Jesus Calls (English) - August 2017

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Special blessing meetings, “One Day In One City�, was arranged in six places in Tamil Nadu , with the sole aim that everybody should taste the love of Jesus and to have a divine encounter with HIM . On June 16, 17, 18, 23, 24 and 25 these meetings were convened at Sivakasi, Theni, Dindigul, Nagercoil, Tirunelveli and Tuticorin with the support of partners, Mission Network team and the advisory committee of the Prayer Tower in those areas. Thousands, who have been waiting for this moment, took part with great enthusiasm. God blessed the nearly 60,000 people who attended the meetings. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul and Stella Ramola ministered to the crowd and brought comfort and joy to every home. There was a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit and unique miracles took place. Several names were called out during prayer time and they came forward to testify. Several of them have shown their interest to volunteer at Prayer Tower, attend the Prayer Academy course and to be an ambassador. Great joy entered all the six towns and people glorified GOD in one accord. - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


Sowing and Reaping God’s Blessings My father-in-law has been a Jesus Calls Evangelist for a long time. The moment he hears news of a child being born in a family, he

Through Jesus Calls ministry people are being blessed in many ways and come to know the love of God. Many families are being built and people with broken hearts receive new hope. God is enabling us to sustain this ministry through the sacrificial offerings of the people who love the Lord. God is very gracious and cares for the individuals and families who uphold this ministry. Here we publish some of the testimonies of the partners. Read it and glorify God.

would immediately contact them and encourage them to enrol their child in the Young Partners’ Plan. My husband Mr. Sargunam is also a Young Partner from his childhood. After we got married they made me also a partner of Jesus Calls. So, we are Jesus Calls partners in Family Blessing Plan, TV Ministry and other facets too. Once, we experienced some downturn in my husband’s business but we made a bold effort and co-sponsored a TV programme in December 2016. In that special programme, Sister Stella Dhinakaran offered earnest prayers for my husband and his business. Truly God did a miracle resulting in good growth in our business. My daughter Sharon Christina Mercy was preparing for her +2 exam. But due to some depression and physical weakness she was not able to study well before her exam. We contacted Prayer Tower and got her prayed for. We also attended the Exam Prayer Meet and had 4

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daughter Sharon Christina Mercy

the privilege of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran praying for her. What a surprise! God removed every weakness and depression from my daughter and enabled her to write all her exams well. She scored 200/200 in three subjects. Thus, she passed with high marks. By the grace of God today she is studying in an eminent college. We encourage others also to support Jesus Calls by joining as a partner and receive their blessings. - Sheela Sargunam, Egmore, Chennai.

Blessed With a Child after 10 Years of Marriage

there is no possibility for me to have a child.

We were married in 2007 but were truly disappointed that year after year went by without a conception. When we consulted the doctors, they checked me and said that there were blocks in both the fallopian tubes, and a tumour in the uterus. So they recommended for a surgery in another hospital. We went to that particular hospital, there they checked and confirmed and removed that tumour through a surgery. But, that tumour started to grow again and doctors said that

We wept bitterly. Then one day it happened that we watched a Jesus Calls TV Programme called, “Nambikkayin Neram.” In that programme Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline were praying for those who did not have children. We joined with them in that prayer and prayed for a child. Then we came to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at Dindigul, and got prayed for by the prayer intercessors and joined in Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan. When we heard about Young Partners Plan, by faith we enrolled our ‘child’ even before I conceived! After that we never went to any hospital. One day I felt

unusually weak and went for a check up. After examination the doctor declared that I was pregnant! The doctors who checked me earlier when they confirmed that I am with child were amazed and said: “Truly it is a miracle!” When the time came to give birth to my child, there were some complications and we immediately contacted Jesus Calls Prayer Tower over phone. They prayed earnestly, and God heard their prayers, and I gave birth to the child in a blessed way. We are in Family Blessing Plan and God blessed my husband by giving him a job in a government transport department. Blessed be the Name of the Lord who has blessed us fully, removing all our lack. - Shoba Irudayaraj, Panjampatti, Dindigul.

A magazine that gave new hope When I was studying in 12th standard, I was enslaved to many unwanted habits like watching cinemas. I used to watch the same film 5 or 6 times, bunking my classes. Therefore I was not able to concentrate in my studies. Since I did not study properly, I scored only 17 and 15 marks in chemistry and mathematics respectively out of 100 in the model exams. There were only 15 days left for the public exams. The school principal called me and my parents and said, “He will surely fail in the exams, the name of our school will also be spoilt.” I was very much shocked as my parents also told me, “You must somehow clear the exams.” I have never studied chemistry and mathematics lessons properly. Therefore, filled with deep sorrow and pain, I was thinking, “should I run away from home?” When I was sitting at my home, feeling heartbroken and helpless, the postman brought the ‘Jesus calls’ magazine. I opened the magazine and looked in. In it was a picture of Lord Jesus blessing a boy writing an exam. Beneath it was a verse, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov. 1:7). The moment I looked into it, I got an assurance in my heart that “Jesus can help me” and a new hope was born. I knelt down and pleaded to Lord Jesus and asked Him to help me write the exams and excel well. In the exams, the Lord graciously helped me clear them with 71% marks. After that, the Lord also guided me to pursue several degrees like B.A. and MBA. Now, I'm in a good position in a multinational company. Glory be to God. - Samuel, Gujarat. Like Samuel of Gujarat whose life was transformed through Jesus Calls magazine, there are millions more in the society who long for hope. Your financial support towards this magazine ministry can help us to take the Lord’s word at the right time, thereby giving consolation and healing to the brokenhearted and bringing new hopes in the lives of many such needy families. So we encourage you to invest generously towards the magazine ministry and to touch the millions.

Also, don't forget to introduce this magazine to your friends and relatives. - August 2017 JESUS CALLS



riend! This verse from the scripture reveals the heart of God to us. It shows us the thoughts of God that says, “Oh! My children are suffering a drought in their souls due to the curse that comes from sin. Let me go and strengthen their bones and refresh their souls. Then they will become like a garden that is watered by the rivers that never goes dry.” Yes! My Friend! These are the wonderful thoughts of God about us. This is His heart. With a deep drought in his soul Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus but his heart that was full of condemnation and guilt did not allow him to meet Him directly, yet, he hungered to see Jesus thinking it will give him some comfort. He climbed upon a sycamore tree and hid himself. Jesus went in search of Zacchaeus without his knowledge. He knew where he was hiding with His power and went right under that specific tree and looked exactly at the place he was hiding and called out his name. (Luke 19:4,5).


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When do we hide? Adam and Eve brought sin down on this earth by doing what God had asked them not to do. When God came in search of them, fear gripped them and they began to hide away from God, but God’s thoughts were different. He was saying, “Adam! Where are you? (Genesis 3:9). Come! I need to walk with you. I am your God and I want to live with you. I have given you my image and therefore you need to enjoy my image and not curses. You need to experience the glory of my image, for which I need to talk to you. I need to walk with you.” These were the loving thoughts of God who came in search of him. But Adam, because of his sin that came through disobedience, feared God and hid from Him.

My friend, you who are reading this message, may be you too are in the same situation; maybe you are struggling, unable to come to God; maybe you are not able to pray; maybe you are not able to live a holy life; may be fear has gripped your heart and soul and maybe you are struggling and suffering due to all these forces. But do you know what God’s heart is towards you? He is saying, “My son! My Daughter! Enough of the days of drought in which you have lived without being able to come into My presence; without being able to reach Me; without being able to enjoy my glory. Yes! Come! I will bring your days of drought to an end.” He looked at the hiding Zacchaeus and called him by name. Zacchaeus had never met Jesus before; neither did he know Him, but Jesus shocked and surprised him by calling out his specific name. Jesus looked at him and spoke with love and grace saying, “Zacchaeus! I need to come to your house and stay in your house. I need to also come into the house of your heart. So come down soon and don’t waste your time.” This is what Jesus is saying to you also. He is looking at you and saying, “My son ! My daughter! Why are you hiding under sin? Enough of that hiding. Come Soon to Me.” Friend! Open your heart to Him and say, “Lord! I have come to you. I surrender my life into your Hands.” When Zacchaeus came down, every one who were standing around said, “Oh! This man is a sinner! Is Jesus Christ, the Holy One, going to go to this man’s house?” Until then Zacchaeus was being called by everyone as a “Sinner! Sinner! Sinner” But Jesus called him by name. When Jesus called him to be a son of the Father God, his heart changed, totally. Zacchaeus happily took Jesus to his house.

New Language “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My

name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues.” (Mark 16:17) When you believe in Jesus, God will give you a new language. Even Zacchaeus when he received the new language his whole life changed. Till then he was unjustly demanding money from people, asking them every time, “Give money! Give money! Give money! ”That was his language. But when Jesus came into his heart joy filled his heart. Now he says, “Lord! I will give money. I will give half my money to the poor.” He does not stop with that but he goes on to say, “Lord! If I would have unjustly grabbed any money from anyone, I’ll return it to them four fold.” Yes! See how his language changed (Luke 19:8). When you speak that language, joy will flow into your heart. Yes! My friend, God is willing to give you a new language whereby you’ll say, “I am living a holy life. I am holy in money matters. I am pure in matters that tempt me. I don’t fall a prey to lust. I am faithful to my wife. I am true to my husband. I am true to my parents. I am sincere in my studies. I am dedicated to my job. I am a law-abiding citizen. All is well with me” This will be your language of joy my friend. It is this joyful life that the Lord wants to give you. The Bible says that, “out of the overflowing of the heart; the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). When Jesus entered Zacchaeus’ life, his life turned upside down. From being called, ‘a sinner; a sinner!’ he began to be called, “a good man.” Yes! It changed him in just one day. He got conformed to the image of God. What is the Image of God? The image of Christ is to pour out the love of God. Such love will make others live. It will make oneself live a holy life. That is not an image that will grab money from anyone unjustly. When the holy Christ comes into the heart of a man, he will begin to become like Jesus. Zacchaeus began to conform to His image. His life be-

comes like a watered garden and a river that never dries away. My friend! Jesus will give this abundance to you too. You will begin to increase to abundance as Christ the Holy One increases in you. All your insufficiency, lack , want, all your sin, curses and weaknesses will be destroyed. All the authority of the forces of darkness that were against you will be shattered. They will have no authority over you anymore. The days in which the people accused you will come to an end. God will give you a holy heart whereby you will be filled and surrounded by the appreciations of God and the honour of people. Yes! He will give you a holy life. Friend! Open your heart to Jesus soon. Then He will change you completely as a son of God. The blessing of the Lord is a multiplying and abundantly increasing blessing. Friend, look at Jesus and pray saying, “Lord! You went through drought so that my sins may be cleansed. You carried all my sins upon Yourself and you were beaten. You took my punishment upon Yourself. You hung there on the Cross naked and went through shame and insults of people. You gave your body to be bruised for me. You shed your blood for me. My blood is full of sin. I am not able to leave those addictive habits of drinking, lust and speaking bad words. Father! Forgive me! Wash me clean with your blood.” The Lord will forgive you and cleanse you by His blood that cleans a man from all his sins. (I John 1:7). He will change your life. Drought will disappear. You will be filled with Jesus. You will become like a fountain that will keep on flowing. Jesus will increase in you. Only six months after my marriage, my wife’s mother was affected with cancer and died when she was just 45 years of age. She was the one who prayed in that family. Following this, even her eldest brother also died out of the same disease. In the year 1990 my father suffered a heart attack. This happened just - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


at the time we had arranged a meeting at Visakhapatnam. Inspite of my father being in ICU, we proceeded to conduct the Visakapatnam meetings. All the way to the meeting my wife was crying out with tears saying,” “My mother passed away; my brother too passed away. Now if my father Dhinakaran also passes away, what will I do.” Oh! Her heart was filled with sorrow. When we went and landed there the previous night to the meetings, she experienced immense pain, but she did not tell me all this. At that time she heard a voice saying, “My daughter! As soon as you wake up tomorrow morning, join with your husband and pray.” The next day I was busy attending a few calls from my office. After waiting for some time, my wife looked at me and said, “Enough of talking! Now come! Lets pray.” Oh! There was such a drought in her heart due to loss after loss and the fear that arises due to those losses. But amidst all these feeling of pain, fear, drought and agony, she decided to go ahead and fulfill what God asked her to do. She almost dragged me to go and pray with her. My wife and I began to sing songs and pray. Immediately the Holy Spirit descended upon us mightily. He gave a new language to both of us. We were filled with this new, divine language. My wife, being filled with the Holy Spirit, began to speak in this new language and was overflowing with joy. She was shedding tears of joy. Even I was filled with the glory of God and I was worshipping God amidst the sorrow in my heart. We did this worship for one and a half hour. Then we both somehow ended the prayer. Then I looked at my wife and asked her, “Did you see Jesus?” She said, “Yes! Jesus was standing between us for the past one and a half hours. The glory of 8

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His beautiful countenance was beaming on both of us. I was looking deeply into His eyes. There was so much of life in that face”. My wife’s entire life changed from that time. God restored my father who was in sick bed, almost near to death, and brought him back to life. It was after that day that the Holy Spirit began to descend mightily upon the people through my wife. And the drought in my wife’s heart also disappeared. Thousands of people began to receive healing through my wife’s prayers. Many couple who were suffering in agony without a child received a child from God. Demons began to flee from people’s lives. People were delivered from curses and several bondages. Especially the Holy Spirit fell upon the youth and all their drought disappeared. Yes! My friend! The new language from the Holy Spirit will bring life into the areas in your life where drought was thus far existing. Due to sin we will have words of sorrow, hatred and sin but the Holy Spirit will destroy all these words by offering you words from the Holy Spirit. Yes! He will offer you a new language. God will thus, give you a new heart. He will make living streams in the desert of your heart and transform your heart into a watered garden. The Holy Spirit is working in such a way in your heart by filling you with the power of the Holy Spirit. Friend! Pray unto the Lord Jesus Christ today saying, “Lord! Jesus Christ! I surrender my heart and my life totally into your hands. Let not my will be done, rather, fill me with your Holy Spirit and increase in me like a river that never goes dry. You Yourself guide me according to Your will.” When you pray like this, the Lord Jesus Christ will come and take control of your heart. He’ll bring your heart under His power and transform it. You will see the power of the work of the Holy Spirit in you as He makes

you increase to abundance in every way.

