Jesus Calls Partners’ Meet was held on 19th August 2022 in Gujarat University Convention & Exhibition Centre (GUCEC), Ahmedabad. Around 2000 partners from the state of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra participated and received God’s blessing. During the meeting, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s book ‘Freedom from Condemnation’ & ‘A new Future’ (Gujarati Language) & Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran’s ‘He Carried me’ (Gujarati - Reprint) were dedicated & released. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & family ministered to all and prayed individually for all those who gathered.
This meeting was held on 20th August 2022 in Green City Bible Church, Gandhinagar. Dr. D. J. Pandian IAS & Dr. Kishor Rao IAS organised the conference. More than 1100 pastors / Church leaders / Bishops participated in the conference representing various states of India (Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Nagaland, West Bengal Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu). Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the word of God with all the church leaders / Pastors, and challenged them for the mission of God through his personal life experience and walk with God.
The meet was held on 20th August 2022 in H.K. Auditorium, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad. More than 500 youths gathered and received a fresh anointing during this meeting. Many youths committed and rededicated their life to Christ as Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared God’s word. Stella Ramola led a powerful praise & worship session where many youths were moved by the power of the Holy Spirit. Students from Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences shared their life testimony about how they were able to shine as they study in Karunya. They enacted a
meaningful skit which portrayed a lesson of how to get away from sin and lead a holy and victorious life. Many youths showed their interest to join in Young Partners’ Plan and 100s of youths enrolled themselves as U-Turners. For all the enrolled U-Turners, the U-turn partners’ training program has been arranged.
Sunday services were held on 21st August 2022. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s word in Green City Bible Church, Ghandi Nagar where more than 300 people gathered. Mrs. Evangeline Paul shared God’s Word in CNI – Ellis bridge church where more than 200 joined in the service. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared God’s word & Stella Ramola led a powerful Worship session in Grace Fellowship Assembly of God church, Ahmedabad.
Meditation: Psalm 10:17; 27:14; 1 Cor. 1:8; 1 Thess. 3:13; 2 Thess. 3:3
John 16:13 - The Spirit that guides into truth
Meditation: Psalm 25:5; 86:11; Isaiah 63:11-14; Acts 10:38; Romans 8:14
Isaiah 56:1 - The righteousness of the Lord
Meditation: Psalm 111:3; Jeremiah 33:16; Matthew 6:33; Romans 5:9 Zephaniah 3:20 - Honor and praise Meditation: Deut. 26:19; Jeremiah 33:9; Zephaniah 3:19
Psalm 118:15 - The shout of trumpets Meditation: 2 Sam. 6:15; 2 Chronicles 20:19; Psalm 105:43-45; Revelation 11:15
Joel 2:25 – God will restore what was lost Meditation: Gen. 14:14-16; 1 Samuel 30:8,19; Job 42:10-12; Jeremiah 30:3
Genesis 28:15 - A God who keeps promises Meditation: Levi. 26:44; 1 Sam. 12:22;
1 Kings 6:13; Isaiah 41:17
Joel 2:13 - Grace and compassion Meditation: Nehemiah 9:29-31; Psalm 103:8; Jonah 4:2; James 5:11
Deuteronomy 31:6 - A God who never leaves us Meditation: Deut. 31:8; Joshua 1:5;
1 Chron. 28:20; Hebrews. 13:5
Psalm 65:2 - Hears prayer
Meditation: 2 Kings. 20:5;
2 Chronicles. 33:11-13; 34:27; Psalm 20:6
Joshua 3:5 - Amazing things Meditation: Exodus 15:11; 2 Kings 20:1-6; Luke 5:12-15; Acts 19:11
Ephesians 2:5 - Salvation by grace Meditation: Psalm 6:4; 85:7; 98:3; Acts 15:11;
2 Tim. 1:9
Psalm 138:3 - God answers the call Meditation: Job 12:4; Psalm 91:15; Isaiah 30:19; 65:24; Jeremiah 33:3
Matthew 5:4 - Those who mourn will be comforted
Meditation: Isaiah 61:2,3; Psalm 94:19;
2 Cor. 1:3-5; 2 Tim. 2:19
Deuteronomy 33:29 - God who helps Meditation: Deut. 33:7; Psalm 27:9; 54:4; Jeremiah 15:11; Heb. 13:6
Psalm 138:6 - The Lord looks upon the humble Meditation: Proverbs 3:34; Matthew 18:2-4; Luke 1:52; 14:11; James 4:6,10
Isaiah 55:3 - Listen to the Lord
Meditation: Deut. 28:1-14; 1 Sam. 12:14; Proverbs 8:34; Luke 6:27
Proverbs 12:12 - The blessing of the righteous Meditation: Psalm 112:6; Proverbs 11:28; Isaiah 45:25; Hosea 14:9
Psalm 3:3 - The Lord is our shield Meditation: Gen. 15:1; 2 Sam. 22:3; Psalm 28:7; Proverbs 30:5
Mark 11:24 - Answerer of prayer
Meditation: 2 Kings. 20:5; 2 Chronicles 33:11-13; 34:27; Psalm 20:6
Psalm 4:3 - The Lord has chosen you Meditation: 1 Chronicles 16:11-13; John 15:16; 1 Thess. 1:3,4; 1 Peter 2:4,5
Isaiah 60:20 - The Lord is your everlasting light Meditation: Luke 2:25-32; John 1:1-9; 8:12; Acts 13:47; 1 John 1:5
Psalm 63:7 - The shadow of the trees Meditation: Ruth 2:12; Psalm 36:7; 91:1,4; Song. 2:3; Isaiah 51:16
Isaiah 40:11 - The Lord is our guide Meditation: Gen. 24:48; Psalm 48:14; Isaiah 48:17; Revelation 7:17
Psalm 92:4 - The work of the Lord Meditation: Psalm 107:24; Isaiah 63:7; 1 Cor. 15:58; 16:10
Acts 1:8 - You will be strengthened Meditation: 2 Chron. 14:11; Psalm 138:3; Isaiah 40:31; Phil. 4:13
Psalm 85:12 - The Lord will give good things
Meditation: Psalm 23:6; Jeremiah 32:40-42; Matthew 7:11; James 1:17
Jeremiah 20:11 - The Lord is with us
Meditation: Gen. 28:15; Deut. 31:8; Matthew 28:20; Acts 18:10
John 16:24 - Ask and you shall receive Meditation: 1 Sam. 7:9; 1 Chron. 4:10; Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24
Joshua 1:3 - God will give a place for the foot to tread
Meditation: Gen. 13:14-17; Num. 10:29; Deut. 11:22-24; Joshua 14:9
Psalm 128:2 - Blessing and goodness Meditation: Psalm 65:4; Proverbs 16:20; Isaiah 33:15-17
Dearfriend, it is such a joy to enter into the presence of the Life-Giving Living God. Are you wondering what to expect in His presence, especially in this month? God will do everything for you as in Job 42:2, “I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”
We will see what the Lord will be doing for us this month. As in Luke 18:1,7,8, God will bring about justice and will do it quickly.
"Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to him day and
night? Will He keep putting them off? I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly.”
Yes, to receive justice, men ought to pray always without losing heart. Maybe you have been waiting for a blessing for too long, but God is going to give it to you this month. Then your situation will change. Don’t mourn looking back at your life or don’t worry about looking to the future. All that you must do is just pray. There is power in praying and especially with fasting. Sometimes to experience a breakthrough, we need to fast and pray. Fasting is not only abandoning food, but also abandoning worries, cares, things of the flesh etc. Then God’s justice for us will soon break forth. Let us meditate on the three kinds of fasting that we see in the Bible.
1) Fasting of Jonah and the people of Nineveh
The first fasting is the forsaking of sin. As in Jonah 3:3-10, God to spoke to Jonah and said, “In forty more days the great city of Nineveh will be overthrown. It will be destroyed in forty days because of its sin.” So, God asked Jonah to go and tell the people of Nineveh to get out of their sin and live. But Jonah decided to run away from his calling and was caught in a storm and then in the belly of the fish. Yes, God’s calling chases us and will not leave us because He has chosen us.
Many wonder if it is possible for a whale to swallow Jonah. People find it difficult to trust the Bible facts as scientifically it was known that a whale cannot swallow a man. But recently, one morning on NDTV news I saw a true story of a man called Michael in the United States of America who was really swallowed by a whale. This incident has now proved that the Bible is true!
The difference in the story of Jonah is that he could survive for three days and nights in the belly of the fish. This was Jonah’s fasting. He humbled himself and cried to God for His mercy. God saw his repentant heart and commanded the fish to vomit Jonah onto the land. You too might feel that you are in the belly of the whale because there is no improvement in your life. You might be suffering for many years due to sickness but God is going to heal you soon. Justice will break forth for you soon. Just thank God that you are surviving and soon you are going to be pushed into the awaited blessings. When Jonah’s warning reached
the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust before God and his people. The king totally humbled himself. That's the first kind of fasting we need to do. To throw away our pride, our complaints, our grumblings, accusations, disappointments, and disagreements and sit in the ash, sit in the dust before God, humbling ourselves.
In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God says: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
When we humble ourselves, we have the promise of deliverance. We see in Jonah 3 that God relented and did not bring about what He had said. God will protect us too from destruction. He will deliver us and heal our land for our sake.
A former president of Zambia, called Chiluba was a union leader. Because of all the evils he had done and the murders he had committed, he was thrown into prison. In the prison, he found the book "Prison to Praise” written by Merlin Charades who was the Chaplin to the prisoners. While in prison, through the book, he came to know about the Lord and that He had died even though He committed no sin in order to wash away the sins of others, offering Himself as a sacrifice. Meditating on this truth, his life changed and he was transformed. He won the election as president of the nation right from prison. He had to be released, and he came to rule the nation. The first thing he did was he got the whole
nation to gather at the same time to pray. He gathered thousands of people in the capital city in the stadium. He himself stood up and he read 2 Chronicles 7:14. He asked for repentance and everybody repented of their sins. Life came into that land and investment started pouring into Zambia. Seeing the integrity of the president, investors started investing in Zambia and the nation prospered.
Even so, when we fast God will cause a revival and resurrection in our lives and in the life of the nation.
2) Fasting of Jesus
The second fasting is forsaking worldly glory and longing to commune with the Heavenly Father. As in Matthew 17:21, there is a kind of fasting and praying that is needed to chase away the devil and his vices from our life.
In Matthew 17:1-23, we see three incidents. First is the transfiguration, then the healing of the demon-possessed boy whose father pleads to Jesus for the boy’s deliverance and then the Lord’s prediction of His death for the second time. Before the transfiguration, Jesus was in the valley. He was healing the sick, and performing miracles and people were praising Him. But in the midst of all the praise from the people, Jesus missed His Daddy-God! He wanted to commune with Him. So, He climbed the mountain and went up onto the mount of Transfiguration. He communed with God, laying down and forsaking worldly glory. It was then that He was transfigured to Heavenly glory. Soon after which when He came down, the devil shrieked and left the little boy.
In the Bible we see that the boy’s father brought the boy to the Lord’s disciples first. But as they were worldly in their spirits and were only quarrelling as to who is the greatest and looking to the Lord only for provisions and nothing more, they could not drive away the devil. That is when Jesus teaches them that this kind of evil spirit leaves only through fasting and prayer which He had just then done. In the same way, dear friend, if we want the devil to fall like a lightning with his schemes which are to steal, kill and destroy, then we should forsake worldly glory, forsake every self-thought and yield to God. Then the devil will be driven away and we
shall rise to Heavenly glory.
Fasting is not just spending a day without food. Fasting is surrender. It is surrendering to be in the will of God. It is to live for the mission of God and not just to receive provision from the Lord. When we are full of God’s fervour saying, “I am going to thirst to live a life with a vision and a mission, taking up the cross however difficult it is and fulfilling the will of God,” then nothing the devil tries will fulfil in our life. This is what happened to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. He was told by Moses and Elijah how He has to suffer for the people and yet He obeyed God. He was moved with compassion for the people and that’s why His face was transfigured. The same happened to Stephen. When he stood for God and spoke to the Sanhedrin about Jesus, his face was transfigured to that of an Angel’s. He was hungry to fulfil the mission of God even though it was to lay down his life. In the same way, when we live for the mission of God, not only will we be out of the devil’s traps we will also see Heaven opened and be transfigured into Heavenly glory. Even though Jesus was buried in the depths for three days, He rose again and He conquered every evil scheme of the wicked one. Even so, you shall conquer. You might be suffering for many years due to in justice but you shall soon see God’s deliverance and glory in your life. People will see the justice God brings about and your glory shall come from God.
Many years ago, my father went to a city, to preach the Gospel. Around 3.o clock in the afternoon the previous day, his throat was arrested and He became voiceless. He could not speak and he was worried. Suddenly a deity appeared. She was wearing many ornaments and
said, “I have only choked your throat as I don’t want you to do good to the city. I have bound the people in this darkness. Leave this place.” But my father never speaks to the demon powers. He always speaks to the Lord who gives life. He went on to plead for the people in his heart and then Jesus appeared. The demon bowed and left and my father’s throat was opened. Great faith came into his heart, and he went into the crusade with great compassion for the people. Thousands received ‘life’ that day.
Today irrespective of cast, creed, religion, language and nationality, millions of people find hope through the love of God ministered through the Jesus Calls ministry. Let not your heart be troubled. Unite yourself with the mission of the Lord. Be bold, and long for the Heavenly Father, who is your Boss and the demons shall fall.
