Jesus Calla (English) August - 2022

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The Holy Spirit’s move was seen in a mighty way as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran along with his family ministered at Erode for 3 days from 17th June to 19th June 2022 at C.S.I. Teacher Training Institute Ground. Followers of Christ (FOC) Chief Pastor Rev. Joe David presided over these meetings. Pastors and believers from all denominations participated. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran delivered the messages and prayed for their deliverance. All the three days, Stella Ramola led praise and worship which brought the presence of God down. Through these meetings people experienced mighty miracles. Other Events during the three days Festival: On the 18th of June 2022, Erode Partners’ Meet was held at Parimalam Mahal, from 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM. Partners from Erode, Salem, Namakkal, Tirupur, Coimbatore and Ooty participated in this event. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared the word of God and explained the vision of Jesus Calls ministry and the Prayer Tower services to the partners. Stella Ramola conducted praise and worship. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran prayed for the prayer requests of the partners individually. The partners were overjoyed by the prayers and messages from the Dhinakarans family. People from various churches took part at United Church service in Parimalam Mahal on 19th June. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shard about the importance of Jesus being the father to all the followers. Everyone experienced God’s supernatural touch through his prophetic prayers. Many people names were called. Simultaneously, in the Sunday service at Bethany Cathedral, Sis. Evangeline Paul shared 2

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God’s word on ‘fellowship’ and Stella Ramola led the gathering into God’s presence through praise and worship. On the same day at C.S.I. Brough Memorial Church, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran shared God’s message and people were blessed her prayers. God used Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran mightily at the Jesus the Way Church along with Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran on the same day.

In these meetings people encountered the presence of God. Many people were edified and strengthened as they ministered. All glory to the Lord for the open doors He has given for the ministry. - August 2022 JESUS CALLS


Here are a few testimonies that reflect God’s gracious hand which was upon the people during these events:

Deliverance from mental stress and Insomnia


was suffering a lot for many years without sleep due to stress about my family situation and children. Sometimes I also thought why I should live in this world. In this situation, I attended the Jesus Calls meeting in the C.S.I. Ground, Erode on 17.06.2022. That day, when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was delivering the word of the Lord he prophetically said, “You are suffering much not being able to sleep due to worry, difficulty, mental burden and sorrow. You will sleep well from today!” I felt words were spoken to me and gave great comfort in my heart. At that moment all my worries and mental burdens disappeared. That night I slept peacefully. Not only that, I had small boils on my head for many days. As I attended this meeting and prayed, those boils totally disappeared. I also got complete deliverance from headaches. Praise to the Lord who has done these miracles in my life. – Chandra, Erode.

Lord confirmed my calling for ministry


attended the Jesus Calls meeting on 18.06.2022 at the C.S.I. Ground, Erode. I had the desire to do ministry. So, I came to this meeting to receive a sign from God. When Sis Evangeline Paul spoke, she clearly explained, “The smell of smoke (difficulties) will vanish; the fragrance of spikenard will spread over your life. You will bear the fragrance of Jesus.”When she said those words, I could smell the fragrance of spikenard. The Lord strengthened me by His Spirit. I had been suffering from heart pain for many years. The Lord has commanded complete healing over my heart pain. Now I am in good health. - Pushparani, Erode.


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y precious friend, God promises that in this month He will remove all hindrances and help you to move forward in life by putting His seal upon you. His promise is found in Isaiah 44:3, “For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.” Yes, to move you forward God promises to pour out His living waters upon you. His waters will drive you towards the destiny He has for you. God pours waters on the thirsty land and rivers into the dry land. This is the heart of God. He not only wants His children to receive every blessing for themselves but also wants the blessings to overflow like a river on their children and on their children’s children. So do not worry about your future or your children's future. Everything concerning your future and your children’s future, from generation to generation is sealed by God. Do you know what is the seal the Lord has placed over your life? It is the seal of His Holy Spirit. - August 2022 JESUS CALLS

Fountain of waters Firstly, the seal of His Spirit is the fountain of the water of life. A fountain first starts as a spring. So, what does the spring of water do? In Revelation 21:6 God says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.” Water is so important in the eyes of God. It is the ultimate power that comes through from


God. He is the Alpha and the Omega and He begins everything by pouring His waters. In the beginning of creation as in Genesis 1:2, God began His work of creation on the earth from the waters, “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” Even now, He says, “I will pour water upon you for I am the beginning and the end and I will begin new things in your life.” Yes, He will satisfy your thirst. From now on, He will give you water from the spring of life. When Samson had a great army coming against him to kill him, God gave him the strength to take the jaw bone of the ass and kill the entire army. He had a great victory. But after that, a terrible thirst came upon him. The enemies could not kill him but the thirst was about to kill him. He was about to die and it was then he cried out to God and God opened the spring. God opened the spring for Hagar too and brought water for her son of promise. Even today, God is opening His spring for you. God first lets you go through the path of thirsting before the next phase unravels. I believe that we are at a time of thirst right now and for our thirst to be quenched, God is opening the fountain of the water of life. The thirst should come before the fountain opens. Are you thirsting in life right now? Are you saying, “Lord, I am dying due to thirst, O Lord, have mercy. I want to move into the next realm, O God.” According to Psalm 42:1,2, God will quench your thirst. 6

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“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” Like the Psalmist, our thirst should be for God and God alone. It is our thirst for God that can quench not just our thirst for Him but also our thirst to serve Him. That's the first thirst God is bringing into your life right now. Jeremiah 17:13 says He is the spring of Living water. When God opens the fountain of living water it will never dry up. It shall always bring life. In Psalm 63:1, the psalmist says, “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.” When our whole being is longing for God not just for answers and miracles, we will be filled with the fountain of the water of life so that everyone in the world will see Jesus. Everyone will love the water of life that flows out of us. When I was trained in the first batch of the Institute of Power Ministry, on the last day when my father laid his hand upon me the Lord spoke to me many things. Out of which the one thing he said was, “Paul I will use you like Charles Finney.” So, I read about the life of Charles Finney. He was a Lawyer. He studied Law, was an expert in Law and was very successful. But he never believed in God. He read the scriptures and meditated on them in his heart and was transformed. He found Jesus. But he never stopped there. He kept on reading the Bible and he said, “I must know God. I must

know Jesus” and he was longing for the Lord. One day as he was sitting in the Lawyer's office, as the fire was burning in the fireplace, there was a fire burning in his heart for the Lord, thirsting for God. Suddenly in that fire, He saw the face of Jesus. Jesus appeared and rays of light radiated from His face which filled his heart and transformed him. It filled him with joy as he had met God face to face and his whole life changed. He said, “I must bring this loving Jesus to everybody. I have seen Him. I must bring Him to everybody.” Whenever he felt the presence of God decreasing in him,, he would run to the forest. He would take his Bible and walk reading the Bible until the anointing would come back. The presence of God would come back and when he returns to his town everybody would see Jesus in him. When we went to Israel to dedicate the Prayer Tower, my wife and I and a few team members went to Mount Tabor. That's where Jesus was transfigured before His disciples. As we went in, we entered a small chapel there. I said, “Let’s all kneel down and look to God. My heart was thirsting for Him at that time because the mission that God had given me was so great.” God quenched my thirst that day and today God has enabled me to establish Prayer Towers to bring God's kingdom on earth. My wife and I have a huge burden for the ministry but it is God's waters that are keeping us filled and flowing into others through us. As we began to pray, we were lost in the Spirit and we were speaking in new tongues. The Holy Spirit thus began operating through me prophetically and I was able to see Jesus. The Lord Jesus revealed His heart to me saying, “Before I entered the Mount of Transfiguration, I was praised by people yet there was loneliness in My heart and I was thirsty for God. Immediately, I decided to go to My Father. I had everything I needed but I wanted to commune with my Father. So, I left everything, all the human glory and the glory that comes through miracles and climbed the mountain. I wanted to seek My Father and commune with Him. I was thirsty for Him. So, when I climbed the mountain, heaven opened and Moses and Elijah came. I was transfigured into the image of God. I was told I had to give my life

