Jesus Calls (English) August - 2020

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efore we pray for the destruction caused by Corona virus to be stopped, we should know why the Lord has allowed it and how we have to pray for it. These are all the signs of the second coming of the Lord. Yes, the Lord is going to come soon. Before He comes, the word of the Lord will go all over the world flowing like water; the hearts of the people will be open in the days to come. The people will say, “It is enough if I get a solution for my life; it’s enough if I live. It’s enough if I survive. Tell me a way for that.” When we say the name of the Lord in that situation, He will command a heart which will want to know it within the people - August 2020 JESUS CALLS


in every nation. That is why the Lord has allowed it.

PEACE FOR ISRAEL I have announced what the Lord had showed me in 2014 that time itself. He showed me, what will happen to each nation? Followed by that, how peace will come to Israel? How the eyes of the people of Israel will be opened? How they will see the one whom they pierced? (John 19:37) and then, how salvation will come upon Israel and the word of the Lord will go around the world from there.

CHINA – LOSING PROTECTION The Lord showed to me in 2016, what will happen in China. This has been published in August 2016 Magazine in page 11. “My name and My word shall be heard across the kingdom of the Mongols. The Mongols shall hear my voice. China shall surely be anointed by My Holy Spirit. My face shall shine upon them. The country will establish a frontier by which it would say that it is impenetrable. But as it becomes stronger and stronger and as it says that, nobody can penetrate into the wall and the web (electronic defence), it's protective wall will crumble. A pestilence shall first go across the nations of the East even in Greater China. When nobody else can help them they will cry out to Me. My grace shall then follow and people shall be redeemed. My healing presence shall flow across the land of China. They will know that I am their only Saviour and their only Redeemer. As waters flow from the high mountains so will my anointing and grace flow from China to all the

You are the prophet of the Lord. You are filled with the power of prophecy. 4

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regions around. Today, all the regions around tremble at that nation but a time will come when My grace will flow to all nations from that great nation where my name will be resounding in a supernatural manner. They always begin their activities with the sound of the gong but now they will hear the sound of redemption. There will be great joy.” Now the servants of God are in shackles. In the days to come, the whole nation shall say, “Only if you come and pray we shall live.” Therefore along with the healing powers flowing throughout the nation, thousands and thousands who have received the healing power through the name of Jesus shall rise; they will come to India too. After that the Lord shall make India and China to come in peace. India and China shall become friendly nations. Now there is war and separations. There is also ban in business. But in the days to come, the Lord will make India and China to come together. Therefore the Lord will open the doors for us to proclaim the gospel from India. I believe that the Lord will open ways to start a Prayer Tower in Beijing, the capital of China. India and Pakistan will make agreements due to this. They will come in peace. When the gospel of Christ comes, there will be prosperity in the economy. Due to that prosperity in the economy, everything will become peaceful. No man can stop that. No man can decide against that. This is the first revival.

REVIVAL IN RUSSIA Then similar things like this will happen in Russia. The power of the Lord will come down on Russia and they will turn to the word of the Lord. They have imposed ban on reading the Bible and printing it. But in the days to come, the word of the Lord will pass all through Russia. After that, Russia will make agreements with the MiddleEast and become a refuge for all of them. The Lord revealed it to me in 2014; I have said this that time itself. These days you are witnessing it. Importantly, we are going to see a glorious revival in Azerbaijan. It will bring Russia and the

Middle East together. The women in the Middle Eastern countries, in the Arab nations are going to be filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesy. Their shackles which are present now will be broken. Now the women cannot come outside. But in the days to come, when the Lord pours His Spirit, the Spirit of the Lord will come upon them. Each one of them will prophesy. The husbands will be saved. The glory of the Lord will come down. Only after that the word of the Lord will go from the Arab nations to Israel. Now it is protected by getting into agreements with the USA. But in those days, the Arab nations will make agreements with Israel. Business will begin. They will be leading in economy in the whole world. When you see these things happen, you will witness the end time revival happening in these nations. A great economic rise will come upon the people there.

ZION – CAPITAL OF ISRAEL After that they will establish the Headquarters of Israel in the mountain of Zion in Jerusalem. “You will see peace around the world when the buildings and authorities are established with Mount Zion as its headquarters. It is there I am going to establish my headquarters. It is from Mount Zion I am going to rule the whole world.” Therefore the headquarters of Israel will be established in Jerusalem in the same place in Mount Zion. The golden gate which is closed now will be open. All will be in peace. Now if they build anything on Mount Zion for Israel, a world war will break out. But you will see that happening very soon.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, His glory will come down on the Arab women and the doors to build the headquarters of Israel on Mount Zion will open. That will be the headquarters of the Lord when He would rule the world. Then the nation of Africa will be touched. India will be touched. When India and China make agreements, together they will release a new currency. It will be a competition to the US dollar; it will be a competition to the world currencies. India, which is now lagging behind in economy will prosper in those days. When these things happen, India and China will bring in a new currency. Then prosperity will come gloriously to India. At that time, the Lord will do glorious things, turn people to His side and make them live holy lives. Especially, He will command His revival in families. Before that could happen, the situation of families in India will be destroyed. Before this revival could happen, financial crisis will arise. Due to this, families will be affected greatly. But when peace is made in Jerusalem, when the headquarters of Israel is established on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, when a connection happens between India and China, India will begin to prosper again. The Lord said, “I will do great miracles.” Whichever nation made agreements with Israel, will turn against Israel again. The secret coming of Jesus will happen that time. When He comes, He will take you all who are waiting for Him.

LET YOUR WILL BE DONE We have to pray that whatever the Lord has

He will surely answer your petitions when you pray with fervent cries and tears, “Lord, I believe only in You even in the midst of sorrow, trouble, and shame; help me.”



decided in heaven should be brought to the world. He said pray every day, “Father, Thy will be done as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10; Luke 11:2). The Lord has called us, not only do we have to say that and pray, we have to know what has been decided prophetically, and confess each one of them in that period according to the decision of the Lord. You are the prophet of the Lord. You are filled with the power of prophecy. For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm (Psalm 33:9). But the Lord has given this word to us, the children of the Lord. That is why He is pouring His Spirit on all flesh in the last days (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17). He has poured it within us too. The Lord has created our body as the temple of God (1 Corinthians 6:19). Therefore, we should treat our body with reverence; we have to guard our spirit. We have to guard our thoughts (Philippians 4:7).

KEEPING AWAKE AND PRAYING To be awake and pray does not mean to pray without sleeping. To know the things yet to come and praying is to be awake and pray. When the Holy Spirit comes within us, He will reveal all His decisions. His people will know everything. The Lord has given His Spirit to us to help us in our weaknesses (Romans 8:26, 27).

The Holy The Holy Spirit will show us the things yet to Spirit will come for us to know show us the will of God and pray (John 16:13). the things He will reveal, yet to come “This is what is going to for us to know happen. Pray for the will of God this. and pray. 6

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Do like this according to My will and be prepared for My will to be fulfilled.” As we receive the revelations, we are going to proclaim it and pray. Prophesying alone is not our job. We have to receive that prophecy and pray, “Lord, fulfill it.” Anna prayed for almost 60 years day and night in the temple of God in Jerusalem. She believed, “Lord, You will come as a child”, and fasted and prayed (Luke 2:36, 37). The prophetical prayer of one woman brought our Almighty Jesus to the world. Our prophetical prayers should be the one to bring Him a second time to the world. Therefore, the Lord will open our eyes, and give us His prophetical anointing and grace for us to be awake and pray prophetically. The world does not know it. The ruler of the world has blinded the eyes of those who do not believe in God (2 Corinthians 4:4). Just as Balaam says, “the prophecy of one who sees visions”, we have to pray like the one who sees visions (Numbers 24:4). Then heaven will connect with us. The kingdom of the Lord will be established in the world.

HOW DID JESUS PRAY? “During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, He offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears ...” (Hebrews 5:7) Jesus made petitions to the one who could save Him from death with fervent cries and tears. He thirsted for God. He cried, “Lord, there is no way for me apart from you.” The Almighty heard that prayer. Maybe you too are in such a situation. You did not blame God even in the midst of contempt and pressure. He will surely answer your petitions when you pray with fervent cries and tears, “Lord, I believe only in You even in the midst of sorrow, trouble, and shame; help me.” Do not be worried. Due to the thirst He had for His Father, Lord Jesus prayed like that. Jesus told his disciples, “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me” (John 16:32). The Almighty God answered

that prayer. Even though He died, the Almighty raised Him from the dead on the third day. That’s why Jesus said, “The one who believes in me will live, even though they die” (John 11:25).