3) Fasting of Jehoshaphat
The fasting of Jehoshaphat was to forsake dependence on his power and to look to God to fight the battle. According to2 Chronicle 20:1-34, He was a king. He was ruling Judah, and suddenly a message came to him saying a multitude of enemy armies, Moabites and Ammonites with some of the Meunites were coming to fight against him. He was told, “a vast army is coming against you from Edom and beyond the sea.” This man was a peaceful man. But suddenly when he heard that all the enemies were coming against him, Jehoshaphat was terrified. But what did he do when he was afraid? He set himself to seek the Lord. He did not seek the general, the advisory council but instead, he sought the Lord. Likewise, let’s set ourselves to seek the Lord.
According to 2 Chronicles 20:11 Jehoshaphat prayed to the Lord saying, “See how they are repaying us by coming to drive us out of the possession You gave us as an inheritance. Our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.”
God replied to them as in verses 15-17 saying, “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. Tomorrow march down against them. You will not have to fight this battle.
Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.”
This should be the most important reply from God to our prayers today. Yes, God says “You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you. You should not be trembling and you should not be shivering for there is nothing to fear. You have done your best. You have repented to Me and become one with Me. You're taking My mission into your hands and you have taken up your positions. You will see the deliverance I will give you. There is going to be deliverance!”
Then as in 2 Chronicle 20:21 we read:
''After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever.”
So, Jehoshaphat did not consult the people and generals of the army, but he put a team to praise the Lord. So, keep singing in your heart and everything will go according to God's plan. The Bible says in 2 Chronicle 20:24,25:''When the men of Judah came to the place that overlooks the desert and looked toward the vast army, they saw only dead bodies lying on the ground; no one had escaped. So Jehoshaphat and his men went to carry off their plunder, and they found among them a great amount of equipment and clothing and also articles of value— more than they could take away. There was so much plunder that it took three days to collect it.''
The number three keeps coming back again and again. Yes, that’s because you are going to have a triple fold blessing of value, honour, pleasure and so much delight, that it will take years for you to carry them. I believe it. Amen.
“On the fourth day they assembled in the Valley of Berakah, where they praised the Lord. This is why it is called the Valley of
Berakah to this day. And then, led by Jehoshaphat, all the men of Judah and Jerusalem returned joyfully to Jerusalem, for the Lord had given them cause to rejoice over their enemies. They entered Jerusalem and went to the temple of the Lord with harps and lyres and trumpets. The fear of God came on all the surrounding kingdoms when they heard how the Lord had fought against the enemies of Israel.” (2 Chronicle 20:26-29)
Yes, after three days, justice broke forth for the Israelites. They sang and rejoiced to see the victory the Lord had given them. It was truly God’s battle. Justice was provided by the hand of God which caused great fear in the hearts of their enemies. God will do the same for you. When we turn to God and look to God with fasting and prayer, the Lord will certainly bring about the justice He has promised. When our heart is clean turning to the calling God has given us, He will do everything for us quickly. Every demon shall
fall. Whatever has kept you bound shall fall. Turn your heart, your mission, and your life to the Lord, and say, “Lord I am here to fulfil Your will. I shall stay on the mountain (mission). I shall stay to fulfil the purpose of the cross. Lord, I will fulfil Your mission. I shall sing and stand for Your glory. Give me that grace.”
Loving Father, Draw me near to You. Give me a mission and a vision to live for You. Help me to fulfil it. Fight my battles. Give me the justice I await quickly as You have promised. I have been in the depths, in the belly, in the valley for many days. Master, let Your deliverance break forth. Help me stand for Your mission and see Your deliverance. I will keep singing of Your praises Lord. Thank You for making me more than just survive and for making me thrive. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.
60 years in the moving of the Spirit
“The anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and that anointing teaches you all things.” (1 John 2:27).
In the beginning, my father and your dear brother Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, used to give God’s message in the streets and in small gatherings.
On October 10, 1962, the Lord anointed him and the anointing today has graciously filled me and my entire family. Today, God reveals His word as an answer for the cry of many people and miraculously delivers them from their troubles and wipes away their tears. Millions are blessed through the mass meetings, the TV and social
media programs and the personal prayers offered for them. I thank God for the open door to pray for kings and to prophecy God’s will over the nations. My mother Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran has ignited the fire of prayers among many women through the Esther Prayer Ministry. God has poured His anointing into families through my wife Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran. God has touched and transformed the youth through my son Samuel Dhinakaran. Through Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran, God has brought great joy to the poor and needy. God brings hope to people amidst societal issues through Sharon Angel. Stella Ramola has stirred the heart of many youth through her soul touching songs and worship
ministry. God is therefore using us all as a family for His glory.
If you have not yet received the anointing of the Spirit, ask the Lord to fill you with His Spirit this month. If you have received the Holy Spirit, pray fervently for your children and family to be filled with the Holy Spirit. This October, may the Spirit guide you into all truth (John 16:13).
Prayer Operations Centre
"All the Israelite men and women who were willing brought to the Lord freewill offerings for all the work the Lord through Moses had commanded them to do."
(Exodus 35:29)
Praying and responding to those who send prayer requests through letters, emails, sending certificates to young partners, family blessing partners, business blessing plan partners, coordinating prayers, partner services, financial management, Prayer Tower maintenance department, prayer festival unit, coordinating blessing meetings, UTurn Youth Ministry, Journal and Book Publishing Division, Prayer Training Division, Television Program Production, Social Media Division, Administrative Division etc. are the various works which will be managed in this centre. This centre will function at the campus of the Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower.
If more professionals are employed in the
Blessing Meetings in Madurai and Ranchi
"Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them." (Matthew 15:30)
On October 12, 1970, my father gave a message to a congregation for the first time in a hall of Voorhees College, Vellore. After that, there were 'Jesus Calls' blessing meetings and prayer festivals. Let us give thanks to the Lord for this year's 52nd anniversary of the Prayer Festival ministry.
During the months of October and November, We are holding blessing meetings in Madurai and Ranchi. Millions of people experience supernatural miracles and go with great deliverance and peace through the Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals and Blessing Meetings. But there is a lot of work behind organizing these meetings in ground and stage arrangements, sound and lighting systems, electricity, advertisements, accommodation, seating arrangements, so on and so forth. Several lakhs of rupees goes into conducting each meeting. You can consider supporting these Prayer Festivals, and being a part of wiping away the tears of millions.
ministry who know how to use new technologies according to current technological developments, we can bring the Lord's message to many more people. A well-equipped office is required for that. By the direction of the Lord, we have started construction of a 4-storied building for the Prayer Operations Centre and the Prayer Training Centre which would train Jesus Calls partners to become praying partners. This project would cost a total of 20 crore rupees ($ 2.5 million). You can find the details in this issue. May I invite you to join hands with us and make this project happen?