The Blessing of Prosperity “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” (3 John 2) The Lord Jesus Christ desires to prosper you in every way. The forthcoming days of your life are going to be days of prosperity. He is also going to bless and multiply the Rs.100, Rs.1,000 and Rs.10,000 that is in your hands a thousand times more. Abundance is going to take over you. God will also bless and multiply the happiness in your life many times more. You will receive happiness from your husband; from your wife; there will be happiness coming through your children and happiness in all aspects of your life. This is the reason the Lord Jesus Christ stripped Himself to nothing; that you may have everything (Phili. 2:7). Yes! The Lord Jesus Christ gave up everything - all His glory, and came down to this earth as a poor person. He hung on the Cross naked and full of shame. He became poor so that through His poverty we might become rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9). So you can be sure that the Lord of abundance is going to break your poverty and make you rich and prosperous. God made man in His own image. He created them as man and woman. It is with the purpose to make you multiply and grow that He has united you as husband and wife. (Genesis 1:27,28). So every day when you wake-up from your sleep look at your wife and say, “It is God who has created you, exclusively for me.” Inspite of the condition your husband maybe look at him and say, “It is God who has given you as my husband”. Praise God and thank him for the spouse that He has given you. Are you saying, “Oh! There is so much of financial crunch in my life ever since we got married; there is so much of insufficiency

since the day these children were born; there is so much of financial crisis ever since the children began to go to school.” Friend! Today, surrender your life into His hands and pray saying, “Lord! You have created me in Your image. It is in your image you have created the husband and the wife.” Then worship Him for creating you like that. Then the blessing of abundance and the blessing of prosperity will flow upon you from the glory of His image. Yes! The blessing of peace and prosperity will descend upon you. Gold and silver belongs to the Lord and if you want to receive it then honour your spouse who is a gift from God to you. Whatever life-style your spouse may lead you say, “My husband /wife is made in God’s image. My Children have been given to me as my treasure and property. Praise be to the Lord.” When you thus worship Him, the Lord Jesus Christ will descend upon you and bless you with the power to multiply and increase to abundance in every aspect of your life. Our Lord Jesus is the One who had multiplied 5 loaves and two fish and fed five thousand men besides women and children. He satisfied their hunger with abundance of food. At the end there were remaining food that filled 12 baskets. (Matthew 14:15-21). Yes! This is the way He blesses. This is His style of blessing – abundance; over and above. It is in the same way God will bless what little you have. God will Himself enable you to pay back your loans and EMIs. He will also bless your meager salary. Friend! You just try giving onetenth of your earnings or income to the ministry of the Lord. God can only bless what you give into His hands. He will use that one – tenth of your income which you give with a cheerful heart and make it a blessing to tens of thousands of people by enabling the ministry to carry the healing gospel to the hurt and broken – hearted. Then He will take the sum total of all the blessings He put on their lives and pour

it upon your head. That will bring an overflowing blessing of abundant prosperity to you. It will bring you a no-room-to-contain blessing. He will also meet your needs. He will also bless your finance so that your bank balance will show you a surprising increase and abundance. He will not only bless you but will also bring you to honour. Recently a sister named Gayathri testified in one of the Jesus Calls Meetings. Her son completed his medical studies and became a lecturer. Her daughter had studied MBA. She used all her resources to make them study these highly expensive courses and so suffered terrible financial crisis. So they decided to sell their house in order to pay off their debts, and they tried to sell their property for two long years, but the house would not sell. But on the other hand debts began to increase and financial crisis began to get deep. One day she took an auto rickshaw to go to a place. The whole time she was traveling in the auto rickshaw she kept crying. The auto man asked her, “Why are you crying?” Then after she explained her situation he said, “Don’t you know that there is place of prayer called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. If you go there; they will pray for you.” For the first time in her life Sister Gayathri came to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and heard about the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. The prayer intercessors there prayed for her. They received a great comfort. And she was also given the details of the Jesus Calls TV Programmes. And since then Gayathri began to watch the Jesus Calls Programmes. There was a tremendous surprise waiting for her. In one of the TV Programmes I was suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit and I called out her name saying, “Gayathri” and then I said, “You are being tortured and you are suffering in a deep crisis. The fear of future is agonizing you

but today the Lord is building up your life. He is being a Father to you and is making blessings come your way. So do not worry.” There was an immediate flood of Joy in the heart of sister Gayathri when she heard her name being called out. Even before the wave of joy could subside there was a knock at their door. Someone had come to buy their house! In one month’s time the house was sold. Their financial crisis disappeared. Both the children who saw this miracle happening surrendered their lives into the hands of God and became the children of God. The son who was that far earning only Rs.25,000/- began earning Rs.75,000/- His salary increased tremendously in a very short time. The daughter got a job in a country abroad. All their debts and it’s pressure disappeared from their lives and the whole family came to know and experience the love of God. Friend! I am sure the same God can do the same miracle in your life too. The Lord says, “I will make a covenant between you and me and make you increase and multiply (Gen.17:2)”. God will bless you for the Abraham – like – faith that you are having upon him. He will bless you in the same way He blessed sister Gayathri. He says, “Thus far my children were facing abundance of problems, tears, financial crisis and sin but now let them abound in blessings and increase and multiply. “This is the desire of God for you. “May the Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times more numerous than you are, and bless you as He has promised you!” (Deuteronomy 1:11) God will bless you according to this verse. He promises you saying, “Don’t’ worry; I will bless you a thousand times more.” He will make you fruitful and you will multiply and increase. All the drought of your life will be transformed into a watered garden. - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


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he Jesus Calls family had hosted our treasured partners and well wishers on the Holy Land Tour. They travelled together with various groups and visited all the legendary sites of Historical and Biblical importance. Dr. Paul gets to Israel every time the Jesus Calls partners show up in the Holy Land. He considers it as a precious moment for himself and Sister Evangeline to meet up and pray with everyone at the Jesus Calls Israel Prayer Tower in Jerusalem. It is the Lord’s directive that whosoever prays from this place shall have their requests directed to the Lord! The prayer intercessors were part of the 24/7 Prophetic Prayer Chain in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Jerusalem to pray for the Nations in preparing them for the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus. Dr. Paul along with them visited Bethel, the ancient Prophetic site and prayed together for the revelation of the Spiritual reality. They journeyed to Ancient Shiloh, the city where the Tabernacle of Moses stood. Bible reads, Samuel the Prophet was raised there, and also the place where Hannah his mother prayed to God to bless her with a son! Dr. Paul offered prayer, pleading for every barren woman to rejoice with gifts of children supernaturally! Thereafter, they dined together jubilating in God’s goodness and celebrated Dr. Paul and Sister Evangeline’s wedding anniversary. The unfolding events in the Political dome impart the need for the Perfect Will of God for the Nations of the World. Many of the Prophecies of the Holy Spirit specified to Dr. Paul have been fulfilled and certain others are seen unfolding. Particularly, the ones concerning Israel and the Middle East. We encourage those with a desire to be part of this mandate to support us. The prophets in the past had predicted that all the nations would flock to Jerusalem. We are live witnesses to see the prayer intercessors from the four corners of the world get to the Israel Prayer Tower. Group from Beijing led by Pastor Steven Qi were ministered to by Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul also had the opportunity to attend a reception in the home of Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin in honour of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast initiative. It was an event organized by the Israeli Parliament (Knesset), inviting prominent leaders from the Christian world in support of Israel through prayer. He had the privilege of addressing the participants of the Prayer Breakfast with a message from the scripture. Glad to perceive that the world leaders have begun realizing the supremacy of prayer. Unite with us in prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem and for the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ! We hope to see you with us in Jerusalem on the next Holy Land Tour and the Jesus Calls World Prayer Convention during May 2018. - Bro. Arun Thomas, Group Director – International Affairs, Jesus Calls Global Partnership - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


This new building will house: • 24 hours telephone prayer service • Spiritual Counselling rooms that would serve 25,000 people every month through direct prayers and spiritual counselling. • Auditorium with a seating capacity of 2,000. • Chapel • Chain Prayer room • Auditorium for Prayer Academy • Rooms for prayer intercessors • Parking facility • Library • Audio/Video facilities • LED screens

7 crores of people in the state of Karnataka, turn blessed because of you! Through your prayers and support the Prayer Tower construction is in progress. Here is the blessing story of dear partners who have contributed towards the construction of the Frazer Town Prayer Tower, Karnataka..... e had problems in constructing our house. Contractor was giving us trouble without returning our money. After we got prayed from Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, we made a vow to give some amount to Bangalore Prayer Tower construction. Within a week God answered our prayer and we got the money back. So we donated Rs.10,000/- towards the Bangalore Prayer Tower Building Fund . All glory to God for answering our prayers. As Dr. Paul announced that when we build God’s house, God will build our house, how true it is! - Manila Chandra was worried about the studies of my daughter who was in 2nd PUC. We came to Jesus calls and got prayed by the prayer intercessors. As I sat in the chapel and prayed in silence, I thought I should give to Bangalore Prayer Tower Building Fund but at that time I didn’t have money. So, I said, “LORD, after my daughter’s exam, when we get results I will come and give this amount. Accordingly my daughter secured 87% in her 2nd PUC and we came and donated Rs.3000/- towards the Building Fund. Glory to God. - Indrani


You can also continue to support through your liberal offerings as led by the Lord and be a blessing to many. 12

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God has been so mindful of us in raising 7 Prayer Towers in Telangana... and 16 Prayer Towers in Andhra Pradesh. Secunderabad will now house a new Prayer Tower in response to the people who are in dire need of prayers.... to set them free from weariness, sickness, loss, sorrow and bondages. The Secunderabad Prayer Tower will house • Basement for car parking • Ground floor for car parking • First floor – Prayer Tower operation (Reception, Chapel, Counselling rooms, Chain prayers rooms, Admin room, Resource centre and Toilets etc.) • Second floor Auditorium. • Third floor - Accounts, Telephone Prayers, Publications • Fourth floor – Regional Operations with Media etc. It is you who have sown faithfully to raise these Prayer Towers – a refuge to the broken hearted. “BUILD THE LORD’S HOUSE; HE WILL BUILD YOUR HOUSE.” (2 SAMUEL 7:11)

YOU TOO CAN SUPPORT THIS MISSION AS FOLLOWS. (Please fill in your choice) Frazer Town Prayer Tower Project, Karnataka

Secunderabad, Prayer Tower project, Telengana

Need Rs 3 lacs per month to operate each Prayer Tower. (Kindly pray that God will meet all these expenses) Rs................each month OR

Rs.50, 000

Rs.1 lakh

Rs.3 lacs as one time offering

(for constructing chapel & prayer rooms for counselling – your name will be etched on the walls of the counselling rooms in remembrance of your noble act) MY PRAYER REQUEST TO BE PRAYED AT THE PRAYER TOWER “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15) 1............................................... 2................................................. 3....................................................... Dr Paul and his family along with the Prayer Intercessors pray daily for God to reward you a 100 times breaking all bondages and providing the hidden riches and treasures in darkness. (Isaiah 45:2,3) Easy ways to send your donation (Please mention your option Frazer Town Prayer Tower / Secunderabad Prayer Tower while sending your donation)  Through

Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Tower closest to you and make a donation in person by Cash / Swiping Machine. Through Post Office: You may send your donation through Money Order & EMO, Donations also can be sent by “Mobile Money Transfer” through Post Offices to the number 9840 900 480.  By Demand Draft / Cheque: Drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” and can be sent by Registered Post to the address: Jesus Calls, No. 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028.  Through Online: You can donate through our secure website using Credit/ Debit card / Net Banking and Mobile Wallets. Donation details can be intimated to our Partner Service No. 18004257755 (Toll Free – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm)  By Bank: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No.: 000901056144 Bank: ICICI Bank Ltd, Nungabakkam Branch, Chennai 600 034. IFSC: ICIC0000009 Details of the donations sent directly to the Bank can be intimated through email:  Through Ambassadors: You may meet our Jesus Calls Ambassador in your local area and make your donations. You will be provided an acknowledgement for the same. To know your area Ambassador, Please contact 18004257755 (Toll Free – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm)  Jesus Calls Mobile App: Download the new Jesus Calls mobile app from Google play store and then you can make your donation through the mobile app.  Paytm: Donate using Paytm  For more details: For 24x7 Prayers TAMIL/ENGLISH (044 - 33 999 000)  TELUGU (040 - 33 999 000)  MARATHI (022 - 33 999 000)  HINDI/PUNJABI (011 - 33 999 000)  KANNADA (080 - 33 999 000)  GUJARATI (079 33 999 000)  MALAYALAM (0471 - 33 999 000) - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


The 16th convocation at Karunya granted 1886 young adult to become legit graduates. Students relieved of their academic responsibilities flew out to explore the world for their future. Chancellor Dr. Paul Dhinakaran conferred degrees to 1403 under graduates, 415 post graduates, 102 rank holders, 68 PhDs and M.Phil candidates. The Chief Guest Hon’ble


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Mr. Justice Kurian Joseph, Judge, Supreme Court of India was overtly elated hearing the records of the academic pursuits of the university students and faculty. In his convocation address, Mr. Kurian emphasized that students have to be highly conscious of the country, the society and their parents as they bestow their constitutional rights judiciously. While conferring degree to all of the graduates, Chancellor Dr. Paul Dhinakaran showered praises and blessings upon the

students and took pride in stating that the students of Karunya University were imbibed with spiritual discernment and zeal to serve humanity and to eventually become leaders who can find solutions to human problems using scientific, social and technological research. Ms. A. Angelin Rajathi from M.Tech Control and Instrumentation Engineering and Ms. V. Gowsika Selvanayagi of B.Tech Food Processing and Engineering won the Chancellor’s Award for their outstanding achievement in securing highest CGPA of 9.72 and 9.46 respectively. Evoking the true spirit of love and kindness, the graduating students sponsored motor bikes and tricycles to benefit the differently abled through SEESHA. Karunya first time in the history witnessed 2200 new students from all across India walk proudly into

the Karunya Campus. Chancellor Dr. Paul Dhinakaran welcomed the freshers and personally greeted students and their parents to the campus. Curious students and parents not sure what to expect during the first year of education was overwhelmed when they came upon the University’s academic functioning, infrastructure and a safe secure home away from home atmosphere. An ocean of mixed emotions flooded between the parents and their wards as they left them to pursue their dream careers at God’s Own University. A Swearing-in ceremony to inculcate the leadership qualities in students was organised at Evangeline Matriculation Hr Sec School and Karunya Christian School. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, the chief guest of the day gave the badges to the Head Boy and Head Girl and inducted them to their administrative roles. - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


The prayer intercessors who have obeyed the call to come to the National Prayer tower, Delhi for a month of prayer have sincerely prayed with supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving for all kings and for all that are in authority and God is pleased with them because this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour (I Timothy 2: 1-3) as they are fulfilling the will of God. God graciously reveals His secrets to them and does miracles in their lives as seen in their testimonies and prophecy fulfilment. Here are a few testimonies…on how they were personally blessed: I thank God for His grace on me. I had a nice experience here and one day I saw Jesus and got direct revelations from Him. Holy Spirit guided me during prayer time. - S. Srinivasan, Chennai. I thank God for National Prayer Tower, Delhi. The burden I had in my heart to pray for the Nation has been fulfilled. The prayer materials given here helped me to pray focussed and in a better way. This prayer developed my self-confidence and faith. -Sushma Charles, Punjab. From the prayer points maintained in the different files I could get a better vision about our country and the problems faced by the people both in the urban and rural area. The six hours continuous prayer for the nation and the cabinet ministers was a blessing. It helps me to go home with the same burden to pray for long hours. - Densing Marngar, Meghalaya.