WHEN DID JESUS PRAY? Jesus prayed early in the morning. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.” (Mark 1:35) Jesus woke up early in the morning, left the house, went to a wilderness and prayed.

the life of Christ will come within us. Then Jesus will say, “Paul, these were the shortcomings seen in you yesterday.” Immediately I will say, “Yes Lord, forgive me.” After that when I ask, “Lord, bless me today”, He will show the appropriate portion in the Bible to me. I will learn it by heart and pray, “I want this; my wife wants this; my family needs this.” After I pray, the prophetical revelations begin. Then He will reveal what things are to be done in my family, in the Jesus Calls ministry, in Karunya, SEESHA and what has to be done for other ministries.

Yes, Jesus got up early in the morning and sought God. We read in the Bible that after He completed His prayer, the disciples came running to Him and said, “Jesus, everyone is looking for you” (Mark 1:37). People came to Him from everywhere (Mark 1:45). When you go alone to Jesus and pray for that day, people will come looking for you. There is no need for you to go looking for anyone. The one who has to give you promotion will come looking for you. The one who is going to become the life partner of your child will come looking for your child. People will come looking for you to hear the gospel and receive the miracles.

After that the people who came to the Jesus Calls ministry increased. The Prayer Towers began to increase. The Lord opened the doors to help many. The Lord gave blessing after blessing in all aspects. The only reason for that is the Lord speaking to me early in the morning. The Lord will give you the same, grace and increase you.

After my father passed away, every day the Lord will wake me up at 3:30 in the morning. Then I will have some kind of a fear within me. The only way to cast out that fear is to be connected with the Lord. The way to that is the word of the Lord; the Bible. If we start to pray without reading it, only fear will come. When the word of the Lord comes,


When my father passed away, the Lord said, “From now on there is not only one Dhinakaran. I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. I will prophesy through them. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Only then the whole nation will listen to my word.” “… when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, He was there alone.” (Matthew 14:22, 23) After Jesus blessed and increased the five loaves of bread and two fishes, after He fed

let us climb up the mountain to worship Him alone. When we worship Him, the angels of God will come and serve us. Let us worship Jesus alone and not anything of the world. - August 2020 JESUS CALLS


everyone, Jesus sends His disciples away. He sent the people over there. After Jesus blessed and multiplied the bread and fish and gave food to all, the people tried to make Him king (John 6:15).But Jesus sent all of them away. He was very strong in, “The kingdom of the Lord is not that of the world. I have come with a purpose from the Almighty God to establish the kingdom of God in this world. I have not come to take control of the world. The Lord has made me king to establish the kingdom of the Lord God in the heart of every person.” The lust of the world may come. There may be people who try to change us in many ways. We have to chase them away. After that Jesus constrained His disciples to get into a ship, He went up to a mountain to pray and when the evening was come, He was there alone (Matthew 14:23). Because, if the disciples were there with Him, He would not be able to pray. They will fight among themselves in knowing, ‘who is greater among them’ (Mark 9:34). As Jesus thought, “people came. They were given what they asked. Miracles happened.” He remembered His Father. The thought that, “Even though thousands surround me and praise me, I am with my Father. If I am not alone with my father, He will search for me” came to Jesus’ mind. When we send off the people who distract us, who quarrel with us and be alone with the Father, supernatural things will happen in our life. You will walk on the roaring waves, on the seas in a supernatural way. Not in the worldly way but your ministry, family and body will function in a supernatural way. You will have the power to pray for five thousand and six thousand people in a day. Your soul will be connected with God. You will be saying whatever He says. It will be life to the people. It will bring about miracles. The Lord will give us that grace. But when the disciples were halfway in the boat, the seas became unruly, the storms came. Not knowing what to do, they were going round and round in the same place. It would not take even one hour to cross that sea. But they were circling around in that place for nine hours. They were 8

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tossed by the waves. Then Jesus came walking on the sea to them (Matthew 14:25). When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled saying it is a spirit and cried out of fear. But Jesus said, “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid”. After He came into the boat, the boat crossed quickly to the place they had to go. When you cast away the people who test you, people who quarrel with you when you pray, the Lord will strengthen you to take you, your disciples, the servants of God and family to the shore. He gives the power. The people whom you sought after will reach the shore. This is the power of prophecy. Salvation will come, then the deadly diseases will go away. Economic prosperity will come.

ALL NIGHT PRAYER “And it came to pass in those days, that He went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.” (Luke 6:12) Why should Jesus climb up the mountain to pray? Because the devil is sitting on the mountain. The Bible says that the people climbed up the mountain and worshipped the devil under the green tree (Isaiah 57:7; Hosea 4:13; Ezekiel 20:28). To bind the dominance of the devil, Jesus climbed up the mountain and prayed unto the Father. “The devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor” (Matthew 4:8). He says, “worship me, do as I say. Do as my people say.” He gives tests. Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’ Due to that the devil went away. Immediately the angels of God came to Jesus and served Him. Likewise, let us climb up the mountain to worship Him alone. When we worship Him, the angels of God will come and serve us. Let us worship Jesus alone and not anything of the world. When we cast away the distractions of the world and worship the Lord alone, the angels of God will come and serve us. Likewise, offering your bodies as a living sacrifice with reverence as a holy worship to Him is

the true and proper worship. When we live a holy life, when there is holiness in our words, holiness will come upon the nation. If we express holiness through Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, websites, on the stage and in the family, the nation will be filled with holiness. That is worship. The Lord has called us for this. When we worship together, we receive the courage and spirit and pour the holiness into our society. Jesus climbed the mountain to surrender Himself to the will of God. When He prayed there, He was transformed (Matthew 17:1-3; Luke 9:28, 29). The appearance of His face changed. Moses and Elijah came and spoke about His departure. He surrendered Himself as a sacrifice. He surrendered Himself as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). Likewise when we pray, “Lord I surrender myself to fulfill your will”, the Lord will transform us to be clothed in the likeness of God, and He will fill us with great godliness. We will be transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18). Once when my father and I went to Delhi for a meeting, great trials, suffering in the body, threats, false news and many troubles came. One lakh people were gathered. But we were like beaten goats. When I went to the stage I said, “Dad, I am not able to do anything; you only should give the word of the Lord” but my father said very strictly, “You only have to speak.” In this state as I stood up on the stage, the presence of the Lord filled me beyond measure. Then the Lord said, “Speak about My peace.” That day, the Lord did glorious miracles. After the meeting was over, my father said to me, “When you were speaking, I saw Jesus near you; His face resembled the same as when He was put on the cross; He saw the people and was moved with compassion.” Then a sister came and testified. She did not

know Christ. She had back pain for 25 years. She came and sat in the last row in the meeting just because someone asked her to come. She could not understand anything. As I began to speak, and share the word of the Lord, when Jesus appeared, she saw me fading and saw someone as bright as the light. She fainted and fell down and woke up after two hours. Everybody left. The back pain also left. Her heart was filled with peace. She testified on the stage. Yes, we will see Jesus revealing Himself through us and the power of His transformation in the days to come.

REVELATION ON THE MOUNTAIN “The Lord said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain and stay here, and I will give you the tablets of stone with the law and commandments I have written for their instruction.” (Exodus 24:12) The Lord says, “You come up to the mountain; be with me. I will give you the commandments. You give it to the people.” For this only the Lord makes a way for us to climb up the mountain and pray. We tell everyone whatever He says to us. There is no need for us to climb the mountain each time. Because that rock is Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4). That is why the Lord gives His Spirit to us. The Lord destined a mountain for Moses to listen to His word. But for us, He opens the Heaven. He has given us, Christ the rock. The Lord met the people only in the Tabernacle of God in the midst of the Israelites. But when Jesus the rock came, as His body was torn, today Heaven is open for us. He is giving us the privilege of talking with Him face to face. Therefore let us hold on to Christ the rock strongly. Apart from Him, we do not have any hope. The Lord will graciously enable us to be clothed in godliness as we search Him early in the morning each day and do everything according to His will. When the Heavens open, the nations will open for us. - August 2020 JESUS CALLS


“When you eat the labour of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine In the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table” (Psalm 128:2,3). Family Blessing Plan is an exceptional Plan given by the Lord to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, for families to be blessed, to live in unity and to prosper. Prayers are offered in Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for the families who have subscribed to this Plan, to be blessed, to enjoy peace and for every member of the family to be in good health. When God blesses, He adds no sorrow to it. What He establishes will be perfect in all dimensions. God will join hands with your family to bring upon you the blessings He promised Abraham and his household. The cords of love He ties you with cannot be broken and His Presence will hover around you and your loved ones ensuring His protection. You will enjoy the finest blessings and be fruitful.

PRIVILEGES OF FAMILY BLESSING PLAN • Donations of Rs 3000 will entitle a Partner to receive a Certificate with a promise verse. • A Special Wedding Anniversary card will be sent to the couple from the Dhinakarans. • Prayer Intercessors will call and pray on your Wedding Anniversary. • A promise verse will be sent every day through SMS. • The Jesus Calls Magazine will be posted every month to your address. Your sacrificial support of minimum Rs. 500/- per month or more will help us to fulfil God's mandate in serving the brokenhearted and ministering to the families. You can also send your family photographs to with your name, date of birth and mobile number. 10

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DELIVERANCE FROM DEPRESSION My wife Nirupa and I have two daughters. We are partners in the Family Blessing Plan. Basically I am from Jharakhand. In 2013, I was transferred to another place. I could visit home during holidays only. My wife was taking care of our children in Siliguri. In 2017, suddenly, my wife went into depression. She was all alone worried and couldn't sleep in the nights and throughout the night she used to be awake. She was not able to read the Bible or pray. When I used to call her, she will not talk as usual and she never shared her problem to me about what she was going through. She used to think that I must be having stress in office work and since I was in a distant place, she never told about this to me. I thought may be because of her loneliness she has become weak. Once, when I went home on a holiday, she shared about her situation with me and she was worried for every small and mean things. So, I took her to a doctor. He said she was fine but the only problem was in her mind. We decided that she need not take medicines and kept this only in prayers. I called Prayer Tower many times and they prayed for her and slowly she came out of her depression. Now she is perfectly alright and has started taking care of our children. I praise and thank God for this deliverance and I thank the prayer intercessors who consider other's problems as their own and pray with burden for people like us. Mr Rajeev Hambrom Kumar, Siliguri, West Bengal

PLEDGE YOUR FAMILY IN GOD’S PLAN AND HAVE GOD'S HEDGE AROUND YOUR HOUSEHOLD! FAMILY BLESSING PLAN PLEDGE FORM: “When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like Olive plants all around your table” (Psalm 128:2,3). I would like to join the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan Name: ….................................................. Date of Birth….................... Wedding Day............................... Names of family members

Date of birth


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Address:....................................... .......................................................................................................... ....................................... ........................................................................................................................ Pin Code: …...........…………. Mobile:……......................................Email:……….............................................. I shall send Rs.3,000/- as a donation to join the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan I shall send



Rs.1000/- every month.

Kindly send us the duly filled form along with your family photo. Do remember to write your name and Contact phone number at the back of the photograph. For more details: • Website: • Any query on the ministry, call partner care 044 - 23456677 (7 am to 9 pm) For Prayer Help (24x7) - 044 45 999 000 For sending your offerings towards ‘Family Blessing Plan’ refer page 13 - August 2020 JESUS CALLS


My dear partner in the ministry, Loving greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Deliverer! Our Triune God, is a Deliverer (Exodus 3:8, John 8:36, 2 Corinthians 3:17). He delivers us from all our sins (1 John 1:7,9). Not only that, He delivers us from the clutches of sickness (Exodus 23:25). As we celebrate the Independence of India, God himself will guard us and keep us away from this plague that is threatening us. According to the promise, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13) let us seek God with our whole heart even as we our in the state of financial crunch. We will find God (Isaiah 55:6, 1 Chronicles 28:9). Then we who look up to Him will be radiant; we will not be ashamed.

PRAYER TOWER MINISTRY 37TH ANNIVERSARY ".....I looked for sympathy." (Psalm 69:20) • In 1983, August 12th, the First Jesus Calls Prayer Tower was started • Today, in August 2020, there are 104 Prayer Towers in India and 14 Prayer Towers overseas. • For people who visit the Prayer Tower, counselling and prayer is given from 8 AM to 8 PM. 12

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• For people who call the Prayer Towers, prayers are offered by prayer intercessors 24 X7 • Prayer services are available in Tamil, English, Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi and Gujarati. • You can contact the Manager of your nearby Prayer Tower and participate in the Conference Calls and Zoom Call meetings that they organize and receive blessings.

MEDIA MINISTRY - 50TH ANNIVERSARY “The Spirit of the Lord is on me.... He has sent me to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:18-19) • We have completed 50 years in media ministry (1970 - 2020) • In 1970, we started the first Radio Ministry • Today we minister through audio, video, Television and Social Media ministry, which is purely a rapid growth profoundly witnessed in the ministry. In order for people to receive God's comfort, healing touch and blessings in perfect measure, the 24 hours Family Channel which will air the Jesus Calls programs, Karunya programs and SEESHA programs has been launched on July 15th, which is available in Channel No.158 in SCV

cable, Channel No.750 in TCCL cable, Channel No.725 in V.K. Digital cable, Channel No. 145 in Akshya cable in Tamil Nadu and Channel No.595 in JPR cable, Mumbai. In this channel you can watch my father's messages, my family members’ messages, songs, testimonies of people who have been blessed through the ministry, programs of spiritual enlightenment and special programs for kids and youth. Please pray for this ministry and share this channel with everyone and be blessed. Please uphold the ministry with your generous offerings. See below to know details about sending your offerings

PRAYER ACADEMY TRAINING For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building. (1 Corinthians 3:9) For Jesus Calls Partners to know the Bible and about the ministry in depth and to participate in our ministry activities voluntarily, we are offering

this training program. We were offering this training to people who visited the Prayer Towers but due to the present lockdown situation, we have decided to start the Online Training program. Very soon we will offer this training through online portals for which we are prayerfully getting everything ready. To know more about this training, you can email us at or visit "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." (2 Corinthians 3:17) According to the above promise, the Spirit of God will break every obstacle and set you free. He will make you a blessing to many. I pray specially for children who are preparing for higher education. This month of August will be a blessed month for you. Your brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran - August 2020 JESUS CALLS


MIRACLES OF GOD EXPERIENCED IN JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWERS The Prayer Towers function effectively without any hindrance and many witness God's miracle working power in their lives through the prayers offered by the dedicated prayer intercessors. Here are a few testimonies to encourage you and to strengthen your faith.


PRAYER TOWER ADDRESS : 5th Floor, 16, Pandit Pant Marg, Church of North India Building, New Delhi – 110001 Mobile: +91 6380752249, 8826340077 Landline: 011 44600625 14

My children are Jesus Calls Young partners. My wife Honey Kalyan is a voluntary prayer intercessor in Delhi Prayer Tower. In the first week of June 2020, I had fever and cough. Even after consultation, my condition got worsened and I was admitted to the hospital with severe chest pain and breathlessness and also tested positive for Covid-19. I was put on ventilator support by medical team for nine days. During this period my whole family except my daughter was also tested positive for Covid-19. They were home quarantined as they were asymptomatic. We were left alone in tears; during this time, Delhi Prayer Tower prayer intercessor kept calling my wife frequently through telephone and prayed for my healing. Jesus answered by restoring my health from the ventilator. Jesus Christ has given me a new life and I have seen His work in my life. Thanks be to God for the complete healing answering the prayers of the intercessors. All glory to Jesus Christ! - Naveen Kalyan, Delhi

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HEALED FROM BOILS I have been suffering from boils on my face and my head for around seven years. I suffered a lot due to that. I had difficulty in socializing and talking to people because of these boils. In this condition, I came to the Tirunelveli Prayer Tower and got prayed. A prayer intercessor prayed for me fervently. The very next day, God healed me of those boils and all the boils on my face and head were completely gone. God has given me a soft and smooth skin now. All praise and glory to God. Thanks to Jesus and to the prayer intercessor who prayed for me. - J. Xavier Smith, Tirunelveli



NO LOCKDOWN IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD My Sister- in- law, CONSTANCE SABRINA, just one week before her delivery, had no movements of the baby in the womb and we were worried. I called Alwal Prayer Tower over the phone and explained about the turbulence in our home. The prayer intercessor interceded with the Lord to show His mercy upon the mother and the child. On 16th April 2020, my sister- in- law gave birth to a baby girl and the condition of the baby was very critical and the doctors shifted her to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The baby’s heartbeat was abnormal. There was no hope for survival as the baby was not responding to the treatment. I called the prayer TESTIMONY FROM intercessor serving the Jesus Calls SECUNDERABAD Alwal Prayer Tower in Hyderabad. PRAYER TOWER She immediately prayed for the new TELANGANA REGION born baby and assured us that she CENTRAL ZONE will put this request in continuous Chain Prayer. The other prayer intercessors also prayed every day during the Lockdown. God heard all our prayers. Miraculously, the baby started recovering. She started to respond and move. Within four days, the baby was completely healed and got discharged from the hospital. It was only through the miracle working hand of God. I sincerely thank PRAYER TOWER ADDRESS: the Jesus Calls Alwal prayer intercessors for praying from homes even Chanakya Shelters, Door No. during the Lockdown. The baby is now perfectly normal and healthy and 1-12- 106/A/9 & 10, Centre, Alwal, Secunderabad, we named her as GIA ACHSAH. We express our deep gratitude to Jesus Telangana 500010 Calls Ministry. All Glory to Jesus Christ Alone..! -J. MARIA CHRISTENA, Ph: 040 2796 7226 /6381754548 Hyderabad. - August 2020 JESUS CALLS


PROPHETICAL WORD OF HEALING I have faced a lot of problems in my life. Once I wanted to end my life, but through the prayers of Jesus Calls prayer intercessors, I am surviving. In June 24, 2020, I called Kochi Prayer Tower to pray for my husband. During prayer, the prayer intercessor first prayed for my son Vishnu (in Dubai) before praying for my husband. I asked the prayer intercessor, “Why haven’t you prayed for my husband first” and for which she replied “By God’s guidance I had to pray for your son first.” After two weeks, my son called me and told that he was tested positive for COVID, hospitalized but got completely healed. I was shocked for a moment. Yes, I was unaware of the situation that my son went through, but when I had called the Prayer Tower, through the prophetical and powerful prayers offered by the prayer intercessor, my son received the healing. I am thankful to God for the Cochin Prayer Tower and I give all glory and honour to God. - Sreedevi Suneesh, Trichur


Prayer Tower Address: SABARI LANE, SOUTH JANATHA ROAD PALARIVATTOM. P.O. KOCHI 682025 PH : 0484-2348003 / 7338732212

TESTIMONY FROM RAMNAD PRAYER TOWER, TAMILNADU SOUTH REGION - SOUTH ZONE, Prayer Tower Address: Moolakothalam, Tamil Nadu Housing board, Near Ashwariya Hospital, back side Madurai main Road, Ramanathapuram, 623501 Ph: 9944722909 / 9361805600

BLESSED WITH A CHILD Married for five years, we were childless. Because of this, we faced lot of problems and we also went to the extreme to get separated. In that situation, we went to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. The prayer intercessor prayed for us with much burden. God filled us with His peace after that. We continued to call the Prayer Tower and were getting prayed. The prayer intercessor quoted Psalm 113:9 and prayed for me. I held on to that promise and kept praying. God heard our prayers and blessed us with a beautiful girl child. A million thanks to the Lord Jesus. - S. Bemila Sudas, Ramnad


Prayer Tower Address: JC HOUSE, No. 72, RAJAJI SALAI, PARRYS, (Opp to Beach Railway Station) CHENNAI – 600001 Ph. No. 8754504004 16

RESTORED BLESSINGS Years ago, we were living in a joint family. Due to the troubles caused by our relatives, we lost our house, our property and we came out of the joint family. As everyone had forsaken us, we did not know what to do. So, I started visiting the JC House Prayer Tower, Chennai for prayers. I prayed in the chapel and also took part in the Tuesday Fasting prayer and Friday prayers. The prayer intercessors also prayed for me earnestly. According to the promise, "I called upon the Lord in distress: the Lord answered me, and set me in a large place" (Psalm 118:5), God restored everything that I have lost within one year. I thank my God who has graciously blessed us with our own house and all the blessings we needed. All glory be to God! - Jeya, Chennai

JESUS CALLS August 2020 -



I was suffering from severe urinary infection. When I went to hospital, MANGALORE PRAYER TOWER KARNATAKA REGION Doctor told me that I won't be able to - CENTRAL ZONE have children because of this problem. After coming to Jesus calls Prayer Tower, the prayer intercessor prayed for me and I was healed and my wife also conceived. But then Doctor told me that she won't have normal delivery. Again with great burden I called to Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessor prayed for me. Miraculously she had a normal delivery. All Glory to God. God blessed us with two boys. He Prayer Tower Address: also blessed my business. Through the KACES Campus, Jesus calls ministry I have received lot Near Jyothi circle, Balmatta, Mangalore, 575001 of blessings. - Arun Xavier Pinto, Mangalore

Ph: 0824- 2442321

You can contact the Prayer Tower in your area directly and to know details of Prayer Tower locations, call the Partner Care number +91- 44-23456677 (7 AM to 9 PM). When events are not being conducted in Prayer Towers due to this prevailing situation, special prayers and events are organized through conference / Zoom call by the Prayer Tower managers. Get connected and be blessed.


+91 (0) 44 45 999 000 round the clock (in all languages) For recorded prayers, DIAL A PRAYER service: +91

(0) 44 61 999 000


You will be taught about Who is Jesus, What is Sin, Mission of Jesus in your life, Mission of Jesus on the Cross and much more which will transform your life to serve the Lord in Jesus Calls WE OFFER THIS TRAINING COURSE THROUGH ONLINE NOW


Easy mode of learning through Videos, Interactive sessions, Periodic assessment, affordable fees. THE CLASSES TO BEGIN ON THE FIRST WEEK OF AUGUST, 2020

Mobile: 98410 54870, 97899 77807 Hurry to enrol today to know God’s plan in Your Life For details visit Click to know more details/Register - August 2020 JESUS CALLS


For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. (Ephesians 1:4)

In Colossians 3:3 we read, "For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God." Bible clearly describes that we are created in Christ Jesus. Our life is hidden with Christ in God. God has given each of us a life. This life has been hidden by God with Christ in Himself. We are not alone in this world. Jesus said, "A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me (John 16:32)." Yes, Jesus is always in God. Just as He is hidden in God, so are we also hidden in God along with Christ Jesus. Without Jesus, we have no hope in being related to God. Jesus is the One who makes us acceptable in God's sight. God has created us along with Jesus. We are not separate from Him. "and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator." Colossians 3:10 God has created us with the purpose of becoming complete in knowledge by putting on the new creation which is similar to the image of our Creator. Though we lost the image of God in the garden of Eden, yet through the cross of Christ, our old self has been crucified and now we are a new creation reflecting the image of our Creator 18

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who is our Father God. That is why the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" Now we are new creations. The perfect example of a person who has embraced this new life in the Bible is Apostle Paul. Before knowing Jesus, he persecuted the followers of Jesus but after the encounter on his way to Damascus, he became a man who was willing to go through persecutions for the sake of the same Gospel he once wanted to destroy.

Regarding Apostle Paul God says, “But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:” (Acts 9:15). God made him a chosen vessel because he became a changed man. When you decide to change your life, you become a vessel in God's hand for a glorious purpose. Apostle Paul writes to Timothy saying, "If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honourable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work" (2 Timothy 2:21). So we need to get our lives changed and become pure so that God can use us for every honourable and good work. History records millions of such changed people who have been made a new creation and whose lives glorify the Lord in whom their lives are hidden. No one who knows Jesus can live life for their own benefit. God touches lives so that it is no longer they who live but Christ in them like what Paul says in Galatians 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

HOW DO WE BECOME A NEW CREATION IN CHRIST? We become a new creation when we let Christ Jesus to come into our hearts and lives. We invite the Lord to come and live within us and that is how we become new. The old habits, old sins and old addictions pass away. This is the reason God sent Jesus into the world. The name Jesus means 'He will save us from our sins (Matt.1:21)'. When Jesus becomes our Lord He cleanses us from all our sins and old behaviour. He gives us strength to aim for a

new l i f e . Are you lamenting in your heart saying, "When will my old life change? How will my bad and old habits change?" God tells you today that "Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation." (2 Corinthians 6:2). Be hopeful in the Lord. There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off (Proverbs 23:18). Expect great miracles from God. You don't have to struggle with a defeated life. "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." (Romans 8:37) God has chosen us to experience His complete love so that we can live a dedicated life before Him which is holy and blameless in His sight and He has chosen us for this purpose even before the creation of the world( Ephesians 1:4). Not just before we were formed but before He formed even the heavens and the earth. We were on His mind for this very purpose of living for Him. We are special in His sight. We are holy and blameless when we become a new creation. He has destined us to be in the image of God right before He created everything else in the world. We are His chosen vessels. How greatly blessed we are! Let us submit ourselves into His hands to be used by Him for His chosen purposes in the coming days. - August 2020 JESUS CALLS



t is said in the Bible, “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4). However, fear about several problems always assails us. Particularly from the month of March, the deadly Corona virus is horribly affecting nations and is frightening the whole world. Everyone is gripped by some kind of fear. On the other hand, the Lord has promised us, ‘Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice, For I, the LORD will do marvelous things for you!’ Our Lord Jesus Christ says “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. So do not worry" (John 16:33). Look at Joshua, the man of God! When he receives God’s calling, he trembles with fear saying, ‘How would I take the children of Israel? It is true that Moses, who spoke with God face to face, led them with His help. But I am an ordinary man….’ It is at this time the Lord spoke to him saying, “Joshua, fear not! Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9). He says, ‘As I was with Moses, so I will be with you.’ The same God, who loved Moses and chose Joshua, who was with him, loves you as well. So, place all your worries at His feet and be happy with the faith, ‘The Lord, who led Joshua, would lead me also.’ Our Lord has been given the name ‘Immanuel’ which means, ‘God with us’ (Matthew 1:23). 20

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In 1954, when I was 16 years old, God graciously helped me to taste His love. It is now 66 years! The love of the Lord has never, ever diminished in my life. He has been my rear guard in all my 66 years and has always surrounded me with His love. The devil tried to intimidate me and cause me agony by bringing scores of sufferings in my life. Oh, how terrible were the family problems! When my only beloved daughter was taken away from me, I was broken hearted and was at a loss to know how I would continue my life. But the Lord was with me every minute and never forsook me. Do not forget that the same Lord would be with you also and lead you by His hands. Let us meditate on what kinds of fear, torment us in life:

1. FEAR IN OUR DAILY LIFE "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34) Do not be worried thinking, ‘What about tomorrow and the day after? What about next month?’ Committing yourself fully to the Lord, as His child, is the most important thing. This is explained by the verse, “The riches of the glory of this mystery…which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). Countless are the problems, agonies and afflictions that I faced in my life! Amidst all these, the Lord has graciously helped me to abide in Him for 66 years and the reason for this is that all my hope is on the Lord Jesus alone according to the verse, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills; From whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1,2). When you thus place your trust on the Lord, He will never forsake you. “The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing.” (Psalm 34:10) Nothing shall lack for those who seek the Lord, who trust Him and who hold on to Him. So, do not grumble saying, ‘Alas, I don’t have this and that…’ Sinful mind such as murmurings, annoyance, jealousy and anger proceed from the devil. But when you seek the Lord, you shall not lack any good thing. If you are afraid of your future, commit yourself fully to the Lord. He will surely bless you exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).

In the initial days of my life, I never knew cooking. My mother advised me to learn cooking since I was about to get married. But I used to tell her, “I’ll learn it automatically at that time. Please let me be happy now.” I got married. By the grace of God, Bro. Dhinakaran, a man of God, became my husband. Yet I had learnt a great and rare thing! To seek the Lord at all times. I used to pray saying, ‘Lord, I don’t have wisdom. Give me wisdom to run the family, to cook, to keep my husband happy and to take care of those who come to my house.’ Amazingly, within a month, the Lord taught me everything. When my mother visited me, she was surprised and asked me, ‘How come you’ve learnt all these so soon?’ Do not be Whenever we need wisdom and blessings worried in life, let us hold on thinking, ‘What to the Lord! When about tomorrow we depend on and the day Him saying, ‘You after? What alone are my hope’ He would about next remove all our month?’ fears and fill us Committing with perfect yourself fully to peace and joy. Look at Job’s life! the Lord, He had all the as His child, blessings; had is the most several children; had important plenty of wealth and possessions. Blessings thing. overflowed from all sides! Yet, see what he says, “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me.” (Job 3:25) Job was always gripped by a fear, "It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts" (Job 1:5). Finally, what he feared happened to him. My dear sisters, do not confuse yourself with unwanted fears. Be ready to place everything at the Lord’s feet, all the time. In Job’s life, when he lost everything and was in torment because of sickness in his body, his wife said to him, "Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!" Yet, even in the midst of this fear, a hope is born in him. He tells her, "You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?" (Job 2:9,10). - August 2020 JESUS CALLS


He held on to the Lord firmly saying, ‘The Lord, whom I trust is great; Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him’ (Job 13:15). “Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord; that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.” (James 5:11)

2. FEAR OF THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4) The valley of the shadow of death is terrible! In 1955, when he was 20 years old, Bro, Dhinakaran faced afflictions and hopelessness on all sides. Concluding that If you hold there was no need for him on to Him to live in this world and firmly, being that he should end up his life on the railway filled with the tracks, he was strength of the heading towards Holy Spirit you the tracks and that need not be time the Lord took afraid of up this young man’s life in his anything, no hands, changed it matter what upside down and destructions, made him stand as problems and His servant. He drew lakhs of people into His terrible things fold, through him. happen in the My dear people of God, world. perhaps you too are shedding tears, unable to bear the various trials and tribulations in your life saying, “Oh, there’s no peace in my family life. My husband is harassing me; I’m distressed by debt problem and sickness. I’ve come to the edge of life.” You may be in misery! While walking through the valley of the darkness of death, David said, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me.” Yes, what a great privilege to have the Lord with us! We teach Psalm 23 to our children saying, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. But how many of us can say with godly zeal, “The Lord is my Shepherd; He takes care of my family, my job and everything else. So I shall not lack anything. I will fear no evil?” 22

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Once, during the Festival of Joy conducted on the Marina Beach, after I shared God’s message and prayed, a man shared his testimony thus: “I don’t know about the Lord. My business went into loss. I had nothing. At that time, I decided to end my life and got into a bus. Some people, who were seated at the last row of the bus, were talking about this Festival of Joy meeting. So I had a sudden thought to come here and see what was happening. I came here and heard the Word of God. A faith was born in my heart. Until now I had no hope that the Lord would help me and hence had decided to commit suicide. But now I have committed my life fully into the hand of the Lord. He will surely grant me blessings. A faith that I have a wonderful God, is born in me. The word of God has given me this faith. I will trust only Him. Now I am a new man. I am going back home and will restart my business which is in loss. The Lord will surely help me. He has delivered me from all fears as I trusted Him. He has granted me prosperity.” How happy he was while sharing his testimony! Yes, my dear sisters, when the Lord is with you, you need not be afraid of anything. He is the God of all comfort (II Corinthians 1:3). He will comfort your broken and contrite heart. “In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.” (Psalm 94:19) According to this promise, He will comfort you through His Word and embrace you. In Luke 10th chapter as well as in John 11th chapter, we read about two sisters called Mary and Martha. Their brother Lazarus was sick and nearing death. Both these sisters had tremendous love for the Lord Jesus, who used to visit them whenever He went to their village. So when their brother fell sick, they sent to Him, saying, "Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick." But He did not come. He went there on the fourth day after he was dead and buried. On seeing Him Martha wept saying, "Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” Mary too said the same and cried and on seeing their tears, Jesus groaned in the spirit and was troubled. Finally He raised up Lazarus from the dead and proved that He is a mighty God. My dear sisters, perhaps you are in the valley of the darkness of death and in the last step of your life; or various worries may be constraining you. Perhaps you are terrified of the deadly Corona virus. The Lord knows everything. Do not be afraid of the darkness of death. Look up to Him and wait incessantly for Him saying, “Lord, I hold on to you

firmly; I will not worry, no matter what happens” He will be with you, every day. There will not be any room for fear in your life. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

3. FEAR OF THE LORD “Set your mind on things above…” (Colossians 3:2). In this worldly life, you should set your mind on things above and not on the things of the world. It is said in I John 2:15, ‘Do not love the world or the things in the world.’ Children of God should not have these desires. Living as a family for the Lord, with godly zeal along with our husband and other children of God, would give us a glorious life. “Now godliness with contentment is great gain.” (I Timothy 6:6) Dear people of God! Fearing the Lord as a family, is highly essential. In Acts 10th chapter, we see about a man called ‘Cornelius’ who had the fear of the Lord in his heart, though he was a centurion of what was called the Italian Regiment. The Bible says that he feared God, with all his household. Once when he was praying, as was his custom, the Lord spoke to him. He sent an angel and then His servant to him and did a great thing in his life. When Peter and the other disciples who were with him saw the Holy Spirit being poured out on the gentiles for the first time, they were astonished that the Lord had given such a great blessing for the gentiles. The Lord blessed me with a god-fearing husband. On seeing his godly life, I desired that I should also be a godly wife for him. Initially I did not know anything about such godly things deeply. However, seeing him reading the Bible and praying for several hours, I too started to read the Bible and pray and thus followed him like a child, in godly things. That’s why even when my husband used to come home very late after doing ministry, I would not complain but sit at the feet of the Lord and wait in prayer. Sometimes he used to leave home for ministry as early as 3 O’clock in the morning. I used to do everything that should be done for him even in that hour and send him off after which I would keep praying for him. Usually we used to have family prayer at 6 O’ clock in the morning. After that, my husband used to have personal prayer from 6.30 to 8.30 AM. Then he would leave for office. Till then I used to do all the chores for him with my whole heart just as I would do for the Lord. Since our family was built up by such kind of godliness, God is leading us to stand for Him even today, by His grace. Dear ones, cast away all unwanted fears and choose to fear only the Lord and commit your personal life as well as family life, in all godliness to live a pleasing life to Him. If you hold on to Him firmly, being filled with the strength of the Holy Spirit you need not be afraid of anything, no matter what destructions, problems and terrible things happen in the world. The Lord will hide you under the shadow of His wings. He will perfect everything for you.

(3rd SATURDAY & 5th SATURDAY) AUGUST 15 (3RD SATURDAY): INDEPENDENCE DAY SPECIAL. Prayers for Government bodies - the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch.