Bethesda Prayer City
“This is my resting place forever and ever; here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it."
(Psalm 132:14)
The Bethesda Prayer Centre was opened on October 10, 1993. Seven Stations of the Cross were built in 1995. Repairs due to time have been made and renovated. Thousands of people from all over the world come to Bethesda to pray and receive blessings from the Lord. We are going to build a Bethesda Prayer City so that many more will be blessed. Here, you can stay as a family and spend time at the Lord's feet in peace and
there will be facilities for children to play happily. Kindly uphold this project in your prayers.
Supreme recognition for Karunya "He has declared that He will set you in praise, fame and honour high above all the nations He has made and that you will be a people holy to the Lord your God, as he promised." (Deuteronomy 26:19)
Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences was started on 4th October 1986. Karunya is currently functioning with the status of a deemed university. Tens of thousands of students have studied in Karunya and are currently holding high positions in major organizations in various countries around the world; They are great industrialists; having high status in the society. Last August, a team of sectoral experts from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council visited. The panel of experts considered the significant contribution of Karunya Institute of Technology and Science Education in terms of laboratories, different departments, facilities,
infrastructure, study, research, innovation, technology, business initiative, expansion and a wide range of activities. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council has awarded the highest standard of A++ certification to Karunya. Let us praise God for His goodness. Keep praying for Karunya.
On September, I completed 60 years of life by the grace of God. I am writing an autobiography of how the Lord has been faithful in my life and has blessed me so far. It will be released under the title, “I am Never Alone.” Please do pray for the successful completion of this book and for it to be an inspiration to many.
"The root of the righteous shall bear fruit."
(Proverbs 12:12)
According to the scriptures, I pray to the Lord that you and your progeny, who are righteous and washed by the blood of the Lord, will have the grace to bear good fruits in this month.
Your dear brother, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & family along with the prayer intercessors in Jesus Calls Prayer Towers, pray every day for the families in the Family Blessing Plan to be blessed - for them to enjoy peace, to be in good health, live in unity, and be prosperous.
Here’s how one such Family Blessing Plan partner has been blessed by sowing into this ministry:
I experienced an unbelievable miracle during my house construction.
I am a Family Blessing Plan and Prayer Tower Building Fund partner in the Jesus Calls Ministry. Before starting with the construction work, we contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and requested the prayer intercessors to pray for our successful house construction without any delay. The prayer intercessor also prayed with much burden for the Lord to help in the successful completion of our house construction without any hurdles. But to our dismay, on the 15th of May at 5:45 am, it started raining heavily with lightning and thunder. On the same day, we had planned to lay the concrete slabs for the house at 7am. I became so worried that the rains would stop the construction work. I immediately called up the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and requested them to pray for a miracle to happen and that the work must be completed as scheduled. What a wonder! Within half an hour, the rain stopped completely and the sun was shining ever bright. We immediately started the work as planned and completed the slab mould. We thanked God for stopping the rains for us. After completing the mould, there was no rain till the 16th noon, which was good for the slab. Exactly from 3pm onwards on the same day, it started raining heavily with lightning and thunder which was again good for the slab. Thank God for His goodness showered on us as a family, through the prayer support of the Jesus Calls Ministry. Praise be to the Lord our God. I have decided to visit Bethesda on completion of our house construction and to sponsor a TV PROGRAM.
- P. Prasanna Kumar, Hyderabad.
You too will be blessed like Brother Prasanna Kumar if you join in the Family Blessing Plan and sow into the ministry.
Privileges of a Family Blessing Plan partner:
•A Special Wedding Anniversary card will be sent to the couple from the Dhinakarans
•Prayer intercessors will call and pray on your Wedding Anniversary
•In the Prayer Tower, the prayer intercessors pray daily for the Family Blessing Plan partners and also during all the monthly fasting prayers and chain prayers.
044 - 23456677 (7am to 9 pm,
God enabled Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to launch new projects on 4th September 2022 on the occasion of his 60th birthday for God’s glory. The 60th birthday function was organized by a committee comprising of eminent leaders from different walks of life and it was held at Vanagaram, Chennai. Dignitaries who graced the event included many Government Officials, Bishops from CSI, ECI, CNI, CNEI and many Senior Pastors of the Nation, KU Alumini, Faithful Partners and Business Trade Leaders. Felicitation and prayers were offered by Hon. Shri. John Barla Minister of State for Minority Affairs, Rev. D. Mohan, Rev. Paul Thangiah and Thiru I. Leoni.
•New book titled ‘I am never alone’ - An autobiography of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, that contains his experiences in the past 60 years was launched to be released soon
• Launched Prayer Operations Centre and Prayer Training Centre Project (a 61,540 square feet), No. 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai, 600 028.
•The Bethesda Prayer City project was launched for Family retreat, entertainment, meditation and recreation
•Launched a new project to build 60 Prayer Towers in the next ten years
• Handed over 59 new concrete houses to beneficiaries from Arasalamkarambai and Periyanayagipuram villages in Thanjavur district, which were adversely affected by the 2018 Gaja Cyclone. This is in addition to the 34 houses built in Toppaditheru district already.
We request you to praise God and pray for the fruition of these projects for God’s glory and for the blessing of millions. Also, continue to support the ministry with your offerings so that, your seeds will help in fulfilling these projects and your heavenly account will be multiplied with the souls reached through your giving. All honour be to the Lord! Thanks to everyone who prayed and shared their wishes through email, letters, greetings cards and every other source. May you be blessed richly.
God’s light is going to show you each step and the path you need to walk on. Many times, the devil distracts us and makes us deviate from the Lord’s ways like how he deceived Eve and Adam. He still tries his silly tricks on God’s children. If we don’t yield to his temptation, we will truly be children of God. Today, God says that He will light up your path and your every step so that you won’t go off-track.
We need God's protection so that we don't tread in dangerous ways. God's word is a great shield of protection for us. It unlocks God's voice through Gift of discerning of spirits to help us distinguish between the voices of evil and the direction of God in our heart. This gift of the Holy Spirit can defy the weapons of the evil one, the flesh and the world.
Regularly, you will be protected from the devil’s vices. Irrespective of the temptation at hand, you will overcome it through the right word from the Bible. God’s word is prophetic and is applicable even in today’s scenarios.
For example, if you join the wrong company of friends, God’s word to flee from temptation will convict you and guide you to avoid their
company. In the same way, even for little things such as things concerning everyday decisions, God will guide you.
This is a real incident that happened during the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers that shook the world in 2001. There was a man, who wanted to go to the office on time. He had the daily routine of meditation and prayer in his closet. But one fine morning on September 11th, 2001, he woke up late. He had to drop his daughter at school and then go to work. His schedule was delayed but he managed to pray and finish his quiet time before leaving home for his work for the day. Just because he trusted in the Lord, God saved his life that day for his office was in the Twin Towers in New York and because God had ordered his steps, he reached his office only after the plane crash and his life was spared.