on the cross. A new mission began in that place. I found God My Father and He found Me.” Till today, the mountain has no buildings on it. It is full of thorns and rocks. In order to enter into a new realm, God gives a new tongue as a sign that we are getting closer and closer to Him. That's the same experience God is going to give you from now on. That's the experience of the spring of the water of life- to thirst for God and be transfigured. God will answer your prayers today and transfigure you into His image. You will live and make the world live for Jesus.

Well of water Secondly, God says, “I will give you the well of water.” He moves you from giving you a spring to giving you a well of water. John 4:13,14 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

What does the well of water do? The water that comes from the well brings salvation. Isaiah 12:3, “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” As in John 8:7-11, when the adulterous woman stood before Jesus, He replied to the crowd and people left the place convicted of their sins. Everyone was convicted as Jesus the well of - August 2022 JESUS CALLS


salvation spoke to them. That's what the well of salvation does. From now on, we shall see a great salvation sweep across the world. Once when Charles Finney was filled with the Holy Spirit, he went to his friend's thread factory. Hundreds were working there. Charles Finney looked at the first woman working with the thread and by looking at his face, the woman was convicted of her sins and started crying out to God. In the same way, everyone in the hall started crying, being convicted and there was a great revival that day in that factory. A revival happened even though Charles Finney did not utter a word. Like deep waters are drawn from the well, a revival was drawn from the hearts of people. The well of water flowed through Charles Finney. Similarly, the prophetic ministry will continue through the Jesus Calls ministry but it is the well of the water of salvation that will draw people to God in an immense way . The greatest salvation is beginning from now on. Charles Finney was threatened for the sake of the gospel for people were saved and transformed. One man was furious that he attended Charles Finney’s meeting with a gun to shoot him but even he got touched by God's presence and he repented of his sins. Yes, no weapon formed against you shall prevail provided you are filled with the well of salvation. Ministry has to bring conviction, transformation and repentance. For that, we have to repent first and be pure enough to carry the water of salvation to others. You have to be filled with Jesus all the time not just have plans and procedures. God is going to give you this grace.

Rivers of living water Thirdly, it is the rivers of living water. The dryness will be gone. There shall be three rewards as the rivers flow through you. Healing: Firstly, the rivers will bring healing. God has revealed that there will be twelve wings of the ministry that will bring healing to the nations. From now on the Lord has promised to give twelve fruits in the ministry. The whole world 8

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needs healing. God will do this from today. As we receive these waters, God is going to bless us personally too as promised in Psalm 1:3, “That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither - whatever they do prospers.” Until now, we have sown and sown but we have not reaped as much as we have sown. But from now on everything that we sow will bear fruit. Each season shall bring each fruit as in Revelation 22:1,2, “Each tree yielding fruits each month.” We shall not say this month has been dry. Every month we will bear fruit. It will be so in your life and in the life of your family and descendants. Husband and wife will bear fruit in Jesus’ Name. Every child whom God has given you will bear fruit every month. No more shall we have hindrances. Everything you do will bear fruit. In your character, you will bear fruit and in the work of your hands you will bear fruit. Safety: The second reward is that no harm shall come to you. Jeremiah 17:8 says “They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Yes, you will neither fear nor worry. You will do everything without being anxious. There might be drought around you but not in your life for you are near the river of living water and through you, it will flow to others. As in Psalm 46:4,5, you shall never be moved since you will be like a river that flows from God. Isaiah 43:2 says, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.” Just like how Jesus walked on the water we shall be safe among storms (John 6:19,21). Raise Prophets: The third reward is that God will make us launch prophets to the nations because we are rivers flowing from God. In Exodus 2:2-4, we see that the Levites, Jochebed and Amram were blessed with a beautiful boy named Moses.

The edict during his birth was that the babies of Israelites should be killed but the mother of Moses hid him for three months. After that, she could no longer hide him so she made an ark and left the baby in it near the reefs of the river bank. She kept the child by the river bank and the river became the river of life for that child. They were just Levites but they birthed Moses who became a prophet to the nations. Even so, God will make you and me birth prophets to the nations. The face of Moses shone like that of Jesus when he was coming down from the mountain after he saw God face to face. As his thirst for God was quenched, we too shall flow with the rivers of living waters and deliver God's people by moving prophetically and birthing prophets to establish God's kingdom. God says in Isaiah 59:21, “As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the Lord. “My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always

be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants - from this time on and forever,” says the Lord. Acts 2:17 will come to pass in the ministry and in your family: “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”God is giving this grace to you and your family this month. From now on, God’s seal which is on you will propel you into these blessings. God bless you.

Prayer Loving Father, May every blessing promised by You come upon my life from this moment. May Your Spirit be poured into my life and let Living waters flow through me into the world. Place the seal of Your Spirit upon me so that I will move forward in life overcoming every hindrance. Seal me and my descendants so that we will serve You and bring You glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

There are some problems and oppressions that can only leave when we fast and pray. Keeping this in mind, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran along with his family and the prayer intercessors of the Jesus Calls Ministry is setting aside August 27th, 2022 (Saturday), as a day of fasting and will be praying for the Lord to bring answers to your long-awaited prayer requests. So, please do not hesitate to drop your prayer requests at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to you. You can also send your prayer requests to us through letters, email, Facebook or by visiting our website. After deliverance prayers are offered for your specific prayer request by the Dhinakarans and the Prayer Intercessors, you will be receiving an encouraging prayerful reply with Bible verses. The communication details are as follows: *Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. *E-mail: Website: *Facebook: If you want to share your testimony, please send it to: or WhatsApp number: 9791934442 - August 2022 JESUS CALLS


BLESSING PROMISED IN THE PLAN In this tough and competitive world, it’s a milestone to get a good job. The young individuals live in a vicious circle, where they must seek admission in a good college during a financial crunch. The next significant challenge is to get a good job in a reputed organisation, to recover finances and support one's family. Once they get a job, they are drawn to work in stress and anxiety to prove their mettle. Special prayers are focused towards getting a good job and Even as you enrol in this Plan, an elevation in the current job for all the partners. You will be the Almighty Lord who lifted an asset and a blessing to the organization you are currently up Joseph and who blessed employed in. You will also have job stability and protection his job and made him a ruler against those who come against you. It’s crucial to recognize will surely grant you the suitable job and He will bless your employer, that we need God’s favour in our life. As the Psalmist says, your office and your co-employees just for your sake. The Lord will restore everything to you in double measure, enable you to reap hundredfold blessing (Genesis 26:12) and will make you eat the fruits of your labour with peace and joy.