AUGUST 29 (5TH SATURDAY): SPECIAL PRAYER FOR WOMEN Special fasting prayers will be offered for your prayer requests in all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers and the Dhinakarans will send prayerful replies for those requests. So hurry up! We invite you to SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS THROUGH LETTERS, EMAIL, FACEBOOK AND WEBSITE Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. E-mail: Website: Facebook: PaulDhinakaranOfficial If you want to share the testimony, please send it to testimony to - August 2020 JESUS CALLS


BLESSED BY SERVING JESUS CALLS I was working as Principal Barrack and Stores Officer in the Ministry of Defence. I have been associated with Jesus Calls for more than 30 years and I am an Ambassador too. I have attended nearly 160 Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals. During those meetings, as Jesus Calls evangelists we used to go as a team ;go for a prayer walk in the meeting grounds, pray for the people during the event and also screen the testimonies and send them to stage. In 2007, while I was returning home after meetings, early in the morning as I was getting down from the train, suddenly my leg slipped and I fell down between the running train and the platform and my left leg was crushed and I was hospitalized. Doctors said that I will not be able to walk normally and I will need a walker. I was heartbroken. Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran called me and prayed for me over the phone and I was fully healed and was able to walk normally. My legs became strong and I have no problem until today. I continued attending the Prayer Festivals and served as a volunteer in Prayer Tower and as an Ambassador visited the people and prayed for them. Now I am almost 80 years old and still serve the Lord with partially amputated ankle. I use the shoes that was used by our Beloved brother Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran. I have tasted the goodness of God by serving the Lord and hence I encourage all the young people to join as volunteers in this God-given ministry. Through the prayers of Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran, my whole family has accepted Christ, and all the generations are blessed. I have two sons, one daughter and six grandchildren. All of them are blessed and all of them are placed in the good position in their jobs. All glory to God! - A. Munaswamy, Chennai 24

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BLESSED WITH A GIFT OF CHILD We got married on 6th February 2014 and were childless for more than 5 years. I am a Young Partner in the Jesus Calls ministry. In the year 2017, my mother Indira Rani joined me in the Child Anticipation Plan of the Young Partners’ Plan expecting a miracle. We came to Bethesda Prayer Center on 24th September 2017 for prayers; after that I attended Jesus Calls Ambassadors meet on 24th June 2018. At that time, I wrote one prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran about my brother's marriage and my job . Dr. Paul Dhinakaran sent me a reply letter in the month of August 2018. In that covering letter I saw one quote which said "you will see wonders." Seeing this my heart was filled with joy. Miraculously God gave me a contract based junior assistant clerical job in Singareni collieries women's Degree College in the month of September 2018. After that we attended the Jesus Calls Prophetic Prayer Conference in Trivandrum on 2018 October 11th, 12th and 13th. We later sponsored INR 10,000 for a Jesus Calls TV programme. Dr.Paul Dhinakaran prayed for us in that sponsored program that we should be blessed with children. God heard the prayers and I conceived on September 2019. I then gave birth to a beautiful girl baby on 4th June 2020 & Dr. Paul Dhinakaran named my child as 'SNEHA' & my brother also got married on February 7th 2020. I sincerely thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the Jesus Calls ministries for their prayer support. All glory, honor & praise to our Lord Jesus Christ. - Jyotsna Rani Sikindhar, Trivandrum

MIRACULOUSLY REJOINED FAMILY From March 20th 2020, I was held up in Mumbai due to lock down at my brother's place. No relatives, my husband, my son and my in laws were anxious to have me back home at Surat. I was praying about it and I approached the Jesus Calls ministries for prayers. Miraculously, I got permission to travel to Surat on 9th May. I was happy to come back to my family. Thanks to my Lord Jesus for keeping my dear ones safe; my daughter Afrin is safe at Netherlands. I thank the Dhinakarans and the Jesus Calls prayer intercessors for their prayers. - Parizad Bhagwagar , Surat

The same God who performed miracles for these beloved partners is alive today and He can do a miracle to you too. Feel free to send your prayer requests to by email or by letter to 16, D.G.S. DHINAKARAN ROAD, CHENNAI 600 028. You can also share your testimony of deliverance and blessings to or postal address. Dear Students, Many of you have contacted us for prayers before the exam through Telephone Prayer, visiting the Prayer Tower in person and by attending the Students' Meet. We believe God has given you meritorious success and blessed you beyond your expectation. Please send us your testimony so that we can join along with you and glorify God. May God grant you a bright future. * Postal Address: 16, Dr.D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28 * Email: - August 2020 JESUS CALLS


Loving Father, Thank You for Your grace that has protected us thus far from COVID-19. Thank You for Your promises that are preserving our life. Thank you for Your covenant of peace which You have made with these precious partners of Jesus Calls ministries. Even now, surround Your children as You surround Jerusalem. Let no evil touch them Lord. Protect their bodies. Protect their lives. Let them not only see Your protection, but also witness their needs being provided supernaturally. Fill them with plenty. Repay them for the days the locusts have eaten causing them losses. Let them have no more financial problems. Remove every fear about the future. Keep them as the apple of Your eye. Let their family life blossom. Let them not suffer from loneliness any more. Build them into families. Let them be blessed with children. Send help to every one who is isolated from their families. Protect the old people who do not have their children to care for them. Cover them with Your love and be with them, keeping them safe. Let new blessings spring up in the lives of Your children. Make a way for them to prosper even during these perilous times. Let there be peace in their homes. Let the light of Christ dispel every darkness in their family and let every sickness be healed in Jesus name. Bless and guard all the health workers, the police officers, the sanitary workers, the municipality workers and everyone who is working for others. Protect the people who are serving You and protect their ministries. Protect the finances of the country. Protect the people who work in transporting goods and are working in the fields to provide us with food. Bless the children who are concerned about their exams. Let them be in peace regarding their future. Protect the young people and lead them miraculously into a bright future. Spread your wings around Your people and cover them. Seal them with your precious blood of protection. Heal every person who is suffering with COVID-19. Preserve their lives and let them come out of it untouched by danger. Thank You for You will remain faithful to us and make a way of escape from this pestilence. Put an end to this pandemic. Let it not threaten the world anymore. Give Your children wisdom to come up with vaccines and stop the spread of this wasting disease. You are our Shepherd and we are your sheep. Lead us beside still waters. Renew our faith and unleash Your power in favour of us. Make us testimonies of Your goodness. We humbly surrender ourselves into Your hands. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen. 26

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Deuteronomy 28:8 - The Lord will bless you Meditation: Gen. 22:15-18; Deut. 15:18; Psalm 115:12,13; Heb. 6:13,14 Exodus 15:18 - The Lord will reign Meditation: 1 Chron. 16:31; Psalm 93:1; 96:10; Isaiah 52:7 Psalm 122:7 - Peaceful dwelling Meditation: Isaiah 32:18 Jer. 33:14-16; Ezek. 34:25,26; John 14:27 Genesis 13:17 - He is giving you the nation Meditation: Lev. 20:24; Numbers 21:32-34; Psalm 47:4 Jeremiah 7:23 – You are God’s people Meditation: Lev. 26:12; Jer. 31:1; Heb. 8:10; 1 Peter 2:9 Psalm 103:11 – Loving kindness Meditation: Exod. 33:19; Psalm 59:17; Jer. 3:12; James 4:6 2 Thessalonians 2:13 – The Lord sanctifies you Meditation: Lev. 21:8; John 17:17-19; 1 Thess. 5:23; 1 Peter 1:15,16 Revelation 21:6 – The Beginning and the End Meditation: John 1:1; Col. 1:18; Rev 1:8; 22:13 Isaiah 29:14 – God who does wonders Meditation: 1 Chron. 16:9,13,24; Job 5:9; Psalm 86:10; Luke 5:17-26 Psalm 4:3 – Knowing the devout Meditation: John 15:16; 1 Peter 2:9; 2 Peter 2:9 Proverbs 10:25 – Righteous stand firm Meditation: Psalm 55:22; 92:12; Prov. 12:7; John 15:5 Isaiah 51:2 - Multiplied Blessings Meditation: Gen. 22:17; Deut. 7:13; 1 Chron. 13:14; Heb. 6:14 Psalm 111:4 - God of Compassion Meditation: Neh. 9:29-31; Psalm 103:8; Luke 1:49,50; 1 Peter 2:10 Mark 5:36 - Believe Meditation: Gen. 15:5,6; Daniel. 6:16-23; John 20:29; Rom. 10:9 Matthew 24:35 – God’s word will not change Meditation: Num. 23:19; 1 Kings 8:56; Psalm 89:34; 1 Peter 1:25 Psalm 77:14 - Mighty God Meditation: Exod. 9:16; Deut. 7:21; 1 Chron. 29:11,12; Jude 24,25 Isaiah 66:2 – The God who looks into us Meditation: Job 34:21; Psalm 32:8; 138:6; Prov. 15:3