It is amazing to witness the power and effect of the prophecies revealed to our prayer intercessors. 16

JESUS CALLS August 2017 -

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WE FURNISH FEW SUCH PROPHETICAL UTTERANCES AND THE FULFILLMENT. Prophetic declaration by the prayer intercessors • In the name of Jesus we declare, God’s blessing to be upon the state of Rajasthan; state government to take initiatives and decisions favorable to people. (Prophesied on 19/05/2017) • I saw a vision, and in that as I was praying for the state of Rajasthan, God showed me big sized bunch of fruits. (Prophesied on 19/05/2017) • Rajasthan Government will bring plans to reduce the malnutrition and bring good food plans for people. (Prophesied on 03/06/2017)

Prophetical fulfillment: SOURCE, THE HINDU, 06/06/2017 Prophetic declaration by the prayer intercessors • Hereafter Punjab will have always wheat in their barns and warehouses. 18/04/2015 • Government will help Punjab financially; God will raise an anointed servant as a political leader in Punjab. 10/10/2015 • In a vision I saw a Sikh farmer of a village. In the name of Jesus I prayerfully declare, ‘Lord, give peace to Sikh farmers, give your protection, give your blessing of their lands’. 12/01/16

Prophetical fulfillment: SOURCE, HINDUSTAN TIMES ONLINE, 20/06/17 Prophetic declaration by prayer intercessors • New amendment will be made for GST bill, and this bill will pass. 24/03/17

Prophetical fulfillment: Source, Hindustan times online, 20/06/2017; Source, The Hindu, 01/06/2017 Prophetic declaration by the prayer intercessors • Karnataka state will show concern on the poor and the needs of farmers. 09/10/2015 • In a vision, I saw when I was praying for the farmers of India, a hand came wiping the tears of them and in front of them, I saw fruits salad in a full bowl. 8/11/2015 • The State and Central Governments will be much concerned about the problems of farmers, they will allocate major amount to the agriculture, the debts of the farmers will be cancelled. 10/09/2016

Prophetical fulfillment: Source, Hindustan Times, 22/06/17 The Lord has been gracious and answering every prophecy of His chosen prayer intercessors Dear readers, if you have a burden to pray for the welfare of our nation you are most welcome to come to the National Prayer Tower, Delhi for a month to stay and to pray. Your food and lodging will be taken care of. For more details: National Prayer Tower, 5th Floor, CNI Bhawan, 16, Pandit Pant Marg, New Delhi- 110001 Phone: 8826340044/8826340033 Prayer Tower: visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area. Toll Free: 18004257755 (Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm) - August 2017 JESUS CALLS



ne of the most wonderful characteristic of our God is that He is a God who ‘Sees’ us. A more appropriate word for the word ‘See’ is the word ‘watch’. He is a God who watches over us. The term ‘watches’ means ‘to fix one’s eyes upon something with great concern and affection with an genuine intention to protect and prosper that person. Now you will be able to understand this char-


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acteristic more deeply. Yes! Our Lord is a Lord who watches over you. His eyes are fixed on you constantly. There is a woman in the Bible who had a very powerful experience of this attribute of God. Her name is Hagar. She was an abandoned and rejected slave-woman who cried unto our God as God responded to her cry and you’ll be touched by the way she describes God. She says, “You are the God who sees” (Gen.16:13). A more appropriate translation could be “You are the God who watches.” You may wonder whether God is ‘watching’ over you as an individual in this world of 7 billion people but friend , be sure of this that His eyes are watching over you individually, because He is omnipresent. He is so powerful that He can watch over everyone of the 7 billion people individually. It is He

who created you and so can watch over you. It is He who created your bones, flesh, tissues and blood and so he knows every bit of detail about you. He has saved your tears in His bottle. God watched over Hagar. She was dragged by her situations into a lonely desert. She was forced to leave behind all her loved ones and come to a desert. Irrespective of her desire, she was taken as a slave to Abraham and his wife Sarai forced her to marry her own husband Abraham. Even that could have been forced upon her because she was a slave and had no choice. She had no freedom or any rights. As soon as she married Abraham she also conceived and the same Sarah who gave her as a wife to Abraham now turned against her and blamed her (Genesis 16:5). And Abraham washed off his hands saying, “She is your slave and she is in your hands and you are free to do unto her what you want to do with her” (Genesis 16:6). The abandoned Hagar who was conceived by this time, ran into the desert. It was at this situation the angel of the Lord met Hagar (Genesis 16:7). Friend! Sometimes we too get caught into such situations where everyone washes their hands off us and leaves us alone. Even David went through such an experience. He says, “I am forgotten like a dead man, out of mind; I am like a broken vessel” (Psalm 31:12). Abraham and Sara knew God so well and were walking and living with Him but it was they who treated Hagar so badly. It was in that situation that God saw her and spoke to her. Yes! My friend it is even in situations like this that the Lord sees us and meets us at the point of our need. Look at what Mary says, when God saw her and lifted up her position: “For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.” (Luke 1:48)

Yes! My friend! God sees you even when you are in a very low position or state. Are you in a tough family situation right now even as you are reading this message? Are you agonizing saying that people whom you trusted have bitterly failed you? Are you worried because your family life has been confused? Friend! Look at the God who watches over you; look at the one who sees you and blesses you. When the Lord blesses you, others will see your blessing and call you, ‘blessed’ like Hagar. You too cry unto the Lord saying, “Father God! You are a God who sees the condition of this slave whose position is low.” He is the One who considers us in our low positions. (Psalm 136:23). He is full of comfort and compassion (Psalm 116:5). He never ever rejects anyone (Job 36:5). So keep looking at the God who Sees! A huge crowd of people came to see Jesus Christ and stayed with Him for 3 days. Then the Lord was moved with compassion on them. He thought, “Oh! These people have travelled long distances to see me. They must really be hungry and should not faint on their way home! Let us do something for them!” He then performed a miracle and gave them good food to eat and sent them full and satisfied (Matthew 15:32,37). My Friend! That is the same way He looks at you too! He looks at you with compassion and performs a miracle to help you out of your tough situation. So be cheerful because He is going to remove all your lack and want and fill you with health and prosperity. I once received a letter from a sister called Regina. In that letter she wrote, “I am conceived. I am the breadwinner of my family. My husband has no job. We are a joint family. There was so much of work I had to do at home, besides the work that I do in laboring as a help in many houses. The work load had become so heavy that I could not bear its weight that at one point I left everyone at home and went off to my mother’s house. Now

there is no peace in my family. Please pray that peace is restored in my family.” As soon as I saw the name ‘Regina’, I thought of my sister Regina. I began to love her like my own sister. Then I placed my hands upon the letter and pleaded unto God to give her deliverance. I prayed with a deep compassion and replied to her letter with love. After a few months I received another letter from her. She had written thus, “Sister! Even before your letter could reach me my husband came to my house and took me back to our home. Now we have a good house to stay and in it me, my husband and my child are living happily. My husband has found a job and my child is happy and keeping good health.” What a surprise! What an amazing miracle!” My friend who is reading this message, I am sure the Lord will do this to you too.

The God who sees the future! “Hagar, Sarai’s maid, where have you come from, and where are you going?…” (Genesis 16:8) God sees Hagar and asked her, “Hagar, Sarai’s maid; where have you come from and where are you going?” When you look closer at these words you will be able to see the concern of God. God saw Hagar’s condition and by asking, “Where are you going?” He means, “Hagar! What is your future?” He was enquiring about her past condition? It was then that her eyes were opened. Friend! God does not ‘see’ us casually. He not only sees us in the present, He also ‘Sees’ our past and our future. He sees us as a whole. He sees how our past had affected us; How our present is troubling us and He also plans how to make the future wonderful. God wants us to live and be a head and not a tail (Deuteronomy 28:14). When God asked her where she was going, Hagar said, “I am - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


fleeing from the presence of my mistress Sarai.” But look at the counsel the Lord gives her. He says, “Return to your mistress and submit yourself under her hand” (Genesis 16:9). Friend! Note here that when the Lord says something it would be wise on your part to implicitly obey because He alone knows and sees our future. It is very easy to run away from the problems of life; it is easy to run way from the wife; from the husband; from the mother – in – law; from the children or from parents. But what is wise is to stay and overcome the situation by power of God. In today’s world people get upset and angry over very small things that are happening in the family and they immediately leave home. They say, “Oh! You said this word against me and so I am leaving the family”. But where can we go when we run away from God? He alone knows our entire life. He alone knows how to lead us out of the confusion. He alone knows the exact solution for our problem. He alone knows what good to do to us. And that is why it is important to depend upon Him and to obey His counsel and voice. When Hagar heard the words of God she was so happy as if she saw a miracle. She was touched by the act of God. She was excited thinking, “Oh! No one pitied me. I was thrown away, abandoned and rejected by men but God has seen me. Oh! God has seen me and is always staying with me.” This feeling that God is with us can give us a lot of strength. You should also understand here that it is not easy to return from the place where you had walked away. Returning to the place that insulted us and chased us away is very difficult. But Hagar obeyed God at His word and returned to Sarai but we need to note here that her obedience was only half obedience. She returned to Sarai but did she stay humbly under her? No! She gave a lot of trouble to Sarai and irritated her many times and that is why Sarai was forced to send her away to 20

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the desert (Genesis 21:14). Friend! This is where we have to be vigilant and careful at what God is asking to do. We should not hear God partially and obey Him incompletely. Hagar’s partial or incomplete obedience took her again into the desert. However the God who sees blessed her saying, “I will make you also a huge nation and multiply them as innumerable. I will bless them and make your community great.” God remained faithful and kept His word but Hagar had to put herself into trouble by being pushed into the desert again. Let us remember what the Bible says, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” (James 1:22) Friend! Don’t ‘go’ or ‘do’ whatever you want but pray to God and discern His Will. Pray to Him saying, “Father I don’t want to go anywhere by my own desire and will. Please lead me according to your Will.” You also pray like David saying, “And see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:24). Instead of running away like Hagar, let us run towards God every time we get upset. Let us totally rely on Him saying, “Lord! You alone can help me, save me and deliver me” (Isaiah 30:21). When you pray like this, then the Lord will begin to see you, speak to you and guide you saying, “This is the way ; walk in this path my son! my daughter!”. You will hear a voice beside you guiding you in your every step saying, “Son! This is the way. Take this path. Take this decision. Speak to them like this. Don’t get upset with them. Only then I will bless you.” Thus He will reveal to you the things to come and lead you (John 16:13). You may ask God for small things like, “Lord! bless my family”, but God would reveal the great things that are yet to happen in your life and tell you, “Son! You are a big prophet! You will be a great blessing to the earth.” The thoughts

of the Lord are higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). He will hold our hands and beautifully lead us. From the life of Jesus Christ we can see how God blesses us when we hear His words and obey Him. We read that the chief priests of his days cast many accusations on him due to jealousy. But Jesus kept silent (Mark 15:3, 9). In the same way my friend, when we remain silent to the accusation of our enemies and those who persecute us we will be blessed by the Lord. “Repay no one evil for evil. Have good regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” (Romans 12:17,18) The Bible asks us to live peaceably with all men and only do good to people irrespective of whether they are good or bad; righteous or wicked. When we trust God when we are surrounded by evil men, when we fear God even amidst them, God has great things in store for us (Psalm 31:19). It is very necessary for us to believe God before man. When we fear God He will have great things in store for us. Others may do many evil things but our powerful and wise God who sees us is able to turn these evil things to benefit us in such a good way that those who did these evil things will see the results and regret for having done that to us. The brothers of Joseph did great evil against him but God turned it out for their good. (Genesis 50:20). Friend! God’s ways are so full of wisdom that it looks like mysteries to us. They are so deep that human mind cannot comprehend. No wonder the Bible says, “Eye has not seen; nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. (1 Corinthians 2:9). Human mind cannot perceive the thoughts of God. They will not be able to understand the blessings that God has in store for us. At present you might have been

hacked by something evil and you might cry out saying “Oh! What a big tragedy has happened to me? How will I come out of this condition?” But do you know what are the thoughts of the God – who – sees – you? He thinks, “Oh! My child must not fall apart. He should not fail and face shame and trouble. He should only be blessed. He should belong to the family of royal priesthood.” So He comes with His power, wisdom and love and delivers you from that situation. Remember God has prepared all the good things for us even before the creation of the world. Yes! God is looking at you and telling you, “I will prepare a table before your enemies and your cup will overflow (Psalm 23:5).