In the same way, God will order your steps and show you what to do and how to do even in the smallest matters.
We see a similar scenario in the story of Jesus’ birth. He was the greatest gift to mankind and this gift was given into the hands of Mary and Joseph because they were people who listened and obeyed the voice of God. Because they obeyed the will of God, God’s glorious mission was accomplished through them, through their submission.
Even after the Lord’s birth, an angel appeared unto them and warned them of the coming danger and by obeying God’s direction, baby Jesus was protected.
The Lord will guide you in the same way, my friend. He will keep you safe because He cares for you. He doesn't want you to end up in the wrong place where there will be great destruction in your life or in your career. He only wants to keep you safe so that you will take the right decisions knowing that He has already got everything planned in the path of light which He has for you. His word will indeed light up your path as you start hearing from Lord.
So, submit your heart right now into the Lord’s hand. A splendid path of great success and great blessing awaits you. God wants to give you this gift of discerning spirits right now when you pray.
Prayer: Loving Father, I give my heart to You right now. Cleanse my heart with Your blood and make it as white as snow. Give me the grace to read Your word, meditate upon it and pray every morning.
Help me to hear Your voice when I pray. Bestow on me the gift of discerning spirits. Order my every step, light my path and lead me on safe grounds. May Your name be glorified through me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Healed from Chest Pain
I am from Tellicherry, Kerala. I am writing this email to testify that God did a miracle in my dad's health. Last August, my father had severe chest pain. When we went to the doctor, he was asked him to take an ECG. Since the report showed some variations, the doctor suggested an angiogram. Again, on the 4th of September, he had chest pain and we were hoping and praying that there should not be any complications in his health. So, I requested Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for God to heal my dad and that he should come out of the hospital in good health, without any major health issues. We also did not have the necessary funds to go ahead with an angioplasty if needed. We were worried when the Doctor told my father to do an angiogram, but I firmly believed that the Lord Jesus will do a miracle in my dad’s life. The Lord indeed heard our desperate prayers. And as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed, the Lord did a miracle and to our greatest surprise, my father’s angiogram report came as normal saying that there were no blocks in the heart. Praise be to the Lord Almighty.
Saved from danger
I had a lump in my breast and I was very much scared about it. The doctors said that they would have to remove my breast in order to get rid of the tumour. In great fear, I visited the Vanagaram Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and got prayed. Then I went to another hospital in Chennai. The doctors examined the lump again and said that it was a normal lump that can be treated with medication and that it needs no surgery. What a miracle it is! Million thanks to the Lord who healed me miraculously.
- J. Anita, Chennai - P. Neeshma Nambiar, KeralaVanagaram Prayer Tower,Chennai
Thiruvananthapuram Prayer Tower, KeralaBhubaneswar Prayer Tower, Odisha
Blood Cancer healed
My God is a prayer answering God. At first, I give Him all the glory. This testimony is about the miracle and blessing related to my health. I was diagnosed with blood cancer in November 2019. My nature of job is to come and clean the Prayer Tower regularly. My husband is a cab driver. At that time, my health completely deteriorated and there was no blood in my body. The doctor told me that I have blood cancer and that my survival chances are less. After I heard this, I was completely heartbroken. As I used to come to Bhubaneswar Prayer Tower regularly for cleaning, I used to weep and pray to the Lord for my healing daily. I also used to listen to Dr. Paul’s messages regularly. I spoke to the Lord saying, “Father, my body is given by You. Every bone, flesh, blood and vein is made by You. I am yours. You will heal me completely and make me whole.” I used to pray this same prayer over and over again. From November 2019 to December 2020, I suffered a lot in my body. But I never ceased to pray and give thanks to the Lord even amidst my bodily sufferings and my regular check-ups. They took my blood and bone marrow for the test. I was also on some medications. On January 2nd 2021, when I went for a check-up, the doctor told me that a miracle has happened. They said there were no cancerous cells found in my blood. To confirm, they again took my blood sample and bone marrow sample for a test and again it came as normal. The doctor told me that I am completely healed. Now I am enjoying good health by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the prayer support of the Jesus Calls staff in the Prayer Tower.
Debts cleared
- Pratima Digal, Bhubaneswar
Praise be to the holy name of God. I had taken a loan of 3 lakh rupees to start my own tailoring shop. But to my dismay, the shop ran on a loss. So, I borrowed some more money to keep my shop going and incurred a total debt of more than 7 lakh rupees with interest. I was in such a hopeless situation not knowing what to do. The money lenders would abuse me by speaking in appropriate words. I faced humiliation everywhere and decided to either end my life or run away somewhere. At this hopeless situation, a sister from our neighbourhood visited my house. She brought me to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower which is opposite to the Beach Station. The prayer intercessors there prayed fervently for me and from then on, I used to attend the fasting prayer every week, regularly. I started witnessing changes in my family. We have received great blessings in our family by praying together as a family. Now all my loans are paid off and our family is happy. Our sincere thanks to all the prayer intercessors who prayed for us to the Lord for a miracle to happen.
- P. Bhuvaneswari, Chennai
JC House Prayer Tower,ChennaiThe Lord Jesus Christ gives us a new commandment, “as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” When we thus love one another, people would come to know that we are His disciples. Also, this world will come to know that He is full of love and compassion. We read about this in the Scriptures John 15:12 and 1 John 3:23.
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was a patriot, who fought hard and sacrificed a lot for the nation of India to get freedom. He formed a huge army called the ‘Indian National Army’ in the place called Rangoon. One day, this army was divided into two because of a rift. Both the groups rose against each other and began to clash terribly. This news reached Netaji’s ears. Immediately he ran to that spot. He ordered two tables to be placed and made the two groups to sit behind those tables facing each other. He then walked in the midst of the two groups. While walking he took food from the plate of a person belonging to one group and then turned to the opposite side and took
food from the plate of the opposite group. Thus he took food from both the tables in turns and walked in the middle. On seeing this loving gesture, the men in both groups were touched and their hearts melted. They rose together and rushed to embrace each other lovingly. Thus ended their disagreement that day!
Dearly beloved, we are the biggest army of the Almighty God. This is the commandment that He has given us – “as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”
Divine Love that never Breaks
“…I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you.” (Jeremiah 31:3)
The Lord says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” We should also be filled with the love of Jesus Christ. Only then we can show love to others. Your love should be without blame (Ephesians 1:4). That’s why Jesus said, “I give My life as a sacrifice for you.” He sanctified Himself for the sake of His disciples
(John 17:19). By this, His disciples also lived with such sacrificial minds. Jesus asked, “Which of you convicts Me of sin?” (John 8:46). Pilate also said to the High Priest and the people, “I find no fault in Him” (John 19:4,6). Yes, the love of Jesus Christ is pure. When Judas rose up to betray Him, He loved him even then (Matthew 26:15). Jesus called him, ‘Friend’ (Matthew 26:50). Yes, He showed love to even those who hated Him and who betrayed Him. This is pure, divine love!