Jeremiah 29:13 - Seek God to find Him Meditation: Deut. 4:29; Prov. 8:17; Isaiah 55:6 Isaiah 56:7 – The house of God Meditation: Psalm 23:6; Mark 11:17; 1 Cor. 3:16,17 Genesis 21:22 – Your efforts will be blessed Meditation: Deut. 8:18; Psalm 1:2,3; 128:1,2; Ecce. 5:19; 1 Cor. 15:58 Joshua 1:3 – The place you set your foot will be yours Meditation: Gen. 13:14-17; Num. 10:29; Deut. 11: 22-24; Heb.11:8 2 Corinthians 4:14 – Hope of assurance Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:2,3; 2 Kings 18:5-8; Psalm 62:5; Acts 24:15 Deuteronomy 7:6 – God has chosen you Meditation: 2 Chron. 29:11; Matt. 20:16; John 15:16; 1 Thess. 1:3,4 Proverbs 4:18 – Shines ever Meditation: Exod. 34:29-35; Num. 6:25; Psalm 67:2; Rev. 22:5 1 Chronicles 4:10 – God will enlarge your territory Meditation: Psalm 72:1-8; Isaiah 54:3; 2 Cor. 10:16 Deuteronomy 28:1 - The Lord shall exalt thee Meditation: Joshua 3:7; 1 Chronicles 29:12; Isaiah 55:5 James 4:8 – God will come near to you Meditation: Gen. 18:10; Exod. 19:9; John 14:18,28 Isaiah 35:4 - Fear not Meditation: Psalm 34:4; Isaiah 41:10-13; Matt. 28:5,6; Acts 18:10 Psalm 132:13 - God’s dwelling place in you Meditation: Exodus 25:8; Leviticus 26:11; 1 Kings. 8:12-14; Rev. 21:3 Psalm 25:4 - God will guide you in the right path Meditation: Psalm 23:3; Prov. 4:11; 8:20,21; Jeremiah 31:9; John 14:6 Deuteronomy 1:10 - God will increase you Meditation: Genesis 16:10; Deut. 30:5; Ezek. 36:30,37; Heb. 6:14



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nce, a crocodile called Kittu and a crab called Mittu were friends in a lake in the forest. The lake was full of fish. The crocodile was bored eating fish everyday. Kittu: Dear Mittu, I am fed up of tasting fish every day. No animals come here due to the fear of being attacked. Mittu: Yes, my friend. Let me plan for our lunch today. Let us try to find a different meal. (Mittu planned for a drama.) Mittu: Kittu, you lie under that tree acting as if you are dead so that you can catch the animal nearing you.

He was a threat to all of us but from now we need not fear visiting the lake anymore. Come let us go inside the lake. (Bhuji still did not believe his ears or his eyes. He wanted to check if the crocodile was really dead and if the crab can be trusted. He got an idea!) Bhuji: Are you sure that he is dead? But, I have heard that a dead crocodile’s tail keeps moving. (Immediately, Kittu started moving its tail.) Bhuji: Ah! The crocodile is alive. Don’t try to make me a fool. I will alert the other animals too. Goodbye you liar!

Kittu: Excellent idea! We will soon have some tasty food!

All the animals in the forest became aware of the cunningness of the crab and the crocodile and both of them lost all their friends as well as their food.

(Mittu went in search of an animal. He saw a young jackal called Bhuji.)

MORAL OF THE STORY: Trying to fool others does not make us wise or smart.

Mittu: Dear Bhuji, the crocodile in the lake has died. Hereafter you need not fear to drink water in the lake. Come and check for yourself.

Wisdom always helps people and does not harm anyone. It is wrong to cheat others. If we cheat, we ourselves will fall into the snare we laid up for others. We will end up losing all that we had.

(Bhuji thought to himself, "I suspect this crab. It might be a plan to kill me. Let me confirm it." Mittu and Bhuji started walking towards the lake. Once they were near the lake side tree, Mittu showed the crocodile to Bhuji.) Mittu: See friend, here is the dead crocodile. His eyes are closed and he doesn't seem to breathe.

Here is a verse for you to memorize “A fortune made by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and a deadly snare.” (Proverbs 21:6) - Evangeline Esrale, class IX, Chennai - August 2020 JESUS CALLS


1. WISE WOMAN, WHO BUILDS HER HOUSE BY HER WISDOM (Romans 11:33; Colossians 2:3). Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! Is it possible for us to receive this priceless divine wisdom and knowledge? The Scripture teaches us, ‘The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge’ (Proverbs 1:7). Let us meditate on how to receive them. If we read Proverbs 2:2-7, it is said that we should ‘cry out for discernment’, ‘lift up our voice for understanding’ and search for ‘success’ as for hidden treasures. King Solomon asked the Lord in this manner, got filled with divine wisdom and built up his kingdom, much to the amazement of every one. So, dear sisters, do not be discouraged saying, “Oh, I don’t have wisdom, knowledge or intelligence. How can I glorify God?” In the initial days of my life, I was lacking in spiritual knowledge and wisdom, and had many shortcomings in my life. I was always gripped by a fear and hence struggled without tasting success in life. It was at that time, the Lord revealed me a secret. During my betrothal ceremony, the pastor shared God’s message on the verse Proverbs 31:30. What was that verse? “A woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised” If we read Proverbs 31:10-31, the Bible clearly explains us about how a woman could be a ‘priceless pearl’ and a ‘virtuous woman’? As I kept reading it again and again, I felt as if my heart, life and knowledge were renewed. I began to live closely with the Lord, day by day. After that the godly fear I had, filled my life with


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divine wisdom and granted me the grace to build up my ‘house’ with wisdom. In the Bible, both Naomi and Ruth sought the Lord thus, with their whole heart as a result of which they would have built up their broken family with God given wisdom and godly fear. In the same way, those of you, who lack in wisdom and knowledge should live with the fear of the Lord and receive full blessings in your life.

2. WOMAN, WHO CASTS HER BURDEN ON THE LORD When the trials of this world, assail us one by one, we are unable to bear them and are at a loss. We are troubled and shed tears. But the woman, who fears the Lord, holds on to His feet firmly. This is because she knows well that the Lord is able to guard and guide her and that He would never forsake the righteous. In the Bible, we see many women, holding on to the Lord firmly with godly fear. One of them was Queen Esther. She had the faith, ‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me’ (Psalm 23:4) and what did she do when she came to know that ‘death’ and ‘destruction’ were waiting for her people, the Jews? She fasted and prayed along with her friends and poured out all her burdens and worries at the feet of the Lord. Just as Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist said, "Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfilment of those things which were told her from the Lord" (Luke 1:45), the reverential faith that she had on the God of gods was not in vain. The Lord

has said in Jeremiah 33:3, ‘'Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Accordingly, by His mighty power, the Lord did a miracle exceedingly abundantly above all that she asked or thought of. God Himself protected them under His wings in order that all the enemies could be destroyed and that Esther and her people could be honoured by Him (Psalm 91:1). Yes, my dear sisters, you may face such terrible things in life. So, like Esther, be diligent to humble yourself and wait at the Lord’s feet with fasting. “....without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) As the Lord has thus said, you cannot do anything except by Him. “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3) According to this Scripture, hold on to the Lord’s feet firmly. God alone can change any difficult situation. “For He (the Lord) spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” (Psalm 33:9) Yes, every woman needs to have the habit of seeking the Lord through prayer incessantly. To know the will of God concerning the alliances that came up for her marriage, a young woman used to send the details to a man of God. On praying over such alliances, finally that man of God advised her to choose a particular alliance and wrote to her saying, “You may go ahead in marrying him. The Lord will bless your life.” They got married but the irony was that though that man was a Christian, he did not know anything about the Lord. But this girl clung on to the Lord’s feet strongly. Her faith did not go in vain. In due course, he changed totally and became a dear son of the Lord Jesus and was godlier than that girl. Yes, dear sisters and young girls, waiting at the Lord’s feet and pouring out our heart to Him are

highly essential. Then the Lord would heed your pleas and fill your life with goodness and grace (Psalm 23:6). Your house would be beautifully built up in Christ. God will surely help everyone in your family to accept the Lord as their Saviour and make your family prosper and be blessed.