He sees to give you the Holy Spirit “I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.” (Ezekiel 36:27) The God who watches over us does everything for us. He Himself says, “My children should not suffer for anything. Let me go and pour out the Holy Spirit upon my son or my daughter so that He will be able to follow my laws and lead a righteous life. At this juncture, I feel it suitable to share with you the testimony of a youngster named Praveen. He had travelled from the city of Hyderabad in the state of Andhra Pradesh to attend the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival held in the city of Madurai in the State of Tamil Nadu. He said, “I studied very well upto my 10th std. After that whenever I closed my eyes to pray, I saw strange and unnecessary things. These things disturbed me very much. They used to torment me very often and beyond that point I will not be able to pray. It is in this condition I participated in

the Jesus Calls Meeting held at Madurai. As I joined Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran when she was leading the prayer, suddenly I felt a hand touching my head. It was at that time Sister was commanding from the pulpit saying, “You evil spirits that are tormenting the bodies of these people I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of their bodies.” When she said that, the Holy Spirit descended mightily upon me and I was filled with the Holy Spirit. I jumped with joy. At that moment all these strange and evil things in my mind disappeared and never returned. All the bad thoughts; wrong imaginations and disturbing thoughts never came back. I am completely delivered. The Lord Jesus Christ has entered my heart. My heart is overflowing with joy and gladness. Today I am living freely and happily. I am not able to control the Spirit of joy that is overflowing my soul.” My dear Friend! It is nothing for the Lord to help you whether with many or with those who have no power (2 Chronicles 14:11). Are you asking saying, “I do not have any strength even to pray? I am so beaten up and exhausted?” Are you saying, “I am like Hagar. Will the Lord help me?” Friend! Surely the Lord will keep the Holy Spirit within you and help you. He will strengthen your inner being. It is for this reason the Lord has given us the Spirit of grace and the Spirit of Prayer. He has given us the Spirit of Prayer so that we don’t stop by just praying for ourselves but also for others too.

God watches us amidst agony “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You.” (Job 42:5) Friend! When you go through days of agony the Lord will be with you. When troubles mount up

around us it is natural for us to get the thoughts in our minds saying, “Is God really with me?” This thought will also bring fear. Many times we cry out saying, “Lord! Are you seeing me? Are you hearing my prayers?” Job also cried like this but when the Lord revealed Himself to him he says, “MY eyes beholds you “or” My eyes looks at you!” There is no agony beyond what Job suffered. He knew God but when He was blessed he ‘Saw’ God. Even so my friend God will bless you and make you say, “Lord! I have seen you, you have blessed me. I believe you will multiply me and make me prosper.” When Mary went to the grave where the body of Jesus was kept, she cried “they have taken my Lord away”. But He was standing right by her side. She did not knew that and questioned him, ‘I don’t know where they have put Him; He is not there’ (John 20:11-15). We too, when we pass through the valley of agony, devil blinds our eyes from seeing Him. Brother Rajendra Choudry from Patna who went through such a agony, wrote a letter of witness and here it is.. I was suffering from the deadly disease called Parkinson for 2 years. My hands, legs and whole body would be shaking all the time. I could not do any work. With great faith and expectation, my family carried me to the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival held in Patna. During the prayer time, when you were praying, the Lord touched me and I was healed instantly. Now I am able to walk freely. Glory be to God. It is in the same way the Lord will fill your heart too my friend. He will open opportunities in such a way that it will bring prosperity unto you. He says that He is a God who will never relent in doing good. (Jeremiah 32:40,41). He will not just bless you once and then leave you forever. He will keep blessing you again and again. And He will bless you and your family too. - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


Beloved brother / sister, Loving Greetings! My heart is filled with joy to meet you through this newsletter for the month of August. Sharing with you from the depth of my heart every month has always been a joyous experience for me. I would look forward for this opportunity to share with you the visions and plans given by God and to fulfill them with your powerful prayers and valuable offerings, and bringing to you the information about how many souls have been touched, saved, delivered and transformed through your prayers and support gives me immense joy and gladness. It gives me great rest in my soul to share with you this news so that you will convert them as prayer points and pray to God with deep passion and fervency. I know that you are praying with a deep burden that not one soul should be lost and also contributing your might towards this goal and therefore I am sure the Lord will bless you according to Deuteronomy 32: 13 which says, “He made him ride in the heights of the earth, that he might eat the produce of the fields; He made him draw honey from the rock, and oil from the flinty rock.” (Deuteronomy 32:13) Yes! God’s Word will never fail. He will make you ride in the heights of the earth and will lift you up in the society; in your work place and bring you honour. Not only that, He will satisfy you in your family life and personal life and bless you abundantly.

Prayer Tower Ministry “Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.” (Jeremiah 29:12) Prayer Tower is a very important service in the Jesus Calls Ministries. The Jesus Calls Prayer Ministry began on 12th August, 1983. God gave this vision to my Late father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran that through Prayer Tower, we should show the same compassion to people that our Lord Jesus Christ showed when He was walking on this earth. This is exactly what the Prayer Towers are doing across the world - to pray with love, concern and compassion. (Matthew 9:36; 14:14, Mark 6:34). Presently there are around 109 Prayer Towers functioning in several places all over the world. Every Prayer Tower is being run by anointed prayer intercessors whose hearts are filled with burden for souls. The Prayer Towers are functioning very well with the faithful and sin22

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cere services of prayer intercessors who voluntarily give forth some of their precious time amidst their earthly commitments to receive training in the ministry to be effective prayer intercessors. Besides this we have also employed full time prayer intercessors and both of these people are doing a wonderful work in praying for the people. It is your cheerful, sacrificial and generous offering and fervent prayers that enables us to take these blessings to hundreds of thousands of people.

New Building for Prayer Towers We are erecting a new building in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in the city of Bangalore. This building is being specially built to accommodate people who come with various problems and needs in life to share their prayer requests and get prayed. These heart-broken people need a quiet place to sit and meditate at the feet of the Lord. Arrangements are being made to establish a Prayer Tower at Secunderabad. We have started these works with your offering to the Jesus Calls Ministry. Please pray for these projects to get completed soon and for the Kingdom of God to be built-up through these Prayer Towers. God is continuing to bless those who participate in the building of these Prayer Towers with their liberal offerings. God is building up the lives and families of those partners who would arise and build the house of God. I praise God for blessing them. Please continue to pray for the Prayer Tower building projects. Support those projects with your generous offerings. You can send – in your offerings through our website or else you can just call 1800 425 77 55 to get more details about the various ways you can sow in the fertile ground of the Jesus Calls

Ministry. You can call this number from 7 am to 9 pm. You can also introduce the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower to your friends, relatives and neighbours. Explain to them that in the Prayer Tower their personal prayer requests will be prayed for and personal counseling will be offered and special Blessing Meetings will be conducted which they can attend and be blessed. Help them to receive blessings through receiving prayers from the Jesus Calls Ministries. Then they will surely receive miracles from the Lord and God will keep your help in His account and bless you abundantly (Hebrews 6:10).

Telephone Prayer Ministry The Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Towers are functioning efficiently by catering to the needs of people who are not able to visit the Prayer Towers in person. This service functions from 8 am to 8 pm. The Telephone prayer intercessors are fully equipped and always prepared to pray for these who call with a broken – heart and induce hope into those hopeless souls. The Telephone Prayer Towers are offering services in 9 languages, Tamil, English, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Hindi, Punjabi and Gujarati. We are taking all efforts to make these prayer services available in various other languages. Please pray for this too.

Your Voluntary Service in the Prayer Tower “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” ( 1 Corinthians 15:58) The chief reason for the Prayer

Tower services to have grown up to this extent and for it to function this efficiently is the self – sacrificial efforts of those who render their voluntary service to these Prayer Towers. Many are those who, despite their busy schedules in their earthy commitments manage to cull out some time like their weekly offs, their vacation, their leave days and their spare hours. They even come and serve in the night hours and what is more touching with these precious ones is that they render all these services without expecting any kind of compensation. The Lord who sees these acts of sacrifice is blessing their families in turn. Even you who are part of the Jesus Calls Ministry can participate and offer your voluntary services by contacting the Prayer Tower nearest to you and serve there at a time conducive to you. I lovingly invite you to come and offer your voluntary services. You are invited to contact the Prayer Tower administrators and get details regarding your voluntary services. I am sure that the Lord who sees your faithful service will reward you abundantly.

Forthcoming Meetings “….the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven,...” (Colossians 1:23) We are preparing to deliver God’s word in the following meetings. 2017 October 7, 8 – Partners Meeting in Colombo, Kandy 2017 October 13-15 – Prayer Festival at Bidar, Karnataka 2017 October 19-21 - Prophetic Conference, Mauritius 2017 October 22-23 - Blessing Meeting, Mauritius 2017 October - 23 - Prayer Tower opening, Mauritius - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


2017 October 27-29 Prayer Festival, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh Please pray for us so that God will use us mightily; that many people may come to know of these meetings and attend these meetings with their families and friends; that they may receive the message that is prepared for them, be strengthened in their souls, be healed in their bodies receive the miracles that they desire from the hands of the powerful God.

Bethesda Prayer City The Holy Spirit showed me that in Karunya Nagar at Coimbatore we would have to establish a Bethesda Prayer City. It would house a 24 hours Prayer Tower to pray for the needs of the people who had sent their prayer requests from around the world & for all Ministries. It would have a 24 hours praising and thanksgiving centre and a 24 hours Telephone Prayer centre. Apart from the huge auditoriums to hold Prayer Services each day in different languages for anointing the sick with oil, there will be halls for people to have their own retreats as well as for the Bethesda team to conduct retreats for anyone or any group on request. There will be a Prayer hall for the Dhinakaran family to meet and pray individually for those who come for prayer; Prayer rooms for people to pray by themselves and other prayer rooms for the prayer intercessors to pray for people needing prayer in different languages. There will be a meditation Chapel for people to meditate and pray themselves. It will have a Hall of miracles for people to read and hear about the miracles people receive through the Jesus Calls Ministry. 3 days course on prayer will be offered by Prayer Academy in that campus .The Campus will have dormitories and rooms for people to boarding and lodging. Stations of 24

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the all the miracles that the lord Jesus did while on earth, the resurrection, the ascension and Second Coming will be depicted as individual electronic shows .And much more!!

New Books! We are doing the ministry of writing and publishing books so that people will get to know the secrets of the Bible and the special revelations from God. My mother Stella Dhinakaran’s book “The Importance of Prayer in Family life” in Tamil is being a blessing to many people. Now she has written ‘Part 2’ of the same book. According to the revelations given by God to me, I am now writing a book titled, “Prophetical Prayers and Prophecy.” We are making arrangements for the book to be published soon. You are welcome to sponsor the publication cost of this book. God will surely see your heart to take the truths of God to people and thus bless you abundantly.

Pray for Karunya! The Graduation Ceremony of the Karunya University took place in a meticulous manner. It was a wonderful spectacle to see more than 1800 students receiving their degrees on that day. God is fulfilling the vision He gave regarding the Karunya University, in a wonderful way. He is expanding its frontiers in a marvelous way. We are about to establish the Centre for Business Management in Coimbatore and Centre for Arts, Science and Paramedical courses in Perriyanayakkanpalayam. Parents are joining their children in Karunya University with great enthusiasm especially in courses like Agriculture that was started newly and in other courses of study. Please pray for God to bless the studies of each student of the Karunya University, their personal

lives and make them as shining witnesses for His glory. Please pray especially for the Research Projects done in Karunya that these research projects may end up in bringing effective solutions to human problems and social problems and for the Research Centres to receive enough co-operation and support needed. Efforts are underway to computerize the total office functions of the Jesus Calls Ministry. Pray for this effort to be completed in an efficient way. Also pray for the effective services of the National Prayer Tower in Delhi and the Israel Prayer Tower in Jerusalem. Also remember to pray for the World Prayer Convention to be conducted in Israel in May 2018. God is waiting to fill with the desired blessings, those of you who are praying for our family; for the staff who are working with us and along with that sending your valuable offerings for God’s ministry to be accomplished through us. "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27) According to this verse God will shatter all the blocks that were stopping you from progressing and succeeding in life. He will do this in this month in your life. I am constantly praying for you. Don’t forget to inform us of the blessings and miracles you receive through the Jesus Calls Ministries, so that we too can join you and praise and worship God for His love, grace and power. You can personally mail me at or you can write me at Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Your loving Brother

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

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1 John 4:12 - Love one another Meditation: Lev. 19:34; Matt. 19:19; John 13:34,35; 1 Peter 1:22. Philippians 4:7- Peace of God will guard your hearts. Meditation: John 16:33; Rom.15:13; Col. 3:15; 2 The. 3:16. Psalm 31:19 - Great is God’s goodness. Meditation: Psalm 85:12; 107:8; Jer.31:14; 33:9; Matt. 7:11; Heb. 11:40. 1 Chronicles 29:12 - Wealth and honour come from God. Meditation: Deu. 8:18; 1 Kings 3:11-13; 2 Chro. 1:11,12; 17:3-6; Prov. 10:22. Deuteronomy 28:7 - Enemies who rise up against you, will flee from you. Meditation: Exo. 15:2-7; Deu. 33:811; 2 Sam. 22:47-49; Psalm 68:1. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 - God of peace will sanctify you. Meditation: Isaiah 26:12; John 14:27; Heb. 4:12; Jude 24. Isaiah 33:6 - Salvation, wisdom and knowledge will be stable. Meditation: 1 Sam. 23:2; 1 Kings 4:30; Prov. 14:18; Eccl. 7:12,19; Rom. 11:33. Psalm 18:35 - God’s gentleness will make you great. Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:36; Psalm 5:12, Jeremiah 31:3; 2 Peter 1:3. Isaiah 8:13 - Fear God. Meditation: 1 Chro. 16:25; 2 Chro. 19:7; Psalm 89:7; 96:4; Prov. 22:4. Acts 10:31 - God has remembered your prayers. Meditation: Gen. 17:20; Exo. 3:79; 2 Chro. 6:19-25; Psalm 18:6. Romans 16:20 - God will crush Satan under our feet. Meditation: Gen. 3:9-15; Matt. 4:10; 8:28-32; Luke 10:19; 1 John 3:8.