“May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us - yes, establish the work of our hands.” (Psalm 90:17)

“Then you will find your joy in the Lord, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob. The mouth of the LORD has spoken.” (Isaiah 58:14) Jesus Calls Job Blessing Plan was divinely revealed by the Holy Spirit to Dr Paul Dhinakaran to pray for: • Those who are seeking a suitable job, position and placement in a profession. • Those who would like to climb up the ladder in their profession. • Those who have not got the right compensation or none at all. • Those who are to write the competitive exams for the right placement. • Those who are placed in the bench or are on a difficult transfer. • Those who are unable to succeed in any job and not able to keep the job or one’s position. • Those who incur unnecessary expenses & fall into debts even though they get paid on the job. • Those who need favour amongst those with whom they work and to have a peaceful work environment. • Those who need protection from evils &jealousy and to have good health to serve with vigour. 10

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Here is the testimony of a dear partner in the ministry to encourage you: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank and praise God for making it possible for me to find a new job at Lenovo. I had been praying for and seeking promotion/progress in my job in terms of salary as I had been stagnant for the last 8-9 years. I continuously sent emails requesting Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for me and enrolled myself in Job Blessing Plan. I sincerely thank him for his prayers for the Lord has granted me this desired job and I was able to join Lenovo on January 10th, 2022. I would like to be a source of blessing in this great ministry. I am grateful to support the Jesus Calls ministry by being a part of the Job Blessing Plan. All praise be to Lord Jesus Christ for this plan through which I am blessed.” - Bobby James, Bengaluru

Dear friend, as you enrol in this plan, you will witness God’s wonders in your life. He will open new doors of opportunity for you and cover you with the favour of God and men, as written in Psalm 5:12, 'Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favour as with a shield.' God’s guidance in your workplace will help you achieve good results. You will reach your highest potential, with innovative and creative ideas as God will be with you to lead you through. The key features of this Plan are: • Prayer by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family for all Job Blessing Plan Partners and also God’s revelation for those seeking God’s will for their job. • Continual prayers for all the JBP partners at Chain prayers in Telephone Prayer Tower and at the Bethesda Prayer Tower. • Special invitation for the Partner’s meet and an opportunity to receive the prayers of the Dhinakarans’ personally. • Special events such as career planning organized at the Prayer Tower for Job seekers. • Preference to enrol in the Online training courses. • Liason with Karunya alumni who are at top positions in various corporates and also entrepreneurs. • Opportunity to minister in Prayer Towers in India and all around the world.

Do you want a breakthrough in your career? Do you want to open new doors of opportunity of employment? Kindly fill in the form and enrol in this new plan. Name:.................................................Partner Code: (If any).....................Date of birth................... Address:............................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................City:......................................PIN code.......................... Mobile......................Email:................................. Birthday..................... Wedding day.......................... Yes. I wish to be a part of this Job Blessing Plan and want to contribute: I want to donate Rs 100 or more every month One-day Salary per month First-month salary in my first job 1% or ________% of salary every month Your Prayer Requests so that we can pray for you: …………………………………………………...…..................................................................... For more details: For any query call Partner Care 044- 23456677 (7am to 9 pm) BE BLESSED AND BE A BLESSING! Turn to page 14 to know the mode through which you can enroll in the Job Blessing Plan.



Praying for the nations On the 15th of August, our nation of India celebrates its 76th Independence Day. This month, let us pray especially for our national leaders, ministers and officials (1 Timothy 2:1,2). May the Lord fill the hearts of the people with His love for one another and may the peace of the Lord rule over the Nation. This month, indeed the Lord will set you free from debt and other forms of slavery. Instead of bondage, the Lord will be your inheritance (Psalm 16:5). When God's Spirit comes into you, He will protect you from all evil, and He will rule over your life (2 Corinthians 3:17). Like Mary, who chose the good part of being with Jesus, I desire that you too would choose Him over everything (Luke 10:42). Then the Lord will accept you as His own possession (Exodus 19:5). Yes, when the Lord Jesus who is the truth comes into you, you will not be enslaved to anything but will be free 12

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in Him. You will be able to enjoy all the blessings with joy (John 8:32). I pray for this grace to come upon you.

Prayer Towers – Setting People Free “The Lord sets the captives free.” (Psalm 146:7) August is the month when we have to give thanks to the Lord for the Prayer Tower Ministry. It was on 12th August 1983 that the first 'Jesus Calls' Prayer Tower started functioning in Chennai. Jesus Calls Prayer Towers have been a beacon of hope to several people who seek prayer support during their troubled times. People who

have been addicted to various sins have been delivered completely by the miracle working power of the Lord. In all the 114 Prayer Towers, the prayer intercessors pray together with those who visit the Prayer Towers in person and also with those who contact by phone 24/7, to help them receive their miracle from the Lord. By the grace of God, last month alone we were able to offer continuous prayer support for 1,35,982 people who had visited the Prayer Tower in person. Apart from that, in the National Prayer Tower which is in New Delhi, prophetic prayers are offered for the safety and peace of the nation of India and for the national and state leaders including the President, Prime Minister, Chief Minister and Ministers.

Telephone Prayer Tower in Bengaluru Prayer assistance is provided in 13 languages through the Telephone Prayer Towers currently operating in Chennai and Mumbai. By the sheer grace of God, last month alone 4,52,492 people received prayer support through the telephone. God has been performing amazing miracles through the Telephone Prayer Tower Ministry which offers prayer support 24/7. Whenever you need prayer support, please feel free to call the number 044-45 999 000 at any time of the day or night and our Spirit-filled prayer intercessors will pray with you. We are now in the plans of setting up a Telephone Prayer Tower in Bengaluru. Work is already underway at the Prayer Tower located in Fraser Town. We have published the requirements’ details on 11 page of this magazine. May I invite you to extend your prayers and financial support towards building this Prayer Tower which will in turn be a blessing to millions of people.

New Programmes on TV The Television Ministry is a powerful tool in the hands of the Lord since the TV programmes

can reach millions of people in one go carrying God’s word into the lives of people even if they are in the middle of their work or on urgent trips. For the glory of God, we have started telecasting television programs in Kannada language in the Raj Music TV channel and in Hindi language in the Colours Rishtey TV channel at 6:30 am from July 15th so that people can experience the miracle working power of God every morning in their own language. We will be telecasting a Malayalam TV programme in the Flower TV from August 1st 2022. Please do watch these programmes and also introduce them to native speakers, if you know any. You are most welcome to extend your loving support towards the producing and the broadcasting cost of these programmes either by sponsoring the entire programme or by co-sponsoring a programme along with others. You can sponsor a TV programme on your special occasions such as birthdays, weddings or any special days of your loved ones. For more details kindly, contact +9195001 27277.

Children's education “In him (Christ) are contained all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Colossians 2:3) This is a crucial month for the children who must have completed their schooling since they will be seeking admission in colleges. I am praying fervently that the Lord will open the doors for these children to get admission in the right college and in the right course that God has planned for them. I pray that the Lord will grant good health and wisdom to the children who are going to write the entrance exams to join the vocational courses. In particular, we pray daily at the Prayer Tower that God will bless the children with His wisdom and protection to make their - August 2022 JESUS CALLS


future bright. As a family, we pray for all the children, toddlers and young people whose names are included in the Young Partners’ Plan. I would encourage every child to become a Young Partner and be surrounded by prayers. You can enroll yourself or your children in the Young Partners Plan by visiting a Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area or through our website

Blessings to the couple God led my mother to start the Esther Prayer Group ministry for women to gather together and pray. Later on, the Couple Esther Prayer Group was started for the benefit of husbands and wives to pray together. In obedience to the command of the Lord, the Couple Esther Prayer Group Ministry has been held since 5th August 2017. When many couples intercede together for the Lord’s Ministry and for the world, their families and children have been immensely blessed by the Lord. 21st August was the day when my mother Sis. Stella Dhinakaran accepted the Lord as her personal Saviour. Please uphold her and the Esther Prayer Group Ministry in your personal prayers.


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Job Blessing Plan In August 2020, as led by the Lord, we started the Job Blessing Plan during the terrible pandemic times. We as a family, along with the prayer intercessors, pray specifically for the youngsters to be established in their career and also new jobs for those are unemployed all of a sudden, for peace in the workplace and for job promotion. The Lord has been graciously hearing our prayers and raising several testimonies. Kindly contact 044-23456677 (7 am to 9 pm) if you would like to join the Plan. Continue to support the ministry and pray for the ministry. “Trust in Him always, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is our refuge.” (Psalm 62:8) Accordingly, pour out your heart in the presence of God. Just as the Lord blessed Hannah, I pray that He will bless you too and shelter you throughout this month of August and glorify His name. Your dear brother,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran - August 2022 JESUS CALLS


Jesus Calls Partners’ Meet was held on 2nd July 2022 in Frazer Town Prayer Tower, Bengaluru. More than 2500 partners in and around Bengaluru participated and received blessings. Individual Prayer was done by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Samuel Dhinakaran. Everyone received miracles.

Sunday Special Meeting Jesus Calls Bengaluru Unity Sunday (BUS) Meet was held on 3rd July 2022 in WINGS Arena Kothanur, Bengaluru. The people rejoiced and received God’s love in great measure when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran ministered to the people with God’s word. This Sunday meeting was


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an enormous blessing to those who have gathered there. This meeting was held to commemorate the martyrdom day of Apostle St. Thomas (Indian Christian Day). More than 2000 people gathered and were blessed. In the end, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran met all the pastors and prayed with them. On the same day special service was arranged at FGAG, Kannur, Bengaluru. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran ministered in FGAG Kannur, Bengaluru. Around 2000 gathered. Pastor Paul Thangiah and Pas. Sammy Thangiah also welcomed Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the service was a blessed one. On the same day in the Sunday Service at C.S.I. Hudson Memorial Church Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran specially ministered to the families and youth. Rev. Alfred Sudharshan, Presbyter In-charge, Hudson Memorial Church and the Pastorate committee arranged the meeting. Hundreds of people gathered and were blessed by the prophetical message. On that day, the Family Blessing Meet was held at Frazer Town Prayer Tower. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran ministered to the people. Praise and Worship was led by Stella Ramola. More than 1000 people participated. Partners were greatly blessed. Glory to God. - August 2022 JESUS CALLS



es, God calls you to move forward in your life this month. The disciples saw the miracles Jesus performed and they were in the presence of the Lord all the time. Everything was fine and normal for them until the Lord called them to go to the other shore. My friend, just as the Lord called His disciples, He is calling you too to journey with Him to the next shore.

Do you know what is the next shore to which God calls you? The next shore is a new move that God has destined for you in the path of life which He has set for you. Yes, as in the game of Chess, until you make the next right move you cannot win this game of life. You have to press on towards the goal that God has intended for you (Philippians 3:14). You have to run the race so as to win the prize (1 Corinthians 9:24). You may not


know how the Lord is going to take you across the shore but the Lord is promising you that He will take you by the hand. He Himself will drag you to the next shore of life. At the beginning of this year, I cried out to the Lord saying, “Lord give me a promise for this year.” Then the Lord said that He will do what He has said in Revelation 21: 5, “Behold, I make all things new.” Yes, God does not like us staying in the same position in our lives. The Lord is willing to take us to the next shore. Perhaps you are committing the same sin over and over again and might be lamenting that you are not able to come out of it. But it is to such hearts that God says, “Do not be worried. I Myself will drag you out of your difficulty.” Yes, in the Bible God did that for Lot. When Abraham prayed for Lot and his family, God gave him His word that He will save them. In the same way, the Bible states that when Lot hesitated to leave Sodom, the angels took hold of their hands and dragged them out of the city

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(Genesis 19:16). Such is your God, dear friend! He promises to make all things new, deliver you and bring you honour. Once there were two men, who were drunk. They climbed into two boats to go boating. No matter how hard they struggled all night, they couldn’t move the boat. When the morning light came on and they opened their eyes, they saw that they were both at the same place. Their boats did not go to the next shore. Their drinking was evident and only then did they notice that their boats were tied to a tree with a rope. That is how, dear one, when we are in sin, our boat will never go to the other shore. Sin will keep us tied. But the Lord looks at you and promises to take care of you.

Do you know what the disciples did when they were called to go to the other shore? The disciples took the Lord with them in their boat. Likewise, carry the Lord in your lifeboat too. When you ask the Lord to come with you, He will take you to the next shore, to a new life. Just say, “Jesus, I want You; I want You to lead my life. Please come into my soul; give me Your spirit.” When you pray this way, whether you like it or not, the Lord is going to move you forward in life. His compassion will do it. If you look at my life, I did not know anything about ministry. But, the Lord called me to care for others. When my husband's family came to our house to see me, I was worried about how I was going to serve God. I shuddered that day. But look at me now! I was not persuaded by people to do ministry but I was equipped with God’s Spirit. All I prayed was, “Lord, fill me with Your Spirit.” Since then the Lord has been guiding me step by step, in my ministerial path. Today, He is using me among women, adolescents, among families, and in public meetings.

The Lord who calls is faithful. You are more than who you are in your kitchen. You can also do service unto the Lord. Yes, dear friends, the Lord will guide you in a way you are not familiar with. This is what we read in Isaiah 42:16, “I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.” You may be sailing your lifeboat in the midst of struggles and hardships these days. But, it is good that you are going down this path. Before a good thing can happen, we must experience all these pains. When I got married I thought everything would be fine. Ever since I surrendered myself to the Lord, there have been struggles in my life. I have lost my loved ones. Weakness came over my body. Whenever I had to minister in public meetings, I used to feel weak due to those weaknesses. Nevertheless, I will stand on the platform and preach. I bore all things and magnified the name of the Lord. But today, those struggles and weaknesses are nowhere to be seen. We see in the Bible that as the Lord was taking His disciples to the next shore, a great storm arose. They were all terrified. They were questioning the Lord out of fear. The Lord just said a single word, “Be still.” Immediately the sea and the wind obeyed him. Similarly, the Lord will bring peace in your life too. He will take you to the next shore. He will take you by the hand and use you to serve Him. Whether you like it or not, the next level is going to be different for you. The Lord will force good things to flow into your life. The Lord will never stop once He begins to bless you. Blessings will keep coming. Success is on your way. Be of good cheer!