Whenever Jesus Christ wanted to talk to me, He would take me in the spirit and I would be with Him in heaven (Revelation 1:10; 4:1,2). Once, the Lord gave me a chance to visit hell. I could not forget one particular sight! It is the place where the spirit of Judas is kept. It is a lonely place! Here, his spirit is languishing without rest. He would sit down for a while and then he would stand up. Suddenly he would lament, “Oh, I have betrayed Jesus!” After that, he would be quiet for a while. That time the Angel, who took me there, told me a strange thing. He said, when the spirit of Judas was brought to hell, the Lord Jesus gave an order to Lucifer saying, “Don’t torture Judas just as how you torture other souls in hell. He was one of My disciples. My love for him has not vanished. So don’t torture him.”
My dear brother and sister, this is the blameless, pure and divine love of Jesus. He wants to give us this love.
When a man has faith in Jesus Christ, he sanctifies himself and safeguards his purity just as how God is holy and pure (1 John 3:3). Accordingly His disciples were sanctified. Jesus Christ helps us also to live pure. The love He gives us is holy. He pours in to our hearts this holy and pure love. He gives us the grace to live in unity with one another.
Love that Covers all Sins
“Above all things have fervent love for one another for love will cover a multitude of sins.” (Proverbs 10:12; 1 Peter 4:8)
I know a particular pastor. Through his ministry, several branch churches were planted. However, a pastor of one of the branch churches changed it into his own church. On hearing this, the pastor went to him and pleaded with him for several hours, to give back the church. Nothing happened and that pastor was adamant. Finally, this pastor said to him, “Alright, you can have the church for yourself. But please do me a favour. Remove my name and replace it with your own name and run the church.” Years rolled on. One of my friends wrote a book on the biography of that pastor in which he had mentioned about this incident. But that pastor did not even remember it. He had completely forgiven that pastor and had also forgotten that incident totally (Hebrews 8:8,12). This is divine love!
Yes, when others deceive us or break our hearts, the Lord pours into us His divine love in order that we would forgive and forget their cruelty against us. This divine love is as strong as death (Song of Solomon 8:6). The strongest thing in this world is death. But the Lord says that divine love is stronger than death.
On January 21, 2007, I became critically ill. The doctors, who tested me said that I had no chance of survival. However, many sisters and brothers in Chennai, who heard about it, refused to accept the doctors’ statement and continued to pray without ceasing even for a moment, for more than a week with the determination to challenge my sickness. This is the love that is stronger than death. This love brings in us compassion. God’s mercy and compassion never fails (Lamentations 3:22).
When I was a 20 year old young man, I committed my life to Jesus. From then on, I started preaching about the love of Jesus on the street corners, in villages and in hospitals. In those days, as I was working in the bank, I used to go to my job during the daytime and go to several places to preach, during the rest
of the time. But there was a pang in my heart and it was the question, “Lord, where are Your miracles? The Bible says that people came in multitudes from every direction” (Mark 1:45). Where are those Bible days? I thus lamented. One day when I was reading the Bible, I read the Scriptures,
“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38)
Immediately I prayed to the Lord saying, “Lord, when You, Yourself needed the Holy Spirit, how much more I need Him! So please fill me with Your Holy Spirit; or else let me die!” I prayed thus, not for a day or two but for nearly 7 long years, without ceasing. That day finally arrived! That day, a few servants of God had come to our house. We joined them for family prayer and knelt down in prayer. That time the Lord Jesus Christ came in our midst. I saw Him face to face for three hours. I spoke to Him. Finally, He came near me and blessed me saying, “Son, I place in you the Spirit of love and compassion in Me. I give you the same compassion that I had when I took the form of man and sojourned on this earth. Whenever you pray for the people, being filled with this compassion, I would immediately answer you.” That day the Lord totally changed my hard heart. Since that day, whenever I pray, tears started coming from my eyes. Through this divine love, I could win countless souls for God.
Yes, dear ones, ask the Lord to fill you also with His Holy Spirit. The Bible says that He is merciful and gracious (Exodus 34:6). Whenever His heart was filled with compassion, miracles took place. That’s why He wants this love to be in you. Only then your ministry will be victorious.
Love that never Fails
“Love never fails.” (1 Corinthians 13:8)
Everything that is in this world will come to an end. But the love of God will never fail since God is love (1 John 4:8,16). He says, “I live forever” (Deuteronomy 32:40). Accordingly, His love is also endless. However, in our life, when we face various trials that tend to break our hearts, we scream, “Is there any God in heaven?” I have thus cried several times, in my life. First, my both lungs failed; then my kidneys failed. After that my eye sight began to fail. Then my legs could not walk. My heart stopped for nearly 1 ½ hours. I know pretty well what the valley of tears is. I have gone through that several times. But May 21, 1986, was the peak of agony in my life. As we were travelling by car as a family, a bus collided with our vehicle and within a few minutes, our only daughter Angel died. We could not believe it. Neither could we accept it. We cried in agony for 6 weeks. I often lamented to my wife, “Where is God? Why did He allow this in our life? I have sacrificed a lot for God; I worked for Him as much as possible. Then, why this agony? I will not preach anymore. If I say that God is good, everybody would laugh at me”
Yes, sorrows and pains would assail us in our lives. At such times, it does not mean that we have gone far away from the love of Jesus. In the midst of this pain, crisis, affliction and tears, the Lord said to me one day, “Dhinakaran, if you had not gone through the path of sick bed, you would not understand the pain of people who suffer from sickness” and “Millions of people all over the world have great love for you.” But forgetting those who love you, you are hurt by the few who speak against you, without any understanding. It is the voice of the devil that uses the voice of those who accuse you. So, from today stop worrying and getting troubled by listening to their voice. Hence, for the past 22 years, I am ignoring the voice of those who accuse me and am listening only to the voice of Jesus Christ. I have learnt a new thing through my pains
and trials. Since I have gone through such agonies and valleys of tears, today I am able to understand everyone who is in agonizing situations and am able to comfort and console them. This is the divine love of Christ!