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Proverbs 9:11 - Years will be added to your life through God. Meditation: Exo. 20:12; 23:26; 1 Kings 3:14; Prov. 3:1,2; 4:10; 10:27. Ephesians 6:10 - Lord God will strengthen you. Meditation: Exo. 15:2; Psalm 18:1; 27:1; 28:7; 118:14; Isaiah 12:2; 49:5; Jer. 16:19. Psalm 23:1 - The Lord is our shepherd. Meditation: Psalm 95:7; 100:3; Ezek. 34:31; John 10:14-16; Heb. 13:20; 1 Pet. 2:25. 2 Samuel 22:17 - God will draw you out of deep waters. Meditation: Gen. 9:11; Psalm 18:16; 144:7; Isaiah 43:2; Luke 8:22-25. Isaiah 33:22 - The Lord will save us. Meditation: Isaiah 63:8,9; Hosea 13:4; Zec. 9:9; Acts 13:23. Isaiah 40:11 - Sovereign Lord carries us. Meditation: Exo. 19:4; Deu; 1:31; 32:11,12; Psalm 91:12; Isaiah 46:3. Isaiah 50:7 - You will not be put to shame. Meditation: Psalm 22:5; Isaiah 45:17; Joel 2:26,27; Romans 9:33; 2 Tim. 1:12. Mark 9:23 - Everything is possible if you believe. Meditation: Dan. 6:23; Matt. 15:21-28; Mark 10:46-52;Acts 14:8-10. Habakkuk 3:19- Sovereign Lord will make your feet to go on the heights. Meditation: Deu. 32:13; 2 Chro. 23:20,21; Job 36:7; Isaiah 58:14. Psalm 84:7 - You will go from strength to strength. Meditation: 2 Chro. 14:11; Psalm 138:3; Isaiah 40:29; 2 Cor. 12:9. Ephesians 3:19 - Filled to the measure of all the


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fullness of God. Meditation: Psalm 78:25; Prov. 3:10; Acts 4:33; James 1:17; 1 John 4:12. Psalm 41:1 - He who considers the poor, the Lord will deliver him. Meditation: Deu. 26:6-9; Job 36:15, 16; 42:10; Isaiah 49:13; 58:10. Proverbs 3:6 - God will make your paths straight. Meditation: 1 Sam. 12:23; Psalm 5:8; 107:1-7; Prov. 4:11; Isaiah 45:2,13. 2 Corinthians 9:8 - God is able to abound His grace on you. Meditation: Gen. 19:19; Psalm 42:8; John 1:16; Eph. 1:8. Psalm 75:10 - Horns of the righteous will be lifted up. Meditation: Psalm 34:15; 112:6; Prov. 10:24; 12:7; Matt. 13:43; Romans 8:30. Leviticus 26:9 - Lord God will make you fruitful and increase your numbers. Meditation: Gen. 1:22,28; 35:11; Exo. 1:7; Job 1:10. Psalm 102:17 - God will respond to the prayer of the destitute. Meditation: Deu. 10:18; Psalm 10:18; Hosea 14:3; John 14:18. Leviticus 22:32 - It is God who makes your holy. Meditation: Lev. 11:44,45; Josh. 3:5; Jer. 1:5; 1 Peter 1:15,16. Psalm 107:9 - Lord fills you with good things and satisfies you. Meditation: Psalm 81:16; 103:3-5; Isaiah 58:10,11; Jer. 31:14; Mark 8:1-8. Luke 10:20 - Your names are written in heaven. Meditation: Mal. 3:16; Phili. 4:3; Heb. 12:23; Rev. 21:27.

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Untouchability is a sin Untouchability is a crime Untouchability is inhuman This is a famous quote that I found in my Economics textbook in high school. I never paid much

attention to it then, but thinking about it now, this quote has much meaning. Differences existed between person to person since the days of yore and in every society. Rather than making the most of it by living together as unity in diversity, people have attached labels to certain groups to make matters worse. This does not help in bring-

ing people together but rather are instrumental in causing divisions. We are in a time where people need to build relationships regardless of what career they are in. It is important to have a strong network. Instead, these labels are putting people into a community that is widely accepted or neglected. My friend babysits two seven-

- Sharon Dhinakaran


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year-olds and she mentioned this incident. One of the kids saw something and screamed, “Eww, that’s weird.” As the adult in the room, she immediately pointed out to the child that just because something is different it does not mean that it’s weird. In the same way, our society is quick to judge and immediately neglects the people who appear different without analyzing why they are different; without knowing if they are worth neglecting. I’m not sure who wrote the quote mentioned above about untouchability but they hit the nail on the head. Untouchability is inhuman. My question is, “What gives a human the right to isolate another human?” Bishop T.D. Jakes says, “You build walls to protect yourself against pain, but it’s blocking your experience.” Until you take the time to get to know a person, you will never know the struggles they go through; you will never know why they are different; you will never have an open mind about the people of the world and their lifestyle. Some may ask, why is it important to understand others, while you content to be who you are with your family and friends. I want to point out that that is a selfish attitude. If you call yourself a believer in Christ, that is not a healthy approach. It shows that your mind is closed to the mind of Christ. However, the good news is, it is possible for us to have the mind of Christ, as recorded in I Corinthians 2:16 “… we have the

mind of Christ.” Just think about this - what if Jesus had closed his mind to the ten lepers because they were considered ‘untouchable’ by their society? Let’s read Luke 17:11-19: Verse 11-13: Ten men with leprosy cried to Jesus “from afar” for healing. Verse 14: One word from Jesus and all of them were cleansed. Verse 15, 16: One of the cleansed came back and thanked Jesus.

one into your heart. It might be stopping you from helping someone have a place they can call home. Today, I encourage you to open your mind. There are so many who are neglected in our society because we are taught to fear them. We inherently keep them off course or we disregard them for our social benefit. When I write this, I think about transgenders, diseased patients, orphans, widows and the under-privileged. I encourage you

“You build walls to protect yourself against pain, but it’s blocking your experience.” Verse 17-19: The one who thanked Jesus was made well. Different texts translate the words “made you well” as salvation of the soul. Imagine if Jesus had disregarded these ten lepers, this man’s soul would not have been saved. In the same way, think of all the doors you are shutting today because your mind is closed. It might be a factor that it is stopping the healing of your own soul. It might be stopping you from letting some-

choose not to be ignorant, because by doing so, you are choosing to build a community of untouchables. Instead: Choose to embrace. Choose to research. Choose to ask questions. Choose to be bold. Choose to be different. Choose to be right. The choices that we make, makes a difference! - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


The inaugural ceremony of 30,000 SCHOOL KIT distribution throughout India for the under privileged children was held on July 2nd at Chennai. In this event , little children along with Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the seasonal rains.

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DYNAMIC KIDS CAMP - A REPORT To the glory of our Lord, ‘Dynamic Kids Camp’ was conducted in every ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower. The Prayer tower managers, advisory committee members, associate evangelists, ambassadors, staff and many along with them voluntarily helped during this camp. This camp was conducted for seven days with the theme, ‘I am willing.’ Children and teens from 4 to 17 years of age participated in this camp and received God’s blessings. This camp which started in the month of April and went on till the first week of June. It was conducted in 76 centres. More than 9,500 children participated in this meetings and several children were blessed as the camp was conducted at many centres in North India till the end of June. Many cheerfully contributed their offerings for conducting this camp. Many offered snacks and soft drinks for the children’s need. With the co-operation of all and the abundant grace of the Lord, the ‘Children’s Summer Camp for the year 2017’ was conducted in a blessed way. Glory be to God.

The main cause for these children to be blessed through “Dynamic Kids Camp” is your sincere prayers and donations. We thank all donors, well wishers, volunteers for their sacrificial giving and support. The Lord will bless you hundred times in return. May you all be blessed.

The experiences of those who received blessings through the Summer Children Camp… “This is the first time I took part in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Children Camp. My aunt introduced me to this camp. On the penultimate day of the camp, during the prayer time, I was praying, “Jesus, my father, talk to me”. At that time, the person who was conducting the prayer placed her hands on my head and prayed. I experienced the Lord’s touch that very moment. Praise the Lord.” - A. Jansi Blessing, Kovilpatti “During the singing session of the camp, I saw glorious light twice. Then the Lord put new languages, unknown tongues in my mouth. Thus the Lord fulfilled my desire.” - F. Mercy, Sankaralingapuram “Both my grand-daughters Princy and Blessy participated in the Children’s Camp held at Madurai from 11th May to 17th May. They took part in most of the programmes such as reciting memory verses, singing and dancing. I felt very happy. They were welcomed with love and were given much encouragement. This Camp was very useful for the children to grow in the Lord’s way.” - B. Jothimani, Madakulam, Madurai - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


Thousands of Jesus Calls partners are celebrating their birthdays and wedding days, bringing blessings into the lives of millions of viewers, by sponsoring or co - sponsoring in the TV programs. They have received amazing miracles in their lives, and have made it a priority to help other people experience such miracles too.

Here is a testimony for your encouragement.... Though my husband worked in the Indian army for 16 years, we did not have house of our own. Post retired from the army he could not find a job which resulted in us experiencing a lot of problems. The lack of a house and a job was a cause of great sorrow to our family. In this situation, I sponsored a Jesus Calls TV Program on my daughter’s birthday, with a hope that God will work a miracle in our lives. In that TV program Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for my daughter quoting Isaiah 60:22, “A little one shall become a thousand...” After that our family situation began to change. My husband secured a very good job in “Reserve Bank of India” and subsequently God blessed us with our own, wonderful house. It is during that time that I made a vow to sponsor one TV program every year. Likewise, in 2016 when I sponsored a TV program, I requested prayers for my sister-in-law who was in a temporary job for three years. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran prayed for her during that TV program and immediately she was given a permanent job in the workplace. Our blessings continue as we keep sponsoring a TV program every year. My husband and I are Jesus Calls Ambassadors and we share the gospel and the ministries of Jesus Calls to the people in our area and to our family and friend’s circle. We are blessed. Our sorrow has turned into joy. All glory to God. - Sangeetha, Chennai 30

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Sangeetha and her family are among thousands of faithful Jesus Calls partners who believe in being a channel of blessing to millions of hurting people, who are searching for a solution to their problems. They are helping us to reach over 10 million households in India, through 600 TV programs that are broadcast every month, across 18 different channels in 10 languages. They have helped us to literally bring Jesus into the very homes of those watching these programs. Would you like your birthday to be the day someone received deliverance from their bondages? Would you like your anniversary to be the day someone’s life got transformed? I pray that you and your family will continue to bring Jesus into the lives and homes of millions by supporting us through the Television Ministry. By doing this you have ensured that you will abound and overflow according to Ephesians 3:20, and live in divine provision according to BENEFITS THAT Philippians 4:19. YOU WILL ENJOY WHEN


• Your family photograph will be displayed and the Founders will pray for your prayer requests during the TV program that you have sponsored • You will receive a greeting card and a prayer call from the Ministry, on your special day • Your name will be displayed during the TV program if you co-sponsor a program • You will receive a DVD of the TV program that you Sponsor / Co-Sponsor

I am led by the Lord to support the Jesus Calls Television Ministry (please tick your choice and mention the details) Sponsor a TV program by donating Rs 30,000. (I am enclosing my family photograph) Co-Sponsor a TV program by donating Rs 10,000/Channel…..…………………………………............................................................................……… Date.............................................................. Occasion.......................................................................... Prayer request.................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................

EASY WAYS TO SEND YOUR DONATIONS Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Tower closest to you and make a donation in person by Cash / Swiping Machine. Through Post Office: You may send your donation through Money Order & EMO, Donations also can be sent by “Mobile Money Transfer” through Post Offices to the number 9840 900 480.  By Demand Draft / Cheque: Drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” and can be sent by Registered Post to the address: Jesus Calls, No. 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028.  Through Online: You can donate through our secure website using Credit/ Debit card / Net Banking and Mobile Wallets. Donation details can be intimated to our Partner Service No. 18004257755 (Toll Free – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm)  By Bank: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No.: 000901056144 Bank: ICICI Bank Ltd, Nungabakkam Branch, Chennai 600 034. IFSC: ICIC0000009 Details of the donations sent directly to the Bank can be intimated through email:  Through Ambassadors: You may meet our Jesus Calls Ambassador in your local area and make your donations. You will be provided an acknowledgement for the same. To know your area Ambassador, Please contact 18004257755 (Toll Free – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm)  Jesus Calls Mobile App: Download the new Jesus Calls mobile app from Google play store and then you can make your donation through the mobile app.  Paytm: Donate using Paytm  For more details: For 24x7 Prayers TAMIL/ENGLISH (044 - 33 999 000)  TELUGU (040 - 33 999 000)  MARATHI (022 - 33 999 000)  HINDI/PUNJABI (011 - 33 999 000)  KANNADA (080 - 33 999 000)  GUJARATI (079 - 33 999 000)  MALAYALAM (0471 - 33 999 000)

 Through - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


“Oh, that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleads for his neighbour!” (Job 16:21) Job, the devout, sought after the Lord in truth even when he was in the depths of despair, having lost all his children and all his wealth and possessions in one day, and was stricken with an incurable affliction of the skin erupting in sore boils (Job 13:3; 23:3-5).He was looking for a mediator to plead for his cause with God. He was not able to find such help. This is readily apparent from what he says with deep sorrow. ‘Nor is there any mediator between us, who may lay his hand on us both’ (Job 9:33). He was unable to find a mediator. How pitiable the state of Job was! It is probable that you are also in the same position today as Job! When you feel that your prayers have not been heard, you begin to wish fervently that there were others who would pray for you! But you do have such a mediator ( I Timothy 2:5,6). Jesus is now seated in Heaven at the right hand of God and He is pleading with God for us. My wife and I had gone overseas in 1974. On our return journey we had to fly from the principal city of a certain country as we were visiting another airport. The airport authorities, who scrutinized our passports, told us that they could not permit us to leave the country, since the signatures of the relevant airport authorities had not been affixed to the passports. We were perplexed as to what we could possibly do in a place where we were absolute strangers! All our arguments with those authorities were of no avail. They finally declared that the outgoing plane could not be made to wait for us any longer and unloaded our luggage. While we were worried thinking, ‘Alas, in this absolutely strange country, we have no one to plead our cause!’ a native of


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that country who had been watching the proceedings from a distance came over to us with a smile and asked us what the matter was. Then he moved to the passport authority and told him something in their language. Immediately we were summoned to the passport authority once again. We were asked to sign a set of fresh forms. Thereafter we were permitted to leave by the same plane! We thanked the airport authorities and also the total stranger who had helped us and rushed to our seats in the plane and occupied them in great haste. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, will plead with our Heavenly Father in the same manner when we are in the midst of difficulties! He will go to the Father and speak to Him for us, saying, ‘This one is My own, please help him, help her! Remember how I gave My life for these beloved! Help them for my name’s sake!’

The Holy Spirit “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” (Romans 8:26) Just before our Saviour left this world, He promised, “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever;...but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you” (John 14:16,17).

In fulfillment of that promise, the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4; 5:32; 15:8). This He does when we are rendered speechless with grief, when we are confused not knowing how to pray and what to pray for, and when our tongues refuse to articulate. In the life of Jesus Christ, our Lord, the night of his betrayal by Judas was a very bitter night. He told His disciples that night, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death” (Matthew 26:38). He began to be troubled and deeply distressed (Mark 14:33). And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground (Luke 22:44). In the midst of this great agony He continued praying and the burden of His prayer was: ‘nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will’ (Mark 14:36). We too can have the same experience in this world where we are placed, in the midst of deep sorrow. It is for this reason that we should always be filled with the Spirit of God. “Pray for one another.” (James 5:16) Lord has commanded us saying, “ one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34).

Fire on earth Jesus said, ‘I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!’ (Luke 12:49). Sending the fire of Holy Spirit into the hearts of men was one of the many ‘missions’ of the Son of Man.

Therefore, when He had conquered death, risen out of the grave, and leaving His disciples behind, was about to ascend to Heaven, He addressed the loving, tearstricken disciples in the following words of consolation: Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you (John 16:7). There is an interesting story of a king of England who once went to a Sunday class. In his left hand he had a garland of gold and in the right he held a Bible. The gold garland was very, very attractive. The king asked one of the students ‘Which of these two would you like to have?’ Naturally the boy opted for the gold-garland. When the question was asked of the next boy, who was looking poor every inch, he wished for the Bible, to the great surprise of the monarch. He said, “My mother has taught me that the Bible is the greatest treasure in the world. Therefore, please, your Majesty, I shall be happy if you present me the Bible.’ The king gave the two boys the gifts they asked for. When the boy, who had received the Bible, reverently opened the Word of God, he was surprised to find in each page of the Book a plate of gold! The boy was taken aback. The king spoke to him saying, ‘Son, since you preferred the Bible, to the precious looking garland, you have received a prize of greater value than the glittering gold-garland’. - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


Friends, this may be just a tale. But what a lot of hometruths are packed in it. When we pray to God we must be sure of what we ask of Him. If we ask for the glitter of gold and worldly things, like the boy in the story, we may miss the mark and the heavenly things which are ours for the mere asking. Further, when we pray, filled with the Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth shall reveal to us through the Holy Word of God whether the things we pray for, meet with the approval of God (John 16:13,14).

PRAYER AND PARACLETE The terms ‘Paraclete’, applied to the Holy Spirit, literally meant ‘one called to assistance’. In no other realm of spiritual experience is this assistance so potent and indispensable as in Prayer. St. Paul, who listed the several


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‘gifts’ of the Spirit and how they assist the Lord’s servants in His Ministry in I Corinthians 12:8-12, singles out the gift of charity (love) in Chapter 13. St. Paul was endowed with the gift of prophecy (Acts 13:1,2). Therefore, he had an intimate knowledge of all the deep mysteries of the church of God and its ministry. Particular prayer in the Bible, which is a great favourite for me, is the prayer of the prophet Elisha. When the time came for Elijah to be caught up into the heavens, he asked Elisha what he desired. The request of Elisha in answer to that question is the prayer that I like. It is, ‘Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me’ (II Kings 2:9). The Lord heard this prayer and had compassion on Elisha. He granted a double portion of His gifts to Elisha.

If you also pray in like manner, in sincerity and truth, with tears, He will fill you also with His Spirit and Gifts! Then, the time of your prayer will blossom forth into a time of communion with your Lord and Saviour. Whatever matter you pray about, it will be possible for you to realize it fully. The Holy Spirit will reveal to you what it is that you have to do next. You will be endowed with the power to perform in faith all that you propose to do. Yes, there will occur miracle after miracle in your life. According to the verse, ‘If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?’ (Luke 11:13), may God Himself fill you immeasurably with His Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit!

God is love. (I John 4:8,16) Perhaps today you are broken hearted in this world! You have nobody to show you love. Some husbands never fail to criticize their wife, despite her doing ministry or working hard day and night and thereby hurt her. Such women languish with longing, “Won’t my parents show me love? Won’t I get love from my relatives or at my workspot?” Their hearts are broken to smithereens. But the Lord tells you, who are in such a state, “Daughter, I love you. I am with you. I am eager to embrace you with My love.” What more do you need? His love is matchless and divine.

that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

How was this love manifested for us?

Accordingly, love manifested from God. God revealed His love by sending His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to this world, for our sake, saying, “My child should be saved! I should grant peace to My child! I should give him/her joy in abundance.” Through the crucifixion of Christ Jesus, He has given the joy of salvation to the people of the world. What more do we need? Do not unnecessarily be troubled saying, ‘Oh, I don’t have a job; I don’t have the gift of a child; I have no money; Oh, my debt problem is not solved’ and so on. Do not magnify such worldly worries.

"For God so loved the world

Recently I met a couple. They

said with tears, “Sister! Our problems are still not solved…” I prayed earnestly for them and sent them back saying, “Don’t keep looking at your problem but look up to the Lord Jesus! He is full of love! He gave Himself up on the cross as a sacrifice.” Yes, Jesus Christ loved us and offered Himself on the cross in order to wash us from our sins by His own blood (Revelation 1:5). Apostle Paul says, "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20) Dearly beloved, Christian life is - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


a victorious life! Today, many stumble in life thinking only about the failures in their lives and lament, “Everything is a failure! My married life is a failure! My life itself is a failure because of disobedience; my husband has no love for me and it is a failure; all that my husband needs is money, money and more money. So, there is no peace in my life...” But the Lord tells, “Daughter, I came to give you life. I shed my blood for you on the cross. Look unto Me. I would help you in every way and bless you.” ‘He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?’ (Romans 8:32). Accordingly, the Lord has prepared for us all the blessings that we need for our enjoyment. He will grant those blessings at the due time and make us happy. What are the divine blessings that the Lord wants to give you by coming down to this world in the form of a Man? How to receive these blessings? – Let us see.

Divine Life of being alive in Christ “In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him” (I John 4:9). Yes, He gives us the divine life of being alive in Christ Jesus, for God. The Lord wants to give you this blessing of being alive in Christ 36

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in order that not one should perish. “…casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (I Peter 5:7) God’s love was manifested by sending His Son as a living sacrifice to this world in order that we should be alive. As this love comes in to you, you would become a new woman. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (II Corinthians 5:17) Thus says Paul. How was he, before he became a new man? Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were on the way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" And he said, "Who are You, Lord?" Then the Lord said, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads." Saul was astonished and trembled and completely surrendered himself to the will of God (Acts 9:1-6). In I Timothy 1:13, Paul says, “although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.”

My dear young children! Think of your life, for a moment! Do you grieve the Lord by getting filled with profane thoughts, lusts and doing unwanted, filthy and sinful things? The Lord asks you, “Daughter, how long will you persecute Me?” Examine yourself. Have I tasted the divine love of Jesus, who was bruised for me? Or do I persecute Jesus with my deeds? The Bible says, ‘a little leaven leavens the whole lump’ (I Cor. 5:6). Let us not give room in our lives to lusts and filthy things that are displeasing to God and that would ruin our soul. How did Saul commit his life to the Lord Jesus? He humbled himself and asked, "Lord, what do You want me to do?” Then the Lord spoke to him and led him. From then on he became a minister of God, putting on Jesus and not as a blasphemer and a persecutor. The Bible says that just as we put on clothes, we need to put on Jesus. He and we should get united. The love of God was manifested for this purpose. If Jesus had let Saul alone for a little longer, he would have been enslaved by the worldly life and would have died to the spiritual things. But Jesus went seeking Him and got him united with Him. With that same love, the Lord Jesus has come seeking you. He stands close by you and asks you the same thing that He asked from Saul, “My daughter, give me your heart!” (Proverbs 23:26). Would you please commit yourself to Him with tears telling Him, “Lord, today I commit myself to You. Your love alone is sufficient for me…”

Doesn’t the Bible clearly say, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). In a family, the Lord had blessed the wife with a very loving husband. But he was an alcoholic. The wife was deeply worried that he was wasting his time and money by bringing his friends and drinking alcohol, keeping company with them. She loved the Lord dearly and hence was showing love to her husband being filled with patience and the strength of the Lord and humbly did whatever the husband asked her to do. One day, when he was thus enjoying himself in his friends’ company and taking liquor, she served them with food and went into her room, knelt down and started praying with both her hands raised up. With faith she cried out to the Lord saying, “Lord, please look at my condition. Won’t you save my husband?” At that exact moment, the husband who was pleasurably spending his time with his friends, sent them off and came back to thank her. Her room was open and he was moved by the sight of his wife praying with tears telling, “Lord, draw my beloved husband towards You. Give him the grace to taste Your love.” He did not know what to do. In that instant the Lord touched his heart and he too knelt down beside his wife and folded his hands in prayer. The Lord changed his

heart. Since then, his lust for alcohol, all unwanted desires and evil friends departed from his life. He became a new man. Today, this is the day when the Lord’s love would be manifested in your family in a similar manner. The mighty God who changed Saul into Paul and who revived that man who was filled with transgression and sin, wants to do a miracle in your life. He will make you live well by giving you this divine blessing of being alive in Christ.

Are you struggling saying, ‘Everything is a failure! My married life is a failure! My life itself is a failure because of disobedience; There is no peace in my life...” But the Lord tells, “Daughter, look unto Me. I would help you in every way and bless you.”

Life giving Divine love “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” (Romans 8:11) Accordingly, the Lord is lovingly waiting to give life to our mortal bodies. “I am married since 16 years but I don’t have the gift of a child. I want to go for a job but am not getting any. To whom will I go?”

– Are you thus troubled by such worries? The Lord tells, “I will fill you with the love that would give you life. Today I am going to change all your fears and burdens and am bringing back life to you. I will make those things which do not exist as though they did; I will remove all the lacks in your life. The divine love that flows from you will remove your lacks and grant richness to your life.” Yes, our God gives us richly all things to enjoy (I Timothy 6:17). When my son Paul Dhinakaran went away from the Lord, I advised him. But nothing happened. Finally the Lord spoke to me and said that I should show him love. How to show him love? As the Bible says, ‘it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure’ I began to develop a love for him (Phili. 2:13). “Being his mother if I don’t show love to him, who else would?” With this question, I started to make special food items for him, according to his wishes. Through this God manifested the love of Christ. He made him realize this divine love. He came to Jesus at the age of 17 and held on to Him. The Lord gave him a totally new life. Today, He will do the same for you who seek the Lord and for your children and even husband. Show them the divine love which you have received from Jesus. The Lord will change your life upside down. Also the Bible says, "He Himself took our infirmities and bore - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


our sicknesses" (Matthew 8:17). Today, how many of you suffer from sickness? 'Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth’ (Jeremiah 33:6) Thus says the Lord. He wants you to be well. His resurrecting love is able to deliver us from all sicknesses. “But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stallfed calves.” (Malachi 4:2) This is the blessing that the Lord gives you today. Hold on to this verse whenever you are attacked by any weakness or sickness. Then the Lord would fill you with the resurrecting love and grant you complete healing. Shall we hear what dear Sis. Sowmya says about her mother receiving a miraculous healing? My name is Sowmya. I am living in Thiruvottiyur, Chennai. My parents are fisher folks. I am their only daughter and I am married with three children. I attend the Jesus Calls Family Blessing meeting now and then. Specially I have read all the books written by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran and grew up by marking the verses quoted in them and claiming them with faith. My mother fell sick in the month of January. We took her to a nearby hospital. The doctors who tested her said that she needed 38

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to undergo a surgery immediately as there was fluid accumulation in her heart and lungs. They further said that it would cost Rs. 5 lakh and even so it could not be guaranteed that she would live. They urged us to make arrangements for the money as early as possible. Immediately I contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and requested prayers for my mother’s healing. The prayer intercessor prayed. We approached yet an-

The disciples who received the anointing of the Holy Spirit had put on Jesus and they walked, prayed and lived like Him. The Lord wants to give this divine life to you also.

other hospital and here too the doctors tested her and said that it would be impossible to save her. I did not know what to do. I held on to the Lord saying, “Lord if it is Your will, heal my mother; you are the Lord who said, I am willing; be cleansed.” Since my mother was in coma, doctors sent her back saying that she would die within 15 days. I brought her home with faith. I often requested the prayer intercessors to pray. I also prayed claiming the verse, “I will show them wonders" (Micah 7:15).

Days passed by. The Lord did a miracle which no medicine or doctor could do. My mother rose up, walked and began to talk. She is alive even today. Jesus gave her, who was nearing death, a new lease of life and has made her stand as a living testimony. Millions of thanks to the name of God.” My dear ones, the Lord will change everything for which you are worried; He will bring alive your children; He will revive your mortal bodies. The darkness of death and powers of witchcraft will no more touch you. There will not be any darkness of wants and curses. Jesus has borne everything on the cross. You would receive His resurrecting divine love and arise and shine for Him.

Likeness of Resurrection “…if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection.” (Romans 6:5) God, who raised up the Lord, will raise us up also with His power. He will fill us with the likeness of His resurrection (I Corinthians 6:14). The Lord said to me, “I am going to give you my likeness; I will keep you as a mother of comfort to many; I am going to change you into an instrument and vessel of comfort to the people in tears, particularly the women.” I committed myself to Him saying, “Lord, I am not a worthy vessel. Yet not my will, but Yours be done.” Since then the Lord

has been using me according to His will. Specially, when I lost my husband, I was gripped with the sorrow, “What am I going to do? How will I live in loneliness?” I cried out to Him. After that the Lord took son Paul Dhinakaran to Canada for ministry, according to His will. When my son was worried about me, I said, “I am not alone; the Lord who is in me, is with me. Let it be according to His will. Please go for doing the ministry and the Lord will take care of me.” Accordingly the Lord is leading me wonderfully every day and 9 years have passed thus. I have no lacks. The Lord provides me all that I need, in a miraculous way. This is the Lord’s immeasurable love. “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are

being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (II Corinthians 3:18). We, getting transformed, receive His image. Because as He is, so are we in this world (I John 4:17). To transform you thus, God the Father made His Son Christ rise again. The Lord calls you for His ministry. He makes you into His likeness. “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:2). As the Bible thus says, seek those things which are above and not the things of the world which are unto destruction and thus enjoy blessings from above. “…be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness

and holiness.” (Ephesians 4:23,24) The love of God is poured into you through the resurrected Jesus and the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). Receive this divine love as a family. He will give you a fruit bearing life. He will pour upon you the Holy Spirit which was poured mightily upon the disciples, on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). The lives of those disciples who received the anointing of the Holy Spirit were not only transformed but they also received faith, courage, wisdom and all other grace. They had put on Jesus. They walked like Jesus; they prayed like Jesus and they lived like Jesus. The Lord wants to give you this divine life. May God fill you, who are alive in Christ by His sacrifice on the cross, with this divine life and help you to live as those who turn many to righteousness and as a bright shining light!

BIBLE PORTION FROM DANIEL TO MALACHI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

(Send your answers with Bible Reference) Who, why, what he did and to whom he showed pity? Who said to us to love what? What was revealed to whom, how and when? Whom do I leave in your midst, what they will do and with whom? As what was filled with what so what will be filled with what? What will you see again, in whom? What are flowing like what? What is greater than what? What are in what and what is the dust of His feet? What not, what instead of which I desire?

Answers must reach us before August 20, 2017 Address: Bible Quiz - 66 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email: - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


Anointing, divine peace I came to this meeting with agony and with the desire and thirst that Jesus should at least speak a single word for me through Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and that I should get back the lost anointing of the Holy Spirit and power in double measure. Similarly the Lord spoke to me through dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. When she prayed, the power of the Holy Spirit filled me. That time the burden and restlessness that was oppressing me vanished from me and I received a divine peace. - Pushpa Rani, Chennai -119

Knee pain gone; able to walk well I had knee pain since the past 6 40

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months and was taking tablets. Yet the pain persisted. I could not even kneel down. At this situation I attended this meeting and when dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was praying I joined her in the prayer. Dear mother asked those who could kneel down to kneel down. I too slowly tried to go on my knees and that time I was able to do so without any pain. Now there is no knee pain. I am able to walk well. - M.Dhanalakshmi, Chennai -12

Divine Touch I had cough, fever and body pain since the past one month because of which I suffered a lot. I attended this meeting and joined Sis. Stella Dhinakaran in the

prayer. That time I felt the divine touch of the Lord. In that instant all my weakness vanished and I was made well. Now I am doing fine. Glory to God. - Esther, Chennai -28

7 years of pain, bondage of death broken For the past 7 years I had been suffering a lot from knee pain and the bondage of death. I attended this meeting with this agony. During the prayer time, when I was praying along with Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, the knee pain and the bondage of the devil vanished from me. The Lord touched me and granted me complete healing. Now I am able to kneel down and am keeping good health. - P.Panjathcharam @ Benjamin, Chennai – 28

Immeasurable power of the Spirit

fering from severe back pain. I attended this meeting with the hope

Dhinakaran said, ‘God is love’ and I was comforted by this. The Lord

that I could get prayers from dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. During

showed me the thing that had made me go far away from Him. Also

the prayer time, as dear mother was praying, my back pain van-

He made me speak in new tongues. He also gave me the call-

ished completely. Now I am in good health. Also I had knee pain since

ing for ministry. I saw visions too. Now my heart is filled with divine peace.

praying, filled with the power of the

the past 2 years. Through her prayers, the Lord has granted me

Holy Spirit, she prayed for spiritual

miraculous healing. Glory to God.

blessings, particularly for the gifts

- M.Manoharan, Chennai – 7

I am doing hospital ministry. With the desire that I should do this ministry with more power and with the gifts of the Spirit, I came to this meeting with the prayer that I should receive these. When dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was

of the Spirit. I too knelt down and joined her in the prayer. Immediately the power of the Lord came

Power came down; pain gone

- N. Jhansi, Chennai – 41

The Lord touched and removed the tumour Last February 1 I had stomach pain. As I suffered from gastric problem, I used to have

upon me in an immeasurable way

I suffered a lot from back pain

and I could not contain myself. Also

and also I could not walk for the

bleeding while brushing my teeth.

the Lord blessed me with the gifts

past 6 years because of arthritis. I

Also I had bleeding while passing

of the Spirit. - Vimala Venketesh,

could not even sit down. I always

urine. Besides, I used to suffer

Chennai -41

had pain and I came to this meet-

from heavy bleeding once in three

ing with agony. During the prayer

months. Hence I was very weak.

time, I received the anointing in an

When I went to the hospital, doc-

I attended this meeting and

immeasurable way. I felt the

tors advised for a scan and it was

prayed along with dear mother

Lord’s presence and that time the

found that I had ulcer. So they ad-

Stella Dhinakaran. She prayed for

power of God went down from my

vised me against eating hot and

the gifts of the Spirit and I too lifted

hip to my leg and all my pain van-

spicy curry and said that I should

up my hands and prayed for the

ished. Now I am able to walk and

take only curd and butter milk to

kneel down without any pain. Also

live. Also I was found to have a

because of the prayers in the

tumour in my uterus. I came to this

Prayer Tower I was miraculously

meeting with agony and scared

delivered from the problem of evil

about my two children’s future. I

spirit. Glory to God.

was crying. During the prayer time,

The power and gifts of the Holy Spirit

nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. I had been waiting for these gifts for the past 9 months. Today during the prayer time, the power of the Lord came down on me mightily and I could not control the anointing which had filled me so mightily. Glory to God. - B.Kathija Deborah Babu, Chennai – 81

Miraculous healing while praying From last year I had been suf-

- Geethanjali, Chennai -97





Divine peace and blessing

Dhinakaran was praying, I felt an

I came to this meeting with great agony. The reason, I always had a feeling that there was none to show me love. But when I came here Aunty Stella

time dear mother said, “All the pain

elderly person touching me. That in your hand and leg and the tumour are vanishing” and as she further continued to pray I felt as if something was being cut off from my abdomen with scissors. - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


After that I felt an ice like chillness on my body. At once, I was healed miraculously. Now I am well.

- P. Thanam, Chennai -28

Fleshly growth dried up For the past 5 years I had been suffering from a cyst on my finger. When I went to the hospital, doctors did a surgery after which there was a fleshly growth which resembled a tumour in that place. Hence I could not do any work. I attended this meeting

in this condition. During the prayer time, when dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was praying, I too joined her in the prayer. That fleshly growth dried up and the tumour vanished. All the pain and agony that was tormenting left me. Now I am in good health. - S.Vijaya, Chennai - 118

Light came down; demonic problem was gone The sins I had committed earlier were tormenting me and hence I had no peace. I could

not sleep for the past 4 months and the fear of death gripped me. On hearing about the meeting conducted by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, I came to this meeting. Every word spoken by dear Sister, especially about the life of Saul was meant for me. Immediately I committed my life to the Lord. During the prayer time, I shed tears and that time a bright light filled me. At once all the demonic problems that were tormenting me for the past four months vanished. Now I go back with deliverance. - A. Sundaram, Chennai -119

The Lord Jesus did many more miracles! GLORY TO HIM!


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“A church in Pochampatti village?” The big church that was to be dedicated drew this comment from the surprised people. The Christians of that village had to go for church in Kovilpatti Nagar, a far off place, by bus or other travel modes. Since they found it difficult to attend church during rainy seasons and festivals, they finally decided to build a church in the Pochampatti village itself and constructed it in one year. Many had been invited and the church dedication was planned in a gala manner. It was decided to put up a huge pandal and food was to arranged for everyone. Bishop, pastors and elders had been invited. Pastor. Sunder Rajan had reserved two seats in the front row for Kirubakaran and his wife Emily. Emily beamed with pride and assumed that her husband’s offering of Rs.10,000/might have been the reason for this special seat and honour. Quite often she turned to look at the last row where her sister-in-law, brotherin-law, her husband’s uncle’s and aunt’s family were sitting. Wearing a green silk sari and heavy ornaments, she was proud of herself. Her mother-in-law had bequeathed a portion of her savings to Emily before her death. Using that, she had bought the sari and jewels for Rs.2 lakhs. As she was floating in pride, Mr. Thangaraj brought the old lady who sold greens and seated her beside her. Emily could not hide her disgust. Controlling her anger she asked, ‘Brother Thangaraj, pastor will be sitting here; But you’ve bought granny here…” “Pastor only asked me to make her sit here Madam.” So saying he hurriedly left the place. “What’s for you? It was the pastor’s instruction…. Should this hunched backed oldie who sells greens sit here? She had given her hut to someone and is now sleeping in the teacher’s garden…” Even as she was musing over this, the Bishop arrived and gave a brief message after the inauguration was over. The pastor then took over the mike and said, “My dear families, when the idea to build a church cropped up, we felt it was a mountain like task. One day my friend Manickam offered to give his land for the church and was willing to slash the price up to Rs.50,000/-. We wondered what to do for the money and were praying for that. That time Kirubakaran Sir’s mother sold off her jewels and along with her bank savings handed over Rs. 60 lakhs for the construction. With that we were able to buy the land. Annamal Patti who sells greens also sold off her house and gave Rs.30 lakhs for the church. So the Bishop would first honour them…’ When he finished saying this, Brother Thangaraj took Kirubakaran and Annamal granny to the stage. Both Kirubakaran and Annamal granny were honoured with a shawl and garland. The pastor continued to say, “I request you to kindly name the Parsonage which is under construction as ‘Annamal Home’ since dear granny had sold her own house and has taken the teacher’s garden as her place of stay…” It took a long time for the applause to die down. Emily felt as if she were sitting on thorns. She felt ashamed about her pride. “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up” (James 4:10). - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


Answer: Today, many women, even the young girls, languish without divine peace in their lives. They run here and there seeking for peace. But as the Bible say, one thing alone is needed. That is the loving bosom of the Lord Jesus. This alone could always be your refuge and can give you victory in everything. The Bible too clearly teaches us this through the following Scriptures, ‘Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place’ (II Corinthians 2:14).

Triumphant Life in Christ Today, how many of us experience this in our daily life? How to live this ‘true Christian life’? If you 44

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read the Bible diligently, you can understand this. Today, the reason for our ignorance is our lack of knowledge of the Scriptures and not experiencing it with profound insight. Dear ones, read the Bible every morning. Sit at the presence of the Lord when everybody is sleeping and read the Bible. It would be a happy and a pleasant time. The Bible says our Lord Jesus too, in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed (Mark 1:35). He might have read the Scriptures too along with praying. My dear sisters, let me tell you that you too can keep the Lord Jesus Christ as your model, follow Him and through that can easily receive His divine experiences and blessings. In the early days of my life, I too never considered reading the Bible and praying as important. Such trivial beginning was my initial Christian life. However, as I started tasting the Lord’s love and

as I was filled more and more with His love and got united with Him, my heart longed to seek Him all the more. Particularly, when I lost my husband and had been languishing in loneliness for the past 9 years, these Scriptures alone were of great comfort to my soul. They still encourage me and are giving me the privilege to live more closely with God. ‘Unless the LORD had been my help, My soul would soon have settled in silence’ (Psalm 94:17). My dear sisters who say, “Oh, I’m lonely; there is nobody to help me; my children do not look after me with love..’ and so on, do not look at anything but read carefully the Word of God that gives comfort to me. Rise up early in the morning and read the Bible with reverence. Then you would receive the divine comfort given by the Lord. Enjoy this in your life. Yes, dear ones, the Lord would strengthen and keep us to live happily and peacefully in this sorrowful world. We can infer this from

the life of David: ‘I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved’ (Psalm 16:8). How did David seek the Lord? He writes, ‘I have set the LORD always before me”. Do you have this glorious experience in your life? Just think over this. This is true Christian life. This divine experience of seeking the Lord Jesus Christ with our whole heart is a sweet life of always talking to Him! Trusting Him alone for everything, waiting at Him with the faith and hope that He would perfect everything for us, getting strengthened by Him and enjoying His blessings is true Christian life! This was David’s experience. When he looked up to God, He was with him. He had the assurance that the Lord was at his right hand. So he was never worried about any man. The God of gods was always there before his eyes. The following verse explains this: You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You (Isaiah 26:3). Yes, my dear sisters, do not be content with half baked faith and trust. This is not a true God given Christian life. But, look at David! He says, ‘He is always with me; so, I will always bless and praise Him’ (Psalm 34:1). He sang songs, played the musical instruments sweetly and was always filled with the Lord’s presence (Psalm 22:3). Dear ones, do you have this closeness with the Lord? Today, many women pathetically say, “I’m bored;