Every day the Dhinakarans share one blessed promise from God’s word to keep you going through the day. A three-minute single thought inspired by the Holy Spirit is a daily reminder of God’s goodness to you.

Start your day with a short reminder of God’s blessings stored up for you for the day. You are most welcome to send an offering of Rs.500/- to uphold the SMS Ministry for a year which is a blessing to lakhs of people. You will also enjoy your everyday life and step into a new level of God's grace day by day. - August 2022 JESUS CALLS


The Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Frazer Town, Bengaluru has been a beacon of hope for the thousands that visit the place every day in their times of trouble. The intercessory prayers offered by the prayer intercessors on their behalf have brought not only comfort but also miracles into their lives. The Chapel situated in the Prayer Tower has also been a place where the people find some quiet time with the Lord. The weekly Blessing meetings conducted in the Prayer Tower have also been a blessing to many. People feel free to walk into the Prayer Tower as their own home, share their problems and receive comfort and deliverance through prayer. The Prayer Tower also has a parking facility in the basement reception, separate prayer and counselling rooms on the ground floor and a spacious auditorium and hall for meeting purposes on the first and the second floors. As led by the Lord, we are now in the plans of starting a Telephone Prayer Tower on the third floor with the vision of 'Not one soul to be lost'. As you must be aware, the Lord has been doing great and mighty things through the Telephone ministry which is offering prayer support to several thousands of people across the nation in 13 different languages.

We will be building this Telephone Prayer Tower on the third floor from the ground up with the following facilities: • Work stations for the prayer intercessors • A facility for the Prayer Intercessors to rest at night • A place to keep all the prayer requests • A chain prayer room

It is estimated that the construction work, which will take place on a total area of 8,000 square feet, will cost approximately INR 20 million (2 Crore Rupees). We cordially invite you to help generously as the Lord leads you. You can sponsor the cost per square feet of this work or the costs incurred for a particular facility.


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I was a student in 2013. My dream was to become a prominent businessman. So, I started a business while studying. The business that I was doing on a large scale soon was caught in the abyss with a 32 lakh rupees loan! The usurers would come to my house and abuse me verbally. Fearing the threats of the usurers, I started coming to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Bengaluru. I used to enter the Prayer Tower as soon as it opened at 8 AM and sit there till 7 PM. One day I decided to take the extreme step of ending my life. So I came to the Prayer Tower thinking that I will be praying for the last time. As led by the Holy Spirit, the prayer intercessor said that the Lord has a special purpose for me and will make me a blessing to millions of people. When I finished the prayer, I received a phone call from a company for which I had already given a job interview. I joined the company, washed cars in the morning, and walked 4 kilometres to reach my office. With that meagre income, I began to pay off the debt little by little and was also donating to the Bengaluru Prayer Tower Building Fund. In that office, the Lord exalted me. I got a raise in salary as well as a promotion. Later, I got an excellent job in a reputed news agency in Dubai. With the Lord's help, I settled the entire debt of 32 lakhs rupees within three and a half years. Today, my standard of living has improved dramatically. I own a nice car and have servants to help. My name also appears on the list of donors at the Bengaluru Prayer Tower. - Mr. Gideon Jayaneson, Bengaluru What a powerful testimony! By the sheer grace of God, the Frazer Town Prayer Tower building was built with the support of the ministry partners and was inaugurated on 22nd February 2020. The Lord who performed miracles in the life of Mr. Gideon Jayaneson is able to perform miracles in your life too and grant you the blessings that you have been waiting for a long time. My share in the construction of the Bengaluru Telephone Prayer Tower (tick your choice) I am giving Rs.3,000 for 1 square feet of work I am giving Rs.15,000 for 5 square feet of work I am giving Rs.30,000 for 10 square feet of work ............... sq. ft. cost of work Rs................. To sponsor a particular facility: I am donating Rs. 3 lakhs I am donating 1 lakh I am donating Rs.................................. (The names of those who sponsor for specific facility will be written in the Prayer Room) Name: ……………………............................ Partner Code (if any):…………………........ Address:……………………...........................................................................…………….. ..........................................................................PIN code:………………………………….. Mobile 1:………………………….....……….. Mobile 2:……………..........…………………….. Email:………………………………...............................................................................….. You can donate At the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your city (find your nearest Prayer Tower at Online mode: You may also donate through You can also contact our Partner Care No. 044-23456677 (7 AM to 9 AM), and our team will be able to guide you. - August 2022 JESUS CALLS


Hi Friends, Have you ever been bored while reading the Bible? Have you dozed off when reading a passage? Well, we have all been there. When we read the Bible because we are forced by our parents, we often don’t read to understand the intention and characteristics of God in each story. In every story, God reveals His characteristics and His goodness to His people. The Bible is not just about the rules. There is so much more. There is so much history, poetry, and prophecy and it also teaches us simple ways on how to live a life, being guided by the Holy Spirit, which was freely given to us.

What can you look for in the Bible? Look at yourself through God’s eyes If you do things only to escape hell, you tend to only follow rules that make you seem like the “perfect saint,” which makes you appear holy only on the outside. Those rules will sometimes distract you from having an authentic relationship with God. Following only the rules, all the time, and not having a personal relationship with God, will make you ask the infamous questions, “I’m doing all the


right things as a Christian, then why are bad things happening to me?” When you don’t have a strong relationship with Christ, when you don’t pray or spend time with God, then any little obstacle can shake you. It’ll make you feel as though your world has turned upside-down. Only when you have a relationship with God and know the Bible, the Holy Spirit in you will strengthen you when you are weak by reminding you of the scriptures, reassuring you that God is always with you during times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). He will fight your battles. When you start hearing God, your mind will be at peace (Isaiah 26:3). You will be more than how people define you. You will become just like how Jesus calls you: more than a conqueror.

Book for love, not rules Instead of looking at the Bible as a book of rules, look at it as a book of love. God has shown

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His love and mercy to His people time and time again. He takes the weak and makes them strong. He empowers them with His goodness and mercy. We have a God, with whom we can have a relationship. He created us for that purpose alone. We can talk to Him every day, share our worries and praise Him for His goodness in our lives. He will carry our burdens and help us in overcoming our struggles (Psalm 55:22). When we have this kind of relationship with Christ, we will do what He likes and what pleases Him. We will live according to His will. Let’s look at it this way. The Bible is full of love and God’s mercies. When your friend tells you not to do something, you don’t do it out of respect for them and the fact that they simply told you not to do it. You don’t want to disappoint them. You still want to maintain your strong bond with them. In the same way, when you have a relationship with Jesus, you do things to please Him. You follow the commands in the Bible, which are there to protect you, in order to be pleasing in God’s eyes. You avoid doing sin not to disappoint God. That should be your goal. When you are pleasing Him, He’ll bless you in all aspects. Even when you go through hard times, you’ll have the security that God will watch out for you and fight for you (Exodus 14:14). You don’t have to go through the battles alone (Deuteronomy 4:31). You can be certain of God’s care (1 Peter 5:7) and concern for you (Psalm 139:8). So you will follow His words of love looking at it not as law but as an expression of love and as the way to the abundance of life.

