter how many snakes bite him? In some

unavoidable situations, when the devil touches us through the wicked serpent, God will guard us. Trials and temptations to make us rebel against the laws of the Scriptures do confront us even today. Times may arrive when the devil may instigate us to test God’s Words and promises. But it is certain that the Lord will guard us and give us the strength and grace to overcome that temptation. Yes, He had destroyed the works of the devil and has granted us victory.


and worship me, I will give You this world and its glory and riches.” “…all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12). Satan says that he would give glory and riches to all those who worship him. But the Bible says that those who worship the Lord and who desire to live godly will suffer persecution. The Psalmist says, “Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You” (Psalm 73:25).

“Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, all these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” (Matthew 4:8, 9).

Let us whole heartedly worship the Lord Jesus, who has redeemed us from the clutches of sin through His death on the cross. It is because Jesus overcame the temptation that we have received this grace. What a privilege! What a joy!

The devil very much wants the people to worship him instead of worshipping God. The devil was an anointed cherub in the presence of God. He is a special angel. Since he wanted everyone to worship him he fell.

Physical sufferings

“For you have said in your heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14:13, 14). The reason for his fall was his thought, “The angels of God worship God. Instead they should worship me. For this purpose, I will ascend above the gathering of worshippers.” That is why even when he saw Jesus, the Son of God, he said, “If You will fall down Jesus Calls  October 2015 


“He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.” (Matthew 8:17) “…who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness; by whose stripes you were healed” (1 Peter 2:24). Dearly beloved, Jesus is the Holy One. He asked, “Which of you convicts Me of sin?” (John 8:46). “Who (He) committed no sin, nor was deceit found in His mouth” (1 Peter 2:22). Being sinless, when He bore our sins on His body how would it have been for Him? Bearing the sins and transgressions of the whole universe, Jesus cried out to God with languish, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to

death… Take this cup away from Me” (Mark 14:34, 36). It was God’s mandate that Jesus Himself should carry the physical sufferings of every one as well as their other sufferings and hence God forcibly poured down these on Jesus. This is the greatest sacrifice that He made on the cross. Several years back, I had been to a hamlet called Kallupatti in Tamil Nadu. The Pastor of this village had arranged for a meeting. The Lord Jesus said to me, “A young man, suffering from leprosy is here in this meeting. Call him and I will heal him”. I doubted in my heart whether such a person would have come. Yet I called out to him and he came and stood there with tears. He had been afflicted with this disease at that young age and was in agony. I said, “The Lord is healing you, son” and departed from that village. After a few years, I again went to that place. The same pastor warmly welcomed me and gave me a special feast. He then asked me with a big smile, ‘Brother, did you notice a young man who served you so cheerfully rushing here and there? Do you know who he is?” I said that I did not notice him. He said, “Last time, when you had come, you called him saying that there was a young man with leprosy and prayed for him. Look at him today” So saying he brought that young man. I looked at him. There was absolutely no trace of leprosy from his head to toe. Jesus had healed him completely.

I had not placed my hand on him; I had not prayed with compassion for him. The Holy Spirit prompted me to utter those words

with tears and burden knowing that the son was in that meeting. The Lord gave him a miraculous healing. Satan struck Job with painful boils (Job 2:7). But God delivered him. A woman who had a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. The Lord Jesus healed her (Luke 13:11-16). He will heal even you today. “You know that because of physical infirmity I preached the gospel to you at the first. And my trial which was in my flesh you did not despise or reject, but you received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus” (Galatians 4:13,14). Apostle Paul says that he preached the gospel at first with physical infirmity. Read 2 Corinthians 12:5-9. Paul pleaded thrice to God for his physical affliction saying, “Remove this affliction in my body.” But God strengthened him by saying, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. You will fulfill your ministry” which Paul himself declares, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith’ (2 Timothy 4:7). The Lord will strengthen you too. Do not be worried since the Lord Jesus has borne all our physical sufferings on His body. He bore all the sufferings joyfully for our sake. “Just as many were astonished at you, so His visage was marred more than any man, and His form more than the sons of men” (Isaiah 52:14) As the Bible thus says, His visage was marred. The Bible says, “There is no beauty that we should Jesus Calls  October 2015 


desire Him” (Isaiah 53:2). Our gracious Lord Jesus bore everything telling, “Go ahead and spoil my face; let my face be marred so that My people who live in sin could be delivered. My people’s face would be darkened by disease and would be screwed up unable to bear the pain. Instead let My face be darkened and marred.” Today He has earned deliverance for us. Yes, Jesus is the One, who heals us. Sickness, sufferings and various kinds of pain may afflict our body. We may even come to a state of asking, “Why should I live in this world anymore?” But everything will not end with this. The Lord Jesus will heal you. The reason is that He too went through the same path. He endured trials. So He will give you the grace to bear these. He will make you live in this world, do His service and keep you as a comfort to many more people and use you. When sickness comes, encourage yourself by thinking that it is a temptation brought by the devil. Jesus, who overcame the temptation, will give us the grace to spiritually endure the trial and to have victory. The Son of God was manifested to destroy the temptations and the works of the devil. The only thing that we have to do is to remember the sufferings that our gracious Lord Jesus underwent for our sake. So let us fall at the feet of Jesus, confess our sins and seek His pardon saying, “O, God, these are the many ways by which I’ve wounded Your heart. Please forgive me.” He will forgive our sins and grant us good health and rich blessings without measure. He will fill us with His divine grace to overcome all the temptations. F

Millions of children are living a life of poverty in India. Many of them lack even the most basic of needs, including proper food, shelter and clothing. Working among such children in slum and rural communities, SEESHA is able to identify their longings and desires. As their parents and family members are able to afford many of these things, they have a tendency to resort to child labour. SEESHA is making such children glad by granting such basic needs.