3. WOMAN, WHO BUILDS UP HER HOUSE WITH GODLY ZEAL “…let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” (Hebrews 12:28) In the Bible, we see about Anna who lost her husband at a very young age. But in Luke 2:36-38, we read how beautifully her life was formed in the Lord. All she did was only one thing; “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossians 3:1,2) As we read in the Scriptures, she set her mind only on the things above. By seeking the Lord’s presence, she trusted the Lord fully. How did her life become then? Her life which was filled with the presence of the Lord was full of divine peace. All worries and tears left her. Next, her eyes were only upon the Lord, ‘from where help comes’ as seen in Psalm 121 and hence she was hidden under His wings, was protected and was blessed. Also she was filled with the power of God and arose and shone for Him as a Prophetess and thus had a glorious life of bearing fruit in old age and had a gloriously ‘fresh and flourishing life’ (Psalm 92:14). Yes, my dear sisters, commit your life fully to the Lord in order that you become a wise woman who builds up her house. He will lead you beautifully and make you a blessing. He will be your wisdom as in I Corinthians 1:31, change you into a wise woman, fill you with the fear of the Lord and bless you richly with fame, joy and all good things.

COUPLE ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Esther Prayer Group is an important God given ministry to pray especially for women. In August 2017, the Couple Esther Prayer Group was started. Once a month, a minimum of four couples can join together and pray. Presently 117 such groups are functioning. Praise God that three years of this ministry has completed successfully and many couples have been blessed. If you would like to join this Esther Prayer Group send an email to - August 2020 JESUS CALLS


Dear friends

I invite you to meditate with me on the sermon the Lord preached on the Mount. Let us see who are the blessed ones in God's sight.

Firstly, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy� (Matthew 5:7). If we need mercy in our life we need to show mercy to others. Showing mercy is being considerate of those who are in need especially the poor. So if we show mercy we will also be shown mercy by God. But is this the only aspect in which God 32

taught us this verse? No my friends. Jesus had a deeper meaning when He taught the verse. It doesn't just mean showing mercy to those who are in need or those who are below us but it means we should show mercy to the people who wrong us, hurt us, speak ill of us and people who do not deserve mercy. Well, now it sounds pretty hard isn't it? Yes, this is the challenge God puts in front of us. Only if we forgive others we will be forgiven. Similarly only if we show mercy to the undeserving God will show mercy to us who are also undeserving in many ways. Let me illustrate this with an example. Let us say you see a fish fighting for life near the shore. You feel sorry for the fish and you try to get it back to the water immediately. But suppose you find a scorpion fighting for life near the same shore. Will

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you save it? Won't you think, 'if I try rescuing the scorpion it might sting me and cause me pain so let me just crush it with my foot!' You analyse the character of a person or how the person relates to you before you show mercy. But the Lord says that only if we show mercy to the hurting people, God will show us mercy when we are in need. In my life I have seen my grandfather and my father do the same in their lives. To the people who speak bad about them and write falsely against them, they have shown love. They have lovingly served them coffee and food and prayed for them and blessed them when they meet them in person. They don't take time even to advise them or ask them why they wrote bad stuff against them. They just forgive everything and show them love unconditionally. That is how God wants all of us to be. When people who wrong us are in need we should stretch our hands to help them. God wants us to change and become like Him. Like how He responds to our call whenever we need irrespective of what we do, God wants us to respond to the need of our enemies when they need it. God wants us to be a light to the people who are in darkness. When people who torment us we need to show them love. We see this in the life of Paul. When Paul was in the prison, God sent an earthquake and broke his chains but Paul did not escape rather he saved the life of the Jailer who was about to kill himself since he thought the prisoners would have escaped. But Paul assured him that they were there and shared the good news about the love of Jesus to him so that the jailer and his family were saved. See how mercy transforms the lives of people who seem to imprison us with their wrong behaviour toward us! Let us pray that God should bless us with this nature.

Secondly, Jesus says, "Blessed are the pure in heart..." (Matthew 5:8). When we read this verse, we tend to think that God wants us to be holy and only then we will get the grace of beholding Him. But let us look at this verse with a deeper insight. Let us take three words from this verse. They are 'heart', 'purity' and 'seeing God'. Let us first see about the heart. God explains that our heart is similar to a 'land'. What we sow in the land which is our heart is very important for what we sow we will reap. If we allow bad things to enter our heart, we bear bad fruit through our words and deeds. What we see, hear and do with

our body affects our heart. If we take the word purity, we see that we sometimes grow with double standards. Along with the good things that grow, weeds would also grow with us which hinder the growth. We indulge in spiritual activities in church, we lead worship and do many good things but when we go back to our schools or colleges, we get influenced by the bad things we face. So these small compromises affect us in our bad way. We have good things as well as bad stuff in our life. So we should remove the weeds from our life.

Finally, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God" (Matthew 5:8). Let's consider the word beholding Jesus. Only if we We think if we pure in our lives then we can forgive others see God. But actually we will be seeing God is a gift from God. Sometimes people forgiven. who just then accepted Similarly only the Lord get to see God and sometimes people if we show have to minister for Him mercy to the for long and only then they get to see God. So undeserving according to me it is a God will show gift that God gives. But the meaning in this mercy to us verse is that when we who are also have a pure heart we start seeing God in undeserving in everything we do and in many ways. every area of our life, everyday. We start witnessing the Presence of God in our lives. The Israelites saw God in action in all the miracles the Lord did but their hearts where blind toward God's actions. But Moses was able to see God because he was conscious about God in all that he did. So we need to cleanse our lives so that we start seeing God in action in every aspect of our life. May God purify our hearts and lives so that we get to see and reflect God in our life. Remember to be merciful to others and also keep your heart pure so that you will be blessed with the mercy of God and with the ability to see His presence in your life. Then according to the standards of God, you are the blessed one! - August 2020 JESUS CALLS



JESUS CALLS August 2020 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


have been associated with the Jesus Calls ministries since 1976. Married in 1982, was childless for four years. One of the best doctor who was treating me told me that all the treatments are over and pointed upwards saying rest is in the hands of God. So I stopped going to doctors after that. I suffered a lot in many ways. Once, before my marriage, I had written a prayer request for my friend to Bro. D.G.S Dhinakaran and he wrote back to me saying, "you have requested prayers for your friend and not for yourself ; so God will bless you with double fold blessing like how He blessed Job." In 1986, we heard of the demise of Sis Angel Dhinakaran and in the Jesus Calls Magazine I read Bro. D.G.S Dhinakaran saying, “During these days when I am shedding tears of blood, please write your prayer requests to me and I will pray for them." Immediately I wrote to him, “Brother I am childless. Will your pray for me?" His quick prayerful reply had the quote, “Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion (Isa.61:7)." Wondrously wondrous, by the great grace of God that very same month I conceived. Not just that, as mentioned twice by Bro. D.G.S Dhinakaran that I will receive double fold blessing, in the first scan, the doctor who had said earlier that my uterus is too small and has no depth to carry even one baby was utterly surprised as he found me carrying twin babies. I shed tears of joy in the hospital. At the right time, God blessed me with twin girl children graciously. I thank God for the life of BRO. D.G.S Dhinakaran and for his prayers that has brought this grand blessing in my life. After few years, as an additional blessing, God gave me another girl child. During my delivery, I had severe pain and so they took me into the operation theater. My husband called the Prayer Tower and got prayed and the prayer intercessor had prayerfully said that I would have normal delivery. While I was in the operation theater, just before they could begin the operation as said by the prayer intercessor, I delivered the baby normally without surgery. All glory and praise be to God alone. I joined all my children in the Young Partners' Plan and we are partners in Family Blessing Plan, TV ministry, Magazine ministry, Prayer Tower Building Facet and Digitization Facet. By the grace of God, all my three daughters were blessed to study in Karunya University. Few years back, my youngest daughter, aged 25 at that time, became seriously ill. She was suffering from fever, headaches, joint pain and could not eat, walk or sleep properly. We went to many doctors and after many months and many tests, she was diagnosed with auto immune disease. The doctor said she would have to take steroids life long and that her organs would fail one by one as the disease is not curable but only treatable. We were praying with lot of tears. Day and night we would call the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and get prayed for her. One Sunday while watching the Jesus Calls TV Programme , God spoke to my daughter through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who quoted the promise in Psalm 34:19 and it encouraged her that God would certainly heal her. Very soon, that same week, God healed her completely and without taking a single steroid tablet she was free from every symptom. The test result proved that she was negative of the disease and God healed her from a life threatening sickness by His saving grace. Now she is a Jesus Calls staff serving God. In 2016, I was diagnosed with a lump in my breast. We went to the Prayer Tower and got prayed. We wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and he prayerfully replied stating that I will be miraculously healed and similarly by the grace of God without any painful treatment or procedures, without letting even my hair fall, God healed me from the lump through a surgery. I was in the hospital only for a day by God’s grace. I thank God for the prayer intercessors and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for their sincere prayers which are truly a blessing. Jesus who is the Word sent His Word every time I needed it and is leading my family with His joy everyday. All glory and praise be to God alone! - Mrs. Monica Thiruthuvadoss, Chennai 35

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