Look at the Bible in a positive light Use scripture to spread God’s love. Don’t just use it to judge someone’s sin. Many times we see people doing things that don’t reflect Christ. Our immediate response is to judge them. Nowadays, people have a new term for judgment, “Bro, I’m not judging. I’m just correcting.” “The Bible says we can judge with right judgment”, and “If we don’t correct them, how they will know their sin?” When we judge them or “correct them,” it adds more tension and they stray away from the love of God. Everyone needs love. Show them God’s love through your life and actions. That’s all you need to do. “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us,” (Romans 5:8). Show them the same love that God showed you when you were desperate and lost. When they experience God’s love through you, they will want to know more about the God you represent. When they accept Jesus as their personal Savior, because of the example of God’s love through your life, they will experience His love directly through reading the Bible and experiencing His goodness in their lives. Then, whenever they do sin, the Holy Spirit will convict them (John 16:8) and they in turn will live a life pleasing to Christ. So let the Bible expound God’s love to you and help you to love people with that love that you yourself have received from the Lord. Say to people only what God’s love has taught you and this world will continue to exalt the Bible over all books. - August 2022 JESUS CALLS


“He (Jesus) got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.” (Mark 4:39) When unexpected turns happen in people’s lives and they are baffled by their problems, the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers have been a place of solace and have offered comfort to the suffering people through intercessory prayers. As promised by the Lord, it is a place where tears turn into joy. Here are a few testimonies that would encourage you to visit or call the Prayer Towers for prayer help and experience a miracle.

Jalandhar Prayer Tower, Punjab Desired Job I am working in the medical department. As a young partner since my childhood, I have been greatly blessed. I completed B.Sc. Nursing in 2021. After that, I got a private job at a Medical College in Jalandhar, but I was not satisfied with that job. So I applied for a government job. One day before my test, I visited Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Jalandhar for prayer and I shared my desire with a prayer intercessor. He encouraged me to not worry and said God will bless me with the required score. He prayed for me with tears. I appeared for the test and I passed the test. On 20-07-2021 I got the joining letter from Punjab Government and now I am working in a government hospital as a staff nurse. I thank God for this blessing. Special thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the Jesus Calls ministry. - Harsimrat Ruth, Jalandhar 24


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Healed from Covid-19 In May 2020, I was affected by the second wave of Covid. Due to this, my lung was damaged by 65%. I vomited blood. I couldn’t find admission in any of the hospitals in Bengaluru. Not knowing what to do my family was suffering. I was tormented by the fear of death. With a broken heart, I contacted the Jesus Calls Bengaluru Prayer Tower and cast all my burden onto the Lord. The prayer intercessor who attended my call prayed with much burden for my healing. God heard our prayers and miraculously healed me from my sick bed. I am grateful for the prayer intercessor who prayed for me earnestly. Praise be to our miracle-working God. - Patrick Dennis, Bengaluru

By the sheer grace of God, the Jesus Calls Magazine reaches more than a lakhs families across the nation, in 7 different Indian dialects (Tamil, English, Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi, Kannada and Gujarati). Each edition has been a source of edification and comfort to many featuring Bible-based teaching from the Dhinakarans, updates from the Ministry, the Youth section, the Family section, Real-life testimonies, other encouraging articles and much more! Currently, we are distributing the Jesus Calls Magazine freely to the Prayer Tower visitors or to the people during house visits. We are also sending magazines to the Jesus Calls partners so that everyone can experience the goodness of the Lord. You can subscribe or sponsor the Magazine Ministry. This will help cover the entire publishing cost of the Magazine Yearly Subscription (including printing, designing and even the paper and the postalcost). for the Magazine Sponsorship for the Magazine Ministry. Rs 1000/Rs 5000/or more We value your partnership with us in the Ministry. May God bless you for your generous heart. (Proverbs 11:25)

Rs. 300/--

To know the easy ways of sending your offering, kindly refer page 14 - August 2022



“Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; (Psalm 86:11; 27:11) unite my heart to fear Your name.” What is prayer? Talking to the Lord Jesus and opening our heart and pouring it at His feet is prayer. But, many are ignorant of this and are in a pitiable state! Prayer is sitting in the presence of God in all reverence and opening our hearts and talking to Him freely. The Lord has a name and it is, “You, who hear prayer” (Psalm 65:2). In Matthew 7:7 and Luke 11:9, we read, “Ask, seek and knock.” David’s life is a good example for this. In the above given verse we see the man of God pleading to the Lord for three things:

Teach me Your way, O, Lord: Out of his desire and interest that Abraham, His servant and his family should walk in the fear of God, the Lord said, “command his children and his household after him that they keep the way of the Lord to do righteousness and justice…” (Genesis 18:19). He not only walked in fear of the Lord but was also careful in leading his household to walk accordingly. That’s why Abraham’s descendants were ‘Godly descendants’ by the grace of God (Matthew 1:1-17). 26


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What are the ways that are divine and pleasing to God? We shall see about that:-

Way of the Righteous “For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish.” (Psalm 1:6) There are two ways in this world. One is the way of the sinners and the other is the way of the righteous man! “For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish” (Psalm 1:6). As we read thus in the Bible, we also clearly read about the lives of both the righteous and the ungodly people (Psalm 1:1-3). Likewise, God wants us also to live as righteous people. We read in the Bible that “his (wicked man’s) own counsel casts him down” (Job 18:7) and that “the Lord knows the thoughts of man that they are futile” (Psalm 94:11). When Absalom rose against David, the man of God, God turned the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness. Thus, the righteous David was miraculously protected by the Lord (II Samuel 15:31). Nehemiah too says that God brought their enemies’ plan to

nothing (Nehemiah 4:15). The Lord says, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6) and whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left’ you will hear Me saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” (Isaiah 30:21) and thus makes us know of the right and divine way, pleasing to Him. He teaches us His ways and leads us in the path of righteousness by holding our hands (Psalm 32:8; Isaiah 48:17). When I got newly married, I did not have much fellowship with the Lord. But I had a deep love for Him. I did not have much wisdom to do the household chores and so I started praying to the Lord for each and everything and leaned on Him to guide me. Particularly I was lacking in wisdom in the area of running the family and in cooking. I prayed much that the Lord should guide me in everything according to His will. He heard all my pleas, led me by His hands beautifully and wonderfully guided me in such a way that I learnt everything pretty soon.

“Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day.” (Psalm 25:5) Also, the Bible says, “the Lord’s law is truth; His word is truth” (Psalm 119:142,160). We hear many testimonies that true men of God get up early in the morning and wait in the presence of God with tears and reverence and read the Bible. My husband Bro. Dhinakaran had the habit of reading the Bible and praying for 2 hours every morning, since his days of youth. As a result, he was wonderfully led by the Lord in the path of truth. Yes, the Lord will deliver us from all our sufferings and problems through His words (John 8:32). It is the desire of God that all men should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (I Timothy 2:4). This is the blessed life enjoyed by those who love the Lord. In the latter part of I John 1:3, Apostle John has written about his deep experience thus: “truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.” Yes, this is the true Christian life. Do you have this divine fellowship with the Lord Jesus?