that’s why I watch Television serials; I visit other houses for chatting….” No dear ones, always living in unison with the Lord is true Christian life! In my life, I also had shortcomings in my spiritual life. But when the Lord filled me with His love, I always sought after this divine love. When I got even a little time, I sought His presence by kneeling down at His feet and praying. It was wonderfully pleasant! Let me tell this to women! If your husband happens to come home late, do not worry but wait at the feet of the Lord. Through this, your house will be filled with all precious and pleasant riches (Proverbs 24:3). My counsel is that the blessing of the Lord would come upon you in a wonderful way. In the initial days of my married life, when my husband Bro. Dhinakaran was working in the bank, he used to come home very late since he used to go to other places for ministry in the evenings. During that time, I used to kneel down at the feet of the Lord and pray. Once, when I was thus praying, I felt the divine touch of the Lord. His presence came down upon me from head to toe. I was filled with a peace which the world cannot give and a divine joy, presence and hope. All these alone helps me to be bold in the Lord without getting weary and is encouraging me to arise and shine for the Lord even at this age. Young girls, follow this counsel and claim it for you. Please do not

try to find joy in whiling away your time. I agree with the Preacher in saying all these are, ‘Vanity of vanities!’. Hence, do not give room for the devil to pull you towards these vain things. Instead, get filled with the presence of the Lord and fill yourself with His joy and peace. The Lord was with David in all the terrible situations he faced. King Saul tried to destroy him at any cost. Unwanted agonies! But David trusted only on the Lord. "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD’ (Jeremiah 17:7). How would this life be? For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit (Jeremiah 17:8). Similar thing is read in Psalm 1 too. ‘But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper’ (Psalm 1:2,3). My dear young children, learn to delight in the law of the Lord, read it every day, meditate on it and wait at the feet of the Lord. This is the fundamental thing for the success of a Christian life. Accordingly, the women in the family too should never fail to follow family - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


prayer, individual prayer, fasting prayer, praise giving etc., in your life. What does the Bible say for those who say that there is no prosperity in their family life? ‘He who trusts in the LORD will be prospered’ (Proverbs 28:25). How is it possible? The Bible says, ‘…be zealous for the fear of the LORD all the day for surely there is a hereafter, And your hope will not be cut off’ (Proverbs 23:17,18). It is important that true children of God should have the experience of walking with God every day, in all reverence. This is what we see in the lives of men of God. Look at the young men of God like Daniel and Joseph! They had a very close relationship with God. It was the God of gods, who helped Joseph. When everyone stood against Daniel, as usual he sought the presence of his God thrice a day, without any fear (Daniel 6:10). Not a single day did he fail in this. Though he knew that he would have to face the king’s wrath for doing so, and though he was aware of the evil that was done against him by his enemies, he was not at all afraid. Because of his trust on the Lord, he sought Him diligently as was his custom. What happened? Since he was blameless, the Lord delivered him from the mouth of the lions (Daniel 6:22). He sent His angels and shut the lions’ mouth. Even today, such wondrous things may happen in your life too. There may not be a limit to the sufferings, pains and sorrows caused by our own family or by our husband or children. However, if you diligently seek the Lord, who is able to deliver you, even in the midst of 46

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your sorrows or afflictions or anguish, He will surely help you. He will be with you. You have to be careful in seeking the Lord, holding on to Him, living in close relationship with Him and doing things pleasing to Him. Then the Lord will do such miraculous things which He did for these men of God, in your life too.

with thanksgiving. The hand of the Lord wonderfully led us through the last ten days of the month. Also, because of my husband’s loyalty in the bank he worked, the Lord granted him promotion after promotion. After that He blessed us with a house of our own. He made all the blessings abound in our life.

I have often shared with you about the sufferings and sorrows that we underwent in our lives. I have written them down in the book form also. I am happy to tell about this to you once again. Soon after my marriage, in two years I had miscarriage and a still born child. But both of us held on to the Lord firmly and walked in the ways pleasing to Him, with reverence. God made us happy by abundantly blessing us with dear son Paul Dhinakaran and daughter Angel. We were not put to shame before others who scoffed at us. Similarly He will do such miracles for you also. The Lord who ‘removes all things which do not exist and forms them as though they did, will never forsake you (Romans 4:17).

Next, we faced the sorrow of being hated by many people, for no reason at all. It was a state where none showed us love. But we united with one another and tasted only the Lord’s love. The Lord filled us with His presence. When we lost the love of the people of the world, God’s love was poured into us by the Holy Spirit according to Romans 5:5. Firstly, through my husband Bro. Dhinakaran God’s presence filled us in the form of divine love. That time the divine love of the Lord given in our family was inexpressible and full of glory (I Peter 1:8). Our house was always filled with the joy, shouts and celebration of heaven. You too should enjoy the greatness of joy given by the Lord. Do not keep your mind on things that afflict and pain you. Look up to the Lord who is able to deliver you from them and fill you with His divine peace.

Next, we faced yet another trial in the form of financial problem. We would manage till the 20th of every month but after that we used to have nothing in our hand. Though my husband was an officer, we went through such difficult path since my husband had to sacrifice few things for the Lord. However, even in that situation, without getting anxious, we let our requests be made known to the Lord by prayer and supplication

When the men of God had to pass through tough times, they held on to the Lord firmly. They always sought Him. We read in the Bible that hence their end was peaceful and full of God’s blessings. May you enjoy the wonderful life enjoyed by the men of God like Job and Joseph, by holding on to the Lord  and be blessed!

The Lord has led us to form “COUPLES ESTHER PRAYER GROUP” (CEPG) in which couples of any age group, who walk in the fear of God, can pray together for other couples who are desperately in need of our prayers due to various problems in their lives. You and your spouse can offer this intercessory prayer right from your home. You can pray for one hour, once a month with NOT LESS THAN 4 COUPLES in your group for the 10 PRAYER POINTS, which will be sent to you from EPG dept in Jesus Calls Office. The next day after you have had the meeting, please send me a feedback. An inaugural prayer meeting is arranged to launch the Couples Esther Prayer Group on 05 August 2017 at 5.30 PM at Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower at Adyar (Chennai). All of you couples, who want to sign up to be Couple Esther Prayer Group partners, please make sure you attend this meeting without fail. And remember, you need to come as couples and not as individuals! We are eagerly looking forward to the launch of this new venture for the glory of God. May God guide you and lead you! Your loving sister in Christ, Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran

ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ – 64 1. In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, he who restrains his lips. (Proverbs 10:19) 2. A bruised reed He will not break and smoking flax, He will not quench, justice for truth. (Isaiah 42:3) 3. To the righteous; well; fruit of their doings; eat. (Isaiah 3:10) 4. Love: as death, Jealousy as grave. (Song of Solomon 8:6) 5. Your bread, upon the waters, You will find it after many days. (Ecclesiastes 11:1) 6. Charm, beauty. Woman who fears the Lord. (Proverbs 31:30) 7. The beginning of a thing; the end of it; proud in spirit; patient in spirit. (Ecclesiastes 7:8) 8. Cannot save, Lord’s hand is not shortened; Cannot hear, His ear heavy. (Isaiah 59:1) 9. Righteous, in his integrity, after him; his children. (Proverbs 20:7) 10. God, to a man who is good in His sight; wisdom, knowledge and joy. (Ecclesiastes 2:26)

BIBLE QUIZ NO. 64 WINNERS Chennai: Godvia Princes Trichy: Rajakumari Bennett Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy Andhra:Nalli Suseela, Helen Cornelius, P. H. Swarna Vidyullatha, T. S. Shalini Raj, J. Thanuja, Dr. Samuel Rajendran Maisa Karnataka: K. Dhanamani - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


Miracle as mentioned in the Prayer Point I got the chance to pray for the 16th prayer point during the Esther Prayer Group prayer time. As mentioned in it, I too had the problem of not being able to construct a house in our land. I prayed for this prayer point with burden and also wrote a letter to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran seeking her prayers. The Lord heard the prayer, miraculously broke all the obstacles and cancelled the case that was filed against us. Glory to God! - S.A. Beulah Jayaprakash, Tanjore

Miraculous change in the family Nobody in the family of Sis. Gracy of our group used to join her in the prayer. Her father is an alcoholic. She prayed with great burden for the first prayer point given for last month and prayed for her family to pray together. She also prayed for their salvation. On 48

JESUS CALLS August 2017 -

the same day, her grandmother gathered all the members in the family made them sing and pray as a family. Her father too attended the family prayer. Sis. Reeta prayed for the seventh prayer point given for this month. She had been living with pride that she was the greatest and had not been showing any love to her husband all these years. After the prayer was over, she said that she was convicted about this and that she had realized about her husband and family life. All glory to God. - Leelarani, Chennai

Wonderful prayer point - miraculous deliverance By the grace of God, the Esther Prayer Group was conducted with ten sisters in an excellent manner, on 4/4/17. Since every prayer point was based on the importance of the scriptures, its was of great spiritual blessing to all of us. All of us prayed with burden for the prayer point about sisters who are afflicted with terrible sicknesses and are fearful that they would not be able to see good things happen-

ing in their children's life. One of my relatives was admitted in CMC Vellore, and was suspected to have cancer. Her son is not married and her married daughter has no child. I remembered her and prayed for her deliverance. The next morning her brother called me up and said that she has only traces of cancer which could be cured by taking medicine for three months. She has also been discharged from the hospital. I offer millions of praises to the Lord who has delivered her from the sickness in response to the prayers. I thank the Lord for endowing His wisdom to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran to write such wonderful prayer points. - Sheela Soundararaj, Tarapuram

Broken family reunited Sis. Nargis of our group, was living separated from her husband for the past 2 years, because of several problems. We prayed for her with burden in the Esther Prayer Group. I also wrote a letter to Sis.Stella Dhinkaran seeking her prayers. Two weeks back, the couple reconciled and is now living together as a family. God has done this miracle in response to the

prayers offered in our Esther Prayer Group as well as by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. - S. Stella Vasantha Rani, Salem

Encouraging promise I am the Leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. This month's promise verse was of great benefit and encouraging to each and every sister of our Esther Prayer Group. Also it was apt to our situation. It helped us to realize that Jesus alone is the refuge, strength and help at times of crisis. - Ranu Dhekial, Assam

God, who exalted me before the people Last month I wrote a letter to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran

seeking prayers for Sis. Annathangam of our group, to get good water facility through the borewell that had to be bored in their house. Dear mother too had prayed and sent us a reply quoting Psalm 55:22. Accordingly the Lord lifted her up before the eyes of the people around her. Even when the bore was made just 600 feet deep, water gushed out. Glory to the Lord who has done this great miracle. - R. Saradha Ravi, Kerala.

Transformation in Son's life; elevation for daughter-in-law My son Albert was not in talking terms with me for the past 4 years. I used to give my prayer request in the Esther Prayer Group

as well as to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. I also fasted and prayed on Tuesdays. Hearing all our prayers, the Lord made my son contact me through phone this month and inquire of me. The Lord did this miracle hearing the prayers offered by me, by the Esther Prayer Group and by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. Glory to God. Also my elder daughter-in-law did not get a hike in her salary which was also given very late. We prayed for her to get the salary on time and also to get a hike. The Lord heard the prayer and has graciously helped her to get a hike in her salary. Also her salary is now given to her on the first day of every month. Glory to God. - Alice Royal Samy, Chennai.

YOUTH ESTHER PRAYER GROUP... Much comfort Two of the prayer points sent by Aunty Stella Dhinakaran in March 2017 were just for me. The verses quoted there were of much comfort and faith kindling. I give glory to the Lord's name. My thanks to Aunty Stella Dhinakaran who prays for us. - S. Keziah Mercy Stanley, Chennai - 113

JUNIOR ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Able to study and write well Karishma of our group could not study well. She told me that hence she had no friends in her school. From the day she came to pray in this group, she is able to study and write well. I give all glory to the Lord who did this miracle. - G. Emima, Coimabtore

My Dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you or young girls/children to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or Junior Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women/young girls/children in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Make use of the time. Contact Address: Sister Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: Dear sisters and children, who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you. - August 2017 JESUS CALLS


Hope you are blessed reading the ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine which brings to you and lakhs of people - God’s messages, Prophecy fulfilment reports, Faith building miracle reports and reports on Prayer Festivals. • If you prefer to get your copy in Odiya or Punjabi language, kindly mail to us or call Toll free 18004257755 or write to us Prayer Tower, 16.Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Salai,Chennai 600028 mentioning the language option (Please tick the choice) Punjabi Odiya • Why don’t you rush to register your dear ones too for them to be blessed ( Please tick the choice) English Hindi Punjabi Odiya You can send your Annual subscription ( Rs 250/-) mentioning ‘for Jesus Calls magazine’(please mention the language also) to Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. You can also donate online through our secure website using your credit card / debit card or net banking. For more details please call our Toll Free No.1800 425 77 55 (7 am to 9 pm)


JESUS CALLS August 2017 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

I got married in the year 2014. The happiness in our newly wedded life lasted only for six months. Due to witchcraft problems in the family, there were always difference of opinion and heated arguments between us. As days went by the situation worsened. Finally I had to leave to my mother’s house. Due to this behaviour of mine, my husband got irritated and started hating me to the core. There was no communication between us. Finally it even went to the extent of filing for divorce. My mother’s family were totally shattered looking at my state. We went to different worship places, seeking deliverance taking my wedding photo but no miracle happened. One day, in the Jesus Calls Television programme, there was an announcement about the 2015 New Year Blessing meeting in Chennai. I took my mother along with me and attended the meeting. After the message, during the prayer time, Dr Paul said, “Let all the devils that are working to break the families leave now.” That was exactly what I was crying out for in my prayer. That moment was glorious. Just then I felt a deep deliverance within me. A great peace filled my heart. Soon after that meeting, Sister Evangeline Paul laid her hands on my head and prayed fervently saying, “Lord Jesus, let them live together as a family.” That same month I received a telephone call from my husband saying that he is coming back! After the prayer the demonic oppressions had left me and so we could blend together again. Our life re-started. Joy came back into our relationship. We now are blessed with a baby boy. We thank our Lord God who saved our marriage and as a family we are thankful to the Dhinakarans for their wonderful ministry. All glory to God. - Boomadevi John Peter, Kallikudi To receive your miracle please call 044 - 33 999 000 (24x7) Please send your prayer requests by email: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran: Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran: by post: Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. by posting a comment on: 51

Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-07-2017


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