Perhaps you are going through the path of sickness! Or are you being tormented by demonic attacks? Or are you hurt by the wicked people? Are you languishing over financial problems? Are you suffering without a job? Do not lose heart. Just because you are assailed by many problems, it does not mean that the Lord has departed from you. Do not think that He has forgotten you. When my daughter died, we cried for six weeks. Our hearts were broken to pieces. I used to go to the bathroom, turn on the tap and when the water gushed out I used to cry aloud, shouting at the top of my voice, “Angel, My daughter, where did you go?” One morning, as usual, we knelt down for family prayer. Suddenly the presence of the Holy
Spirit came down in our midst mightily. He filled us for an hour. We forgot where we were. That time Jesus came and asked us, “My dear children, I shed tears along with you. Angel is with Me. But I would like to ask you a question. I have challenged the angels in heaven and the devil that you will not let Me down even amidst the loss of your daughter and that you would continue to preach My gospel. When I have said thus, will you allow Me to put My head down in shame in heaven?” On hearing this, we unanimously said with tears “Lord, we will not allow that to happen. We will continue to do Your ministry even in the midst of this great loss.” The Lord lifted us up. He will do the same to you as well. So do not be dejected. The Lord says that He will love you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). So, love one another just as He loves you (John 13:34). Surely God will bless you!
To know the easy ways of sending your offering, kindly refer to page 14.
The Lord, who helped to continue conducting the Group
My mother and I were attending the Esther Prayer Group started in Mumbai, 20 years back and were praying. Our leader, who was conducting this group, shifted to another state, seven years back. Not knowing whom to contact, we gathered on every second Saturday and prayed for the prayer points, on our own. At this juncture, the Lord gave me a vision - ‘I saw dear mother Stella Dhinakaran coming to the Prayer Tower in Mumbai and giving all of us a gift. Particularly, she was giving special gifts to those who read the Bible and pray every day. I immediately inform my mother about it and ask her to get the gift and tell dear mother that we have been conducting the Esther Prayer Group for the past 20 years. But my mother refuses to go. Dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, who is watching all these, asks me what the matter is. I inform her of everything and she then asks me to start that group’ - Since then we have been conducting this group regularly and we get the prayer points through Email. All glory be to the God of gods, who has helped us to continue conducting this Esther Prayer Group under the leadership of my mother. - Priscilla, Mumbai
(What an apt testimony to prove that the Esther Prayer Group ministry has been formed
by the Lord Himself and that He alone is conducting it. Yes, the Lord Himself is choosing His children to lead this. I praise the Lord for this sister’s genuine thirst for souls. Let us plead and intercede for the Lord to graciously help us raise such sisters all over the world –Sis. Stella Dhinakaran).
The Lord Fought for Us
Our daughter Deborah is studying in 8th standard. Some students wrongly complained about her to the teacher who then spoke harshly towards her because of which she cried a lot saying that she would not go to that school and asked us to transfer her to some other school. As parents, we were greatly perturbed and we were so dejected that we could not even pray. My husband read the promise verse given for the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group that month and asked me to meet her teacher. I also prayed to the Lord seeking His counsel as to how and to whom I should talk in this matter. That verse was given by the Lord for me. When I went to the school and spoke to that teacher, she talked to me very lovingly and said that there would not be any problem and that she would take care of everything. The Lord Himself wonderfully led me through His promise. He Himself fought for us. My daughter, who heard the teacher speaking to me with love, agreed to go to the
same school. Glory to God!
– Mrs. Edwin Ponniyah, Coimbatore.
God’s Mighty Hand
I attended the Esther Prayer Group for the very first time in 2014. Within a short period, I received the gift of prophecy through this prayer ministry. Now I have formed four types of Esther Prayer Groups in our area and am conducting them. Last year my husband was diagnosed with a tumour in the brain and underwent a surgery. We prayed for him in the Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard all our prayers and saved his life, without any harm. Also, He miraculously met all our needs. Now the Lord has helped my husband to go for his job. The hand of the Lord is working in a mighty way, much to everyone’s surprise. I give all glory to God – Angeline Niroshini, Sri Lanka.
(I thank the Lord for leading you by hand at this difficult time. Also, with much burden, I pray for your blessings – Mother, Stella Dhinakaran)
Miraculous Healing
I am the leader of our Esther Prayer Group. Sis. Meena, who prays in our group, had a tumour on her left breast. Doctors sent it for biopsy to test for cancer. At this juncture, all of us in our group, prayed for that sister, with burden. The Lord heard our prayers offered to Him with oneness of mind and on the third day the report came out to be normal – there was no cancer. The Lord Himself did this miracle for her. Glory to God!
– Shanthi Balachandran, Madurai.
Gift of a child after 8 Years
I am the leader of our Esther Prayer Group. Sis. Manimakalai of our group did not have a child even after 8 years of married life. Hence she faced lot of reproach and misery. We prayed for her in our group that God should have mercy on her and bless her with a child. Also, we sent a letter to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for her. She too sent us a reply. The Lord heard all our prayers and blessed her with a bonny boy baby and made her happy. I offer millions of praises to the Lord for this miracle.
– T. Prema, Rajapalayam.
Diabetes Vanished
One of the sisters, who pray along with us in the Esther Prayer Group had diabetes for the past 16 years. Last month, before we started the Esther Prayer Group, this sister sought our prayers saying that she had given a blood test and that her reports should be normal. Accordingly, after praying for the 20 prayer points, we prayed for her specially. The Lord heard all our prayers and helped her to get a normal blood test result. Millions of praises to the Lord, who did this miracle!
– S. Vennila Veluswamy, Chennai.God’s Divine Protection
Our son Akash is working in a shop. One day, when he was travelling by his bike, he met with an accident and was heavily injured. He was given 32 stitches and was advised of surgery since his jaw bones were broken. At this juncture, we prayed earnestly for him in our Esther Prayer Group for his healing. Hearing our prayers, the Lord did a miracle in such a way that the doctors declared that there was no need for surgery. God also helped him get discharged from the hospital and come back home early. I give all glory to the God of gods for saving his life, without any injury to his head.
– A. Shantha Athisayamani, Bengaluru.Miracle of a Whole Family Being Saved Thru’
Esther Prayer Group!
I am the leader of our Esther Prayer Group. Sis. Samundeeswari, who prays with us in the group, does not know the Lord. She attended the Esther Prayer Group Conference held in Vanagaram, last time and was blessed. Also, she learnt the Bible verses mentioned in the prayer points. She also received peace through the earnest prayers offered for women and learnt how to pray. She informed these to her husband also. One day, suddenly her husband asked her if they could go to church and he then accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. Since Sis. Samundeeswari attended the Esther Prayer Group, her family also found Jesus. All glory and honour be to God alone!
– M. Kushi Paul Jeyaraj, Chennai.Yes,
the Lord who thought about Mary thinks about you. The Lord whose vision pen etrates into the heart of people, penetrates through your heart too and He knows you. God called David who was tending the sheep and made him the king because He saw in David what people could not see. In the same way, you are transparent before God and He sees you. You might be wallowing saying no one sees you, thinks about you or cares for you, but today, God declares that He remembers you! Will you hold on to this Word all your life?
Just as the Lord thinks about you and remembers you, He also considers your actions.