His delight is in the fear of the Lord

Yes, dear ones! In whichever area you are lacking, you may also look up to the Lord and hold on to Him firmly so that you would become excellent in those things. When the Lord’s wisdom would operate in you, the changes that happen in you would be amazing not only to you but also to others around you. Yes, our Lord is alive! He sees us. He hears our prayers and answers us.

Way of the Truth “Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name.” (Psalm 86:11)

As we read in I Peter 2:21, the life of the Lord Jesus Christ is an example for us. He has said, “I and My Father are one” (John 10:30) and “He, who has sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone for I always do those things that please Him” (John 8:29). As He has thus said, let us also follow His divine ways and walk in the ways of truth in reverence, understanding the truth. Like Mary about whom the Lord Jesus said, “she has chosen that good part,” let us also trust Him completely and walk - August 2022



in reverence (Luke 10:42). My husband’s father, after accepting the Lord as his Saviour, walked in the ways of righteousness in reverence. He used to seek the Lord early in the morning even when it was dark. He would then spread the mat and get ready for the family prayer exactly at 6 o’ clock in the morning. We would join with him and pray to the Lord as a family. Since I too followed that way of truth in reverence in the family life, the Lord was pleased with us and is wonderfully using us even today as a family in His ministry, with godly zeal. Dear ones! You should also get up early in the morning and seek the Lord as a family with reverence. Read the Bible in all reverence and walk in the path of truth. In order that your family would walk in the path of truth, be diligent in seeking the ways for that. Then there would be absolutely no room for the works of the devil in your family. Divine peace and joy given by the Lord will abide in your family always and there will not be any quarrel or argument. The Lord will beautifully build up your house.

flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (II Corinthians 7:1) and we read Peter saying, “in every nation, whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him” (Acts 10:35). Also, we read, “His delight is in the fear of the Lord” (Isaiah 11:3) and that, “The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy” (Psalm 147:11). According to these Scriptures, it is essential that the fear of the Lord is seen in the life of every man of God. Ignorant of this glorious life, I was also living a nominal Christian life. When my marriage got fixed, during my betrothal ceremony, the pastor read the following important verse from Proverbs 31:30, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, shall be praised.” When this was read, the Holy Spirit spoke to me. The Lord Jesus Christ impressed upon my heart the areas in which I was lacking in the fear of the Lord and taught me how I should walk. He thus led me because of which my fellowship with Him increased day by day. As a result, the Lord changed all the shortcomings in my life, removed my ignorance and soon made me into a responsible wife. In the same way, He also increased my desire to seek Him more and more every day.

A woman who fears the Lord, shall be praised

Fear the Lord with Reverence “Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments.” (Psalm 112:1) “Blessed is everyone, who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways.” (Psalm 128:1) Yes, dear ones! Fear of God is an important factor that should be seen in the life of every child of God. In the Bible we read, “let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the 28


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Yes, dear ones! Like me, when you, who are lacking in your spirit, soul and in your life, would seek the Lord in reverence, He will be pleased with you, change your life completely, perfect you, establish you, strengthen you and settle you. He will help you to yield fruits for Him and live a victorious life.

Isaiah 54:10 - The compassionate Lord Meditation: Isaiah 30:18; Matthew 20:29-34; Mark 1:40-42; Luke 7:11-13 Deuteronomy 30:9 - It will be good for you Meditation: Deut. 26:11; Psalm 31:19; Jeremiah 24:4-7; Hebrews 11:40 Isaiah 26:4 - The eternal rock Meditation: 1 Samuel 2:2; Psalm 62:6; 71:3; 1 Cor. 10:4 Psalm 91:14 - Highest protection Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 18:2; 59:1; 107:41; Proverbs 29:25 Isaiah 56:5 - Everlasting name Meditation: Exod. 15:3; Isaiah 54:5; Amos 4:13; Acts 4:12 Psalm 89:21 - God strengthens us Meditation: Deut. 33:25; Isaiah 49:5; Phil. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4:17 Isaiah 49:3 – Glorious God Meditation: Psalm 50 :15; Isaiah 60:21; Matthew 15:29-31; Luke 13:10-13 Psalm 124:8 – The Lord our Helper Meditation: 1 Samuel 17:45; Psalm 115:15; 121:1,2; 134:3 Isaiah 62:5 - God pleased over you Meditation: Psalm 43:4; Isaiah 65:19; Habakkuk 3:18; Luke 1:46,47 Jeremiah 8:22 – God’s power Meditation: Nehemiah 2:18; Psalm 119:173; Luke 1:66; Acts 11:21 Psalm 37:40 - Salvation to those who seek God Meditation: Psalm 65:5; Lamentations 3:26; Romans 8:24; 1 Thess. 5:8 Isaiah 65:19 – The Lord will rejoice over you Meditation: Isaiah 62:2-5; Habakkuk 3:17,18; Zephaniah 3:17; Luke 1:46,47 2 Samuel 22:17 - The Lord will lift you up Meditation: Psalm 40:2; 113:7; 145:14; Mark 1:31; 9:27 Isaiah 41:15 – Sharp Instrument Meditation: Psalm 45:5; 127:4; Isaiah 41:16; Micah 4:13 Isaiah 60:3 - The Lord will be your light Meditation: Isaiah 42:7; Matt. 5:14-16; Acts 13:47; 1 John 1:5-7 Joshua 1:9 - The Lord is with you Meditation: Deut. 31:8; Joshua 3:7; Judges 6:13-16; Isaiah 43:5

















Lamentations 3:25 - The Lord is good Meditation: 2 Chronicles 5:13; 7:3; Jeremiah 33:11; Lament. 3:25; John 7:12 Psalm 62:8 - God is our refuge Meditation: Deut. 33:27; 2 Sam. 22:3; Isaiah 41:10-13; Joel 3:16 Isaiah 55:2 - Joy in the soul Meditation: Psalm 22:6; 35:9; 86:4; Jeremiah 31:14; John 6:48-58 Exodus 14:13 - Deliverance of the Lord Meditation: Exod. 15:2; Psalm 62:1,2; Daniel 3:28,29; Romans 10:9,10 Isaiah 46:13 - God will command His glory Meditation: 1 Kings. 3:11-14; Isaiah 35:1,2; Acts 7:55,56; 2 Cor. 3:17,18 Psalm 34:8 - Trust in the Lord Meditation: Psalm 40:4; Jeremiah 17:7; Lamentations 3:24; Hebrews 10:35-39 Psalm 46:7 - The Lord Almighty Meditation: Jeremiah 31:5,23; Hosea 12:5; Amos 4:13; Zechariah 8:8 Psalm 81:16 - The Lord will satisfy you Meditation: Levi. 25:18,19; Psalm 91:15,16; Isaiah 58:11; Matthew 5:6 Jeremiah 1:19 - The Lord will rescue you Meditation: Deut. 20:4; 2 Chronicles 20:17; Psalm 109:31; Jeremiah 30:11 Psalm 145:8 - The Lord is gracious Meditation: Exodus 33:19; Psalm 145:17; John 1:16; James 4:6 1 Samuel 2:30 - The Lord will honor you Meditation: 1 Samuel 18:30; 1 Chronicles 29:12; Isaiah 43:4; John 12:26 Proverbs 2:7 - The Lord is our shield Meditation: Genesis 15:1; 2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 28:7; Proverbs 30:5 Mark 10:27 - All things possible with God Meditation: Jeremiah 32:17,27; Mark 10:27; Luke 18:18-27; 1 Cor. 3:7 Psalm 55:22 - Cast your burdens on the Lord Meditation: Deut. 26:6-9; 1 Samuel 1:1-20; 2 Kings 20:1-6; 1 Peter 5:7 3 John 2 - Live and prosper Meditation: Nehemiah 9:25; Ezek. 28:26; Isaiah 35:1-4; Acts 14:17















31 - August 2022



As led by the Lord, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran started the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group on August 5, 2017 for families to be built in the Lord through the fervent prayers offered by the couples in the group. In this month of August, we would like to thank the Lord for the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group Ministry where the couples gather together once a month and pray for an hour at the feet of the Lord, for the 10 prayer points prepared and sent by Sister Stella Dhinakaran. These groups have been formed not only in India but also in several other countries like America, U.K, Oman and Sri Lanka and now by the grace of God 152 groups are functioning. The Lord is doing mighty things through these groups. Here are a few testimonies we would love to share for the glory of God: Standing as a Testimony I am the leader of our Couples’ Esther Prayer Group.We, as six couples, are paying in our group. After my marriage, our life was full of struggles. We were constrained by witchcraft and black magic. Not knowing what to do, I called unto the Lord. The Lord heard the prayer and helped us to overcome all the works of the enemy. He did not put us to shame. Now we are committed to doing ministry, as a family. The Lord has graciously helped us to share His love with the broken-hearted and lead them to His saving grace. In my spiritual life, He has filled me with the anointing and has kept me to stand as a witness for Him as a light, salt and fragrance to the world. He has blessed us with two 30


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daughters. One daughter is conducting Junior Esther Prayer Group ministry. We give all glory and praise to the Lord for using us as a family in the Esther Prayer Group ministry! - Mrs & Mr. Joshua, Chennai

Transformation in the Family As per the guidance of Sis. Esther Aruldoss, I am leading the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group in our area. We started this group in 2020, during the lock down period. Now we are praying as four couples in the group. Because of the prayers, I am witnessing so many transformations in our family. We have started our family prayer. We are now enjoying divine peace and joy in our family. All the needs of our family are met. Particularly we prayed that our children should get through their public exams. The Lord indeed helped our son and daughter to score very good marks in their +2 and 10th public exams respectively. Not only that, the Lord has also helped us to start two

more new groups in 2021. Glory to God! - Mrs & Mr. Anandaraj, Chennai

Arise and Shine From the very first day of the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group, my husband and I are regularly conducting the prayer every month. The Lord is blessing us abundantly. He has also helped us to grow spiritually. Suddenly we faced a financial crisis in our family. My husband also was having some problems in his job. In those days, all of us prayed together in the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayer and miraculously delivered us from that crisis. The Lord has poured into us the spirit of prayer so that we would pray much for others’ blessings through this Couples’ Esther Prayer Group and has helped us to arise and shine. Particularly, in our group, Mr.Ajith and Mrs. Evelyn had no child in7 years of married life. We prayed for them every month in our group. The Lord had compassion and blessed them with a bonny baby boy in December 2021. Also, every couple who is attending our group, is receiving His blessings every month. I give praises to the Lord. I thank our dear mother, Stella Dhinakaran who is encouraging us to gather together and pray as couples, every month. - Mrs & Mr. Arul Prakash, Chennai

Daughter’s Marriage Settled We are conducting the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group for the past 2 years. The Lord is helping us to pray with burden for the prayer points sent by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. Since we pray for other couples, the Lord is doing

mighty things in our family. Particularly, He helped my daughter to complete her college studies successfully and also join a good job. At that time, quite unexpectedly we got an alliance for her. We surrendered it to the Lord, for His will to be done. Within three months, everything was arranged and God helped us to conduct her wedding in a grand manner on May 25, 2022. We firmly believe that the Lord did this miracle which was beyond our imagination, solely for the reason that we prayed for other couples. I thank dear mother, who prays for our family. We offer millions of praises to the Lord who did this miracle in our family! - Mrs& Mr. V. Devadhas, Chennai

Miraculous Healing We are conducting the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group in Bro. Prakash’s house. This brother met with an accident a few months back. His hips and legs were injured. We prayed for him as a group in the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard all our prayers, healed him and has helped him to go for his job. Also, the Lord has given spiritual desires in his wife’s life. Mrs. Jeeva in our group, met with an accident while riding her two wheeler and was injured. However, the Lord saved her and miraculously protected her. This sister’s husband Mr. Jacob had no love for the family because of which the children were very much affected. We prayed earnestly for him in our Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. The Lord intervened in his life, brought changes in the family and has granted His peace in the family. Because of his health - August 2022



condition, the doctors advised for dialysis. But hearing the fervent prayers offered for him in the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group, the Lord has granted him perfect healing. We offer millions of praises to the God of gods, who has helped us to bear one another’s burden and fulfil Christ’s command through the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. - Mrs & Mr. Jeyaprakash, Sivakasi

Financial Crisis Gone My wife and I are conducting the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group since August 2019. We, as four couples, are praying in our group. Earlier we faced a lot of financial problems in our family. But after starting the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group ministry, the Lord has miraculously met our needs. All our financial problems are solved. The couples who are praying in our group are spiritually blessed. The Lord has blessed Sis. Bapnam Jojowar and Sis. Leelavathy Lucan with the gift of speaking in tongues. Both Vinitha Lucan and Sishiwar Lucan could not pray. Vinitha had pain in her leg. The Lord removed that pain and also led her to join the prayer group and pray. Brother Mackin Chadia’s mother and sister were separated from him. We prayed for them in the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayer and has helped them to rejoin him. I praise the Lord for all the benefits that

He has done in our Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. - Mrs & Mr. Johnson Lugun, Simdega, Jharkhand

Perfect strength in weakness Since the day we both started praying together in the Jesus Calls Couples’ Esther Prayer Group, the Lord has blessed us immeasurably in our spiritual life and worldly life. In the year 2021, we experienced many hardships and pains due to the terrible illness that occurred unexpectedly in my wife's body. In desperation, everyone prayed for my wife in the Couple's Esther Prayer Group with tears in their eyes. Especially dear sister Stella Dhinakaran also prayed very earnestly. To everyone's astonishment, the Lord responded by adding days to my wife's life and keeping her alive to this day. I also became increasingly ill and was forced to undergo surgery. Everyone in the Couple Esther prayer group prayed for me. The Lord heard everyone's prayers and made the operation successful and gave me wonderful healing. Not only that, he protected our family from plagues, dangers and accidents. With a grateful heart, we offer praises and thanksgiving to God, who has been our refuge in times of need. I would also like to thank Sister Stella Dhinakaran and the Couple Esther Prayer Group members who prayed for us so fervently. - Mr. Helkiah, Chennai

My dear couples, you may also pray together as couples, once a month, for an hour. When you do thus, it is certain that your family and your dear ones would be blessed. Those who would like to start a new Esther Group or join the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group, please contact us: For Details: Sister Stella Dhinakaran, (Couples’ Esther Prayer Group) 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 Email: 32


August 2022 - - August 2022 JESUS CALLS



JESUS CALLS August 2022 -

Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


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