A mega event was organized by SEESHA, in Vanagaram, Chennai to pay tribute to the former President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. One thousand children participating at the event came from six communities adopted by SEESHA as part of the Community Adoption Programme (CAP) initiative in Vanagaram, Chennai. The entire show was being anchored and organized by the children receiving coaching in our various SEESHA Tuition Centres. The guest of honour was Mr. P. Benjamin, Deputy Mayor of Chennai Corporation. Every child who participated in the event was presented with a school kit, consisting of over 15 stationery items. SEESHA also handed out educational scholarships to deserving 25 children from in and around Vanagaram.

INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION SEESHA joined the rest of India in celebrating the country’s 69th Independence Day on 15th August, 2015. Independence Day was celebrated in various tuition centres of SEESHA. Across the nation, SEESHA tuition centres brought children together to instil the patriotic spirit in them. The celebrations were centred on commemorating the great sacrifice of our nation’s leaders, as well as on creating awareness on what needs to be done to take the nation forward, towards greater glory. Children portrayed the realities of India in the present scenario, such as lack of hygiene, rise of terrorism and abuse. Children also delivered speeches in these programmes. Women from the SEESHA Tailoring Centres across the country participated in an unique embroidery competition on the national symbols of India. The best art works that exhibited maximum creativity and skill were awarded prizes. Jesus Calls  October 2015  32

Details of thousands of prospective grooms/ brides have been registered in the Jesus Calls Marriage Bureau. We kindly invite you to register the name, age, qualifications and job details of your children in order to find a suitable life partner for them, with the help of God. Registration

can be made by availing the necessary form in any of the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, by making a donation of Rs.1000/-


duly filled form can be sent with the donation of Rs.1000/- by Cheque or Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls”, or by Money Order to the Chennai Office address. Form can be downloaded from the website Filled up form can be sent by scanning to the e-mail along with the donation which could be sent online.



Personal password would be given to you in order that you could view the details of the alliance through the ‘Jesus Calls’ website.

Once getting the details of registration from our end, you can directly view the details of the prospective alliances, in our Chennai office on any day from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM


Few Testimonies… United through the ‘Jesus Calls’ Marriage Bureau Our parents had registered our names and details in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Marriage Bureau. From the details received from here, our marriage was settled in a grand manner this year, according to the will of God. Our hearty thanks to the Marriage Bureau. We praise the Lord, who has established a good family life for us. - Augustine & Jaslet Thanks for the guidance We had registered our details in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Marriage Bureau. By the grace of God, our marriage was fixed. We thank you for the support and guidance given until the wedding was finalized. - Prasad Jayasudhan & Christina Nesabell Ruth For contact: Jesus Calls Marriage Bureau Prayer Tower (6th Floor)72, Rajaji Road, Chennai – 600 001 Phone: 9940600237 Website: Email:

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(Song of Solomon 2:4).

“…his banner over me was love”

The Bible too says the same about His delight in us. Yes, the Lord has overpowering everlasting love and delights in His people. Let us meditate on how the Lord delights in us and how He transforms us to be delightful to Him.

Delights in our prosperity “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2)

Yes, the Lord wants us to be prosperous with good health and live joyfully. He strengthens us on our bed of illness and sustains us on our sickbed (Psalm 41:3). He will make us dwell in safety (Psalm 4:8).

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“I am my beloved’s, and his desire is toward me” (Song of Solomon 7:10)

he Lord is a loving Father, who wants to dwell in proximity to you and bless you. His delight and love are always upon you. If perhaps you are burdened with worries, accept the Lord in your heart and cling on to Him firmly. The Lord takes pleasure in His people (Psalms 149:4) who love Him and have faith on Him.


- Sis. Stella Dhinakaran

The devout man Job lost all his possessions, inheritance and his ten children in one day. He staggered afflicted with painful boils all over his

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When Lord Jesus was in this world, a woman with flow of blood for twelve years, having spent all her livelihood on physicians and yet could not be healed by any, came behind Him and touched the border of His garment. Immediately her flow of blood

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Yes, our Lord is the Almighty God. He did not contain His power within for Himself. Even to His disciples He gave His power and authority to deliver the people from the power of the devil and to pluck out the root of sickness (Luke 10:19; Matthew 10:1). Filled with the Spirit of God and His power, they made a man who was lame from birth to walk in the name of Jesus (Acts 3:6-8).

stopped. Jesus then asked, “Who touched Me? I perceived power going out from Me” (Luke 8:4346).

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My dear sisters, according to the scripture, ‘Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face evermore!’ (Psalm 105:4; 1 Chronicles 16:11) you too ask Him saying, “Lord, give me Your power. Help me to bring deliverance through Your power to the people who suffer in sickness and sorrow.” He will give you His power according to His promise, “For everyone who asks receives” (Matthew 7:8). He will also use you

My dear sisters, do not worry saying, “Alas, I have this terrible disease; I am unable to bear this”. The Lord is still alive to give you perfect healing. His

Once, a man of God from England had gone to Africa to do ministry. He proclaimed about the Lord to the people who absolutely had no of knowledge of the Lord and turned many towards Him. Observing this, the village headman was greatly annoyed due to jealousy and planned to kill the man of God. He cunningly invited him home and gave him a feast, mixing poison in the food. But the Pastor, after praying over the food saying, “Lord, bless this food; sanctify it and strengthen me as I eat it” started eating it. The Lord, who heard the prayer, completely nullified the toxic effect of the poison in that food. So no harm befell him. The village headman’s heart was broken seeing this and he realized that the pastor was truly a man of God. After that he too accepted the Lord as his personal Saviour and made it possible for the Pastor to spread the Gospel throughout the village.

According to the scripture, if we pray before we have our food saying, “Lord, thank You for this food which You have given; bless it and sanctify it” and then consume the food, we need to be aware that the Lord sanctifies it by His Word and prayer.

“For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer” (1 Timothy 4:4, 5).

strength will be made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). He has already borne all our grief, iniquities, sicknesses, diseases and weaknesses on the cross (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24; Matthew 8:17). So rejoice in the Lord always (Philippians 4:4).

“He (the Lord) will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you” (Exodus 23:25).

Healing in the body

How do we receive the prosperity in health?

body. Because of his sickness he cries out to the Lord with tears, “I am not at ease, nor am I quiet; I have no rest, for trouble comes (Job 3:26). My prosperity has passed like a cloud” (Job 30:15).

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Delights in good ways “Blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways” (Psalm 128:1).













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My dear sisters, the Lord who changed the captivity of David and Job and blessed in double measure, will be with you also and help you to recover fully all that you had lost without any lack. He will strengthen you in your weakness. So do not say, “Lord, I am weary in my soul. I don’t have courage at all.” The Lord is waiting to strengthen your spirit, soul and body.

Daniel’s testimonial life was so good that the Lord said to him, “You are greatly beloved” (Daniel 9:23). The reason is that he lived zealously for the Lord. That’s why the Lord lifted him up before the eyes of the wicked people and honoured him (Daniel 6:10, 22).

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(Proverbs 8:32). “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:6).

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“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye”













(Psalm 32:8).

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Hold on to these Scriptures and pray to the Lord saying, “Lord, I would like to walk in the ways pleasing to You and according to Your counsel. Guide me and guard me.” Examine if there is any wicked way in you and commit your ways to the Lord. Then your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it…” (Isaiah 30:21).

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In the year 1969, my husband was affected with a lung disease and was bedridden. The doctor, who tested him said, “He would die within a month; yet the Lord whom you serve will not let you down.” I was encouraged a little by these words. I ran to the presence of the Lord and began to pray fervently. He heard my prayer and did a miracle. Apart from healing my husband, He also made the ‘Jesus Calls’ Gospel Ministry to spread worldwide.



According to these Scriptures, devout Job was not depressed even in the difficult situation but said, “I will trust Him (Job 13:15). When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold” (Job 23:10). The Lord turned the captivity of Job restoring his losses and gave him twice as much as he had before (Job 42:10).



(Isaiah 40:29).


“He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength”

“…blessed are those who keep my ways”


“If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small” (Proverbs 24:10).



Once when David was greatly distressed by his enemies, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters, the people spoke of stoning him. Yet David strengthened himself in the Lord his God (1 Samuel 30:6). He firmly held on to the Lord. As a result, he recovered all that he had lost - nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything which they had taken from them (1 Samuel 30:19). In addition to that, the Lord also gave strength to his soul.

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“In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul” (Psalm 138:3).



Strength in the soul



for the people who languish without comfort as a vessel of comfort.

Once a little boy was walking with his father and they had to cross the road. But there was a heavy traffic. The father said to his son, “Son, hold my hand firmly and cross the road, looking this way and that way.” He nodded and both began to cross the road. The little one held firmly to the father’s hand but also shut his eyes tightly. They reached the other side safely and the father asked him,

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His Words. According to the verse, ‘where sin abounded, grace abounded much more’ (Romans 5:20), as He kept speaking, the grace of God began to increase in her life. The foul odour of her life departed and was replaced by sweet fragrance.

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Yes, through the powerful words of the Lord, her wicked sinful life was transformed. Through the fragrance of her life, the people of that village turned to the Lord.

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“As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?” (Psalm 42:1, 2).

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Dearly beloved, according to the above Scriptures, when we ask with thirst, the Lord will hear (Isaiah 41:17). Rise up for the Lord cheerfully. The Lord wants to do great things through you. ‘Because you have set your love upon Him, therefore He will deliver you’ (Psalm 91:14). He will bless you and set you on high. So, ‘as newborn babies, desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby’ (1 Peter 2:3).

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From today ask Him, “Lord, enough of the empty life that I had been leading thus far. Help me to desire after You and Your Word. Give my heart the desire to seek Your presence. Use me as Your daughter that through my words Your fragrance would come out and would make thousands of women to grow in the knowledge of knowing You and turn them towards You; make me a blessing to our family.” The Lord will hear your prayer. His power and presence will come upon you. He will make His sweet fragrance diffuse through you. He will diffuse the fragrance of His knowledge in every place (2 Corinthians 2:14). Yes, He will make the people who hear the words that proceed from your mouth to accept them and to receive the fragrance of the knowledge of knowing Him and make your life diffuse fragrance.

her sins and make her spread His fragrance. So, He said to her, “Give Me a drink”. But she began to question Him. Jesus replied, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” She was thrilled to hear this. With great thirst she continued to listen to

A sinful woman came to draw water from the well. The Lord wanted to meet her, forgive

Many wear perfume as they want to smell good. But the Lord makes us give out fragrance through His Word.

“I will accept you as a sweet aroma when I bring you out from the peoples…” (Ezekiel 20:41).

Delights to make us fragrant

Similarly, let us also hold the Lord’s hand firmly and tell Him, “Lord, You know how to lead me in the right path. Please lead me in Your ways.” Then the Lord will hold our hand and lead us in the way pleasing to Him.

“Son, I asked you to hold my hand and keep your eyes open to see both sides. Then why did you close your eyes?” The son replied, “Daddy, you are watching all the sides. Was it not enough if I hold on to your hand? Why should I keep my eyes open, when you are there?”

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Lord. Read His Scriptures in all reverence. Wait at the presence of the Lord with fasting and prayer. The Lord will spread fragrance through your words. He will make spiritual gifts and power to gush out from your life. He will use you as a daughter of comfort to many. He will lift you up so that you would not sink into despair over your sufferings and difficulties. He will bless you.

We have come to the last days. For the women who languish saying, “Who is there to give me words of comfort? Who is there to understand me and give me counsel?” you could be a beacon of light if you commit yourself and pray earnestly to be a God’s chosen vessel of grace filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit from which the love of God will flow out (John 7:38). Then the Lord will make His delight abide over you and upon others through you. ◆

My dear sisters, commit your heart fully to the

Several years back, one day when my husband was delayed in his office from returning home, I knelt down and began to sing known songs of praises and worshipped the Lord in spirit and in truth. God, who is ‘enthroned in the praises of Israel’ (Psalm 22:3) came in to me. Until then I never had that sweet experience in my life. I felt the power of God flooding into me. Again, in 1962, when I heard that my husband had received the anointing, I had the great thirst that I too should have this experience. One day, when I was thanking and praising the Lord from the depth of my heart, He anointed me with His Holy Spirit. After that my life was completely transformed. Since then He has been making His fragrance diffuse through my words and is drawing many towards Him.

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Promise message:

- Sis. Stella Dhinakaran

“I have formed you, you are My servant; O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me!” (Isaiah 44:21).

In this world, many times, we the women languish, “Alas, there is nobody in this world to even think of me. I’m wallowing in terrible loneliness. Who would comfort me?” At such times, we completely forget the Lord and His divine love. The reason is our burdens and worries that loom before us like a huge mountain. Don’t we lament, “Oh, I’ve to carry these big worries and burdens, all by myself?” At such times of brokenness, we ought to focus our eyes only on the Lord, the Hills, from where comes our help. On the other hand, we forget this completely as a result of which we groan, carrying all the burdens of the world (2 Corinthians 5:4). The Lord Jesus Christ too calls us saying, “All you, who labour and are heavy laden” and says, “Come to Me and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Jesus Calls ● October 2015 ● 39

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Look at the unparalleled love of our Lord! It is we, who are hard hearted. He, on the other hand, is full of compassion and is merciful (Exodus 34:6; Psalm 86:15; Deuteronomy 4:31; 2 Chronicles 30:9; Nehemiah 9:17; Psalm 111:4). Similarly, today, He will come in search of you, who is helpless and shedding tears. Is He not the Lord, who never forgets you? Get united to Him, just as Hagar did. Commit your life at least now, telling Him, “You are the God, who sees.” Then He Himself will mend your life, as the unchanging God.

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Not only that, out of His divine compassion and mercy for her, He revealed her, His counsel. He said, “”Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her hand.” Also, He encouraged her, who was pregnant, by telling about the things that would hap-

But, look at the love of our Lord! Seeing Hagar, who is languishing all alone in the wilderness, He asked her “Hagar, where have you come from, and where are you going?” (Genesis 16:8).

pen in the coming days (Genesis 16:9,10). Imagine how happy she would have been! Rejoicing over this, and even without her knowledge, she called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees saying, “Have I also here seen Him who sees me?” (Genesis 16:13).

Next, we grieve when we face loss or when certain negative situations, due to various kinds of wants, crop up in our lives in this world. Especially, we the women, shed tears unable to bear these. Sometimes even suicide is contemplated, wondering why we should live in this world any more. Yes, sorrow is unbearable. Yet, even in that state of broken heartedness, when we

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My dear sisters, today, most of you too make plans according to your wishes, and in the flesh, implement them and eventually give room for the devil. Finally, your life becomes bitter; sufferings increase. Is there any meaning when in the end, you ask the Lord, “Lord, why did You do this?” When you thus ask Him, He would tell you, “You never sought Me, dear daughter… If you had trusted and leaned on Me, I would have commanded blessing for you.”

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spised in her eyes.” As a result, Sarah became miserable and began to blame her husband. Thereby, she started to deal harshly with her. Unable to bear Sarah’s hard treatment, Hagar fled from the house. See, how all evils such as rift, bitterness, enmity and agitation had entered into that family because of the weakness of two women!

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It was a bolt from the blue when a great trouble cropped up in their family which was happy until then. The maid Hagar began to show her true colour. “When she saw that she had conceived, her mistress became de-

My dear sisters, this is how, many times, we women too, do many things on our own, not listening to our husband’s words or parents’ good counsels and not seeking the Lord and end up carrying burdens in our life. What happened as Sarah failed to wait in the presence of God and acted accordingly?

We see in the Bible that a woman wandered in the wilderness in similar state, unable to bear her burdens by herself. Abraham, the man of God was childless. Since God had promised to give him this blessing, he was patiently waiting to receive it. But, his wife Sarah was a woman, like us. She lost her patience. Worrying how long they should be without a child, she took a hasty decision. This is what is generally termed as foolhardiness of women. She gave Hagar, her Egyptian maid, to her husband to be his wife. How good it would have been if Sarah had waited at the presence of God and had asked him, “Can I do this?” Unfortunately, acting on her fleshly will, Sarah hastily did this job.

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My dear sisters, who are deeply troubled and are shedding

Accordingly, He fully believed

(Romans 4:20,21).

I had no child even after several years of married life. As a result I underwent lot of misery. At this state, I bought a copy of Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s book, “Fruit of the womb” and read it. I held on to the promises written there in prayer, just as Abraham did. What a wonder! The Lord blessed us with a beautiful child!” What a wonderful testimony!

A sister shared her testimony thus:

tears today, because of loss and of many wants in your life, if you too would follow this, the same blessing will fill you. This is because, our Lord, who is the personification of love, will never forget us under any circumstance. Next, my dear sisters, who are in agony and have no courage because of dejection over the various trials in life, the Lord has not forgotten you. Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ, was greatly troubled to see the sight of her beloved Son in agony, being beaten and broken on the cross. Out of His love, the Lord Jesus entrusted His disciple John with the responsibility of taking care of His mother. How miserable she would have felt, when she, along with the disciples, witnessed the sight of the Lord Jesus being taken up to heaven? But what did Jesus, the incarnation of God, say to encourage them? He said, “…wait for the Promise of the Father which you have heard from Me” (Acts 1:5). Likewise, Mother Mary too waited, along with the disciples. What was the reward? As promised by the Lord, Holy Spirit, the strength of God, came from above and filled all of them. Yes, the Holy Spirit filled all of them with His Spirit. Their worries and anxieties completely vanished from them. An inexpressible divine joy filled them (1 Peter 1:8). They received the grace to arise and shine for the Lord. Though we do not read much

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My dear sisters, there is no use if you wallow in tears saying, “Oh, there is nothing… I’ve lost everything….” Hold on to the promises of God. Plenty of promises have been given for you in the Bible, by the Spirit of God. Boldly believe on them, trust them and claim them as your own. Then the Lord will give you full blessings. At the age of 100, Abraham had a beautiful son Isaac through Sarah, in faith. Yes, the Lord’s promise is never changing. When we pray, holding on to His promise, He will confirm it.

“He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform”

the promise of the Lord who had assured him, “Surely I will bless you with a child.” But when did he boldly believe on His promise? It was when he was nearing 100 years. Not only that, he was fully convinced that the Lord was able to perform what He had promised. Next, he gave glory to God as if he had already received the promise. By this, he was strengthened in faith.

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look up to the Lord, He is able to be with us, help us and guard us, as the unchanging God. “I am poor and needy; Yet the LORD thinks upon me. You are my help and my deliverer…” (Psalm 40:17) – As David thus says, when we hold on to Him firmly at such times, He would come running to us and comfort us saying, “My little daughter, how will I forget you? I know how you struggle, unable to bear your affliction. Who else can comfort you, except Me? I alone can comfort you (2 Corinthians 1:3). How will I forsake you, under these painful situations? Won’t you trust and depend on Me?” Not only that, He knows the reason for the loss and lacks in your life. The Bible says, “He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20). He will heal you, who are broken hearted; He will mend your broken life (Psalm 147:3). He is able to remove the darkness of lacks, by His power and make them exist. Abraham was in that state and was not as hasty as Sarah was. Instead, what did he do?

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Lord, who comforted me and is leading me, would hold your hand and comfort you. My dear sisters, our loving Lord will never forget you. Be bold that His word will be truly fulfilled. Arise and shine for the Lord. He will be with you always. ◆

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A good word for the day (Part-2)

Sister Stella Dhinakaran’s

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This wonderful book gives you an array of God’s Word supported by amazing life experiences and powerful prayers for each and every day round the year.

Rs.150/- (inclusive of postage) ◆ Gift this wonderful, precious daily reading guide to someone you love ◆ Thousands have received blessings through this ◆ Read it today, you too can be blessed

This daily meditation book, “A Good Word For The Day”, Part 2 is written by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. Some of the most important principles needed for the Christian life have been taken as the central theme for every month. The deep spiritual points contained in them are summarized for each day.

Payment can be sent by DD or Cheque drawn in favour of Jesus Calls Ministry Services or by Money Order to the following address: To receive by post:

Available in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam and Kannada also

Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. You can also place your order through our website :

On the day, when I lost my beloved husband, I wept bitterly, saying in the flesh, “How am I going to live in this world anymore?” But the very next day, the Holy Spirit filled me in an immeasurable way. Since then, it is He, not me, who is brightening up my life and leading me wonderfully, till date. Not only that, for the sake of ministry, my dear son had to go abroad as a family, leaving me behind. Didn’t the Lord know that I would struggle all alone? But, it was the will of the Lord that I should pass through that path. Because of that, today the Lord has given me the grace to commune with Him alone, spend more time with Him in prayer, read His Word, to continue to do His ministry still more and derive immense joy through that. Besides, He has

In my life too, so many times I underwent sufferings, tears, trials and dejection. Yet, when I waited in the presence of the Lord, at such times, He filled me with His Holy Spirit and has been comforting and guiding me, even today by giving me a new courage, hope, strong faith and the grace to rejoice in Him always (Philippians 4:4).

also made me into a mother of comfort for many people who are in despair and anguish. So, my dear sisters, who languish in despair and dejection, the Lord will not forget you. The devil may bring many kinds of trials and despair in your life; but when you hold on to the Lord firmly, the

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about mother Mary in the Bible, after this, I believe that He would have strengthened her in matters related to God’s Kingdom. How glorious is the experience of receiving His brightness by doing ministry for Him! Do we experience this? Or do we vainly spend our time in tears?

Jesus Calls ● October 2015 ● 42


riscilla headed

straight to her cabin, as she stepped into her office. Nowadays, she hardly noticed anyone around. Enough of people nudging each other and smirking at her! She had decided to put an end to this by avoiding looking at them.

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“Give me two assistants. I’ll finish this work…” - Enthused Priscilla.

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The Manager immediately allotted two persons for her and wished her all the best, much to the dislike of the two staff who were disgusted that they had to work under her, a woman, who was much younger to them. They put up resistance declaring that that work could not be done.

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In an official meeting, the Manager shared about a particular job to be done and concluded saying,

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“Everybody is jealous of you dear… You are quick in your job. You do a perfect job. So they burn with envy as they lag behind. Don’t worry dear…” – She was comforted by Nallakannu’s soothing words.

“I don’t think we can do this. But if this work is accomplished, our company would earn a good name as well as a good profit.” He took out a file and explained further.

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and naturally Priscilla was like a daughter to him. Nobody could beat Priscilla in her job and perhaps the reason why nobody wanted to befriend her was that the higher officials often praised her in front of everyone. Even her attempts for friendliness met with cold monosyllables.

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Nallakannu, the office peon, was the only exception. Dynamic, faithful and hard working even at the age of 60, he won the company’s appreciation and it was he, who spoke to her and inquired of her, whenever he brought her tea or biscuits. He had no child

Everyone stood united when it came to any function in the office or when some authorities came for inspection. But the moment she joined them, all of them would depart, leaving her all alone. Of course, initially it upset her that nobody was willing to talk to her or even come near her. But, now she was accustomed to it.

- Yesupatham

Not bothering with their negative statements, the management

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It was a surprise when some staff members, who were standing far off, came to shake her hands in appreciation. Tears of joy flew as she profusely thanked the Lord who brought near, those who ran away by seeing her ‘leucoderma’ without touching her and who had healed them of their ignorance, by His divine wisdom. “Whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake” (Isaiah 54:15).

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(Bible Portion: 1 Thessalonians – Hebrews) Answer the questions with Bible reference 1. ‘We are not of those’ but ‘of those who believe’, what? ○

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her with folded hands even as these words flowed out of him. Priscilla held his hands fondly.

“Dear, there is no end to your patience. Only the Lord and I know how both of them treated you and rebelled against you. But, you never used any harsh words against them. You are not a woman, but a divine incarnation…” Nallakannu stood before

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The whole office was watching the two staff holding her hands and seeking her pardon with tears in their eyes.

per and dealt with us patiently and sweetly and encouraged us to finish it on time. We seek pardon for the way we treated her. All the credit should go to her…”

made ready everything for her and gave her the plan. Initially, the two senior staff tried their level best to put down Priscilla but in due course they understood that the work could be completed. Convinced of that, they involved themselves in the job and worked hurriedly and faithfully. The job was accomplished successfully and there was no dearth of praises for the three of them. The two confessed openly, “Actually both of us had no inclination to do this job. Rather, we hated to do it. We never respected Priscilla madam. Deliberately we delayed doing things. Yet, she never lost her tem-

2. What should be learnt that they may not be unfruitful? 3. What effectively works in us, who believe? 4. What will increase to ungodliness? (Read every sentence in the Bible carefully and seek the answers with prayer. Then you shall find answers easily. Your Bible knowledge will not grow if you take help from others or use some other means)

5. Which is already at work? 6. To what are we appointed? 7. What appoints whom as who? 8. What stands firm? 9. God did not appoint us to what but for what? 10. What is it that we do not have here?

Send your answers before 15th October 2015 to:

Bible Quiz - 45 Jesus Calls 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600028. Jesus Calls ● October 2015 ● 44

“Oh, how great is Your goodness, Which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You In the presence of the sons of men!” (Psalm 31:19).

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My dear sisters, are you passing through similar paths of sufferings? You too should place your complete trust on the Lord like this sister and plead to Him. Do not waste your time by trusting the prayer of someone else, but wait at the Lord’s feet with fasting and prayer. Seeing your trust and faith, the Lord will do great things in your life.

Next, in the situations where we do not know what should be done, the Lord tells us, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye” (Psalm 32:8).

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A dear sister, who was in agony as her husband was an alcoholic, prayed on her knees every day, for his salvation. She prayed from the depth of her heart saying, “Lord, I cannot do anything about this; I can never

The Bible says, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD” (Jeremiah 17:7). Accordingly, it is certain that the Lord will make you blessed women. Believe all these and seek Him.

This hope alone would strengthen you. Why should you worry? The Lord is sufficient for you.

(Psalm 26:1).

“…I have also trusted in the LORD; I shall not slip”

change my husband no matter what I say. You are my refuge. Stretch forth Your loving hands in this terrible situation and save my husband.” Years rolled by. Yet her faith did not waver. She did not run anywhere else saying, “Oh, I’ve prayed hard. No more hope for me.” Without giving room for despair, she continued to patiently plead to God on her knees whenever she had time. One day, as was her custom, she was praying to the Lord saying, “Lord, I plead for my husband, with tears. Somehow transform his heart. Give him the grace to live a pleasing life to You.” At that time, her husband came there and started listening to her prayers. Realizing that his wife had been undergoing much agony because of him, he wanted to make her happy from then on and knelt beside her and committed himself to the Lord. That day, the Lord reunited those two hearts and blessed their family with divine peace and joy.

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Answer: This is of course an extremely difficult thing. This is absolutely not possible with human effort. Yet, first of all we need to have the belief that ‘Our Lord is great’.

Like a father, He speaks to us saying, “I’ll instruct you; I’ll teach you the way; I’ll guide you.” Have you ever realized this deeply? The

Jesus Calls ● October 2015 ● 45

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the above counsels, draw closer to the Lord. There is nothing impossible with God, in this world. “For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (Psalm 33:9). According to this verse, may the Lord change the heart of the hard-hearted husbands, unite everyone, grant you His grace and blessing and make you live joyously! ◆

Bible Quiz - 43 Answers 1. ‘let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.' For whatever is more than these is from the evil one’ (Matthew 5:37) 2. ‘When the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God’ (John 5:25) 3. ‘grace and truth came through Jesus Christ’ (John 1:17) 4. ‘to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more’ (Luke 12:48). 5. ‘…to you who hear, more will be given’ (Mark 4:24). 6. ‘…for the elect's sake those days will be shortened’ (Matthew 24:22). 7. ‘His (the Father’s) command is everlasting life’ (John 12:50) 8. ‘…take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness’ (Luke 11:35). 9. ‘…whoever loses his life for My sake will find it’ (Matthew 16:25) 10. ‘…honor from men’ (John 5:41)

We read,

Yet, another important thing is, living a victorious life with the strength of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, we lose strength by our own efforts and become weary. But, when we wait on the Lord, He will embolden you; He will fill you with His strength. Do you know how? It is His will to give the Holy Spirit, the strength of God to all those who wait in His presence. We read in Acts 1:8 and in the 2nd chapter that the disciples of the Lord received this blessing by waiting. Even today, place your worries at His feet. Speak to the Lord and hold on to Him, confessing like David and say, “Abba Father, I can’t do anything; remove the misery of my heart and give me a new hope. You are my strength; whom shall I fear?” When you do this, God will pour in you the Holy Spirit, His strength. Then you will be bold; your faith will increase. You will receive miracles from the hand of the Lord. When you thus seek for things above, apart from granting you the mundane things and needs in your family, the Lord would also certainly grant you a victorious life.

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“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” (Matthew 7:11).

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Yes, dear ones, when you wait in the presence of God, you should follow what the Lord instructs you, teaches you and counsels you. Humble yourself before the Lord. The Lord will give His grace to those who are humble.

Recently, a man, who was separated from his wife, attended one of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Family Blessing meetings. Embittered with life, he was sitting in that meeting with a great burden. That day, I shared the Lord’s message and His Word proceeded out of my mouth. “Brother, go in search of your wife, with a loving heart. Both of you get reconciled; the Lord will give you the grace.” When I said these, he humbled himself and committed himself in the presence of the Lord saying, “Lord, I love my wife. I submit myself to live with her again. Speak to my wife.” What happened? Miracle happened the very next day. His wife spoke to him as he wished. Both of them came to the Prayer Tower, in the presence of God, and prayed and started a blessed family life. They thanked the Lord. This is a recent miracle. We have telecast this testimony in our television programme.

Lord is very near you. Why don’t you believe that? He will speak to you in many ways.

My dear sisters, according to

Bible Quiz - 43 Winners

Chennai: Sumithra David, Sophia Rupert Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy Andhra: G. Sunder Singh, Dr. Samuel Rajendram Maisa, Karnataka: A. Vanitha

Jesus Calls ● October 2015 ● 46

I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. (Psalm 34:4) ○

Prayer Points apt for women

tion. All glory be to the Lord.

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- Sheeli Arumainayagam, Chennai.

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I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. The prayer points of the Esther Prayer Group, are quite apt for our lives. We are greatly encouraged as these prayer points refer to the problems of women. Particularly the prayer point for the deliverance of women, who vainly spend their times on websites and face book, pricked the heart of the sisters in our Esther Prayer Group, made them examine themselves in the presence of the Lord and confess this to Him. Glory to the Lord.

- Eliamma Matthews, Saudi Arabia. Saved from Suicide

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- J. Elizabeth, Tirupur.

Growth in spiritual life All the sisters of our Esther Prayer Group pray individually, with great joy. After joining the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord has given me growth in my spiritual life and is using me in a new way by making me to pray for others with burden, take the gospel to many and win souls for God. All glory and honour be to God. - Parimala Arulanandam, Sri Lanka Perfect healing Sis. Jeba, the daughter-in-law of Sis. Mariapushpam, of our Esther Prayer Group, had bleeding in her nose for the past three years. All the treatments, spending lot of money, were in vain. I made a prayerful vow in the Esther Prayer Group that God should heal her. Heeding the prayer, the Lord granted her perfect healing.

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Also, last year, when my son was studying 10th standard, he had scored ‘0’ in Maths, in a class test. I was shocked and asked the teacher if he had not scored even ‘1’ mark. They began to complain a lot about him. Hurt over this, I committed my son into the hands of the Lord, right in that place and made a vow that I would testify in the Esther Prayer Group, if my son got good marks in Maths. I continued to pray for him with tears. Hearing the prayer, the Lord miraculously helped my son to score high marks in Maths, in the final exam and saved us from humilia-

During summer and rainy seasons, we suffered a lot as we could not use the verandah of our house. With great burden, I was praying that this state should change. This year, in an unbelieving manner, the Lord created a miraculous situation because of which this problem had been removed.

Wonderful miracle

One of the sisters in our Esther Prayer Group, fought with her husband and left home to commit suicide. But, the Lord brought her to our Esther Prayer Group. She did not confide anything to us. After the song, we started to pray for the prayer points, claiming the promise verse. After the 5th prayer

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Miraculous changes The Lord is helping us to learn many things in life by joining the Esther Prayer Group and by the prayer points given by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. Sis. Vijaya, who never knew to pray had learnt to pray well and now prays without any fear. The Lord is blessing our families as we pray in the Esther Prayer Group. We see the Lord wonderfully leading us every day. Glory be to the Lord. - Rani Ravi, Chennai

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During the prayer time of our Esther Prayer Group, when Sis. Shernaz uttered the name of Jesus and prayed, she was delivered from the spirit of fear. Sis. Latha is experiencing the mercy and goodness of the Lord in her life, every day. By joining the Esther Prayer Group Sis. Milka drew

- Regina Quek, Singapore

My Dear sisters,

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Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Young girls Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the people there could be blessed and revived, please come forward. Contact Address: Sis. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Email: Dear sisters, who pray in the prayer group, pray with much burden for the each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you.

The fifth prayer point for the month of June was to pray for the people who go to prison for indulging in social violence. When this prayer point had to be prayed by a particular sister she shed tears and prayed for this with great burden as she was facing the same

Timely prayer points

Wonderful experiences

closer to the Lord and enjoyed receiving anointing and the gift of speaking in tongues. Glory be to the Lord.

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- Mary Joseph, Karnataka.

All of us, as sisters, gathered for the Esther Prayer Group and prayed for every prayer points, with burden. Sis. Gnanamma saw a bright light. Through her, the Holy Spirit promised that in the coming days, miracles would happen through the Esther Prayer Group. Sis. Purnima too heard the voice of the Holy Spirit saying, “The Lord is our Shepherd.” Glory to the Lord for the divine blessings and experiences He has granted.

Divine blessings

problem. We were surprised when she said that her husband was in a similar condition. Likewise, the 11th, 15th and 16th prayer points were given to the sisters who had the same issues and hence they too prayed with much burden and tears. The power of the Holy Spirit came upon everyone of us and filled us. Glory to Jesus. - Rebecca Rajam, Chennai.

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- Esther Aruldass, Chennai.

point, when the sister was asked to pray for the following point, she confessed that she had suicidal thoughts and that after coming there, those thoughts had vanished. She then prayed for the prayer points. Her husband, who was searching for her everywhere, unexpectedly came to the place where we had the Esther Prayer Group prayer. Apart from delivering her from suicidal thoughts, the Lord also filled her with a new anointing and sent her back home with joy. Glory to God who did the miracle through the Esther Prayer Group.

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- A Report

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received divine comfort and consolation. The Lord led everyone to receive individual prayer. Inauguration of Prayer Tower: For the benefit of the people in the Alwal area and in Ashok Nagar (BHEL), Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, along with Bishops, Pastors and servants of God, launched new Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in Secunderabad and Hyderabad on August 29th at 10.00 AM and 5.30 PM respectively. Partner’s Meet: The Lord graciously helped dear mother Stella Dhinakaran to share God’s words amidst the partners who attended the Partner’s Meet held in All Saints’ Church, (Secunderabad) and in the BHEL Community Centre (Hyderabad) and also to pray individually for the hundreds of partners who had gathered there and made them go back enjoying God’s presence and blessings. Church Service: As the Wesley Church (Secunderabad) entered the 100th year in August 2015, dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was

Esther Prayer Group Meeting: This was conducted for the blessings of the people of the groups in and around the twin cities Hyderabad and Secunderabad. 308 sisters from 39 groups attended this meeting which was held on August 28 at 3.00 PM in the Secunderabad Prayer Tower. The Lord mightily used dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. The entire room was filled with the presence of God right from the beginning to the end. Through the Word of God, dear mother Stella Dhinakaran encouraged everyone to burn as fire for God, walk close with Him and live a holy life. During the prayer time, the Holy Spirit was mightily poured on everyone. All were filled with the Spirit and rejoiced in the Lord by speaking in tongues. All those who came with much agony,

The Lord did awesome deeds in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Esther Prayer group meeting, Prayer Tower Inauguration, Partner’s Meet, Church service and Family Blessing Meeting held in Hyderabad – Secunderabad on August 28, 29 and 30, 2015. They were of great blessings to the participants.

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Family Blessing Meeting: The Lord did mighty deeds in the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Meeting held on 30th August 2015 at Mehboob College Grounds, Secunderabad. More than 6000 people from the twin cities Hyderabad and Secunderabad had gathered for this meeting with great thirst. When Sis.Stella Dhinakaran shared profound truths of the Lord, being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, many were comforted; the Holy Spirit came down mightily; many received miraculous healing; many were delivered from the bondage of the devil. All of them enjoyed heavenly joy. Many glorified God by sharing the testimonies of their miraculous experiences. ◆

specially invited by Rev. B. Winston, Presbyter-in-charge of Wesley Church. More than 2000 people participated in this Service which was held on August 30th at 9.00 AM. Everyone was comforted and strengthened in faith through the message shared by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran.

◆ Most respectful and loving Dr. Stella Aunty, I thank the Almighty God for sending you to Hyderabad by His grace. I give all glory to the Lord for enabling two more new Prayer Towers to be opened in the two cities BHEL (Hyderabad) and Alwal (Secunderabad). Out of His great love, the Almighty sent you, His anointed and faithful woman of God to Hyderabad for the revival and redemption of its people. You are the light of the world. By your arrival, light entered Hyderabad and darkness has vanished. Everyone who attended the Family Blessing Meeting held on August 30th, enjoyed the power of the Lord; they were filled with the Holy Spirit. This was done by the Lord and it is marvelous in our eyes. My family and I were greatly blessed. It was wonderful to hear your message after several years. It was the first time our children heard your message and they were thrilled and blessed. Your song melted our hearts. It kindled our faith. In this meeting, the Lord quenched the thirsty souls, increased His grace and heard the cry of the humble. The people of Hyderabad enjoyed the divine power that was manifested through the Lord’s Word through you. They were blessed. I glorify God for you, a woman of God. You are a God given gift to the world. The Lord has kept you, who have lost a daughter, as a mother to millions of daughters and sons. All glory, honour and power be to the Lord Jesus. - Shalini Christopher ◆ It is such a joy that you came for the Inauguration of the new Prayer Tower in Hyderabad. My heart and soul were much comforted by the arrival of my spiritual mother. I was blessed by my spiritual mother much beyond my expectation. Thank you for coming to Hyderabad. - Vasudev, Hyderabad. ◆ The family Blessing Meeting conducted by Dr. Stella Dhinkaran brought a tremendous change in my life. When I heard Bro. Timothy sharing his testimony about forgiving his enemies, I made a decision to forgive my enemies who caused me much agony in my life and I was filled with joy. I had a great peace. The Lord has blessed me through this meeting immeasurably. Praise the Lord. - Swarna Manchari In these meetings, the Lord graciously enabled many to be blessed, their tears to be wiped off, many broken hearted to be healed, many to be delivered from the clutches of demons and sorrows to be changed into joy. There was a great rejoicing in that city.

Glory be to the Lord who used Sis. Stella Dhinakaran mightily and blessed the great multitude of people.

Jesus Calls ● October 2015 ● 50 Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

◆ GAJUWAKA80th Prayer Tower On August 13, 2015, the Jesus Calls 80th Prayer Tower was inaugurated by pastors and elders in the presence of partners in Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. ADDRESS OF THE GAJUWAKA PRAYER TOWER: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Panthulugarimeda Bus Stop, NH 5, Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam - 26. For details about the meetings held in the Prayer Tower : 0891 - 6562444 ◆ VIZIANAGARAM - 81st Prayer Tower On August 14, 2015, the Jesus Calls 81st Prayer Tower was inaugurated by pastors and elders in the presence of partners in Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh. ADDRESS OF THE VIZIANAGARAM PRAYER TOWER: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Plot No 1, Bank Baroda Building, Opposite to Sun School, Srinivasa Nagar, 100 feet Ring Road, Vizianagaram - 2. For details about the meetings held in the Prayer Tower: 08922 - 239777 ◆ VELLORE - 84th Prayer Tower On 7th September 2015, the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower was inaugurated by pastors and elders in the presence of partners in Vellore, near the Christian Medical College (Tamil Nadu). ADDRESS OF THE VELLORE PRAYER TOWER: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, IV Floor, Ganesh Towers (Old Palace Cafe Hotel) 20&21, Katpadi Road, Vellore - 1. For details about the meetings held in the Prayer Tower: 0416 - 2225455 / 2224255 All Prayer Towers function from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM. 51

Contact phone number for prayer help at any time day and night: 044 - 33999000

Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 27-9-2015


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