When I was in abroad, a person taught me how to drive. After the driving sessions were over, I remembered all I was taught when I was driving by myself. In the same way, when the Lord teaches you something and when you remember it and practice what He says and spend your time with Him in prayer and worship, He too will consider your ways and remember your ways. He will acknowledge those who acknowledge Him. Your actions have been considered. Never forget that you are remembered by the Lord.
God remembers your love
Two days before the Passover, Jesus was invited to a feast at the home of Simon the leper.
Jesus' disciples were also there. It was there that Mary brought the jar of Alabaster and poured it on the Lord's head. She came to honour the Lord with boundless love and loved him. The only thing we need to bring to Jesus is our love. He counts our love as precious. That’s why only for Mary, the Lord had said that wherever Christ is preached, her act of love will also be proclaimed. Even so, dear friend, whenever Christ remembers you, your love is also remembered. Maybe you gave a little like the poor woman, but still, God notices your deeds. He records your love and He is mindful of them.
When Jesus was in that house, He might have been sad as it was one of His last visits to people’s houses before His death. He must have been concerned about the betrayal of Peter, Judas and the Chief Priests. Yet, it was at this point that Mary broke the jar and anointed Him. That’s why Jesus said she was preparing Him for the burial though she wasn’t aware of it. Yes, love does the right thing. That’s why Jesus could sense her act of love as God sent and He praised her for her act of love. He saw something special in her that men failed to see. Even today, God sees your every move. He senses your love in a deep way. Cheer up!
Like Mary, we must also be bold in acknowledging the love of Jesus. She never hesitated to express her love for the Lord. Even so, in all that we do, we should do for the Lord and not for men. We must go the extra mile in proclaiming who the Lord is to us! Like Mary let’s anoint the Lord which is blessing Him. When some of the people in the house were ridiculing her, she did not mind their words but kept showing her love. Did the Lord forget her? No, He was mindful of her and hence gave her the blessing that she will forever be remembered.
He remembers your faith
When the Lord spoke about Mary, He said, “She has done a good deed for Me.” Yes, serving God and working for Him is better than working for the world. That doesn’t mean everyone should do ministry. It means you do what you do with faith. Yes, without faith it is impossible to please the Lord. Our faith is like sweet fragrance to the Lord. In John 12:3 we read that when Mary
poured the ointment on Jesus' head, the room was filled with the perfume of the ointment. It touched the heart of Jesus.
Mary honoured the Lord by her actions. Scripture says in James 2:26 that ‘faith without works is dead’. Everyone merely spoke of what they would do for the Lord, but Mary showed her love in her actions. She rushed to serve the Lord. I have seen many women do it. It is the women who pray in many families. They say to the Lord that they will not leave Him until He has done this for them. The Vedas say that women are weak phantoms. But truly they are champions of prayer.
The balm that Mary poured is believed to have grown from the Himalayan region of India. They have found that when the ointment is poured on people, it stays in their bodies for a long time. It is believed that even when the Lord was suffering, his body would have had that smell. The fragrance of this ointment would have continued to come from the body of the Lord despite the pain he had suffered. The Lord would have been thinking about Mary of how she had done Him a favour. Wouldn't that have comforted Him? The Lord similarly praises the little things we do for Him. We see Jesus saying that Mary has done a good deed for Him. She had invited Him to her house for several days and had Him eat. Whenever Jesus went to Bethany, He often went to the house of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. At that time Martha was doing household chores. But Mary, sitting at Jesus' feet, was listening to Him speak. Because of this, she got to know Jesus more.
In Romans 10:17 we read, ‘faith comes by hearing’. The Lord must have taught Mary about many things. He would have explained who He was. Mary, who was listening to all of this, found out who Jesus was. So she brought this bottle of ointment and poured it on His head. She poured her love. Mary knew He was the prophet. In Luke 24:19 we read about Jesus as ‘He was a prophet
mighty in word and deed’. Mary honoured Him in this way because He was a prophet. Therefore, the Lord must have given Mary the weight of prophet hood. Yes, when we honour the servants, the Lord causes the corresponding fruit to come upon us. The Lord will never forget the effort of love that we show to Him (Hebrews 6:10). The Lord never forgets when honouring His servants. We have witnessed this many times. Sometimes we go to the hotel as a family to eat. Once when we were going to eat at a hotel, a family without our knowledge paid our bills and left. We waited for the bill for our meal. It was then that the people there said, “The bill has been settled and you can go.” When we went back and forth to find out who footed the bill for us, the family had told the hotel staff to not to tell us who paid the bill. They said that family was already gone. We were sad that we could not honour them. Yes beloved, you too may have glorified the Lord without anyone knowing. The Lord keeps all those things in His account.
He remembers your tears
God records and remembers your tears. They are written in your account. My father was ignorant of the Lord at the time of his marriage, but my mother loved the Lord. Their family circumstances were different. None of my paternal family knew who the Lord was. My mother is the only one who loves the Lord. They lived in a small village. At that time she suffered a lot for the Lord. My grandmother, my mother’s
mother-in-law, used to torment my mother a lot. I was born to my mother in much agony. She gave birth to me while she was forced to grind masala outside the house. She did that during her labour and gave birth to me in the mud and in tears. Did God forget her tears? No, He has indeed remembered her tears and has blessed me above all people. So beloved, the Lord knows every tear you shed. The Lord holds it to His account. He keeps your tears in His bottle. Your actions are remembered by God. So be bold and do more for the Lord.
He remembers your sacrifice
The Lord says Mary did her best. What did she do? When she anointed Jesus, many around her mocked her. They said she could have sold such an expensive ointment and given it to the poor. “Why is she wasting money?” exclaimed Judas. That same Judas sold the Lord Jesus for money. Even Martha made fun of her. She was wasting her time not working with me, but Mary pursued the Lord. She was sure that she would do her best for the Lord. She gave the most precious gift to the Lord. She poured all the ointment on Jesus' head. That is why the Lord says that she did her best.
Dear friend, you too can give your life and serve the Lord. Many may make fun of you. But, if you continue to live for the Lord regardless, He will look at you and say she/he has done her/his best.
May the Lord bless you right now. You may have been beaten down, suffered and unremembered in your life. People may have walked on your head. But from now on you shall see the results of the Lord’s remembrance of you. No more will your love, faith and tears go in vain. You shall be honoured above all the people of the earth.
Every day the Dhinakarans share one blessed promise from God’s word to keep you going through the day. A three-minute single thought inspired by the Holy Spirit is a daily reminder of God’s goodness to you.
Start your day with a short reminder of God’s blessings stored up for you for the day. You are most welcome to send an offering of Rs.500/- to uphold the SMS Ministry for a year which is a blessing to lakhs of people. You will also enjoy your everyday life and step into a new level of God's grace day by day. Please see page 14 for details on how to donate
by Jesus by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, St, Woods Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran